The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, December 07, 1854, Image 3

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    Ito Charity of Kind Words, of Midgmcnt and'
"I gave the pour devil a dollar, and
bade him go about his business."
But how did you give it? Grudg
ingly, or as if it was a pleasant duty?
Was there any heart in it? Or was
the coin flung at him with an emphasis
that said plainer tlian word.,—" Yon .
nriv be needy, or you may not; here's
a dollar to get rid of you—cheap at
that!'' If the latter be true, good sir,
von only wounded the sensitive heart
v,l poverty and misfortune more
deeply. liread bought with that dol
lar would prove dike the heart of the
fabled D. ad Sea . hpple upon the
townie of the cater. -There is little
comfort• in eating a morsel given
even with the sharpened
appetite of famine.
Eloquence rieisi,ts essentially in
the manner; appropriateness of ge , -
ture. the intonation and even in tile
expreision of the speaker's eye. The
111:1,t beautiful- iniagi2ry and the iinist
er.alted sentiment; may be torture.d
nit'' commonplace.. by a bungling.
Liicaker. And is in p v i n o-.
There is a certain somethina conveyed
is the tilmner. that precedes the gift
and s anctitie. it, or inipr,irs it. beauty
with the recipient, may be; na-, i t is
t,. A tender heart never distills its
bounty coldly, neither does an unfeel
hlf; heart di-pense, bounty feelingly.
Tlienne zcti in , tinctiv...iv, the other
Tile chat ity of kind words IS lovely
hovni:d description, It rivals the
angel-, awl in-any a
brokcri ,pirit ha: beon healed and
re-tored to t:ie path of virtue awl
u .....4da t .6ss which had alaw , t, lwen
and,;:ied in the (lark hour of mi-for-
A. kind w0i 7 ,11 , , su er•silv ,Woken
:1!1,1 being tho oir.pri , ;2; ‘0: 1;111,11v
it nut th it tile
shon'id he, ,n chary of them?
! 1 / 4 1‘.re prorion; than tine, gohl.--th,
woalth of Porn. gom: of Gol
co:;da. and 1:1 q . t.- it - I . : Ito:id to the
::on,o-; than tho balmy triiol. llf
yet r:o-tin.4 thy• glver nothing
—t•:'h s::oula trie:l and NV,1111..:1 With
-11.1;1 1110 kion crow the furnishing
:::.,ua.l them!
a cmnumniaheritanve.
and in.r.(7e, can chliui immunity gram
•ctoo4o, it , ruck, or 11 , wheel.
rmir• nt-i.rlll) , ) t may - he struck (14.\vii
to-day, but In a t , tn,t—au inN
!aud nr.iv teiz.+ 2 v.)11 to-niorrow. Yes
tenLy lII' ::at (1.1w.i in the lap of
C.,ntentin.nit, ani the sun
of l'i.o , p-rity fell full upon his
To-lily hi; Truk a
Ircerk I.n a shore wrapped in ulut., , t
To-nrwrow you
Inly lie like hearth is secure
f - ot 6 ii the nu hopes
%. ,, 1 brae:-n , Aver.-; arc securo from
mangy lionieles.: orpimip: have
1,::!t, a ,i.1e , 011 up.ii the ilarr,,‘v
,11,1 dial sosparatei a life of virtue
ttt]d 1 , 11:' of V;C(. and
etity.. yearnin , back, yet
at 11:4
of and are he-r to the
tld ferever! _l::d thi \viten tine
kiad ‘vtual and a !!..lance of sympr,tlty
ntizlit have .13nt the sv.erld
in plan , ‘ , l r.fetting
that it lta, little' heart Cot- ...twh charity.
the tpld tinfartnnate
re.-eive i•;-teat.1 of the bread
-y -t (nice.
pr:•tier only
ui di-trace and
it pa— t , ) the charity ul illgh:;-
M 4: t
~"..n. ~ r::n i
T 1 1( . 10 i m 1 - 1,1; of 11l f;)1'
111 tile CiV1117.041
V. :?. ,l'Jtl 11.) (IV:II 1 . :)r tllO
1 ) 11 , 1)1iS an l
w and
a ,Itilicit.ary or all
rite e. lint how fe:v f , )r the pre-
of except in so much as
t'.e•- di:Ferent nmilos of %vivi:in , *
11;filll tifrentlerS flay
;ICI a:hr , •'.'Cctivcl,) - 11:e tin ror:4 they
inspire. The philir--ophy 01(01r
reinarkahly deficient in
iespcct to tit most mdural method of
les vain , ' Vice and crime. By far the
zit tut. pm lion of nur etimival code
i• s,,tWess as an icek.r , -. The
puni -Innen; of crime seein-i to 1)e the
Brand ohject. Ivhile prevention is sec
incidental. Vilereas, the
hroverithiti of crime should Be the
great oliject, ;qi punishment only as
a last resort Nylicti the means for iire
vmtion fail.
Perhaps civil law can never be an
efficient hAper in the pre\ enti.m
crime, that is, considered as a direct
It may, and should guard the
avenues through which men ti,,tl the
to a course of criminal conduct—
it ma}• 11,11/OVC the incentives to pu
blic such a course, in a degree. .13nt
there are inducements to do wrong
which the law, however cunning,
cannot remove. Cu , tom must efii•c•t
tlair removal if they be removed.
When men and women learn their
duty, and do - it, half of the criminal
laws that now lumber the statute
hooks of Christendom, will becomt;
useless ; for one great cause of crime
and immorality, lies in the world's
habitual uncharitableness in judgment
aud condemnation.
Look at it. if a young man from
false education or ftom weakness in
the bewilderment of a moment of
temptation, chances to make a. mis-
step, What is the world's action? Oh,
down with the shameless villain !
Kick him out of society ---out of decent
society, beyond the influence of =good
example! But what is his crime'?
It may have - been bad luck, or ba d
management in busines, so that bank
ruptcy was inevitable. Or, it may be
that lliam in an miguarded moment,
wrested the reins of judgment from
the hands of Beason. Or, he May
have fallen for one short hour,tempted
by the devil el the gaining table. No
matter, says the worid, down with
him! Ile will pid:ute the hearts of
our children, and seduce them from
the path of virtue!
This is all wrong—cruelly
One misdeed cannot 'mar the beauty
of a good character b;yend ibrgive
[less and restoration. Thousands of
yeung men have been driven by such:
uncharitable condemnation to strike
out in the most daring recklessness of
conduct. The drunkard's grave has
swallewed up its thousands and tens
eltheusiinds, because of the world's
harsh jedinent. How deep is . the
wrung! A mild reproof, a kind word
fitly spoken, a friendly hand extended
to the ening man in the dark . hour of
awAieg reasen. when the tear of re
pentance steals - down his chet:lt—these
things' would re-cue thensands from
crime and ruin, and render theta bene
factor; of their fellow men, rather
than hater': and contemners.
When the world shall substitute
kind words and gentle reproof for its
harsh judgin.vnts, it will have made a
lung stri a. the prevention of
clime and iatnoraitty. But now, we
to the weelun who is dragged beliire
its ti ibunal. the victim of villainy and
deceit. Judged by the peers of her
destroyer, or the a ,s ee b t t es o f h er
divaof innocence. she may not hope
1;e- mercy. Betrayed, :she is net un
llelate:te. but a criminal, and cannot
e:cape the v.-rath of the pitiless world.
She must god the heinel road to
disgrace and ruin, an outcast among
outcasts, cendenmed to NV.I,IIuW in the
fiith of Vice until every virtuous inch
natien is routed out. Ikr crime,
a heart toe , aiiltless to suspect the
bas - eness of others. * *
II Inn TIMF:S I.l.o.Tox._Theßos.
ton licittor ..!,4211ers are beL6ailing to
think of a surri•tah2r. Thu late
tio:t ii so decideLliy them that
tile:: want to :;ell out. A correipond
ent of the 1 Icra 1(1 :4 :
The liquor sellers are filing
and thtir condition i., likely to h e
much worse before it can he made
:lily better, as. the new I,e4iNlalur e
will contain an overMielming-majotity
of tile, rnost uncompromi,im; legal
suashmi-t-: in the worbt <'.11(I will con
vert the law into a retvilar itrd-ition
aod if tli%t he n ot <nom a, trill
mithorizo an (lido ,1a fe of iii the
lhloor in the .Sthte, %vizi' the r i rdiets
and sellers of the- same to be thrown
rrom T.::vg,raph, Nor. 72
I'!tc fish and t party 4)Ce;iii.4l - anti
thi city to left ye ler
day alit:l - now.), nndcr the charro of
liraw•c,..nih. of I Eul
up,(•llt “f the Eliii.r; C“in
pany. They len The
patty mittihered thirty . v.:he.i it reached
Spri;32,tit.t.(l, v.-here tine more
. pitied
it. A much larc.. , er compaoy would
have ~ zone had u, t the Aid Comp;iity
di.omr;ig•fd cmi2r;itiou .;it
thi, late i eliod 4,f the .No
i,ther party will he scut put until
O e t. 1- , 7,1,:tt Ntpitetin-te Varry, Pa, by
Rev. J. R. Gate:. Ur: Ntmcitoss, of Finq
Fork. Pa.. to Mi . 'S Emsos, of Pods
Grove, :for hqutherlund Go., Pa.
-71.___..„„\brx the 1. , :h of Seit'ember
,L brown IIARE,
stone ,E; ve. r , ().d, wltti act and tail,
and ha:r hand- , high, whielLtie
.0 have been .Cu en front ,0111 e
owner i, hereby retine,ied to come for
ward, pro% e IL, proper jely eh .rge , , and
take it ate..y. STEBBINS,
High Slott - a of Potter county.
Couder-por;, Dee. -,
"Ct T isliereby given to pub iclh i.
1 1 I Ihrhid per:on porch sing ,wo no
given by me .1) n, one
one hundred doilars, and .one for se% en y
-1;,r,. bearing due Nov. 1.4.11 or •1:.,11,
for , aid no es were ob,ained .hrungh intuti
and deeei.. JACOB. 11. JOIIN:-_,TON.
l'a., Nov. S.
New Books,
..MA.Y, by Mary L.ngtion.
-I-The New-bov.
I.e.,vers frommthe Tree IgdraAyl, by Martha
Pl`riSetyle.4—Dr. Eder •
11er I/, Li:y, by Mrs: E. Oake.e
‘Veb:mr and his Masmr Pieces—TeM.
Sonny ; :Memories of Foreign LAIIIN, by
Mrs. 11.13. S.owe,—a:e.,
Just received and for at the
or:, Dee. 7, 7-'29
ItAIIAM'S and Yu natn's Alagazines,
1- - 11.1t.tchwood's, I d nburgh fag zinc, and
the Edinburgh'and NVesttnins , cf Rev.ews, at
the - Jot:at:AL Boo.ti-li.ronE.
New Goods
p -13. TYLER has just returned from the
•ei;y, and IS Ina pared to show the
fat st and hest stuck of Dtues . Medicines,
Paints, Oils, 'Souks, Paper Hang
"„ii;.!%, told Fancy Goods in the coutny,
Ile is also prepared to sell juicer than at
Weltsviile, and as low us any other estublish-
Inept in Cuudt-rsport.
April 1.5, 1052
BY virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias,
Fi. Fa., Ms. FE. Fa., Vethl,Ex. Als. Vend.
Pls. Vend. Es., issued out of tile Court of
ConinionXicas of Potter comity and to Inc .
directed, I will exp. se to sale, by public rens
due or outcry, ht the Court House in Couders
port, on Monday, the ieth day of nceeniher,
It's 4, at one o'clock P. 31. of said day, the .
following described real estate, to wit.: 1
Sittlate in llebron township, Potter county, •
Pa.. bounded on the north be unseated lands
-of Fox Estate, east by Weston .
lands, lot. No.
and McDougall - rind Mattison lands; south
by Jmteph titone lands, lot No. 119; west by
unseated lands of Fox Estate, known as tots
NotL IV and 13:1--containing one hundred
and thirty-three and three-,en Its acres, on
which-i=one board Shanty. • Seized, taken in
execution, and to be sold as the property of
Heftily Ingraham, at the suit of iv an.3ilcDon
gall and 31. Mat. icon.
ALSO—Certain real estate, situate in Gen
esee tow n‘liip, Potter comity, Szati, of- I'a..
bounded on the nor.h . by the Nett-York and
PetinsYlvsnia Stme line, on the easi by hlnds
of Gaimon and Ch imbers. somh by hinchain
west' by lands of C.
tainin tun hundred and ,es en v acres, on
which is :;bout twenty-six act es inmroved.
a log home and barn thereon. Z.;lCvi.ell.
in C', :IA to be sold as the property
of Patrick Burke, at the suit of Chas.
ALSO—Cert.;in re - 11 estate, situ- , 2 i n it i k e
township. !'otter cottutt, hounded as I'M,
I m vs : On ilut iwr.h by let No. 1-!, oat the east
be Ira,: Nn:. 1 1 , on the south by lot
No, end by nnsested lands of the Bing:h a m
Fsmte, on the west liv tinsemed :.wits and in;
lota Nos. EA ;tint :iii, No.. 11 and 1 . 2
of the toilr-d.yi: ion of the land , of the Bing-
It on Esta c in Pike tonship---conmining one
hundred and lifiy-fivi? ;tyres, with about fifty
acres improved, on wh cis is crate ed three
frame homes. two ft-zinie barns, and one 4.-3 W..
al,O with sonic fruit ;roes thereon
Arun. lan No. :al, in town-hit, s;a.e, :Ind
enmity afitresaid. bounded on ilie ticrEi and
ca-: by ion No. 1.1, on the stin-li by lot No. IS
and ity nu-emit and ant ;he west by un
sc-ue.l. ;mid,: and by lot- No. I;t—comaining ;
one hunt: - ed and four acres. with idiom !hut- ;
acres unproved, and •a log imp:: , ere,: ed
thereon. - ttt'it zed, taken in execution, and to
lot mild as the property of Johnson, at
the suit of 1.. D. Williams, in part use of
realAeF , tate, si'.nale in the
to•xn of Allegany. Potter co. Pa., bounded
on north by Fox and Ro,a Imu ea:; by
It.nd: of Henry Dem. son It by lend: of Fox
and 1t0 , 4. and weit by land: a i' (~z no,:,
being" lot number lll,known as the Bed
Lot—containing three hundred and ten tan!
liter tenlt. , acre-t, about twenty acro4 of which
i 4 improved, %%till a log home and :mute frtiit
trot..., thereon, a in• sinate in the linrotigh of I:to:tilers
port, bounded on the !wt.]) by .ands of
a•e, rtos. ht Luther :-.;:rong, smith by
T im o t hy l: e;, and west by lands of the :Cle
b:tin being lot nutillti.r tfl--(tontaininz
lift.).--)ix acres two vi.lage lo.s in
the nortult(loiCl"oltilerspor.,eutin.y aforesaid,
bounded on lirttlior.l.l by I'll It-s.reet, ras, by
lots ututilters 19:;.:(nd 11t and 'Pinto 11). Ives,
south I, l(tt nwither occupied by I)oct.
French, west by Slain -~tee.', on which is
(-reeled a tly.elling home anti barns", hit in the said village of Coudersport,
bounded on the north by rzeeond-street, east
ht liast-street., south b): Titan by Ives, and
‘N 0 , 11)V Tilllntily Ices, being sot -number
on IN kelt is a stortt and (1).% eosin g hou , e.1:11).1
some fruitirees Seized taken in execution,
and to be s(rd as the l rover.}' of David 'l'.
listl. at the suit or N. L. 1)A0,.,
ALSO—Cert 1;11 real est...te . situate in I; wa
le' it) Ns 11 , 11ip. Po.ter clunity, Pa., bounded oil.
the ?writ If 1111,01:ea 1:111(1. by land of
: 4 11:1.yan. sou It by land in possession of
Vt . pm. Eart, and on the twestity ofJohn
I.2,ll'Al—eon ;lining :It :,ere , , Of . % , 111:111 ZII)011:
.'cress 1.• 1121;IniVed, OTI tt Ilkh is a •ralue
b int and an ant., ut orchard .1, reon. and being
a par, of %);trraii numbereized..
lieu exec , lti3O.tand to be so d'as S Ate prop
cry ()I' John !Inn, jr., at the sti.t of Lilian . ]
l'r; rd.
cur.°, tle , terilted
to trit: A cocain two-. or) :taw-anti,
si.iitt etl oa the nor 11 ,atie or the tittw.tti
vu he wa ors ther , of. .11 lie town-hip
or in the eottlity of 1 , 0,;.•r awl :4., I!
Of (.11 s c , r.:Liti .0 of tat e! ',II
po...tet , ion or tti. P. Lyn) tit .e Co., bounded
on :lie Cite., be :and: • in pa...50t...i0n or ::oath
Cri'aerien, the bni.cling
Si". C•': in and sit•
iu wohlt anti .he lot or piece or ground :and
ailtarten i t :osaal
taken in exec:n..loll, and to be so ut . ; d ie
property or P. I,yin tii & Co., at ihe stilt ol•
Morta4 Ise SPV.
A i,SO—Cera'n real eeate, vi mate
gaily Pot•er corn Ya., io: nnin
ber eon:toning one hundred ;Intl two
tenth , acre. lot Ittiniltor con ;lining on ,
-(red and two- en itt.tutoud
1( 111. .cre..., , :0 number
4.1, comaining Liven y-litur mid ti.c-ten 11 ,
1 acres in warrant 12. - --i. bounded on the north
bi - lands of Geor”e Bence, and,-D,tniel Cor
win, e s by 1111.-1.!II. ed ands of Win. Ili (itt't. -
and 'lti(clletis Pearco.and tot .Ist' Wl' , by 'and:
Of J. C. Ca V in Itigh and J. D. Sii if , on which
two frame houses, one log barn, one sham V
1 home and hint ..std a few tt, pm .tees. Seized,
token in ciecn init. ~ ild to he ~ ( at; ;11(` pro,-
' er.v of John I've. Jr.. and' Martm Hy,m, at
the std. of Aaron Rice. .
A I, real es - am, si nom in the
of Couderspor., Po .er coutyy,
Penn.—viz. 1,0 No. 410, on square number
'...;1 of .1.10 p O. of ,lie 11 rough of yonder-purl,
on which is erec ed a tavern house ; fr.otte,
barn t(1111 o her oil house: Ikso, it i.iece
or p.trve Of 1:111,1 itkoining, - he above, in .lie
; Borott"11 of Condor - iron, bounded a: 11 ) ,, 0w .e
' On the our It by Third-s.ree , on .be ea. , . by
le s of Julius Johnson, on the sou Ii (by Sees
and-s rest, and on ,lie we:, by to:, numbe - rs
...: 1 . , -. ; t1 , , 2:19, ;1:1(1 :4 7, being a of .and
running from t- 4 eitond to Third-s 1 cets, and
forty ftm. (0 wid li, on which is erec ell one l Cuturi rt<tclaratatittiii.
Ikacksnii Ii shop and stied. S ieed, taken in
. execution ; and ,0 be so d as :lie proper.y. of ' I iTIIIIIIEAS the Ilon. Robert I I.'..lVltire,
C. 1,V..1 (Mason, at the stliz of C'. Eve..n, .1 r.. it V President Jude, and the lbw.' I ) .1.
M.SO—Certain re al esnne, sini•tte in the Lewis and .1 i,ei.ii Mann, E s t i ,
.‘,... 0c i l l, e
town-hip of Sintunit. Po.ter county, Pa.; and Judges of the ('ottrts of I )tor mid - Terminer
dc.scribed Ls 1 0,,0w5: Beginning in the west i a nd General Jail Delis cry, gintrer ;tl:' :shin: of warrant number zltitt, being one bun- o f the Peace, Orplian's Court and Court 'of
dred and one rods _ sOfll l of .li e nor hive , : Common Peas thr the C:minty 'of :Potter,
corner of s.(td warr ;IL I thence ens' one hum have issued their precept, I:raring date the
dred and two roils. to a post; thence south I _ad day of September, in the year of our
eighty rods to a po-t; thence west one linn- Lord one thousand eight hundred and filly - -
tired and tell rods to a post in west line of four, and to lint dirtM.ed, for bo.ding a Conn
said w..rrati ; ,hence nor li eigh y rods to .lie of Over and Terminer end General_ Jail De:
place of beginning—containing fifty-live acres, livers-, (loaner ti ssion- °Fite Peace, I Irpnals'
be lig part of warran. number:nit i, with Lbout Court, and - Court of (:mouton Pleas, in the
two acres improved, 1:1 acres chopped, wi 1: Borough of Coudersport., on 31ON DA 1 - , the
a 11 - (one 'house erecmd thereon. Seized, ls,b day of December next, and to' dontintte
taken in execution, and to be so d as the one week.
property of Clifford ll;Lskin, at the suit of, Niiiico is therefine hereby given to the Cor- .
John 31 ahan. _ \ oners, Jos ices of the l'eacc, and Coils' atb•ts
ALSO—Certain real estate, situate in A'le- - 1 withal the countyt, that they be then and there
gall - township, Potter county, Pa., bounded ! in their prober persons, .at 11l o'clock, A. Si.,
and described as follows: On i he nor,h,sothh, ,of said day, with their rolls, recordsAmptisis.
east and west by unseated lands of the Bing- ( nous, examinations, and other remembrances,
halt Estate, and being. lots number; (127 Lint to do ,hose things which to their aiices ap-
Lvti of the sub-division of the Bingham lands per,ain to lie done. And these is ho arc bound
in said township—containing one hundred and i by their rdognizances to prosecute against
ninety - -eight and live-ten Its acres ' or which i the pr.soners Alit are or shall be in the jail of
;here is about limy acres-improved, with one I the said county of - Potter, are to be then and
fr. 4 ale house., two log houses, and two log 1 there to prosecute against them as will be just.
barns, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized, Da.ed at Coudersport, Oct.'11 1 1111,.11::5-1, and
taken in execution, and to be sold as the prop- the 79th year of the Independencti of the
erty of James It Hill and William Bill, at i United States of America.
the silt of William Perry. P. A. STEBBINS, Sikerif,
ALSO—Certain real estate:to wit: Sittiate •
in Hector township, Potter county, Pa. Be
ginning at the Nowhwest corner of lot N0..37
of the allotment of Bingham lands in Elector
township aforesaid, which said lot N0.•37 was
heretofore contracted to Abel Dickens, thence
north on the western line thereof one hun
dred and twenty rods to apost on the southern
boundary of lot No. 3-1; Conveyed to Abel
Dickens, thence west twenty-eight and mute
tenth rods to Et post on the easter., line of lot
No. 33, conveyed to Benjamin L. Wilber,
thence south on Said eastern line eight and
taro-tennis rods to southeast corner ot said lot
No. 33, thence we-t on the southern boundary
line of said lot number:l3 ninety-tivc add five
tenths rods to the nordr.vest earner thereof,
thence south one hundred and e:even and
e'Lth:-ten Its rods to' the northwest corner of .
lot number 4.1. col'rtc:c:ll to . A ben. Wilmr, -
thence east on the nor li,rn hue of said' lot
number 4'l one hmted :;lid MC mity-1 w o and m
0ne...u1l rods to th . pace of beginning—con- '
ta nalg sixty-two :ezcs,' mare or less, and
hying int number:di and the sou It prt of
. lot
here.ofbre to C:!!;-b Ca .:Siting .To..ybridg ;,"itt
warrant untnher , 1:i97 ;id 17'1; of 1.1:n0i in
land , in ilee'or tcw.l;,:hip. ::. , eized, takes -in '
(.7,,t2cutio . n, and to be sod as the-propi-rtv of
Ira F. El both. at elm suit of dm - et/Milt Bean I
and/Samuel I'm,v, er,h, : .
A!::" . o—e;:rtaii, real c::',.atc, in Pike
tt ' vl l" }ll l', Po:ler counts.; Pa.. hounded on'ilie lAr hind. of Ilhnsiker ; uriock.
1)3• llnt;siker and Gur.ock.retitli by solidi ;me
of warrant inniiher v, est by lot notaloie
tin , eatiiil land of Ilitti , iker tind Clnr'inak,
situated On warri.n: being'
number '2V—co:ll:tilting: one It.aulred and ihir;
ty-eight and fottr-ien to. acres, noire or ;es - 4, on
b rlt 'l4 ore One
Intine barn, one bo,ird in . y, allow eighi
acres iwprot ed, and slatte Irtiii trees thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be so. !d
the properly of Calvin (:;:trio!, at the ',nit of
A.bert P. Cone.,
EFl'....Yatire is hrreTiy gi: rcy. that an amount
c7ztal to the rusts trill la re.,7ttircrl t, be paid tip,»
each sale what strurl,- (loan to the li , l.ler ;?and
itpun (1 reliltrrr to conipl:l trill, ILiS regulati,,n,
Vic tract el' lam! trill 1:!....tin Ic of/ Cr.!
.I;,r sole: ..
P. A. S'rEW..IIN:4, t•herifil
Seieniri - 'o I trricr, 1 .. .
Coloter-port, Nov. ..:'3; 1 , =5 : !. i
- vOTIOEi, lwreby given Ihat the Ainli:or
appointed Gc the Conn to tnalte ill,:trllyi
tion.ol the proceed, of,the sale of real elate
in ihe e:Ne of Joint Stu , . er VS. M
. • A
11. 1;:: Jane Terpt, trill attend to
the dtitie:: or IC.s appoitt.:ltetrt at the.otliCe of
A. (. (1;to , "41. lithe Horottgli of t'ott
der,p,rt, 4ho il;tv of Decenther ,nuxt,
at 0110 o'e!nel: P. IL. %)iwn all pk , r , on, 'titter
cited mat attend if they-think prnprr:
Nov-:-23, N5l,
Estates of Decedents
OTICE I. hereby gii - eti i}tit the lthp'lliq
trazor:•of the e , of cieeetleiii, in the
fo!lowing :0- :
r.:tors of :he es: ate of Francii-lieve,
John , ton.
" Lewis Warren,
have Wed their account. i n Ih e
()thee of ;he cowl v of Potter, and that the
SalllP will be pre-elited for confirmation to ;lac
Orph Court of the said county, to be held
at the Borough of CouderTort on the third
Monday of Decetnbor next. when ail per.:ons
intere,,tell inity attend if theythatk proper:
11. J. oLsisTLD,
RE , ;1 , 1'Ell• , '011:112E,
Cot:den-port, Nov. 17,
HYGE [lap,
1 13rcurda [lonic to thr Ddor of tht
A ktmsi, E i : vi l , I )).( . .,vEll V Ins reeent'y
been nh,fle by Dr. Ofri4, of Ilt*N eily, in dm
tre.::::fent of Cou-ntalni - on. .I , :hina, and all
diffe.i.e- of the Li n i. \Vt. refer to "
Inlnditn: Vahir and
Cherry : 4 yritp.•' thizinfw n o End Dr.
C. re,ored many afdi e • c d one: to perfect
C.. 1:: as an e‘ifirnee of which he ha intnt
mi b e cer:ilira.ex. Speaking of the: 1 roal
men: evident that-. in :
in;z—con-:antw blew hint;
Ilea ing apor. Ihe medicinal proper. is M 0 .,:
eolui! to diref.: - von'af!. xidlt :he vho e of the
aria' cal it': of ning-., and ant: est , :pe :he
many and v irled 'ch diges produced' upon
then: n hen in . .rodneed in o the s.ontach, and
'fob ee ed th. , prove 'fff'ditre,::.on. The
I I . v gforf if: for -a.e at th e . droggof:s . through'
(IL ff
N. Y. o:dr/woo...tan: H.
i , '‘vorii na ,hr tire under Ow
linen die Ie <t inr(;lveuieur —,he
heal of ;lie body being mile etato Zif/Oraif.)
the 1111i.l.
• ondred: of en<es thv .4410 v.--
inz :nigh'. he mcAieff. (he ir,:cliAge;of cire
ellred_we of ;he hula of :ix
rs'.erry, P. 3L. DunraLn n , Pa.
1 win eired of A Inn r of .10'‘ , ntr.;,4:nnl
ing by Dr .1! I.
• ibto , ;ird EUSi Man. 1111 , 01dija •
:11r , ..P:mi of No. :) . Alale.111 , 11:,i
cured or t severe 'ease Bronehetis -hy the
Ilygi dna
11v s -ter Lid been cored of a di , !re ,, ing
congh of several years s;:mdipg, and deddedi
to to ineurlh e by her physki..ns.• ;•:be NV:l=
CUL t'd 111 0111. 111011 Ii Ito
. 1 . IL ( - 1 tilTri P .31r.
Price 'lltree Dollar). it Pa c kage.--t-ta A t by
Crie.TlS PERKINS a 1101 - 11 a I'.1.11„
No. 149 (211 :tuber; st., N. 1.--1 l'aehatre ,
free by e \pre ,, to any part of the 1....111.1•41
S a e , for 'fen ittt:',:tr,.
N. 1.1... Dr. Ifyge ma is the - original
nd on y gefi7iine e..ut,l a I o her; are
tse ;1. ton, or vi e and
. ininriott;
,bent you wow(' poi-on.
Nov. 16. 7...7; y
ror'sne he D. 11'. 1 Spencer,
Coudersport Academy,
min: fall term of th!s itenitution will com
tuence on Wednesday, October 25, 185.1,
and coniitine eleven weeks.
Elementary branches—Orthographr,
Geography, Arithme.ic. Physiology, $3.00
llikber;Arithmitio, I. — v•st Lessons in
A!g,ebra, and English Gra.mmer.....
lligher English branches. Philosophy,
. Astronomy, Xgebra, &c.. 5.00
iHigher Mat }:erratic= art} the Langnages, 0.00
Ins,Tocion on the Pis:no Forte, extri 10.00
use of instrument, •3.00
Yeeal music free of charge.
':;r Either higher class of studies will in
chide any or all the lower chtssei.
The sorb-criber takes this occa , inn to e.,:-
- pre,4; his thanks to the people of Potter and
Ur .o;her sec:ions for their liberal support
durin_ the past year, and to assnrc them that
no padus will be spared ht the future that may
be required to make this school an institution
wor:ll 2 ,' of the entice confidence and support
of ah who de. , ire asound rud mental as well
as a ,iturongh ma:liet.taticai,and classical odq
J. 111.00M1NGD.A.1.17, Princ'pal.
The under-ig . riedolli(Mrs and Tro , tees of
the Coudersport Acmiony are moved by a
sen:e of mileial and personal doll . , to call the
atten•ion of the pob!ic, and - of the people of
our conmy in pardeMar, to ..he rising and
weft' charamer of‘hi, institution of !earning.
11 - hen we invited the present wort h p: Prinet
pal to .he post lie ecettp.e , .. we found the Acad
emy depressed and &cluing. \Ve submitted
its org.auizmion and wher utmd tfair;
to his discye!imt inan-zmnent: and our
ev.perience en wid t ;licrea..ol cont . ,
donee to assure paretn, and guardilus that he
fro: 1 - r o ved fat hitt!, pffleient, and piactical---
j \lst ouch au instructor as tins chnuntuti..y
11. 11. DENT. PreAjent,
11. J. (lI.MsTED, Tre:ls.„\•Trustec3
T. It. TYLER, )
beatwass fur :lie be:lt and most sa!eable
- Books ptib ; blied. 'They are written by
the I, ost popu:ar Ainhors - of the day, in
ctltding, among obters; T. S. Awritun, of
/hose last great work,
1 0 ,00tieopies h we been so:d - Ns iihin a inonth
of pzifilt:ll
• The , e books ar s e illustrated,
(many of theta wi:11 finely colored plate.,,)
Lod are 1 rite ed and bound in the be a waner.
Agett:s 4 tittd a Ida -ants aad prilii fire
rmp oyntent in their e!rettiation. For par
tietcars address ;post paid)
• .1. W. BRADLEY,
7-19 31 Pit .li-her,
No. North Enttrill street, Plkilatle, di a.
U11_11.TS:111 , :\ a ii; ti
row of Animonition
:full I . l,!!itzg tic (1.1:11ity n.:tl
low pi
T4 VON'S I:ATIiAIIZON and other
fia and
fin• alc at TYLER'S.
PERS( :..11.6 1 ,11 nrir, ‘.l ill fih,l
( ,r‘V
acid i , Bk at fair I , rims
IN - ENV B(BiliS jtl,4 reeek efl at the
Sept. 1, 1E.:J . 4. 7-16
rIDEST HANDLE:I.% Dra..ver do.. Bob.;.
‘—'lZo:c l .lo , . I fai:or ‘Vanfrobe Hooks,
B::rn Door llingoi I.ei•t" b)r ,:tlo by
I. I: \‘• IS, 'MANN.
C:abinct ca'r,itsr.
inrorm e:tizen. or Cooder , poi . t
and , urroonWog conforv. that It , \VIII C,e
-c,ltie all order- in Li. Novi lot.,ine , s at slon - t.
notice and ri-:Nonal,!o
Pla-14! nor.tlie Pro,l)v!pri
7 I:2
- 1 ,- 41 1•;I : ,N1EICS
V Sci o,:ta‘o, .
1,,i• , : t!t• if. El:.
lULI l: and juit rcccice•,l
me Journal Book-b i t — Oré
d - IFTER:4 to •the ptil,:ie a good
kfnio,t re - Rl:tb'm cheap ror en -11 or
AU the lielxe.t hook , CI
ratio are ki•pt un luitt(l,- ter iurnetliale:y pr•,-
eon ror v.e hope to rec.!"Re
patroftNz.. 1:6.11611 at;ell'ion to 1)11-i
-:Ind ;11l e,14.110,t-de,IS-V
(I , erye. Nt , x bouts , no•vivi , tl a: shor:
St::•ionery of NH kilok,
oath for l',,p‘or c:ll: , tan:ly
on hand: 3laihecn.llivat
call an,l e%rniline for vour , plNr4
111 C I I:(
nbbil7s vaicl
artirlrs ure m'a
panted t, , an,lmo:“ y. ;oat pr;nnu
r e nce nzid Imrinour is C7miii._s.
partner-1:ii) c , ;.iAin 4
\V. Jone 4 & l3ro.
ili, , o'Ned nottital eoti , rot. 'rho due
said firni trill be footid the Irool. of %V. T.
and all c:aiol. F , aitl firm are to
to hi.iz payment.
W. JoN Es.
A. P.
I do 7ppo'lnt. A. 1. / .lrate-4 my a;rent
for thiT tr:io i and mammy o!oelit GI . an or
;my of my givi!:g him 111:1
and pin.; r .fro samo. NV. T.JONIS.
Cowlerspori.:"oloembor. 2S. li-51.
lE. °pa r;11C rAlip here.
r. - - •
i=r;rT colore_ ranting betwern
I:thvin 11:1 , kei! ;incl Atlll,sonl%ory is thii (Ltv
etl hr con:ent. per , on4 in
dehted Im the Isle rinn or fra.l.ell Avery
v. ill And tlif•ir acro:mt• in thr• Mr.
Avert' for se:tlono,o, • I. !"
Colkleisporl, Aog. I I,
Harrison's 'Columbian Inlr:s.
131;„.1,. , o r artn , Cop),.:dg, _Mark
Green. 1;/ark, • lilac, Indellible,
ed, Carminr
These Inks . flow frelely from the pen, and
gi‘e a stranger and more difrab:e colorthan
any other: For triwirs(t/e anti wail. by
'111031.1S B. TYLER,
Corder; port..
7 - 4' t irt A 311: to the ,mll.ld•ilier some time
Vi in the inon.l. (.1' Jtme last, a light
;;:ot. on 'the right side of the head.) The
owner is re ptrstcd to prOve property, pay
charge, and take her away.
Allegany township. Potter co., l'a. "2"("It
New Books. •
- 1 - ADIES and Gentlemen are invited to call
Ji.J.iud examine the new books and. other
goods just received and for sale at • .
1):•117. 11‘1,1k Sr.
rvLnu S
3iUoitlf6l (Carti.
ttorntg at Iff4 to ,
N. E. corncr Gib and Wzdtmt-istrects,
Jan-18.18W. c tf
attornrn at ?Lab),
Cmidt nlaa-t, Pa. - hill regularly attend the
auntscouuty. 3-4011
t t
_at 71. a iv",
Wvlh.borou•dt, - 'rio , :a county, Pa, will reNtiltsr•
lv uttulia the courts of Putter county.
June 1. 18:S,
11111 f; having eutrumloti
wiili 111.: cal: of svvi.ri-il largo tracts of
jai land titlrs of the
:did will ;tire iiomcdiutc attcution to
:In"; Cusintrs of this nature that mad• he en., a to linn. J. S.-MANS.
.M. a GAGE, M. D.,
- 11 - 3111s1c1 AN AND sui:GEoN—woda
1 ,,e;IM! ): infinin the citizens of Golden ,
p-rt ZIPEI r tiiat he him lecateil
pi maw:2oly :mina: them, and will attend
rails in hi-, 'mires:i o n. B.
Tyler's Drum : mat 'lntik Store , 6-6
4, 'I - FORNEY L.lll'.—Otlice, East sid•
puble square, Coudersport, I's.
By spec al arrangement the profcgsional ser
vices of P.J (MIN SUN, ESE!, Inar be engaged
through bum in all eatieA inl %licit he IS not
rros.iou ,. .y concerned.
N. 11...-:Ail c l,:i m ; chtc and payab'c to the
undersigned, per,onaily aril profes , ionally,
Ma be found in ,be li..ntli of Isaac Betison,
I:sl., f or ;411:4:nieni. • ti. P. JoitssoN.
larell 3, ft ft. • 1-2tf
attand 111.• several 'Courts in Putter
and 31 . Kt , nnriem. All it , iness entrusted
to Ili. , care , A HI receive root (pt nttentinn.
on :\ lain-street, upposite 1110 Conti
1,11, (•• Isi•nrt,
:111,:nd It, nil, Fk clortiAtrql
1;;, rare V11!11
Of stain,„, . '
Titoritcp L Counstioi: 'Lett),
r.port, 0111(.-11(.rtli slii• enure
at ." 'l' Lc Put,
rEw nnv Music;
lA_ mu.
trdlrr Tpcts, or any periiiilictile
Ito ss c i nisian d y uu
'; icon!, v. itli F op, r, s!;:ti:-, and thing
f L.( •
M. %v. MANN.
C. , 11'i'1I
7J talc v, 121 . r Goab 0,
Crcc::ias ant Previsioaq ;
Tinnily:li 0. er.nkery mid Glu , , Ware ;
Boots & filioes,Eats & Caps. .
In et ery!hing n ;tinily kept in a
l'om•ry All or which he car•r4 .fur
at Nei•:. lot: prit.ei for the pay.
piu••s-coiner or Main and See-
Cond,r-"port, at the o!d stand of
S',". T. Pr. July 7, 1.t.'51:
DB. IIItOIVN wote.d. give to :he
• he is pri..T.-Jed. hi*
r. , Tolry is f'ooder,pot:, to nianiier or
and to order all
of . 1 1.:../.ii:fry...ll/1/-(4cring, flo:•rd rod
Car , . and every
to by a o oltering rannrinnity.
Atttl to Faritt;•;7t 1.2 v.ottbl say, that he hag
rim—trod smut . - (tithe br.t Pjner triVerns is
;1 Llnd and keep'
mt:v on.litml. And %yin make to
artie:e tt•etl then in Lis liar of 1111,11-
IW , -. prop_ired to do :.!1 Liods or
L K if 1 x u
, mi c\rericlice in Ow
tont;dent of giving- NnitiAltc-•
Coo ;ho-t• ' LW gi% e Itim a call.
N.l3.—Oid 11 , 4.1 or taLen in el.
I. L I:ire fur troth.
Foreign Attachment.
virrEit. CCU.:._.
, Pennsylrania
, .5.,( if said County, Greet- .
'We mutt:and con that you attach - Silns
Sty li..riand, late of your county, by all and
siazu .:r his good: and chattels, lands and ten
eluon:s, in v. hose hands or p , ,:-ession soccer
die sane nny be. so th it he he and appear
mature the Judges of our Court of Common
Conder.-port, at a County Court of
Cilnunon Piet, there to be held for the said
county on the third :Thluday of Devernbci.,
nex , , - thett and there to an nver 31atthew -S.
\Vitt. Ennis, and Joseph 11. Welch of
"1 As-tunp-dt. not exceeding five hun
dred mud also that you summon the .
P• 011 nr Fersons itt v.d.use bands or posession
tho property of the . said Sits' Sutherland may
find. so th.!t they be and appear befurn
Con . rt ;it the -aid Clow and. place, to
tuts,- • v, • l , e oh;ected .against them,
4 1„ t h e jodgin-.:it (tithe Colin therein—
au l von then tind there thi4 writ.
Robert . G. 'White, Protti
t7.,:: J..74..1: our said ( Coudersport,
1.1 t;: ..!...t.ll thy or october,
11. J. t tt,INTED. Proth'T.
By %irate of the above dc=cribed writ, I
c ::,ached ihe fidlowing described piece
er 'Lace, of - :and. sittut!e, in Sharon township,
Po:'cr eaun:r, Pennsylvania, bounded and
de-erihod - follotv.4, io wit:- -Beginning at
the : , (Jrilixvcst corner of ‘l, arrant 2176, thence
by sionh of said warrant east 44 rods
to the n: s: bank of the Oswayo creek, thence
up the son:h bank of die creek and race (being
line of knd conveyed by Silas Sutherland to
'iii was J. Minix) to the east line of said
land, thence soudi one hundred and two
p,irches and tive.arich , to a post, thence welt
one hundred and fifty-six perches to a post in
w e :: fine of sa d warrant, thence by said line
north' two huudred and. two perches and fives
ten:lis of a perch to the place of beginning:
coit , :it:ing one bundled and sixty acres, of
which about jive acres are cleared; ;
P. A. STEBBINS, Sheriff,
D IARIES for 15:i5 just received at