* r '- - --- d -- - _- — z - aob ..--.- "-C• ti Fr ia7 Msrabst. Feb:lo. 1871 TkIJTH Tim following. beautiful illustration of the aimplicity and power of truth, is from the pen of S. H. Hammond, formerly edi tor of the Agany State Register. He was an eye -witness of the scene in - one of the higher courts. - A little girl, nine years of age, was of ' fered as a witness against, a prisoner who was on trial for felony committed in her father's house. "Now Emily," said the counsel for the prisoner, upon her being offered ad a wit ness, "I desire to know if you understand the nature of an oath?" "I don't know what you mean," was simple answer. . "There, your' Honor," said the ecenemt" addressing the court, "is anything furth er necessay to demonstrate the validity of my objection? This witness should be re jected. She does not &reprehend the nature of an oath." "Let us see," said the judge. ."Come here my/laughter." - . Assured by the kind tone and manner of the judge, the child stepped toward hhu, and looked confidently up in his face, with a calm, clear eye, and in a man ner so artless and frank, that went straight to the heart. 1-4 11k1 you ever take an oath?" inquired the judge. The little girl stepped back with a look of horror, and the red blood .finantled in a blush allover her face as she answered, "No, sir." She thought that he intended to inquire if she had ever blasphemed. "I do not mean that," said the judge, who saw her mistake, "I mean were you ever a vitness.trefore ?" "so Sir; I never was in court before,' was the answer, lie handed her the bible, open. "Do you know that book, my daughter? She looked at it and answered, "Yea, sir, It is the Bible." , "Do you ever read it?" he asked. "Yes, sir, every evening." "Can you tell me what the Bible is ?" haiiiired the judge. alt is the word of God," she answered. place yourhand upon this Bible, and listen to what I say;" and he repeated slowly and solemnly the oath usually tr ministgd to witneses. "Now." said the judge, "You have sw , nm as a witness: will you tell me what will befall you if you do not tell the truth ?" shall be shut up in the State Prison," answered the child. "Anything else l'" asked'the judge. "I shall never go to heaven," she re ME How do you kuow this?" asked the judge again The child took the Bible, and turning rapidly to the chapter containing the t' otninandinents, pointed to the injwac- MEI "Thou shall not bear false witness a :; oust thy neighbor." "I learned that be fore I could read." t'llas any one talked with you about your being a witness in court here against this man?" inquired the judge. ••Yes, sir, she replied. "My mother heard they Nr?uted me to be a wiiness and last night she called me to her room and a,ked me to tell her the Ten Command ments, and then we kneeled down togeth er. and she prayed that I mignt under -. Lind how wicked it was to bear false witness against my neighbor, and that itxl would help me, a little child, to tell the truth as it was before Him. And when I came up here with father she kiss ed me, and told me to remember the ninth Corninandment, and that God would hear every word that I said." ••Do you believe this ?" asked the judge, while a tear glistened in his eye, and his 1: p .inivered with emotion. •1 e , , sir," said the child, with a voice :.cad ntannoi• that showed her conviction f its truth was pezfect. • - God bless you, "My ehild," said the jodg. , •" "you • have a good mother. This wi,nss is competent," he continued. '•Were 1 on trial for my life, and inno . rut of the charge against me, %would pr:6y Goa for such witnesses as this. Let firer Le examined.- *tie told her story with the simplicity of a add. as she was; but there was a directness about it which carried convic tion of its truth • to cyfFy heart. She was cross-exarriined. The counsel icil her with infinite and ingenious ques ! toning, but she varied from her first state mint iu nothing. The truth as spoken by !he little child was sublime. Falsehood and perjury had proceeded her testimony. 'Die prisoner had intrenched himself Ju lio-. Witnesses had falsified facts in his la% or, and villiany had mnttofactured for him a sham defence. nut before her testimony it was all scatte;dl 4 ' like chaff. The little child for whom a mother had prayed for strength to be given her to speak the truth as it was before God, hreke the cunning devices of matured villany to piece k; like a potter's vessel. The strength that her mother prayed for was given her, and the sublime and terrible simplicity—terrible, I mean,. I to the 'prisoner and his associate—with which she spoke. was.iike a revelation tram Cod,,hintself. ;1 , 17.F1: I. IN ItORNIATION.—How to lay off ~ mare acre of ground .measure off 209 feet on each side and you hare a square acre within an inch. t 'outwits of an acre—An ' acre contains 10 square yards. A square' tulle containkl6o acres. Measures and distances—A. mile k 5280 fret, or 1700 yards in length. A fathom is six feet. A leagne is three miles. Wheat, beans, and fklx.seed, 58 pounds to the bushel. Cern, rye, and flaxseed, 56 pounds. - Iluckwheat, 53 pounds. Barley, 43 pounds. Coarse salt, 85 pounds. A cubic is two feet. A hand (horse measure) is four inches. A palm is three inches. A pace is three feet. Barrel measure—.t barrel of flour %.eiglis 196 pounds. A barrel of pork WO potmds. A barrel of rice 250 pounds. A keg of powder 25 pounds: A tub of butter 56 pounds. Bushel measure—the following are sold: A liquid ton is 232 gallons. A box 16 by 161 and 8 inches - 4.p con tains a bashelt Under the head of useful facts for the grocer, the American Grow gives the following: A box of lemons will average 590 in Ntiumber i a box of oranges from 200 to 250. A case of preserved ginger contains six jars. A frail of dates weight from 900 to 250 pounds. 'A dram of figs, is 8, 4 , and Won& A cask of prunes 1300 to 1 pounds, averaging about 1500 pounds. Currants come in casks of from 175 to soo pounds. citrons come in small boxes of about 10 pounds each. Tars, 21 to 4 pounds. Peanuts are generally sent to market in sacks containing about 5 bishids. Dried apples and pathos come in bar rels generally from 160 to NO pounds. A quintal of fish is 111pomthi; Virginia pc auiti wail& 22 pounds to tr i o buying; Wilmington peanuts 96 to 98 pounds; MO= peanuts 39 pounds. WM. L. MARTIN, Wholesale sod Ritalldesiii; In GROCERIES Sr, LIQUORS_ A largolot of GROCERIES that I am 'aft Cheap or Cub. CHUB , azuoßSi Old Eye Whiskey eight yesn old Very okl French Brandy. ALL OTHER KINDS OF LIQITORS. A general assortment of EMIIRS, among whieb are ltishlersHerb Bitters. PUBS LIQUORS for Medial pum rs; 'FABLE CUTIMMT, Obse-mare c Queensware, • WM. J. MARTIN'S. April 30, ISIS—M NEW. GROCERY. JESSE M. WALTER u AB opened a new Orooery Store, adjoining JAL his residence on York - street, and will always keep mehand PRIME GROCERIES of all kinds-Cages, Teas, Sugar, Syrup, Molas ses, Fish, Salt, Pepper, 13pices, &c.. .Also, Confec tions, Fruits, Nuts, Soaps, - and Notions generally. He has now on hand a Mae lot of Hs maa for fam ily USG. /SPAM of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. Call and examine, THE HIGHEST PRICE GIVEN FOR BUTTER & EGGS. Gettysburg, Sept. 30, 1870.-41 NEW GROCERY. • IjAVING iiurcnosed troll MNo Mum la his Grocery establishmeot, on the Northwest and leai d o fC anw S M q o ua k e o G Good PA., respectfully invite my trtendsand the public to give me a ca ll. In addition to a large and varied Mock of prime Groceries, Notions, &c., I will keep constantly on hand the best quality of Quaensware, Fire-Proof and Glassware, Fruits, C,onfectiens, &c., all of which will be sold at the lowest cash rates. 11. IL SF.AMEIL June 24, 7870.—t1' WM. BOYER & SON, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, ' Also Stone. Wooden and Willow-ware. A general assortment of all Goods usually kept la A Family GROCERY. Dec. 4, 1867-41 arriagts, gums, &r. 'D. ItCCIIZARY. J." lICCZIAZT "BEST ALWAYS CHEAPEST." The Best and Cheapest, • Siddles, Bridles, Collars and HARNESS of all kinds, In the County, are always to be found at the old and well known stand, Baltimore M., *Melte the Presbyterian Church. (McCREARY 'S.) OUR RIDING and WAGON IiADDLEI,: are the most substantially built and neatest. OUR HAMM, (Pladn and silver mounted,) are complete st e in very and and warran the ve LT.TH UPPER I. I .EATHV IK R DRAIrt ted COLI can not be beat. They are the best VITTIRM most durable. OUR HEAVY DRAFT HARMON, are made to order, as cheap as they can be made anywhere and in the mold snlistadthil manner. RIDING BRIDLES, WHIPS, LAMER DRAFT flames, Fly-nets and everything. Nom better or OUR r iRICEEI have been ammo= to the lowest living standard. A liberal percentage for Oath, og an bilis amounting to $5 or more. We work nothing but the best of stock and will warrant every article turned out to - be in every rercta il represented. for past favors we Invite attention to our present stock. IR - Give us a call and examine prices and oust: flan2B 29 an D. MoCRRABY b BON. . , 1i1::4i ll'J.' : : I) REMOVAL. =ner h dmd his Corday!. Riddle Are , Gettysburg, Pa., where he will clbatinue to build all kinds of work in his line, viz: _ CARRIAGES, TROTTING & FILL ING-TOP BUGGIES, JAGGER WAGONS, &C., &C. Me work le all put up of good ittatertadithd by the best of mechanics, and cannot tail togive sul, t lafaetlon. at& prices are always reasonable. He solicits ordent, confident that he eon please. REPAIRING promptly date, rnoderataea. W. Y. GALLAG July 1. 19e1--:ly SAYE YOUR HORSES ! PATENT ELASTIC CORE HORSE COLLARS. THE undinddreid han for wife thole CELE BRATRD LIAM, manotaetared try Rimier which are now amid by ail the a Paseenger Railroad CornPindnartlis of their stock. 'They are In wart, absorb ao moistitreAnd do net best The with which they are golfed being very elas tic, the Collar adjusts to the shape of the and consequently does net share. Farmers, fry them. Also, HARNESS of all kinds for sale and made to order. Call at my eatabliamomkt ad an Cantle egret, Gettyabors, Pa. rA 4 rager Depot. Iday JOHN CIMP. CARRIAGE-MAKING. • su lli The ed - I the war being surer, the undersigned have re. Carriage-Making-lkutiness, at their old stand. In Zest Wilk street, Clettris 1 424 in the regt hi= im igm h irell" 7 and initerior miner. 1 lot st new and CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AM, on hand, width they will dispose of at the lowest prkee, and ail orders win be supplied se promptly and satleisetatily as powibin IIirREPAIRING33 done with dispatch. end at large lot of new and old RAIN masons tor ankh =fel tor Um heretrilire in sodis ieZarrar . dreenre aVi= tt theta. t° May 19, —lt DANN= 1:13161U. Waft.. MEAT MARKET ! I NEW FIRM ! OSti:B. /TOMB d THAD. it Ina Li. la „bV APING entered into iteryimpip t ot b, st i awl,..„erViltitr*lue - TY Fresh Meat Every Day. Be” eVer7 e Tileiti Verpar ni aliftr inClnli Z 114211111101 Tea ;3halti Cletaireoneellientia Inewo havties=dt ter Willi tt SO Sleek advantage to call etkg rin 1124/I.BIIIM-41 R M 0 V,FD. MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS SAWITED Net door tit J. -W. Mars, on Maw biribefir fiffitorc A Imp assortment or CID CaiptimaartZestings, : Trim a Almians' G oads! g aba i st nos Store cid Odom. to with wiles ba , at o th er stares as at Ids amt.as wan Latest N. Y. Madams reestsad t amid tailoring dams I. no alert ammo' style. _ Coss, as main si al v Via Innsaans Sed, a s so Wart *pill JO& JACOB!. Musical Instruments, &c CITNNINGJIAM'S, .0* (Thestiskrienrri &rat. DID YOU SEE TIMMCHENZIMMLA) AND WALK S, that mg inDiggetletat _ """. 046 • 4 L THE 111C1 TO BUY CHIP Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes LATEST STYLES CHEAPER THAN EVER. It you want to save money, call on Cobean & Cunningham, Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, Pa., ViTHO have made lani additkins to their stock of BOOTS AND SHONS, HATS AND CAPS. and namadbm the best amotnient ever GOitystieru—eomptlidng the latest =and made by the best of workmen. WI and dengue our stock.. Also, mvuktv of NOTIONS, SEGARS, &c. Jan. 13.1171.--tf ,ANY AMOUNT OF DEM ar s AIIRINI22 COATS for Fall and Winter Clothing In great variety at • FRANK CUNNINGHAM'S Chambersburg Eltieet. Bargains I Bargains ! D. H . KLINGIE, Near the Vourt-Houm, Baltimore &rest, Is selling out his entire stock of city wade Boots and Shoe's, Imioli;;E;== VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. The stock Is the ~♦ s best of city wade wort, sad / will moat's It CALF It en. brume the beet 112311' and IMF BOOTS in town, and a fall Wee of SHOES, GAITERS, &e., for Ladles' sad Childress' wear. THE MANUFACTURING of Boots, name and Gaiters will Moo be eardia on, In an Its breaches, as bedlam. Sepdal lai ter s e oi = sbottatt& ocu r Mei M s ot r ow= ollitabq undane 4. 21=14, pre fir" be solicits a melon ate=e ziarorgra. ILINGZL. ALL ISTUMS OF CLOTHS, CASSINTRES, BEAVERS, As. )111ANY Ohanibeninav at LAP BLANKETS, HORSE BLANKETS and BUFFALO ROBES, cheap at PICKING & CO. WOLF'S Cheap Clothing Store, On the Northeast Corner of Centre Square, gettysburg, Pa., Has the largest-and best stock of FALL & WINTER CLOTHING, eve nd r offered In thhi place. ALA. tie latest a best MON et Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, with a et tar 11, aad Goats* Cheeks, 4=4111. abcketneaseortmentot atiebaa, Nottems, The best ataitalactanet larttert Tiaaka aad Vanilla, Carpet Bap aad Utabrenalt &lino GU Beafeu and °Wet, a term linOttateat. MM. real Fancy Shoes at aa theta In abort. wary thing that Is usually Mgt in a first-chum aware Furnishing atom All will be sold as low as the loweit s ear 11111d$10, %, 0, 441 4 k a r= = a pe= alas WOLF. Nov. 11110.-41 Any porton who wants a Fine Fitting Suit AO TO coutnionAms On Chamberitourg Street. PICKING & ANNOT be mailed for elaa6 durability la the ray el P fttyle sad NORRIS' HEADQUARTERS I On South-East Corner if Centre Square, GEPPYBBURG, PA, Has the Largest and Best Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Lt .to 1 HATS AND CAPS. Tat Elver xuttrimenpum SOOTS i 141) SHOES, WITH ♦ TARIM OF Winter. Under-clothing, An 1 Gents' Fundable( Goodiof smog ivarioti': *boil law mosenopost of NOTIONS, TRUNKS, And everytOing found las Glastleames Panda. Ing Stare. GIVE US A CALL Oct. U. ISlM—tt FURIi MLYG GOODS la maim vadat" as AT OIINNINGRAM'S Ors Olsrma limatari &mg COOK AND PARLOR STOVLS. OF ALL KINDS. The latest and most approved styles. TIN, SHEET-IRON AND HOLLOW WAR!.I, COAL & LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Call and Examine C. H. BUEHLER'S WARE ROOMS, CORNER OF CARLISLE &RAILROAD STREETS DAYIBL CASHICAN N. ,FIRM. COAL AND LIME ! THE undersigned have entered Into partner stdp, and under the Aran of C/O:MAN& Oven. Datum and *awry os the Lime Burning Business, at the old stand—the Gettystu= = L on the corner of Ea/frond and =iand others cut rely on genlng beTt tan Mmes. and at. lowa-a mall etat COAL at lomat vetoes. Urn r s and Coal activated anywhere in Gettys• bu DANIEL DASHAI ,AN HENRY OVERDEXIL Oct 21,111M—t1 Sa'Mad Mat Salm Gettysburg Railroad. TIME TABLE. TRAMS now run on the Gettysburg Railroad as Rem's: FONT TRAIN leaves Gettysburg at 6ilo .4. M, Granite 1.21., Golden•s 1125, New Oxford SAS, arrive at Hanover at 9, and leave at 9.10, arrive at Hanover Junction at 10 A. M., arrive at Balti more at 12.30 P. M., York 11.45 A. M., Harrisburg 110 P. 11. BICOND TRAM kavesGettgsburg at 1 P. IL, Granite Lis, Golden's LIS, New OxfordL3o, Han over LP6, arrives at Hanover Junction at 240, Baltimore 9.15, Yott 3.111, Harrisburg L 25. TitALW Imes Wanes* at 10.40 P. IL, Harrisburg LSI A. IL, York 9.90, Hanover Junc tion 'MO, Hanover 9, New Oxford 9.40, arrive at Gettysburg at 10.90. SECOND TEAM leaves Hittimore at 5.30 A. M., Harrisburg 5 A. U., Tab G7O, Hamm Junction 11.15, Hamner 1L55, Mawr Oxford 12.05, Caddies 12.20, Granite 1213, arrives at Gears burg 1110 P. IL THIRD TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 1140 p. IL, Harrisbuiu LIT P. IL York 3, Hanover Junc tion 140 Hanover 4.15, New Oxford 4.40, Guklen's 4.53, Granite 4.36, arrives at Gettysburg at 5.10. H. D. SCOTT, Ticket Agent Dee. 9. MO.-4f irthern Central Railway. WJRIWM EICEIXDULA rot and - after Dee. 41:1. EDO, Trains will leare Hanoher Junction as folkrws: LEAVE NORTHWARD. 12.19 a. m.—Dal Ilhedra, Buffalo. te, 11.10 a. fortdally (except ter. Bui ld), Niagara ;and Erie and the ' Wed. J. 44 p. m.—De (except ys) for Wilihuns• and Eric 6.06 p. m.— (melt Nundift) for Yolh. BM (except 811,sys) for Harris burg and the West. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 7.15 a. m.—DallydowinEat Parkton only. 7.32 t ra.-I= m eweept .days) stopping at AD 10.0 t a. M.—Ddli ta i i =t Sundays) stopping at 12.25 p. ia. Obontrizat Patton only. 1.11 p. in. S (tomedeph Sunday) stopping at 3 . 36 p. m. Dan/ (except Sundays) stopping at all fitationa. EDW. a G AMPS eneral= YOUNG, 410.41 t, Baltimore Md. • Ba l =nk Dec. 4, 1870.-11 READING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, MONDAY, NOV. 21st, 1870 Great trunk Rae from the North and Northwest torPhibdelM in itrw Pat; head!*[ , , Pottsville 'Mamas, Mumsoi i zz aster banon, Allem bown, Emam, ltpkrata, Ll tiz, , Colum IMa. Re. Trains leave Har2 for New York, as fol. lows: At AM 1110, a. m., and 2.60 P. m., with Trains on Pannsyl. and arriving -at New York at 10.10 a. ni. 3.6t ani and 10.00 p. arq tb r ian rer xi tivey i ; . : ' t imes rem York at 9.00 a in., U.OO a7ta Mon and 6. p. a., PhibrieMaki at AU a. m.. trii ii and 2.M p. ra. Myopias Oms accompany the AM p. m. Man frau New Tart without_ Mango. Leave Harrtsburg tor Readisk=ze, Tam. 4 Mn atic la r ring4 Pidl4l ll l Ale a. m., and 2.60 mid 455 p. m., at Lebanon and prim:l imy MM_ ,ns • 05 p. m., train eanneetßUl for Pottevine and Coinnibia WY. For Haven and Aaiun, via ilel n e4 l an=oehanna Rail Road. Nave Z=at 3,4 l ot sum i k L n 4 Railroad trains leave RiMi lag for and New York at 6.00 10.10. 12.45 noon sad 4.46 p. a. Returning, leave New York at AOO it pa.. 12.00 noon and &GO p. in., and AMmtwirs at Lana. in., 12.25 noon, AM 4.20 andL a Way rammer Train korai Pulladelphis at AM m. : 4lsllaml•ding MU% stadlarinta an Itast itauraad, tetundag from samas at Aso Via: tan at ail Stations Leah at AOO a. m., and 310 R ah,Herndon at 10.13 a. m., Musokin at 5.40 and 'LH& m., Ashland at 7.061. nk.. and 1240 noon. Mr ts CUP at tat a. m.. and 1.86 ii. m., .....dua a. m., and 2.40 p. m., for MM. Yet. Remain& Harristang i te. ww -- a -- 'va Patissigo. via ibliekV sts and hums Railroad Fatls it. as.. Banrlsburg, and tgitirEs .. . far Grave mid Polls. ai vir w i — "Vb= "l4 s il l= at a naiii - . 10. M s. in. R im . . as, Mama a pillatdmi at 4.45 p._ a., pow milise at Tab p. a., arriving 84 ramot at arti2 _,lLtimemodadaa Train, harm Potts. Imo 6. m., .loaaninipelives Ildiadelphis Itaittiad Tranm km% liadt= a. °lllll = lll am team Inift, lAA Ralbaat Pratai Maim itteldamen Jam** a 9 01.4a rv it aird rna, t a lttia i r &T y r , M itlig nat in., easneeting MS lin& Clabbnotkdabr lanmPettatevn at AM a. a., and lay. a. rotundas leave aama haw* at 7.0 ammt4:._ _ aa. wawa. = Masa& . View Mats l e i d.& pis stAila m.. AM g AM p...M, nave Ihn=g a dnt a, a., u.aa 1 = aat i a mmt. Mtkammicurams cm Bead . okaradars: tame Yirw Yak at AM p. m., at AM a. NIL and &IS, i v. ma =0 nabs ationt ri t ai r, =ZrThTg a m., =Mali i /NM Allsataen 0 dAlei A m. s Ism lig Irdia, ii 61111141111.011 p. m.. traa. aT li al a i n t . 49 4 4 . talla igk a, alla " esalak and oorgaiigrani altpeinte.at redwood m 1%. ager a Sim*ednd 1 MlO MI6 Mimed 1 1 G. A. 1110OLL8, - Samerat thmarbmandent. 118ading, Pa., Dm 7, 117 wa 20 BIGHAM Sc BROTHER. FORWARDING AND. COIENISSION IfOUSE, Taiundenimied,lia, vingesteirsdintoparbier ltynnder the arm of Bum= * BiKiman, rinsand Uommhelen es, arthe old the l ittuntrule eager ur W to irth, lepton Railroad streets. devote_ their enti and re Ume and attention. and The HIGHEST Gm AHE= PRICE I'M be paid at all times for ta and Produce. WA regular line of Freight Cm's wig leaveour Marshall* every TUNILDA YNOON, tor Regi mens and Pidladelphia, and aeoisamodation t t rains will be inpmat we are nM as oe nisk pre in may re to eon yquire. veßy stmistred Iftelifitt at all to and from these cities. All bashiess of this kind entrusted to us, will be = attended to. Our cam run toile Ware- LE n evenson & Bons, 165 North Howard greet. ore, and to Burk's Warehouse, Sla Marketstreet. Philadelphia. of We ntil also keep constantly oa hand the best Groceries Of all knds,' T Case "obaeoo, Su ra el tar SPl d, ceg 'ae., Fi tekw 61 47 i 112PIC be sold °llL at lowest cash rates. WM. M. 1110HAII, JAMES BICHIAM. Ang. 12, 1670.--tt ROBERT WCUREtY, FLOUR, GRAIN; GROCRBIRB, tc TIRE undersigned is paying al his Warehouse; la Carlisle street adjoining" Buehler's 4he highest prices fur .rt Pour, Wheat, Rye. torn. Oats. Buckwheat, Closer and TYmothY•ttcedr, Potatoes, &e. and invites producers to eve Win a call before selling. lie has constantly on hand for sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES Mo!aut.!, Syrups, Co ff ees, Sugars, ate.; With Lard, Salt Irish, Oils, Tar, Soaps, Ita pad To. baccos, Se. Also, the best b sca rands of FIAOUIt, with Feed of all kinds. lie likewise has BEVRRAL VALUABLE FERrarszße, Soluble Pacific Guano, Rhodes' Phosphate and Mexican Guano. AP - Whilst he pays the hlghest market mices for all he hors, he fl* at the lowest ilvlng pro fits. He aeka a share of public patronage, re solved to give satisfaction In eynry cue. ROBDRIT MCCURDY. July 23, 1869.—D HINIIT OVEIWEER. LOOK HERE! THE tuidersigned bas leased the Ware-house the corner ot Stratton street and the Rail road, Gettysburg, Pa. and will earrg on the Grain & Produce Business in all Its branches. The highest prince will al ways be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, MON Clover sad Timoth y Seeds, Flaxseed. Stun*, Hay` and Kra*, Dried Fruit, nuts, Soap, HanwtyShoulders and Elides, Potatoes, with everytklng elle In the country produce line. GROCERIES constantly for sale, Coffees, Sugars. Molasses, Tela, Spices, flail, Cheese, Vinegar, Nogg, tartan, Starch, Brooms, Buckets, nuking, Soap, fae. ; also,Coal Oil, Fish 011, Tar. &c. FISH of all kinds ; Spikes and Halle : Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. He is always able to supply a lint-rate arti cle of Flour, with the different khan of Feed. • Also, Ground Plaster, with Guano, and other tertillUzers. COAL, by the bushel, ton or ear load. He will also run a Line of Freight Cars . to No. 166 North Howard street, BALTIMORIC. and No. all Market street, PHILADELPHIA-- All goods sent to either place will be received and forwarded promptly. All goods aboukl be mark ed "CHESS' CAR ' April 2, MA —it JOHN CHM& JOISZPII WIOBLE. Z. L WIBLI. Joseph Wible & Son, douth-oast cor. of Railroad and Washington AL, H cash price paid for all kinds o Grain. Hay. Straw sad Country Produce gen erally. Constantly on band for See an MO of GROCERIES The best brands of FERTILIZERS constanUy on hand or wore(' at short notice. April 2, 1870.—tt f)trming Vmpitincats, ac. DODGES PATENT REAPER AND MOWER THIS machine has met with the Most complete success. In every section where it has been introduced, it has taken precedence over those machines which have heretofore ranked as Int class. It Is a perfect Bell-Raker and a superior Mower. A careful examination will convince any one of its superior merits over all others. in simplicity, :I=and durabty. As shelf -raising Reap n° equal to our knowiedge. . 4. The Dodge rake Is attached to no other machine In the United to tr t eachlne.— Built by the IttrAf. to Manufac turing Co., Auburn, New Tort.: . , READ THE NOTICE OW THE COMPANY TO ......... Having been Informed that certain Inalittfat turens In Ohio and elsewhere are buildingßeep ers, with DODGE'S SELF-ILABB we ask you to furnish us the names of as persons vending or purchasing mach ines, se we have never licensed any neon or penman So manatee lure said MP. • /it or any part theeat, arid will prosecute to the extent. of the law ail per soas manufacturing, selling or using sald rake except of our own manufacture. tielf JOHN A. DODGX. President. We have that confidence in this machine that we are willing to let those wanting a machine test ikeep t with the an one t y hat gives er machine most they Am= ant the Farmers dated. wantlngDroppers attached eau be as coroo Far the benefit of these wanting madden we should refer them to a few of those to whom we have sold, viz: JohnlL Leas, ' Wm. Henry Culp Peter Maeidery, Forney, Jesse D. Newman.-2Pearwe =ap ri , Meter John meanaore, Wayleight, Aphasia /AO, David Plank, lonethr ie li k r u 7r, John Hockeramith, =es later Kettoman, Daniel Settle, aminfaulver, John Bender, Shaver, John Eckel% Boss Hunter, Henry King ' John Lower, Andrew Waked, John N. J. J. Kerr, George P = On Band a Ate Second Hand Reaper*. Also, VIRS-TOOTH HAY BAKKRIX of differ ent make, amogst which la the Brandt Rake. A few PLOUGHS n of different ds, Separator one of the beet mut kin eb=pest Thresher and ever • Ile ed the =may. HARRISBURG N HILL and Fenn ifirr enone OM and um at she JOIBIPI Wars & SON. Gelinblarg, or at the residence qE the enbaertber, 2 Miss from Gettysburg, on the Har ms& WAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND In ease of besiege Persons wanting Chnulars Mil ad dress the &dearth= Getfautisix4l. Moat. Nay Iff, gift mut Art luminntet. ° ADAMS - COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. sibeerip•miteit, man& • OEFI — CIES. seevropU • Esuniel.E. ItuseeiL 7-D. A. slew.' • Tresserer—Z. 0. Falcieetock. • Executive Ccuukkittezt McCurdy, IL A. Pickle& Jamb Lis • Gm Mansicru—ecorp Swope, D. A. Nobler, McCurdy, &Macawll,Z.G. libusdook, Getty& burg; Jacob nig, =slim townaMS: nedeulak MAI, Phalle; IL A, Melds., krabin ; AteNel IP. GIN, New Oxford; Wm Nos White, Intel 8 C. Peters, Petersburg, MN/ orTbisOon sam o s indeed In as opesetices to the Conety of Mama It las 11001 k in eperailea for sore thee 19 been, got is teat pallet hie Mutes made but one meemeeet. Win pad WIN iv/ are thetpedod iieteeelba to over allMla ArrY person dearlag se Immune as apply to either of the reamiere Arlin tukadive Oesuattles numb stab} oaks el via 00 111 Play, Oa alebl7ls Weibli/AFf t Ister/ mouth, al I Wake, P. NEW FIRM GICITIIIBI72O, Pat. DEALER IN GETTYSBURG, I'A. OF ALL KINDS I'RODCCE DEALERS GETZrall ITRG, PA AND SELF RAKER. OUR AGENTS I pub, Onto iNetticim. JUNE A FULL A2BOST7[KNT OF Drys &F amily Medicutes PATENT MIMES, Liquors and Miles tor Medical Purposes, Pure Sploee and Plamoring Entrant% Dies and • Dye NAM, Soaps, Pertunke and Toilet Goods, Inks, Writ ing Fluids sad eta- • tkeery, Physician's Pre soriptions and }Family recipes .seeniately put nip. Ptesicians and cowl try Merehants supplied at REDUCED RATER. Forney's Horse Powder the beet and cheapeot for Horses, Cattle and bwlne. Other Norse Powdersot approved =bet. HUBER'S Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, Penn's. June 11. 111*—tt DR., JAMES CRESS DRUGGIST. Store in. Branfs Building, Baltimore Street., LITTLESTOWN. ITAVINfI opened a new DRUG STORE and Al fitted it up In the best styb, I offer my stock of pure and froth Drup to the Minns town and slehnty at the lowest market rates, con sMngln part of Drugs and Fttmfly 3.ledfcines, pure Liquors for far Medicinal Purposes, Patent Medi elms. Horse Poteders Pure Spices, Dyes and Dye Stuffs, Perfumery Toilet Seeps and Piney articles. A full Asmara mend of Brushes fkatlonmy of all kinds, Cigars Tobacco finufL 4flrldimee's Elostraldagnetie Soap will with hard and soft water, cold or warm. Olothes washed with this Soap are made beautifully white without botlinsor blueing. This is the best Soap In um. or Try it. It is warranted not to injure the hands taMie. LlMleMown, May 11.—Iy JAMES CRESS A. D. BUEHLER: DRUG & BOOK STORE, GETTYSBURG, PA DRUGS MEDICINES, PATENT MET/IVINES, BOOKS STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLES GOLD PENS Chansbersbtsrg Street, lister Diamond Country Merchants supplied at City wholes. rale rates. CUT THIS OUT FOR REFERENCE. Ateorn.er's Drug Store, you put always get the best and cheapest DECO & MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES. DYE STUFFS. SPICES. PERFUMERY, ViGLISH, FRENCH AND • AMERICAN TOILET SOAPS. &c.. Re. Jan. 13.1871--ti VIMIIt r ' W. N. MILLER'S MARBLE WORKS, Cur. of Baltimore and .East Middle sts., GETTYSBURG, PA Every Description of Work executed in the finest style of the Art.- ALL ICIIiD43 0► CAST, WROUGHT AND WIRE RAILINGS, "VANISHED ON THE SHOETEST NOTICE. June 17, 11C0.—tf GETTYSBURG MARBLE WORKS. MEALS & BROTIEER, but York &met, secondAmere, Gettysburg, Pa. Where they_are prowed to tarnish all kinds of Work la their line, such aa Monuments, Head-Btones, TOMBS, MANTLES, ac., atthe shortest notice—cheap as the cheapest. sarGlye us a call. Produce taken In exchange. May 17.-111110, tt TIDN CrIOI7IIDER WOOD PUMP!! One dozen reasons why this is the bat Pump nurnwlaetund in America for WELLS AND CISTERNS) 1. It is Simple. 2. It is /tellable. 3. It is Durable: wort 4 very Kieft. 6. IS throws Water 1t 'lb. the Son. 9. It is not liable to "get out of order. 1 Daceo. Should any reirs be ssary la time, they cm easily be aide by any person. IL it will not Arena 12. It is aseaper thin any • ok ai, s Suture& Balding's Doable Acting Mass Cylinder FORCE PUMP, 'Wln no alsea =Under. Mid beam no rust aad Utile o s t =ptedi ti gr t IN ; =wed to eqiu l for ruraTility age. : ec trae — ' —'4l VlLliadvii right for Ad ams , persons requiring Pun for wells or =Swam can bawitiona all sad ready ft• alea dietkon tl gus i= e V i re well or cistern. In an epless or ao =meat required. Valero by mail co otherwise proarptly attended to. JOSEPH McKnight tow n, A.diums Oet. 21, 11110.—ly TO THE WORKING CLASS. fiwrilloarxm,..-4,..:4 • l ieZteigewisble llie wil4b 4 Zetrei le tg= lll6 Portossot Whet sex way arm train to BS Pot ettU mg a moo *.m atoomet_by doreethst whole Ilito So taleout Boys and OM urn = aw s. VIA nwi : liwote i rt. Amer raked mosey bet. - Tilt yma mast test the ws win " ad 14 4% * ; i - P i r r eir " V II- MilA szwrikr„ 0 ~ , - . atm , s• aloe* Mrs v e wa x i m i t i. ' etstt • bows s dm& NO_ • Marc Duet. a p e WA a4 l tel i g a Zt elle .1 1 .4aar se a d t Tl r lt arril Gar, Olhatel it, Ma 1, p70.-Ar 69. ORIVCSBUItEi NATIONAL BANK! Govirmsent Bonds of all kinds, Tad Nigbast Premium paid ea G.sd Coupons Cashed or Collected Persons desiring to invest. In STOCKS or BONDS of any kind, are Invlfeeto eall, as we have the facilities of New York, 'Phila ._ Persons swimming COUPON BONDS, and de alrfog for XtrotY to mired Into itegLstered, are requested to call, as we hate the advantage to transfer at a trilling experg4e. • INTERNAL REVENUE STA MPS of all (tenon"' LNTEREST ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS adranced Persons wishing Information In regard to U. 0 Bonds and Stocks of all kinds, are requested to give ns a call, and we will cheerfully give any In. formation Gettysburg, Nov. 5, 11869—tf We offer for Sale, at Par, Masonic Temple Loan, BEARING 7 3-10 INTEREST, PEBFr3tEBY, Redeemable alter Are (5) and within twenty-one (2]) year. &r.. (C., &ie. MARCH &- SEPTEMBER. [Feb. 25,1874 -tf The Bonds are registers-A, and will be !•sued in sums to %Ult. DE HAVEN & BRO., So. 40 seas ard Street. ruinEll77FMln7"F'.ll Storks bought and sold on commlndon. Gold and Governments bought and sold. dramas Deceived and Interest Allowed, subject to Sight March St, LVIL—ly Howe Sewing Machine IMPROVED. Bs Simp/tiaily, Durability, ILase of Oper Perfection In mechanical construction, lightness and Beauty In Style and finish, and adapted to a Moan range of work, renders It TIRE BEST Sollilf bike ii the Market An earnest invitation b extended to these abou to pnrcluae afivermg Machine to call and exam ine this Machine and be convinced of its merit lirAll orders promptly attended to. Machine delivered to all parts of the County. H. H. ROWE, Agent, Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, Pa. Nov. 4, 1870.—tf HOWE MACHINES! . - THE LATEST IMPROVED AND GENUINE E2JAB HO Wilt, JR, SEWING MACHINES. JACOB F. THOMAS, Agent, GETTYSBURG, PA., At Ai/ ntekienee on York Street. IDEitil will be promptly attended to. Ma -0 chines deEllt iven med to all parts of the county and ons lostructi matte. darTbe pobile are cautioned sitidust Parties' yam me tbe mama et HOSE In twantetinn with Oahe nisaldnes on seem* off theiumulantTof Me Mews Machines. Th ere are none GrEINRE na• bostbey have imbedded Meilen auteldnon medal- Bin bovine the Maness of ELIAS BOIFE,Ir. It, los • (Feb. X, ma.—at - Wadies and yntithil. WATCHEITA JEWELRY. coast MVAETNEY wishes to inform Ms w mers and the publM sae:airy, thr i noper Pli l a r, the W tee itch and e jele ( on Baiderore sums, Gettysburg, he spare no dirt to give satisfaetioa to au. _Me has just returned teem the shy rthaspien. did assortment ot • GOLD and . SILVER AMERICAN and SWISS WAiTISIESiJEWELRY SILVER TEA and TABLE SPOO l ak 4:1 LD MEL. VIZ Mid SPEL I TA. - Um, 4 :l itii ow GO rre ~ GUITAR wow OS, -a ad t- • lie nn egrWateh and Chock work warranted for OM ramutZri reeldriall eseested In • pput_ mid amaimr. [Sept. 10, CLOCKS WATCHES JEWELRY . !:, A.' H. FEAST.gL Mae removal kb shop to York street, ,oppostte . rao r 1 4 : Ira m i he Lae cos- CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER-PLATED WARE. ad Miser taken In exehange. All kinds of intitilaNG done, and= k ir:Erste. AM lark warranted glut Nov. 215. 1819.—tt .ADin ua MnBFeld CIULDJIKN'S aliM 0 1 -a IUIF le gas tO dam at Mime CO. BOUGHT ABB BOLD. owl Inver. pigs or Baltimore markets. Coo sequeatly all orders are promptly executed nations formate. I per cent. eft, rElt CENT. for 1 year I I'ER CENT. for 6 month!, 3 PER CENT. for 6 months J. EMUS]' BAIR. Caahler. THE NEW INTEREST PAYABLE Any* 'habits. TILE ORlGEtilki. alion, takdical. THE 01tE A Great Medical Discov I ery A vs WALKZR'9 CALIFOIZ'LI UM*Mti BITTERS Hundredsof thousands bear testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY ? TREY ARICMYT A VILE FANCY ,, DRINK, Made of Poor Bum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors doctored. spiced and sweetened to Mere the taste cal called, "Tonics," "Appetiz ers." Re and Ire., that lead the tippler onto dnialusanfraa rui, butare a true Medicine, Made from the Native Boob; and Herbs of Cali fornia, frollfrOm all Alcoholic Slimelants. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and a LIFE °MENG PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all the poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No perion can take these Bitters according to direction and remain long unwell provided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other meatus and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. For 41110ammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Billions, Re mittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases aro caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally pro duced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGES'TION, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, _Dizziness, Sour Eruetatlons of the Stmt. ach, Bad taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lun Pain in the regions of the-. Kidneys and a red!hundred ther painful symptoms, are the off, oDyspepsia. BIUOIUS,RthiITTENTand INTERMITTENT FEVER. which are so prevalent iu the valleys of our great Rivers throughout the United states, especially those of the Mississippi, Missouri, Illi nois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red. Colorado, Brazos, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, sa vannah. Roanoke, James, and many others with their vast tributaries, during the Slimmer and Autumn, and remarkably so during the seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably ac companied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less obstructions of the Myer, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influ ence upon these various organs. La essentially neeesvery. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Waists's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with Which thedtowels are loaded, at the stone time stimulating the secretions of the liver, ud generally restoring the healthy functions of • digestive organs. The universal popularity of this valuable remedy in regions subject to miasmatic inlluences, is sufficient evidence of its power as a remedy in such cases. FOR SKIN DISEASES. Eruptions, Tetter. Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scarfs. Discolorations of the Shin. Hatpin. and Diseases of the Skin, of what ever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One -bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their cura tive effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood 'whenever you rind its impurities bursting through the skin 113 PlM ples, Eruptions; or Sores; cleanse it u hen you bud It obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse It when it is 104 and your feelings. will tell you whe te n. Keep the blood pure and the health at the sysm will PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually de stroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed In tour languages—English, German, French and Va .I. nis WA h. LKER, Proprietor. R. H. ?dcDONAI.D & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco. Cal., and 1; and 24 Commerce Street, New York. SOLD BY ALL DEUGVISTS AND DEALERS. Dee. 9, 1570.—lyte DR. SCHENCK ADVISES CONSUMPTIVES TO GO TO FLORIDA IN WINTER. Has lug fur the last Witty -five years devoted my whole time and attention to the study of lung diseases and consumption, I feel that I understand fully the course that ought to be pursued to re store a tolerably bad case of diseased lungs to healthy soundnees. The first and most import ant BOLT is for the patient to avoid taking cold, and the best of all places on this continent for this purpose In winter, Is Florida, well down in the State, where the temperature is regular, and not subject to such variations as in more North. ern 'athletes. Palatka is a point I can recom mend. A good hotel is kept there by Peter man. Last winter I saw several persons there whose lungs bad been badly diseased, but who, under the healing influence of the climate and my med icine, weleegetting well. One Inindred miles further down the river is a point wdeh I would prefer to Palatka, as the temperature Is more even and the air dry and bracing. Mellonville and Enterprise are located there. I should give a decided preference to Mel lonville. It is two miles from river or lake, and is seems almost impossible to take cold there.— The tables in Florida might be better, and pa tients eopplain at times bat that is a good sign. as it indicates a return of appetite, and when this Is the case they generally Increase in flesh, and the lungs mast heath Jacksonville, iiibernia, Green Cove. and many other places in various parts of Florida, can be safely recommended to consumptives in a inter . My reasons for saying so are that patients are less liable to take cold there than here, there is a less even temperature, and it Is not becessary to say that where a consumptive person exposes himself to frequent colds he is certain to die shortly. Therefore my advice is, go well down into me mate- set ut the era a.-ts ter y, sailing cue winds and fogs. Jacksonville, or almost any oth er of the localities I have named. will benefit those who are troubled with'a torpid liver, e. dis ordered stomach, deranged 'bowels, sore throat or cough, but for those whose lungs are diseased a more southern point is earnestiy recommended. For fifteen years prior to lees I was profession ally In New loth, Boston, Baltimore and Phila delphia every week, where I saw and examined on an average five hundred patients a week- A practice so extensive, embracing every possible phase of lung disease, has enabled me to under stand the disease fully, and hence, my caution in regard to taking cold. A person may take vast quantities of etchenek's ruin:mile Syrup. Sea weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills," and yet die if be does not avoid taking cola. In Florida, nearly every body is using Sobenck 's Mandrake Pills, fur the climate is more likely to produce bilious habits than more northern lati tudes. It is a well established fact that natives of Florida rarely die of consumption, especially those of the southern part. On the other hand. In New England, one-thiriL at least of the popu lation die of this terrible disease. In the Middle States It does not prevail so largely, still there are many thousands of cases there. What a vast percentage of life would be saved if consunip tires were as easily alarmed In regard to taking fresh cold as they are about scarlet fever, small pox, &c. But they are not. They take e hat tbey term a little mid, which they are credulous enough to believe wallet ear oft in a few days They They pay no attention to it, and hence it lays the foundation for another and another still, until the lungs are diseased beyond allliope for cure. My advice to persons whose lungs are affected even slightly is, to lay a stock of Schenck's Pul monk Syrup, Schenck's Seaweed Tonic and Schenck's Mandrake Pills and go to Florida. I recommend these particular medicines because I am thoroughly acquainted with their action. I know that where-they are used in strict accord anee with my directions they will do the murk that is he required. This accomplished. nature will do t rest- The physician thenescribes for, cold, cough or nightesweats, and advises the patient to walk or ride out every day, will be sure to have a corpse on his hands before long. My plan is to ere my three medicines, in ac cordance With the printed directions, except in some cases where a freer use of the Mandrake Flits is necessary. My object is to else tone to the stomach--to get up a good appetite. It is al ways a good sign when a patient begins relishgrw hunery. I have hopes of such. With a for food the gratification of that relish comes good blood, and with it more flesh, which is close ly followed by a healing of the lungs. Then the cough loosens and abates, the creeping chills and clammy night-sweats, no longer prostrate and annoy, and the - patient gets well, provided he avoids taking cold. Now there are many Consumptives who have not the means to go to Florida. The question may be asked, is there no hope for such? Cer tainly there is. My advice to such Is, and ever has been, to stay a warm room during the win ter, with a temperature of about seventy degrees, which should be kept regularly at that point, by means of *thermometer. Let such a patient take his exercise within the limits of the room Dy walking up and down as much as his stren gth will permit, In order to keep up a healthy circu eon at the blood. I have cured thousands by this system, and can do so again. Consumption is as easily cured as any other disease if it Ls tak en in time. and the proper kind of treatment is pursued. The fact stands undisputed on record that Schenck's Pulmonlc Syrup, Mandrake Pills, and Seaweed Tonle have cured very many of what seemed to be hopelenseases of consumption. Go where you will, you will be almost certain to find some poor consumptive who has been rescu ed from the very laws of death by their use tbo far as the Mandrake Pills are concerned, everybody should keep a supply of them on hand. They act on the liver better than calomel, and leave none of Its hurtful effeete behind. In fact they are excellent In all cues where a purgative medicine is required. If you have partaken too freely of emit and diarrhoea ensues, a dose of the Manpd rra sdesa will care you. It th you e are subject to sick htulthe, take a dose ot aes and they will relieve you in two hours.M / n drak 1 you would obviate the exact of a change of water, or the too free indulgence In fruit, take one of the Men drakes every night or every other night, and you may then drint water a eat watermelons, peaches or corn, without Cinrisk of being made sick by them. They will protect Mode who live in damp situations against elillte and fevers. Try them. They are perfectly harmless. They can do you good only. I have abandoned my professional visas to Bos ton and New Na but continue to see patents at my odice,_Nci 15 N. Sli m Street, Philadel phia, every Saturday, from 9A. M., to 8 P. M.— Those who wish a thorough eeemlnetton with the thsepirometer will be charged fere dollars. The liespirometer declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patients ran readily learn whether they are curable at not. Bat / desire it distincUy understood that the value of my medicine de pends entirely upon their being taken strictly ac a g cording to on& conclusion, I will say that when personatake missietti y, , eines and their systems are brought Into condition thereb they are not so liable to take cold, yet no one with diseased lungs can hear a dett change of atmosphere without the liability of greater or less Irritation of the bron chial tutme. Full directions In all Languages accompany my medicines, so explicit and clear that any one can use them without consulting me, and. can be bought front any __ dru i l l:L SCHENCK, M. IX, No 151 S. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. June 10; 1810.—ly COUGHS ' INFLUENZA , Sore Throat, Cods, Whooping-Cough Liver Coin Plata, Bronchitis, Asthma, Bleeding of the Lunge, every affection of the Throat, and Omsk are speedily and P permanently cured by the me o WISTAWS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. lids well known preps/UM does not dry ay a mush Ea * med ici n es, mwek M t it tv elo binnsd and I c n l eean ee s t he . gangs andallays L initaticm, thus removing the muse of coMPIaltI - - • CONBITYPTION CAN BE CM= ay a thisly resort to Ms standardremedy, as Is ale prOp proved by basodnds testinandala resolved by trietari. kr=Ar arra' . /lowa m, 801 l by dealers generally. a a Aprn 1, UllO-Iradi MEDICAL DISCOVERY ! Dl.l. DE LAROQUE'S Great Cuban Oil Anodyne 110 V 131 j rj, Used, both Internally aA Ezternaiip for Man and Bcasf rr HIS Valuable Remedy was discovered by A. Prof. In LAROQUE, on the Island of Cuba, In the year 1724, after a lifetime of diligent study and chemical experiments. The following re marks and directions are a correct translation of the Spanish language as written by Dr. De Laro- Cfnei' "These experiments are especially directed for the purpose of discovering the i l ls i odyne Proper ties of the different VEOETAB OILS, with a view of excluding all irritating egetable mat ter. My object In making these CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATIONS Is hir the purpose of discovering a Remedy which will promote the abeorptkin by the minute lacteals of the Moue coat of the Stomach and Bowels, which are always found more or less inflamed in disease of those organs, add hence tie great eura tlyapropertles lu the following diseases. when used internally It never falls to cur,. Diarrhica, Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Cramps, ,7•.! le, Bilious Dysentery, Cholera, Cholera Morbio,. Cholera Infantam, Painters' Colic, Sour St , anarl,. Sore Throat, &C." HEALTH! IIFILTH!! MILLER'S DYSPEPSIN MEM LIVER IKVIGORX['(j h & NI re Coo*, for Dyspepsia. L. COmpbtint. lidie.l,3 ph, id 1.,. Sork (71,stir, (111(1 01( irr. Kid DYSPEPSIN lithe great discovers of the age: a, It k a ;a: t ly VEGETABLE PREPARATIuN contain the MEDICAL PROPERTIES lii 1:i et rt • HERBS and BARKS In a concentrated form free from all irritating vegetable matter. Ist It Is a TONIC, giving an appetite hunt clueing a healthy condition of the 2nd. It is an APERIENT or GENTLE L.% \.t TIVE, and does not produce any gtwing ;r...„ in its action on the bowels., and leaf., them healthy condition. 3rd. II is a DIURETIC and operates ..s.. charm on the Kidney.. therefore it one best Medicines in the World for diseases of the.. m rli. t3 it is probably one of the be , t ChlttLA GOGUEZ known, as It lain:Wales the Liver healthy action, carries off the bile and therrte, relieves you of Headache and all bilious. ...loop. toms. sth. It Is the most excellent ANTIPHI) is TIC ever known. and therefore its great ts,, Cr over all other Medletnes In curing tlysrs•psia Persons troubled with drmepsia altars nave more or less hietarnmatiou of the stomach. fore Its great success Ls owing to Its power ~1 al laying Intisnamation It makes nu thrteren... how weak, irritable, delicate or tender the stew itch may be. THE DYSPEPSIN will give relief :0 once, and by continuing only a reasonable length of time it will make a certain cure. Full direction, on each bottle. El.od 1... r or "J'S.on for eix bolt ley DAVIS MILLED, Sole Propriet.,N BA LTIMORE. MD. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. A. D. BIiEHLE - ‘R, Agent, ETT YR. BURG, PA. .101-Also for CUBAN Of ANODYNE I.IN I MENT. Free .4 cents per bottle. Feb. 3,1871.-6 m YOUNT'S COMPOUND YOB TIEli CrRII Or UTRID SORE THROAT, IN FL UENZA or any other Inflammatory or inward disease of the Throat If not of too long standing. Abu, BCARLET FieVEßtlt This medicine has been tried In THOUSANDS' OF CASES, In different parts of tlie 4 Mnintry and has never been known to fall It taken in time and accord. lug to directions. It is warranted to cure. Give It a trial and it will speak for itself. Every hodse. hold should provide themselves with a boa of this medicine and keep it on hands. The cures that it has effected are truly marvelous. Sig• Prepared and sold by Isztam YOUNT & Co.. Gettysburg. Pa., or by their authorized agents.— Fur sale at nearly all the Stores lu Adams county. ISRAEL YOUR* 21:(1 . 0 Map 1867.-tf TILE GREAT .1/AG/CAL HAIR-FORCER. T 7115 preparationis warranted to produce beautiful set of whiskers or mustache. lu from two to three month. from the first applica tion on any face that has fine hair. It is perfectly harmless and will not in any way stain or injure the skin. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sent by mail, pf,sta;.; free, on receipt uf price. Addtess W. C. WAGNER. Mummasburg. Adams county, Ea Jan. 6,1871-43 m photograph alltrito. TIPTON ST., NIYERS' EXCELSIOR GALLERIES GETTYSBURG, PA Make all styles of Pictures from mivat urc 5170, including the "REM BRANDTS OR SHADOW PICTURES Photographs Finished in Oil WATER COLORS, OR INDIA INK Views of the Battle-field FEND FOR CATALOGUE. 10—Aiways a large and well selected smck name% Albums, Stereoneopes, Cord, 1 - 3.5....,11.,5,e always on band. Satisfaction guarantft4l. Dec. 7.1870.—ti WEAVER & C Livery, Sales Sc Exchange STABLES, Washington artist, Gettysburg, Penn'a. TTAEundersigned haying entered Into partner ship, under the arm of Weaver & Co., have taken the well known Livery Stables of N. Weav er, and are prepared to supply the public with all styles and kinds of conveyances that eiti be sound in a ant-ClllBB Livery. Their stociegunot be beaten by any establishment in the town. .parties wishing to visit the Battle-tleld, win lbw superior accommodations at this Wen'. without additional charge for Guides. CARRIAGE MAKING WILL also be carried. on in all Its branches at their Mops opposite the Livery, all styles of BUGGIES, JAGGER WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ctc., bunt of the twat material and by skillful work men, On short notice. . REPAIRING cx otoptly attended to and satMou rtaran- GIVE US A CALL. IXVI Wi D. W T. ID:12211N%11111, LEX 1407. 4, ltrro.-t1 rorrusnEn FRIDAY MAX BUEHLER .04 Jiutitbnare Sc. between Cburt.houseetneD Gettyebury, Pa. ", TERNS OF PUBLICATION THE. STAN AND SZNTINIL 111 publls i ted day month's, at $2.00 a year in adeinteei If not paid within the yeat. No alibied sontinued until all arrearages .are the option of the publishen. nittnorrtaimilms . are laaerted ♦ liberal reddotleawill be made to aaverallui hY the quarter, half year: , Spoeislmotiess will be Inserted at special be **sod atom sa-Tbe circulation of the svatt Alai • Is one hail larger than that ever attained newspaper In Adams county ; and. M Using medium, It cannot be excelled. • Jos Woad of all lauds will be prom ted sad at Lair. rates. Rand-bills. - ..'., Pamphlets, &c., In every variety apd atj printed at short notice. TznaLs C groitostonal Onto, DAVID A. lIVKIILEIA, ATTORN EY AT. Vi ill promptly attend to collections Said Bushmen eatinated to Me care, Moe at Ms residence In tr.c, the-tH Intopposit 867 the Court-house. Kay 29, 1U D AVID WILLIS, Moe at his residence in the South Centre *pare. HaylE47—tt • • J. IRRAVT.III,.. ITTORNIES Collections and all legal business prat tended tu. illtee on Baltimore street, south . 44 14 house. . . June 18, 1880—tt D NecoNAEliny. Al TORN EY AT Office one door west of BUClll.lKleei Lin Chamberaburg street. Special attention given toSitits,Coliect Settlement ut Estates. All legal s elatrits to Pensions, Bounty,. Back-pay; ages against C. States, at all times pnnu entelently attended to. Land warrants located, and choice F• sale In lowa and other western Nutlet- June 13, Ime.,---tt A . J. COVER, ATP PIO El "A Mr iil promptly attend to eollectoms and Rumness trusted to MI rare. . . . . . Onice between Fahne4toeks' and Ziegler's stores, , tVevt. liotryst, May Vika—tt jouN c zorcm, C (IF Titc r„ile,.cor of Book Art . olllll4. Promissory Judgment Notes, Mortgages, &c.. and pr( turns made. Also attends to wntitut Mortgages, Judgments, Notes. Au:reline New Oxford, Adams county, Dec. 9,1870.-3 M. wr NrcLZ.Vi MeCLEAN & WOODS. ' Ars) i , : !, OTTICE—Ou &tltFgiori• itreot. ,uno hr occupied by the late. tine rtf M. 4. W. Mrt Nov. 18, 1870.-11 D B. H. iii.. HUBER Soistb-enst corner of Chambessloir ton streets, oppoqao Cot.. TA tE • wt 1 - .. taLE I June 11,.i9- rll • J. W. C. O'NEAL Has his omee it Ills residence in Haltunot two doors above the (brnpiler °thee. May 29, 1957-11 JOHN L. HILL, M. D.; OBlee on Cbambcrsburg street, uecrly .. Abe EAGLE EICrrILI, Gettysburg, rit.. . ' 4ir flaring been In constant practiose. years patients can be a.tsured of good w . 1it.,......1) `-- July 9, 1497—t1 R. J. E. BERKSTRIESSI6II.,• • Having located ill Gettysburg, offens U fg to the public. Unice In the old "Sestflrie 8. K corner, Centre Square, where be w pared to attend to any case within the • of the Dentist. Persons In want of fillips'. sets of teeth are Invited to call. Tense Wit. JulY .10, Aottls. and 4cotaura EAGLE HOT The Largest and most ccommodlou GETTYSBURG, PA., Owner of atambersburg and Washi JOHN L TATE, Propri Sir An Omnibus for Patrieugers and run to the Depot, on arrival antlele.. Railroad Trains. Careful servants, and able charges. YS T ONE ROT OETTYSBURG,- PA,' WM. E. MYKRS, Propri N()W OPEN., ITHIS is a new douse, and has ted up In the most approved style._. von 13 pleasant and con venlent, being lit busintbss portion of the town. Every . me= has been wade for the accOinniada' comfort of f,vcsts,.with ample stabling With experienced sen ants, .audr aceoinca, Clerks, we gull use every endeuour 'to pl Tb's Hutel now open for the entertainmen , public, and we kindly iolicit a 4har , e of patrozuge UNION HOT IPOKYZELY TUE WUITE lint ~ YORK SPRING:3, PENN' rr Hit undersigned hail leased thl s long e ed and popular Hotel in Fetersburg, Springs Borough.) The Hotel 11 plensan ted In the molt business part of the tow tables/1H be supplied with the best LPL ket eaa afford aid the Bar with the • Liquors. There Is also excellent Stabil attentive Weiler& This Hotel Is the valve the !Getystm a yiechanlPburg Stage L York r in g' gs and New Oxford 11 - former VP here at .1 P.M., on Al Wednesdays - and Fridays, front —• for Gettysb urg ; returiging at 10 A. 3L., days, Thursdays and Saturdays. The Springs leareathe Hotel daily at 6 hew Oglord, returning at 4P. M. Ito fee fled that 'kis long experience in business w ble him to let none igo away dimatistled, wh patronize Mm. Charges moderate. taken by the week on reasonable terms. E. P. KITTINGER,_ Prop York Springs, Nov. 4,1870.--41 Carpnttfro and It ontrattoi b Wm. C. Stallsmith & GSTTYSB UR G, PA Carpenters and Contracto DOORS, SHUriIE • . BLINDS, DOOll AN D WIN DOW FBAld CORNICE, DOOll AND WINDOW BRACKETS, SO_ lknistantly on band, and inanulat:tured to BEST MATERIALS by experienced work - men, anti at REASONABLE PRICE Sir Orders promptly atteudr4 to. January 15,19&+--t f GEO. C. CASIINIk ain"3" I 7IBCTIZO, P-4., ; Carpenter and Contra RESPECTFULLY Informs th! bikt removed to hts New4hop, op Storptiosi between Tint and Railroad strenia„aii4 Pared to take contracts for putting int banding, at as reasonable rates aw. der In Oettysburg—all wort gamut* best slaty. bopeabystrtetatt eapoa now o merit public patroeoge. April 9,1111-ti IRO 1331 crrssitcx,,, FL. = (May Z. EMU out of the