The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, October 22, 1856, Image 1

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    -.9l'ERliS' OF :THE GLOBE.; ;
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Lording to these totms. .
4,1311,; ,::xsrdianaits
ivma~~=iir ~~~~i~zg~o
: litlvighteer
We hail no Rag—no party own,
That any ef„the_St c ates.disown;
j. • Btit'ilrin td 6rie kitt tliirtYistallar-- - : - - . •tr
t Tholianner.of our Fatherland. ,
It was thopana s, t l ta'rt,4 l Anwal'e(l,
When IVitshit4itait our country saredi
was the same-4.•kut.Jaok®on-boro,
O'er fields of blood to . Victory's door.
It Was the same that Perry-rose,
'Xi:O 'mired Wet' deCks of talle'n foes;
The satire that Scutt and Taylor spread,
Where true hearts followed those who led
Then nail it up on land and sea,
Ye sons of fathers that s‘,Ore 'free,
Yes, nail it on the topmost Mast,
And strike for Union "to the' Inst.
The Warnipg Voice of,liertry Clay
FOR THE SAKE OF THE tf:4lON.—Listen to the
warning voiiie.-orilefiry Clay, in
thelast speech he ever uttered in his beloved
Rentucky—,-his speech before the, lilentucky :
Legislature, November 23, 1849. Ire fore
the.very evils that arc now upon ns,and
athised the course which patriotism enjoined
when -the apprehended"-Centingeney should-.
:,arise. He advised the union of all patriots,
Whigs and Democrats, , in resisting the see=
; :tiofial party which he then feared would
spring:up, and.whith lids sprung, under
the lead of Fremont, aided by whole hosts of
46rthern 'Know-Nothings:: : lle advised :'this
'union of Whigs and Democrats against see
itionalisini-whdi the Kist SandS:', of his. hour::
Mass - were running out---when he wanted
#either,offtee, nor place,:rept a ),varre. place'
hi the hearts of his country_men. _ hear him:
"If the agitation• in regaral to the fugitive
slave law should continue, and increase, and
liecome.alarreing,.it will lead to the forma
tion of two- new parties, one for the UM&
And the other against the Union. Present
rties have beervcreated by of
iaen, as to systems of national policy ; as to
ftnanCe,.free trade or proteetiOn," the ilnprove-
Merit of rii:-erS'and harbors, 'the distribution
of the proceeds of the public lands, &c. But
these SysleinS'of policy, springing out . of the
aihninistration of thegovernment of the Union,
'Vise all-their interest.and imptirtance,- if that
Union be dissolved. They 'sink into utter
insignificance before the allimportant, per
fasive,-and- paramount interest - -of the Union
itself. And the platform of that Union party
will be, the Union, the CoustUntion, and.the
ehforceinent; of its laws: "And if it - should
ihe necessary to form such a _party . , and it
Sboilld.. be-accordingly formed,= I announee
.4ly'Self, in this place, a member of the Union
party ; whatever, may be its _component ale
meats. Sir, Igo further; I-have had great
hOpesi and confidence in the principles of the
Whig party, as being most likely to conduce
ti:the honor, the prosperity, and glory of my
et)untry. But if it should lie merged into-a
bonteniptibleabblition party, and if abolition-.
iglu is to be engrafted on the Whig creed,
t . 4ena that moment I renounce the 7- ,Party.iarid
eea - se ',to be a'Whig. Igo yet a step further;
tuni..; , if I aunt my:humble.
Opperil for 'the presideney, - to - that mail, fci -
ICliat4ver party he may belong, who is uncon
tiiminatedil)y•-fanatietsni, rather than ene
, Who, Crying out all the time and aloud, that
41S . a, Whig,,, maintains -doctrines utterly:
4113Yersivo tlie`CdristitUtion and-the Union.
ONVhen. Know-Nothings and- Black 3.l.epub
lit.a,ns.conspire tege ler in the North for sec
ebSects, tile. inevitable -tendency .of
ivhioh,'is adverse to the peace and perpetility
tithe Union, the very state.of-the case : which.
- •
14Iri - -,Clay feared and warned' us to 'Unite in
• ,
resisting, presents itself::7-.
Let every Whig heed 'his 'Warning - vs:fa&
LetAliem not be deterred by the insidious
appeals- ter the rancor of party spirit, front
co-operating with the Pemocrats7in frustra
ting: the - conspiracy of allied - Ma& Rephijii
eatiim and Know-Nothn4stn in•
- the North.
That safeh•a eOUspiracy - e - xistratul'is making
fearful headway
__in the• North, pis . beyond
- • •
liear the testimoig,of:Xr.Clll.y i , as to tlxe
iiiargiaSETCattd - repel;ThAilh scorn and
,anirrtctsity against theDetpoc2.:at l
with` irli'rch `Knew -Moth i
your iutgliiaence iatrioti . sm -' • " ; -
'of2otir late - heated: diSenssions 'and
'di4ishins one good resialt hai'Veen : yirodue'ed.,
TheTeople generally, Whigs and - E o ernoerate, -
rtlialre been rhore".threviii together in free and
- ftiendly intereenrse.:' 'Both' have learned '6,
~appreciate each Other'better; For myself,
' Say, :Witli;.i#,nflr 'and - plea. Sure, that'
, during :the =late'' protracted session, I - was in,
conference' and 'conailltatii . in quite 'as often, if
riot -oftener, with . .Denioeints 'than Whig s";
-and I fOund in'the 'Derneera,tie party 'quite
asr ranch patriotism, to :the Tinton,
• honor'-and :Probity', - as in the' other party."
American is,,,a naan: , who shows
. ants and. his. life . that he lovekand 're
veroS".the : institutions. , of ,our : common coon
try,: and is over ready to defend her honor
with hiS . life."—John Van Buren.
f : f J
t z /
• .
• .J
No ono• can - deny.thaLtlie preent crisis is
full of menace to. the Union. The p.ortents,
of :imminent strife 6nd struggle east a gloomy
Shadow over
the land. , An instinctive appre
hension. -of approaching evil possesses the
heart of the country:l The nation shudders
"as.if ; in Alit , unseen, but am
fur enemy.
"O'er all there hung a shadow and a fear;
A sense of mystery the spirit daunted;
And said,,aolain.-tis 7 1 ,1 1 4Per-fi43403 [o'l= •
This tface
T •
This instiett of n ir tifice,“this-univ S ei•al con-'
fiction that the' country is encomplpssed . by
perils qf portentons, magnitude, a9d is -drift
ing' fa-St AoWatile the inevitable 'precipice, can
. ..silly..depAien, nor
dispelled by serious argument. The people
are not prone to panics. They are moved
with, difficulty, and. are ala-rwed_only by'rsorrie
7 ittcontest r abie and' palpable - approach of evil..
They foresee plainly enough to what dire
consequence tends - all, this . agitation, Which:
rages with such fury thrOugh the land; and'
they-know, - thatif:the:_flame be 'notspeedily
extinguished, it will involve the Union in ir
reparable ruin. - -This being the conviction of
the Awerican.:people, it is their desire and
deterreinatiOn so to exert their to
allay the excitement, to restore .peaCe and
quiet to the country, and to dissipate all the
dangers which threaten the Union.:l, Attach- -
went to the Union—we mean the - union of
the Constitution—the Union which
.our fa
thers-created and cemented with their blood
Union 6f - thirty-one - severeige. States
on an independent basis and with equal rights
--,---attachment-to - the Union is the, predomi- -,
nant feeling in the Threfist - of every 'patriot.-:-:A
desire to-perpetuate this Union, to relieve
it from present and imminent perils; and to.
hand it down to posterity as it was delivered.
to them, animates-the gootl-_and-true men of
all parties and Section's.' So - to diSeharge the
sacred trust-as to acquit
,their . own conseien-,,
ces, and to. deserve. the approving recogni
tion of history, is the earnest aspiration of
the Arnericampeople.- - • ...
This day marks d Pause in - the progress of
a struggle, which, in -its results, will niVolve .
the peace. - and .perpetuity of the::Union.—
With an eye steadily fixed on all thephases
and exigencies. of the contest,.andn heart
tent only onthe grand object 'Whieh.possess
e,s every patriot's breast, let us inquire what
pai t we; must play--so as to Strike- the -most
effectual blow for the Constitution and the.
Union. . • - -..: -
ii:: j • Y :,~
Does the `election' of - Yreinent" promise to
restore peace and quiet to the country? His
ztliniH iu i Avciti.Ll hi -Lb rn
mischievous faction and. that -very wicked
spiritTof agitation, which eyery.patriot should
feast" With the utmost 611 ei-gy. The Black
Republican party is an organized invasion of
tile - Constitution, an organized" opposition to
the Union, and an organized aggression-upon
the South. Its success would exasperate sec
tional passions and prejudices, and precipi
tate the catastrophe which we would all avert.
It is impossible that one section ofthe coun
try, arrayed in avowed hostility to the other,
can uniplh7over-its :intagonist:, without- des
troS,ing-the - balance - Of thOlThion—without
upsetting. that ; equililn-ium which : is the es
sential konditinotthe 'confederacy.
The election of Mr. Buchanan will answer
all the conditions essential to the restoration
of good feeling and tranquility in the "Colin- .
try, In every respect in which his opPonents
are defieient, he pie - Sent precisely the re
quisite qualities. Such is the authority of
his personal character, such the national po-
SitiOn ainc . pratforni - of the party WhiCh sup
ports him, so distinct are his pledges in,this
respect-to. pliticular principles, that his-elec
tion will afford every_possible guarantee : of a
safe, -ionti4 end successful-MnxinistratiOn.—
llis - prii-ate - liftegrity ; is i'vithchit reproach ;
his wisdom - and
.moderation commapd,uni-
Versal ci3 - riTiden - C&;`hig: de - Votion to the Union
is attested by a long life of faithful service
to the country; he is
. 4boye the passions-and
prejudices of faction ; • he stands tiponli na
tional- platform, is, supportedlay
party whose • principhisZ-:are - -2-bagedr:Tup . on the
Constitution, and whose organization ts:com
mensiirate:Viith thes-ITniorr. 7 .11is electiogwill
revive and - fe-auhnate 'the' liopes - of patriots
in every party ; and will be disastronsnly
to the-cruninal deSigns-_disastrous-onlye: •fraitord-who
would gratify their ambition by the over
throtifol the Union;=--Rickm,ond-Eqzqtiiitr.
7Politiss . Ln the Pulpit. _
A new and serious phase exhibit itself in •
American politics. The priests, from the
pulpit and their ecclesiastical charaCter",:are,
many of them, entering the arena of party
,Tliel arepre4ehing sermons on-Sun
days, dentiuncing the; Nebra - skti-liansaS bill
and Senator Douglas_ and and President 'Pierce
and , the Dm partyi . • Nov* great-res
pect is clue to the officers of the Christian re
ligion: , -Wig' freely:_ conceded I that_theyiare,
in general; gentl e m e iiof goad intentions and
moral• lives.-- Their preaching. and-tin:Tr ef
tOrts de:a—great deal-:- to iniprOfe Thu Moral
nOpsUtion-ot :the. -w0r1d.,—.At:,..-the saine L time, ,
as li:son - era]. thing, the Undue:deference:that
is ia t 1. 43 V? A11 3.- *,4 l ithe 'l6-itifi.43;l;.;-.llPri-IStiu
ral and absurd prestige of intrinsic sanctity
-which is-attached to their position- tend:to in
spire• them with , :an -exaggerated 'sense of
,their. own:importanee, - ' excellence 'and influ
.erice.' •Vast munbers• of :them- always itch
for,opportunities of power,. prominence and,
dictation outside their own sphere.• .Since
the:days• when a -triumphant and worldly
„Christianity .forgot the pure spirituality of
.the teachings -of "The Master," until- now,
political history is. full of the intermoddling
of Hildebra,nds,--Innocents, Richelieus, Oran
.mers, Burnets, Knoxes, and. Beechers: The
protestant clergy ,: denounced damnation
against, their.-Catholic brethren--,-bitt since
the Reformation no • opportunity- of -bringing;
. ecclesiastical prestige to bear on political re
sults has been - omitted-Iv . numbers.of. these
same Protestant clergy themselves: •.-'
.• • These white-cravat gentry. may be very
zealous for religion, in thus f interfering in
politics, but nothing is more common..than
the union of immense . = zeal with the absurd
est. folly. The • Calvinistic Divines of -the
• +i
The Calsle.
It: t:-.'- .-' ....: - . -' ...•
':L4.;-..,' . ci.;.-;,,. .. - -...-.. i.., ...
`. .-.. :.' ..... ......:-.. ' •
• . . • • 1 ..- ‘.
Syited. - '4' pert Were - very sincere, yet they .
controlled the- politieS of. Holland, until Gro
,tius jvas .banished . and. : ,the, illustrious Baru
.v.eldt judicially - murdered,
,The - Congrega
tional Divine's of 'New' England, daring the
yea; of-4812, :thundered their nasal anathe=
mas - : , at ;Ai:, :• Th'eir ,favorite Thanksgiving,
theme was„the wickedness of jefferson•and
the — P.ernocracy of 1800. Many of them used.
•to Ifild'up'-General ' - Jackson to their hearers
:as sinful:in-his , : pdlioy, 'The Constitution of
the United. States, : the independermetrof,•pub;•
lic,opiniOn 'and its,:freedom i „fron - k,sypersti z ,
tiOns servility, have iteo intermeddling,eler
gyinen totally iciniet :in, 'their
13ut.the present anti-slavery .akitatien,liy as
suming a very conscientious tone, has. given.
a pretext for clerical Politicians. " Thesemen'
justify, themselves by . vauntingly- } asking, ,are
'we'not . .iitherioan citizens? : Have; : Vie nOt
right to speak? You are American citizens•
—as such you., have a right to spea.k—but yea
IMve',"?:ai ,
right - to 'htteintit :tc; frighten, _Or tiWe; or stun,
or• force anycitizen into" supporting or Opp:-
,siug party candidateS' 1i virtue of your office.
arid its influence. .
- We 'commend them to read theirßibles
more and try
-to imitate the Ipft'spiritualitY
,arid. apostolic .prudence of Pau".'He did not
attack the administration of Nero and Agiip-,
pa—he employed himself
,iti',diffizsing princi
ples, and -
_left people free to' apply
them td Stateaffairs - Withont'hiS
"Tli; Great' Teacher" himself "rendered. unto
Cwkar : the things that were Cxsar's." The
ewsar at that time was the•ferOcious and Sul
fen tyrant Tiberius.. He had no right to goy:
ern judeaer tax it—and yet
. the serene wis
dom of the 'Meek and majestic Nazarene
counseled riO'rel)ellion . and.faik)d no political
questions--but loptented, . with -;ex
pounding great truths, whiA did, and.db, and
will regenerate humanity. Go, ye poor, - unwor-:
thy; angry, prurient, artificial'andrassaming
inte.rmeddlers, learn •froin : your' Master" to
attend: to.your own, business, and leave men
'as he left' them "freeto ntanage their own po
litical affairs.' • ' "
".The Peserted Village".---Goldsznitb. and
. . .
-Macaulay., . ,
A poet may easily be pardonedfor reason
ing ill, but he cannot be .pardoned for des
cribing ill—for obServing the world in which
he lives so carelessly 'that his' portrait bears
no resemblance to the originals : ,--for
as_copies of real. life, , monstrous combi
nations of things Which never Were, and nev
er 'could he found 'together: What would be.
thoughtiof a'painter who would.mix August
and JanuaFYP). °Pe t ~landscape-7--who ; should
introduce ' a frozenpvcr into a harvest scene? -
IVoidd it be a'sufficientdefence of such a pic
lure to sii.y• that - every• part was' exquisitely
colored_: ' that .the ,green, hedges, :the apple
trees loaded with fruit,,,the. svagons reeling'
under the yelloW sheaVes and the sun-burn
ed reapers Wiping their foreheads, 'Were' very_
fine; and that the ice and the boy sliding
were also very fine ? To such a picture the
"Deserted Village" bears a great resemblance.
It is made up of incongruous parts. The
village, in its happy clays, is a true English
village:i; The village in its decay, is an Irish
village. The felicity and the misery which
:Goldsmith has krotight closetogether, belong
to-two different ebuntries, and to two. differ
ent stages in . ' the progress of society. He
has assuredly never seen,,ixf his native islands,
such a rural paradise, such a seat of plenty,
content, and tranquility, as his '"Auburn."
He has assuredly never seen in England all
the inhabitants of. such a, , paradise turned
out of their . homes in one day, and-fore.ed,to
emigrate in a body- to America.. The ham
let- he bad , probably:seen:in-Jient, the .eject
nr.,nt,he, had probably, seen inl l 4 - unster; but
byJoining the two,; he. has ,produced-some
thing:- hich nev'er, will .be. seen in any part
of the world.—Pfacaulay.j
Mock IVlarriqte and Sur:rise 7
We tiike.the following • fK0m,;414,
„ :•." ' • 'Fi- - .
.'; Yesterday 'afternoon; ilb •q> a visit to
'King's 'beer salbdn, iin••old bridle:for residing
in the seventeenth ward, became enamored
of a young Irish 'girl - -whei.:Was:preseni• as a
drinking guest.- Pretty well iunder,the inftd.--
, ence of liquor, the 'old bachel9i'popped the
question, and to his delight received an affir
mative' ' Nothing -Would do - . but a
marriage - 'fOrth:with,. 'he' liardly having:pa
tienee ass 'await • the arrival 'or a priest.i" A
, nUmbei•of-Whoys :were' in 'the 'garden and
volunteered to superintend the arrangements
for ihe old man; and soon one - of them ap
peared: in the garb of a- Priest, ready to per
ibrin- the . holy rite, • ; ' •-• ' •
The ceremony is said to have been extreme
ly rich, all sorts of 'questions haying been •
asked:the giooin, who :was in 'downright ear
nest,. andreally•suppoSed his was being mar
ried.' - .:'As , Soon as 'the' ceremony was conclu
ded, he insisted on embracing his Wife, but
she instantly
.• objeCted 'to being caressed in
•such:is. plade. - "The 'old fellow-then or
dered - drinki all around;,• and told the boys to
"go it • loose"' at his experiSc;fOr the was nev
er so happy in •all his life; lintlfeltlikethroiv-"
ing the money away. 'Thelieer flowed,. free
ly for about half an hour, at the 'close 'of
which tiriie long: procession of b'hoys en
tered the premises. Each limn carried a ba
by,.and the„baliiK . " - V.tre laid. at the, feet of
'the'gro'Oni 'WI - 16 'was ordered to, loOk. upon his
wife's`children.- -The" immense array of in
!audio "innocence seemed to.sober- him. Ho
gave them one long, glance, a,ndthen declar
'mg that they . *dre not in the bargain, repu
diated -wife and "all, - and left the:garden in a
rage. The bride understood the joke; and
was as much amused as any one present.,
The old "bath" remains shut up in his house,
haunted, no doubt, _by. visions of a legion of
babies, • • ••
Hood never made a better pull than
of Hook, who was walking - with a friend,
when they came to a toll bridge.
"Do you know who built this bridge ?'
said he to Hook.
• "No," replied- Hobli: ; "but if you go over
you'll be tolled ?"
I 2,f_'•) I ~1'..._1T
, A
7 •
'OCTOBER 22, 1856.
Things have. 'qbanged... Before my hair
'turned gray with age, and piety, clergymen
'used to take their texts from the Bible," and
preach peace . and good will to Men,- , women,
and: little.. girls.: Our ;old J:minister, whose
Sunday sermon, chastised
,my Saturday's --ap
file- Stealing,•
didn't take a gunpowder. text,
•Aronratic Schnapps' inspiration,
iprqtr.h. haitrifiser amt , six-pounder- sermon,
bag aTs,44?ar,ing-k/ttes-,y,Beroration, ; with
of,,reljo)}Per and
liirOwn'tit'bY Way ef'Thetkriclit:l = i;rdCe; lie
used to thinkihis Wia•tre) Veep his'' . odpla
from war and strife, , and teach 'belligerent
humans not to pull off. their coats for a free
fight .every time anybody trod on their corns.
---' I recently attended the' performance Of 'the
Rev:: Blood• and Thunder Screecher, Who is
,forhi§ prolonged - shrieks for free
dom, 'disunion, free Kansas, runaway darkies;
Sharpe's: rifles, bowie-knives, bull-dogs, and
a big muss generally.- Ife'preajhes election
&eking sermons, and it is said that he:carries
,his pocket full of-Fremont, ballots; .and makes
his people take a vote on:the, presidential
- ,
Auestion every,Sunday, to see that they. are
all " sound on the goose." • "It is - also asserted
:that he spends. his =leisure 'hours 'firing at- the
,iren,man .in the shooting gallery,• and- in
'throwing a tomahawk at a mark; occasion
ally varying those' dcfig,htfulf occupations' by
taking boxing lessomi; learning how to `gatige
,Missouri, taking long 'drinks of Arohiatic
• Schnapps between times. •
:Went to the church, which was arranged
like a theatre, with the best Tila:ce for these
.Who-pay the .most money:---instea:d of a pulpit
there was a stage for the ministers to perform
on--people came in droves—seats were soon
full—then :a - huge pyramid of Stools in one
corner was attacked by six energetic and de
termined. sextons, who :speedily tore it to
pieces, and scattered the _fragments through
the aisles for folks to sit on.
• • Organist - execnted a grand' Kansas battle
piece- infive sharps; with vocal imitation of
the shrieks of the •settlers, and the curses, of
*the border-ruffians. Then, the minister came,
Up through a trap door like, the harlequin in
the pantomime, when the devil has got *an in-_
vitation for him—he pfay - edp, long prayenin
his overcoat—then he took off his overcoat
and read a hymn, a verv,qUick metre, with
a very strong chorus=ilien he sat down on
his overcoat .and read•his , letters. ' •
The organist here, made ~ p reparations to,
gyr f ate , ,,,her ,rolled up ~his. coat sleeves;so as.
not to interfere with. 'fingers—then he
• - ronea 111.rms - paiatitiOtirac - zu . ram'incru - 10 - 11"Cratne
!his toes; 'then he unbuttoned• his-cravat 'and
loosened his vest,;., at this instant a very mus
cular man disappeared' from.the ranks :In the,
gallery; Vanished through a; ''ciabhy-hOle, and
was instantly'the anatomy of the - or- .
gan,then there was a great rattling in -thc
bowels thereof, as -if it couldult digest-the
muscular man, but had a great deal of wind
onits stomach.
This was the preparation.
Then the, organist commenced a violent
struggle with the key-board, as if he regard
ed the unfortunate organ as a fisticuff enemy,
'whom it would require his utmost strength
and dexterity to overcome—so heAvent in—
he hammered him on the white keys, he belt-
ed him on the black ones, he punched him in
the semitones, he kicked him iwthe double,
bass, he pit in a series of running kicks in
his'ehromatic scale; he pelted him in the ilats,
he battered him in the sharps, he sthote
in the high keys,he bit him in the low notes,
then be grabbed both hands in his octavos,
and shook him until he squealed: then be'
ferociously jerked out the stops on one,''Side,'
•as'if he was pulling half his teeth Oiat'ef his
'head—then be savagely jaminedin those. on ,
the other, .as if he was knocking the resi. of
~down his throat—after three
quarters of an hour, the left hand, Which had
been• doing manful service in the' lower - sub-.
airbs, - began to fail, and sent for.a reinforce
ment, whereaponthe right band, after hitting ',I
the upper chord of G sharp a furious dig to '
'keep it quiet in the interval, scampered to the !
-rescue, only ••stOpping by the way to bestow
•upon -the.. middle G a couple-of putechesiby
way of a, reminder—then the player,. with
both hands,, both feet, and his knees, went-at
the-poor instrument and belabOred •
-unmercifully in 'the lower pipes ; abst.
his wind and. cried—`enough," , - ink retw.of
agony. „
Then the - singing coMmenced; the opera_
folks stood up to earn their money; they sang_
as if the music _scale had been greased on
this occasion, and they Were climbing,- for a
pig on the 'top of it; they would's° up a note
or two and then slip back—each one went one ,
notch higher • than the one before'lim, but
fell back before he reached the prize, and
his voice subsided• into a discontented growl
low down in hiS ribs. 'At last, after five
trials, each Which ended in an attempt
ed, squeak, one ferlidle - ,. with a mouth like a
hatchway; loosened ' her bonnet strings, made
a desperate 'acreani, mid went so' high that
she finally - got a, firm hold of the olenginous
reward of merit,. and bore it off in . triumph ;
'then they all Stopped: . .
This was the 'singing. •
Then the musculef Mom came out
. of the'
bewels with the 'perspiration dripping 'from
his coat tails; as ;he' hadn't 'another suit
handy, he sat down i 4 :l : the, draught• to dry.-
This was the finale. ,
Etere the Minister read , a number of gratis
advertisements for . Concert* and' twenty-five
Cent picnics; 7 then there:was another single
handed combat between the organist and his
old enemy, and some.more greased-pig vocal- .
izatiou by ;the thousancl-4ollar choir, - after the-!' star" preacher began to perform
in earnest;, he read a text ands stuck to the
subject for fifteen - zainutes, hishearers
"fits" about . their , short-comings when the
plate is passed; then he gave a glowing de
scription of the joys .of Paradise, and by his
eloquent words had got us so far into the
spirit land that we could almost hear the de
parted spirits blow their noses, when suddenly
he cut short his high-flown piety, and began
to talk politics and general news. He spoke
•. : .
I I !. . ,
'.., • ••• , .• , .4
- ;T , ,'i ... '" 4 1:: - . ..: •:."...-.•-- '
. f. ii .: 7 .
~,...,.....,.. :: :: ......-i p .,••• •
.'..( ...t•.*. ' ..".'. J - -. -
. , .
From the Boston Courier
Editor and Proprietor.
; . NO. 18.
of the state of the stock -markets, gave notice
of the new:patent ballet-box, a review of the
encouraging prospects of _Fremont, the value
of Sharpe's rifles, - and .the retail price of
Schiedam Schnapps. • •'''
Then he gave,with great gusto a delight
ful account of some imaginary pleasant trans
action in Kansas, wherein a couple of men'
were roasted. -alive in a 'burning loo•-cabin,
while their -rriviyes. were, .eeinpelled by the
amiable. border '- ruffitiis tofsupe'rintend the,
cookeri. Then he - .Made - 13mm •very good
jok - 06,,-,,,,ak'r,;Which. the _people, laughed; then
-ahour,.:4l:l6..:"Union,'," which
ticey_7,4Plaiided.'- 'I. iii*APliitie Supposed
MySelf- e IW ratificatiOn.,ineethag if the men
hadn't': all;„.thetr'''.hats off, .and :there' hadn't
been -- 50...
many -women that .their bonnets
looked like a cherry orchard. Soon he put
;in; a 'word about .".Buchaneers7 and '`Black
;11epuhliciris ;',? :I . thought then I vas in a
political meeting,, sure,_ and expected every
-niimiteke hedi•No. bdys- come down with
three. dines: three and 'L a ' tiger-" fOr "Buck
and Breck." After this he grew more frau
ticfahoutl"bleeding Kansas, ".and talked so
earnestly- about Sharpe's 'rifles that I con
chnledbelad. an•agency and got a percent
age on all he sold lie didn't make any , ,
marks 'about 'Schnappk, 'and I didn't see any
bottles,though .I,suppose- there, must have
been a 'sample handy. Ire had now got his
ministerial steam• .almost up to exploding
point, and raced.round his little, platform as
if he was crazy, and Wanted to get at Some-:
body. lie mired up things---Christian love
and piety; Fremont republican principles;
gunpowder as a moral agent, and medicated
gin- as- .w. means of grace, niggers,
whips, - eharity, , , brotherly affection, under
, grOu,rid :rail-road, . disunion,, flowers; little
children, voting,, ballot-hoxes, polls, White
house ..President,-,- . and Kn.ow-Nethings,-end
ing up -With aloud esbortation for free speech, •
free soil, and Fremont, with a strong hint
that he .wanted them to contribute pretty
-liberally - when the, deacon came round with
the plates, gas the money was needed to cir
culate dcieurnentS-in Pennsylvania
and New Jersey. = >-
This-was the preaching. • • • ~
Then he took-two-minutes rest, and made
a•prayer, centaining-a summary of the politi
cal news for ther week ;Alien he. put on his
overcoat and disappeared through the trap
door., .
„ ,
The organist played the people out with a
grand march, in which' a trumpet ' sole was,
very; conspicuous,and added a few 'dancing
toues by way of keeping Sunday-School ail- -
dren quiet. -
- • , - 1 - •-woue-rrome - Lryn%.lnm - tau Urgest nue
politico=relldious hash I had - listeneeto, and
endeavored to : decide whether - there was too
much politics for the piety; or too little piety
for the
_unties. Came to, the conclusion that
minister wants
,to make a business of,
•'eleetionedrinb• he ought to stump the State
for •his favogte candidates,. and charge his
ex.ruses to the central committed.
Curious litiStorical Fact.
The wife of. the celebrated lord Clarendon,
theauthor of the. History. of -the,Rebellion,'
was a Welsh pot-girl, - who being extremely.
poor in her own countrY, journeyed+
-don to better her•fortune, 'and beetatie a ser
:vant, to. a brewer. - While she 'was in this::
capacity, thewife.ether piaster died;
,and. he happening to fix his affections on her,
- she - beaaine his wife: HimselVdying Scion
'after, left' her heir to'his property, which is
said-to have,,arnoitated to: between £20,000
and, X.;30,900.. Amongst who frequented the
Jai) 'at ibe'breivary - was a. Mr. 11.y-de, then a
poor barrister, who conceived. "the projeet'of
fornaing a matrimonial, alliance. with
lie succeeded, and soon the brewer's
widow' to . the altar.._ Mr. _llyde being endow
ed'with' great' -. talent; 'and 'nOw' lit the corn<
inand of a'large fortune, quickly rose in his
.profession,.becoming head: of the Chancery
bench, and was
_afterwards, the - Hyde, Earl
of Clarendon.: The eldpst ..daughter, the 'off
'spring.' of this. union', Won, 'the heart of dames,
:Duke of :York, and-_ was married to'hini.—
Cbarles:H..sentinamediately for his brother,
and. having
- first. hint with some very
on the sabject,_ finished by Say-,
.:ing.: l ,'.°-.ltimea'4le you have bre*n; • so you.
-.roust Ariake! ands forthwith. commanded that
•_the,marriage r .shealkhe
,I.egally ratified and
pronanlgated. Vpoia, fthe death of Charles ;
:Jan - Lei : the inpunted the throne, but a pre
' manure: death' frustrated 'this enviable con
' Sunimation in the person of his amiable duch
ess, Her daughters, however, were Mary,
the wife of William. Hi. and Queen .iiane,
both grandchildren of the 4vant dot-girl J
from: `Wales, and wearing in - succession the
crown of England.. , • . ' •
iS the mind.----the expanded intelleaf-..e
an affOctionate beait--and' gentlemanly ac
tions: . ,•; .
No matert how-broad the purse; if he lacks
capacity. lle is no man—that is not. one
mentally.. Were he possessed of the - wealth
of CraesuS, it would not change his nature - or
-fiz upon him with definiteness the pure
Grecian .of, which is antlirops,
is the standard of the . man, " the gauge of
his thought, the metre of his capabilitios,
the impress of his greatness or littleness;
Itei„ Dr.
,F.ranlain rocomnaends a .young
man in -the .choice of a wife to select her
.if fa i la a buneh"--ziving as his reason that,
when there are many daughters they improve
each :other, and, from. emulation, 'acquire
more accomplishments, and . know more, and
do. more, than a single child spoiledhy pa
rental fondness. —' •
Ile...People who suppose that a goed:pray
er is preferred to a good act doubtless Imag
ine that I.locl has more hearing than eye-sight.
The end, we fear, will show, that they rea
soned premises. The poor are of
tener prayed for than helped. The reason is,
we believe, that breath is cheaper than 1)1.11-
y ~ 2 ~4
(fintrt Wfaird.
. , . .
p.‘pieaept to rue directed r dated at Ifun tingdon, the 30th
day of August, A. 11.1650, under the bands and seals or
the lion. George Taylor, President of the Court of Corarnon
Pleas; Oyer and Terminer, atid general jail deli*ery of the
24th judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed of Hun:
tingdou, Blair mid Cambria; and. the Hon, Jonathan blo:
Williairts and Thonmer. Stewart, his aiseelates,:indges or
the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appointed td
hear,,trymutidetermine all and every indictments made or
taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of'
the-State are made capital, or felonies of death, and other
offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or
shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated for crimes
aforesaid—lam commanded to make public proclamation
throughout my w.hole bailiwick, that, a Court of Oyer and
Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be
held at,the,Court Housein the borough of Huntingdon, on
the second Monday (and 10th day) of.. November next, and
those whewill prosecute `the taicf•priners be then and
there to prosecute them As it shall be just, and that all
Justices of the Peace,'Corimer and Constables within said
county be then and there in their proper persona, at 10 o'-
clock, a ni., of said day, With their records, inquisitions,
examinations' and remembrances; to do those things which
to their offices respectively appertain. '
Doted at Iltintingdon the 15th of October, In the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-si4 and the
60th year of American Independence.
precept to me directed by the Judges of the Common
Picas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 30th
day-of Augnst . .lBs6, lam commanded to make Public
Mutation throughont my whole bailiwick , that a Conit, of
Common Pleas will be held at the Court House in the bor
-tingly of Ilmrtingdon, - on the 3rd lthindaf(aiid I7th day) of
November, A.D., 1858, for the trial of all issues in said Court
which remain undetermined before the said Judges, when
and where all jurors, witnesses, and suitors, in the trials
of all issues are required.
Dated at Huntingdon the 10th of. July, in the year of our
Lord 1850, and the 80th year of American Independence.
. , . JOSHUA .01LEENDA.N.D aterar;
'Huntin'gdon .Oct 10 1856; . ;4;
TRIAL LIST for November . Terro l - A.
0. 1856. • '• , ' - '" FIRST, 'WEEK: -- ' -.;
Mary Steeiey ' ' • '''' • •tr - fftigli'MOrittiVA4llTr ' „
Taylor formse ' -- - v Thtvid Hudson's 'Adnir
John .Lukens•Admx '•''v John. and'llObeit'Madden
John Savage.o Henry. Davie •
John Conrad's adner v John 11. Stonebraker
Matthews heirs v G K and J H Shoenbergor
1). Caldwell • v Samuel Bolinger ,
Charles Bratton v William Corbin's Admi
Matthews heirs aE S Plowman
George McCrum . v Thos Wilson ,
Ganoe . o Shoenbergor
George Otenkirk v E Sellers 2
Stirling, & Alexander v Bracken, Stitt 4 Co John 11. Wheeler a Moses Greenland,
I. Woolvorton v Irvin, Green et al
Jacob IL Sex
James Bell
George W. Pheasant
. .
Dr Shoenberger's Ear v - A P Wilson et at
-AP Wilson v M Buoy . .
John Leo v Joseph P Moo ,
Michael Quarry . v Wise k Buchanan
Clement's heirs v BroWn & States
Patrick Kelley v Penn'a It it Co
George Lane ' v :Michael 11awn
•Isaacßoicht v A. Wise, Jr. & Jacob Wiso ,
Jos. W Riley for use v IL & B. T. M. 8.11. & C. Co."
Nicholas C. Decker v Boat & Buckingham
G W Wagoner 1., W Garver
Elizabeth Keitto • v A. Price & Sari'l Keitte
.Samuel Stewart • v Shefller & Son
Leonard Weaver v Lock k Snyder
Joseph McCracken - vWm Foster's Ears & heirs
Adolphus Patterson - t 7 JSP& W W Harris -
Fisher & McMurtrie v Shoop & Wharton' . •'
George Couch for use , v Couch, Reed &CO . .
Jacob Cresswell v Robert Mare rowel_ - .. . ..
Samuel Beatty v WII Wharton & M. Wharton
Andrew Ceownover • ' v Wm. Cummins adm'r. &N.
M. F: CAMPBELL, Prothonotary.
October 15, 1856,
Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Huntingdon,.
in and for the County of Huntingdon, on the emend Mon
day and 10th day of November, 18501 .•
Andrew Carberry, Farmer, Hopewell •
Henry Cornpropst, Innkeeper, Huntingdon
George W. Collet, Farmer, Clay
John M. Cunningham, Carpenter, rcantin g dori
• • John Cnrfrnan, Farmer; Union
Jacob Duff, Blacksmith, West
David Dunn, Merchant, Huntingdon:
Alexander Ewiug, Farmer, West
Samuel Byer Farmer, Werrioremark
NicholasGosboinjarmer, Tell;
jocob Goodman, Mill - Wright; Henderson
'Bennie!. Heniphill, - Carpoiater, Iluntingdort
'Henry Isenberg, Farmer, Walker .
A'irhnlnn icn011.41,,,,,Cpri,e- -Dorlaz. ,
Andrew Lies, Farmer, Tod * •
John F. Leo, Farmer, •
Samuel W. Myton, Merchant, Barret)
Henry L. McCarthy, Teacher, Brady
Isaac M Neff, Farrier,
' Henry Putt, • do Hopewell .
Peter Swine, , do Shirley
John' ShoOp; do do •
Alexander Stewart, do Franklin
James Shively,* do West
Brenneriaart,,fm•mer, Walker
Abraham Boliiiget, of John, "armor, Ton
Elias Brown, farmer, Springfield
Adam Black,•farmer, Clay
John Baker, Jr., carpenter, Clay
John Cresswell, merchant, West
Solomon Chilcote, miner, Tod
Enoch Chilcote, farmer, Springfield,
Samuel Cummins, farmer, Jackson
William Cunningham, jr., farmer,-Clay
William Dysart, farmer, Franklin
John Decker, farmer, Hopewell
Levi Evins, merchant, Tod
James Edwards, farmer, Tod
Sdmuei Fleming, laborer; Barree;
Daniel. Fink, fatmer„ Penn
George Garner, farnier, Penn
George W. Glazier, carpenter, Huntingdon
John-B. Gorsuch, Jr., farmer, Cass -
John Hutchison, farmer, Warrioremark
I , Yederick 'fleeter, farmer, - Porter
ciVilliam Hoffman, carpenter ntingdon
Henry Her, do
Peter Kesler, merchant, Brady
Caleb Kelly, laborer, Cromwell
John Leport, farmer, Franklitt . '
William Lightner, laborer, „Brady.
Christian Long, Groeer, Huntingdon
Adam Leffert, Jr.,,thrtner, Roller, •
Sainuel Miller; of Sam% firmer, Barren
William Moore, farmer; West „
John S. Miller, manufacturer, Jackson
David B. Meng, farmer, Warriorsmark
Benjamin . L. Megahan, plasterer, Walker .
A. l 3 Sangaree, farmer, Walker
Benjamin Spmnkle, farmer, Morris
Daniel Showalter, farmer, Ilendersen
Jacob Summers, jr., Rainer, 'Hopewell
David Shultz, farmer, Hopewell
Abraham Shoentelt, farmer, Walker.
David S. Tussey, farmer, Porter
Abraham Weight,.farmer, Franklin
George. Whittaker, farmer, Porter
Simeon Wright; Esa:, farmer, Union
Samuel Wigton, farmer, Franklin
'Jordon Wright, farmer, Union
Isaac Wolverton, miller, Brady ,
Daniel Womelsdorf, J. P., Franklin
-Jacob Azispach,.farmer; Jackson : ' • , • •
William. 31,11e11, Iroumaster, Shirley
' Samuel Bucher, farmer, Shirley ' • ' -
George Borst, farmer, Shirley.
' - John Brumbaugh, farmer, Penn
, - 'Robert Cunningham, farmer, Barreo
Andrew Crotsley, farmer, Penn
William Curry, Jr., manufacturer, Franklin °
, Louis Cornelius, laborer, Shirley ,
Samuel Doren, farmer, Dublin -
••• John C. Davis, farmer, West . • . .
Aaion W. Evans, merchant, Casa •
.. Allen. Edwards, manufacturer, loci' , -
John G. Gluck, farmer, Shirley .
.James Gifford,Esq., Tell . .- ,
Samuel Grove, farmer, Cromwell , .
James Ganoe,:farmar, Warriorsmark' • , .
. Walter Galbr,tith, farmer, Cromwell ,
- ' John Geissinger, farmer, Penn •
George Hawn, farmer, Brady, . .
• James first, farmer,lacknon -
John Householder, J. P., Penn • ~ ,
- Andrew S. 'llarrison, J. P., Huntingdon
John. Itlc'Pherreia, J,P..,Braultlin • , -
Richardson Read, merchant, Cass . ..
George Robertson; farmer, SPrintfibld •' '
William Rothrock, plasterer, Huntingdon, ,
Jacob Stover, farmer, Warriorstuark
Samuel Sharrer, farmer,.Shlrley
- •
henry Shaffer; 'farmer,' Cass '
Alexander Stitt.. farmer, Porter-
Jonathan 'League, farmer, Cromwell '
~ . • Francis 33.-Wallaeo, blacksmith, littakingdott •
'Thomas We:atom me,chavie, Warriorsmark
• , ..
John Wry, farmer, Franklin - " ,
Sh• ••: GREE 'I. D, cliff,
13... , D. Wig,top, lrotan . as z, ter Crom we ll
. •
;'• ' : ', ~ .f-.." ,• ' BENJ. K. NEFF, '; , -comm'rs,
ocic;ber 15, 1556.
N O i r,l.C,E..LlLetters
Testainentlir',y npon'thii Estate or Vir3r, RAYS, deed.,
late of aaakacal township, Unntbagdon minty, haringbeen
granted to the undersigned,. all persons indebted to wili
estate fare•notilled to make immediate payment, mad those
having claims against the tune to, preaent them duly an,
tnentleated for settlement,' to
. •
Sept. 16, 1.85.6,*
QVRROOATS, of all kinds, 'cheaper
dim elsewhere, at
t. 1, 1856. 11. ROMAN'S CLOP:USG s'ro/4.•
v Penn'a It It Co.
v Samuel Caldwell
v John S Miller
v Robert Hare Powol