immainsear w Wssrusyros .D. C.,'Bept.lllld4B7o. KIM= ZDIT:ms: , —I notice that-you have contradicted the silly copparlisad story that I had been displaced, and •my position given to a colored man.: The 0011111artii hard np, or they would not coin such falsehoods, to work oh popular preju dice. The negro question is forever set tled. your county the Demo critic leaders continue to use it, here they accept the situation and have taken a new tack. They no longer; class the colored people among Apes and Baboons, but they take them by the hand, smile upon _them, insist that "they were kiways their friends," and solicit their votes. How things have changed since Slavery died. Just think of a Disfranchised Reb..trYing to organise . a `tblored Democratic Ist such is the fact. While the Northern Democrats are butting thi3ir heads against the walls of Freedom and -Equal Rights— the 16th Amendment—therSoutherti Dem ocrats are aim yit carrying the colored voters around in their arms, trying to con vince them, by every means in their poor, of their lasting friendship and love I hope Pennsylvania will speak in than. der tones next month, and elect all her Republican candidates, and particularly Mr. Cessna of the 18th District, as it con. ceded he is one of the rising stars in the Congress of the United States. The gen eral impression here in Washington Is trust Mr. Cessna is one of the rnostenergetic, in dustrious members of the House. I have met him frequently, on cold winter morn ings, on his way ;to the Departments to hurry up the claim of some poor widoiror soldier of his District, when probably4ou could not find Another member of 'Con gress in the city out of bed. • The4flth District is one which the Cop perheads hope to carry. I notice that the flood-gates of calumny and detraction have been opened, by the disloyal press of our Slate, wilt the view of withdrawing loyal Votea to from the support of Mr. Cessna, • hope the Soldiers in the District will go into the political fight with an appreciative knowledge that She rein, ciples of liberty and equal rights. are in volved in this contest, as they were in the -war of the Rebellion. Mr. Cessna deserves the vote of every soldier. He is the Sole dices friend, and I do trust the soldiers in his district will prove their apprecilltion of his services by casting for him a jolid vote. irm !! fr,"c" Cal, gittottr, sstintrlw COOK AND PARLO STOVES: OF ALL KINDS l'lie latest and inost approved styles TIN, SUET-IRON AND HOLLOW WAitE, COAL & LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Call and Examine I C.H.BIJEHLF4R'S WARE ROOMS, CORNER OF CARLISLE & RAILROAD STREETS.,. LiCOll RUM'. DANHH, CASH MAN. N E W COAL AND LIME ! rrn. undersigned have entm*. into ship, and under the firm of E=JIT re t 4 sun and will carry on the Lime Burning Business , at the old stand—the Gettysburg Lime 1 6. 4:0 the eorner of at. Ana etratton rapers and alum can reV on getting best st of Libra stall Grate, andsa, bwed mart* Mee; C A. L at kartaorfees: burg. Limennd Coal delivered anywhere in Gettys- JACOB April 3, 1844 gaming plpitintets, At. DOWE'S PATENT REAPER AND MOWER AND SELF RAKER. THIS machine has met with the most corn= success. In every section where it has introduced, It has taken precedence over those machines which lesiw heretofore ranked as are- Hewer.clam. ft lsa panao fielf•Eilltee and s superior A careful eameleselan will comn any one of Its superior mains over all others, In simplkilty, strength mid lletl-reablig &ow er It has ai Du e our ...mamma The laamacee i l l t oo no othermaehine In the Limited except chl• machine-- Bullt by the DODO BIiTENIINSON Manufac turing Co.,'Aubuni, New York. --- BEAD THE NOTICE _IMP THE COMPANY TO OU ZNI : Having been Worried that certain mumble - wren' In Ohio sad ebewhere are Beep. erg, with DODOWII.IB=F-NLICAL rwe as e lug s to furnish us the names of an persons s or mannemenc such su=rsin Salve never anent ars3 l 4em at manufac ture said tiSLF. °rani part them& and will prosecute tixthe attest el the law an per sons We havalhat manniseit az or using anid 8811- rake except of aim ORS 1 11 .7i euirs 'iGA Piesblsek , this =done that we are wiinnn to lr os =wainies tkm, a meow hist, it with any ~ heap theemethst iii 4 se m i mica srWec r t z - , bad , Farman wanting attached can ue air mninodated. For theism& el them venting iiissebtoes we *mid refer tie= Pi a tow of Mews to *beta we hav H e sold, rig. aorr-Odp . Peter Maelley, Johrat. Leh Wril. FlarneY, D i S ts si uremia', =ohs Penrose F John A - Efeirsha Del q r David ' -.ram Jan th, James Wicker, Peter &Wonsan, Darnel Baffle, =tanalighviri. John Bender, Rom Ihister, ~ - eti Viig , J ' •, , , John Lower, . - . . % cure* John N. nom' - . J. Herr, George MA' On Onnit .nftn• !magma _meld movers. Sim, WM-TOOTH HAY RAMS of differ ent make, mkt* istiss Smolt Brae. s few PLOrilrdiff~akoilit Thresher and Separator one of tbe Nfit_iabc ehmsest ever • - ne ni in the conati. . ,lisiuusisusei ISM X MILL and Fawn ametwawsw ezian ce= eg ele - Perecos iirbille win and them at the owse of Awns Wzias I Sox, Oettyabarz, Pa., or at the reddesses 1 i i t i lli r e sutiseriber, 3 sines from Gettysburg on tbe - E dsb : 4l Atea rmit ooltrsimli es Olifease of breakage- Pewees wenn * ad- May the subscrber, aesswi t a i4 *A ___.,.. PE- A, M 70.-4 . . I NATIONAL- BANK! Government Bonds of all kinds, ?Ye lift t Pre.diras pail so deli Coupons Cashed or Collected! Persons desiring to invest in STOCKS or BONDS of soy kind, are tall tetf to cliff , as we haie the • fiellltles of 'Slew. Tort, - Mb- PanamaOnnassaing COUPON BONDS, and Sc 1 siring for safety to convert Into RegLstered, are requested to; call, as we have the advantage ko transfer at a triffing expense INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS of all denow INTEREST ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced Persons vrishlng Information In regard to U Bonita and Stocks of all kinds, are requested to give na a call, and We will cheerfully give any in fornation. Gettysburg, Nov. 5,1869—t( BATE AND PROFITABLE'. G. INVESTMENT NORTHERN . CENTRAL 6 Per Cent. Gold Bonds AT PAR AND ACCRUED INTEREB2 PRINCIPLE AND INTEREST PAI Thirty Years to Run All Taxes Paid by the Company Persons possessing U. B. Bonds can make, by ex From $l5O to $175 on $l,OOO GOLD BONDS bearing the same rate of Interest. 119-For further Won:Wien Inquire at the Gettysburg National Bank June 10, 1870.—tt 5-20'S AND 1881'S sorroar, SOLD AND EXOHAHOED, ON THE MOST GOLD BOUGHT k SOLD AT MARKET RATS, COUPONS CASHED PAtllrie R BONDS .BOUGHT AND SOLD. MOM Bought and Sold on Commisaion only CHICAGO, DANVILLE AND 'VINCENNES Miff MORTGAGE T P. 0 GOLD BONDS For Bab ,at *Sand waned littered. Acconatoreeetted and Interest allowed on day latauloaa subject to cheek DE HAVEN & BRO., No. 40 South irdl PHILADELPHIA, PIM'L Mint 4,18741.—1 y I I ZISTABLISHZD /W. TIPTON & MYERS' EXOELISIOR GALLERIES . . York ;Strook'altiYaurg, rimn'a• 'Matures of styles. Views or the BATTLE-FIELD ! ND mud? sox cArAumrs. FRAMES, Mme' en trat44M, s An Warisalq. & "1111110 , Nri Pea 11, 111#4( GETTYBBITIIG BOUGHT AND SOLD am ill "liver. phis or Baltimore miirkets. Con sequently all orders are prompUy executed nations tor sale 1 per cent. viz 5 PER CENT., for 1 year, 4 PER CENT. for 6 months 3 PER CENT. for 6 month& J. EMORY SAM Cashlei. RAILWAY IN CURRENCY. ABLE IN GOLD CiMiiii l 4l, ea rs IXCHAZION J. E3fORY BAIR, Cashier UEML smn STOCKS M ADAMS COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE IN 11 7 1ANCE COMPANY. ime•rporstati ifograi as Isal. Prodon443lpargeSwive 4 ,, • ' I,,. l .. ent—Saniitel R. Ituaiell. —D. A. Buehler. E. G. Fihnestock. Executive Committee—Robert McCurdy, IL A. Picking, Jacob Ring. Managers—Oeorge Swope, D. A. Buehler, B. McCurdy, 8. B. Russell, B. G. Fallliestock, Gettys. burg ; Jacob King, Straban township; Frederick Diehl, Franklin ; H. A. Picking, fitraban ; Abdiel F. GM, New Oxford; WaL Boas White, Liberty; H. C. Peter., Petersburg, (Y. SO eit-This Company is limited In Its operations to ihe County, of Adams. It has been in opemtt i ll torlmore than 19 years, and-in that period made pi n t one assessment, having paid losses by nre during that period amounting to over 920,000. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to Whir f the managers. air The Executive Committee'meets at the office of the Company, on the last Wednesday In every month, at 2 o'clock, P. M. une 10, I(B6B—tt Hahnemann Life Insurance, COMPANY, OF . CLEVELAND, 01110 CASH ASSETS OVER CASH INCOME STATE IikEPOSITS... Dividends are annually paid to Polley holders In CASH ALL POLICIES ARE NON-FO.RFEITABLE Injures on all Modern and Popular Plans Nearly all restrictions regarding Residence Travel and Occupation are remove& A large Premium Pund is reserved fur the 'ben eflt of Policy Holders. In all its experience this Company has never contested* claim. PERFECTLY RELIABLE AN 0 STRICTLY MUTUAL All int ion desired can be had by addreas ng the Ha g office or any of its Agents. J. W. WHETS, General Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. REV. C. J. EIIRETIART, Speeial Agent, 6 •ttiibarg, Penn'*. Aug. 4, 1870.-ly §oolts, fruits, Patriots. 69. JUNE 69. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Drugs & Family Medicines PATENT MEDICINES, r. Liquors and Wines for Medl4Purposes, Pure Sprees and FLivoring Extracts, Dyes and Dye Stuffs, Soaps, Perfumes and Toilet Goods, Inks, Writ- log Fluids and tits, tionery, Physielan's t Pre- seriptions and Family recipes accurately put up. PhyalcLana and coun try Meichants snpplied at REDUCED RATES. Forney's Horse Powder the best and cheapest for Horses, Cattle and Swine. Other Horse Powders of approved makes. HUBER'S Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, Penn'a. June 11, 1811e.—tt DR. R. HORNER, has resumed the Practice of Medicine. Office at his DRUG STORE, In Chambersburg Street, Gettysburg Also, Dealer In PtTRE DRUGS, 1 1 1EDICINEY. BAAING BOD,t, DYE STUOFS, PATENT ifEDICINEE Jan. 14, 1870.—U DR. JAMES CRESS DRUGGIST, Store in Brant's Building, Baltimore Street., LITTLIATOWN. UAVWG opened' new DRUG STORE and fitted it up In the hest style I offer my stock gs of pure and fresh Dru to the citizens . of Littles. town and vicinity at-the lowest market rates, con sisting in part of brows and "amity Medicines, pure Liquors for for Medicinal Purposes, Patent Melt eines, Horse Powders, Pure Spices, Dyes and Dye Stubs, PerfumerY, Toliet Soaps and Fancy articles. A full assort, ment of Brusheo, Stationery of all kinds, Cigars, Tobacco and SMUG iarrMoore's Fiectro-ktagaetic Soap will wash with hard towsoft water, cold or warm. Clothes washed with Ms &aware made beautifully white without VT bluetit& WILMII Ti do is the best Soap use. tis ted not to Injure the hands or rie., JAM MIER Llttlestown, May 13.-1 y A. D: BUEHLER, DRUG & BOOK STORE, GETTYBB67IO, PA DRUGS,' MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, BOOXB. STATIONI3IY, TOXLET Aff114)!:13, 1 GOD nxs, i i , --i-- M‘aknvb f erg Vreet, near Diamond. StrOotmtey Merchants supplied at City wholes sale rates. Umniminw4h aimk " 4"" % 4 1 1 u m 7ll . _ Sui*==' Sl= MI $190,000 00 300,000 00 100,000 00 The best brands of FERTILIZERS consta on hand. or secured at short notice. April IS7o.—tf NEW FIRM U AS taken the Warehouse, lately occupied by H Phllin Hann, at Granite Station, on ;the Ilne of the Gettysburg Railroad, 2 miles from Hun terstown, and will deal In all kinds of giving the highest market price. I will also keep constantly on hand for sale all kinds of G R () t. E R I Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrups, Thu. dm., with' Salt, Fish, 011 s, Tar, Soaps, Bacon and Lard, To-, baccas. &c. Also the best brands of FLOUR, with FEED of all kinds; also, COAL resspectfully solicit the patronage of our friends, and invite the public to call and examine my stock. A. E. ECKENRODE. Jan. L-t, ROBERT M'CU DY, undersigned is paying at his. -Warehouse In Carlisle street adjoining Buetiler's Hall the highest prices for Flour, ll7teat, Rye, (ben, o.le, Ryektehe( and invites producers to give Win a call before selling. lie has constantly on hand for sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES iflolames. Syrups, Coffees, Sugars, &:e.. with Salt Fish, Oils, Tar. Soaps, Bacon and Lard, To. baceog, &e. Also, the best - brands of FlAfUlt, with Feed of all kinds. He likewise 11:14 L VAL24BLE%FERTILI7.E2S Soluble Pacific Guano, Rhodes Phosphate and Ste:lean Guano. sar NWhiL,t he pays the highest market prlees for all he buys, he sells at the lowest living pro fits. Heal** a share of public patronage, re solved to give satisfaction In every case. July :kJ, 14140. BIGHAM & BROTHER FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE 'THE undersigned, having entered into partner willp under the Ann of Bionkm BROTPER, awry on the Forwarding and Commission business, at the old stand, on the corner of Wash ington and Railroad streets, and devote to It their entire time and attention. The HIGHEST 3IARXET PRICE will be paid at all times for Grain and Produce. WA regular line of Freight Cam will leave our Warehouse every TUESDA 1' NOON. for Balti more and Philadelphia, and accommodation trains will be run as occasion may require. By thLs arrangement we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from these rities. All business of this kind entrusted to us, will be promptly attended to. Our ears run to the Ware house of Stevenson 8: Sons, ley North Howard street, Baltimore, and to Burk's Warehouse, 812 Market street, Philadelphia. ' We will also keep constantly on hand the best Groceries of all kinds, Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Spices, Fish, Salt, Syrups, Oils. Tobacco, Bacon, - Lard, ac., which will be sold at lowest cash rates. •WM. M. BIGHAM Aug. P 2 187 JAMES BIGHAM. , Cl.--tt SPICES, garlitiOn And Contractors. Wm. C. Stal'smith &, son, Carpenters and Contractors. DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES Constantly on hand, and manufactured to order REASONABLE PRICES &&•Orders promptly attended to. January 15, 186:—tf GEO. C. CASWVIAN, Cartibter and Cokractor RESPECTFULLY Informs the public, ttmt he has removed to Ida . New Shop, on Stratton street between York and Railroad streets, and is Pre pared to take contracts for putting up and repair ing buildings, at as reasonable rates as any bull- der In Glettysburg--stl_ w,ork itusuunteed to be of beet nallty. He hopes by staietattentlon to bad- nem o merit public patronage. Give him a all. Aprtl 9, MO-4f - PERPUMZRY, YOUT'S COMPOUND le" &e—i &c. PUTRID ROBB THROAT, INP.LV7II4IZ4, or an_y other Inflammatory or inward disease of the mrait 11 not of too long standima Also, SCARLET ';,F2iFFW,. This medicine law leen tried In, 7 . • ousArms - ot: - OASES , illikimsputa of the eey, and has never been known to fall If taken In Ume and accord bg to dlreetkos.. lib warranted to cure. 'Give n.* trial and It will for Itself. Every home. hold should provide with a boa of tide sr oaken. hp and non it on hands The cures that It Prepared ed are truly mane/cum ankookl by Imam Yomrr & 00, or y a Pa., Iv: Az % authorized agents.— 9- Nilneallll Stores In Adams county. • • YOUNT • 00: Way 90, 18(1106-tt (Feb. IS,lB7o,_:ii faz;ClffitlM L 0 . 0 Tc.l - :1 . E4 . : - R; El • 'PER undersigned has leased the Wage-house the comer ot thrithai .street and the Rail road. Gettysburg. Pa and will our, on the Grain & Produce Business in all its bnunellies. The highest prices will wl zusZpitti. for Wbeat,_ Bye, Corn , Oats, Clover Seeds,' Maxeced, Sumac, Hay and Straw Fruit, Nuts, [Map, Hams, Shoulders and Sid y pes, Produ otatoes line., with everything else In the countrce GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS constantly for sale, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, leas, Spices. Salt. Cheese, Fine Soda, Mustard, Starch, Broonst, Buckets, Soap, itc.; also, Coal 011,F1sh Oil, Tar, Sm. of all kinds; Spikes and Nails:. Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. Hp is always able to supply a first-rate arti cle of Flour, with the different kinds of Feed. Also Ground Plaster, with Guanos and other load. fertilltizers. COAL, by the bushel, ton or car He will also run a Line of Freight to No. 165 North Howard street, BALTIMORE, and No. 811 Market street, 1111LADELPHIA.— Ali goods sent noelither place will be received and forward . e . tt promy. All goods should be mark ed "CRxu.4. ' CAN April 2, 1869.—ti JOSEPH RIBLZ. Joseph Wibir :‘ PRODUCE DEALEIIi; Ajotilh-e'rixt enr. Ql.naltrOad and trashinalai; ETT I'Sn URG, PA !WIEST cash price paid for all kinds o 1 Grain, Hay, Straw and Country Produce gen er.tlly. Constantly on hand for sal all kinds of GROCERIES A. E. ECKENRODE Ghill a lid Prod lire, , DEALER• IN FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, ire GETTYSBURG, PA Ca,rer and Thnotliy-Seeefs, INAdtoeit, NEW FIRM. GETTYSBURG, PA GETTYSBURG, PA CORNICE, DOOR AND WINDOW BRACKETS, &C., out of the BEST MATERIALS, I.?y , experienced workmen, and at GETTYSBURG, PA., 1011 TOE mut OP I _„ ISMTBV=gg: MANHOOD JOIIN CRESS. J. E. WIDLS IN THE YOUNG AND RISING GENERATION The vegetative powers of life are strong, but in a few years how often the pallid hue, the lack-lustre eye and emaciated form, and the bnpossibility of application to mental effort, show Its bottleful in, 'Nene& It soon becomes evident to the observer that some depressing Influence is checking the development of the body. Consumption 'stalked of, and perhaps the youth is removed from school and sent into the country. This is one of the worst movements. Removed from ordinary di- Tendons of the ever-changittg scene of the eity, the powers of the body, too much enfeebled to give zest to healthful and rural exercise, thought are turned inwards upon themselves. If the patient be a female, the approach of the menses is looked for with anxiety, as the first symptom in w hitt Nature Is to show her saving power in diffuslnv the circulation and visiting the cheek with the bloom of health. Alas: Increase of appetite has grown by what it fed on; the en ergies of the system are prostrated, and the whole economy is deranged. The beautiful and wond erful period in which body and mind . undere so fascinating a change from child to woman, is looked for in. vtdu: 'the parent's :heart' bleeds in anxiety, and fancies the grave but waiting for its victim. HEI.111101.1) . * EXTRACT BCCHU, for Weakness arising from excesses or early indiscretion, attend ed with the folnvlng symptoit. , lndlsposition to Exertion, Lois of Power, Lass of Memory, Diffi culty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appe. Tverrantio Rirmettnamo.l.L..St..4o,.ll7ltral lug of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, pallid Countenance and Eruptions on the Fate, Pain In the Back, lleavlnent of the Eyelids, Fregnevid4 Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, wldh Tempo rary Stiff*don and Leos of Sight, Want of Atten tion, Great Mobility, srith Horror of Society. Nothing is more le to snit pa tients than Solitude, and nothing the 7 more diVnt, for Fear of Themselves; no Repose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a hwvied Transition from one inestion to another. Thcse symptoms, if allowed to go on—which this Medicine invariably removes—soon follow Loss of Power, Fatuity, and Epileptic Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. During the Superintendence of Dr. Wilson a , the Bloomingdale Asylum, this sad result Omar red to two patients; reason had for a time let. them, and both died of epilepsy. They were 0 Loth sexes, and about twenty years of age. Wlu, can say that these excesses are nut fre quently followed by those direful diseases Insanity and Consumption? The records of the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths byConsump tion, bear ample witness to the nthof these ai sertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melan choly exhlbltihn appears. The countenance Is actually sudden and quite destitute—neither Mirth or Grief ever 'bits It. Should a sound of the voice occur. it Is rarely articulate. 'With woeful measures wan Despair Low sullen sounds their grief beguiled." Whilst we regret the existence of the above ills- eases and symptoms, w•e are prepared to offer an Invaluable gilt of Chemistry for the removal of the consequence& HELMNOLD'II Km= CON CENTRATED PI.CTD ENTEACT or Bucstm There Is no tonic like It It Is an anchor of hope to the surgeon and patient, and.thls Is a testimony of all w•ho have used or Sold by —nrugests and Dealers everywhere.— Price $l. ' r bottle, or six bottles for 16.50. De livered any address. Deietibe sympknneln an cotrunu cations. Add 4 , re f , ' . H. T. HELIABOLD, Drug and Cher*lea! Warehouse, ATONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS 11 done up in steal-engraved wrapper, With fooohoule of my Chemital Wareimte, and signed July 29 1870.-1 y Ilark= 5f4 Broadway, New York T. HELMBOLD THRHISEHR ON TEE SHORTEST NOTICE. MARBLF, WORKS. .. _ 'MEALS & BROTHER, liku4 York . ired, seem/ Square, Grettysbear. Pa. Where y are premed to tarnish all khtds of ~ - Work lateelr MS% inkth as - - Montartents, liea,d-Btoiles TOKBS, MANTLES, ag., atthe shortest utotice—eheepas the cheeped. Arlan us a cail. Produce tsJeuthl e:udiature. 110 W TO CURE . . . n - 1 Election - Proclamation. CONSEGICIuN ! ! w Assembly F.f i l' i l i this i gans t he e t t r iliti f ett 11413ilezet General - --- .,..,. ___ ~....2 . ____,_. 4 regulate the General Elections of thhl CoMmon ' THE ' 1 i i t - ey: • ' OF :HE. eiGNMOCES . Wealth," enacted on the 2nd of July, MA It is en to c '.' ''. ' — Will People Weer Mani pined on me to give Public Notice of such Elec t° knew - it s•_ • , liver and atom MOM- non to be held, and to enumerate in such notice wily fflatedie . • ero re system? The plainest what officers are to be elected :I, JACOB KLUNIC, Princelike of common sense teach this, and yet Sheri ff of the County of Adams, th erefore, here. there i iii n tpladreds who ridicule the Idea and by give this public notice to the Electors of said conti the coarse which almost inesbly oounty of Adams, that a Genet= Itteetteatwill brings em pennaturely to the grave. Living as be held in said County, on the Swim Tlleseav, the invority of the people do , at complete van- or Omelet wet?, erns Hen) in the several DM since th the laws of nature, It must be apparent Dicta, composed of the following Townthips, viz: to ail that, sooner or later, nature will revenge In the First diettiet, composed of the Borough herself. Hence we And that persons who inthdge of Gettysburg, at the Court House, in Gettysburg. to excees in the use of very rich or indigestible In the Second district, composed of the town food. Or intoxicating drinks, Invariably pay a ship of Germany, at Go den's School-ho heavy penalty In the end. The stomach Demme, township of Germany. use, in the disordered and refuses to act; the liver falls to In the Third district, composed of the township perform Its functions, dyspepsia andita attendant of Oxford, at the house of - James Hersh, In the evils follow, and still the suffering individualism- town of New Oxford. gist In cng to the thoroughly exploded ideas In the Fourth district, composed of the town. of the Dr. Sebenck'smeiffelnes are recom- ships of Latimore and Huntington, at the house of mended to all such,. They bring sure and certain Jane Reed, La the township of - Huutington. relief wherever they are used as directed, and all In the Fifth district, composed of the townships that is necessary to establish their reputation with -of Handitollban and Liberty, at the Public School every ailing manor woman in the land Is a fair house in Mlllerstown. and impartial trial of them.. Let those who are In the Sixth district, composed of the township skeptical on this point, and who hay . e , ,..peLnitted of Hamilton, at the house now occupied by Mich- Interested persous to judke them these ael Joseph, in the town of. East Berlin. - now celebniteal ester Consumilscard In the Seventh district, composed of the town their preludithie and be governed to , the prim!. ship of Meualien, in the Public School house In the plea of reason and common sense. If the system town of Bendersville. M disordered depend upon it, in nine cases out of In the Eighth district, composed of the township ten the seat of disorder wlfl be found in the of Straban, at the house of Jacob L. Gram, in stomach and liver. To cleanse and invigorate the liunterstown stomach and to stimulate the liver to healthy ac- In the Ninth district, comeosed of the townstue ton use. . of Frankliu, at the house now occupied by John - WHENCE'S MANDRAKE PILLS.—The daily P. Butt, In said township. ncreasing demand kir these pills Is the_b -est eat In the Tenth dberiet, composed of the township deuce of their value. Is allemande of Conowago, at the house of Jeremiah Johns, in of boxes are sold daily. _Why? Simply beelines McSherrystowit. they act p and einelently.' Inealids who In the Eleventh. district, composed of the town. may not stud li convenient U. WI on Dr. fiebenet ship of Tyrone, at the house of Wm. Sadler, In In person are informed that full and complete Heidlersburg. directions for use accompany each packers of the In the Twelfth district, compo sed of the town- HANDRAILS P ULMONIC SYRUP ship of Mountjoy , at the house of Wm V. Hans, SEAWEED TONl C—These medicines will in said township. cure consumption unless the lungs are so far gone ln the ot s Thirte ronn ei t i p th ionsa dis t Te s t t , t ef h i o nitio pub sed no u se ( h t o t i . that t h e patient is entirely beyond the react oftownship medical relief. house in said township, situate at the Cross llolubt, It may be asked by those who are not familiar the one leading from Oxford to the Two Taverns, with the virtues of these great remedies„:"How the other from ilunterstown to Hanover. do Dr. Schenck's medicines effect their wonderful In the Fourteenth district, composed of the town cures of consumption?" ship of Reading, at Mello - use of It M. Dices, in The answer is a simple one. They begin . their Hampton. work of restoration by bringing the stomach, liv- In the Fifteenth district, eompfewil of the Sor er and bowels Into an acme healthy condition. It otigh of Berwick. at the public school house in Is food that ' cures this formidable disease.— A bbottstowu. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS act on the liver in the Sixteenth did] set, composed o i l the limn aud s oinach, promoting healthy secretion, and ship of Freedinit :it the house of saints.' Mein?, reinoving the, bile and slime which have resulted in said township. from the inactive or torpid condition of them, in the sevellteeinli district, comported of the organs, and of the system generally. This slug- l'tvitsllnt of Union, at Selithibc Sch o ol House, In gist state of the body and the consequent luicti.. said lon milllP. tuulation of the unhealthy substan ces n ame d in the Eighteenth district, cemposed of the prevent the proper digestion of food; and, as a ' t".w.iedill' of huller, at the public selliail hw, in natural consequence creates disease, which re- - : , :l' i. x ii 'L l t e hi t ii 'L' ep " (: ,, , . l ll iße r e t t i me tl ei lA net t k v , h :L ad 'ihill- , t igri the et' lt; l f i r s gu i ll of se li t , h 3 e l suits in prostration and finally in death. SCHENCK'S PCLMONIC SYRUP and SEA WEED TONIC, when taken regularly, mingle house, Ili said tom/stint with the food, aid the digestive organs, make good In the Twentieth district, composed of the rich blood. and as a natural consequence, give township of Cumberland, at the horse of Conrad flesh and strength to the patient. Let the faculty Synder, in the borough of Gettysburg' say what it may, this is the only true cure fur env In the Twenty-first district, composed of the sumption. Experience has proved It beyond the township of Highland, at the School House et shadow of a doubt, and thousands are to-day alive Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian Church in said and well who a few years since were regarded as township. hopeless cases, but who were induced to try Dr. in the Twenty-second district, composed of the Schenck's remedies, and were restored to pernia- Borough of Latiestown, at the most westerly gent health by their use. School House, in said borough. One of the Arat steps the physician should take At which time and places will be elected with aommumptive patieut is to invigorate the One Member of Congress for the Counties system. - - Now hew' Is this to be donee Certainly not by giving medicines that exhaust and enervate of Adams, Franklin, Fulton, Bedford —medicines that impair Instead of Improve the and .Somerset; (unctions of the di . -votive organs. Dr. Schenck's One Member of Assembly; medicines cleanse the stomach and bowels of all County Commissioner; • substances which are calculated to Irritate or One weaken them. They create an appetite—promote One Director of the Poor; ... . healthful digestions-make good blood, and, as a One Jury Commissioner; and consequence, they Invigorate and strengthen the One Count AudlO y i r. entire system, and more especially those parts which are diseased. If this cannot be done, then (Act of June 4, 1866.) the case must be regarded as a hopeless , ' one. WHEREAT, i 1 the act of Congress of thenited If the physician ends It impomible to make a States, entitled "An Act to amend the se U veral lemma FEEL IWNORY, if the diseased person acts heretofore passed toprovide for theenrolling cannot partake of good nourishing food and pro- and calling out the National forces, and fur other perly digest It. it is impuesible that he can gain purposes," and approved March third,.one thoti flmh and strength; and it is equally impossible sand eight hundred and sixty-five, all persons who to bring a patient to Dos condition so long as the have deserted the military or naval service of the liver is burdened with diseased bile, and the United States, and who hare not been dtheliarged, stomach laden with unhealthy slime. or relieved from the penalty of disability therein Almost the first request made to the physician provided, are deemed, and taken, to have voles hy a consumptive patient is that he will prescribe lathy rein:Rubbed, and forfeited, their risehta of medicines that will remove or allay the cough, citizenship, and their rights to become citizens, night sweats and chills, which are the sure at and are deprived of exercising any rights of citi tendants on consumption. But this should not be sells thereof: done, as the cough is only an effort of nature to AND waintrAft. Persons, not citizens of the relieve itself, and the night swims and chills are United States, are not under the Constitutkm and caused by the diseased lungs. The remedies or. Laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this dinailly prescribed do more harm than good.— Commonwealth: They impair the functions of the stomach , impede Seceme LBe It enacted by the Senate and healthy digestion. and aggravaterather than cure House of Representatives of the Commonwealth the disease. of Pennsylvania In General Assembly met, and it There is, afrer all, nothing like facts with which is hereby enacted by the authority of the same: to substantiate a position, and it is uponfacts that That in all elections hereafter to be held In this De Schenck relies Nearly all who have tatted Connuonwealth, it stall be unlawful for the judge hie medicines In accordanos with his directions or-inspectors of anv such election to receive any Have not only been cured of consumption, but ballot, or ballots, from any person, or persons, . from the fact that these medicines act with woo- embraced inp s edirovisions, and subject to the derful power upon the digestive organs, patients disatWity lin by said act of Congress, ap thus cured speedily gain flesh- Cleansing the proved Marc third, one thousand eight hundred system of all impurities, they lay the four on and sixty-five, and it shall be unlawful for any fur a solid, substantial structure. Restoring these such person to offer to vote any ballot or ballots. organs to health, they create an appetite, The szcrios a That if any such judge and easpec food Is properlyassimilated ; the quantity of blood Lora of election, or any one of them shall receive, is uut only increased, but is made rich and strong or consent to receive, any such unlawful ballot, or and in the face of such a condition of the system ballots, from any such disqualilleal persuit be or all disease mast be banishen they, so offendi ng, shall be guilty of a misdeinean- Full directions accompany each of the mull- or, and, upon match:lion treie, iu any court of clues, mi that It Is not alisolutely necessary that quarter sesitions of this Commonwexlth, he shall, patients should see Dr. Schenck personany. unless for each offence be sentenced to pay a fine of not they desire to have their lunge examined. For less than one hundred dollars, and to undergo an this purpose he Is at his piinciple (Ace, No. LS Imprisonment, In the Jail of the proper (minty, North Sixth St.. corner of Commerce. Phdladet for not lees than sixty days phis, every Saturday, front 6A. M., until IP. M. SECTION a That If any person deprived of cal. Advice is given willand charge, but for a thor., zewship, and disqualified as aforesaid, shall, al ough examluation with the Respirometer the any election hereafter to be held in this Common charge is Se. wealth, vote, or tender to the officers thereof, and I'ri of the Pulmoine Syrup and Seaweed Tonic offer to vote, a ballot or ballots, any person so et each, 111.a0 per bottle, or r ,ni a half dozl. Man- fending shall be deemed guilty of a ruisdemeanor. drake Pills eleente a beet For sale by I drug. and on conviction thereof, in any court of quarter gists. [June 10, ff7o-1y se ss ions of this Commonwealth, shall, for each of fence, be punished in like manner as is provided in the preceedlng section of this act in the ease of officers of election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots. SEcret hi o anyt 4. That if .. w shall liereafar 1 .,,, 3CIMIC, or mo•ne, anor mann. prived of citizenship, and d 'maned as aforesaid, to offer any ballot, or ballots, to the officers of any election, hereafter to be held in this Common wealth, or stall persuade, or advise, any such officers to receive any ballot, or ballots ; front any person deprived of citizenship, and disqualilled as aforesaid, such person, so offending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof: in any court of quarter sessions of this Conunonwealth, shall be punished in like manner as isprovided in the second section of this act, in case int officers of such election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballote.• By the 16th section Registry Law approved the 17th day of April, A. D., Mae. it is directed that "At an the elections hereafter held under the laws of this Cfmnronwealth, the polls shall be opened betvfeen the hours of six and seven o clock, A. at, and close at seven o'clock. P. M., • At so—ln and by virtue of the 11th section of the act of Feb. 27th, 1649. every person, excepting Justices of the Peace, who shill hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the legisla tive, executive or Judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or any city or in corporated district • and also that every mein ber of Congress and of tile state Legislature, and of the Select sooner C f o m an m y o e n •C o o r u p n o c r l a l teodf adny ri C c i ttys o b r yC loanwoilns - capable of holding or exercisingat the same time, tile ollnee or appointineut of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Judge. Inspector, or other officer of any :Well election, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for. Also—That in the fourth section of the Act of Assembly entitled "An Act relating to executions, and Mr other purposes," approved April loth, lant It Is enacted that the aforesaid 11th section "shall not be construed, as to prevent any militia officer or borough officer from serving as Ridge, inspector or clerk, at any general or special elec tion in this COMMonWealth." And be it further directed, in and by the Act of the General Assembly of this State, aforesaid, that one of the Judges of each of the different districts aforesaid, who shall have the charge of the certificates of the number of votes which shall have been given for each candidate for the different offices then and there voted for at their respective districts, shall meet the third day after the election, wkioh shall be on YIUDAY THE leiTH or °MOB= aforesaid, at the Courthouse, in the borough of Gettysburg, ten and there to make a fair statement and certificate of the number of votes, which shall have been ghee lathe different districts In the county of Adams for any persons for the offices aforensirL *Election officers wilt take notice that aet entitled "A Further Supplement to the smfttion Laws of this Commonwealtk Wageatifying de serters from thearmy of the United States "mei voting haseecently been declared tmconstitution. al by the Same Court of Penzurinvazda, except so far as it tie/Mies from voting persons dnly tried and ted of desertion. midis now null and void with said exception, and that all persons formerly disqualified thereunder with the e lion named, are now lawful voters, U qualified. cELEfacATEi) PREPARATION IZEI CLEANING THE 13L001) WILL CUBE Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas, Bois, Ekoe.Eyee.Scakl Head, Pimp les and Blotches on the Pltee, Tetter Affections, Old and Stubborn Ulcers, Rheumatic, Affec tions, DyPpepeta, Cbsticeness, Sick headache, Salt, Rheum, Jaundice, General Debility, CYitlla and Firer, Thu/ Stomach, together with all other Dboaws Arising from Impure Blood and Disordered Lircr. THY ONE BUT CLE On K AGE And be convinced that ibis mcdicino ix uo hum bug. Sold by all I)ruggii. UTION Drs. D. lahrney& S,mk Preparation for Cleans log the Blood is COUNTERFEITED. The genu ine has the name "D. FAHRNEY & SON' on the front of the outside wrapper of each bottle, and the name of Drs. D. Fahrney & Son's Preparation for Cleansing the Blood, Boonsboro', hid., blown In each bottle. All others are COUNTERFEIT. Recollect that it Is Drs. D. Fahrney & Son's Cele brated Preparation tor Cleansing the Blood that Is so universally used, and so highly recommend ed; and do not allow the Druggist to induce you to take anything, else that they may say is Just the same or as :wad, because they make a large pro fit on It. PREPARED BY D B.S . D. FA HEE' E Y & SON, BOONSI:01:0', MD., And Dr. I'. D. lotthrney, Xeedysrille, Aid Be sure to get the genuine. None genuine un env signed I). FAILIINEY & SON. June 10, 1870.-6 m COUGHS , INFLUENZA, Sore Throat, Colds, Who° ing-Cough, Liver Com plaint, Broneldlis, Asthma, Bleeding of the Lungs, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, are speedily and permanently cured by the use of WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. This well known preparation does not dry case a cough and leave the cause behind, as in the case of mod, medicines, but it loosens and cleanses the Lungs and all ay s Irritation, thus removing the , ca use of complaint. l CONSUMPTION CAN BE CREED by a timely resort to this - standard reniedy, as is proved by hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. Prepared. b,y. SETH W. FOWLE & SON, Boa. ton, and sold by dealers generally. April 1, 11370—lynolla Wad& fads. W. N. MIT4T,ER'S MARBLE WORKS, Cor. of Baltimore and East Mitkile sts., GET'I f irSBURG, PA Every Description of Work executed in the finest style of the Ait. ALL =IIDII OF CAST, WROUGHT AND WIRE RAILINGS, Juno 17, GETTYSBITRG Nnv Aduntionento. REGISTRY ACT OF lira Arun., IffO. „ gAlso—The following sections of the new de l Law, applicable between this and the &eon y of October. Sac- 3. Alter the assessments have been com -pleted on the tenth day preceding the second Tuesday in October of each ear, the assessor shall, on the Monday itom following, make a return to the county commissioners of the names of all persons assessed by him since the return re qith•ed to be made by him by the second action of this act, noting opposite each name the: observa tions and ex pla nations required to be noted as aforesaid; and the county emaintwasiers shall thereupon cause the same to be added to the re turn' required by the second seetlon of this act, and a full and correct copy therea to be made, containing the names of all persons so returned as aslant taxables in said ward, borough, township or precinct, and furnish the same together with the necessary election bla cio lto the oilleersof the election in said ward, borou township or pre. dna on or before six o' on the morning of the second Tuesday of October ; and no manaair be Permitted to vote at the eleeWil on that day whose name is not on . said list, 'unless he shag make L proof of his right to vote, as hereinafter re. Sac. c On the day of the election any person Whose name is not on said list and claiming the right to vote at said election, ahallproduce Utast one . qualified voter of the dlatrietas a witness to the residence of the claimant a the district In which he claims to be a voter, for the period of at least ten days next preceding salt unite— a, which twitne ssartly shall take andpartly subsenbe a written, or written and printed vit to the wit grated by him, which andel*. affid shall ilefine - arty where the residence is of -the pekoe so - lug to be a voter ; and the person so elaiavin to vote shall also take and subscribe a -ak i n, or Pat* written and piny printed an dayit.stating to the best a hialsa ""owledge and be. Ii ef, ware and when he was born; that he; is a citizen of the Oonutiouwealth of Pennsylvania and of the the United States; that he has resided in the Commonwealth one year, or if formerly a citizen therein and has moved therefrom, that he has resided therein six months next preceding said election ; that be has not moved Into the dis. tea for the purpose of voting therein; that he Due paid a State and county tax within two years. which was assessed at least tea days, before said szcz aW, If a natal:shoed eithien. dad aiso when, and by what mut he wanner. and shad oleo produce bls eertideate of naturalization for auminshon i the said affidavit shall state when and where the tax claimed to be paid by the salad was assessed, and when, where and to Whom paid; and the tax receipt therefore shailhe produced for egmnination, unless the al& ant snail state In his =davit that It has been lost Ofdlilltroyed, or that he never received any 1 but if the person so claming the right to vote shall take and subscribe an affidavit, that he Is a native born citizen of the United States, or if bore else where, shall state that tla his amdavit, or that be in entitled to et by reason of hiu filth; er's naisiradaction {) and shall furtherstate to his 'affidavit that he Is, at the time of taking the affi davit, and twen betw the am of twenty-one ty;two years h hiss resided days Adige one year and in the elect io n rilstrict te neat pre. ceding such. election, he shall be entitled to heUM not hav e er e tams; the R id n r„ ital of allpeam ems chine. s td the vihi of the lAshad be panted bY the ttoffion eirasedit it the dug v im .recVn= raill‘cl by 16W to be 1 bY aub to ' 1411 is S the i ff=pipets , ,are the Ite l l And Mai UN applicant or MOWN I=Xl7. gat 244vnti1nnento. allthe legaiqMililleations of voters, he or theirl i ail be permitted to vote, and the name or names shall be added to the list of axables by the election officer& the word " tax " being added where tbe claimant claims to vote on tax, and the word "age," where he claims to vote on age; the same words being added by the clerks in each case election. respectively, on the lists of persons voting at such • Sao. a, It shall be lawful for a qualified citizen of the district, notwithstanding the name of the proposed voter is contained on the list of resident m.mlitos, SO challenge the vote of such persons w.herenpon the same proof of the right or as is now required by law shall_be poblict= and acted oribitbe election board , and the vote admitted or re acted, according to the evidence; n ming to be a naturalized citizen :17 m ulled to produce his naturalization certificate at the election before voting. except where he has been for ten years, consecutively, a voter in the district in which he offers his vote; and on the vote of such person ,being received, it shall be the duty of the election officers to write or stamp on such certificate the word "voted' with the month and year and If any election officer or officers shall receiveia second vote on the same day, by virtue of the same certificate, except where sons are entitled to vote by virtue of the naturalization of their lathers, they and the per son who shall offersneh secolid vote, upon so of fendin shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on nviction thereof, be fi ned or imprisoned , or both, t the discretion of the count; the tine shall not exceed one hundred dollars in each ca,e, nor the imprisonment one year; the like punish ment shall be inflicted onounviction of the ollleers of election who shall neglect, or refits, to make, or anise to be made, the endorsement 'emitted, as aforesaid, on said naturalization certificate. See. S. If any election officer shall refuse or neglect to require such' proof of the right of still. rage as is prescribed by this law, to the laws which this is a supplement, from any person offering to vote whose name is nut on the list of assessed voters, or whose right to vote is clialletmed by any qualified voter present, and shirt!! admit. -men per son to vote without requiting suca p.i.d. it ery person so offending shall upon cow loom, he guilty of a high misdemeanor. and shall I e wit. tenced, for every such offence, to pay a floe not e 7._ eteding one hundred dollars, or to imileri.o an int prisoninent not more than one year, !..- either or both, at the discretion of the court. SEC. 7. Ten days precceding ..54,1.. t . :1.11:.11 for electors of President and Flee l'ic.;iiiein it IN. United Mates, it shall be the duty .11 i;11 • assessor tO attend the place fixed by law for hohling the election in each election district, and then mid. there hear all applications of persons ii hose names have been omitted from [lie list of as, scot %.ders, and who claim the right to vote, •o! v., -- rights have originated since the sato , Iva- Iliad, Itltt..tll,l shall OAIII the canes of persons thereto as shall Show that lite) are elitill ,- ti to the :igid ol ,mirage in such district, Olt the perstaial applicat it at of the claimant only, and forthwith assess bile %% ill, the proper fax. After completing the list, a copy t, thereof shall be placed on the ib sir of or on the house where the election is to le 10-:,1. al !cast eight days before the eleetboi ; and at the election the same course shall be pursued, in till respects, as is required by this act and the arts to Nt 111,11 it is a supplentent, at the general election int tetober. The assessor shall also make the saute returns to the county commissioners of all atisesSalelllS made by virtue of this section; and the county ettitilliis stoners shall furnish copies thereat to the election officers in each district, in like manner in all re sleet as required at the general election in her. SEC. K. The same rules and reguhttions shall apply at every special election and at every sep arate city, borough or ward election, to all respects, as at the general election In October. SEc. 9. The respective assessors, inspectors and Judges of the elections shall each have the power aindnlsten; oaths to any person claiming the right to he assessed or the right of suffrage, or in regard to any other matter or thing required to be done or Inquired into by any person in relation to any matter or thing concerning which they shall be lawfully interrogated by any of said officers, shall be punished as perjury. S. 10. The assessor shall each receive the same compensation for the time necessarily spent In perfuming the duties hereby enjoined .as ls prO vlded by law for the performance of their other duties, to be paid by the county eorrunissioners as in other cases; audit shall not be htwfulfor any assessor to assess a tax against. any persona wha t- ever within ten days next receding the election to be held on the second Tuesday of October, to anyyear, or within ten days next before any elec tion for electors of President and Vice President of the United Slates; any violation of this provis ion alai] be a misdemeanor, and subject the offi cers so offending to a line, on conviction, not ex ceeding one hundred dollars, or to Imprisonment not on e xceeding three mouths, or .both, at the dbi- c the court. Sac. IL On the petition of five or more citizens of the county, standing under oath thatthey verily believe that fronds will be at the election about to be held, in any it shall be the duty of the Court of condom pleas of said county, If In session, or if wi t s judge thereof In vacation, to appoint two judicious, Sober and intelligent citizens of the county, to act as overseers of said election, said overseers shall be selected from dif ferent political parties, where the inspectors be long to different patties, and where both of said inspectors belong to the same political party, both of the overseers shall be taken from the opposite political party; said overseers shall have the light to be present with the offlcors of the election dur ing the whole time the same is held, the voters counted, and the returns made out and signed by the election officers; to keep a list of voters, if they see proper to challenge any person offering a vote, and interrogate him and his witnesses,. under oath, in regard to his right of suffrage at said elec tion, and to ezarnlne his papers produced ; and the officers of said election are required to afford to said overseers so selected and appointed every convenience and facility for the discharge of their duties; and If sold election officers shall refuse to permit said overseers to be present and perfonn their duties as ahniesaid, or if they shall be driven away from the o cl i ls by violence or intimidation, all the votes at such election district may be rejected by any tribunal trying any contest under Said election: Protided,—That no person signing the petition shall be appointed an over seer. Sec. 11 If any prothonotary, clerk, or the deputy of either, or any other person, shall affil the seal of office "to any naturalization paper, or permit the same to be affixed, or given out, or cause or permit the same to be given out, in blank, whereby lt may be fraudulently used, or furnish a naturalization certificate to any person who shall not have been duly examined and sworn in open of, aceording . tothe act of Congress, --- in. connive at, or in arty way permit the is or s aid ue of any fraudulent naturalization certificate, he shall I be guilty of a high misdemeanor ; or it any one shah fraudulently use any sock certificate of natur allzation, knowingthatit was fraudulently Issued, or snail vote, or attempt, to vote, on any certificate of naturalization not issued to him, he shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor; and either or any cif the persons, their alders or abettors, gpilty of either of the misdemeanors aforceaid, stall, on conviction, be tined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, and imprisonment in the proper penitentiary for a period not exceeding three years. Sec. 13. Any person who on oath or affirmation, In or berore any court In this State, or ,offieers authorized to administer oaths shall, to procure a certificate of naturalization, for himself or any other person, willfully dispose. declare or affirm any matter of fact, knowing the same to be false, or shall In like manner deny any matter or fact, knowing the same to be true, shall he deemed guilty of perjury; and any certificate of natural'. zatmu Issued in pursuance; of any such deposi tion• declaration, or aMrniation shall I: null and void ; .ind it shall he the duty of the court ismiing the same, upon proof being made before it that it was fraudulently obtained, to take immediate measures fur recalling the same for cancellation; and any person who shall vote or attempt to vote, on any paper so obtained, or who shall In any way aid in, connive at, or have ally agency what ever in the issue, circulation or use of any fraud. ulent naturalization cirtilicate, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and, upon conviction therefore,shall undergo an unptisonnient in the penitentiary for nut more Hum two years, and pay a fine, not more than one thousand dollars, for every such offence, or either or both. at the discretion of the court. Km 14. Any assessor, election officer or person appointed as an overseer, who shall neglect or re fuse to perform any duty enjoined by this act, without reasonable or legal cause, shall be sub ject to a penalty of one hundred dollars ; and if any assessor shall assess any person as a voter who Is not qualllned, or refuse to assess any per. son who is qualified, he shall be guilty of a misde meanor in office, and on conviction be thanpun by fine or Imprisonment and also be subject action for damages by the party aggrieved; and If any person shall fraudulently alter, add to, de face or destroy any list of voters, made out as directed by this act, or tear down or remove the same from the place where it has been fixed, with fraudulent or mischievous intent or for any Mk progper purpose, the person so offending shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a line not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sac. 1.5. All elections for the city, ward, bor ough, township and election officers shall hereaf ter be held on the second Tnesday of October, subject to all the provisions of the law regulating the election of such officers not Inconsistent with this act ; the persons elected Mauch offfeesat that time shall take their places at the expiration of the terms of the persons holding the same at the time of such electjon; but no election for the office of assessor or assistant assessor shall be held tin der this act until the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy. Sea 16. At all elections hereafter held, under the laws of this commonwealth, the polls shall be ciliated between the hours of six and seven delock, A. M., and be closed at seven o'clock. P. M. Sac. Pi The citizens of this State temporarily In the service of the State or of the United governments, on clerical or caber duty, and who do not vote were thus employed, shall not be thereby deprived of the right to vote In their sev eral election districts, if otherwise duly qualified. CIIANGS fF TEI MODI OF TOTING, Aft Acr regulating the mode of voting at all elec tions in the several counties of this Common wealth, approved March Mb, 1866 Samos J. Be it enacted by the - Senate and Howe of Representatites ti" the COmmontteatth al Pennsylvania in General .Assembly met, and a id hereby enacted by the authority atf the same, That the qualified voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth, at all general,. townshth, borough or special elections, are hereby, hereaf ter,. authorized and required to vote, by tickets, printed or written, or mrtly print•W and portly written, severally classthed 93 follows: One ticket shall embrace the names of ail Judges of courts voted for, and to be labelled outside, "Judiciary ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all State officers voted for, and he labelled"Mote ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all county of voted for, including office of. Senator, mem bemembers of Assembly if voted for and la and belled "ellthelty One tairet shall emtwace the names of all township officers voted for and be labelled "township" one ticket shall embrace the names of all borough officers voted for, and be labelled, "borough •," and each class shall be deposited in separate ballot•boxes. XV AMEND3COVT 0031TIT'OTION V. & The following instructions from ids Excellency Gov. Gar explains the duties of Assessors, Reg isters andto ..MsUion officers in regard to all freed men of this Commonwealth: • ' Ensennui CHAMBER, jr Ifsniumnutoft, PA, Aug. 1870. 2b the Sheriff of the Cbunfy of Adams. WHEREAS, The Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States br as follows: Sumba 1. The right of eitLtens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State on accuunt of face, color or previous °minim ot servitude. Simon 2. The eCongress shall have power to enforce thhiartiel 127 app ropriate AND wnMuraft The I.:OREIRSS or the United States, on the 31st day of March, 1871Areti an Sot, entitled "An act to enforce the t of citi zens of the United States to- vote In e several tr:(lthellta:titil`gifr.ti purpo the SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Beupresentatives of the United States of America In Congress assembled, That all citizens of the United States, who are, or shall be other. wise qualified by law to vote at any election by the people, in any State, Territory, district, county, city, parish, township, school district, municipali ty or other territoriaJ subdivision, shall be eat_ tied and allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinction of race, color or previous con. 'Mon of servitude; any Constitution, haisrens: tom Mica m orte l gations of any State or Terri tory, or by or authority , to the contrary notwithstanding.' , Sienna 2. And be it further e That if by or under the authority of the on or /awe of an y States , or the laws of any Territory, erg act Is or shall be required to be done as a pre requisite or quaratiou for voting and by. each olrr ice obarAilrirpai w ontime acers ot Tutus r *l , !tw Athurtistusento. • In furnishing citizens an opportunity to perform awe pre-reetilsite, or to become quaffed to vote, it shall be the duty of every such person and offi cer to give to all citizens of the United State% the Mine equal opportunity to perform such pre-re. to* te and to become gunned to vote without disllnetion of r ace s , color oe previous condition of servitude ; and if any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give full e ff ect to this section, he shall ter every offence forfeit and .pay the sum of live hundred dollars to the pens= ag grieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on the ease with full eOeta and such allowance for counsel fees as the court shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on coarletkat there of, be lined not less than one month and not more 8 than one year, at the discretion of the court. And whereas, it is declared by the 24 section of the VI article of the Constitution of the United States, that - This Constitution of the United Stales which shall be made in pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme law of the land, • • • • anything lathe Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." And whereas, the Legislature of the Common wealth. on the eth day of April, A. D., 1870, an act, entitled "A further supplement to tte sl it e el relating tO the elections in this Conunonwealth," the tenth section of which provides as follows: SEcTIOn 10. That so much of every act of As. trembly as provides that only white freeman shall be entitled to vote or be registered as votes, or as. claiming to vote at any general special election of this Commonwealth, be and the same is hereby repealed ; and that hereafter, all freemen, without distinction of color, shall be enrolled and reefs tered according to the provisions or the first s lion of the act approved seventeenth of April, '69, entitled "An act further supplement to the act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," anti when otherwise qualified under existing Jails, be entitled to vote at all general and special elec tions in this Commonwealth. And when-as, It is my constitutional and offi cial duty to - take care that the laws be faithfully executed;" and It has conic to my knowledge that sundry assessors and registers of voters have refused, and are refusing to assess and register divers colored male citizens of lawful age, and otherwise qualified as electors. ,Now, therefore, in consideration of the premi ses, the county COnnilksioneri of said county are hereby notified and directed to:instruct the several assessors anti registets of voters therein, to obey and conform to the requirements of said constitu tional amendment and laws ; and the sheriff of said county is hereby authorized anti required to publish in his proclamation for the next ensuing elections the herein recited constitutional amend. inent. art of Congress, and act of the Legislature, tot he end that the same be known, executed and n 1..) ed by all assessors, registers of voters, elec. . ti a officers and others, that the rights anti privi- If'gc , imarantef•d thereby may be secured to all the 4•ltizciis of this Commonwealth entitled the sane,, Ui~ en under my Land and the great seal of the State. at ll:mi.:bort% the day and [,Ett..] year first illx,Ve written. 11trNt: Joitly Secretary of Comnumwealth. Arse—in and by virtue of thel section of a.:L 1 ), ~et of February 27 th, NO , es person ex eept ing Justices of the. Peace. who s iall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the legislative. execute or Judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or any city or i Ileorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the Select or Common Council of any City or Commissioner of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the Sallie time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Com monwealth, and that no Judge, Inspector, or other officer of any such election, shall be eligible to ally office to be then voted for. LSO -That in the fourth section of the Act of Assembly entiUed - An Act relating to executions, and for other purposes," 'approved April bah, NO, it is enacted that the aforesaid 14th section "shall not be construed, Oct as toprevent any mili tia officer or borough officer horn serving as Judge, inspector or clerk, at any general or spe cial election in this Coninninwealtn." And be it further directed, in and by an Act of the General Aveinbly of this State, said, that one of the Judges 01 each of the different districts aforesaid, who shall have the charge of the cer tificates of the number of votes which shall have been given for each candidate for the different t of v ic d s i s t t h r en t s a , n sdh al there e voted tfhuirr d a t dthye ia f r e es th ec e election, which shall be on FRIDAY, TUE NM DAY or Ocrontrit aforesaid. at the Court House, in the Borough of Gettysburg, then and there to make a fair statement and certificate of the number of votes which shall have been given at the different Matt - lets in the county of Atlams for any person for the offices aforesaid. JACOB Se KLUNK. Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Gettys burg, pt. lii, Is7o. Nails and lirstauranto. EAGLE HOTEL. lagt- , t ;.1,4 roost ccommodious lu (;ETTYsnuitc;. PA Cbni , tr (7 1 ,, ,d , • :,,, Pr!, f , n , 7 % rri;ngtgn .4,1 A JOHN L. TATE. Proprietor ()Hirdbus 1 r I'a,seng,r4 and Itaggage ron to the Depot. On arrival and departure or :aliroal Trains. rarfril ;errant:. and reason able charges- KEYSTONE HOTEL, GETTYSBURG, PA. WM. E. 'MYER,§, Proprietor NOW OPEN THIS is a new House, and has been fit ted up In the most approved style. Its loca- Lion Ls pleasant and convenient, being in the most business portion of the town. Every arrange ment has been made for the accommodation and comfort of guests. Rath ample stabling attached With experienced servants,. and accommodating Clerks. we shall use every (Indeaver to please.— This Hotel 11011 open for th . e entertainment of the pubite. and Re kindly solicit a share of public patronag , •• (May 1867—tt - NEW HOTEL, HARRIS HOUSE, IL! LT !MORE ; STREET, GETTYSBURG,..P.4. rp 11 E undersigned has opened a Hotel, the 1 HOTSE, Brick lately enlarged and handsome three-story Building, on Balti more street, two doors front the Court-house, Gettysburg, l'a., and is provided with accom - modal ions for the comfortable entertainment of a large number of guests. His experience in the business warrants him in promising satisfaction in every ease, and he feels certain that those who stop with him once will call again. Charges moderate. His Table will always be supplied with the best the Gettysburg and Baltimore markets may of-' ford, whilst his Bar Will have the choicest wines, liquors, ales, &:c. He also has ample Stabling, Ni Itli a good Host ler in attendance. A liberal share of public patronage Is respect fully solicited, and no effort will be spared to de serve It. W. P. 11ARiffs. April 15, IS7o.—if UNION HOTEL, [PORMERLy TIIE WRITE ILLI.Lj YORK SPRDIGS, E. P. ILITTINGER, Proprietor T HE undersigned having leased the long estab. lished and popular Hotel, in Petersburg. ( York Springs Borough) will spare no effort to please all l who may with large patronize him. and comfortable Chambers TherHotel is pleasantly which cannot WI to give satisfaction. ills Table will be supplied with the best that the market can afford; his Bar contains none but that of the best of Liquors; he is also well supplied with Ice in the Summer season—this being the only Hotel In the place that has an Ice House attached.— There is in connexion with the Hotel extensive stabling with attentive hostlers. He asks a share of the public patronage and Is determined that none shall go away dissatisfied. Charges moder ate. Boarders taken by the week on reasonable terms. York Spring E. May 6, IP. KITTB7OG6tn EE, Proprietor. Springs .IN.-- WANTED AGENT'S, • to canvass for PER I:NI3 AND HOUSE'S NON-ZIPLOKIVE CEROSENP, LAMP, Pronopronounced by more than 50 Professors in our Col unced Absolutely Safe —saves 38 per dent. of oil—no bad odor—Will not break or wear out, because metalic. Our agent* make money, because it supplies a want as uni versal as right. For full particulars address, with stain BKNJ. F. BOW , 2d Floor, Mechanics' . nk, Harrisburg, Fa. Oct. 15, 1869.—tt FURNITURE. Joseph Walton & Co., Cablisiet•iwakere, No. 413 Walnut 81., OUR establishment is one of the oldest In Phil. . adelphis, and from long , experlenee and superior facilities we are prepared to fundsligood work at reasonable prices. We !manufacture Am furniture, and also me dium priced furniture of superior finality. A large stock of furniture always on hand. Goods made-to order. Counters, Desk Work and Olfloe Furniture for Banks, Offices and Stores, made to order. Jos. WAvrox. J. W. Lirruscorr. J. L. BcOrr. Feb. 111870-1 y Young, Smyth, Field & Co., Importers, Manufactures and Jobbeti of HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES. No. 429 Market St., 418 Commerce St., PHILADELPHIA. JAMES J. METCALFE—ot York Springs, Pa.) Sept. ZS, ffMMid= I :11., 1A67.-tf .01•111110.....111•64nr•Orseu, PUBLISNIED 11111/16. sr BUEHLER $l. Getween (burt Iv^ LIZZEZEI Tot STAR AND swermir att i day morning, at *Una yelehl if not paid within the year; %II continued until all arrears the option of the publlther*:, AD' are rates. A liberal reduetloM advertising by the quartets, tel Special notices will be Inserted be agreed upon. , - ilri-The circulation of the EIT one half larger than that ere cw4paper in Adarna coglitsq medium, it cannot l'±e4x • Jon Woltz or an kin4.l WIZ ted and at fair fatal. bland'-li l'ainphletA,fic., in every varlet Printed at short notice. Tanaf. lical and Versoli ‘ ,-I.LUABI.E PROVE AT PR The undersigned Gee Ili ARE LOT, situate it • Md., 14 miles front Taney mittsburtr, 7 tulles from 1.1t41 9 miles from Gettysburg, finpr IoitAME HOUSE, an excelle suitable (or a cabinet maker, OWIlillh• for such, or suitable to eras AN), Smoke }louse, Sta. Cril), Hog l'en, Se., with a well' door. For Temp+. enquire 02. Ituton 111 C ;141111111111g pfI•I7I6IVS, 11%111): of Tallle)(tO 1,70.-4 t• VSSIGNEE.S 771nrminy, Octoher, :WA At 'Chem undersigued„ksmitgrtee of IVlle, under a deed - of volute the benefit of eueditors. Will se on the premises. a VALUABLE lim Butler township, 3 mites nor near the Gettysburg mind Bent Fining lauds of .lohn Ifainliton tut. Joseph Fleck and - Others, ACHES In a KIR4 Mate of eultiv proportion of 'Meadow .ind sot, Improvements are ,1 tivo-st,iry boat mted HOUSE, reeetftly repay story stone Imaek buildings Attu' , Barn, Hog Pen, and .01 otid•r uc lugs. There :1 a well of own' • also .1 never falling curing ith mi running stream Burnie" Where L+ also a good orehard Or: trees, watt other choir, fruit on • .11so, at the 4.1111, 111111. and pl• .11.1 lit Franklin tnwilatil*, 341111 bur:. on the - 3ittmitiadosrg read( of .laemiLm Haukey's lleirs. IL -3. 11.,elter and others, contidii me iii.mie or less, with sunicleut M ' 'the Improvements are a tWo4tn Log Barn, Spring ii(JUSC. iler • 01 1thillidillP4. 'Elude Li a never spring near the Ittouge. here L•h tirm•harmi of young fruit lreeKln t Sou. .1. large portion of theta m consequently one of the besd gr neighborhod. Also. at the smitne co p .MOUNT.tIN LAND, confidant mmr Situated iu ranklia tow. Ennis of I)mtviii }Leek ler. E. Vi% St, ...yetis! with thrivlnglliestnitt. thither. This will he ilk hied to 4 II desired. Any of the above properties imersons desiring to see them be by eaning nh the 4PALtendati,,, will I. , given an knownl'. 1/. W.. II V ALUABLE FROPEIiTI, ' 4T; uu Wed y hivt day id' • The inDlipitgued will v4l at, following property lit • s.: - Adam.eviiiity, viz: • No, I—A UI)USE AND corner of Stalit and l'eters streets, Pio fis.t deep, sliado-trees The House is a T‘vo,liiitt Y -- • ill AKA condition slave ri•slileinv or business. No. I—SIX 16/TS OF taining 1 ACHE Cll,mornor t. or I Berlin road, and each being 1 feet deep. No. 3 --A V A LI: BL: ; )UND, containing 3 ACUES 44: all a valuable !Tung of wider m.,t• from N,w ).111, adjoniing I , I limes, Elias Slagle aim utftere N. I ) . • .tt UI sann. time and plat•C 4 1 - 144 , -14144,4, Ma4•144;14.-.44441 : 4 41a-144)4'5e 4 - 4•4..t1L 4 , 1 and as 14,44,41 as new. to .• , 444444, I.) 44 'cloolC A LK' 44,1%4% and 4.4lany 4 i F.01:11 V ALUABLE STILL PROP AT •PRIV., I will Privnite N 0: I—WA LS CT Gift) , 01.• *pall of Abbott.stovirn ott Utrupike, With 60 AClCtli OF NT em 10W 11.11toin, known Ai HIM No. 2—PINE 'LILL 31 ntth of Harney Carroll eutuit.Y ators of the Sionueary, with . • I. \NI). heary water power. kha, .11 I• 40, No. 3—KNOWN AS' 111 LL.A. ri miles south of Corti's! 1. RES OF LA ND. heav y vraferpu MIR" are la perfect good Milting U. A CHOICE FARM 0.F.23 Gettysburg, well limed, with ()NE OTIIEIi, FIRM Al LIEN L.V.NI), near LAW . , pouty, well limed. with No. I new "fermi , btunnu,xtAting. 1 %111 e4c the Mlll prupertles fur a good Arm :ettyseurg, Sept. 'J, GU/ puBLIC On Satarthr it. the I (jet.,4 , f,z, , ,,. .I'. no the Ity Virtue of au Order of the 0114 A , lains county, the uuilersigued: - A . of the E3tate of ! . 1.1,11A.11 11'ItzuYi, tat deceased, will .veil 3t PLO!): "t..1,‘ liii.ll and l'erwhaj l'Rkpert , :—A twoottorjrlll/Ulik p.t, t :Nome and part 'tough -cast, 1 , .k building attacti,i, g.pant .Lial all ,nlo•r lietn2:trY,,Utt,lli/(111111PI: ,0) of Fruit, o :Cat , en„ , .e. thte, (wli 1 ()W, les, UAL, ar, g. :\ brid ii:Oter4. Al.' 111 Futc:ilTu 1 1 eilitea41. and .I.l...tidiike, Lißuteatul. I..i.tril, 'Cables. 3 rvii-plate Cooking iqwve• iit Carpeting, Cluck, 2 Looking G I;lais and queens 1 l'ans, Iron Kettle, ',.steat ,G o by the buyfiel, and other article, 1.1% 11114114 .1. 11. Ciw.LINI, VALUABLE TOWN PROP AT ',mu:l7 The subSeriber wishes to dispose of 1 and LOT. containing I Acre, I the Ciuunbersburg turnpike lu the I cotysourg. TILE, flut:SE is built on the Cottage 1. good 'towns and is very eutivenbittt fJ :1.4 a good well of water at the.duur, .table and other outbuilding& Tta&th lueely laid out, au(' plantsal with a' yeti mimetic:Li frees. To any persou wishing to buy Innt eliauee. 'ferias easy. 4a j( sold possessiou wilt givenal of June; if not sold by tnittr oaered for rent until the lstof Aprit.le l'or pailleuutni enquire uf Geo. Areal Itt•I tile Mist liiationatanni Ctitt.:S A CFA Flora lade f M.ty H7u-ti A DESIRABLE PROPERTY.AT PRIVAT The undersigned, inteuding to retool, Private Sale, Ins SMALL FAH.II, site* berland, township, Adauis county, P. :'ar,isle road, 2,4 miles trout uetiya . l ug Lauds of 4.4. A. widand, V. IL Mehl, - cr., eou: 4 111M (in ACltt-1, more or le the laud hul been Uleed, and aU - Waif wal grow any kind of Crops.-'The good. The Ituj,lrUireAlientlSll,MaptlYff.. Two-story Wei &t with Basement, Leg Barn, Cons ; two excellent wells of wate4 house and the other for the bum ; a yu and.Peacu Orchard, of best Varieties, - fruit. Persons %twang to view the :ine requested to cal/ WI. the auhaaribee t I n•reon, Iso, a valuable TIMBER. LOT of el Ilitunger's sawJllll, on Ella Sent' nines aest Arendtevilte: The le wade, lii nand, and Ina t I tree annual payments. altliniterigelt; given in tinny days, desired. He 'lll, perauual property at private We: ;via. t 3, ldin.-ri bliaritUß A SMALL PROPERTY - AT PRIVATE.. , The undersigned ()genial private sale.. Or LaiND, sltnate hi klutudDieS ' Adams county. ou Me Hanover • front ktonatomown l ii Vl Blehl, ger, blturb and aud ' . . ACItES, more or kw. mos [air •me and a half story MN ti - r'r stoneand part (rune, a Aims • • •. House, well of excelleixt stater, .. 6 ,fruit. Two acres are go 4 limber . . la a high state of etuu u n i t ott and . .. , rail fencing. Terms easy, to suit la • Apply to or address the tutders,toed, la t township. B. F. ILI ' • , Aug. 11!, ISTO.—tt ASSIGN:IM' SALE OF VALI:AUL • REAL A-ND riassOZilL F 1 • On Saturday the 221'1 day . of October. Ile o'clock, on Vic pregame, The undefidgned aew —Aeignmees of lima aud Wile, ander to vutindary 'Mg tor the benefit 4 . l92edltors,grui seen e Yet the following steal and none! Prop FARM, contstuteg OW .IsV note og g :teed in alenahen townsalp, co ut i l mites:wait of tieuderstllie. The !morel consist of a good two-story yam: talul rooms with good dr) , owner g falanoppring of glceuent water at Hank Baal with CON eied yard, W Crib, Carnage douse, V. outi douse, Shop, and tither outbuilding+, all nearly new. The land 29 of good quality, well WPM well watered, wltu a lair ptoportiou. of :and Timber ramt, with a good vreitanl o Fruits, Piet in de prime. ,11m will bill .Corn, data,' day, and Corn-fodder. • • To any Ante -wishing to boy entail would say can and exatulue clua before els iorAttentiance will be given and kilowu °a day of sale Ay - ^ • CritCH CAA* T • 4bpt. It—ti Oattyourr.