!troonat jalm SALE OF ABLE PERLIONAL PROPERTY , deshing to relinquish farm. rat Public Hale, on Thursday, !Teary, 1871, on the premises, orth of Hampton, Adams coon. le West of the Baltimore and e follow tog Valuable Personal MULES. (Kentucky bred,) from - en mated in size and color, the k brown, and size from fifteen n and three-quarter hands in uabie team is well broken and ; ,..1 farm or road p TWO both good driving, one of Bay Mare which took the county - some last far/ 8 IkiE.A.D OF . some of which Will be fresh KI 3 X HEIFERS,year twoli of which ), (two ng. 4 good which are full-blooded Chester Boar, 6 Chester Shoats, and a of same breed. 2 Broad-tread two-horse Wagons, with Lad.. we Carriage. 1 new Bed with 7 Carriages, 1 Wire-tooth Sake, 1 Threshing Machine soul Horse- Reaper and Mower, (Berlin x, Grain Drill, nearly new, 4 h are Baker's m at e,) 3 Harrows. . Shovel Pkrws, - COrnirotts, Corn uttivator, Jack Screw, single, - Trees, 2 Spreader% with - Single Halter, Butt and Breast Chains, .ess, 6 set of Horse Gears. home-made Traces, (Deeper's Wagon Saddle, Wagon Whip, Halters, five-horse Une. Plow es. Forks, Shovels, Rakes, Grain ythes. Axes. Dung Hook, Half e, and a lot of genuine Norway I. Barron, &c. Also, HOUSE CHEN 1 , CHNITURE, such as Parlor Table, failing-leaf Ta t Dresser, Churn Crocks, 2 Ten , for Stove, Kitchen Orrpet, e Butter, Lard, Canned Fruit, things not herein specified. mwence at 9 o'clock, A. lif., win be given and terms made MA - HY T. TOWNSEND,. JOHN W. TOWNSEND Auctioneer. TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE wishes to dispose of his valuable , containing 1 Acre, situated on g turnpika in the Borough of built on the Cottage style, with Is very convenient throughout, water at the dour, with a good )ut buildings. The Grounds are d planted with a satiety .01 or- wishing to buy this Is a rare on will be even ln tbe second not sold by that. time it will be . the Ist of April, Arnoldquire of Geo. ld or B.am- First National Bank, or of CYRUS S. GE..13.85. T, Flora Dale P . 0. Pa_ ROPERTY AT PRIVATirIIILLE offers at private sale,.. a TRACT in Mountpleasara township. the Hanover road_, half a mile ~ adjoining lands of James • d others, and containing IS . The improvements are a DWELLING HOUSE. part • .. 0, a Frame Rasp, Smoke • cellent water, and plenty of good timber. The land. Is e ree Maya:Jon and under, and .. a easy, to' suit rs.— s the undensi . kr t e same S. F. GARMAN. E LANDS!! SALE RM, two miles north- - . adjoiningspring Hotel prop ith Large MUCK HOUSE, largo t House, and other Improve- I not more than oust 01 build RM, two and a half miles trawl. adJoLidni:Na 1, 11$ STONE 114441 S Riltra and re. An excellent grim farm. RM adjoining No. 1, and :sburg, containing 1111 Acres, BUILDING& It is divided burg Turnpike and comprises building lots. Price, $6600. RM, five miles from Get road. 1511 Acre", good land In ill large BRICK HOURS, and • . Price 16,305—very cheap. KY GOOD FARM, two berg, WI Acres, with large large Bank Barn, all In good • per sere. IRM, 170 Acres, four urg. on Publicroad, comforts. MG'S, red land, 34 cellent FRUIT FARM, I Gettysburg, on public road, good soo. land, with comfortabl• 13, e D RED LAND FARM,. ble HOUSE and all needed Barn, Land limed and In good. farm, near Baltimore Turnpike, sburg, 3 miles from Littleatown TRACT OF GRANITE - from Gettysburg, on York HOUSE and STABLE, a re or Mechanic. Price 82,500. VERY GOOD FARM, two ttysburg, on public road, 224 and In good condition, mod rboarded HOUSE, large Bank , • locati Pri $5O per Acne withb uildin gsat same. VERY GOOD STOCK east of Gettysburg, on York will sell - 110 Acres, about 54 • X HOUSE, two Ram, • 1 per acre—terms easy. 'RV VALUABLE FARM, 10D acres heavy Maher, Oak, Ave miles west of Gettys , two sets of Buildings, will le, excellent fruit farm, good Price IRS per acre. • • D FORM, 130 Aare s, burg, on Harrisburg road, good and B arn, all kinds of fr Ri3T-CLABS RED LAND or will sell 100 Acres ; 2 miles on Harrisburg- mod good good OUSE, Bank Wairn4abundant and In good order. f• .er Farms and ToWn. Property. ds and Town Property, to es- County Farms. - R. G. McCHEAR Y, Attorney/or the Owners, Gettysburg, Pa. SALE! ONE OF THE L PROPERTIES En FARMS in Adams County ilso, desirable to in Gettysburg Also, valuable owa and Miinouri. c•CLEA.N & WOODS, Attorneys at Law, arid Real Estate Agents WESTERN TION LAND'S_ E O HAND A FEW ACTS of' NO. 1, re4nnpUon Lands kytided vent ty Towns, Sc., In well settled chick I NI in St 11 or excharige at a Eitato in Adams county, Pa GEO. ARNOLD FOR SALE CHEAP :i - miles from Gettysburg contain with Improvements for sl6oo— balance easy payments. Call P. D. W. HAI:KEY, Gettysburg, Pa. • Town Property' OR' SALE. Ise new two-story DWELLING, building-4 Rooms --witli G aspipee the ding---ft=tlltit 60 feet on ortb of Stevens Hall. The build. completed ln bad style. It will be, October], It sill be for Rent. 9.41 C. & D. BUEHLER • ND LAND FOR. "RENT. reuient and comfortable House. t t 7 ACItE. OF (4WD LAND, n Centre Square. Gettysburg • large • several hundred 'Trees, atm Location nutupsumeilL ha. don given. It Is also offered for r terms, to Mr. GEO. ARNOLD. al Rank. Shop for Sale. • blig! M at e V e tej. Frugal Co., - MAN BUILDING with aallaltg, • • is attached for business.— can easily be converted Into a The property will be sold at a Any porous whadria to on the subscriber lirinarßoo lale nS• Co., ltd. MART A. CLAIR. t Vitt at irtntintl. t.. • Weiday Reaming. Feb. 17. 11171 ,/ LOCAL WIMP Itidsovzo,—Franklin Penn, colored, • whose 'tweet a - few week t is no ;lie= noticed, on the charge of stealing a horse,at Fred erick, Md., has been taken to that place, on a Governor's requisition. GRANITE CONTRACT.--Masers. Powers & Atkinson, of this place, have received the contract for the granite to be used in the large new; building at St. Joseph's Academy, near Enunitsburg. The con tract will amount to about 44,000, and this not inoluding outside steps:— Compi- ELECTION.—The *Rowing gentlemen were, on the 4th inst., elected officers, of the ldummasburg Mutual Fire Protection Society: President, E. W. Stahle; Vice President, Michael Dietrich, Sr.; Secre tary, James Russell; Treasurer, H. J. Brinkerhoff; Executive Committee, Peter Scholl, H. Plank and Martin Thomas. - FIRE.—On last. Sunday night the dwel ling of Mr. Noah Brown, an the Baltimore turnpike, about two miles from Littles town, was totally destroyed by fire. Mr. Brown, we learn, succeeded- in saving all his household effects. The fire originated from a defective chimney. We under stand the house was fully insured.—Press. FOURTH PAGE.—In our Agricultural Department, 4th page, will be found an interesting letter from D. P. F., detailing his observations at the New York State Fair. The writer is one of our most in telligent farmers, who occasionally favors us with contributions on agricultural top ics, and from whom .we should like to hear more frequently. To sr EZCLUDICD.-Mr. Maltby, on be half of the Railroad Company, gives no tice that back drivers, porters, boys, and other persons who have been in the habit of blocking up the platform at the depot, on the arrival of trains, will hereafter be prohibited from entering the building un til the passengers have passed out. Mr. Rouser, has been appointed special police officer for she Company to enforce this regulation. Tint' Fox.—The recent capture on the farm of J. U. Neely, Esq., near Hun terstown, threatens a protracted contro versy between the rival hunters as to the merits of the capture. Last week "Fair Play" gaveliAversion, and now "Justice" claims a hearing in reply. As the matter has but a limited and purely personal interest, in which the masa of our readers are not concerned, we must decline any further articles on the subject. STORM REMOVED.—Messrs. Rebert & Bushman have removed their Store from South Baltimore street to Will's corner, in the Square, where they will be glad to see all their old customers and any num ber of new ones. Their stuck of Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets, Queensware, &c., is very attiaotive, and kept full by con stant additions. They invite buyers from town and country to call in and see for themselves, feeling certain that their goods and prices cannot fail to please. Ittstria.LATros.-Gn the evening of the Bth inst., Wm. k Tipton, D. G. W. C. T., installed the officers of Gen. Reynolds Lodge No. 180, Good Templar", in this place, viz: W. C. T., F. H. Hemperly; W. V. T., Miu Alice Powers; W. S., X. B. Flowers; W. A. 8., Mill Canie 'oung; W. T., A. W. Flemming; W. F. fil:; J. A. Kuser; W. C., D. T. Kotler; W. M., F. W. McElroy; W. D. M., Miss Jennie Powers; L 8., Miss Sadie Giorge; 0. G., J. Nevin Frey; W. R. H. 8., and W. L. H. S., Miss Mary J. McCreary and Miss Lou Wolf; P. W. John A. Atwell. Elaiia.lsaac Baird bM Purchased s farm of 105 scresl with improvements, from John McKesson, in Liberty town ship, At 313,000. The Rerpelefamily, (colored,) have sold tbeititettis and lot in Mountßleasant town ship, forlsoo. George - Arnold bas sold lb acres of land on Seminar, ridge, known as the "Burns" property, to George B. Pfaltzgraff, of York county, for PASO. Edward Woodward has sold to Hon. Edward McPherson, a lot of ground in rear of other lots of the latter on exten sion of Carlisle street, 20 by 90 feet, for $BO. Comm('Tios.—We understand that the officers of the Gettysburg & York Turn pike company have no bill before the Leg islature, asking either a vacation of the road or an increase of the toll. It was proposed to abandon the part of the road lying in Adams county if acceptable to the Adams county people, but by reason of objections raised the proposition was at once abandoned. The only bill pending before the Legislature, is one to author ize the Company tooollect toll from perilous using the pike from five to eight miles be tween the gates, without passing through them—it being claimed that many , persons thus use the read, driving up the gates, and then passing around. The bill, as we are advised, is to reach such cases. FATAL Accimorr.—On Thursday the Bth inst., whilst Mr. Joseph Slackley, re siding near Littlestown, was. engaged in lowering stone into a well which he had recently dug, a board at the top of the well, upon which he was standing, sudden ly broke, precipitating Lim to the bottom of the well. Mr. Groh, who was at work in the well vain - 14MM Wall, was not aware of the accident until he heard the splash in the water below him. A son of Mr. S. who was near by, immediately went down into the well, and, assisted by GrOit, hoisted the unfortunate man to the top of the well with a rope. Upon exam ination it was found that the neck of Mr. S. had been broken by the fall. Death must have instantly ensued. Deceased was lbont fifty years of age, and leaves a large family to mourn his sudden and on expected death.—Prcar. Wno Ass LOST A LITTLE GlEL.?—Last ummer a party of Gypsies, consisting of two men, two women • and a girl aged about eleven years, paJMed through the village of Belmore, - Crawford county, going west. Shortly after passing through the place, a man engaged at hauling logs came acmes a little girl aged about four years, who had been left lathe road about a mile east of tha village, on the mute the Gypsies had Jima passed over. The man who was hauling logs picked up the child and took it to his home. The' little thing could no give account of itself, ,nor has everyet conveyed an idea who its parents are. The general impression is that the child did not belong to the Gypsies, and that they stole it from some family and becoming tired of it left it in the toad as Shatli stated. There may be somewhere a mourning father and mother whom the publieatimi a tads *a may lead to the diacevery of a lost child. Will our exchanges give it currency as widely as possible 4—Fld:on, (Pa.,) Democrat. Zouasns.—Turn out on February 22d, st 10 o'clock, )L, in full dress. By seder of** Captain. S. B. Name, t 7.8. DEATH or ea.wcaa. WEAVER-Our community wis startled on Friday laid by telegram from York, announcing tfiaiMr. Wade' Weaver, of this, place,* lelyl4'en killed at therrailioad detiot. • for several years, has been running a special freight car to and froni Philadel phia, for Bigham Fe Bro., making weekly trips. On Friday morning, about 10 o'clock, the freight train, including Mr. Weaver's car, reached York, slid the ac cident occurred while the cars were, being shifted and separated. Mr. Weaver's car _was still attached to, the _locomotive, a pig iron car in hit rees br un coupled, and following - slowly on t track at a distance of about 'ten feet. He was in the•act of leaning over from the rear of his car to adjust the bolt pin, when a sud den forward lurch of the locomotive threw him off and on to the track. Before he eould recover himself, the pig/ iron car passed layer him, cutting off both legs, the right above and the left below the knee. Thus maimed Mr. Weaver retained sufficient presence of mind to roll himself from the track and thus clear the other cars. Death ensued almost immediately from hemorrhage, his only remark being, "I am badly hurt." He was at once car ried to King's hotel near by, but was dead before the how* was reached. Mr. Weaver was a prominent member °Utile Improved Order of Red Men, hav ing a few years ago filled the office of Grand Sachem, the highest in the State. Ills remains were at once taken charge of by that Order, fh -7- York, a committee ac companing them to Gettysburg on Satur day. The funeral services took place in St. James Church on Sunday afternoon, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Breidenbaugh, preaching an appropriate sermon. The church was densely crowded by represen tatives of the Order of Red Men, mem bers of the Gettysburg Beneficial Society, (of which deceased was also a member,) and citizens. Mr. Weaver was of active, stirring hab its; and hence, although he retired from business same years ago with a compe tence, he preferred not to be idle, and from time to time engaged in employment suited to hiseliergetic disposition. Hav ing grown up in this community he was widely known as a Useful, respected citi zen, esteemed for his kindness of dispo sition and integrity of character. St. James church, of which he was for many years a prominent member, will especially feel his loss. rfr We are pleased to inform our friends that the Singer Manufacturing Company have concluded to open an office for the sate of their celebrated Sewing Machines in Gettysburg. This district will embrace Adams county, and be under the charge of Dr. J. E. Fackler, who has opened an office on Baltimore street, in the Store room formerly occupied by Robert & Bush man. The Dr. will devote his whole time to the Sewing Machine trade and we are pleased to add that from what we have seen of him we judge that he will prove himself worthy of the con l ficrence of our citizens. The Travelling Agent of the Company, Mr. Beardslee, give us the following fig tires, which show conclusively that the "Singer" has outstripped its opponents in the great number of sales made: In 1867 the Co. sold 43,053 machines. In 1868,tbe Co. sold 59,629 machines. In 1889 the Co. sold 86,781 machines. In 1870 the Co. sold 180,000 machines. These facts and figures go,to show the gres4 popularity of the Singer Sewing Machine and leaves comment useless. it Mrrencsi.—"Among the thousand awl one Pianos offered to the public, we scarcely know any instrument so fully uni ting all the desirable qualities sought for as the Knabe Piano. It is a matter of some difficulty and perplexity to inexper ienced perms to select a good instrument of any capacity. We too often rely upon the judgment of friends in the selection of a piano, and are thus frequently disap pointed. The only sure way, iu our opin ion, is to go to the best maker. For this reason, we recommend to our readers to parches Pianos of William Knabe at Co's manufacture. 'This will relieve ,them the vexatious necessity of wasting time in a long search. The reputation of the Knabe Plant* is an infallible guaranty of excellence. In the houses of the most ac complished and wealthy of our citizens, and in our best seminaries and colleges, these twritleent instruments may be found. Nor is this any wonder, for, in purity, depth and constincy of tone, they are unsurpassed,. Their gradation of scale is so ezqnlaitely, and, at the sapie time, comprehensively attuned, that they are capable of expressing every emotion of the human heart and soul. Their tone is exquisitely pure and unique, and so even, sweet and sympathetic that it imspires all who listen to it, while at the same time the action is pe*ctly free, and the keys resound to the touch with such sensitive ness and intelligence, so to speak, as to make one almost think that the mind of the manufacturer linger* in his work. 1t No 1108 X COAL OIL LAMP EXPLOSIONS. Coal oU furnishes a cheap and steady light, but many persons are deterred from using it by reason of numerous accidents restating from explosions. The getting up a lamp that will effectually guard against this danger has been the aim of scientific men, and we believe the end has been accomplished in "Perkins & House's Non-Explosive Lamp." Mr. ElxnArs WAR_ Bra:, of this place, is Apia for Adams county, and has exhibited to us one of the lamps, which is novel in construction, neat in appeitrance, yields a steady bril liant light, and is so constructed as to make explosion Impossible. It has been thoroughly tested by scientific men, chem ists and others, who give it their unquali fied endorsement. Mr. Warren furnished one of thee(' lamps to Prof. Croll, of Pa. College, to be thoroughly tested and ex ploded if possible by any test he might see fit to'apply. The annexed reply of the Faculty is the best endorsement of the lamp that our people could detire: PENBSYLVANIA COLLEGE, GETTYSBURG, PA:, Feb. 7, 1871. After a trial of Perkins & House's Lamp, I have no hesitation in ...mmendog it as strictly scientific in structure, renddring it superior to any other in impact to aafety; as securing a perfect combustion and giv ing out an amount of light rivaling the brilliancy of gas; and as steadier in flamp and having less unpleasant kerosine odor than ordinary lamps. L. H. Cnott., Prof. of liathematies and Astronomy. We lune eitiiwconfidenee in the judg ment abore expressed. VALENTOIB, President. E. eitaik Prot- of English Language sa R d pan a, atare. a Lome BAueami, rroL of Gen an Language and latarange, MOrni, Prot. of Greek Law and Liters:lira Mr. Warren will tin all orders for these Non-Explosive Lamps, promptly, and at BRielgsetureng trlrbeiskrgiut assortment of Confec tion's and Frults,in Gettysburg, at Znrs a Co.. VALVABLZ vertisemera k of Mill". & Davis, Druggist, 'of lialtimore,- 'to=day ' s to-day' -piper, heeded "Health! Health!" No humbug. tf To Sitia.—AT , llaur ratblt.-4. hand some C.esa with glass front, suitable for -stare re library. Inquire at this oak& NNW Dtpies-17upiew York swim:t iers, who havelieete tiling in green ones by offering imitations of greenbacks and Wm, rsews l at lowßrietts, hsve qpitied up a neWiesd. - A•ivrte ditys ago' Mr. James Bigham received a letter from "Hamilton,l & Gardner, importers and dealers in • Watches, Diamonds, ikc., No 5 Beekman street, N. Yom; 40. 111,1ive Place, Paris; aka itolllB F*d strdel, tentkin," invit ing him to send on $13.75 for a valuable gold watch. The rogues have taken the trouble to torus the letter. on a letter sheet, with handsomely printed business heading, the . more readily to deceive the recipient as 11, the character of the firm. We give the precious epistle in full: NEyr YORK, FEB. 9th 1671. 410..J.Liks - Etaium. - ' ' Dear `Sir:—The Hunthig hise stem winding Geneva Watch, manufactured by Jorgensen, No. 14,003, which we received from you by express on March 28, 1870, for repair, is now awaiting ,your order. You were correct when you stated that the watch could not be repaired in any city but New York. This is the third letter we have sent to you to this effect, the two former ones having been returned to us through the Dead letter office, leading us to suppose that no such person could be found. According to the laws of the State of New York, all goods held by us, in trust, for the period of one year, must be turned over to the State Treasurer, by him to be disposed of according to the provision of Section 3, chapter 5, Laws of 1865. Therefore this is the last notifi cation you will receive from us in relation to the matter. Thirteen dollars and seventy-live cents is the cost of repairs, a moderate charge considering the time re quired to regulate it properly, and in' substituting a new main-spring. It has been kept in running order for nearly a year, and has varied but 20 seconds during the whole time. What increases our anx iety in this connection ialhat you inform ed us in the letter which accompanied the watch, that you were not a resident of Green Mount; that you were afflicted with consumption and that you were travelling in America for the benefit of your health. We are unable to obtain the address of any of your friends, is your letter was des troyed. The watch is a valuable one, and must have cost wken new about $4OO in gold; though as the watch has been used two or three years, it would hardly fetch more $3OO in gold at present. Barring accidents it will keep good time for at least 5 years. It: you are still living Cher call in person or remit $13.75 in a registered letter, and state plainly how you desire the watch to be sent. We hope you will lose no time in writing, as every day the watch re mains in our possession entails additional trouble and expense upon us. It will be enclosed in a mahogony box led with velvet. Respectfully Of course the expectation of "Hamilton & Gardner" was that Mr. Bigham would at once take the bait thus thrown out, claim the watch, forward $13.75, and re ceive in return a worthless article, if any thing at all. As'Mr. Bigham is not quite so "green" as some other people who are daily duped by these New York sharpers, instead of parting with his money, he turns the letter over to the Printer. rirGroceries at reduced prices at ZINN al Co. tirfluctsters and Co untry Merchants can save money by purchasing of ZINN & CO. SALES OF PERSONAL PROPERTY.—The following sales of Personal Property will be found in our advertising columns: Thursday, Feb. 43—Saanuelif. Fitter, Mena,lieu. " 23—Meier&yownsend, Reading. Friday " 24—F. & W.Van Orsdel, Straban Saturday, " "`...s—James M. Neely, Oxford. Monday, " 27—John Baker, Freedom. Monday, " —J. E Herman, near Hampton Tuesday, " 2S—Henry Bah, Butler. Wednesday, Mar. I—Jeremiah Gulden, Butter. Thursday, " 2—Wm. P. Lott, Ctunberland. Friday, " 3—Jaeob W. Fidler, Butler. Tuesday, " 7—P. G. Caftan, &ratan. Wednesday, " B—Mrs. Graft ir ny, &raisin. Wednesday. B.—Taecame Baader, Camber laud. Thursitay. " 9—John Punt. Butler Friday, " 10—Abraham Tammy, Mount plemiant. Saturday, " 11—Samuel l7arttel, Cumberland. " 11—Hez. Latabarr, Franklin. Tuesday, " 14—D. C. Brinkerhoff, Straban. Wednesday. " Ir.—WlllLim Waihay, Ifilenallen. Thursday, " 16—Dr. C. E. Goldsborough, Stra ban. rittitu: of Mr Illarktts 111401111u•ore lirwlu 6 Prodesee Markel. Baltimore, Thishnlay Morning. fk - Inut FLouR, 550 0 600 EXTRA FLOUR, 645 0 650 WEITZAVHEAT, 165 (j 200 RED WHEAT 175 0 210 COZY 80 0 68 85 0 46 OLT% i 56 0 60 Trucrrar-8121) 600 0 637 CLovas43s2o, 735 @ 740 FLAx.-Bazzo 000 (6 if go Buys, 844oeunas, 10t/ 0 103 " 11,1 0 124, " HA" 10 16 Lin) , 0 13 GetlysbnrigGraln *Prevision Market. Gettysburg, Friday Morning. FLOUR 000 @ 575 Warm WHEAT. 125 fg 140 RED WHEAT, CORN Err 00 42 70 OAT& 45 50 BUCKWHEAT 00 0 00 TIYOTHT-SEED. 000 0 400 CLOTEKBEED 600 @ 675 FLAX-SEED, 170 0 175 POTATOES. 80 /0 100 STOCILS AND BONDS. Clostnis Prieos of Do Itairea & aro.. 40 South 3rd St., Paalatillolpitto. 3 o'clock. P. M.. Feb. 3rd, 1871. U. & 6`tiot 'RI .... 113% 1146 " 46 II II .13, 111% 111% " " '64, 110% 111% 014 44, 466 /1 0 % In X " " '44 new, 100% 110 - " '6" - 1093; 110 ' .. 6. . 68, 1103 w no% " I's, 10-40's, 110 X 110% U. S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy., 112% 112% Gold 111 1114 . Sliver, 106% 108 Union Pacific R. R. Ist M. Bonds," 810 tirM Central Pacific R. IL 4 40 960 Union Pacific Land Grant 80nd5,.... 110 750 Biurtomen—Cmussma.— On the End inst., by Rev. Minuet Tingling, Mr. John Briplman, of DeidlebereAownship. York county, to Miss Ame ila.Chrismsr, of Conowaao township. Adams co. Fuottxvin--Bintamt—On Tuesday morning lest, by Bar. J. A. 8011, Mr. Joke Roan Ayer of this county, to Miss Joanna Berger, of Pranirlte .county. • Moatturic.-Nrami.us.—On the Bth Inst., pt the sasidenas of Mrs. M. N. W Braden, (the bride's mother,/ Mount-p W i astmoreland county. Um Bv: John assisted by Bev. Blink e (of this piace,l.lLalei Mallfilisit, E, .. of Xenia, Ohio, to Mies MatUe S Niecolls. BALDWIN. --On the sth Inst., by Rev. J. M. Titmel, Mr. William R. Metz to Martha X. Baldwin, both of A dams oounty. Idiumnrx.-011 the 12th inst.. by Rev. J. A-8011. Mr. David Miller-of Payettev_lie,Prank lin comity, to /en CbliStianaßlaek, of Buchanan Valley, Adams Waavia--tiroat el M the 7th inst.. by Bev. J. A_ Boil, Mr. William Weaver to Mir Caroline Mock, both of tidy place. . Obituary notions 5 cents a line for all over tour lines—cash to accompany the notice. Tbis In eludes memorial tributes, resolutions of socie ties, BACOTIZR.—OiI the 29th ult, in Latimore town ship, Mrs. Elisabeth, wife of Mr. William Baugh. er, aged 20 years and 29 days. Frwr.—Otabe 10th inst., Mamma Klimbetb. :fitter of Illasa Punt, of Butler township, 9 years, 10 month! and 3 _ i mam—On the 'Mtli ult., at Math If. T., George into:pot Chitties and Kate m months II Mils, Mattison of of Inace. , Little Walla abuithentanefab' • In his lonely au andra,bw bed; wPelting storm OMURA omen mash his = ilag ls head, P M , c oens n h ia nA M p T a h b o u m ra as M C ees m uala a n t i (formerly of Hanover,) aged 60 years and 2* days. NAOLL—In Berwick twp., on the 12th tnu, after a brief illness, gsia Amelia, daughter ot Samuel and Catharine Nagle, aged 19 years 6 months and 13 gr. Itrixatt—On 20th ult.. in' tbja_ place, Ike. Rose A. BM& wtte of Valentine Ening, aged 61 years and 23 days. Bota.—On the 4th inst., In Butler, township, Jonas Both, amid 70 years, 3 monttut days, He was a man of many virtues- lie bad sattated long and mush. but this KM as weary nature falls Into sweet mom Hhreja in Jesus. Watvaa.-L-On the 10M Mt, at York Pa.,. of Waring- aniastriad ea' till_rfitiraid.lir. - Elantuel Westin: of MU OM". 41 P a P g r ar % aclif i a r4altagrwaii . lll . : bat.= Vitngrnitagride'roffmllllol Read the ad- HAMILTON & GARDNER lal @ 180 6 0 70 MARRIED PIED. Purace Ortrnms.—E. H. Mud& makes it •la point to 'serve up the TUT *Mr Oysters that can be secured in the Bald inok unaket. He has special sec I.ll lllO dS tions for, Ladies and Gentlemen, 1. 1 110 will tyAf,iery thing in priine order. t. -) Yiters iierveruto * 6 .' 61 9 site - ,k 4 lat Tile most astidiCes. Call and roe for Youreelvw AT Cosi! AT Cowr! Until April' 1871— at.Nolinni r Corner, to make room for Spring goods—Clothing, Hats, Caps, }loots, Shoes, at WHOLBSALZ PRICES. Now is your time for Bargains. Don't fail to call, if you need anything in my line. No Humbug. Call and see fo yourselves. 6:7 gtul Alvertistsnenti, MOTlCE.—Letters Teatime. Mary on ths estate. VI of Eamtnu. late of Get. tYaburg, Adams county, ra.. having been pant ed the undersigned. residing in same plac e . she hereby gives notice to aU persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. ELIZABETH A. WEAVER. Feb. 17, 1571.--dt Executrix. puBLIc SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. The undersigned, wUI sell at Public Sale, pa Satursioy, the Ilth litarch next , at his residence on the Idummasburg road, two miles from Get tr.burg, the following Personal Property, viz: THREE WORK HORSVV2 two-yearling Colts, 3 MILC'H COWS, 3 head of Young Cattle, 4 head of good Sheep, 2 Hogs, one-horse Wagon, Hay Ladders. Wood Ladders, two-horse C arriage. Fng-Um Buggy, (nearly new,) 2 Plows, double Shovel Plow. 4.:orn Fork, Corn Sheller,2 Bee Rives, 2 sets of Horse Gears, 3 Collars, Bolling Screen, Cutting Box. Sleigh, 2 Bedsteads and a great many other articles too numerous to Men- Hon. IlirEale to commence at le o'clock, A. whsn attendance will be given and terms made known by SAMUEL HAETZ EL. James CALDWVI.I., Auctioneer. Feb. 17, 1871.—ts TOWN PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE The umlershpaed, Executor of the last Will and Testament of JANES BOWEN, deceased, will otter at Public Sale, on Saturday, the 25th of March nezt, on the premises, A LOT OF GROUND, situ ate on West Middle street, in the Borough of Get tysburg, adjoining propettiesof George Little and Harvey D. Wattles, fronting 60 feet on Middle street and running back 190 feet to a public alley, Improved With two two-story Rough-cast DWEL LINGS, with Back-buildings to each, an excellent well of never-failing water on the premises, Smoke House and other outbuildings. Both pro perties are In excellent repair and desirably loca ted. /at The Houses will be sold separately or to gether, as may suit purchasem airlf not sold on that day, they will be offered for RENT for one year from theist of April next. El - Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when attendance-will be given and terms made known by P. KENDLER ART, Feb. 17, 1371.—ts Executor. puBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at Public Sale, on Wednexcloy, the 15th day ill' March next, at his residence, in 'Woollen township, Adams county, about 1 mile south-west of Benders , :llle, to the left of tha road leading from Benderstille to Arendtsville, the following Personal Property, to wit! 1 BROOD MARE, heavy with foal to the .Jack Don Quixotic, 7 COLTS. I a three-yearling French Norman Stud Colt—welght 1470 pounds; a three yearling full. blooded Bay Stud Colt; 2 two-year- Hog Mule Colts bred from Don Quixatte, 1 year ling Bay Mule Colt bred from the same Jack. I three-riling Black Horse Colt, I two-yearling Mic k orse Colt, 11 head Young Cattle, one a trothlk Cow, and some Young Heifers which will be fresh about Harvest. a lot of Shotes. a No. 1 Broad-tread Wagon two-horse Spring Wagon, a light two-horse; Wagon. a lot of. Seed Potatoes, lot of Balls by the hundred, and many other arti cles too numerous to mention. egirSale to commence at 11 o'clock, A. M.. on wild day when attendance will be given and terms made known by WILLIAM WALHAY. JACOB MICKLEY', Auct. Neb. 17. ICl—te p U B L I C SALE The undersigned, intending to quit farming. will sell at Public Sale. on Thursday, the 16th of March neat at his residence in Straban township, on the Harrisburg State Road. Eve miles from Gettysburg. and adjoining farm of Jeremiah Schriver, the following valuable Personal Prop erty, to wit: YOUR DEAD KENTUCKY MULES, 3 years old, and well broken. 1 fine young blare 4 years old and heavy with foal, 3 young MILK COWS, young Cattle. good spring wagon, lime bed, 2 good steel plows," 1 Bendersville _plow, steel double-shovel jilow, single shovel plow, corn fork, corn coverer, good harrow, wind Wilt, log, cow and breast chains, 2 sets of Yankee harness, 2 sets front gears, 4 bridles, 4 collars, 3 sets butt traces, 2 sets long traces, all of which are newly bought. single, doable and treble trees, single and double spreaders, jack screw, and a great many other articles. Also, at the same time ane place will be offered at Public Sale the FARM of the subscriber, which, if not sold, will be for rent to a good tenant. 410.951 e to commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., on slid day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by C. E. GOLDSBOROUGH. Jong Srau.infrna, Auct. Feb L 5. ISM , puBLIC SALE. The subscriber. Intending to quit farming, wifl sell at. Public Sale. on Tuesday, the 14th day of March next, at his residence, In Straban town ship. Adams county, 414 miles north of Gettys burg and 5 miles south of Ilektlersburg, near the Harrisburg road, the following Personal Proper ty, viz: 1 FAMILY MARE. heavy with foal, works any- - where, i 311LeH COWS, I Bull, 3 Young Cattle. 3 Shotes, 1 light two-horse Wagon, Hay Carriage, Dung Boards, Sleigh and Bells, Falling-top Bug gy I new Brant Wire-tooth Rake. Winnow Mill, NO, 1 Plow, for 2or 2 horses, new Harrow, Double Shovel Plow, Cultivator, single and double Trees, 1 set of heavy Breeehbands, Bridles, Col lars, Halters, Flynet, Cow Chaim, Forks. Bakes, Grain Shovels, Butt and Breast Liming, 2 Saddles. 2 skits of Buggy Harness, Wheelbarrow, S and Strath., Wood Saw and Buck, Axes. c a e - meta, Saws, Augers, small Grindstone, Oats and Rye by the bushel. lot Shingles and Boards, 2 Long Ladders, 6 barrels Apple Vinegar, lot of Bags, _Half Bushel, Steelyards, &c. Also, HOUSE HOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, such as Cooking Stove and Frattms, 2 Ten-plate Stoves and Pipe. Corner Cupboard Tables, Chairs. Wash Stand, Bedsteads and Bedding '2 Feather Beds, Sink, Wood Box, Window Blinds. Table Cloths, coffee Mills, Coffee Pots, Pans and Skil lets, 2 Churns, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Lamps', Queens, Tin, Crockery and Stone Ware, Carpet ing, Spinning Wheel and Reel, Patent Sausage and Lard Press combined, Copper Kettle, Apple Dealer, Meat Vessels, Cider Barrels, Tubs, Meat Bench, Doughtray. Candle Moulds, lot of Books, County Map, and other articles too numerous to mention. iirtiale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by P. C. BRINKERHOFF. Jottx }Loses, Auct. Jno. N. Boyer, Clerk. Feb. 17, Ig7l.—ts pUBLIC SAJ,E The subscriber, Intending to ren9ulidi farm ing and remove, win self at Public e. on Brix urday, the 11th of March tart, at h s residence In Highland township. Adams unt, Pa.. 53,4 tulles west of Gettysburg, and s mil e south of New Salem, near the Susquehanna, Gettysburg& Potomac Railroad, the following Valuable Per sonal Property. viz.; 7 head of fine work HORSES, 1 rising 9 years old, 3 rising 6 years old. and 3 rising 4 years old, also, 4 COLT• 4 3 rising 3 years old, and I rising 2 years old—all geldlup- In short, they are as tine a lot of Ramses will be sold at an sale in the county this season. Also, 3 COWS. 2 of which will be fresh In Mach, 4 Mae Bolters two springer, and two extra stock will be fr esh In the fall; 2 tine young Steersle good order, S line Brood Sows, ate having 5 Pip. while the other two will have Pip in March, 6 line Sbotes out of a full Chester white Boar, a very good four-horse narrow-tread Wilton, a No. I plank bed, bay carriage, buckeye reaper and mower, a No. 1 seriag-tuotb hay good as new, screw hay font and rope 70 eet h o i o np, windmill. 2plows, one of them a three- nie ow, double shovel plows and corn forks as g as new , corn cov erer, digging Iran, mattock, good muscat saw, 2 two-borse double and single trees, good spreader with single trees, log chain, 23 good steer chains, wagon harness, consisting of 2 sets of breech - - bands and skle-plates nearly new and 4 Inches wide, 3 sets of fronaests, ha- and traces, 4 good housings, b ridles, uppleather duets nearly new, 4 blind I wagon °oars, wagon sad nve,horse line, four-horse line, set of com mon roess, ;warm saddles, one Just new, rid ing le, 40 head halters, halter chains, 2 rid ing dies, check lines. Also, e. kg of Grain, consisting of 66 bushels prime old Wheat weigh leg 62 pounds; 70 bushels new Wheat, a good article weighing over 60 pounds; NO bushels good Black Oats ; also, Bay by the ton, and other articles too numerous to mention- Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms make known by _ 11F2. IATSHAW. JACOB Aurt. Feb. 17, Ml—Ls LARGE SALE The subscriber, intending to remove, win sell at Public Sale, on Thursday, the 2d qf :Much next, next, at his resioence, on the old Mccady farm. now owned by John Hartman, In Cumberland township, Mama county, near the Emma(Debuts road, 4% miles hoar Gettysburg, the following Valuable Personal Property, viz: SIX WORK HOMER 1 yearling Colt. 13 head of. Cattle, 5 of them MILCH COWS, 1 fresh, 2 Heifers, hoth will be fresh by time of sale, and 6 had of young Cattle, 10 Sheep, 5 Motet, 1 Ches ter Sow and 9_ .Pigs, 3 Wagons; 1 four-horse broad. tread, 1 four-horse narrow-DM,* (both have been and I tigra l iVol d drae Bel, 2= l 4Y Ci t i t r! Ma 2 of DUOS 8 4 100118, Peed ' , Field ,BEloer and 111_ ,ower Grain , Hay Make. Brant's Went, Threshing MachMe, with double-shaker, In wed running order; Winnow lug Kill. M -WO and Belle, 2 Shear Plow*, 2 double Shovel now", I single Shovel Flew; trloni fork s Corn Coverer. 2rnive,' single. double and treble Trees, Spreaders: 2 sets or Breechhands, 3 sets of ampere, Blind Bridles, Riding Bridles, Collars, Halters and Chairac__Wagon Saddle. Fly nets, 2 fourtorae Una% wagon Whip. Check Lines, 2 sets of Harness. good as new, Boit. Breast, Log and Cow Chains, Dung Hook, Basks, Wedgeßakes, Shove May 841 e ls, Matto ckScyth . Pi es sa d Swat A hs. 3xes, Mau Grainl sad. *, , Cradles, Grindstone. W h eelbarrow, Vice, An Brace and Bltts, Feed Buckets . Horse ' Weed Haws, .40- Also, one-hall interest In about 40 Acres of Grain in the Ground.,Also ROUSE. HOLD AND HEN FUENITMBY consist ing In parrot 6 Tables, 7 Bediteads, (2".,) 2 sets of Chides, Corner ()onboard %re,. Carpeting, 2 Ten-plate Stoves and Pipe, Coe Cll% Stove wad Fixtures. Wood Box. Chest, Stone and Crockery W i miron Kettle Pats .4 B4 (ill t iter aeml4 . Rea* toried ett- " Meal Lard and t y * P the pound. Sweet arid — MthPotatoes _ the bushel, Puled Fruit of M i kinds. Bose& Barrsls. and num other article*. too aliment= to' then tharede p' clock, A. to co m mence at 9 0 clock, A. !L. when attends/tee and a Credit of ISt mods will he given by - • Wit P. LOTT: Jai= M1C12.17, Auctioneer. - Feb. 17. len.-ce - - n Advtitiontints: puBLIC SALE. Thenidersignell,tAttosiej In Fact for RICHABD F. Giiitowa. odors at PubUe hale. on Saturday, the 11th of Mwen nest. on the Premises the PM Dar t, fon r ixtopyinh to Ban.tmaxuxemiamt, - York Sp 1 11=t um moty, con. taining erected a Luse twowierrli WALING HOUSE, hmaker Brick Blackanilth Shop, Frame Stable, a never-f of excellent water ha the color and and an of Choice Fruit— ft is one of the best locations for a Coachmaker at Machinbst In the emintty. Also, at the same time and place wtli be sold some Benches, Black man Tail& &c. If the property is not sold It will be naiad for one year from the Ist day of April next. Jairfiale to oe at 12 o'clock, k on said day, when ye will be itiven and terdul made known by ..yriujAm B. GARDNKft, At t orme l.ri• Tut for B. P. Gardner. Feb. 12, 11111.—ta FLOWER SEEDS ! EMS /VTR unrivaled ettledlaut of Slower Seeds V which we sell at 2E cuffs SO Lama. and $145 each. should be in the bands of t w tre m &olanter in tha ro conntry. They contabi ah e m . (gets and aL2S worth of the deed seeds, at packet prices, e erepristng selections of the moat beautiful and desirable varieties, and either site will be sent by mail, post - paid, on receipt of price, aufl . we tee them to reach the purchasers. ptive and Price Lists on application. airWe put up Vegetable Seeds In the same pro portion. Trophy Tomato Seed at 15 and 115 cents Mwhew. Addraes, BOAJWIIAN & 'WIL. AUS, Rochester, N. Y. f , [Feb. 17.-31 1870. 130,01i0 SOLD 1N 1870. SINGER SEWING MA.CHIN_NS ABE THE HOST POPULAR AND BEST OF L IN SIM 520.000 li31)•1.I). THEY DO A WIDER RANGE OF WORK They-. am vmyle., light-running, complete and 'always ready to work. call and If, what they will do at the OFFICE ON BALTIMORE ST., GETTYSBURG (oppostte the Court-hotly., ) J. E. FACKLER, Agent. (N. B.) Machines delivered to all tams of the County and thorough Instruction,. elven f ree o f charge. Feb. lg. 1870.—1 y $3,000 WANTED! pEILSONS desiring to Invest from ...i.isiuto43.uu9 oin perfectly safe Iti*Eutate seciirii. at per eeut. interest, free from all State and local taxa- will make immediate applleati.m to either of the olotersigned 0•L s. 1•47HM1 KEIt Clminnan of Finance Cum. ut Pa. t .1. D. BUk:IILER Feb. 10, 1871-11 $5 to $lO per Day. and Men, rage In our new business make from /..", to nlO per day In their own localities. Full particulars and Instructions sent free by MAIL Thee in need of permanent. profitable work, should address at on&. osokaE Sonyekm & CO., Portland, Maine. • UNCLE JOSH'S TRUNK FULL OF FUN A Portfolio of ant-c Lass Wit and Humor, con tainting the Richest Comical Stories, Cruel sells, side,Spliting Jokes, Humorous Poetry, Quaint Parodies, Burlesque Sermons, New Conundrums and Mirth-Provoking Speeches ever published. Interspersed with Curious Puzzles, Amusing Card Tricks, Feats of Parlor Magic, and nearly 'NO Funny Engravings. Illustrated Cover.— Price 15 cts. Sent by mail, postage paid. to any part of the United States, on receipt of price. DICK 4: FITZGERALD, Publishers. Is Ann.st.., New York. it THB NEW YORK DAY-1300K.—The Cham pion of White Supremacy against the World. A first-class eight pane Democratic Weekly, established in lASO. k 2 per year: fur six months. Subscribe for it. For specimen copies, address "DAY-13i1OK, - New Yuri:City. 41 TIIL 8. 8. FITCH'S FAMILY PHYSICIAN; 90 Pagoo sent by mall free. Teaches bow to cure all diseases of the peon I _skin, hair, eyes, complexion. Write to Tl.4dsray, Y. Y. 4t I =1 Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue OP FLOW 612 AND THOLIABLE SENDS AND SUMMER FLOWERING BULB& FOR 1871, Will be ready for mailing by the middle of Janu ary. notwithst.dading our great lose of type. pa per. engravings. &c., by fire. which destroyed the Job Printing office of the Hocberter Devumrat and Chronic 7 e. 2.stit December. rm. it will be printed on a must elegant new-tinted paper, and innatratad with nearly • hive Hundred Original Engravings, And two finely executed Colored Plates—spe.el• mere for all of which were grown try ourselves the past season from our own stock of Seeds. In the originality, execution and extent of the en grovingeit is unlike and etairseitly s uperior to any other Catalogue or Floral Guide "extant. The Catalogue will consist of 112 Pages, and as soon as published will be seat free to all who ordered Seeds from us by mall the last season.— To others a charge of 15 cents per copy will be made, which is not the value of the Colored Plates,We assure our friends that the Induce. nsento e offer to purchasers of Seeds, as to quality and extent ofStock,. Discounts and Pre- SWUM& are unsurpassed. Please send orders for Catalogues without delay. Our Cbtored Chronic for 1871 Wlll be ready to send out In January. The Mrotao will represent Forty-two Varieties of showy and popular Flowers of natural size and color. We design to make It the beat Plate of Flowers ever Issued. Size. 191:24 inches.. The re tail value would be at least Two &milers; we shall, however, furulsn it to customers at 73 cents per copy. and offer it as a Premium upon orders for Seeds. See Catalogue when out.. BRIGGS & BROTHEL Roch bter, N. Y. 4t SEND FOR OUR PAMPHLET TO ADVER TISERS. Price 26 eta Gro. P. Row ELL & Co., 40 Park Row, N. Y. 4t 1826 ' CBE THE "VEGETIBIT, PIILMO.NARY BALSAIf." 1870 The old standard remedy for Coughs. Colds, Con tunlptlon. "Nothing better." Crruut IMO& & 0., Boston. 4t UPHAM'S DEPILATORY POWDER. —Tt e moils superfluous hair In five minutes, w•lth out Injury to the skin. Sent by mall for 81. Z. VPHANI'ETASTHMA CUBE Believes meet violent paroxysms in five minutes and effects a speedy cure. Price by mall. THE JAPANESE HAIR STAIN Colors the whtskers and hair a beautiful Black or Brown. It consists of only one _preparation. 75 tend by malL Address S. C. LTPHAM, No. 771 - Jayne Streit, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars sent free. Sold by all Druggist., 4t• L°CAL AND TRAVELING AGENTS WANT ED.—dend 5O cram for sample and full par Radars. H. R. HOWARD, Rutland, Yt. 41 Toytipalni ns lr'giluKni"ils% aflLcitarses—:43ll are now empioyment at home, the whole of the tune or fee the sparer moments. Business new, light, and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn fr o m ,50e, to 15 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men.— That all who see this notice may send their ad dress, and test the business, we make the unpar alleled offer: To such as are not well satisfied, we will send Si to pay for the trouble of writing. Fun particulars, a valuable sample which will do to commence Volk on, and a copy of The Peo pies 44,ferary Co/wanton—ow of . Largest and 4 family newspapers ever publ tied—ap se n t I . free by mail. Reader, U you w t permanent; profitable work, address KC. LLEN & co. Augusta, Maine. 7 4t AN INDEPENDENT FORTUNE IN FOUR MONTHS. Can be made In a quiet way by men that are ea OD, of keeping the secret. Address JAMES' GOODWIN, 67 Exchange Place, N. T. 4t .41.i.EXTS1 RV AD TITTSt 1/7E WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY OF RID WV PEE WEEK and expimses, or allow a large couindssion, to sell our new and wonderful Inven tions. Addreqs M. WAGNER & Co, Marshall, Mich. Feb. 17,187L-4t Just Published, mailed free on receipt of Price. "THE •Gr4S CONSUMER'S A Popular Mimi Book of Instruction on the Proper management and Economical Use of Gm, with a full descrlption,of .thas Meters, and ffiree mai, for rtarldlig the COUSOMptiollby Meterf Ventilation. &a - Bi u w a w, nun Cloth, Kan Paper, 75 Oen =Toner one blaming m, Booklaill save Its cost in a short time. At MAND/Cit Publisher, Boston. . • max . - Riohirdson , Me s New Me tho d .- ; . i FOR TUE PUNOFORT.E. "Deserves oar hearty recommendation," N. Y. Musical Review. - Unexceptonable in taste and s tyl e ," Dwight's Journal liotuulotti a l tu ain bfiiatmak in tlib Piano "MS Eve. :awed. every other at the kind." Wor ' r. - "rossessea ElleriS net Minusd by oth. ee ' Cievekuut - liai t al, cL Boston aease, sawn tom. and Mari . Barton Journal.— "Frauds assay new an Important idea" N. No nor wearbo agendas. buttiPUY StaidiolitaranOent. and an NeWaim for practice at every step. It= mug be desired., Price han Bent CO.; poat.pald; - ' - i s ayfrit DITSON At 13aston. . FL DITSQN * 00., 'New York. Jan. 6, 287L-1y - , scut Asvntstatuts. PURE GRAPE WINES. ign g 16 ' 4 ' 164 eng'`ged me PURE GRAPE WINES, and now offers for sate different brands, Fermented and Unfermented, for Media inal and Sneramental purposes. His prices are reasonable, and his Wines cannot fail to reader satisfaction. His Vinyard is loca ted on the south-east side of Seminary Ridge, in a soil warm and fertile, maturing the grape early and thoroughly, and producing In all cases a first. class native wine. Apply to or address, ROBERT MEADS, Feb. 3, 1871.—U Gettysburg, Pa. Richard W. Cox & Co.; Suceemors to Wirt, Cox & Co., B tiNKERS & BROKERS, X. Cbr. Baltimore 4 i Charles Sts. BALTIMORE, MD., Do a general Banking and Brokerage business. Allow intesterest on Deposits, subject to check at sight, same as the City Banks, and issue Certificates of deposit, bearing interest, and payabWon demand. Notes and Drafts maturing In Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York sty, collected and credited to our customers free of charge, and Notes and Drafts on all other ac cessible points nollected at lowest rates. Agents for the sate of Northern Pacific Bonds. Pamphlets and information furnished on application. N. B.—We take pleasure In promptly answpr tag all inquiries, either by mail or wire, to re gard to securities, &e., and shall be pleased to have our friends make our office their Head Quarters while in the City. Feb. 10, Is7u-3m F. E. liETZGER, 13E111h:or, ILL r.eelve large and small •tuns of money. for which the following liberal rates of in terest. clear of Sfate Dues, will be paid, viz. 1 Year 8 per cent. Month§ IS pee cent. Months 4 per cent Bolds of all kinds bought & sold COUPONS, DIVIDENDS, &c., C:OLLECTED FREE OF CHARGE o,ther rf Broadway and York strAct..., HANOVER. PA. Yet,. 10, 1671.-3rn STAGE OFFICE. KEYSTONE HOUSE ' Keystone House, Chambersburg street, 1 has been selected as the Gettysburg office for the CH AMBEItSISCHG and EMMITTSB(3,G STAGE LIN.S. Stage for Chambersburg leaves daily at 1 o'clock, P. M., and for Emmittsburg daily at the same hour. Fare received at the Hotel and passengers called for at any place In town. The Keystone House runs a flrst-eLses HACK to and UM the Depot I/4E. Hack to hire. Gettysburg, Sept. 9,1 S U.—Gm Tr, &kill rer li - CFCHERING 'HE undersigned has commenced the Butch. I eringl, business in the rear of the Washington House. Gettysbtirg, and will pay the highest price for Calves, sheep and Lambs. Persons wanting meat. or having stock to s(-11, will call at the Washington House. Meat ordered will be deliv ered at dwellings any place within the town.— The patronage of the public is solicited. JAU. 27. 1571.-4 t Sixty-fir , First Prize Medals Awarded Baltimore Piano Mailofactory. WILLIAM KNABE & CO., Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO BALTIMORE, MD:. These Ineframenta have been before the public for nearly Thirty years, and upon their excellence alone attained an unpurchaeed pm-eminence, which pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE =h i p. artr - e ll it trievar panty ot tut i onatio i l ai alia ssi eet nets throughout the entire scale. Their 1,4 pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stiffness found In so ninny Pianos. IN WOR DEANSHIP they are unequalled, using none but the very best SE AWNED mentaun, the large capital employed In our nuainnes enabling us to keep continually an Immerse stock of lumber, Ac., on hand. nirAll our SQUARE Punt* have our New Im proved °venalling Scale and the Autumn TREBLE. sir-We would call special attention to our late improvements in GRAND PIANos and SQUARE GRAI 4 i DS; Patented Aug. 14. 1866, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been at tained. Every Piano fully Warranted for 5 Years We have made arrangements for the Bole Wholesale Agency for the must Celebrated PAR LOR ORGANS and MELODEONS, which we of fer Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Factory PETER BENTZ, Agent, No. 30 East Market street, York, Pa. Sept. A 1870.—sin "Gardening for Profit," "Practical Floriculture," DT PETER HENDERSON, The former detailing the aayqstem of lifaxasr GARDENING: the latter DESCRIPTIVE of the modes of 00/013ILCIAL FLORICULTURE, as prac ticed in the vicinity of New York. MaHed. post paid, for .1.53 each, Our Annual Descriptive Catalogue of Vegetable and Flower Seeds , Containing two new and BEAUTIFULLY COL. ORED PLATEct, is now ready. Also, Catalogue of NEW AND RARE PLANTS, ILLUSTRATED with Colored Plates and Engrav ings. Both will be mailed on receipt of Twenty. five Cents, or sent with either of the above Books free of charge. HENDERSON & FLEXIING, SEED MBRCTLASTS AVD ohowEas, 67 NASSAU ST., NEW TORS. Jan. 27. 1871.—1 t FURNITURE. Walton, Lippincott &Scott, Cablnei;oaakers, No. 418 Walnut St., Pki/plita OURestabil.shment Is one of he oldest In Phil adelphia, and from Aong experience and superior facilities we are mbpared to furnish good work at reasonable prices, We manufacture due furniture. and also me dium priced furniture of superior -finality. A large Mock of furniture always on hand. Goods made to order. (bunters, Desk Work and Office :Furniture for Banks, Offices and Stores, rtrtglade to order. Jos. WALTON. J. W. Lunn . . . Scow Feb. 11 Ina—ly FRESH GARDEN, FlotrAr, Fruit, Herb, Tree and Shrub, AND EVERGREEN SEEM, prepaid by mall, with directions for culture.— Twenty-five different packets of either class for $l.OO. The six classes $5.011 20,000 lbs. Evergreen Se e d s; ree Seeds ; Apple. Pear, Cherry, &c. Gras Beet, Cabbage, Carrot, Onion, Squash, Turnip, and all Vegetable and Flower Seeds, In small or large quantities; aW Small Fruits, Stocks, Bulbs, Shrubs, Roses, Verbenas, itc., by mall, _prepaid. New Golden Banded Japan Lily, 50c. Priced Descriptive Cat. elegise sent to any n addres- , gratis. Agents Wanted. e Agents , Clubs and the Trad%_ on commission. B. M. VIM.TSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established in 1012. [Feb. 3,1871.-2 m • Notice to the Public 'Tu g undersigned hi running a, Line . of Stages A trinnitagerstown to Gettysburg, leaving km. merplace onlionday. Wednesday and Friday, at rick,l4., AWngby to b Fo Wayne* VIZ *ad Ci untain at. ,r 7 gaud! foiir o' on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday arriving Hagerstown to make connection with the 6 - clock train for Baltimore. ANNA. WANK% May 21.--tf VALUABE,E STORE ROOM FOR RENT,- ,1 . T - , The unde Mood , olbra for Rent t Dry Goods Store Room with a good cellar on the north east corner of Centre Squarer neWwird r/fr• a Benner.. 10, 1671. , 31 • • .AN " . OK. Feb • • • "COB GOOD BOMA 8110N8.• 0313,SHOES. .A.ACTICS, and GUM 5H9121, eidi at - PICKINGIL _ ErrY + z .• LQAPB at 6 ' ll . G &CO. , . . . ri'O :0111APJUS -= THAN "trlxa sCO. "IL a wa-tt MRS MICM THE GREAT FORTES, TOUCH fetv g►dtiacnruts. Receipts & Expenditures OF ADAMS COUNTY FQR 1870. • 0117:1 1 _ D4lOlB COMITY, YU. A GREEABAX to an , Act of Meaniely. LI. "Au Act to raise County Rates mad Levies, , • requiring the Commissioners of Abe respective counties to publish a statement of the Receipts and Expenditures yearly, we, the Commissioners of Taxes of said eouist),lido report as follows, to wit: from the sth day et January, A. D., Sf7o, to the 4th day of January, A. D., 1171, both days in clusive: WM. J. MARTIN, Esq., Treasurer, andtheCom inlssloners, In account with the county of Ad mils, as follows: To Outstanding Taxes and Quit Rents in hands of Collectors *IVA 04 Cbunty Rates and Levies for 1870. Bor, of Gettysburg $3,055 52 Quit Rents 175 54 Cumberland twp., 2,853 5 Oxford 2,699 60 Huntington 2,353 64 Latimore 1,653 97 Franklin 3,139 79 Straban 3,017 20 . Menalleu 2,432 50 . ilamlitonisan 2,14017 liforntpleartant 2,900 87 Reading 2,394 15 Butler 1,681 64 Hamilton 2,258 .5 Union 2. - jk 95 • Nlountjoy 2,808 13 Germany 1,442 64 T 1,544 51 Liberty 1,542 14 Berwick 952 35 Freedom 906 79 Conowago 2,137 85 Highland 1,118 17 Littiestown bor 980 56 Berwick bor., 595 39 York Springs - 55 Si 9.568 45 Surplus State Tax ------44 131 57 Money borrowed from bank and sundry persons 19,499 63 Cash from S. It. Russell, Esq., Water Dividend 48 00 W. D. Holtzworth, Esq., coal for office.. 40 00 A. W. Minter, E 39.. ~ •• .. 20 00 Jacob Melhorn, hag.. " " .. 20 00 J. Klunk, Esq,. Jury fees and fines ... ... 151 00 Additional Tax 67 26 Costs front sundry persons 14 1.2 Cash from Y. Hann, Esq., late Sheriff, costa 121 21 P. Hann, Esq., late Sheriff, stove.... . . 8 00. George &cope Water Stock 800 Cash from 2,.. Wade for paint 3 5 Interest 2 o 3 The Outstanding Taxes and Qult Rents appear to be in the hands of the followinv Collectors, to xit: Yrs. Cbilectors. Bor. and reeps. 1869. Jacob I:entitle', Gettysburg. ..1 285 lo it. 51celeaf,• ..... 423 15 John IL Hutton, 51euallen.... 212 73 1370. James McCreary, Gettysburg. 1,194; Quit !tents,. 175 54 Wm. Bream,• Butler 751 04 Henry Mayer,. Berwick b0r.,.. 141 44 Peter 9lackley.BClunberland. 1,5u5 Win. 11. Small,• Couowago... 779 2 9 Daniel Settel,•Franklin 1,496 35 Wm. Scott, Freedom 254 Ir, E. F. liarner,• Germany 983 95 Jesse Smyers,• Huntington I,= 17 Hubert Watson.• Hamiltouban sx. Anthony Felix.• Hamilton.... 708 30 Christian Byers, Highland.. . 352 89 Jonathan B. Myers,•Latimore 897 89 Da'ld C. Ktise,• Liberty 312 91 Augustus Crouse. Littlestown 385 16 Jacob Bair,• MenaSen 1.535 13 P. G. Smith,. Mountpleasant. 1,754 52 .Jacob Baker,' Mount Joy 1,040 lti John L. Smith, Oxford. =2 18 George Sebright.• Reading._ 1,016 19 Abraham King.* Straban. 1.563 64 Emanuel Spengler„• Tyrone... 718 53 Jacob Harnish.• Mon 565 31 B. W. Ziegler,• V. Spring bor.. air., 71 sir Berwick townahiptaid in full before settle ment, end Freedom. Hi gh land , Union and Oxford hate paid lit full sinre se tlement. Thow marked thus • have .luee paid in part. Cu. By order s paktl out as follows: By Auditing public accounts • 40 ou .1. M. Walter. clerk to Auditors.... .... 'Li 00 .1 C. Neely, sq., auditing public otters 25 OU Win. McClean, Esci.,"Counsel's salary 7.5 00 •• - • extra services. . 2.5 OO Dr. J. W. ('. 01leaf, Physician to Jail. MOO M. Rupp, Janitor'rsalary ai ixi J. Jeff. Myers, Clerk- salary 600 (0 D. Wills, Esq., Treasurer of Adam, County Agricultural Society 100 (I) Medicine for prisoners. 5 CO 11. D. Wattles, Esq., for scalps, 1009 Z 7 16 Win. J. Martin, Esq., Pox scalps, 1570... 46 50 M. Samson, Quit lients.., 3 (0 Secretary of Commonwealth 150 Jury Commissioners and C1erk..........83 24 Tax refunded 19 91 Stamps ' 10 00 Summoning Jurors 105 60 As,essors par 490 (51 .1. A. Eitzmiller, postage 6 T J. C. Zotiek, Esq., Inquest on body of .1. Boud 17 37 J. C. Pittenturt, Esq., Inquest on body of G. Sleekley 17 42 Directors of Poor pay 60 00 Keeping prisoners at Eastern Peniten tiary 390 00 District Attorney's fees 166 (0 Treasurer of Alms House..... 10,900 00 Notes and interest mid to bank and sundry persons 20,811 13 Wood for Jail, part 1800 and mu ra zi J. Kelley, coal for Public Buildings. 419 43 Conveying prisoners to Eastern Peniten tiary 85 16 Keeping Commonwealth cost docket.. 25 00 Court Expenses. Grand JILIN . 11,1:11W for 1470 5,47 9.2 General Jury s pay..... ......... 3.14 z 6 9 Constables' Returns 3f3 21 Court Cryer, Messenger and Tipstaves pay 750 00 . Bills of casts 1,135 , Orphans' Courts HS 00 -9 .5,844 14 BoardingrAnd Washing for Prisoners. P. Hanu, Esq.. late Sheriff, bal ance on board bill for 1969....9