gam. EREI •Vltitcr- Produce 'Business es. The hilliust prices Whm& I ,x lA 0" . aab Ovill t„ti u t a , s o 4 4 tk inac uanta Tna Ck' Y &DI . . iine. with everything else In the CERIES )IP ALL KINDS Supra, Imams, licru xualt Cheeae,Backe Vinersitahilada, * ker oll,irlan Oft, Tar, ac. wid Nana ; ;Smoking and able to supply a lirst-rate ant .tbe dliferentichms of Feed. , *kb El=s tones other AL, by th e b ton or car f Freight (Jars Howard street. RALTI2dOItE, et th gree place t, PM.IwELPILLI.— eier will ke - reeehmi and sonde should be mark- JOHN CREELS. J. Z. WIBLE Wiblo & DUCE DIiALESB, Raliroait and Washington 81*... MB ERG, PA Price paid for all kinds of n - and Country Produce pil -1 on band for'sale all kinds of ERIES, of FERTILIZERS constantly at short notice. T FIRM. ECKENRODE Warehouse lately led n' at Granite motion. 04 till ale deal I n Railoadn a i l • 2 kI nd miles from Rtm s of • _ arid Produce; market pri I will also for ce. salt all kinds of • kerP C ERI S syrups, n att e z with 'brands atilladt, - "' 1 , 1 ; 1 61 , 11%00AL. te our Dm pub&E. toMamlne A. DE. M'CUI DY, E ALFR IN 1117, GROCERIES, to, BBURG, PA Isisaytugar his Warehouse, or t BUtbler's Hall, ( bra. &ad, BucJeachtal athy-Seeds; Potatou, Sr re to give him a call before nstantly on hand for imle,k PLY OF GROCERIES,. sets, Sugars, &c., with -Balt beatßacon mat Lar__ To be braads of FLOUR, ds. He likewise has CABLE FERTILIZE R S, no, Rhodes'_ Phosphate and 's the highest market prices Us at the lowest living pro of public patronage, re action la every ease. EtOIIEUT iteCURDY. FIRM. BROTHER. CI COMMISSION NOUSE, .114 BURG, PA. having ente*d into partnerk firm of Hiatus & Burma. orsarding and Commission on the culvert& Wash. • atreets, and devote to it attention. The HIGHEST be paid at all tinsel for of Freight Cars will ieaveour LZESDA r imay, for Batti !phis, and accommodation occasion may require. By • are prepared to convey to and from these cities. entfusted to Ira win be Our cars run to the Ware . Sons, '165 North Howard • to Buff's Warehouse. 81 2 elphla. • stoutly on hand the best • of all kink, Ices, Fish, Salt, Syrupketttt. • . which he app a t WM. M. BrAly, JAMES BI I Ciatrastars. Ismith & Son, WR CHG. PA d Contractors. HUTTERS, D WINDOW FRAMES. It AND NilliDOW /CET'S, LC., and manufactured to order t of the ATEitIALS, sad at BLE PRICES mptly at tended to. ASH MAN, V 710, d Contractor, the public, hat be am% MI StTata! street stews, ibult b pro- Week galWituteed $o be of to bust Give him a call OMPOUND Cl= Or 411 /37LIThutica, ar Glee le of b i g ue= li tts beep OF CASES, • and av and seet r e d r . *pm Ji ro , a l l s v e ! aliasi. 9ll: Vh e lki a bah of this mesilust tt by Yam & 60., T k *. BUEHLER Co., Baltimore at between Cburt-house andDkan end Gettyaburt, Pa. Tga/I3 OF PUBLICATION: Tan STA,' AND aCIFTINIZ 13 plabllahed every Fri ', day morning, at $2OO a year in advance; or CM it not paid within the year. No subscriptions dis continued until all arrearages - are paid, unless at the option of the publisher& ADS are Inserted at reasonabi rates. A liberal reduction will be made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year. Special notices will be Inserted at special rates, to be agreed upon. Sir The circulation of the Brut sriti-Sairrihict. one half larger than that ever attained by any ewspaper in Adams county: and. as , lan adver ising medium, It cannot be excelled. Join Woltz of all kinds will be promptly execu ted and at fair rates. Hand-bills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, Box, in every variety and style, will be printed at shop notice. TIMM CAM. gin' and gtrional ~,Ja VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE The undersigned offers at Private Sale a ACRE LOT, situate in Harney, Carroll county, Md., 434 miles from Taneytown, 7 miles from Em mittsburg, 7 miles from Llttlestown, and about miles from Gettysburg, improved with a good FRAME HOUSE, an excellent Shop attached suitable for a Cabinet maker, there being a good opening for such, or suitable for any other busi ness. Also, Smoke House, Stable, Shed and Corn Crib, Hog Pen. 3c., with a well of water near the door. For Terms, enquire of Philip Shriner liv ing on the adjoining premises, or to the subscriber living 2% miles east of Taneytown. Sept. 3u, 1870.-41. PETER MARK. puBDIC SALE On Thursday the 13th of Ovh•bcr 'ter'. at 9 o'clock The undersigned, Executors of the last Will and Testament of ELLS St.aut-E, late of New Ox ford, Adams county, Pa., deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, the following Perso nal Property, to wit: ONE HORSE, 2 CoWs, I Fat Hog, Buggy and Harness, 1 one-horse Wagon and Hay Ladders, Spring Wagon, Wheelbarrow" Plow, single and double Shovel Plows, Harrow, Corn Fork, Harness, Halters, Bridle and Saddle, Side Saddle, lug and cow Chains, Hay by the Ton, about 50 uey %%bite Oak Posts, 125 new Chestnut Rails. Wood by the Cord, also, a lot of Coal, about 2u gallons of Cider Vinegar, Cross-cut Saw, a lot of Rakes and Forks, Axe and Maul, Copper Ket tle, large and small iron Kettles, a lot of Wheat and Oats Straw, Flour, Bacon and Lard by the pound. Also, HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, consisting in part of 2 eight day Clocks, Corner Cupboard, Sink, Chest, Desk, Table, Stand, 1% dozen Chairs, 2 Rix:lint:hairs, a lot of good Carpeting by the yard, Queens and Tin Ware, Beds and Bedding, 1 Cook and 2 Ten. plate Stoves Gun and Pistol, lot of Apple Butter and Dried Fruit, also, Tubs, Barrele Benches, Buckets, Meat Vessels, and a great litany articles too tedious to mention. Also, a small Tract of CHESTNUT WOODLAND, situate in Berwick township, adjoining lands of George Slagle and others, containing 5 ACHES, more or less. The Timber is young and In a thriving condition. WTerms made known on day of sale. Also, will be offered at Private Sale, the HOME MANSIoN, situate in New Oxford, containing 10 A('RES, more or less, of good farming land. The Improvements are a two-story BRICK HOUSE, Frame Barn, .with Carriage House, Hog Peu, Corn-crib, and all other necessary outbuildings attached, a well of never-failing water at tue door, with a variety of all kinds of Fruit. It is a very desirable Home and persons wishing to pur chase should call before going elsewhere. Air Any person wishing to view either of the properties will please call on the named Ex ecutor, residing in New o.zford. GEORGE SLAGLE, CHAS. A. DIEHL, Executors. Sept. 30.—ts ASSIGNEE'S SALE On Thursday, Octiger, 2001 at 1 o'clock, P. IL The undersigned, Assignee of Daniel Leer and Wife, under a deed of voluntary melit for the benefit of cueditors, will se FARM,Iic Sale, on the premises, a VALUABLE situated In Butler township, 3 utiles nelth of Gettysburg, wear the Gettysburg and Bendbrsville road ad- Mining lands of John Hamilton, Wm. Kidamil. ton, Joseph Fleck and others, containl 110 ACRES in a good state of cultivation, Ns} a fair proportion of Meadow and some Timber., The improvements are a two-story Log WMiller boarded HOUSE, receutly repaired, with two oue story stone back buildlup attached, a Large Swiss Baru, Hog Pen, and all other necessary outbuild ings. There is a well of excellent wales at the door, also a never-failing spring near the building with a running str the rty.— There is also a good orchard of Apple and Peach trees, with other choice fruit on the farm. Also, at the same time and place, a Farm situ ated in Franklin township, 3 miles from Gettys burg, on the Mummasbarg road, adjoining lands of Jacob Haukey's - Heirs, H. J. Stable, David Beecher and others, containing 100 ACHES, more or less, with sufficient Meadow and Timber. The Improvements are a two-story LOG HOUSE, Log Barn, Sprigg House, Hog Stable, and other outbuildings. There is a never failing well and ir rin rcha gricieUsfr the House . fruit There ere i ts alao a ng tlui co r d y Ron. A large portion of the land is granite and consequently one of the best grain farms in the neighborhood. Also, at the same time and place, a LOT OF MOUNTAIN LAND containing 110 AClik, more or less, situated in Franklin township, adjoining lands of.. David Keckler. E. W. Stable and others, covered with thriving Chestnut, Oak and fildiory U er. dela mb This will be divided to snit intschasnr, Any of the above properties will be shown to personal desiring to see them before the day of sale, by calling on the undersigned. Attendance will be given and terms made knownby P. D. W. HANKEY, i Sept. 3d—ts Assignee. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT AUCTION. On Wednesday, the 19th day of October next The undersigned will sell at Public Sale the following described property in New Oxford, Adams county, VIZ: No, I—A HOUSE AND LOT, at the corner of .Main and Peters streets, 69 feet front by 166 feet deep, with fine shade trees and stabling. The House is a TWO-STORY BRICIi, having 8 rooms in good condition and very desirable for residence or business. No. I—SIX LOTS OF GROUND, con taining 1 ACRE .412 H, more or less, fronting on the Berlin road, and each being 140 feet from by 2::5 feet deep. No. 3--A VALUABLE LOT OF GROUND, containing 3 ACRES & 55 PERCHES, with a valuable spring of water on% situate mile from New Oxford, adjoining lands of 11'111. L. 1-I.lmes, Elias Slagle and others. 'rids land is very desirable. - Also, at the same time and place, I u ill sell a Threshing Machine and Six-horse rower, nen ly repaired and as good as new. ' Sale to commence at lo o'clock, A. M., when at tendance will be given and terms made know by ;SepL 3V, 1879.—ts GEO,EGE B. HIMES. A SSIGNEES' SALE OF A: VALUABLE MILL AND FARM On Saturday, the Bth day of October next. at 1 a' clock, P. ..I.L The undersigned, A.ssignee of Jorm W. Davis and wife, under a deed of voluntary assignment for the benefit of eredlrors, will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, the following Ilea] Estate, to wi t:' TELE FARM, containing 128 3-4 ACRES, more or less. situated in bluuntjoy township, Adams county, Pa., on the road leading from Littlestown to Enunittsburg, 3 miles from the former place, near the P. &F.H. H. The Improvements con sist ot a large STONE MANSION 1101;:sE, with elegant cellar, large Stone Bank Barn, 50 feet long. Wagon Sheds, Corn cribs, Hog Pen, Smoke House, lee House, Blacksmith Shop, and all ne cessary outbuildings, a spring and well with pump in it near the house. Also, a two and half story STONE HOUSE at the 3111 L The MILL is three stories high, the first story is stone the up per frame. it is a Chopping Mill and contains one pair of Choppers, and Corn Crusher, &e.— There is also a :saw Mill, and Bone Mill having Mx stamper*. The Saw fdlil is hard to surpass In cutting qualities, and enjoys a first-rate custom. Theills are , in inn-rate couditiom There is also a Lime Kiln on the place in good order and Limestdne within three miles. The Land is of good quality and has - nearly all been limedr 'vice and some of it three times.— There is about .18 ACRES in good Timber, such as Oak, Hickory and Walnut. The farm is laid off in convenient gents, weU fenced and watered, the Creek passing Itaimigtk the centre. There is Mgood Apple Ore in good bearing order and 4 variety of Peaches, rears, Cherries Grape Se. .s„ te. air? cis wishing to purchase a farm should call aud • the growing crops as they will give all uecessa 6 • recommendation needed. i:\ Sir Atten • ce wit: t b:given and terms made known on day sale by_ JOilliPEI STOCESLA 'IER, .11 DAVIS, Assignees. James IL Coll-DiS i i. Sept. 2, 15711—ts VALUABLE TOWIOPERTY FOR SALE. uctioncer. The undersigned offers at Priva., sirable residence recently occupied 1 / 4 Douglas, dased, in the Borougn of t., Pa., fronting on Darlisie street, and the Hall of A hfcConatighy, EN., s on and they ropertrof hells of ,7n B. Ida on the :north . ft is Unproved with a two. BIUCK DWKLUNG HUM, with a Brick Ili building, With an excellent Well of water in tht yard, and a Hydrant fn the kitchen. The house is supplied with Gas fixtures. There /3 also con nected with the rear of the property. a part of a lot of ground fronSing on the public alley leaillug from carats Street PO W 586141411 greet, on which ut created a new frame weattierboarded Stable- This property is desirably located, being near the Passenger Depot. air 11 not sold before tinturdap the 22d day of October next, it will on that day be offered taker Lic sale; and ff not sold then, it will be fur Rent from the Ist of April on neLL Ascertain ir - Persons dealrini terms will call, the undexHiM rat )g vlil Stewart. . MIES STEWART. Sept. 2, 111711-44 ' ' • VALUABLE MILL PROPERTIES AT PRPiATE SALE I will sell at Private Aisle, o. I—WAL MIL one N utile eolith of Abbotsst NUT awn GROVk On lhe Hano LS ver , turnpike, with ao ACION OP LAND, mostly meadow bottom, known as Hollinger's Also, o. 2—PINE RILL MILLS .1 mile south of Harney, Carroll county, op MILLS, head waters of the blonocaey, with 16 ACHES OF L.A...N.u, heavy water power, known as Lniales Also, No. 3—KNOWN AS bAxpoEs MILLS, 6 miles south of Gettysbufg, eln so Aelti's OF LAND, heavy water power. All these Mills are in perfect good minus order. Also, 'A CHOICE FARM OF 231 ACRES, Hear Gettysburg, well limed, WA /Co.l buildings. Also, ONE OTHER FARM WITH 90 ACHIM OF LAND, near Littlest°Adams county, well limed, with No. /- new w n Terms actsonunodating. / will exchange one of the Mill properties for a good Farm ip A.dems co. Getryeburg 4 tlept. : 1 ,1870.-41n GEO ARNWA. • 11111114111 Y 111101111NIWO AT. On Saturday, the 6th day of October, 1870, The undersigned, Administrator de bonts non cum testantento annex° of ELIZABETH WILSON, deceased, late of Hunterstown, will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, the following Property, viz: THREE LOTS OF GROUND, situate in Hnn terstoil-n, Adams county, on which are erected a good Two-story Brick DWELLING HOUSE, and a One-story Brick House, a Frame Stable, &Ai— Tlvare Is a neier-f ing well of water at the door, andan excelllent S ring in the %liar. There is also an Orchard of mit, apples, pears and peaches. 40, - Sale to commence at 1 o clock, I'. M., on said day,' when attendance will be given and terms made know by • u, /JOHN F. FELTY. Adm'r. Aug. 19,1,70.—ts punic SALE OFVALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, the undersigned, Adininistra tor of the Estate of GEORGE limn, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on Mendell', the 1701. rJ October next, on the menthes; the 4 following Real Estate. Nu, 1 and 2.—A FARM, containing about 102 Acres, having thereon erected a two-story DWELLING DOCSE, part Stone, a large Rank Barn, Carriage House, Wagon Shell, Corn Crib, Hog Feu, and other outbuildings. Two wells of water with pumps in them, one at the barn and one at the house; an Orchard of choice fruit all In a high state of cultivation and under good fences, situate in Oxford township, 1 rune west of New Oxford, on the York and Gettysburg turn pike, adjoining the Mill property of Joseph B. Diehl, and others. No. 2.-8 Acres and 79 Perches, fanning land fronting on the turnpike and adjoining arst tract and lands of Jacob Diehl. No. 4.-6 Acres and 48 Perches, adjoining No. 1 and 2, and lands of Charles Diehl and the York and Gettysburg turnpike, being the Mansion ProPETTY, having thereon a two-story BRICK HOCS.E.-with brick back-building attached, a frame weatherboarded Barn, Carriage House, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, a young Orchard, a welt of water at the kitchen door—all under good fencing and in a high state of cultivation. No. 5.-7 Acres and 118 Perches of Chestnut Wood Land, in Berwick township, about mile from the Hanover and Carlisle turnpike, near the time kilns of Samuel Wolf, which is covered with line Chestnut Timber. This tract will be sold in one or two tracts, at the Mansion House. Sif-Any person wishing to view the premises before the sale will be shown them by calling on the undersigned in New Oxford. dirSale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. IL, on said day when attendance will be given and terms made known by W. D. ML: Sept. Zi-ts Adner. T WO VALI:ABLE FARMS AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned offers at Private Sale, his val uable FARM, situate in Cumberiandltownship, Adams county, Pa.;- on the Emmittaburg road, .about 4 miles from Gettysburg, being part of the well-known "McConly" farm. It contains 198 ACRES. of the best granite land, in a high state of cultivation. The Improvements consist of a two-story BRICK DWELLING, with a two-story Brick Backbuilding, a large Stone Bank Barn, a large double Wagon Shed with two Corn Cribs, Hog Pen, Carriage House, Dry House and other out buildings, all in good order. There is well of first-rate water with pump at the h and another at the barn, with running r In nearly every Held. About 50 Acres are in _good Timber, and a large proportion of hteadow.—. fhere Is no better Stock Farm in Adama county. it lies in a good neighborhood, convenient to Mills and School Houses, and a new public road -nas lately been laid on tilt eastern side of the farm. ir - Persons desiring to view the farm can call on Wm. Lott, residing thereon. For terms, Sm., address the undersigned at Mummasburg, or Hon. Hobert McCurdy, Gettysburg, Pa. JUHN 14 S ttTALS.N. I will also sell my FARM, adjoining the above, and containing 195 ACltEs, with improvements, Dwelling House, Barn, t:e. The two tracts for merly were in one, and will be now be sold togeth tir(hei e u ..e gn • * Gettysburg, Pa. ROBERT idoCuzl)Y. Aug. 19, 115,u. --a A VALIIABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE The sub Scriber wishes to sell at Private' ale his valuable Farm situate in Freedom township, Ad ams county, na-, on the road leading from the Gettysburg road. to the Waynesbbro" turnpike, about IS miles north of Emndttaburg, viz: • The -FARM contains SKII Acres, more or ImB, of Granite Land, adjihning David /nodes, Widow Patterson, and others. , The improvements are a Two-story Log Dwelling,Jtank Barn, 2 Wagon Sheds, 2 Corn Cribs, Smoke amd Wash-house, with all other necessary ontbuildinga, 2 Wells of Wa ter, one in the Barn-yard, the other near-the House. There is an Orchard of 'choice Fruit Li-The Land is under good cultivation haiLeg -all been limed-75 bushels to the acre. Therells water in alt the fields, under good fencing. About 35 or 40 acres are in excellent Timber. *sr Persons wishing to view the farm win please call on the undersigned residing thereon. Aug. 19, 1570.-9 t JOHN BAKER. A DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE The undersigned, intending to remove, offers at Private Sale, his SMALL PAILII, situate in Cum berland, township, Adams county, Pa., on the Cariisle road, 234 miles from Gettysburg, adjoin ing lands of S. A. Gibland, V. 11. Diehl, and oth ers, containing 43 ACRES, more or less. Part of the land has been limed, and all well rumoured will grow any kind of crops. The fences are good. The Improvements are a new 'and roomy T wo -st ory Weatherboarded DWELLLNGIIOUSE, with Basement, Log Baru, Corn Cdb , Hog Pea. &e. ; two excellent wells of water, one for the house and the other for the barn.; a young Apple and Peach Orchard, of best varieties, and' other fruit. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call on the subscriber,residing thereon, Alsoy a valuable TIMBER LOT of S Acres, near Bittinger's Saw Mill on the South Mountain, 3 miles west of Arendtsville. The terms will be made easy-,-one-half In hand, and the balance in three annual payments, with interest 'Passession givenin thirty days, if desired. He will also sell 111,1 peponal property at private saki. Sept. M, 18‘0.-If GEORGE S.MITTL A SMALL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned offers at private sale, a TRACT OF LAND, situate in Mountpleasant township, Adams county, on the Hanover road, hall a mile from Bonaughtown, adjobaing lands of James Biehl, Rev. Shorb and others, and containing /8 ACRES, more or less. Te Improvements are a one and a half story DW LING HOUSE, part stone and part frame, Frame Barn, Smoke i l l 'TwoHouse of excelle water, and plenty of fruit. acres are goon timber. Me land 18 In a high state of cultivation and under post and rail fencing. Terms easy, to suit purchasers.— Apply to or address the undersigned, In the same toAug. wnship.L2, lfl7o.—tf B. F. kIAGARMAN. DUBLIC SALE. .i. On Saturday, thf jsth,corOctoberpert, at 1 o'clock, By Virtue of an Order of the Orphans Court of Adams county, the undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of fiLEAR WLIAON late ot blountioy township, deceased, will sell at . Public bale, file following Real and Personal Propertypi_ Said de ceased, to wit i•itt two-storylIOUSE AND WT, part -Stone and part Rough-caU t i.with Frame Backbuilding attached, good Stable, 'Rog Peu, and all other necessary outbuildings, with a vart... ety of Fruit, Grapes, One good COLT three yearling, 1 COW, 2 MS, 5 fat Hogs, Front Gears, Saddle., Bridles, Halters ; Also, -HOUSE HOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE., such as 4 Bedsteads and Badding, 2 Bureaus, Corner Cup board, 2 Tables, 2 set of Chairs, 3 Rocklnt o Cluarii, 3 Ten-plate Stoves, Cooki Stove, about yards _ ng of Carpeting, Clock, 2 Loo%ing Glasses, Case of Drawers, Solids, Glass and Queens Ware, 3 Inrd Cans, Iron Kettle, s.lleat Vessels, 6Bags, Potatoes by the bushel, and many other articles. DAVID A. WILSON, Adm's J. EL, Auctioneer. Zt-ts VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. Sale, the de -,S ' , eisburg, 10hahlic ,South subscriber wishes to dispose of his valuable and LOT, containing 1 Acre, situated on — tbersburg turnpike to the Borough of HOL Clettysl TiclE 9.g00d RooL,, and a good w Stable and oil_ nicely laid out, namental Trees.. To any person chaace. Terms easy: Alirif sold possessimf week-of dune; ff not soli offered for rent until the..,., Tor particulars enquire of nel Bushman at the First Nl_ CYlll5l_ Flora May Z 7, Ig7o—tl PRE-EMPTION LAN second hand, pre-emption , Lands located near Railroads, County Towns, in well settle' neighborhoods, Which I wißsell of exchange it- a fair price for Real Estate lo f ,t &Ins County Fa. Feb. 6.11 M--ff GEO. Ai VOL. LXX. NO. 46 ?kcal and groonal • . t k . DESIRABLE STORE AND LOT AT PRIVATE SALE. .:The undersigned offers at Private Sale. his Store and Lot of Ground, situate' in Liberty town ship, Adams county, Pa., on the Waynesboro' turnpike, ,14 mile east of McDivitt's Mill, 2 - miles west of Enamittsburg, adjoining lands of .T. P. McDivitt, D. C. Erise and others, containing 5 ACRES, more or less. The improvements are a two-story FRAME DWELLING with a Store Room in basement, Bank Rini. The gi l l . - logs are all new, having been built last year, with post and rail chestnut fencing nearly new. There Is a go9d well of water with pump in near the door, a young ()mimed of choke Apple, Peaches, &c. The Land Is lit reline order and is a desirable place. If not sold before the at day of November, It be sold on that day at Public Sale, at one o'clock, P. M. Sept. 4.-td MANUEL OrEEHOLTZER. U B L IC premisea. TSE is built on the Cottage style, with s and is very convenieidthroughout, U of wager at the door, with a good outbuildings. The Grounds are 4 planted with a snub*, of or- gto buy this, a -rare be even In the second by that time $t 'OW be —• April, 1141. Arnold or Sam or of le P. 0. fist. WESTERN I HAVE ON HAItiD'ATEW TS R A t C OF 10 1, ....—.-... ..a...........,............. a.,finam. -mama ~ _-._ter. --- --,........en m- . ...-..-_,......,...._ ....' .. "7 .... . '• me..... 1 1 .. / ---',. - . • ' . . . . , '... ... • . . f ' i 4 _ . • • . ' \ , , Li -. '..i. - • I \ 10 ..s ,4l * ) • , . 1 • • 1 I 1 1 , • ! I . .I • ( Alliebjlik4 ,./ ' \ i. • q ip-7.--- ' .. . • ......--...„....... .. ~ \ < \ i f* . \ . 1 s \, •• . . • ....• tat and gersonal Sale of the Gotlysta Rat IN the Supreme Courtid Pennsylvania, for the Eastern 13istriet, In Equity. GEORGE SWOPE et at THE GETTY vs. SBURG RAIL ROAD COMPANY et al. Whereas, The Gettysburg Railroad Company, by mortgage, dated May 23, 1867, and duly record cd,kild grant ind assign unto GEORGE SWOPE, his successors and assigns, the railroad of said Company from Its eastern terminus in the. town of Hanover, In the county of York, through the town of New Oxford, and the borough of Gettys burg, and west-ward near the town of Waynes burg, In the county of. Franklin, to the further western terminus at the line of the State of Mary land, at or near the town of Middleburg in the county of Franklin, State of Pennysivanla, with all the corporate franchises and appurtenances of said Gettysburg Railroad Company, together with the locomotive engines and cars, lands and tenements, tolls, revenues, rights and privileges, whatsoever thereunto belonging or In any wise appertaining, to have aud to hold the. said rail road and receive and take ail and singular the estate and premises, heredltaments and appur tenances thereby granted or intended to be, with the lomotivee, &c., unto the said GEORGE SWOPE and his successors in the trust, never theless for the benefit of the holders of the bonds of the Company, to the amount of - whereas, by a decree entered by the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania, in the above en titled case, it was declared that said mortgage was a first lied upon the railroad, tolls, franchises,. property, Income, estates, and premises therein mentioned, and it was ordered that on default being made by the Gettysburg Railroad Com pany, In the payment of the bonds with coupons attached, within the period fixed by the said de cree, the railroad property, eslates,premises, ap pnrteuances, and franchises conveyed by the said mortgage, should be exposed to sale by public vendue, or outcry, as one entire lot, in the city of Pltiladelphia, by the said GEORGE SWOPE, to whom all needful authority-for that purpose was thereby given upon the terms and conditions therein mentioned and hereinafter set forth.— And whereas, default has been made by the Gettysburg Railroad Company in the payment as aforesaid. Now, therefore, noticels hereby given, that, under and by virtue of said decree, GEORGE SWOPE, therein named, will, on THURSDAY, the 13th day of October, A. D. 1870, at 12 o'clock, expose to public sale, by public 'endue or outcry, the whole of the railroad, together with the lands, rights of way, bridges, oulverts, trestlework, ma chinery, depots, grounds, and buildings situate thereon, and also all the tolls, issues, income, profits, rights, privileges, and franchises, and al so, all the cars, engines, locomotives, tenders, or other things used in the business or management of said _railroad and its appurtenances, at the Merchants Exchange in the city of Philadelphia The railway above described is situated In the counties of Adams and York, Pennsylvania, and begins at the town of Hanover, in York county, and extends to Gettysburg, in the county of Ad ams, a distance of sixteen and half miles. SALE TERMS OF SALE. The property will be struck off to the highest and best bidder upon his signing the conditions of sale. Ten thousand dollars to be paid In cash, and the balance in thirty days thereafter. When the purchase money shall have been pald, and the sale confirmed by the Court, the said GEORGE SWOPE will execute and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers, sufficient deed or deeds conveying the premises unto him or them in fee simple. GEORGE SWOPS, Trustee Gettysburg, Sept. 2, 1870.—ts ASSIGNNEES' MALE OF VALUABLE REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. On Saturday, the V..d day of October next, at 1 o'cWek, P. „IL, on the preitases, The undersigned, Assignees of HIRAM Gluiest' and Wife, under a deed of voluntary Assignment for the benefit of creditors, will sell at Public Sale, the following Real and Personal Property: A FARM, containing 60 ACRES, more or less, situ ated In Menallen township, Adams county, Pa., 2 miles south of liendersvllle. The Improvements consist of a good two-story FRAME HOUSE, con taining 8 rooms with good dry cellar, and a never falling Spring of excellent water at the door, large Bank Barn with covered yard, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Carriage House, Wood Home, Spring House, -8, • and other outbuildings, all of which are ail . ) , new. The land is of good quality, well improved and well watered, With a fair proportion of Meadow and Timber land, with a good Orchard of Choice Fruits, just in its prime. Also, will be sold a lot of Corn, Oats, Hay, and Corn-fodder. To any one wishing nine this a purchasing would say call and examine this before elsewhere. 1 1 4, - Attendance will be given and terms made known on day of sale by Sept. 9.-ts PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL & REAL ESTATE Oa Friday, the 14th day of Oct& beautifully loca FARM, situateln Adams county, Pa., 7 miles north of Gettysburg, on the old Carlisle road, near Lender's Church, (known as the Rev. Hinch's Farm,) containing 128 ACII.b.Z. The Improvements are good, roomy and - convenient, With all needful outbuildings, abundant and good water, a running stream through the farm, &c. About 10 Acres are in good Timber, with a good proportion of Meadow. There are upwards of 2,000 Fruit Trees,,consist ing of Apple, Pear,. Peach, &c. Will be sold on reasonable terms—the title good, an % Also, at the same time and place, will be offered a lot of PERSONAL PROPERTY, consisting of 1 Mat-rate 4 year old BAY HORSE, one 3 . year old Bay Horse, (wellbroken. shoes well and gentle,) 1 horse Colt one year old, 1 mare Colt one year old, and I mare Colt 6 months old ; 2 Cows fresh shortly after sale, 6 Shoats, 2three-horse barshear Plows. Shovel Plow, Harrow, Plarbrake and Mentching Mill, Grindstone, Sorgam Mill, Lime Lied, Post Bench and Auger, Rail Claw new Cir cular Saw, Forks, Rakes, a first-ratestay Fork and Pulleys, a new Feed-trough, Collars, Hames, Gears; Harness and Bridles. Hay by the ton. A first-rate small Cooking Stove, and other articles too numerous to mention. lir-Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., when attendance will be given and terms made known by JACOB HEADY. • JOHN !tasks, Auctioneer. (Sept. .-at ITA,LUABLE FARM AT V PRIVATE SALE The undersigned offers at Private Sale a very DEsIRABLE FARM, situate In Cumberland 'township, Adams county, Penna., 1;i miles from Gettysburg, near the Chambersburg turnpike. containing 218 ACRES of land, of which there are 52 Acres in excellent timber. The land Is in a good state of cultivation, and under very good fencing. The Improvements consist of large new two-story BRICK 'DWELLING HOUSE, with a new Weatherboarded Summer House close to the dwelling, a never-failing well of water In front of the door, Frame Barn, Wagon Shed, Car ' riage House, Corn Crib, Hog Feb. and all other neitloutbuildings. a e r K also ad Apple Orchard hi \prime bear ing, and another that is Just coming - 1u obearing; also, a young Peach Orchard M fine bearing or der. There are small fruits of all deseqptions around the , building& The property is well suited fur division, witli al most an equal proportion of timber at each e and also plenty of water for stock. Persons wishing to view the property, or ascer tain terms, will call on the subscriber, or address by letter . THEODORE BENDER. June 17, 1870.—tf VALUABLE LANDS !! FOR SALE. No. 1, A FARM, two miles north west of Gettysburg, adjoining Spring Hotel prop erty, 155 Acres, with large MUCK HOUSE, large Switzer Barn, Tenant House, and other LinProve menta. Price $6,609—n0t more than coed of °unit ngs. No. 2, B FARM, two anda half miles no:lA: n est of Gettysburg, adjoining No. 1, US Ac with good STONE HOUSE, Barn and other provemmts. An excellent grass efarin. Price 114,wd No. 3, A FARM adjoining No. 1, and town Gettyslmentatning 119 Aare., with STONE PARR BM.DINGS. It is divided by the Cimmbersburg Turnpike , comprises many very choice building lois. seen. No. 4, A FARM, five miles from Get tysburggood, oncondition publ lewith road, /62 Acr e s, good land in , large BRICK HOand large Switzer Barn. Price ss,soo—very cheap.. o. 5, A VERY" GOOD FARM, two miles from Gettysburg, 1140'Acres, with' large nICE, HOUSE, large Bank Barn, all in good condition. Price WO per acre. No. o,' , A FARM, 170 Acres, four Oles from C i lepurs, on Public road, comforts. hie FAME B INGE, nil land, ji limed.— Price cash. No. 7, An excellent FRUIT FARM, ten miles north of Gettysburg, on public road, about SO Acres good land, with comfortable Buildings. Price Ee,500. NO. 8, A GOOD RED LAND FARM, 150 Acres, comfortable HOUSE and needed Outbulles, and Barn, Land limed and in , order, grass tarm.nearßaltisnore Turn I e, 7 miles m twswYreburg, 3 milestromLituestown. Price $3.508 NO. 9, A TRACT OF GRANITE /AND, three 'ndles from Gettysburg, on York ate, 22 Acres, good HOUSE and sTABLE. a good stand for store or hicebsabs. Price Ewa NO. 10, A VERY GOOD FARM, tiro miles' west of GetlYsban. on Public road. 22 4 Acres, well limed and ingood condition, good Build.inm Weather BOUM large Bank Barn, plenty fruit, good location. Price S5O per acre ; or will sell I.Bi Acres withleuildinipsat aame. NO. 11, A VERY GOOD STOCK 'Alm, two miles east of Gettysburg, on York pike; 100 dcrwor will sell 110 Acres about % limed, a good MAME HOUSE, two well watered. Price 160 per acre—terms easy. NO. 12, A VERY VALUABLE FARM, 254 Acres, of which 100 acres heavy Timber, Oak, Hickory and Walnut, five milui west of Gettys burg, on public road, two seta of Buildings, will sell 1 ,4 or the whole, excellent fruit bum, good 'and, - red graveL Price 245 per acre. NO. 13, A GOOD, FARM, 180 Acres, 7 from Gettysburg, on Harrisburg road, good HOUISE andHarn, all kinds of zrtut.— am A FIRST-CLASS RED LAND or wM sell HSI 'dares • 2 mll Ofilf, th r ib4 ink l arti, aba= es in good order. and Town Property Town Property,' to elr . - NUM& mi 7 .1 Price NO. 1 FARM,_l6ti from oeuyibl Weatherbowd4_ Trait, Lend Hued Alao,..oeverol ott _ =esters bads tor Adams 0 May 37.-ti la BRICK DWELLING, with brick Back bil Ild in g-7 Rootns—wl t Gas pipes through the entire building—fronting 60 feet on Carlisle street, north of Stevens Hall. The build lug Ls new, and completed In best style. It will be sold on reasonable terms. If nut sold by October 1, it will be for Rent. C. If. A: A. 1). 1313EHLEIL Gettysburg, Sept. 9.-tf My Properly on Mainberaburg at., Gettyabuiv. • 'HE HOUSE is a two-story Brick, Gas in it, a I Hydrant in the yard with good outbuildings, choice varieties of Grapes, Strawberries, Blacic berries, Raspberries, Peach and dwarf Pear Trees on the lot. 8. R. ROW. T HE DESIRABLE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, 33 fret front, on 40 feet lot, with two-story Brick Back-building, in first-class repair, two doors from Court House, on Baltimore street, will be sold on accommodating terms. June li.—tf D. MCCREARY. J. P. NICCXEA.RT "BEST ALWAYS CHEAPEST.' The Best and Cheapest, Saddles, BridleS, Collars and ItA,RNE.S.Sof all kinds, In the County, are always to be found at the old and well known stand. Baltimore at., opposite the Presbyterian Church. OUR IN substantiallyO SADDLM are the moat bullt and neatest. OUR GARNESB, (plain and silver mounted,) are complete In every respect and warranted of the very best material and workmanship OUR UPPER LEATHER DRAFT COLLARS, can not be beat. They are the best FITTING and most durable. OUR HEAVY DRAFT HARNESS, are made to order as cheap as they can be made anywherean ost substantial manner. RIDING BRIDLES,WHIPS. LASHES, DRAFT Mimes, Fly-nets and everything. None Getter or cheaper. OUR PRICES have been BZDUCED to the lowest living standard. A liberal percentage for cash, off all - bills amounting to 195 or more. We work nothing but the best of stock and will warrant every article turned out to be In every respect as represented. Thankful for past favors we invite attention to our present stock. WGlve us a call and &amine prices and final 1&23--t1 29 1) . McCREARY & SON. J. , CYRUS S. ORIENT, CHAS. J. TYSON, Assigness. rim BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES • '['HE undersigned liar removed his Carriage 1. 'flaking shop to the east end of Middle stree_t, Gettysburg, Pa., where he will continue to build all kinds's' work in his line, viz: CARRIAGES, TROTTING 6: FALL ING-TOP BUGGIES, JAGGER His work is all put up of good material and by the best of mechanics, and cannot fail to give sat isfaction. His prices are always reasonable. He solicits orders, confident that he can please. REPAIRING promptly done, at modetate rates. W. K. GALLAGHER. July 1, 18u8-1 y SAVE YOUR HORSES HORSE COLLARS Fr HE undersigned has for sale these CELE / BR ATED COLLARS, manufactured by Honer 6; Berry, Philadelphia., which are now used by all the City Paasenger Railroad Companies for the protection of their stock. They are lighter ln weight, absorb no moisture, and do not htmt. The Cork with which they are stuffed being very etas. tie, the Collar adjusts to the shape of the animal, and consequently does not chafe. Partners, try them. Also, HARNESS of all kinds for sale and made to order. Call at my establishment on Carlisle street, Gettysburg, Pa., adjoining Passenger Depot. May 20, 1870—tf JOHN CU LP. CARRIAGE-MAKING. The war being over, the undersigned have re sumed the Catri‘ 'age-Making Business, at their ohistand, In East Middle street, Gettys burg, where 'they are again prepared to put up work in the Most fashionable, substantial, and superior manner: A lot of new and second-hand CARRIAGM , A BUGGIES, C., on hand, which they *ll dispote of at the lowest prices, and ail orders wbe supplied as promptly % and satisfactorily as posy .R Ilf EPA .1 4. N' G agi lei done with dispatch, and at choapest rates. A large lot of new and old kI4C4NEBB on hand for sale. , Thankful for the liberal _patrom k seretofore enjoyed b ti fe wm, they solicit and deavor to deserve a share fu may 14, —tf D A NNEIt if ZIRRI,ER. , \ • ........_ Watches and thwilry. ........_ ..... WATCHES ik JEWELRY. WM. P. Id'CARTNEY wishes to Inform his customers and the public generally, that hating purchased the In of li Is w iartner, (L. 'V. B. Soper,) In the Wet* , , and Jew Store on Baltimore ft , reet, Gettysburg. he ' spare no effort to give satisfaction to *IL He hag Just returned from the city withasplen did assortment of GOLD and SILVER AMERICAN and SWISS WATCHRS.JEWELRY SILVER TEA and TABLE SPOONS, P . I 2 II 6% E GOLD, SIL VER and STEM SPECTA. CLES; alao, CLOCKS of the beat Manetaettms moIIICAL STRU U MENT I ITAR 6M LIN GS, dr G ' SCREWS ES.a d - B Vs - Watek and Clock wort warranted for one year. Jewelry repairing executed Ina neat and workmanlike manner. [Sept. 10,1809-4 gardwart. 4utlery, at. Hardware and. Groceries. The subscribers have just returned frost the cities with an. 'nemesia supply of Hardware and Groeer_ es which they are oßeringat their old stand on Baltimore Meet, at pioottosidtthe times. - Our stock consists In part of Carpenter's Took, Blacksmith's Took Creech Findings, Shoe Findings, Cabi net-Maker's Toots, Housekeeper's , lizturis AU kinds of Iron, to-, GROCERIES OF ALL. KINDS, Ons, Paints, &e. There is no article included In the seVeral departments mentioned 'above but what can be had in this Store. Zloty. clams of Mechanics can be accommodated here' with tools pmtndisigs, and House:keep:as caif iw dad every heir line. Give us a call as e are pre. pared te sell as low for cash as any other mute, 1146 t Ra t a JJ)okireß."Bria. l i l e: A r kl oie t nert , tyke 4inurand Sentinel bite besi gullet IL , • burs t Pa. ibbit medhunin Southern Peansivaela. GE TTYSB 4tal and gersoluit sates. EAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC BALE Monday, the 10th of October nest, at 1 delock, P. AL, on the preinteell, subscriber, intending to go_Bonth. will sell at Pu . Ic Sale, $ ACRES OF LAND , more or less , situate the boron ofbordering on Rock ek and e Hanover improved with a B K DWELLING HO USK, a and all • ther n optbuUdings, nearly all n ew- ; a nev -failing well of water near the door. The land rtly enclosed with an Osage hedge, the balance nder good fence. There is a thrivum young Ore ,just coming into bearing, with a great variety of t, consistiapples, Pears, readies, Cherries, ces, P cots, C'rab Apples, Grapes, . tits, Blackberries and Itaspbe - all of the bel varieties to be found in this constry. The ground is well stocked with Rhubarb, li Vus, he.— Part of the land is M , garden c on, and is well adapted to a MARKET GAR as it is situated right at the market door.Tir \na lluty of the location and fertility of the sot e it very desirable for that purpbse. Also, 7 ACM), more or less, adjoining \ the above, enclosed wittrOsage hedgeand good fetig i, lug. Apples, Peaches, and a large variety Strawberries are on this tract. The property will all be sold together, or in mils, to suit purchasers. Persons wishing to view it before the day of sale can do so by call ing on the premises. 49 - Attendance w ill be given and terms made known by Sept. i-ts J, S. HOUDESHELL Valuable Town Property FOR SALE The new two-story FOR SALE FOR SALE, carriages, 4arutoig, dr. (AI C E it 'S .) REMOVAL. WAGONS, &C., &C PATENT ELASTIC COIIK RG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1870. grottosirmat Cards, dr H WOODS, ATTORNEY T LAW, Maa . restuned the Practice of Law, and A win attend tO Say business in the Courts of Mama county. orsee:—Thm. J. B. Banner's Building; South East corner of the Diamond. March 4, 1870-41 • J. X. KRAUT'', ATTORNEY AT LAW. Collections and all legal Witness promptly at. tended to. OMee on Baltimore street. south of the Court. house. June 18, 1803—tf D BiecoNArliny, , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofttee one door west of Bennunt's Drug Store, Obambersburg street. Special attention given t oSults, Collectlonsand Settlement of Estates. All lega l Imsiness, and clams to Penaions i Zunti i f il ßael-p% and Dam :l:entity att nst l ae ta ti to. at Lbuin" InidlY and Land warrants located, and choice Farms for sale in lowa and other western States. Juno 18, 1869—tf A J. COVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wig . ..promptly attend to collections and alt other Business trusted to his care. °Mee , hetween Fahnestock's and Danner & Ziegler's stores, Baltimore street, Gettysburg. Pa. May 1807—tf D AVID A.AVENILEIt, \ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will promptly atte ' rid to collections and all other Business entrusted to Iscare. Office at his residenceln the three-story build ing opposite the Court-honse. May 29, 18a—tf D AVID WILLA, ATTOMSZY AT LAW. Office at his residence In the South-eikst corner o Centre Square. May '4, 1867—tf D R. H. S. HUBER South-east corner of Chambersburt and Washing' ton streets, ppos oite COL. TATE'S EWLE 1107E1_ June 11, 18tit—tt D R. J. W. C. O'NEAL Has his offlce at his residence in Baltimore stree two doors above the ampliet OMee. May 29, 1867—U JOHN L. HILL, K. D., DENTIST. Office on Chambersburg street. nearly oppuvlte the Ernut Horst, Gettriburg t lirilaving been In constant practice over 1.1:1 years patients can be assured of oat work. Jiffy 9, 1867—tt D R. J. E. BIEREISTIIESPIEN, DEN Tin. Raving located in Gettysburg, offers Ids services to the public. Office in York street, nearly oppo. site the Globe Inn, where he will be prepared to attend to any ea se within the province of the Dentist. Persons In want of full or partial seta of teeth are Invited to eat], Terms reasonable. July 30, 18130—tf pap /►tables. WEAVER & SON Livery, Sales & Exchange STABLES, Washington Street, Rettyibuy, Petin'a. , rrAKE pleasure 'in =mune! the public 1. that they have better acc om lions than ever to supply the public with all and kinds of Conveyances that can be fou a first-class livery. Their Horses. Hacks, si ghs cannot be beaten by any establishment in e town. In prices they defy competition. HORSES AND MULES bought and sold, On reasonable terms. GIVE US A CALL Take .Noiie.e. THE undersigned is desirous of closing upy his ph voile - p - suiassk-fdl_thass foandat the above stables and all persons Indebt e. d art earuestly requested to eanand square their seem:int& - NICHOLAS WEAVES. Dee. 9, 1809.—tf EAGLE LIVERY Sale and Exchange Stables, Oftirislle the Eagle Hotel, atambersburg Stree GETTYSBURG, PENN A. THE undersigned have opened a now 'LIVERY, SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLE, in this place, and are prepared to offer superior accom modations in this line. We have provided our. selves with Buggies, Carriages, Hacks, Light Wagons, &c., of the latest styles, sufficient to meet the public demand. Our horses are good, without spot or blemish, and perfectly reliable—none of your "old cripples," but all of the — LAO" order. Riding parties can always be accommodated and comfortable equipments Parties, large or small. can get just what they want on the most accommodating terms. Visitors to the Battle-field politely attended to and reliable drivers furnished if desired. Parties conveyed to and from the Depot upon the arrival and departure of every train. Horses bought, sold, or exchanged, and always a chance for bargains given. Our motto Is "fair play and no gotieng." r . - Particular attention paid to furnishing Ve hicles and Hacks for Funerals. tirWe flatter ourselves that 'by charging moderately and by furnishing superior accom modations, we cannot fall to please every one who patronizes our establishment. PERRY .1. TATE. ' WILLIAM D. lIOLTZWORTH. Dec. 31, 1669.—U Notice to the Public'l q HBundersignetisrunninga Line of I from illagerstown to Gettysburg, leavinEM mer pia:aim - Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'crock, A. M., passing by Leitersburg. Waynes boro', Monterey and Clermont Springs, Fountain Dale and FaLrffeld arriving at Gettysburg at hail past four O'clock and returning from Gettysburg on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday arriving at Raerstown to make connection with the 5 o' clock train for Baltimore. ANNA WASSEN. May 2L—tf gutchtring. MEALMARKET ! NEW FIRM I GEO. B. STOVER 41: THAD. & WIBLE, HAVING entered-Into partnersp In the ILI Butchering Business, will carry It on in ail branches. All - kinds of Fresh Meat Every . Day. Beef every Tuesday and Saturday morning. -‘, meats every Wednesday, Thursday Sad L_ morning. 7. et stand at Geo. B. Stovers residence on Th burg street, second Square. ving fat stock Pm sale Will find It to' their ad tags to call on or address the new Firm. STOVER & WIBLM Aug. 13, 1 U West Middle Street Market (Bear the Coca\it-bease.) FIESH MEAT Every Day in the.W-• SUNDAY EIOXPTEb. GEORGE A. OODORI. Aug. 12, 1810.-U #tivigg I,llatbleg, HOWE MACHINES ! THE •LATEST IMPROVED AND GENVINE Jams HOWN. SEWING MACHINES. JACOB F. THOMAS, Agog., GETTYSBURG, PA.., At Au residence on York &rag. ARMES will bi promptly *lunged to, 1 " . eases delivered in *Spark of the comity and I Instructions given gratis. sir The Mho puhlk hie Wink parkas use the name of HOWE 1111: ownestrom wkh vid. -,llls imuu r xi sseeounsef ti ac owe ra are in mem& Fagg liMilkonessof M a gnit i ir , t Web. 26, _ *Meat. Baltimore Lock Hospital DR. JOHNSTON, Phystclan of this celebrated Institution, has dis covered the most Certain, Speedy, Pleasant and Effectual Remedy In the World for all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE, Weakness of the Back, or Limbs, Strictures, Af fections of the Kidneys, or Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General Debility, Ner vousness, Dyspepsia., Languor, Low Spirits, Con fusion of Idesyt, Palpitation of the hmrt, Trembling,Dimness of Sight, or Giddiness Di sease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Altec tions of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels— those terrible disorders arising from Solitary Hab its of to acsar and solitary practices, more fatal to their victims, than the songs of the Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes, Or anticipations, rendering mar riage, &c., impossible. YOUNG MEN especially, who have become the Victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted tal ents and brillient intellect, wholnight otherwise have entranced listening senates with the thund ers of eloquence, or waked to. ecstaey the living lyre, may call with full emattlenee. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness (Loss of Procreative Power—lmp otencyj Nervous Exc bility. Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Nervousita- Debility, or any other disqualification, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr..l. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle man, and confidentially rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCY: LOSS OF POWER, Immediately Cured, and 'Full Vigor Restored. This distressing affection—which renders life miserable and marriage impossiblels the penalty paid by the victims of Improper indulgences.— ] oung persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequen ces that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny; that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into im proper habits, than by the prudent ".Beside being deprived of the pleasures of healthy offspring, the meet serious and destructive symptoms of both body,and mind arise. Time system becomes de ranged the Physical and Mental Functions Weak. ened, Dies Of Procreative Power, Nervous Irrita bility, Dismpetsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indi gestion, Coszstitutional Debility, and Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Relief In Six \ flours : No Mercury! Persons Ruined by It,mrant, Trifling Pretenders, and their Deadly Poisons, should apply Immediately. DR. JOHNfI-TON, Member of the Royal (A' dieges of Surgeons, Lou. don. Graduate of one of the Most eminent Col leges In the United States, and thegreater part of whose life has been spent iu the llottals of Lon don, Parts, Philadelphia and elsewhe has effect ed some of the most astonishing cures that were j ever known; many troubled with ringing in the bead and ears when asleep, great nervotisness, being alactned at sudden sounds, bashfulness;with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PABTICTLAII NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by Improper indulgences and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unlitting them for either business, study, society or mar riage. These are some the sad and melancholy effects produced by tim e early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, rains iu the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Int, taUdlty Derangementof the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, &c. MENVALLT.—The fearful effects of the mind are much to be dreaded. Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of sell tude, Timidity, &c., are some of the evils pro duced. Thousands of perscuis of all ages can now Judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and ellniCated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of Consumption. YOUNG MEN who have injured themselves by a certain prac tice, indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the pride of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and employments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature, and induleng in a certaffi secret habit. Such persons must, before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and body are the most agam i gnisi r teup rom ote comesli hourly darkens to the view, the Ara te shadowed to despair, and filled with the melan choly reflection that the happiness of another is blighted with our own. DISUSE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has Imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an 111-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery de ters him from applying to those who, from educa tion and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid dlss , se makes their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the pal ate of toe mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sendfng him to that undiscovered country, "from whence no traveler returns." It is a melancholy fact, that thousands DIE vie tims to this terrible disease, through fallingf, into the hands of Jgnorant or Unskillful PRETEND ERS, who by the use of that deadly Poison, Mer cury•, Sm., destroy the constitution, and incapable of curing, keep the unhappy sufferer mouth after month taking their noxious or Injurious com pounds, and instead of being restored to a renew al of Life, Vigor and happiness, in despair leave him with ruined Health, to sign over his galling disappointment. To such, therefore, Dr. Joussrox pledges him self to preserve the must Inviolable Secrecy, and from his extensive practice and observations it the great Hospitals of Europe, and the first hi this coutitry, viz: England. France. Philadelphi and elsewhere, 6 enabled touter the most Speed, , Certain and Effectual Remedy In the World for a diseases of Imprudence. DR. JOIINSTON OFFICE, 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE, MD., left band side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fall not to observe the name and number. . _ 11:W. No letters received unless postpaid and con talMng a stamp to be used on the reply. Persons writing should state age, and send a portion of ad vertisement describing symptoms. There are so many Paltry, Designing and Worth less imposters advertising themselves as Physi cians, trifling with and ruining the health of all who unfortunately fall into their power, that Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say especially to those unacquainted with his reputation, that his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his otlice. ENDORSEMENT OF TUE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this establish. ment, ymr after year, and the numerous Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston witnessed by the representatives of the press and many other persons notices of which have appeared wain and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character. and responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to theaMtcted. SKIN DISEASES SI'EEDH2I CURED. March 11, 1870-Iylpr AA ER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD IHE reputation thls excellent medicine enjoys, 1 Is derived from its auras, many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate cases of Scrofulous disease, where the system seemed saturated with corruption, have been mailed and cured by M— ar-minions affections and disorders, which were aggravated by the scrofulous contamination until they were painfully afflicting, have been radical ly cured in such great numbers in almost every section of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and un felt tenant of the organism underinines the con stitution, and Invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, which excites a suspicion of its essence. Again, it seems to breed Infection t the body. and then, on a favera oc casion, rapidly develops into one or the ot her, of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be sud denly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or tt shows Its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcerations on some wt of the body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle of Sarsaparilla isadvisable, even when no active symptoms of the disease appear. Personsafflicted with the following complaints generally And immediate retell, A and at length, mire, the nee of this SARSAPA R .* et. Anthony Fire Rose or Bryaipeicss, Mier, Bali Rheum, Beat .Head, Ringworm, Rive Ryes, &ire Ears, other eruptions or vadble forms of pious Also, in more concealed fo as Dye -41, L, Dropsy. Mart Disease, Pits, and the various fficerousaffectionsof the M , and nervous systems. SOU or Venereal and Marne/lag Diseases are = It, Z t nr at t=ne le is required for case at continued use of afgedleine will cure the Lent. Leuearrhaa or Whites, Uterine VI and Mintage Diseases, are commonly soon :ell ed and ultimately cured by Its purifying and effect. Minute Directions each found in our Alma. gratis. and (iota, when caused by seeetnulatione of extraneous matters in the brood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Oimpasints, 2M,Mify, Onweetion or In flammation of the Liver, and Jaundice, when arising, as they o ft en do, from the ranklin pois ons in the blood: This SAlift&P is a great restorer for the strenai l md t vigor of the = , : tent, Those who are with 11 1 Sleepless, and trou led with Nervous Apprehensions or /bars, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power open trial. PREPARED B Y Dz. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Naas., Practical and.. Analytical Chemists. BOLD BY ALL DitriLSTS IMBP.TWEIBP, Sir For sale In Urban Pa. A. D. Dvanane; Agent (Jim 21;18M-1Tnel Olt tar anti tenting! PREMIUMS AWARDED BY THE Adams County Agricultural Society, 1870. CLASS I --- - • Best stallion over 4 years, Christopher Rice.sl2 (X) best stallion between 3 and 4 years, Christo. pher Ri. 00 best stallion ce between 2 and 3 years, A. T. 6 Bream. 3 00 best brood mare, John Herbat. 5 00 best horse colt between 3 and 4 years. Cor nelius Mee. 4 (B best horse colt between 2 and 3 years, Chris topher Rice. 3 00 best mare colt between 2 and 3 years, HenryCulp.3 00 best mare colt between 1 and 2 years, G. Washington Lott. 3 00 best mare colt - under 1 year, John Musser. 2CO special premium pair colts (roan) between 1 and 2 years, John Donaldson. 4 00 special premium pair mares (black,) James Donaldson. 6 00 Judges—Geo. Spangler of A., Michael D. Del. trick, John N. Boyer. CLASH 2_ Best stallion over 4 years, John Pitzer. 612 00 second best stallion over 4 years, G. W. Wlerman. 5 00 best stallion between 3 and 4 years, Dr. C. IL Goldsboro. ' 6 Oi) second best stallion between 3 and 4 years, (forfeited) Alfred filmmaker. 3 00 best stallion between 2 and 3,years, Geo. J. Grove. second best colt (horse) between 2 and 3 300 years, John RosensteeL 3 00 best colt (blooded) between 1 and 2 years, (forfeited.) John flekes. 3 00 best colt horse between I and 2 years, Geo. W. DeardorfL 3 00 best brood mare over 4 years, Jacob B. Mil lar. 5 00 lest brood ware between 2 and 3 years, A. heckler. 3 00 best milt under 1 year, John Young. 2 00 Judges—Jonathan B. Myers, Peter Shively, Hooch Le fe v re. CLASS 3. _ . Best brown stallion over tour years, G. W. W lerman. $l2 00 second best bay stallion over ,4 years, C. W. Griest. • 500 best pair matched horses, John H. hioCiel lan. 8 00 best and fastest horse for light harness own ed in county, James Hersh. 23 00 second best and fastest horse toriight har ness owned In' ounty, Jacob Belly. 15 00 best family horse and for general utility, Henry Hance. second best family horse and for general 10 03 utility, (forfeited,) Samuel Dein•Wt. . 5 00 best saddle horae,'A. T. Bream. 5 00 best and fastest walking horse, J. M. Neely. 5 CO best and fastest pacer, J. A. Houck 10 00 special premium for brown mare between 2 and 3 years, Howard WI erman. 2 00 Judges—J. C. Neely, Geo. iitonestfer, Johu 8. Forney. CLASS 4. Best single draught horse, Christopher Mee. $44 00 best Fair nodes over 4 years, (special,) Jacob Swisher.. 3 00 test pair mules over 4 years, W . IL Del. \ 3 00 beit mule filly, (forfeited,) Chas. A. Herbal. 1 00 best 'black spanish Jack, Israel Garretaon. 500 best pair mules between 3 and 4 years, (ape- Garretsou. 3 00 best teanr of mules, (forfeited, ) Michael FLiceL 800 best team of horses. Henry Culp. 8 00 best pair mulellilles between 1 and 2 years. CalvinKrise., 3 00 Judges—James 'll. Marshall, Christian Mee, John B. Paxton. rvrm Best Teeswater Bull ove} 3 years, Joe. Tres. tle. \ CO 00 best Alderney bull over 3 years. Geo. Worleylo 00 best Durham bull over 3 yearsaolm Herbst. 10 00 beat Ayrshire bull over 3 years, Wm Wlble. 10 00 best Devonshire bull over 4 years, Wm. F . King. s 8 Ot) best Ayrshire cow over 3 years (forte 'tad), e.d. G. Fahuestock. 8 00 best Durham cow over 3 years, Pb.WIS,R. Slagle. \ 800 Devonshire bull between 2and 3 years, Web, F. King. 0 • (to best Teeswater bull between 2 and 3 years, Fred. Diehl. 6'\ best Durham heifer between 2 and 3 years, • Jacob IL Pfoutz. 4 00 best Ayrshire and Alderney heifer between 2 and 3 years, Wm. Wibie. 4 00 best Durham bull between 1 and 2 years, 4 00 John Martin. beet Devonshire bett Joeeph*lble. 2 CO beat Durham call (5 m onths ) , , John Herbst.. 2 00 best Devonshire Call (Helfer 3 months) James M 2 00 best Devonshire eC T=llCalves,ll months , 1 __ • .....--___, 2oo 1 John ekson. CLASS 6. Best Bull over 3 years, Wm. F. LOU. f 5 00 best ball between 2 and 3 years (forfeited) Israel Garretteon. 300 best bull calf under I year, J. J. Kerr. 2 00 best Cow over 3 years, Dr. O'lleaL 500 second best cow over 9 years, Philip H.. Slagle. 2 50 best pair Twin Heifers over 3 years, (special) Philip IL Slagle. 3 IX best Heifer between 2 and 3 years, Jacob Swisher. 3 CO best Heifer between 1 and 2 years, Samuel A. Cobean. 2 00 best heifer calf under I year, Alex. Cobol= 100 Judges—John A. Dicks, Daniel K. Snyder, Ja cob Bernier. CLAM 7 Best pen sheep not less than 3, Ernest Sherfy. 115 00 second best pen sheep not less than 3, Wm. Wible. 3 00 best pen lambs not less than 3, Geo. Dear - dorff. • 300 second best lambs not less than 3, (forfeited) Israel Garrettson. 2 00 best buck over 1 year, Joseph Wible. , 5 Oil best pen shoats not less than 3, 8. A. Co. bean. 5 00 best pen pip not less than 3, 8. A. Cobean. 300 best sow over one year, S. A. Cobeaa. 5 00 best sow under I year, 8. A. Cobelui. 200 best boar under 1 year, S. A. Cobean. 2 00 Judges--CoL J. J. Kuhn, Bent. Deardorff, Jacob Y. Bushey. CLASS 8. Best coop 6 black spanish chickens, C. W. Griest. V. 00 best pair black spanish chickens, C. W. Griest. 1 00 best bronze colder turkey, weight Si lbs., C. W. Griest. 100 best pair bronze turkeys, M. CrMy. 2 00 best pair white holland turkeys, Jacob B. Millar. 2 00 best 5 bmhman fowls, C. A. Boyer. 2 00 second best 5 brahman fowls, CA. Boyer. IOD best pair bmhman fowls, C. A. Boyer. 100 best i spangled bantnms, C. A. Boyer. 1 00 best coop turkeys (1 hea and 4 young,) M. Crilley. 1 00 best coop hone kong geese, John Pitzer. 1 CO best pair bong tong geese, Wm. Wible. 1 00 best stir whit. muscovia ducks, Geo. Fla best 1 00 best pair brat San ducks, John S. Forney. 100 best pair ducks, Jacob Anderson. 1 00 best pair plasm ns, Theo. Tate, 1 CO best pair rabtata, David Zieeer. 1 CO best pair spreckled guineas, Cbaa. A. 4 Baba. 1 00 best 4 game chickens, C. D. Holtzwatik 50 beat cage of doves, Joseph Bushman, 50 Judges _ Dr. John A. Swope, H. B. Woods, En, G. A. Codori. CLASS 9. Best reaper and mower combined, Wm. Wit)le. SOO -best separator, Wm Wible. 6 00 best horse power and thresher, Wm. Wible. 400 best mower "advanced," Jaco b Stoe.k. 400 best horse rake, Wm. Wible. 300 best corn sheller, Bigham & Bra 300 best hay Udder, Bigham & Ilm. 300 best farm wagan„ John Benner. 300 best wagon bed, E m anuel Plank. 2 00 best threshing machine,'Jacob Stock. dip. best No. 3 clipper mower, L. A. Bushman. dip. best No. 4 clipper combined, L. A. Bush- MAL Judges—Thomas T. Norris, Robert BeU, Tho di m p. - as Ebrehart. • CLASS 10. best drill (with editing grain seedsr,) Stephens, Lancaster, Pa. $4 00 best fanning mill, C. 0. Shreiner. ' 300 best hay, straw and fodder miler, John Scott. agent. 3 CO best 3 horse plough,'David Stamm 200 best 2 horse plough Wm. Wible. 2 00 best moul-board shifting plough, Levi He ges. 00 ben iron double shovel plough, L. A. Bush. 2 bessulky harrow, Joseph Trot* 2 . 2 0 00 3 best cultivator for general purposes, Samuel Lentz. 2 00 best corn planter, John Benner. 2 00 best wheat screen. L. A. Bushman. 1 00 best grain cradle, Russell & Co. 100 best self operating farm gate, Daild War ren. 100 best entrance gate, lrael Bricker. ' 100 best farm ISO gate, Geo. beet hand cult i vator , John HondeshelL 50 best hay and lime elevator, (model,) A. &IC er. best pro gl ved gran fay, Wm. Steplielle, dip. best etg wagon and holder, WM. wible: second bee straw mem Laughlin's patent Andrew Schick, second beet. horn plena, David Sterner. :dip. Judges—BW. Stable, - Henry Bittinger, li. sel Flee CLASS 11. BestAent force and suction pump, IL J. bestJosep butter h churn "Star of /Lsryland," St Trans. - IOD best washeg machineand wringer, nonnis I A- Warren. 1 us best sausage choppers. (4 sink) /key Hassler. .00 best boring post and , pelnitng snacidne, Bud pol 100 best hoisting= B. Cover. best per horse shoes, A. Bitzenberga best 4 different kinds of chains, A. Men bemr. best I prong hoe, John B. Houdeebell. 50 best post beegmachine,"keystone,"Jeoeb Y. hey. 50 best cucumber pu mp , Joseph Kunkle. 50 best hex fork Thomas &. ILaybaker pot ent, ' Geo. D. Thomas. ao best 3 wire.tied brooms, U. Lee Tipton. 50 best twine-tied brooms, Daniel Plank. 50 bee bee-hive, "world's fairview," (model) H. F. Carpenter, dip. second best post-being machine, Win. H. Deltrick. dip. best washing nunildne, Richardson's im proved, J. B. Hiller. , dip. second weldia . nischlne, Richardson% • dip. , Juti=eZra I - *lemon, Samuel Ryster, Hiram B. Wright. CLAES is Best barrel tanalylkna'sittembetA t Calete' Breen. . to 00 sewed best " !' " aGeo. WHOLE NO. 3634 Ghillie best barrel best barrel Magic Gligle. 1 00 bestatinshel white what, Joseph WM 2*. 00 best bushel red "beat, Law-Mer, C. W et 2 00 secra n bestbushel white wheat, (Tapper hock, Philip H. 1 CO best 1 bushe white corn g , Le ell. Oriest. 100 'Jest a lor. G bushel yellow eoni (shelled, ) est. 100 best 34 bushel yellow corn (ears,) Thomas T Norris. CO second best % bushel yellow corn, Martin 1 Sheeler. 50 best bushel Rye, Philip Weaver. IOD best 4 ,4 bushel black oats, "Priixe Ed's. Is land," C. M. Griest 1 00 i best 1 bushel suitor's, oats, C. W. Oldest 100 best bushel Poland oats, Fred. Diehl. ICO best bushel Norway oats, Jacob Bucher. ICO best bushel Italian oats, Geo. Shriver. 100 best ble. bushel American Cluster oats, Win. 1 CO bed 4 bushel English agricultural oats, Robt Bell. 1 00 best peck timothy seed 04 premium,) Mar tin Sheeler. .; 50 best_peek timothy seed 04 prentboin,) Wm . Forney. 50 best peck clover seed 04 premium.) Jests linnet. ra best _peck clover seed 04 premium.) Israel Garrettson. 50 best 4 bushel buckwheat C. W. Oldest 1 00 best peck fl ax seed, Martin Sheeler. 100 bestpeck pop corn (ea,) Mart Sheeler. 100 best i; bushel barley, C. W. Oldest. 1 IX) Judges—H. J. Myers, It. McCurdy, Josiah Benner. CLAM 13 Best !,,' bushel early buckeye potatoes, Hi. tm S. Wright Si 00 best bushel shaker's fancy ,•' John B.Houdeshell 1 ell best 4 bushel early rock, J. S. Ho udeshell. 1 CO peach blow, " " " 100 " " " early goodrich, " " 100 " " " harrison, 100 " • copper mine, " " " 1 1 0 0) 0 " " " minnesota, " " "US coca, ' 100 " " " colebrook, " " strawberry, " " 100 " " 100 " " " chenango, _" " 100 early rose, George .11.. Freeman. 100 second bed %bushel goodrich,_ bed 1 4_4u.diel carter, Michael Bender. •1 00 bunkley, David Stover. 1 00 " " sweet, Mrs. Amanda 8 Group. 100 " " yams, Henry Diehl. 100 " red beets, Mrs. Win . C. Stall best 1 .4 bushel parsnips, Mrs. Wm. C. Stall. smith. best bushel turnips, J. S. liondeshell. 50 50 ‘‘ „ '„ onion, iellow,) ) 5O • (rmApit - " " " oyster plants, " s so o best 3 " musk inedlons, 50 scolymus, .. 50 " bast 6 heads kohl rabl, 50 beet 5 sta ecimlksen ceders% 50 " best sp gourds 50 best 3 beads cab "Mrs. Geo. A. Codort 50 best 4 peck bunch Mrs. Martin Shee ler. 50 best 3 green enshaws, Mrs. Martin Sheeler, 50 best bunch Rhubarb, 1L Itichelberger. 60 best 3 barrel pumpkins, on one vine, J. , Btrickhouser. 50 best 3 white Belgium carrots Jacob Bucher. 50 best head cot dower, Min best 3 black Pekin egg phia l at, l 7. Sped d.- -S. 50 shell. 50 best 19 head street pepper...T. S. Moudesbell 50 best specimen peanuts,M in. Placel. 50 beat 6 cucumbers, Wm. 50 best squashes, Mrs. W. C. Stailimith. 50 best box tomatoes. " 50 best bugle !quash, Charles_e.. er. 30 Judges—Wm. J. Peters, DanW Huhn, Samuel P. Young CLANS 14. Best and largest exhibltke of swim, ear rectiy labelled, not less than 5 of a kind, (32 zarietles,) J. S. Withdraw. 00 second best larmt esidtdtion of apples, (30 02 varieties,) Hiram It Wright. 100 third best largest exhibitke -of apples. , 00 varleties,) 1 pee i l=ns. B. Wilson. 100 fourth beat of Wks. (15' varieties, Reeser. f,O best M bushel bulloell pi rtn., J. Y. Bushey. 50 best specimen tali a bus. D. Stover. 100 best %mermen Winter app 14 bus. Jacob Y. Bushe. best display of y natural peaches, in basket, 100 Jahn W. Tipton. 1 00. beet layquin of dried Mille.h44l. VLI7L. Sheets'. so best ces, Mrs. Martin L. Mier. ' 50 best baske t quince', umselaipswintawyJna J. Weirick. 50 best dried apples, Mrs. Martin Sheeler. so best display of grapes,. Robert Meads. 1, 00 best b I CI l th lrf: 6 1 1: wM rry il e L_ Mrsi. Htisa lilartin Sheeler. 50 50 teu concord wirsnobert Meads. 50 besthlackberry wined: t obeet Bheads. 15.0 best try wine, Bo Steads. 50 best ch wine, Robin OWL best bo cider vinegar, JSIOSII Reeser. 50 60 best berry vineur, J. J. Weiriek 60 best bottle vinegar_ _.* Wrap. A...Caspori 50 best blackbergy shrub. atm J. L. Tato • 50 toseginvilerrsoASL Salomon Powers. 50 svinesimo IV:TM - M. DO beP9Megrange, °ONO LIM& 25 55M IM cream e In Me county, john _ Oniel Duncan .- dip. Judges—Col. C. H. B hler, W. A. D and J. W. C. O'Neal. CLAIM Best soft soap, Mrs. J. Lso 50 best 9 jpieces bud soap, Eilloi l . 50 best 5 Me. butter, Mrs. J. 1 00 Judges—Mrs. Solomon Powers „‘ Mn. Hiram Wright, Mrs. Henry Culp. CLASS it. \ . Best lot calf skins, John Gilbert. \ II CO best tailing top buggy , Sell & Blocher. 3 00 best leather By net. J. W. McCleary. \ , I 00 best sulky. Charles Sefton. 'I 00 " best 1 horse spring wagon •• 2'oo best hand cart, Jno. Zbea. 1 011 s. best pleasure carriage, Perry J. Tate. 4 CO best hearse, Tate & Holtzworth. 300 best ten plate-stove, David S terner. 100 best sample Iron railing. " , 1 to best dog, cat and coon skin robe, David Stover. 1 00 Judges—Augustus Crouse, Henry Golden, Jno. Winebrenner. CLASS 17. Best 15 yds. d i g rme-made rag carpet, (cotton chain) Mlp. Jacob Lott. 200 best 2634 y carpet (woolen chain) J. IL best ..i 00 second best 'M. yds. woolen and rag carpet, 2 Mrs. Biddle. 1 OD best plaited rug, (rag) Annie Skelley. 1 00 best hearth " (rag,) Hannah Hoops. 100 second best " (rag,) Jennie Powers. y 50 best 10 yds. home-made linen, M n Mar Koser. best 23yds. "" (tow) " " 1 1 00 00 best 25 yds. " .! "blanketing " "1 00 bed-woolen blankets, Israel Garrettson. 1 00 second best " Jesse Houck. 50 best silk guilt, Mrs. Wm. F. Atkinson. 1 % second best silk gullt, Maggie r. best patchwork " Mrs. eA. Boyer. 2'oo second best " Mrs. N. Weaver, 1 00 third bent " " Jennie Powers, 50 speelllaremium for patchwork quilt of %NS • es, Mrs. Jesse Houck. . 50 best Mrs. Kate Boblitz. 1, 00 best double " -Mrs. Israel Garretkion, l' 00 best delalne quilt, Mini Rebecca Fink. • 100 best home-made cotudespaner, Mies D. Deltas Plank. I 00 best • " Miss Amanda K. Group. 100 best linen table cloth, , Mrs. Julia Wink. 100 nd seco best " ' (74 yrs. old,) Mrs. J. Olapsaddle. 50 best linen sheet, (100 yrs. old) (special) Mts. best 12 Hoptelbs. • linen diaper, Mrs. J. S. Houck , . 50 best she lot of linen thread, Mrs. Jean Honek 1 5000 best Fle.keri. home-made, (Linen) Miss Llrde SO best home-made shirt, Mrs. Jno. Culp. 100 best pair wocden mittens. Mias Mary Tangh inbangh. 50 best Miss mess' and ehilds' gloves, (lionselosal,e,) Amide 50 best lot toy hose l ann2ttens, (special) Mrs. bestlaugh.Cns , pais own hose, Miss Mazy Tamthin- 6° 50 2 , airs baton Marktrags. 50 bestbest p cotton half hose, MAPS Jennie Pow. 4 eta. 50 best pair woolen stockings, Mrs. AnnKlerr. .50 best " " seeks, " • 50 Miss Jud= - Mill Joseph Belly Mrs Jno. Ihdp, CLAM IL Best ottoman covet . , lira iilebsi!irter. 01 00 beat sots cushion, 1 00 best " " aunt wonted) Mu Albs Pow- tn. best wonted reception chair. Mrs. 15ebefber mee ger. d 100 . bestlllas_Mell Bushey. 50 best worsted.earrl!ge v i gat i Naist neu rleaL 1 00 beet " child's ao best " thly, (ehsir 1 Mrs. B. Weirs. • ea, best " (sota) Mr*. itasopet s lZein , 50 aneroid best worsted tidy, (emir Wlerman. , . 50 ban worste slippers, Mrs.. C. B. Hams. 50 beet d " Isrbp me, Mrs. Mary Culp. 50 best " isible repreengAing, Inutie.gegg, Min Sale Jamison. • - 50 .. . worded saelk Homer . 50 beat " child's " &IMO Se best " doll's, " Mos ri%A. ao best." yr -ftra dowers. Mr5.....a SO best " ereelletiebserlAilimMary- . 50 second beet irorsted MO elidgeni Mal Life ICprr. , • - ao best ' slaisin crosidpup,,Mo._4ll 50 Judgeo—lnrs. L u co, 1, mum Martha A. Mo. Mussy,. MAI Sallie mains. . CLAM A • Best crochet quilt, Mies Bab Writ._ el 00 beet haat wax &wen, Mrs. J. Boa. a 1 00 best walnut then baket t aisalerthanbrite , man. 50 beet bar wrath in inuee,s.. Mikan, . 60 bent burr basket, Mr5..1.... beet embroidered .yoke, Zs le gitinee- beet mikek.Work mai •Ma ' lt. I best tueliedynkaimait - .id bee pair inalwro, Mlle -.- 50 best root rat, knee 1 11=ra b btr 4I NTesnatra i nt eibl " . f 0) b ee t bo oD spring br%r it Mlle Powers. • 80 beamelbradees - 1 uplift& _ „ 1 -beat that tidy. knee . bait w ,f l =bri ls ... P "l llt ". , 50 best best crochet.litY MO ifettillisa t :-. - - 10 beet pin c , 50 best pen wiper, in. 114 - 11,1811.1110. 50 test crocket Into, Mies Rebecca Ilia. t beet " wmrs, lltlei MaryFink.' beg lot evaeraw for alga. wrapper, Wee li.Muinper. 50 beet eMbroidery cap. Mrs: Francis Kuhn. 50 beet leather bracket, Ws. J_, 50 beat wax water lilies, Mrs. L I M. thi best embroidered yoke, Ida Emma 50 Mena best p - l Wa ey. irasp " pillow cases, Mrs. Mae Ma. ..., beau t r a id e d .4 •. e• 1,4 60 ipt, aid mania 50 re best silt eusir„pu. Sinew 50 best crochet y, Wee Kerr... ea lot emlaMi mudin ieerso beet bead Wand sleeves. MIN beet em ao Jennie Beck. CLASS 211. Bat horns-made bread, awarded to two , esolis, being of equal merit, Mrs. Sete Hee.k, 00 and Miss Annie Pitsim si mons, 1 00 second best homemade bread, Mrs. S. A. Con, best bake be r's a bread, Christ. Hoffman. 1 0 50 0 beat homediade raisin bread, Miss Jen beet nie Powers, 60 jelly cake, Miss Tillie Wierman, •1 00 beet silver cake, do 1 00 best parts cake, John Gruel, 1 00 . beat. lady take, do., 1 00 best mountain cake, Mrs. L. C. Cox, 1 0 00 0 best sponge cake, do,. 1 COsecond best "Pangs cake, Mrs. Sensual Herbst, 50 beet vase fancy cakes, John Gruel.. 30 best piste maecaront do., 50 best,' ambles, Mae Tillie Wierman, 50 bestgla te biscuits. Mrs. David Me. a . best rolls! M i ss gb ea Annie Pitzimmons, 50 beat ruaks, Christ. Roffman, 50 best large pretzel 30 Judites—ldre. C harles Mrs. .7110. H. Majors, Mrs. Eichelberger, CLASS 21. Best glass quince mannelade, Id lu A. V. Breniser, SO 50 beet glass eh arry jelly, Mrs. L. Brenizer, 50 beet glass jely, Mss. beinslasa Jelly, Mrs. Cox, Il beet glass raspberry jelly, Mrs. James k ()Md.'s'', best g l ass best l lass grape jelly , Miss Carrie Probst, 545 50 poser! jelly, Annie Sandoe, best glass apple jelly. Mrs. John A. 50 Ay, best glass ers quince Jelly. Mrs , H . J. Stahl*, 50 50 best glass blackberry jelly, Mrs. Charles Gilbert, 50 beat glass cantaloupe preserves, Mrs . James Caldwell, 55 best glass tomato preserves, do., 60 best crab apple preserves, Mrs. Bitzen berger, best g :.141 lass pear preserves, Mrs. Win. At kinson, 5o best glass raspberry preserves, Mrs. H. J. Stable, 50 best ghoul quince preserves, Mrs. S. Pow ers, best glass peach preserves, do., al rest glass pine apple preserves, Mrs. ibt• vid McConausbY. :Al Jars canned pears, driest &. Moore, 50 Oar canned Susquehanna peaches, rs. Mary Sherry, 50 beatjar canned cherries, Mrs. S. Powers, 50 beet display of canned fruit, driest & Moore, dip. Judges—Mrs. Wrn. D. Mines, Mrs. W, t'. Rodgers, Mrs. A. S. Nimes. CLASS V.. Beat quince butter, Mrs. H. J. Stable, .110 50 best peach butter, No. 4943, 5O test apple butter, Mrs. David Kendiebart, 60 best cherry butter, Mrs. David Scbriver, 30 grape butter A. H. McElroy, 50 best bi tom a to pick les, No, 1108, 50 beat t . mixedpickles pickles. Mrs. If. J. Stable. 50 bes peach Tate. 50 best cucumber pickles, Miss L. Fannie Tate, . beat spiced grapes, Miss Mary Belch ; 50 60 beat chow-chow, Miss Sarah - Pink, 50 best jar canned tomatoes, Mrs. Win. C. Btalismit h, 50 ,--- beat tomato catsup, between Mrs. J. L. Tate, and min Susan McElroy,, P .: Jqdipss—lldraii=k Cunningham, Mrs. Sal lie Tate, Miss Buehler. 1 111 .. Geo. 900 extra, Goo. " red El ...CLASS 23. Bestdisplay of Sowers, Mrs. N. Weaver, $1 00 best pot- Atkinson skid dowers (wax plants,) Mn .,30 best Wm stalk gr_afted cactus. Jacob Hare, 50 bull fosish-mrs. Wm. Atkinson, 50 best 0641111. 30 rpose,lau‘Mrs.SamueCoel. Itushinan, So Blume -- t i g.loooomt, dahlias, Mrs. L: C. Cox, 30 beet walnut geranium, Mrs. Solomon rowers, best &Malan, Samuel Bushman, 30 Wa best boquet, Brady I , '. Cox, 40 eta best nand baguet. Bane Burkholder, 50 beat bti . nch head grass, Mrs. N. Weaver. 60 best rustle hanging basket, Mrs. McClart- UV, SO see. best rustic hanging basket, Ellie • Warren, 30 Judges—Miss Ellie Gilliland, Mrs. Prof. C. J. Ehrebart, Mrs. A. Flemming White. 5 CLASS 24. Best piano, Peter Bents, 14 00 best melodeon, Peter Bents,oo Judges—Mies TUN, Gillespie, Miss Eva Danner, Miss A. E. Baugher. CLAES 25. Best sewing machine, Elias Howe sew lag machine, Jacob F. Thomas, 12 oo beet home-made cherry bureau, H. Mc- Dannell, 1 00 best borne - made toy bureau, Ella Culp, 50 beet gialt beck °hair, Fred. Morrison, 50 beat II chairs. Reuben and Morris Culp, 50 best .111a,m1e Rowe, Y 1 60 bent 1 lehat , uot, Jennie Powers. 50 h....t beet W 't. Nancy H. Culp, ' 50 It trams, Thomas Hares, dip. Pea min char. Fred. Morrison, 01p. best , W h g aL table_, H. McßanueLl, ~ dlp. Jo - Rm. Hobert Meads, Wm Annie Reelar. H. Comfort. Best Warder' seems. Jno. H. Beck__l 11 00- best display innoking and chewing to bi.. , doma., . 1 ISO '''' beat , I rs de In the county, do., 00 best Sloth east. Frank Cunningham, 1 00 Judges—David Rendlehart, A.. 0. Mussel- Mall„ Alex. 8. MUM. • CLAM 2r. Best penmanship in frame, David Bwii- •sn best best large aria slain name photographs, *I ./1 ty ipla , q ii pe Myers, • 800 T chronic) paintings, IfaUlda er, 00 best Bp display paintlapt, by native of 1 Adams county, AnnieMcCreary, 1 00 beat Olt painting (special premium) H. ittties. tu best suer color pa i n i ng, .7. C. Burns 100 D Jildiess-.D. Me s ftml/gO7, Ern, b. R. knead!, J.W.w C. O'Neal. MD3CELL.AMEOUB CLASS. rDo wasyn,(sspeelstilt)irs=F=, :01 eater's rock dr 11. W. Hanker, 100 Gamlen christening bowl 200 years old, Mr. H. Eckert, • German chintz apron. 100 years old; Mar garet Miller, '5O stam=um containing 600 stamps, F. Cox, s ding par ty, M5O •amie Homer, 50 til Eck, 50 lot o neensware, 100 years old,'Michael 8 50 half d n sawed shingles, David Heagy, 50 home- a clothes brush, Michael Was sum 5(1 box white mice, Charles Tate, 50 toilet rack, M. John Warner, 50 The followincarticles are deemed worthy .of notice: Reel La bottle, J u tt s Houck, reel to bottle ( by prisoner,) William two china cups 150 yesikold. Carrie Probst, cotton stalk, David Hundpro; hattle-deki cane, George W ea ver, two ornamental snake gourds, Annie L. Young, model smoke house and meat safe, Elias one Boyer; ing set, Michael WassuM, one steles buckeyes, Mate, two folding brackets, Mrs. John Warner. Ave pante tobeeco boxes, John H. Bo•lr. one jar silk worms, Mari BberlY, Miteherra Buckeye bee box, 8. B. !def. , • W e ise Jacob Hare. three . roosters. Jennie Railer Tic le, Mary , relic Plan fe e, Ella Warren ai. Charing . Judireo A. losoph . Bborb; Geo. W. Boyer Tint Danz DAIS OF 'Bl.—ln the num ber of the Atkintie JKonehly for. October Hon. Henry Wilson, in an article of a dozen , pages, - replies to Judge Black's vituperative hitter which appeared, a few months ago in the Gakay in regard to the course of the late Main M. Stanton in the dark days of 1880 and 1881.. Mr. Wilson devotes very little space to Mr. Black personally, but cctipies himself with sustaining the statements he had made as to Mr. Stanton by the testimony of competent and trustworthy- witnesses. - Mr. Seward writes that while he was prospective member of Mr. Linoohes Cabinet and Mr. Stanton was Mr. Ruche- - nan's Attoney General they were in CM stain °Confidential communication, and that he received from day bit day impor tant suggestions and information from Mr. Stanton. Mr. Sumner writes a graphic and inipuessive account of the midnight interview at his own • house, when Mr. • - Stanton, who came at that hour to escape the surveillance of the Rebel agents, 0- the plans of the traitors which had come to his knowledge: Hon. William A. Howard, of Michigan , who was chairman of a special House coat- Mateo, appointed in 1881 to investigate the plOts of the Rebels in and out of the Govirrnment, writes to the efilict that lir. Stanton was the author of the resolntias creating threomniittee; that he Malin se cret communication with than' Avin day to day, and furnished "the molt startling Pieta!' Mr. Dawes, another member of 'the same committee, gives gill more ex plldt to the same general effect. &Ai. Wilson goes on, bringing forward the corroboration of one distinguished nisi' after another to the assertions be ' hail made, and weaving a chain of evi dence which even Mr. Black will be like- , Ty tO consider unquestionable. - "The Fire-place" is the name of a drink ing saloon in Chicago. Any one can get warmed by it for ten cents, or red bot for a 4:tarter. A blind man mama' McConnell and his wife were burned to 4eath in Boston on Thursday night. He wadintoxicated, and the bed took *Wirt um his pipe. At New Ottealeh.oe Sunday tkeze we. e ten deaths Men yellow few,' bes 2 NOON* ironstilngs, Miss Jennie Pew- IC & • • articles are recommended as wrZr at mambo in this clam— sertnewsped bu h oy mat id licss I.lzzle Mr itet&eill==et ( e lk) Miss Math. hair baskets,. Miss Annie Stock. Indian biarefs, Miss Mile rowers, pair patch. work stook Mlos Apia NM'S. eishruiderell lace Tell, Mrs Jame Houck, lace samples. Mrs. Jesse Houck, tatting yoke, - Miss Bertha Cluitzman. Admen—Min Hannah Bender, Mire Sue 811111 CLAW 26.