The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, March 10, 1871, Image 1

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    , !litedirthes.
amily Medicines
s for Medical Purposes, Pure
!Extracts, Dyes and
Soaps, Perfumes and
woods, Inks, Writ
Fluids and Sta
Physician's Pre
and Family recipes
up. Physicians and COllll
plied at REDUCED ItATs.
Horse Powder
pest for Horses, Cattle and
Pm: den, of *PProTed male..
13 E 11 ' S
et, Gettysburg, Penn'a.
&e., &c.. &e
'tree, 71. • r Dia)nond
mats supplied at City wholes
[ Feb. 25, 1870. -tf
uilding, Baltimore Street.,
a new DRUG STORE and
e best style I offer mr stock
gs tO the citizens of iattles
the lowest market rates, con-
Medicines, pure Liqury rnr
tirroms, Patent :Ifedl.--
Lnd Dye Stuffs, Perfuniery
Ailey articles. A full assort
Limier,' of all kinds, Cigars
)-Magnetic Soap will,
*.ater, cold or warm. Clothes
p are made beautifully white
ueing. This Is the best Soap
. warranted not to Injure the
's Drug Store,
get the best and cheapest
'B, &c., &e.
bit Naas.
e and East .3fiddle
n of Work executed in
- tyle of &e Art.
nd Square, Getiyaburg, Po.
• to furnish all kinds of
heir line, such as
NTLES, &c.,
p as the cheapest.
.nce taken In examine
rhy this is the best l'binp
• • in America for
is Reliable. 3. It Is Durable
ly. S. It throws Water
all Wood. 7. The Wood
It does not Crack in
is not liable to got
r. 10. Should any
..eeessary in time,
midi be made by
.on. 11. It will
ze. 12. It le
than any
e r reliable
p znanu
. tured.
Acting Glass Cylinder
hence no rust and little
freeze—and admirably
„ Gardens, Washing Win
tea, rilefating Water. Lc..
it an equal for durability,
•Ye right for Ad-
Pumps for wells
ribbed all complete
the depth of the
guaranteed in all
promptly attended
town, Adams county, Pa
LE.—We are prepared to
Constant Employment, at
•art of the time. Business
very profitable. 'Fersons of
from ell to S 6 per evening,
&ammo by devoting their
nem. Boys and girls earn
or women. Any one send
. B amain to make
must test the bus we
ENCE, also a Valuable
gods. Those already start.
week devoting 4 to t hours
NEEDED Co start bust
VAIlk km:SWUM. If you want
. and large returns, smull
OUNG k M., 66 Fulton et.,
Het. 9, 1.1170.-41n*
11, MORMISMi t
BUEI - 41_EFnS6'0Q-,(1
4` ..- "Aktio,trfsb lB # 9l l l l 4 4l l - 11 41414aidDiamolut•
Gettysburg, .2%2.
' - -
Tna STAR astrillhternalm Is patilistApvery Fri
day morning, at $2.00 s year In advane,ei or 111.20
U not paid mitain thefrear- 041sieglitisissdia
continued until all =wages are paid, unless at
the option of the publishers. F.
Anyfamaimattrat ire inserted at reasonable
rates. •A liberal reduction twin be made to Mtge'
adsettisiwg bp Um gaorteT, JAM year, or year.—
Spiagal notices will be inserted at 3510%1 rates, to
lleagreed upon. ' • •
WTbe Circulation id the &Mt 'AND Sarum,
i ts one' L half larger Matt that ever aWaltied by anY
nermpaperin Adams csuntb; and, ea an *dyer
'stag mecll tun, ttCannotDementcd.
Jos Wiatix allall kinds wilt be promptly execu
ted and at liar rates. Blanks. Card.,
Pamphlets, &c., In every variety and style; will he
printed at short notice. Taxis Quin.
tat au4 rensaat "alto
The subscribers, intending to leave town, well
seine. Public Sale, on Thursday, the 30th day of
March next, at their residence in Chambersbutg
Street, tletty3burg, the following discribed Prop
erty, to wit:
3 STOVES, 1 it noble Cook, Tien
..plirtel&l Coal Stove, 4 Tables, 1 large Exten
sion Table, the balance Breakfast and Dining
Tables, 3 dozen Chairs and Rocking Chairs, 1
Sofa, 413tawls, 14Ilyards or Oirpet, some of it as
good weVr, Bedsteads. all as good as new, 1 a
fancy one, Window Blinds, 2 of them Venltlas
Blinds, 1 Clock, 2 Looking Glasss, 5 gallon keg
of Cider Vinegar, 4 barrel soft Soap. Doughtray,
2 Washboards, a large lot of Dishes all very flue
ware, together With Tuts, Barrels and a great
many dther articles too numerous to mention.
. . .
Sir-Sale to commence at 12. o'clock, M., au said
day when attendance and a Credlt.wlll begiven
by S. & TROXEL.
JANIS CALitrwaLt.. AWL -
March 3, 1871.—ts
The and sett at Public Sale, on
Wednesday, ,March V, at his residence in Frank.
lin township, cattle Chambersburg pike, one half
mile west of New Salem, the following valuable
Personal Property:
TaKEE GOOD tiVAGONS, a four-horse broad.
tread, a four-horse narrow-tread, and the other
ene-horse wagon; • Threshing Machine and
Dobble !Shaker, Winnowing alial.Molling Screen,
Grain Drill, Tumbling Hake, 3 long Plows, 31Iar
rows, Hay Carriage. pair of Wood and Bark Lad
desra, 3 doable shovel Plows, 2 single shovel Plows,
Horse Gears, Breechbands, collars, Bridles, Halt
: tls,itlutius, Cruppers, Buelrasands. Cow Chains. 2
errains, ' fifth Chains, 2 Wheelbarrows,
Marks, 2 Long Hooks, Maul and Wedges, Axes,
drain Cradle, and Scythe, 2 Cloverseed Cradles,
-Drawing Knife, Augurs, Wood and • Hand tiew
!'lliacksmitta Tools, Anvil, Tongs, Hammers, old
Iron, Screw-plate. 3 pair of Butt Traces, Spread
. tarsingle and double Trees, Mattock, Picks,
WhM Corn and Oats by the bushel, neat Yes-
Varrels; and a variety of Household and
Kitchen Furniture.
AMP-salsa, commence at 9 O'clock, A. M., when
attendance will be given and terms made known
by JAGUB DE.-Altlliatketr.
• •
At the same time nsul place the undersigned
will sell:
05 them 'yeazgi and two%W 2 yeb ears old thin spitne; 4 6
MILCH COWS., two of will be Lindh about
She time of sale. 5 head of Young Cattle, 1
Chester Brood Sow, 2 Pip, 1 Shute, a good light
two-horse Wagon with Bed Excelsior Reaper
lit ta. trarr a t net:ye Reaper
1 etl,4lorig Lad ers, * Cross-Z e
Grain Craddle of. Greencastle make, spear Straw
Knife, a good-Shovel Rarrow, SboVel rtuwa,t,o' rtr
Forks, 6 bushels celebrated Ramsdell "Norway
oafs tzy tha bu9ieic a large lot of
tx)(1-2141,y, 2,4ateeliritne - Ckwer wed, and a vari
ety of ot articles.
arl.At wilt gtielLati4 terms made
k J own by 'SNIDER.
aooo arresurt, Anct.
Moral a, itt7L—ta.
p Ul3 C 6 A. L E
The subscribe's' hiving sold his property, offers
sh,,PubtaciSaie.4,l! ffererdate, the ilth of Marck
1111,-at his rerddence,'lta klherty to WU ship, Adams.
e° ll -PIY Pl l Wie TeUl'lleActinir4Vingirainleid.
ann AtegeMirg; niflet from 'the
.rottlleX, Piave,
the following Personal .110PertY.
• ' TOR EN latna.Eti, one a Mare tt'ttalma J 1 1 0 , F a
Colt 3 year! Old In 'May,' two or • horse
W3gp, ll , carriage, Patent hag eUttiug
• be ..... 14, osnswirimisfisrd_
rakes, olviyei,..iilsops of Dreechectods, saddles. col
lars, Ofteti* bolus, Ilnev, 2 sets of
• butt traces, lug churn, 2 /mattocks, pick, grind
stone. large 2 t -, our.k. In the
; the b custsdasyt r asiteles.
0. 1 1 0 \ N un
attendance will be given and terms made knoam
by J atcliEsSeLN
Feb. 24, 1571.—ts
The undersigned will sell at Public Sate, on
IFechlealny, tad IW. dill rtt March ezt, at ide
reeadenee, s ni Menallen township, Adadts coma.
about I nude south-west of Bendersville, to Me
left of the road leading from .Bendersvllle ro
A rendtsville, the following Personal Property, to
I BROOD MARE, heavy with foal to the Jaelo l
Duavultiotte/7 VOL s ' l lka threeleatißS French
' Nathan fttd r eeit--- Lifftgoandsq attune
yearling fulLblooded Bay Stud Colt; 2 two•year-
Bag Main lAolta /trod /row Dem Quiiubtse, 1 year Bay Mule Colt bred from the same Jack, 1
three-yearling Black Horse Colt, 1 two-yearling
Black. Horse Colt, 11 head Young Cattle, i:me a
„ Xih ABU& cepr.uactoonie Yougg Ueifers which
ng flasikalMot UaddllitAkaand ,•• • s No.
1 road-tread Wagou two-horse Spring Wagon, a
light two-horse Wag : w r : 3 : t o , t of Seed fotateemi
kit or aY Nat Red iltudiT.%her! arti, '
des too numerous mention.
.11drabale w coialaiiiice at 11 a'aloeir t , oik I
.saliT . #lo .whoa attendance-will •
given and'
terinamille kdOwn by
Jukoa MicKLET, And.
Pen. 17, IKI----CS
rhe anderslehed — wlll Sell' at tine hale, on
Wednesday,tlte t2d day of _Varch. nett, on the
prettifies lu dtraban townshlp,ltnown as "Glad
et es Station;'! on the Gettysburg and York 'turn
pike, the following Personal fToperkr,
CU Ws, 5 young Heifers, 1 Bull, 1 good two-horse
Wagon , W ag °4 Bed , Hay Carnage. Shovel Plow,
Corn Fork, Dung Hook, Horse Gears, double sad.
single Trees, ripree.ders. Log, Halter, Cow, Big
.111(1 BreaAt Halters, Bridles, Colts"
Lines, Flynels, middle, Hakes, Forks, Shovels,
Brades, Bars, Barrels, Boxes; Cross qut o llalls, lot
'lg u nri f ra d n ,_ .. 3Cu1t1 4 7 :- Er 1114 r Olit e llSt s .
Corner Cupboard, :sink, Benches, lea plate Stove
ancl-Pipe,, rani, 4c.ealnirsiXreillt , ~Mapy .tiler art!.
(lee nuineroult eteittion.x , -
to rinninenee at 10 o'clock, A.
when attendance Nviii be given and terms male
known by GEOltitE F. 1;1'I-DEN
M 1 S. ItAt.httlEt
e. G. 'jiLi it, Auct.
Fa, 21, 1571—ts
The subscribers will sell at ruble Sale, cas
Thursday, the 16th day of March neat, at their
residence, is Freedom township, Adams ,coantY,
1 tulle front Bream's Mill un Marsh Creek, and 4
miles from Gettysburg, the following Personal
Property, viz:
I a - young Mare with Sall, and 1 a Bay „Wanton
rising 5 years. yed calculated for elther draft or
harness; 2 CULTS. 1 rising years and the other
1 year, 2 good CO Ws, Sow and figs, 1 four-horse
narrow-tread Wagon, Buckeye Reaper and Mow
. er, Wire-tooth nay nuke, Grain Lulu, Lime
Day Carriage, - nail Carriage, 2 Shear Plow
double tgleVld Plow, Corn Forks,„llarrow, single
and double Trees, Spreader,Graiu Cr.ulle,Scythes,
Cross-cut Saw, 2 sets of Fvmt Gears, 2 Bridles, 2
Collars, Halters, Cow Chains, set of Dung Boanls,
•<.! and other articles not herein Mentioned.
Allirdale to commence as 11 O'clock, A. 3L, on
said day, when attendance will be given and
Lerma made known by
j.scoa, Au. loner.
Feb.. 13.184-43
p u B L•I C
44. The undersigned, intending to quit houselieep
- in g, will sell at Piddle Bak k en !'Hein s., the /7014
March next, at his residence 'ill Centre Square,
Gettmlpurg, all his Household and Kitchen Far.
nfture, to wit: ' • e
OHS MILK COW, 1 set of Carriage Hamm,
Collar!Brldie, Saddle, Halter, &r., Pennsylvania
Cook Stove and Fixtures, Air ht Parlor Stove;
Coal Store, lot of Stove Pipe, 2 Wftt iron Drums,
4 Bedsteads and Bedding, l'eatherbeds, Corner
Cupboard. J sets of Chairs, 2 Stands, large Wal
nut Dinning Table, Breakfast Table.
and other Blinds, Door Bell, 1443 yards of Chryet
ing, 4:3 yards of which is new Ingrain Carvell' 16 I
Wards xifalr Carpet, 17 yards Stair Oil Cloth, 14
Stair itods, Patent Washing hLattidae and large
Wash Tuba, Zino Wash Boards,. 4 ohurn,,
3r, Wool Wheels, Wheelbarrow, Bach:
e7s ~.WM7s, Barrels, Pots. BMW, Queeneisterei
GLasitware, Tinware. Crockery and Stoneware, all
as good as new, a let of Owned Fruit. Apple
baum', together with a great many outer articles
too numerous to mention.
Abre"air 4,4ak mom teems will be Wet, t-erew
Sprin_gWagon, 1 two-horse Spring Wagon, and
Hand pray.
efiraittle to commence at 12 o'clock, M., when
attendance will be given and terms made known,
Jamas CatmwM.l„, Auct.
Feb. :14.1671—U
, _
. . .
s r. foddl 'q forming and
ho l dre he k h atudltddlA F PUtle. on rum
day, t kg March next, at his residents',
in Onobedend township. Aden* mum, about
2.54 admired Of
-Gettysburg, on the Chambers
bl3' U3e
ftlij etl eni ll 3 t j o l lti Lr E "l ' 4
Said outrTiv - 6= 4 0 4, One tho4, mew l
reaper l , Of
, Th ant racia of
wino:mint 'mit, 0111.3&41f.) an
be pu t ) ll, w : ba , : n r fork . 7 7.. 2
viow. (Herbs ) linin i er a ellb
stretchers, !angle trees, wheelbarrow, hone
Wsets of breechnsad; laid pt-al
ktrzrawn sadille,ll sets of
2 Woos, 1 aiLiteras tbk,
. plow lino. wagon whip, batters, c0y .... !..
bump weed, forks.
fa" andidoto% tins r aT i 'b eftmblira Lutt and -,'
dung hay knife, Kivu smdirrpl-ace and
Lots, feed busker. cross -cut ` wood and handsaws.
a lot of augers,a lot of bags. Also, INg se h o ld
and Encino Furniture, consisting in cart ot
bedsteads and bedding. tables, chairs , auk" d e s
chests, stands, carpeting. 2 tea -plate swam,
store and fixtures, tinware, ereekerywars, l arge
copper and iron ketilelS,, starliroPPerettle, pots,
pans. tubs,tkurni Oneketi, war
grinder and stutter, lard preen lard aniisean i 4
the pound, a lot of cider vinegar , s lot of
!Hitter, irith potatoes by the bushel, boxes, .
re s. also, 1 coke revolver tan, and Many
other artbdea tOo unnterotio to mention.
kir.Sale to commencce at 10 o'clock, A. as., on
said day Wile& attennee will bete° atmi terms
made known by . C. POLLEY.
Jsros it lamer, Auctioneer.
Feb. 24. 1871.—ts
sii i
The subscriber,
,ti to remove, will sell
all Fuddle Mei . 411 A Ir, 1871, 'at
Ids sr in Cembe ,
county, on the Enimittsburg re ad,3 bi4W 3.4 miles Ma
Gettysburg, the following valuable mammal
Pr Matoir r ir zionass, I FRESH COW, 1 eat
I Brood Sow 1 one-hens Wagon, 1 Canftge. 1
Wire-tooth Hay Bake, Erant's .I.ent , as mod as
new, Wheelbarrow, Bow Ladders, Wiusowing
Mill, "Barshear Flew, Harrow, 2 Corn Forks,
double Shovel Flow Mill, raCradle,
Mowing Scythes, and ,
double and
single Vera, Spreader, Bugg y ess, 2 pair
Hamm, Collars, addles, Ploiv - Lines, Cheek Lines,
Log and Cow Chains, Forks, Rakes, Shovels, 2
sets of Yankee Harness,.and many other articles
not mentioned. • . .
GirSale to commence at o'clOek, M., wben
attendance and a credit of nine months will be
given by M. C. BENNE&
Feb. 24,
The underslveg, intending to quit farming.
will seal at. PelWe Sale; on Friday. the RSA ref
-March, 1671, at his residence in Mountplessant
township, Smiles east of Gettysburg, on the rued
nal ßonaughtown, the following Valuable reap
-1 'Mare
Y 6 gletiee, WC tiMtl the oth
er 6 years old, 1 Colt 2 years old, 6 of MILCH
COWS, some will be fresh at time of sale, 2 Bulls,
1 Heifer 9 head of &totes, 1 narrow-tread three
horse Wagon, Spring Wagon, Falling-top Baum
/Sleigh and Bells. Log and Lime Sled, new set of
Hay Carriages, 2 Lime Beds one new. Wire-tooth
Hay Hake, good Fanning Mill, Cutting-box, com
bined Beeper and Mower, 3 Shear Plows, single
and double Shovel Plows, Corn Forks, Corn Cov
erer, 2 Harrows, Cultivator, single, double and
trebie, Trees,
Spreader, Log, Halter, Cow, Butt
and Breast Chums, 2 set of eechbands, 2 see of
Front Gears, 2 set of - Harness , llynets, Riding
Saddle, Wagon Saddle, Bridles, Collars, Halters,
Chock Lines, Plow Lines, Forks, Bakes, Shovels,
Grain Cradle, Mowing Scythes, 2 Grindstoaeu.
HOLDand Wedges, Wheelbarrow', also, HOUSE,-
Bedsteads, Quie•bottom Chairs, Copper
AZill ae utter, ge.
to commence at 10 o'clock. A. H.,
when attendance will be ven and terms made
known by TAWNEY.
Joint STSI.LIESMit, Auctioneet,
Jan. 27, 1971.—ts
The subscriber, iniendinglio quit farming, will
sell at Public Sale, on Tuesday, the 14th day of
Marc* nett, at his residenee, in elantan town
ship, Adams angry.- 4% =Sea
burg and 5 mites shuth of fiddlers near the
1 road, the ;allowing Pe rm Proper
ty, viz :
FAMILY mom, heavy. With teal, works any
where, 4 ,ILI i if COWS, 1 Bull, 3 Young Ca ..... ___Ute, 3
Sleighh aww - bo lts
uldlWleaC hay -Vol'
^ Dii
1 k , f i V I lOr ~ ' : w g ,
llf , o 41 , Plo , t e and double
Trees, 1 set of heavy Breechbauda, BrlCol
lars, Halters, Flynet, Cow Chains. Forks.
Grain Shovels, Butt and Breast Chains, 2
andsets of Bum Harness, Wheelbarrow, _ Ythis
a=tith, , It opt Saw
s and*, Axes, Ram
1,,: n
MllM.dilers, 6 barrels Ap Vinegar, lot
Bags, Half Bushel, Steelyards, &c. Also, HOU
HOLD AND KITCHEN I . lM„..NiTUl4 i such
8 4:
Cettiagieleire,and manna: S Bib
and Pipe. Corner Cupboard, Tab Chairs,
Wash Stand, Bedsteads and Bedding, 2 Feather,
BeCkl. 14,, e ut .45%._ WindAw . Blinds, Table; ,
cloths, vocree Pots, V and sicu.
lets, -.., Churns, Knives, Perks, ns, Lamps,
-st Queens, Tin, n i ir W andtChous
l a u Larpet.
t Mil n usage
, A t ik=
realer, Meat Vessel , Mel.s, Tuba,
Bench, Doughtray , Candle Moulds, lot of Boots,
OwlislaY my, *at okiker *cud., tocrasiostous •to
airtiale to comma nee at 19 clock, A. M., on
old Am,. Mien VFW .be Wren and
terms made known y
.7411.1171 Anna. Amt. Jno. It. Dow& Cleric
140, 17, 1811...746 -
unds i r, intending to quit. farming,
will sell at Oak, en Thursday, the 16th cl
Jena wean .hb-resitlesee in btreban tOwnship,
me Um PlastliZny elate , head, Ere Mlles teem
mbeentng lona of Jeremiah
=are following vadal . 44e
,reneakel Prop
etty, to ma: •
tiIL&D KENTUCKY MIME% 3 Year , '
en UM iped i ; 4 l liseyonsbr laire 4 gents
Md and heavy will yawn CO% s,
2 young Qat*t wagon. time bed. 2
=i steel plc r rsrttt t oangie shovel pio4Wn,,! plo w,
7 1
core v eov am eed hanger, nriml -• 13 4•. e VOW yankee thrnem rns
, a
sets frbisf gears, Wes, 4 oollars, 3 seta butt
trams, 2 sets long4races, all of which are newly
benght. Wigle,„49olll and Unbar trees, single and
ochedouble spreaidera, paz sere*, sad a MAL many
r artkein4 5t the same lime ace Mace
will be °UNA at rtiblie bale the FARM of the
mabeeriber, w!ditb.22 actml0 y yet be* for rent to &
4trlaintinenia ialVlNdilat,
maid gay When attendance will be given add
terms made known by -
. Executor olr the Last WV sod
T=istentr Bow's, d -:ada. win caw
at Public Sale, on thiturday, the Mt of March
netl, °is
_Me i.kma, A toBT OF °BOUND, situ
ate on West 1142410 4reet, itsthe Herat of Get
ttle and
t a i r :P a te a V i attiesrlir g ro di l ivg on Middle
" ItatilwArt4 I ) =C i ra•irat t lfrEr;
se.netik , Back-bultdituo r Ttd , an exeelleut
well of never-fal li ng water on the premises,
Smoke Hof:sepia KW, antitsilldingt. Both pro-
W es are Iti'excellkist repatr and desirably lam
/?The Rowan will be add separately or to-
getter. as may suit purchasers. •
firlf not sold on that day. they will be offered
for KENT for one year from the
8'5111€40 oolninenee at I o:eloak, inch
attendiuite will be given and terms made ltnown
Yeb-17. / . liuleAtm
P •13 LIC 8' 'A. - 1 4 E
po t rur
The undersigned; Aflame in Fact for Ilitgiusin
P. GanDXSZ, afforest Sole, ots ilib,turday,
the 11th of Mira nest, einlee the pro.
pert y formerly heiongleg to AIWIG4Oaran,
in York leanings Borough, Manus musty, con
taining about U £CK has ing erected
4 1i=tA iir so.litory BEICX D.t.aiG MO USE,
Mop, Ittlesk Bladluunith rame
ittabie, a neyerAlling Stning of 13.X0e/UE Mat,er
In the cellar, and an Ore of Choice Fruit—
It Is one of the beat lottationa (Or a Coachmaker
or msehi,,ist, In the country. Abe, at the same
time and place will be sold is Benches, Black
smith Tools, &e. 11 the property Is not. said It
itlithorrentestiorows - year wm itm. let Sty of
AVID next:
Sit-Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M., on said
day, when attendance will be given and term s made known by
Attorney in Fact ter B. P. Gardner.
Fell 17, ISTL-4s
Sat il g - ti v a_g3l4Val l i e ttrel:
on the Jr,soWa, two miles tram Get
tysburg, the following Personal Propert , viz:
THRX,WORIC HORSM., 2 two-y e,
izi, a, 3 head %ar s
e p t ar,
Falling-top Dew, (Dtarly new,) 2 Plows, dal
SboYe/ now. Corp Corn Sheller2Bee
Ulm, 2 seta of alma& !PAW% mamas
Semen, Cutting Boa, lib, 1 ped. s and a
((twat many other articles ur l um 4l , o r ou s to men
&Pike .tor Seeiii*lMOS at Mt bachSeh, A. M.
when attendance will be given and terms made
iait as C atain474 auctione er Yeb. rt, 1871:—ts
The suds:ether oßers AS "Tirade Sake, the fol
lowing eery trainable fold deldrable Properties
situated In the Borough of Gettysburg, to wtt:
No. 1, The Three-story Brick House,
00 eh* 2bersburildreet, In whiettlenow resides.
No. 2. Two New Briot Houses on
North Washington-street.
No. H. Coach Shops and Loth on
North Washington Street.
• No. 4. A Tito.sto_ ry Frame
And noddle Han on Eng Middle 'Street; Saivism
as the Holtzwerth property.)
No. 5. .About 8 Acres of Ground,
and wel Pans's
lset in Timothy coufte,.•'ln high iitateof cultivation
.ee_m41.011,4 44(444110
Wait wow mom
441.11 or either of the above properties will tio
sold on reasonable twins. Can on or address,
Feb. 10, 11371.—tf Oettyabruz, Pa. •
Pitilr. AT; , BALE:
'Mkt Iliadailibeilogentt asuit iagei to a'TAJlee
F LAND. eltur a tin wnsidp.
Ner="41.14. 1
n a ge% mim ed and eostalsias
&me and .11:rt lir staW - D G ;,# 4. lj ar . °
itiMeami S
aetesWma timber: , •
ral it g ua zte4li er zzivar to saA t eadca, • ikaid
APPII to or *Au- s the• • •
townada . LYMAN.
Aug. uno,—ii
A ii 13140
thj e S* 3 l:o= l ar e nt
Uee balenee Can
clandlge.4l P. D .
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VOL. CAL NO. 16-
M 73
The`subscriber, intending to relinquish farm
ing and remove, will sell at Public Sale, on Bat
ndite of and mile utt„ %ar o
New Salem, near Suequehanna. Ge nth
Potomac Railroad, the fo owhig le ll
sonal Property, eta:
bead of tine Wert Flotrising 9 years
old; rislft Yearseld, and 4 years old.
also, 4 LT —e B, 3 rising 3 years old, andl rising 2
years o ta) ldll geldings in short., they are As She
a lot Of Horses as Win be ld at iny v tine sale itt
the enmity this season. Also, 3 31/ K COW & 2
of which will be fresh In March, 4 fine Heifers
two swingers, and two extra stock will be Mph
in the fall; 2 fine young Steers in good &Met 3
line Brood Mows, ore baring S Pigs, while
other two will have Pigs in March, b fine Shores
out of a full Chester White Boar, a very golod
four-borse narrow -tread Wagon, a NO. 1 LI. 'PIM=
. :4 " y k &c e e r
good eaPu arge i vr " ri a
bay f and rope fe et tong , windmill , a p s l c ows,
one of them a three-horse plow ; double shovel
plows and corn forks as good as new, corn cov
erer digging iron, mattock, good cross-eut saw, 2
two-bar* double and single trie, 3ot food spreader
with single trees, log chain, 25 steer chains,
wagon harness, consisting of sets of breech.
bands and side.plates need sewi at,.2. and 4 Inches
wide, 3 sets Of troiearp , . and. traces, 4
,good housings,4 r-I Ilynetsnearly
new, 4 blind b ridles , wagon collars, nom
whip, five - horse line, four - h o ne line, set of com
mon harnmk 2 wagon saddles, one Just new, rid
ing saddle, 10 head halters, Wter chains, 2 rid
ing bridles, check Pipes Also, a Tot of Grain,
consisting WO bushels prime okl Wheat .weigh
log 62 pounds; 70 bushels new Wheat, a good
article weighing over 60 pounds ; 1W bushels
good Black Oats •, also, Bay by the ton, and other
articles too numerous to mention
WSale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., on
said day, when attendance will he given and
terms make known by
Feb. 17, 4171—t9
uuender s idg , d ed
ece a E s x e e d c , u otoes
P t r h iv t a h t e e
S E , e h
HOME MANSION, entuate in New Oxford, con
taining_lo ACRES, more or less, of good farming
WTbe Improvements are a twoetory Eltßa.
ISE.' whit - ap tattitchem attached. Frame
Ram with carriage House, Hog Pen, Cermetib,
and all other necessary outbuiklings Washed, a
well of tiorer-failin,g water at the doihr, with a
witty of all person,lPrtdt It Is a very desira
ble Home and wishlrig to purchase should
call before going elsewhere. It Is desirably Rica
ted for business, adjoining the Ware-House of
Messrs. Melhorn Sender
tirSPAny person wishing to view either of we
JproperGes 1411 Wale , ca ll QifiLhe last. named Ex
ec m tor, mg in Few _
Oct. IL-if
The subscriber wishes to disisf fi z r
s it eti ask
BOUM AM LOT, containing int
the Chamberstwitig Amman pl liddl oft
Ge m b inas Is built on the stab, WS
I good Booms and is very coin'
and a good well of water the door, sTrit.VGIR
Midas The r tgds are
Maid' 411 *Ma of at
• _ e , J ..- 1..
To any person wishing to buy this is a gam
chance. Terms
AftriLeolli beeves/lin seccnid
miscue( Ache; tf d by that Itine th it e
wlll be
°Gyrg. o
ed for rent until the Ist f G Apr% nr, br 41111-
mpwow= emitter of
Bushman at the rim NationalArneht
or of
hliay Ar/100—if . - Firms Bala P. 0. .Pa.
No. 1 A FARM two miles north
west of Gettysbur g . adidning Spring Hotel prop
mq, Ma Acres, With large MICK HOUSE, Was
Switzer Barn, Tenant House, andother Improve.
meets. Price ge,500-not more than cost of build
No.ARM., twonhall miles
notth.west tinGetttsbull. ad Na. 'l. U 4
Acres, with good STONE OU Darn sus
other Messenta. An excellent grass fare.
N6'B, A FARM adjoining No.l, and.
town Weal
vdth STONE 131 =ltram eca V i r g It is dl.
by al Oaks 04
AMOY sissy •
N. 4, FARM, live milks Irons Get-,
Whim m ppoobile madam Aiwa applethuld in
with hints,. BRCK moviw ,
=l, fasiater iliessope•-werYcalmiL
No. 6,.A VERY GOOD FAMS.; two
miles from Gettysburg, win&reg. with Win
pa mem all in good
condition. Pike gle peracre.
:NO. 6, A FARM, 170 Acres, tour
sreuss ar Gett en Public mat, conifivrta-
SU K red land, .),‘ nemd.-
Mtes - Woa
N 0.7, An excellent FRUIT FLEX
ten edies north of Gettysbugg, on public road
t=s t intsd,..kalkdadiforlabett
A rs et) RED LANb FA ,RM
tgo=te x. lia b asod a z
farin.estar Tvum 7 pike,
tysburg. 3 Listiodowa.
Price 96.500..
LAND, three miles from Gettysburg , on York
pike, V . Acres, good HOUSE and STABLE, a
good stand for store or Mechanic. Prim Vvo
NO: 10, 4 'VERY GOOD FARM, two
miles west of Gettysburg, op, public road, 2111,
Acres, well limed and in good condition, pod
Building& Wealbarboarded HOUSt
_large sank
Barn, plenty fruit , good locatlon. Pilo. $OO per
acre: or will sell Hi Acres with bulidlogsai same.
FARM, two miles east of Gettysburg. on York
plke, MD /Law, or will HO U S E. Acres about 1.4
Amid, a good PRAMS two , wen
Watered. Price NO per adre—terms easy.
254 Acres,•of which 100 acres heavy Timber, Oak,
Hickory. and Walnut, Ave miles west et Gettys
ea pubic road, twe to bt Alud.thm. will
sop or gra tes o exent Mt Lama. "good
land, red Priem taper acre.
NO. 10, 4 GOOD - FARM, 130 Acres, 7
from Gettobn on 4niabrg
pd good 1
FRAME lioUimugraarA, ill lfludfs• of fruit--
Price 13,9 W. .
FA8..14 11cres, or will sell 100 Aar l a.l mils,
trots Mr IboatdedmOUSE Vt ;1• • •
-Waniem, k
ibuni earn , a 4um
fruit, Land limedand in good order.
Also several other Farina
and Town Property.
Also, Westertiliads and Town Property, to ex-
claw for Adams Omusty Warms.
11.. G. McGSBASY, .
- May 27.-tf ducirlisii,==inpit.
oNs Or THI
of Mr MT RAMIS In - Adams downy.
Abe; desirable • ,
Real Estate in Gettysburg.
Also, valuable
in- lowa
If ceity 4 .dc WOOD% -
Jan. 13, 1871-3 m AttliseVa.
I HANS' ON ItAl4ll - A FEW
TRA6 4 I I S
OF NO. 1,
sewesoptice tour
sith'Oils. cointi Towns, die:, In well ietilei
Nie t nixbo x y. aril* I wm men eta at a
btr puce ffintealXstiti ;tams nanny, Mt.
JO , 5. issi—tt qinco.
Valuable Town Properly
e • -
The newtwoetary
with WU:rho :is
= wittez e p t ipz
street, north of - Stevens Tbe bad
mistaiment annplew4la best styli*. /I "NI be
It not sobt by Octoberl,
& u.
Getsysbruz. Sept. 9.-tt
vALtrmom swim Rotms'
The effen c Sge ta i fte'
Feb. 10, 1871.-3r iel' 'llll6
Baltimore, Lock ilospita
FhyskW . of this eekbrated Institutjan, has
eovered the Meet Certain, Speedy, Mtsant and
Effectual lietnedy in the World far all
Weakness of the Back, or Limbs, Strictures, Af
fections of the kidneys, or Bladder, Involuntary
Dischaript r li spe npotency, .Gene ral latill
fu'll=tideas,== the hea Low kTlosiditi
Trembling Dimness of Sight, or Gid , Dl
same of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affec
tions of the Liver, Lungs Stomach or Bowels—
those terrible disorders arising fromSolltary Bab.
its of Ytt---Inc,..arr
thanmai pracUces, Incur
Mai to mem victims the songs of the Syron'
to the iltattners of tem th eir 11104
brilliant h or an elEations, rendering mar-
Nage, &Me m~ possible
thathave become the Victims of Boit
tan , Vice, dreadful and ,destructive habit
which annuallp sweeps to a untimely , graVe'
thousands of young men of tie mostetalted tal
ents and nrtvlent intellect, who might otherwise
hare entrancedlistetilogfienatat with the Mend
era of eloquence , - Or 'waked to eestacy the thing
1171..maY ran with fall escalading. •
Married persons, or Tonga Men Sontonsolatin
sallrriagrk. &Warn Of vspoida Wea kn ess (Lots of
Procreative Power—bnpotenty,) Norma' Ermita.
Witty Palpitation , Organic Weakness, Nervous
Dcb ev llll4,. or- any other dhqualilleation, speedily
He "faces himself under the carer of Dr. J.
may rell ously sounds MA* honor as gentle-
Ina% an eoundentlaby rely upon his skill as s
Immediately Cured, and Full vi hFr, Restored.
This res/dog affectkm—w renders life
miserable and marriage Imposarb 45-1.4 the penalty
mild by the victims of btu/roper hishlitenees•—
Toung persons are too apt to conknitexceueses
from not being aware of the dreadful entumornen
ces that may ensue. Now, who that and
the =Wet will pretend to deny, that thy puWer of
procreation is lost sooner by thoile failing into Ws ,
provedbits, than by the prudent ? Beside being
of the pleasnresof besighl inhlOring. the
most serious and destructive symptoms of both
body and d arise. The matter becomes de.
iltnged. the Pla_ysicaland Mental Munitions Weak
ened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervous inks-
PRlmbna. Falpifttion of tbe
gestion, nstituUonal Debility, and Wasting eft
thDeeath. Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay - and
Relief In Nix hours 1 No Mercury
Perm= Rained_ by Tgasinint, Trifling Pretenders,
and their DeadW.Poisoos, *honk apply .
• • DIL JOHNSTON ;- '' •
I mmitor darogpire at Etargiefts. Lon
don. Grad one of tne atoatoteglAent Col
ts tZl i t lythia te OWN* and theteleiter part of .
*. - bee
taita teteftrilmfelreit
. _,...., l tantt; t on —M* Z i ta lli St ea dTg l i
head and . asleep, itteat
bel • •• • • 14=3,1sounO ct tp=p i ggh
'TIME PALaiicriAs tic:mita.
Dr. J. addresses all thaw who hare•las
i themselves by Imp bu mVulgences and
habits wWerrhfh y and mind, and
themo kor Meer • , study, society or MD ,
Vow. : f
•are oome of the sad - and htelatteitory
4tr a zd i nt e trankobltatf arm . 1
DLwssi n
of the . ••' I
tt'. .I=aa na - ;
Generat Dully, I . ' ' ad
iiIidTALLY.—TIMP , 1! I
of Ideaft.DehrOMPO Butt • j
Averatito toLdontety. . . ,
toile, Tnneenr, cw, We 6 0 :: fi . • fro.
i ß d' ousanda
wlnrartual heel& •
theft nerrges
e at;
as enthe
eyea,pongit ands of
who have injured themaelrea by A eartlllll NAO.
thle, Indulged In when alone, a habit trequenttlf
learned from evil companions or at school the
egrets or wtdcb are nientliy felt, even:lz*,
and If not cured, renders MASTIAIPB All
MA &Attu I boat:and and body, appii
What a pity that a Yount gala, it hope Its
eon hat
the pride of li yarn 'bow be
snatched tana an prospects Magrataa of
persona must, before of de the path
at eseedsiglagiet secret habit.
coalcsap ,
' ' #141130-hOl, • ' '
thilii-soundistt t= sdaad bidy are as mat
re l gaft li oa i geicniz ."l.l6 ; 6"ha r 1.141- tibmigiL
&begmencs - waLET . Pestinage.
i irea darteso
i r m yr i avei tio
do' raticetbe. iatagila at wiegaler
with oar ma.
WINIPUse misipsided aid of
easine Ands WM.* bas I=sxl the=ssU
Mpgmu panful disease, it too
i s i ten his tp w s.. mo d '
sear id atuuresr
fro ... La
,AiziaLto e gom e bo,
thrand bur
Wallie ssiN tlat easolece wa,
acenred gore Wreak stism
=En in , the head and limbs, b Ures pr sight,
oi.. irodes zel the shin- and • any,
blotches on the head, Icee and earrainen
gressizr- with trighttrd rapidity, ml
st last tap
of the mouth or the hoses of the nese la,
and the victim of this awful disease bream a
horrid obZ o n eeraileeration US death' puts a
Aerial to dared I hui, I 7 arjang him
to that vend cou, , f ro m *bare nit'
traveler returns:. .
It is a melancholy fact, that thausands DIE vie:
time to this terrible disease. t
hm ili li ff PRViti th"
the trade of Jgoorant or MIAS _ H.
Ella, who by the use at that deadly Poison, Her.
Bury, dm, d •-rey the constitution, and incapable
of curing, keep We unhappy sufferer month after
month taking their noxious or injurious cow
pounds, air indeed of being tutored to a renew.
al of Life, Vigor gpd happiness, lr deepen heave
him with ruined •Math, - to sign s. ter Ms galling
To such, therefore, Dr Joan:iron pledges hint'
self to preserve the most inybalable neerecy, and
from ids extensive practice wad observations in
the great Hospitals of and the Ira in
thiseountry, viz: England, P
arid elsewhere., reward tooffertbe most Speedy, •
Certain and Effectual Remedy in the World for ail
diseases of Imprudence.
• BamturOai, MD., .
left hand aide gang teem Baltimore street, a few
doors traps the corner. Fall not to observe the
name and Dauber,
= l"6l = l a i ro 'co
w an e .
n to .
' l = il i m r r lme, seed epos:Um of ad.
There are many P i ond!"
less advertising themselves as
dans,' Ming with and raring the berdth'sd
who ditto fall into their power, tha t, i
Johnston deems t necessary to say to
those unacquainted with his, that Mr -
CredecUale or tairras always la his °Mesa
The war thduiantb dinar 13 41 a jt asain o as il italasil.
Ineri== xmt /ar p i
OPe r. Johnston witnessed
ay the representatbre the press and tnanyother
persons, noticeart arias have appeared st en
and again before tbe publics berets. his
as a len= of aureate and ronsili ty,ir
sea d ent giumudecto the aElcte d.
'ints II 11170—Iyipr
glittltratt. gut4rit,
Ha,rdware and Groceries
' have hut rued from the
With an erne supply of mardwarne
anelakee Whichthey see ellerlngattheir
old stand on etreet, gt Raab to Wt. the
three r Our stock consists In put or-
W's Tools, Bleselsonin's Molt,
Cocf44Rindings, ago
net-Maker'sTools, aonaskaver's
Reyna, Ali kinds of Iron,
Ma, Pain* Ike. There's he sett& tnetnaidin
the several. , e mentkaled , Apcit
what can te had in thla • 44 . ce
sa d incogivozmean Ind every
ankle in - Po as we are paw
pared to sell as lawibr cash as any ether Mess
out of *tar Jam.
Viola:11e d!le= DOoltirs
Hardware and GrOoffle
.osChio nooses. saukat, Georstocui
(117.vp °Ow ' oi lieril vir
sreitriltail to ostattide4ar
Militniorlts, ammo, Boas*, Tots,
alikki%mayuce Son Teak
B Motr& lar i ) otaZ' Alt toloklaft
to li Za t drurre orr= d 2 P. Daft 'item
* DSO.
Oct.?, 1100—tf
. .
Book and4or.'
. .
Done with - tenbases. nhespatir anitikolinfisi
• me Stew Mad Illentiaeh**VO.
titar anb #tutintl.
Over the iisoilitiOlieckon to me,
Loved ones *Wee passed to the ether aide;
The gleam isithelt/asnwy rubes I see,
But their vnices ay! lost In the dashing tide. :
There's one with ringlets of sunny gold,
And eie's the raixton of Heaven's own blue
Us mooed intim twilight gray and cold,
MxL the pale kid Min train mortal view.
We saw n o t the angels who met him there,
The an t es o f the City we could not are,
Over the river, over the river,
My brother stistis walling to welcome me.
Over the river the boatman pale
Carried another—the household pet,
Her bright curls awed in the wane gal e _
Darling Minnie, lase her yeti
`llbe moiled on her bosom her dimpled hands,
And fearlessly mitered the phantom bark ;
We watebed it Oki/ from the silver sands.
AS al our swe 4 dPe grew atrangelj dark—
We know the Is safe on the other side,
Where all the ransomed and angels bey,
Offer the rireti Di/mystic river,
My eldiathood's klei te waiting for me.
POI' none return train * those quiet shores
Who cross with the boatman (mkt and pate:
We hearMeV= goklen oars,
We eitehilhe of the snowy sad,
And lot they have presedaway from our hand—
They cross the etraan and are gone for aye
We eeentot sunder the nett apart
That, hides from bar vision the gates of day
We only know Wet their barks no mire •
Shan sail with ours on life's stormy sea:
Yet somehow T ope on the unseen shore
Therwateh and beckon and watt for me.
And I sit and think, when the sunset's gold
Is flushing river and hill and shore,
I shall ,swe day stand by the water cold •
And list for ldie sauna of the boatman's oar ;
I shill watch for the Own of the flapping mall,
I shall hear the boat as It galas the strand,
lAm p i tq te e n s s ig h wish rite boatim yp
Tithe better shorn itthe spirit land I
I shall know the brad Whtiluive gone before,
And joyfully sweet will the meeting be,
When over the ever, the peaceful river,
The Angel of Death shall carry me:
[Selected for t *Star:lad Sestina
IlllptleStlAL Atd/41111111T t* Linton
To Us Gamma. Senate and liana et
ip r. e ile n 4 o4 lt 4 of taw: State al, Peon
This .rwararlat of the repteeeeratl ve
ooratnlttee of thtl . `loarly meeting or tlui
iiloo6llB6cieti.OoPricuide, held in Peff2,
1444 Iter Peasulrlyeajz, "Noir Atriit
Ltalawarstarsd part of Maryland, agpmt
frd_iii feirresentat
Ure avile hoot the *O3 and
Pala latosicalieg tkplia•s, a a de*
lambi" claimed eurverious earisiderattati,
Noe lute bit it taflas , our duty te eradesseir
',. .brri/itTIO rsar attention to, thssubjbet
•in all tag beariag. The pancake 1* utterly
weld of reuse. to the inditidital or .tits ;
BMW_ We .it to tin none; ;
fruitful known means of a4ip,, entaillng
mJseryandwreteJ4rins., bath phyddal and
asents*, upon as 1630011sta sictlmi sad
their posterityp that it =applies more -in.
maim to insane asylums, prisms and
almsbesses than any other cause; that
tee wet to the Community in money, la
addition to the moral depravity it engen
ders, in the occupancy of courts of justice
is prose for crimes ecanntitted un
dirt= toluenes, and the hampase of t***l
11 the sdPPorinfaleaelionses, neoessitated
by tini-poterty it-produce= far snoods
tbniseconse derived to the State frinia the
axle ofleeniaes.' Were it other** has
the State a moral' right to homes Air
fruitful spume of crime far Itee porpoise of
The places stfaisria liapiarti odd
ter Ths itna ti04,0444) * *lb
the breath of joath mak age, in mot ' ,
Pisani of public resort. Ws the
insreasing ategaitadp attain evil to be so'
great that it is =wand to none that can
7.9wr attention- Ws nlipeetittaly,
but meet aarnestly,, appeal to you, as the
Repro tires of s professed Christian
community, whose duty it is to enact
wholesome laws for the promotion and
production of virtue, am the arrest gum.
eater for the public good, that yen may
Solemnly consider the subject, and, by abs
exercise of the power delegated to yen, do
what you can to arrest and dindaisb this
flood of iniquity,
We Irave laws for the - protection of
property and life, whip we emulation by
license means that may pines destructive
to body and soul.
We therefore request you to abolish all
laws panting licensee in this State forthe
Sale pt intoxicating lives') ;as a (Wok
and substitute laws entire's woke:ging
such We. • *Whit we tit.* 06 1 4110411.thq
pohnnorut streams now sunounding
paths of the youth, bring them to destetio.,
tion, shall forever cease, we shall ilia,
with joy any modification otour laws ap
proximating to so desirable au end. - I
Ws have rarely 'seen myth:lag
way oth;gh-pressore, iOni,d-eagle Oratory
ireperior to the foil bwiat passage *at
mei °OW. Cunningham, memberof the
h e m s= Legislature, from Thu take wan.
v. The subject under debate was it ma.
bravo indednitely postpone $ gravel road
"The American peoplE,, ! j ol t In , a t.
proud to call ourselves that, are rocked
in the bosoms of two mightfy ocean*
whim vartitikhemul shores are whitened
by the Smiting canna of the , ootumer o i t a
world, reaching from the lootettereg l a k e .
of the north to the febrile warm of the
Australian sarg4 eomprf avast interim
of five billions of acres, whoewuilltiviiil
plains, romantic mountains and myatic
rivers, rival the wildest Utopian dreams
that ever gathered around the inspired
bard as - he walked the amaranthine promo
nadesdf rfesperian irardeps- Is propd
Cohnibia, the land of the free and Innne
*Nile brave, too free and independat t o
indorse such a nuisance as this, , Priedcui
from such - oppression as this is the mania-
Witt heritage beipteathed the valorous
sons of the immortal Washington. I rep
resent a free and intelligent pep*, proud
to'knoviihat they live in a mo47ll:l4fatt
t!swe ind it^ Who.i
restless tide is el'Of 4414 . iliwk by the
pe bbl y beach., intervened by limpid
lakes, the mesas bfirhich ocitt-
Mel* and civilization - We been peigispti t i
to their present exalted shithe. 4m at to o
Las beeti, and'ever will be the molt shut
-fag tusdAelightful rah* iii town
neigisteeywo if we ate not overrun
liithliheritdthrst and'oltpreedve corPOrli,
tied 4 rlbt. l4 ns the 1;414*
ititintserfof our coiertrr.l ijrit :*y r A c i
geestieinan f Ulf iikow itatistied?"
Pity lie thhi tiesu*tui buiefshoat have
r e fe rTre -th wtiiingeflitYangTaFel*bil
Wharf now' beOu t , db.
asigurefillafta With t 6 ':twin h$ $r
',natio:baffle, saw tat ao to Ids lade
carat-Se table: "'km eathread,
w no Iliad - nfrotnis' your eiledhi' nod."
Ih g ,,NtA B bit/. tepliedt 44 1 , 1Ftheii
:lota einem& inn ) Ibuil iklit• kanspolte.
- isitt4+,:iinatiturioaktpai,sivst
!is IF*
told by the servant 'that - it was desert.
"I would eat it if it were a wildepese."
R Tire Evan
lAIpI*D,W s rwwui:
'A TKEMLISCE cotraT .ficwrie-
There lived in the city of P—, a gen.
tlemau on the shady side of skatY, who,
by industry *id economy, had amassed a
large competence, sustaining in all the
work of life a character' above suspicion.
vial the head of A fine family,, and
npted fur his eccentricities and his peculiar
style of dress. He was stoop-shouldered,
limped'a little, and for ten years previous
to the time of the scene about to be nar
rated wore a coat that had turned red
with age.
. in the middle-of the afternoon of
a cloudy, dismalday hrlifirch, 18—, when
an old man entered one Of the banki of en
city named, and presented a clieck for
payment. The cashier took it and pithi
over to tho man $lO,OOO, and he descended
the steps into the street.
In less thin five minutes after he bed
left, the cheek was discovered to be s for
gory. The proper anthorities were
Modiately notified by the cashier who
were then a description and, presenting
White pe cashier, asked if that was the
"That is the man; I cannot be mis
taken," he replied. Ele eyed him a little
closer (being near sighted) and throwing
up his hand, he exclaimed,'"Mr. Rawlins,
(the gentleman alluded to in the opening
of the earrative,) can it be possible that
you have committed this forgery ?"
The old man protested his innocence,
but to no avail; for he was led away to
prison, to await the sitting of the court.
Ells friends wished to go his bill, but he
obetinsbely retbsed to accept a release, and
lay in jail three =oaths. ' •
The day of trial aunt, and although
defended by the *sty bast of Tagil talent,
the evidence against him was conclusive,
and he was convicted.
It was sentience day. The court room
washed with spectators, and the friends
and. nastiest of the prisoner. It was a
sorrewful scow and einnag. the paw:
pants was the wife and two lovely laugh...
teal of Mc. Rawlins, their beesdifql llama •
serrAlen with. weeping over the sad fate o
**father. Owe by one the 'prisoners
deecentled, from the box and received their
sentences. ,
Rawlins was nett in turn, There was
an awful silence for some momenta wiles
the Judge, in a choking, treistaing..votoe,
ibrhe woe an intimate Mend of the cos
"Xr. RawlirsdP . .
14e arose and took his stand before the
Jam. .
The - Judge proceeded: "Hate you any
Wise to he why the mowa of the
illy should not be passed against Jour'
Here a terrible silence maned, almost
jarabizing the hearta of many 'anxious
Mends; when, all at once a Rrisoner in
the box—"-a young man—arose sad said "I
'"Tour reason," said the Judge.
" - Because he is not guilty, I will ex..
What a . weight - of sorrow
our Mar from the hearts of mime by the
• •oigime words cot guilty.
, Proceed I proceed," cried the judge.
"I will. If you will mud some reliable
10 . 1 4 1 -n•Mallostar tiro-wither, Ws certain
ymigkses themelahiglaway lamdiag out
1.470 1 1dir dig stony st *alio shape
gigP,lFP l 4ll44 9 ltof *imams"; thifbril
ramil lasischaliabfessa".
. Airy 1404 tehamedby neraerd. hs
hour-rmiehm at natant, and melts.
meat 41w maternal; and prodemsed tbe
money in Court. •
1 -f2iow," said the prisoner. "send to
room 2 1 10. 15, at the Linden House, on
R . Beet,. and you will And a hair
trunk, which yon will me."
lu due time the trnith ins brought into
court, and at the prervious secret request
of the Judge, thrmigh the Sheriff he and
tibo trunk were placed in one ante-room
and Mr. Rawlins in another.
In a few moments be, or Bawlina, no
one knew which it was, took his place in
the box, and the ordered the Sher
iff to summon the cashier, which he did.
He now came in.
"Are you the cashier of the bank -in
which that 'check was forged for $lO,-
"I sim sir." •
- "Store pusine Sentence upon this man
would have you look at him, and ten the
-inert thatiii Is the num . ," said the Judge.
"He is the utan 1 r cannot be mistaken,
although I am sorry to say it."
Here the prisoner suddenly twitched the
whiskers from his face, threw off his hat
and ant, and eiood in Ms itdrt sleeves a,
hey, The cishinirinvienred; and All upon
the floor, and wM ended out Sat the court
MI ass ILltitan, 6. Mid the prisoner, Who
did the fingingief 'that diet& I dime
fano England * few ininiths ago, deter.
miniid.lieincilm *raise. I knew the man
called ".hawk a, and, knowing that he
here awed reputedon, 111101111117 lad deem.
chilly, I chkerinined to pereenatii him if
youth* knowing that the man would be
lookedat and net the cheek. Hqw well I
did it you all knew; but I could not see
an innocent man =lbw hit a crime that I
had committed.'" •
Itawlltu was dint:ham* and borne off
t/lir Phan
.. t/Y on Am thoukktra one friends
and in ooninclastiori of the honesty of the
heart of the young 111111, the Governor
oommuted his sentence frivp ttfoot7 to
two years, he having been convicted on
another charge.
lit the execution of a deed - by a man
and h 1 wife, the wife was torten midi by
the commissioner before the acknowledg
ment will made, vitp in the Initial form
mil*, To you mon* tikio demi freely
4n4 witio;but su.7 fear Cr oasapqiiiica of
poor husband Y Wow of my husband?' ex.
CildrowAr the wife; Pro had five husbandic
and iisoa. WWI afdd of ay of them,'
. "grises nothing to
street beggenrAintkined his pockets
oa being - alhy a soldier, and said:
Ater AM: w, atheism repay the
WO I 0 1 1 1"10w—the debt we all owe you
Appipu neblepeltwassiiiee "sway caa't
! - 14 t 040 atitrzieg tr With this
patriotic *smog helealleed away.
73/aCiripLL Sia' in California
jel°llo to : 1 / 06 " fOrly Ifon th• title of a
pullet! dmitatakar, 'as be . Nui killed, in
aia edttarial OsPlioltt, Ao km that twin
tY-1/1!1° nettgl'arrit Ito Is din in OM
prime of manhood. •
• - • Tan tell ea brawn Seatocky who
Wis inlitylbst. Wheelie tend toile* own
lee wo*sd me slawly It tbe shade of Ids
bend letting& bat billed the plans. , •
1s Irj4b pupae spriUmk."l4.thii
sane Of b9th O&M, th 4 P*4 144 0 7 , IMP"'
sumeeded in r ios the services of *
gentleman to edit the paper this week.,
A man had been In the habit of steal
ing coin from his neighbor, who was a
Quaker. Every night he would go softly
to his crib and fill his bag with the eats
which the good old Quaker's toil had
placed there. Every morning the old
gentleman observed a diminution of his
corn pile. This way was annoying, and
must be stopped—but howl—Many a one
would have said, 'Take a gun, conceal
yourself, wait till he comes, and fire."
Others would have said, "Catch the vii
ban, and have him sent to jail."
But the Quaker Was not prepared to 'en
ter into any such severe measures. He
iranterl to punish the offender, and at the
same time bring aboht his reformation if
possible. Bo he fixed a sort of trap close
to the hole through which the man would
thrust his arm in getting the corn.
The wicked neighbor proceeded on his
unholy errand at the hour of mid-night,
with bag in hand. Unsuspectingly
thrust his hand into the crib to seize an
ear, when, 10l he found- Idinself unable
to withdraw it! -In vain he tugged, and
pulled, and sweated, and alternately cried
and cursed. His handwita'nutt, and every
effort to release it cooly mute it more se
cure. After a time the tumult in his
breast measurably subsided. He gave
over his useless straggles, and began to
look around him. All was silent and
repose. Good men were sleeping coni-
Amiably in their beds, while be was com
pelled to keep a dreary, disgraceful watch
through the remainder of that long and
tedious night, his hand in constant pain
from the pressure of the clamp which held
it. His' tired limbs, compelled to sustain
his weary body, would fain have sunk be
neath him, and his heavy eyes would have
closed in slumber, but no, there was no
rest for him. There ho must stated and
watch the progress of the night and at
once desintand dread the return of morn_
ins. Morning came at asst, and the Quak
er looked out of tie wiestra, and he found
that he had now "caught his man."
What was to be clone? Some would
my, lido out and give hints, good cow - -
higlingjans - he stands, ancittsut release.
him; that'll cure him." But not so said
the Quaker.. Stich a muse would have
sent the man sway embittered, and teat :
tering curiae of revenge. The good old
man Muria& on his clothee and started at
once to the relief and minirdament of his
"G°4l3/44 *!di friC44" sail/ be, as be
time in speaking disfsnoe, "How doss
thee do ?"
Tie poor culptit- made no answer, hat
burst Into tears."
" 1 0 tier said the . 4Szaker, as he proceeded
to release him. "I'm sorry that thee has
got thy band fait. Thee put it in a wrong
place, or it Would not have been so."
The man looked most Wen, and, beg
ging forgiveness, hastily turned to make
retreat. "Stsy," said his persecutor—for
he was now becoming_ such to the offen
der, who could bare received a blow with
ninth better grace than the kind words
that were falling from the Quaker's
'Way, friend, thY,beg is not filled. Thee
needs otra, or thee .would not have taken
so mut* paha; to 'get' it. PDXlacy km us
fill it." And thepoorteXper was obliged
to silM"Qlosid the , bag while the old
num filled it, hgerspeisfaig the es t erase
with the *wanted oeneereatlsi
ofwhieliarere.llke dagert in the
rt of his chagrined and ii?ortifio4 vic
tim. The bag was Med, sad string : tied,
and the suMsrer hoped soon to be out of
the pregame of his tormenter, but again
his purpose was thwarted. •
"Sray,"' said the er, as the man
was about to hurry of, having mattered
onoe more his apologies and thanks.—
"Stay, Ruth has breakfast ere this ; thee
mast not think of going without breakfast.
()owe, Nu* is calling,"
This was almost unendurable ! This
war "heaping coals" with a vengeance I
In vain the mortified neighbor begged to
be excused ; in)ain he pleaded to be re
leased from what would be to him a pun
ishment ten timeamore severe than stripes
and imprisonment. The Quaker was
amble, and he was obliged to yield.
Breakfast over. "Now," said the old
farmer, as he helped the victim to put the
hag on his shoulder, "If thee need any
more corn, 001IIIS in the day time, and thee
shall have it."—Pagor and People.
Tan MeConnelsville Herakisayst
Cooper, of the Pnehyteriart church, of
this place, took= adranotal position on
thetbwaperamm-question last Sunday—
= advarmed position far a minister even.
Before the morning' mentos ' began the
&swims of: the church lea& their annual
report, and annex reed that the books were
op= tormihscriptions Der tbeeonting year.
After thiewsimaneernent was made, Rev.
Cooper instriated the deaconses Iblkresi
To reekeve no motley on subsoriptkons
from families, Any -ert of whose income is
derived from the ale of inteisleating
*Port! Marko all swat sabscriptions as
paid, and charge the same to his account;
that if the amount allowed him as salary
could not be raised from othir sources, the
salary might be redubed just as much as
the wnbecriptiong from these doubtfirl
sources amounted to.' These instructions
were givenly Rev. Cooper that his precepts
may have the Weight of eximple,"
Ix Russia the Ovulation of the Bible
is rapidly increasing. Not, long ago a
handsomely bound copy of the New Tes
tament, quarto sin, was presented to one
of the Emperor's children as a birthday
gift. The. Empress complained of its
size, and asked: "Why is not a smaller
edition. printed?" "If it is your Imperial
Majesty:3 planting, it can soon be•done. "
was tho
_maim. Her Majesty at one
gave (mien for 15.000 copies, smiths num
ber was soon increased to 0,000. Since
1858 over 85,000 copies of the. New Tea:
tament ban been circulated la the Rus
sian language.
The other day, whiles teacher was
hearing s boy recite his lesion, the
following passage occurred: "The wages
of sin is death," The Washer wishing to
get the 'word - "wages" out by deduction,
asked: "Whit does your father get every
Saturday night?" The boy answered
promptly: "Ire gets (hunk."
A baby-stow at cedar Ilapidsbad tweet-
It compatibles. Thu mothers decided by
a rota *high babywastbe Waal,' sod eadir
baby had cise terts. That party speedily
Drabs up.
,••• "My dew, " asked John, on obantsbe
new striped hose on Ids only heir, "Why
Ave yin" made llgtor's poles of llirnentAi
Inve","Beemulelie'l litUe i l laY ol rt "
t 59,1,04 • •
A Nun we base bawd of is'• so short
that when he is illhe don't know• weath
„ or h, bas headache or corns.
AN indebted customer enters finvision
store, remarking, 'l'll take a leg of mut
ton, awl - !Want to payTei right,'
replies the dealer, handing him the meat,
whith twethiner takes and starts to go.—
J.OOl es' bore,' sties the dealer ; 'I
thlieght you said ,gee wanted to pay for
I lio,',was the reply; 'but I can't.'
The dealer bolted a little sheepish at
beg sold himself, and not selling the
hindquarter for cash in hand.
• hi= lows breach of promise case, the
*ohm' forini that the accused had hugged
'-ber every night On several months, and
Sunday nights until three o'clock In the
morning. The industrious, but ungrate
ful culprit, was tined one dollar and costs.
WHOLE NO. 3656
wall-known clergyman was crossing Lake
Erie, some yews ago, upon one of the lake
ateasners, and, seeing a small lad at the
wheel steering the vessel, he accosted him
as Mows:
"My son, you appear to be a small boy
to steer so large *boat."
"Ye., sir," was the reply;
see I eau do it, thougb."
"Do you think you understand your
business, my soul"
"Yes, sir; I think I do."
"Caa yen box the compass?"
"Yes, sir."
"Let sae bear yett'hox ft."
The boy again did as requested, when
the minister said:
"Well, really, you can do it!
you box it backwardsP"
"Yes, sir."
"Let the hoar you."
The boy again did as requested, when
the minister remarked:
"I declare, my soul You do seem Loam
deratand your busimiat."-
The boy then took his turn at question
asking, beginning
• "Pray, sir what might be your bus
"1 itm a minister of the gospel."
"Do you underat.ind your business?
"I think I dq my son."
"Can you say the Lord's Prayer?"
hir es. " .
.may it."
The clergyman did so, repeating the
words in a very ferient manner, as though
trying to make an impression on the lad.
"Well, really," said the lion, upon its
conclusion, "you do know it, don't you?
Now say It backward."
"Oh: I can't do such a thing as tha
Of course—"
"Yowean't do it, eh?" returned the :boy.
"Well, then, you see, I understand my
bailie= a great deal better than you do
l'he clergyman acknowledged himself
beaten, and retired.
A Dor's Coicroonou OH Tar. Goar.--
Uallt fdt!,
A. goat is longer a • and gives
milk. He looks at you, Bo' 4
the doe
tor, but a goat kaa four legs. y goat
butted Deacon Tillinghast in a pbtce,
at:42,l4th, mg iroaldnN do so.. 1 A boy
925tr..... 4 0 1
without a father is an orphan, if he
bairn got no mother he is orphans.-
'l'so goat don't give so milk stra
cow, but, more than as I saw an ox
at a fair one day and - we went in on a
family ticket. 'Mahar 'picks geese in
summer, and the goats eats grass and
jumps on a best; Beene folks don't like
goats, but as forme, ghe me a mule with
a pahtt-brusli tail. The goat a a useful
animal, but don't smell as sweet as nice
bear'soil fer the hair. If I bad too lunch
hair I would wear a wig, as old Captain
Peters does. I will sell my goat for three
dollars, ad go to the circus to see the
elephant, which is larger than Are goats.
Twottas Elms.
Cotramur WILL Wur.—Once a keeper
of an firtyluna had mashie to go upon
the roof of the bitiling—a very high one.
A „patient sumbeerved quickly mounted
the ladder *Atm bin; and •oaaraiiine dap
keeper at, the .top, told him if be (the
keeper) did not jump down, he (the luna
tic) would throw him down: There was
no mistaking the menacing loch and tone.
Recaps was impossible. Smidenly a hap.
"Py thought struck the keeper. 'Ha l' said
he, with an air of easy confidence, 'to
jump down would be no great feat. I
tell you what—lll go down and jump up.'
The madman was off the scent at once.—
The notion pleased him immensely.--
Both descended the ladder, and the keeper
saved his life by this lucky stratagem.
A ILAs down in Salome broke a chair
over his wife's head a week or two ago,
and succeeded in killing her. When he
got to jail and the clergyman undertook
to talk with him, lie displayed a great
deal of penitence and shed quantities of
tears. He said be was stlrry=--very- sorry
that be had permitted his passion - to ob
tain the mastery of him, and to suffer him
to do such an act; because it was a good
chair—one of those good old-fashioned
ivirdsor chairs, which was an heirloom in
his family; and he knew he never could
replace it —never; and he wept afresh.
The minister excused Mop:4 and went
home to finish his sermon. •
Dr.AN PANBOT.-A good story
is told of Dean Swift's Parrot, which was
a great pet with the whole femily. One .
day Pony managed to open her cage and:
WA away, to the greet consternation of the
whole household. After a great search
Polly was found in the gardea, on the top
of an apple tree. The welcomes news was
ormanunioated to the Dean, who, with the
whole of the inmates, rushed out at once,
accusepanied b Dr. Vaughan, who with
some friends, was than on a visit to the
Dean. Polly was found swinging on the
topmost branch. but when she discovered
the large audience below her, the looked
gravely down at them, and said, "Let us
A Lotman:um girl, whose lover calls
every morning and stays all day, ;tad long
into the ?right, became discouraged at so
much attention and, concocted a plan to
get rid of him by"asking him to help to
move the piano up stairs, and after that
was done, changed her mind and had him
help to move it down. She had it moved
to and fro seven timets and be didn't see
the point and the other night, in despair,
she threw a pail of water on hint out of
the window. He says you can't place any
confidence in women, and he has prsent
ed a bill for removing furniture.
CONPUXENTAZY.—An editor down east
thus:speak of a ootemporary:
is to lazy too Gam a meal and too
mean to enjoy one. He was never gener
ous but ones, and that was when he gave
the itch to his epprentiee. So much for
goodness of heart. Of his Industry,
the pupil may the better judge when we
state that the only day he ever worked
was the day he mistook castor oil for
sus "VZSTIONII Amos - Raz D
paesilalialif.alin,".(24444°,. b.f.._
_t: --.; aew thousand dollars
that I shall not need, in business, and
heingPtimusay desirous of obtaining an
investment which will produce the great
est income consistent With entire safety 1
am led' to ask you the following nnestion,,,
which I shall be glad ti) hare you answer.
either privataly or through the column.. of
1. Do•you think that, as a rule, first
inortgagandlroad bonds are a desirable in
vestment? In what do they differ from a
first mortgage on ordinary real If:,
8. I notice you ree.ommend Northern
Pad le seven-thirties to inventors. Why
do you regard them ss unusually secure
8. Is the Government pledged to the
payment of these Northern Pacific bond , .
4. I notice they are selling at par. Isti't
this to high? Cannot good railroad ,:e
-euritieie be bought cheaper?
3. r bold s few five-twenties; do you re
lieve the Government will soon call for
their surrender?
8. What assurance have invegtorA that
Northern Pacific seven -thirties will not
hereafter depreciate below the price at
which they are now sold, compelling thos.e.
who wish to realize on them to do so at a
"but you
1. Thus far the first mortgnge bonds "f
American railways have proved to be
among the very safest securities. In pro
' portion to amount, they have probably
shown a smaller percentage of lass In in
terest and principal than any other in v,,,t
ment that has been the history of railway
securities. Of course there hare been ex
ceptional cases of '...mismanag,emont
loss; but far oftener bare imperfect titles,
lapsed insurance policies, ands shrinkages
of value rendered real estate mortgages :t
bad investment. 'there is a living princi
ple underlying a railway bond, AWill , h
applies to very few if any other securities.
1. Usually the solvency of a railroad
depands mainly upon its traffic; and, as a
rule, that traffic steadily increases as the
road grows older and the population
along Its route beccnnos:richer and dens*
In a word,- tho income of a railroad (and
hence its debt-paying ability) will ordinar
ily keep pace with tile growth of popirla
2. A railroad, once built, rapidly erect,
a business which is to render it profitable.
It develops a carrying trade which did not
before exist, and which grows' much fast
er than the tributary population increa-r
in numbers.
railroad tumidly has back of it a
strong corporation of capitalists and
shrewd, energetic .business men, who.,
profits, financial standing, commercial rep
utations, edlkiialinonhnons depend up
t,liet, solvency and mew of the road nitil
which they aratidentified. This powerful
emphination,of private interests const
tuts; a living posies • whesti* efforts tend
constantly to increase the profitablene,s
and sow:slaw of the enterprise in who..
interest they ars enlisted.
4. Finally, after a railroad 4, - bn i It,
evergoiollar expended in making improve
wants and mairadam, and. adding new
facilities for4oing business, and in-secur
ing valuable alliances with tonnectiin;
lines, adds to the security of its first nit)!
gage bonds, by angmentftig the proilutt
tiveneas and value of the pl"operty on
which those bonds are based. It is in
this way that a second mortgage may in
crease the safety of the first. With marlo
gages which rest upon improved real
tato in our midst the security steadily
terimiten with time, as the improvements
became lees valuable. Railroads grow
better and more properties with age, and
furnish a constantly increasing security
fortis debt,creatod in their oonsfruction.
It is far diese reasons that firot mortgage
beads arto among the very soundest socuri
thin that can be had.
Tr_ rm.. 1T...U... Railroad ha..., a
threefold solidity, whirl,
cially impregnable. .1. It has for its
broad and firm foundation a real estate
endowment of more than , twenty-two
Thansand Acres of fertile Land to each
mile of track--ce annneueninbered farm of
500 acres (in addition to the ordiam7 and
ample security of the road and its traffic
to secure each $l,OOO load botiiht by the
public. 2. It has awaiting it a business
which we believe is certain to render it
self-sustaining from the first, and to..give
it a large surplus at an early day. 3. It
. . _
is in the hands of men ofknown and ac
knowledged integrity, whose financial
-standing, whose busines sagacity and
thorough experience, furnish a icompleto
guarinty that economy,.onergy andfidel
ity wilbeharacterize its management.
I 1 Government does not inform guar_
ant) the payment of Northern Pacific sev-
en-thirties; but it indirectly insures Melt
their payment 14 donating unreservedly
to the company sufficient productive land.;
to pay them twice elm The belt of
country in which this superb domain k
situated admirably combines the flue,
elements essential to successful fanning—
viz:- a naturally rioh 'toil, a
,mild climate
(the latitude being about two degree* be
low Parla, and six below Londou,)and su
IV. When there is no difference in
pointtif safety, the .comparative market
*Ane•bf various securities is mainly de
termined by their profitableness. In thi,
vie* Northern Pacific gold seven-thirtie.,
_ .
eeßing. at par in clamp:icy, are by far the
cheapest Investment of which we h
knowledge. Regarded as a source of irr
come; they are cheaper at par than a six
per cent. curroncf bond at 74i. In , other
words, one hundred dollars .invested in
orthern Pacifies at par will produce a
larger income than theaame amount, in-
vested'in a tem per oent. gold security at
V. We regard it aahighly.probable that
a large prhportion of the present holders
of Goverruzient bonds will be compiled to
give them up within a comparatively shat t
time, and •accept therefor cash payment
or a new Ave per cent, bond. Everything
now incUcates that the Government will
soon be able to fund the bulk of its ti% e
twenties at a lower rate of interezt. Hen, e
we have nniformally advised our sulm i .
rs to convert their Government bonds
into eomOrat-elase railroad security, hoe-
ink equilsafety and greater perma.nun, e
and productiveness.
VI. or coitrsa, all securities, even those
of the United States, are liable to occa-
sional slight fluctuation in current price—
the result of outside circumstances, and
not of any change In real value. But the
sense causes which now render Northern
Pacific seven-thirties an exceptional strong
and desirable security will naturally Sus
tain them in the market so that those who
yiah to convert their bonds into cash can
can do so at , any time without loss. In-
deed, with their superahmulaut security,
their high rate otititeriat, and the provis
ion that th . ey will always be received at
ten per cent. premium in payment fur the
Company's land; 7 3-10 per cent., North-
ern Pacific Bonds Are far more likely to
go above par in price than to fall below.
—New York Independent.
Mawr of our city tradeameg having.
signs in their. windows, "Sellh4" at le*
than cost," and others of s simibirMitnre.
One more enterprising trader hasibriVione
them by the following: "Sellinita
and more tco." .k
*min. naughty ix* in Penn Yan. the
other day, ornamented an old, poor, goth
ic-framed hoise, hitched to an awning
post, with a stolen dud sign, which read:
"Oats wanted; 'minim within."