_____ l. 14_ t tar ant, # pow . THE DETT TADES ADE #tittint_ i CO SWALLOWED lIP. • i. ' COUNTY EXPENSES $38,042 IT—.POOR HOUSE 412,813 81. • • r-- At the reques t of a number 'of taxi . 'parer::, we re-ptiblish the tabular sta. , ment of County Expenditures ring ' the last 17 years.; It is 'a remqkable ' statement and worthy the4triiiiiir 'of: ' every tax-payer. With no new build ings, and nothing calling for extraordi nary expenses, the expenditures for last year foot-up $38,042.17 in the Commis sioner's office, and $12,813 81'in the Pobr Haumemimetkitemble :what, they, wererht 1863. Remember that this does not in 'elude any payments on debt or interest. Including these, the aggregate would be much larger. The table gives the actual cash payments for ordinary county ex penses. IS it any wonder that the County is 'heavily in debt'? The ques tion ariseS—wirEart rs„ THE LEAK? ' \ • botrimr. POOR HOUSE. 1853 . ' \... $16,913 48 $043 28 1854 * 18,139 19 5.571 30 1855 ' , *745 08 6,314 84 1836 ' Nr,ssa 24 5', , .... 9,385 96 1857 • 21,650 29 t " 8,761 43 1858* 30 ,6i2 10 I 6,741 55 1850' 31,377 52:, 7,17 t 49 1860 _ ;650 .M.:.` , ' 6,566 90 1861 21;170 37..0. 7,83'7 41) 18,828 34,385 63 ~ 7,696 14 1863 19,1726 43.. '- . 7,976 30 23iq 53 •r•-• • 1864 \lO, MIS 29;663 68 . M 259107 49 58 1866 ,T 3,345 98 14197\00 1867 34,696 ,95 • - 13,419 81 1801 36,912 85 13,861 13 1864 38,042 17 ' 12,813 81 • In 188.812,173 81 Were paid on new Court house, and in 1859 812,610 bl. t In 1862, 19,600 were 1)416 as Bounties to volunteent. I I® FRIDAT MOUNING, OCT-, 71M D. A, BUEHLER, Iti.t.l Lbuness nav Advertisers and other,: ittterested trip bear in mind that the regular eireigation of the "ST/8 i/ND EILVTLNEL" li i ni urh larger than that of any other paper:pnblished in the Cuutity. being read weeidity nut leas than 11.(kki persons. REPEBLICAN TICKET CONOREAS, BoN. JOHN CkS,SNA. of Bedford ASSEUBLY, POT.. EF1 111 1131:11YERS, or estnwi COr.NTT CO3lll lESIONEII, aNiEPti BAYLY, of Cumberland twp DIRECTOR OP THE POOH, J. WATSO' BARR, of Mount Joy ftvp .rrirt C031117.9610X1r/t, JOHN D. BECKER, of York Springs. COr:CTI" ArD/TOR, C. WASHINGTON" L()TT, of Highland tali. For the last week or two political mat ters have monopolized our columns, to tlij exclusion of general news. The ptical campaign closes with the pres ent number, and we shall hereafter pre sent our readers with a larger variety of reading matter. Beware c t d . Last Cards ;nit. vindictiveness with w - hich the 'opperlieads have conducted the present • - ;qopaigot, shows that they'are prepared re,ort to any means' to carry the I . .;!totion. We, therefore, warn all Re- publicans to be ma their guard against all manner of stories about Republican candidates, in the shape of "LAST (•ARLIS," • issued on the eve of the Elec- tion, and too late 'to be contradicted Brick Pomeroy has advised his Copper head I fiiends in Pennsylvania to con duct the campaign on the "RED HOT" plan, and they seem disposed in this county to obey order•, Look n last cards! NODE OF VOTING There being notate orJudicial ticket to be voted for in Adams county this year, there will be but TWO Tickets voted for. One will be headed "COUN TY," to include Congress, Assembly, Commissioner, Director. Auditor and .Jury Commissioner. The other will be headed "13o . aorwi" or "Towii suir,' as the case May he, to include all local offices. In Boroughs, the municipal officas will be ,voted for on -one ticket beaded "Borough:' Those Who, under Borough regulations, are disqualified from voting for Burgess and Council, but have notwithstanding the right to vote at General Elections, can cut off the Burgess and Council, and cote the balance of the ticket. POLL EVERY VOTE! We learn that the Democrats are working like beavers throughout the county, quietly, but persistently, hoping to catch the Republicami napping. They build largely on a full Democratic and a light Republican vote. We hope the RepublicanS of the county rill check - mate this pretty little game, by at once arranging to poll EVERY VOTE. Let the organization in every township be at once completed, and arrangements ef fected to secure a full Republican vote. One rote MAT ti tide the fate of some of the candidates.- STAND AT THE POLLS Let the best and most prominent Re publicans of every election district stand at the polls, from morning until night, on election, day. There has been 4, :too much neglect of this important matter. The presence,of well-known citizen; at the voting plates is a source of power that is always felt. We hope to see a 114• w order of affairs at the coming elec t h.!l. Good citizens should feel bound, !toast, to give the countenance of Presence to those who labor for the sti( ce,s of the principles of the party. Let such be the 6rst at the polls next Tile: . 2 , and the last to leave. THE LAST APPEAL We to-day make our final appeal to the Republicans of the county. We hope the work of organization in the townships has been completed ere this. If nut, we beg our friends to do so at once. Two days remain, (Saturday and Mondayi) in which muchr good may yet be done. In the County, elle Democracy fo -,, badly demoralized by the mischiev ous policy ,of an obnoxious • ' "ring." From all parts of the county we have in telligence that many of the best Demo crats will vote for portions of the Re publican ticket. Let there be a full Republican vote. Let there be no lag gar —but see to it that arrangements are at once completed to poll everyvote. la 'OIV'T BE BACKWAAD limit , your Committee men at the polls and watch every vote that isle:lSt. Our enemy will poke in a fraudulent vote whenever they have a chance. Watch them! Our cause demands it ! And the sacredness of the ballot-box should encourage us to watch the Polls! One Vote! • We deiire to urge upon every man in Adams the importance of polling every vote. • No map, if he desires to do his duty, should fail to be at the polls on the 11th of October. One Vote may decide the contest on some important canii date. Ileniember and be at the polls, and see also that your neighbor is there. 11.11&.042 17. Keep it before the people that the County expenses last year were $38,042- 17, without including payments on debt or interest. Is it any wonder we have high taxes? If you want I?eforni—vote for Jor'‘Erxt BATIT? SIS,SIS SI Let tar-payers remember that the Poor-Hope ; expenses last year were $12,813 81—nearly double what they were in 1863, and treble those of 1853. If you want *form, vote for J r . Wers(»; BARI:. -L.- 'THE Copperheads, In their anxiety to .defeat Mr. Cessna, quote Col. Francis Jordan as against him. We need hardly . say this is another bold-faced. lie. Cal. Jordan is on the stump, tipettkinedaby in support of Mr. Cessna, and tO-night (Thursday) he will put an effectual estoppel on the falsehood in these parts, by showing why may. true . Republkail should vote for Hon. Joint 'C'Essx4, for Congress. APOLOGETIC. 3111. B. F. MEYERS la trying to bold Mr. gisss:is, responsible for acts for which he is in no wise responsible. For instance, he' stated here that Mr. Cessna drew up a bill when in the Legislature during the war, intended to prevent the immigration of colored persons into this State. We have Mr. CESSNA'S own authorit for stating that this is wholly untrue He did not write a line of it. MEYERS in his speech here last week did not allude to his Know-Nothing re cord. He could not deny it; and we suppose be thought it beat to pa.ss it by in silence. No doubt, "the Ring" managers ad vised this as the wisest course. "31um" is a favorite word with them - - THE Democratic Free Traders who want the people to vote for Afxr.Enaar . e in favor of going to England to buy their iron and steel. The Republicans who are for CEsSNA's election are in favor of Protection, and want steel and iron made in our own country, where Our own people can be employed to do the labor, and our own farmers can raise and sell the produce to feed them. Which doctrine is the best for Adams county? PROTECTION builds furnaces and railroads and will bring a market to the door of every farmer who has anything to sell. Free Trade goes to Europe for iron and rails and leaves our farmers with their produce rotting on their hands, or forces them to seek a market where it takes one buSliel of grain to pay the transportation on another. CEANA sustains Protection. 116rEns will vote for Free Trade. - - THREE years since the farmers were burthened with National and State, taxes. Now—thanks to a "Republican Congress and Legialatnre— . the farmers have neither State taxes on real estate nor National taxes to pay. Vote for the party that released you from taxa tion, A COUNTY Auditor should be a man of business capacity, a good accountant, and resolutely honest. Such a man is G. WASHINGTON Lorr, of Highland, who ought to be elected on the adore of merit alone. He is a young man of ex cellent promise, and would honor the office. OUR County Tax is, with one excep tion, the largest in the &ate. And this, althoegh the County has not been put ting.up any new buildings, .or having any extraordinary expenses: Where is the leak? It is evidently very large. THE Commissioners of Somerset court.; ty let the building of bridges at public outcry, to the lowest and best bidder. Under this plan, there is no chance for favoritism. Would it not work wen here? Sirsntero Democratic members Harrisburg to asks Republican Legisla ture to vote for the passage of the border _claim bill, is not the beet war pt accom plishing the success of that important Measure. Vote for Co!, EpintAug Mmes. THE WAY IT GOES One story , current in the country about Poor-House affairs is good enough to be true, as it precisely illustrates the way things are understood to be done out there. Some of the officials con nected with the Poor-House thought it advisable, on many accounts, to have a barrel of whiskey M the establishment. And it was accordingly bought for one hundred dollars. But it was charged and paid for as hatidtcare, to avoid ugly suspicion and unpleasant comment. THE DEBT GOING. DOWN The U. S. Treasury statement pule lished on the Ist inst., show a further re duction in the. Public Debt of $9,007,- 498 13. Thus it goes. With a Repub lican administration of the General Government, we hare reduced taxation and a steady decrease of the national debt. With a Democratic county ad ministration, we have increased taxa tion and a steadily growing county dept. Which do you like best ? THE DE..nocitA2s of the county are thunder-struck at the exposure which has been made of the condition of our County affairs: ! A few are d4ermined to be easily satisfied, and are - willing to believe anything. One such told a friend of ours the other day, that the in crease in County Tax had - been made necessary by the repeal cif the State tax on real estate, a few yeats ago. He for got that the State tax, when it existed, never went into the Coulity treasury, gilt was taken to Harrisburg and paid into the State Treasury. He must "try again," if he wishes to rest easy under the new developments. .'Ex the Democrats got possession of the County Boards, in 1855, there was a handsome surplus of,overss,ooo in cash in the County Treasuary besides balances on the uncollected duplicates. In fif teen years, they have spent this surplus and run the county in debt $50,000. How much more of such financiering do the people of the county want? 'Vote for Bayly and Barr; and turn out the incompetents. ADAJILIS COVNTT, 1 . 869 .--.OFFICLIL. I For the convenience of persons desir ing to compare tlnFvoter on Tuesday next, with that of last October, we an nex the9pciat*ote lest Yeailil these\ - - end hotoughteand.timnsidps for ClOv. EalZßork4:' 4 • ;,' . 6 - Gett .i.r , - , (v.. ° . . /122 bent? IC4- 4 „ - 111 )and 12-9 14:5 ~. 4 i Littlestow 82 89n ... 7 Germany , 29 im ... 104 Oxford 14S 17; . (.8 Huntington 144 . Latimore 155 . - ‘1 ' 105 . i a Liberty 67 KO IHandltonban 141 118 if: ..,.._. 410 - 11 6. '''' '' t' - ' - ' 1 . .. ' .ii . 4u3 .1 Straban 1 - 0 174 . ~„ Frardtlin I' 243 ... VI Conowago :•1 111 ... 17 . 84 94 ... 11 Zu.utoy 101 17 ... 4 1, 22 hfountpleasant ... 77 34 .. 187 94 161 , 67 Berwick ' borough. 41 a ..- - . iti " twit . 22 e 2. . Freedom . r 4) 36 1:1 Union 50 141 . . j 6 ,5 But .. ..ler.. ........ 147 C 6 iio ... matuaua . 40 28 12 ... York Springs ..... 56 15 41 ... 21C.2 3,X111. 510 W, Packer's majority in the county 387. HON. JOHN CESSNA hat been cam paigning this week in this ; county. It is a matter of regret that his engage ments in other parts of the district pre . - vent his making other appointments here. Ms able discussions of the issues of the day are making good impressions —contrasting, as they do, with the vapid jargon of his opponent, Mr. B. F. Meyers. We are glad to assure our read ers, that there is little or no doubt of Mr. Cesium's election by a largely increased majority. The knoWing Democratic leaders Concede tlkisi and those whostill look hopefully on Meyi , rs' prospects, build their faith on a fraudulent Demo cratic vote on the lines of new railroalls in process a construction in Franklin and Somerset. Attempts have been made to import a large number of Irish from Elk and other counties toswell the Democratic vote. But theßePtiblicans are on their guard, and will : enforce the Registry Law, as well as the provisions of the Act of Congress against raudu lent- voting in Congressional elections Let every true Republican stand by Mr. Cessna, and his election is assured Mit. CESSNA has printed a letter of acceptance which is quite lengthy, and has reached usat so late an hour that we cannot prin,tiit, without excluding other matter of equally pressing impor tance. It is a complete vindication of his Congressional course. One part of it, we print below, in re sponse to the attack made by his com petitor upon his, personal integrity. to which we alluded last week. Mr. Cess na says: I was often called upon to present cases of my constituents to COngress and the different departments. I tried to do so fairly, impartially and promptly, and accor ding to my own sense of right, and duty. I assert most positively and unh&sitatingly that in no case did I receive a farthing of compensation or reward for any act con nected with my present or any past posi tion except lawful salary: or that I ever for one moment entertained any such pro position. I know it is easy fur unscrupu lous men to make charges, but I defy the bitterest foe I have to conic forward with 1 , his proof. There can be no such proof, fur there 'is no such act. It is highly discreditable to Mr. Me}•ers that he has been willing 'to conduct the canvass in the vile man ner he has. We . expected better things of him,lhough we knew hint to be an extremely bitter partisan. -e • A ICEIV daily paper is announce(' to be published-in llarrish4g, under the title of "The Pennsylvania. State Jour nal," by the Harrisburg Printing Asso ciation, of which B. Singerly is Presi dent and J. R, -Sypher Secretary. It Will be devoted to independent journal ism; will defend and advocate the rights and interests of the people', and will as sist every effort to advance the religious, educational, moral and social condition of humanity. So long as the Republican party continues to be, as it now is, more than any o f ,ther political organiza tion, the enactor and defender of liberal and impartial laws, the protector of American labor, the promoter of Ameri can manufactures, and the leader in all great reforms, THE JOUHS.I4, will ad vocate its.principles and defend its poll Mr. Sypher, who has a large experience as a journalist, will be the principal edi tor.. The Daily will be furnished at $6.00 per annum; the Weekly at $2OO, or'S copies for $9.00. Vote Early. Go to the polLs as soon ,a► they are open and vote! After that attend to others! Give one whole day to your Country—from morning till night. Tie border counties of York, Cum berland, Adams, Franklin, Fulton, and Bedford gave over fiye thousand majori ty for the Democratic candidate for Governor, last fall, and elected six out of the.eight Assemblymen who repre sented them. As was to be expected, they had no influence with a Republican Legislature. Let us elect Republican members of the House al, the coming election, and then we will put ourselves right to ask for compensation for our border losses,—Repository. • ADAMS COUNTY does not possess a better citizen, amore upright, honest man, than JOSEkII BATLY. If . elected County Commissioner, the "Ring" will not find in him a tool. Tax-payers can rely on him seeing to an honest and economical administration of county finances. Tote for JOSEPH BAYLY for pounty Commissioner. crusn, Esq., of the York True Democrat, and I. G. Ingram, of the Harrisburg Telegraph, have purchased the York Republican. They are bpth gentlemen of considerable editorial ex .. • . • penence, and will doubtless infuse new life and vigor into the old ' , Republican, which dates back to 1789, when it was started by John Edie 8c Co. LET everyttepubliean voter be on his guard against slanders of our candidates between this and election. The opposi tion are desperate, and will resort to deception and falsehood to carry the day. Look out for "Roorbacks. Do Vol wish to see the County ex penses reduced? 'Vote fora capable and honest man, Josion BAYLT. Fizz your plytest, ,against . , corrupt legialative practices, by voting for Col. EPifitatitt ItYnins. IitEMEIHIER: 'TUESDAY NEXT! VOTE EARLY! TAKE YOUR NEIGHBOR WITH You! viurpriitxu indicates a Republican victory on Tuesday next. Come out, aud help torgivell: it, • 1 every Vote ! ELECTION; Tuesday, next. B. F. MEyEtta lieti; - have a rough road to travel in Franklin, nty. His 1-, - - - Anti-war and rev-tgada rd is 80 re . . jailsive that the -Ditinn9Mic . leaders in 'that emilitY*Vite ta SOahim in the earn ‘Paigli• lataniel,l/f4ellan and MeDow ell dee* tio . g4 m tike stunip, leaving •the egitipaign t" . ' 'grif and Duncan:. We hear of prominent Democrats also in Somerset and , 'Bedford, who refuse to support Meyers, prefering Cessna, an avowed Republican, to a Copperhead and Free-trader. ....- , =EI Tux 'copperheads of this district, in their anxiety to beat Mr. Cessna, resort to the most atrocious falsehoods, affecting Mr. Cessna's personal integrity and Misrepresenting the position of promi nent Reputlicans. Among other things they are flooding the,district with-hand bills to produce the impression that Col. Francis Jordan is hostile to Mr. Cessna, whereas Col. Jordan is speaking every day in opposition to B. F. Meyers and in favor of Mr. Cessna's re-election to Congress. Again, to bolster up the courage of theiradherents, the following paragraph, orginating with the New York World, is going the rounds: "Hon. John Allison, Register ok .M the Treasury, who litfrlicshington on on_ day to take the stump in Mr. Cessna's district, writes home that he, has already given up all hopes or the latter's elec tion." Judge Allison is now stumping in this county and we are authorized by him to say this falsehood has been manufac tured out of, the whole cloth—that he has written no such letter, and enter tains no su•h opinion—hut, on the con trary, has no doubt of Mr. Cessna's re election lty a greatly increased majority. TILE. Legislature.of 1871, to be chosen this fall, will be the most important one for many years. It will_be its duty to re-apportion the State in COngressional districts, under the census of 1870. It will also be called upon to re-apportion the State into Senatorial and Represen tative districts, and to act upon the re port of the commissioners to revise the `the civil code of the State. Hence every true Republican should not only vote for, but work for, Col. Ephraim Myers, whose fidelity to Republican principles and Republican interests can be relied SOLDIERS of the sixteenth District, Benjamin F. Meyers. the candidate of the Democracy for 'Congress, during the war was openly in favor of compromise with the rebels. and discouraged trod opposed the draft. If his counsels had prevailed there would not boa Congress. By opposing his counsels and . defeating his friends you have made it possible for him to be a candidate for Congress, Be sure that you allow such as he to be nothing more than Otto lid/ Ax Y person interfering or attempting to intimidate any colored voter in the exercise of his newly acquired rights is Halite to heavy lines and penalties. All such actions will be tried in the United States , Thstrict Court. We make this declaration for the purpose of assuring mr colored fellow citizens that no one d.u•e attempt to molest them upon elec firm day, while in discharge of their duties as citizens and electors. EvEnr member pined byt he Demme „lacy in our State or hr the National Leg islature will be an encouragement to that party to pursue their disastrous measures, and will discourage and dis hearten the Republicans, while every member gained by the Republimns will strengthen their hands in doing , good for the people. Vote for John Cessna for Congress and Col. Ephraim Myers for Assembly. • THE office of Jury Commissioner re quires sound judgment, large persona acquaintance, and uprightness of char acter. John D. Becker, of York Springs the Republican nominee for that office, has these qualifications in an eminent deglee. Honest, careful and judicious, we may expect; under his administra tkm, intelligent and honest juries. generally conceded that reform is Nulty needed, in the Poor House ad 11lillist ration. J. - Watson Barr, of Mountjoy, is the man to help do it. A practical shrewd farmer, of incorrupti ble integrity, and discriminating judg ment, he ought to be put into the Board. All who want Reform should vote for J. Watson Bar•, - OUR County tax, large as it is, wil merely pay the expenses of the county as now managed. Whenever it may be pmposed to pay the debt, additional taxation will be re sorted to. _Oh! the luxury of Democratic man agement. Tun Democrais of Langstc; county have united WI some disaffected Re publicans, and put up a full County Ticket in opposition to the regular Re publican candidates. One of their reso lutions pledges their Legislative candi dates to oppose all approOlations to pay the Border Raid damaget PLEASANT THINGS FOR TAX-PAYERS TO REMEMBER—That they are pressed to pay their taxes, early; and that the proceeds inure to the benefit of sharp dealers who are scenting a bargain. If there be a surplus of assets, why not pay so much of the debt, and stop interest? THE public are seriously considering the question—Ought,officers who have charge of County funds to use them for private purposes, or allow others to use them? ' THE next Leigislature will be Republi can. If then you wish to secure com pensation for border losses, send Repub licans and not Democrats there from the border counties, as you did last year. WHEN WILL the public money be di verted from the private purposes in which it is employed, and 'devoted to public uses? A NEW USE TO IetAICE 'OF COUNTY FUNDS—buying paper at a discount of eight per cent. Ow next Tuesday elections for Congress men and other offioers agill be held in Permitylvania, Ohio, 'lndiana, lowa and Nebnisim. In the latter State there will be a 'Governor, Congressmen and State officers elected, and on the 27th inst., there will be an election for Governor, State offi. cern and, Congressmen in West Virginia. In all the other States where elections lithe not already been held ? : these officers will be chosen in November. • THE Republicans of Massachusetts have nominated Governor Claeip as their sten dardlbearer. Mr. Clathn is the present Governor, is a thorough Republican, Chair •Ulan of the Nationid Repnblioaa Ramutive ._pomanttee, and watt* re-elected GOian of of Msumitheatt•, CAIPT GO KUL / Germans who think the - Democratic party has anything in common with their national feeling, will please make, a mite of the following extract from the Chicago Ti'itieA, the leading organ of the Demo cratic party in the West: "The Times has pursued the manly course. The Dutch of this country have proved a most stupendous fraud. The re cords show one continuous line of shelved `Dutch generals' during our late row. Chauimllorsville was repeated on a smaller scale wherever Dutch batallions were pla ced in battle array. They vote just as they fought—on the side offering them the most lager beer mid the most money. "It is useless for the Democracy to pan der to the Dutch vote. It is a curse to any party. It will drive away more decent Republicans than it will bring, strength to the support of the rotten hulk of Radi calism. Then keep up the flre. Let Amer ican Democracy continue to send meting to Republican .France; American Radi calism to sympathize with the forthcom ing Dutch empire." The military status in France has not materially changed during the past week. The surrender of Strasbourg has relieved the large Prussian army investing it, most of which, with the heavy ilige guns, have been sent forward to aid in the siege of Paris. Bazaine still holds out at Metz. The Prussian lines are gradually closing around Paris. The city has been cut off from all communication from the rest of France, except by balloons occasionally sent up from the city. There has been more or less fighting around the walls, but with no decisive result. ITALIAN UNITY O:NSUAIIIATED. ROME, Oct. 3.—The voting yesterday resulted nearly unanimously against the Pope. Over 50,1)00 Votes were cast in favor of Italian unity, and less than 50 against. Several monks and priests voted "yes." The city was splendidly illuminated last night in honor of the result of the pkbis eitu m. ' The best of order prevailed all day. The Italian flag floated from a hundred houses. A strong . guard had been plaeld at each of the twelve voting places, but their services were not needed. Proces sions with music, &c., marched through the streets to the different polling places. The workmen went to vote in a body. LONDON, Oct, 3.—lt is reported that, in consequence of the vote of the Leonine City having been cast unanimously for the rulership of Victor Emanuel, the Pope will take up his, residence at Malta. The people are flocking from all parts of Italy to Rome. live newspapers have already been started there, and the politi cal journals of Florence are sold about the streets. The Romans are bewildered at the avalanche of political liberty. GN. BEMRIDAN is still at the head quarters of the Prussian army. Several letters have been received at Chicago from him. • He thinks the Prtundan and French soldiers inferior in skill and intel ligence to our own soldiers, and that our Remington breach-loader is superior to either the mainnwlleipin or chassepot. He 'will re at the Prussian headquarters until the close of the siege of Paris. ON Wednesday the citizens of Hebrew descent observed "The Day of Atone ment" (Yomkippur), the most important in the Jewish calendar. The lessons de signed to be taught at this Festival are the justice of God, the wicheduess of men, necessity of an atonement the duty of re pentance and the beauty uf forgiveness. Ti meant orsee= Fish's eany retirement from the De O piamt sun revived, sad - m , Hiram ef New York, is mentioned as his s lotokok , ble 'lmam i ' \ [For the star and Sentitnel TWAT 410,000. Ma:. EDITOR:—I ` have heard that the County money referred. to iu my last, has ticat iiiin loanedfixitoix aisini r I that the Y Who birrow4 it f ,-- ' Wising eight E -• mi. for* is' ne4 --- the mean- Aitne,gllhe datt . brthe Rol:nay is be ftitiaOst, tiiiiii,peoldels taxes will be taken to pay, if no part of them be lost by this and other like speculations. The County is the loser, and speculators are the gainers, which leads to the reflec tion that it is a convenient thing for shav ersof notes to* arm titiv &the' County TreaSury. ~Hoy long is this shametnl state of things - to continue? [For the Star and Sentinel. MR. EDITOR:--The communication or "New Oxford," stating where $lO,OOO of the County Imlay have been invested, made considerably stir in this neighbor ton& All parties agree that the tvansac tion was loose and discreditable, and goes 'far to explain why our County affairs aro in such confusion. I Write this to inquire whether the transaction i$ not "embezzebnent" under the law ? LITTLESTOWN. [For the Star and Sentinel WORD TO -REPUBLICANS. MESSRS. EDITORS:-.1 understand that Isaac Ilereter and Ralph Sherfy, the Dem ocratic candidates for Assembly and Audi tor, are asking Republicans to vote for them." I don't see how any honest Repub lican can do so. Last winter both these gentlenien. iu difti•rent School Houses; undertook to show in debates that the Declaration of Independence asserts a lie, where it holds that all men are burn free and equal and endowed with certain ilia lienable rights. These Deozoratie candi dates then stoutly argued •'that all men are not born with certain inalienable rights." Neither of them dare deny this. [For the Star and Sentinel COPPERHEAD MEETING. On the 29th ult., the "Cops" held a meeting in this place in front of the Yan tis House, which was but slimly attended, not more than about one hundred persons being present. including Republicans and juveniles. The meeting was opened by the Hon. McSherry in a few brief remarks, alter which he introduced B. F. Meyers, the Congressional candidate ou the Copperhead ticket. The balderdash harangu e of the last named gentleman was of about an hour and a half's dura tion, and consisted chiefly of a mixed com bination of "Free Trade," "Protection,' the "War" and the "Nigger," subjects which did not appear to particularly in terest his small audience, as they gradu ally commenced scattering, (no doubt be ing disgusted I until but few remained. At the close of his remarks, calls were made fur Stable, when that able and cla que/6i expounder of Coprierheml principles took the stand and dwelt upon the "nig ger," for a considerable time, and finally wound up by harping on the incompeten cy of our worthy candidate for the Legis lature, Cul. Ephriam Myers. These last remarks of the orator did not take as well as tile speaker had perhaps imagined. Mr. Myers has some very warm Demo cratic friends here, and I have silken been informed that several good sound Demo crats remarked On their way home front the meeting, that although they had had no idea of voting for Mr. Myers,, they would now most certainly do so. Titus ended this great . meeting of . the nuterrified, which was dull and spiritless throughout. and ill all respects a failure OBSERVE LrrrLEsTowit, Oct. 4, 1870. • SONETICLINI Poi 6EII 7re READ TALE 716ANC66PRII98IAN WAR The Election In Route GENEit paralysis ai on tlua 3th uul ed dostibtful: Par.sroltrr (11 Clements E* of be Assis*it Attorney ted Statis. George Geiger, of Peach ship, York County, lints been , Sheriff by Governor Geary, to fill t, Made r •vaeont by tlUt death of Chi Esq. 1 • \, ;tut communication between Brookly and Gitiertior's Island, New York, has been cut Off on account of the.yeltow fe ver. There *ere ten deaths front yellow • fever at New York on Monday. TILE FEEDERTUE s COUNTY FAIR will be held at Frederick Ou Tuesday, . . Wednes day, Thursday and Friday of next week, And the Washington COunty Fair at Ha gerstown during the sometime. NEW OXFORD crate in tf. ty-first Con, who, outside b.. political record, ar, tried to lead th old barbarism, and genious and able spee during the mnvatisle i porters to fight the Republi \ its financial policy, and to d crusade against a race that w, both to sympathy and protectl speech delivered in New York he sa it was the paramount duty of the people of the country to educate and e vate the freedmen as far as they had ca pacity, and to admit them to the franchise '4\ l as soon as they could stand the requisite educatii Mal tests. But the country edi- CHIEF: JUSTICE MCKEAN' has decided tors and barroom politicians refused to drat the Legislature of Utah cannot elect follow Mr. Seymour's advice, and the a prosecuting officer for the Territorial wretched slang about "white men - and Court over which he so ably presides. "white man's Government," ..and "Sa m _ This decision ejects the Mormon Attor- bo, - and "Calle," and miscegenation, ney General from office, and places . all and negro domination, was kept up to the criminal cases in the Territory in the end. A few of the more respectable can_ hands of the United States officers. dilates for Congress held themselves above THE HEAVY rains of last week produced I the indecent slang, but-at the same time they knew in their hearts thatlits liberal an unprecedented freshet in the streams use was all that gave hope of success. of Western Maryland, Virginia and West When General Grant was elected, how- Virg'inia. On Saturday the river at Bar ever. it was hoped that the ocoupation of per'S‘Ferry rose 25 feet, sweeping away houses and drowning over .50 persons, the political blackguard had gone forever, 11- Immense destruction to bridges and prop- and that before the next election for CD gressmen the political rights of the color erty along water courses is reported. ed citizen would be so firmly fixed that IMMIGRATION to this country from Ger no man would be foolish enough to invoke many has not been materially checked h the ruffianism of the country to subvert the European war, as it was greatly fear y them. Since then the Fifteenth Amend ed would prove the ease. The arrivals at New York for the week ending last has !ken adopted, and all citizens g, last Sat tir have been guaranteed equal civil and po day were twice as great as for any week rights. The Democrats of the during the last two months; and the total . lituial thern, Ea.stern and generally of the arrivals for August last were oid2,- 1. , .76 -N; ot less than for the co Southern States have accepted the situa rresponding week of last year. tion. and in their political platforms they . recognize the colored man aria citizen and ABOUT a year since the NS idOW alld x respectfully solicit his vote. In some of the Southern States the "Ru-Klux" still children of James Dougherty. killed by a, train of cars on the Baltimore and Ohio oppress the colored people, but this is for Railroad, near Sykesville, obtained a v " . the purpose of making them vote the Dem ocratie ticket. That they ever intend to diet of $4, (100 . dam ages against the Com pany in the Superior Court of Baltimore I lepriv,.. them of their rights and franchi motiCity. A new trial was obtained, on the hes they all indignantly deny. on of the Company, which was con- In Maryland and Southern Pennsyl vania the Democracy still keep up the old eluded on Monday by the jury awarding $lO , OOO d ainagus. $6.009 mi.re tin the first verdict. battle-cry, " w Don with the nigge r There is positive fierceness in the maledie -4* tI 'rim New Orleans Deutsche( &dung, a Democratic paPer, has come outin support of the Republican party. Another evi dence of the fact .that Germans 'every where are severing their cont , ection With the Democracy. Ex-GOVERNOR PACKER who died on Tuesday was sixty-four years of age. He was chosen Governor of Pennsylvania at the October election in 1857, over David Wilmot, Republican, and Isaac Hazel hunt, American. He served as Governor from January, 18.18, until January, 1861, when he was succeeded by Gov. Curtin. C C MBERLA-N D ItEi . unt.teAN Vicromix All the fall elections held thus far in the North. the West. and South-west, hare tesidted iu Republican victories. Fir,t came the echoes fr.,t the green hill. of Vernomt of a sweeping triumph ; then Maine. the "Star of the East," followed with another emphatic victory ; then the golden Teni tory of Cokind" elected the entire Repub lican ticket, and lastly. Wyoming repudi ated her Deuwerat hi majority of last year by casting a hantLsome one' for the Repuli lMai Is. . ALWAYS AHEAD.—Capt. Noun's is de termined not to be outdone by rivals, and has again added largely to his stock for fall and winter wear. If you want a fashionable 'Hat, Cap, Coat, Pants, or Vest, for fall or winter wear, or a good pair of Boots or Shoes or arty kind of un derwear as cheap as before the war—Nor ris' Bead-Quarters is the place, (Arnold's corner) young gents. If you want a fash ionable Tie or Bow, don't forget that Nor ris is getting new styles every week, and always has the latest. His stock of Hats is the largest in the county and greatly reduced in price, all styles and price. If ou want to save money go to Norris' cor , Sept.lll-tfi LOOK IltmE.—E. IVoodward lc Ls emn menced. in connection with his Gunsmith i ng, the repairing of CmbrellaN Parasols, &e., which he will warrant to he better fix ed than is done by the majority of - brella-menders. Any per,on wishing work done in this line can leave word at his shop on Carlisle Street, and it will be sent for and returned. Charges moderate. He also has still on hand a variety of Bat tle-field Relies, of any kited and style, a larg,e assortment of Canes, &c,. Call and see him': TUE BEST STOVE now in market, for beauty, economy, and comfort, is admitted all around to be the HORNING GLORY. It defies all competition, and that is the judgment of all who have used it. It is just the thing for Offices, Stores, Parlors and Chambers. Call at C. H. Buehler's Ware Room, opposite the Passenger Depot, and examine for yourselves. tf SAVE 3 1miEy.—Pending the agitation of the Funding Bill, which will evidently de preciate Government Bonds, persons would do well by reading the advertisement of the "Gettysburg National Bank," in another column; and - exchange their Government Bonds and realize a handsome profit there- . by, and obtain an investment as safe and profitable. - Arrrarrtoii FAartEns.-- 7 Try the cele brated Patent Elastic Rubber-lined Col lars, Saddles, And Pads. . Warranted to prevent horses from gallingand to heal up under work horses already glled, if pro erly fitted; and sore necks and backs are kept clean with water and eastile soap, or no pay. For sale by J. W. Cress, Manu facturer's Agent, Gettysburg. seplo-tf A CI:Li:WE FOR BARGATlO3.—lliessrs. Cobean & Cunningham having determined to close out their stock of Ready-made Clothing, are now selling all kinds of Coats, Pants, Vest, &c, at largely reduced prices—many of them less than cost. Now is the time to secure Bargains. The goods are all first-class'imd•will positively be sold without regard to cost. aug.l2.tf SCrecenerd Axiom Arm SagrepPs.--This medidal beverage is manufactured by the proprietor at Schiedam, Holland, express ly for medical use, .and is not only war ranted free from al deleterious compounds, but of the best possible quality, and is the only alcoholic breverage that has the en dorsement of the medical faculty. Put up in quart and pint bottles. For sale by alldnuisti k said grocers. it "Threi.orra oar Wrsres," say an who have made use of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and by such use been Cured of coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, influenza or conFoaption. The prudent will always keep-the standard remedy by them. 1t Foa aux.—A. VULCAN STOVE, in good order—too large for my present use. It will be sold at a low price. IdePisasois. Fos Bert exaaP.—Agooduixed-luind Nand Shifting-UT Buggy.! 'Enquire at this office: ti atxne,tt Nzws It. E. LEE was stricken with 'tis home at Lexingtoti r Va., His recovery is conUder- has appointed Ilifuniachusetta, to zonal of the Uld- tom town pointed place =MMII WIRE RAILING, WIRE GUARDS. For Store Fronts, Asylum &c. ; Iron Bedsteads, Wire Webbing for Sheep Poultry. yd s . Brass and Iron Wire Cloth,' eves, Fenders, Screens for Coal, Ores, Sand, &c., avy Crimped Cloth for Spark Arresters; Landsca • Wires for Windows, &c. ; Paper makers' Wires, * , ment al Wire Work, &c. Every information 4 ad dressing the manufacturers M. W ; & SONS, No. ll North Sixth st., Philadelphia. Feb. 11,1870.-1 y "Tan Usti-saw, Arsa."—On my journeys over the continent—through Turkey, India, China, Japan, Pen, Chili, PatAmtay, Brazil, and Mexico, the United BtateriLln them all to some ex. tent and in some to a great extent, I have found the universal Ayer reprmanded by his lan* medicines, .which are often held in fabulous es hike teem. Wh r they win their marvelmis repo. tattoo by ' 6 cures, I know not, but I know they have it such a degree that it frequently gave me a distingulahed importanee tohm come from the same eountry.-1 Yield's letter front abroad. Oct 7.-It ' AMBLER'S HERB BITTERS. This celebrated tonic and stimulant will restore the digestive orgsnsto a perfectly healthy state. It will thoroughly eradicate all morbilic matter from the blood, cleanse the entire system, and Produce the most vigorous action of the different organs of the human, body. It Is the Great Blood Purifier and Infallible Remedy for Dyspepsia, Cholera, Cramps in the Stomach, the re sulting from a deranged Stomach, and also that harassing disease Sick Headache, BIM oullueury &c.. The fact 'that in all parts of the land the medical faculty preseribe AMBLER'S HERB HITTERS for their patients who are afflicted with these diseases, should convince the most seePtical that this PrsiirletorY soMPound Is a medicine DEEDS—Common, Executor, Ada:da tum Whirl' they can rely as absolute/7 clam:tom_ AVa rK t o r. Ample° and Trustee,—ldortamma In curing such 4iaceee s as we kayo 'sumer:nett gammons, WarraZailormationN Subpoenas abore. Sced by all Druggists. Prfec oot One 7 to zm ilar u N ianjuh eses, Amicable ma and All other per bottle. THE OLD BARBARITY At the 'close of the Presidential (11M ' paign in 1868 it was hoped by all the Re pnblitems and by many Democrats, that no party would ever again‘go before' the country appealing to the: ruffianism and brzardity of ignorant men. The battle feittunan rights had been fought ',and won, and there was a general acquiescence in the inevitable result. Leading Demo crats who were men of culture and respect_ ability were pleased at the prospect of be ing no longer compelled 'to prostitute themselves to the base party tactics which for the three proceeding years had been used with the greatest persistency, and in pe localities with marked success. Take the hostility which the average ruin- Hrtains,toward the colored race, and ld not have been a doz n Demo ' Thirty-ninth; Fortieth or For ' Tess. Governor Seymour, his not entirely reputable a gentleman and a schOl - ` party away from the the singularly in ' ei which he made doled his sup ' n, party upon the insane entitled In a that Bite rizmn liElEti lIIMME at= rural editors. The slashing artieles of 1566 are reproiluced, with such additional flings at the colored man as the crisis seems to demand. Utterly oblivious of the events of the last teu years, and ap parently uncoutions that they are living in the nineteenth eentuty, these self-con tituted guardians of the purity and digni ty of the white race prostitute themselves t o a moral baseness that ought to disgrace a savage. The old rape stories, with all their disgusting details, which have done duty in the Democratic newspapers in every campaign since 1864, are once more paraded before the youth of the country for their debasement. It : matters not that the perpetrators are nameless (except that they were negroes), and that the lo cal i t ies mentioned can be found in no ga zetteer on the face of the earth; yet ths stories are circulated as campaign. litera ture, and read, and no doubt believed, by the multitude. That men who profess to be gentlemen in their own lives and char acter should lend themselves to such "base uses" is one of the most painful incidents of American politics,._Balt. Ahieritan. 'nE Democratic swindle of "Repeat ing" is to be tried on a large scale in Phila delphia, at the appioaching election. Gangs of men from New York and New Jersey have been hired for the occasion. One man by the name of Hardy had him self registered Aizty timee in as many diff ere.rt precincts. The Philadelphia Post says :—"There is the best reason to believe that in erery closely contested ward in the city false registration on the largest male ha.* been aystematically conducted to elect the Denoeratie candidates... ~#periat ices. ----- - TO STOREKEEPERS GMiERALLY. We would be pleased to mail regularly ou monthly wholesale price list to any storekeeper who does not receive them, and who may give us his address. These lists will give OCR Wholesale Prices of most of the goods we offer. Wecorrect and publish them the first of every month. We invite a comparistin of our, prices with Clty quota tions for good goods. The secret of sbccess lies in buying small—buy lug often—keeping good goods—keeping up varie• ty, and carrying less stock. Try It. WILLIAM SLATE d: RON, 'South End," Carlisle Pa,. 12, 1870. lIALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN lIAIR RENEWER, IT WILL POSITIVELY RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It keeps the hair trout falling out. It is tbepest dressing In the world rnakinglifeless,stili, brashy hair, healthy, soft and glossy. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. IL, Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. [Sept. 2.—lm /Or DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH 'treated with the utmost success, by Z. Iseats4 M. D., and Professor of Diseases Qf the lye and Ear, (his speelatty)in the Medical Cbllege• of Penneyt rania, 12 yearsezperienee, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 806 Arch street, Phlla. Teatimonl als can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are Invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for ex amination. [March 18,1870.-1 y VP/ Netke9. iidiPHLETITAWS — The Pamphlet Laws for 1870 have been received at the Marrs Office, and are now ready for distaibtition law, to receive t hem the persons entitled by Sept. gi.--.3t JACOB MELLIORN, Protley. NCR.—Letters of Administration on the estrito of Hamer CHtw, deceased late of s - Botha township, Adams county, Pa., having ' been granted to the undersigned, residing in Faianestock said township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make Imme diatepayment, and thew having claims against the same to present them properly authenti c ated have just opened a choke and desirable assort for settlement. ment of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS of every Sept. 30.-61 WILLIAM -CRUM, Ad ner. -t-- description, which they are SELLING AT F.X. i v ;‘,,. OTICE.-lAtters tot Admitrittration on the TUFMFI Y LOW PRICER. Estate of tiartannVuecus, deceased, late of 1 ' . , Mountioy township. having been granted to the ' • undersigated, rmidinic .In Mountpleasant town ship, he hereby gives notice to ail person"; Indebt- • ed to said estate ' II and make idimediate settlement and t s ing claims against the fa n same will please resent them properly authen ticated for settlement. DAVID A. WILSON, Muer. Sept. 21--et ___ vOTIC E. —Letters Testamentary On the .I.‘ estate of GEoutia ifoLusuan, late of East Berlin, Adams county, Pa.. deceased, having FABNESTOCK BtIOTHERSareseIIIngOOODS granted to the undersigned, they hereby give at a.stozilsliingly low prices. Those wanting bar. notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having gains. •;ftoilid by all means give them a call. claims against the same to present them moperly authenticateti for settlement. .10NAs JACOB SMITH. Sept. =3.--6t.• xeunt, ”-The first named ieside E s I n Reading ship, Adams enmity, and the lasi named in VV:e.,ll iugton township, York county. VOTlCE.—Letters of Athuinistralion on the _lll estate of Exttl.Et ItEx, late ot Ii notoodon township, Adams county, Pa., de , Ta,,l. ha; lug , s.t been If put exult GOoDS at old prices before the granted to the undersigned, residing ill bl township, he hereby gives notice to all pe: su,s in. : the War, don't fall to buy at debted to said estate to make It pavin , lit, - and those havhig claims against the same io pre. I sent them properly authenticate4i for set tlelot•tt t. i 314 XS ES S. lil/WERS. A. 111 1 .1% I Sept. 9. 1871.;--61.. Notice to CredirorN TUT I'llllll'o/y 1/ 1111 I either by note, Cr Itch :11,1/11111h/ 11I.' 111111 Vll iajtje- of tthttintplea.ant : les g,0.,1 eVer ••tl, ilify, or to.loitS . 1 1u:1.r:h. late •mnslztp. that tall cettlement 11111,1 ht. ‘11•11/11•tic 1 , 11t:s1' (rt P \ of .1. I.(tarns pleasant matte on 1871. If settlemen, these notes am" hands of an othe mom The holes and Hook & E. Nllia.Eit will be tok (tore, in Mountpleasa payable to JoRN MILLE found with .forts F. I•'Ei Aug. 19, IKIL-;,'111 Register ()TICE. is hereby gl other persons Conti!, trillion Accounts liereal presented at the Orphan ty for confirmation and the lath day of OCTOI3I : 61..,,The first account tor iff the Will of Iticha 68 The second and tin Cromer, Administrator McKinney, deceased. fit Second and final account Executor of the last Will anirfestaineni of Isaiah Ca.skey, deceased. ba The first and final account of Thomas Ehretart, Guardian of the Estate of Olive Patter- Son. 65. The second account of Henry .1. Myers, Ex. ecutor of Henry Myers, late of Straban township, Adams county, deceased. SAIIII.:EL A. SWOPE, Register. Sept. 23, Is7o.—td NOTICE. T. CHARLES CHRISTIAN CONRAD SC'HOEC'E, of Stuttyart, who in 1840 resided at Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, or to his lawful heirs. By the death of the widow of herGOTTLIE SCHOECK. of this place, there has come to son above mentioned, or, in case of his death, to his lawful decendants, an inheritance. The par ties are now called upon to establish their claims 1% Willi 60 days from the first publication of this advertisement before either of the undersigned officials, by a power of attorney duly authenticait. ed by the Consul ; by marriage certificate of the Lather, and by certiticat of baptism, as`,:also by a certificate of death of their father. In ease of omission the partition of the property of the above decea.,ecl will be transacted with an attor ney to be by these authorities appointed, to whom the share of Charles Christian Conrad Schoeck will-Be paid to be held by him until his death is proved by the co-heirs, when his portion sill be also divided between them. Stuttgart, July' *IL, 1870. KELLEY, Royal JudiCial Notary. SICK, President of Orphans' Court. W. L KIDEIMEN, Consul of Itiirtemberg. in Philadelphia. Sept. :11-;;It• S HERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry UTI IS of Venditi , ini Erpo naa issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams co., and to me directed, I will sell at Pu bit c Sale, at the Court House, in Gettysburg, on Sat- Way, the 810 day of October, 1670, at 1 o'clock - , P.. IL, thefollowing described Beal Estate, viz: The undivided interest in a Tract of LAND, situate in Strabau township, Adams county Pa ., adjoining lands of Josiah Benner, Jesse Walter, and others, containing 200 ACEES OF LAND, more or less, improved with a two sto ck-buildingry Brick Dwelliattacheng, with a one-scary Brick B ad,og Barn Sheds at tached. an orchard of c L hoi ce Fruit.with About r.A.i acres are Woodland, and 12 acres of Meadow. There is a well of water near the Kitchen door with pump in It. Seized and taken In execution as the Heal Estate of JOSIAH T. If. BRIECOIRE & GEORGE E. BILLEGRA-N. No. I.—A part of a Lot of Ground, 18 feet 3 inches trout by 180 feet deep, situate on the north side of Chambersburg street, in the borough of Gettysburg , Ad...uns county, Pa.. ad- Joining lot of Philip Winter on the Last, lot of Francis Cunningham on the West, and an alley on the North, improved with a tyro-story ant attick BRICK. DWELLING and Store Room, with a two-story frame back building and a one story frame Wail-house attached and a goal frame Stable. ico. 2.—The tont:aided interest in a TRACT up LAND. situate in Strahan twauship, Adams county. l'a, adjoining lands of Josiah 'Selmer. Jesse t 1 alter, and others. cord:1111114r 200 Acres. inure or less. unproved with a t, G -.tore BRICK 17%1 ELLING. 'lit!, a one-story Brick Back-bnilding attached, Log Ea! ll Nt 1111 Sheds attached, an Orchard of good fruit, a butt -. i Acres being in M, oodland and '1:: acres in mead ow , wit h a well of water near the kitchen door with a pump in it. Seized and taken iu EXCeuti. di as the Real Estate of liEuttGE , E. Bfusome.k. _ . A Lot of Ground 1.30 feet front, br 180 feet deep, situate on the corner of East Middle and Sirattou streets, iu 'the borough of Gettys burg, Adams county, Pa., improved - with a two story FRAME D i:LLING tioUsE, part nearly new, a frame Barn, with Wagon Shed attached, a number of fruit trees on the premises, a well of water with a pump in it near the barn, seized and taken in execution as thc Real Estate of JACOB STILICKHOCSRX. A Tract of Land and Mill Property, (on Oposstun Creek,) situate in Butler township, Adams county, ra adjoining lands of Samuel Harris, William Guise and others, the tract con taining 13 Acres, more or less, and improved with a two-story BRICK DWFIIIING HOUSE, with Back-building attached, and a well of water near the door, a FRAME HAAN, also a Stone TENANT HOUSE and Stable, with a good Orchard, a large three-story STONE GRIST MILL, with four pair of Burrs and one pair of Choppers, all naming with over -shot wheel 14 C h oppers, superiorhi SA W - M LI water power equal, if not to any in the county, no trouble with back water to the Mills. The Property is located in a good grain-growing region; good roads, with bridges crossing the streak's, in-every direction leading to the M i lls. seized and taken in execution aatbe reai estate Of LIRA= BRICK:CIL July H., 187 Q—ts JACOB KLUNK, Elherar. soir-Ten per cent. of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sheriff must be paid over i n ured ately after the property is struck down or upon failure to comply therewith the property wi l be again put up tor sale. • SgLECT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. ON ,MONDAY,, OCTOBER 3d, T PEOPOnE to start a Girls' Select School. The character and experience of the Instructors se cured, and the course of study proposed, guaran tee that thix_school will be, what it is designed to Make it, FIRST•CLASS Institution. A limited number of boarders will be admittted. For Circulars, and further intonnationj mtuire of Rzr. IL LOUIS BAUGHER, Sept. 9, 1870.-tt Gettysburg, Pa. MAPLETON SEMINARY. I T Tuss school, situated tnhdeel4elll.l,y mountain. county, Pa., will open for the reception of pupils ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 10th i 1870, sThe Instuction will be under the charge of Louisa A. Wright, Graduate of the State Normal School, Millersville, Pa. Besides superior educational advantages, a pleasant home will be afforded to those who avail themselves of its privileges. For terms and par ticulars address CHAS. J. TYSON or MARIA E. Tyso}i, Aug. 26.-td Floradale, Adams county, Pa. NOTICE. Ormuz or Witraman & Wu.sois Snwrim MACHINE COMPANY, Garrnmuso, Sept. 15, 11570. A. ParflAhaW Is no longer an Agent h riamielty—the public are hereby no t him any money or trust him on ilk As Geol for us In an tilled not to our secouuL Sept. ETERSON & CARPENTER BROOMg BROQMS :MEE undersigned cont. 1 &tams at his new stk comer of Centre Square, rin g Store. Ile will have during tht on hand_and wi ll be able I WHOLE or RETAIL. lb order or on the shares. Persons Corn would do well to give him a ea & Gettysburg, Sept. 23.-3 m • Notice to the Public • HE undersigned is running a Line of Stag from Hagerstown to Gettysburg, leaving fur. Merl'lace on 7lionday, Wednesday and Friday; at 7o'ciock, A. IL, passing by Leitersburg,. Wayne*. born', Monterey and Clermont Springs, Fountain Dale and Fairfield arriving at Gettysburg at ball past four o'clock and returning from Gettysburg on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday arriving al Hagerstown to make connection with the ft of clock May train for Baltimore. ANNA WABBEN. 2L-41 Is not matte 011 or hefor. , that time \Accounts %%111 be plact.tl in the r for collection. JoIIN FELTy. *:tor of John Miller,lee'd. Fahnestock Brothers GRIEST & BOWERS, have received their new SPRING and SLACKER GOODS, az.,,kteellent assortment, selected with care, and ‘t ilibe sold cheap for cash. Sewing Machines. April 29,, 1879-11 PRE undersigned having entered into partner i. ship. under the fir attentionf COVER iP• PERSPERGER, call the of their Me nds and the public generally, to their splendid assort ment of NEW SPRING AND SUMMER Groceries ): Dry Goods , Hardware, (Weal:aware, • all of which have been purchased (El a falling; market for cash, and which we are prepared to. sell at the very lowest figures. Call and examin e our stock before purchasing elsewhere. aile•A lot of good Rails for sale. TOAS R. CVER, A. R BI AFFENSP O ERG ER. Arendtsville, Pa., April 15, 1870—tf E GREAT AMERICAN HEA.LTH RIiSTORER, purifies the blood and cures Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin ;Rheumatism. Diseases of Women, ail Liver 'Chronic Affections of the Blood, Liver and 'Kidneys. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and many thousands of our best citizens. Read the testimony of Physicians and pa tients who have used Rosadails: send for our Rosadalis Guide to Health Bookkoirh Al manac for this year, which we pub for gratultious distribution ; it will give you much valuable information. Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says: .4 I take pleasure in recommending your BoeaDeue as a very powerful alterative. I have seen it used in two cases with ha ppy results--one in a case of secondary In which the patient pronbuzwed %sel s l • cured after having taken Ave Wake' of your medicine. The other is a case of scrofula of long standing, which is rapidly improving under its me, and the in dications are that the patient will soon re cover. I have carefully examined the formu la by which your Rosadalls Is made, and And it an excellent compound of alterative gredients. nee to manufacture .d on the north-east ' - lttg Beck's Segnr fall a full supply furnish them oms. made to ,ylng Broom Dr. Sparks, of Nicholasvillei Ry. ye sa w has used Rosadans in Cases 0 AlSeCOlidarY with resultse. :—as a cleaner of the BloodM ibetc "iew no tenet, (remedy. , Blunuel G. 31'Failde.n, Murfreaboro', Tenn.. • says: T l I have used seven , bottles. of Itosadalis and am entirely cowed at Rheumatism ;send me fc) ur sill wish ft for my brother who has sormusons sore eyes. Boojamln Bechtel, of Lima, Ohio, writes. I have suffered for twenty years with an in veterate eruptlon-over my whole body; a, bon time since I purchased a bottle of • and it is e l ected ld byaidlperfect cure leta Laboratory, 61 Exchange SaltbnPre cpatEmrs & co., ..iircyrilsoro, Feb. 11, IBRlt—lyla • - .411rFor Sale In Gettysburg, Pa., by ai ikir l b Busman, Druggist. A gry (Eiso4o, Notions, At. SPRING AND SUMMER 0 0 BARGAINS. ILDLi TION IN PRICES P" (.‘Lico =I ry Goods, Carpets, &c., IA RDWA RE. SADDLERY, A:4' QUEENS-WARE. CEDAft-WARE . ORO (ERIE . PAINTS. nu... AND NVINDoW LAss (;iv them a eall. let ri}.2 ~. 1.97n-tf 3 I SCHICK f has the La r \ ::Y; st aad Best Stock of DRY GOODS EMI NOTIONS, that has been brought t , , r;etty4burg this Spring Mild' %%ill be sold at the lowe s t possible rates :‘!aPIL 1870--tf TREAT RUSH i Rebell & Elliott's Store, I.V ( ;ETTYSIi URG' IAT AS entered last week and a large quantity of r V Dry Gods, Notions. Qtwens-ware and Car peting tak.,n. the parties are well known. but have thus far esealsd arrest. as they left Greenbacks In ex change for gootk The persons who took the goods are very well satisfied that they received more and better goods for their money, than they could have got at any other store. COME ONE ! COME ALL! ! rcluntne ou• large as...ion/nein or GINGITAIK LAWNS, BAREGES, AL- PACCAS. L(.. CLOTHS. CASSIMERES TWEEDS, JEANS. VESTING S. &V. Ak o . cARpErs. NOTIONS, GLASSAVARF., QUEENSIWAIIE. and indeed, a general assort. meat everything belonging to a ftrst-class store 13..r.me her the place iimiposite t Court-house. Baltimore , trt.et. and that our motto 13 "Fair Dealing and Small Profits April 'Yd. lA7n—tf NZEW Spring & -Summer Goods.,- 1 T PETERSIICRG, Y. S. PA i ve us call a and examine our Goods GRIEST & BOWEIti. N• B.—Agents for the GROWER & BAKER R. COVER, A. RAFTENSPERGER. NEW FIRM. ARENDTS'VILLE, PA OS-A*D ALIS D S Brothers. Al IN ESTCX:KS. F.lll NiSTOCKS. Olt litat Friday hoe 0111. 1"Illll.-111 the 14 I bill publiShed this. J e t Borough wall itetidouttr "• been incoatod • during course, the Eleeticnt will • Borough septliate from RELIOOUS cording to the usaget of Episcopal Church, will :lie the Court House On rie;t:: inst, (by ROT. ,Sosepl► A. M. and 3 P. M. . INESTALLED.—On Ttiestlit John Wolford, District the officers of "(leaps 0. p. F.," viz:—N. G., Michael Miller; A. 8., T., John Rupp; C., W."P.: . W., David Trozell; R. S. to N. G., D. A. &fejt G., S. J. Welty.; R. 8: . to - . Sheets; L. S. to y: G., Ed • S. S., Dr. J. E. lierkit. • Snyder; I. G.,' Andrew VIZ 11. Dietrich. " IN B TALLATION.-011 last District Deputy CARL ,tailed the following fx3rAOIIII Warren Council No. 101, of this place:—C., C. E. Aug. C., T. W. Flaliarty; H. S., Battier Win. Garlach; C., Wui. 3 Henry Menchey; T. 5., Johla .1. Nevin Frey; Jr. EZ-C Shields. F.tlit.:-011 our lirst 7 rage a full list 'of the Premiums • week at the AgrieulturalA:ir bition was a success in exceeding :my given by .. _ its organization. The rain on Wednesday evening titter,. ially with Thursday's .ittendance on that day. As. receipts were large, atuouutinT gregate to f2396,7ll—being titan last year, when the wea o rable throughout. But fin. Thursday, the receipts would largely in excess of last year.- ACCIDENT.— We regret to yesterday afternoon, , yEnliraim Myers, the Republic for Asaembly, met with a lle iirove into Mummaxburg, horse, and went to see some'of During his absence the horise sill ran off, smashing the btu . ing the farm of E. W. St;ldes turned into the lane, and lii to jump a gate, an end of—a . bro ran into his breast, killing him a valuable animal. SALES.—Martha Ellen Stew% her residence on Carlisle stree t burg, the Douglas property,) Witherspoon for $2,2:A. Francis IL Culp bas sold his lot on High street, to Lewio §t ESE J. E. Smith, Assigner ; of freii er. sold a house and lot, in M township, at $600; Mrs. Caron ., er purchaser. John F. Felty, John• Miller, dee4eil, Las sold of said decedent, on the Yeirk t 210 acres, with improvements, acre; Mrs. Catharitie Miller Francis R. Culp has purchased erty of Elijah N. Hoffman in Cu township, 12 Acres, for e 74- 4 • J. L. Schick has sold his .ieS" Carlisle street to W. W. Kurtz, delphia, f0r.13,500; and has pure , three-story residence of Prof. deceased, on the diamond, fort, iIiSS Maria Winrott has sold 1 deuce on York street to Samiel t fur WOO. Um. Edward McPherson has from JolusCulp, a 00 feet lot on. Uniotii and Carlisle streets, for . 90 feet adjoining on Carlisle Judge McCurdy fur c. 510. CENSUS STATISTICS.—We are i to Mr. Chamberliu for the followi , tional statistics of his ilistriet aS iielayeti by the extent of tho a siignect ihttler.—No. of tin ellings 248; 257: population 1333 7 -1312 ‘irrtitizi color]; deaths (luring the year 14; 157. of dwellings 334; lies 30, population Isl.l-1760 whi , 54 colored; deaths '2l; farms 157. Btider gains J 3 in population :in nallend34, c'onipared with I? 00. The population of and Arentsville 173—both ineltt. the above. Mr. Davis sonde us the following tics of Tyrone township, which • up his district:—\o. of dwellin . families, 194; population 1,009-474 and 535 females. .In 1860 Tyrtnl43,l populeion of 960, being a gain of. Latimore township has. 224 main ir • izms of 21 years and upwards; 'Re. :117. and Huntington 350. 0.1.49 COUNTY 3f UT1.7.A.1, ANcE COMAS Y. —The Board of Ma. , elect of this. Company met ou Wath last, anif!irganized by electing the fo ing officers: Preside i tit—GLorge Swope. Vice President—Saintiel.n. Rug.- Seervtary—D. A. Buelllei:: ." Treasurer—F. G. Falinesto.:A d . Excliutive Committee.-11. A. Robert McCurdy and Jacob The Reporter the Executive, Comtri: , shows the company to be in a jurist* condition-v -all liabilities haying been with ari available cash surplus of #4, 40 in tine hands of the Treasurer. ' Dr. E. G. ‘FaWnestock, Treasurer:ld coult with the ('unipaity. DR. T,) notes ad.] Judginotits Luc setthift. ; 41. •• rash iu handv of Treasurer and Managers • 1, •• premium cash received during the, . year, ' 141: interest. It jt).easl4 paid forpostage, " U. S. Revenue taxes, •• ••• paid managers, foes, printing policies, adver Using, de.; • • Si:cretin y's salary • • Treasurer's salary,..., " notes on hand " judgments on hand, " cash In Muds of Managers " " T reasurer No. of Policies outstanding_ ...... Amount of premium Notes, Amount of property Insured AVAILAZIX AIikiETTS. Notes and Judgments, Cash In handset Treasurer and Mau tigers, Prcudum notcs In forct, FOR RENT.—The large Room in,tlite East corner of the diamond, now oecuifii by Warner J Co. It is suitable firy office or any kind of buisnes.s.ly' Mrs. 11. G. Harper. ' tf FOR new Morning y OW Stove, a rpagnidoent Ch4roino, and sere new tablia. Cheap Ihr eash- , :sold T. want of room. 4 J. HOWAND-WICAT?: LOCAL I C~ - 2 Lew 1.408 510 416 OE • C 9,131 433 pa,o4i t;5 30-°66