The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, February 10, 1871, Image 2

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    151=0 1411.§.17ry was bbintaitted
t at an - in Philadelphia on Thy night last, lative Record hid
in the robbery
.of the ington Na- , rtr
tional Bank—the the -
burglars gained entr,
being novel and adn
was about closing, a
uniform, called at the
Cashier the DetecVve
leading them to Wit.,
on the bank would be mat.
whereupo'n the two night watchmen
were ordered to be on their guard.
About 7 p'clock, P. M. there was a rap
at the door, mid the watchmen, on
nutuAT 31401 RIVING, Feb. 10, IS7I
D. A. BUEHLER, Editor and Business Agent.
idvertisers and others interested Will bear in
mind that the regular circulation of the "Brag
axa Einternan." is much larger than that of any
othea Doper published in the County, being read
'weekly by not less than 11,000 persons.
THE Fpench have already got into
trouble . ) /The The axmistice concluded with
the Paris Government contemplated the
election of a National Assembly, lzr
cure a free exTession of the national
will, and provide a responsible govern
ment to negotiate terms of peace.
Fevre, on behalf of the Paris Govern
ment, accordingly issued a call for an
election on the Bth inst., without quali
fication or condition. Gambetta, on the
other hand, from Bordeaux issued a
counter call for elections, excluding all
who have held office under the empire,
or in any wise connected with the
Bourbon or Orleans dynasties. As this
would ostracise a number of the ablest
pitblic , men in France, and limit the
election to those who sympathize with
Gambetta, the practical result would be
a packed Convention under the dicta
tion of the latter and his radical associ
Bismarck, in a letter to the Paris
Government, drew attention to this
movement of Gambetta as a violation
of the spirit and letter of the armistice
and an attempt to defeat an expression
of the will of . the nation—that while
Germany had no disposition to interfere
with the French in the free choice of a
Government, he could recognize none
which did not express the popular will.
Favre at once issued a procclamation,
cVning supreme Piswer for the Paris
Government pending this election, deny
ing Gambetta's right to interfere, and
threatening him with removal from of
fice if he persisted. To this Gambetta
replies defiantly, denouncing Fevre and
his associates as co-conspirators with
Bismarck against the integrity o
France, and calling on the people to dis
regard all decrees issuing froth Paris.
At Bordeaux a revolutionary meeting
was held to back up Gambetta, but it
was a failure, not more than 700 persons
The intelligence from France is contra
dictory; but the telegrams indicate that
the popular • feeling is adverse to Gam-
betta's revolutionary policy, with a
growing desire for peace. Things are a
good deal Mixed up, and a bitter struggle
will take place for the control of the
National Assembly. Telegrams from
Berlin represent that in Germany serious
apprehensions exist as to the possible
renewal of hostilities under the factions
leadership of Gambetta and associates
and that ample preparations are being
-made to resume the contest, on the
part of Germany, if necessary, with
such force as must crush out all opposi
tion. If the Germans are again forced
to arms the war] will be posecuted re
lentlessly to the bitter end.
Much suffering exists at Paris. Not
withstanding the prodigions efforts to
pour sullicent supplies into the city,
hundreds were daily dying'of want and
AT the close of the last session tyres
ol ution, introduced by Mr. Cessna, pass
ed Congress authorizing the Postmaster
(-;erieral to revise and adjust the claim
of a Mr. Chorpenning, of Somerset coun
ty, in this State, for unpaid services in
carrying the mails in Utah and other
resolution, Postmaster General Cress
well awarded Chorpenning over $400,-
000, but there being no unappropriated
money in the Treasury it was not paid.
It turns out that the claim has been be
fore the Post-office department, under
successive administrations, but disal
lowed. Mr. Cresswell made the award
under the evidence on file, as presented
by Chorpenning's counsel, which turns
out be partial and ex-parte. The at
of Congress being called to the
inatter last week, a resolution was
promptly adopted to withhold paynient
and rescinding the resolution adopted
at the close of last session.
Of course, the Copperhead press had
made much ado about the matter, and
have endeavored to implicate both Mr.
Cress well and Mr. Cessna in the alleged
fraud. The former replies that his
duties were only executive, and in obe
.lience to the mandates of the House—
that before the passage of the joint res
olution by C'ongreis he had refused to
recognize the claim. On Tuesday Mr.
C ,sstia made an explanation to the
House of his connection with the reso
lution. It turns out that the whole
thing was engineered by Judge Black,
a leading light and recognized champion
of Pennsylvania Democracy, as Chor-
Penning's counsel. Chorpenning was
one of his constituents, and relying on
the integrity of Judge Black's represen
tations in the premises, he offered the
resolution which passed Congress.
That was his entire connection with
the matter. He knew nothing of the
claim, other than as communicated to
him by ('horpenning and counsel, and
had no interest In it whatever. His
only purpose was to serve one of his
constituents who he believed at the time
I an honest claim, although he him
self had no idea of in extent. The res
olution was presented near the close of
the session, and he made no attempt to
conceal the factsp on the contrary his
attempts to explain the case were cat
off by calls to order. Mr. Cessna closed
with an earnest protestation of his in
tegrity of purpose h 1 this and all other
legislation. Chorpenning himself is a
..,,,SoL k GEO. P. Ill'Armarrn has re
, signed position as Superintendent of
Soldiers' Orphan Schools, and the Gov
ernor has nominated to the Senate J.
P. Wickersham, the present able and
efficient Superintendent of Common
schools, as his successor, the duties of
Superintendent of Soldier's Orphan's'
Schools to be in addition to those of
Superintendent of Common Schools.
roxi:nEss without expressing any
opinion on the merits of the quarrel be
tween Germany and France, has grace
fully authorized the use of natiollfd ves
wls to carry supplies for the sulTeriqg
of both nations.
that on March 6th books will be opened
for subscriptions to the new loan of fif
teen hundred millions of dollars, is
pursuance of the Funding bill passed at
the last session of Congress.
Gov. iirlagr has appaiuted lion. W.
Mcelay Hall, of Bedford, Law Judge
of the Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and
Somerset Judicial district, to All the
vacancy occasioned by the death of
dodge King.
Os Tuesday the President , sent to
Congress spat/sage recommending that
tie Mission at Berlin be raked-to the
first-class, in view of the growing power
and importance of Germany.
full uniform, who said that, in view
of confidential information as to a pur
posed burglary, they bad been detaijed
to aid in protecting the bank. - The
watchmen gratified at this official aid,
promptly admitted the men, who turned
Out to be professional "cracks-men" in
disguise. The two watchmen were
promptly disabled, gagged and bound.
A third comrade was then called in, and
the thieves went to work, with the tie
peculiar to their calling. The wit was
forced open and near $100,0410 in U. S.
Bonds, belonging to, depositors, were
secured. The safe, in which were the
assets of the Bank. amounting to over
$1,000,000, resisted all efforts to force it,
and the burglars abandoned their efforts
about S o'clock in the morning, when
they left. The watclunen then set to
work to free themselves from their
bonds, working mainly with their teeth,
and in about two hours succeeded in
regaining their feet, when the alarm
• was given. Genuine policemen soon
made their appearance, and proceeded
to work up the case, but thus far with
no result. The daring character of
the burglary produced much excite
rflent. throughout the city, and a crowd
gathered -etc/rind - tee bank, including
anxious depositors 'Concerned to know
whether their goods and wares, deposit
ed in the - vaults for safe keeping, were
safe or mot. Boxes and packages had
been overhauled by the thieves, and tbe
contents scattered over the floor; but
their evident aim was money, not goods.' •
It is thought the missing bonds will not
exceed $lOO,OOO.
121 ii
THE Commissioners of Cumberland
county have got into trouble. For
some time there have been ugly rumors
as to the loose administration of the
county finances, and the accounts are
now undergoing investigation by the
Auditors. It is a Democratic family
quarrel, all the officials being Demo
crats, Samuel Hepburn, jr., acting as
counsel for the parties prosecuting the
investigation. The. Carlisle herald
thus advtfrts to several items which have
been already unearthed:`
ottiection was made to the allowance of
certain orders drawn by the Commission':
era In favor parties who had contracts for
the building of bridges. This brought
about an investigation of matters, and the
Commissioners and their former clerk
were examined on oath concerning the
transaction. Their testimony brought out
the fact that a large sum of money was
given to a certain contractor to get rid of
his contract, smiths; another eontiactor
was so very kind and berievoktat as to give
the Commissioners a neat little present of
several hundred dollars after his contract
was *med. There were several other
similar transactions partially unearthed,
which will make "mighty interesting read
ing" when they are hilly developed.
In Lancasterand York counties, by
special act of Assembly, the Commis
sioners and County Treasurer are re
quired to state an account annually and
file the same with vouchers in the
Register's office, to, ; be open to inspection
of and exception by tax-payers for 30
County Auditors for adjustment. Not
a bad idea. Administrators, Executors,
Guardians and Trustees, are required to .
do this. Why not extend the prinaiple
to all persons exercising monied trusts,
including Comity Treasurers?
A SINGULAR case of mistaken iden
tity occurred in Philadelphia last week,
in a murder trial. Several months ago,
at 9 o'clock, A. M., a horse and buggy
was seen to trive up to a bridge on the
riv . er, from which a man alighted with
a small parcel, which was thrown over
the bridge. The man returned to the
buggy and drove off. Some women
close by having their suspicions aroused
went to the bank, and found the is -*-
age, which proVed to be a cigar box con
taining a living new-born infant. The
latter died the same day. Later in the
day, Dr. Neville. a respectable practis
ing physician, was arrested, on the
charge, and committed to answer. The
trial came off last week, and the two
women swore poititively in identification '
of the Doctor, and that the horse and
buggy drisen to the bridge corresponded
in appearance color build, Ike to the
horse and buggy 'daily driven by the
Dr. On the other 'hand Dr. Neville
r .
proved conclusively, by a
of nespeclutile witnesses, was
on professional duty at the in an
other.part of the city, and °Sowed it
up with conclusive proof as to his where
abouts, the entire day, besides calling a
nurnher of well known physicians and
citizens as to high character. So con
clusive was iris defence, that the Com
monwealth abandoned the ease, and the
Jury, under instructions from the
Court, promptly rendered a verdict of
not guilty.
A situ, has pastel the Rouse of Rep
resentatives at Stutistawg, extending
the provisions of the Act exempting
judgments and mortgages fromtaxa
tion, to Adams county. The
bill included Yorh, Cumberland,
lin and adjoining counties, and
published in full in our columns a few
Loiths ago.
Last week, Mr. Hereter presented
two petitions from 'citizens of Getty's..
burg praying that bequests to charitable,
religious and educational institutions
be exempted from collateral inheritance
Mr. Hereter also presented a bill ex
empting the Berlin Beneficial Aisocia
tion from taxation. '
Mr. Duncan introduced a bill in the
mate, relative to huckstering, which
is intended to prevent non-residents
from trafficking lathe county, without
a license from the County Tniasuer.
Ou Tuesday the Swale passed, ayes
26, `nays 6, the bill to treader the Sol
diers Orphan. Sohools to the Common
School departirst,
Tim Congraisional Committee, ap
pointed to inquire -into the mart dis-
turbances at West . Point, made report
on Tuesday, recommending there-in
statement of the three Cadets who had
been dismissed. It seems that the dilti
culty was occasioned by sane obstreper
ism Cadetsof the first class. The Com
mittee think -the Aug-leaders in the
troubles should he summarily dismissed,
and that the others who participated in
it ihould be court-martiallmi. Among
the Caidete in the first ,14111111 are sons of,
Preeident Omit and ce the late Admiral
Famed mei Adintent Genend Town
send. 'nettles amp et Man ere WO
cited in the dittioultp, does net appear
from the report of the eceeinittelN‘
t •• , • • •• •t 1 • f • • ;shed, is desira • e
(1 a judicious expenditure of money.
ut if it is to be lumbered with speeches
• ever delivered, and furnished at the
onvenience of the printer weeks after
c(nd, , it will be money thrown away
Tux Committee of Ways and Mecum,
at Washington, by a vote of 5 to 4, have
determined to recommend a repeal of the
Income Tar. Commissioner Pleasan
ton favors and Secretary Bontwell op
-poses the repeal.
THE Senate Committee oil Foreign
Ittirs unanimously reportedlihe House
bill for a national celebration of the
centednial anniversary of the Declara
tion of Independence, as Philadelphia,
July 4, 1878, with - an amendment that
the General Government is not to be
liable for any of the expenses.
Tun following is the text of the sol
diers' homestead hal as it passed the
House of Reprentativee by a vote of 184
to 2. The decided vote by which it passed
the House, makes it probable that it will
receive the approval of the Senate:
A 8111 to enable honorably discharged soldiers
and sailors, their widoirs and MA= children to
acquire homesteads on the public lands of the
United States,
Be it sneered by the Serrate and House
of Representattees of the United &des of
America he Compress assembled, That every
private.,seldier and oilkhr who had served
in the army of the United States during
the recent rebellion, for ninety days, and
who was honor:W:4y discharged, and has
remained loyal to the government, includ
ing the troops mustered into the service
of the United States by virtue of the third
:section of an act entitled "An sot mak
-lug appropriations for -completing the de
fames of Washington, and far other pur
poses," approved Pebruary 13, 1838, and
every seaman, marine and °Meer, or other
person who has served in the navy
of the United States, or in the marine
corpie during the rebellion, for ninety
days, and who was honorably discharged,
and has remained loyal to the Government,
shall, on compliance with the provisions
of an act entitled "An act to secure home
steads to actual settlers on the public do
main," and the acts amendatory these
of as hereinafter modified, be entitled to
enter upon and 'receive patents for a
riarantity.of public lands (not mineral) not
exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, or
one quarter section, to be taken in com
pact form according to legal subdivisions,
including the alternate reserved sections
of public lands along the line of any rail
road or other public work, or other laud'
subject to entry under the homestead
laws in the United States, wherever
public lands have or may be granted by acts
of Congress: Provided, That said home
stead settler shall be allowed twelve
months after locating his homestead with
in which to commence his settlement and
improvement: dad provided sire, That the
time which the homestead settlers shall
have served in the army, navy or marine
corps as aforesaid, or if discharged oa ac
count of wounds received or disability in
curred in the line of duty, then the term
of enlistment 'ball be deducted frost the
time heretofore required to perfect- title:
ruttier,. ,rifforomid,
, 13 }N: POO his O m e"
stead certilicabs: within twelve imago
from the datetturreof to any citiriNof the ,
Mined States over 21' Years of age, or-per
-son who has declared hisinteutioir to be
come such, who has not previously avail
ed himself of the homestead or pre-emp
tion laws, and said assignee should suc
ceed to all ".the rights of the said home
stead settler; but no such assignor of a
homestead certificate shall therefore have
the right to avail himself of the benefit of
this act or the act, -heretofore paused
granting homesteads to actual settlers;
nor shall such assignee have the right to
acquire any other homestead under said
acts: Provided, lun'aever, That no patent
shall issue to a homestead settler or his
assignee who has not resided upon, im
proved, and cultivated nis said homestead
for a period of at least two years, except
as provided in section four of this cot,
Sac. 2. And be it further exaegod,. That
any person entitled under the provisions
of the foregoing section to enter a home
stead, who may have heretofore entered
under the homestead laws a quantity
of land lass than one hundred and sixty
acres, shall_be permitted tcrenter under
the provisions of this act so math land as,
when added to the quantity prorkonsly
entered, shel l .not exceed one haadted and
sixty acres. •
Sac. 8. Awl be it further ensiled, Thal,
in ease of the:death of any person who
would be entitled to a hounntead tinder the
provisions of the first section of this tict,
his widow, if unmarried, or in case of her
death, or marriage, then his minor 01111.41
children, shall be entitled toil the bene
fits enumerated in this act: Presided, Ttat
if such persons died during his term of
enlistment, the whole' term of his en
listment shall be deducted from the time
heretofore required to perfeetthe title.
Sac. 4. And be it further enacted, That •
every prlyate soldier, and every seaman,
marine, and °dicer who served in the
army or navy for the said period of ninety
days and is now inscribed on the pension
rolls of the United States, or is entitled
to be so inscribed on account of wounds
received ,or /notabilities intruired in the
line of duty, may, in lieu of the rights,
privileges and benefits hereinbefore con
ferred, enter upon, by an agent or attor
ney, and receive a patent for one quarter
section of land, as -provided in Action one
of this act, and Audi be entitled to the
benefits of said first section, and liable to
all the provisions thereof except as to the
actual residence, and that all acts and
things required to be done by said home
stead settler, and said first Motion, may
be done by said agent or- attorneyt Pro ,
tided, That no such agent or attorney
shall act as such for more than one per
son at the same time.
Sac. S. And ês kfurther eisoodsd, That
all declarations and prat; required under
this actand the fanner setagnating
steads to actual settlers maybe taken be
fore the judge or" clerk of '&di court of
record in the United - -Slians, or of any
State or Territosy, and, whin duly au
thenticated under Abe c oigl asal of sash
omit, shall be of the man Ibreeoad ef
fect sa if Wan Were the nits** ar re
cella', of the WSW latat WSW
Sac, 11.454 k 14 Altair muted, That
the Commisolonir of the General Land.
Office shall have authority to make all
asedful rules and regulation tO • catry in
to elfin the provision& of tiOtata.
Alf ors a gondolas*, alter hiring lea
WA addressees to s lady for some time,.
popped the 4eatice. The - lady, in
frightened manors said:—‘`YmiliallllN
sir." The goutham dkl not. to
frighten the hobs and otekeeqoeutlY
audaed quiet fee SOW lime, whoa she ez.
&hut "Son, tae again."
Arg an oil-car off
the track, win— entangled with the
timber of the bridge. The express train
came thundering along, and struck the
oil car, fragmeets of which were scattered
eves directi
re express train . in
Ames. The express was composed
of one lommitire, one baggage car, one
express car, and five or Mx sleeping cars.
The lowest:tire was at once hurled into
the river, and the engineer killed, and
the baggagersted the express ears were
piled on top of the engine. At the same
time the Chicago sleeping car was one
sheet of flame, and though a desperate
attempt was made to rescue the passen
gsrs, it• is isaidlsot one got out a. live.
Two of the other sleeping cars next to it
were also wrapped in flames, but the pas
sugars in them all gOt out safely ; and
then the Inidgelook fire In less than ten
:minutes the whole structure fell, carrying
with it the Chicago car, and burying it
and its inmates out of sight under the
water, and among the ruins of the loco
motive and the express cars. Nothing
could be done for their salvation, and
their charged corpses dropped with the
smoking, wreck through the chum in the
burned bridge to the bed of the river, and
when daylight dawned the work of exhum
ing them was commenced. Twenty bod
ies were recovered and this is believed
not to col irr the entire loss of life.
asimaia. irstws.
Hox. IL G. Davis (Democrat) has been
elected United States Senator from West
Virginia, in plans of Senator Willey.
Tax umber ofpassengers who arrived
in this country from foreign ports during
last year was-1584,815.
THEnz are rumors of prospective Cabi
net changes, but none of them are is any
degree confirmatory.
A anforrLan disease prevails among the
bones of Aane Arundel county, Md., and
a number of valuable animals have dint
Or= twenty thousand people have ask
ed penaiasion to leave Path on amount of
, the privation to which they are imbject
thalami Washburn is represented
as haring becon3e greatly emaciated dur
ing his stay in Paris while the bombard
ment was progressing.
. ,
Funds and provisiox. are being rapidly
collected in ail parts of the United -States
for the benefit of those who have suffer
ed through the disastrous consequences of
the Franco-Prussiau war,
limn= Schenck will not.depart for
England for amoral weeks yet. It is
upodLainalp- reported from Washington
that an *Mimpt is being made to settle
the dahMies troubles, pending the result
of which beremains in the Unitoi States.
Tan Pops still refuses to accept aaay
goanortees Trom the Italian government,
but demands the restoration of the States
of the Church as the onlytast rt on
i which
peace and harmony can be be
tenon him and the Italian goviimment.
A Wasmmortru correspondent tele
graphs that when Count Bismarck was
Ofortned that a report was circulated in
official:circlekthat Prussia was negotiating
for the purchase of the West India Islands,
he immediately addressed a note to Baron
Gerolt, to oilltilly t tri s 4 Vimalreas
o[ Pnriia is not to aoqnhe territory in a
distant part orthe globe.
DeMOTTIVR Young America monthly with splen
did ilepplemaida, and alias sparkling with en
tertaining Umles, Poem Yutaka Mask,
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Thirty-seven subscribers at $1.50 each, secures a
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of 10 cents. Address W. JILTELTOS DEMUREST,
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Above medicines sold by A. D. Buehler,
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Pants Othrtitnit= l lf. lillsedigh makes
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And weir titbit* 'petit oder. Oystets
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At Coal Am Coal Until April' 1871—
oPl ooo le Com% , to oaks room for
OPist Loads-0 0 a41gr 4M 1 4 CAW
800tr,.-,Bboes at riotsurar maim
Nair bra: *Re)* *Wass, Don
1811 to 984 if pa moo Vii.
-t. No IWO% sod am kw
,it Ivor the Star and Eratineli
At an .gilicationril meeting, held ,in
Fanfold bintr worthy County Superin
ten4liat ° Mana( a Jaa• /754, a
1110rusliOs adoptea' In
*or at :Oast sa Institute for the
Tilkoheisti*diadhasidA No. five, com
treihsninhips of Hamiltonban,
Highland, Doty and Freedom.
This Insslute convened, according to'
announae m ot, on the third mutt., and
organised bytbe appointment, of Mr. F.
greedy Prudent and O. J. Sefton, Esq.,
Vice Presider, and the election of J. Iheii
tit tinPT; SanAltrY.
Ma ll +ol4 wad
8 o r
an Z it .
gre — gi
by the WON.
On motioned Mr. Wert, an Executive
oeisaittee ass appointed. tonsiting of
Miss Jeanie Ayers, Mr. H. IL Spence and
Mr. 3. G. Igstson.
The extrema consisted of "Practical
Talks" by the . Superintendent, Class
Drills, CHU / Isms, Select Readings, Dis
cussions, comets, &0., itc., interspersed
with vocal asti instrumental music. On
Friday evenhg thetitiperinteedent enter
tained the sullenons by a vn internnting
address on tbs sub jest of "General Edu
cation," cluing with a series of Read
ings. Other . Headings 'Followed by
Messrs. Emir; Weigle rind irittinger-
The contest in Orthography *neutered
on Saturday' wonting, and the prize, a
Copy of Mrs. luidisll's Work on "Elocu
tion," aws K W to Miss Jennie. Myers.
The prisetsl subjects for discussions,
were •"ps tr ital Co-operation," "Town
ship lii - stituta;" Teachers' Salaries, &c.,
&c. DiscuisiOns PartioPated in by
Messrs. Wert Kready, Sefton, Jos. Kit-
Unger, C. FM', SPeiMe, Watt, Sanders'
Peclier, Weigle, Muaselman, Witherow,
Toppes, Plank and J. L. Klttinger.
The Board of Directors of Ramiltonban
generously grinted their teachers the time
to attend this meeting. Mr. Kready's
school was in session daring the forenoon
of Friday, affording an opportunity for all
the teachers to see his method of teaching.
The interest manifested by teachers, .
directors and citizens generally, gave rd.-,
deuce that the Institute was an entire sw
On motion the Secretary was authorised
to prepare a condensed report of the pro
ceedings for publication in the county
F.ulivrzw, Feb. 6,1871
O that men should put au enemy in
their months to steal away their brains!
that we 'honk, with joy, pleasure and ap
plause, transform ourselves to beasts:
Those men who destroy a healthful
constitution of body by intemperance and
an irregular life, do as Manifestly kill
themselves as those who hang or poison or
drown themselves. Szeimocx.
I challeisge any man who understands
the nature of ardent spirits, and yet, for the
sake of gain, continues to be in tho traf
fic, to show that be hi not involved in the
guilt of murder.
I am deeply convinced, that the evils of
intemperance can never cease till the lir
tnous in society shall unite in pronouncing
the man who attempts to accumulate
wealth, by dealing out poison► and death
to Lis neighbors, as Infamous.
Who has a stupid intellect, a broken
memory, a blasted wit, and, which is worse
than all, a blind and benighted conscience,
but the intemperate ? So impossible is it to
man to turn sot without making himself a
blockhead too. Ds. Smut.
Truly, there is 90 enemy more danger
...". {hen • "". 44' ' " J
more terrible than that of the drun
kard. At one time it _encounters
man under t,io form of custom, habit,
friendship; at another, under the deceitthl
garb of please:el But when it has ono°
completely fastened on its victim, towhat
a pitiable state of moral degradation is be
reduced! He will readily barter his own
liberty, hishonor, hie character, his peace,
and the very existence of his family—for
what ? For mere brute gratification! for
senseless, stupid indulgence!
Under the above heading appeared in
the last week's Compiler an account of
the capture of a large fox by Messrs.
Jonathan Pittenturf and Samuel Spangler,
which is represented as having been pick
ed up by the dogs of the above men upon
a "fair run" near the Pines Church.—
Now, Mr. Editor, there is not one grain
of truth in any of the CostjtArr's notice of
the above chase, unless it is in the meas
urement of the fox.
That fax was caught by Messrs. John
Graft, George Hudson, Albert and
Leander. Yeagy, with the bounds of the
former gentleman, on the farm of J. U.
Neely, Baq., near Huntenacian, in a. fair
Cali" in which neither of the Compiler's
hunters appeared. But after the party
who caught the fox bad disapeared, at
least an hoar, Mr. John N. Graft who
had the ka In his possession, ran into' a
huge party of hunters, of wham the Com
parr:mon were a part, and who lad been
on the trail of Another fox, which bad
been loot. Upon Mr. Graft meeting this
party Sam. Spangler rode .up to him and
asked to see the fox, and upon Ifr. Gralt
Wading it to him exclaimed, "this is my
far" and refused to return it and carried
to Heidiersburg. these are the facts.
All we want is— FAIR PLAY.
WICLT Tits Passe Sava.—The Reading
Dispeleh says: "The well-knoWn
superiority of busrames HERB BIT
TERS win spare us the penalty of say
ing surything at length in favor of this
magical Tonto and Stimulant. Wherev
er this Bitters is best known, it meets
with an astonishing sale. The is the
case in our section of the country. These
are cases in this city where the most -radi
cal cures bare been effected in chronic
diseases--cuses which , the beat physicians
could not effect, and we know otecorea of
families (our own among the number ' )
who would not be without a plentiful sup.
ply of this great household remedy for any
consideration. .Let every family in the
land keep Won hand." Sold by all re
spectable druggists. Price one dollar per
IW"to the Weak, the Worst sad the
Weary, the Lifter of the /baton Recerisr
imp: "We can most unhesitatingly rec
ommend the Peruvian Syrup, a protected
solution of the plata:dda of has, to all
the me* the worn, and the weary, hav
ing richly experienced its hermits. It
po!ssmss alt the qualities claimed for it
by its proprietor." it
Loos Isez.—.S. Woodward has 0010-
,awataad, la caaneetlon withhisthauraith
lag, the repairing of Mobs.Das, Puma*
ae., which he will warrant to be latter fix
ed ll= is dam by the raajorikr of Var.
brelliwnead ers . Any person wlehlng
work done is tide lino can leave ward at,
abaP on Carihde Street, and it win be
sant for and *tuned. Charges andante.
B. oleo Loa AM ea kaad a variety of Ask
,tlo4/eld Relic, of say kited and *MI a
Wire Amortraent of Cases, se,. Cal aad
see Lie.
Box Daniel Weisel and Thome A.
Boo* hare two "point/1 Consisiesioners
of Altietam Cemetery.
Lim gimmick.
iikeeeted for the Star and Mentlne
DR. LIMAN Mums:Rß.
(For the Star and Sentinel.
LAltell PDX.
dal fetus.
. -
WM. BLAIR & /30Iff, • -
Are now offering; toll stock ofgrads.
and Retail, at prices that eo
pinsent condition of thisparttet,
.and 'Amy other goods down to pries.
%ire nsit call: f
%music sLAut & SOli,
"South RBA" Carlisle, Pa.
Jan. 2f. 1871
treated with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS, M.
D., and Professor of Diseases the Eye and Ear,
(his specialty)in the Medical Cbilege of Pennryi
wanks, 12 years experience, (formerly of Leyden,
EfoUsid,) Na 805 Arch - street, Phila. Testimoni
als can be seen at his office. The medical faculty .
are Wilted to sieetwapar* their patimiterel
he,bas no secrets la' his practice. ArUilcial
eyes Inserted without pain. No charge for ex
amination. March 18,1870.—]y
For !Boni Fronts, Asylums, de. ;Iron Bedsteads,
Wire "ebbing for ilibep and Poultry Tads:
Brass. and Iron Wire Cloth, &dm . I, Fenders.
Screens for Coal. Ores, Band, &e., Bann CritoPed
Cickh for Spark Arresters: Landscape Wires for
Windows, ; Paper maker,' Wires, Ornament.
al Wire Work, Be. Every information by ad
dressing the manufacturers. M. WALKER. at
BONS, No. 11 North Bulb Philadelphia.
Feb. 11,1810.-1 y
UPI Witco.
oTlCE.—Letters Teshunentary on the estate
of llama N. Covnof, late of Gettysburg,
deceased, having been med to the undersign. In said place. he hereby gives notice
to all Nrsons Indebted to saki ate.. to maim
imim payment, and those having elaiMs
the to
tor hume
same present them properly an
=trea ted settst.
Feb. .4, IFTL—St•
NOTlCE.—Letten of Administration on the
estate of FOLLY Hsu, deceased, late of Lail
more township, Adams county, having been
to the undenigned, residing la same
dp„ he hereby gives notice to an persona
Indebted to mkt estate to make InunsdhU pay
ment, and those haring claimsVni the same
to present them proper( anthen for settle
ment. WASHING 11 }UM
Feb. A,
,18: —6t Adm tr.
08.. of Adathdatratam on the
estate of Mum TATA demand, late of
Adams minty, having beep granted
to tt 42 rslmmtd, residing la the same place,
he hereby gives pathos to allpersona Indebted
to said estate to make bn meat, and
those baying claims to present properly
antbebtkated forsettlement •
JOHN N. TATE, Adm'r.
Jan. V.-at
OTloll—Lettein of Adadidstkithin on the
/1 Estate of JO= BPApus, late of last Ber
lin, I ton toy niship. aeeesied, having been
Mtthe undissigned, residlzm same
be hereby gives pathos so an PeTiona
said estate to Ca and make Imme
diate settlesneat, and those havlngolabas against
the same will SIMS present them properly an-
Meattested for settlement.
Jan. 6, WlL—dt
mcvnics.—The Ina and Anal amount, of STU
wife'Hoes», amignee of Fitaxcua 1).
Dimwits and of the Borough of Geetudears,
Adam county, has been hied In the Court of
Common Plen of Adana; , an d *lll be
conismed by a
said mut on the day or Fen
ruary, et. D.,11171, unless cause be damn to the
roa jaiL trazt urri...4d JACOB =MOEN, Frothy.
VOTICE.—The amnia t Of WILLIAM A
-LA Mums, Assignee of Gnomon A. Canova and
i 'llf au t y of the Amnia of Gettysburg, Adams
has been Abed la the Coen of Cosmos
Mesa of Adapts and willbereonenned
by said CoUrfon the 3d day af-ltbruary TWA
Udall mule be shown to tbe contrary.
Jan. 6,1371.—td
The following application to keep a Tavern
bat been bled in my omee, with the requisite
number of Moen, and will be presented at the
Court of Quarter &melons, on the 19th of rebru
Illockadale Green, Borough of Littletdown.
H. G. WOLF. Clerk.
J an. 27. —td
Rule, and Notice
At an Court bald at Gettysburg
tat for laid .oa the Ma of day Jan
...., , nary. ism
tab' /mate d oa Wm. F. Ragan. Guardian of
Jo= Ir. W and ILK/Am. P. Wrattrz-
EllY, minor of Emanuel Wfacerkey, de.
Mened. to show muse wk be *add not be Ms.
:Mfrom mid - returnable on
ay of frebrum7, MILy Me Court Et. G. WOLF Clerk.
To Wit. lr. RAM.
Ton am herebyb y twAlled r that the above rub win
hearing the phans Court ot Adam
qty, on Thundso. theO s
16th of Ilfebrearo
WAWA. it. eirrijA,
Jam E 7 .1171.-84 Petitioner.
grim Allasuarve e.r.i.„ i t
Hardware and Groceries
The subscribes have Just returned train the
cities with an Immense supply of Hardware
and Gireeert which they are offering at their
bid stand on street, at prices
to suit the
times. Oar stock eimalsts In part of
Cam's Took Bligekanitit's Took
Cosa Findings, BAH Andinge, Cabi
net-Maker's Took Housekeeper's
-Miura, All kiwis of Iron,
tc., 4c.
Otis, Paints, Le. There Is no article Included In
the several departments mentioned above bat
what can be had In Mk Rom Every class of
Mechanics can be accommodated here with tools
and eadieck
tie. G $ ean And every
article In their tine. Give us a cal as we are pro.
pared to sell as low for cash as any other house
out of the City. DAVID moult.
May rJ,lB6l—il JOEL B. DANNER.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
_ .
Hardware and Groceries
Carlisle St., near the Railroad, Gettysburg.
HARDWARZ—Inehules Builders' Hardware
generaßy. Nails. Locks, Glass, Paints, Otis, Var
ofshes, Paint Braids* Re. We call the Blacksmiths to our asaortabant of i ron,ta tion rt
Horse Shoes and Hsu Shoe Nails, Sr.
HOUSE KEEPERS are Invited to eundne our
stock of Kam, Farts. YVoons, Buckets, Tuba.
_ _ae.. •
GROCERDES, such' as Coffees, Sugars, 1 . 653.
Spices. Syrups. inegar, Smat u tt., all of wbieb
ws will constantly keep on An sold law
W a r cash.
Here is the place to buy cheap. Don't forget
to call and minutiae our stock ot_roods.
Oct. 7..,1110-ti
"Gardening. for Profit,"
"Practical Floriculture,"
The former
the D dot= %Man of MAIIEIT
Cummins ; PTIYE of the
Midis of OcomususenAb Fiasateraumen, sa Pm
= igittearinity of New York. Nailed, post
, Oar Annual Deseripthre Catalogue of
Vegetable and Flower Seeds,
Containing two new and BEAUTIFULLY COL
ORED PLUMB, is now ready. Also, Catalogue
ILLUSTRATED with Cokeedtlatre and ltagrau•
lags. Both will be mailed on receipt l of
e; z l ntc, or sent with either of the abo
parrs MID 01101110 M
Jan.N. Nn.-4t
picherdson's New Method
!Teeerree bee,rty reeesunendauom," N. Y.
317 00 Sour "unene In taste and
etlie" th e Journal.
for the Piano." PktL "8 aO
i e za
mow ilerp2o4woilaott . mec ne t b7 W 4
er worka. cae velead tad sem,
Vosente tsli Vienr re 4:lm . pe=l Jam_
Y. Tablet.
cltrataWkeinMat *
post lei It La itl=a
an he hint
ocracix a co., Boetcia
cum H. TelleCl2.4 00., New York.
Jan. 6, 1611.--64
PUBN/T1711.1t. r .
Walton, Lippincott &Scott'
• Onimii•tramatenr.
No. 44 Walnut M., Pkiladaphis.
lab sal of be eldest la Pt&
ill adMm is i t ban bog "_eapettet : l39 and
4immisig di ti = l ays o L . A
Deir. Wert sad 011eelrandtate for
sad Steras_abd• te oder. •
k i t i m4. W. iitiTUNX/fT• • SCOTT
nim'iustaciNtrar, OVIERMWS,
we, *all at
I NT AMES bads of RIM islet
C 4 at lICILINQ* CO.
gal and rrKanxl salro.
p IT B t. I C 5 , ,& "- : ".
The undersi , intending quitfart '. '
will sell at . c Sale, On XV , the 7 .
of March the 4111. c rot Dicks°
mile no rs thM 7H . wing Pe
Ua l , Ncrl e illsiD . kVollit H ' n_whlob 411
work az 6o place , '1 gime hea
with f 3 m g 4,
MILCH of as as f .5 ;• '
ham Bull. 2 ' old. • eep, bitted
and Moiver, Self-rake, size No. 2, (Dodge's
Patent,) good as new, used one season, Wire-tooth
Hay Hake, pair of new Hay Carriages, Winnow
ing Mill, Good Threshing Machine and Horse-
Power, Nubia Shaker, a lot of Belting, one
good t hree-horse Wagon three-ineh tyre, Lime
Bed, Steel Plow, new Harrow , Corn Fork, single,
double and treble T ... one and two-borne
. .
. . . .
fl i n i ttali, :0 . i•-• *: •., : reee , 7".
1 set of Xs . G as good minew, Blind Bri
dies, Ma" Witco Line, Halters and
Chains, Straps, Fzr i k eit. Wog Hook, Hoes,
and many other
Sirs (Wit of Twelve DipWilr'be giVal•
*le to eoldniencOott 11 e" 1 .
Jorts Sty u.ssiam Auctioneer.
Feb. 3, 1871.--ts
The undersigned, intending to quit housekeeo-
Ina, will sell at Public Sale, on Wednesday, the
BtA of Mare* at her residence at Hunters
town, on the road leading to Littieetown, the fol
lowing Personal Property, viz:
AN EXTRA MILK COW, 2 Cluster White
Sh Good one-horse Walton and Geed, Hay
Wagon T apd Sproad.Oultivator,
Bum - set of- onn i h
&gen Lines, Bridles, Collars r Cow
Log Fifth, Breast and Halter Chains, Sleigh,
Grain Shovel Hall-bushel Measure. Forkitakas,
AMalso itociWood-saw Age,tlaul,Wed HE ges,
FURNIETUR au such as Cooking Store and Fix
tures, T Stove andjleil,-2 gObrs,_Chtirn Ate uf llialh, k te
Comer Stands, :noeina.
Lough tray, ad and Bedding, Feather
Bed. Meat Vessels, Barrels, Tubs, Bacon by the
pound, and many other articles.
iiirAttendance will be given and terms made
known by NANCY GRAFT.
Also, at the same time and place, the subscriber
intending to remove to Hunterstown, will seß at
Public Sale the following Personal Property, viz:
7 years old, 1 a Draft Horse 6 years old i tr x
leaders, 1 a Colt risings years, GOOD
COW, 1 One Bull, (good stock,) 1 Heifer, three.
horse Wagon and 80, HAY Carriage , geed a 3
new, Corn Fork, Plow, double Shovel Plow,
Rockaway Buggy, Mattock, Ten-plate Stove, Re.
46P - Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, A. M.,
when attendance will be given and terms made
known by it. A. MeILHENNY.
Feb. a, 1871.—ts
The undersigned, intending to quit farming.
will sell at Public Sale, on ..Wriday, Me 2IIA of
r‘Mrrwary Dud., at his residence in Freedom
township, Adams county, Pa., 1% miles north of
Emmittsburg. near Rhodes' Mill, the following
Valuable Personal Property, viz:
Colts, 2 MILCH COWS and 2 Heifers, all of which
will be fresh at time of sale, 4 head of Fat Cattle,
I null= Bull, I Devonshire Bull, a lot of select
Young Cattle, a lot of fat Sheep, a lot of Slate%
I four-horse brtad-tread Wagon, I narrow-treed
Wagon, I two or three-horse Wagon.
Spring o
Wwn, Zr one or two ho
Ladder, Hay Lime Bed, Drinodge's
Bueleye Mower J new, Threshing Machine in
good osier. Winnowing Mill, Plows, Harrows,
doubled single Shovel Plows, a large three
horse Cultivator Just new, single and double
Trees, Lock and Fifth Chains, Spreader Corn
Fork, Corn Coverer, a lot of Viagon-bed irons , Rough Lock Chain, Grindstone% one for Sickle
Knives, 2 Sleighs and Bells, 2 sets of Breechbands,
4 sets of Front Gears, 1 set of Harness, Collar,
Bridles, four-horse Line, Plow Gears, Halter and
Cow Chains, Forks, Rakes, patent Hay Fork and
Itor w of the best kind, patent Cutting Box, Hay
Stack and non, a lot of Posts, Ash Prank,
Walnut Boards, Laths, dry Inch Boards, Barrels,
Kegs, Old Iron, Ten-plate Stove and Pipe, 1 bine
4 octave MELODEON In good order, a large Ln•
structer, 2.Vio li ns in good order, and other arti
cles too numerous to mention.
airtiale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. IL,
when attendance will be given and terms made
known by JOHN BAKER
Feb. 8,187 L—ts
The undersigned, intending to quit farming,
will sell at Public Sale on Wednesday, Isf day of
March neat, at his residence in Butler township,
Adams county, mile from the road leading
froin.Ge to klekilersburg, 2 miles from
the kttt6t and from the former place. 3 miles
from Hunterstown, 34 mile from Hersh's Mtn,
the following Personal Property, viz:
COWS, 3 will be fresh by time of sale, 3 Bulls, 4
Heifers, I Goat, 3 Stades, 1 good four-horse nar
row-tread Wagon, 1 two-hone Wagon, Pedier
Wac ia Thrsihing Machine, Wind Mill, 1 good
Cu Box, first-rate Corn-fodder Cutter, Wire
mom y Rake, good Sled, Dung Sled. 2 Sleighs.
running part for a Sleigh, 3 Hay Carriages, Ur
sula, Haw, 31. Harrows , throe-horsaidarsow
tivaoor, &Pima 2 double Shovel Flosts.l single
Shovel Mows, '2 Corn Foam, Hay Pork, three
-horse double Tree, 2 two-horse double Trees,
Spreaders, stogie Treec e 2 llog Chains, 3 sets of
Butt Traces, 2 sets of I ankee Harness, Breech
bands, 2 sets of Carriage Harness, Collars, Blind
Bridles, Riding Bridles, Check and Carriage
I=Government Middle, four-horse Line,
ngs, 4 head Halters and Chairs, 2 Flynets
nearly new, Lead Rein, Flax-brake, Grain Cm.
die, 3 Scythes and Suaths, Grindstone, Maul and
Wedges. Wheelbarrows, Grain Shovel, Forks ,
Rakes, Matlock and ricks, 'Cow Chains, Cross
cut Saw, strifigs of_Bleigh Lc. ifOUSE
PQW2.4I3/1)..44 "'
plate Stove, Chairs, Tubs, Barrels, Boxes, Jugs,
Demijohns, Lamps, and a great many articles too
numerous to mention.
. .
?lisle to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. when
attendance will be even and terms made known
Joint Ef Ancs, Auctioneer.
Feb. 9,197 L—es
The undersigned, intending to quit farming.
will sell at Public Sale, on Thursday, the 9th of
March, 1871, at bts residence in Butler township,
Adams county, on the road from Gettysburg to
Arendtsvllle, 34,' mile from the latter place, ;.1
mite from lkah's Mill, and % sidle from Wier
many's Mill, the followlng Valuable Personal Pro
3Colts, one a yearling, one two.yearling and one
three-yearli, 3 M 11.4711 COWS, one will be fresh
at time of sale, 1_ large Durham Bull, 4 bead of
Young Cattle, 4 Mid of good Sheep. Brood Sow,
Chatter White, 4 Motets. I good fonrhoese nar
row-tread Wagon, Lime Bed as good as new, 2
set of Hay Carriages, Bow Ladder Wire-tooth
flay Rake, as good as new, Grain D rill, as good
as new, Fayetteville Wheat Fan, Bolling-screen,
nearly new, Large Wood Sled, nearly new L
Sled, Grind-stone, Flaxbrake. Grain Cradle,
(Hikes' make) Clover Cradle, Seller and Bend
ersvfl/e Plows new, Drag Bake, Feed Trough,
Harrow, Corn Coverer_, Corn Fork,_single Shovel
Plow, double Shovel PlOw. Dung Hook, a lot of
Forks and Shovels, Mattock, three-home double
Tree, 2 twaborse double Trees, two-horse SPread
er, I one-horse Spreaders, lam Log Chain, palr of
long T of Braun Chao s . palr of Butt
Traces, For 3 Bakes, Grain or- Scoop
Shovel. 2 setof Manure Boards
Axe, Axe, Mowing and kit of good Old
Iron, 2 set of pper Gears, 2 set of Wheel
Gears, 4gollars. 4 Blind Br idles, Biding Bridle.
nis t %
W= W hip , four-horse Line, Housing, 2 head
and Cholas, Pim& needy new. Lead n, and a great variety of other articles to o
numerous to mention.
sir.s Credit of 123donths will be given. Sale
to canunence at 10 o'clock, A. M.
JOHar Hanna, Auctkeeer.
Jan. 27,1871—ts
The subscriber will sell at Public Sale, on ner
d/ix February Ms 14M, 1371. at his reddened 111
Mat= toosrudit , Adams county, on the road
leading from own to llekilerkburz, *tont
d miles from either place, the following Personal
wrglarty to wit: 4 good work Horses, I Mare
oal 1 three-year old Colt, 1 twayear old
Col 2 milch Co some will be fresh by the time
2 BA
7 rso Allows witha l % 2
/ agon ia good
o er,
_good fou miss narrow-Dead Wagon, f
Spring Wam, it eels of Hay Carriages,. as good
as new, Lime Bed, 1 wire-tooth Hay Rake, Drill,
1 Omni:dual Reaper and Mower, in good running
order, Berlin make, Winnowing MIII, Grindstone,
Sled and Bar, Slelgh, 2 new Wheelbarrows, MY
*need Huller, Rope 100 feet long, Hay Piteher,
Corn Sheller, 2 Iron Plows, Bendersville Plow,
Plank Plow, Harrow, Cultivator Shovel Hirrow,
as good as new, 2 Shovel Plows, Cons Fork, Corn
Coverer Dung and Pitch Forks, threshionaTm,
double and a lot-of Tree!, 2 !eta of
Drees wands,3 seta of Front Wagon Sad
dle, 1 set at Hareem , Oellars, Line, 2
Leatber_rgnets, Halters, Halter Chains, I set of
Bream Minn 3 ads it Butt Chit Cow Chains,
2 Rail
fOaldre w, C O l rai m n illhSopreadMeH cro m J
- w k
mow_n alotofDo H
Litehen Farni
;taro, emOOMft At 3 bedsteads. Sink, Corner Cup
plik. 00011 Sim% Meat Vowel and Cider
ilimmage Grimier, Samoa Sniffer, a lot
01 Sinekod fit, let of Lard bar Me Pound, good
eat /Win, Tow Wheel, Wool Wheel, de.
to monnienee at 9 *Wm*, A. M.
Tetalts:4—A credit of Twelve months will be
Joao STALLILICITH, Auctioneer. Dec. 30-1 s
The un4ersinsed teen at prtsate Sale, a TRACT
OF LAND, situate in Motintplitionint township ,
•' ' .41114118 10 Wililld half a mile
.4k, •• • • • •
u ras of James
. • . • and of
meta or lesa
...Inents Apart
one a MU' Dww,thtit HOWL
stone and
_part mime, a Frame Barn, Smoke
Reuse. wen of excellent syy, and plenty of
ill& TS/ejects ate wed -er. Thii land Is
in align state of comsat:ion and under
rail t —sad**
Arooff to ws Isms
namrthe to'
14 the tame
townslitn, B. F. AOARY.aki. •
Anig. t 11.1870.r4f
With one of the MOT FARMS in Adams County.
Real EsWain. Gettysburg.
/ho t valuable
Lands in Idwa and Missouri
Jan. 13, UM —3m 4.4"lllesieriErstatetioutnes.
PA OrgAr.
A good Fam.SaUwfiroat Gettyaburft contain*
las Ile AU= wait Improvements zor ay.=
14 " slar l e girnaMT u "
1 4914141143
. 11 444,4 1 7kr,1 1 Gettnburir,
, !al and fersonat „faits._
The undersigned Intending to quit farming,
wtl F i Pubilq Sale, on Friday, the 24t/c day
ry, 1871, at their residence Straban
to 2).imlles east of Gettysburg, near the
• and midway between the York turnpike
and Hunterstown rood, the following Perso.
nal • rty, to wit:
• WORK HORSES, I tine Brood Mare, 1
ar old Horse, I Colt rising two years old,
'red 'stock, aired by Dr. Tate's celebrated
orse Cashier.) 4 YOUNG 2.11LC11 COWS, 4
head of Young Cattle, consisting of I Steer, 1
Bull and 2 Heifers. 4 Sheep, two-horse Wagon.
three-horse Wagon, Screw-power Reaper, Hay
Rake, Plows, Shovel Plows, Harrows, Corn York,
Home Gearsolettbie aMI single Trees, Spreaders,
Cow Chains, Grindstone, Own by the bushel. Cu
tin -box. dz. Also, HOUSEHOLD AND KITCH
• unxixams. Nast' aa-2 Beddeads, Cook
and Illtanitit, - I , Arlor Stove, LOA a great
many other articles too numerous to mention.
Alkireldelto cmyeataa: at 11 o'clock, A. M.,
when attendance will be given and terms made
known by & W. VAN OItsDEE
Jan, dt, 4871—ts
I; •L . f S .2 A I. E
The undersigned, intending to remdve to Hen
dersville, will sell at Public Pole, on Thursday,
fie Zld day of itiruary, 1871, ou the premises of
F. A. Asper, blng 'between Centro Mills and
Bendersv g Me t In Menalleta 'township. the hallow:
M Personal Property,
THREE HOMM, 2of than Mares with foal, 1
Colt rising 2 years, one yearling, 4 head of 3111.C11
COWS, some of them will be fresh by the time of
sale or shortly after, 3 Heifers, 2 Sows and Pigs,
1 Shoat 2 Warms. one four-inch broad tread for
fivwor sax horsen, 1 two and three-horse narrow
tread Wagon, Wagon Bed, Hay Carriage. set of
Dung Beards, Wiretouth Hay Bake. Winnowing
Mill, Cutting-box. 2 Plows, one a Bedford pattern
and the oilier a Witherow, Harrow. Maude shovel
Plow, 2 Corn Forks, Dung anal Vlach Forks,
I.)ttng Ijook, Spreader. single and double Trees,
Middle ltings,2 set of Breeelibands, of Front
Gears, Housings, Collars, Bridles, I.lne, Saddle,
Halters and Cbialus. Jockey Stick, 2 set of Breast
Chains, Butt, Cow, hog and other Chains. Grain
Scraper, Grain Shovel, Tar Bucket, Hakes. and
other arkles too numerous to Mention.
It Sale to commence at 10 Mekat.k. M.,
when attendance uill be given and Perms truoie
known by url. I'l'l ZIA:.
Jtconlltexl.t.T. A ea:Claimer.
Jan. 12,71.---tb
The subscriber. Intending to quit farming, will
Sell at Public Sale, on Tuesday, the Zia day at
.filehrhary, Nil, at his residence at Jonas Itoth's
Idillott Butler township, Adonis county, 1 mile
Northeast of idummasburg, on the road leading
to Aliddletopm, the following l'ersonal l'roperty,
to wit:
SIX WORK HORSES. 2 Mares with foal a co.
I Horse rising 5 years, 2 Young Mares rising 3
years, 9 Head. of HORNED CATTLE, stone of
which are extra stock, 1 large fat Bull, 7 head of
Shoals, 2 four-horse narrow.tread Wagons, Trot
ting Buggy, Sleigh and Bells. 2 sets of Hay C'ar
siages, one as good as new, Lime Bed ,W ire-tooth
NM Rake, Feed Trp lirst-rate Winnowing
Mill, Cutting-box, combined Reaper and Mower
In good running order, Threshing Machine and
VC:power, 2 good Plows, 2 double Shovel
, 2 Harrows, Corn Forks,Corn Coverer,
Mang and Fitch Forks, Itakes.o:9 Forks, single,
donble and treble Trees, Grain Cradle, Grain
Shovel, 3 sets of Breeehbands, 3 sets of Front
V l iet t
rl7;WagnAldll A Bridles,!
Lines, Cavalry and Side Saddles, Riding Bridles,
6 Halters and Halter Chains, set of Breast 4 'hauls,
2 sets of Butt Traces, Cow, Flfth and Log
2 Spreaders, Spade, Mattock, 12 ar 15 Tens of
Hay, a lot of Old Iron, and a great many other
article, too numerous to Mention.
In the grou
nd. one-half Interest of 38 Acre , "I t; rain
Sir S•ale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., %%belt
attendance will be Oven and terms made known
by HENRY Rill' H.
JOllll Moms, Auctioneer.
Jan. M, 187 L—ts
The undersigned, desiring to relinquish farm.
ing, intend to orfer at Public Sale, on Thter.sday,
the day 4f February, 1871, on the premises,
about 14 miles North of Hampton, Adams coun
ty, Pa., and mile West of the 'Baltimore and
Carlisle Pike, the following Valbable Personal
ProTerty, viz:
SCE HEAD OF 311 LES, (Kentucky bred,) from
5 to 6 years old, well mated in size and color, the
color being a dark brown, and size from fifteen
and a half to sixteen and three-quarter hands in
height. This valuable team is well broken and
suitable for either farm or road p TWO
HEAD OF HoustKaoth good
tr ... one of
them is the little Bay are which took e county
premium at Gettysburg last fall. 8 HEAD OF
MILCH COWS, some of which will he fresh
shortly after the mile, 3 HEIFERS, two of Which
are with call, 1 BULL, (two yearling,) 4 good
Brood Sows, 3 of which are full-blooded Chester
%%Kea 1 Chester Boar, 6 Chester Boat , and a
lot of Young Pigs of same breed. adead
Wagons, one and two-horse Wagons, with Lad
ders, 1 Germantown. Carriage, 1 new Bed with
Lime-bottom , Hay Carriages, 1 Wiretooth Rake,
(Brandt's patent,) Threshing Machine and Horse
power, Buckeye &taper and Mower, (Berlin
make,) Cutting-bo x , Grain Drill, nearly new, 4
Plows, (2 of which air Baker's make,) 3 Harrows,
double and treble Shovel Plows, Corn Forks, Corn
Coverer, large Cultivator, Jack Serest, single ,
double and treble Trees, 2 Spreaders with Single
roes, Fifth. Log, Htiter, Butt and Breast Chains,
1 set of Buggy 11:.rness, 6 set of Horse Gears,
nearly rt....-. we'ir home-made Traces, (Leeper's
make,) 6 housings, Wagon Saddle, Wagon IN
Bridles, Collars, Halters, five-horse Line. Plow
Lines, Cheek Linea, Forks, Shovels. Rakes, Gram
Cradle, Mowing Seyttles, Axes, Dung Hook, half.
bustle, Grindstone, and a lot of genuine Norway
Oats, Oats. eat Vessel, Bacon, &c. Also, HOUSE
Bedsteads, Chairs, Parka Table, falling-leaf Ta
ble, large Icalnut Dresser, Churn. Crocks, 2 Ten.
Et..11.1.44:?t,,.1., itts a, Call ' AlT
and a lot of other things not herein specified.
wh rS te nd o anc o w m ill en e
g a ve n
an'd lokm smade
known by MARY T. TOWNSEND,
WM. F.
Lawn Waimea, Auctioneer.TOWNSEND.
Jan. 1971.—ts
The undersigned will sell at Public Sale, on
Strturday, the 2SUi qt Pteruary next. on the
premises, in Oxford township. Adams county,
Pa., one-half mile East of- Oxford, the following
Personal Property, viz:
I three-yearling Colt, 3 head of MILCII-COWS, 2
of which will be fresh itt the spring, 3 -wagons,
1 four-Inch broad-tread and one two-horse oar.
row-tread, Spring Wagon, 2 Wagon Beds, 2 sets
of Hay Carriages, 2 sets of Manure Boards,
Thresher and Power and Gum Belt all in good
order, combined Reaper and Mower, Bald's pat
ent Winnowing Mill, Wire - tooth Hay Rake, tail
ing-top Buggy with Shaft:* and Tongue, Sleigh,
Dorn-planter, Plows„Harrows, Cultivator, double
Shovel Flo Forks, single and double Trees,
Spreader, Cutting Box_ Jack Screw, Log, Fifth,
Breast and Cow Chains, Butt 'Traces, Feed
Trough, Anvil, Placers_ Hammer, crosscut Saw.
Scalding Trough, Grindstone, Mowing Scythes,
Shed, Forks, Bakes, Shovels, Dung Hook, 2 sets of
Breechbands. 2 ants of Front Gears, 2 sets of Car
riage Harness, Collars. Bridles, Homier's, Haines,
Wagon and Plow Lines, Check Lines, 4 sets of
Yankee Harness, nynets, Riding and Wagon
Saddles, Halters, Stone Drill, Mason Square, also,
consisting of 2 Stoves and Pipe, Ten-plate and
Parlor Stoves, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Writing
Desk, Clock, set of Stoneware Dishes, Looking
G ed lass, and many other articles not here mention
SiTSale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
virbea &fondant* will be given and terms made
kwtt 17 LUMEN M. :NEELY.
Jou* berAuxourn, Auctioneer,
Jan. 13, 1871.—ta
the undersigned, intending to remove, will
sell at Public Sale, on Wednesday, the 15th day
qf .Fb6ruary, next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at his
residence in Cumberland township, Adams coon
ra., tho .ioad lead% from Gettysburg to
Taneytown, 4 mites from ttysburg, the follow
ing valuable Personal Property, viz:
oNtr,jklULE, I Froth Cow, 3 Heifers all with
calf, 1 nOrrow•ttead Wagon nearly new, Stone
Bed, Patent Hay Carriage. Threshing Machine,
wire-spring Tooth Bake, Winnowing Mill, Uut
tins Box, 2 Cosu Forts, Forks, Rakes, Shovels,
Mattocks, Horse Gears, Breechhamds, Mynas,
Cruppers, Halters, Log and Cow Chains, Bridles,
Wheelbarrow, lirinme, Work Bench, Meat
Renck, Sausage Grinder, Iron Kettle, Meat Ves
sels, Tubs. Barrels, Axes, Maul and Wedges!, ge.
TURE, consisting of Cook Stove, Parlor Stove, 1
tgl , El.4l_l . large Corner Clock, 24 hour Clock, 6
boar latsm,,L)e t i L k, Sate, Sink, Corner Cup.
Clothes Chest,
Flour _ t ales; rblat., Shred.
iware, Meet. ke
Also; romoresana Onions by the bushel, 2 Scans
ofßeet, r a b't Carpenter Tools , a lot of Inch
and hal -Inch Pine and Poplar Lumber, a lot of
unfinished Beehives. Also, the Right to manu
facture and sell the American for the remainder
of the County of Adams.
girAttendance will be given and terms made
known by ISAAC T. SHRIVER.
Jan. 11,1671.-4 s .
The subscriber wishes to dispose of his valuable
HOLUB and LOT, containing / Acre, situated on
the ttysburg, Chambers/mil turnpike in the Borough of
THE HOUSE is bat ea the Cottage style, with
9 good Booms and is very contented & throughout,
and a good well of ate at the door, IBM good
!gable and other ontb The Grounds are
nicely laid out, and planted with a widely of or
namental Trees
To any person wishing to buy this ls a rare
chance. Terms eas
• 'aril' sold possgaton will Wesel' lathe second
week Of June; if not 'alb, that time it will be
offered for rent until the Ist of Aprll, 187
For paatictibus enquire of Geo. Arnold or Sam
uel Bushman at the Firptkrolional Bank, or of
• 27, 1870—tf Fora Dale P. O. Pa.
ptrmao SALE OP
The undersigned,, intending to quit farming ,
will sell at Public We t on Friday, the BM of March, 1371, at leis fealdence In **quirt
teidgenp, 3 milel imat of GeMninnit, on road
2,43BonaughtoWn; the following Valuable erso
nalmlonaLmt :
with foal, 2 Yound„Horses, 1 rising 5 and the oth
er tious old, I ant 2 years old, 'need of MUCH
COWS, mine will be fresh at time of sale, 2 Bulls,
1 Heifer, 9 head of Shone, 1 narrow-tread three.
horse Wagon, Spring Wavn, Falling-top Buw,
Sleigh and Baia. Log and Lime Sled, new set - ot
Hay Carriages, .2 Lime Beds one new, Wire-tooth
Hay Bake, good Fanning Mill, Cutting-box, com
bined Reaper and Mower, 3 Shear Plows, single
and doulps Shoxel Plows, Corn Forks, Corn Cov
ere ,r 2 Bartow*, Cultfrater, single, double and
treble Ttees, Spreader, Log, Halter, Cow, Butt
and Breast Chinas, 2 set of Orwehbands, 2 set of
Front Gears, 2 set of Harness, Flyneto, Riding
Saddle, Wagon Saddle, Bridles, Couars, Halters,
Check Lines, Plow Lines, Forks, Bake; Shovels,
graft Cradle, Mowing *AM.. 2 Grindstones,
aLso_ , HOUS
Ileanrtutd - Wedges, Whetlharrowi
Bedstead*, Calm-bottom Chairs, Copper Kettle,
to commence at' 10 o'clock, A,
when attendance will b e and terms made
known by TAWNRY.
Jan. 27, 1871.—ts
At "Dimond, }lll*.i t ie die,Wat et Get avid one of the tinmft sites in
t vicinity: ea oti, W. ff. TIOUGHTELIN.
J 10.13.1871.-11
Sgt t and g i tilovai,Sairg•
1, A FARM, two miles north
west of Gettysburg, adjoining Spring Hotel prop
erty, 1511 Acres, with large BRICK HOUSE, large
Switzer Barn, Tenant House, and other Improve
melds. Price 16,f -.not more than cost of build•
No. 2, B FARM, two antla half miles
north-west of Gettysburg, adji_olining No. I, 116
Acres, with good STONE HOUSE, Barn and
other Improvements. An excellent grass farm.
Price *hM
No. 3, A FARM adjoining No. 1, and
town lots of Gettysburntalnlng 112 Acre,
with STONE FARM numGINGS. It is divided
by the Chamberabwrg Turnpike and comprises
many very choke building lots. Price, stizun
No. 4, A FARM , fore miles from Get
tysburg, on public road, 15 2 Acres, good land in
good condition, with large BRICK HOUSE, and
large Switzer Barn- Price 15,50 u very cheap.
miles ft Gettysburg, 240 Acres, with large
BRICK USE, large Bank Barn, all in g, s
condition. Price ro per acre.
FARM, four
miles rrom Gettysburg A on Public l7o
roAad.cres ,
comfnri a.
ble FARM BUILDINOs, red land, !y
Price $5,000 half cash.
) - No. 7, An excellent FRUIT FA lilt ,
ten miles north of Gettysburg, on publie road,
about SO Acres good land, skill' comfortable
Buildings. Price 03,501.
Ir,o Acres, comfortable HOUSE and all needed
Outbuildings, and Barn, Land limed and In good
order, good gram farm, near Baltimore Turnpike,
udies from Get tpiburg, mile., from I .lttle.lipAn,
Pricer Km°.
LAND, three miles from Gettysburg, on York
pike, 2..." Acres, good HOUSE and is CABLE. a
good stand fur store or Mechanic. Price V.,.0n,
miles west of Gettysburg, on public road, =3
Acres, well limed and in good condition, good
Buildings, Weatherboarded HOUSE, large Bank
Barn, plenty fruit, good location. Price frti per
acre or will Sell ISt Acres with buildings at same.
FARM, two miles east of Gettysburg, on York
pike, 160. Acres, or Will sell 110 Acres, about
limed, a good FRAME HOUSE, two Barns, well
watered. Price Silo per acre—terms easy.
Z'd Acres, of which Eri acres heavy Timber, Oak,
Hickory and Walnut, live miles west of Gettys
burg, on public road, two sets of Buildings, will
sell 3.; or the whole, excellent twit farm, good
land, red graveL Price KS per Yore.
NO. 13, A GOOD FARM, 130 Acres, 7
mileS from Gettysburg. on Harrisburg road, good
FRAME HOUSE and Barn, all kinds of
Price ir,l4tl.
FARM, PIO Acres, or will sell 100 Acres: mile%
from Gettysburg, on Harrisburg road; good
Weatherboarded HOUBE, Bank Barn, abundant
fruit Land limed and in good order.
Also. several other Farms and Town Propert)
Also, Western lands and Town Property. to ci
change for Adams County Farms.
.Ittoencidoe the Ow n'''.
Ma) 27.-It
The undersigned offers at Private Sale, his
FARM, situated In Butler townstilp, Adams
county, Pa., one-half mile north of Roth's 11111,
on the road leading from Gettysburg to .Sremits
ville, i 4 mile from NicCreary's Paper 51111, con.
Mining 107 ACRES. About 100 Acres of tios
land Iles in a square. The land Is in a good state
of cultivation and under good fencing. The to
provements consist of a large new
BRICK HOUSE, with a new Brick Summer
House, close to the dwelling, with a never.fal:ii:;:
well of Water at the door, Log Bank Barn wlth
new Wagon Shed and Corncrib attached. W I ;
Pen, and all other necessary outbuildings. '11,..,,,
Is au excellent Spring of 1N ater in the fields,
tharyott can let the cattle water from every Mold.
There is also an Apple Orchard on the or, mi..,
In prime bearing; also Peach and other smolt
fruits ip abundance close to the buildings.
Persons wishing to view the property can I. So
by calling on the undersigned. For terms,
dress by mail, at Art:Lulu's - We, Adam, (',010:
Pa. 111CIIIEL B.tlih.
Dec. M., 1870.-3 m
• The undersigned Execuu 4-4 t.f the the Est .1t ~1
MJAMSLAoIs, deceased, offer at hit, ate Sale. the
HOME MANSION, situate to New Oxford,
taJning_lo ACHES, more or less, of good fanning
land. The Improvements are a two-story 111t1( h
HOUSE, with an out-kitchen attached, Frame
Barn, with Carriage House, Hog Pen. Corn-ertb,
sad all other necessary outbuildings attached
well of never-falling water at the door. with a
variety of all kinds of Fruit. It is a s cr)
Die Homeland persona wishing to purchase
calf before going elsewhere. It Is destrabl) It tea
ted for business, adjoining the Ware-lieu,. of
Messrs. Idelhorn ik Bender.
Sir Any person wishing to view either of the
properties will please call on the last named Ex
ecutor, residing In New Oxford.
Valuable Town Propert
The new two-story
with brick Rack b Mid in g-7 Rooms—wi t h G asp peg
through the entire building—fronting 60 feet on
Carlisle street. north of Stevens HalL The build
ing is new, and completed in best .style. it will be
sold on reasonable terms.
If not sold by October 1, It will be for Rent.
Gettysburg, Sept. 9.-tf
OF NO. 1,
second hand. pre-emption Lands located uear
Railroads, County Towns, &c., In well settled
neighborhoods which I will sell or exchange at a
fair price for Real Estate In Adams county, Pa.
• Feb. 5, 18611.—tf GRO. ARNOLD.
1. RESTORER, purities the blood and
cures Scrofula,
fula. Syphilis, Skin Diseases,
O.Rheumatism. Diseases or Women and all
Chnic Affections of the Blood, Liver and
, Kidneys. Recommended by the 'Medical
Faculty and many thousands of our best
'citizen. -
Read the testimony of Physicians and 14.
Dents who have used Bosadalls ; send I.n
4 ' our RosadalLs Guide to Health SBook, or Al Imanac for thisyear, which we publish kw
; gratultions stribution ; it will give )ou
'much valuable information.
Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says:
I take pleasure In recommending your
BoitanAus as a very powerful alterative. I
A'have seen It used in . two cues with happy
results—one In a case of secondary syphilis,
in which ' the patient pronounced himself
clued after having taken live bottles
e of your medicine..„ , The other is a case
of scrofula of loin standing, which k
. rapidly improving under its use, and the in
Ddications are that the patient will soon re
cover. I have carefully examined the formu
. la by which your licsactalls Is made, and find
titan excellent compound of alterative In
IDr. Sparks, of Nicholasville, Ky., says he
has used Rosadalis in cases of scrofula and
AiSecondary Syphilis with satisfactory results
—as a cleaner of the Blood I know no better
Samuel G. M'Fadden, Murfresboro', Ten n.
' ' I have used seven bottles of Rosadans
and am entirely cured of Rheumatism ;send
I me four bottles, as I wish It for my brother
who has scrofulous sore eyes.
Benjamin Bechtol, of Lima, Ohio write ,
I have suffered for twenty years with an In
veterate eruptian over my whole kody : a
1 short time since I purchased a bottle ot
!.. .. and it effected a perfect cure.
airitotadalls is sold by all Druggists.
Laboratory, 61 Exchange Place, Balitator s
CLEMENTS & CO., Proprietor'.
* Feb. 11, 1870.—lyin _
Dr sale ug In
gist. Gettysburg, Pa., by A. D.
THE undersigned has commenced the Butch.
axing business In the rear of the Washington
Ho Hettg ee urg, and will pay the highest price
tor Yes, and Lambs. - Persons wanting
meek or having stock to sell, will call at the
Washington House. Meat ordered will be deliv
ered at dwellings any place within the tows.—
The patronage of the pub lic Is solicited.
J.,002:1 McGA L'G HY.
Jan. 27, 11171.--it
Agricultural CONIC, •of Paul.
This institution will re-open for Spring Term,
Kid of twenty-folnr (24) weeks
Os , Iteday, Febrility? letb.
For general circular, catalogue and other lufor
mation, address
President Agricultural College, P. a,
Jan. 27.-it Centre county, P 3
Notice-to the Public
THE undersigned Is running a Line of Stages
from Hagerstown W edne sdayGettrg, leaving for-
Meridian on !S[ Wsday and Friday, at
?o'clock, A. M., passing by Lelp gs Hourg, Waynes
boro', Monterey and Mmont Fountain
D a l e an d gataaid arriving at ettysbeg half
plat fair o'clock and from burn
Tuesday. Thursday and ring at
W snake oonnectke with the 5
Moe train for Baltimore. ANNA WABSEN.
May 2L—tf
HKRA CanIMM) cmfAigat. THAN
at PICKING it Co
Jan. 4, Ir),-tt
1t tar antt
Friday liforwialt, 1%16,1_
TH AMIS. -011 r thIITIJC.
tor Diuscan and Representativ
for sundry documents.
COLD SNAP .—Monday last
coldest day of the season; tbe
sunrise, being 1 degree . below
A Lamm POKEE.B.-146
Hersh of New Oxford, . slang.
day last week a porker wei
-.•• • 4.-4.-7.--
ZOUAVE.B.—We. are request.;
that tho Gettysburg Zouave
for wade in Gettysburg On
sale of Personal Property, =a
originally flied for the 25th;
place on Monday, Feb: 27. .•
LAnon Hoos.—Two
Hogs ware slaughtered by •
31enalbm township, Feb. 9,
respectively 647} and 416 lbs.
5z.4.1. • The amount of lard ob
11191 pounds.
110.4EOPATHIC; - The
Medical Society of Pennsylrani.
6th annual session in Harris
week. Dr. J. 11. Marsden,
Springs, this county, was e
dent for the ensuing' year, and_,
Cook, of Carlisle, Chairman of
of Censors. The nest animal
be held in Harrisburg on the fi
day in Febuary, 157.4.1.
Ssmt&—Jonas Spangler has
a house ttncl 11 acres of land, in
township, from John Stock:
Win. Strickhouser has bought .
Cashman a "louse and half lot •
on York street for $875.
A. F. Gitt has sold his twos ,
house on the corner of the.
New, to Charles
John C. Zouck•aold a house
ground near New Oxford, to
Clunk for $BOO.
Patrick Dougherday, some
sold his farm in Oxford townishil
Mg about 3.1 acres, to John M
$35 per acre.
Naw'Oxrono Fox CarAsE b ,. 4
of last week, Col. John Hj i tlAl: - C
this place, took a Fot to
where a chase took place about it
There were a large number of '
from this place, East Berlin, ' ,
ver, numbering about fifty ...
more. The fox, after having lb
minutes start, made for the •
Hills in the direction of East
lowed by several dozen h..
tine chase was had until toward
when the fox thaugecl his coufse
for Centre Itills near Bendersvil
coming on, the fox Made his , •.
the hunters returned to fheirlo:
etleßT DOINGS. —But two
c Lies were tried in Common
week, Court adjourning on SaA
S. R. Russell, D. Wills,
tock, et alias, v. . John Belie
others, ,involving the title. tic)* ;
of timber hind in the South -1.
purchased by the former at She
Both parties claimed title and
ceeded to cut timber on the
premises, resulting in a sult-Vy
against Defendants for tres. •
The Jnry rendered a special
Plaintiffs for sl.23.9ksubject to
ion of the Court on the law as •
defendant's Ist, 2d and 3d poin
James Russell, surviving Ex;
Peter Wagoner, dec'd., now
Lewis Jordy, vs. Samuel Her
istrator of Henry Steinour, dee'.
from Justice of the Peace. .V`
the defendant.
Town bLicrarso.-1 town
called by order of the Town
held in the Court-house on
to consider the the propriety of
ing a steam Fire Engine. In v*-
importance of the subj*ct
Council desired to have an exp
on the part of tax-payers and`
holders, to guile-their action an.
them from responsibility.
• Hon. Robert McCurdy was call.
chair, and Jacob Aughinbaugb, •
pointed Secretary. After a full
interchange of- views, Messrs.-
Hunter, D. Wills, IL J. Stahl ,
ifcCreary, C. H. Buehler, •J.
D. Buehler, S. B. Rowe, an.
p ar ti c ipating in the discussion, .
elusion was reached that a ate
would be of practical use
present det:..ctive water supply' la
ough, and that the best plan
provide lire machinery which W
the present watc.r supply. The
the council, in adoring the
"Blue Dick";engine, was unactim ,
t proved, and a resolution adopted .
ing the Council to provide ano •
hand engine, either by repairing
May," or purchasing a new one.
night last, between 10 s t qd 114i'
large shed on thelarm of John
in Mountjoy township, was tired
troyed with contents. The tem.
Wm. Patterson, loses heavily, tin
Gorses, 4 stacks of cornfodder, all
gears, harness, and Farming I
except a wagon. The family we .
and were roused by the light of t
ing shed. We understand that. air
son is insured in the 31unim:ssbtrr,
ance Company.
This is the fourth tireAhat has
on the same premises within the
all under circumstances whiCh
doubt as t 6 their being the work
malignant incendiary. First, Mr
ler's barn was burnt; then a
erected in place of it, was borne
the time it was completed; th
hay-stacks; and now the fire' of
On Wednesday last David C
was arrested by officer Rouser,
mitted by Justice Cover ten the .
. John Spengler, charted him wi
• concerned in the previous jnce
.on his premises, viz:—the thing
.first barn on the night‘" of the
Marsh, 1870; the second barn
night of the 17th of Ju1y, 6 1870
hay-stacks on the morning of the
August, 1870. Mr. Clapraddlets
lives on the Wolf Hill, near S
Property, bat be himself has been
this winter at or near Laurel Fur
beriand county, *here ho vas.
officer Rouser. We have not been
of the facts on which the arrest
parties having funds to invest, is
to the advertisement of the
Pa. College. The security is am
meat of interest prompt, and
free from all (=anon by spec' :
the Legislature. -
To SELL—A.r HLLF Pater.—
some Cstut Trith'itlaaa front, eta
store or library. Inquire at this