The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, May 07, 1857, Image 1

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‘; 5 L.
T. - 8. C.ILUE.i>.,
VOL. , ,
Business Cards.
. • •• - P. W. Kau ,
_ at to n,tg at 11.ats,
icioderiport, ; will "reitiraril)
k'uortsigi Poiler 'county. •
• " Aka rticult G. 0L,43 r.ED.
tiot nib keiiinioc(iir it lima),
,CoUdeispOit, Pa.; will uttt-tui to ;la Gti.ii,t-Ap
entrusted hii are , vii.h protbruess= and
Offtee—in the- ensperJuce.l3:yck, up cults,
131A3 SED7.3ON
rOtriet'tefter-ur Wes: and. Third street...
Xtto,r I / at.natu,.
w.n.bor Tiog Lo., PA., will attend' the
Cain' to Pot,ei and Sl'Kean Counties.
a t toy tt. t g at
./1. a to ,
Tioga county. win ri•gl1 ; :;:r
ly eteud ttnelCoUrti l'i)tt . t. c."Juzity:
• )(tut. 3. ISM
attort)n2 eounottor at
Coudcr9or., Pa., +via. foil
Csuiti to r 4,1 AP . Kt-an a.' dl
lowness cutruatt d in his Care, will recei% c
proutitt .atteutiou, - .
Where. ou 11.iu•street, opposite the %.7oitit.
House,Cuuttergport, 1.43 •
Baniti S. Glass:mire
Pit it PRI.STO .
Cer.•er of Main and Second N:rec.s, Cou.
dower , Pokier Co., Pa. 44.
R. W. eiaii
Surbcor a:th ConutNrictr,
a4yrnond,..o.(Al.eganyTp.) Co. Pa
will attand biisineait i .t I:ue with
e,ro add itisi.teb. [
W. $. KING, -
.Surbtpor, Brattoman, , anti:
Smethprt, Kean Ci. , Pa., -
Will attend to business for non.ree.dent land
lielders, upon reason :b.e term.. Reference+
gives required.
P. 2. Maps of Ray pan of .be Couni )Wade
to order. l-4a
aE..R. Su - 11).!i ii t, :l ed
.or .. Plea:so:is Store, Waal carry
there. Watches and , Jevrcry taiefoily re
twel, in ,ha has. cyie, and On the shories
aciee• work wat anted.
Csudera or , Oct. Itkiti.-9:d4.
BENTAAiN a E N ..', i- L:,,
■ L. ♦ C i I. 1% 1 T.
411 work.jae, done u order and
atitird.aralch. 4J4 We!. a ree , ow hrd
Cando:von, Pa.
Dea'ers Goods, Groceries, S..i one
Drito Medicines, . sins, Oi:s,, aree, , Coud• rsppr, in.
'General 9rocarr and ruruion De.t.el.--
A:a. in Dry GOodl, -, troO:a and
/Ivies, and crika.over men wan, buy. Maul
Erse, Cauderapor. fa. •
R ES P L ithwi . 9l. r t
b• feu a . kis office. 'over , be
Drug Store of. Scat h dc Jo ea. re .dy io Ara..4l
is Ul calia i 4 h.e r•fess.o:.. i.or.
Dealer in Dry Geode, Iteidy-m .d' Clothing
Graceriea, Crockery, .ec Conderepor,,
H. Butter worth
1,,V11.1. furnish . he pecyda wi.hfreob Br.zr
V krtd JMUTTO, oq i uesdafs and . ridaya
dozing the sciport. Cash n t,. boimill tor bee,
a at ad .urea.
Coadorson, Ju..)- 17, !az." •
De.det iiiitookeda S:a f ionery,
6 Stss;nee. !mot.. epposi.e N. W. eor.ier
id lie public .sqtrire, Coudersport, Pa
Fesedryinen and Dealer in- Plante. Lf: , -
P +t end of 31/.11 easel; Coudersport Pe..
A. B. G001.18i2A44
cl u Fir... Arno
kimatudietnr e d and repaired at 414 !hop. nn
siert totice.
March 3 , 1848. - -
_ •
FitYmanNe Tear. - All wark.eri:rusted to
hie sans will be dune with neamesa, comfort
Aid dorAratty. Shop over Lewis Maims
f.AAMI.YEt. M. MILLS, • Pr..pi - iet.“l..
Ou ,
tlhe Walunnerp IleTe 4 ziP.4i.s:Sier:h
st 41414
'1: , , Az..; 3 1 .1 . , 4- •17.e4 . , - ,
--- ,J " t "'a ..17.2 -- ...:. ••:•::-.; . - - v.:2 • : " - tilipi.S . ::•,:••• ..,,,,, -
. ;... .1 . , .
.. .
.: , ~ , ;., n'T :al 4:1 ,; , ~ t ''l , ; . ''' ,', . 1 f •l';''. - •ii..';': f . ' . • ''.- ~. ...:• I.: 1' • 11 -- ,t , , ',.., •••
.• ,:„ - -
.:';• - ..1...• • ,- .C.? ':
-•;-::: ;•':,::., --- S7
r„t•.:.,..--1. !•,, L,;. ~.:..:.;, . r :..:... '• ,-.,:.:•:.5., •
(. 7 .- 1-'; ' 'r'.• ~ •7 .. .... 4..t..`: . .7., 1:t.• IS .•? • •,'.. 7 ;,,,, i 1..:
..: • :•;,: ii . .,......:..1,
• 4. 1%‘ : -- ;•s.„ : : st r•••:!.......•..:. ',. •. i•,;• .'-. :; 1 Z 4. .::••• /..• il . • 3 .1 . 'W... r,.,.... . i: ' ' .2' ' ''. -1
, 1 ' . -.4 ' ' J .. ; ' l ,, 4 .: :',..r: ''...:'INF. 4 .;: . 2 Z.: , . '''7"
t'i. :, - ,
~........, • 1 .. , ..;"! •
~ LL:- 1:- -.::...v.4:., :;, .- rr. - . ' ''.' •• - ''';*' l ' ' '-'''' 1 : , -c , - - ' ,-. , ~., i :4'l .:•••• ' 1-. ; - '5-: ' ' •-''': .•
• : ~... .• ..1
- t •.•,- '''` Ln:Jrr ", - 172,1, . " " . o dh. . .:,: ' C '
,'. - 2. ~..., -,V. ..'".....!:. ..- I. .;;;.1- ".....: ' '''
. '''
' . . ' ..
' " ''
. ' .-
. . --
' . ' . 4. 1 -:• • • .::" ' . = . ''...' --,• • ' ".:-' '---' .' ' ' s ' - ' ''''''. ' - ,:, -.1 - 7)
• . .- -, .... -..
. ,
P.O 9P LE'S = TOlnailAL.
• - Terniti—faiVol nee " "
One copy, per 0:25
I square lu li ea lof 3 k - t;5O
subseq ent invericiii.eatiranl3 - .,1 1 .
1 Squ re, .. triutt.hs, - - - 2 1 50
I b mon - - •
" 9 won ha.
1 .'• ••1 ye ir; • --- ,6,G0
Bu!e and figiire wart; per sc,:, 3 ineertions, - `3,00
Every subsequent insertion, -•." SU
1 commit, six months,
.4• -- 12.00
One-h alai:damn per ye , r, . - 20,00
, Ine cotunth • - - •• 35;00
Adminiatraters! or Executors! Noticer
Auditor,' noticei each, , ma 1 . 50
.heritrs Sa;es, per tract, • T.,50
Marriage not ces •
Professiona.,, or Business .Cards, net
ereeeding six iiiaes. per ye.r - adver.ising by the ye ir, • at
exceeding. 4 squares with OCC.I9IOD•
al, .111 - c s'es co ,tined to
- heir bas new)
~.. 10,M
Whe a .he papa. is sent to the •, &er
aser, especi , :ly for 'resison of his
adverlsemen. be la tar
wt.. be reed .her e er
.11.111 in
e•.rrs ou secure ai
eil..oh,• be .ddre—ed (pu4 p id) u .be
u..dert , agned. i. S. Cd.t.S:., Pub fisher.
%cictitt bortro
Hark! .Music spr-11 . from ou. .he woods and
• .
Knlidll: the winds, amidst _ the. harmonious
rain; .
It fills the voice With sweets, :he eye ,wi h
be ans.
I. Eire she sting from
Great Memory horde it 'm oisi. her gdoiect
themes ;
The wise man kerys i. wi h h a .. . ,rued g in
The tmnsire. hers it in'his lie c .ing d
And no one, • foo . , do h deem it. yam.
. .
VII . 06 er .hing do b brag 4 joy U
Gn ti be soul,' if ood. •
Id one In-tie into io our foritne
.0 he wise, good .o o.e good
vzing - theu, di title one !7-..--Thus u ioversigh'd
- or -who sal. ueeida 4ituA nd young,
Pre tiding will—ish eonacit;ue , ride,
ul hicft'd .he th.leorn tu4sie un her
:hug m iden—geme tn,iden!
g .or we. sing .0 Me;
h heart tie. ovs.rladen,
isor fu.l Dike°. -
Give thy t once its way divine ;
Le. tIJIlle e . y es, sweet. spina, Shine j
NOl .00 bright hot also tender,
oaf .g Et , f , heir s, lendor
.:nns—hu pout a s 'Mar crain,
t. oa ty re Did .0
i e.. u. tvu.)3u uopes wrcck'd
vu h c. ae: s.rai2.l, Ile .1c;
t tu,, pour .ua inflict' irnOed;
ruin ended;
. ;, the p 661 the pain ;
_ hfuu he vror.d'e died .iu
.b i her measure,
fn.' .nd .vard..4ll wi h irmasure;
Sorg, whit isn't es 49,1
• • mug he a nay sou h,
When i. brea a,n ,ng .he ro es,
And . .. boo .utlaivee.s disc twee.
Sing, fait chi d u. inuc.ic, sing
Lise Jive ho e sorio.v—any'hing; •
Like a s arcing murmuring' rivet,
thinning as b.ue race lo user;
Li:se .he a 1t .u..hs hiun..he pun,
1% hen the god's brigh. d.y is done ; " •
Like the voice of dre.ming night,
- Teurler, touching, aity,• light ;
Nota.wind, but just a breeze
Moving in the citron tree.;
Like the tint tivree: murmur exec ing
o'er's .ips, (whim r ride s.eeping
Levi's tits: u•dorgOisen sort, •
By maiden i i he siionce he .rd ,
lau..rticiL and ripe ed oft
In miw.c vvb.s. et, ,ow and sof.—
wha matter for the saain..
Be it joy, • r be it pain,
'no Ai now, impris9ned trace,
In Ls usa;ch east s.reng.h re nice;
SO .L bar& i./ te.:ers sating, .
And so..r fur.n nu vralllA suns?
-1 SP C:MIN F I tGINII 1 21111 , %i.R17:
i Thad C..•:3,•i"sid; Di. ;
u.3..33:31,cps t intrwlf a.,tt 3.333didati• iu
au adili . Pbt. He :343-33 lie it a '•iiro 7
41:lcieil. to '"euvroidu
tazetl vvo ! , dare. I.i
. by making . a:3 ofiPtiti.vt
•l3prol -oo tint. lothjeot sitivipty
aid tbat he- 4tvr: aid- like. to-hive, the
lileatardutstriaiiuf - 4 . tilts liana iir•Out - •
He'jj , lo . !33itett(i"
Nottueru •hully..worsit than 1,13P..14
tiaented:l3rotike.Alid hi, colleaglbb . ill
the Senate, old 6uratier
D 9 701 : E • PgIN,, 4 IP.LES' OF : ' ialAtif, AY i
CO, DE RSPORT, ToTrE R Tquits.DU MAir , 7 -- 1 - 357 -
THE' itk-Erm.
•the .Nsii...Fem
BILL, it edlY
atici biglikti by 4lte G*.verri!tr.-,
A.N A -tit
Ri acing td reeecir Aide; men; Justices of the and•CtuvoaCes. :,;
. 110:Tio.N 1. Be it enQated4. OM !Silt;
atc+qpn/ floosr, of i epresent k tires of
the Commontreo th of Pennsilrania in
- Gehe'ral AssemhPy niet;cLoil
rinacted the a • thoriN' of f the acimr.
That and after . tee pait.sov,i-:•a
tills act the.feerrto he reee.vpo
Liertnirn at'elja !ices of the peace shall
he an f.;11..4:N
Fur i:d..rtliatimi or -cemnlaini; on
behalf t.f the Cinn(onivrektlth;
v ten vviorfl4, one cent.
D. e.ket entry of actin:4:4m behalf
..t the C.ornmrtsWealthilen cent.
Warrantnr initsimr'er. nit behalf . ..J . '
the C..rnrieritvro.-altr.:l,wentv...five cent,.
eXifirnirintl , •l. c,i4le.ig
irdi ..1 every t tv,,Ed4,
cent. : •
Adn fiath 1.1 . affirguati,in
Tak lig r, cog• iz flee in ev-•••ry critn
i•,:,! ca t • •I wel.ty "_ • •
.T. 3.1 et ipt in et tni: tat ea,e4, kelLij
1:11: eerfitielste fiftt , im •
Rom. int! Nume c..uit, for each
mile:, riir~ilat, actually tiaveiled; to
be allutived - in only (me case, at rich
i,t the court. t lee cents:
E.,teting judgment, on conviction
nu fine, ten eentA.
Rec.,: ding cotivictiOn or copy there.:
eery ten - wnrtis. one - cent. -!
Warrant to levy fine or forfeituie.
twenty cents.
Bail pier, a and return, ur super,
fitieen rents.
Di , cum g_e ir. jallur. fifteen-cents.
Entering dist ..nrinuatice it ease, of
assault and battery. twenty cents.
Erthr:tilig c nnp niut of imaiter, ini4-
tres+ apprentice, ten cents;
Naticu t.t iinat;ter,
prrt.tic , finetweents. - •
Hearin; panties and disc'.arei.ig
colipiaitit. twenty five rents.
. .1-I.4d ing ',der latull•etd
tr ,ant net, iir .11 case .yf tnt
tent, v, t••r each day, to fracii
nise tbAlar a•.d fifty cents.
Pt In sheriff, fni each jostler.,
twenty five cents.
R. not ding proceedings, t.eachju,
tire, fifty cents.
WI it fit restituti •n. each justice.
twenty-five cents.-
Warrant to appraise damage. , , twen
ty cents.
Warrant to.sell stiayS, tvrent icents.
V arrant to appraise swine, twenty
Receiving and entet int; return of
arpraieetnent s%vi:se, five cents.
„t appraii--
era or swine. fit y cente.
Enteting , *ction in civil rare, ten
yews. • -
timerisms, cap's* ur s .hpc vs. inch;
tell Ct.litS.
For, - very add :lona' name after the
first, twit ce
unesses ' runner to be put in
one suoi.mria. unlers squire.. sub, ce
tora be reipte,ted t,, the priti:s.
Sub l ce..a. duces tr Cutri cents.
Esti es .tig letiv it - u ttirnuu ~ hind
(Oa it. ii,g cimstable, teti
E:u. line cupid, and bail bit .d, five
Fvet continuance of km, len cents.
Ti hat aidt judgment itt ' cart. ...I de
fen Ma.le try de.erriaot or defend
trventy-firti cents. •
Ewe: ing jud3inetit by confession.
Investigating plaintiff ' s claim and
el,tering Judgrneut by default, fifteen
bait ten rents. •
Es.terin_ satisliction,to be - charged
only whet. an artUA entry is made nu
the d .eket, five cents.
- uteriog dlsOuotinnnat,c e , five cents.
Elites ifq arnii•aole suit, telret'itS.
rAttering rule-to take depositions
of winirri•es, Are fits. • .
little to take deposianis ten cetrt. ,
rogatot ies annexed to ules
tor triltiorg
. depositiOn'S, fro - every teii
ltuld vne - cent.
- E ' isteriog• return of rule, five cents.
Entetiog aule tele!. five ce..t.a.:
tere , :ces, fifteen cents. •
Notica.l• l cacti rele . - ee, five cents
Ent..l p
eot t of lelerte.
jtidgineitt Mel eon, Leh Ceuta.' •
1.1 Lice to a - patty in. any
-ease. t.!. cents - . • •-
ExecutiUn, fifteen
E ter . i.ig --return of execution., teu
rents. • • , .
. &ire facia.s iu any case, ttitenty
" cio:tro.
Operirig' judgment fur rehetlriog:
trot ceists. - I • .
T. Driud g ineur - anti ' certifi
cdter lwe nfy cetiw. -
'Raw it ut proceedings "or ' certioitiii
appeal,: inclirdini; .;:rectignixdecq,
inrty • -
liccyivitag.,:ite am t E t _jud g -
I I- tl
meto ir.fireikecut ,•41„ ‘ atit riyt . tig
3anko..erur, if ti t excredi.ig tea
hi, tea ' • •
Iftlx44+tlittgten,afol not etc ceding
1. sty .4ollats. twe , ny-five cents.. _ _
11 .- rxceeding forty dollats, fif t y
e semen whrte nn .eryice is
lerfer.lti: I.r vv!,ic't shy' tre - -4*te at
taehed. irit'cinits. •
cast%tit :: altuchnie:st, at m! SWrIIIIIII4 !)1,
fifteen celAs.
Attacnimtit, tvotaty Ct"his.
:.Noteving return, ard appointing
frevitoltiers, too dents. ' -
, _ _ .•
kivettiseinent•i" each, fifteen cents.
Older - Ais sell ginitl4. fifteen zents.
Oldet 7 fiir the relief of a'`pauper;
each justice. twenty cents.
Order fi . ir the renewal a insure:,
run ju-ttce fins cent+.
Oidet to setz • t tii•i.l4 f tha main
t-,ttee and children, twenty -
five cents.
43,11 et fir pre niu.n w 4.11 ,1r fox;
or ..thrt -cJIp4. 1., bz paid by the
p copy! etufity, -- fitieeti.crilts: •
y. mrk,,.,w4lgmeot or pr..bate
nt . deed .o iii.iru•ne.iit of %v. hill*
tweloy •
T.ik ,t 4 atid arkni,wlt•tig
went 'if hr each bidet.
tui , t K',•tlt V rt., ttS.
A sig..m.•ut a. ly) rec“rd
dewure, t‘ve:ity CCdt
Cam:citing ihilelitAre. te4 ci 11:4.
Cumparing- au .I signing tax dupli
cates, eacii ju,tice, tiny cents.
For marrying each couple, making
record ther.eof, and certificate to the
patties, tly.sdullars.
Certificdirs otapprobation of tw•>
justiceii t :• the binding -. l;i - appreritice
a petssio by ova:seer or - direct•a - a
uf the p ...r, eacu justice. twenty five
cet.t:•. •
Cr. tific sic to obtain land warrant,
weal i.og or :as mitt.; County Com
inksionet s,- Assettow6 or other town
ship to county officer,• and certificate
Lb w to be paid by the county,
. .
• ,Fo r admiiii •terilit nails' m affirm
asi.m in way came inn Herein' pr o vided
fur, ten cent:4.. •
"For issuing precept to lessee in
lint'lord and tenant proceeding 4, jua
•ice.. fifteen coots.
hearing and determining cnni
',kiln. and alt inhrr serrices rendered
therein, filly cents. • ,
. .
For recording proceedings thereh,
each t wetity-five cents.
F r reeeivin returns
of writ of re minion, inc'uding curry
thereof. each justice twenty-five cents.
Sgc. 2 The feo liar services under
ti.e laws of the•TJ ii ed State•, 811411 be
11: iaaw4, name v :
14'.,r ct.Pit,ificato .0 iip.tecti.m. 6 4
ceot•. °Pe
Feu• c• itificate of lust prutectiun,
twe qty-f v.: cents. .
Fur ii yrs, I ant, tweilty-five cents. •,
F comnit , nent, twenty•fiive c'eres.
Sumin us finr seamen in adrnizalty
cart, twenty-five cents.'
1-I,•aei;a 4 there.ti with d•'tket entry,
fit: v
C. ►uficate t • clerk gif gli trict cggiirt
t ;4/ lie iAgiruirdlty pr..cess. twenty-five
SEc. 3. Tt;ati. e fees tube received
by r..llAtuble3. shell be a, toll.llAri.:'.
For executing warrart in behalf of
ti.e U. nunuuivral4 . lun y Criiti.
enti‘eyini; to jail •m rnitiirhUs, m
Wilt 'alit al resting a vaata..t, disorder
ly per>vii. ur utlJCt nffealer against
the law:, (witlinut prncess.) and bti /g
-lug berms, justice. levying tint, fur fur
t-rfeitui o on . wilt rani. twenty five.
Taking the body into cuitOdy on
"ytinerr-hail is afterwards en
ter ed nefoi rifle . pi same: is delivered
to jailed, twenty-five cents.
S.-t%irig'siihpi:e a. tell cuuts
S.-t ving Mateo on referee.
stritirt, Ins-ter, mistress in apprentice.
personally in by copy, rued ten cellis.•
Executing attachment, thirty cents.
- Attesting on capais, twenty-five
. :
Taking hail- honer on capias. or de--
lively otgoodis,fcleen centi. . .
li—lifyi:l 4 . plaintiff where defendant
nap , been aii . ebted oil capor.,„• to .tie
Maid 11) plaintiff. ten cents.
Execu.ei s .. 4 - 110,11ord', warrant, .ot.
are wlu4 ex..cuti4,ll.t vil-city Ive.cews.
Taki:ig iporeomy ut goml.s v4cti
;tern •me cent. . .
Livyi,ig . •
the.,saaw, for tici) Olay nut
exeredifigrfiliify, five cen;s. -
Fur ellen ab:/vlihirty, three
outs.' • • .
nr the said enzemis.
Sinn shall 13,e dll..viedwlere the mon
taY jo Ole; sale.4but
any. e4se' . . be
4m , !hi eihoi icaldele.sed
Own ! only .14 ,
y toe c.astabfe. AA paid
uiei to the eiedttor.
A(I reri ist the' ainie. rtY
• COny 'cif.*enduit'
ni titietrU , earki t ern. on e - cent,,
hiP..sgtotter; p. 14.1411./ Oleo
ton t me . rn;ses, fifteen- .
- Serving&tuts' tad
cents. ••;1 . t_L ,r." 47
Stovi igstone by enprefikeen cents
Serving, rule amt . ,ipterrogatorje 3 iu
uttaclirient c&e,itriation, ivet•ty cents.
baiLPiece,inienty cents.
'ft availing expenses.. on. -au. execu
tion returned walla
.bona and non est
iisventus.-vriierethe constable haS been
at the place: of Aefenattit's, re•i
dence, each teile.cbcolar. these teats.
l' . xecuting -,the•re..o!al sat
a paupeWift - y Cents.
Travglill ex.;eoises in said aeon,
al. each noile circalar; ten cents.
Ttavelitez expenses, in all /tier
ca4esi for eaaii mile circular actually
traveled,:countitig from the same *lf
the j.i,tiee to the place of-ierrice:
three cents.
F main returre t6the court of
gum‘bions- a-the proper county."
&ft cents each fur one . day.
Mileage for same, c. outing from
eiiideoce of c• n iatahle to the county
seat..tO.he paid by camity, three ceutt
per mil cicislar.
-Fo apprsiimcnt. and all other stir;
vires, under rxempti , •ii act of ninth 01
Aln if , nue ei 411 E. h odd red awl
for. y-ni i ne. one d„ llar.
FOr serving - precept, and ettirning
and teLaet proceed
ing..We-i-Jty7--five emits.
F:xecutiig writ of possession, and
returning same, fifty cents.
When the rent • shall be received
from the lessee by-the constable, sUch
curnalilsict as. i• now allowed by livr
ou writ; of execut
&CT!IN 4. That the twenty-sixth
andtwenty-seventh -sections of the act
approved March tweuty..eighth. one
thuivand eight hundred and. fout . teen,
and tile hi rd section of the act ail
! iroved.Marco twenty-eiga, one I him
sand eight hundred and twenty, in
relatiOn to penalties fur taking illegal
fees and bills of particulars,` are here
by •re..niacted and - their seves al pi , ,.
visions extended .and made applicable
alt violations of this act.
.Sacrtine 5. That the prod-ions of
this act shitl wit apply to-the city of,
[From he San euari
ChLiese Discovery of America
1400 Ya Ira Ago.
The Spaniard 4 discovered America
349 years ago. Tim Welsh claim an
earlier discovery in favor of their
Pi ince Madoc The Northman, of the
11th century. claim the honor ..f the
first disc•rcrry at even an earlier date.
Itut ths i Chinese claim it pi for to their'
all—atia time aceot ding to their hist..-
ahC.ut 1400 y4ars ago.
In Chinese . istory we find descrip,
tions•of a vast cotntry 20.000.1 e t.. the
eastward across the great ocean, which
from the description given. rnu,t be
California and MexiZt. The acenunt
states that trey iral Buddhist Priests at
Hingchau. - about • A-.• D. 499. having
attived there reported tha:. Fusang
(Ansetics) lay to the east about 20.000
le, or -9,000 miles from Japan ; and
t hat. in A: D. 459,five medicaiut priests
had went there and distributed Budd
hist tracts and images among the in.
habitants, which by that means chang-
ed their customs, as Buddhism was
not .formerly known- to them.
The description of Fusang, as given
by the ChineSe • 'Asturian, differs but
little item that given by the Seauiar tk:
when they conquered Mexico. He
calls. the country
, Pusang. from :the
name of a particular tiee that grew
there, and widch he describes thus t
•Tite leaves of the. fesaug, when first
produced. resemble those or the ba:n.
bum. The. inhabitants eat the fruit,
like pears, arid weave its bulk into
cloth fir clothing--sod articles of cm
broiltery. Tory have bleats which
are written ..0 the bark'of the fusing."
OltiAs tree (tile maguey) Prescott says.
that - its . ..tit used leaves istforded a paste.;
frorri 'which paper is nade;' its juice
Was rnsuritacturiirl into an rutoxtcating
tretrerage; ret.ctez.4 which therrtiees`
. 1186 day. are eiCessiVnly flind ; its
leities - aup plied impenetrable thatch
for tire Mcire humble - 4 ; thread.
of which coarse stuffs were Made, and
siroug. curd* were.dt awn Irtim its tough
and- twisted fibers, pins , and tieedle
sterejniderpf the th.4llSai the extrem
ity ails' Nivea; and the root, When
r .4nlr
irdperly cooked. was cOnverted:lo.l a
palatable and nutritious 'Conf. 1 rhist
simplest, in abort. pas meat. 'Atiallto
eiltthing and writing mat *al for the'
Akteo 1 --Surafy,'never di nature a
close, in so C..mipact a fliirryoto ' any
of the elementi of: !mama fWirtrt. sod,
civilization." ' ot".. - „.. .. „
Again tim Chitese4isioriati - etiti;m.
"the, :they - bad- - no iron but they; e p34
seised Copper. They did /ri.iksteeM: .
gold and silver!" The use of it - on Nits
. unknown to them. 'bet they found
substitute in an•alloy of chime's/id tin. ,
with which they child
. mit ,mettO eat
the grail , -staple of
• eir country at the time or the ton
gue. , ; may have' a - thotriatsti years
eviler, been uuuotieal or unease-um!,
by th-rn.
By carefully examining the I .;hines•
his:ory . and comparing with tirsii cif
Ptescott's “Conquest of Mexico," *IV
find but few points of difference. 1u
their treatment of ctiminibi l Asebitior
the judges, religion, IMO : k map,:
other revects, they 'isms with .sash'
other ro well, that ni, doubts anvils.'
eutetained, in the least, vgarding the
authenticity of tin. Chinese accounts
Tale religion of Aztecs was in most ISt
specie lik • Buddni,m. Their arts..
institution 4 and customs, were almost:
the same as those of the Chinese, ;
a careful eza-ni 'stints and,conlqing :f
-cri both hi•tories„ inquiring nsinds
not doubt in the least that th•Chitshiss'
discovered this Continent a thoitsaid .
years earlier than any other hatiOn.
. .
Most people California hiwe Aa ,
cited the existing between.
the Indiana arid Chinese, both in MO'
ture, and the accent of'their'itimi*
labll dialects, and from rnjozirn;efpip . ,
rience,'l find that they atq neit4 the
same. The. Chinese. Accent can be
traced oughi int this intruZilangu . age;
though the most of tpe Digger Indana'
with whim I have conversed; appkni
great deal of the . ancient
_Aztec lan
guage. Not wisliiug to pursue this
subject much further at present, I will
transcribe a (ow words for thspisrpose
of ahiivritig the analogy, as fnl4nts .
LuZietis. Chinese. • Ens if 3:
Nang-a, Nang. Man.
ri-soo, Sna. 4=4
Kook-a, Keok, Foot.
Aek-a-Soo, Soo, Beard.
Yuet-a, Yuet, Moon. •
Yeeta. Vat, Sun
Utyte. H Stir, Much.
Lae lure. Deere's.
H .-ya-pa, Ho-ah, Gio 4. .
' A-pa. - A•pa, Father.
A-ova, A•ma, -*Oki.. - . 7
&An ' Brottuw:
To-chae, Thanks..
K Ku-kay, Her.. ,
K. I. p.chue. Cole- koo,
, ot t
Ngam. Yarn,- - 7 Dattik:
...'-' Ti yarn in the Indian language it.
night. Ti yam in Chinese rtiaani_thim'
K .d of the moon. or niuht, tiering;
in Indian i. the sun. live ma in gni:
nese mains the god of the sun sir day.
Wallas is a Word comm.inly utild
a rming t he Indians to designate afrierith
it also means f•Man." Walla:in thesifin
duatanale means a ?iiitaihrkTungatta et. other words could be gi en.}but [shall
make these snfrice for the p i reirif... '
No doubt need be entertained •enn
eerning the assertion of theOhiesiiiiin
coming to this continent .at MI: pawl":
period; nor can we interpiet, "Folirep.
donee; b.. universal. so minute.. to re• .
mgriiaisle, with.sut c swing to the etiii=
chi i,m, that they Nan i front
. 4 , 1 43 cr , naia m source. Tim
. riamiiii
Fu ; sasig is no ..titer 111 44 lthe 44W. 1 1C4.4.
California and kezic,a; sod the) oriem- .
tal discoverer; cosiseq4Ptil clads iiii'
honor of the discovet I. as tlisinitittd .
yeara . earlieitliasi any ailed nation : -
The 0;1(4 isibith continent nikiftist
discovered may still emain.a.nty.itery.::
hidden in deeli recet clf. 4l o, Pill -77.
'fryer it be fould. it wt a i lmost liiil 7
lv in some of the O. itiiitat r4ii:dis:l6.r,
in them we fi.iiiitii, rtiostancilent'hilmi
ry, whose dates, - reactiingin the inight
.it time, infoi m us of raciii now entincti,
whose crtt in bti ti,g . resent prienti attested
a civiiiiation diffcren iiiirt , plat 4114
ni•ideizi World: . Tries!" 'aus-tet i tsetse;
rrogtessed iii'ssinie 'ails vihi:iii 10. tit
are almost ut.knewn; 'and. :nay mast
eonsequeidly,,have,n44ll4l- a _ .Plif
o f 'F a r Finstut. which natty of..tie lit
.present know but little id.'" ( Yeg With:
al, they seem to us to hive been in itt=
noranee, because we cah but filially
see them through tundetkclunditi:ota
which we have issued.
JAmes iiesq Interp'r.
— Chiuese Usiap To.tuluitue-Cdi.
A TN°. - 414.