The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, November 11, 1870, Image 3

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schen that the Board "at
• _and -rsettysieure P E R osswarea a Dlaialenif ofal PER
on and after the Uth of Nevem-
oastisseet wear e.
dent and Directors of the GET
MEAL BANK have declared - a
idend of SIX PER CENT. on p.
10th.of all U. M. Taxes, payable on
- .
- -
fur .111anrs of th e Ge •ft. t i ma
Turnpike Colin dbe
y Me 11th ty .21rotember I fast, at
first and final amount, of Wis..-
.asaissiee of JAMES- B. WAL-
Butler4o w nab' p. Mania allatifY.
an. assignment, has been
ot Waal of Adams
connnned by said court on
• , A. D., 1870 r =lam muse be
tens Testamentary on the estate
• ltlcet.wi, late of Gettysburg,
been granted to tbe undersign
, td place, he hereby gives notice
ebted to said estate ko make tin
t, and those havingclatmsagainst
nt them properly authenticated
W3I. 3IcCLEAN, Ex r
rs Testamentary on the estate
Start, deceased, late of Lati-
Adams county , having been
bscriber, residing In Washing.
be hereby giv
indebted to said estate toes no
mt., and those having claims
to present them properly" au
era Testamentary on the estate
groin's:a, late of Gettysburg,
ted to the undersigned, residing
hereby gives notice to debtors
said estate to make Immediate
ose having claims against the
cm properly authenticated for
Are* and final account of Js.uns
mittee of the person and Estate
Franklin to wp,s
J. bas been Wed Innshi the Cou Ada rt m
Adams Countk a and will be
. Court on the rtf
use be shown to the oontram
notice to all whom it may 0011 t
• 25th of October,lB7o vsy wife,
my bed and board wilbout any
tnd I hereby torewasa all per
or harboring her e t = se.
no debts of her eon
Church Meeting
• ting of the Memorial. Church
.11 be held In the AL E. Church
' SS AY the 18th of NOVEM
ock. A full attendance Is de
importance will be attended
ran. & SON having been di&
consent, all parties Indebted
bninediatelY and make set
will be found at the offlceof
gton street.
P Lately subsisting between
leau and Wm. McClean, in
having been dissolved by the
; all lees and debts owing to
are to be paid, and all de.
rship are Up be present
e late firm, where the bust
be attended to and the prac-
e, B the Burgess and Town
, rough of Gettysburg, That
• and approval of this
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front of his or her lot or iota,.
g to the centre of the street.
said Borough has the making
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Paving in front of his OE' her
allowed the eapeos ch,.
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In no ev.ent an allow.,
en to any Penton exceeding
material used and wort
; ir
g.Thct et pa o ving the
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done under the supe r rvia•
e Town Comicrl of*the said
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. • •of the mine shall be
grades of :O
wn Bennett. streets est
JOHN L. HILL, Burgess.
• Oct.'B-3t.
ER T.pl3f 18-0
in, base Bend , ar, w .
myser. Joseph -Rican.
hrih.ver, Henry Albert, Jere
henour, jo-sh Gardner of B. •
13. Jacob ricking, Samuel
D. Wcrtles, John J. Weir
h. Peter Goer,
C. hitunetutu.
Bushman, Matthew Elohel.
Myers, Wm. I'. 7.legler.
• 1 Cobean, P. D. W.
S. Mimes, lileholas
Lislusy,tAbsolom cl ever.
zurkz.George 'IOWA Jacob ,
0 per, W. Ross Wait,.
Myers, John ftiders,
iieniy Law -Agee, Henry.
11 P.F;lnVgh, Stephen.
It, John 1.1. 11,:rrghr, A• •
Pe,ter S, Dechert, Hen—
E. ), ertts, Ephraim Schriver,.
sler, Abraham Hart, Johru
Vandike, Henry Millen.
• mtwl, Jesse S. Asset
11 .%eitrick, r. Parr,
Elrboltr, Lewis. Cbmntster,
Samuel -11. Taughiabaugh,
• rig Bgsbey.
rckpper, Cornelius.
• • WEEK.
• ••M tty.
eels George P. Cashman.
. Si
McGrew, T. T. Norris; W.
her, Martin Steffy.
MI Wm. J.
John R.
Kuhn Hersh, Joseph
, Mammy K.' Myers.
miter, Reuben Shover.
Gelbeek John Mickley.
• •
4ladl4rutle er PR Rarkee -
marr James F. Noe l :
Woliord, John tinevinger.
ek Wolf.
i .
Tribun Young, Daniel W.
iezekish Hoffman. George
• Ormrts-a-Oemmon
• • posing the 19th District .
• • IA Oyer and . Terminia;.
• very tor the trial -ova
den In said district and
L-bmnion Pleas, and on:
Oyer Au:or:Terminer and
for the trial of nil onPkdat
i the county of Adam—
ottorttlring de.te the Met or
, , sew • • . tor hold- /
, • (*Swat 9uar
• . . irat Jai) orliv- •
• . Gettvv•
, •
rem NOVEMBYii,
. ,
• Gnarl to all the Jus
°armies Nal theCoestables
1. t
and herreinem:
h to th4r Okla
to be ilatie, and also,
agsissl_tbe prisoners that
titsstatsaugyof Adams,
• 10prosoeute
011 KL U NK, S he= m.
A 0
Ott 28, /S7O. It
to tar anb ;Indio!.
SALES.—D. C. Brinkerhoff Lax sold 17i
Acres of land near Arendieville, for $9000;
Spangler & Bushman purchasers.
FOUND-A small Gold Ring, evidently
worn by a little girl. The owner will call
at this omee.
Tincriauosca. 7 TheGrand Division of
the o Irezi*eraGott of Pennsylvania,
have arranged to hold a meeting of that
body in Gettysburg in July neat.
C030135810R.-Wm. B. Meals, Esq.,
elected Justice of the Peace to succeed
Justice ][yew ,dee'd, has received his
commission; and is now reedy for busi
['Rock Creek Chapel, of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church on Gettysburg Cir
cuit; having been enlarged and improved,
will be re-opened, Providence permitting,
on Sabbath Nov. 20th. Preaching at 10
o'clock by Rev. Thompson Mitchell, D. D.,
Presiding Elder of Carlisle' District Cen
tral Penna. Conference. Services also in
evening at 61} o'clock.
The announcement of an entertainment in
Odd Fellows' Hall, York Springs, for the
benefit of "Geary Lodge," Good Tem
plars, on the 4th and sth inst., was a mis
take. The Entertainment will be give to
night and to-morrow night, (Friday Ana
Saturday, Nov. 11' and 12.) Ten Nights
is a Bar Room, in five Acts, will be given,
,besides Tableaux, Burlesque, Music, &c.
.Admission 25 cents, children under 12
:years 10 cents.
.CoartEcTioN.—ln the Common School
tairmitic,a, published last *reek, an error
occutred in the record of Oxford district,
the Dames of teachers in Reading being
thapheated. We annex the correct list
for Oxford Bcboal(tletriet—the term being
6 moths, and salaries $3O, except No. 1,
which is $35 per month:
No. 1. Oxford H. S., Silas C. Delap.
2. Oxford Primary, Kate 0. Miley
" 3. Valley, Mary Wolf.
Miss LOGAN'S Lam:num.—Miss Olive
Leger' will leliture, without fail, to-night,
(Friday, Nov.. 'l.f.) in Agricultural Hall.
We understand that over two hundred
tickets have been already engage, and
those who desire eligible seats should se
cure tickets at once. They can be had in
advance at Buehler's Book Store, or at
the entrance on the night of the lecture.
Tickets 150. cents; reserved seats 75 cents.
Doors open at 6.Bo—lecture to commence
at 7.30.
Sumacs DRATEL-Mr. Joseph Burkee
Sr., died very - suddenly at Lis " residence in
, cSherrystown, in this county, on the
29th ult. For some time past he had
been afflicted with an abscess in the under
jaw, but this was not thought to lead to
any serious results. On Saturday morn
ing he was summoned to breakfeast by
one of the members of his family, and not
answering the call, his room was entered
for the purpose of waking him, when he
was found to be dead. His death was
~ caused, we are informed, by suffocation
Irour the discharge of the abscess.
latirizirrovnt. ITEits. The Fair of the
iittlestown °rehears last week was large
. Uy attended and proved a success.
The Press says that whilst Mr. G. B.
Yantis, proprietor of the Yantis House,
in Littlautown, was on his way returning
home from Baltimore on the 28th ult., the
spring of the vehicle which he was
seated suddenly ibroke, whereupon Mr.
Yantis made an attempt to leap from the
buggy, and in so doing, unfortunately
broke one of his legs.
The finishing shop attached to the tan
nery of Amos Stonesifer & Brother, Lit
tltstown, was entered by some person or
persons unknown, on the night of the Ist
inst., and quite a large quantity of loath-
or stolen therefrom.
PinsicaL Culn:rim—Dr. Gleason is
.d e li v - ering a course of Lectures in Agri
.ootora 1 Hall on Physical Culture, which
are well attended. The opening lecture,
on Tuesday• evening, was delivered to a
crowe d H o n. The Dr. evidently thorough
ly understands Oie anatomy and hygiene
of the human system, is a pleasant talker,
and with the aid of a large number of
models and diagrams, representing differ
ent parts of the body, succeeds in pop - u:
larazing his lectures. The practical in
formation thus imparted is not only inter
esting, but ought to be of large service . in
in reforming habits which interfere with
proper physical culture and develops dis
ease. The course embraces five lectures
—25 cts admission to each.
iIiBTALLLTION.—Con Monday night last,
W. H. Tipton, Deputy, installed the offi
cers of "Gen. Reynolds Lodge, No. 180,
I. 0. G. T.," in this place, viz:
W. C. T., John A. Atwell; W. V. T.,
Miss Carrie Young; W. C., Mr. Hemper
ly; R. 8., McClellan Hersh; A. R. S.,
Miss Mary McCreary; W. T., A. W. Flem
ming; W. F. 8., J. Nevin Frey; W. M.,
F. W. McElroy, W. D. M., Miss Alb er t a
i' , txton; I. S., North McElroy; 0. S.,
s amu el P. Weaver; R. H. S., Mies Julia
w eygarit, . L. H. S., Miss Jennie Powers;
P. W C. T .,
_Rev. J. A. Clarke.
On Tuesday L 'itlit Daniel Gamble, Dep
uty, installed the m _Neers of "Wm. Emmitt
Lodge, No. 34, I. O. G.. T.," of Emmitg
W. C T., A. Roes Hunter;'
W. V. T.,
Miss Hidlie Shields; W. C., Jas. lPh Trox
el; R. S., Miss Julia Zeck; A. R. S. ' Jam "
McGuigan; NV. T-; Ma. Mollie O 4 a/ ' a .. ble,
F. S., W. F. Bickley; W. M., Zs.. _ l4 '
Six; W. D. M., Miss Emma E. D. Molter; .
' I. S., Miss Rums Waddles; 0.1., dimil.
Guthrie; P. W. C. T., John J. Hunter.
Frax.--On Mondayaight last, between
9 and 10 o'clock, our town was startled
by lin alarm of fire, arising from the burn
ing of the frame stable of Mr. Henry
Overdeer, in the rear of his residence on
Baltimore street. The fire, when the
alarm was given, had made such headway
that it was impossible to save the build
ing and contents. By promptly demolish
ing the surrounding fencing, the fire was
prevented from extending to other stables.
Mr. Overdeer's stable was new, recently
finished, and cost about $lOO. He loses
also a good horse, a cow, carriage and some
hay—the total loss being about $3OO, on
which there is an insurance of $lOO in the
Adams county Company. Mr. John Fi
sesser, carpenter; had a number of tools
in the Stable, worth about $75, which
were also destroyed. The origin of the
fire is not known.
By reason of the isolated position of the
stable, and the calmness of the night, the
fire was confined to Mr. Overdeer's stable
—no thanks to ithe Town Council, who
seem to have left the town without avail
able fire= Neither engises,
hooks or be 'found on 'Mon
day night. While the Council are exhib
iting commendable energy in the repair
of streets, their action in regard to the
Fire Engines, ito., is inexplicable, and an
Outrage en property ownara. Zither the
old engii k es should at once be put in
„thorough repair or new apparatas pur-
- chased. The payment eandithmt of things
evinces a reekless disregend or Ur, ;anti
of the town, and ahaiikifd.hei et;owee Irmo.
Jitorabiqg Yogi: U, /870.
LocAL rmts.
TRACHuns'Trrerz.—The fourth ,an
nual meeting of the Adams County Teach
err' Institute will be held in Gettysburg,
contrienciw Monday, Dec. Seth. Mr.
! Wert, our energetic County Superinten
' dent, is making every effort to make Wan
interesting : i ronical. Hitherto we think a
mistake%been made in calling in too
much fore aid—gentlemen who have
'made a specialty of some educational-de
partments, and who monopolized the trine
of tin Institute in illustrating and enfor
cing their pet
,theories, ingenious i they
may be, but often far from prictichi use.
Mr. Wert proposes to correct the evil this
year, by calling in requisition the experi
ence and -views of the Teachers of the
county, wfm- will largely conduct the a,
liberations of the - Institute. We believe
the only persons invited from abroad, are
Mrs. Randall, of Oswego, New York, who
will have charge of the elocutionary de
partment, and Prof. Montgomery, of the
Ilillennuile State Normal School, who will
give instruction in Penmanship and Draw
ing. Thes e Teachers' Institutes when proper
ly conducted, are important auxiliaries in
the development of Common School edu
cation, and should be attended by every
live teacher. The exchange of views and
experience tends to make better practical
teachers, and the beneficial results are
felt in every school room. 'School Direct
ors should make it a point, not only cheer
fully to grant Teachers the time occupied
by the sessions of the Institute, without
deduction of pay, but should REQUIRE
Teachers to attend. The time thus lost
will be fully compensated by improved
efficient teaching and discipline during
the balance of the term.
od of the Ref. Church, which had been in
session in Meehaniesburg, resolved to re
move 016 Theological Seminary from Mer
cersburg to Lancaster. The Trustees of
the Seminary were instructed to proceed
at once to `the erection of such buildings
as n.ay be necessary for the, proper and
permanent use of the Seminary on the
grounds donated by Franklin and Mar
shall, and the buildings are to be ready
for occupancy at the opening of the next
session of the Seminary, the Second
Wednesday of September, 1871.
The following is a statistical summary
of the Eastern Synod of the Reformed
Church: Ministers, 271; congregations,
635; members 78,285, unconfirmed, 44,275;
Baptisms, 8,796; confirmed 1,515 i cetigt
cates, 1,817; communicants, 65,337; ex
communicated, 10; dismissed, 1,126;
deaths, 3,231; Sunday school scholars, 34,-
050; benevolent contributions, $66,780.68.
A discussion of several days was had on
an appeal from the'action of tl.•e Philadel
phia Classis, in the case of Rev. Dr. Born
bprger. Dr. 8., who repre i eles the anti
liturgical wing of the Church, has recent
ly opened a theological school in Eastern
Pennsylvs.iria. Rev. Dr. Fishcx brought
the matter before the Philadelphia Class*
claiming that it was the province of the
Church, not individuals, to establish the
ological Institutions. The Classis, which
sympathises with Dr. Bomberger, laid-the
complaint on the table. Hence the ap-
peal. The Synod 8E10.4, without express
ing an opinion on the merits, remanded
the case to the Philadelphia Claesis for
- CHANGEB.—Messers Levi Weaver, W,
D. Holtzworth, and W. T. Ziegler have
bought out the Livery establishment of
N. Weaver & Son, and wilt carry on the
business, including Carriage-making, un
der the firm of Weaver & Co.
J. W. : Cress has 'sold out his Gfbcery
store, --on.; the corner of Chambersburg
street and' centre square, to Messers John
Cress and David Deatrick.
Cowes!—Who has not suffered from
Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails, Chil
blains, Tender Feet, ic., &c.? Briggs'
Alleviator and Curative is a certain reme
dy. Sold by Druggists., Sent by mail 60
cts. Da. .J. Batons & Co. Newark, N. J.
CATAERMI—What disease can be more
disagreeable or disgusting than Catarrh ?
Briggs' Allevantor is a pleasant, cheap
and positive remedy. Sold by druggists.!—Suffer not with Internal Bleed
ing or Itching Piles. A cure has been
discovered! Briggs' Pile Remedies are
safe and. sure. Sold by druggists
Cor.ismamow I—With the hollow, soul
sickening cough, weakened lungs, profuse
expectoration, the debilitating night
sweats, and all other symptoms of this
fatal malady, are subdued by the use of
Briggs' Throat and Lung Healer, the most
appropriately named remedy yet discov
ered for Throat ;aid Lung Diseases.
Sold by A. D. Buehler, J. M. Huber and 1
Druggists generally. tf
Tam Blood owes its red colt"?' to minute
globules whiclitow in that fluid, and con
tain, in a healthy' person, a large ,Amount
of Iron, which gives vitality to the blood.
The Peruvian . Syrup supplies the blcod
with this vital element and gives strength
and vigor to the whole system. 1t
Atm. AmEAD.—Capt. Nonnuf-is do
termined not to be outdone by rivals, and
has again added largely to his stock, for
fall and winter wear. Ifyon want a
fashionable Hat, Cap, Coat Pants, or
Vest, for fall or winter wear, or a good
pair of Boots or Shoes or any kind of un
derwear as cheap as before the war—Nor
ris' Head-Quarters is the place, (Arnold's
corner) young gents.' If you want a fash
ionable Tie or Bow, don't forget that Nor
ris is getting new styles every week, and
always has the latest: His stock of Hats
is the la*ast in the county and greatly
reduced4n price, all styles and price. If
you want to save money go to Norris' cord
nor, flept.l6-tf
Loot Ham.-.E. Woodward boa com
me °cad, in connection w.-tth his Gunsmith
`he repairing of UmbreTaily Parasols,
ac., wh. l ab he will Warrant to be li." 4 ;ter ila
ed th an t a ' dOne by the majority of Um "
brella-mende.7A Any person wiahin,:
„work done in this flue can leave word at
I ttie shop on Carlhde Street, andlt . will be
sent for and returned.. Charles moderate.
He also has still on hind a variety of Bat- .
tle-field Relics, of any kihd and style, a
large Assortment of Canes, Ape,. Colt and
see him, - • H.,
' Puna Oversaut—B. H. Minnigh makes
it a point to seine tip the nom taw
Oysters that can be secured in the Balti:
more market. Be Jim; special accommoda
tions for Ladies lad chmtleinen, Who will
find every thing Vraci. O'Mara
served up in every style, to nit the most
fastidious. Call and see for yourselves.-
Baia Mapc7.- 7 , rending the agitationof
the Puriding Bill , which will evidently de
predate Gkoveninaent Bonds, persons work'
do well by reading the adverthement of the
"Gettysburg Netioaud Bank," in another
column, end exchanir their Government
Bonds and realizes handsome profit them
by, and dbtain an investment ea safe and
profitable'. •
A Cade . ' roe Baniurris.—klesar&
Colman & Oansdni t h am Inning detain:thud
to close out their Meek of Ready-Made
C l othing, are, Paw - yei all kirids of
Come, Pant Yest, &a, at largely reduced
prices—alaay of them less We cost.
Row is the tiMe to assure Bargains. The
geed* are all Onstities s add will posililmly
sold without regard to cost. ang.littf
Gooirr's La Boos for November Is a par.
ticularly fine number. With the wilderness of
fashion plates, -Sc., any lady must be pleased.
Every department is full and complete. Now is
the time to subscribe.
4 GOOD MIAMI for November is an excellent . -,
number. An Interesting article on Leprosy is
furnished by Dr. Jettrla ; also, one on Grimm
tits width has a practical value. We can com
mend this publication to our readers as worthy of
support. Address Alexander Moore, Boston.
Tax NURSER!' for November is a charming
number—bright and sparkling In every page—
full of good things—and the very, best magazine
the world for the ''Youngest Readers." SO
ribe for it for your little folks. .For terms, am.;
address publLshers of the Nursery, Boston, Mass.
Permit's Mosrratr contains ! articles on the
war in the moon; Ftench Influence at the Vati
can ; Lota's Missionary Field ; about Dogs ; The
fortunes of Ahmed; M. Lincoln and his Peti
tioners ; A Womans Right ; A Pilgrimage to Pek
ing; The Fourth of September in Paris; Editorial
Notes, Literature at Home, &c. Published by G.
P. Putnam & Sons, N. V.
OLIVER Orric's MAtiszots is, as usual, full of
attractive and instructive reading, and crowded
with excellent pictures, including leurgull-page
Illustrations. The stories, sketches: pug . try, dia
logues, and puzzle-department, are admirable;
and the magazine,. as a whole, is a model of beau
ty and editorial ability. No other Juvenile peri
odical gives so much reading matter; and it is
the only one published in both weekly and
monthly editions. Lee &Shepard, 149 Washing
ton Street, Boston; 122.50 per year.
ber, is a beautiful number of a most beautiful
Juvenile—good enough for the most exacting.
Since its enlargement and improvement, and
the addition of a fine full page and other engrav
ings, Tun LITTLE CORPORAL Is worthy of a cir
culation of at least a hundred thousand. The re
maining numbers of 1870 are offered free to all
who subscribe now for the next year. Don't fall
to give your children this sterling Juvenile maga
zine. It Ls published in Chicago, Mauls, by .
Sewell & Miller,•at one dollar and a half a year,
15 cents for a single copy. Beautiful and gener
ous premiums are given for clubs,
Tax Itivraisitm MAGAZINE for November pre
sents a number of Shakspearean silhouettes—
some of which have met us, ascribed to Paul
Konewka—with poetry, written to frame them.
The building of John's house is continued by
Mr. Stockton, and a stirring episode of Indian
life In Georgia is given. There is a fiction con
tradicting the old notion that might makes right,
and an ailmirable account of the manlier in which
Commodefe Hull carried Old Ironsides beyond
the clutches of a British fleet, off the capes, in
1812. Mr. Ablptt reduces the management of
railways to Juvenile comprehension. In addition
so many other tales and sketches, all Judicious
and healthy, Anne Silvernail furnishes more of
her inimitable drawings, and the mlscellanlesare
curious and abundant.
Tux Amt.:4, - m Momitiv for November Is an
excellent number. It opens with a pleasant
paper on "Footpaths," by Col. Iligginson, which
shows a most intimate acquaintance .with New
England scenery. Mrs. Stowe has another of the
"Oldtown Fireside Stories," as any of its prede
cessors. Jane G. Austin, under the title of
"highly Explosive," lets 'her readers into the
secret of gunpowder snaking. "Experiments,"
by an anonymous auUror;is what would be
called a subjective story. "Joseph and his
Friend," and "Four Months with Charles Dick
ens," are continued. J. S. Dwight discourses up
on the "Intellectual Influence of Music," and
there is a brief, but very interesting sketch of
"Mr. Burlingame as an Orator." There are
numerous and readable book notices.
air•We have received a neat pamphlet of sixty.
eight pages, containing a very interesting outline
of the proceedings of the Convention of the I'enu.
sylvatila State Sabbath-School Association, held
at Harrisburg last June. It contains besides the
Proceedings, including reports from nearly all the
Counties, a complete llsr of the Delegates in at,
tendance, a list of the 009cera for 1570-71, a copy
of the Constitution, a list of the moneyed sub
scriptions made at the Convention, and an inter
esting account by the Secretary of the Lehigh
County Association how it was started. It is a
valuable document for all friends of the cause in
the State. As long as the supply lasts a copy will
be sent to any one, free of charge, who will send
his or her name (with stamp to pre-pay postage) to
Lewis D. Vail, Esq., State Secretary, 703 Sansom
itt,teet, Phj4deiplila.
ficinasan's kicarnty.—The first number of
this Illustrated Magazine has reached us. Pur
-1 .3.14-GAZINE and liouus AT HOME were
I merged into the above-named monthly on the
completion of their last volumes.. The mere
mention of the announcement that it is conduct
ed by Dr. J. G. Holland (Timothy Titcomb) is
sufficient to insure a large circulation. Els
books are found In every country and clime, and
his friends are with the books. The new maga
zine contains articles handsomely and profusely
Illustrated, and to this end, the services of the
best writers and artists procurable are being en
gaged. The subscription price of the magazine
will be g 3.00 per year; single numbers 10 cents.
Canvassers are wanted th4iughout the entire
country, to whom specimen pages will be fur
nished and good wages paid. Address Scat:s
wim's Mownur, 651 Broadway, New York., (third
3loyritty, offers an Inviting table of CoUteuts fur
November—Jules Favre, the leading statesman in
be new Republic of France; Mrsl Alowatt Kit.
ChM; It. M. Bishop, the eminent Western Mer
chant; Bismarck, the Prussian Premier; W. H.
Hooper, the Mormon Delegate to Congress ; Dex
ter Smith the Song Writer; What 4n I Do Best
or requlsities of the Clergyman; Physical Educa- ,
Lion; The Governors of New York—W. IL Sew.
ardi What Makes Women Unhappy? Spiritual.
ism, a candid discussion; Great Men; Railway
Progress; Republicanism es. Monarchy, &c. Sin
gle number 30 cents. Subscription for one year
$3. Now Is the time to subscribe, as a new
volume begins with the January number, and
the publisher offers special inducements to new
subscribers. One which strikes us is that, for $5
a copy of the PRBZNOLOGICAL Joule:AL and a
copy of the Cititninsis 1:261ION will be sent a year
and also, one of those line engravings from Mar
shall's Washington, the prices of which alone Is
$5. Address S. R. Well's, N. Y,
Tux LADY'S FRIETCn.-..Tiat November is a very
handsome number. The fashions in this maga
zine are always superior to any that can be found
elsewhere, in all ' desirable particulars. The
steel-plate is a scene from Scott's "nb* Maid of
(" there is a pretty, colored Tidy pattern,
and the music Is the famous "German Father
land. " In the attractiveness of Its literary mat
ter, this umgavine is admitted to take the lead.
Great inAucements are offered to new subscrib
ers. AU .h•ete subscribers for 1871, who subscribe
by the first of November, shall receive the Nov
ember and December numbers to addition gratis,
making iburteen Months In all. Thesefitsto sub.
scribe by the first of December, shall receive the
December number free—making Th fi'teen Months
all! Price V. 50 a year (which also includes a
large steel engraving.) Ponr copies, SS Five
copies (and one gratis, )118. "The Ladysstrriend"
said "The Saturday Evening Post" (and one en
gravingaSt 00. Published by Deacon &Peterson,
Philadelphia. Sample copies sent free.
OLD Alin lesw, for November, contains the
first part ota fine translation of M. Laboulaye's
pamphlet on the Nlirreneb Army," in which he
elaborately treats of the medical practice In the
French and United States armies. This paper
was published last December, but read now, with
the events of the past few months In mind, the
array of statements Is most astonishing. A judi
cious, killillY• yet htief.mitident on "The Mystery
of arsvt# Drood,"•-argeqgd. B. We+, follows,
which is littern'sneaeoded 'by part 131 of Ralph
Reeler's serial, "Six Months on • Five Cents."
bssigh age and Education" is by S. Pl. McCleary ;
"The &Mace and Learning of the 'Vatican," by
Winslow; "The Wall in the Peen" is a
C. / . Nistette poen( by Rtes. Julia Ward Howe;
charm.. ..og spry of "Pink and White Tyranny"
Mrs. Stow, gin gnelaved; J. P. Lesley's Tartar
stills keeps Jo. q "What Happened to the Khan
fairy tales entitle, 9 4vip Edward A. Horton, in
and the Poor Man's. Faith," points out
an article on "Theology -4 gouts Pilesne
some of the methods earn,_Nekte" is a Bumf/
stugying theology; "Quack ch, ona.,
article on chemical analysis, by F.
Tea LIPE OP Mam W. it
as Diciones.—B; "PAR.
Shelton llf•".Keliale. Lite rslY Rilltor of the Nit
eateiroda DMA , Press." With Personal Be •
lectiyas and Anecdotes; Letters by ?Box," never
before published; His Last Will in ; -And
Uncollected Pipers in Prose and Verse. With
Portrait and Autegraph. t. B. Peterson &
Brothers, Philadelphia, have Just published The
Life of Charles Dickens, by Dr. R. Shelton Mac.
teazle, Literary Editor of the ".Philadelphia
Daily Press." It contains, beside a full history
of Ids Life, his Uncollected Pieces, In. Prose and
Verse; Personal Recollectiom and Anecdotes;
his last Will and Testament' in full; as well as
Letters front Mr. Dlikens to various persons;
never before published; and traces the entire
career of the great Novelist from the time of hls
birth and the lind connection with Journalism as
a reporter, to Its unexpected and lamented. death
on:the 9th of June, 1970. With a all account of the
Funeral Services, and Dean Stanley's Funeral
Sermon, preached in Westminster Abbey, on the
Sunday following the Funeral. Itbiso contains a
hew likeness of Caries Dickens, ken' from a
=for which he eat &Jewellers prior to
well as his Autograph. The whole
Is &Sued in a large duodecimo volume, bound in
Green, Red. or Blue Morocco Cloth, giltelde and
back. Price Two Dollars a Copy. .A...hts and
Sailhaners are wanted, Male and Female,
Bilevery &own. viliciand-musty in the united
Ms t _to engage R and aetti subse
en to above wor lille much is the Beet Beni ri n b
on re
m aver publis
p h er aL Copies of the work. will be
Ai to any one, ilmt nutil,
ceipt of Two Dollars by the pul=aki
Cvloutliw D.- 7 The large barn of
Henry !roller; near' Centreville, was de
stroyed by fire on the night of the 3d inst.
Sslnteariffttd r of §l4PePaburro
rcerAeinday 'awning vrr7liie leading 'a re
volver, for the purpose of ;shooting: rats,
accidentally shot himself, three balls en
tering the calf of his leg.—On , Satuiddi
two .stragglers (*led at the house of
Samuel Helierlig, in Hopewell township,
and asked for something to eat which
was given them. After they left it was
discotered that 9. oVatch was !raising.
Their , were purieell and the-wateh found
in their possession. The country is full
of these rascals who will bear watching.
FRLNKLIN.—On Monday night of last ‘
week, a light bay mare was stolen from
Mr. Parker Watson, of Mercershurg.—On
the 29th ult.' Mrs. Lilly Duncan,. of : Mer
cersburg, had the fore-finger of her right
hand caught in a sausage grinder, and so
mangled as to render amputation necessa
ry near the second joint.-Monterey Springs
Hotel, with the farm containing 245 acres,
was sold at public sale by the assignees or
M. Yingling, on the 27th ult„ for the
sum of $15,001. Purchaser, A. J. H. Ma
gruder, of Hagerstown.
FREDERICK.—The barn on the farm of
Mr. N. J. Wilson, situated about four
and a half miles South of Frederick,
on the point of Rocks road, was recently
entirely destroyed by fire, supposed to be
the work of an incendiary.—The farmers
of Buckeystown District are killing off
their hogs for fear they may die of cholera.
—Mrs. Sarah C. Keefer, formerly of Freder
ick, but now residing in Washington City,'
committed suicide on last Monday evening,
by taking poison. She said she was tired
of the world—tired of living—and wanted
to 4iie,
[For the Star and Sentine
In a few weeks another Court, will be
I held in Adams county. Preparations are
being made for a long session, attended
necessarily by a heavy expense to the tax
payers. 4 What cases are on the docket
for trial, the writer does not know. Care
fully should every citizen study every case,
and the cause of these crimes be carefully
noted. In the absence of data, we do not
hesitate to predict, that in the use of in
toxicating drinks, we will find the cause
of a very large proportion of crime. We
seem to have found a method for causing
perpetual motion. Our courts grant
license by authority of the citizens of the
State; the citizen drinks the spirits thus
licensed; he commits crime, and is tried
and sentenced by the same Court that
issued the license. Death usually stops
the motion of the machine.
Let us for a moment look at the mat
ter.,- The use of ardent spirits, as a bev
erageois either a good or an evil, ,Ind the
traffic therein consequently right or wrong.
Now if the use is a benefit, and the traffic
right, why throw more restraints around
it than other merchandise? And if other
wise, I want to know by what God-given
authority any Court dares to license a
A man is killed. His slayer was in
toxicated by drinking whiskey, which was
sold by authority of license granted by the
same court before which he stands a crim
inal! In the sight 'of God, who is the
most guilty of the murdered man's blood?
Is it the slayer—the Court that granted
the license—the man who sold tle liquor
—or the people who permit such au iniq
uitous traffic to be legalized ' Truly,
opens Wide her mouth,
tnd gapes, her victims to destroy.
TILE BEST STOVE now in market, for
beauty, economy, and comfort, is admitted
all around to be the MORNING GLORY.
It defies all competition, and that is the
judgment of all who have used it. It is just
the thing for Offices, Stores, and Parlors
Chambers. Call at C. 11. Buelilees
Ware Room,- opposite the Passenger
Depot, and examine for yourselves, tf
Fort SALE CHEAP.--.A. good 44...nd-Land
Falling and Sin fting-top Buggy, Enquire
at this office.
Iterittr of Hu *laritrts.
lin 4..1(• rt• & Prodn.•.• 11:s.rkvi
Baltimore, Thursday ..Iprriirtrx
5 00 5 Zi
13 (X/ 6 12
... 120 0 ITo
. 112 0 16$
70 0 84
00 0 67
45 10 48
Berm FLorle,
FLAX.SEED,.... .....
'• }Luis
GettysbnrgGraln de Provision Maiket
Gettysburg. Friday Morning.
000 @ 000
000 @ 575
0W @ 000
110 @ 125
00 @ 75
00 @
37 CO 37
00 @ 90
000 @ 400
0W @ 660
80 @-1 00
@ - 35
@ 15
00 @ 25
00 @ 13
00 @ 13
00 @
00 10
WRITE Wimer.
Meaty Priers or Haven &BrO.,
ao 41•Isth ird St, Philadelphia.
S O'clock, P. X,
U. S. 6's of 'V
113% r 1314
.;:.108% 11814
107 1 4 10734
i 09% 109%
1093.4 lON
...lOCy 110
l's, 10-40's ' 1C,3% 106, 5 ,
IL 0.30 Year 6 per cent Cy.,.1113.1 1113.4
Gold 11054 110 5 /
811yer, 105 107
Union Pacific R. R. Ist M. Bonds, 825 . 835
Central Pacific R. It. 905 915
Union Pacific Land Grant 80nd5,.... 730 745
11134 .
,14 65 i .
'65 new,
" '67
lkohan-Xtxwhts. , .-On the 3rd last., In
Washington city, by the Rev. S. Al- Wilson, Mr.
Charles W. Baker, of this place, to Miss Martha
Maxwell, of Wasildnani, 1). C.
Boociaxr-Mmtiont.-On the lst inst., by the
Bev. W. R. H. Deatrich, Mr. John Brochim
Liberty township, this county, to Miss Lirsie
Middonr, of Tomstown, Franklin county.
BIIIMIST-GARDNEE.-011 the 3rd inst. in Dills
burg, by the Rev. J.R. Bricker, Mr. Edward J.
Bushey, of Reading township, to Miss Hatmah S.
Gardner, of Butler tawastdb.
Fonsmx-Pony.-On the 9th husk , at the rest.'
.denoe of Hr. Charles Potty, by the:Bar. W. R. It.'
Deatrich Mr. J. Mark Forney to - M*93oth W.
bO , th of IluMberlaW township, • •
AlsYssAlleourner..-On tie 9th test. :bp
the Rev. W. R. H. Deatrich, Mr. Daniel Aswan.
*r Miss Caroline G. Mealhime, both of Green- -
Niffte•!YMOßlPuhs:.oll the 29th ult., by the
bk, %: c 3 .7r, Mr. Oliver r. menet*
Cumberland couny, Fn. Xo
Rev. of =rum Rork , -
Murat , yts . --On the sath of
bp r
Sarah A. le- oof the bride'lllrMlthe
hat, at the nash x #' " E ger W' Se
- "'
pa., to Miss Fedix
Bev. Noah Flood, tw bi am,
mercy of Adams con .. ,
donates' of Aube D. - wa d byt tbe
Saanona-Brrrrsoiax--6. &•.•
Rev. M. Snyder, Mr.
Elmira J. Bittinar, both of Art. nYtha Bev 1
Woueonn-Gunta.--On the Chi ' , l-.6z of ;,,- ---
W. F. R. Davie, Mr. Helm
lanover, toMias SovansAtitse, at Ea& —"ma-1M-
Obituary noticeil 5 mints a line for all over fors
11 tokaecompany the notice.
i •
Skim—Chi the 27th nit., at het resithisoe in this
plate, Mrs. Margaret Barr, widow Of the late'
James Barr, of this county. She sleepi In Jesus.
Bmnnws.—On the 6th ult., Mrs. Mary M.
Bushman. Monntjoy wki a i r of Floury
Buahmad, eed., in the Illthiesr of
EIMER. n the 21st Mt. Jacob er, son of
David and Mary Elker, aged 17 years 1 Month
andl9 days.
Lrrrut—Oh the sth filsti Frilhkun -time. lir ,
fant son of Henry Little, near Hurrterstown, aged'
2 months and 7days. _ •
Ofuns. —oe the 16th of September, in,Menalles
and Frank= X Omer. aged /A years U
months Lidos.
DVIDEND.—The linsldent and Directers
of the First National Bank of Gettysburg,
have this day declared a semi - annual Dividend
of Four and a half per cent clear of all Govern-
went Taxes, payable on and after the 15th inst.
Nov. IL-3t
of good land attnehed, and alt out
both:tinge, In the Immediate neighborhood of Get
tysburg. For partbuilars enquire of air. George
Arnold Cashier of Ist National Bank, Gettysburg.
Nov. I, 1870.—tf
Tho,following applications to keep a Restaurant,
has been fled In my °Mee, with the requisite
number of signets, and will be presented at the
Court of Quarter Sessions, on the 411 t MONDAY
of NOVEMBER, 1870:
John Hoffman, Gettysburg.
, Conrad Fuchs, Conowarp township:
Nos. 1870.—dt H. G. WOLF, Clerk.
Assesment N 0.4.
THE Board of Directors of the Mummashurg
Mutual Fire Protection Society hare laid a tax
Premium Notes, to be collected within thirty
days, to meet losses by the burning of to a Barns
of John Spangler, the Barn of Charles A. Diehl,
and the personal property of Win. Patterson.
Nov. 11.-3 t
Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of
Gettysburg, that any person or persons, owning
or occupying any building within the Borough of
Gettysburg, who shall sutler any btore Pipe to
run through any outside Wall, Window or Hoof,
o: Into any open loft or garret, shall, on conviction
pay !be ewn of Five Dollar& together wish costs
of pro.'"oUtloti and in default of payment be im
prisoned the County Jai1, ...„ for„ a the Pond of not
Less than one nor more tuna ye days.
J. L. HILL. Burge,.
Attesf - ;—J. ArGumutlitli, Clerk.
'Nov. 11".z.t
;‘(..I.TY, SALE
The undersigned offers at Private h."' in
terest (being the undivided one-halt, ' lu the
FARM, In Straban township, Adams coo. 11 ' , /.. i ,i„;
Joining lands of Josiah Benner, Jesse M. N,
and others, known as the Bringnum S Was. "'lf,
farm. It contains 200 ACRES, 10010 orless, I
about 50 Acres In tine young Thurber. anti about
12 Acres in excellent Meadow. The Improve
ments consist of a two-story BRICK DWELLING,
with a one-story Brick Back-building. Log Baru
with Sheds attached, an Orchard of Ofoire (run,
two wells of water with pumps, one of them near
the kitchen door. The tariff Ls desirably located
and will be sold on reasonable terms.
For terms, &c., address or apply to the under
signed, at Gettysburg, Pa.
11, 1.970.—ht
Register's Notices
- °TICE is hereby given to all Legatees and
11 other persons concerned, that the Adminis
tration Accounts hereafter mentioned will be
presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams coun
ty for confirmation and allowance, on 31ONDAY,
.the sth day of DECEMBEILIS7O, at 10 o'clock, A.
id., viz:
67. The first and final account of Amanda Stu
debecker, Executrix of Sidney Studebecker, de
6a. The first and final Guardianship account of
Sylvester Earner, Guardian of Mary Rohrbaugh,
ece oche minor children of Wiu. Rohrbaugh,
W. The account of Henry Long, Administrator
of Estate of Wm. Long, deceased.
70. The first account of John Eider, Executor
of Will of Jacob Noel deer,kid.
SA. EL A. SWOPE, Register.
Nov. 11 14.0.—td
On Saturday, the 3rd of December, h7O.
The undersigned, Executor of the Will of SAY
t'LL MEALS, deceased, late of blertailen township,
Adams county Pa., in pursuance of authority
given in said Will, hill oiler at Public Sale, at the
late residence of said decedent, the following de
scribed Real Estate, %ix:
TUE HOME FARM, adjoining lands ot Goa
rod Weaner, F. B. Weaner and others, contain
ing 116 Acres, more or less, about one-half clear
ed and the balance well set with chestnut and oak
timber, Which may Le conveniently divided tomtit
purchasers. The improvements are a two story
Log ham and all nectx-saary out-Oulldino- a
never-failing spring near the. anti elm
north branch of Opossum creek r - Ming!'
the one end of the farm ; also road
through the properly ; an Apps Srchard*with
er 110 bearing trees.
Alen, on said day. will be offered, a desirable
HOUSE and LOT, In the town of lkimiersville.
Sale to come at willeloc, 51. on mid day,
when attendance be gisart-wia terms made
known by
J. B. di.X.A.LS, Ex'r.
Nov. 11, 1870. ts.
puBLIc; s s LE
The subscriber inteudiaig to remove will sell at
Public sale, on Monday, the VIA day rs'
tier, at 12 o'clock, AL, her tiODS.F. AND LOT.
situate in Highland: township, near the Gettys
burg and Fairfield road, 2 miles. from Fairfield,
adjoining lands of Joseph /liclUey, David Stew
art-, Joseph J. Smith and alters. containing 9
ACMES 10" 0 Ae is Woodland.—
. more or O n e 1 , 13
One-halt of the land has been Wiled, and it is all
under good cultivailoa. It Is of a rich..granite
soil and will grow any kind of crops. The Im
provements are a good two-story LOG HOUSE,
Log Stable, well of water near the door, due., with
a young Apple and Peach Orchard of the best
varieties of fruit. ft is convenient to Mills,
Chinches and Schools.*
Also, at the same Ume awl place, will be sold
the follosting valuable Personal Property, vizi 2
FAT HOGS, and Cornfocider, 500 Brick. 2
barrels of Cider Vinegar, Pick, Mattock, Shovels,
Spade, line, Drawing Knife, Brace and Bits,
Augers, Tool Chest, a lot of Oak Plank, Potatoes,
5 cords of Oak and Iliclimry Wood, 1 cut Rine,
FURNITURE, consisting in part of 4 Bedsteads
and Bedding, such as Comforters, Blankets. Pil
lows, Home-made Carpet, nearly new. 12 Chairs,
Rocking Chairs, I Dining Table, 1 Kitchen Ta
ble, Corner Cupboard, 2 Kitchen Cupboards,
Cook Stove and Pipe, Wood Chest, 2 Looking
Glasses, Doughtray, Apple Butter, Dishes, Tin
ware, Crocks. Barrels, Tubs. Churn, Iron Kettle,
Age, Wood Saw, 411 d many other articles too
numerous to mention.
stir Attesalanes till h gfrfoa and terms made
known on day of silo by
REUBEN . GOLDEN, .111eGyll , ,r.
X 7 5 la , S(A
650 @ 6 ,
215 611 215
@ 15
1S @ 19
22 @ 25
15 14.?/,
The Fourth Annual Meeting
UNDER the act of 147, will be held in the
I-) Court House In Gettysburg during the week
Monday, December 26th, 1870
Every Teacher in the County Is expected to be
present. As this is the holiday week. which in
many sections of the State is given to the Teach.
ers—as the Teachers this year loose the benefit of
their Christmas holiday. as they did last year, on
account:of those days nut coining on schooldays,
It Is urgently requested. that every Board of Di
rectors grant the entire time.
Teachers of Adams. let us make this the best
Institute, that has yet been held. I will do all I
can to make the exercises varied and valuable.—
There will be ,Contests in Orthography, Mental
Anthmetic and " .S. 111 story% with valuable prizes.
The other exercises m 111 consist of Lectures,
Class-Drills, Discussions. Essays, &e.
of Oswego, N. V., will have charge of the Moen
tionary department, and will give two entertain
of Millersville, will give instruction in Penman
ship,and Drawing, and give prizes for best ladies
and gentleman's Penmanship. Other distinguish
ed Instructors will be present, including an In
structor In Vocal Music.
Nor, 2d, 1870.
Thursday will be Directors' day at which time
copies of the School Law will be distributed. Full
Wilulars with full programme will be given in
' W - 20,1670.-3t County Superintendent.
1870. 3IILLINERY. 1870.
WILL open on Saturday,'Nov. sth, a large and
elegant assortment of meter
at prices ranging from 75 cents to $lO.OO. Also,
Bonnet and Hat Frames, Silks, Velvet, Feathers,
French Flowers, Fringe, Crape, Lace, Ribbon,
Blond Grenadine, Barage, Jets, &c. Also, a new
la/let - rot
11010 and Fancy Poods ?
She invites the attention of Ladles to her assort
ment which will be sold at the lowest cash prices.
Oct. 28,,,1870.-2m
`THE Keystone House, Chambersburg street,
has been selected as the Geltrtmee for
STAGE LINES. Stale for Gliantbersbure leaves
daily at 1 o'clock,. W.,_statfor
daily at the same hour. rare received at the'
Hotel and passengers called for at any piece in
The Keystone House runs_e dridelassHACK.
and from the Depot DM& Hack Sabin., • ,
Gettysburg, Sept 9, 1870...-emW. E. MYERS.
.Ifotice 'to GrecritOti.
. ,
IVOI'iCE Is hereby fdTeftle all Deftest indebt,..
il ed elthpl,by note or Boqinnownit t o ti um z,
•t a fal lt E. KRIM' of li&lhnVUaUnt .to fb,
county', or to Mtn MuLint, late of Mount
*a 07 41 : 1 41P , tbet_kig_seitieniont. must be
_ Sigtliefiert the ...dayttak.NtrAltr,
ism4l#44e t not made on or before that time
-If seek • segPeete,lwll be 414eed In th e
nose note,, • riot! eOll-11CP1011.
!bends of an.
Adfm. ,
441knator ofJohn Mier, deed.
__—.-- •
• ' /Mouts et the lan of J.
je S =r6
The notes 1 1 0 9 1 . 4 ,41 rith EAdalEn, a; ha
&E. Mat& ee fei , , Wenettlp. The notes
Wot, Ile , 4/ geoeued. niu .be
twyabb) to JOHN . , N Notonlo wns hip ,
dl wth Joint F. TT, le-
Aug. 1.94.8701—ain . 3
stiv dredistmtuts.
*lv 3 dratignuttato.
Having for tile Lan thirty-flve yeal3 devoted my
whole time and attention to the study of lung
diseases and consumption, I feel that I understand
fully the ctiorse thall ought to be punned to re
store a tolerably bad case of diseased lungs to
healthy sorriness. The first and most Import
ant step Is for the patient to avoid taking cold,
and the best of ail places dn thl4 continent for
this purpose in winter, is Florida,. well down in
the rank., where the temperature is regular, and
not subject to such variations as in more North
ern latitudes. Palatka is a point I can recom
mend. A good hotel is kept there by Peterman.
Last winter I saw several persons there whose
lungs had been badly diseased, but who, under
the healinginfluence of the climate and my med
icine, were getting well.
One hundred miles further down the river is a
point which I would prefer la Palatka, as the
temperature is more even and the air dry and
bracing. idelionville and Enterprise are located
there. I should give a decided preference to Mel
lonville. It is two miles from river or lake, and
it seems almost impossible to take cold there.—
The tables in Florida might be better, and pa,
tielas complain at times but that Is a good sign,
as it Indicates a return of appetite. and when this
Is the ease they generally increase in flesh, and
the lungs must heal.
Jacksonville, Hibernia, Green Cove, and many
other places in various parts of Florida. can be
safely recommended to consumptives In winter.
My reasons for saying so are that patients are
less liable to take cold there than here, there is
less even temperature, and it is not necessary to
say that where a consumptive person exposes
himself to frequent colds he is certain .to die
shortly. Therefore my advice is, go well down
into tfie State out of the reaelr of prevailing east
winds and fogs. Jacksonville, or almost any oth
er of the localities 1 have named. will benefit
those n mo are troubled With a torpid liver. a 41i,
ordered stomach, deranged bowels, sore throat
or cough, but for those whose lungs are di:44.3 , rd
a inure southern point Is earnestly recommended.
For fifteen years prior to W, 1' was profession.
ally in New lurk, Boston, Baltimore and Flab
delphia every week, where 1 saw and eKa111111(i
0111111 average five hundred patients a week. A.
practice so extensime, embracing every possible
1,11:111e of lung disease, has enabled me to under
stand the disease fully, and hence, my caution in
regard to taking cold. A person may take vast
quantities of "Schenck's Pulmonic 6yrup, Sea
weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills," anti yet die If
he does not avoid taking cold.
In Florida, nearly everybody Ls using Schenck's
Mandrake Pills, for the climate is more likely to
produce bilious habits than more northern lati
tudes. It Is a well established fact that natives of
Florida rarely die of consumption, especially
those of the southern part. On the other hand,
In New England, one-third. at least, of the popu
lation 41le of tlds terrible disease. In the Middle
Mates it does not so largely. still there are
Hy thousands of elt.::1 tla•re. What a vast
. •
of life would i': sa,,cd if eonsullin
ticr,l"' were as easily aiarmcd in regard to taking
Ni as they are about scarkt kver, small
pox, „se iii;then'are not. 'rho' take what they
,!old which they . i s
re credulous
" . iii a lit , • ' wear on In . a
few days.— .
enough to belh're
They pay no att,.. nt. p i , : i to it, and hence It lays the
foundation for au,'4,111 and mealier ;till, mitthe
lungs are diseased .'eyont:
My advice to persoi whost " g ,. ; ', lr e
even slightly Is, to lay .1 stock T ,„ Unie and
music syrup, Schenck 'S Seawee , unt l. I
Schenck's Mandrake Pills and go to
recommend these particular medicines to
am thoroughly acquainted %:ith their actit,.. L
know Mat where they are uscd in strict aecoi, n.
anee with my directions they will do the work
that is required. This accomplished. nature will.
do the rest. The physician who prescrilws for
cold, cough or naght.sweats. and then advises the
patient to walk or ride out every day, will btiure
to have a corpse on his hands before long.
My plan is to wive my three medicines, in ac
cordance with the printed directions, except in
some cases where a freer use of the Mandrake
Pills Is necessary. M object is to give tone to
the stomach—to get up a good appetite. It is al
ways a good sign when, patient begins to grow
hungry. I have hope:: of such. With a relish for
-food and the gratification of that relish conies
good blood• and with It more flesh, which is cluie
ly followed by a healing of the lungs. Then the
cough loosens and abates, the creeping chills and
clammy night -sweats no longer prostrate and
annoy, and the patient gets well, provided he
avoids taking cold.
Now there are many consumptives who have
not thi. means ti, go to Florida. The question
may be OWN' IV) hope for such? rer.
Lanny there is. .My advice to such is, and ever
has been, to stay in a warm room during the win
ter, with a temperature of about seventy degrees.
which should be kept regularly at that point, by
means of a thermometer. Let such a patient take
his exercise within the hruits of the room by
walking up and down as much as his strength
will permit. In order to keep up a healthy circula
tion of the blued. I have cured thousands by
this system. and an do so again. Consumption
is as easily cured as any other disease if it is oak
en in time, and the proper kind of treatment Is
pursued. The fact stands undisputed on record
that Schein:Ws Pulinonic Syrup, Mandrake Pills,
and Seaweed Tonic have cured very many of
what seethed to be hopelesscases of consumption.
(to where you will, you will be almost certain to
find some pOor consumptive who has been resell
ed from the veryjaws of death by their use.
Sol far as the Mandrake Pills are concerned.
everybody should keep a supply of them on hand.
They act on the liver better than calomel, and
leave mare of its hurtful effects behind. In fact
they are excellent iu all canes where a purgative
medicine is required. 11 you have partaken too
freely of fruit and diarrlivea ensues, a dose of the
Mandrakes will cure you. 1t yon are submit to
sick headache, take a dose of the Mandrakes and
they will relieve you in two hours. If you would
obviate the ellect of a change of water, or the too
free Indulgence ill fruit, take one of the Man
drake.s every night, or every other night, and you
may Weil dr,iik water and eat watermelons,
pears, apples, "plums. peaches or ClJrn, without
the risk of being . mtule sick by them. They will
protect those who lire in damp situations arainst
chills and fevers. Try them. They are perfectly
ha .viless. They can do you good only.
'lave abandoned my professional visits to-Bos
ton and New York. but mut:nue to we patients
at my office, No. 15 N. SIXTH St,reet, Philadel
phia, every Saturday, from 9 A. M.. to 3 I'. M.—
Those w ho wish a thorough examination with the
Bespirometer will to' charged five dollars. The
Itespirometer declares the exact condition of the
lunt, and patients can readily learn whether
thee are curable or not. But 1 desire it distinctly
understood that the value of my medicine de
pend. entirely upon their being taken strictly ac
cording:to directions.
In conclusion, I will say that when pe rsons take
my itwilicines and their sr:tems are brought into
a healthy condition theieby. they arttnot so liable
to take cold. yet no one with dlireasol lung , can
bear a , onhh,n change of attnusphere WitilutlL the
liability of greater or le,s Irritat ion the bron
chial tulit.i.%
dirretion4 In all langnagea acrompanv Joy
explicit and , lear that any 4,fte can
the them without con.ulthig me, and can be
oonglit 1,111 any druggist.
.1. H. SCHENCK. M. 1)..
N". 1.; N. sivrit rhiladvirtlia
Fall and Winter Goods
York .t , prin f p. Pd.
MUTTO- - Quick Sales. Small Profits and Quick
ri'llE undersigned, having just returned front
1 the city of Philadelphia, offer the citizens of
York Springs and elsewhere, a well selected
STOCK OF GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods,
Notions, Fancy Goods, Groceries, ifitrd ware,
t ‘ ineenswaro. Drugs, Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes,
Furs, OU Cloths, Sc., Sc. We otter as specialities,
at great reduced prices, LADIES' FURS. DRESS
_ .
Please remember that cash brings better bar
gains than long credits, and frequent settlements
make long friends.
We have a large lot of ready-made OVER made to order, suitable for this vicinity,
which will he sold at the lowest prices possible.
Thankful for past favors, and with attention to
business and a IliSpOSit ti - please, we &diet a
continuance of public patronage.
(1111 EST & BOWERS.
Oct. 2S, 1,70.—tf
Next door to J. W. Cress' Store, on Chan
bererurg al., near the Square.
A large assortment of
Cloths. Casalmers 2 Venting*, Trim
minas dEe.,
offered at the smallest proffts.
Goods bought at the Store cut free of charge.
Goals made up with dispatch, as well, when
bought at other stores as at his own. Latest N.
Y. Fashions received, and tailoring done In the
most approved style. Cutting done, as usual.
The public patronage solicited, and no effort
spared toplease.
April IN, 1876—ti
or any other Inflammatory or inward disease of
the Throat If not of too long standing. Also,
SCARLET PETER. This medielne has been
in different parts of the country, .and has never
been known to fail IV taken In time and accord,'
lag to directions. It is warranted to ca. Give
it a trial and Wan speak for itself. Evhouse
hold should previde themselves with a of this
medieiner and keep it on hands. Thiteura that it
has effected are-truly marvelous. Ar•
air Prepared and sold by ISRAEL Other & Co.,
Gettysburg, Pa.. or by their author' gents.—
For sale atanearly all the Stores in Adams county.
May 29, 11367.—tf
Joseph Walton St a f
- - Cabfner-nantersi,
-No.. 418 Walnut St.; Pilikidelpya.
us establistuitent bipait the oldest inFbil-
Wgadelpitin, and tram lo of
ng expedence a
superkir 4ml:team)
price prep rt 4 to turut Na
sro *
at reasonable s.
' We manufacture flue furniture, and qui lin: 3
dium Weed furniture of superior .
large stock of fungtmo qn 141m1.
made to order _
taNnters, D es k Work and Office. Furniture for
Offices and Stores, made to: onier.
os, ALTON. J, W. LmPUm- vrr. J. L. Scorr
Fib, 11 1570-17 •
. 4 wrItAY.--Ceme ta the•iesldence of the sub.
.4-4 scriber In Gettysburt 4 or about themiddle
of October, 4 Sheep, La , 3 of Ittent haute
sourixtece OE3l* Oar off. he owner is NOW..
ed to come .forward prove property and take
them awsy.. • , ..•
Nov. 4.....3t.'
IXTANTED-40gli_TetillgP9rAOO to aell the
c rAge wi tted .lio= 8111JTALE sz WMG MA
. the• Oder-feed, makes. the giork
stitch" ( 6 - on both skies.) awl tsfulty itemised.
The best and chart lans t ityrog MachMera
the market. Add eisc JO N, CL tiler &CO.,
Boston, Mass., _Pittsburgh, a., Uhicagoo Mt, or
st. Louts, Mo. .. . -Sept. 23:4at
rav e to se r - s ta E r
moati K. Co, Wining Gin, • Del, Rept, 48M-31.
A WEEK paid agents male or female, In
1 :, , 1A/ a new manufacturing business at home.
No capital required, Address NovEurt Co.,
Saco. Me. - ' ' Nov. 1.-In
Q.ILESMEN .W.ViTED.—Bushiess honorable. WHAT EVERYBOM
10 No competition, liberal pay given. S. W. •
KENNEDY, S S. 4th St., Phila. • Nov. 4.-4 w ;
IAT ASTED!—Agents everywhere. to eanVietil !
V V for JOHN S. C Aanorra forthete, book, Everybody's Lawyer
ante the . 'Pronco-Prusrictit rir." A
live subject tor awide4twakifealwamek_ Add ten
B. It. lit'SsELL, Boston. Maas.
We y.a send a handsome Prospectus of our
Newlltttatra dfhmllyßible toanyßook Agent,
free of nhax . Address, NATIONAL PTIII.I.4IIING
CO., Phila., 'a. Nov. 1.-4 w
$lO MADE FROM 50 Cts !
Something urgeutly needed by everybody. Call
and examine, or samples sent ( postage mild) for
50 eta. that retail easily for Slit • R. L. At'ounrr,
191 Chattlam Sq., N. 1. Nor. 4.--tw
How Women can make Money
and other best Book: in the market. Me EIN
NET MARTIN. I[ l'heAlilit St. . rhita. hr
.\•• I • ••. • t.LPI
slims, how to doable the molds of the F 11:M.
and tvex farmers and their SOIIS can each make
In IVinter. 10.1 rri rupics "111 he mailed fre,.. to
Fanners. name and address to ZAIN:I.EIt
1:1/1, Philadelphia,
Containing Fleetwood's "LIM of Christ," awl
'•LiVI.A of the Apostles. Evangelists awl lartyrs,"
Doildridges - lividezieesof Christianitx;" "History
of the Jews." by Jusephus; - 111 story of all the
religious Denominations," vt it h treatise tables
relating to events connected with Bible Ilistory,
:mut:Wang many tine engravings. The whole
forming a winiiilete Treasury of Christian Knowl
edge. \V. FuN'r, S. SPsl.llth St., Philadel
phia. Nov. T,.-4w
BELDEA •• .7'llE 11 - 111T . E CHIEF
Twelve Tears among the Wild Indians of the
Pacts front IKO3 In IR7O, Exciting as a Rola:ince,
new fresh. spirited. Authors experience on the
War Path in Buitalo Hunts, &e., also Indian Oa.
I,geinis. Sports, 6:e.. Ac. Million Edition
ready, price very loss • sells fast, will exceed any .
Issik stlj First chapter. sann•le illustrations and
terns; sent free. A. 11. HUBBARD, Pub.. PAY
Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Nov. 1.-4 w
Standard and official biography of every mistress
of the Prestiletir:i Mansion from Washington to
Grant. Superbly illustrated on steel. For circu
lars and terms, address, N.fTtoNat. PUBLISHING
Co.. New York. soy.
,cjl,ooo TO $2,000
iv' ..kHEN7'; of experience; or a larger
ilia :. is offered by any other Pub
lishers. Agents ar e ma .ktlig ionto As3io per week
canvassing for our new i l ustrated liwks. We
guarantee Agents a salary ur large commission,
with a choice id two new and p o olar books and
exclusive territbry. We dim- a rai'f' chance to
energetic men or women to hake money; Secure
}our agency direct from the publishers. J. B.
CU., Hartford, Conu. ; Nov. 4.-1 w
An unfailing remedy fur Al Bronchial
If oursnes, Diptheria,
Lr)ues+.d the Throat .or Wind Pipe and all Ca
Th.' 111.c0v.-ry of Carbolic
Acid. I, destined to lk.cliirie one of the greatest
hle•Nings to mankind in its application to diseases
of the throat and its great curative qualities In all
aneetions of the C HEST and LUNGS.
besides the grunt remedial agent Carbolic Acid
con tainsother Ingredients tytleersally recommend
ed. which chemically combine, producing a Tab
let Inure highly medicinal and better adapted for ot the throat than any other preparation
ever before uttered to the public,
V Carbolic Tablets are a sqrs2 cure. Try
them. ;..A.ll-1)
Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs.
Patented Jaw 21st, u,.d August 23d, 18;0
The Mason & Hamlin. Organ Co., have the
pleasure of announcing important Improvements
in their Cabinet Organs, for which Patents were
granted them in June and August last. These are
not nierel ymeretricious attachments, but enhance
the substantial excellence of the instruments
They are also enabled by increased facilities for
manufacture, to make, from this date, a further
reduction oj, prices on several leading styles.
Having comilitted and added to their former
facilities a large new manufactory, they hope
hereafter to supply all orders pro ptly.
The Cabinet Organs made by th Company are
of such universal reputation, note y through/Alt
America. but also in Europe, that Vi will need
assurance of their superiority.
GANs, iii itlite plain cases, but , ual accoltllng
to their capacity to anything they make, for dim
STOPS, with Knee swell and Tremulant, in ele
gant case, with several of the Mason & Hamlin
The same EXTRA. with new
Vox Humana. Automatic swell, &c., ..160. FIVE
STOPS e EI:PHONE; a splendid instrument,
new trateil catalogue it ith full informa
tion, and redhced prices, is now ready. and will
be sent free, with a testimonial circular, present
ing a great mass of evidence as to the superiority
oi these instruments, to any tine sending his ad
dress to the MASON & HARLIN ORGAN CO.,
Pd Tremont Street, Boston, or :7,b6 Broadway,
New York. Oct.
Prize to every subscriber. Send Stamp for Prize
Circular and Specimen. J. It. ELLIOET, Pub
lisher, HOSIOII, Oct. .a.-11V
ed Better and Cheaper than any other. For
Sale In Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c., by Janney
Andrews, Hoenig', & Mulan, Burns' & Smucker,
Waterman & Young, Thomson & Morris, Wain
wright & Co., Waterman, Son & Co., Morison,
Hoar & Co. T. Conrow & Co., Barton & Son, Bled
& Harvey, W. L. Graver, J. IL Krause, Roberts
& Co. , S. J. Ilumphry, H. J. lloffner, Myers &Co.,
J. S. Morgan, E. Eby & Co.. Hough & Co., T.
Barnes, W.. 1. Kirk, Boyd & Co., Ogden &
Artmekles & Co., of Pittsburg, and many others.
Oct. 21.--lw
Warranted to Snit all Tastes
tune Teller, 50cts. Courtship made Easy, 25
cts. Correct Etiquette, :nets. Bridal, Etiquette,
25cts. liow to win a Sweetheart or Lover, Oct.M
500 Puzzles, 50cts. 1.100 Connundrums,
Correct Letter Writer, 25cts. Amateur Theatri
cals, 50cts. Book of Mysterious Disclosures, Nets.
Guide to Beauty, Nets. Comic Speeches, 50cts.—
How Gamblers Win, 50cts. Boxing and Wrest
ling made Easy, 25cts. True Marriage Guide and
Book of Nature, 50eta. Balks sent postage paid
by return mall, Address W. Courtney, 3 Astor
Place, - New York. Oct. D. -4w
MITE MAGIC COMB will change any colored
A hair or beard to a permanent black or brown.
It contains no poison, Any one can use It. Ono
sent by Anil for R. Address MAGIC COMB CO.,
Springfield, Mass. Lees. 1870.-Sm
Boston, Mass., or St. Louts, Mo. tiept.23-3m
AS . a delicious tonic healthful .and curative for
all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Loss of
Appetite, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, &c., , it is
unrivalled. To Females it Is especially recom
mended for all Irregularities of tbe menses, and
'disorders peculiar to their system, as it can be
used with perfeCt safety. In malarious districts
It tsa great preeenttve of Fever and Ague.
CHARMS FAULKNER, Wholesale Agent,
40 Barclay St., New York. Sept 2a-Sm
Office, 40 Barclay, St., .N Y.
(Up Stairs.)
Offer to the pablic a Lantern combining safety
and econommith elegance and usefu/ness.
cannot exploder it gives a good light, and con
sumes los oil than any other; it is not disturbed
by the rt :p d st tylml, and if a glass is broken it is
easily re 'by means of the screw. They are
naive y llked wB7ll-3m hen) they have been Wed. .. Sept. 1
SIM, aS the Philadelaia csueeranaei.
_LA lute, 932 Arch St.: Prot. Dalton, 238 W, 4th
St., Ctnelnna .tl 0 , and Dr. Greene, at CharlOtte,.
N. C., are Malang astonishing cures of all
Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers,
by their great Cancer Antidotes without the knife
rootedielne, and killedut littleiAL—
Every and Ore. is and re ,
taken in tiMeand,citmtuk return.' Bewa e of Da
gas Freiman, ' with - their bogna 'treatments,
stealing oar advertisements.. No others , - have
these treatments. ,None other should ever be
used. For partioultift, send for circular call, or
Address ae above. • (Sept. 23, 1570.--3 w
*lts ;,Advertioelsouts.
LAbil46 Ul' 111 E
S EASON OF 1970-71
Reduction of Prices
:Am Nutitionneuts.
I►l‘. FOll 11 .
Member of the Philadelphia Bar.
Nlenlber of the Philadelphia Bar.
008,pp. 121 no. Low• Style. lt2 00.
' I 'BLS UNEQUALLED BOOK concerns the
1 property. bustness, individual rights, and
soda) privileges of every one, and affords a fund
of legal knowledge that to many will make It
worth Its weight in gold. The simplicity of its
instructions, the comprehensiveness of its subject,
the accuracy ,it Its details, the facilities afforded
In Its perfect arrangement, and the coucisenesa
and the attractiveness of its style, as well as its
cheapneas. make it the most desirable of all legal
hand-hooks. No effort or expense has been spar.
ed In adapting it thoroughly to the tinleS, and at.
lording In it the tort recent and useful informa
Colistitution of the United States,
General Bankrupt Laws,
With Alumlntents;
Pension Laws,
With Necessary Forms;
Internal Revenue Laws,:
With Stamp Duth
Post-Mice Regulations,
Laws of all the States
.Acknowledgments. Credits, Naturalization
Administrators, Debts, Notes, •
Ariltlavits, Deeds. Obligations,
Agents. Divorce, Partnerships.
Agreements. Dower, Patents,
Alimony, Exchange,•' Penalties,
A ppeals.l Executors, Petitions,
Apprentices, Exemption, Powers,
Arbitrations, (Itiardlans. Pre-emytlous,
Assignees, Hotels, Receipts,
Assignments, Landlords, Releases,
Avrartli, . Libel, Rights,
Bills, Liens, slander,
Boarding. Limitations, Tenants.
Bonds, Marriage, Vessels,
Carriers, Masters, Wards,
Codicils., Minors, Wills,
Copyrights, Mortgages, Etc., etc.
Plain and Simple Instructions to Everybody for
Transacting their Business According to Law ;
the Legal Forms Required for Drawing up
the Various Necessary Papers ,• and
Useful Information in Regard to
the Government of the Lnited
States, and the Various
State Governments,
etc., etc.
LIBERAL. INDUCEMENTS are offered to agents
everywhere. This work is the most complete of
Its kind ever published, Mid presentsexcellencies
that commend it to all envaged in the affairs of life. Every farmer. Business Man,
Tradesman, Laboring Man, Politician, Property
Holder, Bankrupt. Professional .Man, and every
one having a Fatuity, wilfllnd it interesting, In
structive, valuable, and full of Information.
One Thousand standard and choice works. Its
character throughout is such as to command the
confidence of all expozleneed canvassers. and the
approval of the public.
SINGLE COPIES of Everybody's Lawyer sent
to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price.
For term to agents. and other informatlan. ad
O. a. 1470.-3nt
OCTOBER, 1870.
J. & P. COATS'
Thread put up fur the Ameriedu market which Is
Front No. S to No. 100 inclusive.
Oct. 2.—it
GENTS WANTED!-550 a week can be made
XI by Canvassing for
"Tie History of the Great Republic,"
Considered from a Christian standpoint. By
Rev. JESSIE T. PECK. Large octavo. splendid
ly Illustrated and finely bound. Liberal Discounts
to Agents. Send (or Terms. W. C. PALMER,
Jr., Publisher 14 Bible House, N. Y. Oet29.—it
PANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash Assets, 61,500,-
000. Grants Life and ENDOWMENT Policies of
all approved fonns. Ample security, low rates.
Also Insures against ACCIDENTS causing death
or total disability. Policies written by the year
or month. Has paid COU per day for SLT. Years in
benefits to policy-holders. Oct. 28.-4 t
Agricultural Monthly of the United States;
containing 24 quart pages; is recommended to
Farmers everywhere as a thoroughly reliable and
well illustrated Agricultural and Horticultural
Journal. It is largely , made up of original mat
ter, and devoted to Stock Raising,Grain Grow
ing, the Dairy, Orchard, Vegetable and Market
Gardening, Grazing,Rearing and Fattening An
imals, a eterinary Department, lke. Price SL.SO
per application.advance. Sample copies supplied
on Liberal terms to Agents and
show-bills, famished on appli
cation to PASCHALL MORRIS, Editor and Pro
prletor, IS North Thirteenth Street, Philadelia.
Oct. 2a-4t
Prepared from different kinds of Coffee, the
flavors of which mingle harmoniously together;
Put inN t a Japan Tin Cans, Barrels, bait-Barrels,
and Boxes.
233, Z 5 and 237 Washington st.. New lock.
1970.—1 t
Oct. 21.-4 w
SHORT HAND in ten lessons. Send two stamp!
for descriptive circular. Address Prot. GRAY
Rt Park Row, N. Y. Oct. 28:-4t
T j
MPLOYMENT, Business for stlL—Best ludas
.12i trial S-page Newspaper. 50 eta per =
Send stamp for copy. PATENT STAB,
Mass. Oct. 28.-4 i
$25 'a t srogYtid a ifeZig — Wooleg.end7dnted
(with stamp) K. H. wa.t.rara, 31 Park Bow, N. Y.
and Information furnished by GEORGE UP
HAM. Provldenee R. E (kt.
'r .IEI
VIDDER'S PASTILI.EB. A sure relit( for
WAlLAsthma. Price 40 cts. by mall.
Co., obariesSown, Mass. . Oct 29.-4 t
"'SIB IS NO 111:174311:10.—By sending 35 cents
vrith age, height, nolor of eyes and hair, you,
will - receive, by return man, a correct Picture or
your future hgsbami or wife with nemesia date
of marriage. Address W. fox, P. 0. Drawer
No. 2.43,-Figtuntile. N. Y., - Oct. 211-4 t
boyE or HAlEitarrarit
to pow on num or Wad days or money
refunded. Sent free for 50 cants. Address E. H.
COLVIN, Hadley's' Station, IMziols. Oct. 28.-ft
: i(FlMtwaall
PESiIAr A)111 Ro.osi's vi
g iATeed brutore than 50 Professors In our Col-
Absolutely Safe
—eaves 38 per cent. of oll—no bad ocier—Will not
break or wear out, because metalic. Our agents
Make money, because It supplies a want as uni
yersal as right.
For full particulars address with SWIM
2d Floor, Mechanics' Banulc,, .
Oct. 15,:184-44 liarrtsburic,
• •
With Arnenihnents
With Postage Rates;
Etc., etc
Carlisle fa., near the Itti:Woad, Gettysburg,
HARDWARE—Includes Builders' Hardware
generally. Nails. Lucks, Glass Paints, this, Var..
nisties, Paint Brushes, Se. W e call the attention
of BI
ksiniths to our OSSOffateof of Iron, Steel
Horse_ hoes and Horse Shoe Nails, be. '
888 E KEEPERS are invited to examLue our
stock ti Entree, Forks, Spoons, Buckets,- Tubs,
GROCERIES. suck as Coffees, Sows, Teo &
spipropoiTikerpir, Soaps, &a, au of irhieli 1
We Alioomanuy kefm ou Likud. All sillitlove:
for cash. .
Here is the place to buy ch eap. Don't forlicl
to call and examine our stock of roods.
Oct, 7,1870-,t swErrzmit as aixo,
. ~'l~la~~ ~ t;,c~,t,;,.
Mount Vernon and itsAs4iition,
Atitit.r.r of "FIELD BOOK et the next II
"HLSTORY of the tuzFrr
'STATEN," ete.. eta,
Illuttrated with nearly 150 Engr,:vi”: ; :.
Mainly from Original Drawings by the • Aidloo
embracing numerous Views Of SMunt croon.
varios Interesting Objects upon the Goutook,
copies u of Famous Pictures, Portraits of V. g
ton and other - Struthers of the Fainilj% as well as
Distinguished Personage , ' of his time, et,.
- Mr. I.ossing has combined his skill and prate
tk'o both with pen and pencil In the preparatiol.
ot thlS attractive vollllle. The narrative abound
with Interesting details of the private tun" .1.,
mestle lite ot Washingttm, set forth In an (-my 3
familiar style. • • * The pictorial Illustrations.
chiefly from original drawings h by the Auth..r, arc
on the most generous scale.' —,Nctc bark 2'ribl: 74
VOill/TIC t. W. II adapted as a gift bo , ,k.
lug at 011CP liktori..3l and artist te."—Phib,4lo„' .
"'The Home on NVashhigton' deserve: the
pellation given it, of a 'superb National gi(
• • • The 150 engravinp, by Mr. Losing. re
produce w Ith martial fidelity all the relics, seem-,
and localltieli connected with his abode that tun,.
has spared, and many, Indeed, that no longer e,-
Ist. It is a hook whose value must necessarily iri
crease with the Lapse of years.'*—Neic York ri
"This superb volume Is one of the most attrac
tire of the many beautiful and valuable books
given to the public by Mr. Lossing. • • • N..
object of interest esettpes him, and his text :Lod
his sketches mutually Illustrate each other. X
these characteristics arc in the volume bforc..;•.
rh lAylver.
"One of the most valliable and beautiful of
torlcal books. • • • It hasnearlyone hundred
and lift) engravings, many of them truly !wall; i.
lid, and all Interestlng."—lioslon Jo n rno/.
are the Agents for the townships of Strabm,
Mountpleasant, Mountiov, Cumberland and :Mt
ler in this county. Theyw ill be around In a ft•
days to take subscriptions (or the very
uable book.
PRICES 83.00; 84.00; 87,00.
Sept. lit, IB7o.—tr
Ros All ALTS
ItE.STUREIt, purifies the biun4
,cures Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin DIV:INei,
.Itheumatlsm. Diseases of Women, and all
:Chronic Affections of the Blood, UV el . and
Kidney's. Recommended by the Fedleal
Faculty and many thousands of our be it
! Read the testimony of Physicians:nutpa
Rents who have used Rosadalisi send for
S, 'our nos:Walls Guido to Hwtlth Book, or M-
Juanac for this year, which we publish for
gratuitlous. distribution ; it will give you
'much valuable information.
I Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says:
i I take pleasure "in recommending your
B.:puns/as as a very powerful alterative. I
shave seen it used in two cases with happy
L sults—one in a case of secondary syphilis
..1. ,
In which the patient pronounced himself
!ctfred after having taken Ave bottles
'of your medicine. The other is a case
1,1 scrofula of king standing, which li
Drapidly improving under Its use, and the in•
i dieations are that the patient. will soon re
cover. I have carefully examined the fonuu•
la by which your Rosadalls is made, and And
it an excellent compound of alterative in
Dr. Sparks, of Nicholasville, Ky.. says 1w
'has used Romans in cases of scrofula and
Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory relent,
edy. a cleaner of the Blood I know no bell.-r
ISamuel G. 31'.Failden, Murfreshoro', Ten ii
I have used seven bottles of Rosa/lan,
!and am entirely cured of Rheumatism :moth!
ime four bottles, as I wish it for my brothel
who has scrofulous sore eyes.
Benjamin Beehtol, of Lima, OW, wnt,•;.
I have suffered for twenty years with an In
veterate eruption over my whole lusty a
short time Since I purchased a bottle ..!
Rosadalis anti it effected a perfect cure,
Wltosadalis Is sold by all Drliggists.
Laboratory, 61 Exchange Place,
cululyrs & co., Proprietor--
Feb. :a, Ism—lytn
.ti-For sale In Gettysburg. Pa., by A. I
BURL:LEE, Druggist.
Sixty-fire First Prise Nethas .4,,,trded
Baltimore Piano Manufactory.
16 c ABE it CO.
Manufacturers of
" These Instruments have been before the public
for nearly Thirty years, and upon their excellence
alone attained an unpurchased pre-enainenc..
which pronounces them unequalled. Their
combines great power, sweetness and line signing
quality, as well as great purity of Intonation, awl
sweetness throughout the entire scale. Their
s is tiVn la e n4 and e a lts i t so le, in a d ny e p n iau tire o l s y . free from th.l_
they are unequalled, using none butthe very best
SEASONED MATERIAL, the large capital employed
in our business enabling us to keep continually an
immense stock of lumber, Sm., on hand.
air All our SQUARE PIA-NO 6 hare our New Im.
proved Overstrung Seale abtr the Auas/Ta
would call special atten9on to our late
improvements in GRAND ?LINOS and sQuAitE.
GRANDS; Patented Aug. 14, Irdil, which bring
the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been at
Every Piano fully Warranted for 5 Yea rs.
We have made arrangements for the Sete
Miolesate Agency tor the must Celebtatett, PAR
LOR ORGASS and MELODEONS, which we ot
ter Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Factory
Sept. 23, 1870.--43 m Baltimore, 3td.
f HE undersigned will cheerfully mall Mee) to
1 all who otsh it, the - Recipe and full directions
for prepairing and using a simple and beautiful
Vegetable Balm, that will immediately remove
Tan. Freckles, Pimples, Blotelm% and ail ariM•
lions and impurities of the Skin, leaving the same
soft, clear, smooth, and beautiful.
He will also send (free) instructions for produe.
tog, by very simple means, aluxuriant growth of
hair on a bald head or smooth face.
The above can be obtained by return mail, by
addressing THOS. F CHAPMAN, Chemist,
P. 0. Box 5:n3. 197 Broadway, New York,
Nov. 1-3 m
One dozen reasons why this id Me best Pomp
manufactured in America fbr
is Simple. 2. It is Reliable. 3. It is Durable.
4. It Works very Easily._ 5. It throws Water
Rapidly. 6. It Is all Wood. 7. The Wood
is Tasteless. 8. It does not Crack in
the Sun. 9. It Is not liable to get
out, of orden 10. /Should any
remirs be necessary in time,
they can easily be made by
any person.. 11. lt will
not freeze. 12. IS is
Cheaper than any
other reliable
Pump mann.
Balding's Double Acting . Macs Cylind<r
With glass cylinder, and hence ha rind and little
or no friction—cannot freeze—mid admirably
adapted for Sprinkling Gardens, Washing Win
dows, Extinguishing Fires, Elevating Water, &c..
—believed to be without an equal for durability,
economy andmonverdenee.
Having purchased the mtelualve right for Ad.
arcs county, persons requiring Pumps for
or cisterns, can have them furnished all compietv
and ready for use
_sending the depth of tln•
well or cistern. s, .faction guaranteed In all
cases or no payment required.
Orders by mallor otherwise promptly attended
Joan% E.
McKnlgbtatown, Adams KUNKL county, l'a
Ot. 21, 1870.-1
Tyar4v;art. (Cutlery, &t.
Hardware and Groceries
Thetubscribers have just returned from the t
cities ! •Ith an Immense supply of Hardware
Old Groceries, which they are offerin&at their
Old stand on BalUmre street, at prices to suit the
times. Our stock consists In mrtof
carpenter's Tools, Blacks:l44's Tools,
Cbae?e Findings, Shoe Findings, Cabi
net-Maker's Tools, Housekeeper's
Fiztures, AU kinds of Iron,
keg . to., to.
Otis, Paints, dm. Thetas ° Artie% Included In
the several departmea mentioned above but
what can be had in this Store. Every elms of
Mechanics= be acionundiated here with tools
an findings, and Housekeepers can And every
an d e in their nw. Give us a call as we are Pre
to sell as low for cash as any other house
o tof the City. DAVID 21NOL.EE
. y rd,lB6T—ti JOEL B. DANNEE.
Wholesale and &NO Dealers In
Hardware and .:iironeries,