Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 08, 1862, Image 1

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    Whole No. 2680.
fluudar j I7;1421 28 (Sunday 161219 26
K 1 8 15-22;29 Monday !61320 27
*sd/v <2> 9'16123 30 Tuesday 7 14i21 j 2B
Wnil'.daT 1 31 10 17 24 Wed'odaj 1 8 15122 29
Thursdayitlll 18 25 Thursday 2 9 16i23j30
V-ndar ' 5|M 19 26 Friday 31u1724 31
Saturday i6|13|20|27 Saturday 4 11 18|25|
gssdar i 1623 30 Sunduv ~T~ 7 14 -Jf2S
M.udiv • *lO 17124 Monday 1 81522 29
Tasday i 411 11:25 Tuesday 2 91623 30
Wed'sday 5(12 19;26 Wed'sday 3101724 31
•fiiuradayi 6:13 20 27 Thursday 411 IS 25
fnd;.y i 7U21 28 Friday 51219 26
gaturjay Jl 81 15 221 29 Saturday 61320 27
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Trains leave Lewistown station as follows:
■Through Express, 6 19a.m. 11 1 p.m.
vast Lias, 5 45 p. ni. 3 24 a. Ut.
•Mail, 3 36 p. m. 10 41 a. at.
Local Freight, 5 50 a. ni. i 10 p. rn.
Vast Frsignt, 11 1 p. in. t 28 a. m.
Through Freight, 9 So p. in. 9 50 p.m.
Express Freight, 10 25 a. nt. 2 55 p. m.
.Cotu Tram, 12 40 p. ra. 1 10 a. la.
D. E. Retissox, Agent.
4*j-Uaibraith's Omnibuses convey paseougers to
Hid from all the trains, taking up or setting litem
stall points within the borough limits.
m mm
4 S the action of the Relief Board does not
J\_ socLa to be fully comprehended, frequent
spplications for relief being made in person
r bv letter to the uudersigned, he deems it
proper to state that payments will be teiu'
pijrarily renewed to those formerly on the
list on presentation of certificate signed by
out less than three known taxpayers, stating
iog that the applicant has not received suffi
sieut from her husband or other support, to
joublc iter, together with her own industry,
to tuake a living for herself and family, and
giving reasons for such inability. This is
iutenucd for the benefit of all really in need,
ami for no others.
Tn3 orders issued under this regulation
*r continued only until the troops are again
paid off.
Blank certificates can be procured from
■those who have heretofore distributed orders.
Secretary of Relief Board.
Lewistown, June 18, 1862.
OEO. -jr. SLLSB,,
Attorney at Law,
Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at
tend to business in Mifflin,Centre and Hunting
deu counties. iny26
Lock Repairing, Pipe Laying,
Plumbing and White Smithing
'plIE above branches of business will be
_L promptly attended to on application at
the residence of the undersigned in Main
street. Lowistown.
A.. WILSON. r. if. PTTLKy.
OFFICE in public square, three doors west
of the Court House. uihl2
has now open
Cloths, Cassimeres
which will be made up to order ia the neat
tti snd most fashionable styles. apl'J
Kishacoquillas Seminary,
/pilK third Session of this Institution wil
J. commence April 24, 1862.
Encouraged by the liberal patronage receiv
>d during the previous Session, the proprietor
has been induced to refit the buildings and
grounds to render theui most comfortable and
sonvenient for students.
He has also secured the assistance of Rev
S. McDonald, formerly tutor of Princeton
University, and well known in this part of
'he country as an able scholar and devoted
Christian. A competent music teacher has
also been engaged.
mli 26 S. Z. SHARP, Principal.
Jaoob C. Blymyer & Co,,
Produoe and .Commission Mer
a#~Flour and Grain of all kinds pur
chased at market rates, or received on storage
*nd shipped at usual freight rates, having
storehouses and boats of their own, with care
captains and hands.
Stove Coal, Limeburners Coal, Plaster, Fish
*nd Salt always on band.
Grain can be insured at a small advance on
ooßt of storage. n022
Cloths, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, &c.
A GOOD assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres,
IX Tweed Vests, Pants, Woolen Shirts
nd Drawers, Linen and Cotton Striped
Shirts, Red and Gray Woolen Shirts, Boots,
Shoes, Hats and Caps for m.' n and boys,
cheaper than the cheapest—Syr-
O upa and Molasses at 40 to 5h cents per
gallon; Coal jQil and Coal Oil Lamps. We
*ili sell the above goods cheaper than any
house in town for cash or country produce.
Give us a call. We charge nothing for show
ing goods at JOHN KENNEDY'S.
J ewietown, Jane 25, 1862.
DO you wish to be blessed with and admired for
warranted free from acid, alkali, or any injurious sub
btattee. Price 25 cents per box.
*w.Beware of the ordinary cheap Tooth Powders
which whiten hut destroy.
Do you wish to be certain that your BREATH is
pure, sweet.and agrceahloto hu-hand or wife, loveror
W ASH. Price 37 cents per bottle.
This astringent wash ;s also the best remedy in the
MOUTH, etc. It has ■ aired hundreds.
Do you or your children sutler from TOOIIACHE?
15 ceuts per bottle.
Are you atHi.-ted with NEURALGIA? Get DR. W
effective and delightful remedy known.
They do not adhere nor blister, but soothe and
charm pain away. Try them. Price 18 and 37 cents.
Mailed on receipt of price.
Do you wish a complete set of DENTAL REME
DIES ami a Treatise on Preserving Teeth? Get DR
W. B. HERD S DENTAL TREASURY, the neatest and
most valuable present that one friend can make to an
other. Price sl. Sent by express on receipt of price.
For sale at all the best stores throughout the coun
CAUTION. —As there arc dealers who take advantage
of our advertisements to impose upon their customers
inferior preparations, it is necessary to insist upon
having what you call for, and you wilij/cf the best, thor
oughly tested, and prepared by an experienced and
scientific Dentist. Treasurer of the New York State
Dentist's Association, and Vice President of the New
York City Dental Society.
UH. B. 111 KD & CO., !fe York,
Cite fijoubritrrpri-'o
PREPARED from an improved recipe by tho pronri
-1 etor of the " Brother Jonathan I'otish,'' is certified
hv all the leading New York Furniture Dealers and
Piano-Forte Makers to ho the best in the world for re
moving Scratches, Marks. Dirt, and restoring a high
and lasting gloss to all kindsof Varnished Work, front
Fuuiture to Leather. It is cheaper and better than
varnish, dries immediately, and is easily applied.
With a piece of Canton Flannel and si bottle or two of
this Nmv FURNITURE POLISH, a housekeeper can work
magic in the furniture of a house and keep it looking
like new. Now is the time to -shine up" your Tables,
Chairs. Desks, Pianos, Picture Frames. Carriages, etc..
und make tiiem look 50 per cent, better. This is true
economy. For ule by Furniture Dealers and Store
keepers generally. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottlo.
Depot No 1 Spruce street. New York. Special Agents
t canted. Address, Box 1972, Now York P. O. jy23
1 Volume, large 13fno. Price $1.26.
Thts critics and the public are right us predicting
that this will surpass, in graphic narrative, exciting
interest, and extensive popularity, all other histories
of the War for the Union. Its theme will ho the hero
ic during, patient suffering, and hair-breadth escapes
of our soldiers and sailors, and its incidents will form
the theme of conversation at innumorablo firesides
for years to come. It will contain, in addition to its
stirring details, the Philosophical Analysis of the
C auses of the War. by Jons Lothrop Motley, 1.L.D.,
author of the "Rise of the Dutch Republic." etc.. the
dates of all the important events from the John Brow n
raid, and an accurate and revised account of the prin
cipal battles, with engravings.
One third the proceeds of ail subscriptions sent di
rect to us will he given for the Relief ot Disabled Sol
diers, and all persons who wish a copy of the wont,
and also to benefit the soldiers, should send in their
name and address at once. Also, any otbeer or pri
vate, or person in any section of the country, having
knowledge of a heroic act or stirring incident, will
oblige us by sending us an account of it.
JSoolisetUrs. Postmasters and Canvassing Agents will be
furnished with a Subscription Prospectus, on applica
tion to the Publishers.
#)_A liberal commission given to soldiers desiring
to act as agents in taking subscriptions.
The History of American Manufactures,
from 1608 to 1860-
By I>r. J. Le.a*i>er Bishop. 2 vols, Bvo.
y'ol. 1. now ready, Vol. 11. nearly ready.
This is probably the lurgest and most important
work now in the American press.
We have also just published new editions of the
following useful aiid popular books:
to Save Money, by Conducting Business according
to Law. by the best and latest authorities. 400 pp.,
sheep. Price. sl.
chances to make money. Cloth, sl. This has been
republished in England.
Every business man and clerk should have these
taigks. They will bay the buyer u hundred fold.—
Every parent should get tlietn'for their sons.
All these books are mailed, postpaid, on receipt of
price. We pay particular attention to mailing books,
wrapping them carefully, and will procure and send,
postpaid, any book anywhere, on receipt of publish
ers' price and six stamps. Address
Tribune Buildings, !tew York.
PIANOS. —Persons who wish to buy a Piano of the
best makers will be shown how they can save a hand
some sum in the purchase if they address Piaxo, care
Jet, Cos & Co., Publishers' Agents, New York P. O.
CIARPETINGS, comprising every stylo o-
I the newest patterns and designs in Brus
sels, Tapestry Brussels, Imperial Three-ply,
and Ingrain Carpeting. Also, Stair Carpet
ines, Hag Carpeting*, Floor Oil Cloths, Mats,
Hugs. &c. ± at GEO. BLYMYER'S.
SPECTACLES for near-sighted persons as well
as for age, steel, plated, silver and gold, are
o be had at the Jewelry Store of
ap3o R. W. PATTQN.
SPRING Style Cassimeres,
Fashionable Vestings,
Tweeds and Cassimeres for boys,
Fine Black Cloths for Coats,
Doeskins, Finest Blacks,
Linen and other Shirt Bosoms,
as well as a complete assortment of READY
MADE CLOTHING for men and boys, at
HAY Forks, Rope and Tackle Blocks, at
my7 F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
WALL PAPERS, Window Blinds,
Queensware, Umbrellas, Cutlery, Wil
low and Wooden Ware, as usual, at
undersigned ie prepared to furnish
JL hie customers with Boots and Shoee of aii
kiuds, at prices to suit the times, and ae
Goods in general are higher than usual it is
gratifying to learn that boots and shoes are
cheaper than they have ever been before ia
Mifflin county: No mistake! Call and exam
ine for yourselves, and you will be surprised
to iind men's shoee selling at 90c to $1 65,
Men's Kip and Calf from 25 to I 87
" " Boots, " 2 25 to 3 00
" Calf •' " 275t0 390
Boys' Shoes " 50 to 1 35
All the above work at those prices is war
ranted. We etill have cheap work on hand
which is not warranted Women's Gaiters at
if I 00, and very dear at that; some at $1 50,
which are something better.
A full stock of Eastern Work kept on hand,
the greater part of which is warranted to give
Manufacturing of all kinds neatly and
promptly attended to at all times without de
A large stock of trunks constantly on hnnd,
which will be sold very low. But above all
things bear in uiind that our terms are strict
ly Cash, for at our prices we cannot afford to
charge. All goods to be paid for before taken
away, and in all cases where they do not suit
the money will be refunded, should they be
returned in good order.
turner of Market and Brown Streets,
Always has on hand for sale,
Which he feels satisfied he can offer at prices
which cannot bo beat.
Matches, 25 cent 3 per gross.
Call, examine, take a chew, and if you don't
like the goods or find fault with the prices
you need not buy.
N. B. Pipes from 2 for a cent to 50 cents
Levvistown, August 13, 1862.
Screw-top, Air-tight Fruit Can.
r FMIIS Can, after being thoroughly tested,
-*■ is now conceded by ail who have used it
to be the best Can in market. It has proved
itself perfectly Air tight in every instance,
and the Gum being in the outside is there
fore free front a great objection. This year
I have not only remedied the top, which is
now much neater, but it is so constructed
that you can apply a wrench that I give with
the Cans to screw and unscrew, which can
he done with ease. Also, other Sealing Cans
and Glass Jars. Sold LOW for cash, only at
Lewistown, August 6, 1862.
She Cfents of the Ecason.
f piIlS is no humbug, but a practical truth.
J_ The pictures taken by Mr. Burkholder
are unsurpassed for BOLDNESS, TRUTH
DURABILITY. Prices varying according
to sice and quality of frames and Cases.
Room over the Express Office.
Lewistown, August 23, 1860.
V.S S W4 m 58$
/ Ware will find it to their advantage to
purchase of J. B. Selheimer, who will sell
them a better article, and as cheap if not
cheaper than they can purchase it in any of
the eastern cities. Call and see his now stock
Lewistown, April 23, 1802-ly.
LONG stories and paper recommendations
are of no account. lam at present enga
ged in building
| -rpr ■■ - in- 4 ""? sizes, one for four and one
six horses. It is supposed to
be better than any other kind
here or elsewhere. I have
obtained from the patentee authority to make
and sell in nil of Pennsylvania west of the
Susquehanna, and to prosecute all those who
make, use, or vend to others to use, in the
district described. Those interested will take
notice of this. I expect soon to build a
which will thresh 40 bushels of wheat per
hour, or 80 bushels of oats. Please call and
examine for yourselves before you buy from
others. I also continue the
fflAigTO'iga is imynssmasi®
of any kind of machinery of Iron, Brass or
wrought Iron, as usual. Having a largo lot
of patterns, and a first class pattern maker
at work in the shop, I am prepared to fill al
most any kind of an order, either for castings
or patterns.
aide hill and bar share Ploughs, THRESH
ERS with Shakers, Horse Powers, Saw Mill
Cranks, and various other castings on hand
ready for sale.
All work sold as good, which proves defec
tive, to be made good. THOMPSON & STONK
authorized to sell. JOHN R. WEEKES,
Lewietowo, July 30, 1862. Agent.
We published a few weeks ago a beauti
fel poem entitled " We are aorning, Father
Abraham, three hundred thousand mora,"
to which the following reply has been ad
ded :
i welcome TOO, rnr gallant boys.
, From Maine'* resounding shore
! From far New Hampshire's granite hills
1 see your legions pour;
From Massachusetts' fertile vales,
From old Vermont thy como;
Connecticut wheels into line
At roll'ng of the drum;
And little RhoJy springs to arms
Like David in his might,
Upon rebellion's giant front
To strike one blow for right:
I One blow for right, my hero boys,
For right and Uncle Sam—
i Strike, and receive the blessings
Of the God of Abraham.
I see from all her boundaries
The glorious Empire State
A countiees host >s sending forth
With freedom's hopes elate;
From Delaware there comes a gleam
Of white and crimson bars,
Where faithflil hands are holding up
The taLrer of the star*;
New Jersey answers to the call,
As if along her shore,
Each graia of sand had said, we como,
Six hundred thousand more:
We come to strike for liberty,
For right, and Uncle 6am,
Who gives us ail the blessings
Of the God of Abraham.
And Pennsylvania, keystone of
This glorious Union arch,
Is sounding through her thousand caves
The thrilling order, march
I see her dusky sons come forth
From every darkened mine,
And, like the clouds along her hills
Swift forming into line;
Their eyas hare such a fiery gleam
From glowing forges caught.
Their arms such strength as if they were
Of irou sinews wrought;
I think when on Secession's head
They strike for Uncle Sam,
Each blow will fall like vengeance
From the God of Abraham.
I see adown our Western vales
Your legions pour, my boys,
Ohio, Indiana, an t
My own loved Illinois,
And lowa, and Michigan,
And Minnesota too,
And far Wisconsin's prunes send
Thoir heroes tried and true.
Come on, O iiviug avalanche!
Break into Hoods of light,
And roll your waves of truth along
Secession's shore of night,
Drown out rebellion as of old,
And then with Duel© Sam,
Safe in the Ark of State,
We 11 praise tha GoD of ABRAHAM.
Ediwe J by A. SiiiTH, County Superintendent.
A Short Talk witfc Parents.
Will you, who have children now at
tending or soon to attend the public schools,
have the kindness just to read through
this short article and think it over a few
minutes ? You are desirous that your chil
dren shall have good schools to attend, and
that they shall be benefited as much as
possible, both in learning and in good con
duct. You can do very much at home to
render your schools profitable, to give your
children a hearty interest in their studies,
and to promote good order and the comfort
of both teachers and pupils, principally by
attention to these things :
1. The prompt and regular attendance
of your children. —A little effort on your
part, occasionally a little self denial, would
secure this exceedingly desirable objeot.
You can encourage your childreu to bo
sure not to dishonor you by being tardy—
as if you did not rise early enough to get
them to school by nine o'clock ! No one
besides the teacher can fully understand
and feel the mischief wrought, the time
lost, the disorder produced, the bad habits
formed, by scholars going to school irregu
larly. If you do not believe this is as bad
as I represent it, please spend your next
leisure half day in the school your children
attend—which would be a very sensible act
any way—and at the end of three hours,
ask the teacher his opinion on this matter,
and I am sure you will be fully convinced
that it is a great wrong to allow your chil
dren to be unnecessarily tardy or irregular
in their attendance.
2. The tidiness of your children. —Most
of you deserve only high praise in this re
spect, and the neat appearance of your chil
dren reflects great credit on you and adds
much to the attractiveness of the schools.
But there are some children in a few of the
schools, whose faces and hands advertise
the apple butter they had for breakfast, and
whose heads look as if conibs had never
been invented. Patched clothes are all
right, for they are justified by neoessity
and accidents; but BO long as the sky fur
nishes water gratuitously, and wooden
combs oan be got for a penny a pair, there
seems no excuse for sending children to
school unwashed and uncombed. These
things belong to the " minor morals," to be
sure ; but it is not a matter of small import
ance that children be trained to habits of
neatness and cleanliness.
3. Procuring books for your children. —
Sometimes a change of books is made,
when there are many books in the sohool
nearly new, and it seems sheer waste to lay
them aside and get another set. Still, the
change is probably for the good ©f the
whole school, and if it were net, the
refusal of a parent to furnish his chil
dren with the hooks csed in the sohool, in
jures no ana but his own children. Be
sides, the oost of a new bcok is nothing
eor.:pared with ths knowledge your child
will acquire from it, and the ar.ving of a
lew shillings Trill very poorly compensate
the loss which your child will experience
for wait ef the proper boohs.
4. The d.ltacnca and conduct of your
children. —You e?.n do Terr much to pro
mote the diligence and deiight in study of
your children, by asking them at night
what they have learaed during the day, en -
couraging them to tell what they have
studied, hearing them read their reading
lessong, and showing that you are interested
in their progress and warmly approve their
industry. You can give the teacher great
aid in governing the school, by discourag
ing all complaints, by giving your children
to understand that they must yield prompt,
cheerful obedience at school, by inquiring
alter their conduct, by not believing too
readily charges ol partiality, cruelty, un
iaithlulueso and ignorance cn the part of
the teacher. Visit your schools, see how
the teacher's patience is constantly tried,
bow it is almost impossible not to make
some mistakes, and you will be less inclin
ed to blame than charity. 3.
Official Report of General HcClellan.
Headquarters, nearSnAßrsßUßa,
September 29, 1,30 P. M.
To Major General Hallcck, General-in-
Chief of Utliled States Army :
General —I have the honor to report the
following as some ol the results of the bat
tles of South Mountain and Antietam :
At South Mountain our loss was 443
killed, 1,800 wounded, 76 missing—total
At Antietam our loss was 2,010 killed,
9,416 wounded, and 1,043 missing—total
12,469. Total loss in the two battles,
The loss of the Rebels in the two battles,
as near as can he ascertained from the
number of their dead found upon the field,
and irom other data, will not fall short of
the following estimate :
Major Davis, Assistant Inspector Gen
eral, who superintends the burial of the
dead, reports about 3,000 Rebels buried on
the field of Antietam by our troops. Pre
vious to this, however, the Rebels had
buried many of their own dead upon the
distant portion of the battle field which
they occupied after the battle. Probably
at least 500.
The loss of the Rebels at South Moun
tain cannot be ascertained with accuracy,
but as our troops continually drove them
from the commencement of the action, and
as a much greater number of their dead
were seen on the fi:ld thau of our men, it
is not unreasonable to suppose that their
loss was greater than ours.
Estimating their killed at 500, the total
Rebel killed in the two battles would be
4,000. According to the rates of our own
killed and wounded this would make their
loss in wounded 18,742, as nearly as can
be determined at this time.
The number of prisoners taken by our
troops iu the two battles will, at the lowest
estimate, amount to 5,000. The full return
will no doubt show a larger number. Of
these about 1,200 are wounded. ThL gives
the Rebel loss in killed, wounded, and
prisoners, 25,542.
It will be observed that this does not in
clude their stragglers, the number of whom
is said by citizens here to be large.
It may be safely concluded, therefore,
that the Rebel army lost at least thirty
thousand of their best troops during their
campaign in Maryland.
From the time our troops first encounter
ed the enemy in Maryland until he was
driven back into Virginia, we captured
thirteen guns, seven caissons, nine limbers,
two field forges, two oaasion bodies, thirty
nine colors, and one signal flag.
We have not lost a single gun or color.
On the battle-field of Antietam fourteen
thousaud small arms were oolleoted, be
sides the large number carried off by citi
zens, and those destributed on the ground
to recruits and other unarmed ineQ arriv
ing immediately after the battle.
At the South Mountain no collection of
small arms was made, owing to the haate of
the pursuit from that point. Four hun
dred small arms were taken from the oppo
site side of the Potomac.
Major-General Commanding.
The Battle of luka-
The Cincinnati Gazette gives the following
details of the engagement of luka between
Rosecrana and Price:
Our foroe was 25,000 strong, and fell
upon Price as he was retreating from luka,
about a mile southeast of that place. Im
mediately the battle commenced in dead
earnest. The rebels formed on a road on
a ridge, a line less than a.quarter of a mile
in length, and this was the whole extent of
the battle ground. A single brigade of
New Series—Vol. XVI, No. 49.
I Gren. liosecrans' division bore the brunt of
tho whole fight. The first movement was
to dislodge the rebels from their position
bj a charge, which was no sooner done
than thej rallied and drove back our men
in a similar manner, only to bo driven in
turn bj oar determined troopa.
Our trcops rested near the battleground
till morning, when they found that Price
had fled, leaving all his dead and wouuded.
Tha rebel loss in killed and wounded was
not less than five hundred, fully three huu?
dred of whom were killed. Our own loss
was one hundred and twenty killed, and
about two hundred wouuded. All thii,
too, was done in an hour and a half, and
very much of it with the bayonet. It was
almost entirely a hand-to-hand engagement.
On Friday evening, while the battle was
raging, the advanced portion of our left
wing was quietly going into camp, five
miles distant, unconscious cf a battle.—
They could not hear the musketry, and the
cannonading was either very inconsidera
ble, or none at all, so close were the con
tending armies. On Saturday morning
they formed in line of battle and Bent for
ward skirmishers, who captured some of
Price's pickets who had not been called in.
About the same time the reserve —81st
Ohio and 2d lowa—were ordered forward.
Long before theso regiments reached the
front the left wing had discovered that no
enemy was in its front, and had moved on
towards luka. Reaching there it was turn
ed about towards Corinth, meeting the re
serve a mile out. The whole force returned
to Brynsville that night.
It is said that General Ord urged that
the left wing should take up position nearer,
at any rate, but General Grant overruled
him, assuring him that very soon we could
advance and completely surround Price.
In the meantime the gallant Rosecrans,
with his eager army was using all dilligenco
and had actually marched twenty miles on
Friday before he came up with the enemy
and fought with so much gallantry. As it
is, it appears that only want of proper
knowledge of Ilosecrans' position prevented
the co-operation of the rest of the troops,
which would have insured the glorious con
summation of the capture of Sterling Price.
General Rosecrans, in pursuit on Satur
day, with a large force of cavalry and some
light artillery, followed by infantry. Price
is supposed to be retreating to Boonsville,
whence he came by rail from Tupelo. It
is a coincidence a little remarkable that the
same troops which a year ago followed Price
ia Missouri arc now after him here.
An Oligarchy.
The State of South Carolina contains
29,000 plantations, containing 4,072,551
acres of improved, and 12,145,049 acres
of unimproved land, valued at $82,431,-
634; averaging to each 561 acres.
The government is based on the Consti
tution of 1790, and amendments added to
it at various periods. The right to vote
requires a freehold of 50 acres in ordinary
cases. The Legislatuie is elected annual
ly. A Senator must be 30 years old, a
resident citisen five years, and if resident
in the district must own a freehold worth
£3OO, if non-resident worth £I,OOO. Rep
resentatives must have resided in the
State three years; if resident in the dis
trict njust own a freehold of 500 acres and
10 negroes, or real estate worth £150; if
non-resident must own real estate worth
£SOO. The Governor is chosen by the
Legislature, and must have resided in the
the State 10 years, and be possessed of a
settled estate worth £1)500. The Lieu
tenant Governor is chosen and must be
qualified in like manner.
The people do not vote directly for Gov
ernor or for President.
There is no middle class in South Caro
lina. The population consists (out of the
towns, which are few,) of planters and a
sort of peasantry. The delegates to the
Legislature are frequently elected by a
dozen voters (large landholders), and the
affair is not uncommonly settled at the din
ner table.
Trade is considered as not exactly suita
ble to a gentleman. Merchants (retail)
are called "shopkeepers," and are cot upon
a social equality with the planters.
Freaks of a squirrel, —One of the squir
rels on the Boston Common, having been
in the habit of helping himself to a pea
nut DOW and then from a fiuii stand near
the West street gate, the woman who tends
the stand oovered up the poanuts with a
oloth. When the squirrel next came on a
foraging expedition, finding the peanuts
covered, he seised on a peach and made off
with it The woman gave chase, and the
squirrel dropped the peach; but finding
that he had drawn the woman two or three
rods from the stand, he started back on
the double quick, and seising a nut before
the woman oould get baok, made off with
it muth to the amusoment of the bystand
Capt. W. S. King, of the 35th Mas
sachusetts, arrived at the Astor House,
New York, last, received seven
wounds at th&gecnt battle of Ar.tietam.
He was hit'tw^hty'times during the en
gagement, and was prbtty thoroughly bound
up in bandages when ho left that city for
ml. home in Boston. He has lost no limbs,
and hopes are entertained of his speedy