The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, November 22, 1871, Image 3

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    Huntingdon Journal
;day Morning, Nov. 22, 1871
. SESSION.—A gentlemen residing in
D. C., who has had a large newspaper ai
d is in a position to secure early intelligence
contemplated movements in Congress and
tents, will supply a daily or weekly letter to
additional newspapers doting the winter. on
he Editor of tho Huntingdon .JouaxAL, or ad
)N," 731 Twelfth St., Waghtngton, D. C.
s indebtedto me for subscription, ad
and job work, can save money
g immediate payment. On Saturday
-ember 25th, all accounts remaining
by persons residing in town will be
the hands of an officer for collection.
aiding out of town will be given until
, December 9th, to settle their in-
Where I am forced to bring suit
.rge my advertised terms for subscrip
.o per year. My books must be set-
ALL persons failing to attend to this
11 find their accounts in the hands of
er officer for collection, after the
Winn—Home-Made and Stolen
:arce—Hen fruit.
►in fields look well.
ty fellow—MacShane.
eld wants a skating rink.
olera in Sullivan county.
sing—The small-pox in Altoona.
3n is to have another daily paper.
r in an appearance—Christmas toys.
ohn Dean was in town on Thursday,
Top is getting a couple of new en-
ritory, in Clarion county, sells at $l,-
ise in the Jouaxat. if you want to
• people.
se hour system is in operation in the
eather prophets are already predict
ere winter.
were 101 deaths from small-pox, in
,hia, last week.
vhispering winds" have changed to
ing tempest."
st snow squall, of the season, visited
wick last week.
Dean will enter upon the duties of his
the 4th proximo.
irrel, as white as snow, is the latest
in Mifflin county.
,d a foretaste of winter on Wednes-
Ugh I but it was cold.
isflvania firm has just shipped forty
; of school slates to Japan.
er newspaper is talked of in Hollidays
-1 organ of the workingmen.
tention of newspaper men is called to
rtisement of "Solon" above.
tights of the nippers are plying their
ry industriously, in Altoona.
of the Hollidaysburg Standard, is
Sower press and enlargement.
was very slimly attended last week.
Narkson and Beaver presided.
anry bas just completed a couple of
is residences on Mifflin street.
with heirs advertise a large number of
sale; in their addition to Bedford.
ig—The interest in the town clock
. Come, it will never do to give it up
ew board of County Cominiesioaer.
*tinned the former Clerk and Attor-
tt fever, that "demon of the nursery,"
med several victims within the past
ty of fishermen, in Juniata county, the
ty, caught Dins bushel of the finny
John Dean has been sworn in and will
first court, in Cambria county, on the
road hand died, last week, at Mount
With the small pox. No further cases
Ist heard of the "Confidence" man
-he was stopping at the Irvine House,
geese, in goodly numbers, passed this
Ist week, on their journey "'way down
ii Dixie!"
Barnett, a colored lady, of Mifflin
died a few days ago, at the advanced
1.00 years.
'hiladelphia Inquirer has donned a new
d now looks as neat and trim as a
disc in her teens.
anumber of strangers were in town,
•sday last, for the purpose of attending
eral of Judge Taylor.
Council Chamber has been very
s►ely fixed up, and it now presents a
d attractive appearance.
ty Institutes are now in successful op
throughout the state. The Institute
county commences on the 25th pro.
ing epicures adorn their tables with the
)f Potomac black bass,imported direct
the waters of that celebrated stream.
iv schedule has gone into operation on
in's Central and Huntingdon and Broad
inroads. See time tables in another
e hundred acres of the Huntingdon
e farm, we are informed, by Mr. Ray,
ed 24,245 bushels of unshelled corn
railroad company is putting in a long
in West Huntingdon, near the Keystone
id Shoe Manufacturing Com?any's er
ntleman informs us that he is ready
tribute $lO towards the erection of a
Nut to perpetuate the memory of Hon.
1 Taylor.
•e is considerable complaint in regard
excessive charges for passengers and
on the Bedford and Bridgeport rail-
The tariffs are too high.
responsible business houses advertise in
lIIINA.L. Buy from those whose cards
• in oar columns, and our word for it,
ill get the worth of your money.
tte son of Mr. David Rohm, of this bor
had a wrist broken, on Thursday morn
3t, while on his way to school. We un
he was thrown down by some of the
'bilaclelpbia barkeeper, but formerly a
'ork boot black, has fallen heir to a for
.fs2oo,ooo, left him by his grandmother
land. His days for "shining 'em up"
only assurance that you cau have that
-et secure against small pox, is, when af
peated efforts, vaccination refuses to
As long as vaccination will take there
Monday morning last, a slate rock,
inc about ten tons, was square across
•ailroad track in "Cypher's Cut" on the
Top. The railroad employees split it up
'cord sticks," and pitched it to oup side,
se train was not detained more than
a hour.
Hon. George Taylor died at his residence, in
this place, on Tuesday morning, of last week,
about 0 o'clock. The Court, which was emu
in session, immediately adjourned, and at 3
o'clock in the afternoon a meeting of the Bar
was held in the Court House, and
On motion of John Williamson, Esq., John
G. Miles, Esq., was called to the Chair.
On motion of lion. R. M. Speer, J. M. Id - iley
and K. Allen Lovell, Esqrs., were appointed
We are indebted to R. M'Divitt, Esq., for the
following report of the proceedings and re
marks made on the occasion.
Mr. Miles, on assuming his seat, said
I wish to say a word, or two, iu regard to the mel
ancholy circumstance, which prompts us to meet
here, to take into consideration what is proper to
be one, under the circumstance, of this solemn
dispensation which has called from us this brother
and tuember of this Bar, and we may say of the
liar of the entire State, for Judge Taylor was cer
tainly a distinguished light in the profession. He
adorned this Bench upwards of twenty years, serv
ing out almost two terms under elections, and
about two years of a previous term by appoint
ment. He discharged his duties faithfully as a
Judge, wills credit to himself and the country. Ile
had one very distinguishable feature, a marked
trait in his judicial character, which ought to mark
the judicial character of every man, who attempts
to administer the law, that is he had unswerving
firmness and uprightness of purpose. No party nor
individual could swerve him from his straight for
ward path of conviction. He knew nobody, but
held the scales of justice equally balanced between
friend and foe; between political friend and politi
cal foe. Ile seemed to know no party upon the
Bench. He has been stricken down, we may say,
comparatively in early life, being between the ages
of 58 and 59 yearswhcn called to his final account.
It is proper that wo mingle our sympathies with
the members of his family, in the r great bereave
ment, for they have lost a friend. His children
have lost a father, and his widowed wife has lost a
husband. Other relatives mourn his death but it
is our duty here to submit to the righteous dispen
sation of Providence. God knows what is best for
each one of us, and this only serves to admonish us
that our time will soon come, and we will have to
part and leave mourning friends ; and I can only
say to you, ,gentlemen of the Bar, and brother
members, cultivate the uprightness of purpose
which characterised the life of Judge Taylor; and
when we leave this earth and go to unknown lands,
may you leave as upright a character and worth
in your legal relations as he has in his judicial.
We are now ready for any action that may be
Mr. Speer, said
Mr. President: It certainly is befitting thatthe
members of the Bar, on this occuion, should meet,
not alone to mingle their grief over the loss which
we have sustained, in the death of Judge Taylor,
but also to render deserved and honorable tribute
to his upright and able life. In our profession it
cannot be denied that in his death a great man has
fallen. As a Judge, I think I can say, uttering the
unanimous voice of the Bar in this Judicial Dis
trict, that Judge Taylor, iu this State at least, had
few equals, and no superiors. His judicial life was
marked by those traits of character which always
adorn his station ; his innate and overpowering
love of justice, his strong and commanding sense
of the right, and his firmness to follow the right as
God gave him to see it. And yet, in his love of
justice and unbending judicial firmness, he had a
heart that ever responded to the calls of mercy, and
when it became his solemn duty to pronounce the
judgment of the law upon those who had offended
against the law, his heart always yielded to the
dictates of mercy. When the sword of justice fell
upon the head of the guilty he burnished its blade
with the sweet sunshine of mercy. In giving this
tribute to his memory, I but speak the voice of my
own heart, and I believe the unbroken voice of the
members of the Bar, in this county and district.—
As a Judge, he adorned his station, and discharged
its duties with impartiality, ability, and unpureha
sed integrity. I never saw a man upon the Bench
who had a quicker and clearer perception of the
law, or a greater capacity to see the right and dis
tinguish it from the wrong. I never saw a man
whom it was more difficult to mislead, or who could
sift,with greater readiness, the wheat from the chaff,
—the grains of gold from the sand—and as be has
gone now, and see are met here in the presence of
his opening grave, we can bear honest and deserved
testimony to his upright life, his distinguished
ability, his kind heart, and the honored memory
which he leaves behind him. Beginning life as he
did, in the vale of poverty, with neither name,
wealth or position to aid him, his upward course to
honor and fame was the result of his own great
ability, pure purpose and unpurchasable integrity;
and I feel, Mr. President, that the richest legacy
that he has left to us and his family, is a name
unpolluted by the charge of corruption, and a mem
ory unsullied by any unworthy act in his judicial
and official capacity. Ile goes down to his grave,
thus early in life, with the praises and the benedic
tions of all who have known him, as an upright
Judge, and as the noblest work of God—an honest
man. That name and memory are dearer than any
earthly possession; than either wealth, place or
Rower; and it will be well for us, Mr. Chairman, in
view of our great and unquestioned loss, under the
cloud of unbroken grief and sorrow which over
spreads us to-day, if we take this lesson to our
hearts, that the highest reward this earth affords
is that of a life honestlyand faithfully spent in the
disdiarge of public and personal duty.
. _ . _
I move that a committee of five members of the
Bar be appointed to draft reeolutious expressive of
the sense of the Bar at this meeting, upou our great
Mr. Brown said,
Mr. President: My acquaintance with Judge
Taylor does not extend bank to the time when he
was, like ourselves, a member of the Bar, but it
begins with the beginning of his judicial career.
On the morning of April 9, 1819, I walked from my
home, six miles distant. in the country, to enter
upon the study of the law, in the office of Mayor
Campbell, and remember that as I came up this
street the Court House hell rang for Court, at 9
o'clock, and soon after Judge Taylor entered this
house for the first time as a Judge. His commis
sion was read, and he took his seat on that Bench,
in the position you now occupy, a position he oc
cupied every day that the court has been in ses
sion since, until yesterday when it was vacant.
How he discharged his duties as a Judge, and of
his character and virtues, it is needless for me to
speak to this audience composed of the members of
the Bar, officers of the court, and his fellow citi
zens. We know him and his character and vir
tues, and to know them is to respect them. He was
a man, as has been said, of sterling integrity, un
purchased and unpurchaseable. It is true that, as
8. member of the Bar, and officer of the Court, we
were thrown into more intimate relation to him
than others, and would therefore be better able to
speak of him ; but while that is so, the relations
we bore did also, more or lees,endanger collisions;
and while they sometimes doccur—and I regret
that they ever did—yet that they occurred so sel
dom, was perhaps to the credit of Judge Taylor,
and due to his kindness of heart more than to our
discretion as members of the Bar. Every true at
torney makes the cause of his client his own, and,
with his sympathies enlisted in that cause, and
every power of his mind strained towards the so
eqmplishinent of that end, it could not be other
wise than that collisions would sometimes take
place, but, as I have said, it is to the credit of the
head of the Court that.they occurred so seldom. I
know and you know that when they did occur they
cost his Honor, Judge Taylor, sincere regret, and
that he sought the first occasion to remove the
sting occasioned sometimes by hie hasty words,
nod when owing to the perplexities of his position,
and the over zeal of attorneys, any estrangements
occurred, be took early occasion to repair and re
wove the unpleasant feeling. This we all know,
who are members of the Dar.
I have only to say, fur myself, that up till re
cently my relations with him have been of the
most friendly character; and now that he is gone,
I am glad, that never by tongue or pen, have I ever
used any harsh language towards him, and can
say sincerely that I entertaiu,and ever have enter
tained towards him, the most kindly feelings. It
is to be regretted that the last days of his life were
somewhat embittered and rendered unhappy by
the political strife of last summer. But Judge
Taylor is gone, Iris death has been, perhaps,
hastened by this turmoil and e4eitetnent ; but we
can all bear testimony that a great man, and a
wise Judge has fallen, and it behooves us to re
member that where he lies we soon mast lie. Of
his preparation for the great change let another
speak. Judge Taylor was a believer, and looked
fur pardon to a higher power than any earthly
Court. Let us pause thus, in the busy strife of
life, and profit by the solemn warning which his
death affords us,
John Williamson, Esq., said
Mr. President : I rise deeply sensible of the lots
which the Bar of Huntingdon county has sustain
ed. Many of us have lola a personal friend. I
was very much attached.personally, to Judge Tay
lor: he has gone the way of all the earth, and
we are following rapidly in hie footsteps. I re
member him when only a poor boy, Veen. to this
county to write in the office of D. R. Porter, Esq.
I remember the wonderful promise he then gare of
a mind capable of almost reaching the highest
climax in any department be might choose in life.
I was struck with the precocious genius then dis
played by him. He and I often bad convoreations
on religious subjects, an I remember well of him
writing out a thesis on the subject of the Bible,
which would have done credit to any Theologian,
and which furnished the strongest evidence of his
belief in the doctrines of christianity. Judge
Taylor was always a man of great integrity and
honesty, and of his kindnees of heart and purity
of purpose all can bear witness who knew him.
But, as the poet has said, "The way of death
must be trodden by all." His example should be
imitated by every member of the Bar so that all
feelings of auituosity be buried in oblivion, and
that the character of our Bar may come up to the
perfect standard it once had. You, air, are the
oldest member 4f this liar, and I am the next. All
the luminaries which owe aderned it have paid the
debt of nature. Informer days 1 tried many
cases before Judge Taylor, and always considered
him the equal of Judge Burnsider, as a man who
knew nothing but justice, and I never knew a man
having a good ease to lose it before him. I sorrow
that the law has lost one eine best !nowhere, and
remember of presenting his name in Convention in
connection with the Supreme Bench, as the best
law writer of any Common Pleas Judge in Penn
sylvania, and of Thaddeus Stevens adding to it,
' , including the Supreme Court." But with all his
learoing and all his virtneS he has gone to hie ac
count, to answer for hie deeds, and hope qnd be-
bore that for a man of such integrity and christian
principles as I knew be possessed, we may sorrow
only as those that have hope. I loved_ him as a
man, respected him as a Judge, honored him for
his learning, and gloried in his integrity, and may
safely say that I considered him one of the first
Judges in the State of Pennsylvania, knowing how
he begun, and how he arrived at last to such a po
sition as a Ju'ga that every member of the Bar in
this eounty and the entire district should be sorry
that they have lost him.
Wm. P. Orbison, Esq., said,
Mr. President: It is with feelings of sadness
and sorrow that I arise to speak on this oecasion.
I feel that as Judge Taylor and I were fellow-stu
dents together, as we came to the Bar about the
some time, and an we always maintained relations
of friendship, the moat cordial and intimate, it be
comes me to add my testimony to that which has
been uttered in his favor. As a man of learning,
integrity and industry, and at the some time of
great ambition and earnest desire to do what is
right, and preserve a name unspotted, I cannot but
add my testimony to that of those who have spoken
in his behalf. I feel that we have lost a friend,—
a brother, lamented, who adorned the Bench, and
while at the Bar exhibited talents far above medi
ocrity. I remember well when. as a student, and
after being admitted to the Bar, we attended to
gether at our debating societies, and he always
took a vigorous hold of every question, anal with
logical arguments enforced his opinions, and gen
erally carried his side of the case. I remember
how well when, after admitted to the Bar, and on
the occasion of the trial of McConally for murder,
ho first made his brilliant and remarkable display
of eloquence, oratory and argument, when the
whole house, for three or four hours sat with un
swerving attention, and with the greatest eager
ness hung on his words throughout the whole of
his argument, seeming, at the close, to be sorry he
was done ; and yet every step he took made an im
pression, from which the jury and audience could
not get away, that the man was guilty; while all
depended upon a chain of circumstantial evidence,
which be presented in such a clear, logical manner
as to enforce upon the mind of every one the con
viction that he was guilty. Sineethat he practised
at the Bar, part of the time in partnenhip with the
Chairman, and afterwards by himself, when called
in 1849 to the Bench, appointed first by Governor
Johnston. With all these recollections of the
Judge, and the intimate relationship that existed
between us, I cannot but add my testimony to what
bee been already said, and express may great sor
row that he has been called so early away from our
The motion was adopted, and Messrs. Speer,
Williamson, Orbison, Alyton and Cremer ap
pointed a committee, who reported the follow
ing resolutions :
liavingheard with profouni sorrow of the death of lion.
George Taylor, President Judge of the Courts of this Dis
trict, which occurred at his residence this morning, and
recognizing in this sad event, a common loss sad a public
bereavement, and expressing the unanimous voice of the
Bar of this County, we do Resolve:
. .
Ist. That Judie Taylor, by his modest manner, his em
inent ability, his spotless integrity and his unquestioned
fairness, has discharged the doties of President Judge of
this District for more than twenty-two years, in such a
manner as to make honorable his high office, to deserve
and receive the unshaken confidence of the people, and to
surround his name when living. and his memory now,
when dead, with the highest reword of honest labor,—the
grateful acknowledgment of duty well and faithfully done.
2d. hat, in the presence of his opening grave, we de
clare him to have beet an honest man and a fearless, able,
and incorruptible Judge, the deafness and strength of
whose mind were equalled only by the warmth and kind
nem of his heart.
3d. 11;71;;;;ng begun the struggle of lif unaided and
alone,his steady march to deserved distinction was alike
the reward of his great ability and his conscientious dis
charge of public duty.
4th. That eminent as he was in official life, and much as
he will be missed and mourned in the Courts over which
helms so long and so acceptably presided, the tenderness
and affection of hie heart, and the kiudnms of hie nature,
do bly endeared him to his family and his friends, to whom
in this hour of their grief, wo tender Vie poor consoution
of onr unmixed sympathy.
stn. That as our last tribute to the memory of the hon
ored dead, we will attend his funeral in a body, and wear
the usual badge of mourning for thirty days; and we here
by direct these resolutions to be presented to the Court, to
be entered upon its records, a copy furnished to his family,
and that they be published in all the parers of this Dis
On motion of J. W. Vattern, Esq., the above
resolutions were adopted.
On motion of John Williamson, Esq., the
meeting adjourned to meet in this room on
the day of the funeral, in conjunction with the
members of the Bar from the other counties
of the district.
Thursday afternoon, Nov. 16th, being the
day fixed for the funeral a joint meeting of
the members of the Bench and Bar of the 24th
Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of
the counties of Blair, Cambria, and Hunting
don, suggested by the death of Hon. George
Taylor, late its President Judge, was held in
the Court House at 1} o'clock, p. m.
Hon. John Dean was, on motion, called to
the chair, and Aug. S. Landis and K. Allen
Lovell, Esqs., elected Secretaries of the meet-
in The President, on taking the chair, in a few
appropriate remarks, referred to his ten years
acquaintance with the deceased, and spoke
with impressiveness of the great fidelity to du
ty which characterized his useful life.
P. M. Lytle, Esq , moved the appointment of
a committee of two members of the Bar, and
an Associate Judge from each county of the
district, to prepare resolutions expressive of
the sense of the meeting, which motion was
adopted, and the Chair appointed Hon. Jos.
Irwin, Hon. Samuel Calvin, and Col. B. A.
McMurtrie, of Blair county ; Hon. George W.
Easly, Robert L. Johnston, and George M
Reade, Esqs., of Canibria county; Hon. D.
Clarkson, Hon John Scott, and P. M. Lytle,
Esq., of Huntingdon county.
The committee, through the Hon. John Scott,
reported the following resolutions :
The members of the Bench and Bar of the 24th Judici
al District of Pennsylvania, assembled to express their feel
ings upon the death of lion. George Taylor, late its Presi
deut Judge, feel that they are called to pay &tribute to the
memory of no ordinary man. We come not only to bear
testimony to the purity and ability of his judicial adminis
tration, but also to drop the teary/bid., is due to the es
teemed and beloved friend, for of him it may in truth be
said that he had in as high degree as any Judge bon the
Bench the warm personal regard of hie judicial associates,
and of the gentlemen of the Bar among whome he discharg
ed his duties. Added to a strong, clear, discriminating
mind, thoroughly disciplined by early study and imbued
with the elementary principles of legal science, were a
reverence for Supreme authority, a zecognition of his re
sponsibility to that authority, a love of justice and a high
moral courage. Strong as were his feelings and convictions
upon any subject, which might lucid-D.lly mingle in the
contest °film Courts, his sense of right was stronger, and
of no man who ever eat upon the Bench was there less com
plaint of personal biasor partiality to suitor.. If proper to
apply to any man the first ideal of a Judge, "an able man,
a man of truth, who fears God and hates covetousness" it
might he applied told'. Feeling that he has died at the
clone of an honorable service of almost a quarter of a cen
tury, who we have had every opportunity of observing and
learninst the traits of his character bear testimony - to its
worth in these brief words, and do resolve
Ist. That we will now proceed in a body to attend his
funeral, and will wear the usual badge of mourning for
thirty days.
2d. That the members of the Bar of the several Counties
of the District will take measures to have the proceedings
of this meeting plated upon the records of their respective
Counties. - . .
3d. That a copy of these proceedings be furnished to
the family of deceased, and the same be published in all
the newspapers of the District.
In the absence of the committee and during
the meeting, the following remarks were made
by gentlemen present, for a verbatim report of
which we are indebted to the same source :
David Blair, Esq., said,
Mr. President: In view of the circumstances
that surround no; we feel like exclaiming, "what
shadows we are; what shadows we pursue," when
reflecting upon the shortness of life ; and especially
are we admonished of that fact by the mortality in
the profession in this county, this being the third
meeting the Huntingdon County Bar have had for
this purpose within one year. J. Sewell Stewart,
Esq., lien. Wilson, and now Judge Taylor. I hard
ly know what to say iu regard to agentleman whose
life and character were public property for the past
twenty years, in this section of the State of Penn
sylvania. I Gan throw no new light upon a char
acter so conspicuous to those who knew the emi
nence to which he attained.
He was born in Chester county, and raised prin
cipally in the same neighborhood with me. 1 met
him here in 1836, when I came to practice at this
Bar. He had been admitted some time previous
to that, together with Menem Orbison, Campbell
and Calvin. From that time to this Judge Taylor
has been well known to all of us, in the practice of
his profession. Ito set oath) , adopting a principle
which every young lawyer should, that anything
that was worth doing at all was worth doing well,
and that nothing was to be treated as a trifle in
professional or any other kind of life • and adopting
that principle, whatever he undertook to do he did
well. Although in the outset of his professional
career he was not very extensively engaged in
practice, yet what eases lie undertook he prepared
and studied with such care and diligence that he
could make, and did make, more character out of
the trial and argument of a single ease than many
a lawyer could out of twenty years practice. This
is something of the oharacter qf his start in pro
fessional life, and before he had practiced more
than six years, he wan appointed to the Bench, in
1819. During that time he had held the office of
County Treasurer two yearn, and Practised law, as
a member of the firm of Miles Taylor. In 1841,
during a very extensive revival of religion in this
town, he became a member of the Presbyterian
church, and thought seriously for tome time after
wards, of studying for the ministry, but for some
reason or other gave it up, and continued in the
practice of his profoselon. In 1849 he was appoint
ed Judge of the 24th Judicial District, a new Dis
trict formed at that time, and has held that posi
tion from that time to this, a year and a half by
appointment, and twenty years by elections. The
fiFSt time his qpponerlt wan 1, P. Campbell, 141,
now of Davenpqrt, lowa, a man qf ryglt Brilliant
talents as a lawyer, one of the finest waken) we
had at our Bar, and q gentlersan of fine social hab
its. lie wan the opponent of Judge Taylor, and
Judge Taylor was elcdted. In ten leans after he
was brought forward as a candidate by petition,
signed unanimously by the members of the Bar,
in the whole Diatriet, and was sleeted; and now, it
happens strangely in the mysterious decrees of
Providence, that about the close of his last term,
his term of life should end. He was comparatively
In the full vigor of manhood yet, and with a great
amount of physical strength and mental force; a
man of legal learning and great amount of charac
ter, he had hopes of a future before him that would
even surpass the brilliancy of his past life. But in
the midst of his duties, and as observed by the
Chairman, "with the harness on," he was stricken
down, and died within a period of three weeks from
tha time ho was first attacked, and we are called
together to-day to call up in the history of his Ho
those things which will be proper on an occasion
of this kind, and to express our admiration and re
gard for him. At a time like this,
wo all feel that
whatever differences may have taken place, either
at the Bar, in social or political life, they should
all be forgotten now; and I think they arc all for
gotten, and we can, with sincerity, unite as citizens,
and as members of a high profession, in doing
honor to his memory. We feel that as such we
have sustained a'great loss. We feel that the Ju
dicial profession of Pennsylvania have sustained
a great loss, for it is to minds and intell.ta like
Judge Taylor's, and men of his superior abilities,
that the advancement is to be made, both in the
making and administering the laws. 1 can only i
say that I sincerely drop may tears on the grave of
my fellow-member of the Bar.
Hon. Samuel Calvin, said,
Mr. Preeident Many of you have long and in
timately known Judge Taylor. but I suppose none
more so than I. Soon after I came to this county,
in December, 1833, to take charge of the Academy
in this town, 1 first became acquainted with him.
and he was the first intimate friend I had in town.
I found that he had been a teacher sometime pre
vious, and was at that time engaged in the Pro
thonotary's Office with Gov. Porter, then Prothon
otary. In the fall of 1833-4 I organized a debat
ing eociety in the old Academy, un the canal, now
torn down, and the Judge was the most prominent
member of that association. We had many in
teresting debate., and a number of the members of
the Bar were members of that association, includ
ing Mr. Orbison, Mr. M'Murtrie, and others. It
was entertaining and instructive, but I do not re
member the performance of any of them so dis
tinctly ns that of Judge Taylor. His speeches
were of decided ability, eloquent, and of finished
oratory. He cold me, I remember, that he would
frequently write out a sentence and transcribe it
three or tour thnee, correcting and improving it.
He wad in the habit, after thinking or hearing
people talk on subjects of interest, of sitting dawn
and writing out his thoughts on the arguments,
and would oftentimes transcribe them to get them
into such shape and form, having the arguments
arranged in such logical sequence, and the style
so improved as to conform to his judgment. He
was not a man of learning; but a good common
scholar, and after studying law he studied Latin
to some extent. But one of his most remarlcable
features was his wonderful power of analysis, and
his clear statement. No matter how complex a
ease was, or how much the members of the Bar
might be at a lose, they had not heard his analysis
of the case, Isis statement of the principles of jus
tice that lay at the bottom, until it was very dear
where the truth lay. His analysis was all argu
ment, and was almost sufficient without anything
further. Ile had a mathematical mind strong and
decided, and I think it was by this early training
that he became such a remarkably concise, meth
odical and clear writer. You nee.' rend a charge
of his, or any production from hie pen, that he
attempted a description, that you did not discover
that distinct and clear analysis of all the princi
ples involving the case ; that clear statement and
logical sequence of ideas. the speeches were of
the disnacteric order, always commencing with the
weaker points, and terminating with the stronger.
We both set out to practice law under Judge Burn
sides, a most excellent, honest, true hearted and
public spirited man, but as hard a judge as ever
presided, and there was not one of us that did not
feel afraid to try a case before him without some of
the older lawyers at our back. The Judge formed
an association with Mr. Miles, who took the lead
in all civil trials, but the Judge had his full share
in the preparation of the cases, and generally un
derstood them well. His first great speech was in
1840, in the old Court House, in the case of the
Commonwelth vs. M'Conahy, for one of the most
atrocious murders, or series of murders ever per
petrated in the country, and there never was a
case that excited more intense public feeling. If
that man had been acquitted, I have no doubt,
that even in good moral Huntingdon county he
would have been torn to pieces by the populace.
Messrs. Bell, Wilson and myself were assigned to
defend him, and I remember when we endeavored
to turn the current in hie favor, the crowd was
ready to mob us when we went oat of the Court
House. In that case Judge Taylor was associated
with Prosecuting Attorney, Alex. G win, Esq., in'
the preparation and prosecution of the case, and
ho and Mr. Gwin bad gone la the ground, made a
map of it, and examined every witness beforehand, I
and had a most thorough preparation; but when
In got up to make that opening speech, for four
hours he poured forth such a torrent of argumen
tation and eloquence as I never heard before in
any court of justioe. The speech was afterwards
published in pamphlet form, and cannot but be pro
nounced one of the finest arguments ever heard
in a criminal case. it was intensely earnest and
overwhelming, and no one felt it more than I did,
being called upon to follow him as junior counsel
in the defense. He told me frequently of an ar
gument made by him, in the ease of the Elanigans,
in Cambria county, which he believed equal to the
one made against M'Conahy, and in which he did
not observe them lighting the candles, and took
no note of the lapse of time until reminded by Mr.
Miles that he had already spoken three hours. In
many reepects I considered Judge Taylor a re
markable man. He took up everything inn case,
and sot merely one side. His mind was so com
prehensive that he appeared to know everything
in n ease, aunt gave the proper force and weight to
every part of it, so shot it was seldom that we alle
ceeded an reversing him. I once had five cane
carried up and told him 1 would reverse him in
four of these, but to my utter astonishment they
were all affirmed before 1 got home. excep t one which
was affirmed the other day at Pittsburgh, in which
ease the substantial justice, I have no hesitation
in saying, was against us. His social qualities
were well known. Of undoubted integrity, unhes
itating truth and veracity, and a man of honor;
no man ever knew him to do a mean act or utter
a sentiment that would net meet the approbation
of every one. lie appeared to grasp a ease at
once, and was certainty, in my judgment, the finest
writer in the Judicial District. I think his writings,
whether Judicial or any other, were as clear,
methodical, concise and powerful, and as strong a
representation of the ease as could be done by
any one. His opinions, written or spoken will
compare favorably with those of any judge,
whether Common Pleas, or the Supreme Bench,
and were models of learning. He has now left us.
We will see him no more. We have been familiar
with his face and in communication with him for
years; but we will meet him no more on this side
of the grave. I have been on the most frindly
terms with him from the beginning. His was one
of my earliest friendships when I cams here a
young man, a stranger in a strange land. I found
in him a genial whole sealed companion, and from
that to his death I was one of his friends.
a a a a a e
There were few men that I had more respect for.
True he had his faults: but who that is human
has not. Even the Sun has its dark spots, and
everything human must be more or less imperfect;
but his virtues were of the highest order, and I
shall continue to cherish, during my life all the re
spect awl kindness for him that I ever had.
Hon. Jno Scott, said :
M. President: I have felt my own sentiments
so fully expressed by what has dropped from Mr.
Calvin. that I have very little to add. I well re
collect the first 000asion upon which I met Judge
Taylor. It was in Alexandria, after he had ad
dressed a very large public audience, and the ad
dress delivered that day, when I was very young,
made upon my mind so strong an impression, by
its power, its earnestness and its logic, as well as
the pare forcible English, to which Mr. Calvin has
alluded, that I have never forgotten it, and I think,
if called upon to-day, I could give its divisions and
arguments. This was about the time I had made
up my mind to study law, and after that meeting
was over, during an hour's conversation with him
in my father's house, I perhaps received the first
real lessons of a student, for be gave me what was
his own experience in that direction. From that
day to this I may say, we have been friends. When
I came to the Bar the first important case in which
I was concerned was one in which I was associated
with hint, and that case revealed to me, not only
the remarkable power whioh he possessed, but also
another characteristic, to which Mr. Calvin has
not alluded, but one which I think we will all unite
in saying was a characteristic of his great ability,
and that was his unwillingness to go before the
public in any display of that ability that he could
avoid. That was the case of Cryder's appeal
which went to the Supreme Court, and it was only
because of bis persistence in refusing to appear
before that tribunal that the argument fell upon
me. In 1845 he went upon the Bench, and from
that day to this, in all the relations that existed
between counsel at the Bar, and Judge upon the
Bench, not only in this Court but in others of the
District, where I practiced, our intercourse has
been marked by friendship. I have had occasion,
I suppose, as all other members of the Bar have,
at times to feel that my clients bad not obtained
what they were eptitled to; but, upon reviewing
the case,l have generally found that the opinion
was the error of the advocate, instead of the calm
decision of the Judge; but even when my feelings
have induced me to go higher, I have in the ma
jority of instances, fared as Mr. Calvin has stated.
He was an honest man—he was a just man ; and,
sir. permit me to say that you hav e go greater task
before you than tq fill the measure of the honesty
and the justice which this District accords to your
r Ineed not enter into any expression of friend
ship, or of the feelings awakened by the severance
of the ties that existed so long. Whatevor occa
sion there may have been, in the 25 years that
have elapsed sines I came to the Bar, fur difference
of eentiment or opinlon, I shall drop the tear of
sincere friendship over his grave,
Augustus S. Landis, Esq., said
Mr. Fruitiest:l have not, sir, heard one of what
might be called the junior members of the Bar, pay
any tribute yet to the memory of Judge Taylor.
and I may be exonced for claiming the attention of
the meeting for a few momenta. I have known
Judge Taylor for 14 years, which I believe covers
about the time I have been at the Bar. I met him
as a stranger, and well I remember that he was
present on the eve that I was examined, when I
tirg bora 1 4 knoa , him, perhaps, like all other
young membecs of the liar on meeting the Judge,
I was impressed with the great distance that
seemed to exist between as; the far of atand peipt
be oeoupiect from ice, tie ono who had achieved
honors on the Bench, and greatness, who had won
the respect of his fellow men, and of the Bar on
one hand, and I, an humble aspirant for piroles-
Monet success, as it were just letting down the bars
leading to the great field that lay before me. I felt
that the presence of the Judge was almost forbid
ding, and remember well when I first appeared be
fore him in Court, and the feelings of dread and
trembling with which I approached the duty of
making answer for the defendant in some case. I
was clearly wrong, but the point I wish to snake is
the kindness and gentleness with which lie pointed
out my mistake, and which wade such au impres
sion upon me that I shall never forget it. That
was ono of the first kind impressions I had of him.
As other business came into my hands I came to
know him better, but then it was that I began to
understand the great qualities of which I thought
him possessed; and now as I take a retrospect of
those 14 years I claim it as a privilege to have
been admitted by him, and to have practised in his
Court, because I believe that he must rank amongst
the first Judges in the State, and perhaps if the
facilities bad been afforded him his fame might
rival that of Judge Gibson. I have often been im
pressed with the marked clearness with which he
viewed the questions in a case and often when sup
posing I understood all the questions in it, I only
discovered, when I heard one of his clear, strong
and forcible charges, that I knew nothing about it.
His was a mind capable of comprehending all the
principles of a ease and of laying it before a jury
with such clearness that the entry to the jury room
was but the legal formality to the recording of a
I only desire to pay this tribute to his abilities
as a Judge, and also to the qualities of his heart,
as I learned to know him. He always treatad me
with the utmost kindness, as was his invariable
custom to treat all the yoang members of the Bar.
I esteem it, sir, a melancholly pleasure to be here
to-day, to join with raj brethren of the profession,
in paying this tribute to his memory, and follow
ing his remains to their last resting place. It is
One of the beautiful features in our profession that
when one is stricken down by the hand of death,
we forget for the moment all the bitterness of the
past, and that we ever were adversaries, and come
togetheras a band of brothers to pay our devotion
to the memory of the stricken one, and follow him
to his last resting plate. I therefore esteem it a
pleasure to be here for that purpose. But, sir, has
it not occurred to you, as remarked by Mr. Blair,
that these occasions are frequent of late, when we
are called upon to bear testimony to our feelings
for some one departed in this county and others,
stricken down by the hand of death? Now, sir, what
are we to think of this ? Are we, as educated men,
endeavoring to fill a position inn high and honor
able profession, to be forgetful of the great truth
of a life beyond this, and come together thought
lessly and carelessly, to pay a tribute to the mem
ory and pass resolutions in regard to those who
have passed away, and think nothing of the great
truth which lies behind it all? I feel that, as mem
bers of the profession, we have a higher duty to
claim our attention. These Providenees I hold
should make their proper impression on us. We
must not forget the high responsibility we owe to
the Great Judge above us. These slays are only
as it were loaned to us. We are here for other
purposes than filling the mere pleasures of our
earthly stations in life. I trust as we assemble
thus, from time to time, we shall not forget the
great lesson of life. I was assured by one who
spent some time with Judge Taylor, shortly after
his illness, that from the time when he was first
stricken by disease up to that time, he was truly
thankful that his mind was left to him unimpaired,
though it might truly almost be said that one-half
of his body was in the grave. It was a God's
mercy that the portion of that body was yet strong
and that his mind was left him to view his past
life, and he stated that the impression of early
years, and the faith once gr sited to him had come
back to him as strong It+ ever, and that be still
had an abiding confidence in the redeeming power
of the saviour. It was a great privilege that when
his body was robbed of its vitality that his mind
was left, and only seemed to drop at last like a pall
upon it. Let us therefore take the lesson of this
sad occurence, and remember the responsibility we
owe to the Great Judge above us. It is a great
thing for a man who has been a Judge for twenty
years to pass away to the Great Judge above that
he in turn may be judged. We pass through these
courts to another Court, and let us lire and prepare
ourselves that it shall be said of us that we have
acquitted ourselves like men.
P. H. Lytle, Esq., said s
Mr. President: I don't feel like allowing this oc
casion to pass without joining Mr. Landis in at
testing the feeling of high regard which theyoung
er members of the Bar entertained and should en
tertain for our deceased Judge. I presume that no
young member of the Bar has been on terms of
more intimate friendship with him than myself. I
have been at the Bar about nine years, and came
at first fearing the Judge, it is true, like Mr. Lan
dis; but I did not fear the Judge after I became
acquainted with him. Ever since that time I have
found him my true friend. He lived my friend and
I believe that he died my friend. I never needed
advice but what I found it upon application to
Judge Taylor. His heart was always as open as
his band. To his legal ability I can pay no high
er tribute than that pronounced by Chief Justice
Thompson, when he said that Judge Taylor was
the ablest President Judge in the State. Every
one here knows what his social qualities were, and
no one who mingled with him in daily intercourse
entertained for him anything but the highest re
gard. This is not alone felt by the members of the
Bar, but all classes of society are in mourning to
day, on account of his death ; the white and the
black, the rich and the poor. I can say nothing to
add to the eulogies pronounced upon him. He was
a good man, and I glory in the opportunity of be
ing here to-day, and having the privilege of drop
ping a tear upon the sod where a good man rests.
attended the Lecture of Theodore Tilton, on
Wednesday evening last, at Tyrone, under the
auspices of the "Juneauta Club," and were
highly pleased Witt the masterly manner in
which the lecturer handled his subject—
" Home, Sweet Home." His peculiar views
upon Marriage and divorce have been severely
criticised by those who are too illiberal and
and one-sided to listen to an opposite opinion
to that entertained by themselves. Much as
we may have been disposed, from prejudice, to
controvert, in our mind, some of his extreme
positions, we felt that his logic was irresisti
ble, and based, apparently upon the be::t of
common sense, and if there was anything det
rimental to sound morality in it we failed to
hear it. And we here desire to say, that we
have no sympathy for that class of Prurient
Prudes, who are eternally turning up their
hands in holy horror, at sons imaginary in
dency, and yet whose lives, every day of their
existence, gives the lie to their professions.
We were not a little annoyed, by the giddy
twaddle, of at least two of the female portion
of the audience, in retiring from the pail. Af
ter listening, for an hour and a half, to one of
the grandest pleas ever made in behalf of wo
men, even if they differed with the lecturer, a
little appreciation, on their part, would have
suggested to them the propriety of treating his
views with a little respect : Evidently the plea
for the elevation and education of women—at
least of some of them,-.does not flume a mo
ment too early, whether they be capable of ap
preciating or not. We were very much de
lighted with the Lecture, and freely confess,
that much that was so well said was strikingly
new to us.
SoAD—aeorge Couts, of this place, was killed
by the Fast Line, at Spruce Creek on Saturday
evening about eight o'clock, under the follow
ing circumstances, as near as we could learn
them, viz : Couts was employed on a wood
train on the Central. He was unwell for sev
eral days and had gone on to Tyrone, and on
Saturday evening he came down to Spruce
Creek, on a freight train, and stopped off.
He and a comripe were walking on the rail
road, when his comrade suggested that the
train would be along in a few moments and
that he had better step off, and he did step off
partially. His comrade again said : "George,
you are not off far enough." He rejoined pet
tishly implying that he was, when in a moment
the train dashed out of the tunnel and struck
him, killing him instantly.
Conte was a faithful soldier during the en
tire rebellion, and escaped unharmed, and af
ter the esplratiou of his enlistment as a vol
unteer, he enlisted in the regular service and
served a term. He was a single man. He was
buried from the residence of his brother,
Samuel Costs, in this place, oq Sunday after
noon: He was a young man of sober and in
dustrious habits and his untimely end is mash
regretted by all who knew bigl ,
SOCIATION.—At a meeting of the Directors of
the Juniata Valley Oampmeeting Assooiation,
held in Huntingdon, Nov. 13th, the following
officers were elected :
President,Rev. B. B. Hamlin, D. D.; Troas
urer, M. M. Logan ; Secretary, J. K. Rhodes ;
Executive Committee, S. W. Norton, John
Benford, C. W. Ashcom, John W. Speddy,
W. H. McClellan.
Measures were adopted to chtttin the helence
0 stock it deemed eoetlient shottld he
secured at Ellis time. A t fter the appointment
of yarimis committee., any} it general inter-
Pluk , ige of sentiments, the meeting adjourned
to meet at the call of the President.
WE lot, 50 feet front, and two lots, 30 feet
front, situated in Mifflin street, West Hunting
don, between 10th and 11th streets, for sale.
Apply to Robt. H. Jacob, 105 Fourth street,
Huntingdon, Pa. june2l
TINSEUE6.—Monday morning, 6th inst., broke
bright and beautiful, and at 8 o'clock a. in. a
train of ten cars left Martinsburg, well filled
with excursionists, and arrived at Hollidays
burg, at 9a. m. After remaining here awhile
the train proceeded to Altoona and returned
at 11 o'clock. At this place the party was
joined by a number of our citzeus, who were
invited to participate. A splendid car, mag
nificently furnished,was supplied for their use,
and also the Altoona guests. At half past 11
the train rolled out of the depot at this place
and proceeded to the gap. The new portion
of the road commences at this point. The
road takes the eastern side of the mountain
and rapidly ascends till it reaches Upper Maria
Forge. As the slope of the mountain is very
declivitous great difficulty must have been ex
perienced in getting a good bed. But there
it is, and solid as the eternal hill it skirts.
At Upper Maria, the road by a bold span, by a
tressel bridge 47 feet high, across the turnpike
and the hollow, leaves the rocky ridge and
takes the limestone bluff on the south side of
the turnpike. This it pursues, with still as
cending grade, till it reaches the Paper Mi.l,
where leaving the Paper Mill and Grist Mill,
it meets the Woodberry turnpike, and leaving
it to the west it makes up into that magifi
cent plateau of limestone land called Morrison's
Cove. Farm after farm, of the richest soil, is
passed, and away in the distant plain are
seen the spires of Martinsburg glistening in
the morning sun. The Summit is gained, and
then down, by easy grade, and Martinsburg,
"this loveliest village of the plain," is reached
in a few minutes.
A large multitude of people were assembled
et the Sta..ion to meet the excursionists, and,
headed by the Social Band of this place, the
crowd formed into procession and marched up
to the public square.
Here the large assembly was called to order
by S. B. Lysinger, Esq., who introduced Prof.
Lucien Cort, of the Martinsburg Seminary,
who, as one of the railroad committee, gave
an informal report of the operations of the
committee and announced the completion of
the great enterprise upon which the people had
embarked. He was followed by S. B. Lysinger ,
Fsq., and A. S. Landis, Esq., and Hon. S. Cal
vin, of Hollidaysburg, who were respectively
called upon. These gentlemen congratulated
the people of the Cove upon the arrival of the
iron horse in their midst, and with complimen
tary tributes to the energy of the committee,
and the enterprise of the people, predicted a
bright future for Martinsburg and Morrison's
At 20 minutes before 4 o'clock, p. m. the
train returned to Hollidaysburg, and thence
to Altoona. All were delighted with the ex
cursion. The citizens of Martinsburg received
their friends with great kindness and hospital
ity, and the thanks of one and all are due to
Maj. Theoph. Snyder, Col. J. C. Everhart,
Jacob S. Nicodemus,A. J. Anderson, Dr. Bloom,
H. S. Crawford, Fred. Hyle, and Prof. Cort,
members of the committee, for their untiring
efforts, from the beginning to the conclusion
of the whole railroad project, and also to John
A. McFadden, Esquire Zuck, L. A. Oellig, and
others for their courtesies and kind attentions
extended to the guests and strangers present
on this occasion.
The Railroad to Martinsburg from this place
is about fourteen miles long, and for pictur
esque and diversified scenery will be considered
unsurpassed by any of the same length owned
by the Pennsylvania R. R. company. The de
parture from this crossing of the river to the
mountain affords, in an instant, an entire
change of scenery. The route along Short
Mountain, with the Reservoir stretched out
like a beautiful Lake on the right, fringed on
the north side with the shadows of McCloskey's
Ridge, is beautiful in the extreme. This view
is now greatly impaired by the low stage of
water. The road then enters the Gap between
Dunning's and Short Mountains. This is a
very narrow defile—wide enough for the old
pike, the Roaring Spring Run, the railroad,
and Martha Furnace. This furnace is located
just at the point of Dunning's Mountain. It
belongs to the Hollidaysburg Iron Company,
but is now being run by our worthy fellow
citizen, B. M. Johnston, Esq., under the man
agement of our whiom genial townsman, Maj.
J. R. Crawford. It is an adjunct of Mr. John
ston's rolling Mills at this place, The road
then passes Lower Maria Forge, owned by Ess.
Hammond, Esq., proprietor of Sarah Furnace
and Franklin Forge; then past Rodman Fur
nace, owned by the Duncan heirs, but lately
leased by Chas Knapp, Esq., of Pittsburg;
then past Middle and Upper Maria Forges,
also owned by the Duncans ; then by the Paper
and Grist Mills of Morrison, Bare & Co., and
then over and through as beautiful a belt of
farms as can be found anywhere in Pennsyl
vania, to Martinsbnrg—Ahe present terminus.
It is being rapidly pushed six miles further on,
and will be completed by the first of Decem
ber, to the Cambria Iron Company's iron ore
mines, known as Henrietta, but commonly
called "Leather cracker." We protest against
this little scrap of nomenclature. 'Leather crack
er" may be sonorous, but it is neither sweat
nor beautiful We hope the Cambria Iron
Syndicate will abolish it.
The Woodberry people talk of carrying the
road on five miles farther to their village ;
then Pattonsville is ready to take it up ; and
when there it will go to the Bedford road.
So let it be. It is destined very soon to be
come a through route. If the Woodberry and
Pattonsville people evince the energy and en
terprise of our own and the Martinsburg people,
they can, before the close of 11372, be upon a
through route from the Pennsylvania Railroad,
at Altoona, to a point on the Southern system
of railroads.
The tonnage of the road is already very
large, and, when completed to Henrietta, will
amount to from five hundred to a thousand
tons a day, to say nothing of passenger travel.
When completed through, three-fourths of the
travel to Bedford Springs will pass over this
road, and it bids fair to become, in a very short
time, one of the most important and profitable
of all the branches of the Pennsylvania Rail
road.—Hollidaysburg Standard.
Tell TErig.-,Many of our readers will he inter
ested in the announcment that the winter
term, of the Pittsburgh Female College, will
commence on Monday evening, December 11th.
1 Among the requisites are good buildings, a
well selected course of study, a full and com
tent Faculty, and judicious and faithful over
sight. The College - possesses all these, and much
more, in an eminent degree, The buildings are
large, beautifully and tastefully fitted up
and well furnished. The course of study has
been selected with great care. The Faculty
numbers twenty-two experienced teachers.
The Literary department is well supplied, and
there are special teachers for all the ornamen
tal branches. There are four music teachers,
native teachers of Frenclr and German, teach
ers of drawing, painting, needlework, wax
work, kc. And notwithstanding the college
has no peer in the State, and but few equals
anywhere, the total charges for boarding, light,
furnished and carpeted room, fuel, church Bitting
and washing are but two hundred and ten dollars
per year—less thin any school in the United
States affording equal advantages and ac2om
modations. If you have daughters to oduc,,te
send to the President, Rev. I.C. Pershing, D. D.,
Pittsburgh, Pa., for a catalogue, and do not go
1 farther and fare worse.
will be a Sabbath School Institute held,
by the different Schools in Morris e.od Por
ter Townships, and Ales,andria Borough, in
the Methodist Church, at Alexandria, on Tues
day, November 28th inst. . .
All the Sabbath Schools in the district nam
ed are earnestly urged and invited to elect
delegates to represent them at the institute,
the number of delegates to be at the discretion
of each School. The names of the 'delegates
should be reported to Mr. John roller, at Al
exandria, that places of entertainment may be
The Convention will meet on the morning
of the day named for organization, devotional
exercises, and reception of reports from the
Schools. In the afternoon appropriate sub
jests will be discussed and the Institute will
close on the evening of the same day,
Sabbath School workers from all parts of
the County are cordially invited to he present.
It is earnestly hoped that all the Sabbath
Schools and all the friends of the cause will
take an active part in making thins meeting a
grand success, Let there be a gathering wor
thy of the cause, and such an uprising of the
people as will show our active interest in the
great Sabbath School movement.
JOHN PORTER, and others.
Di DICATION.—The M. E. Church, near
the Donation School-house, in Oneida twp.,
will be dedicated, on the 26th inst. Dr. B. B.
Hamlin will preach at 101 o'clock, A, ss., and
preaching at 7 o'clock Pastors and
people um rpgst cerdially invited.
W. GWYNNN, Pastor.
Tit WAY TO LOOK AT IT.—A friend of
the JOURNAL writes us under date of Nov. 15th,
1871, thus: "1 like your editorials and general
news, and will be very much pleased to contin
ue my subscription, althoughlam taking three
newspapers, and one magazine besides. I ful
ly endorse the sentiment in your issue of this
week—"tlz THAT ATTgxr.Ts To RAISE A FAMILY,
VANIA.—The recent discovery of immense beds
of iron ore in Bedford county, Pa., has had
the effect of stimulating enterprise in a won
derful degree in that section of the State. The
new railroad from the terminus of the Hun
tingdon and Broad Top, to a point on the
Baltimore and Ohio road, in the heart of the
Cumberland coal region, hasbeen completed as
far asTedford, and the whole track will be
laid and in moving order by the first of the
New Year.
This road will be immediately stocked, and
starts out with an assured freight of a million
of tons a year, from the Cumberland mines
alone. This will pass over the Broad Top
road to Huntingdon, and thence over the Penn
sylvania Central to Philadelphia, New York
and other shipping points. In addition sev
eral large furnaces will be shortly erected
along the line of this new road, which will
add targly to the freight business of the new
road. The iron ore of Bedford county is said
to equal in quality the finest to be found any
where in the United States.—Philadelphia in
dustrial Protector.
PILINTER.—A few days ago we made out and
presented, through the post office, to the gen
tleman who has just been elected Coroner by
the Republican party, the following little bill:
"1117NTINGDON, Pa., Nov. 17, 1871.
Mr. James Bricker
To J. R. Durbotrow & Co., Dr.
1871. ' '
Oct. 11, To printing Tickets—Coroner, $5.00."
This bill was returned to us with the follow
ing written across the face of it :
We want the Coroner to hold an inquest
upon the aboveaccount, and if condemned, it
will be for sale. Do you "see it" now ?
AN OPENING.—We know of a good
opportunity for some enterprising person or
persiins to buy out a store in a railroad town.
The present firm is doing a good business, and
trade still increasing. For particulars address
"Herald" office,
noT22-2t. Tyrone, Pa.
Dzczwaza.—Scribner's, for December, opens
with a charming German legend in verse,
The Count's Little Daughter, by Mrs. Green
ough, wife of the celebrated sculptor. It is
very daintily and poetically illustrated. oth•
er illustrated papers are Bayard Taylor's
Sights in and around Yedo ; Colonel Thotpe's
Pictures from the Plains ; a very valuable and
interesting article on The Boston Public Li
brary ; a bright little story by Miss Hopkins,
Miss Marigold's Thanksgiving ; Cyprus—Afloat
and Ashore, by A. J. Johnson, formerly 11. S.
Consul in Syria, with a number of queer pic
tures of curious old pottery, etc., discovered
by the American Consul-General Cesnola ; and
a poem, with one of Bolles's designs, by Dr.
Hake, the recluse poet, who has recently been
brought before the English world under the
auspices of Rossetti. It is called The Blind
Boy—a Parable, and is quaintly imaginative
and winningly tender. Besides this poem from
over the sea and Mrs. Greenough's we have in
the present number an autumn song, by E. C.
Stedman, The Flight of the Birds, and Mare
Ignotum, by Ellice Woodruffe. The remarka
ble story, Esther Wynn's Love Letter, by Saxe
Holm (author of Whose Wife was She in the
September number), also contains several ex
quisite little poems. There are two articles
which bear upon Russia—one a timely sketch
of the Imperial Family, By Colonel Knox, and
the other the story of An Elopement in Mos-
C 0, 77 by Eugene Schuyler. Mr. George P-
Putman, the eminent publisher, contributes a
paper on London Revisited, and Miss Traftih
an account of A Visit to Charlotte Bronte's
School in Brussels. Mr. Conant's able essay
on The Right Not to Vote is concluded in this
number. Wilfrid Cumbet mode has tragic in
terest ; and Mrs. Oliphant's The Two Mrs.Scu
damores, i 3 ono of her strongest stories. Dr.
Holland, in Topics of the Tune, discourses
characteristically on the following themes:
Let us be Virtuous, Chicago, The Washington
Treaty and the Peace Reformers, and The
Young in Great Cities. Is The Old Cabinet
we find, Behind the Mask, A Stumbling-block,
Forewarned is Fore-arched, The Shaker Side,
and The Yellowstone. The Departments of
Home and Society, Culture and Progress
Abroad, and At Home, are sensible, instruct
ive, and entertaining, which adjectives may be
applied to this number of the magazine as a
whole—the last being particularly applicable
to Mr. Bush's clever caricature of Thanksgiv
ing in the Country, on the final page.—For
Sale at Blair's Book Store.
magazine, devoted to original matter, for Day
School and Sunday School Exhibitlona, and
Public Occasions.
The October numb, of this popular Maga
zine (which was destroyed by the great Chica
go fire, when all ready to mail, has been re
printed, and has just reached us. As its sub
scription list was burned, the Publishers re
quest us to ask their subscribers to send their
addresses, stating what numbers were yet due
them, and to remit their subscription for next
year. Let all teachers and pupils subscribe
now, for the School Festival—they all need it.
It costs only 50 cents a year, in advance, cr
15 cents for a single number.
The Publishers were very heavy losers by
the great fire, but they don't propose to allow
their subscribers to lase anything.
Send by mail, to ALFRED I. SEWELL 3: Co.,
Publishers, Chicago,
The name of Maas HOWE
Is proclaimed by every tongue
Bring laurels, and a wreath for his brow,
Who invented the blessing for old and young.
sir For gennine Original Howe Sewing Ma
chines improved, go to Brown's Carpet Store.
Alaska Furs, Canada Furs, American Furs,
at prices to suit all, and manufactured express
ly for our sales. FISHER & SONS.
BLANKETS, Spreads, Flannels of all kinds
Plaids, Waterproof, &c., &c., just received at
Glazier & Bro's., and selling rapidly. Now is
the time for bargains. [nov.l6-..3t
FOR choice Goods and reasonable prices, go
to Glazier & Bro,'s, [Novl6-3t.
Velveteen from 85 cents up. White Velve
Cord, for Ladies' Sacques, at Henry , Co.'s 3
Fon Clothing that fits well, looks well,
wears well, and is sold cheap, go to Glazier as
Bro's. (NovlB-31.
ROST. U. JACOB, wholesale and retail dealer
In Anthracite and Barnet Broad Top Coal,
105, 4th street. Dun. 21.
Buffalo Robes, Fancy Robes, Lap Robes, at
Fisher & Sons. 16.4 t
Furs, Robes, Robes, Furs, Robes, at Fisher
& bone. [nls.4t
Look out for Patton's Prize Rebus,
Window Glass and Putty at Patton'!.
March 12, tf.
FOR SALE.—A dwelling house and half lot
of ground, situated on Mifflin street, in the
borough of Huntingdon, numbered 209 in
plan of said borough, is offered for sale. The
house contains nine rooms, with gas, in all of
them, and a well of good water at the door,
with stable and carriage-house on rear of lot.
For particulars apply at or address No. 111,
4th street, Huntingaon, Pa.
LADIES Furs from 112 to $lB per ret, at Gla
ziers' [Novli3-3t.
VELVETEEN from $l.OO per yard up, at Gla•
ziers'. [Norl6-3t.
Ladies' Shawls from $1 to $35, latest styles,
at Henry k Co.'s. fal6.3t
"AD—Report of Coal SAOped: rose.
For the week ending Nov.lB, 1871 " :5.K, 1 39
Same date last year 64,47
Increase for week
Decrease for week
Shipped for the year 1871
Same date last year
Increase for year 1871
FOR the best qualities of all kinds of coal go
to 105, 4th street. [jun. 21.
Foss, Foss.—Ladies' and Childrens' Furs
from $3 to $5O per set. Call and examine, at
Henry & Co.'s. (n16.3t
New Advertisements
Bought at BLAIR'S BOOK STORE, depot for
Huntingdon County.
Mrs. M. It. Armitage, Huntingdon.
" R. 0. Morrison,
William Decker,
" Mordecai tiahagan, "
Gm W. Garrettson,
Wm. Gras, •
" Joseph Morrison, .•
Jobn Numer,
" Isaac Fidler,
" Harry Fisher,
" David Blair,
Dorris Stitt, Shade Gap, Pa.
" William Wax, Blahrskilla
, P..
" Alex. C. Blair,
Michael Stair, Orbleoula.
Robt. Bingham, Shit.lelsburg,
" B. C. Wallace,•
Mimi Tans A. Adams,
Mrs. J. E. Glasgow, Three Springs.
" Levi Putt, Saxton, Pa.
" Samuel Barr, "
" John Fulton, "
Miss E. C. Baum,
Mr.. William Powell, Dudley, Pa
F. D. Butter, Huntingdon.
" Henry Robley. "
Miss E. Rung, Petersburg, Pa.
Mrs. Kale Brown, "
" Mrs. Blackwell. "
Mr. John McMullen, Cottage.
B.lemon Troatwine, McAlarys Fort.
Mr. Mary
" Jacob Auspach,
" J. M. Oaks, Huntingdon.
Rev. Mr. Moore, Tyrone.
Mr. .1. M. Isenberg, Alexandria.
Mrs. A. H. Jenkins, Riddlesburg.
John Gregory, Cottage.
" Samuel Gregory, Cottage.
" R. U. Jacob, Huntingdon.
" Wm. Miller, Petersburg.
" BenJ. Jacob, Huntingdon.
Rev. M. L. Smith, Pmersburg
Mr. John Wiley, "
Mr. James Myton, Manor Hill.
Mrs. M. D. Silkkni ter, Snow Shoo.
" Soloman Sllkkuitter, "
" L. A Hamer, Huntingdon.
" Michael Hamer, "
Mr. Geo. Mareh,
Mrs. E. Westbrook,
3live liartol,
" 31innie K tin tzelnm, Huntingdon.
Mrs. Caroline Schott,
" M. Etichson, Mill Creek.
" S. A. Hughes, ••
" J. G. Boyer, Huntingdon.
'• P. 31. Bare, Mt. Union.
•• M. A. Sharver, Huntingdon.
" Adam Hoffman, "
Miss Mary Foster,
Mrs. Carry Diffebaugh, "
" James Dickey,
" William Wray, Sonic. Omsk.
" William McMurtrie, Huntingdon.
" David 11aro,
" Simon White.
" Maggie Oswalt,
" J. C Smiley, Huntingdon.
" Thomas Kelly, Orbisonia.
" R. C. Craig, Newton Hamilton.
Miss Annie R. Parker, "
Mrs. Mary Brown, Mapleton.
4 Geo. W. Johnston, Huntingdon,
" Jain. Stewart, Antistovra.
" John Snyder, Huntingdon.
Miss Mary J. Wise, Huntingdon.
Mrs. Sarah Irvin, Penns Furnace.
Miss Maggie Kepert, Huntingdon.
" Martha Ritchey,
" Sarah J. Rudy, Petersburg.
Mrs. J. G. Stewart, "
A. A. Jacobs,
William McGowan, Shade Oap.
" Daniel Rowland, Six Mile Run.
" 0.6. McCrellie. Dudley.
John Shaver, Mt. Union.
" F. D Stevens, a
" J.G. Covert,
" Jacob Flmdier, "
" Henry Snare, Huntingdon.
" CLAM Heins, "
" Asbury. Stewart, Huntingdon.
" Augustin; Fritchy, Saxton.
" Henry Smith, MeConnelstown.
" Luden Norris,
" John Leiner, Huntingdon.
Henry ilassenplug, "
" Frrd MMus,
" Paul Smith,
" Alex. Carmen,
" William Strickler,
J. B. Myton. Manor Hill.
" T. B. Love, Cottage.
" Bridget 3lcCabe, Huntingdon.
Miss M. Morningstar. "
Mrs. Krauts chilcuat, Cassell le.
" Hartman Anderson, Dudley.
•, Catharine Akers, Co ilmont.
" David Etnire, Mt. Union.
David S. Africa, Huntingdon,
Mr. John Derrick.
Mrs. Henry Noel,
David Mingle, "
•• Christian Peightel, M•<ner Hilt.
Robt. McNeal, Burnt Cabins.
l'ierce Young, WaterStreeL
" Samuel V. Isenburg, Water Street,
•• William B. Hicks, Huntingdon.
" Hannah Long, Petersburg.
" :Unpins limb, Huntingdmi.
" John Denburg, Petersburg.
" Mary Fletcher, Huntingdon.
" Hiram Ayers, Pittsburg.
Miss Sue White Petersburg.
Mrs. Neff, Alexandria.
Mrs. Thonuts Keenan, .111111. Creek.
Mrs H T. Conrail,
" E Desbong, Manor Hill.
" S. J. Yocum, Mapleton.
" Alex. Port, Huntingdon.
" James G. Corbin, Cassville.
44,000 (forty-four thousand) more Singer Machines Bold
lest year than any other made. Total sale of the Singer
Machine last year was one hundred and twenty-maven•
thousand eight hundred and thirty three. jalyl2
-A- compose ROSADALIS are published
on every paeltage, therefore if is - Woe se
cret preparation, consequently
It is a certain rare for Scrofula, Syphilis
in 3111 its forms, Rheumatism, Skin Disease.,
Liver Complaint. and all diseases of the
will do moro good than ten bottles of On
liiyrups of Sarsaparilla.
hared used Rosadalis in their praetiee for
the past three years and freely endorse it as
a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier.
DR. T. C. PUGH, of Baltimore.
DR. J. S. SPARKS, of Nicholas-
DB. J. L. Mee ARTFIA, Columbia,
S. C.
DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edgecomb,
N. C.
J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall Riv-
or, Ma ,s.
F. W. SMITH, Jackson. Mich. '-
A. F. WHEELER, Lims, Ohio.
B. HALL, Lima, Obio.
CRAVEN & CO., Gordonsville, Va.
freesboro, Tenn.
Our space will not allow of any eztended
,remarks in relation to the virtue. of Rosa
[(tails. To the Medical Profession we guar
antee a Fluid Extract superior to any they
have ever used in the treatment of diseased
Blood ; aud to the &filleted we say try Rom
4alial, and you will be restored to health.
Itosadalis is sold by all druggist., pries
it. 1.60 per bottle. Address
Jkatufaehrisg CRemset.
Baumoas, MA
JOHN READ, AGENT, Huntingdon, Ps.
509 Hill St., Huntingdon, Pa.
THIS is the place to get your fruit jars
and tin cans wholesale and retail, also a tine
assortment of jelly glass.,
We have the cheapest, largest and best anortment
this side of Philadelphia, We keep Spears' Colo
rifie, Excelsior, Penn, Olive Bramels, Morning
Light, Cottage, Star, and Regulator. We warrant
every stove.
WARE, &c., &c., &C..
Persons going to Ilt use Keeping can gel ovary
article they need (row a clothes pin up to a cook
ing store.
and all kinds of Job Work done at short notice.
(live us a call and we feel satisfied you eon save
money. July 12.
Ileinloek and Pine Bill Stuff, Boards, Plank,
Shingling, Plastoring and Shingling Lath, eon
stantly on hand, or furnished on short notices, at
lowest cash prices. Worked Flooring, Sash, Blinds,
Doors, Door and Window Frames furnished at
manufacturer's priors. Grain and Country pro
duce generally bought at market prices.
Phillipsburg, Centre county, Pa.
Jan. 4, '7l.