Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 05, 1849, Image 2

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SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1819.
T E R?!S:
To persons tcho arc not note subscribers :
To old subscribers who settle up their accounts to
the 2oth of April, 1849, same <is above from that date.
But until settled a! the rate of $2 per annum.
Pue paper will be continued to our subscribers who
hare regularly furnished irood in payment on the
same terms as heretofore.
Persons with whom we have running accounts,
such as merchants, mechanics. Sfc., are charged 51-50
per annum.
GEO. S. A PPLKTUN olftrs an extensive assort
ment of books, with great inducements to pur
chasers. Visiters to the city are requested to
.give him a cail.
C. &. J. MoKrsßiN, formerly of Pittsburgh,
have taken the well known Merchants' Hotel,
m Fourth street, Philadelphia- Visiters to the
city will find this establishment complete in
every department.
M II.LIAM S. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, requests ;
dealers in Segars, &c. to give him a call.
F. G. FRANOISCUS offers for sale a heavy
stock of G r *ods in the Hardware line, together
■with many other articles. He invites particu
lar attention to his F.thereal Oil I.ampeand
assortment of ornamental articles, of which he ;
lias a great variety.
M. BUOY has made a large addition to his !
stock of Jewelry, Clocks, Watches, &c.—the
best and cheapest lot ever offered for sale in
this part of the State. Give him a call, as all
in want cannot fail to be pleased.
KENNEDY &. PORTER have received a large
lot of \\ estern articles, of quality,
which are offered as low as they can be pur
chased in the city.
MR. ALLEN requests us to say that in addi
tion to Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsapariiia, he
has aho a lot of S. P. Townsend's article—so
that he can accommodate a 1 round.
The Brady Kegiment of Volunteers is di
rected to parade on the lath inst.
SAM HOPPER started his ice wagon on Tues
day morning, and now deals out the article '
regularly every morning. SAMIWFL HOPPER
s?i:i attends to the carpentering; and Mr.
Sarr.uel Hopper to the Jutnber business.
MILK.—MR. J. Ruble having relinquish
ed the supplying of milk, cream, Arc. to our
citizens, there is at present a line opening
for that business, worthy the attention of
fhinnefs residing within three or four miles
of Lewistown.
The Juniata Company, Copt. KELLY,
fifteen in number, arrived at Vera Cruz
"n the 9th April, and left on the 11th for 1
Mazathn, via city of Mexico. All the •
company were in good health and spirits.
The brig Osceola, from Philadelphia fur
California, was at R;o Janeiro on the Gth
March. This is the vessel in which Col.
JAMES A. BANKS, of this place, took pas
sage fur the Gold Region.
The Blair County Whig has passed into
the hands of Messre. GEO. RAYMOND ar.d
VVM. I . W ILSON. Deserving success,
they will we hope receive a liberal patron
age, in more than the mere name, from
•.he phalanx of wings who last fall placed
Blair among the banner counties of Penn
TAXES, — The S3OO exemption 'aw re
peals ail previous acts relative to property
subject to levy and sale, provides for the
retention of that amount in all cases except
warrants for the collection of taxes —from
which it is inferred that hereafter all pro
perty is subject to levy and sale for taxes.
Ihe BAKERS, who lately delighted our
citizens with their charming voices, were
recently entertained by President Taylor
at the Executive Mansion in Washington.
uable Journal is now publishing the prize
essay on the Patent Laws, by Edmund
Maher, Esq., of \\ ashingtori City, for
which the proprietors paid SIOO, making
the present an excellent time for subscrib
ing. Terms $2 per annum. Address,
Mtinn dt Co., New \ ork,
to furnish weekly a large amount of use
ful information to travellers, arid might to
be taken by all public houses. Published
weekly at -$2 per annum, by S. Horn,
New York.
Phis excellent work continues to give
many valuable articles relative to agricul
ture, Mechanism. Iron, and Coal, and is
by far the beat work of the kind ever pub
lished in this State. It ought to he liber
ally patroniz -d. Pouter & Co. publishers,
Harrisburg. Terms fcl p Cr annum.
Mrs. Mary 11. <riswld, daughter of
Mrs. Hardcastle of New York, wh„ mailed
about a year since for lite Gaboon mission,
on the Western Coast of Africa, died ut
that station on the 31st of January last,
of a malignant fe* er.
A large meeting was held at Philadelphia
on Wedusday evening to aid in raising
j subscriptions for the Central Railtoad.
The setting of the posts (or the Magnet-
I ic Tele graph between Hollulaj sbutg and
Bedford, was completed last week.
MAPI.E SUGAR. — The Green Mountain
, Freeman estimates the amount manufac
. tured tn Vermont at about five millions of
1 pounds.
The Secretary of the Commonwealth, ail
; vi rtises for a lean of $400,000 to the Com
monwealth, to be applied to avoiding the
Inclined Plane near Philadelphia.
Dr. Warren took Irom the stomach of an
Irish girl at the Massachusetts general
I hospital, by means of an incision, a tape
l worm forty-one leet ar.d eleven inches in
length; thi sufferer was uuder the ifluenceof
J DUEL. — A duel was fought at Old Point
yesterday between J. P. Jones (a passed
midshipman in the navy ) and Dr. Jas.
Hope, (a nephew of Commodore Barron.)
Both were severely, if not mortally, wound
ed.—Norfolk Argus, April 27.
ger's correspondent at Harrisburg states,
that true bills having been found against
the gamblers Green, Bobbins, Stehlev and
Fohz, these gentlemen suddenly were
among the missing, leaving however, ef
fects sufficient to indemnify their sureties
to the amount of SOOO each.
A rencontre took place in Baltimore
on Wednesday, between Mr. John Busk,
Ksq., a man about sixty years of age, and
Dr. Charles Bestor. There was spitting
in the face, striking with uinbiellas, &c.,
and finally the latter drew a pistol and shot
Mr. Busk in the lip. No other injury was
The directors of the Philadelphia and
Havre de Grace Steam Towing company
have made a reduction of one dollar per
boat in the charge for towing from Havre
de Grace to Philadelphia, to take effect on
the Ist of May.
The New York Courier of Saturday has
the following singular statement.
SALE OF OFFICES. —The recent discov
ery ot a large defalcation in the office of
Marshal, has led to other discoveries equal
ly astounding. Ii now appears from an
affidavit of Mr. Moore, made in the Court
of Chancery, that immediately upon the
receipt of his appointment, he disposed of
his office for the sum of §16,000 and §175
per month' Mr. Moore, in ju-'ifica ::on of
himself fir this most unjustifiable pre en d
ing alleges that the practice is common,
and that lus two predecessors in like man
tier sold their offices to the Same person
llie Deputy Marshal 1
1 his will doubtless lead to further intes
tigations into '.ho manner in which offices
have been disposed of under the VAN IU
HEN, TYLER and P< LK dynasties.
Peeb.es it appears, has been removed from
a clerkship in the War Department. It
seems that the chief clerk intimated to him
the propriety of resigning. He forthwith
addressed a letter to ttie Secretary of War
in which he set forth the novel and extrav
agant claim, that he is entitled to his office
for life. He says : "I claim, legally, to
hold a life estate in my appointment, it be
ing a permanent one, or for so long as the
office exists—removable only for good
cause." And he even goes so far in his
pretensions, as to insist, that "if there
should be no material to employ him upon
then he could not, rightfully, be removed."
On receipt of this letter, the Secretary
of War replied in the following laconic
"Replying to your letter of this d:.t<\ I
have to state, that your service n a clerk
are no longer required in tins Depart* '
ment. Your obedient servant,
G. W. CRAWFORD. Sec'y of War.
STRAWBERRIES.— Our markets abound in
the most delicious strawberries and black
berries. 'I he crop of both promises to be
very fine. We saw a few days age a quart
of the finest, largest and most delicious and
fragrant strawberries, which were raised
on a lot in the rear of the city, which a
few months ago was an unredeemed swamp
JV. O. Delta , 171/t April.
I.ewistown, May 4, 18-19.
Pai l by Dealt rt. Hflail. ,
Flour - • 94 00 SI 75
Wheat, white - 90 1 05
red . 85 1 00
Rye - - 45 50
Oata - 25 03
Corn, . . 40 50
Clovereeed - - 300 400
Flaxeeed - 1 (Ml I 25
Timothy seed - . 2 00 2 50
Butter, good . . 15 15
K gg - 8 08
hard 7
Tallow - g 10
Potatoes 50 02
Beef, . . 4 00
Bacon, per lb. 5$ 7
PORK - - 0 00 0 00 !
Wool, per lb. - . 25
Feathers . . 44 44
The he wis town Mills are paying 90 to
95 cents for good wheat, 45 cents for Rye,
40 cents for Corn, and 27 cents for Oats.
BALTIMORE. May 3, 1840.
Flour—Sales of Howard street Flour, at
tfitl <->a4 *7s. Grain—Wheat is scarce and
wanted. Sales of gool to prime reds nt 105a
108 cts. White Corn 50 cts., yellow 54a55.
Pennsylvania Rye 58 cts. Oats 2528 cts. !-
PHILADELPHIA, May 3, 1840.
' If lie!( l firmly, with small sales at .
4.70a4.81 n d $4.875. Corn Meal $2.75; 1
Rye Hour $2.81$ „nd s m all sales.
Ihe rect: 1 pin ot (i,*,,, j, ave l)een j, . t yy e
note sales ot red Wheat nt 102a 107 cfs Yel- i
Kye 7o cents per bushel.
The following letter from a friend at
Washington was received too late for last
' week's paper. We shall be pleased to
! hear frotn " Chapultepec" often.
Correspondence of the Gazette.
WASHINGTON, April 25, 1849.
MR. EDITOR —It is so customary these
1 times for papers to have their correspon
; dents in Washington, that I do not per
ceive any valid reason why the organ of
the indomitable Whigs of little Mifflin
should be behind the age, and therefore 1
lake the liberty of giving your readers an
inkling, now and then, of what a looker on
sees and hears from time to time in this
metropolis of politics and power.
The Adiniuistiation is slowly progress
ing in the great work of reform, and, 1
think, is laying a sure foundation for the
time to come. The Cabinet is composed,
as you know, of men of the most undoubt
ed'abilities, and to this add industry, per
severance, and an ardent desire to promote
the best interests of the whole country,
and you have a correct idea of the men
Gen Taylor hau chosen to n-siat him in
the functions of government, for this great
and growing nation. Many politicians
will no doubt find fault with the tardy
movements of the appointing power, hut
they must remember that Rome was not
built in a day, and a greater work than
building Rome is now progressing in the
body politic of this Republic. General
Taylor has pledged himself not to he the
President of a party, and therefore cannot
do as did the elder and younger Hickory,
indiscriminately slaughter all who happen
to differ with him in opinion. We have
evidence en- ugh for us to be convinced
that his friends will in due time have their
claims considered, and that such changes
will he mails as the interests of the country
demand. The hooks are now being post
etl, and you may expect a settlement made
with very many of the hands now employ
ed, about the first of May. I| i* said that
Mr. Clayton, Second Auditor ofthe Trea
sury, who fills the place of one John M.
McCalla, has recommended for removal
several of the gentlemen, who sit in their
offices, smoking segars and reading " Du
mas' last" for three hours a day, and then
dress for a promenade to the Capitol
grounds. This is as it should be. The
business in some of the i ffices is now titter
and four years behind the lime, and men
are obliged to wait until it suits the conve
nience of these worthies, before their ac
counts are even put in way of settlement.
I was told bv a Clerk yesterday, that the
business of his office was twelve years be
hind when his duties commenced, a short
time since. 1s ty torn them out, and ap
point men w ho will discharge their duties
faithfully nod promptly. Mr. Meredith
has issued a circular to the chiefs of the
different Bureaus in his department requir
ing a list of all persons employed therein,
the time of their appointment, what their
duties, who are incompetent, who in ar
rears, A:-., which has created some ex
citement among them, and caused a gen
eral spurring up of the lazy ones. The
Post Office Department is doing the woi k
of reform with neatness and despatch.
Judge Collamer and his efficient aid, Col.
Warren, are winning for themselves golden
opinions in all sections oi the country.
Father Ritchie whines like a whipped
spaniel, hut 'twill not avail the Aug-an
Stable must be cleansed, and in no De
partment is there more necessity* for a
thorough clearing cut than the Post Of
fice. l'here are hut few office seekers
here at present, many having gone home
to hide their time, and patiently await the
moving of the waters. Thousands wi!l
be disappointed in the distiibution of of
fices, but of course will yield to the neces
sity that prevents one office from being
given to a hundred applicants. The Phil
adelphia appointments are not yet made,
and there seems to he quite a competition
for the Collector's office. The applicants
arc all good men, and it is difficult to
make a selection.
A magnificeui sword was presenied to
the President yesterday, by a deputation
from Virginia, on behalf of the Stair.
The ceremonies were very interesting,
and you will see a full account of lire
speeches, Ac. in the papers of to da v.
The levees at the White Mouse are
thronged, and every visiter leaves di light
ed with the reception he receives from the
People's nmn. Mrs. Taylor has been in
delicate health, and the honors of the la
dies' department are done by Mrs. Bliss
in a style at once elegant and prepossessing.
I may give you a more definite idea of
life in Washington at some future time.
A * i: IV S U PI>LV
jtyf BUOY lias just returned from ilie city
with the largest, cheapest, and must
select assortment of
Clocks, lYatclics, A Jewelry
ever offered for sale in
Lewiatown j embracing m
great variety every dc
script ion of WATCHES,
Y\ *l "JSjS from Hold Patent Levers
down to the ordinary Sil
vrr Qoartier; Clocks ot
all kinds, Musical Boxes,
Silver Tea and Table S|>ooiih, ladles, Sugar
longs, Butter Knives, Cold Pens and Pencils
Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, gold and
silver Spectacles, silver Thimbles, Rogers'
Cutlery, &c , &LC.
These articles were all purchased at ex
tremely low prices and will he sold at a oiieat
hepuction fjom the price they have hitherto
commanded. The lathes and gentlemen nre
respectfully invited to call and examine the
locks, VV atche.s and Jewelry repaired
on reasonable terms, at short notice.
0 !rOi.u SILVER taken in exchange fur all
articles he has for sale.
Lew istow n, May 5, 1849 tf.
h /. r r vr a p. s .
C i; T L !.•: it ¥,
Sadillori .V Coach-n arc.
f baIIE subsciiber ha 9 on hand, and is now
X constantly receiving, the largest and beat
assorted stock ever offered to the public, which
will be sold low for cash, the prices being
such as to defy all competition, while the stock,
as regards quality and quantity, stands unri
Thankful for past patrcnige, he hopes to
merit a continuance of the same by always
keeping on hand a general and well assorted
stock of all kinds of HARDWARE, &.c , em
braced in this line of business.
Lewistown, may 5, 1849—41.
H1 (JlicM&ui Street,
Corner of Seventh, Swainis Buildings,
T/" XOWINU thi' wauls of tin' commttrily, the Proprie
•*- tor of ill is ESTABLISHMENT Ins lined up* store in
ihe most elegaiil ii; inner, havoij; due regard to the com
fort of his customer-, so thai every stranger visiting his
It ok-sture, may feel entirely at home.
of Books is classified according to the various Depart
ments of Literature, so that visiters can find the Books
they are in search of for themselves. Buying his stock
for the most part at the AICTION SAI.ES, arid being con
nected with one of the Largest Pubii-Hnjr /lout., in this
country, besides publishing largely himself, enables bnu
to sell AI,L BOOKS at
Is ow v r Price*
than any other house of a similar character on this con
tinent. His facilities for the IMPORTATION of Books front
Europe are unsurpassed, having a Branch of his Kstab
lishmcnl tit London, where orders of private gentlemen
are carefully executed and forwarded to this cohntry by
every STEAMEB and packet.
of Books with the prices attached is issued quarterly,
containing lists of New add it i >n, made to his large col
lection, v. hit h are in all cases for sat • at the
or, from 25 to 75 per ce til below pu Ushers' prices. Thus
in buying even a/>r B.irfi, quite a cuneideraole amount
is saved As a still further
B\2)IC En E T
to stringers visiting the city, everyone who purchases
One Dollar'i worth of Books, wi 1" receive a copy i f the
STk.l.VDhh /-V VIIILJIUF.I.PHIA, an elegant ISmo
volume, the price of which is 25 re t ts
r> The limits of an adverti--.cent are too confined to
enumerate the prices of any ofthe Books, or n>jive even
a faint idea of the immense otic mt, gt, to tic derived from
purchasing at the fJrt . • C (.•!..i ( heap Hook. Store, hut
let all who are i: ■ arcli of !>.• >k send for a Catalogue,
and buy the Book.- Inei are in v into f. :od when fishing
the city, give Apple tun one call, and you will be sute to
in all its branches, furm-hed at the Lowest Price*. Ily
Lutmls of those pur' li i-mg l-ctler and Nile Paper, neat
ly stamped in the corner, vi itlnnil cliarge.
. > Orders for any art.cie may be t-iil by mail, addressed
to the proprietor, and tile directions in ali cases w ill be
fully carried out, witiigieal punctuality and despat. h.
S> Orders for Catalogues should be pre punt.
Bookseller, Pnhlt -her, importer, and Stationer,
itl C iitenut street, corner of Seventh,
M iv 5, Ibl9—3rn Sicotm's Building
¥onrtKi Street,
Between Arch and Market, Philadelphia.
"TIME I'M < PR IETORS It]p and management of this
A wait known hotel, (which i- locattd in the very cen
tre of business,) having passed ml i the hands ol tin: sub
scribers, they beg leave to state that it is their purpose
to render it worthy of the liberal patron ige w.th which
it has be II heretofore sust- med. and hope, by unremit
ting attvnti n, to dc-rrve tin: patronage of their frieuds,
who mav visit the city on business or pleasure
C. AI J. McklßßlN.
Formerly ot" tit* ExcUnugf lit lei ruifburgli.
Philadelphia, May 5, I-549.
The Cheapest Wholesale House in the F T . S.
J ou can save 1(1 per cent. b>/ calling at
W2ll. *i. Dobbins' *!<u*c,
\ '. 2150 North Second street, 6 ilnois above Callow hill,
opposite the Lamb Tavern, Philadelphia, IM.
GOO,OOO Large i/.e Common Segurs, ajt 1 t>o to 5t1.70
I r thousand.
jOO 000 Best quality Half Spanish, $15.12 to $3.25 per
300,000 Beat Seed and Cuba Su-s, $5.00 lo $7.00 per
200.000 Fine Havana SIO.OO to SK>.GO per
I have alio on hand a large supply of Cavendish and
Plug Tobacco, just r>'< ivrj from Virginia, and a general
ansortincnl of
Havana and American Leaf Tobacco.
Also, Smoking Tobacco; Scotch, 1! ippce and Macabau
Snuffs, of the b, si quality. Als-, pij,<. s , Pip,. Heads,
and everything belonging to llie ousiuess. Call and you
will he well pleased mays—l in
Trick* of Quacks!
LF.T AM, until Tills CAUL I-X'I.LY.
A ' MBFR of men under the name of Skillman,
- rtiooi|ison &. Co , have employed a man by the name
oi Jacob 1 ownsend, to use his name to put up a Sarsa
parilla, which they call "Old Or. Tow nsend's Sarsapa
rilla," Ac., and wish to sell it to the public as the genu
ine and original Dr. Towtisend's Aarsapariila. This
low use ml has been employed in peddling books and
cheap publications for a number of years before he got
th s hunor,jblr situation. The public are cautioned not lo
be deceived and purchase none, if they wish the genuine,
but such as are put up in splendid steel p'.ale wrappers,
and signed by S TOH'JVSKJi'D.
{fO" CHARLES lil 7'X, Le tristoicn, is sole
Agent lor Milllin county, lor the genuine Mr.
Townsentl's S.trsapanila. By procuring it
trom him, purchasers will be certainot getting
the genuine article. niau—ls23
For Sale at E. ALLEN'S Drug
and Grocery Store,
in this place, for (he sale of the
Towti*rii<F saa**a|>arilla!
CG7~For the accommodation of those who
wish .S\ P. ToumseniT.s Sersaparilln, I Jiuve
n quantity on hand, having ordered a large sup
ply previous to obtaining the agency t'ur Dr.
Jacob's Genuine.
Lcwistown, April 28, 1849.
RIFLE Powder in cannisters. Shot, Lead
Rifle Rills, &c at
JVEIV aooips.
The subscribers have received direct from Cin- ,
cinnati and Pittsburgh—
IF Fk n( ' Monongaltela W TIfSKKV.
15,005 lbs. iianis, Shoulders, and
5 casks Cincinnati Sugar Cured HAMS. ;
150 bb!s. super-extra FLOUR.
25 bbls. Ohio White BEANS.
50 hags " DRIED APPLES.
3S hags Indiana DRIED PEACHES.
25 doze" Ohio BR.OU.viS.
1500 lbs. Ohio DRIED BEEF.
30 boxes Pittsburgh dipped CANDLES.
10 " mould do.
5 bbls No. 1 L"f LARD.
3 bbls. Super. Cincinnati LARD OIL.
MERCHANTS can be supplied with any
of the above articles at Philadelphia prices,
and thus save cost of transportation.
We have also on hand a large assortment of
Dry Goads Groceries.
Please call and examine before purchasing
elsewhere. KENNEDY & PORTER.
Lewistown, May 5, I*l9—3t.
Auditor's Wotice.
rpHE subscriber, appointed by the Court of
X Common Picas of MitHin county to audit
and distribute the proceeds of the Real Estate
of O. P. DUNCAN, now in the hands of D.
McK. Contuer, Esq., Sheriff of MifHin county,
hereby notilies and requires ail persons claiming
said fund to attend at his office, in the borough
of Lewistown, on THCBSDAY, the 7th day of
June, 184'.), at which time and place the said
fund will be audited and distributed, or be de
barred from coining in for anv share thereof.
A. P. JACOB, Auditor.
Lewistown, May 5, 1840—4t.
\ I DITOR'S NOTICE.—The subscribe - , ap
/ \ pointed by the Court of Common Pleas of
Mitiiin county to audit and distribute the pro
ceeds of the iteal Estate of MICHAEL CRiS
WELL and J. V. CRISWELL, now in the
hands of I>. McK. Contner, Esq., Sheriff of
Mllilin county, hereby notifies and requires all
persons claiming said fund to attend at his of
fice, in the borough of Lewistown, on THURS
DAY, the 7th day of June, 1841), at which time
at.d place the said fund will be audited and dis
tributed, or be debarred from coming in for any
share thereof. A. P. JACOB, Auditor.
Lewistown, May 5, 1-84'J—4t.
rjlilf] .Section i! t \\ rn. C. Porter, will be
B despatched during the coming week tor
IT! fSBL'KGH. Families going West will
find this a g„od opportunity for passage. Ap-
Lewistown, May 5. I*49—lt.
300 pair of Lasts, Boot Trees,
C'iamps, &c.,
VOW ; n store and lur .° a !e, wholesale and
la retail. All lasts tiiat do not pieasemay
be returned.
mas-4. F. G. FR AXCISCUS.
Mantel Ornaments,
splendid s'ylcs, such as GIRONDOI.ES.
English Waiters, truly su.enuid, ami brass and
stiver plated Candlestk ks, at
ma A—lt. I\ G. FRANCISCI 1 S'S.
Files ! Files ! Files !
O AN D 4 square Files, from 34 to 14 inches.
O Flat, round, and liaif-round do.
Hand Bast.ird and Smooth, Irom 4 to 16 inch.
Mill >u.v, Pill Saw do., all sizes, embracing
by assortment some 160 packages, of double
retined cast steel, first cut, at
nt?.s-4t. F. G FR VNCISCUS'S.
L cS .If 1 * S.
& CJREAT variety, very low. Just call i
1\ and see them at
ma&-4t. r. G. FRAXCIaCUS'S. j
The same of Coach Ware.
ON hand, the largest and moat beautiful as
sortment of spring I,aces, Oil Carpets, j
&.C., which may he bought cheap at
tnas-4f. *F.O. FR ANCISCUS'S.
House liuildcrs, Ho!
PLEASE call and see us before purchasing
your Hardware, which we offer TE.X
per cent, lover than the lowest market prices, i
e have, and are receiving, all the new
and most useful styles of Locks. Latches, and
Bolts, Shutter, \\ indow. and Blind Fasteners,
which we will be pleased to dispose of on rea
sonable terms. Gallon
mas—lt. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
HOL &. (,(>. s New \ork Circular Saws,
14 to 20 inches.
baws do. 6 feet cast etecl,
Rowland's Mill and Cross cut do.
to 4 feet framing do.
OA feet veneering do.
lkue Hack, 10 to2o inches, do.
Boat Builders' and Cabinet Makers' 12 to 30
inch Webb Saws, very low fcr cash at
nius-4t. F. G. FU V XCISCUS'S.
If OUSLKLEI'LRS will be pleased with our
stock, (suitable and needlul tor their pur
poses,) ot all kinds, qualities, styles and pat
terns. Shovels and Tongs, with "brass, iron or
steel beads; silver, brass, steel and iron Snuf
fers. Britannia Tea and Coffee Pots.
do. Sugar and Wash Bowls
do. Cream Bowls
do. I nb'e and Tea Spcons
Pots, Kettles, Boilers, Grid Irons, Stew and
bauce Pans, Tea and Coffee Kettles
:uas - 4 ': F. a. FRANCISCUS.
Table C,
S oil Knives Pocket Kuivck,
A T all ,P r ' cea some of the most beautiful
x:1. articles ever offered tbr sale in thiscoun
th want,ni ' a ver .V superior article ot
the above, cannot tail to lie pissed with the
quality and low prices, at which I am set liar.
muo-li. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
BRASS t ocks, k &4 Fiuc< tie, cedar Spigots
Connecting and Stop Cocks, at
tuf>-l!. v. G. FRANCJSCUS'S,
J Ul/ 115 hags Salt, 3J bush. ha L ,„ -
350 baga LINE DAIHY SALT, at P,~ R ,
Will be received in a few days 150 M
May 5, 1649—St.
mno—it. F. G. FRANCISCUS
6 fUUi , US - Iron ' St,a l andr
1 UUU per WIRE, leflortei | n „ m^
4 ■\ C.NS, Bowie and Dirk
A H and SINGLE barrelled PISTOLS, by J J ~
in;.s-4t, F. G. Fll AN CISC US
BLACKSMITHS' and Cooper,' Xgeji
all kiuti3, at
MOROCCO Leather and Shoe L"injii~.7
IT A on hand and for sale by
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS
Cedar Ware. Cedar Ware.
f) UC'KETS, Tubs, Churns, &c., at
J mas-4t F. G. FRANCISCUS.
500 lbs. Red Leather,
sale at the lowest prices.
rnas-lt. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
KJ from two plates to six pi a tea— warranted
i not second quality, at
mas—4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
| •> DOZEN pairs red
I J- sa,e almost at the same price that it
costs to iron an ordinary pair, at
DOZEN Westmoreland county wagon
vJ Haimes, a truly superior article, expect
ed in a few day?, at
mas-4t. *F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
French Kitt Files &, £hoe Rasps,
FROM 5 to 10 inches, assorted, flat AND
concave, at the store of
mss-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Bed Screws. Bed Screws,
4 ND alt kinds of Cabinet Hardware, cheap
iV. er than the cheapest, at
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
25 Boxes Tin Flutes,
IRON, tinned, and copper Rivets, stove doer
ami belting Rivets, for sale LOW by
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Blacksmith's Vices,
ROM 30 to 100 lbs. Anvils, from 100 to
250, at very reduced prices.
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Lead Pipes. Lead Pipes,
OF all sizes, on hand. Orders received fcr
any particular large quantity at
mao-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Wagon and Buggy Boxes.
ONE Thousand Founds, from 24 to 5$
inches, single or setts, bv
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
A.ME Bags, single and double Shot Beits,
* Powder Pouches, Shot do., Itiße and
Powder Flasks, Powder Horns, Hunting Caps,
&.C., with an assortment of hunter's materials.
Pittsburgh Chains,
OF various kinds; Traces, Butt Chain?,
double Breast Chains, all of double link,
manufactured at Pittsburgh, and tor sale at
Iron. Iron. Iron.
ROUND Iron, from to 1 inch, American
Sheet do., English and Russian do., Hoop
do., from to 3 inches, at
mays-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
White. Lead, at $2.00 per Krg,
SPIRITS of Turpentine Linseed Oil, Glue,
and Red Lead, with an assortment cf
Paints and Paint Brushes, at
mas-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
Hinges. Hinges.
BARN Door and Garden Gate Hinges,
with an assortment of all kiuds of loose
and la?t Joint Butts.
mas—4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Shoemakers' Brushes,
BRISTLES, Longstiek, Patent Awl Haft?.
Rubbers. <Sdc., best assortment of all k'.ncs
of Shoe Findings and Shoe Kitts, for sale at
ms—4t. F. G. FRA NCI SCI* S'S
Brass and Silver Harness Mount
\ r ER\ low this season—S or 10 different
▼ styles can be had at
mas-4t. F. G FRANCISCUS'S.
l'imens &. foils' Pincers,
Hammers, from 1 to 4; Shoe Thread. *
most superior article, always on hand ami tor
cheap for cash, at
iius-4r. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S-
Silver Tea, Dessert and Table
\ND four pronged Forks, fur SA C VEST
low for cash bv
mas-4t. F. G. FR iNCISCI'S.
Farmers will always find
Forks, Shovels Spades, l\idrs
and Iloes,
OF the best quality, selected expressly
use, and at lowest cash prices, at
nia3-4t. F. G FRANCISCUS^
B ash Kettles. 25 to 30 gallons,
(COPPER Kettles, iron enamelled Presctw
J ing Kettles, of different sues. Brassay 1 -
Copper do., also pig and sheet Zinc kc. F
sale very low at the etore ot
nnis-4t. F. G. FRANCISCUS
Sleet. Sleet. Steel.
("CAST STEEL Shear do., Englieb, Gc •
J man, American and Swedes dc., Sarin,
do. An assortment from jto 2J inches "
wava on hand, bv
may i^B)-4t.