Ilia, tr. IN TERS ! eenfre St / 1,11 r PA., I=l3 WINTER NG, CAPS. INEIiMM SE OES, MEM -clothing, of every variety ; ent of TUNKS, Itiemen's furnish CALL. GOODS MEI GHAAL'S FIE= T Clothing .4TOCh OF Is dr, Shoes, EKE= he City a new and and, Caps, S, NOTIONS, rYLEs call at oar Store, on g, neariy oppratte MIBE,AN, CL7NNINGH 4,4jtm a ng Snit G !JAWS rg St reel. 111 GAINS IN G, NI - INTER C 0.,. the ells' the LAIIG 'Made Clothing, E.Ter icing Overcoats, PANTS VESTS, Burkskin. Kld and Waal() Robes, Horse &e. Also, the CAPS 4 ,, 5, Cravats, *A n yt es i lid N,,tlotis .0 every. SHOES, , teadyll -ade Clothing r LW,* market, of the Y and by experlene stoct In C ake Barain has, will mbersdo - es Drug Store, before PICKLNG it CO. r Clothing ety at INGHAM *F4 • Street. RI its Store, r of Centre A we .Pa.. best — ik s ok of ENTER ING, very latest ts & shoes, Vader-Clootkif Hoods generAlly. eivellry,Watelies, Leather Milks and Umbrellas always on • assortment. Child ,. ds. In short, everT. lu a llrat-class pent a Übeofits loireFt,our motto. pr.' CO sad, wore purehasteg. S. WOLF. S, -.BEAVERS,. bit INGEIAbrs tirs & E L'S nd Gaiters! stirin more street, a few Gettysburg, Moots, Shoes ng at greatly. reduced CI : - Calf Boots. Amer- Cas .... l3laiteri. free alters, Call Bahnorals. I. own 'manufacture country, are tt, priers bet ore purr_has- L fent that I can please ab;cl be carried More., —Xepid4gg done 44 1 Co= • Ws • former lubd.v_k_eoatinu MMiGEL. ents, &c., gAku S, 'l' Street, . . an 1 Swig Ant Digs.-We 10e repeat- . /r 'Sr 1101 Milh4 1 4 1 4 'Yaks irilmc—Ther. - .14.4b451 bf the e tar b tittintt; edior ca ll ed the attention effinut4mons to Vie Gaut . r = c - for 1871 promises even • New York Observer wul Se ws the Ist ihe operations of *mandrels in New York - tar ationnicag limn heretofore. ono iof January, it Ye a r Book and Alma- ...:-0--....... City, Who have : for Mile yeats plat speen-1 distinctive Nam ' d re w sidgmy in, the ! nee," containing T amable civil, ecatMer- Friday NOWIIIIIIIII, - Dec la, liffil. lo t ted upon the greed and unscrupulous- I - bright sharp way in w in c h , it is edito gi ciarand agricultural information, withi a i "Amu. rim - ills. ness of ignorant men, by offering in clam- 1 4very atittion of vo w , enema , ei nt, I large amount of statisties bearing on res i . lass to sell counterfeit money. Within t n and weitten up by the 1 ligioue anff benevolent operations of The Tuslors.—Within the last two weeks ~,, _ 1 Christian church, price el. A copy Of •number4•subscribers have settled the met fe w wee ks cop ie s m spec- these most competent Mew- The GielaY4. ll aa ; quite a ionsly worded circulars have been Ccirmwd- i gathered atonal gnu a staff o f t i ot , this valueble work will . be given graters- 1 their accounts, all of whom will accept ed to UR bserespeetable gentlemen who re- c moat pOr de, ,niten, in e ver y d epar t men t, ! Mosey to all who afibenbe and pay for the 4air thanks. "Dues," are at all times un mired them by mail. Notwithstanding Observer for one year. The N. F. Obser- fee nt, lint a few dollars withheld from( and it is clear that ever y numberls made ! ~ that the swindle has 'seen repeatedly op w i th the , gam un i ty o e purp e se an d ter is one of theariest valuable religous each of our two thousand subscribers dishonest dupes every t a m e , t journals of the day, and this liberal o ff er make a large aggregate deficiency , which exposed, dishonest nice discernment of the public fall into the. traps, sending of the publishers ought to secure a large seriously incommodes us in meetingou rou ' neele Y 1 which eharneterizes our most resofiessful ' o w , : increase in circulation . See adv. _• _ , and secur ingby ex p ress carefully weekly expenses. Every intelligeet sub- t - ,_ ',„_ ' teate " i 1' daily and weekly papers. It has been scriber will underistand ebie, mul every I Packages of miniature phmmsre•fee' of ! custom for magazines to furnish tile pub- ' IlErThe i:nited States Patent Laws, greenbacks, old newspapers, sawdiust, &c. i lie with the best selection they could make 1 thoughtful subscriber will-act acesedingly , with instivetions bow to obtain Patents, The ,police of New York have recently i tom), such articles as were sent to . e_ by promptly liquidating the amount due . is the title of a work of 112 pages, sent to us. A small matter to each subscriber, it 1 been everballiMg some of "le swindlers, ! them for publication. The da y for this us by Muses & Co., 37 Park Row, • New with some rich developments. One of h as pa m, an d th e e dit or o f a first da m becomes a serious one to us when multi- IYork. It also contains the official rides, plied by 2,000. Will those who have thus 1 these, whose eke , Wars purport to hail from - -- ' magazine has a very different duty to per- 1 • forms for patent deeds, hints on selling, "Logr & Co. ter "W!llia Howard" or form from reading manuscript , and col- i i far overlooked our call for settlement, • patents, 150 diagrams of mechanical move - ]ease "William H. Jackem,' of 52 John street, . ling out the best. He must create. He i nts, and a iar • of please think of this. The approaching large variety other been doing a thriving business, receie- 'm ustmap out s t y l e m holidays will be a good time to make the had ••• ing in fortyereven days thirty thousand , wishes to produce, and then seek out the ha ving Printer's heart glad, by squaring up alland can be had free by all who (Milani in money from their do s— most competent arrearages. persona M P re p are ' arid- 1 will send their names to Messrs. alum & sons no less criminal in intention than cies upon su b j ects on which the public de- Co. above. ' themselves. Such a revelation gives one sire to read. This important change in a melancholy idea of the morality of the the requirements of magazine literature, country, and seems to show that if the se t e, Galaxy was the first to discern, If it census' could give us the number of per- did not itself create the change.' sous who are both rogues and fools, wick- Among the attractions for the coming ed enough to cheat their neighbors and year, the Galaxy has engaged Porte Cray silly enough to be themselves cheated by on to furnish a series of sketches of life a very transparent swindler, the list would a nd a d ve nture, which will revive the old include a lamentably large percentage of interest in Ins picture of American scenes. our population. Mrs. ' Edivards, the e Libor of "Archie The New York Bun publishes in fall a e pet a, ,, egteven Lawrence," and "Susan number of letters found in these swind- Fielding," will begin a new novel in - the ling concerns, from parties who had lures- January number, entitled "Ought We to ted variously, from $5 to $lOO in sawthists Visit Her?" &c., and wrote complaining of the fraud In the January number a new depart and threatening exposure unless the ' par- ment will be opened—a department of ties did the fair thing. One of the let- science—which will be under the charge tens published is from a gentleman in Mid- o f a distinguished writer in that field, re dleburg, Carroll county, Maryland, whose markable for his AM in bringing within name we withhold; also one from New popular apprehension even the more ab- Windsor, Md. struae investigations of modern science. So frequently have these swindles been „The remarkable series of papers by dis exposed that we have little sympathy for tinguished public men, to which Messrs. parties who notwithstenaing consent to Tburlow Weed, L S e rack, Horatio King, become the dupes of these New York and Gideon Welles have contributed dur- Knaves. They deserve to lose their mon- ing the year now closed, will be continued ey, and be exposed by the publieation of during 1871, and will include contributions their correspondence. Few of our readers, from other public men of high poaitiop however, have any conception, of the ex- and wide experience. tent and boldness with which the system Mr. Richard Grant White will, early is carried on. The success of one villain in the year, begin his series of articles on causes others to start the business, until "Americanism, - a continuation of the the number of operators has tme:nue very popular aerieson "Words and their Uses." large. The circulars they send out are, Mr. Justin McCarthy has returned to for most part, lithographed.letterie they the United States, and will contribute premise "the best counterfeit money ever regularly to the Galaxy as heretofore. produced." and they all warn their dupes Of other writers who will have articles not to send money by mail, lint by ex- Meths numbers of the Galaxy for 1871, press. From the "Banking House of Wil- may be namedelleyard Taylor, Ik Marvel, lianas & Co., 196 Broadway," issues a cir- ,Parke Godwin,- -Dr. J. C. .Draper, Carl cular directed to an "Esteemed Friend," Benson, Laura d'Hauterrhe (author of the why is offered $2,500 for $25. ~'Robert Hanna Letter), Prof. J. M Hart, of Cor- H. Holland, No. 145 Fulton street, N, Y.,". nell University, and others. addresses a "Dear'Friend," whose-name The of:inductors of the Galaxy intend to C has been mentioned to him in confidence, make it even better and more attractive Cur - Mealy enough, he will receive calls on- than it has heretofOre been. No expellee ly at "52 John street, No. 5, up grins," willbe leaned to secure articles of the but he "deals on the square." "Bell & greatest interest to its readers. Son, 37 Nassau street," address "My . Dear Sir," and . ingeniously "feel that there is no risk in confiding to , you our secret.'• They prudently add, "Please pay the express chargese - and "return this letter, to remind us." "H. Colter & Co., 195 Broadway," address a "Most es teemed Friend," and -sign themselves, in a burst of lithographed affection,, "Fra ternally yours." "Order only by expiiss," and "please return this sheet to remind us of the e4eisseetance." Colter & Co., ) say they wilt le this, lithograped ' instance, .'eleviate from sew Usual custom o 'nesiuiejng all cash in ailvalese, end upon . reee. Se. of ten dollars, by express, as a uaraz. of ,of sincerity, send," and so on. g . "William "• ''. Ferguson, 194 Broadway," ~..h „ , „ o „s„, 4 „:. i,stters from Brooklyn, will th that the bills whieb "take a solemn C 6. I send you will never be detected." Wil liams & Co., and C o lter & Co., have also printed slips, the latc`er in Fiting calls 8i "Room 26, top floor, 19,:c Broadway." We could extend the lie t, ad infinilu' a, but the above will imillioe, . *0 todiotte the extent and character of this . I PerldiOn• -- Usually the rascals rent a room .9r two for a short time and send out their . 11 ettlerng under assumed names, shifting thei. - 49 43 e tens from time to time to avoid trouble some calls from the police or swilyiled dupes. It is not often.they remain 'Mug enough at one place to be caught. New, if after all this, any body mints to invest in this line, let them go ahead, but don't be surprised if you should be waked up some morning by a Detective on the look out for would-be dealers in Coimterfeet • NEW limy Boot.—The new "Book of Worship,"' prepared by the General-Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, has made its appearance, and can now be had at A. D. BuEnt.r.u's Book Store. Besides revised Hymns, it contains an Order of Worship, the Formula of Church Govern ment, Luther'd Sinailer Catechism, the Augsburg Confession, and Prayers for family use. t f IMP ItOVEMS.N T. -M iBB Harriet McCreary intendh to put up a two story brick front dwelling on the property recently pur chased by - her from Mr. John Culp. on Baltimore street. 'PERSONAL.-Mr. Hilton, lately Super lintendent of the Soldiers Orphan's Home stead, is how principal of the Public Schas held in the Wallack's School build ing, Washington, D. C. His wife assists ADCWENT. -Mr. Henry Letts, (miller) employed by Mr. Shutt, in Mr. Gitt's near nis , Oxford, was caught in the gear ing of the mill one day last week, and consideratdy, though nod seriously, iuiur ed. Citizen. COW KILLED.—On Saturday morning last the 10.80 A.M., freight train on the Gettysburg Railroad ran over a valua ble Cow owned by Mr. Jac& F. Thomas, near the freight depot in this place, break ing a front and a hind leg, rendering it 'necessary to kill the cow. - SAI:Es,--The Gettysburg Building As sociation sold the property lately owned by Geo. E. Kitzmiller to Louis Strouse for $7OO cash. Jacob Low has' sold his property in Loxford township to George Emlet, fur f 1. 700. INtroIiTANT l'O BOADHOLDERB.-1101d eirb of Bonds of the Gettysburg Railroad, :la order to obtain a pro rata distribution „ t 'the proceeds of sale of the road, will h ave to present their Bonds to the Master appo i i tied to make distribution, either in person or by authorized agent or atior ney. Th ‘ t Muter wilt o,it Tn PLaladelphin on the 28th arThe only civil caee triad last week in Cotomon Pleas, was tbk'tof Mary M. Scott and Mary McAllister vs. !it brain/ H. Minnigh, being an action in Tre, in volving a dispute as to the boundt:47 of adjoining lots owned by Plaintiffs Defendants on Chambersburg street. The' jury rendered a verdict of $75 for Plain tiffs. Defendant's counsel filed a motion for a new trial. NEw BLANKS.—We have now on hand a full assortment of newly printed Matting for Justices of the Peace, including Infor mations, Warrants, Commitments, Sum monses, Subpoenas, Executions, &c. Al so Sale Notes, Negotiable Notes, Judg ment Notes, &c., with and without waver clauses, School Warrants, School State ments, Contracts with 'Teachers, &c. Orders promptly filled. PRESENTS of all kiiids for .ale at Zinn Co's. 2t 111. - .NAwAY.,---On the 3rd inst., as a gen tleman named Reed, residing near the chapel, in Oxford township, Adams coun -ty, was driving a spirited horse along the McSherrystovin road, near this place, the 2.30 o'clock down passenger train on the Gettysburg railroad came thundering along, and the animal becoming frighten ed at the locomotive, dashed off at a ter rific rate of speed, badly wrecking the rockaway to which he was attached and throwing Mr. Reed out, who fortunately escaped with but slight . injurg.—Hanorer Spectator. TILE LITTLESTOWN SHOOTING Drift- CULTY. —We understand that young Wei kert, whose shooting by Mr. Samuel P. Young, while on a serenading expedition; we noticed last week, is rapidly recover ing. The difficulty is much regretted by by all parties, the mist friendly relations existing between the families. Mr. Young, who is one of the most respected citizens of that neigborhood, explains that his purpose way to frighten the boys away by firing blank mrtridges, and that the tiring of the barrel leaded with shot was unintentional GO TO Z11 4 :15 & Co., for your ChristmaB presents CHANGED Herne.—On Tuesday last Mr. Townsend, thl purchaser of the Get _ tysburg Railroad, lifted the deed from 31. Swope, the Trustee, and-took charge of the road. We understand that for the present there will be no change in the working arrangements. Mr. H. D. Scott, the, present efficient and accomodating Ticket and Freight Agent, will oontinue to occupy that position, and Mr. Wm. Sethi Conductor, the Hanover Company supplying the cars and motive power.—. Mr. Geo. W. McClellan will 'act as Treas urer until the new Company formally or ganizes. SCARLET FEVER. This sc onrge of children and dread of parents yearly car-_ ries off large numbers of children. We notice in our exchanges what seems to be * judicious treatment in the earlier stages of the disease, which usually begins with languor, loss of appetite, followed by fever and sore throat, and.then "red patches" 'Oron the cheeks appear. When the symp toms are first obeerv4 place the child in a bed in a. room warm: but well ventilated. Administer warm, weak lem onade, with a little gum arable dismayed in it. Cover the atonal& whit dry flan nel, then take a neatly folded bed sheet and place it in boiling hot water, wring it out by means of dry towels, and place it over the flannel on the child's abdomen. This must be repeated until perspialition is observed, which will not result kir some minutes, when the patient will drop into a quiet slumber, and with careful nursing is saved. Ail this may be done berme _s physician bi esitimathed and will swine h great auxiliary to his course of treatment —in many cases it will enable him to save the life of a dear child and prevent the disorders which abnostAbllow Waitress& ful complaint when it is net, promptly assailed by this preliminary home treat ment. VFW. Small Herbst at Prints Sale his Haws old Lot, ea Task simit,_ alw a Pastillq lot en 'West 16111100195 t I=2 The Mt. Union Sunday School of Un ion township, Adams County, held their anniversary at Christ Church on Sunday, Dec. 4th. The School met at 2P. M., the exercises opening with singing and prayer. The School was then treated tb cakes, candies, nuts, &c., which luxuries were in great abundance and gave evidence of the interest generally manifested by the parents and teachers in the glorious cause, Much to the disappointmtat of the officers the books ordered for rewards to the children did sot come, which will be at tended to hereafter. After the good things, much to the enjoyment of the children, were shared out, J. B. Baugh man, S. S. Missionary, addressed the audience and was listened to with almost breathless silence, when the SeboOl tong, some of their delightful pieces, and sa. journed by singing the doxology, Prahe flod from whom, &c. .~ The meeting was largely attended, and all appeared to be gratified, and we hope not without some good impressions made on the hearts and minds of those Arent, to go forward in obeying the omen:Land of our Heavenly Master, when he said "feed my lambs." The School hag been in a Army prosper ous condition since it was organized hurt spring. It numbers 74 scholars, and-22 officers and teachers. The success is to be attributed - mainly t? the officers and teachers for their regular attendance and showing to their scholars that their hands and hearts are interested in the cause. COTTAGE Circtormors.—Mr. W. A. Burnham, Syracuse, N. Y., has in press a new work under this title, specimen pages of which are before mi. It promises to be a valuable popular compe nd of History and Biography, embracing mem- orable persons, events, places and:things, useful in every family. The specimen Pages indicate good printing, on °ker. white paper and leaded type. It will be. said exclusively by sabseription, - sust can Teasing Agents are wanted. ,Elee-adv. Znia & Co., keep the limit Tom Can. dies, Fruits, Nuts, that you will Sod in Gettysburg. - 2t A Cuenca son- Btrumd—Pereeme de airing good Stock, Farming -llhinsils, will do well to attend the sale by die Ad ministrator of Jacob Biesecher, deceased, near Ydradghtstoent, m 4 . l'Fiday the 28d , _inst. The Real Relate will be offered at the same tioni. • • " . - , THE BIM STOVE now m market for bellutY , ecatomeT, ondarsiostlissbuditod all around to be the IiRANING GLORY. It defies all emmmtiikm, and list is Gm judgment of all who hammed it. Itisjust the thing for Offiees, Ooze% aied./Wiere Chambers. Call at C. a Boaler's -Wm& Room, oPlieldte the Per Depot, and examine for youreeket_ ' tf [For the Star and Sentinel - . THE NATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACH ER for December has:an appetizing bill-of flue for its Sabbath School constituency. It contains, among other things, a racy readable article by Rev. J. R. McLean, entitled, "Sunday Schools, the Church Garden;" Joseph Allen, D. D., continues the series on "Mental Facts for Sunday School Teachers," . which shows much analytical power on the part of the author, and Rev. B. K. Fierce gives_some really interesting facts concerning "Juvenile Reform." The magazine, besides the above, colitajn.s the usual outfit for a Sab bath School teacher, the perfection of which has made It so invaluable to the Sunday School workers. The publishers promise an enlargement for 1871, and sliffrurther — Tesprovements, which will place the TEACHER beyond comparison with any other -Sunday School mag'zhie in the world. They offer to send specimen oopies free until January Ist, 1871. The same firm 4",ttiblislies "THE SCNDAT &nom. Senotan, , a capital magazine for boys and girls, specially adapted to interest, amuse and instrue+ the young; .50 eta per annum—clubs of 10 a' 40 eon* 1.5 or more at 80 cents per annum. j a 2dress, for either magazine, Adat." ls , in ee ke.ser & Lyon Pub. Co:, 180 Clarke street, Ci.'icagos rinErs IN.T/EPIESDENT of New 'York h as i ssue d a circular to its business patrons, which reru;.4 as follows: THE nmErENDENT. 8IIB!•CRIPTION PRICE 01,,MY $2 50 PER AITNITIL Its fraktnltive ix a forte of tha Omnb.y. ME Yen POPULAR 1111110 BM WT 13 THIS =I - The following facia and Agoras :taken fr em our Mail Books prove moat sonata. sip 'sly that Tax lunarnernmex is the best ads ertising medium in the country. We shin 4 ready to show our books to any ad- Yeati Mr who doubts the accuracy of our state meat. •We are arteniavadourakes at this reedation of unparalleled facts and figures made in a recast examination of our hooka. Advertimeis will also bear in mind that Tun Isterzrozwr probably circulates—iinangia mare agents, to whom we make bergs salea—in .many places not mentioned on our Mail Boats. We do not believe, for intatanoe, that any single newspaper in the State of Massachusetts, either secular or reh:gions, goes into' so many tear= onto so Willy Yost-offices in that State as does Tax In inumanzen; and the same, we believe, is true of Illinois, and also of every other NorOers airsti. In other words, Tun Inumiosviessr has a wider territorial circulation in each of the ,Nort ' illem StateCthan any other journal, eithea local OS foreign. Ha businais man; therefore, in Boston; Chicago, or, else where, wants to communicate with the public in his own date *sad sideway, 1112 IRDIMSMERT, as will be seen, is by far the beat medium. Oar crowded advedis ing columns eancludiefi l , allow that busi ness men'in all direitbMe alreally appre ciate oar ability to aid them; and we are not afraid to refer indiecriminnailY to thousands of such in New York and else _ ._ We insatn it shall not be our bolt if To traersicrourr. doea.not go to poet-office in the Oinaiiiry. In otherSSW/a, we mein to wit the patronage of lii goOd part& to wary diseetion. The following figures show the norther of poet-offices to which, Tax lirourarin- ENT Warm sea" in the several-states Ines timed loot jtbt.jrotiollboo to The blow la Women' pooloat b i fici so: , I= 'Abbe aborilionbletco" rei no w = . Pio Indian& taws nob noomoln. ems. daumiota. ....... aw MD in lAINI 226 lie. . . ...... 1111 77 In thl sharp 101104 1 1 ting47.l l o ll et the . Arians do* that'in IMParilltairt is t WKS C. awn" _ ruMbiir PrgeOtor, Pstrikilion Nei* Totic. GROCERITi in great variety, of the beat quality, at Zinn & Co.• - 2t Be wise to-day. 'Tis madness to neglect a cough or cold however slight. Consumptionmay follow, and though Dr. Wistar's Balsam of 'Wtld Cherry has fre -quently cured this much dreaded disease, it almost invariably cures the primary diseases of the throat, lungs and chest, where other remedies‘fail. It CHRISTMAS is COMING.—/ little over two weeks, the Christmas holidays will be here. Parents and othe:s t who are looking around for substantial gifts to their children and friends, will do well to call and examine the huge assortment of attractive Books, specially prepared .for the holiday season, at the Bookstore of A. D. BrEHLERS, on Chambersburg street. The assortment embraces a large variety of the best Juvenile publications, together with Standard Literature, gotten up in every style, and admirally adapted for the Library or Center Table. Also, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, fine Cutlery, and Fancy Articles. ti* JUMPING JACKS, Drums, Fifes, FisSMO nicans,, Whips, and all kinds of children's toys for sale cheap at Zinn & Co. 2t aectetv• tdC gi.lci;ct• S'ilt I ..a.• G 4,11/ th & 1.14. Bartimore, Thursday MOM Mg. SUPER FLOUR . 4 75 @ 5 00 -EXTRA nora, 5 50 0 5 75 WHITE WHEAT, 1 31 0 1 50 RED WHEAT 1 gl! 1 60 Coas 0.9 Rya, 80 0 85 • 0470 51 Timarny-Szaa, 4 0 7, 00 CLocsa-SEED, 7 (0 0 , 7 00 FLAI-SEED . 2 10 0 2 15 Saxes, Suouwans, 00 0 13 SIDES 13 14 ILLms IS 0 IS LARD 12!4 € Me; Gettysburg Gallia olt PrO111•1011 Market. Grttyaburg, Friday Morning. Scram. Fiord, • 000 0 00 EXTRA FuOt - a, 0 00 0 5 75 WHITE WHEAT . 0 01.1 0 0 CO HID WHEAT, 1 iu (4 . 1 'Si Coss 75 RTE, 00 g 75 OATS. ,t 0 43 40 HUCKWEVEAT, 0 00 Tniorar-SEED. 0 tu 0, 4 00 CLOVER-SEED 0 io 0 6 60 Pco4Tons 1 00 Br TER tg. 30 LARD Ti; B&W!, ", d 93 BACON. SHOULDERS, r. .• SIDES, 4111 @ 13 HAMS, 0 00 SOAP 00 ,6 TALLOW W S STOOD/ AND RONDO. ci'Vii•lV'Salt.WMptj.s•" 3 o'clock, P. M. , 13 113!4, .107 1 107,4 .10;7; 10754 1(1734, • '65 new, 197.4% "67, Ili) 110 3 4' - •68. IDA., 110% s, 10-40's • i 065% b. S. • - .1.• Year t; per rent. 110 , 4, 119 C. S. 6's of 111 Gold.. Silver . , . 1.7010z1 Pacific K. IL. Ist M. Bonds 900 810 Central Pacific R. B. 920 o 151310 a Pacific Land Grant GIN) .40 31LAREIED BROVGII—TROEITLL—At the house of the bride's father, L'iaae Trestle, Will i am inst., by the Rev. Adam Hollinger Mr. Brough to Miss Lydia Trostle: all of Adams county. R e v. E. the 11th inst., by the Rev. E. Sudden , Mr. Isaac. Deardor ff to Mrs. Louisa Wisler, *)1 of the vicinity of this place. Hisita—Dantt..--On the lith last, by the Rev. Dr. Hauer Mr. Levi L. Hen of Conowago town ship, to Miss Mary C., daughter of Ja'w Diehl, Esq., of New Oxford. Laaa—Baows.—On the Zlth ult.,_gt the louse H of John Leas, by ' the Rev. Adam olliD ger. Mr. Joseph Leas to Hirt Melinda Brown, an of York county. Mnuts—Ritritsciona— On the 3d nit., by the Rev. AdamHollingst,_Mr. David Myers, of Yak county, to Mks Delliah Reinecker,of Adams co. MituotinsTrtoirart O n the 14th Inst., by the Rev. Ei Bnideullanick. Mr. Jacob Malbonkyro. thonotary, to Mrs. Barbara Thomall, all of this place. IiTONIER—MCCLEI7.—On the Bth inst., by Rev. E. 9. Johnston, Mr. DanielC. &puerto Miss Eliza F. Mc leaf, both of Fairfield. tinarvast—Ct.taxs.—Ori the 29th ult., by Rev. E. 8. Johnston, Mr. George Isaac Shriver to Miss N. Nancy Clarke, both of Adam county. Winitatatt—iLman..-On the 4th Just., by Rev. Adam Bollinger, John Iy, Wiennan to -Louisa filmy. all of York Gam:. Caass.—On the 11th inst., in th is place, diary A.. A., wits of Lieut. Jacob W. Cress. aged F 4 years, 9 meths and 2 days. - • B-gracnria.—At Clarion, Fa., on the 21st Ida, J. Melsokls, grandson of Mr. John Welty. Cumberlaad township, this county, aged 5 years, II maths and 20 days. - rucoTlCX—lotters Testamentary on tlit7 Wale VI of Jobs =term men., isle of Gettysbni, deceased. having been Fated to the unftralm. ed, residing in said place, they hereby give notice to all persons Indebted to saki estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claim& w.inst ate the for same to present them properly au thenticd settlement. JOEL B. DANNER, JACOB MEN TZ, Executors. Dec. 16,46 t VSOTlCHL—Letgersof AdministA/ASIXt 0A . ..the estateof HENRY STEnaOl7l, deceall 6 d. li fe of Cumberland township, Adams county, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in GeL 74b t rig, t r s te d re=ris o n ma oUce e tiaill pegr e ns hp meat,. and those having claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL HERBST, Adm'r. Dec. 16.-6 t • . • . - • - TCE.-444iers • • •on the 'Wald' Rev.ensicias J. EMIZIWIT, persons late of Gettys burg, deceased, having by been granted to the un dergned, they re give notice to all indebted to said he ,iWe to Make immediate pay merit, and those having clalmsavinst the same to Present them pMerly authenticated for settle ment. • WWI JIHRIRART, Dn. J. W. HICRELBERGER, Ray. PETER BORN, Executors. • • air The first named Executor resides tnBtraban township the second in Emmlttaburg, Md., and . the last named in iininegrove, Pa. Dee. 111.41 , • , • -.Notfee. TN pursuance of the provisions of the Act of reaWy of PenranAg er )ipril 8, 1861, jams Torwnswii. d, p of "The Get- Railroad; all procrti m and frau dearee yibeTleru Goat 0 4. 0 hereby adreo notice that he will meet li F eet, of H. 0 - ToormaM, No. 709 Walnut DN IDEVD•DAY, DEC. I 9 1870, at 10'o'ciset, A. Y. to organize. elects, President and Directors, and tranriet the business author ized by said Act of Assembly. JAM M. TOWNSEND. Dec. 18„ 1870.-01 A DAMS COUNTY 'TEACHERS' INSTITUTE El I meets In the Coint-House In 'GETTYSBURG, Doe: 266, at 112 o'clock, P. IL =MI V LEMON.. t„. -EA membkra of "THE ADAMS COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY" will meet In Agri. cultural Han, on Monday, January 2d, MI, at 1 otclock, P. M. to transact the usual bness— after which au Election will be held for officers for the year urn irs actcordance 'with r u rsis. 'W tons of the charter. order Of the SAMUEL HERBST, President. &netsurf The subscriber, Executor of LEONARD DUX'S RB, deceased, will otter at Public sale, on Mon day, the 2d rejamfganuary,lB7l,, on the premises, the Real of, aid.deeedent, viZ: A desira ble small FA , situate on the Taneytown road, two miles from Gettysburg, le Cumberland town ship, Adams twenty, ad,Pining. lands Of John Group, John Maser; James Rider, and others, and containing SC ACRES, more or less, improv ed with a two-story STONE MOUSE and Back building. large Smoke House, Log Barn, with Shed, W n Shed and Corn Crib, Hog Pen, and other out,; allood wall of water at the house, and an Apple Orchard, beside a general variety of the best fruit. This Is a very de s irable home, and should command the attention of buy era. persons wishing to view It are requested to call on the Executor, residing within the borough limits of Gettysburg, or on John Musser, residing on the property. At the same time C l place will be sold: I Bed stead and Redding,4 Cluek and Cale, t Settee, Rocking Chairs, a lot of Carpeting. and a lot of Wheat. tar tide to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, whets attendance will be given and terms made kno*n by HENRY CULP, of l'.. Executor. Dee. bk-tt PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PICASONAL ANL) REAL 'PROPERTY The uuderiggued, h:secntors of the last will and testament lit Bev. C. J. Enneitairr, deceased, will sell ittildilla Sale, on Thursday,theUth day of January, 1871, at the late - relideuce of said decedent, on Carlisle street, 1p the borough of Gettysburg, the following Valuable Pen.olud pro- FertY, viz: 1 FAMILY HO ,1 Cow, 1 Buggy,and Har ness, 1 one-horse Wagon, 6 tons of Hay, Corn fodder and Wale, a let of Corp, 5 tons of Stone Coal, porn Sheller, Wheelbarrow, with a variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as 2 Morning Glory Stoves, one a Double Heater. I Cooking Stove. and !Inures, 2 common Coal Stoves, - 1 Sheet-iron Stove, Bureau, Centre Table, Dining and Breakfa4t Tables, Sofa, Chairs, Beds. Bedsteads and Bedding, What-not, Stands, Car peting, and Matting, Clock, Lamps, Window Blinds, Looking Glasses, Queen, Ohm, and Crockery Ware, lkaes, Barrels, &c. ;also 3 large Book Cases, together with many VALUABLE BOOKS, embracing among others the New Amer ican Cyclopedia, lb voL ; the Annual Cyclopedia, 8 vol.: Millen! Repository, 12 vol.' Bibliotheca Sacra, 25 voL ; Ne:ander's History of the Christian Religion and Church. 4, vol. ; Evangelical Review, 19 vol. i • 2 volumes Lange's CAnumentaries ; and Greek Testament, 2 voL ; thesis:we alltrautifujly and substantially bound tam la gooTaiMer; In addition some valuable TheoloMau Pennell and Latin works. _ . At the same time and place will be offered the DESIRABLE PROPERTY lately occupied by the deceased, situated ou Carlisle street, which IS now be so rapidly and handsomely improved. The lot is feet trout by 400 feet deep, and is Improved with a comfortable and commodious two-story Weatberboarded DWELLING HOUSE and Backbuilding, a new Bank Barn, Carriage House, Wood.Honse; Corn Crib, B:e., with an ex cellent Well of Water, a Cistern and a large va riety of choice Fruit and Shade Trees on the lot. All in m 1141111; is one of the most desirable pro perties in the teen, and should command the attention of ail In want of a pleasant home. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M., on said day, wbetv attendance will be given and terms Oxide known by I. GEORGE EIIREHART .1. W. ricHELuErec; Elt, P. BORN, Janes CaLnweLL, Auctioneer. Executors. Dec. 16.-to THE Commisiloners of Adams county hereby give notion that they have filed Poo the following times and places for holding tw TA X APPEALS for 1871, in the several boroughs and townships of Adams county, when, and where they will attend to hear appeal& between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. M., and 3 o'clock, F. M., of each day, as For Mountior township, on Monday January 9, 1871. at the house of Mrs. Sarah Haus, in said F nship. For Germany township and Littleatown bor ough, on Trey, January 10, 1871, at the house of tieo. B. Yantis, in lAttlestown. For Union township, on Wednesday, January 11. 1871, at the house of Geo. B. Yantis, in Lfttiee town. For Conowago township. on Thursday. January 12, 1871, at the house of Jen-ndak Johns. in MeSherrystovrn. • For Metintpleasant tovanship, on Friday . , Jann. al3, 1871, at the house of J. E. Smith, In said townWp. - For Straban township, on Monday, January 16, 1871, at the house of Jacob L. Grass, in Hunters. town. For Oxford township, on Tuesday,january 17, 1871, at the house of J. H. Wiest. In New Oxford. For Berwick township and Berwick borough, on Wednesday, January 16, 1871. at the boos , . i t Franeisl. Won, in Abbuttstown. For Hamilton township, on Thursday, January 19, 1871, at the house of Abner S. Hildebrand. in East Bertha. -- For Heading township, , on - Friday, January :33, pm, at the house.of a Dicks. In Hampton. For Gettysburg, on Tuesday, January 31, 1571, at the Commissioners' Office. In Gettysburg. For Huntington township and fork !springs borough. on Monday. Febuary S. 1871. at the house of Mrs. Jane Reed. in York Springs bor. ough. For Lathnore township. on Tuesday, February 7, 1471, at the house of MIS. Jane Reed, in York Spriggs borough. For Tyrone township, on Wednesday. Febru ary 13, 1871, at the house of Wm. Sadler. In Held lerzr9Arinallen township. ou Thursday. Febru ary 9, /671, at the house of Isaac Myers . in Bnd erectile. For Butler township, les Prkloy, February 10, 1871, at the home of J. A. H. iter, in Middle town For Franklin township, on Monday, February LA, 1871. at the house of Washington Erb. In New Salem._ 2 For lismlltonten township. on Tuesday, Feb. Fl 4, 1871, at the house of Peter Shively. In eld. For Liberty township, on Wedu,olay, Frbru ary 13 1571, at the hou-e of John Nunnemaker, in saki township. For Freedom township, on Thursday, Febru-' ary 16, 1871, at the house of Samuel S. Moritz, In said township. For Cumberland and Highland townships. on Friday. February 17, 1571. at the house of Francis Breatn. Ineumberland towns H hip. MOSES ARTMAN. Mr:. 14M, KM 111 111 1 4 106 106 DIED. .‘ll 1 k y.a~:Y ftaf -AkbettaltUait.- PUBLIC SALE TAX APPEALS. ES - LANCE'. NRIDICH, FR.A.NCIS WILL, Commissioners of Adams county Attest—J. JEFF. Muns, Clerk. Dee. IA 1670.—tt Registers otices. N. °TICE is herby given to all Leapstees and 11 other person e s concerned, that Hie Admirds. tratlon Accounts hereafter mentioned will h p e will at the Orpluuts' Court of Ming! coun ty for contlrmation and alluwance,on TUIcBDAY, the 10th day of JANUARY, 1871,5 t 100'clock, A. M., viz: 71. The first d Anal account of Samuel Nagle, F.reeptor of Blizaheth Nagle. deceased. V. The first and final account of B. P. Hager man, AdjaWADIAGIr of the Estate of Jacob Baum- PrdtM tits QC )40antplesant township, dec'd. 711. aeomiekof Heald Kendlehart, Execu tor of It e r ed. W l .ll arid Testament of James Bowen 74. First tmeount of Hanoi-Ler & Peter Hartman, Executors of the Estate of l'eter Hart man, deceased. 75, The first and final account of Thomas A. Fergason and Mary Reid, Administrators of the Estate of Andrew Reid, deceased. 76. The account of Wm. MeSherry, surviving Executor of Dr. Samuel G. Kinzer, deceased. SAMUEL A. sworz, negister. Dee. 16, 1670.—td Schomacket & Co.'s Pianos. Great Sale of first-class /? , ,s , wood Piaitos , at Prices below the Art at Cost to Maa ttfact,,rt. Raving determined to offer our extensive Stock of superior and highly-ltnished Rosewood Pianos at prices below the actual cost 10 manufacture 4 ., we will sell, during the month of December, at the following great, reductions, In order to close out ourlarge stock. by the end of the year. Naiikelj octave, frost round corners, carved - or SW& .31efilee, four round sorbets, CAIIINI legs, OW for *a. No. 3. 7 octavo': front.ound corners. Sorpeutlne case, WO for sled No. 4. 7.ootave, four ! b lind Miler',serpentine ease, 8900 o for No.& 7 octave fr round — corner! , lianukiing Po for 141 i. I No. Dotitutiave, Lour round cord'int tttotndlnk can, or MOO. No. . octave, Square Grand, *lily WWI ease, WO Tor 6550._ No. L 7 Octave tpriglA or Cabinet Piano' for W. No. 2. Octave 'Upright or Cabinet Plano 1400 for WO. No. 8. 73.; octave Upright or Cabinet Plano $BOO NO. .714 _octavo Semi-Grand Plano WOO for N 0.2 r,c_i ochre Three-quarter Grand Plinio 0000 for MD. No. S. octavo Full Concert Grand Piano $l2OO for WO. mlg t e t wi rt p ra tion °l fo U ri e ts giettY l m!r r irsze n t favor. They are universally acknowledged to be superior to any Instrument made. Those wishing to purchase, or desiring to make * CHRISTMAS PARSFINITS, will find that our special and extraordhary re duction of prices will enable them to obtain A FIRST-CLASS INSTRUMENT afei mice even less than a second - rate, or inferior ~would otherwise east them. Ayes wantidg Maass allould t la it to, pit al CHM Ware‘regt:o.llo3•Ches t Strait, eel selintne our stock, where rue) wines - read- Ily *Med superiority of then Pianos, and t whet we are oferterthem. NCH IsiAClrart . N. 11.—Hole agents for the celebrated ;.4 BURDETT ORGLAM _ sercibilegoris,.with deieription °p is sed schedubiset prices, can be bad by ' our wamenelle, or will be sent bran Thiladalteist, Dec.l6. 1.870.-4 w 'AGENT'S WANTED Innlttaget4kiiA4ri, mder of a book, maiwtie THE COTTAGE CYCLOP,M'/., ristinal'En• COMPLETE LIBRARY Hatelir /al) 111001LAPHYi so that the questions who? whin? where? and w sto ofIMI sarged 11,?;MirdnIzer aresons.bereph=nann nth woom ili m i ty sat TrA ulso recounts the „ ems' m i .tini ad ilre= 7l ? ff re the nile ran** /ad BOLD BY litillnainlOit OtILY. • Bend for Mean, • : • • W. Ati. 11=MAXPublisher., Dr. r, Wnwei, N. I , • • 1. *s4 - 1 . Liii.EAT BARGALNA , ' , l-' A RARE CH.AIi • FOR CAPITALISTS. .' The undersigned, Agent for the owner. will sell at Private Sale , a building tunable r a SHINGLE YAM LACRi si N i e to. gether Id I l i a Order ) ter Crer, in Adams county, and. a part of the country abounding with suits Timber. Sold In consequence of the owner tpUdng from trust- , dens. To he sold at a fair valuation and on at. enannodat nig terms. Possession at once. ag-For matter particulars apply to. DANIEL R. IILAXIMEIT. AVOW Intv i u.,.. All anis county, Pa.:Rec. RI .3t A V A i,l ABLY, 13 OON THE scV: YORK OBSERVER Y R BOOK A_N D AL M AN - AC, 'ft) LW i .S.SUED JANUARY IST, 1871 One of the most complete eompends of import ant infOruattam which has ever been compiled Ur thLs countrv. , It ehouki be In every Library, ass" Book of tide:once. It contains an interesting History of Althanaes: Civil, Commercial, and Agricultural Information eoncerning all the Governments in the World ; a General Summary of all the Benevolent Institm lions and Religious Denominations In the World, with a complete Ministerial Directory of nearfy every Religious Body In the Cnited States, acom- Mete List of all the Colleges, Theological-Semi naries. Medleal and Law Schools In the United States. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. AU persons subscribing and paying for the NEW YORK OBSERVER for one year (it) will receive, copy of this-valuable work GRAT T S L Satnpit , vopir, "r the rio,..erre-e sent (two SIDNEY E. MORsE, Ja.. & If= )failed awc recoipt of price. Lice. 16.-:31 WENT' WA.NTED FOR PA LACE .- HOVEL; Phases of London Life. By 1)..1. Kirv.all, the , well-known Jonnuxligt THE VERV 1-11:GEST COMMISSION PAID This book is a beautiful Octavo of heir. pages, embellished with 200 engravings, and a thody ex ecuted "nap of London designed and executed expressly for this work by eminent artists. It contains a full. graphic, and truthful statement of the Sights. Secrets. and Sensations of the great Mormons of the World. Its pietures are from real Life and yet ~s - ,seird and romantic that it almost challenges one's credulity. It displays In bold relief the appalling misery of the poor. and the reeklcs, luxury of the rich. The most salea ble book In market. Circulars and sample pages _%ddye‘,. BELKNAP BLISS, Bart ford. Conn. I tee. TO TILE WORKING CL`A►`S. MALE OR FILM A 1.E.-Iye are prepared to furnish all classes with Constant Employment, at home, the whole ~r part of the Time. Flustness new, re s pectable mid sery profitable. Persons of either sear eat:My eaxiit rom !CI to N, per evening, and a much larcerjamoant by devoting their whale_tlme to the businew. the and girls earn nearly as much he tacit or women. Any one send ing for our Full In is certain to make money fast. That you mll5l test the business, we will send Free by mail, our FULL INSTRUC TIONS liolV TOCoMMENCE, also a Valuable Sample Package of Goods. Those already start ed are making WO per week devoting 4 to 5 hours a day. NO CAPITAL 'SEEDED to start bull , ness. It is adapted for all localities. If you want permanent employment. and large returns, send your Address to M. YOr & 66 Fulton Sr.. New York. • Tler. 9,1870.-3 m. STAGE OFFICE. KEY STONE HOUSE RE Keystone House. 6rambersburg street, has been selected as the Gettysburg office for the CHAMBER:SKI:KG and EMMITTSBURG STAGE LINES. Stage for Chambersburg teases daily at 1 o'clock,, r. M. and for Ertunlttaburg daily at the game blur.l.'are received at the Hotel and passengers ealle for at any place In town. The lio)-tolie Mat. , runs a flint-clay HICK to and o nt tho Depot., mix. Hack to hire. W. F. MYEIIS. G..tty•btrt:, Sept. P, 1;70.--ratt TAIL KLINE, at the Philadelphia Cancer Insti l/ tide, al Arch St.: Pruf. Dalton, 2.:;£1 W. 4th St.. Cincinnati. V., and Dr. Greene, at Charlotte, N. C., are making ;',..donlshing cures of all Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, by their great tamer Antidotes without the knife or caustic medicine, and with but little pain.— Every rot and fibre is killed and removed, if taken In time and cannot return. Beware of bo gus Professors, a ith their bogus treatments, stealing our advertisements. :Co others have these treatments. None other should ever be used. For particulars, send for circular, call, or address as above. (Sept. M, 1870.-3 m ROSAD A L I S , - ?TIE E GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH 1 RESTORER, purifies , the blood and cures Scrofula. f philisi Skin Diseases, ORheumatism, Diseases oT Women. and all Chronic Affection:, of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and many thousands of our best e it Ezell.. Read the tralmony of l'hisielams and p 6, tleilts who hafe used nos: Walls; send for tir lt,salaliliulde tolkilt:Booi.ui - s lilai,a, forttsyearvh ct,e,uilis for r Brat uitiius list rthaiun; it will gi% e you much valualde Lutuntiatii.a Dr. It. W. Carr. of Baltimore, says I take pleasure In recommending your Rothinams as a very powerful alterative. I Ahave seen it used in two cases with happy results—one in a ease of secondary svphilis, In which the patient pronounced himself cured after having taken five battles of your medicine. The other is a. case of scroVa of long standing, which is rapidly iluproving under its use, and the in. Ddications are that the patient will soon re cover. I base carefully examined the formu la by which your Itosadalis is made, and find it an e xeellen , compound of alterative in gredient'. • _ Dr. Sparks. of Mell1)1:11% ilk. Ky., says he has used Rosadalis in cases of scrofula and Abe„,,ary S) plaits with satisfactory results .--as a cleaner of the Illmsi I know no better 'remedy. samuel G. 81'2 , i:tid; , 2111 rf resboro', Tenn. 'says: I I have used se:en bottles of Rosadalis Land ant entirely cured of Rheumatism :send :me four bottles, as I wish it h,r my brother i telt() has scrofulous sore eyes. 1 Benjamin Bechtol, of Lima, Ohio. writes. I have suffered for twenty years with an in - , veterate eruption over my whole i,Nly : a i!short time since I pureliv.sed a bottle of i Itoi:nlalis and it effected a perfect cure. I 1 Oiritosadalis isthld by all Droogists. I.altnrat"ry, dl Exchange Fillet', BaltiffiOre C E.MENTS & CO.. Propeletues. S 1 Feh.ll 150.--Iyin 1 B' Fu Male In Gettysburg. Pa.. by A. D. BUEHLER, Druggist. READING RAILROAD, WINTER ARRANGEMENT, :iONDAY, NOV. 21st, 1870 Greatillink line from the North and Northwest for Philadelphia. New York, 'Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin. Lebanon, Allen town, Easton, Ephrata. Linz. Lancaster. Colum bia,•Ac. , Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as fol lows: At 3.10, 8.10, 10.50 a. m. and 2.50 p. connecting with similar Trains on Penns} I vania Railroad. and arriving at New York at 10.10 tem' 3.50. 5.50 and 10.00,p. m.. respectively.- Trang Cars accompany the 3.10 and a. in., Without change. Returning: lease New York at 9.00 a m., 12.00 noon and 5.00 p. m.. Philadelphia at 8.15 a. m.. R I f l r L ozn bi rAl in f , _ ..,,,.. C r a k r . s w a tgoTc al ai_o the I°6 Learn Harrisburg for .w.oosoff. Pottsv ill e, Ilinermille, Ashland, Puamo Allen. town and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m., 'and 2.50 And toCSE. i. :. stopping at Lebanon and minci ng! way Hurts; 4.05 p. m., train connecting for ils.thirph ~ Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsville, - tpuyikill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill a puhanna Rail Road, leave Harrah/lit SAO_ • Pbg __ . East Pennsylvan a ballroom trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Easton and New York at 5.00 10:30, 12_45 noon and 4.4.5 p. m. Roturntna. leave New York at 9.00 a. m.,1200 noon and 5.00 p. m. and Allentown at 7.20 a. m., 12.25 noon, 255, 4.1 and &IS p. m . Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia. at 7.30 a. in., connecting with similar train on East Penn's Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.20 p. m., stopping at all Stations. Leave Pottsville at 9.00 a. tn., and 3.10 p. in.. Herndon gatt 10.15 a. in., Shamokin at 5.40 and 11.20 & an, • at' 7.05 a. in.. and 12.50 noon, Mahanoy City at 7.51 a. m., and L 35 p. m., Tamaqua at &33 a. m., and 2.40 p. m., for 'Phila delphia, New York, Reading, Harrisburg. &c. Leave Pottsville. via italuolldll and Susqne , hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. tn., for lEanisburg, and , 12.05 noon, for Pine Grove and Tremont Readhar Azoolluttodation Train leaves Potts ville at 5.40 a. m., passes Reading at 7.30 arriving at PhiWelpida at 10,20 a. la. RetUrn. hAitetaves- PMadidithia at 445 p. m., prises • at '1.25 IL arriving at Pottsville at 3 • AteOraMianaana aun t leaves Potts -oCdoto at 7.ldra. retthmingcleiws' Philadelphia _ ' toolunllida Ridirold Trains leave heading at 7.5X1 411„ and 0.15 p.m. for Ephrata, Utiz, Lancet :. I ter(Oolumbia, &c. Perkimen Railroad; Trains leave Perkiomen anicna*at 7.45, 9.05 a. 411., 3.011 and 5.30 p. ; re turning, leave Schwenidiville at 7.00, 8.20 a. no., 12.50 noottAnd4,3o in.;:chtutectiltlf with thightr ' trains coo Wading =Road. ColebrOokihiaMiroad Trains leave Pod/down 'at 9.40 a. ra., stir 6.12/ re, returning leave Mount Pleasant at 7.00 and 1125 a. in., connect trig with similar trade on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Raill'oad Trains leave Bridge port at 8.30 a. m., 2.05 and 5.03 ro; m. returning returning leave Downingtom 6 -0 5 - onlet 5.1.5 nixilui l. ecting , witioTmpo v i " TM_ : lean. New York at 5.00 p. -PtillatielPhia at 8.00 a. in. and 3,15 p. m. t & Zdadortdistas--ans- to MOM !Mt& &00 a. m. . Harrisburg a lieli f i g i fii " & n.. and 4.Wlexm Allentown at 8.45 p. ; leavoi 7and. m-,,and.10. 06 for Harris at .00 it. in. forNewYark:and at 9.40 a. m. 4.24ai rga l. for Philadelphia. COSMlnialigact. naaaen, asisopt sad Ex. onasiwlic&lsloseto dipoles. atredueed la ii mext DR.••_ .. lll .w eimisctiompipm; • • , NIOOLIA Elapeastaident.. . . , Reading, Pa., Dec. s, ttCAitrivtokiiicig. 8 (FCLOCk. THIS IS NO DIAIBO i—Binending 95' CENTS \Mit age, height, color of eyes. and hair, you wiji receive, by return mall, a eorrett picture of piut future husband or wife, with name and date of marriage. Address W. PDX P. O. Drawer No. 24 Fultaaville, N. Y. Dec. 16.-4 w AGEITS' tI'ANTED FOlt THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD Containing Fleetwood's "Life of. Christ," and "Lives of the Apostlet; Evangelista and?tartyrs," Dodd r Edges "F.videnee of Christianity;""History et the Jews:" by Josephns ; "History of all relig ious Denondostions." treatise and tables re 'sting to ovestut conneeted with Bible History, , ontsdiiing ninny hue 'engravings. The whole forming a complete _Treasury of Christian Knowledge. W. - FLINT, 53 S. Seventh Street, Philadelphia. I)ee. 16.-lw ETTIN (:I' Ca Bs. Great saving toConsumers Parties enquire how to get up clubs. Our an swer is, send (or Price List, and a Club 'harm wilt accompany it with full directions,—make a large saving to consumers and remunerative to Club organizers. IRE GREAT AMERICAN TEA Co 31 43 as TESEY STREET, • P: O. ACA W 3. SIP YORK. Dec. /6.—iw YIGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIBRARY OF -1 POETRY AND SONG, the handsomest and eheapest work extant. It ha* something In it of Die best for every one,—for the old, the middle aged and the young—and must become universal ly popular. Excepting the Bible, this will be the book most loved and the most frequently refer red to in the family. Every page has paswd un der the critical eye of tho great poet, M. CUL LEN BRYANT. Rare chance for best Agents.— The only book of its kind ever sold by subscrip tion. Scud at once (or circulars, die., to GEO. MACLEAN. Publisher, 719 Sansmn St., Philadel phia. Pa. Dee. 16.-tw MONEY QUICKLY MADE by active men and women getting subscriptions for the great religious and literary weekly The Chrbdtan Union. edited by HENRY WARD B EEC 11 Elt. Having In its eurps of Contributors the ablest talent of the land. A charming serial story by the world-famous authoreass of Uncle Tool's Cabin," Just begun. Every subscriber for Lin receives the paper for eight weeks, and the Twople's favorite, Marshall's Washington, (algae worth ...%) free. This new anti unequalled conibi nation is taking like wild are. All are doing well, many making from CO to IC3O a day. Now is the harvest time, act wisely and quickly. There Is positively nothing that will pay you so well.— Copy or paper, chapter of story and rare terms Free. address A. H. HUBBARD, .03 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Dec 2.—iw II: ANTED—AGENTS—To sell uur new Mus t t r: t ted Book of 'fravels THROUGH MB W. gaux. A comprehensive and valuable exposition of Um eternities of Alaska, Siberia. China and Russia as they are to-day.— Matehi niz our Rlchartimin's "Beyond the Missis sippi." and Mark Twain's 'innocents abroad - in Style, Se, Send for circulars and see our extra terms. Address, AMERICAN PUBLISHING i„ Hartford, Coun. Dec. 2.-4 w TH EA-NECTAR A ITI:F: CIIINEsI BLACK ( WITH GREEN TEA FLAVOR Warranted to Snit all Tastes. FOR SALE EVERY %VILER. And for sale Wholesale only by the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., I'. 0. Box. 5506, ft Church St., N. Y. 'END put THEA-NFXTAR CIRCULAR. Dec. EISEMEI CA BOLIC TABLETS. Au unfailing remedy for all Bronchial Difficulties, Coughs, Colds, Hoarsness, Asthma, Diptheria, Dr) nets of the Throat or VS Ind Pipe and all Ca tarrhal d brra,es. The wonderful modern discovery of Carbolic Ac:IL is ile,tined to become one of the greatest blessings to mankind in Its application to diseases of the throat and its great curative qualities In all an'eet M the CHEST and LUNGS. DR. WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS Liesides the great remedial agent Carbolic Acid containsother Ingredients ant vermll y recommend ed, which chemically combine. producing a Tab let more highly medicinal and better adapted for diseases of the throat than any other preparation ever before offered to the public. CACTI(; .—Be sure you yet Well's Carbolic Tablets; don't let other goods be palmed oft on you in their place. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Well's Carbolic Tablets are a sure core. Try them. SOLD BY DEL7GGISTS. Dec. 2.—Dr 4; 460 S. WEEK paid agents male or female, In a new manufacturing business at home. No capital required. AddreFs Novmar Co., Saco, Me. Dec. :.—{w A LESMEN WANTED.—Business honorable. No eompetition. lilH rat pay given. S. W. KENNEDY. S. Ith St.. Phila. lim!. 2.-4 w $lO MADE FROM 50 Cts ! Soni , thing urgently needed by everybody. Call and examine. orsamples sent iota paid) for C1..1) that retail easily for Cu. lt. L Wouot - r, Hi Chatham :Nl_ N. I. Dee. 2.-4 w ACENTS WANTED FOR How Women can make Money and other 1, , t Rooks in the market. McKIN NEY & MARTIN, UPS Cheitnut Si. Phila. 4,v; P,LPER shows how to double the profits of the FARM, and bow farmers and their sou, can each make 810 PER MONTH In \Vint.•r. 10.000 Copies will be mailed free to Farmers. Send name and address to ZItGLER & McCURDY, Philadelphia. Pa. Dec. \A T c A eYbrlrde A iMaiinitrE d MlTlV" h e- CHINK. Has the underfeed, makes the "lock stitch" (alike on both shies) and Is fully licensed. The best and cheapest family Sewing Machine in the market. Address, JOIE% SON CLARKS CO.. Boston, Mass, Plttsbur,gh, Chicago, 111, or St. Louis, Mn. Sept. 23.-stn lIE MAGIC COMB' will change any colored I hair or beard to a permanent black or brown. It contains no poison, Any one can use it. One sent by maul for 11. Address MA:dIC CO3IB CO., Springtleld, Mass. [Sept. 1870.-3 m A GENTS WANTED-0.215 A MONTll3—by the rt AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE CO., .Thogon.. Moss.: or St. Loui.R, Mo. Sept.M-31u EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE IT DR. GUILMETTE'S EXTRACT OF JUNIPER As a delicious tonic healthful, and curative ter all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. Losa of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, &c., it is unrivalled. To-Females it is especially recom mended for all isregularitles of the menses, and disorders peculiar to their system, as it cad-be used with perfent. safety. In malarious districts it is a great preventive of Fever and Ague. enemas 8. Fict,& - sadt, Wholesale Agent, 40 Barclay St., New York. Sept. 2:3.-am HURRICANE PATENT LANTERN COMPANY, Vifice, 40 Barelay St., N, Y. (Up Stairs Offer to the public a Lantern combining safety and economy with elegance and usefulness. safety and explode; It gives d light, and con sumes less oil than any ot h e r;lt Is not disturbed by the highest wind, and if a glass is broken It Is easily replaced by means of the screw. They are unive ep rsally i rro. liked where -3m they have been tried. St. 23, T was cured of Deafness . and Catarrh by a stm .l. pie reinedyAnd will send the receipt free. Mrs. M. C. Imarr, Jersey City, N. J. Dec. 2.-tw A GENTS Want for Headley's New. Fresh /X Book "SACRE ed. D 111110 ES ANG 'MARTYRS." Written In the Au's happiest style, and sur passing his former wo rk s, which have been sold by the 100,000. With Original Steel Engravings from designsty our Artists who has spent three years in Bible Lands. The Clergy, and the Fress are loud in Its praise. Agents are making money rapidly, E. B. TREAT & Co., rub's 66k Broadway, New York. Dec. 2.-4 w Gettysburg Railroad, TIME TABLE. TRAINS now run on the Gettysburg Railroad as follows: FIRST TRAIN leaves Gettysburg at 8.10 A. M., Granite B.V, Guiden's 5.25, Xew Oxford 8.38, arrive at Hanover at 9, and leave at 9.10, arrive at Hanover Junction at 10 A. M., arrive at Balti more at 1/30 P. 1.1., York 11.45 A. M., Harrisburg 110 P. 31. SECOND TRAIN leaves Gettysburg at 1 P. IL, Granite 1.12, Gulden's Ll 5, New Oxford L3O, Han over 1.55, arrives at Hanover Junction at 2.40, Baltimore 6.15, York 3.10, Harrisburg 4.25. Ella TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 10.40 P. IL, Harrisburg .5.35 A. M., York 6.50, Hanover Junc tion 7.20, Hanover * New' Oxford 9.40, arrive at Gettysburg at 10.39. SECOND TRAIN leave* Belt4nore at 8.30 A. yy, Harrisburg B A. IL, York 9.30, Hanover Junction ILIS, Hanover 1L65, New Orford 12.08, 1 Gulden's 12.73, Grange 1.2.23, anima at Getty& burg 72.40 P. 11. 111141 TEAM levee Baltimore at 12.40. P. 3s, Harrisburg UT P. W. York* Irlearmajertik , tion 3.40 Hanover LANew 4 :4oo4:4.gPideq!‘ Granite 4.363 antieterM,Getembara at 3.10.. 7 40;1} 1 0T stiyet; .: . i*C• Yr M‘k-d FF` 'Atirmienttib. "0 Best Ram, Dea2.16.-4w Tbbi ,Quarters 13 Numbers SENT FREE to ill subscribing, before Dee. 25, 1870, for next year's Fifty-Two Numbers of - s • MooM Rural Nor-Yorker, TUX GREAT ILLUITILLTED RURAL AA) FAMILY WEEKLY, FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY. Tria Ittatat, now in its 21st year, is not only the jarost, Best and Cheapest, but by tar the Larvest-Circutating Journal of its Class in the World! National In Character, Ably Edited, Su perbly Illustrated and Printed, it is the BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY! It is the Standard Authority on all branches of Aotticomms., nORTICULTUSZ, &C. AS a Liter ary and Family Paper it is a favorite in many of the best families all over the Union, Canada. &c. Indeed, 4 llooits's itustaL /ma no Rival in its Sphere, and IS the Largest illustrated Journal on the Continent—each number containing Sixteen Five-Column Pages, (double the size of most pa pers of its class.) it is the paper for the East, West, North and South. TERMS, INDUCEMENTS, &c Tamils—Cl a Year of Numbers, and only 02 50 in Clubs of Ten. This Quarter's 13 lumbers sent FREE, as offered above. Our Club Inducements for 1871 are unprecedented. Specimens, eremlum Lists, .5c., sent free to all funning Clubs,—aud we want a live Club Agent in every Town. Address 1./. D. T. MOORE, 41 Park Row, New York. It The New York Methodist AN EIGHT PAGE WEEKLY. Now in its Eleventh Year, publishes Sermons, a Serial Story for tile Family, a new Children's story every week, Chats N 1 ith the Little Folks, Editorials by the best Methodist writers and others, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, full Departments of Religious and secular Intelligence. Price ir2 al a year. Liberal oriiniltinin or cash commis sions to canvassers. -Maisel iptions to commence at any time. Fur specimen, enclose a two cent stamp to prepay POstage. Address THE METH -01/IsT, 114 Nassau Si, N. Y. 4t jOLLDAV JOURNAL for 1871 contains .1 11 Christmas Story, Splendid Plays, 31ag,10 Sports, &e. ; 48 pages; Illustrated. Sent Free on receipt of one stamp for postage. Address AD- A:ari & CO., Publishers, Linton. 4t A tIIBISTMAS GIFT to all Yearly Subscribers .11. to,47ipleron's Journal, published Weekly.— Two Ifunths Su tiscript Mu gratis. The Months of Noveutlier and December, 1. 1 370, given gratis to all subscribers remitting for the year hiTI. Any one desirous of making a trial of the Jour nal to see whether they like it, can have it for TWO MONTHS on remitting us Fifty Cents. Picturesque America, cousfsiting of splendidly executed views of American Scenery, commenc ed In November.. D. A/MI-Eros 6: Co., Piggish ers. New York. it ON - EI:LAND A SUPERB smiciurrioN BOOK. Cuba with Pen and Pencil. A eotnplete manual of travel, yet as interesting as a novel. FRESH. FULL, AND RELIABLE: • !to COMPETITION:: Magnitkent Full-Page Engravings! 293 other illustrations of exceedingly Interesting and varied character, many of them humorous. All about the principal cities of the Island, the baths and watering places, bull-fights. cock-fights and car nival. Street sights - in Havana. Culture and Manufactdre of Coffee, Sugar and Tobacco. Pnet and Fun! Statistic and ilAcen hire T E k LIBEEIAL TEIMS TO LIVE AGENTS. HARTFORD I'ALHLISHING COMPANY, Harp lord, Conn. " EN. ROST. E. LEE'S LIFE. Nearly ready for Publication, the Biography of Gen. Eoirr. E. LEE. by John Esten Cooke, author of "Life of Stonewall Jackson," '•Wearing the Grey," etc.- 1 vol., 8 cu., !AMP pages. Illustrated. To be sold by subscription. AGENTS WANTED. D. APPLE TON 6; Co.. Publishers, New York. 4t EEMPLOYMENT, Business tor all.—Best Indus. trial s-page Newspaper. 50 cts. per yiar.— Send stamp fur copy. PATENT STAR, Batit,OP, )Laos. s 4t HOMES, HEALTH, HAPPINESS.—How to be obtained for Five Dollars! Plantations. Farms, Villa Sites and Town Lots, at the Great Premium Land Sale, Aiken, S.C. The" Saratoga of the South. - 45 hours from - N. Y. The most delightful climate !n the world. Free from the rigors of Northern winters, exempt from Throat Diseases. Vineyards and orchards in full bear , lug. For descriptive pamphlet. address, uith stamp, J. ('. DERBY, Agusta, Ga. 4t ASONIC BOOK.S.—Agents Wornted.—Send for l'ireular. Address MASONIC PUB LISHING CO., 432 Broome St., New lurk. It H_TOMES for the million : $500,000 worth of Farms 1.1. and Farming Lands for sale. In lots, to suit, mostly In Lents Co.. Mis.sourL Eicellent mar kets, fertile soil and healthy climate. Mills and Town Property for sale. Daily communication with Quincy. Vor descriptive circular, address G. W. CONNELL, La Grange, Mo. 4t EMPLOYMENT. NON-EXPLOSIVE METALIC KEROSENE LA_MP, b absolutely safe from explosion or breaking; burns any C oal Oil, good or bad i gives more light, no odor, and uses less oil. -It Is perfectly non-explosive. The light is bet ter than is produced by any other lamp.'!—W. S. Clark. l'i eit Massachusetts Agricultural College. "It Is perfectly nonexplosive, gives a better light and Is more economical than any other lamp In use."—W. W. Wells, late Sup. Pub. Schools, Chicago. The appalling deaths and tires from glass lamps exploding and breaking create a great demand for this lamp. It pays to sell it. Sold by Can vassers: Agents wanted everywhere. Send for circular and terms to MOtirOOMERT & Co.. Cleve land, 0.. 42 Barelay St , . 4t TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT LNSURANCE COM PANY. of Hartford, Conn. Clot Assets, CY-A -DA Grants Life and ENDOWMENT Policies of ail approved forms. Ample security, low rates. Also insures ag - alust ACCIDENTS &using death or total disability. Policies written by the year or mouth. Has paid 47U0 per day fur SIL Years in benefits to policy-holders, 4t DOYAL HAVANA. LOTTERY.—Prizes cashed .1.1. and information furnished by GEORGE UP HAM, Providence, R. I. E 25.1 WEEK SALARY !—Young men wanted as local and traveling salrsmen. Address (with stamp) R. H. WALKER, 34 Park Row. N. Y. WE WILL PAY AGENTS h. salary 01 4i35 a week, or allow a large commis sion to sell our new Inventions. Metres.% with stamp, J. W. FRINK tt CO., Marshall, Mich. S rE 31 AL. IDDER'S PASTILLES. A sure relief for K Asthma. Price 4U eta, by mall. STONE. WALL & CO., Charlestown, Mass. 4t 1826 Pti t i.IIJ:7. s x;:I ,EG B E ILTAI. ,, 1870 The old standard remedy for Coughs, Colds, Con stunOion. -Nothing better." CUTLER Mos. & CO.. Boston. 4t CHERRY PECTORAL TROCHES are superior to all others for Coughs ' Colds, Asthma, Bronchial and Lung dlßlculfies, are exceedingly palatable, have none of that nauseating horrible Cubeb taste, and very soothing and act like a charm; Ministers, Singers, wl n e a ciall a a n d d a pPubltioc t SpeakersSod f by d Dryggretespecially . (F. V.) COD LIVER on., for Consumptionand Scrofula ; 'use no other. 4t HORRIBLE.—I suffered with Catarrh thirty years, and was cured In six weeks by a sim ple remedy, and will semi the receipt, postage tree, to all afflicted. T. J. MEAD, Drawer i 76, Syracuse, N. Y. 4t SYCHOISLANCY.—Any lady or gentleman can .1L - make 0.000 a month, secure their ownl c t ness and independence, by obtaining. rsyc MANCY, PA...INATiON, or SOUL CRAB G. 400 pages t cloth. Full Instructions to use this power over men or animals at wig, how to Mes merize, become rranee Writing Mediums, DlVl nation, Spiritualism Alchemy, Philosophy of Omens and , Dreams. Bri g ham Youtp Harem, Guide to Marriage, &c. all contain In this k ; 100,000 sold ; price all mail, in loth $1.25, paper covers $l. NOTICE.—Any person willing to act as agent will receive a sample co of of the work free. As no capital is required, ail desirous of genteel employment should send for the book, enclosing 10 cis., for postage, to T. W. EVANS & CO., 41 South 6th St., Philadelphia. r •lt A MYSTERY SOLVED.—Fitteenlilbutes' Prf. A vate Conversation with Married Ladles by one of their number. Sent free for two stamps. Address Mrs. IL METZGER, Ilauover, Pa. Nov. 25, 1870.-4 t REMOVED . • JOSEPH JACOI3S, MERCHANT TAILOR , rue F t x3orEp Next door to J. W. Cress' Store, on Chan bersburg at., near the Square. A A large assortment of Clothe, Coesliners, Vs:l'llmm, Trim mollage- are" offered at the smallestlgsf e its. Goods bought at the Store cut of charge. Goods made up with dispato as well when bought at other stores as at his own. i f atest N. Y. Fashions received, a_n‘Ftaijoring done the 11 1 ye aP tiVir i pa s gotagrZtal, '" eil no effort spasm to please. April 22, 1870—tf JolL'idCoBB. Joseph Walton & Co.; - 'o ll lt*litlitakiktos - No 4 .4lBAVaineutBl.,,hAdtierAia. . out o l,4ottPloklest In nu. Wtia , eXPartenoe and linW°4- , paredtoturokill goat .! . uzdture mid also aw .! :Ti U*,of sufierfof qqolltaij 1 atYar*oftfolog .." tfdop_72'n .. .ild e. ttue for . scarr_ E!ITEEM Best Inducements . ! Wrs TER I=l F 11N' i S HIVE , ' pin lavtlittunicats. rE===ME THE GREAT Balm Pine Wart fiABE Sr, 00., Manufacturers of ()RAND, SQUARE AND 171111011 T PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE; MD.• These instriumants hare been ‘l=l the RAW for neario u Thirty years, and upon excellence alone lied on unpurcAand preeminence. winch pronounces them unequalled. Their T• N X combines great power, sweetness and ilas signing quality, as throe great. purity of intonatiou, and 3Weptheill hout the entire scale. Their TOUCH U pliant and elastic, and entirely tree from the stss found in 90 many Pianos. IN w4CAKNANSigzr they are unequaled',, tming none but the very test snanatilin gavzsda.,.the large- capital employed In our business enabling us to keep continually an immense stock of lumber, &a, on Mad. New Sir - All our Swan Plan* have our NeW proved Over Strung Scale and the A SiZ•We would call special attention to Our latp I mprovements In GRAND ru.Noti am:IBPDA= BRANDS; ratented Aug 14, 1861, which bring t e n d o nearer perfection that du yet Web at- Every Piano fully 'Warranted for 5 Years. We have made arrangements for the .is Wholesale Agency for the mast Celebrated PAR LOR ORGANS and MELODEONS, which we of fer Wholesale and Wall, at Lowest Factory PETER BENTZ, Agent, No, 30 East liarket street, York, ra. Sept. t, Iro.-6m 1870. MILLINERY. 1870 Mies McCREARY WILL open on Saturday, Nov. s th , a large and elegant assortment of winter BONNETS & at priced can from 75 cents to $lO.OO.- Also, Bonnet and Flat Frames, Silks, Velvet, Feathers, French Floaters, Fringe, Crape, Lace, Mbar, Blond Grenadine, Barage, Jets, itc. Also, a new variety of TOHet and Fancy Goods. She Invites the attention of Ladies to her aaaort ment which yin be sold at the lowest cash prleee. Oct. 28,1870.-2 m Notice to the.- Public I 'I 'HE undersigned Is running a Line of Beams from Hagerstown to Gettysburg, leaving for mer place on - Monday, Weduesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M., paining by Leitersburg, Wayne,- boro', Monterey and Clermont *duo, letomtals Dale and Mairteld arrlting at Gettyiblitt past four o'clock and returning from He on Tuesday, Thursday and ri my Hagerstown to make connection with the 5 o' clot train for Baltimore. ANNA WABBEN. May 2L--tf Carvittro and evontractors. Wm. U. Stallsmith sk Son, GRTTYRBIIRO, PA.. Carpenters and• Contractors, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, DOOR ♦ND WINDOW FRAMES CORNICE, DOOR AND WINDOW BRACKETS. &C., Comnantly on hand, and fnanufaetured to order out of the BEST MATERIALS, by experienced workmen, and at REASONABLE PRICES Sir-Orders promptly attended to January 15, 1.84N3--tf GEO. C. CASHMAN, GETTYBBUTRO. P. 4.. Carpenter and Contractor, RESPECTFrLLY Informs the public, that.he has removed to Ms New Shop, on Stratton street between York and Railroad streets, and 15 pre pared to take contracts for putting up and repair ng building, at as reasonable rates as any bull der to Getty burg—all work guaranteed to be of best ualtty. He hopes by strict attention to btust ness o merit public patronage. Give him a call April 9, 1.869-tt Warble lards. W. N. MILLER'S MARBLE WORKS. Cor. nj Baltimore and East Middle sts., GETTYSBURG, PA. Every Description of Work executed in the finest style of the Art IMBIMIaLI CAST, WROUGHT AND WIRE' RAILINGS, FURNISHED ON THE MONTI= NOTICE June r 7, Ira —4t GETTYSBURG MARBLE WORKS. MEALS & BROTHER, East York Street, second agitate, Getlyeburg, Pa. Where they are prepared to furnish alt kinds of Work in their line, such as Monuments Head,SWes, TOMILS, MANTLES, &c., • atthe shortest notice—cheap as the aheaPeat• sarGive us a call. Produce taken in esztuutie 1day.27.11,61k tf Ifaub,tp and iftwttiv. WATCHES Sr, JEWELRY. 4 WI. P. ITCARTI ostumers and : h ll , 7, pui wirs 1,131.1110 r that, having purchased the Interest of LCpartner. (L. V. B. iloperj Lakhe Watch and Jewelry Store off Baltimore st. Gettysburg, be win Wire no effort to give nOv(actioti to aw He has Just returned from the city wiffiasplen: did assortment of , GOLD d SILVER ANZEJOAN and SWIM WA. JEWELRY SILVER TEL and TABLE sT la t agiO_LAAfe.„ YER and ULM; also, SI I AM , .5 - 4 • g(olak . • ,_ • 4 1 • sad 1 et talk aerWatogi and Moak 'work warranted for o year. Jewelry repairing executed in s neat workmanlike manner. (Sept. 10, I CLOCKS, WATCHES" JEWELRY A. -K. FEISTEL Ras removed Ids shop to York street. aPPDaff,e the.Olobe lun. GattYlbuft' whom he haa atantly on band a due assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY MD SILVER=PLATED WARE Old Sayer ttiken In.exchsu e e1i, ., 0f yyggppAlltlKa dodo, mae 4 ,4 wurfc•arrigia—tt ■ lve all • '