!rugs, *Atrium 69. JUNE I, .I` 4 SORTMENT OF Family Medicines MEDICINES, for Medical Purposes. Pure arnrlng Ectraa.,, Dyes and Soaps, Perfumes and Goods..,Auks, WM- Fluids and Sia Physician's . Pm and Family recipes t up. Physicians and coma- ipplled at REDUCED RATE. Horse Powder apest for Horses, Cattle and see Pots drys of approved makps. I3EK'ti eet, Gettysburg, Penn'a, HORN ER, resumed th;. of Medicine. In"( his STORE, urg Street, Gettysburg healer in UIZEIER RP/( 'FR. A'TCG FS, PA TE.Ai i i MEDICINES. HIES CRESS GGIST, Building, Baltimore Street., ST 0 WN a new DRUG STORE and e best style, I offer my stock rugs to the citizens of Littles t the lowest marfet mus,:con- :Medicines, pure Liquors for Purposes, .Ptsfent - Medi 11V(X Panders, and Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, limy articles. A full assort , lonery of all kinds, Cigars, ro-Magnetic Soap will wash ator, cold or warm. Clothes p are made beautifully white tieing. This Is the best Soap it. warranted not to Injure the JAMES CRESS ESE • UEHLER, BOOK STORE, "SBURG, 1.).1 IerCES, PATENT..Ny . :DICINTS, TIONEJtY, PERFUMERY ; '7 LD PENs. &e., &C., &C tred, n.ar Diamond auts supplied at City Wholes [Feb. 25,1870. —tt tirt linsurnact. LS COUNTY INSURANCE COMPANY , Marti Is, 11151 rzmz Swope. 0 uel R. Russell. elder. nestock. • Robert McCurdy, H. A Swope, D. A. Buehler, k . .11. E. G. Fahnestock, Gettys. ban township; FrecieriCk. t. Picking, Straban ; Abdiel: Wm. Roo White. Liberty (Y. S.) limited in its operations to s. It has been IP. operatior , , and in that period b as ent, having paid losses b 3 amounting to over gir4ol. an Ininunnee can ap ply to is. ' o nazultteemeetsattheottlee beLvdVVeTsday , in every TWE Life Insurance PANY, EL AND, OHIO. 10P 030,000 00 300,000 00 100,000 00 sally told to Polity in CASH. I LICIT ARE FEITABLE. and Poptetor /Eras MEI;;=1 d is reserved for the tea this Company has never AND STRICTLY ou be had by address or any of its Avnts. Agent, liarrhiburg, P EHREJIAIST, olitilibarir. Peas's' Job Printing L XINDS C ~. ..._ _______.-- . ................••••••••• i-, t o. , COURT DOlNoB.7—There is an unugually ' the publisher to want pay, he sends buil ) 4tatalCiis Stuctiar-Sciroor. Wo •s• :. lt tk eintb nitintb: large number of criminal canes to lie die with "stop it." Or he taltitie!np his quart- The Novembeie IMMber of ' this john . 4 - • , posed of, including the New Oxford homi- era and leavei for parts unknirivm He does i published by J. W. M'lntyre, St. Louis, cide case. We anrei a list of the cases not want to pity, and he don't mean to.— f beside its usual valuable contents, has very disposed of up to the time of going to Get it if you can. full announcements of its plans and re ,, • • press: ~ Reader, in which of the above classes &Iced terms , with alistoflessons for 1871. COM. vs. John Shanabrook.—lndict- are yen found P As the,ptddishers tiger to send this num . anent for Fornication and Bastardy oo in- bee free; weledvise Suridaythoolli adopt. formation of Cattarine JaenliY• Verdict DEaTir OF PROF. ETIRRUART. —Our I ing a series of lesson; for 'next year to obituary notices to-day record the death • guilty, with the usual sentence.semi for a specimen copy. of Rev. C. J. Ehrehart, - .late Principal of . Coin. va.Eir„-baniel L. Baker.—Adult- ' —-- • • cry, Forritcation and Birstanly, on infor- the Preparatory Department of Penusyl- Nr:w FIRM.—The new firm of Rebert illation of Elvira S. Snyder. Verdict; vatiki College._ He graduated : Bushman have largely ihereased their at Pa. Cl-Col- • guilty. Defendant's counsel filed a rno., lege in the cIaSS of 1850, and subsequently stock by carefully selected' additions of tiou in arreat of judgment and for, a new . entered the Luthepui 3E111.417. on the i trk ' ds from the PitiMiPel t t tleit ' to which trial. ' - 1 re-organizatioit of the Preparatory Depart- the attention of the public .is respectfully • Corn. vs, JainZsl)uun.—Larceuy of a la- : went some years ago, lie was elected invited. Cali in; and judge foryourselves. - ' dy's c l o th j ac k e t, t a k en fr om therei4dence Principal, and continued in that position The ladies: will find a full assortment sf of John S. Crawford, Gettysburg. Defend-' until the close of the last Collegiate year, Dress Goods, and nothing shall be want; ant plead guilty, and was sentenced to five when he resigned, partly by reason of ing in the line of gentlemen's wear.— 1 months imprisonment in the County Jail. failing health. For some time he has suf- Prieesfh'w• - It Com. vs. Shade Spealman.—Larceny of : ferred from an affection of the throat, a turkey, property of John Shultz. Bill i disabling him from public speaking; but ignored, count costs, : no special apprehensions were felt ian -by h- Com. vs. 7 Johnson and Mary ; self or friends until recently. About 'two 1 Johnson.—Assault and Battery ou infor- ! weeks ago he took his bed, the disease nation Franklin Lincoln. Verdict guilty. mai; ing rapid progress : :d terminating in i Henry Johnson sentenced.to pay a flue of ! his death on Saturday last. His remains 410, and :Mary Johnson to undergo five i were intered in•Eier-Green Cemetery, the mouths imprisonment in County sail. i funeral being attended by the faculty and Coin. vs. Henry Johnson and Mary students of the College and Seminary, and Johnson.—Larceuy of tinware, the prop_ a number of citizens. . erty of Springs Hotel Company. Bill ig- Prof. Ehrehart vra.s a gentleman of great cored. j energy of character, the improvements I Com. vs. Samuel Sheets.—There were jin the neighborhood of Stevens Hall and three indictments against defendant for along the extension of Carlisle street being larceny of property of Christian Shifferer I mainly the result of his active agency. at various times. All the bills were ig- We understand that, i,R ISG3 lie effected nosed, county payingeosta, being a felony. an Insurance of 83,00 bin the New Eng- Com. vs. Dick Shmaker, Wm. Hughes, land Life Insurance Company, through et alias.—The defendants areboys of about Wm. King, Esq., Agent. Ile had made 12 years, and were charged with rape on three payments, amounting in the aggre information of Jennette Shefferer. Bill gate to about WA. His family will rea ignored, county paying costs. lize $3,000. Coin. vs. James McElwee. Surety of the Peace, ou complaint of his wife. After hearing, the Court dismissed the com plaint, but ordered the defendant to pay the costs Friday Derilleg, Dee, 2, 1270. Mw‘ PoucE.-trThe Town Council have op `.*- pointed Micheal Crilly and William J. Tate . special night Police for the borough. ==ll LAMM Hons.-,Liout, James Hersh, of Nevr Oxford, slaughtered t.vo hogs, one day last week, of the Chester Whites, six_ tree months old, 'Weighing 847,1 pounds. Gsa.—Arral),pMell4 arts being wade to introdnee gas Jib; Clip Catholic Church in this place, the work being inky in pro- EZZI ELecTED.—Wm. Taughinbaugh, Esq., formerly Sheriff of Adams county, was elected a member of the Tudiana tune, at the October election, for. Black . ford and Jay counties. RASPBERRIES.-Wp learn that J. ,S. Gitt, Esq„ of Now Ozford, two weeks ago, took from the stalks in his garden ripe raspberries of the second gathering equally as good and delicious as the first. SUDDEN DEATH.—chrititiall shoemaker, of Cono,wago township, died suddenly on the 18th ult. He was at work until 11 o'clock the preceding night, and retired in usual health. In the morn ing his daughter he; a noiselpti his room, entered it and found him dying. FOUNTAIN. —Mr. John Rupp has further improved his flue cottage residence on South Baltimore_ Street, by putting a fountain in the yard, with a basin about 1•? feet in diameter, the jet of water being thrown up through a central figure. It is his purpose to introduce fancy fish into the basin. SCIIOOI. RI:PC/RT.—We are indebted to )Ir. J. H. Wort, County Superintendent, for an advance copy of his annual report. It was our purpose to make some extracts this week; but on glancing over it We find the entire document more than usually interesting, and have concluded to give it iu full id our next issue. SiLEs.—Elias Mayer has sold his farm in Butler township, 132 acres, to Henry Speck, for s6,ooo—Mr. Mayer taking in exelianp the property of Henry Speck in ••••::::-: Hamilton township, 7 acres, in part pay- 12121113 P. D. W. Hankey, assignee of Daniel - Leer, sold on Monday last a farm of 100 1. - acres, in Cumberland towitship to Jacob Smith of same township, for $1550. INTERESTING TO LANDLORDS.—As this 'is the time siof year when landlords are thinking of sending notices to their ten ants, it will be well for them to - reinember that Judge Pearson, of Harrisburg, has recently decided that a landlord's notice to a tenant.for possession of property is not legal if dated on the Ist of January. It must . be dated no later than the 31st of December. MAIL ROUTE.—The Post-office I)epart iment has given to the Sonar .711.ffintain Iron Company, (F4C. Ames Superintend ent) the contract tor a daily mail from Carlisle to Mountain Creek at $462.75 per annum. The service on Route No. 2,201 from Carlisle to York Springs, (E. Johns, contractor.) will hereafter be from Mount ain Creek to York Springs, $lBO per an num being deducted from the contractor's pay, by reason of the route being short ened 5, miles. THANKSGI VING. —Thallksgi ling Day was observed throughout the country to a larger extent than usual. The City pa pers and our exchanges generally are more or less given up to reports of sermons, &c., showing that the good old New Eng land festival is rapidly becoming a nation al institution. In Gettysburg, religous services were held in Christ Church, Rev. Mr. Breidenbaugh and Rev. Dr. Brown .delivering pertinent addresses. The pul pit was occupied by Pastors of the various (-lurches of the town, most of them partic ipating in the services. CITATION IN ScuEnu . LE.-There lies re cently a general change in the schedules of .`.lie leading railroads. On the Northern Central, the train which left Harrisburg at 8:30 A. M., has been with drawn. Passengers from Harrisburg and beyond, desiring to reach Gettysburg at noon must leave in the 5 A. M., train; otherwise they can only reach Gettysburg in the evening train. On the Gettysburg Road, the first train will hereafter leave at 8.50 A. M., returning at 12.45 P. M. The second train leaves at 1.45 P. ,M., return ing at 5.30 P. M. IMPBOVKILENT.—SoveraI yawls ago, under an Act of Assembly, commissioners were appointed to vacate a portion of the State road from a point beyond Stevens Run to its intersection with Carlisle street whereby Carlisle was straightened and extended. By an arrangement between Prof. Ehrehart and the Town Council, a further part of said State road lying be tween Union street and Stevens Run, is to be vacated. Prof. Ehrehart, who owns the laud on both sides of the part to be vacated, proposes to give the right of way over Iris land for an extension of Water street to Stratton, and fol. an alley from Water to UpiQn stree.t, between his prop erty and lots of Henry l3arbeham old Charles gaffes, RAILROAD FROM Yoga. TO GETTYS BURG. —The building of a railroad from York to Gettysburg direct is beginning to be agitated with decided earnestness. It is said that parties abroad will furnish a large proportion of the means—probably two-thirds--if the people of York and Gettysberg sad along Ws -route will sub scribe the balance—that ia, Gettysburg to take $25,000 of the stock, York frutn $50,000 to 475,000, and between the two points about the same as the latter—the estimated cost of the road being $450,000. 4 , project of so much impo4lano cannot but command general attention, and it is no doubted that the people will give it the most prompt and liberal aid in their ' power.—York True Democrat. LNirrAr.kmos.—The *Slows of `Kiesty Lodge 1 4 10 ; 802, I. 0, G. T.," at York Springs, Were installed by 'Deputy H. C. Peters, on the evening of . the 15th inst., C. T., C. A. Pasoock; W. V. T., Miss E. S. Smiler; W. T., A. K. Myers; W. F. S., IL J. Myers; W. S., R. W. Sadler; W. A. S., E. C. Johns; R. H. S., E. L. Wolford; L. IL S., C. J. Myers; L G.. C. F. Myers; W. Griest; W. 0. S., C. H. Peters; D. M., Sue C. Wor ley. Rev. Mr. Davidson delivered a lecture on temperance on the evening of the . Slat inst., in Odd Fellows Hall, in the presence of a large audience. The Good Templars -of York Springs are live workers, and are actively pnwohicihe agaiiikst perance. THE BEST firovg now in market, for beauty, economy, and comfort, is admitted all around to be the MORPOG GLORY. It defies all coinotipion, jued that is the judgment of all who have used it. It is just the thing for Offices, Stoic*, mid Palrkes. Chambers. Cal at C. IL Buidder's Ware Room, opposite the Pmeasyss Depot, and wadies for youreelvel. tt Coin. vs. William Wills.—Larceny of bark, the property of estate of Thaddeus Stevens. Bill ignored, county paying costs. Coin. vs. William - Colton.--ludictment for murder and manslaughter, in the ing of John Bond. This is the New Ox ford homicide case, the particulars or which were given in our columns when it occurred. The Grand Jury ignored the count for murder, and' the defendant will be tried for manslaughter. The .case was called on Thursday morning, and a good deal of time spent in getting a jury.- -Now on trial. NEWSPAPER SIGESCRIEI4RB. —The Lon don Newspaper Prete contains the follow ing classilleAtion of newspaper subscribers which is somewhat vaguely credited to "an American paper:" First comes the Upri2hts.—These .are men who take newspapers; ;•• th'em, and read them. Obsenie the order 3e arc done: The pay comes first—tlie .ending next. These men consider they get the worth of their money in the bargain. It seems as fair and just to them That the newspaper should be paid for asabarrel of sugar or a new coat. They never enter tiiu other opinion. When the year runs out, or a little before, they are on hand with the pay. • There is no more difficulty with them in remembering 'ails period, than Sunday or the first of Janua ry. If one of them wishes to stop his pa per, he either calls or writes a letter let his postmaster, iu due season, like a man. This .. P4.4-c is dear to the heaft of the edi tor. Their image is embalmed in his warm affections. Mai they live-a thou sand:years, and see thoir-sons' son.; to the fourth generation. The second class now in mind is the Do Wells. —This is nearly related to the otter—so neaPthat it is hard To tell where one begins and the other ends. These men always pay in advance in the begin ing, and intend to do so continually. But memory fails a little, or some mishap in tervenes, and the. time runs by—some times a little—sometimes for quite a period. But theiP recollection, though nodding occasionally never gets sound asleep. It pronounces the word in :due time—" The printer is not paid;" and forthwith their will to do well kindles into activity. Now comes the paying up— " Meant to do so Lenore. Don't mean to let such things pass it. publisher can live with such men. They halve a warm place in their memory—only a little back of the uprights. If such a man dies in arrears, his wife or son remembers that he may not have paid up for his newspa per, and forthwith instituter inquiries.— They remember that part of the benefit was theirs, and, estate or no estate, see that the printer's bills are not among fa ther's unsettled accounts. Next come the Easy Doers—These men believe in news papers. They have fully settled in their own ;minds that a newspaper is a good thing. They take teem, too. S. etimes at the first they pay up for the first 'ear, at any rate they mean to, pretty 6Goll, f they have done so, they sit down with the comforting conviction that.their newspa per is now settled for; and this idea hav ing got into their heads, refuse obstina tely to be dislodged, but keeps its hold from year to year; a truth. once—now -an illusion, gray and rheumatic with years. The editor, marking the elongated and elongating space in the vootn* onrrent of their dollars, begins to ask if they are dead or have gone to California. Now he begins to poke bills at them. They sud denly start tic to the reality that they are in arrears; and, like men, as they are at the bottom, pay up. Thdy never dispute his bills—they know books tell better stogies than moss covered memories. If the pubiishar has faith enough, or a long, purse, and zau lire like a hibernating bear, he may survive this etaaa. But if he is mortal only, woe be to him. The next class is that of the ' Down Hillors—Here we begin to slide over to the other side. The picture sud denly gets sombre : We shall dispatch the Down HiTiers suddenli. One of these may take a paper because wife wants cue, or the children are zealous to read it, or a neighbor persuades him. When' it . begins to come, be dismisses all thoughti about it further. If the editor sends a, man Alirectly to him at the end of tm Or three years, he may get some pay for bis paper, but with growls and surly looks.-- He never pays any debt ifbe can get rid of it, and a newspaper Wit of all. Still, he hates lawsuits, and constables, and all that. A dun has the eine offect on him that a bullet has on a hippopotamus— glancing from his hide, or sinking into the blubber harmless. fie is always sliding down hill, and soon meiges into another class, that of The Nix Own Romee-Atin matter bow this man began hie sulmoription, he.never pays for it—not he. "Re don't like that sort of paper. It don't give no MM. Re never did like It. Re didn't went it in the first pli* and toad the poatei,mt ter so. Ha - seat back coo xemi - thaa year ago--besides, he neverbern to taake it till a long time after it sank and he hadn't only We or three of Win, at *BY rate, and thozerhe hadn't read." Wipe him off. Here comes the ' • Beapcfpwcs--it is enough to say of .< OM he never faihi.to have a < • < two or throe of then?. WAep he thWil *Wry hare. mw 040 long owitairli for. WednesAy last Wil liam Wills was shot amid instantly killed by 31artiu Carbaugh. Both reside in the mountain, Franklin township, a short dis tance south of Newman's old tavern stand. It is represented that the parties have not been on good terms, and that Wills called at-Carbaugh's on Wednesday, for a saw which the latter was repairing for the for mer, when they got into an altercation, during which Carbaugh seized a gun or pistol, and shot Wills iu the breast, re 'suiting iu his instant death. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of earbangh. CAPT. Nounni—Has the largest and best stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods in town, and is selling them very cheap.- Give him a call. dec.2-tf IarSUPFEES from coughs, colds, bron chitis, croup, influenza or whooping cough, will find relief iu Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which has now been in use for nearly a century, and still maintains its long established reputatipn as the great remedy for all diseases of tht throat, lungs and chest. 1 t YOUNG MEN desiring a practical busi ness training.mill find Duff's Mercantile College the oldest, themost reliable, and permanent institution of the kind in the United States. Circulars can be had by addressing the principals—P. Duff it Sons, Pittsburg, Penn'a. Dec.2-2t DELI . AIIIIENT SUBARIBERS. The printed addresses which appear upon the margin of every issue of our paper, afford a good opportunity to de linquents to ascertain .how , their sub scription accounts stand with the office. For instance, if the address reads: "John Jones, IlnovV," it means that the said John Jones owes on his paper' fns• two years, up to Novetnlxtr 11, 1870. We hope, therefore, that these gentle marginal reminders will serTe to secure the payment of backstandiiig subscrip tions, and, furthermore, that . the remit- tames will be promptly - made We renew the offet to receive'" $2 per annum on all back subscriptions that may be paid between this date and the Itit of January, 1871. Those who desire tbiSave al cents a year, will find it to their own interest promptly to • avail themselves of this offer. ,If:tetv dI tlt *nets. 4arnlas et, Proctoce nark SI Lo Baltimore, Thursday .MOritiv. SUPER FLOUR 5 00 IP @ 5 25 EXTRA FLOUR 575 @ 600 WREAT 1 33 1 50 RED WHEAT •1 17 ofg 140 70 FP 30 ' T 60 er E 7 9 ., • 51 @53 TISICYTHY - DEED,. 475 @ 500 • CLOVER-SEED,., 675 @ 7CO FLAY-SEED, 2 11) @ 275 BAcos, SHOULDERS, 15% 43 15y4 " SIDES 16% el 17% 11.4u4 19 . 42 20 LARD, 1334 14 44 et Ey situ Grlbiza dt Prop's' sots Market. Getiyabilry, Friday Morning. SUP FLOUR 000 0 000 EXTRA LOUR, 000 4 575 WHITE "HEAT. 000 43 000 • BAD WHE T, - 110 er 125 CORE, 00 (4 75 EYE, 00 @ 75 OATS, to 9 40 BUCKWHEAT, 00 0 00 TPROTHT-SEED, • 0 00 - 4 00, CLOVER-SEED, 000 @ 660 POTATOES..", 80 @ 100 BUTTER, • 00 9 35 LARD 00'.. 0 15 EGGS, 03 22 25 BACON, SHOULDERS, 00 @ 13 I Stow., 00 @ 13 AO. 00 @ 20 Poke, 00 ' @ 6 TALLOW, - C 10 STOCKS AND RONDO. Cloei■r Prices of' De Raven at Bro., 40 Beath Sr; lit., Philadelphia. a 3 o'clock, P. U, Nov. 23d, 11370. U. S. 61 of '81: .ed, • <.•....y• .. • . t.113 1 / 4 11314 106% 107 1061 107 •'• •• • X 9 14 IOpK 10956 109% .1061 l oft !ipo i : 111 aim Jots— 107 " " '65 new, '67, .. 681 " s'o. 1040'8, „*. , U.. 8. 80 'fear 6 per cent. Cy,,. 'Gold Silver, Union Patine R. R. Sat M. Benda, 746 806 Central Pacille R. 8.., - 985 815 'Croton rocln 9 rand grant 80nd5,.....700 710 Bmcsrr—Hur.a..—On the 17th ult„, by the Rev. E. Breldenbaugh. Mr. McCurdy .7. Rennet to Mho Jeutima Hall, both of Fairfield. mtaux--On the 3d ult,, by the v. Hr. Hauer, Mr. George Chroulater to Mks coma E. Heplerman. RioßOLTz—ligolailt .—Gu the 19th ult., by the Rev. J. E. Honeycutt, Mr. R. M, FoluSgz to Ails Lucy Moakley , both of Tyrone towpabi; tbp county. GuLDAN—Hrosa.--Ou the 15th ult., _"l.o', the Bei. A.,Shorb i Mr. Prix - ma Gulden to MI N Virginia Rider, both of this county. Oil. girr—Waavin.—W the 224 ult i n Chain bersbung, by the Rey. L. A.. Getwald,. Martin G. Gilbert to Mks Mary C., daughter o f t 'Nicholas carer, all of this place. rgrami—ltwarra—On the 20th ult., by •the Rev. F. R. Jonea, Mr. John M. Peteca_ltd Miss De lish Swartz, both pt Mgealkyn townabllk. • DIED. Obituary notices 5 cents a tine for all over leg isms—cash to accompany the notice. Eaaanait—la tills yid on I'diiat= a '684144 , Coal l , lA* lbsitreb Wnunt 'Srtrnei ta iV,S years. Wedne xt i ... ,1 12 JigaV.Aliw, and !Ilea mptl e i *LT& (Funeral, plssiy. 2 1. iiaoUHKeit—On the Wide V. P. lit. Br, of Bend townsidp, aged go s , I le the 18th of October last, in Blifillaill lat. Ifi Andre!! Ifeluivit, in VI tbe i rth %ilk,' this id.t m eant. only Mid of Wiliam ~ Be. kleal r, aged 2 Yests4raoatha Rad 13 dam elv Advertiotmtuto. AGRICULTURAL HALL, S_l 7' URDA 1" 1'; VE ING,,,DEC. 3 DICKSON it ZUCIIKICS Novelty Silver Show CARNIVAL O'FFIT, THE PA ACE SHOW OF AMERICA. Hundreds of Presents given away nightly, }'LOUR COAL, AM) SIIXER WARE .I,linisslun 25 (:cuts. Doom open at '7 o'clock, performance at 8 o'clock rI`OWN PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE- The undcrsigped will offer at Public Sale. on Piaturdalh 17th f Decembei 4 ncrt, of lo' clock. P. 31, his HOUSE AND LOT on Chambersiturg street, Getryshurg, adjoining lots of Thomas King and Wm E. Culp, improved with a BUICK HOUSE, TVISTORIES AND AN ATTIC, with Basement an Hydrant therein. The lot runs hack - to a public alley. All ill good repair. The !louse contains eight comfortable rooms in good repair. Persons wishing 4/ view the property will call on the undersigned residingp, thereon. Ike- Attendance will be given and terms made known on day of hale by . I/cc. 2..-to JOHN G. FREY. HPIIANS'j COURT SALE OF REAL ESTAT}j By \ irtue of au Order of the Orphans' Court iff Adams county, the undersigned„l duilidstrators of 11w Estate of DANIVI. Gui.DEN, deceased, will offer at Public. Sale, on the prei111244..,5, ill Straban township. Adams county, an &zinnia'', the '24th day of December, 1870, ( 1 o'clock, P. _V., the MANSION FARM of said Daniel Gulden, de ceased, containing 126 1-2 ACRES OF LAND, about 85 Acres are in good Timber and the bal ance in a high state of cultivation, having been all limed three times. The Railroad Station is on one side of the farm, making the Hine easy of acce , kt. The York and Gettysburg Turnpike runs through the farm. The buildings are a two-story BRICK HOUSE, with a Basement Kitchen, and a large Wash House and Spring House, near the dwelling. with a spring of excellent water.alarge frame Rank Barn, Wagon Shed, and other out. The Farin is well watered, and tlk location fi , in every revect a convenient and desirable one. ' Wasp. at the same time aitilNace will be o ff ered for nil" a TRACT OF ABM - 7T 3 ACMES of ex celktnt CHESTNUT TIMBER LAND, situate In Mktallen township, Mains county,- bout [lto Miles north of Bendersville , on the State road leading Irma Gettysburg to Ne wvine. • Sfe - Attendanee will be given and terms made kndwn on day of sale by CP.ORGE P. GULDEN, DAVID WILLS, Actmlnlstrators. bVBLIC SALE OF vALL - ABLi. rEßsosAi. AND REAL PROPERTY. The undersigned, Administrator with the \VIII annexed of the Estate of JACOB BIESECKIM, de ceased, will sell at Public Sale, on Friday, the M December, commencing at 9 o'clock, A. M., precisely, at the late residence , of said deceas ed, near McKnlghtstown (New Salem) and close to the Gettysburg and Chambersburg Trunpike, Franklin townthlp, .dams county. Pa., the fol lowingg property, viz: 3 HEAD OF WORK HORSES, 7 COWS, all young and fine milkers, 2 extra HEIFEILS, BULL, 1 fat HOG, 1 splendid BROOD SOW, 17 HIVES OF BEM well stored with honey, and a lot of empty Bee Boxes, 1 extra new three-horse broad-tread Wagon, 1 good three-horse narrow trewl Wagon, I new Bough Hay Ladders, 1 pair of other Hay Ladders. I coral/if:A Mower and Realer in good order, I Grain Drill in good order. 1 wire-tooth Horse !take, new Wheelbarrow, large Grindstone, Plows of all kinds, Harrows and Shovel Harrow, doable and single Trees, Spreaders, 2 Log Chains, Cow and other Challis, Forks, Rakes, Grain and other Shovel:4_, Grain and Cloverseed Cradles and Scythes, new Ladder, Crowbar, Mattocks, Post and other Augers, Maul and Wedges, Saws, larawltrg Knife, &c. also all kinds of Horse (tears, Wagon and other Saddles, Bridles, Halters, 3 good leather Flvnets, Halms, Collars, &C., 1 standing Screen and Sieves, Half bushel and other measures, lot of Posts and Shingles. GRAIN IN THE GROUSIt. Lot of Prime Old and New Wheat by the bushel_ Sev eral hundred bushels of Corn: several hundred bushels.of Old and New Oats, Cloverseed by the bushel, Flaxseed, large lot of good Hay by the ton, Corn-fodder, Rye-straw by the bundle. 1 WEAVER LOOMS. and also tExtinvs for wearing Cotcrlets all complete. together with HOUSE HOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, comma. big Of Feather Beds, Bolsters, lot of l'impeting by the yard Bedsteads, Cupboards. Caw of Draw ers, Desk, Chests, Tables. excellent large clock, Spinning Wheels, 2 Ten plate stoves and, pipe, large Copper and Brass kettles and Puts, Lard Cans and Lard, good Sa usage Grind e rali i Staffer, Apple butter .by the Crock. barrels of Vinegar, empty Earrels. IL.-ikets ';old Buckets. Meat Benches, Gold Watch and many other articles too numerous to li:cation. Also, at the saw time and place, by virtue of a Decree of the Orphans' Court of Adams county will be offered the HOME FARM on which sal deceased resided, containing 1114 ACHES 0 LAND. more or leas, In line cultivation and very favorably located. The Improvements are a two-story Log Weatherboarded HOUbE with a wing attached, and a one and a half story Log Weaver Shop, Bank Barn with Sheds, Corn-crib, and all other outbuildings, a well of good water near the door, also a spring close by. running w*4;r GP UK. place, also Fruit Trees. case th.a dasirable property is not sold on theday , ef sale, it Will be off,riAl for 119 4 0 frm). diately on the same day. gra - A-ttetulance will be given and terns nitwie known on the day of sale by J. it{ HICKLY, JACOB MICKLY, AucUouevr. Dec. 2, I+37o.—ts T was cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a All. p remedy antyaill send the receipt free. Mrs. M. C. LEIDift.T Limy City, N. J. Dec. 2.-4 w A GENTS IVaniod for 419 , 4 liew,mit: BooIe"MACH ED lIEROseasANIIM'ArrYB6. ' Written In the Author's happiest style, and sot'. Pausing . hts formes works, which have been sold by the 00,000. WitlfOriginal Stool EngravlngS front designs by our Artists who has spent three years In Bible Lands. The Clergy and the Press are loud in itspraise. Agents are making money rapidly, E. B. THAT & Co.. Pub's 654 Broadway, New York. Dec. 3LONEY QUICKLY MADE by mtive men mid itornep getting subscriptions for the great religious and literary waekly I Christian Union. edited by HENRY WA.B.D BEECHER. Daring in Rs corps of Contributors the ablest talent of the land. A charming serial story by the world-famous authoresss of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," just begun. Every subscriber for 1871 receives the paper tor sight weeks, and the. PeOlde'Sttite, Marshall ' s Washington (alone worth ire*, Tins perfarid uneq ualled combi nation is Mg like wild t groacung tel many making from $lO to $lO day. Noir t harvest time, act wisely and quickly. There pmitively•nothing that will pay you so rreU.— Copy of paper, chapter of story and rare terms Free, address A, 11. HI,IBBARD, 400 Chestnut arrestßhiladelphla. Dec 2.-4 w lATAHTED—AGENTB—To sell our new Ifins r traced Book of Trarele THROUGH ~iSIA. By Col. Thomas W. Knox. A comprehe ve valuable exposition of the cOutitriet of Siberia, China and Russia as they are to-day.— Matchin ur Richardson's "Beyond the Idissis nppl," a nd Mark Twain's "Innocents abroad" in Style, arc, Send for circulars and see our extra terms. Addmits, ANLERICAN PUBLISHING GO., Hartford, Conn. Dee. 2.-4 w THEA-NECTAR A PURE CHINESE 13 L A Ulf T A WITH GREEN TEA FLAVOR. Warrantifid to Snit all Tastes. FOE SALE ,EVERY And for whde ittly by this Great Allots & Pada Tea Co., • P.O. Box, 45014. 8 Muth 81,11* T. spp FOE THEA-NECTAE CLEOULAR. Rec. 2.-4 TRY WELL'i CABOLIC TABLETS. g u n ju r ada. reonedyforallitronetdatl rultlest Dryness d of the Throat or hid Pipe and ill Ctit fantod iseases. - 4 • The wonderful modern =of **Arbon(' to •" • e = di the a. gumumu ed b u m affections of • 4 ; 1 •• 41134 • - • • DR. VILLSI . CARiMit m beli t tes they re it areatulagie Add, v - ii0.11, 1 „ . .-.- r =ila .;z4.riutzt tchi teito iserwrit se. pano4on k. T ga t g uir ui. row w." (*boa, „ diet ot ...ther tat liallardt 00 OW FOR COUGHS .AND "COLDS g e ls (\ o rbs* Metal ' ale a sure .cartsZ $6O lizenicurgetagirtits. =fe4male, ivo es_pitarrontred. Adremi NO rmar Co., limo, me. Pee. 2.-4vr ALEsmEN WANYED.--Ptaidnens honorable. No competlhm.libenol ply Oren S. W. , L ivery, Sales It Exchailge KENNEDY, 8 S. ith St„, Phila. Dee. 2.-4 w • 810 MADE FRIIM:SO Cts! i STABLE Something urgently needed by everybody. Call and examine, or samples sent (postagepaid) for 50 cts. that retail easily for 410. It. L. It'ou.vrr, W"'hi I ' GalNAhurg, • Peen . 41 . 151 Chatham Sq., N. `, Dec. 2.-fa . firni .:gue l l having entered into partner ship. the firm of Weaver & taken t a known Livery Stables of N. Weav er, and rep .pared to supply the public with all styles tol d`l of conveyances that Can can not he 1:i t -CIaAS livery. Their stock cannot he bl•a! .t establishment in the town. lie, - 'shine to visit the Battlefield, will lind atTonunodatlons at this livery, without additional eharce for Guides. How Women can make Money and other beg lloolis to the market. .N" Eli & MARTIN, me Chennut tit., Phila. 4w r" • 1. '" •. 1 ••); I : •-) t :Mows how to double the profits of the FARM; and how• farmers and their sons can eaeli make In Winter. 10,000 Copies will be mailed free to Farmer& Send nam4 r and aildreni to ZIEGLER DleCillillY, Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. A WATCH FREE for everybody and 4,30 laa' day 41. sure. Business light and Honorable. No Gift enterprise. No humbug. Address R. Abu). roe Kennedy, Pittsburg, Pa. Nov. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED . I want a Local Agent in every Town and Village In the Country, to canvass for Subscribers to the WESTERN WORLD, A Magnificent *5 PrenduM Steel Engral My is sent (malts to every subscriber. From *1 to ito can be easily made In an evening. • A liberal east, commLssion IS allowed. Send stamp for spe,l - and Prize Circular. Address. JA,NIES it. ELLIOTT, Button, Mass. Nov. LIVE AGElir6 WANTED FOR WOMEN OF NEW l'(/' Reserved Seats Extra. OH SOCIAL LIPS IN TILE WIZAT CITY. dCYCIopIUCIIIS among the aristorracy. Married Women exposed, C. Price jja2.l The best Book to sell published. The best terms ; th AgentSeverAddmish N. Y.-Book Co., 145 Nassau ht.. N. Y. Nov. 15.-4 w (;uUhfBS Sll . IiJIPT lil) By REV. T. DE- WITT TALSIADOE. The most Popular Preacher in America. Age tits wanted everywhere, male or female, to sell this great work, Is better than Mark Twain, and no trouble to sell. Big Profits. Pend for terms and Illustrated 12 page circular, to EV.►\y, STOD DART & CO., Publishers, No 710 Sainsom Street, Nov. L;.-n. t 0 Great savingCuusunit r;; Parties enquire how to get up clubs. 4 iur 3/1 s‘l er is, send for Price List, and a Club form ,v 11l accompany it with full Mrectioni,—make a larg e saving to comminers :not reminieratise to cm, organizers. . THE GREAT AntERICAN TEA La 31 & 33 VESEY STREET, I'. 0. Box :i113.. NEW YORK. N,.v. BOOK Al; ENTsMAKEJtot2tover Muti, GREAT FORTUNES, And Hine They Were Made. By J. McCabe. Jr. New, fresh and original. Profusely illustra ted and beautifully bound. It shows bow a poor schOol-mastermade IlW1,000,0fIl: how a poor half blind sailor became a great banker, a butcher's apprentice the wealthiest man in America, an un known mechanic a millionaire in seven years, with many more such examples; how energy, tal ent, and patient Industry have always met with success when properly exerted ; how - money can be made honestly and without sacrifice of princi pat Send for Circular, etc., and notice my extra terms, GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher. 7111 samoin St., Philadelphia. Nov. Is.-4w ANTED—AGENTS, (11(1D ne_Lday) to sell the • V celebrated HOME siIt:TILE:SEWING MA CHINE. Has. the underfeed, makes the "lock - stitch" (alike op both sides, ) and is fully licensed. The best and cheapest tamtly Sewing Machine In the market. Address, JOHNSON CLARK 6: CO.. Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa-, Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. Sept. _ _ FORTUNES ( Rare c ) .,z e a r n eg . to se l i l i r s men i . „ mond K. Co., Wilmington, Del. Sept. 9, 1870.mn Sizly-fire Ara Prize Medals Awarded Baltimore flan toofactory, WILLIAM KNABE & Co Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARE AN!) vrItIGHT PIANO BALTIMORE„ These Instruments have been before the public for nearly Thirty years, and upon their eleeellellOe alone attained an unpurchased pre-eminence, which pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE e,inthinen great power, sweetDeSB and line signing quality, as well as great purity of intonation, and sweetum throughout the entire Neale. Their is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stiffness found In so many flans. IN WORKILANSHIp they are unequalled, using none but the very. best SEASONED MATERIAL, the large capital employed in our business enabling us to keep conttnuallran Immense stock of lumber, the, on hand. 4/i/rAll our Sqcsuz PIANOS have our New Im mat Oyerstruug Seale and the Afattarrn 8. .41BrWe would call special attention to our late improvements in GRAND PIANO'Sand SQUARE GILANDB; Patented Aug. 14. 1666, which bring tile Phuio nearer perfection than has yet beep at- Every Piano fully Warranted for 6 Years. W e have made arrangements for the Bite TVlolesale Agency for the most Celebrated PAR LOR ORGANS and MELODEoNS, which we of fer Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Factory Prices. WILLIAM KNABE64 CO., Sept. A 1870.--43 m Baltimore, Aftl. i;111.,,S OF Standard and official biography of every mistress of the President's Mansion from Washington to Grant. Superbly illustrated on steel. For circu lars and terms, address, U. S. l'unusunvo Co., New York. • Nov. IS.--iw riluE 4 wi.4.13112 CLilitp will coitilio colored I Mix. or beard to a:permanent tibia cd* brown. It conflicts no poison, Ally one can't* it. Qne sent by mall torn Address MAGIC COMB CO., Springfield, Mass, (Sept. 1870.-3ni A GENTS WANTED—(?".'S .A MONTH-by the • 1 AMERICAN KNITTING MAKILINE Boston, maas., - or gt. Louts, Mo. Sept.23-3m EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE IT 1)1?, GULLY 4 . :fiTZ., EXTRACT OF' JUNIPER As a delicious took healthful, and' curativefor all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Loss of Appetite, 14imps's, Nervous Debility, dm, It is o Females it is especially recom mended for all irregalaritiez; 'o' , Mc manses, and disorders peculiar to their sitteln. As It a li t fire used with perfect safety. In malarious districts It is a great preventive of Fever and Ague. Mous leArmaigg, Wholesale Agent, 40 Barclay St., New York. Sept. 211,-3m OVERLAND LANTERN COMPANY, Offiee, 40 Barekty St., AV. Y. fiJp dirlra.) Offer to the public a Lantern oomblniug safety and econotny with' elegance and usefulness. cannot explode: It gives a good fight, and con- Mlinte lesson than any other ; It it not disturbed by the idabeat wind, and a glass is broken it is easily replaced by means of the screw. They ar e univ Sept. ersal4 liked where they have been Melt, 23, 1870.--3 n! 1 - )R. UWE. tlio rtatatieVllll6, Qyr har bsti. -1-1 Lute, Arch St. rokllWt," W. 4ta St, Clainanati 0., an d Dr. Greene , at lolls, N. C., are making astonishing cum fag all Cancels, Tumors, Ulcers, by theingreat Gagger Antidotes without the knife (firmedicine, and with but little psta.— rPoi gni ' Mire 4 killied mu; ronNyv, 4 in tine sad gannet return. VeZatar-bOt &us t o th ' ill eat Waling our adireggege tA bc ri oakave-• these treatments. Node other should ever be isnot. 1, For partienbun, send for circalo. can, or sparest as above. ISePt. 244/824.—Sin .runxrrvilg, Joiseph Walton & Co., Catbinnt-innitere, No. 413 WalnUt Nateetpilia. nttlt entabllehment is one ot the West in A s„, 0 from I. 4gswlrt , 4thrnittite 101110 Ott ' Desk Work and OlikleYttriliture fitr Monk& and Stores: made to order. Jos. Warmore. J. W. 'r n 001 7.. J. aeon Feb. 111370—1 y STAGE OFFICE, =I EXUTOFN 110IISE, i W m 1 9 - : . • . ....I. ,- ' lail mikeibilk . I ' 'l ' 4*. " [ km t („..44-1 - • • ' : VIM 011 , 4 I I ..A . : . Aalt - 1 1 o'clock,' to r , :.:'_,‘• .. ~ t a lic ia t i l mers iblier.koißt ''...'.4 illosiftrOiNar Bean raw Kw Sid frola i millpoi Viii 0411 1 4,04 11, SfaPt. 9, = NIT gitvflusergots, 100,000 AGENTS WANTED FUR 1/10 PER MONTH 8 GETTING UP CLUE.S. ME] THE GREAT FORTES, TOUCH AGENTS W_ NTEA FOR WHITE HOUSE." rATENT !ew Abaftolololo. WEAVE .C(). • CARR:AGE MAKING iso carried on in al; its branches at V V their Shoos opposite the Livery, all styles of B lES, JAGGER TVA ONS, CARRIAGES, &e., built of the let material and by skl7.lul work men, on shoat notice. 1:11:PA 1 I NC;- ti,ruili l dly attended 111 81141 satisfat , El4,ll gilliran teed. Nov. 14.-4% GIVE 1 A CALL. LEVI WEAVER W. D. HOLTZWORTII %V. T. ZIEGLER -1N7”.-If Young, iSmyth, Fiild N. Co., ti •N. and JIWN•rs nl HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIVP'ES No. 429 Market Hi., d. 418 0; , ),,,,it rre St., PHILADELPHIA [JAMES.J. AIETCALI'E—of York Springs, Pa.) s-pt. REMOVED JuSEPII JACOB s, MERi HANT TAILOR, 11A, I:E.MOVEII -Vert Jaor to J. W. Cr 'tare, aft Ulla la.. rg rv.ar ae Situate" A large assortment of Cloths, Curnimers, Vesting., Trim mbar' dtc., offered :a the smallest protfts. tioull, bought at the Store cut Jree QJ chame. Goods 'mule up with dispatch. as well when bought at other 5t0.1,4 as at his own. Latest N. V. kashions reed, vd. anti tailoring dune in the most approved eta le. cutting done. as usual. The public patrol., soli. ae.l, anti no effort spared to plea,e. April 2i, 170-.. ti JOS. JACOBk W ANTED AGENTS, to canvass for TERRINE , AND ROCHE'S NON•ES72OE,ICE ( I , : I) r011.,1111 , 1 ti tr. 11,11. [kill 7 01 l'rofrtNors 111 our Col Absolutely Safe —caret 39 per cent. of oil—no bad odor—Will not brmk or wea.r out, because metalle... Our agents make money, because it supplies a Want as uni versal .is right. For Mil particulars address, with stamp. BENJ. F. BOWES, 2d Moor. Mechanics' Bannk, Harrisburg, Fa. oct. lAA'fiQMPoUND L= PUT.II.II) BORE' THROAT, LVFLUENZA, or any other Inflammatory or Inward disease of the Throat It not of too tong standing. Also, SeARLET FEVER. This medicine has been tried In THOUSANDS OF CASES, In different parts of the country and has never been known to fall if taken In time and accord ing to directions. It is warranted to cure. Give it a trial and It will spmk for itself. Every bailie hold should provide Themselves with a bok of this and keep It on hands. The curesthat it has effected are truly marvelous Sir Premed and soldby MIA= Touter & CO., Gettysburg, Pa., or bvheir authorized agents— For sale at nearly all the Stores Ip Adam county. ISRAEL YOUNT & CO. May 29, 1867.—tf 1870. MILLINERY..IB7O Miss MoCItEARY wILI. open on Saturday, Nov. sth, a large and elegant assortment of winter BONNETS & HATS, at prices ranzlng from 75 cents to 510.00. Also, Bonnet atd Rat Frames, SlllO, Velvet, Feathers, French Flowers, Fringe, Crape, Lace, Ribbon; Blond Grenadine. Barage, Jets, &c. Also a new variety of Toilet and Fancy Goods. She invites the attention of ladies to her a i3On ment %Nell mill be Auld 41 the to%sest OeL TILE: CICL - .ILBER WOOD P One d ozen r c ”.tr,n.q trio! EA is is toy ..444stkrucittita p. .athertca for W .V 0 S NDs CISTERNS. 1. It is Simple. 2. It is Reliable. 3. It Is Durable. 4.1 t Works very Easily. 5. it throws Water liapidly. 6. It Is all Wood. 7. The Wood is Ta.steless. 8. It does not Crack in the Bun. 9. It is not liable to get • out of order. 10. Should any repairs be necessary in time, they can easily be made by any person. 11. It will • not freeze. 12. It fl vheaper than of her reliable Pump manu-' facturod, Balding's Double Acting Ulan Cylinder FORCE PUMP, With glass cylinder, and hence no.rust and little pr no fr i ction—cannot insezo- admirably adapted of Serinkling Gardens, IN'a -and., shing Win dows, Extinguishing Fires, Kiev/ding Water, &0., —believed to be without an equal for durability, economy androonvenienee. Having purchased the exclusive right for Ad ams county, persons requiring Pumps for wells or cisterns, can have them furnished - ail complete and ready for use byy sending the depth of the well or cistern. Satlszaetton guaranteed In all eases or no payment required. Order.; by Dv or otberwiso aliceedd JOBEPIT SicKnightetown, Adams county, Oct. 21, 1870.—1 y Notice to the Public 111 ,1 0 , ,,,,,,ndeThi ci dis wn t r o n Be ning a u L r ra ea l in St e eite r s . merpinee l z i rionday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M., maim by Lel rs7trmyro' boro', Mov t teroki and Crermont &grin t ruarain Dale alul impagg g atnalf paM four o'r. oe and returning from rgyabru4 Tneaday, to and Saturday arriving Wain make couneetiqp_with the 5 - 0 ete l traln for Baltimore. &MBA WARM'. May 21.-1 f U ,S L I S - PIM GREAT AMERICAN HIEJALTg RISEITORRB, miles the blood and aims Sambas . BYIM I / 1 ffidn Rhetutatbm, Diseases Wmela,=l UMW° Affections of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Recommended by the Medical ' Faculty and many thousands of our pep cittzma, *an the testimony of Physicians and pa Bests who hire used itosadalls t send for our Bosadalls Guide to Health Book, or Al manac for Ittrr, which we publish for gratultious inibutien it will mo o y ou much valu able in: n. Dr: B. V. Carr, of Baltimore, says: . • I take Measure In re co tc er A - r38D40 ag a si o loryg Ye seen it In o cases -milit i a reeelow In a of aeooralary in wawa me pronouneea cured alter mm lhre bottles of your. The other Is a ease of BMWs o long Amass, width is = play wpm, under Its use, and the ln dleaUont are th pat . le . n will noon re: grl Is° Wiiin r a= if all ea. OOPI edlepfa Pmanfi illioragre- , . in, Dr. Sparks, et ISetkokuirma gars he bas used IteWalls in =sea —as at""darY a eleauer Bl"lls o the irt idedi uoresilabetter ilmmig Q. M'lrwUi,x4.Mu.AxmA,Tenst. I have ;teed seven p of Itosaddis and am enurety oared Ime totw bo ~ as I wishr . wry, brother who Ms ,omteore eyes •; " • • - 4 Bilijaininr, . of Lima. OWN writes. . ,•,A. . ler twenty years—won an ~,,.. >. • • over my,mailie , kdy ; a --•-• time I permute - 6d a .botNe of 1 .•. - and It effected &per:kraut.. • .. .. .. . • • • AHloliadflbi b void brolftiffYiYh b OI4 WEA lidlukge Plieft liAinicort _ CLAREIMIS & Ca rl Proguistors t Feb. 11. ErF9r V i t tat ilkvsborg, Fi, brA, D. 41111 4dlftrtiltaintB. tint , AdvatistmentL ...... ---- --- _-_--_-_—_-4 . TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. ! BEADING • RAILBOAD. FOURTH ANNUAL SMION I WINTER ARRANGEMENT, WILL COENE IN THE COURHOUSE IN ~\ lON DA NOV.T, 2lst; 187.0, ORT .NT TlNln u m.p r ity - S WEEK. _.--.. I MONDAY, DDCEMMEM H. PROMINENT EDUCATORS from abraul pill be present. s. RAN D..A..L.1.4, . the celebrated Elocutionist Of Oswego, will give ' ENTERTAINMENTS on Tuesday and. Thum,' day evenings. LECTUR Esi every evening by prominent ciuors. The day sessions will be devoted principally to Essays, Disciovilons, Prsetical Talks on the varums matters, which are of direct Im portance-to our Common-School Teachers, and Contests. PRIZES to the successful competitors in the contests in Orthography, History, Mental Artth weile &e. THURSDAY, DIRECTOR'S DAY invitedheDi rectors of the County are cordially to., be present, on that and every other day of the ses sion. An opportunity will be given eaeh day to Teach ers and Directors to ask QUESTIONS in rega to any point of the School Law, or any praellifal questiona in the practice of Teaching. Teachers, Directors, Friends of Education, as sist in making this Institute of practical benefit to all. Come prepared nut only to listen but to participate. For full information see circular to be issued Nov. 24th.1. HOWARD WEft'f, Nov. 2:,.-tf ('enmity Superintendent. The Best Paper, 'III, Quarter's 1:: Numbers SENT FEEL to all subu•ribing, berme Dee. 2.5, Ku, for next year's Fitts-Two Nunthers of it fitid' Rural Iflomorkur, RURAL AND FAMILY WEEKLY THE Mutat- now in Its Ilst year, not only the Largest, Best and Cheapest, but by tar the Largest-Orculallnp Journal of fts Class Irt the World.' National In Character, Ably tailed, Su perbly illustrated and Printed, It is the =IIEM It is the Standard Authority nn all branches of Aouttut.Timg. HORTicPurntE, &e. As a Liter ary and Family Paper It is a favorite in many of the hest families all over the Union, Canada, &c. Indeed. Mc.)(ME'S Itim.u. has no Rival in its ,e here, and to the Largest Illustrated Journal on the Confluent--each number containing Sixteen Five-Co/IMM Pages. (double the size of most pa is, s of its dims.) It is the paper for the East, \Vest. North and South. TERMS, INDUCEMENTs, &c. 1 littNlPl-43 a Year Numbers. and only S 2 in clubs of Ten. Ibis Quarter's 13 Numbers sent 1 1101 ' us ollered above. Our Club Inducements for 1471;are unpmeedented. Specimens. Premium LISE4,tIv., sent free to all forming Clubs,—and we ant a lee Club Agent in every Town. Address D. D. T. MOORE, 11 l'ark Row, New York. It The Nev. York Methodist PAGE WEEKLY. Now In its Eleventh Year. publishes Sermotpi, a Serial Story for the Faint'', a new Children's Story every week, 'hats «ith the Little Folks, Editorials by the best - isretlitslist writers and others. Foreign and Dornestle Correspondence, 04 Departments of Religious and Secular Intellfgence. Price r 2 50 a year. Liberal premiums or cahh eomufla slous to canvassers. Subscriptions to ecanmence at any time. For specimen, enclose 3 tivo cent stamp to prepay potitage. Address TkIE METH 011isT. 114 Nassau St.. .N.._Y. • 4t HOLIDAY JOURNAL for Is7l contains a Christmas Story, Splendid Plays, Magi Sim,rtg. &e. 4g pages : illustrted. Sent Freone receipt of one stamp for . postage. Address AD ANIS 4t: . Publishers. EosGm. It fIII:IBf3IV32IFT to allVrty cberst.4li; e, 4 i l urna r T iVeeVly.— U Sonti:bscrition he M onths of November and December. 1870, given gratis to all subscribers remitting .4. for the year 1871. Any one desirous of making a trial of the Jour nal to see whether they like it, can have it for TWO MONTHS on remitting us Fifty Cents. ict u resque A aerica, co uslsiting of splendidly executed views of American Scengry, commence ed In November. D. APPLETON S: CO.. Publish ers. New York. A SUPERB SUBSCUIPTION BOOK. Cuba with Pen and Pencil, k , oinplete Manual of travel, yet as Interesting al a novel. ritr.. - 41. FULL, AND RELIABLE! NO COMPETITION ! 20 Full-Page Engravings! 2 , ,t3 other illustrations of exceedingly interesting and varied character, many of them humorous. All about the principal cities of the Island, the baths and watering places, bull-lights, cock-fights and car nival. Strcet sights in Ifavana. Culture: and Manufacture of Coffee, Sugar and Tobacco. Statistic, and Adventurf LIEEII.IL TEIIIIS TO LIVE AGESTS. 11.11:TFORD COIII'ANY, Hart ford, Conn. EN. HURT. E LEES LIFE. Nearly ready ki for Publicatiou, the Biography of Gen. Rom of LEE, by John Men Cooke, author of "Life of stonewall Jackson," "Wearing the Grey." etc.- 1 vol., 5 yo.. :lb.) pages, Illustrated. To be sold by subscription. AGENTS WANTED. D. ArrLE rus Co., Publishers. New York. 4t MPLOYMENT, Business for all.—Best Indus. L. trial S-page Newspaper. 50 cts. per year.— Send stamp for copy. PATENT STAB, Boston, Mass. 'TOMES, LIEALTII ILiPPINESS.—fIow to be 1111 obLiiineil for Five lkillarsi Plantations, Farms. Villa Sites and Town Lots, at .the Great Premium Land Sale, Aiken, S.C. The "Saratoga of the South." 48 hours from N. Y. The most delightful etiolate in the world. Free from the rigors of Northern c ;Mors, exempt from Throat Vineyards and orchards in full bear ing. For desert lice paniphlvt, atlre,ri, with sump, J. C. DEIIIIY, .hgusta, Ga. ASOSW BOOKS.—Agents Wanted.—Send lot . Circular, Address MASONIC PUB, LASHING Ca, 4:72 Broome St., New York. tt JOME:4 f.,r the million ; 4000,0 , 1) north of Farms 11and armin 1-mids for sale, n lots, to salt mostly in Lewis i Co., MissourL Excellent mar , kets, fertile soil and healthy climate. Mills and Town Property for sale. Daly comuladMAthat with ()Many,Far tailitive circular, address •range, alp, it p P_LOY - M NON - EXPLOSIVE METALIC KEROSENE LAMP. Is abSolutely safe from explosion or breaking; burns'any Coal Oil. good or bad givei More light, tie odor, :aid Uses le;; 011. At Is perfectly non-explosive. The ligt is bet. ter than Is produced by any other lamp."—W. S. Clark Prcs't 3fassachusetts Agricultural College. "It Is perfectly non-explosive, gives a better light aril Is more economical than any other lamp in use."—W. W. Wells, late Sup. Pub. Schools, Chicago. The appalling deaths and fires from glass lamps exploding and breaking create a great demand for this lamp, 14 pays to. sell it, Sold by Can va4;irre , Agents wanted everywhere. Send for Circular and terms to MQ?iTGOSIERTCo., Cleve land, (4., 42 Ilarelay St , N.Y. 4t TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COM PANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash Assets, $1,500,- 000. Grants Life and ENDOWMENT Polieiel of all approved forms. Ample security, low rates. Also Insures sp,ln.st ACCIDENTS •,ausing death oc total (Usability. .Polielekt written - by the year or month. Has paid $7OO per day for Ms Years In benefits to polley-bolders. 46 ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERV.—Prizes cashed and it. furnished by GEORGX UP HAM, Providence,L it $25 A WEEK SALARY!—Young men wanted as local and traveling sales men. Address (with stamp) R. H. WALKER, h 4 Park Bow, N, 17, IVR, W. 14.11 4.0 - PITS A salary of po a week, or allow a large.commis. siOli to sell oar new Instentia_os. _Address with Sfatalß, W, Min & Marain, MOIL -A.SW-1131 - .A. • TIDDEWS PASTILLES. ie sure relief for Maims. Price 40 eta by mall. STONE WALL& co., cbarodowu Ulm 1826 p ;, 1870 The old ste.kmed_tor,i,Dstut: lds, stunVos. N y ming bemr. M ou Co on Bsoe.Con- Co., =nom • O t w o all oiIORAL TROCEES are war MC S‘Cnikli. WA - A 44 ast asd disietti aro eiladiedina e, have none ot Utak asuseattog howl With — taste, arid vprr , woeful= set late a Charm Min i sters, illitePott and Speakers will Rad they are espee .. 4l¢ tithito the votee. Sold by Druggists. Also Ittiole'S (A V.) COD LIVER crtr, tor OeustizaptbnaedSotuttila U Ito other. _ HOTtRIBLE- - 1 titirelc4 with. rrh thftty yum'and *Wowed la fax weeks try a • Asa- relaWN aad will Bead the rece Cata ipt. tree. to an alliActed. T. J. Muir Ina XV SyTactlae, N. Y. • DSIDEOMANOT.—Any lady or gentleman Mar make $l,OOO a month, secure their own ha ness and hidependence, by obtw FAMIKA ON,oriMMILMAMMING. tip pages cloth, Wass to use this Dower over ip l o4 3ce at Will. bow to Nies- Morise,.beoo Min Mediums, Divi nation, Spi Alebemr,_ PMsophy of Omens and Dreams, Brigham Young's Harem, Guide to Merriam die ly all_oonnOtied in tOis book; 10040 sold Losioe nildie WC, nom covers 41- Nortom—Any person to bat ItJrre as aatat /a u , a tepid to As nO as Is faquired i au or tbe book, 41 1 --M- ? al e er ° , for tonate, to T. EVANS & 075 - gitith SL, Itt • - . SOLVED.--Pitteen Minutes' Pri_ - A nr.Oonyeniation_loo Married Lokdies Irs one°, th eir number.' senttree tatpiro Mamie. 1101TEGER, Ibutrfei , t A rvr il les 1810.-44 atuMwaviNG. - • • oaths. A.A._;;Mitta ••_ •'• ' 'MUPA. • • MIME Best Inducements Tilt: tiItEAT I.I.I.I:erILATED FOI: TOWN AND COUNTRY WIN TER PPIIKII4e k tiorarS PATENT Great trunk line from the North and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York , Reading, Pottsville, TaMaqua. Ashland, Shainasin, Lebanon, - town, Easton, Ephrata. Lida, Lancaster, Colum bia, &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as ful 'dies: At 3.10, 8.10, 10,50 a. no, and 250 p. connecting with similar Trains on Pennsyl , plata Railroad, and arriving at New York at 10.10 Steeping ( f an s 50 a c and a m lO :my pt. hello spdeti vae.ym ., Train without change. Returning: leave New York at 9.00 a no, 1200 noon awl aOO p. in., Philadelphia at 5.15 a. in., and 3.30 p. no Sleeping Cars accompany the 5.00 p. no train from New York without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville. Tam. qua, Mineraville, Ashland, Shamokin, Allen awn and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. a n dad 2.50 „ti 4.00 tn., stopping at Lebanon prbscl. VII way Stations; 4.05 p. M., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via tichuyikill and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at :3.40 p. tu. , East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Easton and New Yurk at 5.00 10.30, 12.45 noon and 4.45 p.m. Returning, leave New York at 9ou a. in., 1200 noon and 5.00 P. in., and Allenttm a at 7.20 a. no, 12.25 noon, 2.5,, 4.31 and 8.4.5 p. no Way P o. Train leaves Philadelphia at a. no. connecting with similar train oa East Peun'a Railroad, returning front Reading at 6.a) p. no, stopping at all Stations. Leave Pottmille at 0.00 a. no. and 3.10 p.m.,Herndon at 10.15 a. no, Shamokin at 5.40 and L2O a. no, Ashland at 7.05 a. m., and 1250 noon, Mahattoy City at 7.51 a. m., and 1.35 p. in., Tamaqua at 833 a. no, and 2.40 p. in., for Phila delphia, New York, Reading, Harrisburg, &c. Leave Pottsville, yla Schuylkill anti Susque hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. uo, for Harrisburg. and 12dk, noon, Ace Grove ad Tremont. Reading mmodation n Train leaves Potts ville at 5.01 a. no, passes Reading at 711) a. in., arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 a. no Return ing, leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 p. no, passes Reading at 7.1. - t p. n. , arriving at Pottsville at 9.10 to no Pottstown A ~,o ninin.latkat Train, leaves Potts town at 7.“: no, returning, leaves Philadelphia at 1.00 p. no Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. in., and a.121F. tn. for Ephrata, I.lllz, Lancas ter. Columbia, Perkiomen Railroad Trains leave Perktomen Junction at 7.40, 9.05 a. no, :Jutland 5.30 p. In.: re turning, leave schweuks% We at 7.91, 5.51 a. to.. 12.50 noomand 4.30 p. tn.. connecting with similar trains on Reading itaiireaa. Colettroikdale Railroad Traias leave Pottstown at aao m., and 6.31 p. in., returning leave Mount Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 a. no connect ing with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 5.30 a. in.. 2.05 and 5,02 p. ridurning, le3r e at a. no. 12.15 noon and 5.15 p. no connecting wlthsimilar trains on Itead ing Railroad. On Sundays: leave New York at .5.10 p. 11/.. Philadelphia at 8.20 a. 111. and :).15 p. leave Trai n running only to Reading.) Pottsville at B.o> a. at., Harrisburg at ale a. m., and 4.1.6 p. tn. ; leave Allentown at 8.15 p. tn. ; leitve Reading at 7.15 a. no, and 10.05 p. for Harrisburg, at 5.1 r) a. 111. for New York, and at 9.40 a. in. and 4.25 . for Philadelphia. Coniniulation, Mi l eage. Season, school :ind Ex cursion Tickets, to anti front all points, at reduced hates. - checked thrtyligh ; 1O poumli allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOI.I.S, General Superintendent Reading, 1'.1.. Dee. 2, WU. Ittarbla ijardo. W. N. MILLER'S MARBLE WORKS, of Baltimore and East fiddle sts., GETTYSBURG, PA Ev,ry lit,4liption of Work executed in the finest style of the Art (I . P. AV w )17011T AND WIRE RAILINGS, FEENISFIED •IIORTEST NOTICE June. 17. GETTYSBURG MARBLE WORKS. MEALS & BROTHER, East York St r,o t, vpeond S , ,,tfere, Getlysforrfr,PQ. When• tly..y arr prepared to firrni ~,,, all laud, of I.rk In their a, 31ontnnents, Head-Stones, TOMBS, 3I_LNTLES, &c.. atthe shortc,t uotly..--heal, as the cheapcs a call. Protlll,e taken in caeltange May 27.-1419, tl ..frtillth'eT,S, &c. A PERFECT FERTILIZER FOR ALL i 1 OP 13 0 WERS' COMPLETE 11.A.NLIRE, MADE FROM SUPER-1110SPITATE OF LIME, AMMONIA & POTASH. Warranted free from adulteration, and quality to any sold during the last Cour years. This manure contains all the elements of plant food 4; a Aolublo form.- Also, food giving • iitAting fertility to the soil. AN UNDENIABLE FACT, Experience in the use of - BOWER'S COM PLETE MAN I. RE," by tlto hest farmers of Penn sylvania, Now Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and the Cotton States, running through a period of four years' has resulted in parsing it to be The best Fetilizer offered for sale HENRY BOWER, Manufacturing Cbemist, (;ray's Ferry Read, Plaladelida. DIXON, SHARPLESS tic CO., .10 South Delaware Avenue, Phila. WM. REYNOLDS, 103 South Street, Baltimdre. And For Sale by all leading dealers, - Aug. a' 4Cal And geroonal ;salcs. puBLIC S A L E lty Virtue of an Order P l eas President Judge of the Court of Commonof Adams county, the undersiged, Sequestrator of the Gettysburg Railroad, will expose to sale by public outcry, at the Freight Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad, In Gettysburg, on Saturday, the 17th day of pecedt ber near, (A. D. 1870,) at 1 o'clock, P. M. a quan tity of COKE, supposed to be about B tons.— Also, THREE BOXES. contents unknown. Also, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provi ded, will be exposed to public sale, at the same time and place, to defray the costs and expenses of transportation, the following property, viz: 8 hogsheads and 1 tierce of Glass Bottles, con. signed to the Gettysburg Spring Company. l hogsheads, I tierce and 4 boxes of Glass Bot tles, consigned to R. G. McCreary. 28 casks and 2 boxes of Glass Bottles, consigned to E. Harmon. 1 box consigned to J. M. Huber. 1 piece of Iron Casting, autsigneti to John Rupp. 1 patent Hay Furls, coneigned to William Ul rich.lt. McCURDY, Nov. 25.-11 Segt'r. WESTERN PIKE- 11 -LAND& I HAVE ON HAND A FEW TRACTS OF NO. 1, second hand, pre-emption Lands located near Banroll4s, County Towns, &c., In well settled neighborhoods, whleh 1 will sell or exchange at a fair price for ;teal Estate In Adams county, Pa. Feb. 5, ls63.—tt GEO. ARNOLD. Valuable Town Property FOR SALE. Thf raw two,story . BRICK DWELLING With brick BachtmLUlft-7Rooms—withtlespipes the entire ding—frfttlng 00 lees on Tr , street, morttrot Stevens The b in is OCR, and complete{( In best stt usU. le. It w ullig: ill be mid on retmonable terms. U not sold by October I it will IMforft at & A. paw Gettysburg, Sept 9.-ti The w rZt in ' xi°l6* '"- 4 1 ' Cumber lek Bar, Abrahabi Li , wi g at_wee* , 11 4 am t a t a . aph ihra a awing of FigOod 7 " te Y, D. of Dauktown,is. . ..... .... . ' • Talt - • SALE. ' - A valay d fWE Rilii&MitiNCF., with LS. Amps adjoining the pcwough. a V 1111... . . T for rep ' igttti : 4 til d • .- Ox0;' aKA li tit . 14,-ifittekt *at Ita4 grslon4l Hales. VALUABLE LANDS !! FOR SALE. No. 1, A'FAILAI, tivqrueiles north west of Getllsbn adiolnlyielpflng Hotel prorg orty, Mt Acme, al tit largealtlCH EOUBE, large Switzer Hart, Tenant House, and other Improve. menta. Price 16,500—n0t more than cost of build- No. 2 B FAR[, two an d a half miles north-west of Clettrtburg, adjoining No. 1, 116 Acres. with good STONE HOUSE, Barn and other Improvements. A n excellent grass farm. Price $4,500. No. 3, A FARM adjoining No. 1, and ' town lota of Gettysburg., containing -IDS Acres, with STONE FARM BUILDINGS. It is divided by the Chambersburg Turnplke_apd comprises many very choice building lots. Price, WOG. No. 4, A FARM, five miles from Get tysburik on pubic road, 1111 Acres, good land in goOd condition, with large BRICK HOUSE, and large Switzer Barn. Price ss,soo—very cheap; No. 5' A VERY GOOD FARM, two miles from Gettysburg, 240 Acres, with large BRICK HOUSE, large Bank Barn, all in good condition. Price 850 per acre. NO. 6, A FARM, 170 Acres, four 'Stiles from Gettsstut,r., on Public road, co:aorta. hie FARMBIALDMOS, red land, 44 limed.— Price 45.000 half cash. - NO. 7, An excellent FRUIT FARM, ten miles north of Gettysburg, on public road, about 80 Acres good land, with comfortable Buildings. Price 43,500. NO. 8, A GOOD RED LAND FARM, '4 150 Acres, comfortable HOUSE and all needed ' Outbuildings, and Barn, Land timed and In good order, good grass farm, near Baltimore Turnpike. 7 miles from Gettysburg, 3 miles from Llttlestown, Price $3.50e. NO. 9, A TRACT OF GRANITE LAND, three miles from Gettysburg, on York pike, 2. Acres, good HOUSP. and STABLE, 3 good stand for store or lilectianic. Price ft....'ou NO. 10, A VERY GOOD FARM, two milem. west of Gettysburg, on public road. ra Acres, well limed and In good condition, good Buildings, Weatherboarded HOUSE; large Bank Barn, plenty fruit, good location. Price 150 per acre; or will sell DM - Acres with buildings at same. NO. 11, A VERY GOOD STOCK FARM. two miles east of Gettysburg; on York pike. 160 Acres, or will sell 110 acres, about limed, a good FRAME HOUSE, two Barns, watered. Price $6O per acre—terms easy. NO. 12, A VERYVALUABLE FRM, 2L4 Acres, of which 100 acres bean Timber, A Oak, Illekory and Walnut, five miles west of Getty, burg, ow.publie roast , two Sete of Bridings, will sell 1,1; or the whole, excellent fruit farm, good Imo], red =yet Price $45 per acre, NO. 13, A GOOD FARM, 130 Acres, 7 miles from Gettysburg, on Harrisburg rood, good. FRAME HOUSE and Barn, aIL kinds of fruit Price t 3,900, NO, 14, A FIRSTCLASt3 RED LAND FARM, 160 Acres, or wll sell 100 Acres: miles from Gettysburg, on..Mrlsbiirg road ; good Weatherboarded HOUSE, Bank Barn, abundant fruit, Land limed and In good order. Also, several other Farms and Town PrAperty. • Also, Western lands and Town Property, to ex. change for Adams County Farms. R. R. McCREARY, Attorney fur the Omen., Gettysburg, Pa. May 27.4 f - VALUABLE TOWN PROPRRTY AT PRIVATE SALE The subscriber wishes to dispose of his valuable HOUSE and LOT, containing 1 Acre, situated on the Chambersburg turnpike In the Borough or 5 sburg. 6: IWE HOUSE Is built on the Cottage style, with 9 good Rooms and Is very aonvenient throughout, and a good well of water at the door, With a good Stable and other outbuildings. The Grounds are nicely laid ouLand planted with a variety of or. namental Trees. To any person wishing to buy this b a rare. chance. Terms easy. -11 sold possession will be glvem In the second week of June: if not sold by tbv Mom It will be uttered for rent until theist of Alfa, liii I For particulars enquire of Gel). Arnold or Sam. uel Bushman at the mrst National Bang, or of CYRUS S. DRIEST. Flora Dale P. O. Pa. , 1870-t1 VALUABLE FARM AT - „- FRIVA.TE4 LE The undersigned offers at Private Sale a very DESIRABLE FARM, situate in Cumberland township, Adams county. Penna., PA miles from Gettysburg, near' the ehambersburg turnpike. containing ale ACRES of land, of which there are 52. Acres in excellent timber. The land Li in a good state of cultivation, and, under very good fencing. The Improvements consist of a large new two-story BRICK DWELLING 11OUSE with a new Weatherboarded Summer House close to the dwelling, a never-falling well of natter I front of the doer, Frame Barn, Wagon Shed, Car riage Houle, Corn Crib, Bog Fen, and all other necessary outbuildings. There is also an Apple Orchard iu prime bear fog, and another that is just coming into bearing ; bear -31. a young Peach Orchard in-flue bearing or der. There are small frults Of all descriptions around the buildings. The property Is well suited for di vNion. withal most an equal proportion of timber at cacti end. and also plenty of water for stock. Persons wishing to view the property, or ascer tain terms, will call on the subscriber, or address by letter. TIIED/lORF. BENDER. June 17,- 1.870.—tf VALL'ARLE FARM PNVATE SALE The undersignetl offers at Private Sale her In terest (hclng the undivided one-half) in the FARM; in &ratan township, Adams croon ad ad Joining lands of Josiah Benner, Jesse M. Wafter. and others, known' as the Brlngman S Wasmus farm. It contains 200 ACIINIS, more or less, with about 50 Acres in tine young Timber, and about 12 Acres In excellent Meadow. The Improve• menti consist of a two-story BltrcK DWELLING, with a sue-story Brick Back-building, Log Barn with Sheds attached, an Orchard of choke fruit. the two kitchen wells ofdoor. water The fa with prmumpsls, desirably one of them located near and will be sold on reasonable terms. For terms, Se.. address or apply to the rider signed, at Gettysburg, Pa. LOUISA WILLARD. Nov. 11, 1570.—t1 • FOR SALE, A DI;sI.ILABLE RESIDENCE, with 27 A,CR Es of good land attached, and all necelasary out buildings, in the immediate neiiliorhood of Get tysburg. For particulars enqu ire of Mr. (;eorg,• Arnold. Cashier of Ist nk. (lett yshurn Yov. 11, 1570,--tr VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE The undersigned Executors of the the ENtate Eu.ss 81.404, decee.sod. offer at Private Sale. tie' 11031 E MAN SION, situate in New Oxford, eon. tinning 10 .t.CHES, more or less, of good farming laud. The improvemets are a two-story BILICK IiOUSE, with an out fititehen attached. Frame Barn, with Carriage House, Hog Pen, Cormcrib, and all other necessary' outbuildings attached, a well of never-failing water at the door, with a variety of all kinds of Fruit. l,t is a very desira ble I tome and persons wishing to purchase should' call before going elsewhere. It Ls desirs_lply loca ted Bit* buslness,_ adjoining the Ware. House of Messrs. Nelliorn & Render. itle-Any person wishing to. view either of Its. properties will please call on the last named: Ex ecutor, residing in New Oxford. GEORGE SLAGLJA, CHAS. A. DUWL, Ittechkirs. Oct. 14. -tt VALUABLE MILL PROPERTIEB. AT PRIVATE SALE I will sell at Private Sales No. I—WALNUT GROVE DIILLS one mile south of Abbott/gown on the Hanover turnpike, with 410 ACRES OF I,A.ND, mostly. Meadow bottom, known as Hollinger's Mina— Also, No. 2—PINE HILL MILLS, 1 mile south of Harney, Carroll county, on the head waters of the Houocacy, with IS ACRES OF LAN.l o ll, heavy water power, known as Linah's Mills. AHO, No. 3—KNOWN AS SANDOES MILLS, 6 miles south of Gettysburg, watt go ACRES OF LAND, heavy water power. All these Mills are Imperfect good running order, Also. A CHOICE FARM OF 231 ACREbst.( mar Gettysburg, well limed, with No.l building* Also, ONE. OTHER FARM WITH 90 ACRES OF LAND, near LittlestownAdainn county, well Ilmed, with No. I new buncunige.--_ Terms accommodating. I will exchange. am of the .11111 properties forAgood Farm In Admits co. Gettysburg, Sept. 9 / l alo.—im , GEO ARNOLD. FARM FOR SALE. The nndersfgned stiu ckifers tar sale hla VALU ABLE FARM, in Butler to_wnahlp, ou Pine Grove road ( 11'miles Bouthleast of Centre 81111 s. Containing IS4 ACRES, with flesechies Ymprove meats:plenty of Timber, and the best or Water in abundance; under good cultivation and good fencing; terms easy. Address itlbAS 3ATEP, Oct. 28, 1870.—tf Littleston, ra. p lIBLIC SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. On Saturday, the 3rd of December, . Theqindersigned, Executor of the Will of &ili um. Masts, deceased, late of Menidlen township, Adams county, Pa., in pursuance of authority given In said Will, will offer at Public Sale, at the late residence of said decedent, the followtrig de scribed Real Estate, viz; THE HOME FARM, adjoining lands of Con rod Weimer. F. B. Wearier and others, contain ing Ills Acres, more or less, about onabalf clear ed and the balance well sal with chestnut andoalt timber, which may be conveniently divided Gault' wiTthusers. The improvements are a two Mary 11F.BBOABOBD LOG ROUSE, a DOnblie Log Barn, and all neccessaty out-buildings; a never - tailing spring nearthe buildlnp„ and Me north branch cd Ome creek running through the cute end of t he fano,- also ptlbfia road Or 4 through b the prope ng trearty ; an ippie Orchard with ov -0 orit HO On st o r, will be offered, a .desirable il i • ung nitn the town of Sandersville. Sigia to come aelti o'clock; A. on said UV. wbeCt attendance MN be given apd terms made known try • 1674 ts. J. EL 'MEALS, Ex'r. A dMALL PROPEETVAT PRIVATE SALE The undegned offers at private sale, &TRACT I Off LAND, situate in Moon tortahlp, I Ado's@ orso w c, the Ranov=l, ll : nt erarka mlie froto Bo town, r im / I lands of Jamas Mak Bey, sod and containing 1$ ACIONI. MOre or lam tat vements are a ow and a 801 l story D 0 .HOUSE. part atone and pan palm a Proms PIM Smoke House, weir of excellentwittmAeoe. *my of fruit. Two acres are good timber. • Th e Pad hi in a high state of cultivation and under =And rail fencing. Terma MAY, to t rai i i paire Apply to or address the node ta Vanish • townstilp. Au • , 4', 1570.+41 lit :: AO ___ .. FOR ..S . A.L.E's . :.. I KE MOULT Ina . I - : 2y . • ..: .: ...... - : t. .. .... , jumv . I , I Pas t lippegiL 41) 1 illllitinlitler=6l: '' t p , . court oft Iliablont ' • '. be sot on aoconunodating tom June IL--U