Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 15, 1862, Image 2

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    " John Decker, breast, slightly
" John Kieffer, arm
" John B. Morrison, back
" John Sbawley, finger off
" John Snyder
" Valentine Crouse, hip, slightly
Co. I, Capl. W. F. Thomas , Huntingdon.
Corp. Edward H. Wirt
Private George Ilousholder
" W. W. Corbin
" Joseph Snyder
" Thomas 11. Clark
Lieut. George Thomas, hip, severely
Sergeant Alfred McAllister, ankle and foot.
" Thomas L. Hall, arm
Private Alfred F. Baker, hand
" Conrad Garlick, hand
" Albert Hal l , shoulder
" W. Ilays, shoulder and side, severely
" Samuel Ilarker, leg, slightly
" Benjamin Jamison, thigh
" William Martin, arm
" Frederick Miller, leg
" Solomsn Mick, thigh, severely
" Theodore Rouse, leg
" John Leebeok, leg
" Josiah Shaflfer, breast and thigh.
Co. K, Capl. Gardner, Altoona.
Corp. John Comerford, shoulder
Private Wm. Beats, thigh
" John S. Beals, arm
" Fred'k Hoffman, side and hand.
*' George W. Jones, thigh
" Abe Rhodes, shoulder
" Charles Dillon, shoulder
" Robert Smith, head
*' M. A. McDermott, ancle.
" P. F. Kearney, thigh
" L. C. McDermott, thigh
" Simon Bender, shoulder
" Samuel McClary, head
" A. 11. Bortman, hand
" Frederick Ward, hip, mortal
Wednesday, October 15, 1862.
$1 per annum in advance—sl.§o at end of six
at end of year.
Papers sent out of the virility must be paid for in
We have also set a limit In Mifflin county, beyond which
we luteml no man In future shall owe us for subscription.
Those receiving the paper with this paragraph marked,
will therefore know that they have come under our rule,
and If payment is not made within one month thereafter
we shall discontinue all such.
Flag of the .-tf-heart's only home,
By angel hands to valor given 1
Thy stars have lit the welkin dome
And all thy hues were born in heaven;
Forever float that standard sheet!
Where breathes the foe but falls before us
With freedom's soil beneath our feet.
And freedom's banner streaming o'er us.
Gen. Sigel.
This brave and accomplished officer, who
n joys the confidence of the people at large
in an eminent degree, it appears has just
cause for complaint at the manner in which
he has been treated, and it is to be hoped
President Lincoln will take his case into
his own hands and give him force sufficient
to enter the field against the rebels. It
has been stated, and thus far not denied,
that troops expressly raised for him were
assigned to other commands—that his
troops were poorly supplied and without
pay for several months—that although hol
ding the rank o? a Major General he bare
ly commands a division, and that he has
been placed under officers of less grade than
himself, without the sanction of the Pres
ident, who alone has that power. In a let
ter recently written to Philadelphia, he ad
verts to some of these things, and then
I ha?e not resigned, and I hope the Govern
ment will be just enough to save me from this
last step. But I have asked to be relieved
from present command, and to be placed
in aposition wherein I can makemyself useful,
if my well founded and, as I believe, necessa
ry complaints cannot find redress. These
complaints have, in some way, reached the
public, and are known to you. You may
judge of them yourself.
Wants a thrashing—The boy who smokes
cigar stumps.
Ditto—Louis Napoleon.
Don't sound well—The crack of a shot
gun on Sundays.
Fine dresses arc not always marks of gen
tility—particularly wbeo not paid for.
Bather scaly —Gathering chestnuts by
cutting down trees.
Profanity—A hook without bait, with
which the devil catches smart men as well
as fools.
What will a peck of coal, multiplied by
eight, divided by four, with a ton added
and a bushel subtracted, come to ?
If it takes nice tailors to make a man,
how many seamstresses will it take to make
a tailor'{
The two greatest evils to society in the
world begin with the sama letters —war and
whiskey. Major Elbow thinks the devil
invented both.
In Ohio a man claimed exemption from
military service on the ground that he was
an idiot —he having voted for Buchanan.
Jie ought to pass.
We give below such returns as have
eome to hand. Holmes Maclay is elected
to the Legislature by a large majority—
probably 500, but the remainder of the
ticket is uncertain, though favorable to the
People's, with the exception of District
E. Ward. W. Ward. Derry. Granv'le. Total.
Auditor General.
Cochran 137 121 134 107 501
Slenker 104 70 127 125 432
Surveyor General.
Ross ' 137 121 133 109 500
Barr 103 76 138 125 432
Blair 136 122 132 113 503
McAllister 106 76 129 121 432
Haines 139 128 134 109 510
Bucher 102 69 126 124 421
Maclay " 189 170 161 144 661
Ross 42 25 84 87 238
Drake 135 122 135 109 501
llazlett 106 76 126 125 433
Prothonotary, Sc.
NCWilson 123 110 132 108 493
ASWilson 119 87 127 123 456
Kegi.ster and Recorder.
SW Barr 145 127 143 111 526
Gilmore 95 68 117 121 401 '
District Attorney.
McKee 120 121 124 117 482
Uttley 119 77 136 115 450
County Surveyor.
Neice 138 127 132 112 509
Sweigart 89 70 126 104 389
Close 129 123 133 109 494
Nageny 105 75 128 125 433
Auditor General —Cochran 130, Slenker
97; Surveyor General —lloss 128, Barr 101;
Congress—Blair 128, McAllister 100; Sen
ator —Haines 129, Bucher 100; Assembly
—Maclay 120, Ross 98 ; Commissioner —
Drake 128, llazlett 101; Prothonotary—
N C. Wilson 134, A. S. Wilson 04; Reg
ister—S. W. Barr 134, Gilmore 90; Dis
trict Attorney—McKee 129, Uttley 99 ;
County Surveyor—Neice 128, Sweigart
99; Auditor—Henry L. Close 129, Nag
eny 100; Coroner —Miller 129.
Auditor General —Cochran 105, Slenker
111 ; Surveyor General —Ross 105, Barr
111; Congress—Blair 105, AcAllister 111;
Senator —Haines 105, Bucher 111; Assem
bly—Maclay 107, Ross 107; Commissioner
—Drake 104, llazlett 112; Prothonotary
—N. C. Wilson 100, A. S. Wilson 115;
Register—S. W. Barr 113, Gilmore 103;
District Attorney—McKee 104, Uttley
112; County Surveyor—Neice 104, Swi
gart 112; Auditor —Close 104, Nageny
110; Coroner —Miller 105.
Auditor General, Slenker 52 maj ; Sur
veyor General, Barr 52 maj.; Congress,
McAllister 53 maj ; Senator, Bucher 52
maj.; Assembly, Maclay 17 maj.; Commis
sioner, llazlett 46 maj.; Prothonotary, A.
S. Wilson 42 m3j.; Register, Gilmore 55
maj.; District Attorney, Uttley 51 maj ;
County Surveyor, Sweigart 18 maj.
Auditor General, Cochran 10 maj.; Sur
veyor General, Ross 13 maj ; Congress,
Blair 11 maj ; Senator, Haines 15 maj ;
Assembly, Ross 16 maj.; Commissioner,
Drake 21 maj.; Prothonotary, N. C. Wil
son 22 maj.; Register, S. W. Barr 18 maj.;
District Attorney, McKee 10 maj.; Coun
ty Surveyor, Neice 17 maj.
Newton Hamilton gives the following
majorities : For the Union State Ticket 33;
Blair 33, Haines 31, Maclay 28, Drake 35,
N. C. Wilson 25, Barr 33, McKee 9.
Wayne township gives the Union State
Ticket 4 majority, Blair 5, Haines 4, Boss
(Assembly) 18, Drake 22, Barr 8, Uttley
30, A. S. Wilson 2.
In old and new Armagh Cochran has
43 maj.; William S. Ross has 41 maj.; S.
S. Blair has 18 maj ; Kirk Ilaines has 25
maj., Holmes Maclay has 30 maj ; Samuel
Drake has 25 maj.; Nathaniel C. Wilson
has 28 maj ; Samuel W. Barr has 40 uiaj.;
John A. McKee has 31 maj.; Thomas F.
Niece has 21 maj.; Henry L. Close has 27
Bratton, Oliver & McA'eytownto hear from,
ALTOONA, Oct. 15.
Hall's (Rep.) maj. for Senator, in Blair
county is 1723 ; Blair, (Rep.,) for Congress,
239 maj.
Philadelphia is said to have given a Re
publican majorty of about 5,000.
The news from other parts of the state
is favorable, though we fear Mr. Blair has
been defeated for Congress.
Patterson in the Dauphin and Bailey in
the Perry districts are probably elected.
Colonel A. J. Warner, who
was wounded at the battle of Antietam,
with his family is in town.
A shoemaker in Market street was re
cently boasting that he had made a "pleas
ant trip." It appears he tripped and fell
into a young lady's lap.
The Attorney General has given it as
his opinion that where a Prothonotary or
Register dies within a time that the sher
iff cannot give twenty days notice of an
election, the Governor appoints until the
following year. The case originated in
Bedford, where Major Tate, Prothonotor,
recently died.
If "British neutrality" continues to fur-
nigh ships and munitions of war to the reb
els, we hope the next proclamation the
President will issue will be one laying an
embargo on all British importations. We
can well afford to do without the nigger
breeders right hand bower.
!®>lf you want Pills, take Ayer's Pill.
Nothing has ever appeared in this market that
can compare with this new invention for chas
ing out the distempers that fasten and grow
Upon us. They are the Philosopher's elixir
of life, that bids defiance to disease, and will
leave us uo alternative but to dio of old age.
The Rebels have again invaded Penasyl
▼ania and Maryland ! A large body of
Stuart's Cavalry crossing the Potomac some
where near Hancock, above the right wing
of the Army of the Potomac, passed through
Maryland and occupied Merc6rsburg, Penn
sylvania, on Friday morning. That night
their advance, consisting of cavalry with a
few pieces of artillery, were in Chambers
burg, which is in the rear of Hagerstown
and also of our army at Williamsport. Their
whole force is estimated at about 2000
strong. Although well supplied with mus
kets and ammunition, Chambersburg was
surrendered without even an attempt at de
fence. They occupied it that night and
Saturday morning, when having supplied
themselves with such articles as were need
ed, left. They entered a shoe store and took
about two hundred dollars worth of goods,
and entered private houses just as they
pleased. The cashier of the bank was held
as a prisoner during Friday night and com
pelled to open the vaults of the bank, but
the bank officers had been more vigilant
than others and removed all the valuables—
they had to leave the premises without plun
der. In addition to this some five hundred
horses were stolen from the citizens, and
before they left all the property of the Cum
berland Valley railroad was destroyed by
fire, consisting of the machine shops, a
large house used for the ticket, telegraph
and other offices of the company, and also
as the residence of the Superintendent,
Mr. Lull. The warehouses of Messrs. Wun
derlich A Meeds were also destroyed. In
these buildings was stored a largeamount of
ammunition, captured from the rebels a
short time before the battle near Sharpsbura.
While the fire was raging the shells explo
ded and flew through the town, but we
heard of no accidents by them. The dam
age done to the citizens and Cumberland
Valley Railroad, must amount to a large
The rebel cavalry were pursued, but effect
ed their escape by going though Frederick
county and crossing the Potomac below Gen.
McClellan's army.
Several battles have taken place in Ken
The following despatch has been received
at the war Department :
I have already advised you of the move
ments of the army under my command from
Louisville. More or less skirmishing has oc
curred daily with the enemy's cavalry since
then. It was supposed the enemy would give
battle at Bardstown. My troops reached that
point on the 4th, driving out the enemy's rear
guard of cavalry and artillery. The main
body moved towards Springfield, whither pur
suit was continued. The centre corps, under
Gen. Gilbert, moved on the direct road from
Springfield to Perryville, and arrived on the
7th instant, within two miles of the town, where
the enemy was found to be in force. The left
Column, under Gen. M'Coik, caine upon the
Maxville road about 10 o'clock yesterday, the
Bth. It was ordered in position to attack, and
a strong reconnoissancc directed at 4 o'clock.
I received a request from Gen. M'Cook for rein
forcements, and learned that the left had been
seriously engaged for several hours, and that
the right and left of that corps wor-o being turn
ed and severely pressed. Reinforcements
were immediately sent forward from the cen
tre; orders were also sent to the right column,
under Gen. Crittenden, which was advancing
by the Lebanon road to push forward and at
tack the enemy's left, but it was impossible for
it to get into position in time to produce any
decisive results. The action con tinued till dark;
fighting also occurred in the center; the enemy
wasevery where repulsed, hutnot without 9ome
momentary advantages on the left; the several
corps were put in position during the night
and moved to attack at six o'clock this mom
ing. Some skirmishing occurred with the
enemy's rear guard; the rnaiu body has fallen
back in the direotion of Ilarrodsburg.
I have no accurate report of our loss yet, and
is probably pretty heavy, including valuable
officers. General Jackson and Terrill, I regret
to say. are among the number of killed.
(Signed) D. (A BUELL,
Major Gen. Com'dg.
Important Order from Gen. McClellan.
Political discussions in the Army Forbidden
October 7. / j
General Order 163. —The attention of
the officers and soldiers of the Army of the
Potomac is called to General Orders No.
139, War Department, September 24,1862,
publishing to the Army the President's
proclamation of September 22. A procla
mation of such grave moment to the nation,
officially communicated to the Army, affords
to the General Commanding an opportuni
ty of defiuing specifically to the officers and
soldiers under his command the relation
borne by all persons in the military service
of the United States towards the civil au
thorities of the Government.
The Constitution coDfidos to the civil au
thorities, legislative, judicial, and Execu
tive, the power and duty of nr king, ex
pounding and executing the Federal laws.
Armed forces are raised and supported sim
ply to sustain the civil authorities, and are
to be held in strict subordination thereto in
all respects. This fundamental law of our
Republican institutions, and should be
thoroughly understood and observed by
every soldier.
The principles upon which and the ob
jects for which armies shall be employed
in suppressing rebellion, must be determin
ed and declared by the civil authorities,
and the Chief Executive, who is charged
with the administration of the national af
fairs, is the proper and only source through
which the views and orders of the Govern
ment can be made known to the armies of
the nation.
Discuss:*,.* by officers and soldiers con
cerning public measures, determined upon
and declared by- the Gorornment, when
carried beyond the ordinary, temperate and
respectful expression of opinion, tend
greatly to impair and destroy the discipline
and efficiency of the troops by substituting
the spirit of political faction, for the firm,
steady and earnest support of the authority
of the Government, which is the highest
duty of the American soldier. The reme
dy for political errors, if any are committed,
is to be found only in the action of tie
people at the polls.
In thus calling the attention of this ar
my to the true relation between the soldier
and the Government, the General Com
manding merely adverts to an evil against
which it has been thought advisable during
our whole history to guard the armies of the
Republic; and in so doing will not be con
sidered by any right minded person as cast
ing any reflection upon that loyalty and
good conduct which has been so fully illus
trated upon so many battle-fields.
In carrying out all measures of public
policy this army will of course he guided
by the same rules of mercy and christiani
ty that have ever controlled its conduct to
ward the defenceless.
By command of
Lieut. Col., Aid de-Camp and A. A. A. G.
Revenue Stamps—Postponement.
Letters from Governor Boutwell, Comurs
sioner of Internal Revenue, state that no
penalty is attached for the omission to stauip
any bond, deed, bill of exchange, bank
check, Ac., before the first day of January,
1863. The following is the section of the
Tariff act of July 14, 18G2, which applies
to this feature of the Stauip act:
Section 24. And be it further enacted, that
the ninety fifth section of the act entitled "An
act to provide internal revenue to support the
Government and to pay interest on the publie
debt, approved July Ist, 1662, be so amended
that no instrument, document or paper, made,
signed or issued prior to the Ist day of January,
1863, without being duly stamped, or having
thereon an adhesive stamp to denote the duty
imposed thereon, shall for that cause be deeiu
ed invalid and of no offect. Provided how
ever, that no such instrument, document or
paper shall be admitted or used as evidence in
any court until the same shall have been du
ly stamped, nor until the holder thereof shall
have proved to the satisfaction of the court,
that he has paid to the collector of the district
within which such court may be held, the sum
of five dollars for the use of the United States
LEWISTOWN, Oct. 15, 1X62.
Butter, good, lb. 14
Eggs, dozen, 12
Wool, washed, 50
" unwashed, 35
Wheat, white $ bushel, 1 00 te I 25
red 1 13
Corn, old, 54
Rye, 56
Oats, new 32, old 40
Timothy, 1 50
Flaxseed, 1 40
Cloversee.d 4 50
Marks & Willis are retailing flour and feed
as follows:
Extra Flour, per 100, 2 90
Fine, do 2 00
Supcrfipe, r}" ? TO
Family, do 3 00
Mill Feed, per hundred. 80
Chopped Oats and Corn per 100, 125
Chopped Rye per 100, 1 25
Salt, 1 70
" barrels, 280 lbs, 2 00
Philadelphia Market.
Flour—Sales at from ?5 50 to 6 75 per bbl,
as to quality; rye flour 4, corn meal 3 12J per
Grain—Wheat 140al50e; rye 74a75c; corn
71c; oats 42a43c.
KEast Market street,
lias now open the largest assortment of
Of every style and variety.
Crown, Military, Slouch and Broadbrim,
ever opened in Lewistown.
a select assortment of
all of which, having been bought low, will
be sold cheap
BgjuCall and examine for yourselves.
Lewistown, October 15, 1862.
BARRELS best Coal Oil.
/?) 30 doz. " " " Lamps.
One hundred dozen Chimneys and Chim
ney Brushes, Burners, Wicks, Ac. Our coal
oil is No. 1, and will burn longer than any in
the market. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
RTFLES from six to ten dollars each,
i Guns from three to twenty dollars each
single and double barrels. Shot Pouches
from thirty-one cents to one dollar. Game
Bags and Powder Flasks, at
4 LARGE assortment of the most desira
A. ble and best cooking gas burner Stoves,
fo sale at F. 6. FRANCISCUS'S \
r - i
AS Burner Room and Parlor Stoves, at
GALVANIZED, Russia Sheet, and Arner
ican Sheet Iron Coal Buckets, for sale at
I octls F. G. FRANCISCUS'. 1
j =£.. i
JOINTS and Elbows of best Ameri
| OvvvF can gtove Pipe, wholesa'eand retail,
at a verv low price, at
I octls* F. G. FRANCISCUS'.
HAVING filled up iuy ynrd with a large
and dry stock of all kinds of Boards,
Ac.. I am prepared to furnish all usual sizes
| of Boards and I'iank, from half inch to two
inches. F. G FRANCISCUS.
; 1 AAA PALING, from 3 to 5 feet lung
-*■ "j""" 100,000 Plastering Latb, from
| 3 to 4£ feet long.
4000 feet Roofing Lath.
25 000 " white pine Kleating.
20,000 " " •• Flooring, all new
stock, for salo by
j octla F. G. FRANCISCUS.
| OA dozen Coal Oil Cans, from one quart to
forty gallons, lor sale by
BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni
Exponas and Levari Facias issued out of
! the Court of Common Pleas of Mifflin coun
: ty, and to me directed, will be exposed to sale
| by public vendue or outcry, at the Court
! House, in the Borough of Lewistown, on
Saturday, November. 1, 186$,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, the following
real estate to wit:
1. A certain house and lot of ground situ
ate on the corner of East Market and Brewn
streets, in the Borough of Lewistown, thirty
feet in front, more or less, on said Market
street, running back two hundred feet more
or less, to an alley, with a certain Storehouse j
and other buiidings thereon erected, and now j
in the occupancy of Nathan Frank and others, j
2. Also, all that other certain lot of ground
situate on west Market street, in the Borough
of Lewistown, fronting sixty feet, more or
less, to an alley, with two certain brick hous
es and other buildings thereon erected, and
now in the occupancy of C'd. W'. II Irwin,
and Michael Buoy and others. Seized, 'aken i
in execution, and to be sold as the property
of Michael Buoy.
A tract of land in Derry township, Mifflin
county, containing two hundred and fifty
acres, more or less, about one hundred a d
forty acres cleared, with stone house and !
bank barn thereon erected, hounded on the
east by turnpike road and Kishacnquillas
creek, on the north by Wm and James Mann
and others, on the west by R. A. Means, aq 1 '
south by Francis Mrller. Seized, taken in
execution and to be sold as the property of
Daniel Albright.
A lot of ground situate in the Borough of
M cYeytown, Mifflin county, fronting 52 feet,
more or less, on Water street, in said borough,
and extending hack to the Juniata river,
bounded by lot of Wm. Jeffries on the north
and Joseph Kinsel on the south, with a two
story frame house am} otler improvements
j thereon erected. Seised, taken in execution,
j and to be sold as the property of Joseph Ooch
A tract of land situate in Union township.
Mifflin count}*, adjoining lands of John
j Kauffman, John Hays, Dr. Joseph Mender
! son and Samuel W. Taylor, containing about
j 226 acres and 125 perches, with a two story
■ stone house, frame bank barn and other im
| provements thereon erected, and now in the
j occupancy of Silas Alexander. Seized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of
Silas Alexander.
All that certain half Jot of ground, with a
brick house, frame stable, and other improve
merits thereon erected, situate on Third st.,
in the borough of Lewistown, Mifflin county,
bounded on the west by lot of the heirs of
Mrs. Elizabeth poriaho, on the east by other
half of said lot, now owned by James A.
I Junkin and the heirs of his late \vife, Mary
| C. Junkin, it being thirty feet in front on
| said Third street, and extending back same
width one hundred and ninety two feet to a
I sixteen feet alley, and known in the General
| Plan of said borough as Lot No 155. Seized,
j taken in execution, and to be sold as the
| property of Zacharias Ritlenhouse, mortgagor,
I and Samuel Rittenhouse, terre tenant.
C. C. STANBARGER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Lewistown, Oct. 15, 1862
1 / 4 aa AAA male or female
Lloyd's New Steel Plate County Colored -Map
of the United Stales. Caoudas, and
New Brunswick.
From recent surreys, completed Aug. 10, 1862; cost
{ $20,000 to engrave it and one year's time,
i Superior to anv $lO map ever made by Colton or
! Mitchell, and sells at the low price of fifty cents;
I 370,000 names are engraved on this map.
It is not only a County Map, but it is also a
of the I'nited States and Canadas combined in one,
and distances between.
Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $5 per day. and
will take back all maps that cannot be sold and refund
the money.
Send for $1 worth to try.
Printed instructions how to canvass well, furnished
! all our agents.
Wanted —Wholesale Agents for our Maps in every
: State, California, Canada. England, France and Cuha.
1 A fortune may be made wit" a few hundred dollars
| capital. .Yci Competition.
J. T. LLOYD, No. 104 Broadway, Now York.
] The War Department uses our Map of Virginia,
Maryland, and Pennsylvania, cost SIOO,OOO, on which
is marked Antietam Creek, Sharpsburg. Maryland
Heights. Williamsport Ferry. Rhorersville, Noland's
Ford, and all others on the Potomac, and every other
! place in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, or
i money refunded.
LLoyd'g Topographical iflap of Kentucky,
Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois,
1 is the only authority for Gen. Buell and the War De"
j partment." Money refunded to any one finding an er*
; ror in it. Price 50 cents.
From the Tribune, Aug. 2.
" Lloyd's Map of Virginia, Maryland and Prune- h ania.
] —This Slap is very large; its cost is but 25 cents, and
it is the best which can be purchased."
1 RIVER—From Actual Survevs by Capts. Bart and Wm
Bowen, Mississippi River Pilots, of St. " ouis Mo.,
shows everv man's plantation and owner's "ame from
St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico —1.550 miles—every
sand-bar, island, town, landing, and all places 20 miles
back from the r er—colored in counties and States.
Price, $1 in sheets- ?-> pocket form, and $2.50 on lin
en, with rollers. Ready September 20.
NAVT BrPARTMi"x, WASHINGTON . Sept. 17.1562.
J. T. LIOYD— Sir; Send me ycur Map of the Missis
i-sippi River, with price per hundred copies. Rear Ad
miral Charles H. Davitf, commanding the Mississippi
. squadron, is authorized to purchase as many as arc
required for use of that squadron.
octlS-3'. Secretary of the Navy.
I hereby give notice that I have ap
pointed, ae my Assistants, for the 17th As
sessment District of Pennsylvania, to wit: v
Division Ist. S. G. Whiltaker, Huntingdon
borough, Oneida, Henderson and Brady town
ship. Post Office, Huntingdon.
2d. Joseph Johnston, West. Barre,
and Petersburg borough. P. 0. f Pj
3d. Horace L. Brown, Case
Cass, Tod, Springfield and/
P. O , Cassville. , ''
4th. John Garner, <
Juniata. P. 0., Jame*v-..„ .
sth John Huyett, Walker,
ris townships, and Alexaudjm
0., Alexandria.
Gth. Levi Evans, CarWi township, v: U.,
Coalmont. i
7th. John /iL jSfcc %ker, Franklin and
WarriormarkHjtJ V; M. P. 0., Colerain
Forges. ' *
Bth. Benjamin Lu/z, Mount Union and Shir
leysburg boroughs, Union, Shirley, Cromwell,
Dublin and Tell townships. P. 0., Sbirleyet
9th. Joseph Mtlliken, Borough of LeWis
town, Derry, Decatur, Granville, Bratton, Ol
iver and Wayne townships, McVeytown. and
Newton Hamilton boroughs. P. O , Lewis
10th. J. B'. Sferrett, Armagh, old and new,
Brown, Union and Menno townships. P. 0.,
11th. John McClure, Fur all that p*vt of'
Blair township, and of llollidaysburg and
duysport boroughs southward of tho turnpike
ind to the westward of the llollidaysburg
branch of the Penna. li. R., and that part of
Freedom township, eastward of the road load
ing from llollidaysburg to Claysburg, and all
A Taylor and Greenfield townships. P. O
12th. Daniel C. Gibboney, All that part of
Allegheny township westward of the llolli
laysburg bratich of tiie Penna. R. R., all of
Juniata township, that part of Freedom town,,
•hip west of the Claysburg road.
13th. Samuel Smith, Franketown, Catha-,
rine and Tyrone townships.
14th. Robert Alexander , Woodbury, Hues
;on and North Woodbury townships.
15th. Geo. M*. Huts, Snyder, Antls and
Logan townships, and that part of Allegheny
township, eastward of the llollidaysburg
branch of the Penna. 11 R., and that part u(
Blair township and llollidaysburg and Gays
port boroughs northward of the turnpike and
eastward of the llollidaysburg branch of the
Penna R. R. P. O , llollidaysburg.
16th, John M Bowman, Johnstown to Cam
bria City, Miliville and Conemaugh borough.
P. 0., Johnstown.
17th. Samuel Singer, Conemaugh, Yoder
and Taylor townships. P. 0., Johnstown.
18th. Joseph Mil cr, Croyle, Richland, and
Summerville townships, and \Yilmore bor
ough. I'. O , Wiimore.
19th. ,}ohn Rider, White and Chest town
ship. P. 0., Carrol ton.
20th. Dr. G. IP. Strohecker, Clearfield town -
ship, and Chest Springs hi rough. P. 0 ,
Chest Springs.
21st. Xewton J. Roberts, Cambria township
and Ebensburg borough. P. O , Ebensburg.
22d. James Conrad, Munster and Washing,
ton townships. P. 0., Hemlock.
23d. Timothy R. Davis, Jackson and Black
Lick townships. P. 0., Ebensburg.
24th. Hugh Me Coy, Gallitxin, Loretto and
Summit boroughs, and Allegheny township
P. 0.. Loretto.
25th. John Porter, Carroll and Su*qtih*n
na townships, and Carrolton borough. I*. G.,
Newman's Mills.
The foregoing names and distri :ts ar &
made by me for the present assessment. No
lands are to be taxed at all. nor any property
not specially mentioned in the act which is
intended to reach only wealth and luxuries,
1 especially instruct my Assistants to be kind
to our people in assessing these taxes, as our.
sons and brothers are fighting together in a
field more dangerous than we occupy at
home. Aud no matter wiiat may be said by
rebels iu our midst, or rebel sympathisers, let
them keep their temper and report the cases
to me.
Any instructions needed will be always giv
en by return of mail, and personally, if cal-.
led upon.
The Assessor woull respectfully call the
attention of the citizens if the 17th Assess
ment District to section 6th of the Excise
Bec. 6. And be it further enacted, That it
shall be the duty of uny person or persons,
partnerships, firms, associations, or corpora
tions made liable to any duty, license, stamp
or tax imposed by this act, when nut othei,
wise and differently provided for, on or before
the Ist day of August, A.!>., 1862, (extend
ed to the Ist day of September, A. D., 1862,)
and on or before the Ist Monday of May in
each year, and in all other cases before the
day of levy to make a list or return to the
Assistant Assessor of the district where loca
ted, of the amount of annual income, the ar
ticles or objects charged with a special duty
or tax, the quantity of goods, wares and mer
chandise made or sold, and charged with a
specific or ad valorem duty or tax, the several
rates and aggregate amount according to the
respective provisions of this act, and accor
ding to the forms aDd regulations to be pre
scribed by the Commissioner of Internal Rev
enue, under the direction of the Secretary of
the Treasury, for which such person or per
sons, partnerships, firms, associations or cor
porations are liablo to be assessed under and
by virtue of the provisions of this act.
The Assessor will hve his office in that of
Judge Taylor's, in the same building, and
rear of J. S. Stewart's offce. Office hours
from 9 a. in. till 4 p. m.
Assessor for lfth Ass't. Dis't. of Penna.
October 15, 1862.
Notice to Debtors,
TIIE undersigned, having entered the ser
vice as a volnnteer, hereby notifies and
urges all persons who are indebted to him for
professional services, or otherwise, to pay the
j same immediately, to J. F. Rohrer, of the
firm of AJcCoy St liohrer, at McVeytown.
Belleville, October J5, 1862—tf
GRATES, Fire Rrick, and odd pieces of
Stove Plates, for sale by
_octls F. G. FRANCISCCS.
Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest prices-
Spouting and Repairing done in a work
manlike manner.
LAMPS Changed and repaired for coal oi|
without charge, at
; • cctls F. G. FRAN CISC US.'