Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, November 17, 1849, Image 1

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    Ccuistott>n jsMk&
Vol AAAV —Whole ,\o 1858.
Rates of Advertising. %
One square, 18 lines, 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00
1 time 50 " 1 year 8.00
2 times 75 £ column, 3 mos. 6.00
" 3 44 1.00 44 6 44 10.00
1 mo. 1.25 1 year 15.00
3 " 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
6 " 4.00 44 6 " 15.00
1 year 6.00 44 1 year 25.00
2 squares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before inar
" 3 mos. 3.50 riages, dec. sl2.
Communications recommending persons for
office, must be paid in advance at the rate of
25 cents per square.
Philadelphia Advertisements.
B lI\D 2HAM FA ( TO ft Y.
Sign of the Golden klagle, No, 130 dp 143,
South Second street, below Duck street,
KEEPS always on hand a large and fashionable assort
BUNDS, manufactured in the best manner, of the best
materials, and at the low est cash prices.
Having refitted and enlarged his establishment, he is
prepared to complete orders to any amount at the shortest
.notice. Constantly on hand an assortment of
Tfahogaiiy Furniture,
cr[ everv variety, manufactured expressly for his own
eaies. and pt:rch.ir<cf* may therefore rely on a good article.
;> open in lie evening
.* Orders from a distance packed carefully, and sent
free of porterage, to any port of the city.
Philadelphia, August IS, 16*9— ly.
E. 111 UK $ JONES,
Willow A Wooden Ware,
Importer of Frcrich Baskets, JjOvking
Glasses and Fancy Goods,
Between Market au<i Arch St* , under J. Sidney Jones"
Carpet Warehouse, two doors below Christ Church,
JTAS on hand and is constantly receiving a lanr* and
11 extensive assortment of Combs, Brushes, Fancy
ftjods of every description, (too numerous to mention.)
Invoking Glasses of gilt and mahogany frames. Baskets,
Coaches, Chairs, 4tc., Ac
Shaker'* Eastern Wisp tunA Country Brooms, Win
dow Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets. Churns, Wash
fcoatds—in fact. Wooden and Willow Ware of every de
s ription, all of which will be sold tow for CASH or city
MERCHANTS would save themselves much time and
trouble, by calling and examining my stock before pur
N B. Looking Glasses are insured against breakag'e to
all parts of the Union, without extra charge.
Philadelphia, August 25, 1649 2m.
The CiJreat China Store
TiIA.NKFI'L to'.he tilitem of Lewistown and it vi
cinity for their increased custom, we again request
'.J fir company to view our large and splendid assortment
f China, (Ilass and Queens ware. Dinner sets, tea
! •-, toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Glass, China
r <tone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for
than they car. be bad elsewhere —in fact at less thin
w esate prices. American and English HHI7T -f-\ W
METAL GOODS, in greater variety than eves before
rffiered in the city. Fancy China in great variety, very
cheap. ff>We would invite any person visiting the city
t call and see us—they will at least be pleased 10 walk
around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China
ssd rAe cktaftst the world produces Very respectfully,
Mo. 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
September 22, I.B4t>—ly.
IV. 8. LAWRE\( K,
Agent for the sale of Southicorth Manufac
turing Company's Writing Papers.
Warehouse \o. J* Jlinor St.,
100 cases of the above superior Papers now in store,
and for sale to the trade at the lowest market prices,con
tisiirig m part of—
I ihe thick Fiat Caps, 12, 14, 15 and 16 lbs , blue and
* iperfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white.
fcTt.-a super and superfine Folio Posts, blue and white,
P.nn and ruled
Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt
Superfine and fine BUI Papers, longatid broad
Superfine and tine Counting-llouse Caps and Posts,
tije and white.
Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled
Wie ami whits.
Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts.
Superfine blue linen thin Letters.
Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes
Lawyer's" Brief Papers
Superfine and fins Caps and Posts, ruled and plain,
'■ i°. and while, various qualities and prices
Aiso, 1000 reams white and assorted Shoe Papers, Bon
■'•it Boards, white and assorted Tissue, Tea, Wrapping,
Envelope, assorted and blue Mediums, Cap wrappers,
Hardware Papers, Ac.
Philadelphia June 30, 184#—Oin
Philadelphia .Medical House,
V TABLIBIIED 15 years ago, by Dr KINKELIN. The
lest, surest and best hand tocure all forms of secret
C-aseanftlie skin, and soliury habits of youth, is DR
bIMAEI.IN, Northwest corner of THIRD and I NIO.N
- r.. !. between Spruce and Pine, a sqiiare-and-a half
f oi, the Lcharige. Philadelphia.
There is a habit which boys teach each other at the
Academy m College a habit Indulged in when by htm.
l 'T, in solitude, growing up with the boy to manhood;
'•w of those who indulge in this pernicious practice are
of the consequences until they find the nervous
•t'tein shattered, feel strange and unaccountable
,n t*. vague fears in the mind. I'he individual becomes
f '-le, h, „ Ufis ble to labor with accustomed v.grr, or
'■ mud tos;.:!y; host.? iw i-rdy ai.u .u.
" dxl irr' solute.
''<■'* of all ages can new Jadge what is the cause t
•; eMtn, losingibtir .i.'or, becoming v ers,
Jxcisle 1
' ■ ' * ■ 'i ty deter yoa from maKtig your case
• • .% io, from education and respect ability,
" b '.Hiid >oti He who places himself under
•it -ret ' —"/ r'iigi ,uly confide in his
; an, and lu whose bosom will be for
-1 :.i<- veerst of the patient.
°* ''*i!idshave been restored to health, from the de
* I'-'itis of those terrific maladies by Da- KtsaaLam#,
' r| i'n Physician
'E'Kams I>F MEDICINE* 1 . ADVICKH. tit., fo
•'d, ii> sending a reoxlttanoe, snd put up secure from
' * tGl on ctaiusiTV.
P' t mp l.artt.aa answered forthwiih
" i j.f y •/;, ibitf- ly.
iPEnsygaiS) EpgrtntfissiaiD ®tr @SS®IE(BIS iKß'S'sssjtSHSßSa naawnsws'wss'-) sannHHSiHSJ i?i\, a
Baltimore Advertisements,
Candy $12.50 per hundred lbs.
No. 20 Light street, Baltimore, Md.
AT EH CHANTS and the public, wishing articles in the
A-'L Confectionary line, are respectfully invited to give
me a call. The subscriber takes pleasure in being able
to offer n greater variety in his line than can he had at
any other establishment in the city, and at prices which
cannot fail to please. His stock comprises every article
in the line, such as CdiXPY of three hundred different
patterns and flavors; with a general assortment of For
eign and Domestic Fruit, Xutg, Preserve *, Pickles, Ate.
Much pleasure will be taken to show my stock and priees
to dealers ; also, persons at a distance wishing informa
tion, by addressing the undersigned,tvill be forwarded a
list of articles with the prices annexed. All goods ship
ped free of charge. Strict attention paid to packing, fcc.
September 2?, 1619 2m.
University of Maryland
LECTUKES will commence on MON-
L DAY, 29th October, and continue until the
15th of March, ensuing.
Chemistry and Pharmacy—WlLLlAM E. A
AIKEN, M. D., L. 1.. D. "
Therapeutics. Materia Medica and Hygiene—
Anatomv and Physiology—JOSEPH RDBY,
M. D.
Theory and Practice of Medicine—WlL
Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Chil
dren—RlCHAßD H. THOMAS, M. D.
lecturer on Pathology and Demonstrator of
Instruction in Clinical Medicine and Clinical
Surgery every day at the Baltimore Infirmary,
opposite the Medical College. The rooms for
practical anatomy will be opened October Ist,
under the charge of the demonstrator. Fees
for the entire course §9O. Comfortable board
may be obtained in the vicinity of the Medical
College, for $2,50 to $3,50 per week.
Dean of the Faculty.
Sept. 15, 1649.—3 m.
TO his Excellency the of the United States,
her Ma>eii; Queen Victoria, and to Louis Napoleon
Bonaparte, President of France: WHEREAS, for a [ie
riod of twenty years wc liave diligently studied how we
might best ameliorate the pecuniary rendition of the Hu
man Family, and deserve the applatidils of mankind, wc
are now happy, almost beyond the power of expression,
to impart the joyous intelligence that fAr hour has rumc
when we ran proclaim to the Nations of the Earth the
completion of our extended labors in the announcement
that we ha vefound out at last the process by liieh riches
may he easily acquired, and a most extraordinary fact is,
that we give to tne world gratis the offspring of those
wearisome researches, which consumed nearly a quarter
of a ccn'i/rjr in gestation, asking for ourselves for reveal
ing this "Open Sesame" nothing but the delightful as
surance that mankind will be at last convinced of the
practicability of garnering a GOLDEN HARVEST thro'
the medium of PYFF.R q- CO., the truly fortunate and
far-famed Lottery Brokers, .Vs. 1 Idghtstreet, Baltimore,
Let not a few frown* of Fortune ca*t you down
She were not fortune if she did not frown.
Those who in {.atieixe hear her scorn* a while
Are those on whom at last she most will smile
Most glorious success : Pyfer 4c Co. sold and paid last
month a mountain of prizes! Every drawing tells a
cheering tale : Four extra Clerks required to attend to
our correspondents: OOnly see this stupendous luck :
#60.906, whole ticket, sent to a Railroad Contractor in
the State of New York. He ordered a Package of 'Pick
ett, and behold the result I For an outlay of #ll2 at Py
fer 4c ( to.'s far-famed office, be realized the mammoth
fortune of #42,500:': The most successful method to
draw a prlz-e is to purchase a Package I The experience
ofevery day strengthens this declaration Not doue yet:
#20.000, whole ticket, sent to Charleston, S. C Two
hsndsonie prizes of #6,000 sent to N. Carolina #15,000,
whole ticket sent to Virginia #9,000, half ticket, sent to
Pennsylvania. #24,900, quarter ticket, sent to Pennsyl
vania. SIO,OOO, quarter ticket, sent to South Carolina
44 No such word as fail," at Py fer 4c Co.'a.
Correspondents who visit Baltimore nre invited to rail
at our Office, where we offer ocular demonstration of our
almost magic luck.
WForward your Order# without delay :
.111 Order * strictly confdrntial at Pyfer Sf Co '
Date. Capital No. of Price of Price of
Nov. Prizes. Ballots. Ticket* Packag'*
7 #30,000 75 No* 13 drawn #lO #32 50
H 24,(J00 76 Nos. 13 drawn 5 18 50
9 10,000 60 No* 13 drawn 4 II 00
10 50,000 76 Nos. 16 drawn 15 45 00
12 25,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 8 27 50
13 24,000 75 No#. 12 drawn 5 16 50
14 3e,000 76 Nos. 13 drawn 10 32 50
15 20,000 75 No* 12 drawn 5 18 50
16 20.000 78 N'ns. 14 drawn 5 16 50
17 33,000 75 Nos 13 drawn 10 32 50
19 25/100 78 No# 13 drawn 5 27 50
20 20,000 66 Nos. 10 drawn 5 17 On
21 30,000 75 No* 14 draw n 10 32 50
22 21,000 78 Nos. 13 draw n 6 16 50
23 15,000 75 No# II drawn 4 13 00
21 f>5,000 78 Nos. 12 drawn 29 70 00
If, 30,000 75 Nos. 15 drawn " 10 25 lit)
27 25,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 18 50
28 30,000 78 No#. 13 drawn 10 32 50
29 20,000 72 Nos. II drawn 5 16 50
30 20.000 75 No* 14 drawn 5 IS 50
x>The price of Packages of Quarter Tickets only, is
advertised above.
try Please mail orders a few days before the Lotteries
Letters always strongly enveloped and carefully sealed.
o>N'one hut the Managers' printed Draw lugs sent froin
Every order to Pyfer 4c Co is answered by return mail
Bank Drafts or Certificate# of Deposit payable in Gold
at sight, and promptly remitted to any part of the csun
try for jfcizes sold at this Agency
e>One package, of Tickets may draw Pour Capitals!
gyMoney in any nonii however large, can be confident
ly rnailed-to the address of Pyfer Sf Co.
Distant resident* throughout the United Rlatea, who
desire an Increase of Fortune, have only to mail an order
for a single ticket or package at "the price:* set forlh in th*
above Schedule, nucces* must surely crown the result
of all orders to ihe Old Established, Far Timed and Truly
Lucky House of
pyfi:R & co.,
.Yo. 1 Light St., Baltimore, Md.,
N vember 8, 1649 —Int.
EsS I Ll*, mi AND CHEAP.
"K/OUMJ Hyecn, Imperial, Souchong, and
JL Oolong. C. L JONES,
uc27. New Cheap Cash Store.
(Nindies and Confectionary.
ALWAYS on hand a good atock at whole-
Bale or retail,
may 20, 1849. F. J. HOFFMAN.
\FEW piece# Turk Satin Du Chene, 3*
inchcfl wide, selling at only sl.l/5 per
vard. Gail and see
Harrisburg Advertisements,
Groceries and Li<jiior*,
Three Doors South of the Old Bridge,
Front Street,
JM. S., for the accommodation of mer
• chants and others in Dauphin, Cumber
land, Franklin, nnd neighboring counties, has
opened an extensive Wholesale Establishment,
for the sale oi Groceries and Liquors, asaltove.
With the co-operation ot a large importing
house in Baltimore, he will offer goods her* at
thp same prices at which they can be purchas
ed in the city. He respectfully solicits the
favor of a call from those wishing to purchase,
to satisfy them of his entire ability to sell as
he promises. The attention of landlords is
invited to a lot of choice Liquors, in store and
for sale at importers' prices.
(T!7~Oidera from a distance promptly filled,
and goods despatched at city prices.
September 8, 1641)—tf.
(Successors to W. O. Hickok, and llhkuk A Cautinc-,)
Blank Rook Alaiiiifuelurei'Sj
11.l It It I> ISUKG, PA.
Mtifttlffl THE SUBSCRIBERS respectfully in
orni their friends and the public, that they
. fT are now carrying on the above business at
the OLD STAND, formerly occupied by
Hickok k Catiline, and VV. O. Hickok They flatter
themselves that hy careful attention to business they
will merit and still receive a continuance of patronage so
liberally enjoyed by the old firms.
Particular attention will he paid to the ruling and bind
ing of every description of
Tor Banks, County Officers, Merchants, and
Private Individuals ; such us
Discount Ledgers, Quarter Sessions Dockets,
General do. Judgement, do.
Deed Books, Appearance do.
Check Book*, Execution do.
Teller's Statements, Election do.
Ticklers, Orphans' f'oitrt do.
Scratchers, Naturalization do.
Weekly Statements, Sheriff's do.
Letter Books, Justices' do.
fash Books, Ad Sectum Index do.
Copy Books, Discount Note Books,
Pass Books, Day Books,
Ledgers, Invoice Books,
Journals, Will Rooks,
Time Books, Mortgage Books.
Bond Books, Minute Books,
Commission Books, Miscellaneous Books,
And every variety of Full and Half Bound Books
They have made arrangements to supply Prothonota
ries with the new and approved
Old Books, Periodicals, Law Books, Music, Newspa
pers, Ac , bound to any pattern and any style required
In addition to the above, we have and w ill keep at all
times a general assortment of
Letter Paper, Carpenters' Pencils,
Cap do. Knives,
Drawing do. Quills,
Transfer do. Lead Pencils,
Copying do Wafers,
Blotting do. Sealing Wax,
Steel Pens, Red Tape,
Slates and Slate Pencils, lilark Ink,
Ink Stands, Red Ink,
Letter Stamps, Carmine Ink,
Motto Wafers, Blue Ink,
India Rll bber, f'opv iug Ink,
Blank Cards, Arnold's Writing Fluid,
Folders, Erasers, Ac., dec.
A general assortment of PRINTING INK, very cheap
Paper Ruled to Put tern.
>AII work WARRANTED, and done very CHEAP
Please give us a call
Harrisburg, October 20, 1649—fit.
WE have always on hand a lino stock of
thu following articles, which we are
prepared to sell Wholesale, at a small advance
on city rates, having been "tec// boughtpur
chasing almost strictly for CASH .
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Glass, Oil, &c.
Spices; Coffee, Sugar, Tea, &c.
Tobacco and Segars; Fish and Salt
Nails, and almost every article in Hardware
Saddlery-ware; Candies, Nuts, &c.
Cotton Lips and Cordtige
All kinds of PAPER, and Blank Books
Cooking Stoves ; Hats and Caps; Matches.
Lewistown, March 31, 1849.
l.ailM'w' Mliurx.
A I.AKGE stock of the latest style,
- 4 ™- coarse ami fine shoes for Ladies'
wear, now arranged tn the Ladies' Shoe Room,
at C. L. JONES'
oe'27. New Cheap Cash Store.
Leather, Morocco, and Shoe
A large assortment always on hand, and for
. sale by
lewistown, June '23, 1849.
Irish Mucus.
A LARGE lot bought at a bargain in
Philadelphia, and selling by the
piece or yard at a email advance at
oc'27 New Cheap Cash Store.
Iran ! Iran !
A N extensive assortment of all sizes, for
/V sale love for cash, by
June 23 '49. F.J.HOFFMAN.
SELLING at Jones' at fij cents, per pound
and quart—also, better quality proportion
ably low. C. L. JONES,
lewistown, Oct. 27, 1849.
| l | iww\ YARDS of bleached and
J M f brown Muslin, 4-4 wide and
extra heavy, just opening at the really cheap
October 20, 1849.
w. 11. IRWIN,
IT AS resumed the practice ofhis profession
-I in this and the adjoining counties.
Office at the Banking House of I/jngeneck
er, Grubb &. Co. Jan. 20, 1848—tf.
Lewistown, Mifflin Comity, Pa.
OFFICE two doors west of the True Demo
_ crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any
; business in the Courts of Centre country.
August 25, 1849—tf.
W, So S£J3®mS 3
Attorney at Law,
IT ILL attend promptly to business entrust-
f ed to it is care in this and adjoining
counties. Office one door west of the Post
Ofiice. June 16,'49—1y.
.fuxtice of tlie Peace,
("3 AN he found at his ofiice, in the room re-
J cently occupied by Esquire Kulp, where
he will attend to all business entrusted to his
care with the greatest care and despatch.
Lewistown, July 1, 1848—tf.
Samuel I Mapper,
is ready at all times to build the beet Houses,
and can do that very thing.
Residence No. 5 Hale street, Lewistown.
March 31, I*49—tf
Boot A shoe .T|a 11 iitact ii rei*
(CONTINUES to manufacture, to order,
j every description of BOOTS AND
SHOES, on the most reasonable terms.—
Having competent workmen in hisemployand
using good stock, his customers, as well as all
other--', may rely upon getting a good article,
well made and neatly finished.
January 22,1848 —tf.
Tli4? Franklin Fire liiMiruiicc
Company ot Philadelphia,
OFFICE, No. 103j Chesuut street, near Fifth street.
Charles N Bancker, George W. Richards,
Thomas Hart, Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Borie,
Samuel Grant, David 8. Brown,
Jacob K. Smith, Morris Patterson.
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on
every description of property in town and country, at
rates as low as are consistent with security.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested,
affords ample protection to the assured
The assets of the Company, on January Ist. 1846, as
published agreeably loan Act of Assembly, Were as fol-
I low i, Viz '■
Mortgages, #690,558 65
Real Estate, 108,356 90
Temporary lajans, 124,459 00
Stocks, 51,563 25
Cash, A.e. 45,157 67
#1,220,097 67
Since their incorporation, a period ofHMghtcen vears,
they have paid upward, of <.ac million tiro hundred thou
land dollart losses by fire, thereby affording evidence ol
the advantages of insurance, as well a* the ability arid
> Imposition to meet with promptness all liabilities.
CiIsKI.KS G. lllNlHEtt, Secretary.
For term# apply to R. C. IIALE, Lewis
town. ap!4—ly.
l!oal*burg, i'eiilre Co. Pa.
{ 1 ARDENERS and orchardists who desire
VI to plant only the very beet kinds of hardy
fruits, are respectfully informed that they can
obtain trees here ot all the most estimable va
rieties, including all those which have received
the especial sanction of the American Congress
of Fruit Growers. (N. Y., Oct. 184-8.)
The TREES offered this season arcot beau
tiful appearance, extra size, (exoept
a few new rare sons) and from
453jKgp'the elevated locality in which the
Nursery is established, have all the
essential advantages of hardiness and enrly
maturity, for which trees grown at the north
have been deservedly preferred.
The advantages [mssessed here are being
improved to the utmost, with the view ot mak
ing this Nursery, in merit, second to none in
the State. Every tree is indelibly marked
and warranted correct. They will be deliv
ered in Lewistown or at intermediate places
at the low catalogue prices, nnd warranted
sound on delivery. If to be shipped, they will
be well packed for the purpose at a moderate
c! targe.
It is advised that orders be sent direct to the
Nursery, in preference to purchasing illy as
sorted trees, from often irresponsible dea'ere,
at high prices. Such orders, if received in
lime, have the first attention.
Season for fall planting, October 20.
A choice collection ot the most admired or
namental plants, vines, evergreens, &c. has
been added to the Nursery Catalogues, sent to
all post paid applicants.
Boaleburg, July 7,1849—tf. f Dem. copy
lloliciiicgj &c,
* OILS, FAINT'S, &c.
PURE WHITE LEAD, at $2 per Keg
For sale bv
Lewistown, June 23, 1849.
Men and Boys, a large assortment at
reduced prices. C. L.JONES,
uc27. New Cheap Cash Store.
The last tear I shed was the warm one that fell
As I kissed thee, dear mother, and bade thee
When I saw the deep anguish impressed on thy
And felt for the last time a mother's embrace ;
And 1 heard thy choked accents, impassioned
and wild,
"God bless thee forever, God bless thee my
I thought of my boyhood, thy kindness to me.
When youngest and dearest, I sat on thy knee ;
Of thy love to me ever so kindly expressed,
As I grew up to manhood, unconscious how
Of thy praises when right and thy chiding when
When wayward with passion, unyielding and
1 thought of the counsels unheeded or spurned,
As mirth had enlivened or anger had burned,
And how, w hen by sickness all helpless I lay,
Thou did'st nurse tne and soothe me by night
and by day ;
How much t had been both thy sorrow and joy,
And my feelings o'erflowed aud 1 wept like a
Years, years of endurance have vanished and
There is pain on rny heart, there is care on tny
The visions of hope and of fancy are gone,
And cheerless I travel life's pathway alone.
Alone ! aye, alone, tho' some kind ones there
There are none here to love me, to love me
like thee.
My mother, dear mother, cold hearted they
Thy offspring—but oh ! I am not what I seem ;
Though calmly and tearless all changes I bear,
Could they look in my bosom the feeling is
there !
And now, sad and lonely, as memory recalls
Thy blessing at parting, again the tear falls.
One of the Weddings.
I A few years ago, there arrived, at a ho
: tel in Boston, a couple from Rhode Island
who came to get joined, quietly, in the
; bonds of matrimony. As soon as they
i were fairly domieilated, the would-be
bridegroom—who was a rough, but appa
rently honest specimen of the country
Yankee—sent for the proprietor of the ho
tel, who quickly answered his summons.
4 Say, landlord,' proposed the stranger,
pointing to his modest dulcinca, in the
corner of the parlor, 'this is my young
'ooman. Naow we've cunt all the way
from Rhode Island and we want to be
spliced. Send for a minister, will yer!
Want it dun up rite strait off.'
The landlord smiled and went out, and
> half an hour afterwards a licensed minis
: tor made his appearance, and the obliging
' host with one or two waggish friends
were called in, as witnesses to the 'cene.'
4 Naow, Mr. Stiggins,' said the Yankee,
i due it up brown, and your money's ready ;'
and forthwith the reverend gentleman com
menced, by directing the parties to join
their hands. The Yankee stood up to
his blushing lady love, like a sick kitten
hugging a hot brick, seized her hand, ami
was as much pleased as a racoon might be
supposed to be with two tails.'
4 You promise, Mr. A.,' said the parson,
j 4 to take this woman—'
| • Yaas,' said the Yankee at once.
4 To be your lawful and wedded wife.'
j 4 Yaas—yaas,'
j 4 That you will love and honor her, in
all tilings.'
I • Yaas.'
4 That you will cling to her, and her
only, so long as you both shall live.'
4 Yaas, 'mleed—nothin' else !' continued
the Yankee, in the most delighted and
; earnest manner; but here the reverend
clergyman halted, much to the surprise of
all present, and more especially to the an
noyance and discomfiture of the intended j
. Yaas— yaas, 1 said,' added the Yan- j
kcc. I
4 One moment, my friend,'responded the :
minister, slowly, for it suddenly occurred
f to him that the law of Massachusetts did j
not permit of this performance, without j
the observance of a 4 publishment, etc., j
for a certain length of time.
4 Wot'n thunder's the matter, mister ? [
Don't stop—go on—put 'er threu. Noth
; in's split, eh ) Aint sick, mister, be yer V
4 Just at this moment, my friend, 1 have
thought that you can't be married in Mas
; saehusctts —'
4 Cant ■—wot'n nature's tho reason ? I i
like her—she like's me ; wot's to houder ?'
4 You haven't been published, sir, 1
4 llaint a goin' to be, nuther ! 'at's wot
,we cum 'ere for. On the sly ;go on—go j
on, old filler.'
4 I really, sir—' said the parson.
Raily ! Wal, go ahead ! 'Taint fair,
you see, 'taint, 1 swaow ; you've mar
ried me, and liaint touched her. Go on—
doan't stop 'ere ! it aint jes' the tiling
naow, by grashus taint!'
4 l will consult —' !
•No yeu wont —no you don t— —consult
nothin', nor nobuddy, till this ere busi
ness is concluded, naow mind I tell ye!'
j said Jonathan, resolutely —and in an in
stant he had turned the key in, and out of
1 the lock, amid the titterings of the 4 wit
nesses,' who were nearly choked with
4 Naow say, mister, as we ware — con-
New Series—Vol. 4—No. 4
tinned the Yankee, seizing his trembling
intended by the hand again— 4 go on, rite
strait from ware you left utf; yeu can't
cum nun o' this half-way bis'ness with
litis child ; so put 'er threu, 3nd no dodg
ing. It'll all be right—go it
The parson reflected a moment, and,
concluding to risk it, continued —
* You promise, maiden, to take this man
to be vonr lawful husband V
4 Yaas,' said the Yankee, as the lady
' That you will love, honor and obey—'
4 Them's tint !' said Jonathan, as the
lady bowed attain.
-And that you will cling to him, so long
a you both shall live V
4 That's the talk !' said John ; and the
! lady said 4 yes,' again.
4 Then, in the presence of these witness
es, 1 pronounce you man and wife—'
4 floora !' shouted Jonathan, leaping
nearly to the ceiling with joy.
4 And what God hath joined together
let no man put asunder !'
; 4 Hoorah !' continued John. 4 Wot's
the price —haow much ' —spit it out—
j don't bo afeared—veu did it jes' like a
i book, old feller —'ores a V—never mind
the change—sou' for a hack, lan'lord—
give us your bill—l've got her —Hail
Colunihy, happv land !' roared the poor
fellow, entirely unable to control his joy ;
and ten minutes afterwards, he was on his
way again to the Providence depot, with
his wife, the happiest man out of jail,
We heard the details of the above scene
. from an eye witness of the ceremony, and
we could not avoid putting it down as 4 one
' of the weddings.'— American Union.
i ___
FEMALE LIVELINESS, —Few things are
more liable to be abused in society-—es
pecially by young ladies—than the gift of
liveliness. No doubt it gains present ad
! miration, while they continue young and
' pretty, but it leads to no esteem —produces
no affection, if it be beyond the hounds of
graceful good humor. She, for instance,
who is distinguished for the odd freedom
of her remarks—whose laugh is loudest—
whose mot is most piquant—who gathers
a group of laughers round her—of whom
shy and quiet people are afraid—this is a
, sort of person who may be invited out—
who may be thought no inconsiderable ac
quisition at parties of which the general
opprobrium is dullness—but this is not the
sort of person likely to become the honor
ied mistress of a respectable home. —
| Table Talker.
NEGRO ELOQUENCE. —A Boston dandy
, black stepped into a provision store in
' that city to buy some potatoes; before pur
, chasing, he grave the following truly elo
i quent description of their nature :—' De
tutor is inevitably bad, or inwariably good.
Dare is no mediocrity in de combination
oh de tater. De exterior may indeed ap
pear remarkably exemplary and butisome
while de interior is totally negative, but,
| sir. if you wends the article 'pon your own
recommendations, knowing you to be a
man of probability in all your translations,
I why, sir, without furder circumlocutions, I
take a bushel.'
" EMPLOY VOI R PEN." —This counsel
is far from being superfluous. There is a
marvellous power in writing down what
we know, It fixes the thoughts ; reveals
our ignorance : methodizes our knowledge ;
aids our memory ; and insures command
of language. " Men acquire more knowl
edge," says Bishop Jewell •• by a frequent
exercising of their pens, than by the read
ing of books."
A short time since, a Jonathan from the
country, who had taken lodgings at the
Astor House, was rather surprised when he
came to the dinner table to see nothing on
it. 4 What will you have V asked the
waiter. Jonathan stared at him—• I dun
know.* 4 M ould you have a bill of fare,
sir ?' * Thank ye, I don't care if Ido hev
a small piece.
44 Mrs. Spriggs, will you be helped to a
small piece of the turkey?" 44 Yes, my
dear Mr. Wilkins, I will." 44 What do
you prefer, my dear Mrs. Spriggs ?" 4, i
will have a couple of the wings—a couple
of tin- legs—some of the breast—the side
bone with some filling, and a lew dump
lings, as I do feel very unwell to-day."
PUNISHING LIARS. —In Turkey, when
ever a storekeeper is convicted ot telling a
lie, his house is painted black to remain so
for one month. If there were such a law
in force in this country, what a sombre and
gloomv appearance some of our cities
would present.
A WHALE AGROUND.—A monster fish
of the whale species ran ashore in the
Menimshe Creek, Martha's Vineyard, on
Sunday l ust, at a depth of about three leet
of water. It was nineteen feet long, and
is expected to yield about three barrels of
One single day passed undisturbed at
home, in litertry leisure, affords t> th 4
mind more real pleasure than all the envies
of fashionable entertainments are able to