, Acts NORRIS' DQUARTERS ! -East Cornerof Centre Square, EIRG, PA., Largest and Best Stock of AND WINTER LOTHING, TEM, LJZIIST STYLES S AND CAPS. BEST ILAN FACTtRED AND SHOES, WITH A VARIETY OF r Under-clothing, iishing Go(xls of every variety; a large assortment of )Ns, TRUNS, ng found in a Gentlemen's Furnish lig Stun US A CALL. GENTLE3IEN'S ISHING GOODS in endless variety at NNINGHAM'S /An hiberaburg Street - Summer Clothing I A LARGE STOCK OF ps, Boots & Shoes, N & CUNNINGHAM. ived from the City a new• and of , Hats and Caps, ND SHOES, NOTIONS, EGARS, ¢•e., e. s'y sryLEs. In Invited to call at our Store, on t, Gettysburg, nearly opposite R. C. CoREAN, CUNNCSGHAAL • Person who wants a itting Suit o CUNNINGHAM'S latill*Tsburg Strut. F. B. P/CILING OUT AGAIN ktEADY-MADE I THING Lps, Notions, ed, doing business under the & CO., have opened a new he large three-story Brick Build •rsnurg !Street, nearly oppuMte Store, and invite their old friends 111. We have laid in an entirely OCK OF GOODS , ire. or the very best make and st styles, cow - Prising CLOTHING, COATS PANTS, STEIN, WOOLEN SHIRTS, RS. SUSPENDEILSCRA- S. N ECIi•TI ES, HATS, ('AN, AND " ENDLESS VAIIIET re been lxnight In a lallistg mar. d %111 be sold at asiva tillingly low rates. on hand a large tiSsOrtment of P.. 4 SES ht CHILDRENS' 0 E S d best make, Which we are soil. to (losr out the stook. Call and JOHN PICKING F. 11. PICKING. Winr Clothing great variety at C UN:XING II AM •S mbersburg StreCl. T OLF'S lothing Store, it Corner of Centre Square ttyph rg, Piz trgest and best stock of G AND SUMMER THING, CM Also, the very latest w o r.: 7 Boots & Shoes ,K 4, nineinier lUnieller•Clothbeg, taking. Goods wneratly. ment of Jewelry,Watehes, n., *e. Leather Trunks and and Umbrellas always on yes, a large assortment. Child. of all Minis. In short. ever yfi kept to a first - class Gent's • low as the lowest, , our motto s'and small profits. Call and k of goods before purchasing S. WOLF. L. STYLES OF • INER ES, BEAVERS, &c.. CUNNINGHAM'S rni , crsbu Yr St GO TO 'GEL'S 'o+4l"lt es and Gaiters 1 on Baltimore street a few • Court-house, Gettysburg, large stock of Boots, Shoes e ts sellingat greatly reduced Gallen, Balmoral style, Morocco Hahne- —French Calf Boot% Amer an corrals Gapers, Call . 0 " Zinoril Galt- Glalten. Calf Balmoral% kind& - of his osh znanuticture and country. are Invited to Kis and pnces before parchas v clatfldent that I can please "L'FACTURING alters will also be carried as before. nepaking done pinging none but nrst-class but the choicest bath. el maintaining ids former notaing will be left undone Ton, be solid tq a colitiall D.I -KLINGEL. truments, &c., *tort ? &reef. Eli . . OUR HEAVY DRAFT HARNESS, are made to order, as cheap as they can be made anywhere and in the most substantial manner. RIDING BRIDLE S , WHIPS, LASHES, DRAFT Humes, Fly-nets and everything., None better or cheat , . 01.1 PEictss have n ILEDLTED to the lowest living standard. A liberal percentage for cash, Mt all bills amounting to S 5 or more. We work nothing but the beg of stock and will warrant every article turned out to be In every as represented our present . Thankttli for st pock.ast favors we invite attention to iiiiirGive us a call and examine prices and qual ity, D. Al celtEY & SON. Jan. H. 1868—tt BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES T HE undersigned has removed his Carriage, making shop to the east end of Middle street, Gettysburg, ra., where he will continue to build all kinds of work in his line, viz: CARRIAGES, TROTTING & FALL ING-TOP BUGGIES, JAGGER WAGONS, &C., &C. His work is all put up of good material and by the best of mechanics, and cannot fall to give sat is( act ion. His prices are always reasonable. He solicits ordere, confident that be can please. El'AlitllslG promptly done at moderate raise. v. le - airtaaweit. July 1. 18(A—ly SAVE YOUR HORSES undersigned has for sale these CELE. 1 MUTED CoLLARS, manufactured by Hauer a; Berry, Philadelphia, which are now used by all the City Passenger Railroad Commies for the protection of their stock. They are 'laser 4n weight, absorb no moisture, and do not heat. The Cork with which they are stinted being very elas tic, the Collar adjusta to the she of fie and consequently does not Chafe. Parinera, try them. Also, ' of all kinds for sale and made to order. Call at Py. establishmentadiolnl on Carlisle street, Gettysburg, a. Yalisenger Depot blaY W, 1876—U JOHN CtiLP. , The war belag over, thetmdersigned WI, re tmed the .nt their old stand, In Haat Middle street, Gettys burg, where they are again Weltered to tIS work In the most fashionable, an superior manner. A lot of new and Second- CARRIAGES, RUGGLEf3, &0., on hand, which they will dilipmsei of sA the lowest prices, and all orders will...me prep and s atastacitotilyaspoestnis,- • - . • or BISPAZZLIt G .414 done with dispatch: and at elift i ragr. A large lot of new and old on hand dor sale. Thankful theme liberal _patronage heretofore .enjoyed by they soften and vriu endeavor to ,deserve a large share the future. May 29, 1867—tf DANNEILA =GLIM. EXCFALBI4 , I o'4 Li [4lllE$ Pictures or all stria.. lintatFir *Hilt* BATTLE-lUM) FRALEk 'MUMS, sir - Sole Agents tor Barraby & lifithrd's Pal ekt Revolving Albliloss. . Dec. 3, D 369.41 1 , . ':. , UTED.6DIG CARDSH' V V Cards, Tickets, eks.„ porn' maims, cbespoesSakd P 161114114116100 F&IDAT iIIOUNING I ST . BUEHLER &. CO., Baltimore it Wows t7burt4ftes andDianornd, Gettysburg. Ps. TRIBIS.OF PUBLICATION: Ten fruit :um Bravvisa, ts published every Fri ifday lueralns,:ai 040 a year in advance; or SAN nett:aid with' n the year. No subsetiptions aut. continued until all artearages are paid. unless at tins aldlen at the pubitshen. - . snvin aro nosonot -et rata. reduction inn be aisle adrernaisyr to , the quarter, halt year, or year.— Speriganottots in be Inserted at special notes, to be oitoml upon. The Circulation of the Ilees Axe z one hall tiger tban that ever attained by any elirsintner in Adams county; and, as an absc ising medium._ it came* be excelled. Jon Wont of all kinds will be promptly execu ted and at bar rates. Nand-bills. Blanks. Cards, Pataptdets"jat ovary variety and style, will be Printed at shaft notice. Timms tam grlituisimil Sado, Om U B WOODS. Al H. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Has resumed the Practice of Law, and will attend to any business in the Courts of Adams county. Office:—Hon. J. B. Danner's Bundle& South Rad corner of the Diamond. March 4, 1870-41 J. X. ILItAIUTIE, ATTORNEY promptW. Collections and all legal Imalness y at tended to. Ottlee on Baltimore stilt, south of the Court hoe. J us une 18, 1869—tf D MeCONALIGHT, A.TTORNKT AT LAW. Office one door west of BUEHLER'S Drug Store, Chambersburg street. Special attention given t o Snits, Collectioasand Settlement of Estates. All legal bu.sin and claims to Pensions, Bounty, Back-pay, and - ages against U. States, at all times promptly and efficiently attended to. Land warrants located, and choice Farms for sale in lowa and other western States. • June IS, 18611—tf A .1. COVER, TTORNEY LAW, Will Promptly attend to A collections and AT all other Business trusted to his care. (Mite between Fahnestoek's and Danner & Zlegier's stores, Baltimore street, Gettysburg, Pa. May 29, 11367—tf D AVID A. BUEHLER, ATT LAW. Will promptly attend to collections TOßNEY an A d all other Business entrusted to his care. Unice at els residence In the three-story htlllo - theCourt.house. ltay-29;m67—tt D AVID WILLIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. - Office at his residence In the South-east corner o Centre Square. May 29, 1867—tf D R. H. a. HUBER,. South-east corner of Chambersburg and Washing ton streets, Oppwite COL. TATE'S XLOI.I HOTILL. June 11, D R. J. W. C. O'REAL Has his °Mee at his residence in Baltimore street, two doors above the CompUer Office. May 29, 1867—tf JOHN L. HILL, H. D., DEN TIST. Office on Chambersburg street, nearly opposite the EAGLE HOTEL, Gettysburg, Pa. ?Having been in constant practice over al years patients can be assured 01 good wotk. July 9, 1867—t1 DIL. J. E. BERECHTBESSER., DE Having located in Gettysburg, offers his services vices to to the public. °Mee In York street, nearly oppo site Use Globe Inn, where he will be prepared to attend to any case within the province of the Dentist. Persons In want of full or partial sets of teeth are invited to call. Terms reasonable. July 30, 18e9—tt gartiagts, Nram, okr. D MCCREARY. J. 7. MCCREARY. "BEST ALWAYS CHEAPEST." The Best and Cheapest, Saddles, Bridles, Collars and ILIANBSSof all kinds, in the County, are always to be found at the old and well known stand, Baltimore st., opposite the Presbyterian Church. (McCREARY'S.) OUR RING and WAGON SADDLES, are the most substantially built and neatest- OUR HARNESS, (plain and silver mounted) are complete in every respect and warranted of the very best material awl Worirmangbjp. OUR UPPER LEATHER DRAFT COLLARS, can not be beat. They are the best FITTING and most durable. REMOVAL. PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE COLLARS. HARNESS CARRIAGE-MAKING, Carriage-Making Blaine* Vs*lgrityk Santritit. ESTALEILLSSULD 1859. TIFFON IVIYERS' York 8044‘; a SENO 13TAALP Fv3R Ca•ULOKEL tar . . • _' I -- I. f / & VOL. LXX. NO. 49 NEW BUSINE Upholstering & Trimming WILLIAM iv. CULP AS opened an establishment opposite Weav er's Livery Stables, on Washington street, for covering SOFAS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, AND UP- HOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.. He also continues Ids old Widness of Trimming Buggies, Caning's, /he., and solicits from the pub. Ile then patronams Charges moderate. .t Dec. 11—tf BLACKSMITHING, B. G. lIOLLEBAUGH H AS opened a Blacksmith Shop on Washington street, next door to Chritxman's Carpenter Shop, and ts prepared to do an kinds of BLACKSMITH DM, at reasonable rates, and invites a share of public patronage. REPAIRING of an kinds. Give us a Cal. April 30, 1869—tf COORERING. PETER CULP • Has commenced the COOPERING BUSINESS in all its branches at his residence on the Mummas burg road, at the end of Carlisle street, Gettys burg, Pa. The public can always have made to order all kinds and styles of MEAT VESSELS., CBOUT STANM PICKET, STANDS, TUBS. FLOUR BEL& I also manufacture 5 and 10 gaL fre Aßß p, Cider Barrels. And all other kinds of CtßoPettlig, -Re pairing done cheaply and with despatch. Give Us a call. ; (Aug. 13, INS—tf GRANITE.- YARD, • • GETTYSBURG, PA., ON RAILROAD, NEAR FREIGHT DEPOT. PETER BEITLER BUILDING " AND rn MONU M E N T f L or P ai dltl l 49 lB 4 at reasonable rates— Curbing, Sills, Steps, ASHLERS, POSTS, MtINIIMENTS, CEM ETERY BLOCKS, &C., &C., ell and Walled In every style desired, by bestat workteeb. itireorders from a distance promptly attended to. June 3—tf REMOVAL! REMOVAL! • ROBERT,D., ARMOR, Gas Fitter, Plumber and Bell Hanger, - Can be found at his residence on corner of East Middle and EltrattOn streets,_ GETTYBBI7IIG, PA., Will promptly attend to all orders in his line.— Work done in the most manner, and at prices as low as can pond* be Ned to make a living. GAS PIPE furnished, as well as Chandeliers, Brackets, Drop Lights, &c. ; r also, WATER ME, Skim, Top and, Pr ms' int S or watepigots, anfixtures. rtd, insho, everything belonging to Bells hung, and furnished if desired. Locks of all kinds repaired. LAKE GETTYSBURG BAKERY rrILE firm of Newport & Ziegler having been I dissolved, the undersigned will continue the stand, Bakg business, In a/1 its branchesod the O old in ' - Corner of South Wadthig!k•ii andoiliteil Middle streets, Gettysburg, Pa. Ail of CRACKEI kinds Ams inEAD dons. • PETZPILS, constantly baked and always to be R had fresh. With many years experience and every disposi tion to please, he feels that he can promise satis faction In all eases. Orders solicited, and promptly attended to. With manytazake for the pat= best Owed on the old firm, its continuance to April 1869--tt ALTZKR NEWPORT.' STEAM SAW MILL. undersigned has hi operation a STEAM -L SAW MILL, at the South Mountain, near Grzerfenbiza Springs, and Is preparedlo saw to order idue . WkU. Osk, IPthiej .11404014, ": - or kh• Ilinbq desired.' xi the ithonee no. rice ". at 10 *m:ft He also masinfateores 3S i hingles, _Failings, &c:. LUMBER delivered atany petit et LOWEST, SAVA -8 per cent. bededi payments, or !Malta will be ebarted The of Mee. ery of Lumber. -ua lor mant,feases. be would desires atittplompiqot tbelittmm MI Mita* IMAM be to bhp etAitiMet• fenbarg P.O. Adam TlCgliaoBll.' Oct. Z, 1889—t1 ICE CREAM SALOON. JOHN GRUEL, chamber:burp 4., Gettysburg, Pa., salt door to Bailie' Hohl, Ifah.slwaystan hand s 119ii;ainigrinment, af an idleds of CON FEVI".IOX-EIGY . , „ stade oi tbsb!st lanantb, C r :A: 31 served to mutineer& and iirdeps for Fas2ll4 Or' Parties Promptly. Med: nirnag sPecdal mom-- modadons tor ladies and Gentlemen and deter mined to please, he Invites Ids Mends te40 6.41 hi= a call. • . G I T NSMII I iII N6l BATTLE-FIELD RELICS! • I canes, Shells, 'Wets " t i tI1: ; w , 11 , 013 - wmit Woulci respetfunguieru n tletalassithee ol2lhe pub, lie to his large t of Belles wham the Gettysburg Riittk4e.lol. •• GluundildniatteiMiedso With Proluistner t plii, k u A I 1711a1:41 ckailailige4p s j 1 6;1 tr3.7 .— "Zet 4717...°w k1a1f11 11 .4.144 j"kjk .4911101;14614/9 " - UNDERTAKER Aso4l4:l4ll.BASGitit: Is papered to tannish oat sort - ilUttoo god Am , asusbio twat, &c. GOFFISL.of , Sty kimbiad iiiti l ll6lolllaent Of 6141tbhP which Ile weitlaik Wee, audit win nowto lem 1111410 k avid raw: Otpri. • mite to sellea.-- - ork street, a few doop • - .z, •...1 mc,-.. . -....v , .. .;;;J:cc.-iza...- 1, . 1. --- - —......-........., A , r-- -...z . -A=VeNtoglaulifiebstililiPimz.; - 114 1t5ia1m , ......b...W........_, - ~ ..—t! , ..., .. Isf • 1 t . i, 1 ( • 5.,,>-._, A. •