The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, February 03, 1854, Image 1

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one copy per annurnrin advance, $l.OO
Village subscribersperannum,in advance. 125
' RATES Or . ADVEItTISING. - 0110 . square, of
twelve lines or Less, will be inserted dime
tinsels for one dollar; for every subsequcte
Insertion, twenty-five 'cents will be charge d.
Rule. and figure work will invariably be
obareed double these rates.
17"rhese terms will be strictly adbered,to.
The Professions
1a every community theta an , a few
young men who can deliberately choose
their profession. There are only a few ;
for accident, not choice, determines the
career of most. of us. But, here and
there, there is a youth who, owing to
.the circumstances of his parents or the
atrength of his own determination, is
able to make up his mind what he will
do in life; and lie does it.
In former times, young men of this
fortunate class embraced, as a matter or
course, the profession of arms ; and in
some of the less progressive countries of
Continental - Europe, the maj.mty of
well-born" youth do so to this day.
The - girls of Copenhagen still prefer
that the arms of a 'soldier should embrace
them, when they waltz, and the highest
honors of the court and cabinet are still
worn with the epaulette. In those-coun
tries, not to be a soldier is. not to belong
to the elite of society. :Happily, our
own army iv so small, that arms, as a
profession for educated gentlemen. can
scarcely be said to exist among us. IMO
lions of our and die without
even seeing a man entitled to paint .on
his trunk the letters U.S. A.
In this republic, the Law has been.
till within a few years, the favorite pro
fession of the fortunate few. The Law
w-as the benten path to the highest hon
ors. Every President but two has been
chosen from the legal profession: Evrry
Vice President whose name we can now
call to mind, was a lawyer. Every nrin
in our time who has been a prominent
but unsucc •ssful candidate for those
offices, was .0 lawyer. Almost every
Governor of a State has keen a lawyer.
The leading persons in counties, towns,
and villages, have generally been .
yers ; and down even to the present
time, the profession 'retains some of its
former prestige. It is only in the
few years that great merchants. great
manufacturers,. great writers, great
gineers. great railroad men, great agri--
cuiturists, great architects, have begun
-to overshadow the wealth and conse
quekce of great lawyers. Lawyers know
the legal profession are over, and over .
forever. Simplified codes_reduce fees.
Improved manners and increasing en
lightenment diminish litigation. The
more men know the better friends they
are; and the better - friends men are,
`the more likely they are to be able to
settle their disputes without the tis&.isty
ante of a court. • Illoreover, the great
honors of a State, once so much coveted.
—once so august and overwhelming—
are now of far less account, because t'
whole country understands that the.-e• I
high honors cannot, except by accident, i
fall upon the deserving ; but are merely
stock in trade of a small, disreputable
class of men, who have made a busi
4aess of politics, and whose jargon in•the
newspapers is even unintelligible to the
public. Emphatically, the palmy days
.of 'thy. law are over.
' We believe there is no diminution in
the number of •candidates for sucn legal
boners as are left; but in the quality of
these candidates there is a palpable di.-
preciation. We cannot speak for ocher
'places, but in New-York the elite of the
'Young men do not, as a general thing,
-become students of the law. When
they do, it is because an uncle, or a
father, or an intimate friend, is the pos.
sensor of a busineis in which there is
an opening and a prospect. In fact, to
create a legal business: in New-York, is
.understood to be just one degree within
km impossibility. In the country, it is
'less - difficult; but to an honorable man,
.!ometimeti quite impossible. For exam
ple, there is a town, about an hundred
'tidiest from New-York, in which reside
fourpdting lawyers, whose united praa
L '
ace (a year ago) would have kept a cow
in tolerable pasture. They were not
men to sit at their desks and patiently
slam): On the contiiry, they had no
Benner got a license to practice, and their
tin plates painted, than they set- about
• making a stir in the couitty,• ~ to let,"
as one of them happily termed it, , ‘ their
names up " A. embraced the ',tem
perance cause," and , spoke at meetings.
13. plunged into Odd . Fellowship, and
passed' his leisure moments in visiting
Lodges and advocating' the interests of
the Odd Fellows generally. O; went
into the extremities of politics, and got
his name into the papers. D. devoted
himself to the church. and advanced so
far on the road to preferment as to be
allowed to hand round the plate. These
expedients, we are informed, have not
been employed in ,vain; and this fact
alone—the fact. that "such expedients
could be successful—is almost'enough
to put the stamp of infamy '
on•the pro
fession. We do not think it is going too
far to say, that the law' is among the fait
prof : ssions'one should recommend to a
young man of honor, spirit, and talents.
Among the elder mi . .mbers of tVe legal
pro'ession, there are men of thii first
respectability, of eminent talent and
great worth ; but it is not the profession
for a young man to choose in the year of
our Lord 1b54.
t is a talking profession; and What is
wanted in these days is action, abd the
power of directing actiqn. We want
rchkects who, to use the language of
Mr. Greenough. can apply Week prin.
iples without imitating Greek formi.
This nation, in ;be course of the' next
fifty years, is to be torn down and built
up better.- Of the two, hundred 'and
fifty churches standing this day in New-
York, not•twenty will exist is the year
1900, but have been replaced by
b-tter ones, if architects can be found to
build them.' WI- ler, on the
one hand, the Taf hick prop
erty is accumuk ul on the
other hand, 'the •sally dif
fused for magnificence, we cannot resist
the conclusion, that the United States is
about to furniA . The4argest and best'field
for the practice of the' architectural pro
lesion that has e ve r been a'fiinded at any
period, in any country. Btit those who
practice that profession must have ideas..
Copyists we have already, and copies
we have already. We want men who
will thoroughly rreLter their' art, not to
be enslaved by it; men who• will seize
the great idea' that beauty is utility per
fected-, and .make it live in structure's
that shall answer their purpose to admi
taste of those who behold them. There
is a great deal of glory in reserve for the
men Who shall adapt the art of architec
ture to the wants, thelclimate, the genius
of America—and not glory alone.
We want engineers, too. Within the
next fifty yenta, a thousand tunnels will
have. to be excavated, ten thousand
bridges will
,be built, a million miles of
railroad must be laid out, the whole
Rocky Mountain region -is to be made
accessible ; and things are to.- be done
which we can no more anticipate now,
than the people of the year 1800 couild
have anticipated railroads, telegraphs,
and steamships. What n field for men
of science and talent ! The American
mind is singularly adapted to enterprises
of this' kind ; and it is with the utmost
confidence that we urge young men who
can choose what they will do, and who
have ho fancy for an ordinary, hum-drum
career, to give the profession of engin
eering a serious consideration. It is a
profession for a MAN ! it takes him out
of-doors, up mountains, along torrents,
across praries, through forests. He be.
conies intimate with nature, while he
uses the forces of nature to subdue na
ture ; and there is something so honestly,
palpably, and greatly beneficial_in .what
be does, that the narrowest of utilitarians-,
cannot refuse him his respect. Look at
Col. Serrel, who bridged the Niagara
brfoie he was 20 years of age, and _ did
the same service for the St.. Johri's,on
his wedding trip. Thera is something
better in that than stupefying the mind
- over "moral philosophy," , and other an
tiquated trash, in the .. senior years."
Andlhere is tbe greot difficulty. We
POTTER-COUNTY, ;3 t 1854.
want. men of. action ; l)ut the maia.eflort
of ourschnOla is to produce, men of. talk.
An engineer who had occasion some
time ago, for two assistants,in surveying
a railroad, addressed the follOWlng.-iptes
tion to three profesinis of mathematics
attached to three colleges of high repute:
In the class about' to graduate from
your institution, are there any young
men competent to go upon the road im
m• liately and make surveys without any
assistance from me ?" " There were none,
and the professors frankly said so. What
a fact is this ? As a'preparation for the
studies of modern life,our college course
is scarcely any use at all ; and we care
not • who hears - us when we
. say, if a
young man is resolved to run a great
career in an active, manly profession, let
him keep out of college. .that young
man has no four
,years to waste.l• • His
knowledge real, positiye,modern.
. •
He needs a traijied eye. a trained hand,
a broad chest, and a long wind ; 14;o? a
stinittlated brain merely , . He must be a
man of the world, educated in the world,
by the world,' for the world.
Wecannot pursue the subject further
at present. The sum of the . whole mat.
ter is this: the talking professtons have
had their day ; the means
. cif education
have-not yet become adjusted to the new
want : and he who-promotes such ad.
justment, even so 'far ns to point out its
necessity, does a good thing.—.-Home
"It cannot be that earth is man's abi
ding, place. lt cannot be that our life is
a bubble, cast up by the' OCean of Eter
nity, to float a moment;on its,waves,and
sink into - nothingness.' ElSe:why is it
that the high and glorious aspirations
which leap like angels • from the temple
of our hearts, are forever wandering
abroad unsatisfied ? Why is it that the
rainbow and the cloud comet :over us
wit.n a beauty that is not of earth, and
then pass off and leave — us to muse upon
their failed loveliness ? Why is it that
the stars which •hold their festivals
around the midnight throne, are set
above the gmep , of liMitild• faculties--
forever with their, un.ip
proaehable glory ? And finally, why is
it that bright forme
o.hognati beauty are
presented to our view and then taken
front us—leaving the thousand streams
to fldw back in an Alpine torrent upon'
our hearts ? We were born to a higher
destiny than that of earth. I :There iS a
realm where the rainbow never fades,
_where the stars Will be spread out be
fore us like the islands that slumber on
ings which here psi before us like
visions, will stay' in otir presence forev
Spunky Yankee Lieutenant.
- Lieut. Sheldon, bf the U. S. artillery,
a strange, iron-hearted man, stood at his
gun at the battle of Lacole Mill (Canada)
until every other mart had left it. The
enemy, seeing his condition. sent a de
tachment to take him and his gun ; but
he maintained his position till th colunin
came within pistol shot, when he touched
it ofT. The order of fire had been given
the saine instant to the infantry, arranged,
somewhat in the form of a semicircle in
the woods ; and when the smoke cleared
away, only one of the detachment was
standing on his feet, and he making
rather ezcelerate tracks .for the
Sheldon.once refused to take off his hat
in a Canadian theater while the .orches
tra played "God Save the King," when
an English officer reminded him of his
neglect. He made some reply which.
led to a duel. A friend of Sheldon tried
.to dissuade him from fighting, saying
that he ought to apologize for his-con
duct, as the established rule, requiring
every one to be uncovered when God
Save the King" was played, should have
been respected. Sheldon, however, was
obstinate about it, when his friend told
hini that his antagonist never missed 'his
aim, and that he was a " dead man" if
he fought. " Then," said Sheldon,
there.will be two • dead narn.'" They
.ughi, and the English officer fell dead
at the first fire. Sheldon was shot
through and through. He, however,
lingered 'on' for some sir months, and
fintlly died in Boston. :He retained'his
aknost unnatural` fearlessness and hardi
hoodsto the last, and would accost his
friends, as they stole softly into his sick
chamber, with, Walk in, pall-bearers,
walk M." He was
. aPittsfield man, and
was such stuff heroe,s-are made of.
Warship 011ie !Wiles
Idolatry neither is, nor:ever his been
a . partial or local•. evil. It : Passed not
away : with the, superb .empires of anti- .
quity, nor is it now confined to the re- .
gions of the East. In vain has Chris- .
tendom enacted the Iconoclaust and shiv
ered into atoms 'the• bronze and marble
symbols of false deities, so long as the
passion or idea, thus embodied, still
holds unbroken sway. . •
And, tell us, when and where now
exists or ever did exist,,a Worship so
false and monstrous, or exaeting sacri
fiices so terrible,xis that oftha Demon of
the Bottle ! read •with shuddering
commiseration; of the devotee,:ofJuggar
naut offering his body to be crushed be--
neath the .ponderous wheels of the idol
car.• But what is this corporeal death.
throu h a single. pang of infinitesimal
d Lion, 'compared :with the lingering,
sore-itrugglitig dissolution or-the bOttle•
.victim ? His is a death, wherein inno
cence, kindliness and conscience, domes
tic and kindred affection, love of repute
tion, and even all love 'and fear of God,
'expire one by one, with agonizing
throes,. and the• wrecthed creature may
traverse the earth for long years; net so
much a veritable living Man, es an au
tomaton. moved by demoniac influences.
If the antique idolatay of 13dc'chns
involved much-of debasing;_ there wits
also associated with at same*hat orie
deeming influence. The magnificent
temple, the sh•ipely'statue, the Speaking
picture, the thrilling music and taste
fully superb pageantry,'--these, at least,
appealed Co soMething, higher than the
lowest animal-propensities and served to
cultivate hiirtnony and beauty.
• But the devotion to the bottle is,-'in all
its principal stages, _coarse, hardening,
degrading, without qualifications. .The
miserable eramshop, the kennel, tatters
and blavhetny : the frenzied, ferocious
brawl, and not seldom crimes of even
the darkest dye,—such are the natural
accompaniments of this service, and
amid such scenes even the highest or
ganized become low, whit the low
minded and coarse, grow. ever coarser
and •lower still. And yet.r/iis is a wide.
spread. idolatry of christian lands I Ant!
•1 rangcr null, we despatch shiploads of
missionaries and runt barrels:to - redeem
heathen nations from the worship - of
idols !
What spectacle so unaccguntable in
is unaccountacle world,' that which
many have been called perforce, kV
itness,—thee progress from beginning
the close of an inebriate's career.?, , .atutn..4re.s.„lV4;
moving_straight forward to affu ntimely;
dishonorable grave. 11e heard the sobs .
of that breaking heart, to which he was
more than all the world beside, and,
which before Heaven be hull vo*ed to
cherish,—but these did not arrest him.
lie heard the cries of the dependent lit
tle ones, "bone of his bone and flesh of
his flesh," whom he was Plunging in
poverty, want and disgrace,—but he
moved never the slower.- He encoun
tered the averted locks, and heard the
scathing reproaches•of society ; he hark
ened to the stern denunciations of .God's
word,—but all were in Lain. "Hell
from beneath was moved to meet him•at
his coming," and ,he caught, the whis
pers of that dreadful irony,.trt thou al
so become weak as we, art thou become
like unto us 9"—but he went down ; to
its depths _without pausing,—it may be
tvithout plea or attempt 'at self-jostifida-
ion. You told him of 1 . 1 i; ivital
(ions; again and again you remonstrated .
with him tilltears drowned youfutter
ance ; he acknowledged his obligations;
he wept yith you, bitter,rstaldinglears ;
the thanked you for your delity—and
this was all! There was a demon had
fast hold on him,- that
. could not, would
not be content, r save by . draughts inces
santly renewed at hip. o'wn.d,...burning
:element '
And - yet, with this picture multiplied
ten thousand times befOriour'eyee; we
find men in respcnisible official positions,
who can ileep soundly at nights, Apr
raise.a hand to arrest ht. pogress,;•and
even -defend their worse -than neglect
With the , meanest sophistry which ever
Sullied !tie breath-of wron-doers. • Haw
dhieris;kftow long is•tbis,
to be tolerated? • there nti potent
'voice in alithis greai'Atir; that Shall be
'hehi'd swelling the cry as it' rolls through
our streets into a demand for tiction r
Saturday Evening ,Mail.
• The ..pring field Republitan gives
shine tome truths'in 'saying that •"phyS
ically and 'mentally,' men •and women
are' unlike, and, in a :certain''-sense, -nt
least unequal. Two-ttirdd of the phys
ical power; energy, and_ endurance of
the huinan family:are the male
sex, although, the., female predominates
in-numbers. The• physical formation of
the female, her gracefal tasfe*,lbei,quick
sensibilities, her ingenuity, and hei fain
ity light manpalation, .point her
out as adapted to the performance of all . '
the lighter employments of life, while
the larger:ft : ante, the stionger muscles,
.titeste move
iner force, and the slower ov'e
meats of
• the male, indicate , his appro
priateness to the employment of a se-
vers.'. Add, This is -the simple and,un
mistakenbre- lesson of - nature, and all
Ruin : ding with it, will avail notiling.
A view of society will show-ty
imperfectly - this lesson of nature h a s
been practised. Go into our hotels,
and youwill see a small army , of large,
strapping Male waiters, and, not_a female
in ,sight, to mingle in - duties and labors
peCuliarly fitted to her, and peculiarly;
her own. Go into, the multitude of dry=
goods and fancy establishments .in the
cities . , and even, the smaller • towns, - and
you.,will find them
° all filled with .
grownmen, engaged in measuring off
silks. and tapes, and ; laces and such sim
ilar light employments in the United
States. may be counted in tens if : - not
hundreds . of thousands. At the same
time there is a corresponding number-of
femaleS;%vhoteing thu's unjustly thrown
out of a good, welt-paying employment,
are left' to the mercy ,of the- manufactu` •
ring sharks of the cities, or the pitiless
wiles of the seducer and the libertine.
V'Countrylike this,'Wheie ! Stick; it
, rpagnificent,field'9l labor and enterprise
lies open . lo every may, thdro- is no .apol
ogy. for crowding the Stores and hotels of
the cotintry •witli-men, at tho-.expense of
the suffering and the prosiitution of the
fernnle sex. icay, there is no tnanlineis
in it, It is time the public opinion which
attaches superior respecctbility to those
employments which man steals from*
woman, was corrected We do not blanie
young men • for entering employments
which'lhey have been bred from boys to
consider the most respectable. bu rn t dtt
inte JINN' anti -to
musc!ei are those pursuit& which
Call out their physical and mental ener
gies, and make them' independent and
self-reliant. There never was in • the
history of our. country, so splendid' a
field for youthful. enterprise as this coun
try now presents. -Railroads are build
ing, forests are being cleared, ;nines are
being-developed, agriculture is advanc
ing with giant stride's, all the productive
nrt& are active and flourishing, and in
this grand race for- competence - . and
wealth, for flme and influence, do you,
my friend, clerk and
,wniter, feel content
behind the counter? If you do, you
are spoiled for \ st man,- and you should
stay there arid do !Arra work." • '
,SlSvery is an Ishmael. It is.malevo
!eat arid malignant. It loves aggression,
for when it ceases to be aggressive,- it
stagnates and deCays: It is the leper of
modern civilization, but a leper whom
no . cry of "unclean" will keep from in
trusion into uninfected company. Hith
erto Slavery in this country has held 'its
ground : by sheltering itself behind the
Constitution. It hasylayed the role of
persecutid virtue—and thus it has ex
cited the sympathy of well-meaning per
sons who would never lend it aid or
comfort but when it assumed the char
acter of a distressed and wronged ap
.It basin past years pretended
that it was assailed by injustice and fg
naticiarn, which were destroying its sup
porta and defences placed ; around., it.—
It hap appealed to the North' for aid on
the ground of essential justice and con
stitutio,palobligittiOn.., It, has declared its
right . t o existence within' thespfiere of
IheState's where it Was establi hed; an 4
.that tn,tissatiltit, r or in . any yio inter
_with it; Was to.bti ail of flagrant
,injustice. Its fr,rliii..c . .ar 0 . !I gab? 9. Abo
litiOniita has been *that i y . . inte4ered
with .a 'domestic insiitultoci for- which
nd Female FMpleyMeill.
Slavery Militant.
tJ.I"-::073.q JET
I • --:
I. : NintrßEit4e.
-, te.,..
they - had no responsibility, an d with
,which they -had' nothing to dot -.ltt ad
vocates have sought to keep the.mition
of Oil suffering and per - secuted; party, -
and haVe thus enlisted a sorf'of'is . 'senate
of jusliie', in; the uPree Swop which,
more pqtent than discriminating; Juts
borne Avery on its slaouldert thvpmlt
every contest.
Though it often been' urged' that
slavery was aggreisive in its nattirr;thei l
proof of the fact to . the ' coinirion tirlder
sta nding has not been entirely - conch/5We. -
To many. Northern ,men , it„has always
seemed to be wirrmg . ort the . defertsbre •
side. But present appearance indicates
that this erroneous view of slaVery, will .
soon' be reniovedthroughout . ihe'Ntiikh.
We see already the encroaching salipaiit
is taking in Congress, as welt as on the
PaCific. it 'dares itilempi theappwspria
tion toils use of..territoryy. already . conk freedom. by .e solemn r otomq,
b,2tween the North and the South... Ails
manitestine. 'a de - termined' j)inpive 'to
cross tie boundary batifsid - Which ltd pgt
tilent influenee has -hith'evto laesir-rtiin
• fined, and thus totlisregard •Altpxrittdir
ation.s of justice, and .. trample, ; its
own` sacred obligations,it. is ehotling it
-silf to be a power which teftiies to ad
here to . its . engagements, and . breakilts
faith at the first temptation. Alelot content
wiihin its 'own proper liinll,4, defined
! after a bitter contest, - in Whichmoielfan
its due was yiefded,to, its irnpesialat ex.
actions, it now proposes to .inyade o nd
overrun the soil of freedom, and to.un-
roll the'pall of its darleriess"nier - virgin
territory, 'whereon a slava iliturlnevler
stood. Freedom is to be elbewed.outqof
its own home, to make roont, for the
leprous intruder.. The free laborer is to
be expelled,, that the slav,e . may bo
brought in.
It is plain to be seen how such an Ng
, gressire'splrit will be met.
.If Slavery
.is determined , on ,the conquest of free
territory, it will ineyitat4 ber:lesisted
and paid in kind. if the convictlon4-
i tain that Slavery infends• to disown its
obligations and. provelaith less in jut own
1 contracts„then will it follow that !hose
who hive' hitherto admitted - its rights
undeethe'Constitution, will. admit:
no longer. Let but the' sentiment. , g - On
foothold that SlaVery. intends to naake wjtr
u rot, -the territory of freedom, and s eize
and rpproiiriate whatever it can; ixrest
from the hands .of. free labor, - ,and,...the
b inner of reclamation will be rai.sed . :'l7l
Slavery may encroach upon thc,deinata..
of---treemk, freemen may cricroach'unon
the .domain of Alavery. If Slavery
! thinks this is a safe game to. play at,lit
: 0 be pursued as it hasheen.begun.-4.
''..l'. Tribune. ' . ' . '
CorrespotelenC of the Journal..
Letter from a Squair.--No. 2.
MESSRS. EDITOR : As you, Were. lima
t 7 nough to print those lines penned by
me, I will beg the favor once more. My
p-ople can't. vote ; yet we want, the
Mains Law. Your pi.ople tell us the
existing law• is sufficient if enforced.
We can't believe it; for in the adjoining
county resides a rumseller whom we call
(I; baron. The worm is in his house and
I.,rlrc. to hit. . every child that caT7ilor4
.letter or a slate-pencil. He is a pope.
lar man. The Artist rooms there, -On
the Sabbith`all" likenesses are taken pt
'half price; and on that sacred day
groups may be *seen conveningh-41l
grades of society, from the gentleman - in
broadcloth to the gray-haired inebriate
that staggers there for his morning_ctips.
At . sunset 'the. majority leaVe. Those
who can walk drag those who
It 'kin) the verge of the burial grouitil.;
the cries of the orphan reverberate over
the, dust of its- sainted parents.
Charon paid his physician' five gal
lons of ardent spirits,. causing him an
other fit of delirium tremens. Womin
has plead with all the eloquence of 'wee
for her relatives; but tears nor,orooos
r ?
availed dr nothing. Charon fumi3hed
a com ny with bottles.of brandy to Cis.
turd; a religious Meeting—which they
did. • Last - summer he got Ocompanly
intoxicated, *hen 'they met a friend of
temperance, who, with • his.sister,,Tas
returning' from church . . They corn.
menced an unprovoked attack upon hiiii,
and were shockingly 'mangling' Mtn,
when assistance arrived. This un.of
fend ing gentleman complained of Charon
for selling liqCol , -N i •ithout license. liis
plea was enteird - before the Grand Jury,
testimony k•rought,—?is career was . ode
of crime—unparalleled crime: ...IVtiat
was the verdict of the Jury 2-I.A:lid riot
; say= the bribed-' Jury.
,Charon 13,Ayt
guilty—the complainant stands comtnkt.
• • '
t4LI until costs are paid.
Reader, this is no fiction t 't irtinthlstronger than ficlion., Dies•the'preseet
liquor law proieci. us V iirkcin't vote ;
but'red-skins have souls, foid heartycki.
'We' see the rising generation ' goine,io
ruin, arid ' we cannot help ihem, - We
have 'tried -entreaty and argaMeit".in
vain. • Can we hive the Melee tow!
Irnot, we are undone.
,- 1 '" :••• '')
• • , • QUEtCESIT .
Warren, Jin. 11, 1854.
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