Sew Adrmitunicato. . ONEY QUICKLY MADE ineu and womon getting subscriptions great relous and literary weekly The Unfree. edited by HENRY WARD • • Having in its cons of Contributors Went of We land. A charming serial • the world-famous authoress of "Uncle ' bin," just begun. Every subscriber for ives the paper for eight weeks. and the a favorite, Marshall's - Ws/Winston, (alone free. This new and unequalled combi. is taking Li • wild fire. ' All are d well, aking *lO to *3O a day. Now loing s the lime, wisely and quickly. There is ly trig that will pay you so well.— . saperlhager H o l l ithortiln, deoratrrh:setriiirtil elphla. Dec. 2.-lw - TEDAGENTS—To sell our new illus. fed Book of Travels OVERLAND TIIROUGIT. Thomas W. Knox. A comprehensive and exposition of the countries of Alaska, China and Russia as they are to-day.— .. our Richson's "Beyond ab road" s. d Mark T wa in 's "Innocents in c, Send for circulars and see our extra Address, AMER' ICAN PUBLISHING ord, Conn. Dec. 2.-4 w EA-NECTAR PURE CHINESE ACK TEA Gf?EEN TEA FLAVOR anted to Snit all Tastes. FOR SALE EVERYWHER, ul for sale Wholesale only by the Athotic & Pact Tea Co., 0. BOX, r . :416, 6 Church St., N. Y. For. TREA-NECTAR CIRCULAR. Dec. 2.-Sw TRY WEI-.1.2§, BOLIC TABLETS I ug remedy for all Bronchial DlMcultiea, colds. lioarmess. Asthma, Dlptheria, the Throat or Wind Pipe and all Ca "eases. nderful modern discovery of Carbolic tined to become one of the ggrreeaatest to mankind in its application todlseases 'at and its great curative qualities in all of the CHEST and LUNGS. WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS e great remedial agent Carbolic add titer ingredients universally recommend. chemically combine, producing a Tab. lighly medicinal and better adapted for I the throat than any other preparation offered to the public. 11.—Ito sure you get Well's Carbolic don't let Other goods be palmed oft on it place. t COUGIIS AND,COLDS rbollc Tablet ,. are a sure cure. Try SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Dec. 2.—Ds WEEK paid agents male or female, in en manufacturing business at home. I roquired. Address NOVELTY Co.. Dec. 2.-4 Vt EN WA-NTED.—Business.honorable. , llpetltion, liberal pay given. S. W. A. Y. S SAM SL, Yhila. Dee. 2.-4 w IE FROM 50 CU urgently needed by everybody. Call lie, or samples sent (postage paid) for retail easily for $lO. It L . WoLcorr. sit, N. V. Dec. 2.—iw 'U) AG EN TS WANTED FOR " omen can make Money best Books in the market. McKIN .ItTIN, IT4 Chestnut SL, Phila. 9a• IER'S HELPER to double the profits of the FARJ, rimers and their suns can each make $lO 419 ER MONTH MAO Copies will be mailed free to. lid name and address to ZIEGLY.II Y. Philadelphia, Pa.. Dec. Dee . -4w FREE for ever} body and 630 per day usluess light and Honorable. No. v.. No humbug. Address IL Mon- Pittsburg. Pa. Nov. 18.—Piv O'CLOCK. NON. la, -4% L AGENTS WANTED al Agent in ev Town and Village ry, to canvass t e or ry Subscribers to the STERN WORLD, •ut $5 Premium Steel Engraving is every subscriber. From $l. to MO made in an evening. A liberal casts is allowed. Send stamp for l:32eci rise Circular. Address, JAMM R. °stoic, Mass. Nov. 18.-4 w AGENTS WANTED FOR OF NEW YORK ILL LIFE IN TRH GREAT CITY - • velopments among the aristocracy.. en exposed, &e., &c. Price W sell published. The best terra& r ven. Address, N. Y. Book -Co, '. l . Nov. BS SWEPT UP. • T. DE WITT TALMADGE, ular Preacher In America. Agents where, male or female, to sell this better than DWI: Twain, and no Big Prongs. Send for tern/wand page circular, to EVA.NS, STOD. Publishers, ho 740 Samsom Street, .Now. fr ETTLNG CLUBS. wing to Consumers: bow to get up clubs. Our an-- or Price Llat, and. a Club form wilL viii full directions,—make a large tuners and remunerative to Club, T AMERICAIi TEA Co Si VESEY STREET, NEW YORK., Nov. 18.-4. w S 1030 to $2OO per Month by selling ii94 00 0&L.11 y Were Made. B 1 J. D. McCabe, and original. Profusely illustra fully bound. It shows how a poor made $40,000000; bow a poor halt • ..e a great banker, a butcher's. - wealthiest man in America, an c. a millionaire in seven yeaft, such exaxnples alwaysnergy, tal t industry have met uitik .roperly exerted; how money can y and without sacrifice of print_ 'tre,alar etc., and notice my extra keLEAIi, Publisher, 719 uansom la. Nov. 1&-4w AGENTS, (*SOper dap lto sell the HOME SEWING 244- . /le underfeed, mares the "lock I both sides,) and is fully licensed. capes' (amity b'eviing Machine in ddress, J Otils SON, CI • 4 & CO.. Ittstirgh. re, Chicago, lIL, or +et ' Sept. 7.3.-4 in veered to live men. Rare Chance. send Stamp. Dia. Ilmington, Del. Sept. 9,1870.-3 m TS WAISTED FOR OF THE WHITE HOUSE,:' dal biography of every Wzr;ist oo ' rms . 's Mansion from ashil og t to , ly Illustrated on steel leor circa address. U. 8. Pravaius o c o.. Nov. 18.-4 w. mB will cha=ny colored, dto a permanerdi or brown.. . 119 n• Any otie can use It. One. $l. Address MAGIC COMB CO., [Sept. 1870.-a nn TT A MONT_E}—by the ILN ING MACHINE CO,„, r SL LOW., MO. tieptila-allii T SHOULD HATE IT , G UILMETTE'•S T OF JUNIPER, nic heat th:a anti curative for Kidneys and Madder, Loss of . a, Nervous Dei Is *make It y rectal ecularities of menses, And to th eir system, as it can be safety. Feveri =lye of sad agm. maw. Wholeale Ett., New York. , Sept. 221.-3ai , AMt PATENT COMPANY, Barclay St, N. P. (Up Stab%) a Lantern combining elegance and usetablesallift gives a good lizat. bir aata t r a any other ; It Is - not and II a Omits IS la means ot sem,. are they have bean • , Apir • I-I , 238 W .. 4 , 'au m eae Gra, at Cheri. a • use ot all /lam, Ulcers, 44bwittiont tee kn ut Uttle Path. ream , Ware 07 1 66 o others • j ot 4=l ever be fign4r ktitar anti Itntinti. ',Mar Monsisit, lei e. 1117*. LOCAL ITW. FINISHZD.—it is stAted in the Philadel phia papers, that the painting of the battle of Gettysburg, by Mr. P. F. Rotherinel, will be finished in a few days. It is then to be opened for exhibition at the Acade my of Music. tarMeasirs. Maltby and Townsend arriv ed here on Wednesday evening, to arrange the trustfor of the railroad to the new purchasers. Yesterday they left to exam ine the line of the old tape-worm funning west. A.tmsmorrsit APPOINTYENTS.—The Di rectors of the Poor, on Monday last, re aipointed!tive old officers; viz: 'Steward, Jonas 'Johns; Physician, Dr. J. W. C. O'Neal; Counsel, J. C. Neely, Esq.; Clerk, IL A. Picking Esq.; and Treasurer, Jacob Benner. DurriuutrrioN.-13amnel G. Thompson, appointed by the Supreme .Court to dis tribute among bond-holders the fund arising from the sale of the Gettysburg RailroaAgives notice that he will sit at his office in Philadelphia, on the 28th of December, to make distribution. Holders of Bonds should see that they are props rly represented. POST OFFICE ITEMS. —Rey. J.M. Mick ley has been appointed Postmaster at Mc,Knightstown, vice M. A. Miller resign ed. The Green Ridge Postoffice has been discontinued, mail matter for that office to be sent to New Oxford. GOOD Jon—ln passing the new dwel ling of Mr. Abraham Krise, ou Carlisle street, now nearly completed, our attention was directed to the plastering, done by Mr,'David,Culp, of this place. The en tire plastering seems to be unusually well executed, the walls presenting a hard, polished surface, while the ornamental cornice and centre piece in the parlor arc creditable specimens of workmanship. . • MORE LARGE HOGS.-Mr. John Laucks, .uf New Oxford, one day last week, slaughtered two :hogs, that out-weighed .the two mentioned in our last, from the =same ridace. The hogs of Mr. Laucks , were of common stock, twenty months •ald —one weighing 416 k and the other 475,} ;pounds, a - total weight of 892 IN:inds:— Who can beat this ? LARGER STILL-Wm. Wible of Stxa ban township, slaughtered on Thursday last a hog weighing 517 lbs. It was a full blood Chester white. SHOOTING APPAIB.—We hear from Lit tlestown that on Tuesday night, a noisy party of bOys went to the residence of Mr. Samuel P. Young, recently married, to give him a "handillion" serenade'l--Mr. Young. being annoyed by the pergistent noise, fired a blank cartridge from the window to frighten them off. This not 'having the desired effect, he fired a second `.load, charged with small shot. The charge took effect in the neck and 3tnonlder of Charles Weikert. The shot were promptly extracted, the wound not being considered dangerous. GOING dourer.—Mr. Samuel Herbst, of this place, recently returned from a visit to Lexington, N. Carolina, where he has purchased a Farm of 300 Acres. It is good land, with excellent improvements, including a large two story prick Dwel ling. about 100 acres of timber, ate. Yet Mr. Herbst pays but $2500 for the entire property, a pretty fair illustration of the cheapness of laud in that State since the War. It is located three miles from Lex ington, the leading trunk line of railway .from Washington and Richmond to the Gulf passing within one mile of the farm. It is the intention of Mr. Herbst, with his sondacob C., to remove to North Car olina in the Spring, personally to work the farm. Mr. -- Herbst will be missed in this community, having a large acquaintance and being possessed of excellent business qualifications. For four years he has effi ciently and acceptably filled the position of, President of the Adams County Agricul tural Society. Last Spring Mr. J. J. Bieseeker, of Franklin township, removed to the same county, in North Carolina, having pur • chased a farm near Lexington. Mr. F. 39ysotskey, of this place, has also pur ..ehased near Lexington, and contemplates ,rensoving to North Carolina at an early SALEs.—Messrs. Levi Minter & Jacob Mickley have sold their farm in Cumber ,land township, 116 acres, (the Hall farm,) :to F. Bream, for $2,600. Levi )!Minter has sold his farm in Frank :lin township, 56 acres, to Jacob Mickley, Mar :$3, 350. Pius ilreighner has sold his property situate in Oxford township, to Mr.. Al wie. for $1,625. Adam Minter, Esq., has purchased the farm of Zniusim Shealy, in Franklin township—lo 9 .NVOII, with improvements —at $6,000. John P. King ha s p:lrchaserl the farm of William T. Williams, Reading town ship —96 acres, with impro7elnentg -- 4 $4,000. Jacob Smith has bought the Leer farm oa the Mummasburg road-100 acr es . —at $1,550. J. B. Meals, Executor of Samuel Meals, decd, has sold the home Cum in Menallen township, 116 acres, to Samuel Meals, at CO per acre; and a House and Lot in Bendersville to R. E. Elden foislloo. Enoch Routzahn has sold the Foundry and two vacant lots in Benclersville to John B. Hoffman for $l7OO. . Joseph Stockslagle and Joseph Davis, Assigned' of,Tohte.W. Davis, sold his farm and mills, in Mountjoy township, 1201 acres, to J. W. Barr for WOO. Michael Stambach has purchased the Peter Wolford Mill property, in Latimore township, at 0,650 cash. About 40 acres of land aye connected with the mill. I. 0. 0. F.—On Thursday evening, the Ist instant, a new _Lodge of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, to be called 'Talley Home Lodge, No. 740," was instituted in Fairfield, by Distriot Deputy Col. John Wolford, Itepresenta itives were present from four different lodges, viz: Harrisburg Lodge No. 68, Gettys Lodge No. 124, York Springs Lodge No. 911, and Montana Lodge No. 653. In instituting the new Lodge and installing the riffloen, Col. Wolford was assisted by tarfollowiag aloe* vis:—G. X, John Wolford; G. W., C. A. Boyer; G. Mar., F. EL Hemperly;, G. S., H. C. Peters; G. T., D. latiinillse; G., Henry Culp. - The following caws of "Valley Horne Lodge! were regularly installed, vis:—N. G., A. C. Mniaelman; Y. G., Henry Mee. selman; 8., G. W. Worts; A. 8., James B. lima; T., Pilules F. gliddin R r an d L. 8.. tiklL .1:4 Pater anima& asiff John Ogden; H. and L. 8. to V. G., Henry Ben net and-J. X Mumehaan; S. W., Peter Stoner; Con., B. McGinley; R. and L. 8. S., Joseph °albs& and Charles Sefton; Chap., Wm. Yamitiag.- Durum the evenings cornplinumtery supper was Om to the vidtors by tb members of Hones i r 5119 , 1,4" jit , Bloo., Ay's Hotel, which way , , lgrett WiP Jady.4494lki •styie by Hr. Shiely :ded his scasihmit, ilotrao Douree t -The trial of the New Oxford homicide - ease oesnapied the term of Use Court =for nearly flea .diya, to the exclusion of other business. We ann ex record of owes disposed of, additkmal to those noted last week: Corn. vs. 'Daniel L. Baker.—Convicted MI indictment for adultery, ite., on infor mation of *Wire t. Snyder. to this case, defendant'sicounsel had filed a motion in arrest ofjudgment and for a new trial.— On Friday, this motion was withdrawn, and Court sentenced defendant to pay a fine of $l5 to die county, $4O Ito prosecu trix, and threii months imprisonment in the county jail. Corn. ye. Keller Cnlp.—lndicted for as sault and battery, on information of George Yount. Deft plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of $l, sig months imprisonment is-the couity jail, and at the expiration of the imprisonment to give security in $lOO to keep the peace, Esc. Com. vs. Miller Degroft.—lndicted for assaul*and batterry, ou the information of Ge Perotl. Deft plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of $l, six months imprisonment in the county jail, and at the expiration of the imprisonment to give security in $lOO to keep the peace , ktc. Com. vs. Isaac Buckmastir.—There were two cases against the defendant, one for desertion, and thepther surety of the peace, both on the information of Jane E. Buckmaster. The Court dismissed both complaints, and ordered the prosecu trix to pay costs. Com. vs. William Colton.—lndictment for Murder and Voluntary Manslaughter, growing out of the death of John Bond, in New Oxford, in August last. The count for murder was ignored by the grand jury, and the defendant was put on trial on the second count—voluntary man slaughter. The trial commenced on Thursday of last week, and was continued over to this week. The leading facts in the case were not controverted on either side. The defendant is the constable for Oxford township. John Bond was an el derly man, residing near New Oxford.— On the day of the homicide. Colton had been to Gettysburg to make his return'to Court. In the evening he returned to New Oxford, and under thO influence of liquor, and undertook to arrest Bond for alledged disturbance of the peace, lie seized Bond by the back of the neck, and on the way to the Justice's office, Bond sank to the ground; and when Colton was forded by parties coining up to release his hold, Bond was found to be lifeless: The Commonwealth held that the ar rest was without a warrant, causeless, and without color of authority—that death ensued from strangulation caused by Colton's violence—and that the. facts evidenced an intention on Colton's part to do Bond serious bodily harm, thus con stituting the offence of voluntary man slaughter. The defence maintained, on the other hand, that the arrest was legal and prop er— unnecessary violence was used by Colton—that there was no certainty that death resulted from strangulation— and even if it did, the facts in the case negatived all idea of purposed injury on the part of Colton, the Intention being au essential ingredient in voluntary man slaughter. The ease:Was given to the Jury on Tuck.- day, after a very able charge by Judge Fisher, in which he clearly drew the dis tinction between the different grades of homicide—murder, voluntary and invol untary manslaughter, &c. There being no count in the in the indictment for in- voluntary manslaughter, the : jury must acquit the prisoner unless they believe the offence of voluntary manslaughter had been made out. On Wednesday morning the jury render ed ac verdict ct,f Not Guilty. The Court, in discharging the defendant, admonished him strongly against indulgence in intox- rating liquors, as a fruitful cause of vio once, wrong and crime This homicide case being disposed of the civil catiendar was called, the lint rase taken up being that of Mary McAllister and Margaret M. Scott vs. Eph raim H. Mil/nigh—au action for Trepans, involving a dispute as to the boundary line between the kiita now ' occupied by the Plaintiff's and Defendant on Chatnbere- burg street. On trial. In the matter of the applicaticl of John Hoffman, for license to keep a Eating Saloon in Gettysburg, to which a ration &trance had been filed, the Associate Judges disposed of the case without a formal bearing, and granted the license. CENSUS ITE:sts,,—We are indebted to Marshal Gregory for an official atatemext of the results of the recent census in Adams county, solar as oonoerne popular tion, making the eatire population of the county 30,315. In 1860 the population was 28,006, being a gain 2,309 in ten years. The population of the entire State is gi.en at 3,492,508, being au increase of 586,388 since 1860, when it was 2,906,115. The progress of our population since the first enumeration, that of 1790, has been as follows: Year. Population. increase. Per cent. 434,373 602,361 167,966 23 et 800,091 207,730 34 49 .... 4,049,456 239,362 29 55 1,3411,293 298,115 29 47 8o /MU M 375,800 T 87 1W0... 2,41.736 387,7611 34 09 2.900.1)3 594,329 2 5 71 3,492,5111 154111.,4611 We give the population of We adjoiiiipg coun-tles: 13 4 70 1860 increase. 30,346 28,006 2,309 43,11116 40,0913 3,787 44.134 . 13.991 4 913 43,176 3213 „.. 76.217 63,410 3,017 24416 910.788 1,0:10 9.391 9,131 290 .18,175 *l7l 1,447 Adaras —• • • • Cumberland .• • • Dim • - Fran; York Bedford Fu1t0n....:...... Somerset. ' The principal towns and Cities in the State are credited wiMt the following population: South Bide Pittsburg " .86,254 Atiegioiny City ßoroughs .46,815 53,1135 18435! Seninkm ..• Erie Williamsport_ Altoona Wilkesbarre Titusrine Meadville Lockhaven.... Corry Pittston (3arboudale... New Castle.. Johnstown... Philadelphia Beading Harziatturg... AUoilown Pottsville York .. Easton. 4029 657,179 ' 31,004 23.505 Algoma . cu, -- the pest weak alien has bean swam ohmage in th• loptipi l tik• Gowan Rail rad and a roads. The first IA X., cela at the inaction asorth . nad south, and at 12.40. The switnipi train leaves P. M., alio' ccautaidinnt he donation with trahn meth and month; and rider's at IL " P. Y Amides these, 0111411409,04 with pasmesger ear attandied, 41n!w4 11111 Jriactioa 'Mlle A. X, animist at Getipt. burg as 10. mA. X. Foe nai adv. AkM2tlt AAo44frAi.4o,' o4,itiro rub* ftl. )kr(Noi ciatemikv. ONFTIMPILIPMOMOS SIT. • A22011211M1 AS LAW. R‘ McCreary, York street, in residence. D. , Ohasetershurg st., in residence. J. 3L Wood square. D. Wink lee the liqueze_ _ln residents's. A. J. Cover_ Batt_ , nearinumestochs , et c e. A. Buehler street, in residence. H. B. Woods, eolith-east oor. Public Square. EMMY. Baltzer Newport; cor. Washington and Ididdiests. BOore AIM 11110113curane. • D. H. Minitel, Baltimore street, second square. aircuuctrauso. B. G. Hollebaugh, Washington street. StoverA Wible, Chambersburg street. CONNECTIONS, TOYS, Ac. John' Gruel, Chambersburg st., near Eagle Hatfol. autpusrmula AND CONTRACTORS Wm. C. Btallsznith & Son, York at., first square. Geo. C. Cashman, Stratton street, near Railroad. CARRIAGES, AC. Danner &Ziegler, Middle street, near Baltimore. W. K. Gallagher, East Middle st., second square. Weaver & Co., Washington M.: CLOTHING. H. C. Cubean & Cunnbigham, Baltimore street. F. Cunningh am Chambersburg at. first square. T. C. No rris,South west corner of Diamond.o Samuel W , corner of York. and Public Square. Picking & Co., Chambersburg street, first square. COAL, LUMBER, MA& &C. C. H. Buehler, corner of Carlisle and Railroad sts. Cashman & Overdeer, cur. Stcatton and R. R. ats. COOPERS. Peter Culp, Union street, in residence. DENTISTS J. E. Berkstrkstresser, K E. cor. Centre Square. J. L Hill, Chambersb'g st., opposite Eagle HoteL DRUGGISTS A. B. Buehler, Chambersburg street, first square. Hubers, Baltimore street, first square. R. Homer, Chambersbnrg street, first square. DRY GOODS. Palinestock Brothers, cor. of Balt. & Middle Ms. J. L Schick, cor. of Baltimore & Public Square. Rebert & Elliott, Ball st., opposite Court-house. rtiaWARDINO AND COMMISSION HOUSES Bigham & Co., cor. of Washington and Railroad. John Cress, corner Stratton and Railroad. Jos. Wible & Son, cor. Washington and Railroad. Robert McCurdy, Carlisle Street. GRANITE YARD. Peter Settler, Railroad, East of Stratton street. K Ii Armor, East Middle street J. W. Cress, cor. Chambersburgst. and Diamond. Wm. Boyer & Son, York st, opposite Nat. Bank. Wm. J. Martin. cor. of Baltimore and High sta. J. M. Walter, York street, lirsitaquare. Fahnestock Brothers. cur. Balt. land Middle sta. Ingham & Co., cor. Washington & Railroad sts. H. H. Scattier, cor. diamond and Carlisle street. HARDWARE IND CUTLERY. //antler & Ziegler, Balthimre street, first square. Fahnestock Brothers cor. Baltimore Middlests. Sweitzer & Bro., Carlisle street, second square. hattsess, &c. D. McCreary a: Son, Baltimore street. John Culp, Carlisle Street, near passenger depot. HATS, CAPS, SHOES, &c., Samuel Wolf, cor. York st., and Public Square. T. C. Norris. South West corner of Diamond. R. C. Cobean & Cunningham, Baltimore street. Picking & Co., Chambersburg steeet, first square. • HOTELS • Eagle Hotel, J. L. Tate, proprietor, corner Chant bersburg and Washington. Keystone House, Wm. K Myers, proprietor, CUmbersburg street, opposite Christ's Church. Harris House, Wrn. P. Harris, Baltimore street, second square. Weaver & Co., Washington street. norti Chambersburg. MARBLE YARDS: Wm. N. Miller, cor. Baltimore aud Middle sts. Meals 14 Brother, York street, east of Stratton. PBOYOratAmmaii. Tipton 8: Myers, York st., opposite Nate Bank . J. W. C. O'Neal, Baltimore street, near High. IL S. Huber, eor. Chambersburg and Wash. ate. Robert Homer, Chambersburg street, first square PHINTriG OFFICE. Star ei Sentinel, Baltimore street. midway be tween the Court House and Public *ware west side. C. IL Buehler, corner of Carlisle and Railroad J. Jacobs, Chambersburg street, Orst squart rmDzirrAsia & PAPER 101(0E8 Jeremiah Culp, York street, second square VPIIOLSTEIUSR. Win. E. Culp, Washington st., near Eagle lintel. Wm. P. McCartney. Baltimore street, first square DELINQUENT SURCRIBER The printed addresses which appear upon the margin of every issue of our paper, afford a good opportunity to de linquents to ascertain how their sub scription accounts stand with the office. For instance; if the , address reads: "John Jones, 11nov68,":"it: means that the said John Jones owes on his paper for two years, up to November 11, 1870. We hope, therefore, that these gentle marginal reminders will serve to secure the payment of backatauding subscrip tions, and, furthermore, that the remit- tanees will be promptly made. 'We renew the offer to receive $2 per annum on all track subscriptions that may be paid between this date and the Ist of January, 1871. Those who desire to-save 50 cents a year, will find it to their own interest promptly to avail themselves of this offer, l'arnat Iron Is valuable as a Medicine has loug been known, but it is only since Its preparation in the particular form of Peruvian Syrup that its full power, over disease has been brought to light. Its effect in ease of dyspepsia and debility is most salutary, It 4cuitui of tar litarkets. i t I a,t re. liralo S Prgrilner ' Ztaltirnore,...7oturaday Morning. &TER FLOUR, 475 @ 500 EXTILL FLOUR, § 0 625 WRITE WHEAT 124 @ 150 RED WHEAT, 100 0 165 CORN, 65 72 RTE, SO 0 85 OATS, 48 0 49 Tnicrrirr-SEED„ 4 75 5 00 CLonszSgaD, 700 @ 725 FLAX - SEED 210 4i 215 Ph. 00.9, SHOULDEIIB, 00 10 14 81136.0, 16 -1614 ' " ..... 18 0 19 LARD, te 133 i Gettysburg rsarida * Paseless* igoirkeut, Gettysburg, Friday Morning, 000 O 000 000 @ 575 0.00 0 000 110 01 25 CO 0 75 ;.. CO a 40 op g 00 000 0 400 000 0 660 .... 80 . ® 100 ._ CO a 30 . 00 0 12 00 0 25 • GO . Q 18 00, * /3 10 0 00 00 0 6 00 0 8 SONIA FLotna, Emu FLpus, WHITII ItAD waiAT, cos* . , OATS, . . BactrirsiAT, cTovinAszeD 017470 1 3. Barna, , LABD,... ........ , • &las, BACON. SHOULDIIB4. . " ... . " BANN, 2018 TALLOW,. . ~ 33,093 13.816 16,023 10,611 1.0,174 &en 7,100 6.812 Botaximint—Sowints.—On the .Ist inst,Wy_thes Rev. pr. H a amer, Mr. Charles M. Bollinger to Mts. Arm Marl Sower% both of Oxford township. nwr—Tarx.oit.—On the Ist inst., by the Rev. D. W. Wolf, Mr. Howard Flint to' Mks Sarah C. Taylor. all of Sutler township. Mums— the 24 ult., by Rex.. W. P. P• Davit, . L . _ • % t ot Ronndjfill, toft =Lupo. flair Mlttxmit.—On the en., by Rev. v.thi. P. Davis, .Mr. ALAxib lumps W. sus meth Miller, both of Hampton. Bcmunta-44eitan.. . On the Oh inst., WM". mr, John C. Beluiver. of Cumber land townsWp, to Miss Sarah Harrah, of Frank lin township. 'PRAWitermuram—Fuuarig.-06 the, 27th ult., by W.; F. P. Davis, Mr. Abraham Wes th afer to . Mary R. Flelger, both of AbbottioWll, ,x< 10,161 14.1110 AM 11.911 14012 t rces u l oetz ie ithle for an over four Itatcaum—On the 3d lost., in Cumberland tows. sakerldrs. Catharine Wicker. (wife of Lamm deeeased,) aged * years 2 months and 14 ' f i gta l c—Ort Um 224 alt., at the raddanee of her poo, Peter lath y =inl7 kternslde, ldra Enta• Spleyear 7 months and Laud=27th s, ult.. near zwittr.. Philip XlmroCaged 73years, lmonth and 7days. , .=On the 2nd trust.; in Freedom township tide . Kra IllaryLottha Scott, wife of Wm. C. • • 30 • e months andll daya. • esseW- • , Wald wife,. a - devoted er. ea • • Mead, and above all an T^r". 111 714 0t7: sad a A . 3 kLA W U* of width ow tad to de e • ilateet la b ia does areas. es to 4m , tees serrate. Analesad, triewasTspe yw , =at when me - seaman ;Arne, we .ausy, - - , sweetly taA asleep In Jesus. A. V.. 8.— =I STOVES, TCYWARE, &C. lEEM3 lUMMME3 AILALJUILED, Clhurruan to Counit.—A litelo over two weeks, the Christmas holid4ye will be here. parents and oche, a, who are looking aroanol Jrg substantial gifts. to their ehildieri and Melnik will do well te call and examine the Ism assortment of rittrri ctive Boolka, imrpoi r ally ,pyrypared for the holiday season, at the Bookstore of A. D. Surat:mos, on Cluunbersburg street. The assortment embraces a large variety of the best Juvenile publications, together with Standard Literature, lowa up in every style,. and admirally adapted for the Library or Center Table. - Also, _perfumery, Toilet Soaps, fine Cutlery, and Fancy Articles., • tf • farWe direct attention to the sale of Jacob C. Heart, valuable Personality and a Farm of 70 Acres, in Cumberland town ship, to take place Monday Dec. 26. is fW aldvertiotments. JOHN c zovciti, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Oaikctor of Rook Accounts, Promissory Notes, Judgment Notes, Mortgages, and prompt re turns made. Also attends to writing Deeds, Mortgage, Judgments, Notes. Agreements, I,:e. New Oxford ' Adams County, Pa. Dec. 9, 1970.-3m* NOTlCE—Letters of Administration on the J.. estate of elszan M. MAGERYA.II, deceased, late of Straban township, Adams county having been granted to the subscriber, rftlaing In Tyrone township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make Immedi ate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. SOLOMON ROUTZAHN, Adin'r. Dec. 9, 1870.-61' - FOR 'RE .\ - A lii.katCHANT MILL None need apply un less they can come well recommended a 6 a Miller and a man of industry and sobriety. Dec. 9.-tf ', GEO. ARNOLD. Notice CEO. SWOP E, et al. S. C. vs. J3ll. Term, 18478.. The Gettysburg Railroad Co. No. 3.. et al. .TAE Master appointed to make and report (11s tribution of the fund In court arising from the sale of the Gettysburg Rail Road, etc., will Meet the parties in interest at his office, Na. 241, SOnth 3rd St., Philadelphia, on Trednexilay, Dec. 28th, 1870, at 1 P. ..11: SAMUEL t;. THOMPSON. Master. Dee a -ttl F(, ItSAI:E, The Mansion House and Farm Formerly the residence of Dr. Knurlier, neaf Gettysburg, containing 27 acres of Land in good condition, of the land being Inside the Borough limits. Is an excellent truck farm. The House is large, convenient and comfortable. A variety of Fruit, never-failing water, &c. Fur terms, enquire of Mr. George Arnold, Cashier of Ist National Bank, Gettysburg. Dec. 7, 1870.—tt SA L E. I) ÜBLIc The undersigned will at Public Sale, on ,Satur day, the 24th day of December amt., on the prem ises, In Cumberland township, Adams county, between the Hon. E. McPherson and Forney farms, 62 ACRES OF LAND, which Ls laid out in lota containing from 4to 5 Acres each. About 20• Acres are well covered with Timber, and are divided into four lots. The balance is divided into ten iota, well set in clover and timothy, and will make excellent pasture lots. WSale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when attendance will be given and terms mule known by THEODORE BENDER. .IsmEs Csa..nwßLL, Auctioneer. Dec. 9.-ts 1)CBLIC The subscriber will sell at Public Sale, on Sat urday, the 7th day or January next, at her resi dence on the 11111 Baltimore street, Gottyiburg, her whole stock of Household and Kitchen Fur niture, consisting in part of 35 yards of CAR PET ING,IS yards Matting, Oil Cloths, 4 BEDSTEADS, and Bedding, Feather Beds, new Mattress, 4 Tables, 1 a large Dining and 1 a Fancy Table, I Ladles' Stand, 1 Common stand, 1 close Wash stand, 1 common Washstand, 2 Lounges, Stoves, 1 Parlor Coal, new, 1 Parlor Wood, I Ten-plate and 1 Cooking Stove, with Pipe for all, 3 sets Chairs, half dozen Rocking Chairs, Canemeat and Sewing; 1 set Stone China Ware, a lot of Com mon Ware, Glass and Stone Jars, Glass Ware, Smoothing Irons and Ironing Board, Bureau, Cupboard, Secretary, Sink, Clock, Benches, Mir rors, Towel Rack, Lamps, Books, Table Linen, ToNvels, a lot of pure Catawba Wine in bottles, Waahbowls and Pitchers, and a variety of other articles WThe valuable property upon %%bleb I reside s also offered at Private Sale. . Albirtiale to commence at II tielo , k. A. M., when attendance will be given :tnti terms made known by: , HARRIET M. PAXTON. dearsCALDWLL, Auctioneer. Dec. PA/ . _ A Great Meg Med i cal Discovery Ds. WALKER'S CA.LI FORM A VINEGAR BITTERS. iltuidneds of thousands bear testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY? THEY ARE NOT ILE • FA t• 1J1; I\ h. Made of Poor Runt, Whiskey, Fr,,,,f spirit.. and Refuse Liquors doctored. spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called "Tomes." '•Appetiz era," "Restorers," Re., that leatl.the tippler uu to drunkenness and ruin, but area true dleslicine, made from the Native Roots and lierbs of Cali bm.da, free front all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the GREAT BLOOD PLiItIFIER. and a LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all the, poisonous matter aud restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to direction and renialu long nnweli. provided the bones are non-destroyed by =mega poison or other nonip and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. For Inflammatory and (ambits Rheumatism aud Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Billions, Re mittent and In_tennittent Fevers, Diseases. of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which LS generally pro duced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPtiLL OR INIHGESTION, Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, _Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stout ' ach, Bad butte lu the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the L.ungs, Pain in 11w regious of the Kidneys and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the. off -51)121E101 EI L D ff e eT h i " ENT and INTERMITTENT FEVER, w lab are so prevalent 1n the valleys of our great Rivers throu hoot thelL,Vited States, lly those of tt { e berland, PP Aik !eja s a s , ° , uri a: Colorado, Brazos, Puha 'Alatenia. Mobile, Sa vannah, Roanoke, Jamet.i, and many others with their vast tributaries, dunes the Summer end Autumn,.mad remarkably so during the Season' of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably ac sOnepanied by extensive ,deraugements of the stomach and liver, and other atMoymnal viscera. There are always more or leas obstructions of the liver, a weakness and Irritable state of the stomach, and great .torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated mem:notations. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a power , -1 Influ ence upon Ta i a organs, . Is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal 'to Dr. J. WALKER'S Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the Bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy [auctions of ar tner t i u ons. The universal popularitY, valuable remedy in regions subject to Inilltuotit 0 a indite ces, Is sufaclent evidence of its ph_tTr rult L. "UOL:, Tetter &kilt at m • ' .". , porp _i_RrystWee, teh, , Plaao ons o th 4 awn, tumors and Dleentee of the la, at whet. ever name or nature, are literally deg carried out of the system in a short (IMO th use of these Bitten. One bottle In suohlases will convince the me incredulous of their cam Bye effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you And !m be rating through the skin In rim -0 or soit whenyou And t o d In the veins • etunse it When fon ,an law feelings Ai t a u y ou when. Keep the blood pUre and tfa meld or the system w 11 follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually de. stroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the Menhir around each bottle, printed bui4onr languages—Engthsh, German, French and • A, WALSr ati Freiletor. R. H. McDONALD CO.. pre pp..4.gsilts, San FranCiboo, CaL, and rut lillalr=strt4, It off York. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ANA . DE4T4fla ; Dee. 9, 1870.—lyte Pennsylvania Central Railroad, pouble track route rr p i ni Vg between . Philadel phia and rlgnin.l4. leaving Gettnburg make the following comections with this Trunk -Wiyott avoid 8.1.54144 : & 11140 Th dp, HHanover unction leave 1115 2 .58 6 : 5 1 4 5 5 -Harrisburg arrive 12.55 p. in. 11.45 " leave 3.50 2.25 a. Made Philadelphia arrive 9AO " &50 b l arg Leavel3. s s 2. " m. A. t tins Mad e vita the tor t e c k a c eto wi llad all., Eastern Ottßa. At burs aiv New t rack4 DopOt "ort4L thifi4V P or, irlFrosrerigmtkin kto How " , 1 • - • and e • • a.. 7 MI &Ahern Central Railway. Swam winwia.N. 0121411145Wws will us" LEA 0 AZD. dWy — m ew o lrtgararrie and the —Darifor Ibsdra, BuNakt. —Dray (ezeWonclays)Sor Warm ferirtgrf e idlib6er7o t elort.: om't, nar O 433 a. m.• 1.10 a. m. 2.00 p. m. 8.06 p. in. 4008 ii. mi. tie m. 7.521. *. m. 1225 p. in. )0.10 a. tn. ioi# pr It) Parkton o oar anz: ys) '7'24 " .4 1 . • • , Jun,* . 1117%—tl fir Ntorrtiumtub, gnu ~larntisttatnts• 11- iil s ON & Ni iTtACHERS INSTITUTE. . . . iCNIDITH ANNUAL mum . IXOEL►SIO~ dALLE R 1 ES I WILL C°NVINZ 121. TIM C°171 % 11°1182 111 ORTUYISIURA.Y ERR, COMMIDWOD NONDA:i. DRUIDISM= MTH. ' PROMINENT EDUCATORS from abroad will be present. ake all style.% of kletures front otrnature to lit& "REMEMBRANDTS" Photographs Finished in Oil, Views of the Batt ! ft-Al Albums,arge and well selected stock et Frames, Stereoseopes,-Cord, Tasse always on hand. Satisfaction guarantied. Dee. 7,10.—u p U - BLIC S A L E The undersigned intending to remove to North Carolina, will expose to Public Sale, on Atonday, the St/i day cif D ece mber hut, at his residence in Cumberland township,'on the Enunittsburg road ltwo miles from Gettysburg, the following Personal Property viz: TWOWORK HORSES, 3 COWS, 1 Call, a lot of *tote.% good four•horse Wagon, good two-horse Wagon, Lime Bed, 2 Hay Carriages, larFe . Lad ders, Spring Wagon, single and double frees, 2 Spreaders, Shifting-top Buggy and /farness, Flow, Corn Fork, Feed Trough, Grain Shovel, Sled, Grindstone, large Feed Box, Rakes, Forks, Hay by the stack, Corn-iodder, Grain in the Ground. Also, HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNI TURE, consisting of Bedsteads. 'tureau, Mahoony face Bureau, 2 litaner, Chairs,, lbws, Corner Cupboard. Sink, Safe, 2 Rucking k hairs, . Settee, Mirrors, Clock Parlor Coal Stove, new Cooking Stove and Pipe, Fruit Jars, Barrels, Ittackets,.Tubs, Churn, Crocks, ar., &c. Also, at the same time and place, I offer niy VALUABLE FARM, containing 70 ACRES, more or le" adjoining lands of T. T. Norris, Michael Bushman, Geo. Rose, and others. The improveinents consist of a TlVO.sToity HOUSE, double Log Barn, with Wagon Shed at tached, Corn Crib, Hog Pen, dr. There are sev eral good Springs of Water on the premises, a line young bearing Orchard of all kinds of fruit. There is a large quantity of Meadow, and 12 Acres of good Timber. 40 - Sale to commence at lo o'clock, A. M., when attendance will be given and terms !Made known by /ACS Mll t'. .I.tmEs .Itietliqw. M. Dee. t..-ts Gctt "MAINS ierA run on the Lie!tyq , urg ms follows Fain' TRAIN leans Gettyriffiry at 5.10 A. G melte Gultien's 5.25, ilxford arrive at Hanover at 9, and leave at arrive at Hanover Junetion at 10 A. M.. am at Balti more at 1. - :J J'. M.. 'York 11.9.", M, Hart ',Mug LIU P. M. SECOND TRAIN leave, Getty•burg at I P. M., Granite 1.12, Gulden's LI:, New oxford 1.30, Han over 1.55, arrifts at Hanover Junction at 2.40, Baltimore 6.15, Yore 9.10. Harrisburg 4.25. FIRST TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 10.40 P. M., Harrisburg 5.15 A. M., York 6..50. Hanover JUlle lion 7.29, Hanover 9. New Oxford 0 ; 40. arrive at Gettysburg at lo.a). SALE SECOND TRAIN lea ve•\ Fla It nun M., Harrisburg SA. .M.cork 9.. Hanover Junction 11.15, Hanover i'; -11 . New oxford 1203, Guklen's Granite 121, arrives at Gettys burg 12.40 Y. M. THIRD TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 12.40 P. X. Harrisburg 1.27 P. M. York 3, Jlinr- UOU J. 40 Hanover 4.25, New Oxford 4.40, Gulden's 4.53, Granite 4.1 A, arrives at Gettysburg at 5.10. It. _SIeet:HUY, Supt. Dec. 9. 1970.—tf WORKING CLASS MALE OR FEMALE.—N% e are prepared to furnish all classes with Constant Employment,2t home, the whole or part of the time. Businels new, respectable and very profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from kl to 45 per evening. and a much larger amount by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as Much as men or women. Anyone send ing for our Full Instructions !s certain to make money fast. That you meg test the business, we will mend Free by mall, our FULL INSTRCe. TIONS FIOW TO CO3LMENCF., also a Valuable Sample Package of Goods. Those already start ed are making *leper week devoting I to a hours a day. NO CAPITAL NEEDED to start busi ness. It is adapted for aillotalitles. If you want permanent employment, and large returns, send your Address to M. YOLNG & Co., 66 Fulton St ew York. Dee. 9, 1670.-3m4 PALACE . HOVEL; Phases of London Life. 1 BB ti 4 Dui ui 11 )(noun Journalist THE VEIL' LARGEST (0313IDsSION PAID This book is a beautiful Octavo of 665 pages. embellished with am engravings, and a finely ex ecuted map of London designed and executed expressly for this work by eminent artists. It contains a full, graphic, and truthful statement of the Bights,diecrets, and Sensations of the great Metropolis of the World. Its pictures are from real Life and yet so weird and romantic that it almost challenges one's credulity. It displays in bold relief the appalling misery of the poor, and the reckless luxury• of the rich. The most salea ble book in market. Circulars and sample pages sent free. Address. BELKNAP & BLISS, Hart. ford, Conn. Dec. 9.-3 t WEAVER & CO, Livery, gales & Exchange STABLES, "askingt,,it Street, Getlrhurg, Penn'« THE undersigned having entered into partner. ship, under OM drin of Weaver & Co., have taken the well known Livery Sfablee of N. 'Weal_ er, and ttAbrebt"re,l WINN wittrall styleg anal kindk of conveyances lAA f;an be found in alirSt-class Livery. Their stock cannot be beaten by any establishment in the town. 44 - Parties wishing to visit the E dattle.eld, will find superior accommodations at this Livery, without ;With limn! charge for Guides. CARRIAGE MILKING WILL alts~o be carried un lu all Its branches at their Bllops o posits the Liveryy , alt styles of BUGGIES, JAGGE.R 'WAGONS, CARRIAGES, &c., built of the best 4!l akalful work, men, od short'uotico, REPAIRING t z iptly Attertflod to 04 satisfaction guaran. GIVE U A CALL. LEVI WEAVER W. D. HOLTZWoRTD, W. T. ZIEGLER. Nov. 4, 1870.—tf Young, Smyth , field & Co Importers, Manufactures and Jobbers of HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES No. 429 Market St., 45. 418 C0M11164V6 St., PHILADELPHIA. JAMES J. 8113TCALFE—of York Springs, pa, Sept. 83,1870.—t[ . , REMOVE'D 41)stfil JACOBS, MERCHANT' TAILOR HAS HICXDITXO ) A r eitabeW to J W. arise Store, . berstnirg 12.6.21 1 do Bru t : ire: A large assortmeB4 of Moths,' Camiginersa ce Vistbilisi trier Bangs .. offered at the emalleui bought et the Store eat qf cha e . ArZeiVei tgl ag at o AS li a a rT l reeelyed. and tallordoni - fir nab_• • et*. Cutting Ague, sie u ln a The Potroooge And no effort -sprWAT - 11/04( ',74DFC—Wygg palater ltr c . , JentY at . 4 YI F t guv DIV? /1.4 W EMI _ • wiae,4108 2,.., va .„,r 4 , 4 • .; 71111133ag3' . " 403 4 .54. • • PO i 44 GETTYSBIIRG, size; !whetting the )71 SRA DoW PICT I •F:s WATER COLORS. OR INDIA INK SEND FOR CATALOGUE. TIME TA lil.l TO THE AGENTS WANTED FOR Al • -'• I , ANDALL, - the celebrate--I Elocutionistof Oswego, will give ENTLET.‘..iItiENTS on Tuesday and Thum daysveiting, LSO tall: every evening by prominent-Edu cators. The day 54:4 iOlll5 will be devoted principally to , Essay., ,-iscti,sions, Class - drills, Practipl Talks lou the %anon.. matters, which are of direct Int portsuice to our Contmon-School Teachers, and Contests. PRIZES to the successful competitors ln the contests in orthography, History, Mental Arith metic, Sze. THURSDAY, DIRECTOR'S DAY. All the Di rectors of the County are cordially Invited to be present, on that and every other-day of the ses: non. An opportuuity will be given eaeh day to Teach era and Directors Mask QUESTIONS in regard to any point of the School Law, or any practical questions in site practice of Teaching. Teachers, Directors, Friends ot Educatidn, as. sist in making this Institute of practical benefit to all. Come prepared not only to listen but to participate. For full Information see circular to be issued Nov. 24th. J. HOWARD WERT, Nov. 25.4 f County Superintendent. The Best Paper, 31; filunian ta ThLs Quarter's 1.3 Numbers SENT FREE to all subscribing, before Dee. Z, WO, for next year's Fifty-Two Numbers of Moore's flue liel•Yorter, TUE GREAT ILLUSTRATZD RURAL AND FAMILY 'WEEKLy, FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY. Tits RURAL. now lu Its 21st year, is not only the Largest, Best and Cheapest, but by far the ' Largest-Circulating Journal of Its Clam in the World! National in Character, Ably Edited, Su utrbly Illustrated and Printed, it Is the BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY! It Is the Standard Authority on all branches of 4(IIIICCLTI2IcE, iIORTICULTVILE, &C. As a Liter a.nd Family Paper it Is a favorite In many of Indeed families all over the Union, Canada, &a Moone's Itnut has no Rim! In as ,Vphere. and is the Largest Illustrated Journal on the Continent..-each n u mber containing Sixteen Fire-Column Pages. (double the size of most pa pets of its class.) It Is the paper (or the East, West, North anti South. TERMS, INDUCEMENTS, &c. Tnitms--,Sa a Year of N umbers+, and only Clotim of Ten. This quarter's 13 Numbers sent FREE, a. °tiered above. our Club Inducements for 117 l are unprecedented. Specimens, Premium Lists, Sc., sent free to all forming Clubs,—and we want a live Club Agent In every Town. Address /. 0. T. MinißE, 41 Park Row, New York. 4t , !he New York Methodist AN EIGHT I'Atl E WEEKLY. Now in its Ele; ent Is Year. publishes Sermons, a Serial Story tor the Family, a new Children is Story every week, Chats with tile Little Folks, F.ditortala by the best Methodist writers and others, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence. lull Departments of Religious and secular intelligence. Price 4r2 iO a year. Liberal premiums or cash commis siollS to canvassers. Subscriptions to commence at any time. For specimen, enclose a two cent stamp to prepay postage. Address THE METH ODIST, 114 Nassau St., N. Y. 41 HOLIDAY JOURNAL for 1671 contains a Christmas Story, Splendid Plays. Magic &e. : 48 pages; illustrated. Sent Free on receipt of one stamp for postage. Address AD AMS & CO., Publishers, Boston. 4t A CHRIS IetonTMAS GIFT to all Yearly Subscribers App's Journal, published Weekl.— Two Months Subscription gratis. The Months y ot November and December, 1870, given grails to all subscribers remitting $l. tor the year 1871. Any one desirous of making a trial of the Joier. nal to see whether they like it, can have it for, TWO MONTHS on remitting us Fifty Cents. P icturesque America, eons/siting of splendidly executed views of American Smner7. commenc ed In November. D. APPLZTON rUbli.S6- ers, New York. A ST:PERB SUBSCRIPTION BOOK. Cuba with Pen and Pencil A 1.0 111140. e manual of travel, )et as interesting as a novel FRESH, FULL, AND RELIABLE! cOMPETZTION!! a) Magnificent Full-Page Engiavlngs I 293 other illustrations of exceedingly interesting and varied character, many of them humorous All about the principal cities of the Island, the baths and watering places, buil-fights, cock-lights and ear. ntral. Street sights In Havana. Culture and 3 / a uutsaure of Coffee, Sugar and Tobacco. Fact and Fun: Statistic and Adventure! LIBERAL =RIM TO LTIT AGENT!. HARTFORD PI BLISHING COMPANY, Hart ford, Conn. 4t EN. ROBT. E LEE'S LIFE. Nearly ready J for K L OP übl o icat lop, the Iloan dyot G y e n. L Rlfoa — r. Ston e wll yJ ac h k n o Ee W C earin at hGr of ete o 1 vol., 8 vo.„ 500 pages, Illustra To be sold by subseriptwn. AOlllO iTS WANTED. D. APPLY& TON & Co., Publishers, New York. it L• If PLOYSIENT, Business tor all.—Best Indus I'. trial 8-page Newspaper. 50 eta per _year.— S4:nd stamp fur copy. PATENT STAB. Bos ton, Mass. 4 t OZriiELLTHA PPES.—How Five Dollar! tis Farms, Villa Bites and Town Lota yi ai o nle Great Premium Land Sale. Aiken, & C.Saratoga of the South."4B hours from N. og delightful climate in the world. Free . from 'the rigors of Northern winters, exemptirom Throat Diseases. Vineyards and orchards in full bear. ing. For descriptive pamphlet, address, with man*. J. C. DEUDY, Agitate, Ga. it - Alf ASONIC BOOKS.-4twnts 11l for Circular. A.ddress MASONIC PUB LISHING CO.. 4.3..! Broome Si., New York. It HOM ES for the million *5004000 worth of Farms and Fanning Lands for sale, in lots, to suit. mostly In Lewis Co., MissourL Excellent mar kets, fertile soil and healthy climate. Mills and Town Property for sale. Daily communication with Quipry, For tipStniptjye eircnlnr, addresso. W. Ccthinsu.., Mango, M ' WINTLII EMpr,oy DI ENT. rianirsa 6 HOCSICA! PATEn NON-EXPLOSIVE METALIC KEROSENE LAMP. Is absolutely safe from explosion or breaking; burns any Coal OD, good or bad ; gives more light, no odor, and uses less oil. "It is perfectly non:exploslve. The light Is bet ter than Is produced by any other lamp."—W. S. Clark, Pres'Nidassacbusetts Aroultural College. "It Ls perfectly non-exp/os ve, Ves a bettiv light and is more economical baps yorher lamp in use."—W: W. Wells l late §up. 14. ticil001.1; The appalling deaths and tires from glass lamp/ exploding and breaking create a great demand for this lamp, It pays to sell It. Sold by Can vassers; Agents wanted everywhere. Send for circular and terms to Mona:mina & CO., Cleve. land, 0., 42 Barclay St , N. Y, TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COM. PANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash Ansetao..soo,- 000. Grants We and ENDOWArmg, 4 of all approved forms. Ample security', low rate& Also wsuresr ACCIDENTS eau 40441 Qr t'lltal asil q:_, Poel irtgla 14,V Year or mODUC puild ray Or six pp hi beams tO ey,hol 4t ROYAL HAVANA LOTTE R Y,--Prices cashed and %formation furnished by GEORGE UP. HA Providence, L 4l 825 A WEEK SALARY I—Young men wanted as local and traveling salesmen. Address (with stamp) S H. WAILER, 34 Park Row, N. Y. WE WILL PAY AGENTS A salary of 41,35 a weel „ swab i t k or allow slog colt 4 - tali WNW ' Irll stamp, J. W. kw:4X co , ASTHMA. "LrIDDER'S PASTILLES. A sure relief for Asthma. Price 40 ots. by malL STONE. WALL & CO., Charlestown, Mass. 4t 1826 cUrSIONAR 6 Y BYLSAIL" 1870 The old standard renredrfor.pookls, Coq, sansVs4l,_ niothlng better, " 4 629 " I'°u* CHERBY PECTORAL TROCHES are superior to all others for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchial and Lung difileallies, are exceedingly mia b l b able, have noir of that namoesting horri lke bt V II Unsters cPWIV 801111 611 . 4 R 8 (F. a COD VEN lor mmuiptien andletotals; use no other. HORRIBLE. -4 suffered with Catarrh V and was cured In six waste Wok pie remedy, and will send the recertwerPoiltAn Dee, to all afflicted. T. J. MEW, hyracine, T, 46 .I ) 7,WiliflltaitifZi"llo3 l 3 cyHess andlientilt.4l)B. W r o lme 4 rl %ill i atra • I . 1* zrk s Z stazilitill 1 . 4 3, • CO., 41 South NA 54., L A CRlMarittlittaiSiV cHae of thei 4 vonber, mut frN t or two Addams "/AIK nisom PG. Noy. Na. !T ea ' - , Book and hi) ftting + 1 4 , . Visi.)ll Dona with neatness, thews= AM ante* The las "ad *asthma 011111 es. ITEM Balding's Double Artit,fl Gla.qs Cylikarr FO RC l PL NIP / With glass cylinder, and hence no rust and little or no friction—cannot freeze -311,1 admirably adapted for Sprinkling Gardens, Washing Win dows, Extinguishing Fires, Elevating Water, ex., —believed to be!wlthout an equal for durability, economy andocomenience. Having purchaSed the exclusive right for Ad ams county, perjons requiring hunps for wells or cisterns, can have them (washed all complete and ready (or use by sending the depth of the well or cistern. Satisftwtion guaranteed In all cases or no payment required. Orders by mall or otherwise promptly attended to. KEROSENE LAMP, .ronouneed by more than .",o Profea.sors an our Cu eges. —saves ,M per cent. of oil—no bad odor—Will nc break or wear out. because metalle. Our agent make money, because it supplies a want as un, venal as right. For tun particulars address, with stamp, BENJ. F. BOWEN. 2d Floor, Mechanics' Bannk, Harrisburg, Pa. 1870. MILLINERY. 1870 117 ILL open on Saturday, Nov. .' , lll, n large and V I elegant assortment of Winter BONNETS & HATS. at prices ranging from 75 cents to "10.00. Also, Bonnet and Hat Frames, Silks, Velvet, leathers, French Flowers, Fringe, C Lace, Ribbon, Blond Grenadine, Bartge, Jerats pe, , 6.c. Also, a new variety of Toilet and f=ancy Goods. She invites the attention of Latlleat4 her assort ment which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. Oct 9S , 1970.-2 n Pie .Star sad Beistfael is the best adver rising medium in Southern Pennsylvania. Ro DALIs ;THE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH iA RESTORER, purifies the blood and cures .Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin Diseases, iHheumatism, Diseases of Women, and all Chronic Affections of the Blood, liver and !Eidlieys. Recommended by the Medical :Faculty and many thousands of our best :Citizens. Read the testimony of Physiela,ps and Pa 'Gents who have used Rosa:dans send for 'our Roaadalls Guide to Health Book, ur Imanac for this year, which we publish (much sbibution It mill give ) inanoh valuable Information. Dr. It. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says: I take pleasure In recommending your Eosabaus as a very powerful alterative. I !have seen it used in two cases with lawny I results—one iu a case of secondlry syphlll3, !'ln which the patient pronounced himself cured alter having takett five bottles of your Tidicine. The other 1.4 a case rapidrotu. or 'long • standirig, which is ly lm rottße t a t tdek t its e use, the I r iL e i : Iy.r.orb.,..rit te ianed the"faZim -1):by w ion your x aus Is made, and And tan excellent compound of alterative in ,gredlenta, I bare d seven bottles of lins.l4lalls anctaro ttAki IY Curd of Rheumatism ;send MB NW' VW. 4, as / wish It for my brother J lOW hat Scro Mous we eyes, l3cill4mirt &GNU!. of Lima, Ohio, writes. I have *Oared for twenty years with an in vaterate eruption over my whole kody; a short time since I purchased a bottle of Rasadalls and it effected a perfect cure: sir - Romalia ix gold by 4 1 11)ruggists, I.abof4tory, 61 exobange Plaie, Baltimore CLF.MENTS A: CO., Proprietors. I - Feb. 11, 1870.—lyln sir For sale In Gettysburg, Pa., by A. D. .BUBB.LB/t. Druggist. STRAV.--Came to tbe premises of the sub. -C4 acriberln Franklin township, Adams county. Pa. about the 18th of October lain, a large white 1 1.431,V e rhortta. The owner is to prove , pay charges and take it away. Nov. -3t DAVID BEECHER. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. -The Arm of Eimer & ELLWn by been dissolv ed by mutual consent. An persons indebted to said Mn are requested to make Immediate pay ment, and those baying Odin! to PreSent them. Tim Woks aro afft9oltl stand; where settlemeas Wit 10 be Made, P S7O IaT R Id. EL T IOTT. • Gettysburg, Noy. 25, .St NNOTlCE.—Letters of Administration, with the will annexed, on the Estate of JACOB MI:- deceased, late of Franklin township. having n granted to the undersigned.residi= in same township, he hereby gives notice to alt persons indebted to said estate to call and make Mmediate seitierne w rt, apd those having claims Mthe please present them pro seinen uthenticated for settlement. • ' Nev. 15. J. M. MICKLEY, Adm'r. 6t NOTlCE.—Letter of Administration on the estate of CONRAD Ammer, deceased, laI , ! Reading townsidp, ..,4am toady, Pa., tut c ving I s s Mined - In We , tafiglied, residing In township, he hereby gives notice to an pp ns Indebted to saki estate to make imme diate payment, and those having chains for t. AIi&A.LOM A.LBERT, Nov. DS, 1870.-61 Administrator. VOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the estate bzune e d 11 of A. M. Lim& late o I= eii t . " eV . .:lr,' , & t ril l !! : hiel l2A ' i a lddehted in estate . . - „ make payment, and those having - . the gamete present them'properl Mr iettlomeld. T tommi Mt ( Milt'. y C_APTION WI Paciali algae& . , to rg ' a . I , l i Me ni tlatni r r"LiWZl} in males muma=2 , I. . 4 _ ... ~ ~..„,-, _.,...,-' i ~ ' A r i:,-17,- , ;-: ~, . --N., • , • 4 --- - 1 - 7 /-.- " 4 4 'i< - ' l.--- ',.*' - ' 1 7.."1" . 1 , .„ 4 1 1., 4 .-., . r...,. _•_.., 4i.,:..1 .1- .4, c# , .o.t _..,_ 1 / 4 .,A._4 5 ,..„.,, , ~....._„,e,........ . r- ,,,, 1 y.., , .- 1 . i , NOT. to."11$ . .„ Iltw Attut rtistignito. It :1 pent;r9 litid 40g :radars. k Ci Lik 11 alrge r:gre Prag Prig. mak* Alealled• IV 111 mai isinitnooll • TNE GBRAT Villffe Piaio Manufactory. WILLIAM KNABE & 00., Mant ff aeturers o f GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BALTIM-ORE, MD, Theme Instruments have been before the public for nearly Tty years, and upon their excellence skate &Wined - art unpurehased pre.eminence, which pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE combines great power, sweetness and line signing quality, as well as great purity of Intonation, and sweesness.througheut the entire sea/e. Their r t'otiorinth on hand, sad ilialtittiettired to order T 0' V Opliant and elastic, and entirely free (non the stiffness found in so many Pianos. IN WORIENANIIIIIr they are unequalled, using none but the very best SEASONED IiATEEui, the large capital employed in our business enabling us to keep continually an immense stock of lumber, &c., on hand. 410-All our squsna Ptssos have our New Im- I proved Overstrung Scale and the Aort.trrs• TE=LIS AP-We would call special attention to our late Improvements in GRAND PlANOtiand SQUARE GRAM M Patented Aug. 14, 1868, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been at tained. , January' .5, Ifich—tf Every Piano fully Warranted for 5 Years. ! • We hare made arrangements for the Sole I I': (), C . CASIINIAN It Agency for the most Celebrated PAR LOR ORGANS and MELODEONS, which we of- -, fer 'Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Factory ; G EI'T.IWB ERG, PA.. 1' Ef ER 13 ENTZ A , rett t '• f , Fast Market street, York, No. unrpentor and Contractor, lill Pa. • ~ Sept. pa, 1870.-6 m • ----- I'HE CUCUMBER WOOD • ! I , SPECTFULLY informs the nubile. that he j I ) NI , m w remed to his Nett Shop_on Stratton street I) • • between York and Railroad streets, and Is pre- One dozen reasons why this is the best Pamp manufactured in America for WELLS AND CISTERNS. It is Simple. 2 It is Reliable. 3. It is Durabl, 4. It Works very Easily. 5. It throws Water Rapidly. 6. It Is all Wood. 7. The Wood Is Tasteless. 8. It does not Crack In the Sun. 9. It Is not liable to get ont of order. 10. Should any repairs be necessary In time, they can easily be made by any person. 11. It will not freeze. 12. It is Cheaper than ally other reliable Pump manu factured. KIW. McKtilgitt4town, A,Lnns Boger KLF: nty. Pa Oct. Pt7o.—ly WANTED AGENTS to canvass for PENJUNS ♦ND HOUSE'S NON•NIPI4810E Absolutely Safe Oct- 15, 1869.--tt Miss McCREARY Dr. Bliarks, of cholasvllle liy„ says he has used in cases of scrofula and Seoondary Syphll with satisfactory results —as, a cleaner of the Blood 1 knOw no better remed. Samuel G. ArFaddeu, urfresboro% Tenn says: gal Nolirts. Notice. ,N4ke, GETTYSitt7O,.PA Qarjenters and contractors. DOG I I -1"VE:11S, BLINVII:DOOR AND WINDOW FRA MEB, CORNICE, DOOR AND wrsnow lIHACKETS, BEST MATERIAL, lq experiomiced tvorknten. and at REASONABLE PRICES Orders promptly attended to pa, ed to take eoutrae ts for puttiug up and repair lug buildings, at as reasonable rates as any bull der In Gettysburg—all work gussantred to be of best trility. Lie hope lq strict attentlott to bust tress u merit public patrnage. Give him a call April 9, 1569-t( ifatrho and *vim • WATCHES JEWELRY I%TM. I'. MTARTNEY wishes to inform his custoincrs and the public generally, that haring purchased the interest of Insinner, (L. V V. B. Soper, ) in the watchl and Jewe Store on Baltimore street, Gettysburg, he wil spar(' no .erfort to give satisfaction to all. lie has Just returned from the city with a spien. did assortment of GOLD and SILVER AMERICAN and SW,L% • WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVER TEA and TABLE SPOONS, FORKS, GOLD, SH YER ond STEEL FRAME SI'ECTA. CLES; also, CLOCKS of the best 3LanaLacture, MUSICAL IN. STRUMENTS, A GUITAR STRINt,S, SCREWS and BRIDGES. 41 1 4 - Watch and Clock work warranted for one year. Jewelry repairing executed in a neat and workmanlike manner. [Sept. 10, ISri9-tr CLOCKS, WATCHES AND 1 1 : lAr E R . A. H. FE' S'l'E I Has 1.1.4 shop to York street, opposite the Globe Inn, Gettysburg, where he has con stantly ou hand a fine assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER-PLATED WARE. Old Silver taken in exchange. be r ate of REPAIRING done, and charges mo. All work warranted tit sire satisfaction. Nov. 2a, 1670.—1 f Notice to the Public ! lIH undersigned is running :I Line of Stages / from Hagerstown to Gettysburg, leaving for mer place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7o'eloi , k, A. M., passing by Leitershiog. Waynes boro', 310nierey and Clermont Springs, Fonntani Dale and Fairfield arriving at Gettysburg at half past four o'clock and returnin sag from Gettysburg on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday arriving al Hagerstown to make connection with the 5 0' clock train for Baltimore. ANNA WASSEN. May 2L—tf Real and gtrosnal p ÜBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL AND REAL PROPERTY The undersigned, Administrator with the Will annexed of the Estate of JACOB BrEseckEn, de ceased, will sell at Public Sale, on Friday, the 2311 of Dec, niber, COmilienang et 9 o'dock. 4. „IL. precise/ y. at the late residence of said decea.s ed, near McKnightstown (New Salem) and close to the Gettysburg and Chambersburg Trunpike, Franklin township Adams county, Pa., the fol lowing property. viz: 3 IIEAD OF WORK HORSES, - ieitw allioTdiieliik:2c4VriVll4B.'l:E tat lit:, lIZ;c1d BROOD 17 11 l VEs OF BEES well stored With honey, and a lot of empty Bee Boxes,( extra new three-horse broad-tread Wagon, I good three horse narrow. treadWa_gon, 1 new Bough Hay Ladders, 1 pair of other Hay Ladders, 1 coniblrled Mower and Reaper in good order, 1 Grain Drill in good order, 1 a iro-toon Horse Rake, new Wheelbarrow, large Grindstone, Plows of all kinds, Harrows and shovol Harrow, double and single Trees, Spreaders, 2 Log Chains, Cow and other Chains, Forks, Rakes, Grain and other Shovels, Grain and Cloverseed Cradles and Scythes, new Ladder, Crowbar, Mattocks, Post and other Augers, Maul and Wedges, Saws, Drawing Knife, 6-c.. also all kinds of Horse Gears, Wagon and other Saddles, Bridles, Halters, 3 good leather Fly nets, Haines. Collars, om., 1 standing Screen and Sieves, Half. bushel and - 'othe'r measures, to of Posta and Shingles. GRAIN IN THE' aftOV.ND. Lot of Prime Old and New Wheat by the bushel. Sev eral hundred bushels of Corn; several hundred bushels or Ohl and New Oat; tiuwerseed by the bushel, flaxseed, large lot of good gay by the ton, Corn.filac.r, Rye-straw by the bundle. 3 WEAVER LOOMS. and also flxtules for weaving Coverlets all complete. together with .1101.7 s& HOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, consist ing of Feather Beds, Bolsters, lot of Carpeting by the yard, Bedsteads, Cupboards, Case of Draw ers, Desk, Chezta, Tables, excellent large Clock, ...Spinning Wheels, 2 Ten-plate Stoves and pe, large Copper and Brass Kettles sad ii Cans and Lard, good &Visage Grinder iin( r, Apple-butter by the Crpck, b4rrel 9 of Vinegar empty Barrels, the and Buckets, Meat Benches, Gold \Vetch and many other articles too nutnereus to mention. Also, at the Same time and place, by virtue of a Decree of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, will be o ff ered the ROME FAIL M on which said deceased resided, containing ala ACItiS OF LANP, more or leks, In flue cultivation and very fatorably located. The improvements are a two-story Log Weatherboardeff ; UM:IIX with a wing attached,and a one and a half story Log Weaver Shop, Sauk Barn with Sheds, Corn-crib, and all other outbuildings, a well of good water near the door, also a spring close by. running water on the place, also Fruit Trees. In case this desirable property is not sold or i the day of sale, it will be offered for Bent, Heine. dlately on the same day. Sir - Attendance w:11 he oven and terms made knowilog ate day of sale by J. M. MICKLY, Ja.con MICK - LT, Auctioneer. Dec. 2, 1870.—ta ORPRA.NS' COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE. A By mso u n o y , an e O unde o rs ig e Or Adm n n ' iCorauto of of the Estate of DASTEL GULDEN, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, in Straban township, Adams county, on Saturday, the 24tA day of December, 1870, at I o'clock, P. ,IL, the MANSION FARM of said Da el ceased, containing sag beg %C ES 0 AND. About $5 Aores ate in good Tim ran 4. e bal ance ink MO state of cultivation, having been all limed three times. The Railroad Station Ls on one side of the farm, making the' lUne easy of access. The York and Gsburg Turnpike rtms through the farm. The Basementare a two-story BRICK HOUSE, with a Kitchen, and a large House and Spring 'House, near the dwe , with a spring of excellent water. a large frame k Barn, Wagon Shed, and other out. bulldln. The Farm Is well wiSterefl, atia the one In every respeet a convenient an'd desirable one. ALso, at TRACT time and place will be offered for sale a OF ABOUT 5 ACRES of ex cellent CHESTNUT TIMBER LAND, Mtuato Ip Menallen township, Adams. courtly, APQnt twQ miles north of Bendersvillo,_ the road leading from Gettysurg to Newville. knrAtteadaritei will be given and terms made rn - on depot sale by GEORGEF. GULDEN, Dec DAVID WILLS, . 2.-ta Administrators. • TOWN ,PROPERTY Aff PUBLIC SALE• The undenti t ied will cUSer at Public Sale. on Saturday, the cy' December newt , at 1 o'clock, ac, SO SK AND LOT on Chamber:limn street, Gettysburg, adjoining lots of Jaw Kinn and Wm. E. Oulp, improved wit RoBali; TWO STORM AND AN Alf CITA Basement and Bydrunt therein. The lot e_as back to a public alley. All in good repalt. The Souse eontains e ight comfortable roomd Irk good re gret,. ns wishing:OW the property Will call on the undersigned ing t*wp. SilPAttondattoe be Wee and ter= made known on day of ale by Deo, 20.4 a "JOHN G. PREY: Vizvotoq PRE-EMPTION LANDS. I HAVE ON HAND A FEW TRACTS OF NO.' relit lico v iirreoptuee Luella located Rev w niasoN i p o r !pen* ac, he wen mead teirleleidi. watch I will sell or teedutage at a Tali price for Real Estate la Adams omen", Pa. ' Feb. 5, illif&—tt GM /MOLD. (Silt of the • NO. 8, A GOOD RED LAND FARM, 150 Acres, comfortable HOUSE and alt needed Outbull i de, and Barn, Lund limed and to good order, grass farm, near Baltimore Turnpike, miles m rystirg, 3nd les from Llttlestowr Price $6.600. NO. 9, A TRACT OF GRANITE LAND, three tulles from Gettysburg, on York pike, Acres, good HOUSE and STABLE, .1 goad staa4l fur sktre or Mechanic. Price g2,:ko. NO. 10, A VERY GOOD FARM, two mileS west of Gettysburg, on public road, =4 Acres, well limed and In mid condition, go.RI Buildings, Weatherboarded HOUSE, Urge Bank Barn, plenty fruit, good location. Price 150 per ; acre ; or will sell 184 Acres with buildings at same. I NO. 11, A VERY GOOD STOCK FARM, two miles east+ of Gettysburg, on York pike, Acres_,_or will sell 110 Acres . , about 1 .1 iirned, a good FRAME HOUSE, two Barns, n watered. Price 160 per acre—terms easy. NO. 12, A VERY VALUABLE FARM, 2.'4 Acres, of which 100 acres heavy Timber, Oak, Hickory and Walnut, five miles west of Getty, burg, on public road, two sets of Buildings, will sell 14 or the whole, 'excellent fruit farm, good land, red gravel. Price $4 per acre, NO. 13, A. - GOOD FARM, 130 Acres, 7 miles from Gettysburg. on Harrisburg road, good FRAME HOUSE and Barn, all kinds of fruit.— Price $3,000. NO. 14, A FIRST-CLASS RED LAND FARM, 140 Aeres, or will sell 100 Acres • 2 miles from Gettysburg, ni r en Harrisbuyii • ood weatherboarded HorsE, Bank auntr g ant fruit, Land limed and In good order., , , • Also, several other Farms and To Pronerty. Also, Western landS and Town Proiserty. to ex change for Adams County Farms. I , R. (I.lKeellignitr. Iltorneirtherthenesa, mityoburg. Pa. VALUAEILR. FARM AT PRIVAXE The_entiersimeed offers at Private Bale a verN DEsIRABLE FARM, situate l Cumberland township, Adams comity. Penna.. 1;4 miles from Gettysburg, near the Chtunbersbarg turnpike, containing 218 "ACRES of land, of which there are 52 Acres in excellent timber. The land is in a good state of cultivation, and under very good fencing. The Improvements consist of 1 large new two-ste_ry BRICK. DWELLLNG itOusE, with a new Weattlerboarded Summer House close to the dwelling, a never-billing IND of water in front of the door, Frame Barn, Wagon Shed, Car - flag° House, Corn Crib, Hog Pen, and all other necessary outbuildings. There is also an Apple Orchard la prime bear. log, and another that Is Just coming Into bearing: also, &young Peach orchard in fine tearing or der. There are small fruits of all-descriptions around the buildings. The ,property is well suited for division, with al most an equafproportion of timber at each end. and also plenty of water for stock. Persons wishing to view the property, or Ascer tain terms, will call on the subscriber, or address by fetter. THEODORE, BENDER. June 17, 1870.—tf - V The undersigned offers at Private Sale her in. terest (being the umi)vided unedmin ill the FARM, in Strohm township. Adams countr, ad. Joining lands of Josiah Benner. Jenne 11. Walter, and others, known as the Bringnmn & Wasinus farm. It contains 900 ACRES, more or less, with about 30 Acres in fine swag Timber, and about la Acres in excellent Meadow. The Irnproce. 'rinds consist of a two-story BRICK DWELLING, with a one-story Brick Back-building, Log Barn with Sheds attached, an Orehterd of choice fruit, two wells of water with pumps, b one of theta near the kitchen door. The farm desirably located and will be sold on reasona Jeans. For terms, &c., address or apply to 'the under signed, at Gettysburg, Pa, LOUISA WILLARD. Nov. 11, 180.—tt I will sell at Private Sale, No, 1-WALNUT GROVE MILLS, one mile south of Abbonstown o LA ND, Hanover turnpike, with SO ACHES OF mostly Meadow bottom, known as Ifoilinger's hill's.— ALso, No. 2—PINE HILL MILLS, 1 mile south of Harney, Carroll county, on e head waters of the Nonocacy, with 'l3 a.C.itk OF LAND, heavy water power, known as Linah's Mins. Also, No. 3—KNOWN AS SANDOES MILLS, 6 miles south of Gettysburg, with' SG ACICKS,OF LAND,lleavy water Power. All these Mills are hi perfect good running order. Also, A CHOICE FARM OF 291 ACRES, n ear Gettysburg, well limed, with No.l buildings. Also, 4 0..; . .E OTHER KIRI!. WITH 90 Ant 4!3 OF LAND, near Llitlfttovrn, Adams county, well limed. with No. 1 new buildings.— Terms accommodating. I will exchange one of the Dllll properties for a good Farm in Adams co. Gettysburg, Sept. 9, 1570.-Itu VALUAUU TOWN PROPERTY A.T PRIVATE SALE The subscriber wHhes to dispose of his valuable 110 USE and LOT, containing 1 Acre, NI acedu on the Chambeniburg turnpike In the Borough of Gett yyburQQ. Gettysburg. THE HOUSE is built on the Cottage style, e ith 9 good Rooms and Is very convenient throughout and a good well of water at the door, with a good Stable and other outbuildings. The Grounds are nicely laid out, and planted with a variety of or namental Trees. To any person wishing to buy this Is a rare chance. :fermis easy. air-11 sold possession will yen lathe second week of June; If not sold by that time it will be offered for rent until the lat of April, IS9 - - For partiotaltra enquireof Gee. Arnold or Sam uel 1A11411412A at &kit First National lank or of CY11,14 ti. Galan, May Zf, 1870—tf Flora Dale P. O. Pa. ALL'ABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SAL' The undersigned 'fomenters of tbe the Estate of EttisiStAlarm, deceased, offer at Private Sale, the 110 MR MANSION, attune in New Oxford, eon tithing 10 ACRES, more or lees, of good fartultr4 land. The Improvememts are a two-story BRICK - .HOUSE. an out-kit:ben attached. Brame Barn, with vftrriage House, Rog Pen, Corn-crib, and all other Deemer* outbuildings attached, a well of never-falling water at the door, with a variety of all kinds of fruit It is a very desira. .ble Rome and persons weshit is purchase should call before going elsewitere. desiretilY iota ted for lufteste,. adjoining Ware-Bouse o Mesas. IdeiheriS & Bender. lir Any person wlsau to view either of the propertlea will please 611 the last named Ex eCutor, residing In New Oxford. , GEORGE SLAGLE, CHAS. A. DIEHL. • Executers. Oct. 14.-tf pußLic SALE.. By Virtue of an Order of the Presldens Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of AdiansasillltY. the tindersiged, Sequestrator of the s=nua Railroad, win expoee to sale D public . the Freight Depot of t h e Gen. OWE 7.tsi o id do Gettysburg on eurduy, the 7th Tay ter acp, o cik.p. lico s k at 1 o'clock:P. tlty of C_ , supposed to be about 2:1 3 4 tons.— Also, Tilt= ROLM, contents unknown. also. in accordance with the provisions of tie Act of Aseenibly in such cases made and pfarl. ded, will be exposed to publie sale, at the mune time And place. to defray the costs and expenses of toumportatlon, the followingfly, viz: 341: e optielids and Itierce of nes, eon . to the Gettysburg Spring Company. b hogsheal tlgsg and 4 boxes of Glom Hot. ties,2 mujie("rigagtPon: idldGbleCraiiitleSt einAigneft to I. laihnon. • 1 bot consigned to J. M Huber. Rupp of Iro4 Casting , ecoslgned to 'John patent flay Fork, couslismal to William Ul rich. Nov. 25.-ts R. McCUIWY I Seqt r. A SMALL PROPERTY AT . _PRIVATE SALE r The undersigned eels argrirsto saIe,aTILACT OF LAND, situate in Sourapfeeseut Adams counti ; on the Hanover mdf. harfcirdri; from Bonau town, Made ot James Bleed, Rev. orb and ore,, - al' Id oontalning la AOllOl, more or lees. Tbe tisprovements are a one and a half story DWILF : 13110 II WAX Pan d frame, risme , oke Rousestone,an of excelleat water, and ßab plent Sm y of fruit. Two acres are timber. The land Is In a blsksiate of and under post and rail fencing. Terms easy, to salt purchasers.— Apply to or address the uhderelgried, In the same Aga l 11111.--tf B. F. 11.1.14ARIfAN. to valig Valuable Town Property FOR SALE. ' BRICK DWELLING, with brick Baseibidld? Booms—with Gaspipee the entire bing—frontlng 60 feet on street, north of Stevens Hall. . The build. • Ina w, and oompleted In beet style. It will be sold en d ble terms. If not sold by October 1 le will be ha llent. C. It .4 A. D. DIMMER. Gatipbmi, OWL 9,11 1 1 141431 FOR, &ALA . -.- A.l .4'i liar ,ilk ~s 7: . . f rsal lu bli th e " tr. Grove . imilit tMl. =4 of Tim' .: "A B b el e.' —2 ot in abundance t under . ennaddanr knit .11 -.'" fencing; terms Ow. =D im Oct. 28, 1610.—tt - . - ittlettgn%. Ikai knit girosiat/Jfitts YALVAKE LANDS!! • Volt 'SALE. No. o i bu l l ' a AßM, - two miles north west of adjdning _Spritlig Vote' prop, arty, Igi Acre., tit tarp MUItICICHOUSItIarge Switzer Barn, Tenant House, and other Improve ments. Price 16,800—not more titan cost of Mild • ago. No. 2, B FARM, two and a half miles north.weet, of Gettysburg, adjoining No. I, 114 'Amok with good STONE HOUSE., Barn and other Improvements. An excellent grass farm. Trice 01,500. No. 3, A FARM adjoining No. 1, and town lota of Gettrabling 1110 Acres, with STONE FARM stag.' CMG& It is divided by the Cluunberabunr Turnpike and comprises many very choice homing lots. Price, IMOD. .NO. 4, A FARM, flve.mlles from Get • triburg, on pobile rood; us Men, Vopi land in good condition, with large BRIC HOUSE, and large Siritzer Barn. Price WACO—Ten , ellen). No. 5, A VERY GOOD FARM, taco miles 'from Gettysburg, *4O Acres, with large BRICK HOUSE, large Bank Barn, all in good condition. Price 00 peracre, No. 6, A FARM, 170 Acres, four miles from Gettysburg, on Public road, comforta ble FAItH BUILDII,Os, red land, Si limed.— Price WOO half ash. No. 7, An excellent FRUIT FARM, ten miles north' of Gettysburg, on public road. about $0 Acres. good land, with comfortable Buildings. Price $3,500. %lay 27 -It - ALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE ABLE MILL PROPERTIES AT PRIVATE SALE The new hvn.stmy