The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, February 10, 1871, Image 3

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    *ld Pisani csalts
• FARM, two miles north
ie;...zurmthaisurisiesv. tir o g
Tenant House, and other Improve.
o,soo—net more than cost at haUd•
FARM, two and a half miles
adjoining No. 1, 116
gibilernkE ROUNE, Barn and
An excellent grass farm.
FARtif adjoining No. 1, and
F..3ll4WOr t t u tr. g alia
berstm in Tornpike and comprises
• - g Price, woo.
FARM, five miles from Get
• row, nit Acres,. good land in
• with large BRICK HOUSE, and
•• Price 05,500—very cheap.
• .Acres, with , large
E, large Bank Barn, all In good
. .50 per acre.
FARM, 170 Acres, four
tirsbuirg. on Public road, eomforta
-17 (WIN GS, red land, 34 limed,— -
f cash.
excellent FRUIT FARM,
of Geuysoum, on public road,
eces good land, with comfortable
unable .110UflE it Ed all needed
and Barn, Land LI and In good
!n farm, near gal ore Turnpike,
ettysburg, 3 miles from I.ittlestown.
miles from Gettysburg, on York
• good HOUSE and STABLE, a
store or Mechanic. Price IV,C,Ou.
Gettysburg, on public road, 224
and in good condition, sood
• •ed HOUSE, large Bank
t, good location. Price IMO per
II 18.4 Atze s with buildings at same.
weastill of f Gettysburg, on York
110 Ac 1 ,4
RAlllif about
HOUSE, two , well
SOO per acre—terms easy.
hick 100 acres heavy Timber, Oak,
'alnut, Ave miles west of Gettys
road, two sets of Buildings, will
hole. excellent fruit fartn, good
Price $45 per acre.
GOOD FARM, 180 Acres, 7
• Ntiorirg ru n Harrisburg road, good
and , all Misers of fruH.—
ea, or will sell 100 Acres ,• 2 miles
on liarrisbum, road ;
. OCHE, Bank Barn, *bun=
- • and in good order.
other Farms and Town Property..
lands and Town Property, to ex
.. County Farms.
-11torney for the Owners,
Gettysburg, Pa_
• , ed oilers at Private Sale, his
in Butler townsp, Adams
mile north of R hi oth's 31111,
ding from Gettysburg to Arendts
.m McCreary's Paper Mill, con.
'REX About 100 Acres of this
uare. The land is in a good state
rid under good fencing. The inr
utast of a large new two-story
•E., with a new Brick Bummer
the dwelling, with a never-falling
t the door, Log Bank Barn with a
ed and Corn-crib attached, Hog 1.".
- rnecesearyoutbulldinga There
Spring of Water in the fields, so
the cattle water from every flekt. ,
Apple Orchard on the premises
oat also Peach and other small
ce close to the buildings.
ing to view the property can do so :/•.;
the undersigned. Tor terms, ad
at .Arendtsville Adams County,
?indium BABE.
ed Executors of the the Estate of
deceased, 60er at Private Sale, the '
I ON, situate in New Oxford, con
more or of good fanning
rovements are a twastory BRICK
an out-kitchen attached Frame
. House, Hog Pen, COrn-crib,
essary outbuildings attached, a
ailing water at the door, with a
tads of Fruit. It is a very derara—_ ,
. mons wishing to purchase should
g elsewhere. It is desirably loca
adjoining the Ware-House of
& Bender. •
..n wishing to view either of the
call on the last named Er
g In... New Oxford.
e Town Property
The new two-story
Me bbuildins—iltoom*—with Gasping
uildin 00 feet la
eth of Stevensg—fro Hall. nting
The buil&
oolbpleted in best style. It will b•
ble terms.
October 1 It will be for Rent.
Pt_ 9.
.1L i& D. BUEHLER.
OF NO. 1,
re-emptlon Lands located near
ty Towns, Ac., l well settled
'bleb I will sell or exehange at a
Estate In Adams county, Pa.
• ER. purifies the blood and
Syphilis, Skin Diseases,
Diseases of Women and all • L.
ections of the Blood, Liver and 1
1 , • •rnmended by the Medical
many thousands of our best
testimony of Physicians and pa
have used Po , is ; send for
Guide to Health Book, or Al-
Ms year, which we publish tor
distribution it will give you
his information.
Carr, of Baltimore, says:
are in recommending your
as a very powerful alterative. I
used In two cases with happy
in a case of secondary
• • patient pronounced MmseLt
r having taken lire bottles
• eine. The other is a case
of bag standing, which is
ving under lie use, and the in
- th.“ the patient will soon re
examined the tonnu
yo• e urß luil l.lis Ls mad., and find
t compound of alterative lu-
s, of NichoLuvllle, Ky., says he
In Cases of Serotuls and
Syphilis with satisfactory* results
.er of the Blood 1 know no better
M' Fadden, Murfre3boro', Teun
.. • seven bottles of Ttosadalls
trely cured of Rheumatism ;send "-
ties, as I wish it for my brother
• felons sore eyes.
Beehtol, of Lima, Ohio writes
wed for twenty years with an in. •
Vover nay whole Jody; a '-;-*
e il I purchased a bottle oL 3•
nd it effected a perfect cure.
lulls Is sold by all Druggists,
61 ExchangiL.Plaee, Batman?
& Proycleters.
- tn Gettysburg, Pa., by A. a
has commenced the Butch
.- in the rear of the Washington
and will pay the bathes:mice
p eDd lambs. 'Persons wanting
stock to sell. will the
Meat ordered will b deny
. any plane within the town.=
the public is solicited.
Collis, of Pomfa
. will re-open for Spring Tenn
-Soar (24) weeks
, February 10th.
cedar, catalogue and other lufor
.tr,rleultural College. I'. 0..
Centre county, Pa
to the Public !
if running a Line of Stages
• •to Gettysburg, leaving for-
Wednesday and Friday, at
by Leitersburg, Wa)lllCS
timings, Fountain
writing at Gettysburg at hall
sad Rearemg from Gtysburg
•• • and Saturday arriving at
connection with the 5
••• • • Azili• wessici.
• T . .,
1111 4 :6 CILEAREII T 11. 47
• • call
tar attllttatintl.
/Ebb lgorialibe, Feb. mi. an
Tnotaa.—Our thanks are due te Sena
tor DUlSeab and lepremantative Header
for sundry documents.
Conn lasaP.—Monday, last was the,
eokleat day of the 88163011, the mercury, at
sunrise, being 1 degree below zero.
A Laws Pokrow—lrieut. Jame.
Hersh of New Oxford, slaughtered one
day last week a porker weighing 528
ZOIIAVICIL —We are requested to state
that the Gettysburg Zonaves will meet
for parade in Gettysburg on the 22nd
CHANGE OF DAT.—Mr. J. E. Herman's
sale of Personal Property, near Hampton,
originally fixed' for the 25th, will take
place on Monday, Feb. 27. See adv.
Lenox Hooa.—Two Chester White
Hogs were slanghtered by Isaac Rice, of
4.enallen township, Feb. 2, weighing
respectively 547} and 416 lbs when dres
sxl. The amount of lard obtained was
2191 pounds.
HOMEOPATHIC. - The Homeopathic
Medical Society of Pennsylvania, held its
6th annual session in Harrisburg, last
week. Dr. J. H. Marsden, of York
Springs, thin county, was elected Presi
dent for the ensuing year, and Dr. H.
Cook, of Carlisle, Chairman of the Board
of Censors. The next annual session will
be held in Harrisburg on the first Wednes
day in Febuary, 1872.
SsLas.—Jonas Spangler has purchased
a house toad 11 acres of land, inMountjoy
township, from John Stockslager, at
Wm. Strickhouser has bought of George
Cashman a House and half lot of graund
on York street for $875.
A. F. Gitt has sold his two-story brick
house on the comer of the Diamond. in
New Oxford, to Charles Crusty, for
John C. Zona sold a house, and lot of
ground near New Oxford, to Mrs. Mary
Clunk for $BOO.
Patrick Dougherday, some time ago,
sold his farm in Oxford township, contain
ing about 33 acres, to John Mowery, at
$55 per acre.
of last week, Col John H. McClellan, of
this place, took a Fox to New Orford,
where a chase took place about one o'clock.
There were a larger number of horsemen
from this place, East Berlin, and Hano
ver; numbering about fifty persons or
more. The fox, after having about ten
minutes start,-- made for the Conawago
Hills in the fliresition of East Berlin, fol
lowed by several dozen hounds, and a
fine chase was had until toward evening
when the fox changedhis course and made
for Centre Mills near Bendersville. Night
cottOg on, the fox made his escape, and
the hunters returned to their homes.
Conftv Dorcas.—But two additional
vies were tried in .Common Pleas last
week, Court adjourning on Saturday morn
ing, viz:
S. R. Russell, D. Wills, E. G. Fahnes
tock, of alias, vs. John Benchoff and
others, involving the title to a tract of
of timber land in the South mountain,
purchased by the former at Sheriff's sale.
Both parties claimed title and both pro
ceeded to cut timber on the disputed
ilremises, resulting in a suit by Plaintiffs
against Defendants for trespass, &c.--
The Jury rendered a special verdict for
Plaintiffs for $123.98, subject to.the opin
ion of the Court on the law as raised by
defendant's Ist, 2d and 8d points.
James Russell, surviving Executor of
Peter Wagoner, dec'd., now for use of
Lewis Rudy, vs. Samuel Herbst, Admin
istrator of Henry Steinour, dec'd. Appeal
from Justice of the Peace. Verdict for
the defendant.
Towx 's t Mrarrixo.—A town meeting,
called brbrder of the Town Council, was
held in the Court-house on Tuesday night
to consider the the propriety of purchas
ing a steam Fire Engine. In view of the
importance of the subject matter, the
Council desired to have an expression of
on the part of tax-payers and property
holders, to guide their action and relieve
them from responsibility.
Hon. Robert McCurdy was called to the
chair, and Jacob A.ughinbangh, Esq., ap
pointed Secretary. Atter a fall And free
interchange of. views, Messrs.' .A. M.
Hunter, D. Wills, H. J. Stahle, It. G.
LfcCreary, C. IL Buehler, J. L.
I). 'C.- Buehler, S. B. Rowe, and etheri
participating in the discussion, the con
clusion was reached that a steam-engine
would mit be of practical use in the
present det;:-ctive water supply in the bor
ough, and that the best plan would be to
provide fire machinery which will utilize
the present water supply. The action of
the Council, in mitring the repair of
"Blue Dick"iengine, was unanimously ap
proved, and a resolution adopted request
ing the Council to provide another light
hand engine, either by repairing "Capt.
May," or purchasing a new one.
night last, betweenlo and 11 o'clock, the
large shed on the farm of John Spangler,
in Mountjoy township, was fired and des
troyed with contents. The tenant, Mr.
Win. Patterson, loses heavily, three good
horses, 4 stacks of oornfodder, all his hay,
gears, harness, and Farming rtexisihi,
except a wagon. The family were in bed,
and were roused by the light of the buru
ing shed. We understand that Mr. Patter-
Sall is insured iu the Munamasburg Insur
ance Company.
This is the fourth fire-that has occurred
Apn the same premises within the last year,
all under circumstances which leave no
doubt as to their being the work of some
malignant incendiary. First, Mr. Spang
ler's barn was burnt; then a new barn,
erected in place of it, was burned about
the time it was completed; then some
hay-stacks; and now the fire of Sunday
On Wednesday lest David Clapeaddle
• was arrested by officer 'Rouser, ancVcom
• mated by Justice Cover on the oath of
.John Spangler, charged him with being
cvmeerned in the'preirions incendiariaims
ton his premises, vie:—the Bring of the
dna barn on the night of the 19th of
Mush, 1870; the second barn on the
flied of She 17th of Illy, 1870 and the
hay-stacks on the morning of the 80th of
August, 1870. Mr. Clapsaddk's family
lives on- the Wall' Hiii, sear Spsagler's
property, but be himself has been working
this winter at or near Laurel Forge, Cum
berland county, where be Ism arrested by
officer Rouzsr. We have not been advised
of the facts on which the arrest was made.
SAFE InvErrneawr.—The attention of
parties having funds to invest, is directed
to the advertisement of the Trustees Of
Pa. College. The security is ample, pay.
meat of interest prompt, and the loan
free from all eixation by special Act of
the Legis l a ture.
To B.ELL-AT HALF Pazcz.—A band
some CASE with glass front, suitable for
stole or library. Inquire at this office.
Awittraz Ctigisilmsca:,—lt is the Ten=
tral Pennsylvania Conf.:Alike", of the
Methodist Episcopal Char& which is to
meet in Carlisle on the Bth of March seq.
Although 200 ministers ar e expectell
be ;meat, some bias *IP at:44th of
the Methodist Episciopal "Church may be
gathered from the fact that this is but
one of seventy-two District- Conferefitss
which meet annually. Tip General &I--
ferenoe is made up of representatives from
these Annual Conferences.
From the Statistical returns of the
Methodist Episcopal Church for 1870 we
glean the following items: There are a i
Bishops, 72 Annual Conference, 9,193
Traveling Preachers; 4367,184 lay mem
bers including members -on probation.—
There was raised for the Missionary,
Tract, Bible, Sunday School, Church Ex
tension Societies, and Conference Mira-
Mall $967,862. Babbath Schools reported
16,912, Officers and Teachers 189,412,
Scholars 1,221,898. The net increase in
the number of churches is 1,825; an aver
age of over four new churches for every
working day in the year. In the last
four years there has been an increase of
1,817 Preachers and 884,950 members.—
The General Conference of the Methodist
Episcopal Church meets but once in four
years, unless an extra session is called.
Its next session will be held in the City
of Brooklyn, commencing May Ist 1872.
It will be composed of abeut 800 Minis
terial delegates and 9 1441ay delegates.
last, testimony was taken at the Court
house, before Judge McCurdy, on behalf
of B. F. Meyers, in the matter of the con
tested seat from thisdistrict. Mr. Meyers
attended in person, while J. Alex. Simp
son, Esq., Philadelphia, represented Mr.
Cessna. A laTge amount of testimony
was taken, but with little or no relevancy
to the issue. Some half dozen votes were
shown to have been irregularly east for
Mr. Cessna, including four colored votes
from the Poor house. No attempt was
made to sustain the sweeping allegations
of fraud in connection with the elections
in Gettysburg, Menallen, Butler, &c.
On Wednesday, the taking of the testi
mony on behalf of Mr. Cessna was begun,
and is still in progress as we go to press.
William McClean,Esq.,conducts the cross
examination for Mr. Meyers. We under
stand that the number of illegal Total?. al
ready shown to have been east for Mr.
Meyers, more than offsets those developed
by the other side ou Friday—n 2 that the
result of the examination in this county
will leave a clear gain for Mr. Cessna.
We learn that it is the impression of
knowing persons that the testimony taken
in the different counties, makes put
a clear case for Mr. Cessna, and that there
can be little or no doubt of his securing
the seat.
FRANKLIN COURT Immes.—At the re
cent Court of - Common Pleas of Fran k
lin county, the case of - William A. Pitzer
and Mary Catharine Pitzer, his wife, (of
this county,) in right of said Mary, his
wife, vs. George S. Christ, with notice
to S. F. Greenawalt and Jeremiah Diehl,
Assignees of Peter Brough, was decided
in favor of the Plaintiffs. Peter Brough,
Guardian of Mary Catharine Haines, (now
Pitzer,) had received monies of his ward,
which the Plaintiffs alleged and the Jury
so found had been invested in a farm
which was in possession of Christ, as ten
ant, in Franklin county. A special ver
dict was rendered in favor of Plaintiffs
for the premises, to bo released on the
payment et $1,580.50, the amount of trust
funds, in nine months, with interest from
date of verdict.
At the Quarter Sessions ten* of the
mos court, Da - vid Cuffs wag !voldvicted
of an assault and battery on Elizabeth
Stoner, and sentenced to pay alma of $lO
and costs of prosecution, andituldergo an
imprisonment of one month i n the
county jail.
NAnnow Esc-A.m.—We are informed
that a young lady named Bowman, resi
ding with her brother-in-law, Mr. George
Sell, at Plum Creek, a mile west of Hano
ver, made a very narrow escape from
burning to death on Saturday night last.
It appears that she Lad retired to bed at
the usual hour and had fallen into a heavy
slumber, when. about midnight she was
awakened by a burning sensation and
was startled to discover that the bed in
which she was lying was on Are, and that
the pain she had experienced was caused
by the Names coming in contact with her
arms and hands, one of the latter bein:
severely burned. With great presence of
mind she rushed down to the kitchen and
procured a bucket of water, with which
she extinguished the flames without &lam
ing the household. How the bed caught
is a mystery, as upon resiring Miss B. did
not take a lighted lamp or candle with her
to the room. A partially burnt match,
however, was fOttnd lying between the
pillows And bolster, and as several matches
were lying on a table in the room, the
supposition is that it was dragged by
mice to the bed, where it was ignited by
some unknown means.—Spectator.•
Looxixo Ur.—The Frederick, Md.,
Examiner has a currespondent who writes
from Mechanicstown, with lively 'appre
ciation of the wonder-working influences
of railroads. It seems that the new road
constructing to that place, has made quite
a sensation in Europe, and is attracting
the attention of royalty. We make an
extract or two from his last letter:
It is rumored that the widow of Max
imilian, the Empress "Carlotta," now
said to be perfectly restored to health,
will visit St. Joseph's Seminary next
summer. A number of distingukhedver
sons from Brussels and Antwerp will se
pompany ber.
Letters receivad from Paris, and Munich_
M Bavaria, by some gentlemen near this
place, state that a number of French Mat
German families, with considerable
means, contemplate permanently basting
in clam proximity to Mt. St. Mgy's Col.;
Sege and Msehuniestown. TAe
_fame ot
rkia,place, thaiiks to the Western Md. Bail
road and other agencies, will soon be nO•ni
slimly known in Europa Some experietic. .
ed miners from Cornwall are also coming
over in the Spring to take a look at our
mountain formation and deposits.
SIMMS. DEATZ. --Jacob Carbaugh, a
respected citizen of Waynesboro, aged NV
years, on last Monday morning, while
walking on Main street, and when sear to
Mr. IVGinley's shop, fell down — sruldenly
and was carried into Mr. Weinley's house,
where after a filar moments ha expired.
His death was attributed to apoplexy,
Var.rams Matnuomaa—liead the ad
vertisement of Miller 41; Davis, Druggist,
of Baltimore, in to-day's paper, headed
"Health! Health!" No humbug. tf
Fox Sexx.—A. Two year old
Stallion, good size, nolor Bay. Will lib'
sold cheap for Caul. Jams Hoax, Table
Book, Adams County, 'Pa. 8t
•FlTAzusalw ';4) Lat.—Three
furnished Boerne to let, In the Centre
siglato, amiable for Andante or others.
Tema rem :wale. - Enquire of Mrs. Har
riet Harper. • tf
Oonuto.-4Conr People..hers Sise ,
to learn that the celebrated Optician and
Oculist, Prof. J. lbartszlis, is going to
pay our town s stunt visit..-He will talcs
apartments at the "Etigle /Wet" on
Saturday, Feb. 18th.- The Prof. comes
highly recommended from the Snit 4itl
- of ill% as well as clinic planes l ido.
have had dealings with him histionr.' it
&IX,' AL PROPERTY.--'ibs
following sales of Personal Property will
be ibiiik to our g comma: :I'4
aisd Fetti4-440.
. ilqwe rl V l Pl B23- ler.
Monday, " 21-Bsmnel lePitzer, Menallan,
" 220-11wors. Townsend, Rexene'
Friday -" 24-F. &W. Van °rade!, Stratton.
8 4 4 1 1rdxf, " . 26 , - ,•Yara_
&Meant.' 4g•
Monday, " 21—J. E. Herman, near Hampton.
Meld . .23—itenry Both, Butler.
Wednesday; Mar. I—Jeromlah Gulden, Butler.
" 3—Jacob W..Fldler, Butler.
Tuesday, " 7—P. G. Caasatt, Straban
Wednesday, " B—Mrs. Grail /4 W. A. Mahon
z““alt.4.4l44l- :,-
WedneMay t " : .& ore Bender, • Cumber
Tharkay, " Fun; Butler. '
Friday, " 10,-Abrahani Tawney, Mount.
pleasant. •
fiffii BUT BrOlis now In:. Market, for
beauty, economy, and comfort, is tub 'nab*
all around to be the MORNING GLOM':
It defies all competition, and that is the
judgment of all who have used it. It is just
the thing for Offices, Stores, and . Parlors
Chambers. Call at C. H. Buehler's
Ware Room, oppOsite the Passenger
Depot, and examine for yourselves. tf
WAR/01017BR FOR RZBiT.—The building
now occupied by Jos. Wzruir, Ok Sox as a
Produce Warehouse, Gettysburg, Pa.-
- Inquire of Joseph Wible. tf
ut tltc glarlitts.
RAlCllmora 4irwlu & Prodgee
Ban/more, Thurgday Morning.
550 0 600
425 @ 675
165 0 2SO
150 0 200
75 0 88
85 0 95
58 0 62
600 a 637
725 0 740
0 CO 190
10% 0 10%
11% 0 12%
16 0 18
12% 13
Bursa Fzeux,
En g,
ilileittysliaurg Grails 4lk Preariallaas Market.
Gettysburg, Friday Morning.
000 e 575
lal 0 190
120 elm
70 0 70
00 0 70
00 0 42
00 0 00
000 0 400
6 00 6 75
170 10 175
80 0 100
Closing Prices of De Hoven 1c Deo
40 liontir Intl St., Pkilndelphht.
3 o'clock, P. AL,
U. S. 6's of '6l
" ....
" " '165
" '65 new,
110% 110%
109% 10934
1048, 10934
109% 1099
" s's, 10-40's, 10934 109%
U. S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy., 111% 111%
Gold, 111% 111%
Silver, 106 107
Union Pacifist B. B. Ist M. Bonds, 746 810
Central Paeille H. B. 915 925
Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds.. ... 695 710
DAY—You:—On the TM Inst., in Bendersvllle,
by Bev. J. B. Jones, Mr. Lase N. Day to Miss
Mary Jane Yen, both of Adams county.
GoLons--Gmsz.—On the 26th ult., by Rev.
Aaron , Mr. ifezeklah Golden to Miss
HBaama lath Adman co.
airksa - of 4lll the 2fith e
ta, Vy In Solent
Lutheran church, Bethlehem, Pa., by ReY. J. B.
Rath, Kr. Frank Mammon. of Bethlehem, to
Miss M. Emma Jones, of Baltimore.
ta i = notices 5 cents a line for all over bone
it to accompany the notice. This in
cludes memorial tributes, resolutions of socie
ties, &c.
dri ßgnmAm t aing i r Lesinitot t ? e icigh Oarolliu A t . ,
Bushman, In the 25th year a berme.
laver.—On the sth ult., In Meliaßen towashly, ,
I V: is ime. mar Milted MUM and Nancy Ulla.
7 months and IS M.YIL
we. Mu herr
M. litir alT Wn la MS 111A ls n'll. '
the WIA of InsluldsgsMais of the Cram
may look forward to the time wisest we shall meet ,
our darling, now beckoning to us from the
bantam's arms, who carries the Lambs In his
bosom. The Betimes MMus areme r ger than
ours—bis lore brighter—his home ; and
while we mourn her departure to a ell mes
we feel that she came to show how sweet a Bower
In Paradise can bloom, Not lost—but gone be
110Crair.hrthe lit Inst.; to Fairfield. Jnlm
Calvin, only son of It. da- , And Sadie E. Mc-
Cleat, aged 1 wear, 3 asoetM and 2 days.
This little bird so fair on earth,
Now rests beyond the skies.
He is crowned with beauty fair.
And brightly blooms In paradise. -
tininTirs.—On Tuesday morning last, Barbara
Ethriveik_wife of Wm. Shrivel*, and daughter of
John =er, NEIL, of this ..gilace?nged 2byears, 2
mentbs'arid 19 days.
W.sooosint.-At New Oxford, on the 2d inst.,
Sarah, wife of Capt. Levi Waggoner, aged 50
years and 14 days. .
gnu Advertistments.
The undersigned offers for Rent a Dry Goode
*we Hoorn with a good cellar on the north-east
corner of Centre Square, now occupied by Mr. H.
Feb. Feb . 1
1871.—0 t ANN R. HOKE.
IVOTlCE.—Letters Testamentarci a m the estate
.1-1 of Asipanw walrus, iate of Mind town.
eh*, Mama count, l arm i eri lir sied dlocea= l :ng been
ranted to the , in same
township, he gives notice to all persons indebted
to said estate to make Immediate payment, and
those having claims against the aim to preseni
them properly authenticated for settlement.
• BEERY B. WINTRODE, Executor.
Feb. ID, 1871-6 t
A large, convenient and comfortable House,
with or without n 7 ACRES OF GOOD LAND,
ball a mile from Centre Square, Gettysburg ,• large
Vegetable Garden, several hundred Fruit Trees,
never -f ailing water. Location unsurpassed. Im
mediate possessi given. It
M is also
Apply for on
terms, to r. GEO. ARNOLD, for
at First National Bank.
Feb. 10, 1871.—if
The undersigned. Auditor appointed the
Court of Common Pleas of Adams Cou nty , to
make distinction among creditors of the balance
In the hands of Wst. A. Dcsesa, Esq., upon the
confirmation of his account as Assignee of Gao.
A. (.VD= and wife in trust for t,he benefit of
QaMtors, will attend to theduan of Ms appoint
meht at his oce In the llortingh of
on Friday, the 3d day of M a rch 4l =t ir fo
o'clock, A. M., when and where all parties In in
terest can attend.
D. MuCONALIGHY, Auditor.
Feb. /0, IFIL--3t
Dissolution Notice,
ri NEE Ens of lisantur & of York
SlSArtlt s elaitla county. Pa. waa dissolve&
ap ticia. by mutual ameent. All persons
t0h1r....m-...a&alastasid Arm. mUlpeseent them
il li. Manila& at the late firm. tor Min
d:leaen. and. penises knowing themselves In
debted to the Ilan are notified to call on
I *b. Sit IBll.jllli* z,
Ooaell .shop for Sale.
IVE .B Z)ACH SHOP at Quincy, Franklin Co.,
- imilland Itie sale. It unwinds of a large
BY FRIULI BUlLEgnig w ith all the
muggings Macthall nor lumblese.
CY elan/ he into a
R Haan. fls gropeaty • hi at a
reldita it Ar e peraon Midi*
rachington 111 " r ' IIYII4 .11°)us:
.Feb. 3HY '6I\AYIL
Jost r blbib d, ', a a ale askisseptpt ofPsl et.
rt v er . `"""talt Wu n richt
wl folf; piton of ' ardlitipm.
UMW tr Aseers the trifeter,
,Fali, 75 COnes..
n s e IaIN
east to s short time. 'Their ANDER MgRS,
Publiabler, Boston. (Feb. 15.-2 t
'~ y
$43,000 WANTED !
picltioapps deslttilg to intl . ist ttoin si,ooo ssboo
on Per 66 1 7 Rema 20660 -legit; at 6 per
cent. wen* treiltoto allebtSl Ikea : toed liout.
tom, inn Adis iiisidato •llPPlitotot to eitt!tir
. Se. 8 ' 8131"1,1"Pla,
A. D. limus^
Feb. 3rd, 1871
:12ii 1133
V/X Illy
M.: UN
ILL rwerge
e rgr o gi small sums im
ralratles am
terest, clear of Stale Tizzetr i all be paid, viz:
Bondi of all kinds bought &sold
Sir Corner of Broadway and York Streets, —ill
5uce,,....,, z , t ,,, p wirt, Chalk Co-.
... N. W. CM*. ihartmore & Charles Ma,
aktaillOßE, MD„
Do a general
• •
Pianking and: Brokerage
bad.. Be*A interterest on - Deposits, subl .
to ebeeksti t, same as the City Banks, an
issue of deposit, Welding interest, and
mat* on demand.
Notes and Draft maturiug In Baltimore, Phila.
delphia - Nor Me* city , collected and
credited •to Viers free of charge,
and Notes and on all other w
oman* phialscollected at lowest
401 d-tier the sale' of Northern Patillq
Honda Zimplitelwand informatiM furnished on
et 4Z - Zih Wtoiliptly answer
ing in II 13 9 *all or re, in r
gard to securities, &c., and shall be pleihied to
have- Onr bleeds mike enr office:their-
Quagferhile to the (My. •
iiM\feeefile4.4olralliiria."l tdift""n
41.0 1 ; w gate
g oi P. O. Dyswer
/ P O. 10,-$l7
rrltil tialt COMB "
_lay colored
.L. hair beard to*. permanent Mach ortwout.
R co=no Dubow ,One comb pent by ma for
supplied' at reduced rates. - Address'
tit. Parrott. TAN- §llo4llelllqol3ll. . 4 * I
'' 11 . 714 iD ; OF,
A Ilirs'wmliDFekVg \
IgAoadt , null blot out.
m.a . wairmw,„,k - No
. 113ther ts; to. ili Vr , . 11 = 1 . ,Pit
1; c 4 .. ' , '3 . ;-, 42" '. 4 ;•+ - 4 : lir—
I A t A: 'ICA 42fk,It'
114141)411: , ..i. , :_ ..,
wllit4lsis Ckeleaties rasir - 4. - Nifastlits la
alLtaitesi - - aye ail. estiwthimaz Amok" WNW
' - , 4 41 1/ t reeit AltsmOss
' s ' IA . . -1 tit,4 mita*. !- Pt• 1:1`
Seal fir . Nectar Circular. . ~, - fireCi":47;
' 11 "
lir7Ydi aTl!'liL
?be iiitisiertbet offers at Private swe, the 61:
loving ve valuable and desirable Propertil
ik 611138,
on Damen street, wide be now resides.
,;•4111C3.!Th7 n
NW, PlOusee_oll
Myth iva,mgro strt.
No. 3. Coach Shops and LQta on
North Washington Street.
NO. 4 A Two-sto ry Frame irginigh
and Frame Barn on EAU Middle Btreet, tineoam
as the Hotteworth property.)
No. 5. About 8 Acres of Ground. ,
near Penn'a College, in a high state of eultivat
and well aet>a Tiluothy.
No. 6. Three and a half Lots of Ground
on East Middle 'Street, adjoining lands of Henry
Cu trAll or either of thenbove properties will be
sold on reasonable terms. Call on or addresk
!O. 10, 1101.—tt Gettysburg; Pa.
1) • 33 L ai C..jS
The undersigned, intending to quit fanning,
will sell at Public Sale, on Friday, Me antilop Qf
-Starch nett, at his residence In Butler township,
Adams county, 1%, 1% miles east of Lower's
Mill, and about 3 miles north of Hunterstown,
the following rem i t Prog o r i ty. viz:
TWO 3411,1 r CO 11, I B gow and 1 Boar,•
(Chester Whltes„) 1 w and 1 4 Motes, Coln-
Wed Reaper and Mower Dodge & Stevenson*,
palmitin good order, Wing Wagon with ShaMr
and Spread„' Yoak and Straps for two horses,
Wire-tooth Hay Rake, new Hay_ Carriage 16 feet
long, Rockaway Buggy and Harness, twolorsis
- 2, Corn Forb, dou t t i an Claiggle Sher*
Metros', good Log ,Mkt and uir.
row, Sled. Wheeftrrow, Manure boards, Spread.
Single Trees, Feed Trough, Cutting Box, Rolling -
Screen, Winnowini s Mill, Cow,,Halter and other
Chbm li tet- Marque ',Shovels, Shaking'
Forks, Meru anfil, Rooks, Pitch Forks,
Crnwbar, Hoek. Maul and Wedges, 2 Axes,
one double-bitted, Woodsaw, Cooper's Adze,
Shaving Horse, Drawing Knife, Augers, Chisels,
Braes and . Bitts,,Grindstolne, Cider Barrels,
double and single barreled Guns. Also. HOUSE
HOLD FURNIT tap:, to wit: 3 stoves, I a Hath
away Cook arneFlyres, and 2 Teo-plats Stoves,
about tiJolutsrtif pe and 3 KlSows good as
new, Kitchen Ta e, I dozen of Chairs, Flour
Chest with 3 apartments. Wood Chest, bushel Ras.
ket. 2 Meat Vessels, Meat Benches, Cburn, and I
Tub. Iron Kettle,, Potatoes, Tubs and ‘a great
many other articles too numerous to mention.
airaaie to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M,
when attendance will be given and terms made
known by JACOB W. FIDLER.
Joan STALTAMITU, Auctioneer.
Feb. 111, 1871.—ts•
The undersigned intending_ to quit fanning,
will sell at Public Sale, on Meineaday, the WI
townsa next, at bis residence in thintberbuid
ship, Adams °aunty. Pa., 114. miles west °I
Gettysburg( near the Chambetaburg turnpike,
lrlflo Personal Property, viz:
tr. EMU) OF HOlitiES' ,allodidgraft and
farming bursae, 1 Yearling CoIt..FIVE ;MILK
COWS, some of which will be freetta4 tie tin
sale, 1 Heifer with calf. I gull, 3 Hatless, 1 Brood
Sow, Broad-tread four-horse Wagmn,aas. good as
new,) Spring Wagon with 3 sprint.. (good as
new,) Lime Bed, Threshing Machine and Horse
power all complete, Wire-tooth Hay Rake, Grain
Drill with Guano attachment, Winnowing Mill,
Peed Cutter, focally pew ,) Combined Reaper and
Mower, Circular Wood-saw, (new,) lily Cant
ages, 2 Sleighs and Bells, Hay Fork and 70 feet of
hope, two and three-horse Plows, double and
single Shovel Plows, 2 Corn Foritss Y ;good Mr.
rows, single, double and treble Trees) Spreader,
Jockey Stick, Dung Boards. Dung Hooks, Wagon.
Gears, such as 2 sets of Breechbands and Side
plates, 3 sets of Front Gears. (Rs good as new:,
I. our-horse Lines. Bridles, Wagon Whip Wagon
Saddle, Halters, Cow and Log Chains, Cross-cut
Saw, Butt Traces, pair Breast Chains, Rakes,
Forks, Grain Shovel. Grain Cradle, Grindstone,
Bag 'Wagon, a lot of Bags, 2 scaps of bees Also,
consisting In part 3 Bedsteads, Bedding.
Tables, Chairs, Ten-plate Stove and Pipe, lot of
Apple-butter, Smoked Meat, a lot of planting
Potatoes, Boxes, Barrels, 35 yards Carpeting, to
gether with a great many articles too nuMeruns
to mention,
ga-A credit of twelve months will be given on
all sums over Dye stMlare, Sale to commence at
9 o'clock A. M., on said day when attendance
will be given by THEODORE BE:Mika..
Jams CALDWELL. Auctioneer.
Feb. 10, 1311—ts -
Y 81. 1
The undersigned, having disposed of his farm,
will sell at Public Sale, on Monday, 27th of itb
ruory next, on the premises. an eighth of a' Mile
west of Hampton, the following valuable Per
sonal rrOperty, viz:
ONE HORSE COLT, two years old, 2 bead of t
MILK COWS, 4 young- Istria, 2 Chester W r il l e
Sows, with pig. Dodges Combined Self-
Reaper, 1 oue-horse Wagon, Covered Sp
Wagon with three Sparings l Rockaway HMS,
Wind 31111 Cutting Box, Cortsaihellar, Shovers,
Mattock, Crowbar. Forks. Rakes, Hoes, Garden
Bakes, Brass-mounted Harness, 2 setts of Yankee
Hansom Bridles. Collars, Cheek and Plow Lines,
Riding Sad Halters, 'Butt and Cow Chains,
p i tierin Mani and u r;tes,G .
-saw, lar tie b ushel, a ibru th ili g r a Art
Norway Oats, ay by the ton, lover-seed, Ike.
E, z; 1 Sofa, one Parlor Marble-top Table,
Dinimgasuf_gitettegfrabiera 2 Waßtat
1 eortinslaWdraemi, 11/Mut Drees
nirliates"Bureaus, (one of them Marble-tom) 2 Wash
stands, (one of them Marble-top.) Towel Rasta,
6 Cane-seat Cludm„ Itcommon Chairs, 5 Rocking
Chabs,N/ Yards of Figured Carpeass..2 corning
care , iltrr a M i n Wilt An (ono
Ili r : i oe.) Ware F
in r ockery Ware, Pots,
I , lina, Burka* Tubs, Barrebs, Bones, Lard, Bacon,
lot of Books, barrel of Cider Vinegar, "Bessehes.
Yoga, Flat /raw, HalLbustiel mid PackAlleasures,
,Churn„ Dough-rray„ Butter-bowl 6. Stone Jars and
tmpst&r with a great A. many other articles
Ifirfaiw to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. when
aLhendanee will be given and terma made knOwn
by J. E. HERMAN.
A. K. ]lrma, Auct. Feb. O. Ib7o—tk
Grand Jury Rep'ort
0 the jiforiorabie tiobert J. Fisher, Freddent
1 '
Judge, W, Joseph J, Kupu and Hatt rt Mc-
Curdy, .Are.ts Judges of the Coutt of 'Quarter
Sessions, in and for the county of Adams:
The undersigned, Grand Jurors of the county
of Adams, at the request of the Court and the
Cummisinioncrif, did visit the County Prison,
where the Jurors were courteously received by
Sheriff Klunk and lady, and the said Jurors
found that the main building had been lately
painted and everything connected with the prison
clean and in order. The Jurors do further state
that they found twenty-two prisoners in the Sher
iff's charge, and that there arc but eight cells In
which prisoners can be securely kept; and that
there are six cells in said prison which are entire
ly insecure for the safe keeping of prisoners.—
The Jurors, therefore, do recommend that the
Commissioners of the county have these aix cells
planked and made secure for the safe keeping of
Witness our hands this Zth day of January, A
D. „Is7l.
Blaisius Kehl!, Wm: A. Young,
Pius & Smith, John McCleary,
Jonas B. (hoer, John Spangler,
Samuel A. Wertz, Wm. G. Black,
Francis Cole, John Stalismith,
Mictact Levenstlne. Joseph Bally,
Henry Bummer, Jacob Trozel,
Jno. Cunningham, Solomon Hartman,
Samuel Detrick, ' Samuel Eaholtz,
Jacob F. Lower, Jesse D. Keller,
Joseph A. Keller, John Lauver.
Feb. 10,1871.-3 t
1 ?elm 4 per eel*
6 Nonths 3 per cent
4 Mouths 4 per cent
Feb. 10, 187L-3m
8 Q' C CK
• .
E t 41
A C •1 1 Pato ;f 8:81 4 la ) " 'Owing = ln & Illes,"
W i Va ir lLthth C°l n it r e ati e kt 4E:
fuljExPei /verb% we, Cu
of Tmhatof said emmty, dAsreport as folkrws, to
wit: from the 6th day of January, A. D., 1870. to
the 4011 day of lannafJ l 1).,, 1871, botitdays In
dtcatp.v ,
lyntok e lltarnti k gicrlkresimmir. aid theeom
a/ accovis with we county of Ad
, lune,* 1011/ W 4: • '
To Outstanding laXetillnit girdt Heats'
in hands UMS-mtn211••• , $14,588 04
aunty - Rates amd Leant ior - iBlll, ' • .
-4. •
Hor. oUGettysberg...'... . . .... .93,065 52 . -
• quit Rang 1,
.." . 175.61 '
ikited.tsep., ' A 3 16'
Hunti d- ngton 64
Latlmore 663 97
Franklin .. "3 1,
,139 -
Stmbsuf '' 3,01710 -
Menalletr 2,432 ao •
Hamiltonian' . 2,140 17 '
Mountpleasaut 2,900 87
rites/An - -'Ma .. 2.39.105
ni ' "
2 1,6111 64
,258 33
. - '-4.,. ..
306,13 2,718 96
MotUdJ o l -
Germany ''
,-.• • • 1,442 64
pa 1 , ,504 51
. 1, , ,,14
ek ' 36 . 4
Freedom ......... ..... . . 906 79
.= C . ... 2,1.37 85
ILt,llB 17 ,
' vlr . bo n r., 595 29
York Springs, 523 84
--....—,-$49,868 45
Surplus State Tax - 131 57
Money borrowed from bank and sundry
Cas Pe t from Pt. R. Itreeedt, Esq., Water 19,499 63
Dividend i. 48 00
W. D. HoltzwoEsq., coal for office.. 40 00
A, W. Minter. Esq . " " 30 0o
Jacob Melhorn, I- " '' . Ti 00
J. Klunk, Esq„ J fees and fines...... 151 00
Additional Tax . 87 %
Costs from sundrY; Person_ 14 12
Cash from P. Hann, mt. late Sheriff,
costs 1..... 121 27
P. Hann, Esq., late Sheriff. stove..... ... g 00
George Swope Water Stock 8 00
Cash tram S. Wade for Paint 325
Interest i 263
The Outstanding Taxes and Quit Rents appqrto
he In the hands of the followiur Collectors, to
Yrs. Cbilectors. Bor. qui TUN.
Jacob Remmel, Cettysborg....S 2a - , 40
R. MaCleat,* Franklin_ ..... 423 15
John H. lintton, Menallen.... 242 73
1870. t •
Janied McCreary, Gettysburg. 1.066 77
" " Quit Rents.. 175 54
Wm. Bretun,* Butler 751 04
Henry Mayer,. Berwick bar.,.. 141 44
Peter Mackley,. Cumberland. 1,5h5 Le 3
Wm. H. Small,. Conowago.... 779 z
Daniel Set:Lel,
...Pranklin. 1,495 35
Wm. Scott, Freedom 254 .1.6
E, F. Hatner,. Germany 983 65
Jena Payers.* HAnrington. I,2as 17
Hobert Watson,* Haminonban ar. 32
Anthony Mx.* Hamilton.... 706 3)
Chnatlan Byers, Highland.. ~ 89
Jonathan B. Myers`Latlmere 697 181
David C. Krile,• Liberty 31'2 91
A442440.41*. (rouse, I.2ttleSjowp 11
Jafirto Bair,* Wen .;• 1,63115
P. G. Smitk,* 01411111 r.. 1,754 s' ,
Jamb Baker,* St ntioy • 1,040
John L. Smith, Oxford. =2 Id ;
George Sebrlght,. Beading_ .. 1,016 19 •
Abraham King , . Strabart...... 1,563 64
Emanuel Spangler.* Tyrone... 718 El
Jacob lianash,t2:4)lon KZ 34
B. W. ZiliglefA Y• Whig bor., 306 71
15irDerwlek townsblp paWl lu full before settle
ment, and Freedom, Jiliblaod, Union and Orford
bare paid In fullstneeseltleaseut Those marked
thus • bare since paid In part.
I y orders pald out as follows:
9 Auditing public accounts
.„,.. ,
,4 60 on
. M. Wafter. clerk to Auditors 25 00
.C. Neely, /: auditing public offices. 25 00
Wm. McCain, Esq., Counsel's salary... 75 03
extra servictst. . 25 00
Dr. J. W. C. O'Neal, 'Physician to Jail— . 25 00
U. Rupp, Janitor's salary 35 00
J. Jell. layers, Clerk's salary SOO 00
D. Wills, Emt, Treasurer of is
County Agricultural Society 100. . 00
Medicine for prisoners. 5 00
11. 1). Wattles. Esq., for ntalle,l2W. ... 27 16
Win. J. Martin, Esq., nu scalps, liffit _ 4660
c Samson, Quit Bents 3
!entry of Commonwealth 1 50
JJJJnry Commissioners and Clerk ..... .... 68 24
Tax refunded 79 91
Stamps 10 00
Summoning Jurors 105 60
J A. Kitzmi
Assessors pay
lier, postage 'V
400 00
J. C. Zouck, Esq., Inquest on body of J.
Bond 37
J. C, Pittenturf. Esq., • inquest, on body 17
of G. Meckley 17 42
Directors of Poor pay 60 0)
Beeping prisoners at Eastern Pe.niten•
DeNct Attorney's fees 166 0 00 0
Treasurer of Alms House.... 10,900 00
Notes and Interest mad to bank and
sundry persons2o,6 2 l4 I
Wood for Jail, part 11169 and 187 u
J. /Stile', coal for Public Iluitenspi..... 419 4Z
Conveying prisoners .t. , 0 Easiest Pm:oton
. 11.5 16
Heel Commonwealtk goat docket.... 25 00
Court Proms,.
Grand Jury's pay for MO .4 517 92
GeV/ Jury's pay...... ...... .. 3,01 69
Co Wes' Returns 243 24
Cou (fryer, Messenger and
Tipstaves pay.
121118 of costs....
orphan e Mutts
S,M2 1.4
Boarding and Trashing far Prirencrs.
Hann. Esq., late Sheriff, bal.
sure on board bill for 1819....$ 1101 50
JaeOb Xlunk, Esp.. 'Sherif&
boarding prisoners and turn
keys I,= 10
Jamb , Kturric. Sheriff, washing
for prpieners 91 88
/, I r2 58
of Cburbt, Pro( honatory's and Recorder's
A. W. Minter. Esq., Clerk's fees.„‘ 14 40
H. G. Wolf. Esq., Clerks fees.— 43 7u
J. MeMorn, Esq., Prothonotary's
jees . . .... 4 ZS
W. 1). iloltzwurth, Esq., Record.
errs fees . 14 50 --7 4-
-8 331 fii
B e ddi ng and Clothing for Jolt
Hebert & Bushman, mdze 037 98
Hebert & Elliott, milze 45 15
H. apd mending 7 95
—4 91 08
Danner S Ziegler, Paint. Olt and
Hardware for public tiuMaga.l2l2 74
Fahnestock Bros., Hardvrare, &e. 36 57
,7---41 249.31
Election Officers' pay for 1870-1741 81
Clerks to Return Judge 5.......... 10 00
Congressional Return Judge , 10 00 •
Adrertishig and Pitiably
IL J. Stable, Esq.. advertiling
and printing planks 3)
Buehler Si Co., advertising 276 s
Murphy Son, dockets for oboes 05 00
---11 752 55
Om Ws:loners' pay.
age ( Lott Esq., pay and mile.
M. .n 5383
Idartin.oo. Esq., Y and E l O.O - •
hr. in full N , TO
E Nedra', Esq.. pay and mile
age, in full 442
Peter Rbnbaugb E°a4 D"BageB. o
10 00
Peter Fidler
John. Eckert
Emanuel Trestle
John Socks
Adam Doereom
Henry Pew! ,
George Ebrettart
A. F. Gift
G• Waiter
Jacob Krim. 75 CO
10 00
75 00
50 Co
175 00
25 00
86 08
85 00
10 Oo
00 00
45 00
6 0 20 0
Stephen ge Adams. ........ .. .. . 30.00
Geor Elesecker
Israel Little.
DariO Unll
Samwd--&—bOitr. 8 00
..... 11l 00
16 00
15 El
5 20
Wm. Duttent 10 00
Joseph Kramrine. ' 26 Id
Nary Wolf .; ao 00
Jacob Carl.... .............. .1. ,: ............
58, 05 31
8000 00
R, F.
mews Smith
30 00
Peter Diehl 20 06
Edward Wagner 20 00*.
Pena's. College 25 110
-- - - 4 OB
,'• *wogs and Bridge Repairs.
Samuel Weer, la full Wilms -
brie at EpPelman's mi11....431,255 62
D. -- elasalt, 1314, repaln at
Conowago bridge .....„ , ~..1 6 fig
W. ill." fEldsbrand, Whs . :..
E G.rtti b 4, l4 , 4-
. 12
elawisamt Winner. ..: -. ... BKt ,
J. O. Pitteuturf,
. . : , yers, amber , , .,... 96
=g l ittri4 ' e i 41 c tillig " ... ..
.?.. '
J. W. Sheets,
Alfred Christ, " ...,
1 2 7 5 66
Jesse /ittiba b la ',', ...... -' • • 's° ".•
Joseph Gel . Ol
John Brady, lumber for tnides 60 33
~,isonXilgre4.l•lll2 I
Tm .,
31. C. Rage.r___l 9- ,,,,,,•:.•,,i El 0
--4 2.612 53
Public //siklings, &c.
John Warner, work 118.844,..,/,-.4 1-60
John =,..
Charles 8 88
, osepeater weds
at Jail 112 - 0 - ourt-h0u5e„...... „ pp 2e,
R. D. Armor, vr2rk at Jail 6.15 ,
Lewis MYers, " z••duilt 380
Jeremiah Culp, work at
. Amiss ._.
_. l .813
rear Roads, mason wars IS • issat ::,
Ittaa tu"Qu ataW‘fillt . ....: 1 II
AL v
Ai. . 4 Th
ewes E. cull '
' iseß - and c__. ip 75
A. W. MW/Ws! , ' mum , /
bouselenes m A. , ..4.. ............ 9EI
Flem c
house andscrubbing atid •
other outside work 37 35
4 d ,A O Z l 2a .... 11 " . A - te 4
o g tvii ,
ix meer, 14... low , •
ainv Or' .. l .. Pt 1.11-4
A. W at : . %iiiiiiiii474- - • -
. .i. ....•,. /2 410 •
,7_ 7,8 1 1 Z, ebelVirld for 4isiit:
missloners' office 5 01
11 G. 54144 . 3 stoves for dikes in
83 _
" 1134.10411 ,14
G. wem, isaintlgittif. id. - : tie AO
&G. 000 relishing Cdttr4sAt
roof iii re
4 i.
4 1#10ViliiiiiiiehtS. . I F. ' - ''' 4l llslo .. ', 7 1 *
Powers St
• i lit:lnle , fl 2 a ' d I.
-*' '''
1 6 7
to setts eoppa t j 14 z - ) ii 1 1 -- .... .0
.41112tri - Viidoo) Y T., ILEWLEIOLDS
Andrew Stoat, wbitaanittug -
ces in Courtamse.— ..„,....... 10 00
W. H. Culp, blacksmitaing tor 110.111 -;
1 i ', /1")' '4 I:
Jail acs
R. brick. ' 200
A. ;
J .. . b ite -
21 00 ' 5
C. . 10 00
P. 8. forimurt
C. IL Buehler , stove pipe and re
pairs 2 66
S. CI. Cook, repairing furnace at .a- .
Jail 25 06
—4 538 85
H. J. &Side, Esq., printingßegis.
try blinks $ 55 75
H. 84able, Esq., advertising •
=2Law 60 On
. Co ~ ad vertising • '
istry Law
60 00
Cleric's pay for copying 75 Regis
try books 75 00
Assessors' pay in, part for making
Registration 283 00
Outstanding' Taxes
Collectors' tees
Exoncganotia . . ;
Balauce due county by Treasurer
ritgAilji Yd testibictil that thlaferegoing state.
nlent of the Receipts and 'Expenditures exhibited
at the office of the Treasurer of said county, id
correct and true copy as taken from and compar
ed with the original remaining in the books at this
office, we have - heretlnto set our hands and
the seal of said office, at Gettysburg, the 4th
of Jaluotry,,A. D., 1871. . f.l
# • • 3L
Commissioners or Adams county.
tfest—.l. dart. MYERS, Clerk.
To the Honorable the Judg e s the Court of
Common Pleas of Adm. county.
11We the undersigned, duly elected Auditors to
settle and adjust the Public Accounts of Hie
Treasurer and Commissioners of said county,
having been sworn or affirmed agreeably to law,
do report the following to be at general statement
of said accounts froth the sth day of January,A
D., Me, to the 4th day of January, 'A. D., 1
lsighdaya inclusive:
WM. .r. MARTIN. Esq.; Tf•mislii4r and the
C'onunholoners, In account with the county of
To amount of outstanding Tax at last
settlement _ 4;14,588 04
.County Tax and Quit Rents assented for
1870,.... ' ...... .... :. .... ~ 49,568 4.5
SinnlturtnitiMx , ' t ' 131 Al
Money borrowed from Banks and sun
dry persons 19,499 6.3
Cash from S. R. Russell, Water dividend 48 00
W. D. Holtzworth, coal for office 40 00
A. W, Minter,i.X.i 00
J anibblelhon ' ••" • 30 00
Jacob Xlunk, sheriff, fees and fines lq 00.,
Additional Tax 67 2e
Costs from sundry persons .14 12 I
Costs P. Hann, late Sheriff 1 . 11'!(
Cash from P. Hann, for stove 8 00
Cash George Swope ter Water 5t00k.... 8 no
Cash J. Wade, for Paint 3 2.5
Interest 203
5P4.291 22
By amount of outstanding Tax for 14.1 . %It
By amount of outstanding Tax for 1879.. 21,118 75
Fer+ for 1868 317 74
18)84 1,1.2 09
1870 51. C.,
Einineratkonn for 18138....... ' ~ 83 CO
•• 1870 2 84
Disbursements on County Urdu; ... .... 50,779 54
Treasurer's emnintaldon on $45,779 54,... WA 59
Balance due county` by Treasater 8.491 31
We, thE undersigned, Auditors ot - the county of
Adams, nonsylyaplo, elected and sworn in pur
suance of law, do report that We met, did, auat,
settle and adjust, according to law, the accont
of the Tres/barer ad Conesdastonets of said
county, commenclain the sth day of January,
ISM, and en on theft/it/ay orJannary,
A_ D.. 1571, both days nelunve,, that said account
as settlelabove, and entered on record in settle
ment &At In the Commissioners' Orrice of Adams
county, is correct, and that we And a balance due
county by Treasurer, of eight thousand four
hundred and ninety-one dollars and thirty-one
cents, (0,491 310 and tn Outstanding' County .
Taxes of twenty-two thousand and seventy dollars
and three cents, (MOTO 03.)
_,Oditors. I
10.,070 cr.
Notes owing to Bank and sundry per
Outstanding Tax. ;Asetttementor2,o7o oa
Amount In Treasurer's hands.. 8,191 31
Water stock, U& shares) 315 no
175 Quit nerds, at elaaeh...... 2,41 j 00
Nare.—Tbe Cotundssloners expect to reduce
the county debt by Sic to eight 'durum:o dolbtrs
this spying. '
Feb. 10. 1871-41 •
Collateral Inheritance Tax.
Tqmaosrmi.. '" Vgt Oubsteral Inherit
acme T= t r ul the year mulls& Nos. lifa 1070,
have been 1D• &il .d. .80111 e, Estl.
the Itegister ot Wine nor 10. m eonnty, ennsYl
lonia, tram the estates of the SoiMig.. named
Andrew .. .
MclOnney. 070 as
Edith Griest " so 00
Eliza Harper . IE7 90
Mary Bake
_,r . 23 03
Esther MclUtithey 3 03
Mary Rockwell 8 95
asdney Studebeekez 14 el
William Lone et 41
Esther McKinney• 3 1 00
no oo
1,13) 25a
Register's 5 per cetiS., for cullecttou
Amount due CS:mmtwealth
I hereby certify that the above statement Is
correct. 4. C. WUXI",
Auditor of .PubUc Meet.
. .
Feb, bit, 1871 r-it
A GENTS WANTED,—{{ it month)—by the
Boston, Mass., or '.it. Louis, Mo. Jan. 27.-iw
We will send a handsome Prospectus of our
New Illustrated Faintly Bible containing over 200
fine ,Scrla 1111.AVione to any Book Agent,
free of charge. Address, NLTIONI.L PUBLISBING
Co., P Pa, Jan. 27.—1 w
AV AN - TED—AHMITS, MO per dagt ms o sell the
celebrated Hosts SUVeTLI 13 3.1.4.
MUM. Has the under-feed, makes the "lock
glitch" (alike on bothside and isfully licensed.
The best and cheapest ta mUy Sewing Machine Mi
the market. Address, Jonmion, Manx -8 Co.,
B St Louis, oston. Hass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, w
Mo. Jan. 27.-1
-4 761 !1
fIENEBAL AGE.2 4 :78 WANTED for Gros
sheet's Calculating machine, rapid, accu
rate, reliable, simple, easily operated, cheap and
beautiful. Giving instantaneous additions or
subtractions, taking from one to five columns of
figures at a time, carrying and borrowing its own
tens, hundreds, etc., without the-least to !Item
the part of the operator. ' , Address .Z
.114701711.1)Y, Philadelphia, Pal Jaa. 27,4 w
AGENTS WASTEXi for Abbott's Fergus and
the-Facica:PasAsusr WAR, in. German and
English, with tine steel engravings, maps, &c.—
Agents are from 25 to 50 subscribers per
day. One Agen t reptsta 163 orders the first two
days. Now the time to swam an Agency for
this and other works desirable tor. Aiwa. Ad.
dress Quaker City Publishing House 217 and 219
Quince St., Philadelphia- Jan. 77.-lw
- 41 21 90
awie n d for our NeW Pries List and &Club
form will accompany it, oontalniagfulidireetions
--making a harga•mvMato oomanners and re
munerative to alb prpnizers
316 10 . 11188YSTItgn,
P. O. Box 5611. , New York, Vw
Estahlishe so d d 1858. E. RICLLOOO, Banufac.
wirer Dealer in Sperm,
Blephstxt,!Tannera Wool, "Menai sad La _ Machinery
Oita 1L FL KM l o&reoannineid Wool and Spin
dle Oil is ati Extra - Tool .4311, which scours out
easily and perfectly tram the widest goods, Is
handsome in color, aimed entiMy addles, en
dams temperature or 115' said a qftlity is
to Mahe' work- thaw of the best Lard
- 14 11 = t e ;Meets - much sE nt nides
alrthe above nested dtudie es, It is ,
ly very nice Spincileoll: A JD -11.
LOG, No. 17•Ceditt• Street, P. O. Bar DM New
York. Jan. 25.-4 w
The-Gmlat Awes of the listtam.
13 L we -Imm ate.,
Vakaamilloog VIA isatens , at
I.lllnra Thevemarinswwho*
turxr_fa ORfa•
Vet& VIMIZE• • 4111111Paselle ar
• • . tar 1111 t Skips. of
Great :14
ants, Hairbreadth& P ee n s 'l-‘
2111114 * • • litho',"
1:04: • • i
app 4t is
POlity z ,
ra le t a r te r .1 1-- w t ttr. T
01101411AlLiirbga. - Jane:
~v ,ku(w-TMN
. .
.., inniartenh rE E P4 * D2 DT, DL * 41 4 5 :
- . h
*Et ue 1 - :•zuid d hEne l • the
lot t
Or ifellrallOW Site,
tftTl C lME or iiosillilll 04M 114 .
/1 1 ' : '• . -,r; ~ • ti f ia 411
4 7 1141
ililiat '
_ liihml....... 37(l"'ti M all isidds. ,'4 _ lll l l l_,S___tt
11 M11%
m , theta m r u m m:zuamags es es p a o n e .
a:t of w y ner.
as they meal.
e Blood and thus ward off
trtefuteriey to . , ,•. • , ..-a
inesb.,„,-r.:.,, 5 t 00 - r ♦.
~..,:,_ 0
ing other. i10"..t477,,
. .. .
' lan. 77.-41 e
ll* r,
-$ 533 V
22,070 03'
~ 1,682 65
332 10
. a. „
8,491 31
448,291 24
8_4,M_2 . 2_
iled,Z7 , ,a
4117.11:10 29
365 63
4, 1 %
t1 ° 44, 0 0 0 4at 0
1 -
ddinPomult Phrts---Auid Exerheg Rhubarb
and, Fluid Exuma Catawba Grape
Comirtits. JeAusclies. Hiltons
, titledt or ervous Headache Costiveness,
rely t iztable, tg ua. tallitsigno 311eream
.Titese Fins are the most delf l eitfully 'pletutatit
purgaUve, superseding castor oil, salts, magnesia,
etc. There is nothing more acceptable to the
stomach. They give tone, and• cause neither
nausea nor piping palm l . They are composed of
finest inprnts. Aftert few siaSsx use of
them; such an Invigoration of, the entire systemr
takes place as to appear miraculous to the weak
and enervated, whether arising from imprudence
Or disease. T. t el ' Coin tied Fluid
ealve'b f t bass rem,. he stomach without dis
solving, consequently do not produce the desired
pleasant in taste and odor, do not necessitate
the lM BOir being sugar-coated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS
Henry T. Hembold's
Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla
Will radically exterminate from the system Scrof
ula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, ricers, Sore Eyes, Sore
Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Heed, Bronchi tis, Skin
Disesaes, Salt Jibistua L ,Caiskers, littnidlial from
isle Ear, /Mgrs. Cluteerous
affections.. odes, Rickets, Glandular
Right Sweats, Easb. Totter, Humorsof aliKl
iutonk.egmaUste. Dyspefsia, and al! diseases
that have ßh been establithed In the system for
Being prepared expressly for the above cum:
plaints, its Blood-purifying properties are greater
than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. It
gives the complexion a clear and healthy color
and restores the patient to a state of Health and
Purity. For panflt x t t ie Blood. removing all
Chiroßlii **can't* diseases Mining from an
state oft he and the only reliable
l a=fectual known remedy for the cursor Pains
and swelling ofßones , Ulcerations of the
Throat and Blotches. Pimples on the Face,
Erysipehts amid Sealy Ernptions of the Skin.
and beautifying the complexion. Price. $1.50 per
~,.. ~ I~L
1.:1 , .' 4 / Cniv/
fluid Extract
has cured ev case of Diabetes of
It has
been Elven, 41 of BMddsr,
Midi Of a, t 4,- .." of
Me and, Illaiddet ; ~,, of Urine,
di-Warm at Mg* Riga, Mr i Drtnaßind
der, latlettlua, Gram, x" and
Mucous or Mai/ I ax" far eebled
mad Decent
with vo ow osusnuointrur btah Suss, latent
ed tberllleat
to Exertion Loss or =Ms, 11 1 11 =y - ,
Difficulty of Ersathing ur Weak Neva, Trembling,
Horror of IMehasse lasfulnenk Dimness of
of ;
Vie t W a fr Dot Hands, eshin
of Me Skin, 'Erupti Fl on an g
the Face Countenance , Universal Lame
tude of the Muscular System, etc.
Used pumas from Me ages of eighteen to
twenty-five, and from thrity-Ilve to fifty-five orin
the decline or change of life ; after confinement
or labor pains: bed-wetting In children.
Helmbold's Extract Buchu is Diuretic and
Blood-purffyin and cures all diseases 4
from habits of g,
Dissipation, and
Insprfidencos 111 Life, Impurities Mr sel os Blood,
etc., Superseding Copalba in Affections for which
it Is used, and Syphilitic Affections—ln these Ma
--tami used in connectkm with Helmbold's Bose
In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the Ex
traeUgookuls uttillief by any other remedy
—es Wowed.Or negiWon, Irmvxbuityi Pain-
L ae
fulness or Sup ression cif a• tectuary Evacuations.
Ulcerated or tarns ;Wei pi the Uterus, Len
corrhcea or ' usenaly and tar all com
plaints Incident . % Sei, Whether arising from
Indiscretion or habits of Dissipation. It is Prsh
scribed extensively by the most eminent Physic.
lams add Midwives for Enfeebled and Delicate
Constitutions, of both Sexes and all ages (attend
ed with any of the above Diseases or Symptoms).
In all their stages, at little 'expense, little Or no
change in diet, no ineoartMfenee, and noz
nte. It anuses a fuent desire, and yes
Mesnieth to Urinate, th em
erebY removing 0-
tions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the
Uretha, Allaying Pain and Inflammation. so fro.
quent In this class of diseases, and expelling all
Poisonous - matter.
TAc s tuls i atraave. boo the yiptima 'of In
eo Mid whbhaveWheavy fees
to be cured In a short time, have found they have
been decals/id, and that the "Ashen" has, by the
use of "powerful astringents," been dried up la
the system, to Weak out , in a more aggravated
form, and after le
Use : • 'ALSO I) , BIPIIM arT ZTBUCHU for all
Affections at 4. -ofitp urinary O rgans, • e MVO, front what
ever causeng, and no matter of how
long standing. Price, One Dollar and Fifty Cents
per Bottle.
i ;-], i '.. -•
cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be
found the onlyalicl remedy In every epeeist
of Cutaneous ta- , dlb , eradicates
Pim • . 'plisicHpdat.. O. Driv Induration'
of the Cutaneous Membrane, etc., dispels Red
ness and Incipient Inflammation, Hives, Rank,
NO .ftichisa.
- Menne Of. the Soil) St Sid%
Yang !Igen and VI pummel for whlon oaives or
Ointments • used restores the akin to a stele
4 insures teentinned
_ qt to a of Its imlieM on
w . 7 • ~ the clearness and viva
city of complexion so much sought and admired.
But howersr.vrlta# t ie = ,s for exiAti a n 3 §
defects of tale Bose has long sustalrecil tir principle claim to unbound
ed Patronage. by poineudeg ;militias which mi
der it a Toilet A adage of the most Superlative
nisi corn , • in aa ele
o n •. • - filaiktx
1 1 180. 11e7 :ZfOrdi
' Or on, in co I n . wr ln g
.. d .:,,.. sra pp r w rorlg t„. p o e t
be — Rl6 7 7OTie Dollar per 'le.
Evidence of the most responsible and reliable
.4 =aciragtd on , Um. nit*
=OOO and
5td41111461114 1g are from e
highest mums, eminee. Physicians,
Watarrel l iala P a i t& A....
dee rank as Standard Preparations, and: do
Acitnecd tolli~lafilirpli 1 .
, , 1 / 4 4 lißart4i4Mtekif -;
vation Deucered co any safest. Secure troik abler.
Elitiblianda dPillWlCialbuti • Soldibf
42 : e z ia mva- :T. $ Thaa
" Broadway
"11.,:`•7* - r7. •
AMR es Ark___l*
' Vain YrooTH.AL
U A T,TH I 1:114I,TH I !
5E }, f
Is a Sure Cure for. Dyspepsia, Liver
Comp/dint, Jaundice, Bilious Conn
plaints, Sick liendricke, Cosnee
ness, irreguiariiiet
of the Btennoch, Bowels
add, sidnchs
- -
lathe great dbaxmsry of the age ; as Itla a pure
BIRBB mid BAENA 1.11 a ofmeeatrated form and
free from all Irritating vegetable 'natter.
lat. It Is a TONIC, giving an appetite and pro
ducing a healthy eoculltlon of the stomach.
TIVE, and does not prodnee any griping or pain
In Itsactlon on the bowels, and leaves them In a
healthy condition
3rd. It Is a DIURETIC and operates like a
charnliin the Kidneys, therefore it is one of the.
bestliedieines in the World for diseases of these
4th. It is probably one of the best CHOLA
-64:11P1111p3 kaper,asit stimulate; the Liver to s
aesithyietion, CillilP4 off the bile and thereby
relieves you of Headache and all bilious symp-
• -
Stk. It Is the most excellent A.NTLPHLOGIS.
TIC ever known, and therefore its great powers
over all other Medicines In curing dyspetwia.—
,*nager With graperiala always have
More or leis inflammation of the stomach, there
fore Its great inesess Is owing to Its power of al
laying Inflammation. It makes no difference
bow weak, irritable, delicate or tender the stom
ach may be, TILE DYBPEPSII.I will give relief at
once, and by continuing only areasonabie length
of time It will make a certain cure.
Full directions oil each - bottle. lt1:00 per bottle
or ir',.oo for six bottles
DAVIS %Si; MILI4Uti, Sole rreiprietors,
A. D. BUEHLER, Agent,
VINT, Price:ill cents per bottle.
Feb. 3, 1311.—Gm
Sala! Pe r manent !
(Xter for Sale at Far and Accrued Interest th e
First Mortgage Land Gran: Gold Bondi--
Nortlxera flacilie Railroad Co.
. .
rr BEBE bonds are secured, grst, by a First
J. Mortgage on the Railroad WWI, its rolling
stock, and all equiptneMs ; second, by a First
Mortgage on Ms entire land Grant, being . 'more
than - Trrenty-Two Thousand Acres of Land to
each Mlle of Road.
The Bonds are free from United States Tax;
the Principal and Interest are payable In Gold—
the Principal at the end of Thirty years, and the
Interest Semi-annually, at the rate of Seven a*t
Three4eentha Per Cent- per annum.
They are issued in denominations of 0100, $5OO,
01,.00,56,000 and WAS.
The Trustees under the Mortgage are Messrs. J.
Cooke, of Philadelphia, and J. Edgar Thomson,
at Of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad
Com y.
nuan ol
T Hordastn
be e 7.30 Bonds will at all
times before receivable at Ten Per
Cent. Premium ( 0), in exchange for the
Company's lands attheir lowest cash price.
In addition to their absolute safety, these
Bonds yield an Income larger, we belies), than
any other first-class security. -Persons bolding
United States 5-M's can, by converting them into
Northern Pacifies, Increase their yearly Income
one-third, and still have a perfectly reliable in
HOW TO GET THEM.—Your nearest Bank or
Rinker will supply these Bonds in an desired
amount and of any needed den Per
sons wishing to exchange stoeks or' other bonds
for these, can do So with apy o.f our Agets. who
will allow the highest MITE; price for au l market.
able securities.
Those living inks:alines remote from Ranks,
may send money, or other bonds directly to on
by 'spree- s, and wewill send bac without'ernPa
cific Bonds at our own risk, and - cost to
the investor. for further information, pamph.
lets, maps, etc.. call on or address the undersign
ed, or any of the Banks or Bankers employed to
Mal this Loan.
Bankers, Philadelphia, Agents for Eastern Pa
Gettysburg National Bank,
Feb. 3,1811.-12 t
Sixty -jive Azle Prize 'fatale Awarded
Bi Piano faillfactory.
Tbiaie have been be th e bung
fbr nearly years. arid tipcnttheir umUence
akone attain cm unpurchoseit preemenence,
which pronounces them unequalled Their
comb Uowar attkess gad One signing
1 P ty 41,11danalon, and
tskltant and elaatle,And eritirGY tree from 1 00
stiffness found in so Many
^ j3lf 'WAR RE*lll3 IR
tligl are nritiOugie'Custlig none butthe very best
isaolmtAl Sete °apical employed
rZ....binbllNGan* U. tO beep eantinnally an
iMee* amber, dm, on band.
SWAMI PIANOS bare our New Im
ed Seale and the Aunarrit
AllirWemould salt modal atte to our late
eatili bl; Patented Aug. 14, -1341, mita. bring
the ryaao nearer perfection than Wm yet been eV.
Every Piano.fsully Warranted far, 5 Years.
We have made agputigementa for the &At
Whaitsoie. Wee woad CelegmtAld PAX.
LOS OftGANB and LODEONS, obleh W. og-
ler Who e lesalo and R ME F eta 4 il, all Leming peggary
gcl • Aigent,
No. 30 ;011MRAricat *OM, Yorlt,
Sept. ZS, urriathr
A! ( ~~~:
c • .
Tilt andifi4dgnei
-..utY9113.10140 r" ' Y en gag ed in Ike'
Gillaql WINES, •
slitalow offer fat Bile different brawls,
Atipit3o4 asi t Wel/wadi for Medic
.- . - ieaseienit Bacraine4tal rPoles.
Icep .1 0
t are
Fitt so
der a st e dgtes 7 i;„
444 a Mesa r*
• Cr Ors%
mourn 1311.13 AM
Feb. 3, 1871.-0 Uettysburg, Pa.
Nanufacturtra of
tesi amitttionunts.
NEW 7:3OGOLD LO .t l ',. .N
Northern Pacific Railroad Company
Secured by First Mortgage on Railroad
and Land Grant.
Offer for sale at par and accrued Interest the First
-Mortgage Land Grant Gold Bonds of the North.
emi Pacific Retired Company. They are free
from United State Tax, and are Issued of the
following denominations: Coupons 5100.1, and
51 000: Reestered all e, $5OO, SLOW, es,fet and
with the • with the same enu r e confidence with which we
commended Gov itt bonds to Capitalists and
, eople, we now, after the fullest Investigation.
nd these Northern Pacific Railroad
1 G O L D our friends and the geneyublie.
PAYMENT.—Both prinel and inter
est are payable in American coin, at the
office of Jay Cooke & Co., New York City—the
rincipal at the end of 30 years, and the Interest:
the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent.'
• annum) half-yearly, first of January and
ASPECT SAFETY. The bonds we are now
selling, are '!cured by a first and only mortgage
on. all the, property and rights of the Northern
Pacific Nall Compa ny , which will embrace
'on the completion of e work:
1. Over Two Thousand Miles of Timid. will,
,_, milling stock, buildingLss, and all other equipments.
2.. Over Twenty-two Thounaad dues of L. 211.1
to every mile of finished road. This laud, agri
maitre], timbered and mineral, amounting in ail
to more than Fifty Million Acres, consists ef al
tenets sections, reaching twenty to forty - inn,
on each Male of the track, an d - extending in a
broad fertile belt from Wisconsin through tim
richest portions of Minnesota, Dakota, Montana,
Idaho, Oregon and Washington, to Puget Sound.
While the Government does not directly guar
antee the bonds of the Read, it thus amply pro
video for their foil and prompt payment by an
unreserved grant,of laud, the most valuable e% ye
conferred upon a great national Improvement.
THE hfORTGAGIL—Tbe Trustees under the
Mortgage, are Messrs. Jay Cooke of Philadelphia,
and J. Edger Thomson, President of the Perm
sylvania CentralMallroad Company. They will
directly and permanently represent the interests
Of the First Mortgage bond holders, and are re
(mired to see that the proceeds of the land salck.
are used in purchasing and cancelling the bond,
of the Company if they can be bought before ma
turity . at not more than 10 per cent. premium ;
othetwthe the Trustees are to Inveet the proceed.
Of land sales in United States Bouds or Beat
Estate Mortgages for the further security et
Northern Pacific bondholders. Also, that they
have at all times In their control, as security, at
least SOO acres of average land to every el,isitl of
. itstandiug first mortgage bonds, besides the
railroad Itself and all its equipments and frail
• PROFITABLMNY&S.—Of course nothing
be safer than the bonds of the United States, but
as the Government Is no longer a borrower, and
as the Nation's present work I 4 not that of pre
serving its existence, but that of defeloping 4
continent, we remind those whodesire to increese
their income and obtain a more permanent in
vestment, while still having a perfectly reliant,
security, that:
United States Saes at thelr average premium
yield the present purchaser less than a34l , er cent.
gold interest. Should they be redeeme d in nee
years, and specie - payments be resumed, t h e
would really pay only 4% per cent., or if In th te,.
yet's, only 4% per cent., as the present premium
would meanwhile be sunk.
Northern Pacilic.7.3tes selling at par in curter)
cy yield the Invester7 310 per cent. gold inten , t
absolutely, for thirty years, free from Uri Ite,l
States tar. 51.100 currency invested now In Unit—
ed States 310's will yield per year in gold. :,:l
1 62 . 01 / $l,lOO enrieneY invested now in Nort lea ii
Pacific 7-30's will yiela per year in gold, ee0.30.
Here is a difference in anneall income- of nearly
one-third, besides a difference of 7 bonds r cent.
in principal, when both classes of are re
gun in July, int on the eastern portion of the
line and the money provided, by, the. sale to
stockholders of some six td the Com
pany's bonds, acrossd and equip the
R im ed R Lake Superior Minnesota to the Red River
of the North-233 miles. The grading on this di
vision is now well advanced, the iron is being
rapidly laid; several thousand men Augusta rl.
on the line. aid about the first of xt
this important section of the road will be In full
operation. In the meantime orders have been
sent to the Pacific coast for the commencement
of the work on the western end In early Spring,
and thereafter the work will bo pushed, both
eastward and westward, with as much speed a,
may be consistent with solidity and a wise
will be at all times, before maturity, receivable
at 1.10, In payment for tile Cbmpany's lands, at
their lowest caslAprlee.
bonds eau be exchanged at any time for coupons,
the coupons for registered, and both these can be
exchanged for others. payable, principal and in
terest, at any of the prittell financial centres of
Europe, in the coin of the various European
HOW TO GET THEAL—Your nearest Bank or
Hanker win supply these . bonds In any ,desired
arnounkend of any needed denomination. Per.
sons th isbhing to ekchangewith stocks or other bonds
for ose, eau do so any agents, who
will &Bow the highest ourrentpricefor all mark
instal) seouritiet.
ThuSe thing ha localittes bond s, from bank , ..
may send money, or other directly to us
by express, had we will send hack Northern Pa
ndabo at our own risk, and without cost to
the investor. For further Information, pamph
lets, maps, etc., call on or address the undersign
ed, or any of the Banks or Bankers employed t.,
sell this loan.
Wm. PAINTER & Co.,
Bankers, Philadelphia, Agents for Eastern Pa
Gettysbtirg National Bank
Jan 27-3 t
et ee e t e t tie et at te , b •
prepared to furnish all classes with constant
employment at home, the whole of the time or
for the spare moments. Business new light,
and profitable. Persons of either sex ea.slly earn
from 50c. to ai per evening, and a proportions!
sum by devoting their whole time to the business.
Boys andgirls earn nearly as much as own.—
That all who seo thls notice may send their ad
dress, anti test the business. we make the unpar
alleled otter: To such as are lot well satisfied,
we will send $1 to pay for the t of writing.
Full particulars, a valuable sontilbs Which will do
to commence work on, and a copy of The Peo
ple's Literary Cbmpanton—one of the largest and
best family newspaperwever published—all seer
tree by malL Reader, 'if you want permanent,
,profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO,
Augusta. Maitle.
- --
UNIVERSALISM: What is 'ltt Seed for the
%-/ Star in the West, Cincinnati. A large &page
weekly: established IV7. It meets all the wants
or the family : i.. 50 per year,Ohio Mx months.—
Try tt
44CAliTWELL, Specimen':Ci ncln free.
asti, Address W ILLIAIISON
. it
CLOVER. Sample packages sent free to all
Farmers:also, a co of the AMERICAN STOCK
JOURNAL, by enclosing *imp to N. I'. Bo St
Co Farhesbure, Closter co., l'a. it
cßor ßs JUST WILAT YOU NE , ED!—New
Anthems' and Quartets for 5 cents.
Mailed tree. Send secnts, for specimen, to J. .t .
BUTTEAFIELD, No. :h7 West Madison Stree 4t t,
11 Steam Engines, with and without cut-off, and
Sectional Safety Steam Kollers, built ill quantities
by special machinery. Send for circular, 44 Cort
land street, N. Y. 4t
$5- to $lO per Day..
Mei,a r rc N nex
gage In our new business make from $1 to $lO per
day in their own localities. Full particulars and
Instructions sent tree by mall mad Those in need of
permanent, profitable work, should address at
once. Ganda STINHON & Co., Portland, Maine.
MB WEEK MA expenses, or allow a large
COMMI3SiOnt seil 4 nKnew and wonderful Inven
tions. Address X WAQIU & CO., Marshall,
Mich. - It
830 SALARY PER WEEK, and expenses,
Paid Agents, to sell our new and useful
disen. coveries. Address B. Swim, & Cu., Marshall,
1826 p
BI T LSAId." 1870
The old atandard remedy for Conghs, Cokls, Con.
gumption. "Nothing hatter.". CI:TLYR Baos.
mores superfluous halt' In live minutes, with
out injury to the sklu. Sent by mall for $1.23.
UPHAM'S esniau. cukz
Relieved most violent paroxysms in five minute
and effects's speedy cure. by mall.
Colors the whiskers and hair a beautibol Black or,
Brown.. It comings of only one
_pre_paratlon. -75
cents by mail . Address C. UPliAld, No. 721
Jayne Street , Philadelphia, Pa: Circulars sent
free. Sold by 141DraudstS. 41
DgYDR9MANCV—Any bulk oeitentleman can
A Make VAG a nsontli, secure their own hapol
- an: I.lW,)aggeby obtaining Fenno-
NANCY, F . a ,or Smr, OBARYMo. 400
MIS to Me this power
Milan or at wilt, how to alesmeriw,
E le athec ii Tram* or Writing Mediums, Divination,
Alebeiny, Panmophy o f Omens awl
EaljbliaefomWs Harem, Guide to Mar.
hags, dm., contained in this book i ibb,ooosoid :
Moe by mail, in cloth ILM, Palter covers ti."-
matioAL.Asy pawn wiiii? im pi as agent ill
roa& Baru& cook a y e work Zr,.. As no
capital la requireit, Miro= Of ritikefron ,-
pioyment 14ould send or he book, eneloatog 10
ets. pillage. to T. W. EVANS & CO.. el South
64 , rhl.adelpWo, Jan. 20, /4rL-4t
Flower, Fruit, Herb, Tree arid aeub,
prepaid by mall, with direction.% tor - eulture.—
Twenty Ave different packets of either class for
Stork The efx classes ss.ou,
grergresti ami Tree Seeds; eiple,
Pear, Cberryote• i Gram Seeds ; Beet, Cabbage,
Carrot, Onkel, Squab, Turnip, a nd all Vegetallie
an d mower seeds, in small or large quaAtttlea;
also Small Fruits, Stocks, Bulbs, ,Stullus. Roses,
ate Gap, &a, by mall,premuu, New Golden
aMm UV, .50r• Meat Tresertptive Cat •
alnueseulto any plain address. gratis. Agents
wafts& Inuie* Lbr4 to Meats. Clubs and
the Trade.
ii. wa Nurierbaand Seed j
Warehouse, bit Shed ity
1442. tireb. 30471,72 u;