The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, March 01, 1871, Image 2

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    The Huntingdon Journal.
Wednesday Morning, March 1, 1871.
It is not our purpose to write a history
of this important measure for the protec
tion of the laborer and the material man,
but to call the attention of the profession
and the Legislature to an important fea
ture in the bill presented by the Commis
sioners to Revise the Statutes, and to ex
hibit to them, what we consider an unfor
tunate distinction, which will take away
the advantage which this measure is de
signed to insure. We allude to that fea
ture in the bill which makes a widow's
claim for $3OO superior to the Mechanic's
Mr. Hall is the author of the bill, and
in section five, he presents the purpose of
the lien, thus :
"Sec. 5. The lien ABU have priority to all other
liens accruing after the commencement of the work
or the furnishing of the materials ; and the right of
a widow to retain the real estate of her husband
shall be inferior thereto."
This, we believe to be sound doctrine,
but the Committee appointed by the Leg
islature, at its last session, to examine and
suggest such changes as they found advis
able, :aped against the latter clause of
this section, and suggest that it be stricken
otit. They do this to conform to a decis
ion of the Supreme Court in Hildebrand's
Appeal, 3 Wright, 132.
This decision we consider the severest
blow at the mechanic and material man,
and consequently at the poor man, that has
ever been rendered by the Supreme Court,
and in following this stupid decision, the
Legislative Committee is not entitled to
very much credit for breadth of thought
or range of vision.
If we understand the Mechanics' Lien
Law, it is to protect the poor laborer, es
pecially, who cannot afford to loose his
slight earnings, so necessary to support his
family, against loss for work done or mate
terials furnished to the house of his poor
neighbor. In other words it is the only
protection and security the poor mechanic
has to induce him to work for his poor
neighbor in and about the erection of comfor
table quarters to shelter the latter from the
storm. Without such inducement he
could not be prevailed upon to do the
work. Thousands, yea tens of thousands,
of poor men undertake to build houses ,
without any money, knowing that the me
chanics will enter liens and wait until they
can pay, and thus towns and cities are
built up and the community at large bene
fitted, but take away the security thus af
forded, and the poor man's hope and salva
tion is torn from him. No one will labor
or furnish materials when it is known that
if any accident should befall the husband
the widow can step in and take everything,
and, consequently, the Mechanic's Lien
Law must become a dead letter.
Let us illustrate the matter for a mo
ment. A nabob owns lands on the out
skirts of a thriving village, and he is anx
ious to have part of them improved to en
hance the value of the remainder. He
meets a poor man, whom he knows to have
no means, and he tells him he will sell him
a lot upon which he can erect a house.
He does not want any money, but a judg
ment note for purchase money, is all that
he cares about, and he will give him any
-tenter -of time far payment. The poor
man, only too glad of the chance, accepts
and arranges with the mason, the carpen
ter, the plasterer, &c., to furnish the mate
rials necessary in their respective depart
ments, on conditions that they can enter up
liens, to build him a house. The house is
completed; the liens are entered up! One
fine morning report says the owner of the
house is dead. The widow claims $3OO
worth of property and she takes the house
and lot, after paying the nabob the pur
chase money on the lot, and the poor me
chanics or laboring men get nothing. The
rich man has a prior lien for purchase
money and he gets his pay; the poor man
must run a risk, and he might as well run
the risk without a Mechanics' Lien Law as
with one.
We hope that the Legislature will prc
tect poor men as soon, if not sooner, than
rich men, and that this section of the Me
chanics' Lien Bill will be passed as Mr.
Hall drew it. This law is of more value
to the poor man than any other law
upon the Statute book. It is emphatically
the Poor Man's Law. It protects one poor
mechanic and gives credit to the other.
Mechanics' liens are not entered up against
rich men. It is true that the widow ought
to be protected to some extent, but why
should the man who sells the little land
have a prior lien, and not the man that
builds the house ? Why make fish of one
and flesh of the other ?
Sir The Tennessee has arrived safely,
with the United States Commissioners on
board, at the Island of San Domingo.
There never was any good reason to sup
pose that the steamer was lost. In this age
of sensation newspapers, every thing is
seized upon as so much capital for these
frothy journals, and the San Domingo
party came in for its turn and share. It i
a practice that we loathe.
We hope that the Commissioners will
come back prepared to satisfy those squeam
ish people, who resist the acquisition of
a portion of this valuable island, that it
should be long to the United States with
the other islands composing the Great An
tilies. The continent of North America
should all be under one Government. This
is what it will come to in the end and the
sooner the goal is reached the sooner the
agony will be over. This inch by inch busi
ness is a slow process.
j„ The bill granting $20.000 to the
sufferers by the late fire at Mifilintown, Ju
niata county, having passed the Legisla
ture, has been approved by Governor
Geary, and is now a law.
This is right ! The object of Gov
ernment is to assist the unfortunate and
protect the weak as well for any other pur
pose. The soul of the man must be very
small who would object to the millions
contributing a mite to the few hundreds
■►ho have lost their all.
„ The horrible Prussian and French 1
war has at last ended. Peace negotiation
have been going on for some time. The
La France newspaper states that the pre
liminaries have been signed by the negoti
ators at Versailles, and are as follows :
First—the cession to Germany of the pro
vince of Alsace and a portion of Petite
Lorraine. Second—the dismantlement of
the fortress of Metz. Third—the pay
ment to Germany of the sum of two and
one-half millions of francs. The same pa
per also states that the armistice has been
prolonged till to-day.
M. Theirs is at the head of the Provis
ional Government established by the French
National Assembly and the government
gives pretty general satisfaction.
ter The School column, on the fourth
page of the JOURNAL, is conducted by
Prof. H. L. Atkinson, Principal of the
Public Schools, of Huntingdon borough.
Mr. Atkinson is responsible for the views
presented in that column. All matter in
tended for that portion of the paper should
be sent to the above address. If we have
any views to present they will be found un
der the local head. Mr. Atkinson will be
glad to have the assistance of teachers who
have any views of importance to communi
us_ Several ingenious gentlemen of
Johnstown, some time since, erected a card
Court House, which was considered a nov
elty in its way, and of which they were justly
proud. They lately conceived the idea of
removing the inmates and substituting
themselves. It is thought they would have
succeeded, bnt , unfortunately, through care
less handling, the ma hone fell, and it is
feared the builders are buried in its Mos.
The propietors of this paper have a Gor
don Cylinder Folio Post Press, bed 13x19,
in excellent condition, just new; also a
Newbury Press, as good as new, both of
which they will sell on reasonable terms,
and at half the original cost, Address
JOURNAL, Huntingdon, Pa tf.
vau The Pittsburgh papers are terribly
exercised over a naughty fellow they call
FEE BILL. He engrosses almost their en
tire attention. Column after column is
written upon him. There certainly must
be some fees in that Bill.
gra. S. P. Wishart, Esq., of the House
of Representatives, will please accept our
thanks for favors from Harrisburg.
lir The Johnstown people talk of
bringing out a new drama, entitled "The
Dog and his Shadow."
Our Washington correspondence.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 25, 1871
The great event of the week has been the
Grand Carnival, which, from its novelty,
its hugeness, its grandeur, and the wide
spread advertisement of its peculiarities,
had engrossed the attention of the resident
population of Washington, as well as that
of thousands at a distance, for months in
The Capital was thronged by crowds of
strangers, bent upon seeing all that was to
be seen, and throwing off dull care for the
time being. The arrangements and ap
pointments were controlled by the "King
of Misrule," yet, there was method in his
jollity, The disciples of "Divers Devil
tries" were abroad in full regalia, intent
upon burlesquing every popular or un
-popular questton of Congress,
courts, juries, corporation authorities, the
sixteenth amendment, and the hundred
and one topics now agitating the body pol
itic, were caricatured in the most ludic
rous manner. In all this, those moving in
every sphere of life took part, President,
Senators, Representatives, Judges, Minis
ters, the Literati, the Beau Monde, all
abandoned daily occupations to be either
actors or lookers-on in this wild revelry of
fun. Truly
little nonsense, now and then,
Is relished by the best of men."
On Monday and Tuesday nights, the
pyrotechnic displays were most brilliant.
Pennsylvania Avenue was ablaze, from
early dark 'till midnight. The sidewalks
were literally jammed, from the Capitol to
the Treasury Department, by gratified
spectators. The night programme furn
ished even more gratification than the day
light entertainment. But I cannot partic
ularize. It was our first National Carni
val. It will not be our last. The Capitol
shall not be removed. "huff sed."
On Monday, the anxiously awaited tele
gram was received, announcing the safe ar
rival of the United States Commissioners,
at San Domingo city, in the Republic of
Dominica. The fears, that the Tennessee
had been lost, were happily dispelled, and
a sudden relief from the agony of suspense
was at once experienced. A number of
distinguished correrpondents of the press
having accompanied the expedition, the
respective newspapers represented by them
contain lengthy communications, descript
ive of the incidents of the voyage ;
and of their first impressions
of country and inhabitants, as
they presented themselves on their arrival.
These letters, one and all, are interesting
and instructive. They should be read.
The House of Representatives has passed
the Senates bill, incorporating a company
to construct a railroad from a point on the
eastern boundary of the State of Texas to
the Bay of San Diego, California, on the
32d parallel of north latitude. This road
will be known as the South Pacific Rail
road, and will be the third line uniting the
valley of the Mississippi with the Pacific
coast. The House amended the bill so as
to only provide for a single trunk line, with
out any provision for lateral branches. No
subsidy was asked for by the friends of the
bill. A grant of land is made, but not a
dollar in bonds or money. This measure is
a concession to the rightful demands of
the South. The North and Central por
tion of the Union have secured a connection
with the Pacific, and why not give the
same advantage to the South, more partic
ularly as no demand is made upon the
Treasury in the shape of a present or pros
pective appropriation of money. The bill,
with House amendments, has been return
ed to the Senate. It will be acted upon
finally before adjournment.
In the Senate, the House bill to enforce
the rights of citizens of the United States,
under the fifteenth amendment, to vote in
the several States,is now under consideration
Its passage is resisted by the Democratic
Sentors, and as strenously advocated by the
Republican Senators. It contains nineteen
sections, and is amendatory of the act of
May 31, 1870. It provides for the ap
pointment, by the Circuit Judge of the U.
S. Court, of two supervisors of elections of
different politics in cities and towns having
over 20,000 inhabitants. It also authorizes
the U. S. Marshal to appoint deputy mar
shals to assist the supervisors of election.
No authority is given to call on the:milita
ry authorities. The main object of the
I bill is to guard the ballot-box from the
manipulations of repeaters and fraudulent
voters. It will operate to the disadvantage
of the Democracy in our large cities in
eneral, but in the city of New York in
The President, on Friday of last week,
sent to the Senate the nomination of John
A. McKee, of Lewistown, as Assessor for
the 17th District, in place of J. Sewell
Stewart, Esq., deceased ; and, on the same
day, the nomination was confirmed. The
selection for this vacancy was conceded to
your Representative, Hon. D. J. Morrell,
agreeably to a rule established by the Re
publican Senators anti Representatives
from Pennsylvania, at the outset of this
Administration. It was then mutually ar
ranged that, in the Districts represented by
Republicans, the members should control
the local appointments within their Dis
tricts. In this case, there were a number
of applicants, (some from your county,)
any one of whom would have discharged
the duties, with satisfaction to the public
and with credit to himself. It was emi
nently proper, under all the circumstances,
that Mr. Morrell should have the choice of
the man. His term of office is drawing to
a close. His• public duties have all been
discharged with distinguished ability, and
with great advantage to his constituents.
He will retire from Congress, possessing
the friendship and admiration of his col
leagues, even without distinction of party ;
but hid absence, in the XLIId Congress,
will be especially regretted by the Repub
lican representatives. It is meet, that such
a Representative should enjoy the full
measure of his rightful influence up
to the last hour of his official term.
A very general interest is felt through
out the country on the subject of the pas
sage of the bill to enable honorably dis.
charged soldiers and sailors, their widows
and orphans, to acquire homesteads on the
public lands. Your readers are familiar
with the character of the bill, as it passed
the House. The Senate Committee on •
Public Lands has reported the bill with
amendments, striking out the provision al
lowing the assignment of the homestead
certificate, and omitting the fourth section,
allowing entry of the land by an agent or
attorney. It is very probable that the bill
and proposed amendments may be referred
to a Committee of Conference. No one
can now predict in what shape it may fin
ally pass. It will be well, however, if the
grant be now made. No doubt, the next
Congress will remedy any defects in the
law. In this, as well as in all other acts
of legislation in which the welfare of the
soldier is involved, there should be shown
a liberality commensurate to his deserts.
Congress has passed a bill, establishing
a territoral government for the District of
Columbia. You are aware, that at present
the District comprises the cities of Wash
ington and Georgetown, and the county of
Washington, each having its own local gov
ernment. Under the territorial bill, just
passed, the District will be governed by a
Governor, appointed by the President, and
a Legislature, a part of the members of
which will be elected by the people and a
part appointed by the President. This
proposed change in the local government is
favorably received by a great majority of
the citizens of the District.
The President having approved the bill
prescribing the oath to be taken by H. V.
M. Miller, the Senator elect from Georgia,
his admission completes a full Senate of 74
members, representing 37 States.
The members of the House for the
XLIId Congress, who are not members of
the present House, are arriving. There
are one hundred new members, and one
hundred and forty-two who have been re
elected. It is supposed that the first ses
sion of the XLIId Congress will continue
for about six weeks.
A Kentucky Judge thinks the best
Kuklux bill that can be passed is the bill
allowing negroes to testify in the Courts.
He says: "Society needs to be rid of this
class of men (the Kukluxes) who are so
fast rendering the name of Kentucky a
synonym of lawlessness."
Over eleven thousand factories in the
United States are engaged in the manu
facture of pure Havana cigars, and the
supply always equals the large demand.
soAD—Report of Coat Shipped: TONS.
For the week ending February 25, 1871 4,865
Same date last year 4,705
Increase for week 159
Shipped for the year 1871 34,526
Same date last year 29,120
Increase for year 1871 .
ilt: i artingto.
ROSENSTEEL--KOUGH—On the 22d inst.,by
Elder James Lane, at the residence of the bride's
father, in Germany Valley, Mr. Joan ROSENSTEEL
and Miss SALLIE Koran.
DERN—HOUGH—On the same day and same
place, by the same, Mr. ROBERT DERN and Miss
PARKS—SHERRETT—On Feb. 9, 1871, at the
parsonage, in Oatmeal°, by Re, J. M. Mason, Mr.
of Huntingdon county, Pa.
RINEHART—SHORE—On Feb. 19, 1871, at
the bride's residence, near Sideling Hill Gap, by
the Rev. T. A. Clemm, Mr. Jolts RINEHART and
Miss MARIA SHORE, both of this county.
DUNLAP—SWEET—On Feb. 14, 1811, at the
residence of John Whitehead, Esq.. by Rev. J. M.
Swear, all of Dudley, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
KINCH—HALEY—On the 21st inst., at Tyrone,
by Rev. J. Kistler, Mr. SAMUEL L. KiNon, of
Franklinville, Huntingdon county, Pa., and Miss
JENNIE H. HALEY, of Hiram, Maine.
Rev. M. K. Foster, Mr. JOHN J. CONRAD and Miss
Mottle E. WESTBROOK, all of Huntingdon, Pa.
GREENE—On Saturday, February 11, 1871,
GEORGE (}REEVE, aged 79, year. 5 months and 28
SPANOGLE—On tho 12th inst„ of Dropsy,
Mre. CATHARINE SRANOGLE, wife of Hey, John
Spanogle, of Hill Valley, Shirley township,
New Advertisements.
Notice is hereby given tint Eas
ton Blake and M. 31. McNeil, doing business as
Founders, under the name and style of Blake &
31'Neil, is this day dissolved by mutual Consent.
The business will hereafter be conducted in the
name of Easton Blake.
Feb 9—marl3t.
From the Kiln of George Taylor, Markles
burg, proven by chemical analysis to be of the best
quality, constantly kept and for sale in any quan
tity, at the depot of the H. & B. T. Railroad.
Apply to Henry Leister, "Bread Top House."
Jan. 4, '7l.
[Estate of Win. Mille, deceased.]
Letters of Administration having been granted
on said estate to the undersigned, residing at
Shade Gap. persona knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same will present
thew without delay. W. C. SWANN.
March 1, 71.
SCHOOL will commence its second annual
term, on MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1871.
The new school building at' Alexandria, mill be
occupied by the school.
For circular or information, apply to
or D. F. TUSSEY, Co. Supt.
March 1.
Sealed proposals for the emotion of
a Presbyterian Churoh. at Huntingdon, will be re
ceived up to the 1811.1 DAY OF MARCH, NEXT.
Plans and specifications can be examined at the
office of Wm. Dorris, Esq. Contractors and Build
ers may propose for the erection and completion of
the building, or for furnishing stone, brick, or oth
er materials. By order of the Board of Trustees.
11. O. FISHER, Secretary.
March 1,18714 t.
The undersigned proprietor of the "Jackson
House," Huntingdon, Pa., having concluded to dis
continue the hotel business. will sell all the Furni
ture, ke., now in use in said Hotel, on THURS
DAY, the 23d day of March, 1871, consisting of 25
Beds and Bedding, 10 Cook, Parlor and private
room Stoves, 20 Washstands, 5 dozen chairs, q let
of Parlor Furniture, a large lot of Carpetiugs, a
great quantity of Dishes and Kitchen Furniture, 1
pair Platform Scales, 1 lot of Bar-room Furniture,
with a large lot of other articles too numerous to
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. In. Terms:
All auras over $5 and less than $2O, three months,
and larger sums, six months.
March 1, ie.
Wholesale and retail dealer
fur all
All'eizes and kinds kept constantly on hand, and
all orders Wiled promptly at the lowest market
Orders received either at the office near Broad
Top Corner, room formerly occupied by the Union
Bank, or by A. B. Flood.
County Finances,
ary 3d, 1870, to January 3d, 1871 :
From N. M. Logan, Esq., tate Treasurer :
Balance in his hands at last settletnent,l7BB 90
County Tax from the several Col-
lesions, as follows :
itenderm,l6o2, NV 11 Flenner, , $ 1 89
Cr0mwe11,...1885, Caleb Rally, 267 47
Union " Levi Smith lOl 85
Juniata 1586, Levi Ridenour 7l 00
Cass 1567, Christian Miller BO
Hopewell... " Jackson Enyeart 682
Lincoln " David Fouse.. - 538 78
Norris .. James Piper l3B 39
Orbisonia... " Robert Gehrett 92 58
Shirley " Isaac Smith 135 23
Uni0n......... 0 Jackson White 24 12
Brady 1888, R %Allison l9l 70
Cass .. Benjamin Fink 9B
Cromwell.. " R D Heck 155 45
Carbon " William Ryan 375 00
Dublin " William Clymane lB2 02
Hopewell.- " Solomon Lynn 150 00
Juniata " Wm cleissinger 24 40
Lincoln.-- " 11 Richison l3O 79
Morris " Nathaniel Lytle 43 91
Mapleton... " M L Rex ' 29 40
Orbisonia,„ " 4 Carothers 2 85
Penn " John Lee 434 60
Porter " Benjamin Isenberg 791 11
Shirley.-- " 11. Colgate .. .- ... .. ll3B 21
Springfield. " Morris Gutahall l6B 88
Union " Andrew 5mith...._....., 43 00
Walker " MOBO3 Hamer 75 70
War'ior'm'k " Cleo W Owens 125 06
West..... " Henry Davis Bll 01
Alexandria.lB69, William Christy 241 20
Barren.. " C T Greene 1559 02
8rady...._... " Adam Warfel 469 78
Broad Top .. " C K Horton 29 15
Carbon...... " Sheriff Neely 7BO 00
Cass " George Smith.-- 512 00
Cassville.... " Isaac Ashton 4ll 46
Clay 4 Ephraim Kyler 493 43
Cromwell... " R D Heck 1116 41
Coalmont... " T W Eastep 3O 67
Dublin " Wm Clymans 328 45
Franklin-. " D L Wray 641 28
Henderson. " John Nightwine 314 48
Hopewell... " George Berkstresser 7l 96
Runtingd'n " Alexander Carman 695 53
Jackson " Joseph Colabine 965 90
Juniata " Wm Geiseenger...--- 126 19
Lincoln__ " C Shontz ... 181 91
Stapleton... " R 8 Henderson l3l 87
Morris " Tobias Foreman..-..... 1055 5 0
Mt. Union " B K Rodgers .
338 181
Oneida " John C Davis 184 14
Orbisonia " W H Miller 93 94
Porter " R A Laird 1939 01
Penn " Wm B White 550 00
Shirley " Benjamin Davis 835 18
Shirleysb'g " Cleo Leas l5B 73
Springfield. " Morris Gutshall 167 25
Tod ° Isaac Taylor 716 23
Tell ...... ...-. " A G Briggs B4O 60
Union " N Greenland. .
Walker 0 William Reed 800 76
War'ioem'k . Richard Wills 1095 67
West . Henry Shively 2100 70
Alexandria.lB7o, Samuel Isenberg 2lO 64
Brady " Aquilla Lout 320 00
Barree a Jonas Books 285 00
Carbon " 8 B Donaldson 420 36
Cass " Joseph Curfman 237 00
Caasville " Isaac Ashton
Clay " Charles Corbin 6l 00
Cromwell... " Joshua Booher 2BO te
Coalmont... " Thomas Eastep 65 00
Franklin... " Samuel Wiaton..- 1225 35
Hopewell._ " John W Russell 240 24
Henderson. ° Jos Showalter 217 19
H'ntl'agd'n 0 A Carman 1489 01
Jackson-- " James Lee 6OO CO
Juniata " Peter Snyder 9O 00
Lincoln-- " Henry Shultz .. 160 00
Mapleton... " HII Swoop° 4O Oa
Morris " James 11 Davie ..« 271 00
!Mt Union-. " L R Morgan 319 00
Oneida...-. 0 John C Davis... ..... - lOO 00
Orbisonia... " Samuel Carothers B6 00
Porter.. " George Wallheater 285 00
Penn " David Harris B4O 00
Shirley " Jonathan Doyle 140 00
Springfield. " John F Ramsey 9O 86
Shirleysb'g " George Leas 76 56 ••••
Tod " Solomon Houck lBl 78
Tell " Samuel W Waters 75 00
3 Springs- " George Heater 47 00
Union " Thomas Irvin 294 00
Walker " Wm States l5O AO
War'ioem'k " Elias Zeek 169 00 33925 72
... 5,406
State Tax received from the following
named Collectors
Cromwell 1885, Caleb Kelly 125 54
Barren 1987, John Logan l2 21
Cass " Christian Miller
Henderson " John Nightwino l9'6
Hopewell " J Enyeart 7 85
Lincoln " David Fouse 22 98
_ 20 52
8 =
UTDIMIIIti. - ROM. 420111E14....
Shirley " Isaac Smith 47 29
Union " Jackson White l2 07
Brady 1869, R li Allison 4 61
Cromwell " R 1) Heck l5 96
Carbon " Wm Ryan 5 00
Dublin " Wm Clymane 1 GS
Juniata " Wm Gelssenger 5 68
Lincoln " H Richison _ 275
Morris " Nathaniel Lytle 26 08
Mapleton " N L Rex 1 06
Oneida " E Shoemaker l6 68
A Catother
Penn John Lee 37 76
Porter Benjamin Isenberg 6l 38
Shirley " RC agate — 19 00
Spring}led " Morris Gutshall...— ..... 500
Walker " Moses Hamer 0 67
Warriorsm'k •' Geo W Owens 2 18
West " Henry Davis 33 60
Alexandria...lB69, Wm Christy 5 00
Barree CT G reen e Ge_ . 3O 5_
Broad Top... " C H Horton...._ 433
Carb0n........" Sheriff Neely...—. 10 00
Caas. Heorge . Sl . 3dth.. l2 00
Omnille'‘ debton 4 77
Cromwell -' R D Heck 6l 61
DublinWm Clymans l6 00
Prißkiln D L Wray 4O 88
Hencienion... •• John Nightwine l3 00
UoponU H ( TB6
Huntingdon. " A Carman 52 OS
Jackson " Joseph Colabinii lO dl
Juniata " 'Wm Oeissenger 4 00
Lincoln " C Shontz 2 24
Morris " T Yoram. 24 06
Oneida. ..... - ........ 6 0.1
Orbisonia " WII Miller 2 08
Porter " It A Laird B6 06
Shirley " Ilenj Oath 35 00
Bhirleysburg " Geo Leas 605
Tod " Isaac Taylor IS 49
Tell " A 0 Briggs l3 30
Union '' N Greenland 437
Walker " William It.d 9 31
Warriorsm'k " Richard Wills._ .........
West •' Henry Shively n 00
Alexandria-187 0 , Samuel Isenberg lO CO
Brady " Aquilla Long lB 00
Barree " Jonas Books 2O 00
Carb0n.......- " 8 B Donaldson 5 to
Cam " Joseph Curfman l2 00
Cromwell " Joshua Booker 2O 00
Franklin " Samuel Wigton
Hopewell " J W Russell lO 00
Henderson.- " Joe Showalter 8 00
Huntingdon. " A Carman 5O 00
Juniata " Peter Snyder 5 00
Lincoln " Henry Shultz lO 00
Morris " JII Darla l2 on
Mt Union-- " L R Morgan 3 CO
Oneida " J C Delis 7 00
Orbisonia.... " Samuel Carothers-- 5OO
Porter " O. Walheater lO 00
Penn " Daniel Harris 35 00
Shirley " Jonathan Doyle l5 00
Springfield.. " John F Ramsey 7 00
Tod " Solomon Houck 9 00
Union " Thomas Irvin lO 00
West " Elias Zeck lO 00 1411 07
County tax on Unsealed lands 744 C 6
State ' asa
Road " a
Bounty "
Redemption Monet' Received.
Miles Putt 23 46
James Entriken 29 23 52 69
Received for rent of Court Room 45 09
" from John A Nash, in full 23 89
" B X Blair for stove 25 00
J K Mceshan, part Bond 300 00
" • " S A Lovell. fines &Jury fee 37 00
" M 51 M'Neal, do 400
" .•M Casady, fine lOO
" " James Barnes, costs & fine 26 34
" Sheriff Neely 63 48
" " Interest 309
Sundry persons for coal ll 25 510 05
Borrowed from First National Bank for use of the
County 4060 00
On Commonwealth Prosecutions. paid to Pros
Att'y, Prot'y, Sheriff, Witness, &c $ 2810 04
Constables for making returns and election
....._ _
brand and Traverse Jurors, Court Crier, Tip
. ...
~...- --- - -
stems and Constables
Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Elections 916 36
Inquisition on dead bodies B7 21
Assessors for snaking the Assessment and Reg-
_ . . _ __
istry Lists '''
' 882 CO
Premium on Fox scalps, Wild cats, ke 2lO 65
Road and Bridge views 595 75
" Damages, O. M Park 100 00
Mary J Hunt 2B 00
" " J. McCahan 7 09
Henry Taylor 45 CO
" " Andrew Park ...... .... 3B 00 811 75
Blank Books and Stationery for the Public cOt
.... , ~.,
ce3 and Court , -
485 88
M 31 31'Neal, Esq., Fees as Prory, Clerk of Ses-
. ..
Mons, • ' 273 15
Refunding orders to sundry persons l9B 48
Road Tax on Unseated Lands to sundry
Persons :
Lewis Stever, Cass township . 67 05
J B Weaver, Hopewell township ^1 E
R A Laird,
John 4 White, Cass
School Tax on Unseated Lands to sundry
Persons :
Jose Yocum, Brady township... .
E Thompeon:Junii;ta "
R A Laird, Porter "
A Mine, Tal
Bounty Tax on Unseated Lands to
J Hall Musser, Jackson township 05 02
It A Laird, Porter
B Thompson, Juniata "
Abram Elias, Tod
Adam Fouse in full 6l 00
Samuel Cummins in full 372 00
Simeon Wright on account 302 00
George Jackson "
A B Miller
Commissioners' expenses in going to road views
for damages, Bridges, ac 6O 05
Commissioners' Clerk in full for 1869 75 00
4" 1870 700 00 775 00
Auditors and Clerk for 1870 llB 00
Wm Long, boarding Jurors in care of Crewel 9B 00
Printing for the County
J S Common....
T H Creamer.
Wm Lewis.
J A Nash
jury (Yomminioners.
N IC Covert 46 69
G W Shontz 63 15
B 31'Divitt, reporting Court proceedings
Isaiah Coplin, for bridge at Rock nal 600 00
.8 Lamberaon, " " across Shaver'
Creek B4B 00
Jobn M'Comb. for bridge at Mapleton 300 00
in Tell leg).— 525 00
repairing bridge at Bridge
port lOO 00
Albert Hall, repairing bridge at Union
Furnace 659 11.5
Nicholas Rider, repairing bridge across
Paid First National Bank
Paid Teachers' Institute
Agricultural Society
Otate Tams , A•ylam for the
keeping of D Brotherline, C Hower and D
L Jones
Western Penitentiary for support of convicts
Sheriff Neely, for summoning jurors, boarding
persons, and conveying convicts to the Pe;
itentiary, &c 2318 40
Repairing Court . Rouse, Chairs. Cuahlons, &c B3 41
. •
" 'Jail, lightning rods, bedstead,white
washing, papering, do 228 88
Merchandise for Jail .
Fool for Jail and Court House
Cleaning Court House, carpet, 4c
snow from pavement
Washing for prisoners in part
Gas for Court House and prepairing fix.
Janitor, John C Miller 33 25
Postage 43 31 271 91
Commissioners' Attorney, J Hall Musser 242 73
Auditing accounts of Prothonotary, Register
Recorder, Dr Brumbaugh, physician at jail 29 25
8 J Cloyd, fees on sale of Unseated Lands, 40 2l 78
Redemption Money paid out *23 46
G B Armitage, auditing Prothonotary and Reg
ister's accounts lO 00
Paid Treasurer of Huntingdon County Poor
Bodenburg and Bohner expenses.
Guard at Jail, Anthony White. 22 50
David Long. 215 00
Frederick Fouse l6l 50
" Uriah Lewis 2O 00
" II C Weaver
Exemition, gallows, lumber, &e
Boarding In c r'ors
98 00 800 91
II Critz, coffin and burying l4 00
Paid on Indebtedness to the State 4171 84
Treasurer'. commission, $74,900 19 at 1% per c 1124 40
Balance in the hands of S. .1. Cloyd at last settle
meet with Auditors 842 35
Ws, the undersigned, Auditors of Huntingdon county,
Pennsylvania, elected and sworn according to law, report
that we have met, did audit, settle and adjust according to
law, the accounts of Samuel J. Cloyd, Esq., Treasurer of
the County, and the orders of the Commissioners, and re
ceipts for the same for and during the past year, and find
a balance in the hands of Samuel J. Cloyd, Esq., Treasurer
of eight hundred and forty-two dollars and thirty.five
cents. ($832 35.) . - .
Given under 'our hands at the Commissioners' °Mee, in
Huntingdon, the 14th day of January, A. D., 1871.
the County at the settlement with the Audi
tors tor the year 1870.
Cromwell 1865 Caleb Kelly ' 34 71 '
Juniata 1866 Levi Ridenour.. 101 01 21 591 650
Juniata lB6r7ltUn Geisseuger.. 98 32 20 49 998
Carbon lB6B' William Ryan... 52 60 24 43'54 50
Hopewell !Solomon Lynn.. 117 22 8 921 550
1 Springfield...-.
Alexandria 1869; Wm Christy lO2 42 750 660
Henderson. ...-1J Nightwine 1 240 561 21 601 700
Juniata. ...... .... lWm Geissenger. 60 61 1 323, 7 50
Lincoln 1C Shouts ,36 911 2 56: 500
Mt Union
Alexandria.-- 1870 f 8 Isenberg 235 86 18 60 950
Barree Jonas Books.. 1293 62 97 59 32 00
Broad Top Sarni G Miller.. 187 85 92716 50
1 Cauville
' Cromwell -Joshua goober 748 71 39 20 17 00
Coalmont Thomas Estep-. 68 45 289 550
Franklin 1
Hopewell ' Jno W Russell.. 60 82 884 500
Henderson I Jos Showalter.. 281 10 2 0 75 11 00
Mt. Union [Levi R Morgan 250 34 79620 95
Orbisonus.-..... ....- Sam'l Carothers 62 21 697 350
Porter so Walheater... 1918 08 71 53 38 50
Shirleysburg... - 206 70 38 60 550
Three Springs.
Total amount of County t. , 529,547 59 ; State, $2155 85;
Militia, $ll2B 76.
Judgment against P. M. Lytle, Esq., for money collected
by him as Commissioners' attorney from delinquent collec
tors in the years 1866 and 1869, and not yet paid over to
the Treasurer-6577 26 with interest.
Balance of Judgment Bond against J A . Brenham, $375-
00 with interest.
°Since paid in full. fSince paid in part.
Given under tiro seat of the Commissioners' Office, the
14th day of January, 1971.
County Finances
5 25
439 30
550 LG
485 54 =5 31
$42,943 74
TN 80
16 89
.13 00
103 25
110 25
109 84
125 00
357 90 3090 15
6538 05
125 00
100 00
212 35
384 10
362 14
461 68
... 47 00
... 7 75
... 20 00
7510 56
$4943 74
WM. 11. REX,
County Finances
LI JOUN LOGAN, Steward, in account with the Hunting
don County Alms House, from the 6th (ley of December,
IWO, to the 6th day of December, MD, inclnsive.
To amount drawn from county treasurer on orders 67
Amount rec., iced in sundr}• cmim, 03 76
By sundry expenditures for use of house, as per
monthly statenients, numbered as follows, viz :
Statement o. 1, December 1069,
By pair pants for Galapin, (pauper), 2 00
Cash 'still for travelling expense; to lluntingdon
POW rose, 125
Cash paid in going to Tyrone City, in Mary Lightner's
case, 5 00
Cash paid stage fare from Mt. Union, 50
" `• Stamps, 75
" ‘• Freight on tobacco, 25
" " In going to Hollidaysburg and back, 3 20
Statement No. 2, January 1870.
By attending court in the Mary Lightner case, 3 70
Cash paid car litre and expense for Mary Lightner, 243
" " For conlial for her child, 15
" " Mary Thompson for keeping Mrs Pope,
(pauper), 2 00
Cash paid for stamps and paper,
" 00
" going
to Alexandria in the case of Bonj.
Jenkins, 230
Stalenirnt No. 3, February.
By going to Mifflin comity in the case of the Mort
Manly, 1 50
Cash paid It. ffartaler for eye-wwer,
" " for fare to Iluutiugdon, for counsel in se,
eral cases, 70
Cinth paid for three meth and Imiging, 1 50
" " for stamps, 60
Statement No. 4, March.
By expenses to Mifflin county io the Mort cast, 1 50
Cash paid for cabbage seed from New York, 40
for stamps,
" for one it - Mtrt of rye whiskey, 1 UO
" " ear fare to Coffee Run in Mary Lyon's
ease • 190
Cash paid for meads and lodging (4 mealll, 2 00
" J. P. Brumbaugh for keeping Mary Lyon's.,
three weeks, g
Cash paid going to Huntingdon and Alexandria, in
Robiuson's case, 2 OD
Cann paid for car fare, 1 10
" " car fare for Jane Hagen's, to see her son, 75
Statement No. u, April.
By expenses in tithing Mary Lightner to court at
Huntingdon, 220
Cash paid fur same, car and stage far•, 85
'• fur one meal, Jane Hagen . * at Flemniing's 50
'• " for stamps, 50
Stutenarni No 8. ilay.
By expense. and stage fun on horse collars, 50
Cash paid Newton Alexander, for one turkey, I 00
• for stamps, CO
" Showalter for castrating shoats, 75
" `• David Zimmerman, half day planting corn, 37
Statement No. 7, June.
By expel.. to Huntingdon to see after Mary )bore
and child, 120
Cash paid, car fare, to Mapleton, to see after Platt
family, 20
" " for stampl, 24
Statement No. 8, July.
By expenses to Petersburg after Miss Campbell
(Milner). 1 70
Cash paid for stamps, 40
•• for one pint whiskoy, 40
Statement No. 9. A ugeut.
By expenses to Mapleton to see after the Pratt family, 50
Cask paid car fare to Mapleton, in the Calegan owe, 50
William lk-ety for threshing, 50
" " Miller, a way-faring pauper, 50
car fare, to llantingdon, cfv., 1 90
" " for stamps, 45
" " David Zinuuerman for threshing, 50
Statement Nu. 10, September. -
By expenses to, and at Huntingdon, iu the case,
Blair county rs. lluntingdon county. 1 20
Cash paid in going after Hugh., 1 60
" " for stamps, 60
" " horse feed at Mt. Union, 25
" " for wind-mill screen, 120
Statement ..Vo. 11, October.
By expenses to Walker township, after pauper, 1 50
Cash paid Bade Wilhelm 's fare, Lome and bunk, 1 10
" " pauper's dinner at Anita' 40
for stamps, 38
" for pair pantaloons for pauper,
" " to Huntingdon with stone grate, and seeing
pauper, 1 70
Statenuni 10. 12, Norember.
ex i te i n d er re t ig o b lti o n n t . in to to: ,:ft in te M . Watkin'. case,
" on blind brae+,
Caeh paid fqr stamps,
for David Irvin,
for one pair gios
" " ink of Isenberg,
labor, Parah Conch, house
'•John 11. Lightner for painting,
!'.tyealaryas Steward 1 year, 1 month and 6 ilaTs.
(6th Dec,) .
Allowance to M. s. Logan, as Matron of House,
frodurts Farm.
3M bushels wheat, 218 bushels oats, 150 bushels pota
toes, 2000 bushels ears of corn, 6 bushels beans, 10 bushels
beets, 12 bushels fusions, 20(8) heads of cabbage, 3 bbls.
kraut, 20 tons hay, 14 (four horse) loads corn fodder, 2191
Ito pork, 336 lbs lard, 7 snitch cows, 5 head young cattle,
1 breeding sow, 7 pigs, 6 shoats.
Articles Manufactured.
12 women's dresses, 35 prs pantaloons, 46 sheets, 34
chinless, 17 aprons. 27 sheets, 12 sacks, 13 sun-bonnets, 2
slips, 50 prs otockings, 11 bed-ticks, 53 pillows, 11 towels,
13 hops, 10 bolsters, 4 shrouds, 11 shirts, 9 caps, 1 pr
tons, 11 prssuspenders, 4 pillow-ticks, 35 yds carpet, 4
Stock on Iland,
133% bushels wheat ,150 bus oats, 1700 corn ears,
bus potatoes, 15 bus turnips, 14 (four horse) loads corn
fodder, 14 tons hay, 6201 lbs pork, 10 bus beets 12 bus
onions, 2000 heads cabbage, 3 bbls kraut, 336 lbs lard, 5
young cattle, 1 breeding now, 7 pigs, 6 shoats, 4 horses, 1
broad-wheel wagon, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 spring wagon,
1 two horse sleigh, 1 "bob sled," hay rake, wind mill,
threshing machine and fixtures, patent hay ladders, grain
drill, two iron plows, 2 double-shovel plows, hillside plow,
- ,
attar, 6 sets horse gears,
Ming box, 2280 lbs beef,
2 cultivators, I(two:horse) cultic
hay fork anittaciliug, patent cr .
93S 11,14 lard, 7 mach'
Fes, cf., during the
Showing Admissions,
each moni
11E, P 11
January, 1870
February, "
March, "
April, "
May, "
July. "
August, "
October, "
November, "
December, "
on December 1, 1870, 1 in colored, 5 in-
Of the inmates,
sane, and 1 idiotic
In testimony of the correctness of tho above aocount
and statement, wp do hereunto set our bands this 6th day
of December, a. d., IMO.
JOHN MILLER, }DirecMrs of
J. P. STEWART. the Poor.
Arrest.: G. W. WILITAKER, Clerk.
HOUSE, from December 6th, 1969, to December Oth, 1670,
To amount drawn from C. Treasury, ou ordere r . $7471 67
John Logan, Stewaml, for sundries in bit account 03 76
For Farm, marked 117 e F.
By sundry persons for smithing, No I to 7 $ 114 57
David Smith, wages as farmer, no. 8 264 20
Daniel Isenberg, a three-years old colt, no. 9 l5O 00
Sundry parsons for harvesting, nos, 10 to 16 47 37
Frank Harmony, labor on farm, no. 17 l•2i 72.
Sundry persons for sundries, nos. 13 to 39 302 58
Suri3 94
lb, Prorisiuns,ntarkeit File P.
By Tutu persons for 4381 11ks beef, no. Ito 14 $3.36
" 4156 " pork, no 15 to 21 495 50
Kerr & WitbMgtou, Book, and Jacobs, summer
meat, no 22 t - u
Sundry Per.ons to sundries, no 27 to 31
For Merchandise, marked Fge
By W. A. Esker, merchandise, no 1 to
W. B. Leas, no 12 to 13
itnarypersons, “ no 15 to 18 l2B 18
Out Drtnr Expenses, marked File 0. D.
By relief afforded in.ix cases continuous during.
the year, not to 6 5 3 22100
Relief in several ease% less than a year, no 7 to 38. 365 85
Relief In numerous eases, without regard to time,
"-- nn . 38 to 61
267 33
Sundry Physicians, out-door medical service, no 65
to 74 194 25
Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital, 34 weeks
and 2 days board and medical care of W. Nor
rim, no 75 l3O 75
Blair Co. Alma Hume, keeping pauper., no 78..-- 42 30
Mifflin" " no 77... 529 25
31ytun & Churn, provisions for R. 3111innly, no 78 52 18
Jackson Harmon, ont-door cervices, no 79 to 81 29 00
Adam Heeter, " 44 no 82 to 83... 44 00
John Miller, 44 44 no 84 to 87... 97 10
James Smith, 44 ' 4 no 89 to 89... 41 00
$2132 99
Miscellaneous and Incidentals, marked File I.
By sundry persons, publishing report, no 1 to 3 $ 90 00
Asher Drake, on aocount of wood, no 4to 5....- 31 50
M. 8. Harrison,'spoutingisbouse and tinware, no 68 74 55
J. H. Lightner, painting house, no 9 6B 28
David Blair. 1134 loos lump tool, no 10 67 30
John Dougherty, shingles, lath and coal, no 11-14 147 07
Benjamin Douglass, clothing, no 16 to 70 00
Dr. It. Baird, 32 cords of wood, no 17 B6 00
William Drake, coffins and wagon work, no 18-19- 40 60
F. D. Staving, hardware, no 20 to 2t 22 14 ,
J. C. Smokier, plow points and freight, no 22 2l 95
Philip Halls, crocks and lumber ' no 23 to 24 7 14
Hawker Son, crocks, no 25 t 026 27 45
J. B. Erb, 1000_ foot poplar boards. no 1f..... 2O 00
Sundry persons, to sundries, no 28 to 51 lO2 67
Miss Sarah Conch, house labor, no 52 Bl 03
Remora's, marked File R.
By sundry Justices, for orders issuod, no 1 to 10 ... =3O 30
Sundry persons, removing paupers to house, il-10... 45 50
County Finances.
By Adam lleeter, services as Director, 10 months S P 4 00
John Miller, 12 " IEI 20
James Smith, " " 12 " 62 40
John P. Stewart, •• •' 2 " 22 8
R. L. Lovell, Esq., " Attorney, 12 " 20 00
Dr. R. Baird, attending Physician, 4 " 48 00
Dr. W. P. M'Nite S " 29
John Logan. Steward for amount of his account 0.9 43
(leo. W. Whittaker, services as clerk one year OO 00
$O2O 43
Sore—By iirder, of the Directors of the Poor et said
county, the following statement or exhibit is made, show
ing the cent of $5,513 19, as the actual, legitimate amount
expended for the use and support of the institution proper
during the current vear, 1870—after deducting the follow—
ing RIMS, of which 11130 75, were for previous years:
Blair and Mifflin counties Alms Houses, keeping
paupers for previous years MOO 00
Pennsylvania State Lunatic Asylum keeping pau-
pars for previous years
Wagon shed and two corn cribs
Painting, glazing and spouting house
Three years old mare
Clears i 0 r four horses
$l2 93
Wa, the undersigned Auditors of the county of Hunting
don, do hereby certify that we hare examined the orders,
Touchers, accounts, fir ,of the Directors of the Poor of
mid county, and find the same to be correct as abore stated.
And we do further find that on examining the Treasurer's
account he has paid on Poor Donee Orders since last settle
ment the sum of 87,510 50, of which amount the sum of
£ll7 67 was expended for the year 1869, muting total ex
penditures of 1870, (so far as paid,) amount to the sum of
of $7392 89.
El 1 40
Witness ourbands at Huntingdon, this 11th day of Jan
nary, A. D., IS7I.
$l4 25
Jan. 4, '7l.
Ras rcmoved to his New Rooms, on Main streee
three doors east of the “Washington Rouse," wher
he has ample room and facilities, and is now prel
pared to accommodate his old customers, and al.
others who may desirc anything in his line of trade
Plain and Fancy Buggy Harness,
Carriage, Tug, and Yankee Harness,
Saddles' Ifridles, Whips, Blankets, Re.,
always on hand, or made to order on the shortest
notice, and most reasonable terms. Also, a good
assortment of Horse Blankets and Sleigh Bells.
Raving had twenty-five years practical experien,
in the business, he flatters himself that he can ren
der entire satisfaction to all who may patronize his
Work warranted and Repairing neatly done.
Huntingdon, Oct. /9, 1870.
(Successor to J. M. Cunningham St Son.)
Iron awl Brass atxtitt9s,
made in a first-class Foundry. We have always
on hand all kinds of Plow and Stove Castings.
Wash Kettles, Cellar Windows, Orates, Coal-hole
Castings for pavements, Window weights of all
sizes and weights, Pipe joints, Sled and Sleigh
Soles, Wagon-boxes, Machine Castings, for steam
and water, grist, saw, sumac and plaster mills of
all descriptions.
We are prepared to furnish
1 00
2 00
of the most improved styles, oven doors and
Frames, door sills, and in fact everything made in
this line, _ _
X 95 00
55 00
We haye a large stock of patterns, and can fur
nish castings at short notice, and cheaper than can
be had in the country. Having a good drill, we
are prepared to do drilling and fitting up of all
$629 4 3
Office in Leister's new building, Mill street, Ilan
ingtlon, Pa.
4, 71
The Largest
IStoek; the Fines
'Goods; the New.
lest styles ; thel
Best Workman-
!ship; the GreatH
lest Variety, at
'SIXTH Streets,
i i i
F F 0
IWEAR we have]
!every kind of naH
$751i5 43
iterial and every'.
(variety of stylesl
'suitable fcrl
IYOUTH from 161
It o 20, BOYS
Ifrom 9 to 16,
.... 65 24
V 23 76
(from 5 to 9 years)
-.8 876 71
... 269 50
lan durable and
*1320 71
(strong, made
'with special ref -I
lerence to rough
usage. In this
'department o u rl
PRICES are as -1
ton ish ingly low.
SIXTH Streets,
i i §
5938 68
$Bl 30
Legal Advertisements.
Eabete if IVitlben, 1!".1..
Letters of .I:!anin:,tra!iou ha,ing 1.. cu g
undersigne.l on the cstatte of It"il{ia to
of Jackson township. u:I
ing themseive,
ment, and those havin4
duly mutlu-nti2ute.l for octrlewcu
I:1 i 1;
Jneksim township, .Inn. I. ":
11151 12
$75115 43
E.totc of MA II LOA' STR YKER,
letters of Administration having been gran:kJ.
to tha undersigned on the estate of Mahlon ,Str -
ker. late of West township. deceased, all persous
knowing themselves indebted ore requested b.
nake immediate pnynnte, and those havingelaints
:0 present thom duly n.ithentimite,l for settlement_
130 75
Petersburg. Jan. 2.
.- l4O 49
150 00
11:0 00
[E3t,t, 0
. 1 JOMetl d%e'tl.]
Letters testamentary Oa the estate of James
Moore. tato of M - Connelstown, deed., having /wen
granted to the undersigned, .11 /mesons knowing
themselves indebted to sari rotate are reciuested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
to preserrt than daly authenticated for settlement.
M'Connellstown, Feb. 8-1571. Elrs.
$1752 24
[Estate of Alice Detrick, deceased.)
Letters of Administration having been granted to
the undersigned, living in the borough of Birming
ham, on the estate of Alice Detrick, late of said
borough. all persons indebted to said estate will
make payment without delay, and t'...ose having
claims against the same will present thew duly
authenticated for settlement..
Feb. 1, IS7I
[Rotate of Richard Briuge, deed.]
Letters testamentary ou the estate of Richard
Briggs, lute of Warriorsmark twp., deed., having
been granted to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment, and those having
claims to present them duly authenticated for set
tlement. JOFT.PII MIN LE,
Birmingham, Feb. 15, ISTI,
-A-Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia.
In the matter of the ASSIGNED ESTATE of the
The Auditor appointed to audit, Fettle and ad
just the second amt final account Or Jives S.
IRON AND STEEL COMPANY, and to make distribu
tion of the balance, will attend to the duties of hi,
appointment on Tuesday. the 21st day of Febru
ary, A. 1). 1871, at 3 o'clock P. M.. at his office.
No. 500 Locust St., in the City of Philadelphia.
Feb. S-2t.
Notice is hereby given that Wm. P. Ram
sey and Eliza S., his wife, of Dublin towuship.
Huntingdon county, Pa., l.y deed of voluntary .
signment, dated February 9, 1871, have assigned
all the estate real and personal of the said Wm. P.
Ramsey, (except so much thereof as is by the law,
of Pennsylvania', exempt from execution.) to John.
S. Ninamon and A. A. Skinner, of Franklin county_
in trust, for the benefit of the creditors of the Filial
Wm. P. Ramsey. Ali persons therefore indebted
to the said Win. I'. Ramsey will make ryicent u.
said Assignees, and those having claims will make
kaown to the sense without delay.
Feb. 22;71.--6t,
[Estate of JIM. Piper, Jet...need.]
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, there will be exposed to pub
lic sale, on the premiere, in Tell township. Hun
tingdon connty, Pa., on
Friday, the 24th day of March, 1871,
at one o'c!ock, a tract of land, situate in said town
ship, bounded by lands of Stinson Wilson, Alex
ander Scott. Alexander Rouse, Daniel Flot and
others, containing about 217 acres, forty of which
are cleared, and the balance well timbered with
and having thereon erected a DOG HOUSE and
BARN. This land is near the Nosseille and Shade
Gap Tanneries, and has on it a large amount of
bark and strap timber.
TERMS OF SALE,—One-third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale at
April Court, when the deed will ho made, and
the residue in two equal annual payments with in
terest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage or
judgments of the purchaser.
Administrator of James Piper. deceased.
Blade Gap, Feb. 22,71.t5.
By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa.. to see direc -
tett I will expose to public sale, at the Court
House, in Huntingdon, on Saturday, Mara 11th.
1871, at 1 o'clock, p. m, the following described ,
real estate, to wit :
All that certain farm or tract of land, situate in
Penn township, Huntingdon county, bounded as
follows: north by the Raystown Ilranch, cast by
lands of Wharton b Ilefright and lauds of Jacob.
Grove, south by bout, of ,v,,,lrew Grove. west by
lands of Adolphus Cunningham, containing One
hundred and twenty acres more or less, about
ninety SON, of whieh is cleared and the balance
wood laud, having thereon a Two-_tors Stone-
Dwelling Horse, large bank barn, with wagonshe,k
and corncrib attached, and other outbuildings.
Also, A tract or woodland, adjoining the farm
above mentioned, bounded north and east by lends
of Wharton & Ilefright, on the south by lands of
Andrew Grove and others, containing One hun
dred and sixty acres more or less.
; ;0
We have made
lo tt r Eatablidtpd
ment "THE
Seized, taken in execution and to be Fold as the
property of Jacob Grove.
Feb. 22, 1871
'TRADE" in
Clothing, and we
WI GLAZIER, Notary Public, corner
• of Washington and Smith streets. Hun
tingdon, Pa. Dan. 1271.
lean asaure ours
friends from out
R. DURBORROW, Attorney-at
t., • Law, Huntingdon, Pa.. will practice in the
several Courts of Huntingdon county. Portionla
attention given to the settlement of estates of dece
10f town that they
need look no
Office in the JOURNAL Building. [feb.l;7l
• Mnrtrie and R. E. FLEMING.
ifurther than
NNW LA lir 1' 111 M.
S. E. Fleming has become a member of tht.
Law Firm of Speer & Me3iurtrie, and the businepa
will be hereafter done in the name of Speer. Me--
Murtrie Q Flehtting.
A t torneys-at-1117,
lluotingdon. Pa.
Feb. I<-mot.
1 for satisfactory
(Clothing and sat-1
lisfactory Prices.
The Board of Trustees of the Huntingdon Presby
terian Congregation will offer at Public Sale, on
Friday, the 17th day of March, next.
at one o'clock. p. to.. their present CHURCH
BUILDING and two vainnide lots on Dill street,
fronting one hundred feet, nod extending to All,
ghnnoy street. 2On feet.
Full Stock all the
(pear round.
ISIXTH Streets.
TERMS OF SALE.—One-third of the purchase
money to ho pahl on confirmation of sale. and the
balauoe in two equal annual payments with inter
est, to be secured I,:e h o od and mortgage of the
Ily order of the Want,
t i i
ii Oil
nouting , bm, Feb 22,71tti.
WORK is of the
very best charae-
Solicits accounts from Banks, Bankers, and oth—
ers. A liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits.
All kinds of Seeatritim bought and sold for the usual
ter, Easy rules
Ifor measurement,
Collections made on all points. Drafts ma all
parts of Europe supplied at the usual rates.
Persons depositing Gold and Silver will receive
the same in return, with interest. The partners arc
individually liable to the extent of their whole pro—
perty for ail deposits.
(prices, &c., sent
free to any part
January 4, 1571
lof America, and
HEN R Y A: CO's.
hood fits guaran•
teed. MARKET
jand SIXTH Sts
Lath. Pickets, &c.. constantly ors hand.
FRAMES, &C., at manufacturers' prices.
lA, PA,
Feb. 15.1871.
Ile.• raged.]
• • .1 I Le
I.] A,
Fannetsburg, Franklin county. Pa.
C: C. ZIORTII, Cashier.