■-T HE GAZETTE. LOCAL AFFAIRS. SINOING SCHOOL. —Mr. John Clark, we learn, will open a singing school in the Apprentices' Hall on Friday evening next, when young folks will have another oppor tunity for acquiring a knowledge of a use ful accomplishment, while others who have already gone through the book can burnish up their no'es incw. MILITARY. —dap tain Stroup's company of cavalry (three year's men) left town on Friday last for II irrisburg, about 80 strong. This reduces the draft considerably, but unless the townships have come up to the work as they ought an 1 might easily have done, there will yet be a small draft. To morrow is the day fixed upon for that pur pose. The 45th regiment appears to have suf fered consi lerably in killed and wounded , in the recent battles, including some from : company C, Captain IJigelow's. Of the eleven member; of the I ° ! I ruards missing after the battle of Cedar ; Mountain, the following were prisoners at Richmond, but are now we believe at Annapolis : Wm. Hopper, Win Armstrong, George Lewis, Philip L rtz, Lewis Ruble, Robert McCortnick, Win Kclloy, James Klepper, wounded slightly by a shot in toe of right foot. C.ipt. 11. A. Kisenbise and Lt C. Selhcimer are still prisoners, the latter wounded by i shot in right breast which ! .came out under his arm—now nearly well. : W. V. R. Coplin, W. S. Dellett, James j 11. Crissman, John Ruble and Jos. K. ! Gates, of Captain Taylor's company, who ; were taken prisoners some time ago and tiken to Richmond, were released on the 14th and arrived at Annapolis on the 17th, ! where they are in good health and spirits, j At Richmond they found Bergt. J. Har vey Carson safe and sound. The address of these parties at present is "Comp. C, Ist l'a. Cav.,Canip Parole, Annapolis, Md. Roll of Keystone Guards-Co. A, 4th! Regiment, Penua. Militia : 11 mil mm+mm m I o-io. 7r. Attorney at Law, iflice Market Square, Lewistown, will at -1 to business in Mifflin,Centre and Hunting counties. ny26 ock Repairing, Pipe Laying, imbing and White Smithing IHK above branches of business will be promptly attended to on application at residence of the undersigned in Main et, Lewistown. in 10 GEOIiGE MILLER. . S. WILSON'. T. V. CTTLKV. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, J LEWISTOWN, PA. FFICE in public square, threo doors west of the Court House. mhl2 I WILLIAM LSND, B l).-i3 now open A NEW STOCK OF | lo'chs, Cassimeres ANI> VESTI NCS, poh will lie made up to order in the neat- I and most fashionable styles. apl'J j Kishacoquillas Seminary, AND FORMAL INSTITUTE. HE third Session of this Institution wih commence April 24, 1802. ■Encouraged by the liberal patronage rccei v during the previous Session, the proprietor has been induced to relit the buildings and grounds to render them most comfortable and convenient for students. He has also secured the assistance of Lev S. McDonald, formerly tutor of Princeton T nivi-r^it-y M well fenOWB in this pilft of Married. In this place, September 19, by Rev. 0. 0. • McChan, [)r. \V. W. WHITE to Miss SAL LIE ROSS, all of Centre county. On the 11th inst., by Rev. Isaac Gricr, AL I FRED HAYES, Esq.. of Eewishurg, and j Miss MARY M. VANVALZAH, of Kuffalo | X Rjads, Union county. August 7th, by Rev. G. W. M. Schultze, i ANDKEW D. SNOOK to MARY JANE SNOQIv. Also, August 28th, by the same, WILLIAM 11. SNOOK to SARAII PETER, all of Decatur township, Mifflin county. Died. This morning, after a brief illness, WM. •M. CUSTER, only child of Wm. S. Custer, i-n the 2Jst year of his age. May He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, assuage the deep affliction of a bereaved father and ..mother in this their hour of trial. In Alexandria, Va., on the morning of Thursday, September IBth, of inflamation of the brain, after an illness of six days, FLOR ENCE GARNETT, daughter of Dr. T. A. aDd Lizzie Ker Worrall, aged 9 years, G inos. and 2 days. A loving father, believing she was taken from the evil to come, submits in humble res ignation, to the dispensation of Providence which has deprived him of the sweet compan ionship of his affectionate and obedient dough- j ter. On the 23d ult., in Big Valley, EDWARD KNEPP, son of George and Sophia Knepp, of West Beaver township, Snyder county, aged £3 years, 10 months and 8 days. Explosion at the Allegheny Arsenal. A most frightful explosion occurred at the United States Arsenal, Allegheny City, on Wednesday afternoon about 2 o'clock,' in the large frame building known as the' laboratory. About 176 boys and girls were employed in the building at the time of the disaster, of which number seventy Jioe or eighty were killed ! The scene was most appalling. Dead bodies lying in heaps as they had fallen, and in some places, where the heat was in tense, whitened bones could be seen through the smoke and flames, whilst at other points large masses of blackened flesh was presen to the eye! The Pittsburgh Dispatch gives the following account of this horrible catastrophe : After the explosion, the building took fire, and those of the girls confined by the fragments were burned to death. A num ber wore doubtless killed by the explosion, and their bodies consumed. Where the heat was the greatest, nothing remained of the bodies but the whitened bones. Thousands of people collected on the grounds, and all were horror stricken at the scene. The charred remains of the victims were lying about in rows in several direc tions. A number wore dying of their inju ries and removed by friends We noticed two bodies which had been blown from the building, both so horribly mutilated, as in deed were all that we saw, with but one ex ception, as to render identification impos sible. We saw the bodies of two young women who evidently burned alive in each other's arms. In one place we counted for ty-seven bodies, in another ten, and turn where you would, blackened trunks of bod ies—piles of roasted flesh—met your gaze. Here and there lay the fragment of a skull, or some other part of a body. I wo girls were conversing near where a body lay. One of them had escuped un injured—the other was in search of a sis ter, and in describing her, said she wore a red dross. A gentleman standing near, pointing to a fragment of a dress han£*in n f hc centre, like a court. Ac their counts as to the cause, as well as the partic from u ' ar P 0! "t at which the first explosion took q* place, differ materially, and the facts can not j, vn] be definitely ascertained, other than by a shot P ro P cr investigation by a Coroner. Short tcac ly before the first explosion, three barrel-. can had been brought from the magazine and zesls ph'ced on a porch at the laboratory. The '/ driver of the wagon in which the powder tvvo ! was hauled, was knocked down twice by jf the explosion, but not seriously hurt. I lis U tiauie is Trick and resides in Lawrenceville, i Adjacent to the laboratory was a small j iea i building used as an engine room, for heat davj S P ur P oses during winter, and attached t j, e to this building were two rooms in which cartridges were filled, and in which were some two hundred pounds of powder. The . j flames communicating to tliese rooms caus • ° ed the explosion. It was pay-day, and Mr. Bosworth, the j pay-master, had paid some filty of the girls ~l before the occurrence. After the first ex- plosion a number of the girls, who had rush j ed out of their rooms, went back to see af ter the others, and thus fell victims. £ The firemen were promptly on the ground, i and rendered valuable assistance in quen- clung the fire. For a time it was unsafe £ to go near the burning building, owing to ~ the continued bursting of cartridges and mo shells P The exact number of lives lost could not certainly be ascertained last evening. It is possible that the bodies of some were entirely consumed. The number, 1 however, will not fall short of seventy. A scene of terrible excitement occured at Store House No. 1, situated near Butler steet, in which upwards of three hundred girls were employed in preparing the paper cylinders for musket cartridges. Although in no danger whatever, the girls rushed down the stairs to the front entrance which was already blocked up with a crowd of men and women, in which were parents seeking after their daughters. There was no ingress or egress, and the pressure was frightful. Women were trodden underfoot, some injured severely, and the scene was absolutely alarming. Ladders were placed to the upper windows from the outside, by which means a number of girls got out of the building. It was a considerable time before the outside crowd could be forced back. During the excitement a number of the girls leaped out of the second story windows, and in this way were severely in jured. In one of the charred bodies we noticed eleven bullets, protruding through the flesh; in another we noticed nine bullets. Scattered all about the grounds were frag ments of dinner baskets, shoes, dresses, bon nets, &c., and it is said money was found by different persons. One man picked up a twenty dollar gpld pieog. Two girls, one of them in a nmde state, but uninjured, and the other much hurt, were discovered by a gentleman residing in the vicinity, after the first explosion. The former he shielded from observation, an ! loft for the purpose of securing some cloth-for her; hut w hen lie returned he louiui t!i?|t she had disappeared. Her in jured companion was properly provided .Since writing out our account, we have ascertained that over one hunded and six ty of the girls had been paid off before the catastrophe occurred. SAPOHIPIEEi The Family Soap Maker! A LL Kitchen Grease can be made into good SOAP by using SAPONIFIER. Directions accompanying each box. Soap is as easily made with it, as making a cup of coffee. Manufactured only by the Patentees— j Salt Manufacturing' Co, febl2 ly No. 127 Walnut street Phila. NATRONACOA L OIL! WARRAN TED NO\-E\PI,OSI VE. and equal to any Kerosene, i AT7HY buy an explosive oil, when a few T T cents more per gallon will furnish you ■ with a perfect oil? Made only by PA- SALT MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. No- 127 Walnut Street, Phila. | February 12, 1802. ly Kollock's Dandelion Coffee. | r preparation, made from the best Ja j L va Coffee, is recommended by physicians ! as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE I for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bil ! lious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of coffee will use this without injurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordi nary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest and best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutritious bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. MANUFACTURED RV M. H. KOLLOCK. Chemist, Corner of Broad-and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, And sold by all Druggists and Grocers. February 26, 1862-ly. LEWISTOWN BAKERY, West .Tlarket Street, nearly opposite the Jail. CIONRAD ULLRICH. JR. would respect J fully inform his old customers and citi zens generally that he continues the Baking of BREAD, CAKES, &e., at the above stand, where those articles oan be procured fresh every day. Families desiring Bread, &c. will be sup plied at their dwellings in any part of town. Fruit, Pound, Spunge, and all other kinds of cake, of any size desired, baked to order at short notice. Lewistown, February 26, 1862-ly NATHANIEL KENNEDY'S STORE, In the Odd Fellows' Hall. 4 Yfry Choice Assortment of Old Liquors. I OFFER for sale all the liquors, late the . stock of John Kennedy, dee'd., embracing prime French Brar.dy, Cherry Brandy, Gin, \\ ines, Jamaica Spirits, and Scotch Ale. 110 tel keepers are requested to call. can always obtain a pure article fur the sick. also. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Stoneware, Hardware, Cedar ware, always on hand; Shoulders, llams, Fish, Ilvrring, Shad, and Mackerel ; Dried Beef of a most excellent quality; with Boots and Shoes in great variety. All the goods will be sold very low. N. KENNEDY. Lewistown, January 15, 1861. The Old Blymyer Corner. m GOODS mam HjEa'sanrssi HAS just opened a choice lot of Rich styles of Silk Grenadines, Black & White Check Silks, cheap Plain and Fig ured Black Silks, &c. Persons wishing to purchase a good silk at a low price, would find it to their advantage to examine his stock. Also, Black Stella Shawls with Broche Borders, Laces, Ribbons, Straw and Millinery Goods, Collars, Undcrsleeves, Gloves, ',s' approved the M , iav „f July. A. I \t", J 1 ", ~' Stanbarger. jShoriti of tlie county of Mifflin. do hereby make known and give liotiee to'the electors ot the comity aforesaid, that a general eh-.- Hon will he held in die said eunnrv of Mifflin on tie second I uesd. v (being the 14th> of October. IWJ which turn- Mate and County i irtieers me t. 1,,. ~.. ed. to wit: One J. rson to till the ~ffi,., of Auditor Genera? of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Lne p. Mop. to fill t!ie office of Surveyor General of the < ommonwealih of Pennsylvania. ' One pc, son to fill the office of Memberof Coii -e-s for the district composed of theeoumi f Hubtin"- d ci Blair, i "amhria and >1 ifflin. m the National 11..ii-T Oi l>.'llltsllt;,tives. One (... {soil to ti!i the offiee of Senator for the dis trict composed of the counties of Mifflin. Juniata. Perry and Cumberland. One person as Member of Assembly, to represent the county of Mifflin in the House of Representatives ol rennsvlvania. Jl n ° r , Pi ' ho " to "!•' i!' e " f bounty Commission er in the county of Mifflin. ' One person to fill the offices of Prothonotarv. Clerk of the Courts of General quarter Sessions aiid eye; ami ionnmer. One person to fill the offices of Re-ister of Anl I.t'uoidfr of HcFds. One person to fill the office of Prosecuting Attorney fr Mitqjn c;pmtv. ne j.ei so'n t., till the office of County durr, v.r for .Mifflin county. ' * * one personuo fill the offiee of County Auditorin tie county of Mifflin. The electors of the borough of Newton Hamilton are to meet the new school!,,,us in s;ii(! horotmh. 1 lie electors ot VV tvne township are t<> meet at the new schoolhouse m the b.,. ot ;gi, of V 11 i4 ,„i1i.„,. I lie electors of th* I -.uough of M.-Vevtown are to meet at the I nioi] school house in said b0r0n..1,. i .I- I 'h '" ' ,l; i m ."'' 1 "- v '' s; • i' are- to meet at the Court House ill lue boron dl of J vote at the window of the Prothonolai v - office The electors of Berry township are' to meet'at the Court House in the borough of Lewistown. an,l vote at tlie Window of the Judges office. The electors of < Diver towns!,,], are to meet at the I nion schoolhouse m the borough of McVevtown i he electors of llratton township arc to ~„V. at the brick schoolhouse on the farm of William Har-hbar ms.iui township. I lie electors ot Mcnno township arc to meet at the nub!,.- house now occupied by William Sample, in Al lenvtlle. in said township. The elec tors of Union township are (o meet at the house now occupied by Richard Brjndle. The electors of Brown township are te meet at the public, house occupied by Mrs. Mary Smith in said township. Tho e.ectni's of Armagh township residtn" east of tlie line commencing at the middle of the road at the stone meeting house, in Brown township, thence aloim said road to the end of the lane known as Jonathan Abraham s lane, near the residence of Thomas Lot,— well. jr.. thence running in a straight line to the oiid ol Cressman s knob to the I 'moil count v line, are to meet as heretofore at the offiee of E. E. I.oeke, in said township. Those residing west of and not included in said limits, will meet as heretofore at the public house now occupied by Will. Swinehart ,n said town ship. i lie electors of Decatur township are to meet at the house now occupied by Joseph Stuuipff. And by an Act of Assembly, the borough of Lew is, town was divided into two Wards, and each Ward to compose an election district. The electors of the Last Ward will meet at the Court House,and vote at the window of the Commissioners' office. The electors of the West Ward will meet nt the same place, and vote at the window of the Sheriff'•-office lu the sa d Court House, and in said borough. Pursuant to tin- provisions of an Act of Assembly, the Judges of the aforesaid districts shall respective ly take charge of the certificate of return of the elec tion of their respective districts, and produce them at a meeting of one Judge from ea<-h district, at tlie Court House, in Lewistown. on the third day aftertlie day of election, being for the present year FKU>AY. the 17th day of October next, then and theie to do and perform the duties required bv law of said Judges. Also, by the 18th section of th'is Act. it is enacted that when two or more Counties shall compose a Dis trict for choice of a member or members of the Sen ate of this Commonwealth, or of the House of Repre sentatives of the United States or of this Common wealth, the Judges of the election in each County, having met as aforesaid, the Clerks shall make out'a fair statement of all the votes which shall be given at such election, within the County, for every person vo ted for as such member or members, which shall l,c signed by said Judges and attested by the Clerks, one "l 1 ,, e ''"' 'p os s 'iall take charge of such certificate and shall produce the same at a meeting of one Judge from each County, at such place in such District as is or may be appointed by law for that purpose, wind, meeting shall be hold on the seventh dav after the election, being for the present year, Tuesday, 31 st day of October next. The Congressional Judges of tlie 1-ith Congressional District, composed of the counties of Cambria. Blair. Huntingdon and Mifflin, will there fore meet at tlie Court House in Hollidavsburg. Blair county, on Tuesday, the 31st day of October next, and there perform such duties as are required of them by law. An Act of the Legislature having changed the man ner of voting in Mifflin county, all officers to he elect ed this year, may be voted for ~n a single slip of pa per, and deposited in one ballot box. Anv fraud com mitted by any person voting under this Act .shall be punished by existing laws of this I'ommonwealth. Also, that where a .ludge by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend at such meetingof Judg es. then the certificate or return, as aforesaid, shall be taken charge of by one of the Inspectors or Clerks ~f the election ot said Itistriet. who shall do and perform the duties required of said Judge unable to attend. Also, by the 77th section of said act it is enacted that When the qualified voters of more than one Ward. Township, or District meet at the same place to hold their election, it shall be the duty of the respective Judges of sap! election districts, in addition to the certificates required ill the 76th section of this Act. to make out a fair statement and certificate of all the votes Which shall have been then ami there given for each candidate, distinguishing the office or station he shall have voted for. and one ol said judgos shall take charge of said certificate, and also of the several cer tificates made out for each election district, as before directed, and produce the same at a meeting of all the return judges in thecquutv. in the manner prescribed in the 7Sth section of this Act. The Judges of the fourteenth Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Cumberland. Deny. Ju niata and Mifflin, shall meet at the Court House in the borough of New liloomfield. Perry comm. 011 Tuesday, the 21st day of October next," and there per ioral such duties as are required of thetn bv law _ . C. C. STAN LARGER, Sheriff. Lewistown, September 36th. HIGHLY IKPOPwT/.ITT TO 3F" -A. IX XVI Hi XX m ! LONG stories and paper recommendations are of no account. Inm at present enga ged in building PELTON'S PATENT ROUSE POWERS, sizes, one for four and one or B ' x horses. It is supposed to be better than any other kind maue here or elsewhere. I have obtained from the patentee authority to make aud sell in all of Pennsylvania west of the Susquehanna, and to prosecute all those who make, use, or rend to others to use, in the distript described. Those interested will take notice of this. I expect soon to build-a NEW THRESHER, which will thresh 40 bushels of wheat per hour, or 80 bushels of oats. Please call and examine for yourselves before you buy from others. I also continue the (basses® the Unman Family." " Hats do not die oil the premises." '•They come nut of (heir holes to die." •They are the only infallible remedies known." -12 years and more established in New York City " 7 V b;c the City Post Office. I oil the City Prisons and Station Houses. '•" ' to/ the City Steamers. Ships. ,ve. 1., ./ iMf the City Hospitals. Alms-houses. Sc. I,of by the City Hotel—"Astor"—-St. Nicholas," Jbe. t'sesl l"i the Boarding Houses. &>•., A, . I mi/ i.j,— —more than OO.OOQ Private Families. V r - ■ See of or 1 cu Specimens of what is 111 - i/uthtrs saiil hit the People—Ulitor's— Dealers, th . Ijid SF, KEEPERS—troubled with vermin need bo so no longer, if they u