. . tfarnH 4arttie # leanly:db. ~u~cai~ss. The following recipes we clip from our leading Magazines: Cocoarmr CARE.—One large cocoa nut grated, three cups of sugar, four :ggs, one cup of butter, one teaspoonful of soda, two teminfuls of cream of tartar. CrP PVDDING.-IWthiee ounces of butter to a cream, add to it two ounces of pounded sugar, stir in three outmost dour. and then a plat of milk; put the mixture into buttered cups, and bake it twenty mirages. COCassirr BISCUIT.—Scrape off the skin carefully, grate the nut very fine, add half the weight of powdered sugar. Isfix well together with white of drop on -wafer -paper in small rough knobs the sire of a walnut, and bake in a slack oven. Coco.urrT JrrsamEs.—One pound of sugar,. half a pound of butter, four eggs, une pound of flour, half n teaspoonful of soda, the milk of the nut. Just before baking stir In the grated cocoanut .Drop it on tins.. Sexcriuxo NicE.—Beat three eggs very tight, stir them with 'One pint of milk, slice some bread, dip into the eggs and milk, try to a nice brown, sprinkle powdered sugar and cinnamon on the top. This is a Freud treat. LITTLE WHITE CASES.—HaIf a pound of dry sugar, nil} into It a very little sugar, one ounce of butter, one egg, and a spoonful of thin cream, a few caraway seed, and as much milk as will make it into a paste. Roll out thin, and bake for fifteen. minutes on a tin. LEM9N CAKE.—One pound of flour, six ounces of butter - , Sbt ounces of moist sugar three teaspoonfuls of baking pow der, three eggs, and the rind of a large lemon, or two small ones, grated line; a little milk to make it the proper stiff nesq. Bake for one hour in. a quick oven. PDXPKIN Pres.—Mrs. 8. - Hannahs, Portage CO., 0., " says: Pare the pump kin, then grate it, and add sugar and ginger to taste, and milktintieugh to make it of the proper consistency; then line your pie tins with crust, put in your pumpkin, and bake - in the ordi nary way. After trying this once, no one will, I think, wish to go back to the old way of making pies of stewed pumpkin." CREAM PUFFS.—One pint of water, one third of a pound of butter, three quarters of a pound of flour, ten eggs; boil the water and butter together, and stir In the flour while boiling. When cool, Add the eggs, well beaten,. sod a teaspoonful of soda; drop on tin- sheets about - tie site of a dollar, and bake in a moderate oven fifteen minutes, A l CREAM FOR THE Purrs.—One cu of flour, two cups of sugar, four eggs, one quart of milk; beat the flour, sugar sibd eggs together, then stir with the Milk while boiling, till it is of the consisten ey of thick cream; flavor with vanilla.— Xake a small ring in each puff, and put in a spoonful of the cream. RECIPE ♦ FOR &VERY P INE SPONGE CARS.—The weight of four eggs in su gar, and the weight of two more in dour. Beat the whites of the six eggs to a stiff froth; stir the yolks and sugar to a frothy cream; put together, stir briskiy, sift in the flour a littlest a time and stir enough to get the flour in and more. Put in a round cake tin with t uhe in the centre; bake in a quick oven. 1 t rises very light. All hygienists should know that sponge cake, to be good, must not be stirred at all after the flour is put in; it makes the cake very tough. No soda, up cream tartar. /13.1141 ORLADLE,,pI SLIX CAKES.— Rub two ounces a rena a half of butter In- to half a pound of dour with a little salt, make it into a stiff paste with a little milk; roll it out half an inch thick, and cut it into squares and rounds, or any r.hape you like. ft will take half an hour t o hake: it should be baked on a griddle er a stove, or in the oven with the door open. DRENCH 31E1410D OF Mesas., 1 ups—The French make their curds imply by allowing the milk to stand for :. couple or three days without any prep aration whatever. The second day the , milk goes sour, the third it becomes curds with a rich cream on the top, and ii then ready for eating with sugar. If al, - .wed to stand longer than the time !.. solidify, the curds would go 13 otiltly. GINGERBREAD ri'DDlNG.—Take a qua rter of a pound of suet, Bower, breed crumbs, and molasses, a tablespoonful eugar, Fut a tablespoonful of ginger. Mix, put into a mould, ' and boil for four hours. Fruit of lemon chips may ) added if wished. To MARE OLD KID GLorgs Make a thick mucilagehy boiling ahand nil of fiax-seed; add a little dissolved soap; then when the mixture cools, with a piece of white flannel wipe the gloves, previously fitted to the hand; use only enough of the cleaner to take off the dirt, without wetting through the glove. .}fOLLASIgiI CANDY.—One teacupful of molasses, half a teacupful of any 'kind of sugar s a teaspoordat t ef vinegar, a piece of butter half tbesizeof anatmeg. Put the whole in a skuipt, on ahot and boil exactly ten minutes, stirring all the time. then set. off to, cool.— Pull It as soon as it is hard enough. AL - stown Cut TAllD.—HlanCit and i.ound four ounces of sweet Amnia and a few bitter ones. Bail them five min utes in a quart of milk, sweeten to your taste, and when blood warm stir in the; beaten yolks of eight eggs, 'and the hites of four. Heat it and stir it till it thickens, then pour it into cute. Cut the reserved whites to a stiff broth, and put on the top. Rastoviiro Coaxs mom Bormae.-- Sometimes; a cork is pushed down into the bottle or vial which it is desirable to remove. A very effectual way to do is to insert a strong twine bre loopainten gage the cork in any direction Mostcon venient. it =I then be be withdrawn by a strong pull, the cork generally yield ing Jufficiently to kres through the neck. . • TO CLICAXIIE PORN BAMIttLe, Cbeinistry furnishes 444 in the iseimessientate of potosaik which fully meets this want, - A pint of the perman palate isf potamist, turned into the most nasty,dlihy, cider, beer or pork barrel. rinsed,about a few times, Rill entirely decompose all funippiti growths and fer menting matter, =dander the: ask as sweet as those that are new.. The only way to -remove Immediately the odor of carbolic acid 'Atom the hands is to lin merse them in the ligaidpermaitgenate. JlCNTEA'S.Przumes.—.ldix,tegether cop pound of dour, one pound of. dneli rhopped seat, !one 'potoss‘ if/ •:, one pound of - chopped la I. - four ounces of suffer, the a 'lemon grae six bwrce of ' or dnely peLsrdered, and a. • • ota lossonfullotsalt; when .. four heateweggs, glere " and °neer Iwo Mipoontubp of , to reduce ail to a thick hatter; boil es :kith nioe.heun, andsTgai la brandy sauce.. This. ding b e. - for six Months atter_ boiling, .eloseir or up; it "ape required to be boiled an /tour wbetiLit ,is to be used. , grZ gracerits J. MARTIN; Wholesale and Retail dealer in GR(kERI EIS & LIQUORS. A large lot of GROCERIES that I ant aelLus Cheap or Cash. CHOICE LIQUORS, Old Rye Whiskey eight years old. Very old French Brandy. ALL 'OT ER KINDS OF LIQUORS. Azenergaseortnient of .SHYERS, among which pm= LIQVC . O . I2II for Modkal =Mrs. FrAßLit CVMERY, Glass-wire, J. Ap t.,A t t ual.4? WM. J. Juzwr& NEW GROCERY. JESSE M. WALTER • HMI opened a new Grocery More, itioinlng . biz residence op York street, and will always on hand PRIME GROCERIES of all kinds—Coffee, Tezaitar, Syrup, Molas ses, Fish. Sok _ Potwar, de. Al so, Coulee. Conk Fruits; Pinta, Scam Notions gmerally. He has now On hand a line lot of HAMO for fam use. of whit* win be sold at the lowest cash pilaw. Can and examine, 1 , g:i:;:sot:s:.;t0;00f 5 COMP:0•31411):1 BUTTER & EGGS. Gettysburg, Sept. SO, 1870.-.-tf UW GROCERY. MINING premised from Mr. Amos &Km kis Oreeeeyestaldislunerkt r on the Northwest corner of "Centre Square, G=MW,.G, and laid y In a new Mock et Goods, I respectfully Invite m ftiendsand the public to elm me a calL In addition to a large and varied stock of prime Groceries, Notions, &c., I will keep constantly on hand the best quality of Quaensware, Fire-Proof and Glassware, Fruits, Confectiena, &e., all of which will be sold at the lowest cash rates. June 24, 18P1—ti 711. 'BOYER & SON. DEALERS IN GROCERIES , NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, Also Stone, Wooden and Willow-ware. A general assortment of 'all Goods usually kept In A FAMILY GROCERY. Dee. 4, lba—t[ Coat, gtunbtr, gicc, &c. COOK AND PARLOR STOITES. OF iLL KINDS The lateet and most approved etylee TIN, SHEET-IRON AM) 1101,LiW WARE, COAL & LUMBER OP ALL KINDS, Call and Examine I 4; C. H. BUEHLER'S WARE ROOMS, CORNER OF CARLISLE & RAILROAD STREETS DLINIRL 045111X.A.11. - EMT OTINDIBIL . NEW FIRAI. COAL AND LIME' Tom " the entered bato partner ship, Lad under the arm of Csinitssi a Ora. impit and wM amp as the Lime Burning -- Business, at Me obi sland—ibe ciattysim= =xi the corner of Zama and Parimeraand sates ma rely on psu the et Lime stall time., and at lowest filt rates. C 0 AL -at lowest prim* Lima and Coal thdiremed airtime in Getty-. burg. - ' • MAXIM .- OVIMDBEIL. Oet. 211, 1870. MILLINERY, 1870. ]lies MCCREARY VVIL I La Hof, . t Not. etb, large and BONNETS & ILATS to .11391 0 40, aura, Wars, Wr Winn. adages OWN lam Ribbon. Gradhar , Donee, Jets, be. Abe, a new Toilet aid Fancy Goods. Ole Invites the ;bonbon of Ladies to bar meaty as teltieleM be sold at Oho lowa* eatb VIM 00t.11.111M-4on Notice to the Public I =MMINICM MME=I Or*arthag S*L LOOK HERE! THE tmderaldned has leased tbe Ware-holue r of Stratton West and Ms Rail rc)adt,l=mig, Pa and wtu earry en the - Grain & Produce Business in all its it:snake& The highest Was will at mvs be paid for Wheat, Bye, Corn, Oats, Clover Stra=Seeds, FiasseW, Fruit, Ruts, Soap, Bans, Sho ul ders and Sides, Potatoes, with everything else in the country produce line. G , R OCERIES oinstouity for *le, Coffees, Suggs, Molasses, tu r :rd= ces lirooras, B.eket.himsa , Soap, ; abo, Coil 011,Flth 011. Tar, &a of all kinds; Spikes and Nails ; - Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. 'He is Mims able to supply k i ds first-rate arti cle of Flour, with the different of Feed. Also, Ground Plaster, with titmice and o th er Jeri:Glitters. COAL, by the bushel, ton or car He - i • He Will also run a Line of Freight Cars • to No. 185 North Howard street, BALTIMORE, and No. 811 Market street, PHILADELPHIA.— Ail goods sent to either place will be received and forwarded prompt Ty. All goods should be mark ed RBBB' CAM Aptil sosea—tf JOHN CREBB: JOSEPH WISI.B. J. B. WIDLB. Joseph*ble & Son , • PRODUCE DEALERS, South-met cor. ctf Rai/road and IFashingten sts., GETTYBBURd, PA. HIGIEBBT- cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Hay, Straw and Country Produce gen erally. Constantly on hand for sale all Untie of GROCERIES, • The best brands of FERTILIZERS constantly on hand, or secured at short notice. April 22, 1810.—tf EMI ROBERT M'CUirDY, FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, 6-r TSit undenigueil is paying at his Warehouse, In Carlisk street adydralig Buehler's Hall, the highest prices for IToUr, Wheat, Rye, Cbrn, Oats. Buckwheat Clover and Timothy-fiends. Potatoes, &c. and Invites producers to give him a call before selling. lie has constantly on hand for sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Sugars, Ac., with Salt Fish, Oils, Tar, Soaps, Ba+3oll and Lard, To baccos, ff.c. Also the best brands of FLOUR, with Feed of all kinds. He likewise has SEVERAL 71.4LU-4BLE FERTILIZERS Soluble Pacific Guano, Rhodes' Phosphate and Mexican Guano. -t K. K. REAMER. sa-virbust he pays the highest market prices for all he buys, he sells at the, lowest living pro fits. lie asks a share of public patronage. re solved to give satisfaction in every ease. ROBERT MeCC11111". - July 2.3, BIGHAM & BROTHER FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE, Fr HE undersigned, having entered Into partner , ship under the firm of Monti( & Beanum, will carry on the Forwarding and Commission business, at the old stand, on Vbe corner of Wash ington and Railroad streets, and devote to it their entire time and attention. The HIGHEST MARKET PRICE will be paid at all times for Grain and Produce, AIWA regular line of Freight Cars will leave our Warehouse every TUESDAY NOON, for BalU more and Philadelphia, and accommodation trains will be run as occasi o n may require. By this arrangement we are repared to convey Freight at all times to and trom these cities. All business of this kind entrusted to as, will be promptly attended to. Our cars run to the Ware house of Stevenson & Sons, 165 North Howard street, 'Ultimo and to Burrs Warehouse, 1112 3farket street. phis. We will also keep constantly on hand the best of Groceries of all kinds, Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Spices, Fish. Salt Split's, Oils. Tobacco, Bacon, Lard, &c., which WI II be gold at lowest cash rates. Aug. 12, 1870.-11 Ordwarr. (rutlerp, ar. Hardware and Gm rt. ries The subscribers bare Just returned from the cities with an immense supply of Hardware and Groceries ' which they are offering at their old stand on Baltore street, at prices to suit the times Our gulck consists In part of Carpenter's Tools, Blacksmith's Tools, Coach Findings, Shoe Findings, Cabi net-Maker's Tools, Housekeeper's Fixtures, All kinds of Iron, te-7 GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS,) , w Wed to le • r ri t i e tio arti l le t ,ti a t ive but wtorinuiSo perm goos t a tr a =di r 3 and pori_ain IL t ez article In Una litre us &anas we are prod to sett as low for Gash as any other out of the gig. DAVID ZIMMER, ](ay 2ge 18N—U PAIL D. DAYMEDR. NEW STORE ! SWELTZER & BROTIIZR. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Hardware and Groceries, pullige St., near the Rsliraid, Gettysburg. ' HARDW4llK—lnciades- Builders' Hardware f..a LOCO, Ole*, Paled ' Oihs, Var nishes, Pant Brindles, fac. Wscaff i r WWI= of Blacksmiths to our assortment. o /run, Steel, Hone Shoes and Hone Shoe Naga, HOUSE KEEPERS are invited to examine our stock of Rains, Parks, Spoons, Buckets, Tube, #l4l._,Jlte._ • # gßOClßUlfillamoh as Coffees, Senn Teas, ESPWASYrins, Vines's, Soaps, gc., ail of which we constantly keep on ha* All sold low for cash. Here is the place to boy ehesp. Don't forget to eall and examine oar stock of goods AWKITZER & BRO. Oct. 7, 1870—t1 Howe Machine .I:MPROV ED. Its &tap'Wray, Durability, Ease of Gper Perfection in inechankai and Beauty In Style and knish, and adapted .to a huge range of work, renders It Tirt BEST Sevin lathin l the Met An earnest invitation is extended to-itioaa laKtitt to purchliee a &awls Maine to call and ecain ine titalfaoldne and tie convinoed of its matins. 4111-Ali ?rip= prompUratteuded to. Mad**. &trenct to pads of the County. U. K. ROWX *pent, BlatialaTiltreet Gettriburg. Nor. HO WE MACHINES! THE LATEST IMPSOVED AM) GEStiPM - ELIAS ROW]; JR., SEWING MACHIN b' JACOB F. MOMS, Agent, GWPMSI7II43,-P4. memo on York arra- Instrucdona gnoss, Tbe 0 1 =c 11 be n a li p t s trar k mail ,t ( " 6o Wr aregaskilli4 sobs vire impart& mune of WE in innannion tbetranebbiosoaseesunt of oftbe Jiaebbies. Tirane ant none 11A fund Wily bare Imbedded in en* a Wring , tbellkeneas of ELIAS BOWL Web. X, OF ALL KINDS DEALER IN. GEfTYSBURG, PA NEW FIRM. GIETTYII3VRO, rd WM. M. 131GH.AM, JAMES BIGEAM. Imbig VUOtbzto. THE ORIGIN Al ation, sonM: GBTTYSJURG NATIONAL BANK! Government, Bonds of all kinds, BOUGHT. AND BOLD The HISY.si Preaduas pale Gild was Sliver. Coupons Cashed or Collected Persons desiring to Invest In STOCKS or BONDS of any kind, are Invited to call, as we have the fadlitles of New York, Philo phlaor Baltimore markets. Con Sequently all orders are promptly executed Persons posswalng COUPON BONDS, and de siring for safety to convert Into Registered, are requeated to call, as we have the advantage to transfer at a trifling expense INTERNAL REVENUE STA3IPS of all denoml nations for sale INTEREST ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced 5 PER CENT. for 1 car, 4 PEE CENT. for a months 3 PER CENT. frn* utontiv4 Persons wishing Information In regard to U. I. Bonds and Stocks of all kinds, are , requested to give ige a call, and we will cheerfully glee any In formation Gettysburg, Nov. 5, 1669—tf 5-20'S AND 1881'S 110,(IGHT. SOLD IND EXCHANGED ON THE HOST GOLD BOUGHT & SOLD AT MARKET RATES ('O(Pu CASHED ! ACIFIC R. R. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD STOCKS Bought and Sold on Cozniniydon only Account• received and Interest aUowed on daily balanees subject to check. )E HAVE & BRO., No. 40 Nonni ird Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. March 24. 1c70.-1 - farming Nmpitturnts, &c. DODGE'S PATENT REAPER AND MOWER AND SELF RAKER machine has met with the mos( complete succese. In every section where it has ben. Introduced, it has taken precedence over those machines which have heretofore ranked as Ant cl.l3lL It is a perfect Self-Raker and a superior Mower. A careful examination will convince any one of its superior merits over all others, in simplicity, strength and durability. As a Self-raking Reap. er It has no equal to our knowledge. The Dodge rake is attached to no other machine in the United States, semi*. to this machine.— Balt by the DODGE & STEVENSON kfratufac taring Lb., Auburn, New York. I.cE4P THE NO OUR TI ERYS; CE OF IME COMPANY TO AG Having been informed that certain manufac turers W.thio and elsewhere are building heap. are, with DODGE'S BEL.F.B.SEE attached, we a2lum to furnish us the names of all persons or purchasing such machines, as we have never licensed any person or persona to manukte ture saki BELF-E W B,lll* any part thereof, • and will prose cute to the full extent of the law an per. 1 1 1 4 1440torbig, selling or using said gen. pi of our own nusr a lic JOITR ' Kalatileit ias lire ban that mondani° this wawa willing to let those wanting a m7a - ar test it with any other machine they may wish, and Farmer that give' the man aatialaetion. anting Droppers attached can be ac . For the benefit of those wanting machines we should refer them to a few of those to whom we have sold, viz: Henry Culp Peter Mackley, John - B. Leas, Wm. Furney, Jesse D. Newman, Elishkrenrisse, George F. Minter, John Dairdorff, Abraham Waybright, Lphralm Lady, David Plank, Jonathan Pfister, John Hockersznith, James Mickley , arit in trii, Ili - ail reitTe, ver, John render, Eihriver, ,John Eekez, Roes =ter, - Henry King, John Lower Andrew Weikert, • John N. Boyer, _ George Phillips. On Hand a Jew Second Hand Reaper. Also, WIIiIt.TOOTH HAY BAKERS, of differ eat which bi the Bniult ftice. an l fewM a Tibl t differerd ihres &pander one of he beet and cheapest ever* de ed in the county. BARILIBBUNG FANNi N MILL Mad Farm Implements generally- MB-Persons wishim to emmlue machines will find them at the stse Josamt Vim= Opp, 8 - burg, ra., or at the residence or_the subs~, 2 mUes fnwp Gettysburg, on the Ha r . risbtirg road. lEX.AB CONSTANTLY ON HAND In case of, breakage. Persons wanting Circulars will ad dress the subscriber, GeVlang Pa. ic WIBLE, Agent. May 27, 1270.--tf 4 Lila 4184 gate M. 1!!=1 WATUtiE6 & JEWELRY, w ht. P. WCARTIerr wishes to Worm his V t eestoseets see the petal generaily, that NlTiag patehased the taterwn pt Ms V 4 B. 00,114) in the Watoh and J oe itaitheers 'WeekWetinatm he *Pare no Ilien to glee satisesealos to Rehm just returned hem the city withal spies. did assortetent of GOLD and RIME .111COUOAN and 11W188 WATOM=. JEWICLE N AVEIL TEA and TABLE 8P00248, GOLD, 816 , VEO and ISTRX., SPOOLS.. - 0L88; alio, GLOM of m. best , r 111ROCAL tffl ial MiTB,_vigoLut a Otig:TErNGS,' 8 and Sir Wood Cook work wonutod for 0 40 = mann "Makin . g 0167444 , 11141 , rear, and OLOCKS, WATCHES JEWELRY. A. K. FELSTEL i rir a rabop to York street, opposite Iftre he has coo s gob • - e# of • WATHES I JEWELRY AND ,LYER-ftRTED IiRE. AM,at loodelate. work Nor warmeedi • re .36,1110. 1 per cent. r4rx J. EMORY BAIR, Cashier. I=l =ZA ! IPacathill, kr: .WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS Everybody's Lawyer BOOK OF FORMS. By FRANK CROSBY, Esq., Member of the Ptdhuielphht Bar• ENLARGED AND T r OROUGHLY REVISED. S. J , VANDERSLOOT, Esq., Member of the Philadelphia Bar Gag pp. Mom Law Style. O$ 00 frms UNEQUALLED BOOK concerns the ProPerty, business, Individual rights, and social privileges of every One, and affords a fund of legal knowledge that to many will make It wortld is weight In gold. The simplicity of its Instructions, the comprehensiveness of its= the accuracy of Its details; the facilities in Its perfect arrangement, and the conciseness and the attractiveness of its style, as well as its cheapness, make It the most pe desirable of all Ipi legal r' hand-books. No effort or expense has-been - ed in adapting it thoroughly to n the times, and af fording In it the most recent and useful Informa tion. IT CONTAINS THE Constitution of the United States, With Amendments; General Bankrupt Laws, With Amendments; Pension Laws With Necessary Forms; Internal Revenue Laws, With Stamp Duties; Post-Office Regulations, With Postage Rates; Etc., etc. TO4ETITEIt WMt THE Laws of all the States I=l Acknowledgments, Credits, Naturalization Administrators, Debts, Notes, Affidavits, Deeds, Obligations, . . Agents, Divorce. Partnerships, Dower, Patents, tnients. Alimony, Exchange, Penalties, A ppealii, Executors, Petitions, Ap rentices. Exetnptlon, Powers, As itratlons, Guardians. Preemption.. era, Hotels, Receipts, Assignments. Laucilon.N. lieleann, Awards,. .. Libel, Bights, Bills, Liens, blander, Bearding, Limitations, Tenants, Bonds, Marriage, Vessels, Carriers, Masters, Wards, Codicils, Minors, 1 W I Is, Copyrights, Mortgage ,, , Ere., etc. WITH Plain and Shunle Ituqructimis to Everyfly for Transacting their Business According to Law ; • the Legal Forms Required for Drawing up the Various Necessary Papers; and Useful Information in Regard to the Government of the United States. and the Various State Governments. etc., ete. AGENTS WANTED. LIIIERAL 1 N DUET MENTs are offered to agents everywhere. This work Is the mast complete of its kind ever published, and presentsevellencies that commend it to all engaged in the 'affairs of every-day life. Every Farmer, Bustnetis Man, Tradesman, Laboring Man. Politician, Property Holder, Bankrupt, Professional Man, and every one having a Family, will find It Interesting,:in stEUctive, valuable, and full of information. SEND FOR OUR LARGE AND HANDSOME SIXTY-FOUR PAGE CATALOGUE of nearly One Thousand standard and choice works. Its character throughout is such as to command the confidence of all experienced canvassers. and the approval 4,1 the public. SINGLE COPIES of Everybody's Lawyer sent 10 any address, postage paid, nn reerlpt of price. For terms to agents, and other information, ad dress JOHN E. POTTER CO., ruBLisHERK 614 _lSh ,617 SAYSOM STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Oct. Railroad atm Tables. Gettysburg TIME TABLE TRAINS How run on the Gettysburg Railroad a.'s follows: FIRST TRAIN leaves Gettysburg at ATO A. M., Granite 5.22, Guiden's 8.25. New Oxford arrive at Hanover at 9, and leave at 9.10, arrive at Hanover Junction at 10 A. M.., arrive at Balti more at 12.30 P. M., York 11.45 A. M., Harrisburg 1.10 P. 3f. SECOND TRAIN leaves Gettysburg . at 1 Y. M., Granite 1.12, Gulden's 1.15, Yew• Oxford i. 7), Han over I.rZ, arrives at Hanover Junction at 2.10, Baltimore 6.1.5, York 3.10, Harrisburg 4.iro. FIRST TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 10.40 P. IL, Harrisburg 5.35 A. M., York 6.30, Hanover Aunt. tiun 7,M, fianovecp, Nen Oxford 9.40, arrive at Gettysburg at 10.30. SECOND TRALN leaves Baltimore at 8.30 A. M., Harrisburg 8 A. M., York 9.30, Hanover Junction ILIS, Hanover 11.55, New Oxford 1208, Gulden's 1220. Granitel2.t, arrives at Gettys. burg 1240 H. THIRD TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 1240 P. M., Harrisburg LV.p. M. York 3, Honorer JUnc tion 3.40 Hanover 4.25, New Oxford 4.40, Gulden's 4.53, Granite 4.56, arrives at Gettysburg at 5.10. R. McCURDY, Supt. Dec. 9, 1870.—tf READING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEXPIT, w.NIJAYI, NOV. 21st, 1870 Great trunk line from the North and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, fthamokb, Lebanon, Allen town, Balton, Ephrata, WU, Lancaster, Colum bia, &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as fol. lows: At 3.10, 610, 10,50 a. m., and 2.50 p, m., connecting with similar Trains on Pentisyl. vania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 10.10 a. m. 3.50, 5.50 and 10.00 p. ni.. respectively.- Slemn ir C ig ars accompany the 3.10 and in., TraM w thou; change. Re : l e at 9.00 a - 1100 noon and 5.00 p. m„, EM phil a./5 a. in., and 3.30 p. gyp . Bleeping accompany the 5.00 p. m. train from New York without change Leave Harrisburg for Beading,PottsvilM;Tam qua, Mlnersviiie, Ashland, Shamokin, 411 ell• town and at 8.10 a. m., and 2.50 and 4.05 stopp at Lebanon princi pal way mations; LOS p. M., contime. for PhiladelphLa, Pottsville and olumbla Wkly. For Pottsville_ y Schuylkill Haven and auburn, via Eichuyiloill and duaquelisitua Rail Bud,. leave Harrisburg at 3,40 p. Eat Pennsylvania, Railroad trains IUO leave Read ing fur, 12.45 Al nntown, and Easton and New Yorßatt SAM, oon 4.45 p. at. New York at 9410 a. 1200 noon and 5.0 u p , in„ and Allentown at 7.20 a. in., 1245 nun, 253, aadll.4sp, eau - way Eassftpr Train Mares " 7.30 a. in., connecting with similar train on East Penn'a Ra il road, returning from Bead gat 6.20 p. in, . stopping at all Stations. Leave Pottsville at 3.00 a. in., and 810 p. m., Herndon at 10.15 a. m„ Manna* ist 5.40 and 11.20 a. in„ ashisind at 7.05 a. in.. and 12.50 Re o o , NetleileY MY at 7.51 a. m., and 1.35 p. Tamaqua at 133 a. 3m, and 2.10 P. M., for Phila delphia, New York, Bustin Harrisburg, Re. Leave Pottsville , via Sch uyl kill and "Rue" banns Railroad at 8.15 a. m., for HarrisbUrg, and 12.05 noon, for Pine Grove and_ Trentit Reading Aucolumodatigr 'Crain rot vine g. 5.10 a. m., pains Mellain ai .0° a • arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m. Return. lag. leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p. m., Reading at 7.25 p. in., arriving at Potts= 9.10 p. in. Pottstown Accommodation TraisLyea Potts. town at 7.00 a. m., returning, leaves =ustoellthis at 4.00 p. at. Columbia Railroad Trains leave BoadLurai 7.20 a. ni. ; and 6.15 m. for Ephrata, Wiz, erid .LaWas, Trains le _ren Junction at 7.45, 9.66 a. in., 3.ooan ave d 5 - 10 E om lm turning, re leave Schwenitsville at 7.00, 8.20 ris. 12.53 im on mi,mlo 4.30 m., connecting with similar trains OoMbrookdal itea t il lamad Trains leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. m., and 6.M p. m., returning leave Mount Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 a. M. 00Miest riMgaz Valley at 8.30 a. EL, Wairld m.,_ returniag, v°l3a= u at 655 a. aL, 1265 noetr eke 5.15 m. g witilidmilar trains on neon- I d t=1: 14 144 8 71 0 York at 3. 5. 1 20 p. (thenM Train running 0 % W 3 , 11//0 M 8.00 a. m., 9 ,30 m., andtat ni t. I leave Allentown at 145 R. Llaitra at 7.15 a. sad 10.05 p. 111., for narrisburg, a4m. for New York, and at 9.40 a. us. and 4.25 for Philade sci al• Commutation, flews, m 1 4 7 : 1- eurston Tickets, to front *finnan% at redeem Rates. os tam i c laer heeked throush ; ICO pounds allowed G. A. XICOLIB, • Beading, r„... Dec. 2. Man x rat Supertuteudeut. Book and Job _ .4 v Or .ALL =NW Done wlttneatnese, ebeopneee etei dielletek at Mao NH. i.i: MANHOOD IN THE YOUNG AND:RISING GENERATION The vegetative pbwers of life are strong, but in a few years how often the pallid hue, the lack-lustre eye and emaciated form, and the impossibility of application to mental effort, show its baneful in fluencce. It soon becomes evident to the observer that some depressing Influence Is checking the development of the body. Consumption (s talked of, and perhaps the youth is removed from school and seat Into the country. This Is one of the worst Movements. Removed from ordinary di versions of the evorebaugiug scene of the city, the Powers of the body, too ranch enfeebled to give zest to healthful and rural exercise, thoughts are turned inwards upon themselves. If the patient be a female, the approach of the menses is looked for with anxiety, as the first symptom in which Nature is to show her 'saving power In diffusing the circulation and visiting the cheek 'with the bloom of health. Alas! increase of appetite has grown by what It fed on; the en ergies of the system are prmarated, and the whole egonotny is deranged. The beautiful and wond erful period in which body and wind undergo so fascinating a change from child to woman, is looked for in vain: the parent's heart bleeds in anxiety, and fancies the grave 1114 vraitineller its victim. HaLiEston's Eintsur Bucar. for Weakness arising fromexocuses or mrly Indiscretion, attend ed with the following symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory. Diffi culty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appe tite with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flush ing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance and Emotions on the Face, Pain In the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Frequently Black Spots Firing before the Eyes, with Tempo rary Suffusion and Loss of Bight, Want of Atten tion, Great Mobility, Restlessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such oa. Gents than Solitude, and nothing they more dread, for Fear of Themselves; no Repose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a hurried Transition from one question to another. These symptoms, If allowed to go on—which this Medicine Invariably removes—soon follow Loss of Power, Fatuity, and Epileptic Fits. In one of which the patient may expire. During the Superintendence of Dr. Wilson at the Bloomingdale Asylum, this sad result occur red to two patients; reason had for a time left them, a nd both died of epilepsy. They were of both sexes, and about twenty years of age. Who can say that ti3se excesses are not ire fluently followed by those direful diseases Insanity and Oonsurt4tionr The recordi of the Wane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Coratunp tion, bear ample witness to the truth of these as. sertioni. In Lunatic Asylums the most melan choly exhibition appears.. The countenanoe actually sudden' and gate destitute—neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it. Should a sound of the yojee occur, it is rarely articulate. "With woeful measures wan Despair Low sullen sounds their grief beguiled." Whilst we regret the existence of the above ease; az4 l aynuottins, we am prepared to offer an invaluable gift of Chemistry for llie rernoigi of tLe cousequences. ItitMaioxa's HIGHLY Cop morratille num Erra.tor . MIMI There is no tonic likeit. It is an anchor of hope to the .surgeon and patient, and this is a testimony all who have used or prescribed it, hiald.bY Druggists and Dealers everywhere.— ?rite eidl per bottle, er six bodies for KM. De livered to any addreas Describe syMPtfinul in AU communications, A4drels H. HELMBOLD, Drug s43d , Chem!cal Wairehoun, -- 4` ~ - S!1 Broadway, New York. VcifNE ARE GENIIINE UNLESS done upta eteekmpaved wasppet, with lziealmpie of m 7 Chemical Warehouse, and signed July 29 10).-rly 11E=MI 4 •" . %A i r ir 1, • p A Great Medical Discovery VINEGAR BITTERS. Hundreds of thouomds bay testimony to their WHAT ARE -TREY THAT ARE NOT A TILE FANCY.D.RINK Made of Pour Rum, Whiskey, Proof tiptrits and Refuse Liquors doctored, spiced and sweetened to pipase the taste, cailed that ' lead "appettz ers,'. "Restore' me. that lead the tippler gam drunkenness and ruin , but are a trite Jiledieme; made from the Native Roots and Herbs of. Cali fornia, free from all Alcohoilo Stimulants. They are the P RIN CI PLE ,TLCID PURIFIER and a LIFE a perfect Renovator and Invigorator orthe. System, carrying oil iii the •poisonou.s matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to direction and remain long unwell, provided the bones are not destroyed by poison or other means and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. • r Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism . and Gout, Dyspepsia or indigestion, BilLious, Re mittent and intermittent Fevers, Diseases of. the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters ' have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. which Isgeneraily pro duced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA - OR INDIGESTION, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, _Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stein aeli, Bad taste In the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the -Lungs Pain In the regions of the Kidneys and a j hundred other painful symptoms, are the tal i springs of Dyspepsia. BILIOUS,REMITTENT and INTERMITTENT FEVER, whieh are so prevalent lu the valleys of our peat Rivers throughout the United States. !especially those of the ' ississippi, 31 - Issouri. Int nols, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Pearl, Alabania, Mobile, sa vannah, Roanoke, James, and many others with their vast tributaries, during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during the seasons , of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably ac companied by extensive derangements of the ' • stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels. being clogged up with vitiated accannulations. In their treatment, a purgative, exerthrg a powerful influ ence upon these various organs, Ls essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. WALKER'S Vinegar Bitters, - as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the BowelS are loaded, at the -same time stimulating the secretions of the liver. and generally restoring the healthy functions of ' the digestive organs. rite universal popularity of this valuable remedy in regions subject to miasmatic influences, is sufficient evidence of its power as a reused 1n such eases. FOR SK I N DISEASES. Eruptions, "letter, Salt Rheum, illotchel, Spots, Pimples. Pustuies, Both., C'arbuneles,-Ring.ls onus, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes. Erysipelas, itch. scurfs, Discoloration* of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skim of what ever name or 'nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system Ina short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In such Lases will convince the most incredulous of their cura tive effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you fled Its Impurities bursting through the skin in Pim flies, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse It when you find it obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse it when It is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking In the system of so many thousands. are effectually de stroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed in four languages—English, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER. Proprietor: R. mcnoNA LD & CO.. DruggistsMul Gem Agents,Sar. Francisco, Cal., and :T.! and 31 Commerce Street, Xow York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Dee. 9., IKO—file DR. SCHENCK' ADVISES CONSUMPTIVES TO GO TO FLORIDA IN WINTER. flat lug for the last tlarty.five yearsilevuted my whole time and attention to the study of lung diseases and consumption, I feel that I understand fully the course that ought to be, pursued to re store a tolerably bad ease of diseased lungs to healthy soultelnevs The lirst and most import ant step is for the patient to avoid taking cold. and the best of all places on this eontinent for this purpose in winter, is Florida, well down in the State, where the-temperature Isregular. and not subject, to such variations as in more North ern latitudes. Palatka is a point 1 can recom mend. A good hotel Is kept there by Peterman. last winter I saw several persons there whose lungs had been badly diseased, but olio. under the healing influence of the climate and my med icine. were getting tine hundred miles further down the river is a point which I would prefer to Palatka, a., the temperature Is more even and the air dry awl bracing. Meliorable and Eaterprise are located there. I should giNe a deckled preference to Mel lons-tile. It is two miles from river or lake, and it seems almost impossible to take cold there.— The tables In Florida might Is- better, and pa tients complain at nines but that is a good sign, as it indicates a return of appetite, and when this is the case they generally inerease in Mesh. and the lungs must heal. Jacksonville. Illbenuit, Green Cure, and many other places in various parts of Florida. can be safely recommended to consumptives in winter. My reasons for saying so are that patients are less liable to take cold there than here, there Is a less even temperature, and it is not necessary to say that where a consumptive person exposes himself to frequent colds he is certain to die shortly. Therefore my advice is, go Well down Iwo the State out of the reach of prevailing east winds and fogs. Jacksonville, or almost any oth er of the localities I have, named, will benefit those who ate troubled with a tumid liver, a dis ordered stomach, deranged bowels, sore throat or cough, bet for those whose lungs are diseased a more southern point is earnestly recommended. For fl4een years prior to 18610, I was profession. ally in S.,ew lock, Boston, Baltimore and rhea delphia every week, where 1 imw , anti examined on an average five hundred patients a neck. A practice so extrusive, embracing every possible phase of lung disease, has enabled me to under stand the disease fully, and hence, my caution In regard to taking cold. A person may take vast quantities of 'e..nck's Pulmonie Syrup, Sea weed Tonic and Mandrake Tills,' • and yet die if he does not avoid taking coot. In Florida, nearly e v erybody is using Schenck's Mandrake Pills, fur rye climate Is more likely to produce bilious habit than more northern lati tudes. It is a well established fact that natives of Florida rarely die of consumption, especially those of the southern part. On the other hand, in New England, one-third at least, of the popu lation die of this terrible disease. In the Middle statot it does not prevail so largely, still there are many thousands of cases there. What a vast percentage of life would lie saved if consume- Uses were as emit) , alarmed in regard to taking fresh sold as they are about scarlet fever, small pox, fse. But they are not. They take what they term a little cold. which they are credulous enough to believe will wear off its a few days— They pay no attention toll, and hence it lays the foundation for another and another still, until the lungs are diseased beyond all hope for cure, My advice to persons whose lungs are affected even slightly ls, to lay a stock of tiohenck's Put monle Syrup. Scbenck's Seaweed • Tonle and SchetiCk's Ida ke /Ins and go to Florida. T reoommeud thetie mar medicines because I am thoroughly aemsainted with their action. I know that where_ _they are used in strict weird once with my directions they will do the work that is required. This aceomptialted, nature will do the rest. The physiolau - who prescribes . for cold, cough or itiglitorreals, and then advise:lithe Patient to walk or ride out everyday, will be sure to hare eorpse his hands before long. lity plan Ls to give my three medicines. to in with the printed • cUreotirins, ac i tzt a g some cases where a freer use of the Pills is necessary. My object is tolave tone to the stomach — to get up a good appetite. It is al ways a good sign when a patient begins to grow hungry. I have hop of such. With a relish for food - - and the gratification of that relish comes good blood, and with it more flesh, which is close ly followed by a healing of the tongs. Then the cough loosens and abates, the creeping chills and clammy night-sweats no longer prostrate and annoy, and the patient gets well, provided lie avoids taking cold. Now there are many consumptives who nave not the Mmria to go to Fleirida. The question be Asked. is there no epee lot' such? Car there stayy advice to 'Such Ls, and ever to in a warm ram duringthe win ter. with a TeTTlfienaltre Of about seventy degrees, womb should be keptlegtdiuty at that point, by means of a troomemeter -Let such apatMut take TO' eXercille Witidtl - the "limits of the r1 . 1 .... 12 walkiu up and down as much ail hie will ivernol„ in order to keep up a healthye= ion of the blood. r turre genii thousands by this system , and call de so again. Consumption Is as easily cureda ea any Other disease if It is tak en in ti me and the proper kind of treatment is trwhew.s. steads undisputed oq record t isenettekVralmorde Syrup , Mandrake PHIL a Seaweed Tonic nave Cured very many of what seemed to be hoeleea °awed consumption. Go where you wIII, -- ytnt Will almost cer t a i n t o find some poor coutatallielve Nebo has been reecu ed from the very jaws _of deatn by their use. So far' as the Mandrake 'Pills arectincertted, everybody should keep a ;upply of Octants hand. Thep act on the'lrrer better than euldalel, and have none i laMet they arein where a purgatiee medicine is requn'M • are partaken too frevild , hult, and diarehowensues, a dose of the MALI Will"0/1113 yowellt•you azo sick he. take a does arks Mandrakes a n d they relieve in two hours. If you would obviate the eNeet of a change of water, er the too (Wl,indulgence in fruit, take one of the Man es every night or every other night, and you may then drink- water and or watermelons, apples, plums, 'peaches or oorn._without tae risk of being made sick by them.- They will protect those who live in damp situations &Want shills and levers. Try them. They are perfectly harmless. They doyen opted only. I have prifessicomi visits to Boa ton andlit a VolEiniti eontiOpe to see i ei d n e it a IS Si. B.l.lC'Tia Street, every, Saturday, tram 9 A. bL, to 3 P. M.— .wisit'a thorough. examinatket with the will be Merged 'aye dollars. The Bespirometer declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patient§ can readily , learn whether theyJ are curable or not. But I desire it distinay understood that the value of My medicine de. pends entiredytheir being taken strictly ac cording tO fit in z=n.‘2l. say that when persona take and their s are brought into Maltby condition there by, they are not MY liable to take cold , yet. moms wl dammed -low, Gan bear a sudden change of atmosphere without tae nat ty of greater or less Irritation of the bron. muo tubes. • . Full directioes its sil accompany my medicines, ao explicit anfitrer that any oue can use them without consulting and bought from any drugalsc the, tan . be SOBEENVii, M. D. Na 15 N. 'MATH Street, Philadelph ia. Jane le, 1370.—1 y T. HELMBOLD. e Iron in the Blood. NATtaurs OWN vrreuna. THE PER MAN do /row Inner *Mont Ateakap. Andontetes with tkiiiiood tte ensike nettle itin ole Merit _ a tlent 'dif =tor.Auikls the r s oi m m a t r tm= oi l in e l° m e • anti expels dteenke Nature a own ailiaDttut dews • • _- • • • -Yinsteltii. DIN O RS, Yrnplietot, 36 Dey t, Fein York . Bcon by drumlin gen- Apru 1, MO. —lynola DE. WALKER'S CALIENARIA W Vimpoi) YOUni,VILPOUND rOg trier eggs or ?MUD BOP 1111104 A 12 0: 1 4PANZA, or any other Inflammatory or Inward disease of the Throat if wit of too long standing. Also, tried In SCARLET 2WVER. This medicine MA been • THOUSANDS OF OASES, In different pails eit the country and has never been known to lad it taken in time and accord. Ind to direotionn It is warranted to eure. Give It a trial and It will lifor Itself. Every house. hold_ should provide selves with box of this medcine and keep it on hand& n cures that It has effected are truly marvelous. AnirPrepared and sold by Islam. Yower & Co., Gettysburg Pa., or by their authorized agents.— For sale at 'nearly all the Mores in Adams county. 18HAEL YOUNT & May 29, 1867.—ti PIMPLES; 'I'M nude i ed will cheerfully mail (free) to 1 all who w it, the Recipe and full directions for .prepairi and using a simple and beautiful Vegetable , that will Immediately remove Tan. Freakles, Pimples, Blotches, and all erup tions and imptuities of the Skin, leaving the mine soft, clear, smooth, sd beautiful. Ho will also send Aft •) lust rueduus for produe. ing, by very Ample means, a tumid:lot growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. The above can be obtained by return Juan, 1,2, addressing TllOB. P CHAPMAN. rhoniri, P.O. Box 5t2. l Brocuhi ay. New lark. Nov. 4—.:MI 11005, Vruo, 'l.llrdicincs. 60. MEE Drugs LV Family Medicines PATENT MEDICINES, Lipton and \Ville', hire 5p10.e.4 and Ylat Extlavt, I, .1111 T4,itet it Sto liuw•ry. Pl*Arlait' , Pr. s/lipt ions and ramll3 r.rlpr. :u•curaG4g put up. Pli,rxicitut, :1111i 1.1,1111 to chant, +tippli , ll a t RELWI'EI) RATES. Forney s. Horse Powder the Lest alld cheapest for }toncs, Cattle and Swine. other Ifor,” Powder; of a ',pros •,t1 make.. ii t B F, Baltimore Street, Gettyst),:r.„ Peim'a JuLe 11. 1..,9.—tt DR. R. HORNER, 111=i Practice of tedicine. CESTREI DRUG STORE, In Chambersburg Street, Gettysburg Alw, De ter in PURE DRl'(.'S, MEDI(I.vIN • A: PIPER. :NG .SOD. ‘ ,.. D T ("(; PATEN T ES. P470.-if DR. .1 'IMES CRESS DRUGGIST. Store in Brant': Bni!ding, Baltimore Streit., LITT LEsTowN AV I\G opened a new DRUG STORE and -1 fitted tt up in the best style, I offer my stock of pure and twit Drop to the affipens 01 tattles. town and vicinity at the lowest market rate.i. con sisting In part of Drygo and Frotil per , Llirrorfjor for Jkakinal Purpases, Patent Medi Horse Poe>:len Pure SNees, Dyes and Dye Staffs, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps and Fancy articles. A full !port ment of Brushes; Stationery of all kinds, Cigars, Tohvco and Snuff. agroMoore's Eleetro.Magnetio Soap will wash with hard and soft water, eold or warm. Clothes washed with this Soap are made beautifully white without boiling or blueing. This Is the best Soap In use. Try it. it is warranted not to injure the hands or fabric. JAMES CRESS. Little.town. Ma) I 1.-1 y 1. D. BUEHLER, DRUG & BOOK STORE, GET7'YSBURG, PA Dituo-, NI F:DICIN ES, PATENT MEDICINES, BOOKS, STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLES, COLT) PENS, Chamberansrg Street, near Diamond. Sir Country Merchants supplied at City wholes 'Sale rates. *art* arils. W. N. MI 'S. MARBLE WORKS; Cor. of Baltimore and East Middle sts., GETTYBBITRG, PA Every Description of Work executeli in the finest style of the Art. ALL HIM* OF CAST, WROUGHT AND WIRE RAILINGS, FURNISHED ON TICE SHORTEST NOTICE. June 17, 1870.Ltt GETTYSBURG MARBLE _WORKS. MEALS & BROTHER; . Ant York &rect. second Square, Glettgithurg, Waere ale V r ott I gn l llite, ju s7c i lf l as all kinds of igotameats, Head-Btones, TOMBS, MANTLES, &c., attireshortest nonce—cheap as the cheapest. Areas as a call. Produce taken in exchange. Kay 27.--kagt, tt FU_VNITURE Joseph Walton Sr, Co., Cablnet-inakers, N.- 418 Walnut &q ne ddoiphia. oult estetemdseett is one of the oldest hi ZI- IroPerkdoo llad wo oze tr iro ll anl ia = Pod week at mono* prima_ • We aniudecture fine rarnninki elei; zee *l„ onorhart&toti Work int * Ofine l lPereitare for &Oct MOM made to order. . J. W. Lamm . . SCOTT ?ob. lY • CH_EAr,PRINTING PV:WWs l.7l.. c i ni N BOOK AND JOB I'li IN TING OFFICE, = En BALTIMORE STREET, GETTYSBURG, PA Having recent!) added largely to our already large situ+ .1 Book & Fancy Job Type, We are fully prepared to accommodate our old customers, and all others who may favor ms with their patronage, to the best style of the art, the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Printing of every Desciltption, UNEXCELLED UNSURPASSED STAR & SENTINEL, Baltimore St., Gettysburg, Pa. Ornamen!tal Printing, From the l Arvat POSTKRB to the qamilest CARDS. PERFT73IkRy , COMMERCIAL PRINTING Lc.. &c., &c BILL HEADS, CARDS, [Feb. 25,1870. -tf amPPiaid Baas, RECEIPTS & RECEIPT BOOKS, 27... kNecuted promptly, In the best manner, and at BOOK AND PAMPHLET MI In large or small orders, In as good style and at as low prices as any °lace In the country. We respectfully ask a trial by those desiring abythhig In oar line, as WE 0 UARANTEE BATISFACTION, Both M style of .work sad promptness in elling .orders ORBEAB BY MAIL PROMPTLY AT' THE GETTYBBITRG MUM SZNEMIL 18 THE BEST ADtgIitTLIWO „Jur- DIUM DT THIIkOOUNTA, 115 4:55 6. as ,Lpyr pr. surarignik IPIONg OW oCRIC .: 01, say eatensMidy smog • by sU olsassami ng Oassasa las 'elsasilia hp Adams sad seisi • ' .44 4 4;;A;$ ;g.. lII= IN RXECIITION IN STYLE, AND UNRIVALLED Ct CHEAPN.EsS Al TR): PLAIN MEI MEM CHECKS, DRAFTS, ENVELOPES,. LABELB, HANDBILLS, DODGERS, &c., the very lowest Weer. PRINTING, TENDM, TO %i~`,~ ril PUBLISHED PIIIDAY BO • BUEHLER & altintoreot. &Omen Churthouseafe, ritnay, 142. - :7. 1 TERMS OF I'EULICATIOS THE Sian AND lintrinod. to pu day morning. at 112.11:1 a year in • not paid within the year. :Co eubseri continued until all nrinarara are paid the option of the Ptibilsheri. Annrirrtaaxierra are Inserted at rates. A liberal reduction will be made advertising ay the quarter, half year, Special notices will be in4erted at Mee{ be agreettupon. larr - Tbe 014 a thataiva444l ' k oue half larger thau that ever attalu Liewvaper In Attains comity.; encl. . Using medium. It eauenthe Jun NVOitY uf all Fulfill will be iirtinspi cod and at fair rate.. Pamphlets, ix.. In every vanity and ity Pri iged it itibti noifte. frops eAli grattssional Cards, -.4k . _ JOHN C ZOCCIIi. JUSTICE OF THE Collector of Book. Aeoowne, l'rentase Judgment !Soto, Idattgagea, sbd tutus made. Alw attends to - *rain Mortgagee, Judgments, Notes, Agree.' New Oxford, Adams county, Ds. Dec. 9, Milk I= eCLEAN & WOODS, ATTQE7tEr4 OFFICE—On Balttutor, Street, saint. It occupied by the tate nrm of M. 6: W. NI, Nov. Is, Idie.-I.t j W.KSArzu, ANE Collections and all legal busl V ireso pro toudea 10. Unice on Baltimore street, south at t nous°. June - 18, .1 0 309—t I .11eCON A H Y. • A 11 , 11 N E ' AT °Men one door west of tilltiULJUl'S'i Cbmpbersburt; street. opeclat attrotion given tOSUltS,Conec Settlement Ut Estates. All legal IniSit claims w Pensions. Ekoluty, nack-pax, ages against c. 6141e1, at All 1.1/11PS prom etnclentiy attended to. Land VIAIraiILIS /thritt4l. and choice F . sale In lowa and other It estern l3tate4. June IS, 14641—1 f A •J. COVEN, • .t.TTVIIXLT-.\ Will promptly attriill to collections and Business.trii_stell to Ills elle. (Mire lytt%seril 1. a illayst, sl:4 . and Ziegier ' S storm, Baltimore strPet.tisitty,e Ma) Isi)7—tl 1 D.4.1V1D A. BUEULF.R. vtiN EY AT. Will promptly attend to collect 1011.1 aU. Business entrusted to Ut cure. limee at Ms residence In tue three -I We mg opposit e l4l7-01 Ina kkuart-bouse. • May 'a DAVID WILLA Artol:N lAII °Mee at Ills residence in the &mil/ ra,t . e. Centre Stuart, • Ma) '4•.1. Isti7—tf .- ..1 lit. H. N.!!Legs :south-east corner of thauthershurg and ‘‘ ton streets, oppo,lte Col.. rATE . 3 r. June 11, P51.47-,li D R. J. W. C. O'NEAI llas hii °Mee al 1113 r.-thletwr iu 11:4 tv,o doors it ban e the 011/IpIICI . °MCC.. Is67—t[ jouli L. HILL, K. D.. °dice on Ch.tints.rd,urg qtr et, imarly the 4/141.1: th. 11111., I ii.Lt ) 'burg. hi. Ita"tiarWl; livrtt 111 cou.d.Aut pracfivo Vear4 luttiench cau be arlured of good v.. 01 J thy V. 166:—t1 . I)11. J. E. BERELSTItESSE2 4 11,F.N liaviug located In Uettysburg. °trent hit. to the phblie. Utttoe in tbe ova ••:*n S. E. earner, Centre Square, where be will pared to attend to an) ease %Main 11w p of the I)enti,t. l'en,un, in want al Elinor ,r 1 teeth in' Red 'fe•nn~l. bl.• .Icily lintels and tcstaurants EAGLE HUT 5 the I:irst,t ri,.pst GETTVSBUIK:. charner.o,,:w and JOHN L. TATE, Proprie 4T.tu Oninllni• for PaAsengen awl run to the Depot, on arril al and depart Railroad Trim. Carefui wrrant3. - and scle charges KEYSTONE HOT GETTYSBURG, P. 4: • WM. E. MYERS, Proprie NOW OPEN., rtrffllS is a new Home, and has • , ted up In the moot approved •tyte.. It Lion k plea ant and convenient. being in th business portion of tho tonal. El cry ar ment has been made for the aceou3nioasal comfort of guests. eith ample stabllni aft. With experienced 4ervant4. and ,teeornin,xl Clerks, we shall use every eiulea%or lip pl This Hotel now open for the ...uteri:4.lllll;PS public, and we kindly siollelt a ,hare.:id p patronage NEW HOTE HARRIS 1101.55 E, BALTIMORE STREET, ustr nin WU), 11 undersigned ha. opened a Hote lu Hmiatelyenla .1 handsome three-story Brick Buildfil. on' more street, two doors from the o• Gettysburg, Pa., and is provided with '• mudatlons for_Hut cundurtalde 'We a large number id" guests. Ms expe= a l business warrants ulm to promising eatiat - In every case, and he feels certain twat tlpieps stop, with him once will tall weft. moderate. , His Table will always be supplied with the the Gettysburg and Baltimore markets ford, whilst his Bar will have the choicest' Oliviers, ales, ex. He also has ample Stabling, wine S' good .llj . ler In attendance. A liberal share of public patroeage IA• fully 4ellelLed, and nu tolort will be spared to serve It. W. P. fiAHltl• April 15, 1870.—tf UNION HOTE I roummaii THE WHITT. HAIL.) N I IllE undersigned has leased thislung ' ed and popular kLutel, retersourg:l,l, Sprluips Boniest.) The klutel ls pleasautiyi led Lae most business part of the weir table will be supplied witu we best that ;tie ket cast. ge m * 4114 *e Has with the: cool. Liquors:. at 7btl excellent Mamba, . -attentive homers. Tail lidtel is the mike of Gettysburg and Afechmalesiturg Stage 4.lne, the York eprings and Wes Valor* i t e. former arrives nere at TP. ea., on on Wednesdays and Yridays, from Mechanic* for Gettyseurg; returning at to A, si., ou Tu days, Tourstlitys and meurtlays. The .1 springs hue leaves Ltie Betel daily at IS New Oxford, returning at tP. AL He fled that his lung espetteuce in badness w ble film to let none go away dfalafisnelif, barges moderate. . taken by the week on reasonable terms. . I'. torrimmit, Propritt", 'tors Springs, Nov. 5, nati..—tf Plotegrapk telaittritS. LIPTON &NIVERs' EXCELSIOR GALLERI G ETTYSBURG PA Make all styles of Piv.turea from inlaature to lif 'size, including the - REMEMBRANDTS OR SHADOW PICTURE* Photogriphi iailed WATMCOLORS, OR INDIA INK, of the Battle-Ma OM) FOX CLTALOGUX MIME CI:S1 00 4 ,11LZ1i,i Dee. 7.11'0.—U t4:_.,,: • E Immo t LTTYsBI'xu, PA, t 4.15 , -.x, 1 May