The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, August 09, 1871, Image 3

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    e Panitingdon Journal,
dnesday Morning, August 9, 1871
MORI. .1,000, Na. 300, A. Y. M., tneetA secand Mon—
tuning of oneh month, in Ilru - kvais
NOM° Stn. 11. It. A. en tetrn. No. 201, Ine3ts the
. uesday evening of each 10•01 th, in Ilrowke.t Winding.
IATA Lonny, N0...117, I. 0. 0. F., moots evory Friduy
third, lieikter's
,T 11.1 7 ,n l' or I. 0. 11 F., 'noel.. ”very se,ontl and
I Tuesday, third It .or, Leister't,
, .
tar.. TEIEE. No. re t, 1 0. of R. M., meets every
.day evening, third floor, Mister's building.
'no MEN'S CmusTIAN ASSOCIATION meets the first and
Monday cveuings of each month. in Smith's building.
T 33,0. A. IL, meets third Monday of each 1111Inth iu
Commit meets the first Friday evening of each
NTINODON LODGE, N 0.149, K. of P., meets every Sat
- evening, in Smith's building.
',mix. TOWLE OF l losna, No. 71, meets the fourth
ay of each month in (1.),1 Templar',
WRIISTERIAN CLUB mectd every Thuraday evening,
M. C. A. room.
,:rasanux COUNCIL, 0. U. A. M., meets find and third
ayes of each month in (load Templar's Unll•
el,tarch—R'luirsg,ts.g!reet. 2tev.
on Sablath - :1,' , 4 a. m.,7 p.
hone—Washington street. her. Y. It O'llstioasx.
,C 9 first three Suminytiu every nn nth.
mgelical Lutheran—MO . llm street. Rev. J.. 1. K.R.
reson Sabbath : 1034 u. !L7 p.m.
man Reformed—Church street. Rev. S. D. STECSLE.
ma on Sabbatb : 7 p. m,
thodist Episcopal—Church street. Rev. M. K. FOSTLI2.
tee on Sabbath: 10 1 ,4 a m., 7 p. m.
tostant Epi s copal-11111 street. No Pastor.
Abyterian —Hill street. Rev. U. W. ZAIINIEBR. Ser
on Sabbath: 11 a. m.. 7 D. tn.
3f Mention--Home-Made and Stolen
le camp meeting season is at band.
e arc 110 W putrtt•re ] in our 11011 . pre, rOOlll
avis the tints to subscribe for the JOURNAL
La 33 cages, for birds, are the latest novelty
mnpleted—The new bridge spanning the
oor—The peaches and cantalopes in mar.
S. Lytle's new house, on the lilt, is go-
usical—The chirp-of the criblet and the
an't forget the Mass Meeting on Tuesday
ling next.
on't forget the delegate election on Satur-
night next
new name for •thc Grecian bend is the
31c stoop."
lie cars will run to Louden, Franklin coun-
Lis week.
lie season for shooting squirrels commune
in the Ist inst.
he new steel work,. at Johnstown have
0 into operation.
he plasterers are at work on Pores new
se, on Fifth street.
he gutter on the north side of .Allegheny
et continues to stink.
arrow gauge railroads cost so little that
-ybody will have a railroad.
he Bedford Springs arc the best abused
ering place in the country.
he lower end of the county is very much
.ated on the railroad question.
narrow gauge railroad could be built up
no Creek for less than $5,000 per mile.
. suggestive toast over a glass of whiskey
ere's what makes us wear old clothes.
Qomen are like horses—The gayer the
ness they have on, the better they feel.
. K. M'Calmn, Esq., has had his stable, on
corner of Fifth and Mifflin streets, removed.
Coffee-Pot" Wallace was in town,.the oth
lay, looking after the interest of his party.
'apt. .T. S. Johnson, of the firm of llenry &
, is now east for another stock of new goods.
Ve call attention to the advertisement of
age driver wanted." Here is a chance for
shcr fellow.
Vhstever Midas torched turned into gold.
these days, touch a man with gold, and
El turn into anything.
km friends coming to town, nextmeek, will
ase call and see us. We won't take more
min 3 than are coming to no.
'he completion of a railroad from Cham
sburg to Mt. Union would make tk direct
ite from the South to Canada.
L'he colored citizen's of this place influlged
Ipic-nic and hop, on Thursday last, in the
ods, on farm of Col. Iluyett.
lrainerd, of the Tyrone Herald, dropped in
see us the other day. lie looks well and
•s he is prospering - . Call again.
rho canning and preserving of fruit fOr
iter use occupies the attention of prudent
isekeepers at the present time.
%Ir. Isaac Lininger has sold his half lot of
mnd, on Hill street, to J. C. Blair, for the
ig sum of $5;000. Pretty well sold.
since our story of the killing of two pigeons
the Fast Line on the Central the New York
1 Erie road has got up a pigeon story.
k new paper is announced for McConnells
rg, Fniton county. J. C. Alexander and J.
Dawnes are to run it. A poor speculation.
We noticed a fellow, on Saturday night,
ametly dreaming the happy...hours away"
the pavement. Bug juice had something
do with it.'
The Meteor Base Ball Club, of Millln, will
by the Star Bate Bali Club of this place, on
ursday afternoon, August 10111. A lively
ne is expected.
An eminent physician has discovered that
nightmare, in nine eases out of ten, is pro
ced from owing a bill to the printers. De
quents, think rof that.
We have added seve:al fonts of new and
icy type to our jobbing department, and are
tter prepared than ever to accommodate our
.trons. Call and see specimens.
The West Branch camp meeting at )i'Eihat•
n, will commence on the 15th inst. It is ex.
ounds prior to the day of opening.
A young lady iu town steppe 1 into a store
e other evening along with her bean to buy
pair. of shoes. She selected No 2's. The
at morning she went back and exchanged
cm for Nc. s's.
Kate Boyd of Cincinnati knocked her lover
:ad over heels into the street last W2dnes
.y, because she caught him showing her
eture to a crowd of men on the steps
'a saloon. Bully for Kate.
The meeting of the State Teachers' Associa
m will be held at Williamsport on the Bth,
h and 10th of the present month., The busi
!ss exercises of this meeting-promise to be
an unusually interesting character. The
Ate Superintendent says: "The Executive
)mmittee have secured the presentation of
:ch educational matter as is of great and
tiversal importance at this time. The sub
t matter to be presented will elicit not only
.Inable and interesting discussions, but will
quire an expression of opinion on the part
' the Association more in kcepini with its
diberative character."
The Lewistown Gazette says that on Thurs
ty, the 20th ult., a son of ENO McVey, of
liver townsi.ip, aged about 15 years, had an
!venture which resulted in his death. He
id noticed that a squirrel had a nest in the
unk' of a tree near his father's house, made
s way up, and when at the height of twenty
et, lie stirred into a hole with a stick, when
blacksnake stuck its liet,l towards his face.
lie boy it seems either attempted to jump to
le ground, or lost his hold and fell. He went
; the house, and did not at first seem much
get; but subsequently it was found that he
ad sustained internal injuries, from which he
ltd on the 27th.
experience of sixteen years has given the of
ficers of that institution the practical know'.
edge so essential to full success, and of so
much value to the pupils, and placed the Col.
lege iu the very front rank of American edu
cational institutions. The buildings, recently
enlarged, and refitted in handsome style, are
among the finest for the purpose in the coll.;
try. The location is quiet and retired, and
yet within a few minutes' walk of the termini
of all the railroads, the principal churches,
the new City Hall and the buildings of the
:llereantile Library Association, the Alleghe
ny Park.,, and other places of interest. The
Faculty—one of the largest to be found in any
school in the United States—numbers upwards
of twenty teachers, selected with special ref
erence to their experience and qualifications
for their work. The methods of teaching are
thorough, and intended to develop the mental
and moral powers of the pupil. The total
charges for boarding, light, furnished and
carpeted room, fuel, church sitting, ten pieces
washing each 'week, tuition in the full English
course and Latin, are less than three hundred
dollars a year. Better than all else is
. the
moral tones pervading the school.
The Fall term commences September sth.
Send to Rev. I. C. Pershing, D. D., Pittsburgh,
Pa., for a catalogue.
U. B. CHURCH AT MOUNT UstoN.—The United
Brethren of Mount Union, under the pastorate
of Rev. James M. Smith have determined to
erect a suitable building for their accommo
dation and on Sunday, the 30th tilt., the corner
stone was laid in presence of a very large con
gregation. The sermon was preached by our
highly esteemed friend Rev. M. P. Doyle, of
Johnstown. A metallic box was placed in a
niche cut in the stone, in which was deposited
an English and a German bible, a hymn book,
minutes of the Allegheny Conference 0f.1871,
roll of members, list of eobtributicms, and a
copy each of the following papers : Burp and
Songster, Religions Telescope, Child's Friend,
HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, Monitor, Globe and
Daily Stale. Journal, with a variety of sub
scriptions. _ _ _
While the church is building the Presby
terian congregation tendered their church to
the Brethren.
TALL Cons.—We clip the following
notice of tall corn from a recent number of the
People's Journal published at Vinton, lowa, by
which it would appear that Huntingdon
county is slightly ahead in this respect. The
corn raised by Mr. McElroy wrs measured on
the 15th of the last month, (July) :
BIG CORN.-Mr. Jas. McElroy, of Barree
Forge, Pennsylvania, having seen a notice in
the Jornsat. of some tall corn raised iti Ben
ton county, writes to his son H. H. McElroy,
this note "Tell the editor of the PEOPLE'S
JOUGNAL that he need not brag on his lowa
corn, for I have corn that is 12 feet and 3
inches high. If he doesn't believe it, tell him
to come down some evening and measure it,
and I will keep him over night and give him At
fresh start in the morning."
"DUTCU JAKE."—In our isaue of last
week, in a local item entitled, "Almost a Sui
cide, or what 'Dutch Jake' did," we gave a lu
dicious discription of an affair in West Hun
tingdon. Since then a friend of ours, as well
as of the party in question, informs us that
we did Jake great injustice, and that Jake is
a good, honest, sober and industrious citizen.
We are heartily glad to hear this and take all
back, we said, a thousand times. We never
desire to do any one injustice, and when we
are apprised that we have done so; we stand
ready to make the anzende honorable, square.
Gaweiss, Jake.
Rev.—Our community was shocked, on Mon
day evening of lest week, bye telegram from
Pittsburg, stating that a Mrs. Clarke, of
Huntingdon, had committed suicide by hang
ing herself to a post of the bedstead, in-her
room, at the Union Depot Hotel. It was
learned next morning that Mrs. Clarke was
the wife of a man living at Six Mile Run, and
that he was on the way to Pittsburgh, to
identify the body. - We expect, next week, to
publish a full statement of the whole matter
which will throw light on the mystery con
nected with it.
camp meeting, under the supervision of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, will be held on
the old Taylor Ground near Caasville, to com
mence Friday, August 25th. Boarding and
horse feed will be furnished at the ground.
No huckstering of any kind will be allowed
on, or nearer the ground than that prscribed
by law.
The ministers and members of neighboring
charges, and sister churches, are most cordi
ally invited to attend this "Feast of Taber
A. W. DECKER, Pastor,
CONCERT.—The lady members of the
M. E. Church, of Alexandria, have assumed
part of the debt of their new church, and they
will give a series of concerts, in the old M.
E. Church, commencing on Thursday evening
the 17th inst., and continuing during Friday
and Saturday nights. Addresses and dia
logues will be repeated by the Sabbath School
scholars and others. Very fine vocal and iu
strumeutal music will also be dispensed. Ad
mission 25 cents.
WE regret to say that Wm. J. House
holder has been obliged to quit the Mercantile
Business on account of ill health. The Messrs.
March have succeeded in securing the services
of John MLaug,hlih,' who will be happy to
have the citizens of Marklesburg and vicinity
call and see him. John knows how to treat
all who visit him, and we would ask that a
liberal share of patronage be extended to him.
You will find him ready for business at the
store of Joseph March lz Bros., Marklesburg
store. it.
MESSRS. MARCH & BRO., return their
thanks to those who have so promptly com
plied with a request for settlement, next week
being court week they would again ask those
attending court, and all others indebted to
them, to call at once and settle, as their old
accounts must be settled at once, or left for
collection. They prefer settling their own
accounts, and do not wish to give either trou
ble or add costs, [auo-2t.
WE learn from the Denver City Daily
Tribune, that W. W. Borst, Esq., late Station
keeper at that place, has been appointed Su
perintendent and General Freight and Ticket
Agent of the Rio Rrande road. Being a sub
scriber of the JOURNAL, and consequently a
good fellow, we wave our hat for bins.
MINERS LAID OFE—A few days agO
the operators, in the Broad Top region, an
nounced to the miners that they would re
duce the wages, and on the 3d inst , the
miners, almost to a man, "laid off." It is not
known how soon the matter will be adjusted.
There has been no disturbance.
WE have been requested to announce,
by the Rev. J. A. Charm, that a camp meeting
will be held by the United Brethren in Christ,
about midway between Orbisonia and Scotts,
yille, on the land of A. Price r corrimencing the
7th of September,
of Messrs. Africa & Black will arrive every.
Wednesday evening, where vegetables of every
kind can be had, wholesale or retail, as cheep
as the cheapest, [aug 11—tf.
Fog t he best Apple Pearers, go to A. R.
Stewart & do: Sign of the big Padlock. [9-2t.
em.—Stated Meeting, August 4, 1871. Present,
Chief Burgess, Mr. Africa.
Assistant Burgesses, Alessi, Murray and
Council, M essrs. Gaily, Buchaaan, Burch in ell
Henry, Strickler and Williamson.
The minutes of the last stated, adjourned
and special meetings were read and approved.
The chairman reported that the sewer at the
intersection of Allegheny and Fourth streets
had been repaired by the Penn'a. H. H. Co.
Mr. Bally from the special committee ap
pointed to draft an ordinance to establish a
police force reported a bill entitled."An ordi
nance for the promotion of peace and good
order in the borough of Huntingdon," which
was read, amended and agreed to. On mo
tion, the rules in relation to said bill were
dispensed With, and it was rend a second and
third time and passed.
A petition of 17 citizens of the borough
praying the erection of a bridge crossieg on
Fifth street at the intersection of School House
lane was read, when on motion it was
Ordered, That a crossing shall be placed at
the point named by the Street Commissioner
uncer the direction of the Committee on Streets.
On motion, the Committee on Finance was
discharged from the further consideration of
the bill of John E. Smucker for material cart
ed on Washington street, between second and
third streets, and an order was granted to Mr.
Smucker for the amount of said bill—S.24 00.
The following preamble was read and adopt
ed, to wit : _
Whereas, complaints have been made to the
Council of the bad condition of the pavements
and gutters in front of the Episcopal Church
and a vacant lot lying immediately east there
of on Hill street ; and on the eastern side of
Sixth street between Hill and Washington
streets, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the . Chief Burgess shall cause
said pavements and gutters to be laid off,
graded and staked, and the owners of said
lots shall be notified by the High Constable
that unless said pavements and gutters arc
made of good hard brick according to said
grade and the manner prescribed in an ordi
nance relating to the eastern side of St. Clair
now 2nd street, passed the 2nd day of April,
1869, and completed within twenty days after
said notice, the same shall be constructed by
the proper officer of the borough and the cost
thereof, with twenty per centum in addition
will be collected from the respective owners
of said lots.
On motion, orders were granted as follows
Sam'l A. Steel, on act. of bridges $2OO 00
W. I. Steel, leathers for fire 1 95
J. C. Blair, view of Huntingdon and
frame 3 75
Check Roll, Street Commissioners, for July.
Work on Hill street $2B 00
Work on Washington street Bl Od
Work on Mifflin street — 12 00
Work on Church street
Work on Second street lO 00
35 25
Work not classifiei
Total sl67 75
A bill of A. It. Stewart & Co.,not being clas
sified was laid over.
On motion it was • . .
iiesol;d7TKai the committee appointed at
the stated meeting in May, be and they are
hereby authorized and directed to measure the
masonry erected by Samuel H. Shoemaker on
Mifflin street, at Muddy Run, and ascertain
the amount due him according to the contract
and for the amount so ascertained the Bur
gesses or a majority of them are authorized to
draw their order on the Treasurer.
On motion, the Committee on Public Prop
erty were authorized to rent the back room of
the Council House.
lowing items we have clipped froth the Bedford
County Press :
The dedication of the new M. E. Church at
Bedford has been posponed to the 10th of
Camp-meeting will commence at .11asant
-OM on the 10th atd Williams' on the 18th_
James McCleary, much respected citizen of
the Yellow Creek Settlement, died front con
sumption on last Friday evening.
One Somersctter conveyed seventy gallons
of huckelberries to market one day last week.
And it wasn't good weather for berries, either.
William Woy, Jr., of East Providence town
ship, shot a crane one day last week, which
mearsured six feet from tip to tip.
Surveyors have located a trhm road from
Hopewell to the ore bank near Yellow Creek.
It is proposed to build the road at once, for
the purpose of getting at the ore in that sec
Edwaril Body, an employee in the Kemble
Coal & Iron Co's., ore bank, near this place,
was injured by The caving in of a quantity of
earth and ore in the mine in which he was at
work, on last Friday.
Mr..l. C. Sparks, of Black Valley, met with
an accident one day last week, whereby one
of his orbs was eclipsed and the side of hi
face put in mourning for the time being. Re
was riding from home for a physician at a
break neck rate of speed, when his horse fell,
with the above consequences.
Thebarn of Mr. Harrison Hart, of Juniata
township, this county, was burned, together
with all its contents, on last Thursday. Mr.
H., losses all his summer's crop of wheat and
rye, besides a lot of hay, etc. His loss is very
severe, and he was wholly without insurance.
The fire is. supposed to have been kindled by
a little girl who was caught playing with
matches in the barn.
The young folks at Rays Hill, together with
a sprinkling from this place, indulged in an
other pic-nic at the Union Church, on last
Saturday. About thirty couples were present,
and it is agreed on all sides that a first rate
time was had. The amount of good things ou
hand was in keeping with the usual liberality
of the people of that section.
The family of Ur:ah Blackburn, of St. Clair
township, this county, was made the object of
very severe affliction lately, in that four, bright,
interesting children, in less than two weeks,
fell victims to that dred disease, scarlet fever.
The following is a record of the decease of
the little ones:
Clara Jane Blackburn, died June 20th aged
6 years 8 months and 13 days.
Anna Della Blackburn, died July 2d, aged
5 years 4 months and 11 days.
Edith Rebecca Blackburn, died July 9th,
aged 2 years 11 months and 10 days.
Sarah I.izzie Blackburn, died July 16th
aged 1 year 3 months and 8 days.
WILL THEY no IT ?—The advent of the first
train of cars into Bedford, should be a matter
of sufficient moment to the people of that good,
borough to warrant the most extravagant re
joicing. It is expected that the trial trip will
be made on the 15th inst. We would suggest
to our Bedford friends that they get up a cel
ebration for on or about the first of Septem
ber. And let there be a good time—a proces
sion, the burial of the body of an old coach,
speeches, etc. Bloody Run will furnish the
military escort, end Huntingdon might be in
duc.4 t o uspphy the assistant mourners. Will
our friends in Bedford do this ? and if so, will
they lay aside their selfishness for a time and
invite their neighbors?
RAILROAD XEWS.- , All is lovely along the
line," is the word that comes to us from the
railroad. On the Bridgeport end several of
the sub-contractors have finished their con
tracts, and the balance are pushing things
with all possible speed. Between Mt. Dallas
and Bedford the road is nearly ready for the
track layers—in fact work in this particular
having been begun on Monday at this end.
Mr. Kellogg, with his corps of carpenters, is
rapidly pushing the construction of the Bed
ford bridge. We expect to visit Bridgeport
by rail before the October election, and Bed
ford for certain before the 20th of this month.
Messrs. James M. Wattson and Findlay Bar-
Barber, two of the best members of Mr. Ful
ton's Engineer Corps, have resigned their
positions and gone east. We opine their
services will be greatly missed, and although
sorry to have them part with us at this stage,
yet we wish them all the success imaginable
wherever their lot may be cast.
Have you ever tried Nature's Hair Restora
tive? You will be delighted with it. Glean,
safe, and effervescent. It is driving all thepois
onous compounds out of the mrrket. It is as
clear as crystal. See advertisement. [aug9-2t.
Robt. U. Jacob, having•just received a large
stock of the beSt Wilksbarre and Sunbury
coal, is prepared to deliver the same to his
customers and the public generally, at the
very lowest market prices. See him and hear
his prices.
He is also constantly receiving Broad Top
coal from the celebrated Barnet mitie,--,which
he is selling at low ligures--011ice 101, Fourth
Street. june2l.
WANTBD.-10,000 lbs Tub Washed Wool
1,000 cords Bark, by 1 - 11iNRY & CO.
May otb, 1871-3 m.
Window Glass and Putty at Patton's.
March 22, tf.
titc.—Thegrandest Sabbath School picnic ever
known in Huntingdon county, was held in the
Grove near Warriorsmark, on Saturday, the
sth inst., uuder.the direction of the Meth. C.
The morning was ushered in with a light
shower of rain, which laid all dust and made
the way pleasant. The Warriorsmark schools,
Methodist and Presbyterian i were formed at an
early hour, and marched to the M. E. Church,
in order to receive the following schools as
they came in First, the Centre Line School,
in wagons and buggies, beautifully - decorated,
making a good appeara,ce. Second, the Frank
linville and Huntingdon Furnace Schools,
whieit had united on the way, at the house of
Daniel Conrad, and which score conveyed in
two six horse teams front the Furnace, under
the supervision and direction of Messrs. Hays
Hamilton and D. S. Wray, four four-horse
teams under direction of Daniel Conrad, Nich
olas Parks, 1). R. Miller and Mr. Borst, the last
named being from Colerain, who was the reci
pient of a large and beautiful flag from T. Ly
on, Esq. These teams were beautifully deco
rated, the horses with wreaths, flags and rib
bons, while the wagons were festooned with
flowers. 'These Wagons were filled to over
flowing with people and provisions, from fifty
to sixty in each wagon. Then follonied a large
number of spring-wagons and buggies, all in
good order. Next came the Pennsylvania Fur
nace and G,raysville Sehools,united, with a
large number of wagons, spring-wagons and
buggies, all nicely decorated and in the best
erder, awd an immense crowd ,of people, all
merry and happy, expecting great enjoyment
during the day.
The line of march to the ground was as fel
lows Band of music, Presbyterian School of
Warriorsmark, Centre Line, Franklinville, Ifun
tingdon Furnace, Pennsylvania Furnace r and
the ill. E. School of Warriorsmark, followed by
a large crowd of friends, strangers and specta
tors. The procession numbered over a thous
and people, besides a large crowd upon the
' ground awaiting our arrlval. Capt. D. Ross
Miller, of Franklinville, seas appointed Chief
Marshal of the day and took command, each
Superintendent acting marsh:if for their res
pective school. Arriving upon the ground the
procession was thrown into a hollow square,
and it now being 12 o'clock speaking seas de
ferred until after dinner. A prayer was then
offered by Rev. D. Castleman, and a few re
marks by the marshal, then music by the band
and some beautiful-singing by the M. E. School
of Warricrsmark. Then came dinner—it being
a basket pie nic soon all were comfortably
seated upon the ground enjoying themselves
with the dainties of life, which were plentifully
provided for the occasion. Schools and stran
gers were heartily served. Your correspondent
!could scarcely cast his eye around but the
carving of a roasted chicken or turkey met his
view, An abundance of provisions were re
turned home.
Music was next in order, then singing by the
schools, after which an orphan boy, from a
Soldier's Orphan School, was called to the
stand and addressed the crowd. He was fol
lowed by Rec. D. Castleman and others. Next
in order swinging, playing, and social amuse
ment, until a late hour, wLen all returned
home in good order. EYE-WITNESS.
Warriorsmark, July 'l, 1971.
ALEXANDRIA.-The present is eminently a sea
son of pie sties, harvest-homes and other sum
mer festivities. The crops of an early npd
bountiful harvest have been gathered, and
earls of the sons and daughters of toil claims
a short season of recreation and enjoyment in
The M. E. Sabbath School of Alexandria
held their annual pie nic on Saturday, the
29th ult., and several days previous, the juve
nile portion of the S. S., were in the higi.
state of expectancy; and when the wished for
day at length arrived, they were up, arrayed
in their beat clothes, - looking, their bfightest,
and best, and waiting, long before the bell
sounded fur the assembling.
At 91 a. m.. everything being in readiness,
the procession formed, and headed by the
Alexandria Drum Corps, took up the line of
march for Nefrs (drove, a short distance East
of town. •
In front was borne a beautiful banner, on
one side of wick was the name of the school,
and on the other the motto "Onward and Up
ward." Further hack in the procession an
other banner was displayed, having on one
side a representation of little children with an
open book before them, and on the other "My
Arrivodat the grounds, after, singing by the
school and prayer,by Rev. Niel lombs, the speak
er of the day, Mr. fL M. McNeal, was intro
In an address full of instruction, encourag
ment, he spoke to parents, teachers and pupils
of the nobility and importance of the Sabbath
School work; of the obligations resting 'upon
all, both old and young to engage in it ; of the
necessity-and wisdom of installing into the
youthful mind and hearty principles of virtue
and rectitude, rather than commence by pro
viding for the punishment of adults for'erimes
committed;—and of many other points full of
interest and instruction, but of which, space
forbids the mention, _ _
In a short address Rev. McCombs followed,
and after a brief interval, we were again call
ed together,—this time, not to an intellectual
or literary, feast, but to a feast intended to re
fresh and invigorate the physical being.
After doing full justice to the good things
which tempt the appetite, the young people
indulged in a variety of out-door sports, after
which the company dispersed as they have
done time out of memory, each well pleased
with the day's entertainment, but bodily
"very tired." P.
CROQUET Edit Or :-3ly
friend, did you ever attend a Pic-nic—a Cro
quet Pic nit,? No 1 Ali well, t'ou'r unfortunate 1
My advice is to get one up - without delay.
You can't play Croquet? Dear, dear, that is
bad; Well then, learn at once and that you
may have no difficulty in the managemen4 of
your Pic-nid, afterwards, I'll tell you about
ours, only prefacing the relation with the
statement that 1 fear you'll be unable to find
any place else so pleasant as Shade. Gap, 'or
other folks so agreeable and hospitable as
those we visited.
Yesterday morning, about nine o'clock, a
party of ladies and gentlemen, consisting of
members of the "Excelsior". and "Amateur"
Croquet Clubs of out town, left in carriages,
fir Shade Gap, where, after a ',leasing ride of
eight miles, we arrived at log o'clock, and
alighted at the house of the Misses Neely.
After resting awhile we repaired to the
grounds of the Presbyterian Church. There
we were joined by a select number of the eith
zens of the town and vicinity, and here a rich
collation, prepared for the occasion, was dis
After the edibles were disposed of, the
grounds were measured and prepared for the
Croquet playing, which amusement was in
dulged in for two or - three hours. The play
ing was good and very eutertaing and the ex
ercise prepared us to relish and enjoy the
superb repast of which we partook in the
dining haft of the Milnwood Academy, and
which was preAded over by the accomplished
lady of the Rev. Kuhn, Pastor of the Presby
terian church there.
Supper over, the company adjourned to the
parlors, where conversation and music engag
ed them for a time, brief; but delightful.
Without detracting from the merits of other
performers, I think I should be guilty of in
justice to Miss Ella Minnick, and fail to es•
press the grateful sense of the company, were
I to neglect special reference to her musical
ities, which, beyond doubt render her pe
culiarly fitted for the place she fills as Musical
thstractor of the Academy.
In the evening the party took a promenade
through town and then dispersed. Those
from Burnt Cabins reached home between
eight and nine o'clock, feeling that the day
was indellibly recorded on the tablets of their
memories, as one of the most delightful in all
their experience of happy times.
Burnt Cabins, Pa., July 27th, 1871.
LITERARY NOTICES.—Among the many
candidates for praise, in the literary and a,
tistic world, is Tits PRESS, an illustrated jour
nal, published by Borton & Leonard, Chicago,
which is not second to the Aldine and in some
respects it is superior. We like Its "Dante's
Francesca" better while the typography is
far superior. It is the west sending greet
ing to the east and she has done nobly. It is
published at 50 cents per year. All letters
should be addressed to The Press, 108 and 110
Randolph street, Chicago.
August, looks well and contains a number of
valuable articles. Under its new manage
ment it has been very much improved. Teach.
ers cannot get along without it, Address J.
P, Wickersham & Co„ Lancaster, Pa: Price
CHEAP MINN.—It is seldom: that cheapness
is associated with merit and real value, bat we ,
must make an exception of PETERS' MUSICAL.
MONTHLY. This valuable work comes to us
regularly each month, overflowing with choice
new Music—some fifteen pieces in ever num
ber. It is priuted front 36 full-size music
plates, neatly bound, and sells for the modest
sum of 30 cents. Volume VIII, began - with
the July number; and the publisher offers to
send two copies—July and August—for 50
cents. Address J. L. PETERS 599 Broadway,
New York. 'Think of itl 30 pieces of good
Music for 50 cent,.
THE SONG MESSENGER.-WC have received
this journal, devoted to Mus'.cal Literature ,
Songs, Glees, quartets, &c., for August, and it
impresses us very favorably. It is publ:shed
by Root .Sc. Cady, Chicago, 111. at $l.OO per
NEW PIIIILICATION.—Dr. • liitchcock's
new and complete Analysis of the Holy Bible.
Published by A. J. Johnson. This interesting
volume makes the Bible its own interpreter,
giving the scripture that treats directly on
each subject arranged under an appropriate
title, being thoroughly indexed, you can as
readily find all the Bible says upon each sub
ject as you could find a single text in our com
mon Bible. -
As an index to whatever the Bible contains
or teaches on any subject, it is invaluable.
Each chapter or section being a distinct and
separate subject. It cannot fail of creating an
interest in Bible reading in every family that
is fortunate enough to obtain a copy. To the
minister it will often throw more light upon
his chosen topic than a whole days' search
could secure. It has also Cruden's complete
concordance pronouncing and interpreting
dictionaries, a dictionary of Religious denomi
nations, a history of the Bible, family record,
maps, engraving, etc., making it a treasure of
inestimable value, We append the folloWing
Rev. M. W. Jacobus, D. D., Professors of
Biblical Literature and Theology, Allegheny
City, Pa., says Talbot's Analysis was good,
. West made it better and Dr. Hitchcock, in this
fine volume has made it best. Nothing in this
way is left to be desired. It will be a treasure
to any household.
From Rev. Geo. F. Wisnell, D. D., Pastor of
Green hill Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia,
Pa.: •'Any book that facilitates and incites to
the study and critical knowledge of the Holy
Scriptures is a positive good in the world.—
Hitchcock's Analysis is such a book. I shall
count it a good work if in any way I can pro
mote the circulation of such a valuable book
among the families of our land."
Rev. Geo. D. Boarman, D. D., Pastor of
First Baptist Church, Philadelphia, says in his
concluding remarks "I counsel every one,
who wishes to use the Bible most advantage
ously, to purchase this volume."
Rev. C. F. Shafer, Evangelical Lutheran,
Philadelphia, says "The interest of our holy
religion will be greatly premoted by an exten
sive circulation of this precious book."
Having examined, with some care, Prof.
Hitchcock's Analysis of the Bible, I have no
hesitation in recommending it as a valuable
aid to the study of the Sacred Scriptures.—
Those who purchase and peruse it will, I think,
never regret the money and time thus expend,
Pastor Presbyterian Church,
llontingdon, Pa.
July 3r; 1811.
The above recommendation of llitchcock's
Analysis of the Bible I heartily 'endorse, and
am free to say that the exrnse incurred by
the purchase u - ill never be regretted.
Pastor of Reformed Lutheran Church,
Huntingdon, Pa.
To nil who wish, with the least — labor and
with the greatest possible dispatch, to know
all the scriptures say on any subject treated
by them, I recommend Hitchcock's Analysis
of the Bible as pre-eminently the book they
Prdsiding, Elder M. E. Church, Jugiata Dis
trict, Central Penna. Conference.
I have examined llitchcocks' Analysis of the
Bible and can heartily recommend it as an in-
valuablework and an efficient aid in the sys.
tcmatic study of the Scripture.
PaStor of M. E. Church, Huntingdon, Pa.
I fully concur in the above recommendation,
Pastor Baptist Church, Huntingdon, Pa.
Having examined the work entitlea Hitch
cock's Analysis of the Bible, presented by E.
V. Smith, I am free to pronounce it a rare
christian gem, and do most heartily recom
mend it to all who would learn more perfectly
. . . .
the way of life. J. J..KETtR
Pa,toe of Lutheran Church, Huntingdon, Pa.
TtfeKeir.n's. the finest lot
of flue cut, sega . rs7dii:,N;fi .
ANY person desiring an Estey & Co's.,
Cottage Organ, at any price ranging from $l4O
to $7.50 can be supplied by applying to this
office. Terms: One-halfcash, and the remain
der in six months in bankable paper. Organ
ii-arrauted. A good chance for n church pr
society. tf.
ROAD—Report of CoakSkfpped: TONS
For the week ending Aug. 5, 1871
Same date last year,
Increase for week
Decrease for week
Shipped for the year 1871
Same date last year
Increase for year 1871
'KANSAS, AND Tllp B. & 31. R. R. LANDS.—
The "Burlington Route," so called, lies right
in the path of the Star of Empire. It runs
almost immediately in the center of the great
westward movement of emigration. Crossing
Illinois and lowa, it strikes the Missouri river
at three points,
These three points are the gateways into
three great sections of the trans-Missouri re
. .
The Northern gate is Omaha, where the
great Pacific road will take you to the laud of
gold and grapes, sunny mountains, and per
petual summer•.
The middle gate is Plattsmouth, Which
opens upon the south half of Nebraska, south
of the Platte river, a region unsurpassed on
the continent for agriculture and grazing.
Just here are the B. h 31. Railroad lands, con
cerning Geo. S. Barris, the laud officer at
Burlington, lowa, can give you all informs
tion, and in the heart of them is Lincoln, the
State Capital and present terminus of the
The Southern gate leads to Kansas, by con
nections with the St. Joe Road at Hamburg,
running direct to St. Joe and Kansas City.
The trains of the Burlington run smoothly
and safely, and tuak: all connections. It run
the best of coaches, Pullman Palace and
Pullman dining cars, and should you take the
journey for the journey's sake alone, you will
be repaid; or take it to find alio= or a farm
and you cannot find either better than among
the B. .k M. lands, where you can buy on ten
years' credit, and at a low price. tf.
New Advertisements
pROCLAXEATIO\—W hereae, bya. pre
cept to me directed, dated nt Huntingdon, the
22el day of April, A. D., 1871, under the hands and scat
of the llon. ()corgi, Taylor, President of the Court of Com
-111011 Pleas, Oyer 1111,1 T&enuner, and genentl jail delivery of
the 24th Judicial District of Perosylvania, composed of
Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria comities and the Hons.
Anthony f. Batter and David Clarkson, his associates,
Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, ap
pointed to bear, try and determine all and every indict
ments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by
the haws of the State are made capital, or felonies of death
and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have
been or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated, for
crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make public procia.
motion throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of
Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas atoll Quarter Sessions
will be held at the Court House, in the borough of Hunt
ingdon, on the second Monday (and 14th ,lay) of August,
1):(1, and those who will prosecute tho said prisoners, be
then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, nod
that all Justices of the Prove, Corenerand Constablos with
in said county, be then and there in their proper persons,
at 10 o'clock, a. m., of mid day, with their records, inquisi
tions, examinations and remembrances, to to those things
which to Choir offices respectively appertain.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 19th day of July, in the year
ofour Dmd one thousand eight bun-trod and roventpone
and the 96th year of American Independence.
july11). 1). It, P. NEELY, SHERIFF,
w( /CLMATION—Whereas, by a pre
ept to me directed by the Judges of the Com
e.' Pleas of the county of hunting don, bearing test the
_tit day of April, A. D., 1871, 1 ant commanded to make
public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that
a Court of COIIIIOOII PleaS will be held at the Court House,
in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 30 Monday,
fist day,) of August, A. D., 1371, lOr the trial M all ISSTIOS
in said Court which remains undetermine.l before the said
Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses, and snit .t ,
in the tails of all issues are required.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 19111 Jay of July, in the ye it
of oar Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy.° e
and the ntith sear of American independence.
Letters of administration having been grant
ed to the subscriber living in Cromwell. township,
on the estate of Irenry Wicks, late of said town
ship, dee'd. All persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will make immediate settle
ment, and those having claims against the same wil
present them -for payment.
juiyl9-6t Administrator.
New Advertisements,
Bought at BLAIR'S BOOK STORE, depot for
Huntingdon County.
183 IN THIS =ST-
Mrs. M. R. Armitage, Huntingdon.
" R. G. Morrison, 4 .
" Decker, 4 .
" Murder:li "
" lil.o. W. Carrettsou
" Morriqnn, "
John Nlllllol',
Rome Pi tiler,
Harry Fisher,
Dorris Stitt, Shade Cep, Pa.
" N dllintn W:uc, Blake Mills, Pa.
" Alex. C.:III:lir, . 4
" ltlidmcl Stair, Orbisonia.
1101:t. Bingham, Starleysloirg,
" R. C. Wallace,
Miss JII7II , A. Adams, "
J. H . Glasgow, Three Springs.
" Levi PIM, Saalolll, Pa.
- - .
" Samuel Barr, "
" John Fulton, "
Miss E. C. Rama, "
Mrs. William Powell, Dudley, Pa
F. D. Rutter, Huntingdon.
" Henry Robley, "
Miss E. Rung, Petersburg. I3i.
Mrs. Rate Drown,'
" 3lrs. Blackwell. "
Mr. John McMullen, Cottage.
S •lomon Troutwine, McA lavy.Fort.
31,e Mary Quinn,
" Jacob Anspach,
" .1. M. Oaks, Huntingdon.
Rev. Me. Moore, Tyrone.
3lr. .1. 31. Isenburg, Alexandria.
Site. A. 11. Jenkins, Riddleslair,
,lola Gregory, Cottage.
" Samuel lie gory, Cottage.
" It.ti. Jacob, Huntingdon.
" Wm. Miller, Petersburg.
" Benj. Jacob, Huntingdon.
Rev. 31. L. Smith, Petersburg.
31r. John Witty,
Mr. James Mylon, Manor Hill.
Mr.. 31. D. Silkknit ter, Snow Shoe.
" Soloman Siikkuitter,
" L. A Hamer, Huntingdon.
" Michael Hamer, "
Mr. (Ivo. Mar,li,
Mrs. E. Westbrook, • 1
Miss Rano],
" Minnie Kuntgelman, Huntingdon.
Mrs. Caroline Schott,
" M. Eticlison, 31111 Creek.
" S. A. Hughes, "
" J. O. Boyer, Huntingdon.
" P. 31..11are, Mt. Union.
" 31. A. Sharver, Huntingdon.
" Adam Hoffman, "
3lies 3lary Foster,
Mrs. Carry Dittobaugh,
" James Dickey, "
William Wray, Spruce Grnek.
" MeMnrtrie, Huntingdon.
" David Hare,
William Yocum,
•• Simon White,
" Maggie Oswalt,
" J. C. Smiley, Huntingdon.
" Thomas Kelly, Orbisonia.
" R. C. Craig, Newton Hamilton.
Mi.. Annie R. Parker,
Mrs. Mary Brown, Mapleton.
Geo. W. Johnston - , Huntingdon,
" Jame. Stewart, Antietown.
" John Snyder, Huntingdon.
Mies Mary J. Wise, Huntingdon.
Mrs. Sandi Irvin, Penna Furnace.
Miss Maggie Kepert, Hunting 100.
" Martha Ritchey,
" Sarah .1. Rudy, Petersburg.
Mrs. J. G. Stewart,
.3 A. A. Jacobs,
William 31cblowan, Shade Gap„.,,...
" Daniel Rowland, Six Mile
" 0, G. McCrollia, Dudley,
', Jphu Shaw, Mt. Union.
" F. ri Sksens,
J. G. Covert,
Jacob Flasher, . 1
" Henry Snare, Huntingdon.
" Christ Hants,
Asbury Stewart, Huntingdon.
" Angels, Fritchy, Saxton.
" Henry Smith, MeConnelstuwn.
Laden Norris,
" John Leieter, Huntingdon.
Henry Ilasseuplug, " •
Atohq% tt
" kanl Smith: is
" Alca. Cannon, 4'
William &rickler,
" J. B. Mytun. Manor 11111,
" T. IS. Low, Cottogo.
" Bridget McCabe, Huntingdon.
Miss M. Morningstar,
Mrs. Emma Chilcont, Cassville.
" Hartman Anderson, Dudley.
" Catharine Akers, Coalmont
" David Etnire,Mt. Union.
‘. David S. Africa, ifuntintign,
Mr. John Derrick,
Mr, Ilenry Noel,
Clui4tian Man, MIL
"llt. McNeal, Burnt
Pierce Young, Water Street.
" Samuel V. Isenbm, Wittig Street,
" William U. Hicks, Huntingdon.
Logan, "
Hannah hng, Petersburg.
" Mugnus Koch, Huntingdmi.
" John Itenburg, Petersburg.
" Mary Fletcher, Huntingdon.
" Hiram Ayers, Pittsburg.
Miss Sue White Petersburg.
Mrs. - Neff, Alexandria.
Mrs. Themes Keenan, James Creek.
Mrs II T. Conrad, Dudley.
E Deshoug, ital.
S. J. Yocum, Mnpleton.
" Alex .Port, Huntingdon.
" James H. Corbin, Cassvillo.
44,000 (forty-four thousand) more Singer Machina.; sold
last year than any other male. Total sale of the Singer
[Estate of Samuel Booker, detested.]
Letters of Administration having been granted to
the undeiligned on the estate of Samuel &toiler,
late of Springfield township, deceased, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims TO present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
Tune i, HIM
[Estate of SatlSel Thompson, doc'd.]
Letters of Administration having been granted
to tire undersigned on the estate of Samuel Thomp
son, late of Franklin township, deed., all persons
knowing themselves indebted are requested to
make immediate payment, and thosebavin claims
to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
June 11, 1871
[Estate of Jacob Hawn, dce'll.]]
_ . .
Notice is hereby given Hutt letters testamentary
on the estate of Jacob Hawn,late of Juniata town
ship, Huntingdon county, dec'd., have been grant
ed by the Register of said county, to the subscri
bers, and all persons indebted to said deceased are
required to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against said estate will present them
to the undersigned, residing in • Walker . township,
in said county
June 14, 1871.
IEL COVANHAVEN dec'd.—Take notice'
that a rule has been granted, by the Court of Com
mon Pleas, of Huntingdon county, to show cause
why satisfaction should not be entered'upon a cer
tain mortgage, given by John Milliken to Daniel
Covanhaven, dce'd April 7th, 1853, recorded on
page 179, Sc.. in book No. 2, in the Records of
Huntingdon county, and which is a lien on 108
acres and 92 perches of land in Barren township,
Huntingdon county, Pa.
julyl2-4t D. R. P. NEELY, Sheriff.
[Estates( JOHN ARMOH, (iced.]
_ .
The undersigned will expose to public sale, on
the Npreuiii,es, in Barren township, ilunruigdon
county, on
SATURESY, the 12 day of August,'7l.
at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following described Real
Estate, late of John Armon, dec'd., to wit:
_ ._ _
A certain tract of land, in said township, bound
ed by lands of Samuel Myton, Robert B. Myton,
John Hagan, Patrick Gettis and William Chesney,
containing One Hundred and Thirty-Six Acres,
One Hundred and 7'wenly-Fire ideated and in a
go o d state r j coltiration, and Eleven Acres of good
Timber Land, having thereon erected a Two-story
Log House, plastered, a Log Barn 60x-10 feet, with
necessary outbuildings. •
Also, a two-story Log House, suitable for tenant,
Log Stable, and good Log Carpenter's Shop. There
is also two good hearing Orchards of choice fruit.
There is good limestone water at both houses.
The said lands lie between the public highway
leading from Petersburg to McAlavy's Forf, and
public highway from Petersburg to Pinegrove
Mills, seven miles from Petersburg, convenient to
market, schools and churches.
TERMS.—One-third of purchase money to be
paid on confirmation of sale, and the balance in
two equal annual payments, to be secured by the
judgment bonds of the purchaser.
T. W. MONTGOMERY, Executor.
Neff's Mills, June 28, MI.
509 Hill St., Ilantingdon, Pa,
THIS is the place to get your fruit jars
and tin cans wholesale and retail, also a fine
assortment of jelly glass,
We have the cheapest, largest and best assortment
this side of Philadelphia. We keep Spears' Calo
rific, Excelsior, Penn, Olive Branch, Morning
Light, Cottage, Star, and Regulator. Wo warrant
every store.
WARE, &c., &c., &c., &c.
Persons going
to House Keeping can get every
article they need from a clothes pin up to a cook
ing stove.
and all kinds of Sob Work done at'shiirtiiiietine.
Give us a call and we feel satisfied you can save
money. • july 12.
For all kinds of printing.
V the Journal Office, at Philadelphia prices.
New Advertisements,
JURY LIST for a Court of Quarter Ses
sion to be held at Huntingdon. in and for the
County of Huntingdon, the second Monday, and 14th day
of August, A. D. IS7I.
Benjamin Brumbaugh, anner, Penn.
Sanuiel IL Beek, blacksmith, Morris.
David Liarra:.k, farmer, We.d.
Thomas .1. Briggs, wagunmaker, Shirley.
William E. Corbin, fanner, .Tuniata.
Silas Diuke, (of Asher) farmer, Cromwell.
David Fouse, farmer,
I lenry Graltins, fitnner, Porter,
DorFey, ' master, Porter.
Hays Hamilton, manager, Franklin.
A. N. Wright, laborer, Huntingdon.
Fletcher Henderson, wagonmaker. West..
Sa carpenter, Alex:mat
11,11 Joht.l tttt t merchant, W.l.e
Michael Kyper, farmer, Shirley.
Wm. V. Millar, fanner, Oneida.
Andrew McCoy, brlekmaker, I luntingtbm.
Wm. K. Stevens, farmer, Springfield.
J. M. Stewart, farmer, Barree.
Ilenry Bhively, gentleman, West.
Jacob Wol4 farmer, Clay.
John W. Yocum, farmer, Tell.
Cliveu under our hands this 24th day of April, 1871.
D. IL P. NEELY, Sueriff.
jo „ : , Jury Commissioners.
FOR a Court of Common 'fleas to be
held at Huntingdon, in and for the County
..f flnntingdon, the second Monday, and 14th day of Au
gust, A. , 1811.
Samuel Antlers., carpenter, Springfield.
Alexander Appleby, carpenter, Dublin.
W. R. Baker, teacher, Orbisunia.
John Benson. farmer, Toil.
Saninel Bernet, carpenter, Barree.
Joshua Brown, farmer, Springfield.
Samuel Ricket,fanner, Jackson.
Win. Buckley, farmer, Shirley.
Samuel Brooks, gentleman, Coalmont.
Daniel Conrad, fernier, Filial:lin.
Joseph Cornelius, farmer, Cromwell.
Jacob Covert, farmer, Springfield.
John Cummins, farmer, Jackson.
Bennett Ceownover, laborer, Jackson.
N. 11, Corbin, merchant, Huntingdon.
Marileied Chilcoth, farmer, Springfield.
Miles Davis, clerk,. Alexandria.
T 110111145 Dean, gentleman, Cassvillo.
David Etnieronerchant, Mt. Union.
Jacob Ellis, farmer, Tiel.
Oliver Etnier, Eimer, Shirley.
Casper Fisher, farmer, Lincoln.
Valentine Fink, farmer, Henderson.
A lexamler Gilliland, farmer, Tell.
Morris Outshall. farmer, Springfield.
Patrick Goals, limner, Barre,
Collins Hamer, limner, Porter.
Frank Ilefright, gentleman, Huallaga.).
David Melts, farmer, Dnhlin.
Henry Holtzapple, West.
Joseph Isenberg, carpenter, Walker.
Daniel Kind, fernier, Warriursmark.
Abner Lamp, brich.layer, Huntingdon,
Joseph McCoy, farmer, Walker.
jamos McGill, farmer, Jackson.
Robt. Mellurney, Jr., merchant, Jackson.
James 0. McCline, J. P , Tell.
Samuel Miller, fernier, West.
Saul Peightal, farmer, Walker.
Snail Pheasant, Jr., Winer, Cass.
Davhl Rupert, farmer, Henderson.
James Seeds. farmer, Morris,
T. G. Strickler. plastUrer, Iltinlingaun,
Iticlutrd Sils.rthorn, fanner,
Jalaas M. Stephens, fanner, West.
Amos Smucker, farmer, Basely.
Daniel Wornelsdorf, farmer, Juniata.
(liven under our hands this 2-ith day of A phi, IS7I.
D. It. P. NEEL)", Sheila'.
Jeffs VANDEVANDER. f Jur y CumuUsuiuuuru•
For a Court of Common Pleas to be held
at Huntingdon, in and for tha County of
Huntingdon, ou tto 111,E di.y of August, A. D., 1871.
John Booker, farmer, Shirley.
Anthony Beaver, carpenter. Penn.
ham: Brumbaugh, farmer, Penn.
Henry Cook, merchant, Broad Top.
Isaac Curt - man, farmer,Todd.
Shadrach Chaney, farmer, Barreo.
Adolphus Cunningham, farmer, Penn.
David E. Conrad, clerk, Carbon.
Ctesswell, gentleman, Alexandria.
Asia•r lee ko, coachinaker, Shirley.
inbithy Daily, farmer, Barre*,
J. P. Doyle, farincr, Shirley,
John Enyrart, farmer Shirley.
Istriel French, farmer, Springfield.
E. W. Grafting, merchant, Franklin.
Charles Green, farmer, Oneida.
George Guyer, gentleman, Warrio.mark.
Isaac Heffner, farmer, Juniata.
D. P. Henderson, farmer, Franklin.
Peter K. llarnish, farmer, Morris.
Geo. W. Johnston, gentleman, Huntingdon.
Geo. Jackson, !honor, Jackson.
Peter Livingston, farmer, Barr..
William Long, farmer, Huntingdon.
Samuel Miller, farmer, Cromwell,
Andrew Myten, farmer, WeR.
Samuel 31cAlvey, Lamer Jackson.
Jain. 31i11er, sadler, Jackson.
Jackson Norris, farmer, Penn.
Peter Piper, farmer, Porter.
Levi. Putt, miller, Hopewell.
Place Ripple, gentleman, °Gibs:ad:,
Elialta Shoemaker, firmer Oneida.
3.31. Smith, farmer,Jacksim.
John G. Stewart, gentleman, Mount Union.
David F. Tussey, farmer, Porter.
(liven under our hands this 240, day of April,lB7 I.
D. 11.1'. NEELY, Sheriff.
S. B. CrAN; t , Comm- •
John M'Calian's Kern no. A P. Wilson's Ailmrs.
James Walls vs. 15 - 111inh' Kyper.
Snmhei Calthreirs heirs no. S 3L Itarelay's 41sInsrs
Andrew Johnston no. Powelton Cana! k Iron Co.
Ann Coe I: et al. vs. George Mears.
Wharton & Maguire vs E. A. Greene & Co.
D. H. & B. 11. Grove vs. Wm. A. Orbison et al
nponaid & Col. Ts. Nicholas Lowig
Th.. WeAten'A Exrs VS. Wm. Johnston
Flannah Rudy
Samuel k Daugt:.
IiMMT & Co. vs. Wm. Hatfield
Lazarus Moyer vs. Hicks & Walls
August Kohler vs. John E. Seeds e al
Jacob I barman vs. John Bare
John S. Miller I's. The Penns R R CO
John Keller's Exrs. vs. Sain,el Keller's Ems
Jacob F. Little vs. Robert Fleming et al
Sarah Caldwell's use vs George Warßeld
Martin & Peterson vs. Port & Co din
/Etna Manufacturing Co. vs. Wharton & Maguire
William Miller vs. Wm.3lcClare ut at
M. M. Tate
Kenzie L. Greene
; July 19, 1571.
[E.ote of Jahn Worteon, dereexral.]
Letter: testamentary having been granted to the
undersigned on the estate of John Watson, late of
Franklin township; deceased, all persons knowing
themselves indebted are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims to present
them duly authentieated for settlement.
July 19, 1571—..
HOWE does it come that people wanting to know
HOWE to select the ncsT Sewing Machine arc ra
pidly finding HOWE to settle that question by
buying the"Ortni.NAL HOWE MACHINE, with late
improvements, at Brown's Carpet Store, Hunting
don, Pa. Come thou and get a HOWE.
July 19, 1871.-2 m
The best Sugar and Molasses, Coffee, and Tea
Chocolate, Flour, Fish, Salt and Vinegar, Confec
tionaries, Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, and spices of
the best, Cud all kinds, and every other article usu
ally found in a Grocery Store.
Also—Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Var
nishes, Oils Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alchohol,
Glass, Putty, Ste. The best Wine and Bran
dy for medical purposes, and all the best Patent
Medicines, and a variety of articles too numerous
to mention.
The public generally will please call and exam.
inc for thedisc/ves, and learn my prices.
Tan. 4, '7l
THE subscriber would respectfully inform his
old friends and customers, that. he has just re
ceived front the East a large and well selected stuck
For Men, Warn. and Children,
which he is prepared to sell a trifle lower than any
other establishment in town. Being a practical
shoemaker; ind having had considerable experi
ence, he flatters himself that his stock cannot be
surpassed in the county.
tiive him a call, at the
()Veld end of the Diamond)
Customer work made to order, in a neat and
durable manner.
Jan. 4, '7l.
liming gone into business at this' place I
propose to sell my private residence at Dydford,
Pennsylvania, at private sale.
It is unnecessary for me to give a description of
it to those vim are acquainted with it, and to those
who have not seen it, and who desire to purchase
a neat and emiqilete residence .I would say go and
examine it. The house was entirely overhauled
and renovated but a year or two ago. It is located
upon a full lot of ground, 00 feet by 2-10, on East
Pitt street, and the corner of an alloy leading to
the Steain Mill, which wakes it one of the most
public places in the town in a business point of
view. The lot is under drained by numerous
drains, and is second to none in the place. It has
produced all the garden vegetables used by my
family for years. In addition there is a flower
garden and a considerable quantity of excellent
fruit. There is a perpetual insurance upon the
Address me at Huntingdon or Bedford, Pa.
Huntingdon, Pay May 31, 1811.
GROCERIES, SYRUPS, &c., &c., &c.,
vs. D. R. P. Neely
vs. 11. S. Wharton
es. John Hoffer '
vs. Benj. C. Leonard
New Advertisements.
Jan. 4,
Bakery on Moore street, and Store at the
Corner of Fourth and Allegheny.
Dealers will be supplied at prices as low as can
he had from Philadelphia. [ap.26,11.
Mmityworry nom. the Broad Top Depot,
Ilas just returned from the East with a large and
varied assortment of articles usually found in a
first-class Grocery, consisting in part of
and everythin g else to be found in an establish
ment of this kind.
of all kinds, pure and fresh, such as
and all other articles usually kept in a first-clam
I • noontime° to carry on my Bakery, and am
at all times prepared to supply
seasonable prices. The following Fancy Cakes
I vays pn band or baked to order:
Lady Cake,
Citron "
Sponge "
Pound Cake
Fruit "
Marble "
Parties supplied with all kinds of cakes and
confections at short notice and reasonable rates.
Family dour, of superior brand, always on hand,
and for sale as cheap as the cheapest.
In connection with my other b.iness Ihave
prepared to supply country dealers with both
FANCY and COMMON at as low rates as they
can be purchased outside of the Eastern Cities.
If you want to cave money, Make your patchesee
at this establishment.
This department is coml• ete and embraces
everything in the Toy line fro I a Jumping Jack
to an Elephant. I can eel To) vcr.eaper than any
other house in the county, laid all I ask is a visit
from the public to snbstan lute the assertion.
Thankful to the public for the very liberal pat
ronage extended to me in the past: I will exert
my best efforts to merit its continuance.
• Huntingdon, Jaifla, isn.
(One door wed of Josiah Cunningham'.,)
Is now stocked with a choice assortment, of a
kinds of goods use/1y found in a store of
this kind, consisting of
together with an endless variety of
all of which will be sold as cheap as at any other
store in Huntingdon.
A choice brand of Tobacco and Segars always on
Ynre Cider Vinegar on hand at all times.
I respectfully ask a share of public patronage,
feeling confident that my prices will be satist'ac•
Jai?. 4, '7l
at the new cheap store of
No. 625 Rill strent.
Oar stock consists in part of Dry Goods, Gro
ceries, Notions, Eats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Wood, Willow, and Qncensware. Bacon, Flour,
Feed, Wass, Nails, and also a full line of
Our prices are no low as the lowest, and we re
spectfully ask a liberal share of public patronage.
The undersigned respectfully informs the citi
zens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he has open
ed a Variety Store at No. 313 hill street, whereat/
kinds of goods can be had as cheap as at any other
establishment in the county. His line of
is complete, and will be sold at reasonable prices.
lie is agent for the Wilson Sewing Machine.
Mrs. Katy A. Si(knitter, has opened a fashion
able Millinery and Dress Making establishment at
31371 Hill street, and respectfully asks a share of
public patronage.
Work will be done in the best style, and satis
faction guaranteed. All kinds of Patterns for sale
cheap. She is in receipt of all the latest styles
and is prepared to execute all kinds of work in her
line in a style that cannot fail to please the most
fastidious. Call and examine.
May 24, 1871.
19 at D. S. Africa's Variety Store No. 423, in the
Diamond. Also, can be had, a Store,
assortment of
Celebrated Ice Cream Soda Water, in season, at D.
S. Africa's Variety Store, N 0.423, in the Diamond.
March 15. tf.
CAunNo.—Whereas, my wife, Aus
tralia Jones, has left my bed and board with
out any just cause or provocation, I hereby notify
the public not to trust her on my account, as I
will pay no debts of her contracting. I will give
a half-dollar's worth of raw-hide to any person
who will return her. S. L. JONES.
Franalinville, Juno 28,1871-30
- Peppers,