ta) 7114141 BLUM!liStik6l 4 O le tn . ttOntl. IF HI 10A1' Melt inn. E. 10471. 3.A. BUOLF.R. Eelmczni 2.usiness Agent. Advertlien an 4 other , itacrt.o.l will beario nand that the regular eireulailen.oi the 'lame B.r7fr 13 - much larger Than that of any , Ither paper pubiltbed the . , Cbmary. Nine' reed rr.;t , irly by , not lem th an 11,00) persco., egvitallors 3tEB9AGt: • The Governor's Message reaches ns -too late for insertion in this weeks issue. As we expect to give it next wetek, we content 'ourselves -with a brief almtraet of the topics discussed. The message is about the same leLgth as last year's covering forty octavo pages. _As hasty perusal, of it leaves a satisfacte:lY- • pression, both as to matter and: style; , le being a plain comprehensive, review' of State administration, withsiteli sugges tions for legislative action as the Gov ernor deems proper to submit to the Legislature. The message opens with a recognition of jbe prefouittgratitude due to God for the blessings confeneci mi our pe(s pie during the past year, and passes to au exasnh:ation of the State Finances. The State debt on the 15th of January, 1667, was $37,704,1 9.77; on the :JOH' of November, P 370, it was 511,111,661.90 showing a reduction in three years of $6,592,747.67, of which $1,702,679.05 were paid during-the pa.st . year. In or der still further. to lessen the debt and lighten the burdens of taxation, as also •io guard against such. raids on the Treasury as was attempted last winter in the "nine million steal - bill, the Gov ernor recommends that all the securities belonging teethe Sinking Fund be sold and the proceeds be applied to a liquida tion of the debt. 7 : A Convention to amend the State Constitution is advocated, and among the reforms urged are provisions togen emlise legislation as far as possible—to break up the vicious system of local° legislation which WAY occupies an undue portion of the Legislature, producing inequality as between the counties, and working extended demoralization—to secure minority • representation—limit the power of corporations—change the annual elections from October to Nov ember, tte. The Goveinor calls attention to the bill passed last winter, over his veto. allowing writs of error in cases . of mur der and manslaughter, as in civil cases, which he thinks will work harmfully, and should be either essentially modified or repealed. The Common School systerd is com mended to the generous Support of the ! Legislature. The number of children attending these schools, during the year, was 82.8,891. at a cost of $7,771,761.20, of which $3,715,475.61 were paid for tuition and the balance for buildings, c. The value of school property in the State is estimated to be $15,837,163. The Soldiers' Orphan Schools are rep resented to be in good condition; 3,529 orphans being in attendance at the close of the year. Allowing for annual dis charges, by reason of orphans becoming of age, the attendance will diminish year by year, until 2580, when all will have shared the beneficent workings of this liberal provision by the State. The total expenses for supporting these orphans during the year was $514,126.4:2. _5. reliable geological and mineralogical tlrvey of the ,titate is' recommended, as Lending to dtvelope mineral wealth and promote agricultural interests. The painting of the Battle of Gettys burg being completed, the Governor re conripends that a place be provided for it, aid also battle-tlags and other relics. A graceful trilrute is paid to the mem ory of ex-Goy. Packer. whO Aed on the 27th of Sapitemher. The number of applicatiOns fok4Par dou4isring the year was 1240, of which buti62 were granted. After referring to various matters of minor local interest, the Message closes with a reference to national politics. The doctrine of free-trade is reprehend ..d. and a judicious-system of protection to American-industry urged.' The in troduction of "Chinese Coolie," or 'Ton tract labor,": is denounced, an'the enact ment of restrictive laws against the importation of this kind of labor fav -red. The . Governer takes a hopeful, suu-shiny view of the condition of the sotithern States, . and trusts that the time is close at hand when universal amnesty can be safely proclaimed ; He doesn't approve of the employment of U. States troops at State elections— thinks it a dangerous precedent, which, while harmless under a good EXecutive, might be dangerous muter a bad Presi dent, and hence he deems it his duty to enter a formal protest against, the em ployment of such troops, except on re quisition by proper State authorities, MA you Fox, of ,Philndelphia, having approved the ordinance for the abolition of the present Fire Companies and the 71ibstitution of a Paid Fire Department, the rowdy element connected With the present organization, has been wreak ing its vengeance on the city by daily and nightly incendiarisins, and street fights between rival fire companies. As most of the adherents of these compan- W 8 are noted Democrat workers, they ontidently expected Mayor :Fox to stand by them and veto ,the new bill. The Mayor, however, yielded to the pressure of Mtizens and signed the bill, whereupon effigies 'of his honor were displayed in various parts of the city where rowdleS most do congregate, In cendiarbun haying grown rampant tte Mayor has offered'a reward of $lOOO fOr the detection of offenders irith,6 lihe. TUE Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune says it is rumor-i ed that the President will send a special message, as soon as Congress reassern bits, relating to the condition of the Smttherri States. Accompanying the message will be a considerable asitount of testimony in the shape of reports, &c., from military and other offieers, which, iu the judgment of theTresident, show that a very bad state of affairs ex ists in many sections of Ibe South. It is believed that he will rectum:Jet:l4 that, Congress appoint a committee .4 ha members to thoroughly investigate the condition of affairs. It is represented that the President's views are very decided as to the need ot.setion by Con gress. COL, JOHN W. FORNEY has disposed of the4ashington Chranick, in order to devote' his . .entire attention to the Philadelphia Press. The, latter has been a live Republik4n.jouriutl, conduct ed with malice(' . ability, and now that t:74:11. Forney, who has no superior in the country as. FrPPoseil° gi ve it undivided Wikeatica3; tbei.Press will undoubtadly ~ncrstsed powerand Influence in PolitAnal•action. • AllA4tormant,o;eOromphident of Philadelphia Prteu Gen. C eron will ratite IthMiNitical life at the cloae.lot WP Settatorbt; term. in OM, when, it.living. be will' be 74 yearsaht. MIMI The Legislature met on Tuesday last, as required bY the Constituticac Sena tor Duncan and our Representative, Mr. Rerriter, being in their - seats. Both Houses prainptly organized, the Denocratic eandus nominees being Meet ed in the Senate, and the Republican caucus nominees in titer - House, b} - .strict party votes—the rote in the' Senate be ing 17 to 16, and -in tbe.House 54 to 44. We annex a full list of the officers: bENATE. Speaker—William A. WalMee. Clerk—Jacob Ziegler. A!Lsistan. Clerks—Tlmotb3" - A. Sloan and William Transcribing. S. C. Beller, Wm. Bayard, Win. Meniek. Sergeant-at-army-John P. Couiihan. Asal.•tant—J. it. Dunbar and J. A. Dunean. Irostroaster—.7. IL Beale. BMirkeeper-,-Mordacai Assistants—Frank Zerbe . , John Deitrich. hleasengr—John Keefe. Anistante -Jacob Paul and Herman ICretz. Superintendent-of Folding Roan —Jos a. Gar rard. Fasters and Folders—FrancisFerri% Wm. Africa, Alm Dobbins, Fred. Weimer, James Buins. Geohre Ginkinger. Doorkeeper of Rottmda—Charles Soda The Republicans voted for Harry White for Speaker, and George W. 11 aruersly for Clerk. Mr. Wallitee, on assuming the chair, made a bitterly partizan speech, in bad taste, arraigning the Republicans for mal-administration in. State affairs, and making profuse promises of reform under Democratic auspices. In the Democratic caucus, the main contest was over the Sergeant at-Arms, Johnny Ahern, the noted Philadelphia shoulder-hitter, being Mr. Coulihan's competitor. The vote in caucus stood, Coulihan 11, Ahern 5. HOUSE. Speaker—Jarues H. Webb, of Bradford dierk—James L Selfridge. Assistant—Edward G. Lee. Resident Clerk—John A. Smun. Transcribing Clerks--T. Harlan, G. Hulsey, T. Moorehead, B. Eberly. J. Bodine, and Charles Summehille. Sergeant-lt-Arni-Wiillani S. Ovezrys of Phlladel Amdatazda—j. G. Rama 31. M Mott, and Isaiah Shriven Doorkeeper—H. R. Sample Assistants—E. J. Adamson and J. G. ! :41141050n. Messenger—J. C. Flanagan. Assistants-8 L Kauffman, D. S. Milo% and James B. Carpenter. Postmaster—A. B. McCartney. Superintendent of Folding Room—James Items. The Democrats voted for JaniesEllis, of Schuylkill, efor Speaker, and fottprole Leisenring for Clerk. Spealer' 7 * = l&bb made a brief speech on taking the chair, promising an impartial discharge of its duties, and avoiding all allusion to par tizan politics. In the Senate prompt movements were made in the direction of Coristitutional Reform. Messrs. White and Connell both offered bills providing for the call of a Convention to amend the Constitu tion, which were laid on the table. Mr. Buckalew submitted a resolution, which was adopted, calling for a special com mittee of seven on the subject of Con stitutional Reform. This will make Mr. Buckalew chairman of the most important committee in the Senate. He will doubtless insist upon the recogni tion of his principles of minority repre sentation. by cumulative voting or other wise. in any bill that may be , adopted. Committees were appointed to apprise the Governor of the organization, and both Houses adjourned. THE cold weather in France ilas been materially interfering with operations in the field. - Both the German and French suffer from the intense cold.— : Meziers, anotber strong Frepch position in Northern France, has yielded to the Germans. But a single fortress, Belfort, now holds out in Alsace and Lorraine. The Germans last week opened fire on Fort Avion, the most advanced French position east . ofOaris - , and 'after a day's bombardment silenced its guns, when the French abandMied it, and the Ger mans at once took • posseasion, The French subsequently abandonefi several other advanced ports on .the east of Paris, within range of Fort Avron.— The Germans had thrown shells into the suburbs of Paris, a distance of four mijes, These movements indicate an early opening of the bombardment of the city. King Williani gave it New Year's re, eeption t 4 the officers of the German armies at- Versailles on Sunday,-and in a short address indicated that peace would not be made until further import ant tasks were performed and they could rest in security from future wars upon them by the French. Balloon advices from Paris represent that the alsuidon ment of _Fort Avron had produced a depressing effect in the city. The civil authorities are becoming restii•o under Trochu's apparent inaction, and urge that efforts be made to break the lines of investment'lly heavy sorties, instead of wait ing for the horrors :of bombard ment and starvation. Faidherbe, commanding the French army is the North, claims to have gained a decisive victory at Bap aume on Monday.-of which we have no accounts from German sources. The forts on the eastern side of Paris seem to'be yielding to the German fire; but one', Fort Nogent, replying yesterday. From Italy we have the announcement that on New Year's day Victor . Eman uel formally entered Rome, amid the thundering of cannon and the acclama tions of the people, making the Quirinal his head-quarters. The city was illum inated at night. The next day he left for Florence, amid the most enthusiastic demonstrations, having ftrst donated 200,000 francs for charitable purposes.•:, The Italian Government will be moved ,to Rome; as the future seat of govern „,ment, during the coming spring. • From Spain we have the announce ment of the death of Gen. Prim, at the hands of assassins, who had fired at his carriage on Tuesday night, the balls en tering his shoulder and arm. Ills arm was amput a ted, bot death ensued. Gen. Prim lia.: for yedi's, been the virtual Dictator of Sprin, and was largely in strumental in securing the election of the Duke of Aosta as King.. The latter was on his way to Madrid. The assassi tion of Gen. Prim forebodes trouble to the new dynasty, and furnishes evidence of the essential treachery of Spanish character and its unkness for Republi can governmekt. = • The new King of Spain had reached Madrid, and was arttnging a ministry. His reception was.entlmsiaatk% nuz LT has addressed to the Catho lic Bishops throughout the world his Encyclical formally pronouncing the penalties of major excomunicatioagaiust Victor Emanuel, theliaa Govern ment, and all alders arid abettors in the seizure ofßothe and the papal do. minions. The document bears date Nov. 1, 1670, and is a formidable ar raignment of the Italians for alleged crimes against the church. Pespite the anathemas thus hurled agaixis; b tu. Victor Emanuel makes his entrance In to Rog" amid the wildest masitesta. Simi; offilisissm by the people t the "mud 'city. • I:Comonigis re-amsenibleril opt Wedges. Bay, and will at once address itself 'to business, tare bekig brit tiro kiontbein wbisib Urdu up necessary legislation, . ._ ... ~_ .. Wniit the Democratie • -, , &rifles i „ _ -- Rol' theetar and &Winer '- th e ; AMBOTINTOWIII minx isocizty over the election of Mr. Dechert, la ABLIIIIIIIIIM4 Ist Philadelphia district, as a signal I VI Y : , Democratic victory and stn indication of I NESSE& s tinrolis.—The tuativersary of the disintegration of the Republican the Bible SOciety of Aldinistown, which party, Mir. Deehert himself does not, sO, is auxiliary of the Pends3dvania Bible. regard*. :On Thigsday,ln respande tie Society, hall its wend anniversary ii% , a complinostary aerenade- by hbriooliti- St. Joi,n's Lutheran church of Abbott• cal friends, be made a speech in width town, km hart 'fiatunlay, Dec. :11st. Al be dedurea- - thai, his idection hid rig . l thong.' eirctundarinelOnal the control' "partizan signifleance," and "the result of the lianagers . prevented the attendance could not be regarded as of a partizan 1 or both the lecturerof the evening and character." Be attributed his election , many persons who otherwise would to the generous support of Republicans, I doubtless have been present, thmtudience who differing with him in politics and I was tolerably large. But the programme having Confidence in his personal iti44l-.. was carried , : out. The exercises opened rity, thought it better for the interests with singing by a choir :aelected for the of fair legislation that there should be occasion. Reading'of 'a portion of Script dtfilded Political responsibility at Harris- ure, and prayer by the Rev. Mr. Davis, of burg this winter.. the A , sociation read a report of the work done during the -past year; and said that i the field for more extended and energetic operations was stall open aid should be thoroughly canvassed. The report of the Treasurer showed the financial condi tion of the - Society to be creditable. In the absence of the speaker (Rev. Dr. Ray, of Gettysburg,) a few reniark.s were made i by Revs. Hauer and Davis. These gen- tleman spoke of the influence of the Bible on Citilizatioa,, on civil governments, on literature araililfe arts; of the great work I already accomplished by the Foreign as I well as our own great Bible Society, and of the herculean effortsthesc Societies t are now putting forth, .by-means of which a cant amount,' of good will yet be ac complished. They, however, thought that il.e most efficient means to I aid the Pennsylvania Bible Society and all its auxiliaries were by the liberal con- , tributions of the people. These gentle men then tried the liberality of the au dience, which as I have said before was small. and to their gratification the hand some sum of 482.07 • was contributed.— i Both Revs. Hauer and Davis were made life members of the Society. After some miscellaneous business, the evening being I already far spel the audience separated, well satisfied - that it had not passed the evening of the - Anniversary of the Abbotbs town Bible Society in vain. NOTWITHSTANDING the. large de mands on the Teasury to meet the Jan uary interest on the national bonds, and the falling off in revenue collections, consequent l on Mt . reduction of taxa tion, the monthly statement of the. Treasury department for December shows a reduction iu the public debt of $2,240,700.90. ON Wednesday the Governor sent in his annual Message, and also a number of hills vetoed, which had been passed at the close of last session, either in crude former in violation °flaw. Both houses agreed to adjourn over to Tues day next. - - MRS. - BELKNAP, wife of the Secre tary of . War, died in Washington on Thursday, after an illness of several months. ' GENEIL&L NEWS. l'ur. colored people of the South, gener ally celebrated Monday as the anniversa ry of emancipation day. THE Legislatures of New York, Penn sylvania, Virginia, Delaware, Louisiana, and Ohio met on Tuesday. Tirana was a general suspension of busi ness in the cities and towns of the United States on Monday,so that the advent of the new year might be properly celebrated. Tax Supreme Court of New York has decided that United States bonds cannot be included in personal assets for the pur pose of local or State taxation. A SALE of ready-made coffins at auction took place at Lincoln, Nebraska, recently. A black walnut-aiticle, with silver trim mings, brought $25,. the purchaser being a man whose wife was very sick. A TERRIBLE railroad accident occured - near Memphis on Tuesday, part of a train falling from a bridge and burning. Five and perhaps mere persons have been kill ed, and a number of others injured. THE opening of the Western Maryland tta Mechanicatown at the base of the South Mountain, on the 28th of December, was celebrated with becoming ceremonies. THE statement of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund just published conveys to the tax-payers of this Commonwealth the gratifying inforsnation that the public debt is being steadily reduced. Since November 30, 1889,the Treasurer has paid $1,717,2711.05; the reduction for the month ending December 81,1870, was $104,80.- 89. GFNERAL PLEASANTON took the oath of office as Commissioner of internal Rev enue on Tuesday and entered upon the discharge of his duties. The consolida tion of Internal Revenue. Districts throughout the country will sow be com menced. It is tbonght that one hundred. districts will be consolidated into fifty, and that changes will be made in every' 'State. Tex Prussian siege gnus, it is reported, bare been throwing their shells from a distance of 7,000 yards, or-feu-miles, Into Paris ` This is no great achievement; for General Gilmore, from the island below Fort Sumter, during our late-Southern rebellion, almost destroyed with his guns the lower portion of Charleston at a dis tance from his batteries of six miles, MIFFLINTOWN, Pennsylvania, a village on the Juniata river, 48 miles northwest of Harrisburg, suffered from a great Ore on Saturday night. Seventy buildings in the neuter of the town were burned, and the loss of property is I )efirlY f24:107000 ! Four steamboats were burned ou the same day at New Orleans, and the steam ship De Soto, while passing down the Mississipi. was totally destroyed by fire. THE Pittsburg Commercial, of Thurs day last published the following Washing ton scandal: A DETNXES" NEMSIER OP CONGREE4 BAC Tai .LT BEATS His Wurit.—A Washington correspondent makes public a disgraceful affair, which he says weaved at Hotel on Wednesday night of last week. The story as it is given is that Richard J. Haldeman, Democratic Member of Con gress from the York, Pa., District has been on a grand debauch for some time, and that about midnight on Wednesday, the wife of a Senator, whose husband was attending the night session On the San Do mingo resolution, was aroused by loud mid infamous language in an adjoining room, addressed . : to the wife of Haldeman by that representative; Mid then hearing blows the Senahm 7 s wife rang for help. Soon the proprietor and two or three ser -14441 Were brought to the hall, and two members of Congres were aroused 'from their rooms by the then loud shrieks of a female voice, mingled with the excla nuttier,. of "Don't, Richard, don't, don't!" The hotel proprietor, Mr. Sykes, at once hammered on the door, and warned Hal deman, that up)ess he instantly ceased his violence ly.,would spend the night in the police statan. He stammered out a maudlin "Yes," and his wife not appeal ing to those who had by that time arrived in the ball for protection, they did not feel ' warranted in forcing the door open and Nal taking her away. A servant was then stationed in the hall to prevent trouble and at half past one and four A. 31. had to interfere to fright en Ilaldernan.from, further violence. On the next morning, Mrs Haldeman,, a lady of refined and spotless character, the , daughter of. Senator Cameron, said that her husband bad twice knocked her down, bad kicked and choked and bruiaed her. Her face was shockingly braised; both eyes were blacked, .and other marks of brutality were on her person, • It it also related that several days be. fore this Mr. H. appeared on the floor of the Houseso maudlin drunk that he was unableUrartistilate when beams, holding on tQ his desk; and after snipping of the Speaker's hammer failed In airathim, he was left standing until some ofht got him off to the cloak mom. After this his wifk clung to him, and tried to get Trim sobered down; and error on the morning after the beating when the hotel proprietor ordered Heideman awn; 'and invited her to stay, -she stall went with her boahendi leiartling with him to YOrk, determined totry to reform hint. It is sei4 that epoit iris iuszl altitearserp in the house in au intoxioated he will be summarily expelled. Besides MIS the guests-of the hotel, whoa they beard of bi oandest,warksop isoutimipia istsiriug him a count' Mr tail hatbsits, lid a dip is shit weedy Tiber.' vow saved from this well omit* pankthm a t, touir irythe interthremsi of IllirAbiltes wed slow eat bailed rook • [For theditar and Sentinel AILMENT SPISJITII. On the evil effects of Ardent Spirits, I offer the testimony of one of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence: "The habit of using ardent spirits by men in office, has occasioned more injury to the public, and more trouble to me, than all other causes; and were I to com mence my administration again, with the experience I now have, the first question I would ask respecting a candidate, would be, "Does lie use ardent spirits?" THOYAS Jurer,asoN. The testimony of another Signer of the Declaration of Independence will be offer ed hereafter by A VOTER. FRANaus Cou:r•ry I r s. —Scarlet Fever, of a malignant type, prevails in Chambersburg.—On Saturday night, John Downey rode into Fayetteville, and hitch ed his horse in front of Holland's hotel. On returning for his horse, he found it gone, some thief having made way with him. The horse was recovered on Monday on the South , Mountain, having been abandoned by the thief.—Wm. Friar, blacksmith, of Letterkenny township, While shoeing a horse last week was thrown and his hand badly tramped and larcerated,—Addison Streets, colored, was thrown from a buggy in Waynesboro', on Saturday evening, and fatally injured, the horse being frightened by a discharge of tire-craeliers. By the new taiiffwhich went into effect on the first of .Ituitutry,many reductions are made in the revenue, among the most im portant of which are the following: Teas, from 25 to 15cents; coffee, from 5 to ft cents; new sugar, from 84 to 11 cents; sugar above No. 7, from 4 to .2 cents;' refined' anger; from 5 to 4 cents; cane molasses, ftrom Bto 5 cents; brandy, from $3 to $2; liquors,, from $2.50 to $2 per proof wool, from 30 per oent. 4 4 11 awl 10 cents; steel railway bars, from 2-1 and 10 . per .cent. to 1/ cents; pig iron, , from I/0 to $7; cast and wrought scrapare each increased $1 per toni Fifty-two- articles, mostly drugs, are. placed upon the free list; and the tariff upon forty reduced. SE/urreav Boutirell received, the other day, from the West, a enrious letter. The writer said he was the father of triplets., and somebody had told him them WliN a feud set apart, out of which was given a bounty toparents, havitig such a run of luck. He mid he had two children be side., and a+ his means were not large, if there was such a fund he hoped the Secre tary would put him iu the way of receil'.; rag the benefit of it. To confirm and er tabligh the truth of the story, photographs of three born at a birth were attached to the letter. He was informed that some Governments had made such provision for the unfortunate, but it had thus far es caped the attention of our law-makers. -ar - ~v--~--- aintrsT Gpult and Vice President Colfax on Monday visited the Arlington Cemetery, and spent part of the afternoon among the graves of the 16,000 soldiers of the army of the Union buried there. The {'resident will not permit these graves to be disturbed. Several persons profess ing to be sgents.of the family of the late General Lee have sought interviews with hi m oti the subject, to talk about the elairns.of Mrs. Lee, to Arlington, but. the President refused to have any conversaHon with them on the subject. A LIMA GIRL SNOT DEAD :DT fign BROTTIER,—A sad affair cecured in Wash ington last week at the residence of 3fl. Hyling. His little ton, about five years old, was playing witlo.a pistol which was not thought to be loaded, and pointing it at Lis sister Emma,• a girl only ten years' pulledthe trigger, when the weapon was discharged; and the bell entered the brain above the eye, killing her almost Instantly. This is another terrible warn ing to parents of the danger of having loaded fire arms lying about, 11=I=1 LOOK Hanz.—E. Woodward* has com menced, in connection with his Gunsmith lag, the repairing of Umbrellas, Parasols, ac., which be will warrant to be better fbr ed than is done by the majority of Um brella-menders. Any person wishing work done is this line can leave word at his Shop on Carlisle btreet, and it will be sent fin OA returned. Charges moderate. He alsobas still on hand a variety of Hat* tle-field Relics, of any kihd and style, a large eanatment of Canes, as,. Cali and NI tf . . 1 , 41 w Brairne.--We have now on Baud a full assothaent a newly iuitited 331anks fox...hakes arse Peace, inclading Infor mation% Warr% Gouretituuloe, Bunt, Toomey Stibranui, Ezeontioug, Ito. Al po /190441 t 444144 metaryibtech &c with and without'waver c l ams , Si l ipeol Wfinauts,_School State wei4ll, CRldaitiOtii retoten, att. -9rderiirr4l7. l W , : • " 0.411. ilikoliklF--Bal the-`II Bert exact , heel witorxgOuti, Hatri-0060, /Wig Shies and Farm Goods in atinsond is selliag then - stir" clseali. bint IrAIID- 4 g oo 4ihrek, 4ol2o0 1 2 0 Wag0 n,44 54 * / 1110141 407 ta_Baxtria, 4 4 0 0100. • • ' - , • -.- , -.,..-. iMi 'ART, 1871 Stirlitoingar or setwehrs. s indebted to this office for sub ,:, _ption, adore . g aiapjdfilawork, will * PI heia‘li l. tliiilthelirst of the . i 7 1 Miletine*r alit genikil settle- ' - _ 'af„io. iiiiii sailinribers to the STAR AND SENTMEL can easily ' learn their indebtedness by examining the printed addresses , upon the margin of the Patel*. (as; . tn. ,instance '':john 41 4664040•"4 4 01641 1 sistrAlsara.kriassitt be a year 44e on the 1.5 t of January. 1871,Yand can remit by mail,"sending money .grdara - then cparp?niept,... rfillt scribers in town will please call It the office and Settle their dues The Star and Sentinel Calendar . Wow Is7l. .' l:;, .•''''' l ;•,di'r; : ~,, 1 . .. 4 4gi n '4.6 4 . , :g ; E 1371. 5);,..1,tr.70..11.-ipil F.l: - 1,.;15-eq,• I-, . 1 . ....,....,• __ ---;-.* , -, i - .i - ! J v i..; .. 1 7. 1 .• I. I 1 jAli . l ; a: 29 10'lit1t011411 11 15k 51 i .15 16 17 111 19,20 21" 1 ' 9,10 11 r2:1.1 1 14 15 72 23 24 25 11,27 , 28 1 1 '161 2 11 2 1. 6 8 9 1914 29 n , 20. 80,31 r 1 . , 1 - 1 1 1 1 3 , i i .1 I ! FEB. ..'.,,.. i, i: 111 4 ' .3°. ri..2.rii 6 7 3 9 _ttiC: .. , 61 .- ! 81 9 10 1 11'12 12 13 14 15 16 17.1% ' --,..,3,40 4118119 19 20 :a 22 F. 5 .24 25 ! L n 13 15X2 2 a 25 1 33 , 327 2s .„. , '- 1 - ', , 77128,Z) 30 31 i• sliA” .1.'. •; - !; :i ; iii It ; srp. i..;. ; ••1• A ' 4 . 1, 12 13 14 15 1 , 3 17,1 t; ' , 5 1.,.11.,,, 5 ! 1 ‘ 3 ' ii il l gl i g :192021 2424:25 , 4 , ..,: 44 .. 20 _ v. :3 27 :.11.1'S Y.) 31:.. f 1,48 19 1 24 ,21125 26 27 28t5 30 23 2 3 4 t, 51 6. 9'lo 11 , 1.4, 17 14115. ~8' 9 19 1 11 12,13 1 4 13 19 20 21 110 17 1819 16) 21+22 ' , IS 0 ., 16 „, 17 o ; ~,,,. 0 . 7 2g ... ,,,w, 24 97, ..y, , D i no 2.!, ~., .wrg ....,,,,,,-• xi ... ..... -,... .. ENI . I 2 . 5 '4 „;, 6 No; • .., 2' 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 1:3 5 . 6 7 8 9'loll 14 15 14 17 18 19 20 12.13 14 1516 17 19 21 V. 23 24 25 26 27 19 V 21 22 V 24 25 28 V '.)l . IS 27.28 29 30 . 2 '', DEC. j io 5 7 8 91u 4. 5' 6! 7,8, 9 11 12 13 14 15.1617 , 10'11}12 : 13,141018 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 17.18 . 19 mi. 21122 23 2.5 2'l 27 2.3 2A W 24 25'26 27 at 29 30 GZTT76II"C 11VOINIE66 ATTORNETS AT LAW. R. (4. McCreary, York street. to residence. U. .MeConaughy, Clustabeniburg st., in residence.J. M. Kranth, Atitimore st., second square. D. Wins, on Public square, in residence. A.. 1. Cover, Balt. st., near Fahnestocks' store. 1). A. Buehler. Baltimore street, In residence. Die Clean & Woods, Baltimore st., near diamond. 3tERCURY Rail ze r S ens port. cor. Washington and Middle sta. I). H. KilogPl. Baltimore street, second square R. G. liollohanah, Washington street Stmrr 6. Wit)le. Chanibersburgstreet John ;rod, Chainberiburg st., near Eagle Hotel CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. WM. C. KftilSMitti & Son. York st., first square. Geo. C. Cashman. Stratton street, near ItAllrumt Fflomr k 7looter. lolidolleqtre...,t. near Baltimore. IV. 6. tiaitattuer, East Mholle st., 9.e0n.1 Wea er & ( Washington at. R. C. Cobean s Cutinliaglatn, Baltimore street. P. Cunningham, l'itambersburg st.. first square. T. C. Norris. South west corner of Diamond. Samuel Wolf. corner of York and Public Square. Picking 6; Co., Chambersburg street, first square C. H. Buehler. corner of Carlisle. and Railroad its. Cashman & Overdeer. cor. Stratton and R. B. sts. COOPER , . Peter.„Cutp. Union street, in residence J. Berkstrketresser, S. L. oor. Centre Square. J. L 11111. Chambersli R st., opposite Eagle Hotel A. H. Buehler, ChaMbersbarg street, first square Hubers, Baltimore street, 144 Native. R. Horner. Chami .ersburg street, lint square. Fahne-dock Brothers, cor. of Balt. & NUdcUe ats J. L Seal*. mr. of Daltimerc & Public Square iteoert & &cabman, Balt st., second !paw.: TORItaRDINo AND etiMmlaSlON HOL'aira. Bigham & Co., cor. of Washington and Railroad John Crean, corner Stratton and Railroad. Jos. Wible & Son, cor. Washington and Railroad Robert McCurdy, Carlisle Street. GRANITE YARD. Deter Settler. Railroad. East of Stratton street OAS FITTER. R. D. Armor. Fast -Riddle street. _ . Vq6,Boyer 8; Son. Yk_ ,st_ opposite Nat. Bank. Win. J. Martin. oor. of Baltimore and High sts. J. M. Walter, York street, Ann *Ware. Phimmiock Brothers, cm. Balt. and Middle sts. & Co.. .n or . Washington & mujoraid sts. IL 'Benner. cot. diamond abd prllMe street. Bweitzer & Bro., Carlisle sines, second square. Danner & Zleg:er, Baltimore street, first square Fah oestoek Brothers, car. Baltimore & Middle its Sweitzer & Bro.. Carl isle street, second square. D. McCreary & hon. Baltimore street. John Culp, Carlisle Stlftt, near passenger depot. Samuel Wolf, cor. Tork st., and Public Square. T. C. Norris, South West corner of Diamond. It. C. Cobean tcunalvelumn, Bantams "Meet. Picking & Co., Mnsibmstsarg sttett, firspoinsare Eaglell*, ...proprietor, eonierktpaa bersbUrgind Wssiiington. Kefstorie Howie, Win. E. Myers. proprietor, Chaniber•hurg street, opposite Christ's Church. UMW Frrajn.s". Weaver it Ca., 'Washington street. north co thamber,burg. • NUMMI YA,...gDY. Wu. eror. Halt/more and Middle us /deals & itrether, lie& street, east of etratten. Tipton Myers, York st., opposite sat. Think, • J. W. C. (Y.Se4l, aktmore street, mar Rig* R. 8. Haber. cor. fitimbexsburg and Waist". sts, Robert Horner, CitatilbersburgA , eet, first square. ratstritso °rms. afar It Renting, Baltimore street mid ror be tween the Court Flouee asit, fun , ' WU,Are, west side C. H. Buehler, corner of Carlisle and Ral!road. J. - Jacobs, Chambersburg Week, !rot rsDKRTAKER &ran* 44ainta. Jeremiah Culp, York street, second square. lIPSOLETIMER. Wm. E. Culp, Washington st., near Eagle Itotel Wm: P. McCartney. Baltimore street. first square A. R. Felstle, York street, drat square. ConNs'.—Who has not suffered from Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nsila, Chil blains, Tender Feet, Zre„ .k.e.? Briggs' Alleviator and Curative is a oertaiu reme dy. Sold by Druggists.• . Brint.by mail Jr ets. _ DR. llama & Co.liewark, C.trAitv.al—What disease can be more , disagreeable or disgusting than Catarrh ? Briggs' Allevanto , • is a. pleasant, cheap and,positire remedy. Bold by druggists. Pu.s.slrHuffer not with Internal Bleed ing 4w Jtehiu,g Piles. ..A cure has been discovered! 'BOW Pile Remedies are sate Soid by druggists Cessuarrincnv!--1-With the hollow, soul.. , sickening cough, Nieakiiiediunip, profuse expeetoratidn, the • debilitating night sweats, and all other symptoms of this fatal malady, are, subdued by The use at' Briggs' Throat an Lung Healer, the most appropriately namal remedy yet discov ered for Throat and Luug Diseases. Sold by A. D, Buehler, J. M. Huber and Druggists generally. tf , • Virk7eiy maple =acquainted wikh physiological chemistry are aware of the quantity of iron itj 'the blood, but all should know the importatme of keeping supply, up the for debility, : films! and death are stkin.to foliasr wimmAhe quauti td, becomes too much reduced. The Pe ruitian egrup (tilmitoxide oC mm) • sup plies this vital . eleMent, and has cured many chronic diaea*: It Trin Brim Burrs how , in market, for beauty, eoo,mnfq, 1411 d golefort, is admitted all around to lie.thi ORR/NG GLORY. /t defies all comae: • and that lithe ii,nrentelfaHwire used it. ft Injnst the thing for Olt aoriak , rind Parlors Ch tubers. Call it C. H. Bnelder's Ware ftiitm, . am*t ek , roia Pitimabir Depot, and sAnitsiigoinselviii. ! it 0tir40.4.-ft. Minnigt4akes it - point to serve ap VIM BEBT ily4terir Aid' can be hi th° for Lid' ien and who *mil "TTAingt: to rip in every 417 ..... ca tigio 494,agolspied.Q4 0.1 pool, , sireitAto' zi of Josopk* 1 1 ! ' t •A • 'e ( , See 'Advertiaements. 13Y2111 = =I E=! I= I= SEEM COAL, 1173111 KR, LIKE, IC EEO= =I DRY GOODS ouocpais. RA2DW.UUI A.IM.CrMI= HAmmase, &C BATS. CAPS, NOW!, te., 1:=221 PSIOTOOSAPIORS. T 1 WARE. &t: En= IVATCI:MIMt. OEM Swill `tt u M. BLAIR acknowledge- their Indebtedness to a gelaimnis public for their patronage, nett large and" cow Wetip *nosing huslaess enables them t 0 .160 lls at situraes. - '-: - • adding:lo our very large Moak, from time to - " - T, riverithing that particular WOE add . _ feral .ulre, hate somethber 044 The whOtlibbe etatir In p r 'keyway beet , ll4eowbed Coffee. Wei- Japan TeL Try oar Buckwheat Flour. Try everything In our line that you may wish, and you win be pleased. 'WILLIAM BLAIR & SON, ,"South End," Carlisle, Pa. 16, 187th , AlimitemityiammlLlNDbilteti MAD CATAXIIIII treated with the utmost success, by . J. D., and Prototaor al Disease/B'4 the Eye and Ear, (hie opecially)irt the Medical Cbilepe g f Pennayl- WINO, J 2 yearp evertiftoe, (1440314 of Lsiffica. trolland,) No.-806 Aroh street, Phila.. Testimoni als can be seen at his office. The medical facultY are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets In his practice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for ex amination. . [March 19, 1870.—1 y WIRE RAILING, WIRE GUARDS . _ For Store Fronts, Asylums, &e. ;Iron Bedsteads, Wire Webbing for Sheep and Poultry Yards Brass and Iron Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders, Screens for Coal, Ores, Sand. &c., Heavy Crimped Cloth for Spark Arresters; Landscape Wires for Windows, &c. ;Paper makers' Wires, Ornament al Wire Work, ke. Every information by ad dressing the manufacturers. N. WALKER & SONS, No. U North Sixth et, Philadelphia. Feb. 11, P 370.-11 MANY EMINENT MEN Have candidly asserted their opinion that there is no remedy equal to MLYHLERI3 HERB BIT TERS, for that class of diseases peculiar to pea. pie of sedentary habits. It Is a preparation of Wonderful virtue In all cases of this kind, never havhug tailed In effecting a cure, and it still con tinues on its triumphant career. For all forms of diseases arising from impurity of the blood, or derangement of the digestive organs, Including General Debility. Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, nick Headache, Constipation, and similar ail ments, It Is a certain remedy. Leading physi cians everywhere prescribe Lt for their patients, and have given the proprietors of the Bitters many testimonials of their confidence in the eM cacy of the preparation - as a remedy. Bold in square glass bottles only, by all respectabledrug gists and storekeepers. Price one dollar per bottle. Jan. 6,1371.-1 m ACCEPTABLE. GIFTS I OR 1711: a HOLIDAY'S. USEFUL AS WELL AS BDArrIFUL. It Eery Department Di our I:stal.ll9ltrneut I , OW NI altielPa vPry .-41021,1 e. aY Prtieuts bkr ma-. Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, INITUL ILIINDKEItCHIEF GLOVES & HOSIERY, SLTSPENDERS,.' IVE 13 11 LL AS, Furs, Perfumery, car., J. L. SCHICK'S, Corner of Baltimore Street :did the DLamorxt Dec. 301, 11Y/11-2t Schomacker & Co.'s Pisu os. Great Sale of. first-elaes Rosewood Pi@itOtt of Prices below the Ado& Coo to. Manufacture. Hawing determined to offer our extetutive stock elrlwof superior and highly-flnished Rosewood Pi ture.,anos prim belo tbe aetual cast to ufac n Ben, d w uring the month of D man ecember. at the folk:twin greet reductions, in order to elm out our large stock by the end of the year. No. L 7 octave, front mend corners, carved 1400 for $350. No. or 2 7 octave, tour round corners, carved legs, ed6W f NOG. No. 3. 7 octave, front round corners, serpentine case, 1550 for 1400. No. 4. 7 octave, four round corners. serpentine case. $OO for $123. No. 5. 7 octravce, four round owners, moulding vase, *7OO for 417,5. Nu. 0 7% octave, four round corners, moulding ca.se, 0700 for 0500. No. 7. 7'% octave, Square Grand, richly carved case, $OOO for gal No. 1. 7 °erase Upright or Cabinet Piano 0600 for W. fo r: s. u . 7 04:tare Upright or Cabinet Piano 4700 No. a rii oetayo Upright or Cabinet Plano jl6OO for IMO. • No. L 7 1 .; octave Semi-Grand Piano 4000 for No. 2. 7 1 ; octave Three-quarter Gr.ual Plano $lOOO for *lhe. Nee oetave Full Concert Grand Piano sl.2oofor MOO. The reputation of these fint-eLass instruments notices it necessary for us to say a word In their fivor. They are universally acknowledged to be superior to any instrument made. Those wishing to purchase-, or desiring to make /j:lcii:f 11~...y~ti J:}Y~f. nifl find that onr special and extraordinary re dueller! of :ices will enable them to obtain A FIRST.CLASS INSTRUMENT at a price even less than a seeond.rate. or Inferior one would otherwise cost them. Those wanting r nsd not fall to call siot ;I at our Warerooms, . o. 1103 Chestnut Street, and examine our large stock, where,they will be read ily convinced of the superiority of these Pianos. and the sacrifice at which we are offering them. SCHOMACKER Jr. CO B.—Sole agents for the celebrated BURDETT ORGAN. Sit-Catalogues, with denniption of styles and schedules of wiers, w r be had by app lying at Oat warereoms , or be sent by ma n. • , Philadelphia, Dee. 10,1870.-4 w 87111i-,11;e: Viral Price Medal, Ararefrtf THE GREAT Baltimie than haulm. WILLIAM kNABE & CO ., MaAufatturos of GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. These Instruments have been before the' public for nearly Thirty peens, and gm their ormetience atone attained an unpurchdaed re-Amine/we, which pronounces them Their TONE combines great pgwer; sweemess and tine signing quality, as well as great purity of Intonation, and sweetness throughout the entire scale. Their zoVOH ispilant mid elastie, and eltirely free from the stillness found in se many Pianos. IN 'WORKMANSHIP they arc unequalled, using none butthe very best SEASONED StA the large capital employed „in our `Justness enabling us to keep continually an immense stock of lumber, &e., on hand. STAN our SQUARE PLANOI3 have our New Im- Xoltd , Oserataiuqr Scale and the AGEARTZ We 'mania cal l it mlal attention to our late hiiprovements in (1 PlANOtiand SQUARE eNANDB; Patented Aug. 14, 1866, which bring =alio nearer perfection than has yet been al, Every Piano fully Wamutted for 5 Years. 'hoe have made orange sseete for the age Wholesale for the seat Celebrated LON.OIIO and MELODEONS, *Melt we W ier Wholesale and Retail, at Unmet Video PETER BENTZ, Agent, No. 30 East Market street, I t ork. Pa. Opt. 23,-1870.—ent STAGE OFFICE. ktrslioxE sOtrsE. TEM Upton.' aliniberalairie streak -1. has the: MUM bean ant ill =l"nßUlT STAGE LINE& Kmiec wiatinthera [ 4 , , tibrrat . litirl"lra Pr .. ' and pseeengers called for at any pace In Mintiii,owlionainufga Ina Dope. am W. X t ' ~ i 11a1f11411 3 519.4M7-40 - . ;__ ~ • . : 1k)ok and'`:' Printing { - ;ofALE KENDS - Pm) with wawa. efleaßees aud,atqakk $ 1111611481,1111111111 *OM , arilwart: glittery, At. Wtand 'ersoual "Jalto. . --- t -- Hardware 'and Groclike. , --• : •. _ ft 1 , i . . , will sell at Public Sale. on PM , ' ~ ~ , 0 1 ), i tilegUtilleliberS gust re . t the Ido , - e 14th, IS7I. at his residence in eillos with an tipprg „ . ' are I , .Wu , Mains county, on the road ma Groeerfee a " r"r , their I from , mown to lieldlersburg, nbont a d stand on , - „- _, x t the , , rem piece, the following Yea - small times. Our stock .. , ' , , Ap t , • , to • .„_, 4 good work Horses, 1 Male t. ".. 1 Wit 1 ' tear old Colt, 1 two-year 064 IJenter's Took, .. .. , , ;t, "t e, some will be fresh by the thee .., • 7 Heiner% 2 Sons win pigs. 2. e... isetu i raker ,, , ~ , _ , 4. . 8 ... - fitment ' , begun in good running • . - ... fuurhorse narrundread Wagon, 1 Fixtures, Ail kinds of Iron, Spring 'aeon, 2 sets of Hay Carriages, as good ?Cc., fray fre ISe new, Lime lied, 1 wire-tooth Ray Rake, prtn, I Combinedand Mower, to good running GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, order, Beriln it = " l4 Winnowing kill, Grindstone, Oils, Paints, /lc. There Is no article included in I . ~,,S , l e&luit U rt o bieightfo r eS nrelbryrs. (lot the several departments mentioned above but , Ropa suet . long , ny Pitcher. what on be bad in th i s mere. Every clam of 1 t:limsiltier,_2. Iron flown, Benders Ole hon. i ll i trit tetta r lait tMe article la line. Give us kcal as we are pre pared to sell as low for JIM art any other house out of the City. DAVID ZIALLEK. Maras, w r tt, . Jog', B. DAlitiFir NE IV: S Tb'kE ! , 3WEITZER BROTHER Wholelsle and Retail Deafen In Hardware and Groceries, Carlisle St., near the Railroad, Gettysburg. HARDWARE—Includes Builders' Hardware merally. Nails, Leeks. Glass, Paints, Olhi, Var nishes, Paint Brushes, &c. We call the attention of Blacksmiths to our assortment of Iron, Steel, Horse Mos and Horse Shoe Nails, examine HOUSE KEY.PERS are invited to examine our stock of Knives, Forks, Spoons, Buckets, Tubs, Ste., so. GROCERIVEki r . see as Celtemi, Sugars, Teas, Spies, Byr*, inegar, soaps. .e., all of which we constantly keep on band. All cold low for cash. Here is the place to buy cheap. Don't forget to call and examine our stock of goods. SWEITZER & Oct. 7, 187tt—t1 Nal and gersonat ffialtr, `JALCABLE FARM AT P 1".% The under:qv:led otter, at Prßate bale a very DESIRABLE FARM. situate In Cumberland township, Adams twenty. Penna., 134 miles from Gettysburg, sitar the Chambersburg turnpike. containing 218 ACRES of land, of which there are 52 Acres in excellent timber. The land Is to a good state of cultivation. and under very Sped fencing. The Improvements edemast of a large new two-story BRICK DWELL,LNG BOMB, with a new Weatherboarded &nuttier Bouseelese to the dweillhig. a newer4alUng well of water In front of the doer. &Mao Barn, Wagon Shed. Car riage House,Cern Crib, Slog Pen, and all other neceesary outbuildings. There is also an Apple Orchard In prime bear ing, and another that Isjust coming Into bearing; also, a young Peach Orchard in fine bearing or der. There are small fruits of all descriptions around the buildings. The property is well suited for division , withal most an eq ual Proportion of timber at each end. and also plenty of water for stock. Persons wishing to view the property, or aster tdln terms, will call on the subscriber, or address by J le une tte 17, 1870.—tt r. TugoDo EN to BENDER. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY 11 AT PRIVATE SALE The subscriber wishes to dispose. of hD valuable ROUSE and LAYT, containing 1 Acre, situated on the Chambersburg turnpike In the Borough of Gettysburg. TRE ROUSE Is Mint on the Cottage style, with good Rooms and is very convenient throughout, and a good well of water at the door, with a goo d Stable and other outbuildlnp. • The Grounds are nicely laid out, and planted with a, variety of Or namental Trees.-- • , To any person wishing to buy this Is a rare chance. Terms easy. STD sold possession will be given In the second week of June: if nut said by that time it will kc o ffered for rent until the lst of Awn, For particukirs enquire of Geo. Arnold or Sega-, uel Battu= at the kVA National Rink, or of _ CYRUS S. GItIEST, Flora Dale P. O. Fa: May ?7, 1870—tt VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE • • , The undeirsisled utertsof the the Estate of ELF V suuns, erat Private Sa/e.tle HOME MANs 0, , situate In New Oxford, CCM talning le ACRE 3, more or less, of good farming land. The Improvements are a two-story BRICE BOUM,. with au out-kitehen enacted. Prune Barn, with Carriage Boure. osab ULPen. Corn.or- ib. and all other pas attached, a web/ cd never=rater at the door, with a variety of all kinds of Yxuir. It la a very desire." ble Home and persona wishing to Purchaseshouta call before going elsewhere. it Ls desirably bes ted for hostiles", adjotp the Ware-House of Messrs. Ifelhorn dc. Bes~h 49-Any person "Meng' to view either of the properties will please call on the Last named Ex ecutor, residing in New Oxford. GEORGE SLAGLE, CHAS, A. DIEHL, Executors. Oct. 14.-il VALUABLE MILL PROPERTIES AT PRIVATE SALE I will sell as ?Tivikt No. 1-1 V ALN tritOAT E . MILLS, one mile south of Abbott:town on the Hanover turnpike, with ttil ACRES OF LAND, mostly Meadou bottom, known no Hollinger's Min.— Also, No. et 2—PINE BILL4IILLb, mite south BareeT Carron the head waters of the Menoeeey, 15 ACNF:i. OY LAND, twin water power, known as Llnates Mills. At v, No. 3 — KNOWN AS.. S.ANDOES MILLS, 6 miles south of Gettysburg, with $ AVMS OF LAND, heavy aver power. All these ittlllsare in perfect good rumtkqg order. Also, A CROICE FARM OF , 231 ACRES, near GetiSanwa, well limed, with No. I to!niktings. ANN OTHER FARM WITH 90 ACRES OF LAND,adar lattiosicrwn. Adams comity, well w /AMIN , 11 , 1111idligil.— Terms accommodating. I win exeheafe one of the Mill properties torsketeM Fans dams co. GettysNirg, Sept. 9,1370. - -dm GIB ARNOLD. A SHALL PROPERTY AT . % FROTATE SALE, The undersigned offers at private sale, a TRACT OF LAND. situate in 3loantpleasant township, Adams cowl on the Hanover road, half a mile from Bona° town, • adjoininglands of James Mehl, Rev. oft and others, and containing IS ACRES, mom or less. The Improvements are a one and a half story DWELLING. HOUSE. part stone and part frame, a Smoke House, well of excellent. water, le at i nenty of fruit. Two acres are good timber. The land 40 In a high state of cultivation and under post and rail fencing. Terms easy, to nil pnreMeers.— Apply to or address the undersigned, in the same townshi B. F. HABABMAN. Aug. 1 2, 2,1810. -if - - -- W ESTHR2g PRE-EMPTION LANDS. L HAVE ON HAND A ITW '1 R C TS OF NO. 1. secoad hand, pre.emptiou Lands located uear Rallioads, County Towns, &e., in well settled neighborhoods, which I will sell or exchange at & fair price for Real Estate In Adams county, Pa. Feb. 5,18611.—tt UHO. ARNOLD. VALUABLE ,LANDS!! FOR SALE No. 1, A FARM, two. miles 'north yest, of tiletty two_ miles prop erty, US Acres, with Isms bale Switzer Barn, Tenant House, an over Improve ments, Price 06,501).—a0t raeie thartslit_ot nand ngs. • No. 2, B FARM twciari4 a -trait miles . north-west of Gtairburg k adjoinigg Ifp. 1, 118 Acres } with good STONE HOUSS' Barn and Prier p,s other ausevements. An excel** 'grans twin. No. 3, A TAW adj i% , • = and to*. lots of beanl with STONg _ _ 166 i'e . it dirtied by the `Charnberstittrig Turnpike and comprises many very choice building lots. Priee, tax No. 4, A. FARM, five radrfrom Get. tiltnut, on dgic tend, itiolA 'pod Lind Li good condition, with large I C HOUSE, and Large Switzer Barn. Prices64oo—very cheap. No. 5, A VERY. GOODFARM two miles from Gettysburg, 1441 BIUCK BOMB, _large Bank Bo :.W - a11..111 gooA condition. Price OW pencre. No. 6, A FARM, . 170 Aorel, four miles IMO Gettribisou Public rod; essibires_ ble FARM BUILDINGS, red Mag.,' 41-fishi•—• Price 15,000 bail cob. - No. 7, An. excellket FRUn FARM, ten miles north 'of o•G•Aburg, eU Public hot, 4bod SO Acres BWldisgs. Pries xood had, wlttil eesilorfable $3,500. NO. 8, A GOOD RED LAND FARM MOO u t r oototortable MAIM elid aq i ur n n er l i t i Ontb and Birk, ;sad lint jn order, grass farm, near Baltimore pe, 7 litioll Oottfliblirg4Sitileafront Pries NAO. 1 ~ • NO. 9, A TRACT OF e•• .'. E LAND.three miles' from Gettys , .. - on' York " A 161 " 1111134 111441t(1Lr:'11 .. 7'l ' lll s NO.li,TArfliffif i c6llollW - ; , •r*J 1 west of Gettysburg, ,on ;MAW road, 224 wog limed_ Aind'in geed trendition,LgOod- Wminernoseaw HOU large Dr , „. 2 , 1 No. 11„ A Waif, 0001) . STOCK 1 . p: m tiso miles, gull of gettiebturigi on Ymt =l:si goV rAealiMisetuta wmerod. _, 111.4tepartrSttittffl g i 0 .. 4 : tro..**' •" '' V 261A4111 , 111W I j atim,,a left road., ~" 14 ) se or r em luliC - ' Ir N Cr t T f 1 igklt ==== IC SALE Coieriaaiigs t rchFftk4, Once-hot:Wry.% doub r Tr 90 . 1, of Brett , ts'of Front .luoll sad dle, 1 set of Harnes., Collar., " Lest ober F' p lFLt, Haft ersil II set 9f Breast • 3 sear of blittlflAiti, tow ff 2 Ilan hal 1. 2 tlip eatterc, Buggy Sri ..ad, Jack Screw, Urals :•••vyth. , . ero-q-elit Saw klaxbrrlC ocutehinprdllt, Mort....k. a lot of ironUld API°, household awl, lirtchen Fund torelpppi+thut 043 bedhtendi. 3ittk..ooruct t 'oo ix,as, tarok slim., rdeAr Ve.l'ol' and Cider Barrels,'Sausage ()tinder, Siiu. , :age Stoner, 3 lot of Smoked Meat, PO of Lard firtlie roan.. cut Rifle, Tow. Wheel, Wool Wheel, te. 1113-Sale to Confluence at II u'ellucii, .1. ,f. nltAlf4:—A credit of . Turfy, triontn% viii he given. SA2,II:EL t. 1):: 4;IT. ' OUN STALL*!(ITR,Anctt ,) r. RARE BARtiAtN: LL VALVABIA FARM Ai' Pitt V Nll-, !- undemigtiett offer.. at eituak.d In Otrth , r n . count}', Pa., line-lzatt tune l o st. on the. itradkarl trig twin vino, Mile from Niel'rs.,l-" , Wining It/7 .III2ItE.S. • 4110 . t. , lantiltes ills square. The of cultivation and under v - o , st b !too provernents consist of a . , o r; HILICK HOlfs E. with 2 new In b.:. 'louse. etc It, the (livichirm.. with a to.ver tit!' well of Water at the ibtor, 1, ,, t !tank 0 all :1 new Wagon Shed and Cont-rift, attaolad. Hog Pep. and FP uther r ilecessary r n tt built? i 1 nore Is exeenent tlptftitt 01 Wnt'r in the told'. that on can let the cattle v.attr troll; e,, ry 11,41. There Is aliitr an Apple Orchard on t In. mends., in prime hearing t also react! and other -loan fruits in ahundasee tioi.e.;ttt the blitiblintts. Persons wishing tO View Ills 141tkilY can d'• by calling oil the utidenfgneil. For lei III", ad dress by mall. at .treneltsvllle. Adams ra_ NiteliAPl. 1/ec, 23, lit7o.—"Mal VALUABLE. FARM AT PRIVATE ;•;ALE The undersigned offers at Fri% ate rate her in terest (being the undivided one-half) in the FARM, In Straban township. - Adams county. ad joining lands of Josiah Benner, Jesse M. V, alter, awl ; others, kkowat me the Britigniau 3 WaIIIIIUS fats. It eOntainS2OIIIACILEII, mot eor less, with about 50 Acres In tine young Timber, and about 12 Acres in excellent 3lmuJow. The Improve ments consist of ittwoostaryintlcK.DWELLl with aone-story Briek' Back-butlding. Log Rani with Sheds attached, an Orchard of choice fruit, two wells of water with pumps, one of them near the kitchen door. The farm is desirably located and will be sold on reasonable terms. For terms, Sc., address or apply to the undr signed, at Gettysburg, Nov. 11, Il7o.—ti P s The subscriber will sell at Public hal-, on S ,, (_ ?inlay, the 7th (lotto,/ January nett, at her resi dence on the Hill. Baltimore ,street, Gettysburg. her wlaile stock of Household and Kitchen Fur niture, consisting in part of irlyards of CA it PET LNG, I.s3ards Matting. Oil Cloths. i BEDSTEADS, and Bedding, Feather Beds, new Mattress, 4 Tables, 1 a Large Dining and 1 a Fancy Table. 1 Ladles Stand, 1 Common stand. 1 close Wash. Maud, 1 common Washstand. 2 Lounges, Stove., 1 Parlor Coal, new, 1 Parlor Wood, 1 Ten-plate and I Cooking Slow, w Ith Pipe - for rill. :1 ....Ts Chairs, half dozen Hocking Chairs. (la ne--eat and Sewing ; 1 set Stone China Ware, a lot of Coni mon Ware, Glass and Same Jars. Glass Wure, Smoothing !robs and Ironing Board. Bureau, Cupboard, Secretary, Sink, Clock. Benches, Mir- NIS, Towel Rack, Lamps, Books, Tab], Idiom, Towels. a lot of pure Catawba Wine in b0ti1...,, Washbowls and Pitchers, anti a varLdy of ot her articles. valuabla.proivrty upon V. 1.1. Is also °dues! at Prlv2tt, Sale. __.• • - . Sir Sal,: e to e4lllmenre at 11 o'clock, A. M., s hen attendanee 1011 be zit - en and term,' mad. , known 1.1) HARRIET M. PAXTON. J.\ftr4 f • tLfiNvi Ll_ A 1101.041 , :r. 14f, , e. 9.-I, Valuable Tdwn P rop e rtyrr FOR SALE. ih t'o ~h :t DIVELLI:\6. with brick Bac uldin g—, Itnorns—u it h Gas pipes through the entire imilding—tronting on Carlki street, north of Stevens Half. The build ing is new, and completed in best style. It will be sold ins reasonable Lerma it not sold by Oetober I, it will he Mr Beni C. 11 & -1. 11 BUEHLER. Getlyshiire. E-ept. '4-11 FOR SALE, The Mansion House and Farm Fo r reitAliel residence et t ' . otintanting 2Ttierel of Laud in good co Don, %of the land being Inside the Borough limits. Is an excellent truck farm. The House Is huge, convenient and emosfortable. A variety of Fruit, never-Wing water,• &e. For terms, enquire of Mr. George Arnold, Cashier of lst National Bank, Gettysburg. Dee. 7, 11970.—tf Ictgal Xotico. ELECTION. Notloglohereby given that the Anuuta Eeetion for Ibrftt* ors of the GEmsttruti NATIONaI.. BANK wUI be held at the Banking House, on the 10th day of January, 1861, at I o'clock. Y. NI. .f. E1 1 1011.1"11Alit. 1)oc. 3u, ELECTION NOTICE An Election will be held by the inentlyers of the al AS B MSG 31UITALPIRE PROTECTIO N MXIETY. on ,Itondoy the INA dos, ctf January next, at the office of said Society, between the hours of 1 and t o'clock, P. M., w elect tWeIVO DlreCtors to serve the ettsriffig year. • JAME:s Dec. 30. ":70. —I e VOTlCE.—Letters of Administration on the .1.11 estate of GEORGE PArnsusoys, deceased. late of Cumberland township, Adams comity. Pa., having been granted tothe undersigned, residing lu said township, he hereby gives notice to all Persons indebted to said estate to make imme diate payment. and those having claims against to the settlexesame to present them properly autheatleatc4 r cht. .I.l'l FF TITO7tt rsON, Ewe. 30, I t -lAlcuinistnitor OTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the estate 111 of JOHN sLrgrz, sen., late of Gett‘ :burg, deceased, basing been granted to the undersign efl, residing iu said place, they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same to present them properly au thenticated fur settlement. JOEL B. DANNEB, SLENTZ. Executor, Dee. 16 IA VOTlCK.—Letters of Administration on the 1.1 estate of IiENEY STELNOUR, deceased, late of Cumberland township, Adams county, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Get ty?, he hereby gives notice. to all persons hi de Squid estate 19 14 1 / 4 ingtediate , arid those bsYt gg ellinvi to present them ProperTy aullieutlea for.settirmenL B...tifthl, _HERBST. _win). Dec. ' .• . OTlCK—Letters of Administration on the .1.• estate of San.t_rt fiananstas, deceased, late of Straban lb o at it liqupt ri tAtT, having been granted t ding in Tyrinletownshipate p r • otdce to all persons indebted to said estate to make Immedl. ate payment, and those having claims against the same r greikfutlii , frn priipdtly auttwaticatrd for settle L • • • smAndOs - fienyrzAiiN: Adner. Per. ?,1S 0.--et . ELECTION. Notice Is l*tbv irEs'en thyltkickolders of - the FIRST l'Crrio - N - At GETTYS. BURG, that an Election for Seven Directors to serve one year. will beheld at the Banking blouse of said liuditutthn 071 Tuesday, lAe not dcry of January nezt, at 1 o'clock, P. .11L • •- , • 'GEO. A.ll,)lox,tt, DQ le7(0-td; • ' t - 4 OTIbE.-Lotters, Testamentary on the estate U. of Rev. Cuatu.ge,/. Elnanstairr, latoof Gettys burg, deceased, havingbeen granted to the un dersigned, they hereby give notice to all persons Indebted to said estate, to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly aut Micated for settle ment, ; GIROS Art. • D BILBGER,.: , . ay. P N, Executors. .14 - The first named Esetntior residers in Mahan township; the second In Emmittshurg, • and the last named in BelLusgruvo, ka. DeeNtqlt ' SHERIFF'S SALES In pursuance of eundry wrlts_of Venditioni *limas, las g put of the email of Common Pleas nf 441 toty; find thfrteil„rill be C 43alt ce4 14' tte UM Bay a/ January, 1871, a 10 " e • .Al at the oourt,flouse In Gettysburg, the following Real Estate. Viz: • A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Butler taint* . IN Adams county, th..eMoielog lands of Jacob Trostle. Jacob Gluer t o and others, contalhing ISO D WELLING more or lam tin proved with a two-a toty WELLING,:w ith a a l ca eßrick Knonen attached, Bank Barn, zttbeaFfAbreyg4 , with a never- g o Z x rin4 of Water. L of Woodland, a due pro on of Meade% Apple EMehard at need a- a well of Water waft pump In at the F.eru. Seized and taken Into --" 'ate of Menu: W. En.V., J fe et 44ll deeP, on the at side tr flolalag:let Jolla -4 o f Eden ,w vev o an oa the HOUSE. MU% Neat Estate . ' kV MERLE iiMeliiftnkeety r!upo n n Vna:wFbe EZ=MiiSSM JIMRS FOR JANTJIRT'. GILABD JURY. Band i tonban—Zaeßatiali Myers, roreman. • Freedom—John tlannlngbana. Mouutpleasant—Michael. Lei insane. Joh ti - SnallsMlth,Titts S. Smith.iintun- A. Fottrig, Joseph Keifer. Berwick twn.--tlaanuel A. Wertz. Menallen—Heury &stator, Jonas Omer, Fran ck COlf.. Butier---John Lattver. Samuel Delistak. CumberLlnd—..inne_ph Bayly, w want u. Black. Conowago— Jesse D. Keller. - Franklin—flaunter Jaeoh P. Laiver. Solomon Hartman. Sir:than—John Spangler. Liberty—Blasius Kehl!. Latimure—Andrew L. C'indson.. Gettyshurg--Jacob Troael, John AteIgeterY GENERAL JURY. , FIRST WEF,K. Tione—Charies Yeatts. Conowapp—Jeremlah Aulahaugh. Leif Kindig, John Rahn. Wm. IL Smarmier. - Reading—Oliver F. Neely. lintier—John Eichottz, David Bricker, Jesse Ilouck. Franklln—.Jacob Ralfensperger, Peter Peter Adams;-George fushAy , anseph Rebert. Paul Sowers. )xford—William Wag, Jolct-0- Zouek,Alexan (ter 1.. (limes. SLLas Fickes, George Loud!. Liberty—John Nuuemaker, JoseDia P. McDivit t'liluu—M.Eltzmlller, Remy Tenn Jr., VaAdnettnt Ring, William A. Sell. 2 alenalien—John D. Wright, Ellsha Penrose, Zaeltarlah Oyler. ilamlitonban—Jacob I. Ftror. Charles F'. Hinkle, John MeGinly_. James B, Myers, Daniel sr. 311, .1. Stewart Witherow. l'ionherlantl—Henry Butt, H. D. Keller. m.r.tban—l'eter Stallsmith, Henry Tho Mai. s;ettysburg—S. B. Row, Andrew Sickle*, David K. t znoller„John L. Holtzworth. • .alututtloy—Heury Benner, Philip Daugherty, James H. Collins, James Heaver. limitint.tton—sebastLan Fickes, Henry Wier iermany—lhbvid Lim), Samuel Brady. I reedont—Joshas Brown. ‘lmintpleasaut—J. A. C. Rindlanti, DI, .in.-ph Sheet .John .John Kern:Zan. 111 r.zhlantl—D:trid Stewart. I.4.istiure—biaac D. Worley. tle , lown—Alexander Short,. ••Etb:il) WEER.. Getty ,tffirg—John 11. Zion, George Geyer, Hugh Ytel:hcitity. I feury Hupp, William Bun. union—George lia.selwar. llouutpleasant—John L. Jenkins, George tine, .f. E. Tawney, Jatnes A. BUIL lountjoy—liewton limner, Henry Snyder, Henry W. sclwartz. Ilanillt , ollein—lsaac nattier, Joseph W. Kit linger. tnuntteriazul—fsane Diehl. Raphael Sberly, Thomas T. Norris, Marks Furney, Jr., George Fined, Lafayette Bretilzer. oxford—Daniel summon Brown, Win. B. Stidler. Beading—John Bosserman, Hirbokl, Samuel 11. Taughinbaugh. Huntington—Ell Kochenour. Jacob B. Chron.i.; - ter. Jonathan Miller. • -!...111, •( u , i .4 th• Franklin—Samuel .Slelieuriek, Fir W. Stable John P. Butt. Levi Gilbert. Henry L. Bream. Germany—Wm. McSherry. Levi 3ltirren. Straban—Jacob King. Butler—W. H. Dietrich. Llberty—Sanies Com% Highland--Joseph Hjr.hey. Tyrone—Silas belap. I lumillon—Jolid Patterson, Jarob Baker. mc,.alleo—Noah D. enyiler. Benjamin M man. tlinore—Cliarleg W. Griest. York springs—T- D. Heed. LOUISA, WILLARD. S TAX APPEALS. rr. lIE Coudni,siouers of Adams county hereby f in% e notice that they have fixed upon the Intim% ing time, and places for holding the TAX APPEALS for Pr7l, In the several. boroughs and Lots nships of Adams county, when and where they nill attend to Lear appeals, between the hours of 9 o'cloek, A. M., and 3 o'clock, P. of each liday. as follows: l'or Mouutjoy ton nship, on Monday JailUary 9. Is7l. at the house of Mrs. Sarah Haus, In said Furti , rmaut' township and Littlestown bor ough, on Tuesday, January 10, 1871, at the house of tiro. 11. Yantis. in Littlestown. For Union township, on Wednesday, Jalinar 11. 1,571. :It the house of Geo. B. Yantis, In Llttles tow n. For f:oLoslago toss nslnp, on Thursday. January 12, 1971, at tile,house of Jeremiah Johns, In. MoShe rry‘town.• , Fer All;tliliph-asant township. on Friday. Janu ary 13. at the house of J. E. Smith, in said Fer miaban tor:n.4111), un Monday. January 16, IS7I. at the house of Jai.eb L. Gram, In Hunter , - town. For Oxford township, ou Tuesday, January 17, Is7l, at the howls of J. H. Wield, in New Oxford For Berwick, township and Berwick borough. on Wettneaday, January 18. 1871. at the house of Francis J. NV ILsort, in. Abbottstown, For Hamilton township, on Thursday. Januaryl9, 1971, at the house of Miner S. Hildebrand. East Berlin. For Reading township, on Friday, January li7l, at the house of R. M. Licks, In Hampton. f'or r;ettysburg, on Tuesday: January 31, Iw7l at the Commissioners' Office. in Gettvgburg. Fur Htmtinytnn township and l'ork *rim:- borough:4)n lfetitlay, lehuary 1 , .71. at tit, house of Mr'. Jane Ite.A. in I'4k springy °ugh. For Latimoie township. ou Tuesday. Februar. 7. 1 , 71, at the house of Mrs. Jane Eked. iu Toni. Springs borough. I.'or Tyrone township, on Wednesday Febru an s. 14'71, at the house of Wm. Sadler, in Heut lersburg. I•or ldenallen township, on Thursday-. Febru ary 9, IS7I, at the house of Isaac 3tyer4, in Bend ersville. _ For Butler towntddp, on Friday. February 10 1871. at the house of J. A. H. Nether, in town. FQr Franklin ttivanshlp on Monday, Febraarl 1,1, PM, at the house of Washington Erb, In Sey. Salem. For Haluiltouban township. on Tuesday, Feb ruary 14. 1571, at the house of Peter Shively. I:, Fairfield. For Liberty township. on Wednesday. Febru ary 15. l 71. at the house of John Nunnemakei . in said township. For Freedom township, on Thursday. Fehru. aryl6.. 1871, at the hoMe of Samuel S. Moritz, in said township. For Cumberland and Highland township, on Friday, February 17, 1471, at the house of Franei- Bream. to Cumberland tom:l94lp: MOSES HARTMAN, EMANUEL NEIDICH FRANCIS WILL. Commissioners of Adams count Attest-4. JEry. lanai& Clerk. Dec. 16, 1470.-4; Valuation & Assessment., Nyursuance of an Act of AMembly passed the -L I,th day of July, 1842, the followins Statement is, hereby published by the Commissioners of Adams county, which exhibits the amount, de scription and value of the Real and Personal Property. Trades. Occupations and Professions, made taxable by the several Acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth: 110P.Ottilki AND TOWNSHIPS. ‘.4 . -- GettyMiura Melt HO, Cum', ‘rland. 271414. 58600 Germany 136651 zras Oxford 211776 - 21792 Huntington. 21501.91 413250 Latimure 177344r - 265P I Hamlltonban. 232.94 27679 Straban 7907 511414 1 Franklin 4.117' Menanen 21936 14X371 . Hamilto g n - Readin...—. ........ ri j 311152 2812 61 Mountpleasant 275014 CSI72 Unlon 253120 21099 Tyrone 13 .. Cunowago mom pa Bader 1746611 Mountiov 331 34662 Fre‘nioni 61128 141201 11berty 1499 2=31 Iterwielt . 1019917 12830' -491k1 fit r li v e i s e ttw b° n r i l or ' ~ Highland 53921, --66501 97919 i 1503 1 York Springs bor 43841 • 4650 '— .7-7§ ;iciiglggs Bract iudis AND •:Jp,0,9. r*oll"siZer 05 i ill ill es 1050;700:11501 ---.-I---- Getis,burg.. 3220'13800 CI utiberland ... , • an& 2.00 Germany ~ =lll 100 Oxford - 40.1;: 15.00 Huntington, .... . ..... , ... 6335 Li y ) . Latimore Hamiltonban .... ...... .... 4845 6.0 c. _Straban ................ ....'.. 75551 4.5,. "ran kiln ......... .... : I - ..'- - -- igN ~ i Zia, Blenallen cs.m i 1.0 4 3 Reading , 5,101. Hamilton ' • 56ir1.; i, 00 Mountpleasant ........ .... ...., ...... 4518 , . Union ~.. ....• ...... 3685! Tyrone . 3510; . Conowago . , 3025;50 i- Butler ............. .... .... •.. • ' ...... 40591 •-5, 200 I. hiountjoy ...... . ....... .... .... I 43301 Freedom .... .. ..... .. I .... .... i • 11501 .. .- . , ...... 2450, g be vVr k . ... ...... ..... I .' 1360' Berwick bor ' ,• •• • - ...... 1800' Littlestown bor., ..... I 34 501 6.00 highland al:VI 1.:o York Springs bor.i.. ~1 . . .. I .1... 17101 7.50 - . 1.....,+,..-. -.......—,_-._.l_ . ~. .10501 7001 11.50 1 ,97607:3)1. , 2 We, the undersigned, Commissioners of Adams county, do certify Wallin above valuation of th - , different Boroughs and Townships of the said county Is correct to the best of our knowledge 41P- be d il . . HARTMA ,16 ._' • 44- II ' Mt 'ffItfANCELICLITIOICH, . FRANCIS 'WILL, • -.- ..,, Commlsviiiners. Atk,t—J..7krr. 31 - yri!4, Clerk. Dec. :r, Register's Notices °TICE Is hereby Oren Wall Legatees and other persons concerned,ilaat the .Admints- Hon Accounts hereafter mentioned %sill be presented at tlimetniham' Clown of Adana noun. ty lorcpailmailletAiltUalkkatate,on TUESDAY, the 10th day of- JANUARY, 1671, at 10o*elock, A. M., viz: The first and fltuil accollit of Sapmet Nagle, 'utor of Elizabeth Nagle, deceamo. The first and final account of ft. F. iyainomr -, Administrator of the Mateo! Jacob . intrdner, late of Mount])lesaut township, *Led, 4~ First account at d. HennlMO% Meet‘u- TAO of the last Wlll and Testament of Jtyieg 74. First account. of Jonas Rabin & Peter autumn, Esemators at the Estate or Peter tart- Ilan, deceased. 75. The kit and. , anal acetone et Menet* A. Fergason and Mara A stratora of the 7V/he ascot= y surviving itlemteref Dr- YAM, • , 411Mg1. A. . Pet 14 1117%•44 71. Exec aia r - „ - ,...J ., ,, , .•;,:=1•4'?. ttifit FOR 1871. E' 4 .=2 r4 41 5g g COX ° E -‘6. &r 9'=" • Fs' • .1 r=g MM ,r 4 ag%, Aso! 63K - , moo. .4%5 • 8945.1 45,54 641901 44550 . .4414,50 17061 199601 11090. 26650! 7340 ri ss in 144,04 .20to 4sea 40381 212410 1 gissoo4s. 3761 . 6 401.1 a Inn; 446 r ' l rufsi 5596 suv 6040 22360 8046 NOW 1420 1611 Vi 6640 .153401 Sam 10660 • 5160 38624; 1.469: 1649; 2Vg,; 61264• 4605 i~ 1 011sls4,u~ay cock., 91 n'7, • , 04 '5 ill Mir 211111 to tat gab Frills's , morning.. 411N4 LOCAL tTElla.. .. 'Goy. Geary will aeoep for a pamphlet copy of 41.‘ sage, and Hon. .1. P. Wloke .• copy ofltia Report on Cornav Tar tftili. —Our Cardlet deal tender his thanks to laitpaß 14 the liberality with whi,k 6. ea his New Year'.4 Carol. ' - stcinENT.---4 m Tue.sd.*X/ I. widlt hvir74, potter', C . : t'ntter, Mr. Frattei; rot e , ,q township, had the end of the i of Lii left Lana eta off laf c the hull-mt.' ALmoirr last, by some meanstho in the show window of the store tack 1310„ in this took the gas burner. creating some motion. The lire was prwini guishedi being ,ontitted to the the witxlow. The lose is about 'q.vd by iiistirance. FIRE AT 131NDERS% I Ltd:. Oli laFt, the dwelling of 311 NV. Tipton, liettilerAv ilk. took ti , iof,.;tive due, the fire originatiir pip..e of titnber corning in Lion! the stove pipe where it entered 110 y Tito ,fire burue4 up tb . cord, but the citizens of Betaen lying promptly to the alarm. ext it without serioti. daniagv. ur.,linbly not exceed *l5. ''AI.L3.--Ja.ob Mickley, D. of Al the farm formerly the Levi Minter. near New S2lena,- Hezekiali Latshaw, for Vi,030 The real •estate of Jacob - .I.•reammi. in York Springm, • laa neck--Abrahams Gru‘epurt .1h• -.Um-fluently fit ;0, f"llow.i the brick . t:. I , ) 1)e. 1. W. l'ict.-on at ijpi, '..[ aeivm to B. W. Ziegler. - -ingh-ton 5t40..-ii. ha.. wad 1 ,ild A. 11.1 o f hind. in linntinti -hip to WOlhui awl Franklin .\ r t 1!:1/).1 1/41..ers that the lirehe. in that phtee received ;tat ttlietts regatil din-in': tilt. 1:t•-. Mr. Yingling. of the I towel'. rut-vivid a tine cloth !Co. ..f wdi.l Silver Teaspoons fur is -ides various article. fur . ho Itev. Mr. Zieber. the Refunnt ,e.eiveil a handsome Christmas' rlc not {lei - . Dr. i ...•iN etl frtni. Lutheran g:ui•nu. flour, awl '.lantirtln Pit Monclity la t th.• No. 1, in Highland handsome eopy rttwper's -4teir teacher; Mr. Levi Rip t.,•kott regard. t't , tjr•LIMEST.~ItY.--tl'eunder; !he chair of Moral and Intellect iu the State Univer,ity of ;.,,. was receutly tenilered :"4-knaucker, - of this place. ... o , , rse declined. Dr. Schnsucke y ear' , ;toga resigned the chair of and Polennlc Theology in the Seminary at OA, plate, 7hich ably and 3.2eept,^Aly tilled from t ization of the Sem `nary over fo ago—his resignation 683 ng reason of advancing agt. and devote special attention to. /Neje cal works he was prepariui rpe. F...I.F.CTION.—The annual el: •'tticeca of the Adam, Comity A. l §ociety took place on Nitoncla removal of Mr. Herbst neeessi election of a new President. Th lug officers were elected: • President—William W ible. Vie- Predtictent4 —J. Stewart. t 3 lid Ephraim Myers. &,•orcling &cr., htry—E. G. Fa Corresponding :9..rrntary —H. Tre , lB u ser—David Wi11... Abinage ra —Wm. B. Wason, Rouanzakn, W. Ro White, Diehl, Elisha Penrose. A HOLIDAY.— The new year ei on Sunday, Monday last was. . New York and the' New Englan and throughout the country ge, . a holiday, by the closing of ness and making "New I ear , ea Gettysburg the Stores were chile the afternoon. The day being tively mild, and no skating, kmerica" held high carnival. streets, keeping up an incessant tire-crackers, pistols and gm gouares paraded and made a fin. 'lnce. We are glad to say that little or no drunkenness during.t flay. tit DELPI D EATERS. —than W 77 years, diettsuckienly at Berns the morning of the 25th ult. Be got out of bed, and 'woe in t washing hhntallf: when he Ars. eolly Hetes widow of Mti of the same place, was found de , morning of the 2'sth ult., ►ittiu rocking chair. She had retired I health the night before, and in th iug, on two 'Mall ehildnni. who li her, entering her room, she tea lifeless in her chair. ,r , he hiul..l hecwatta o cked during ploplexy, and left hue bed for th to gat relief,. dying, 1101T011.17,' being able to tank. auy alarm. .%..Nost3torB t'aosTict so often annormeerl that anonym. , Its inkmeled for publitaittiott, .tia,ntion nl this office. that Att. us t•rs sitt,ul,l by this Lime be fully' is the tole. 1..04...eat0r1y a illy it. Ifitat we tlo notiors tat , ages, [loath , , r.t.t: mina xtiattrr., quest for publication. but talatithe - S•y the writer's signattoc. bens go 1M..; the itatite basket. W tow before u a letter ft out Ifitop!. pa rtiug to glee oerural . ntarritige lint no !tame attached to it, and to authenticate the genulueettorth t.(l marriages. We repeat uuw, fur the hundredth time, that ilparttea their evintilnuicatinn , t.l reetiVi , aU they 'klieg iu all eases .end in their INSTALLATIONS.- 4 In Wetliu.44la niug last D. D. C., .1. NV. Cre,.., it, the following person< s< ottieer,, , t Council" No. 213, 0. U. A. M.. place: : Jr. Ex, Dantel Laslicl; Warren; V. C.`,4 Wria, D. Holtzwo S., in. 11, 4 t•ithisimo g i bc xs D. Scott; T., J. 4131 E Myers; V. S. N orr i s; 1„ C. W. Wiikeit; can; t'erl Miller; II Dittelei turff. On Tueidai evening Iwo, actliser L,, Daniek Lasittl, inr4talled the Person44B atlicert. of "WArreal l — l+l6. 104 Jr. O. A. M., -of ilipt .Sr.. Ex. C.,,.C. E. Aughinbauita; Flabiti3l' V. C., John A. Stilelct4, Chas. 1. %cell* A. R. S., J. P. P. 'Warm; P. S., Wm. K. C., Wm. McCleary; W., Wit. St% I, Ph B. Nip; 0-s_, a Baeblii, IT, BE 1% o 1. fii