The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 22, 1873, Image 2

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Congress will convene nt Washlng
ton, oil Monday, Deo. 1st.
Tlio new Constitution occupies fifteen
closely printed columns of tlie Philadel
phia Enquire. Itend It before you cast
your vote on the 10th of December.
This Is the fir.-st number of the second
volumo of Thk Oakuon Advocate.
Wo shall be pleated to havo nil our old
friends renew their subscriptions, and
to receive many new ones. Our terms
aie only $1.00 n year Ir. advance.
Business continues to Improve, and
the more hopeful feeling which has ap
peared In one or two departments of
trade has extended to neatly all
branches, and their Is much less appre
hension of a long continued depression
than was expected a few days ago; con
sumers are buying mom freely nnd the
Eluinkngo In pi ices of many articles has
apparently leached a point where a
reaction may be expected to set In. So
say our city exchanges.
Tho Internal lievenuo receipts of the
United States Treasury for the fiscal
year ending June 30th last were $113,
004,012, pompared with $130,800,090
for the previous, year a decreaso of
$17,380,084. The great source of reve
nue, tobacco ami liquors, show an in
crease. From spirits, tho taxes collect
ed amounted to ?52,099,371 an Incrcaso
over the provlous year of two and a half
millions ; from fermented liquors, $9,
324,037 an Increase of oyer one million;
nnd from tobacco, $34,380,303 - an In
crease of not quite a million. The taxes
on banks and bankers yielded $3,771,
031 a decreaso of nearly a million.
Had there not been a repeal by Con
gress of various stamp taxes and other
Internal duties, this branch of revenue
would havo yielded an Increased aggre;
gate over tho previous year. Tho rev
enuo from stamps was cut down over
eight millions yielding $7,130,933;
whilst the miscellaneous Imposts, which
have all been repealed, paid during the
portlou of the year they were In forco
$0,239,782. They previously paid over
nineteen millions.
Two additional circumstances of im
portance are announced In reference to
the niassacreof tho Vlrglnlmt' crew and
passengers. The British Minister nt
Washington has been Informed that
among tho C7peisons executed at San
tlago, on Wednesday of last week, wero
17 British subjects, and tho announce
raent Is also made that In all 23 British
subjects were on board tho Vlrginlus.
Theso fads, communicated by the Brit
ish Consul General at Havana, Sir Ed
ward Thornton has promptly reported
so Earl Granville- In Loudon. Thcro is
a report current that the British Admlr
alty has sent au older through Sir Ed
ward Thornton to tho Admiral of the
British West India fleet, stationed at
Bermuda, directing him to concentrato
tho fleet in Cuban Waters, and repair
with his flagship to Havana. In tho
diplomatic movements which relate to
tho grave questions that have arisen, tho
Secretary of Slato Is said to havo Inform,
ed Admiral Polo y Barnabo, the Span
ish Minister at Washington.that the fall
ure to execute In Cuba tho decrees made
by tho Spanish Government for the re
lease (,pf the property of Americans
seized 4n Cuba can no longer continue,
and that Spain must give tho assurance
by November 27th that these decrees
are being obeyed. Tho object of this
Is said to be that the President desires
to make a positive statement upou the
subject to Congress nt the opening of
the session, on the 1st of December.
The second number of Scrlbner's now
magazine for the young Is ns bright
nnd as full of good things as the first
Issue In fact, It contains more matter
and pictures, for It has eight additional
pages. There me forty-four pictures
this month, and they Includo drawings
by Mornn (who contributes a very effee
tlve frontispiece), Stephens, Sheppard,
.Beard, and other American artists.
There are sis wounderfully funny
pictures of learned cats, and the article
which describes them Is lively as the
cats. A curious picture of a giant ex
amining a mau through a microscope;
one of a sailor dancing with white bears;
and another of a courageous youth
riding a whale Into port, will excite the
curiosity of every real boy nnd girl.
"The Giant Wntabore" Is a capital hit
at certain follies, and will bo appreciat
ed by the older readers of the magazine.
"The Yellow Cottage" Is an exquisite
little poem, iiy Marlon Douglass. The
.dreams of gUlhood are seldom more
.delicately told than In these verses. C,
C. Hasklns offers jsomo excellent and
humane proposition regarding the rela
tions of boys and bird?; nnd "Jack-In-Iho-Pnlplt,"
who is fwst becoming a
general favorite, lias a fund of lively
tnd ,utf u) matter to talk about. The
page for llttlo folks Is very ijood this
month; and "Tho Kiddle Box" Is cram
med with good things. Price 83.00 a
year. Scrlbner & Co., 054 '.Broadway,
New York. :
" Tho Philadelphia Ledger of Wednes
day, 3ayn : " Yesterday was tho 18th
day of Novemner, exactly two months
from tho tlmo of tbo falluro of Jay
Conko & 'Jo., followed closely by tho
failure of several other large banking
houses, banks and trust companies.
Jany millions of dollars were involved
In these failures, and not n few millions
In market values were swept out of ex
istence. Hundreds havo been carried
to Irretrievable ruin, nnd great pecuni
ary distress has been Imposed upon
thousands who had felt reasonably se
cure In n competenco for life. Tho In
dustrial Interests of tho country havo
felt n severe shock, but so vast Is our
wealth nnd so vigorous the enterprise
that characterises almost every depart
ment of Industry, wo nro already, In
lhee two shot t months, fast assuming
our normal condition, and In two months
more trade and credit will havo been so
nearly established as to leavo scarcely n
trace of tho crisis that seemed for the
time so formidable nnd its couoiquences
tlueatened to be so lastlnc. The finan
cial position Is much Improved. Money
s In easy command nnd nt moderate
rates. The banks nre nil paying out
freely of currency, so that almost all
premium upon it Is lost. Traffic of all
kind3 is reviving, a suro evldenco that
prices for tho present havo generally
touched their lowest point. Tho Iron
workers nnd the manufacturers of all
sorts who had shut their doors upon
their thousands of employes are In some
cases recalling them, and the tono and
temper all around Indicates n cheerful
ness that cannot fall to utterly dispel
all apprehension of want or distress.
There Is not only an Improvement In
tho amount of business doing, but there
Is an assured fcellue that there will bo
no going back on tho advance made.
The cotton and Western produco mark
ets are gradually emerging from the de
pression they suffered a fortnight ago,
nnd with a good market abroad will bo
found an admirable support for all home
Interests. Stock prices are also greatly
assured, so that a manifest ' bull Inter
est In most securities Is now recognized
In a most all stock markets. Let the
reader but compare the prices with
those current a fortnight ago and note
the advance hre for comparison with
prices two months to come."
News of" tho Week.
It Is announced trom Havana thattho
trials of all the Vlrginlus eaptlves have
been concluded, and "only 18 will be
saved from death." It Is also reported
that 07 more of the prisoners weio shn
at Santiago on the 10th.
Meeting of creditors of Ira B. MoVdy
& Co., tho suspended bankers of Pitts
burg, was held In that city Saturday.
There assets were reported to be $517,
059 and their labilities $452,943. An
extension of two years was granted the
firm to pay Its indebtedness, in four
equal semi-annual Instalments.
Two of Visquez's gang of outlaws
murdered a sheep herder In California
on tho 12th Inst., and one, of tho mur
derers, named Chaves, was raptured
nnd lynched.
Abraham Bean, an need farmer liv
ing near MIddletown, Pa., was murder
en on Friday evening by two colored
men, wno struck- nini In the head with a
hatchet while ho was cuttingcorn In his
barn. Vlio murderers then went to tho
house, but tho Inmates, an old man and
woman, seeing them como with tho
hatchet, locked and barred the doors
nnd windows, aud defended themselves
Tho murderers finally fled. Lewis
Bosenthlnc, one of them, was arrested
m iiarrisburg Saturday night.
Tiireo boys were drowned whllo skat
ing on an old mill pond near Paugh
keepsle, on Saturday.
Tho great $20,000 raco at San Fran
Cisco took place on Saturday won by
Thad Stevens, after four closely contest
ed heats of four miles each. Titno of
first heat, 7.45; second heat, 8.03; third
heat, 7.57; fourth heat, 8.20K. Thad.
made tho miles of his third heat as fol
lows: 2.03, 1.57, 1.55, and 2.02. Tho
other horses entered were Joo Daniels,
irue liiuo ana Mamie nan. The True
Blue was lamed in tho third heat.
Scranton is talking of erecting a first
class hotel.
Tho navy Department Issued orders
Tuesday for opening of recruiting oflicos
for sciuucu at Buffalo, Clevelnnd and
Pittsburg. Naval recruiting is gotng
on briskly In New York.
The Juniata was expected to sail from
New York Wednesday. The Frolic Is
ready for sea, and awaits orders. The
Tigress is ready to receive her arma
ment. It Is expected that whlthtn three
weeks 15 to 18 vessels will be ready for
Cuban waters. Key West Is to bo made
uie uepot or supplies lor the North At
lantic fleet.
Secretary Robeson, who Is In New
York, has summoned the chief clerk of
the Isnvy Department to that city on
business cennected with the preparation
or vessels lor uuuan waters.
Peter D. Vroon Ex-Government of
.New Jersey, died Tuesday at Trenton,
aged 82. He was elected Governor In
1829, re-elected In 1830 and 1831, nnd
ngain re- tiectea in ib;h nnd 1H35. In
iboj. He was appointed Minister to
Prussia by President Pierce, and recall-
u ai nis own request.
1 no National Trust Company, of
PlUaburg, suspended Tuesday, It Is
announced tint the suspension is but
temporary, and all the liabilities will
vo paiu.
Another of the Stokes Jurors has been
arrested In New York, on nn indictment
by tho Grand Jury for bribery.
Church property in the United States
Is estlmati d to bo worth $330,000,000.
The Postmaster-General Monday Is
sued an order-reducing the registration
fret- on domestic letters and packages
from 15 to 8 cents. The reduction will
tako effect on the 1st of January next.
The nccompllce of Boscnsteln In tho
murder of Abraham Beam, near Middle
town, on Friday night, wns nrrested in
Harrlshurg Monday, nnd lodged In jail.
Ills name is John Moody.
Tho expert employed to examine the
books of tha Stnte Treasurer's office, nt
Albany, made a report to Gov, Dlx
Monday. He Mates Phelps' "defalca
tion" at nearly $311,000 "and from
present Indications theio seems to be no
cliancu of recovering any of the stolen
Tho small pox Is Increasing In Mont
real, and It Is complained that tho au
thorities are: doing nothing to prevent it
becoming epidemic.
Samuel Adams, orgaulst of a Metho
dist church In Brooklyn, dropped dead
while playing tho organ during scvlccs
on Sunday evening. "
To provide for the hungry Is season
able food for reflection.
Sharkey, tho murderer of Dunn,
escaped from the Tombs prison Wed
nesday. J. H. Ilorton, tlio forger, was convict
ed at Lancaster, Pa., and sentenced to
two years' Imprisonment.
An explosion of sulphur occurred In
the mines near Tremont, Pa., Wednes
day, by which one man was killed and
seven were badly injured.
Thomas Baring, the banker, died In
London Wednesday,
$105,000 in bullion was shipped from
Liverpool Wednesday for New York.
Tholurv In tho case of William M.
Tweed Wednesday brought In a' verdict
of guilty. They arrived at tills judg
ment nfter having been, the majority of
them nt least, ns It is believed, hesitating
over a different conclusion. Tins hesi
tation was not on account of any doubt
respectinethe essential matter, lor with"
the testimony before them this was Im
possible; but on account hi the grnva
questions of law raised by the counsel
for the defence. Tweed is found guilty
ot u misdemeanor for which the maxl-
mum penalty according to tin statute isJ
a year's imprisonment
In the county
Jail nnd a line o( ?5U.
New Advertisements.
jri n." sieWers,
OFl'ICK: Uround Floor In the new nddl lon'oftba
Mnnilon lluuw, .aiiucn umnK, i-a. luw-ijr
PBTMie undersigned respect-
fully announces that ho is better
prepared than ever to Buy and Sell
Cair and Sheep Shins,
Tallow and
Plastering H.tlr,
at his Old Stand, nearly opposite the
post otllce, Bank Street, Lehlghton.
B7 The highest cash prices paid for
Hides aud Skins.
nov. 22. C. E. GREENJWALD.
.win l: is m: !Ms
Livery & Sale Stables,
I always keep on hand the best, hor
ses and finest carriages, to be let at
livery at tho lowest prices. Conveyances
can be had of mo nt the shortest possi
ble notice, at nny hour. I would call
the attention of, the public to my speci
al facilities fqr,supplyii,g single or dou
ble teams for funerals,' &c.
1.ot.22, 1873. DAVID E1IDERT.
In order to Closo Out my present inf.
mense stock of
Among which will be found a largo and
choice variety of
Dress Ooocls I
Satlnes, Poplins, Prints, &c.
Shirtings, Sheetings,
&c; also, a One assortment of
Suitable for Men's and Boy's Wear, to
gether with
and a variety of other Goods, all of
which i will sell at
Cost for Casli!
Nov Is your time, If you want to se
cure HEAL B.4KGA1NS. Tbo Stock
must ALL BE SOLD In order to make
room for New Goods. Remember .the
plDce for Panic Prices :
Nov. 22. Bank St., Lehlghton.
New Advertisements.
E. "
Justice op rnn Peace,
Lehlghton, Pa.
Ofllce'ln his store, oppnslto the Eaclo
Hotel. Collections nnd Drawing up of
Deeds promptly attended to. n22-4ni
VfcgTTA K U KOTlCi:. ThatI.
have withdrawn my name from
.the Presbyterian Church of this place,
nnd l clon't want any persons or mis
town or vicinity to look upon mo as
bearing the name of n Presbyterian from
tilts time henceforth nnd for ever.
Lehlghton, AW. 22, 1873.-wl
T&U. II. T. BONO, having for
Ten Years made n specialty of af
fections of tho alimentary canal, suc
cessfully treats all diseases of tint Stom
ach, Liver and .Bowels, by his common
sense treatment. Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, Biliousness, Nervous De
bility, Hernia (Rupture), Hemorrhoids
(Piles), nnd Tapo Worm yield to his
treatment after everything clso fails.
Thousands of cases of diseases of the
Throat and Lungs nnd Nervous Com
plaints arise from disorder of tho diges
tive functions and disappear under pro
per treatment. Have you a weak stom
ach, general debility, indigestion, con
stipation, ncidlty of tho stomach, palpi
tation or fluttering at the heart, heart
burn, fullness or weight In the stomach,
disgust for food, swimming at the head,
If so, consult Dr, B. at once.
Do you want something to strengthen
you? Do you want to get rid of nerv
ousness? Do you want a good anpetlte?
Do you want energy? If so, consult
Dr. B. at once, his common sense treat
ment will cure you.
SKiii DlNcatius arise from impur
ity of the blood and disordered dlges
tlon causes Impure blood if the foun
tain head be vitiated the entire stream
Is rendered Impure all outward appli
cations such as lotions and salvos may
dry up a disease lor a short time,, or
drive it in on the vital organs, but Dr.
B's treatment expells It from the system
and makes a perfect cure.
Hernia (Rupture), treated by me
chanical appliances and electilcity.
Radical cure effected In all curable cases.
files ! Blind, bleeding (t Itching,
cured like magic, In-tant relief given
and sneedv euro. The number of those
afflicted is truly marvelous. Let no false
delicacy prevent, but consult Dr. B. at
once aud be relieved from a life, of misery
Tape Worm Removed in Three
Hours. Hundreds of patients afflicted
with tape worm are doctored and drug
ged for other complaints, of course with
out relief. The presence of tills 'dis
gusting parasite glvs rise to a train of
symptoms that are often mistaken for
other diseases. Dr, Bond removes tape
worm, head aud all, with purely veget
able medicine in three hours. No tee
asked until entire worm is lemnved.
I3F If you have any of tho above
diseases, do not hesitate, but at once
consult Dr. .Bond, and be cuied. Ills
treatment Is rational aud scientific . his
remedies are purely vegetable, they act
uy atsisting nature and restoring tho
system to a healthy condition. He is
the. only physician in America that
makes a specialty of this clas of diseases
Dr. BOND will visit Lehlehton occa-
blonally. Duilng his absence he can bo
consulted uy letter ail communications
confidential. Address, describing svmr
toins, Dn. Hi T. BOND, lOqi) Oxford
St., Philadelphia. nov 22-3m,
U. Ciu.lUSS,
Merchant Tailor,
And Dealer In
Cent's Furnishing Goods.
Constantly on hand a splendid stock of
Consisting of Plain and Fancv Cloths
Casslmcres and Vestlngs,for Men's and
Boys' wear, which I am prepared to
iMbko up to urucr in tlio most Fashion
able Styles, at short notice.
Ladles', Misses and Children's
A well selected stock of French and
Turkey Morocco, Glove Kid, Lastlncr,
Kid, Pebble and Grain Leather Boots
and Shoes on hand, or
Itlado to Order.
Hats, Caps and Furs
Of the Latest Styles always oj baud, at
tho lowest l'rice.
Also, Agent for tho
American & drover & linker
Sowing Machines
Only One Price for Everybody.
January 11, 1873-yl
MA Lehlghton, Pa,
Au Institution for Doth Sexei,
Iter. C. KK8SI.UK. Prlnclpil tnd Frofeisor
ot ClMtln nJ thd Higher tugll.U
Mils. SI. O. 1CKSSI.KH, Prectptresi nj
Ttucneror raipung sua urawiog.
Mil. JOHN M, KISSI.KIl, A. II, Fro
feasor of L&tlu aod ureek.
MISS K. C. MUD, Tuwlier of.MuiIc
For Partteulira jplr to C. 1U2S3LER, Ltbljb.
ton, Pi. Oct. 17, 1873.
Tbo following Conptiilei ire Iteprouiited
Lebanon Mutual Fire,
Heading Mutual Fire,
Wyoming Fire,
Pottsvllle Fire,
Lehigh Fire, and the
Travelers' Accident insurance,
Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Horse.
Thief Detective and Insurance Com.
pany. March 2D, 167U
Onnnsltn L. .fe S. Denot.
On tho East Weissport Canal Bank,
Respectfully Informs tho citizens of this
vicinity tnat lie Keeps ennttanuy on
hand, nnd Is selling nt tho very lowest
Mnrkct Prices,' tho very best brands of
Hour sfeiFeed'-
For .Building and other purposes, which
he guarantees to bo
Thoroughly Seasoned
And to Sell nt the
! Coal I 1
Wholesale nnd Betall at tho very Low
est casn rrlces.
Helms also a number of vervellcrlblv
m TH Trt m
In RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin Twp.,
which no win sen on very Easy Terms.
ang. 9, '73-yl J. K. K1CKEKT.
The undersigned would respectfully
announce to tho public that hn has
made arrangements to BUY aud SELL
all kinds ot
Heal and I'cr.snnnl Kst.itc,
and to Negotiate Mortgages and Loans,
witliout unnecessary delay, upon the
most favorable terms. Paitles desiring
to Buy or Sell will find It to their ad
vantage to apply to
W. M. RAPSIIER, Attorney at Law,
Lehlghton, Penn'a.
March 1, 1873-m2
expect fully announce! toliln friends and tha mil
f hi eeiitjrnl, lie hn curmtHnilv nn Mttrl
far sale, nt tlm LtlWUsr CASH THICKS, tti very
Hunt and Latest Styles or Well Msdo
Household Furniture,
Comprising Bedsteads, Bureaus, Sofas,
lounges, woounnu oaue-seated (Jliairs,
Looking Glasses nil kinds, &c, &c.
riii-nlNnlng Undertaker.
FU.N'KUALS urumntlv attuutled tn nt .... rann.
ilil-ilnmij. Juu21. 1873.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Tuiiscavcinsr gs ,
ess twoods
Glassware, Hardware, &e.
May 31, 1873.
S 5 a
1 3 H
Miss Lizzie Kramer
nas Just received and opened n splendid
assortment of the Newest and most
Fashionable Designs In
Millinery Goods,
For Spring and Summer Wear, such asH
to which sho calls tho especial attention
of tho Ladles of Lehlghton and vicinity.
All Goods Warranted to be as repro-,
sen ted, aim rrlces to suit tno times.
Store, opposite the " Carbon dvo
cate" otllce, Bankway, Lehlghton,' Pa
April 13, 1873-niS.
Charles Trainer
Respectfully Informs the people ot Lo-.
higliton that lie has most Excellent
Flour for Sillo t
Alsn. bood FEED of all kinds, and
STRAW1 In the .Bundle, ai is also1
prepared to do any kind ot
Hauling and Plowing
at short notice.
LElilRII (3.1) STREET,
Lehlghton, Pa. March; W- ly
You will alwajs Undone of the largest
and best selected stocks of
l'urc Iruss, E
Chemicals :
of all kinds, such aslLard, Sperm, Win.
ter Whale. Tanners! Neatsfoot',- etc.,,
the best In thomarket, warranted 150
Flro Test-rXon-Exploslve. A superior
article of m .
expressly for Lanterns'. Try It. The
finest If
made, by tie bottle or 111 bulk.
Just receired fflargo assortment of
Brocket Lumps,
M Chlmnles and
,3 Wicks
of every sljle.x
Patent Medicines
of tho day, such as
Lung Remedies,
Cough Mixtures,
Dyspepsia Remedies,
.MwdlPuriflers, '
lialr Restorers,
Hair Colorers,
' etc., ete., 'etc., etc.
The finest lot of American and French
oh ma una a-bv a irj
Hair Oil. Colognes. Pomades, Fancy
Soap, Cashmere, Coquet and Eau'do
Cologne, Toilette Soapj Honey and
Glycerine Soaps, etc.
Pocket Books & Purses
A full assortment for Ladies & Gents.
I'mej, Hramlles. Whiskies,
Wines, Hum, Holland Gin,
&c.,'ioi'.llc-lnal Purposes
Sr'fry DUR LING'S Horse Powd
ers, Clttle .Powders, Hog Powders und
Poultry Powders, by tho pound or. In
Wall IPapfers
And BORpER, au endless variety.
IS" Go to DURLING'S where'every
thing Is warranted Fresh Gnulno and
Physicians' Prescriptions and Family0
Recipes prepared by' Durllng himself.
eissiioi i Ahead t
The undersigned would .respectfully
Inform bullders.rontractors' arid the pub
lie In general, lliatthoy have opened a
JLnonflDCF Yard
In connection with their'
.Near tho L. A S., Depot,
irjd that they have now on hand'.an im
mense stock of Mioroughly Seasoned
Lumber, sucli ns
Kougli Pino Boards,
'Surfaced Pine .Boards,
! Flooring, Hemlock and Pine, . ,
I Sidings, of all kinds, " J
i Shingles an Immense stock,
l Roofing nnd Celling Lath,'
I Scantling,
ind, In fact, Lumber of every doscrip
ilin ut tlit very lowest market prices.
Wo are also prepared to furnish Build
ers and others with a very fine article of
Situd, suitable for Masonry
Worlt, IMusterlnu. &c, at Re
ut&rkably Low Figures.
5 We havo constantly on band a large
t of Wood suitable for Firewood,
?uicu wo win sou, in largo or small
uantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets
rcakel& Albright,
ug 23-yl Carbon county, P.
Dealers tn
Flour und Feed,
Canned rrnlU.
Notions, Toys,
&c, &c.( &c
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
Lehlghton Store, three doors above tfce
Post Offlcoj Weissport Store, near
Canal Bridge nov- M
-yj 31. HAPHIIKBi
Uiii stkit, Unpimow, P.
Will itlind iromytl tn ill biulooM ot)uM U
hUMrc. Mi Ui eooiultel la Oenaa. Noi,i3.