tar anb MORNING, p6PT. se. D. 6. BUEHLER, Editor and Butiness Agent Advertisers and ()then; Interested Rill bear in mind that the regular circulation of the 'ST auD Eiglertrat," Ix much larger than that of any other paper published In the County, being read weekly by not less thait I[l,ooo persons. ItEPVELJCAN TICKET. c0m8E8.4., HON. JOHN CMSNA, "or Bedford AI3BIIIIIILT, F.PHILUM MYERS, of Litt estown • con - =Y conAusimatun, toslitH BAYLY, of Cumberland tw•p. vaitscroo. OP TILE POOR, J• WATSON ttiltit, of Mountjoy twp. it - BY colaumowan, JOHN D. BECHEJI,4C4ck SPriUtic COUNTY AUDITOR, G. WASHINGTON LOTT, oL.Hlgthuid twy FON.THIC CAMPAIGN. The STAR Si, SENTINEL will be furn ished during the campaign for 25 cents. Clubs will be furnished at the rate of 5 copies for $l--cash in all cases to acCom pally the order. As the Copperhead leaders are just now burdening down the mails with documents grossly misrepresenting and falsifying the financial - record of Grant's administration, we trust that no intelligent voter will fail to examine the brief, but telling, official table from the Treasury Department, which we publish in another column. It shows how much and wherein the revenues have been increased, the reduction in taxation, and amount of debt paid since Grant went into office, compared with the revenues of the same period under Johnson's administration. It is taken from the official record, certified to by Mr. Richardson, Of the Treasury Department, and is a full answer to miserable perversions with which the Democratic masses are being deluded. It is, moreover, a record of which every Republican has reason to be proud—at testing, as it does . , the fidelity and integ rity of the Republican National Admin istration. " THE Somerset Herold says of the Con gi ; essional campaign: • We hope and expect to beat Mr. Meyers on the ground that he is the representative of a party that was devoted to slavery, justified and defended secession, sympa thized with the rebellion, contended against universal suffrage, opposed and still io opposes reconstruction, favored repu diatn, is adverse to the reduction of the public debt and the reduction of taxation, and committed to and the advocate of Free Trade, and the consequent reduction of the wages of labor; and we confidently expect to elect-Mr. essna because he is put forth as the representative of the party that abolished slavery, established universal suffrage, gave liberty to and pro tected the civil rights of our people, defeat ed rebellion iind repudiation, built the Pacific Railroad, secured pensions to - Union soldiers, their wives and children, reduced the National debt one hundred and forty-six 'billions in sixteen _months, reduced taxation eighty millions in one bill, and passed a revenue tariff with full incidental protection to American labor. Surely here are issues broad, and deep, and distinctive, and of awarding interest sufficient to enlist the intelligent action of the people, without descending into the cesspool of personal detraction and abuse. Taa Democracy are disgusted with the Republican party for resurrecting the dead issues of the past. No won der. The record of the Democratic party since it became debauched by the Slave power—its relations to Treason and Rebellion—its infidelity to the true principles of Civil Liberty—its agency In bankrupting the Government, in pre cipitating the country into a bloody War, in carrying mourning and death into innumerable households, and in rolling up a burdeasome national debt— is an ugly one, and Illy calculated to commend that party to 'popular favor. But it is a record that must be faced. No ingenuity can wipe it out. Year by year, it should be held up and thorough ly branded into the memory of every patriot, as a warning to future parties. GENERAL GARFIELD, who has been in - Washington for a few days, speaks quite confidently of the result of the approching election in Ohio. He says that the discussions thus far have caused the people to increase their ap preciation of the work done by Congress at the late session, particularly the work of the last month, and that there is no reason to apprehend any material change from former elections. He regards it Possible that the Republicans may lose one district in the State through divis ions therein, but considers it equally possible that they may gain one of the Cincinnati districts, now represented by a Democrat. THE insinuation of the Compitenthat our arraignment of the mis-management of the County offices, grows simply out of a "hankering after a little cotinty printing," hardly rises to the dignity of wit, much less of argument. Nor is the explanation likely to be satisfactory to tax-payers, who would prefer te be advised how it comes that we have a Debt of $50,000, and a higher rate of i,taxation than any County in the State. The thread bare story of a "new court house" wont answer, as the accounts show that all the. Court-house 'expenses were paid in full in 1858 and 1858, more '• than ten years ago. The first we hear of the debtls in 10*. THE veteran Andrew Stewart, better known as "Tariff Andy," is the Repub lican nominee for Congress in the Fay ette, Westmoreland and Indiana dis trict, now represented by John Covode, Mr. Stewart was a prominent and in fluential member of Congress in the days of Clay, Webster and Calhoun. He NW long since retired from the politial arena, but the revival of the Free-trade heresy by the Democratic party has re-called him intoactive politi cal relations. His election we take for DEFACING 1311.1.8.—1 ire bare repeatedly called attention to the practice of boys of tearing down, and otherwise defacing• the handbills, posters and dodgers of our bus nest mesa For the benefit of persons so engaged, We print theta/km*3g seetieu of the law in forgo in regard to this habit: "That any persons caught mutilating, .destroying, tearing down, or removing any show bill, placard, programme, post er or other owlrertionnent, posted on any wall, fence, bill board, or other atitiotate, shall be fined.notices than twenty-B,o.dd lars nor mope than one hundred,for the first offence, and for the second offence thepenalty shall be imprisonment in the county jail not less than three nor more Tan dompikr is evider4l,Lafrakl of than sin months." Ca Epraim *env acojadeow vow ONLY Ea CENrs—To bearAhe beat pl a t. clarity, and contisues to *lbw biro.— fern/ Lecturer of the day, 8. M. Hewlett; I Cu!. Myers' known llberalitY and ilener- I who w il l g ive his incomparable " Hits at °sky will not su ff er t th ese malignant , t h 6 Tim '', qln A g ric u lt urni Rail on PH attack*. The Compiler has a habit of i da Y lke;..._Ping, Sept. . 8 , 0 : Tickets can li t' onYing ugly things about Ilepublhour j had at DaealerB_ Lw° F l 4 cle °r at the Bail." I. . eandblatim—oun PreableattLinoolnand I a Tux Deasocatetto newspapers of; Penh it Col. Myers were made an Gen. Grant dews. It would be strange osmos es ag cumin oed-stroag for Free, exception. • Vide , B. F. Mesas's seeks support of the grgunil of his favoring the 'Border , age BM last winter. In supporting that bill Mr. Meyers only did his duty. Stid what every other citizen of the Bowles counties did. Mr. Cessna supported it jam, as warmly as did Mr. Meyers, left his poet at Washington, and went to Harrisburg to urge in person its passage. Mr. Meyers iwerre this. Fleece his in. 'inflation of Mr. Cessna's hostility to the payment of the Border Damages, is ungenerous. THERE has been no fighting in France of any consequence during the past week. The crushing victiny of Se dan used up the French . armies in the field, the halanee))eing cooPetilin Strasbourg, -'pauls, and oth*f places. At ire Sent all intereisk\ dit around Paris The Pritsaitti arm* have been doting in an tlg'doortligt 7 ' city, which et ti only be.. V . from I.2Cii bardnieut and capture by the French yielding to the Prussian demands—now understood to be the cession of Alsace and part of Lorraine to GeOnaiy, with the fortresses of Metz and Styasboum: ,as gfistranteesYa~ fntiire pence . "' it' is o'' daily announced that Prussia will not interfere with the internal Policy.. of France, leaving her to determine for herself as between a Republic, an -Em pire, or a Monarchy. The trouble, at present, is to find a Government to deal with, competent to enforce any terms of peace that may be agreed to. TheGov eminent at Paris is self-SOpointed, and purely provisional, and may at any day be set aside, either by the Imperialists on the one hand or the Red Republicans on the other. The latter are already at work denouncing the Ministry and fo menting revolution, so that Paris is in a bad position—Prussian cannon threat ening destruction from without, and a restless mob, ready at any moment to re-instate the guillotine, within. The provisional Government seems to appreciate the difficulties by which it is environed, and would to-day negotiate terms of peace with Prussia, but for dread of the Red Republicans, whocon tinue the frantic cry of "war to the death." The better class of citizens are anxious for an early peace, in order per manently to establish a Republican sys tem of government founded on the pop ular will. The difficulties of the sitna l tion are increased by the plottings of the Orleanists and Imperialists, both of which parties are hostile to a Republic. Jules Favre, the head of the Provision al Goiernment, has been anxious tene gotiate an armistice, rind was arranging a personal interview with Bismarck at the Prussian head-quarters. There were daily skirmishes outside of the Paris fortifications, between French troops and the besiegers, as the latter approach the' city. Metz and Strasbourg still hold out, but the latter must surrender befOre many days, the heavy fire of Prussian guns having, re duced it to a wreck. Most of the Ministry of the Provis ional Government have left Paris and gone to Tours, a fortified city in the Southwest of France. The formidable French navy in the Baltic having proved a failure for block ading purposes, has been called home to protect Ffavre, Cherbourg and other French naval ports. Official notice has been given of the raising of the blockade of the German ports. The heavy iron clads sent to the Baltic were to be fol lowed by transport7s with troops to co operate with ti 4 French armies march ing into Prussia from the south. 'But as the latter never got across the Rhine the entire programme failed. From Italy we have nothing of inipor tance beyond the announcement the the Italian armies were before Rome and were expected in a few daysto take possession—if necessary by assault. Ne gotiations with the Palo] Government were in progress to avoid, if possible. the necessity;of an attack on the city. A despatch from Florence says the Italian troops have entered Rome, and are now in full possession. The foreign legions offered a slight resistance, which, however, ceased by order of the Pope.— There was great joy among the people of Rome and throughout Italy. Mn. MEYERS, the Democratic nomi nee for Congress, begs piteously to have the "dead issues of the past" ignored.. His war record is a little inconvenient just noir, and he is naturally anxiouso have a - veil drawn over it. Not only does he object to having that record held up to the people; but he is getting eertficates to cover his disloyalty. In the last number of his paper, the Bed ford Gazette ,we have a card from B. H. Lyons, who signs himself "Late Capt. Co. D. 55th. P. V. and Capt. Co. I: 22nd Pa. Cavalry," in which the writer as serts that Mr. Meyers was at heart a patriot and"foremost in aiding the re cruiting officers of the Government." It will take a good many certificates to plaster over what Mr. Meyers wrote and printed during the war in the Bedford Gazette and Harrisburg Patriot.; but as there will naturally be some inquiry as to the "F. H. Lyons," who thus comes to Mr. Meyers' relief, we extract from the Chambersburg Repository; This Capt. Lyons is the military hero who telegraphed to Andrew Johnson, when the House of Representatives im pmabed him in the spring of Ises, and of fered him to march a company of his braves to Washington to drive out Con- . %I:and overthrow . the government. his services were pot accepted by the august tailor we have never lear ned. Let no man hereafter doubt the loyalty of Benjamin F. Meyers. Lyons proves it,. and Lyons is above suspicion. The ugly part of this business appears to be that Meyers is obliged to array Lyons against his own written '• declarations, - to prove Meyers to have been a falsifier during the war in order to prove Meyers loyal now. MR . . MEYERS, in the hitt number of his papek, the Bedford Gazette says he "is being warmly supported by the Peo ple of Adams, Franklin and Fniton, without distinction of party, because of his earnest and unflinching advocacy of the bill to reimburse the sufferers of the border counties for losses during the war." Mr. Meyers ought to know whereof he writes. But it seems he didn't mean what he wrote during 'the war, when he assailed President Lin coln as a despot, apologized for the assassin Booth, deliounced the conscrip tion laws, and characterized the war as murder; and probably he don't mean what he wr4tes now. At all eventeithe statement that Mr, Meyersssbeing"sup ported by the people without distinction of party," is entirely new inthis section. 11 he believes it, the October election will show him to be as widely mistaken AB when be held, in oommon with the: Copperhead, leaders, that the Rebels couldn't be *hipped. .3t,,Capt. S. A. Bra& ley, residing near MercOrsburg left home, ,with his gun, for the purpose of hunting game. On arriving at 'a farm lie owned, about two miles from Merceraburg, on the 43noteonsisuuspommitifititeereitts In a sort time his tenant heard the report of the gun, but thought of nothing serious , until he Saw Mr: Bradely's horse coming, near the house. He then went to the woods, wham:. to, his i great horror, he found Mr. Bradley dead; with the back of his hid shot off. He at onoe gave the alarm. It is supposed that the gun went off, accideiitally, at. Mr. Bradley was get ting on or of his horse.—A son of Rev. E. W. Kirby, of the, M. E. Church, Chambersburg, on Molly evening, fell over the banister at the head of the stairs to the lower floor, breakipg an arm and injuring his hip. Yonx.—Rev. J. IL Menges' church, York, war_entered ou Thusday night and the Mission •box robbed of *6O. —A shoe factory is to be started at York by Messrs, Lewis, of 31assachusets.—On Friday night a valuable horse was stolen from the prem ises of Peter Eyster, Jackson township, on the following ,Sunds l y, Ihe horse and thief, Micheal Hermin, were captured near Goldsboroukh.— t ile Gerriians of Hanover celebrated thelF''russian victories on Monday a week with a torchlight pro cession, Sc. Speeches were made by Dr. M. r . G. Pfeiffer, of Nest Oxford, Jesse D. Newman and M. D. Gebliart.—There was considerable excitement last week in York over a mad dog belonging to a Mr. Ruhl, wit.i . 6h bit three of Ruhl's children, Charles Lepean, B. F. Hants and a little daughter of Wm F. Williams.—The Grand Circle of the new order of. B. U. (H. F.) of Penn sylvania met in Hanover on Wednesday. WASIIINGTON.—Hog cholera is prevailing in portions of Washington and Frederick counties, Md, and has carried off many hogs. zOne far mer, named Keiffer, resid ing about three miles from Clearspring, lost seventy within the past few weeks, another twenty-five, and others from one to ten. In the Southern part.of Fred erick county the malady is represen ted as very fatal, some farmers having lost their entire stock. John Kitts, the oldest resident of Balti more, died on Sunday at the age of 108 years and Bome months. GEORGE WELLS 18 the moat extensive farmer in lowa. - His form embraces 8, 0 00 acres, nearly all under cultivation, JOSEPH RODMAN, of Benton county, lowa, got in a rage at something the other day, began to swear and suddenly fell dead. TRUMBULL county, Ohio, reports to the auditor of the state 35,895 head of cattle; a larger number by 1,890 head than any other county in the State. A London despatch says' that the stock market there is improving under reports of peace negotiations, arid discounts are much easier. • Vice President Colfax, in a letter to his friend Theodore Tilton, declares his de termination to retire from public life at the end of his Vice Presidential term. TEE Rev. Dr. James, of Bustletou, Penn., is the oldest Methodist preacher in the world. He is in his ninety-fourth year, and has been a preacher for seventy years, Andrew :Anson came to the surface again at Gallatin, Tennesee, on Saturday, where he repeated the same speech which the people of the country became familiar ized with four years ago. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of the United States met in Baltimore on Mon day. The annual reports of the Grand Sire and Grand Secretary were read, showing the order to'be in a prosperous condition. A despatch from Bremen announces that in consequence of the withdrawal of the French from the Baltic, the steamers of the North German Lloyd lines are to begin running between that port and the ports of the United States on the Ist of October. TEE FIRST ELECTION in Wyoming ter ritory took place in 1869. There was then a Democratic majority of 1,436 in an ag gregate poll of 5,366 votes The returns at present give the Repuplicans a majority of about 200, in the election of William T. Jones as Delegate to Congress. A Re publican gain of about 1,500. BErraxs from Maine, very nearly can plete, give Perham, Republican, for Governor, 8,875 majority, the vote being for Perham, 34,051, and for Roberts, Dem ocrat, 45,178. Chamberlin's majority in the same towns last year was 7,982. A gain of 893 in the Republican majority in view of the great combination to defeat the ticket, will do very welL The aggre gate Republican majority on Congress is two or three thousand greater than that for Govermi. Is IT MEDICTNIC 7 , —A friend of ours, who hails from one of theitipper districts of South Carolina, o htd at the Pick office, and among °their novelties, he mentioned. "Wolfe's Aromatic Schledani Schnapps," and stated as a fact, that in his section of the country, nearly all of the physicians, in certain cases, when they deemed ardent spirits necessary to prolong or save life,t , invariably used these' "Schnapps," justly regarding it as jhe oily spirits that could be procured pure and umuhdt'erated. He also - stitid that' this medicine or "Schnapps" was becom ing the only beverage sold on the great stage or ndlrcad routes. He says thrise physicians who have used and analyzed it, state that for diseases such as gravel, gout, rheumatiim, 8.0., it is IneernParable. it [For the titer and dentlnel.. - tar/Lotion of the St udents of Pennsyl vania College on the , death of Prof. K. L. • atoever, I" l'iruasuiss, It has ideas - ed . our Heaven y.pather to remove from the number of our InStrustors, our esteems& !laud and' Professor, Dr. IL L. Eitoeier,. Who labored With untiring devotion in the various posi tiOns which he fined While in connection with Pennsylvania college: theietore, Beiolved, That, in this dispeasalion we recognise the fact, that God bath palled him to Himself, to a nobler Work on high r-since by his life ImAave evidende of his irust'in Jesus as his iC'vrOttr. ResolOca, That while liawlad lively to the Will of Providence, we also express oar sernyw t at our Toes, and our deep efraPat4 with bi 4 afflicted ;44*. ' .gegotoe4 Thit We, as Studentr, to - impresa °ln- - appreciation of his virtues, .nd shall ever remember with gratitude the unitarm kindness shown toall his pu pal, and the paternal studety width he ever manifested in their Iselfare. Bombed, That a copy of tine* retook tions be sent to the family of tisidemased, and that they be published in the Chi:lth nrrd Town papers. F. G. larerr. E. F. Beivnirouncim ChtoAt. lemmata.. ' l ipttpazia. WX. 15' - -- wont . ml6l sta ..-fror the . - 7 , Mgr and Ben e 5114311 vs. NEYEIIa. , Official frontAW - TreaSury Department. j`d'n C" m,• of Bedford ' and B. F. - -.-.- . era, editor of the Harrisburg Patriot, Coniparatiee 84600~:" Alte•Net Receipte t h e present con ,••• .t o for oongres •, :::-.,.0••• • .•, ... r is =llo, _ kreru. .-... .1 d es i re t o - iAr_iliki eighteen ewe* -• : . '.- a '- ' p o i n t s i n f - . ...•i, ISM to ir A 1 10. "'Ali' - „ '' . , are , . „„ - v.. - ... - w---,„,,. .ust,qlll.ooo IsiPstah from Mare i 1 - 1 ) . 11-- .. i t .. . I '''' a• ': "•, rat. He to - 11014,/tp.l, MO. $ one of its M'are : • , a ining lights. His friends were num ' emus, influential, and ardent in their at. PI i _ ! ' tachment to . him. Office and its eruolu .6' a . • , inenSs Avert? freely .If#ciwed ppiar kin: ' = , m , 2 , And had he' chosen no to sever his 'con -4: . ..: i • , ametinitytth. the - deireirentpieelll further advancement awaited him. But, when pistol pollticiani,lii and out ;Of Con gress—demagngues, and unacrupulousoli garchs—had plunged the barratry into a causeless and sanguinary war, he, impell ed by his sense of right and justice, for, nook the party that bad no aid to give the Government in her hour of trial—no com fort to furnish the soldier on his way to the field of battle, and, perchanCe, of death —no honest condemnation of traitors. When armed treason strove to overthrow the Government, andfleatruy the Country, Mr. Cessna, heeding the responsiiffilties and duty of a patriot, instantly came for ward in behalf of the Nation—raised his voice in manly denunciation of the trai to.s and their treason—became the sol dier's• friend—aided him to the extent of his ability—sympathized with him in his trials and sufferings, and to-day holds that it is the duty, and should be the pleasure of the Government, to reward, in so far as it has power, the men who shed their blood and periled their lives in its defence. During the trying days of the Rebellion he gave the Government and the Republi can party a cordial and earnest support, and to-day Mr. Cessna believes that the wellfare and true {,greatness of our coun try, depend largely upon the success of the Republican party. He has full faith in its principles, and gives to it uncondi tional allegiance. Ho repudiates, in toto, all connection with a party that affiliates or sympathizes with rebels—makes a mockery of elections,. and sends reckless demagogues, or their next of kin, prize fighters, as representatives to the councils of the Nation. Mr. Cessna, moreover; is a arm friend of the policy of protect ing American Industry against the ru inous competition with European pauper ing Elabor. Instead of paralysing and break -1 down, he would encourage the invest ment of capital, In industrial enterprises —foster all manufacturing and mechanical interest—and build up a home market for agricultural productions. Such, in brief, is Mr Vessna's record. In another article we may have something to say of his opponent, B. F. Meyers y ;Ignegg,llpD2gg, ,:n: pplui sv iggl g .4 2 rirmpi • neolgpi . eg ! 11 44 "il l a l sg4 G.gi ! 1 1111 R Eva.Rogaga * .11111 i g=g F I a- r 4217 g ipl4l 4 v ;v. ; W ;141 r li E ! w a AI ° • . f ' X pl l 4 ,) t By the foregoing statements it will be seen that the amount gained by increase of receipts and decrease of expenditures has been as follows: From increase of receipts From doorafse of expe Total REDUCTION IN INTEREST ACCOUNT. The amount of interest paid from September 1, 1867, to March 1,1864, was 8211,221,716 68 The amount of Interest mild from March I,lB6B, eras to September 1, 18713, 193,421,155 OD -••-•••••••••••• Shawl decrease on interest __ Ins • n 4 wmr or , - ABDUCTION OF PUBLIC DKBT. The redaction of the pub& debt from member 1, 1867, to March 1, MO, Was sl,StAido The reduction of the public debt from March 1, 1869, to September 1, ISM, 111 " 23 169,312,109 60 Showing an Increase la the redue- Uon of the public debt of 1611,139,918 93 taring the eighteen months from March , 1869, to September 1, 1870, the amount of reduction in the public debt has been, as above shown, *169,542,109 60, mast of which has been in the purchase and can oellation of bonds bearing interest in coin, and in the payment of obligations overdue and convertible into interest-bowing bonds occertiticates. The amount of interest which will here. after be saved to the Government -oa the debt actually paid, is ab0ut.58,745,596 annually, or $728,799 67 monthly, mostly in gold. There has also been a constant improve ment in the decrease of the debt during the six months since March Ist of this year over the corresponding six months of 1869, to the following extent: 1069 I 18111. , - Gain in de !, crane. March....' V 08,198 27 $5,766,349 4.. 1 85,499,5 H 16 1.4011 ; 6 4 9 3,n 66, 111197,798 39j 6498,729 74 M A /3.344,717 471 14..191,942 571 107.184 40 14410,192 541 20,203.773 Ott 3,798,41950 July 7,04744 291 /7.084,123 74 9.588X9 46 August 5,604,214 79 13.403,325 59 7,799,090 80 And the decrease of the debt for the past six months, as compared with the heeled proceeding months, is as follows: Massie of bile debt far the twelveproceeding March /. IVO For the six mou Shift that dote.. MI S S 76 The`foregoing is a correct camparbon of the financial operations of the Govern. ment, during the periods named, made from the official records of the Depart. meat. • WM. A. RICHARDSON, deting Seeretary TREASIIST Dr.purriceNr, September 5, 1870. Tux Kruse Piano.— We refer with special pleasure to the . advertisement of the great Piano Manufactory of Mesas. Wx. lEmesu & Co., of Baltimore. This teensy is now ons of the largest in the world; it is a inagnifleent five story structure, fronting an entire block on Entawst., andcoveri‘g, together With *e Lumber Yar el & apse ad, maws two aadmie half acres of ground. Three hundred and Mr men are constantly employed turn.: ingout over forty dos eats per week. . The Kuala Piano luMby its superiority not only well nigh driven those of Northern miumfemar e from the home illaiket , o lie also enjoys a large sale in New York, Philedelphis and throughout the entire trekth and west, betides their largely in emend Southern hide. The most taleakedmsasiedans albs day, both amateur and prorerokreug, teatity to their superiority, aad whenever inhibited they bike lever Sailed to oarry off the highest mem* over all competition, bay. hog reeetred no leas than !RI first prom. isms. During the' last season they were used ahmeltaneounkt Ay the most &tin=. gabbed artists at , thi Opera Homes in Baltirmors Pluladelph* .thrw York, BrooltlrcOlrosiges ite. There - is osrininly no bAtrumwmt made, more durable than the !enema Piano, woo bet the bast ire*. Men lxdni employed and' only tie VIII 7 best . ofniatirods used. • I A nom saLeall.—Dr, Wbstar's tam pf Wild - Cherry 4 truly a balonni, it contains the Wawa° . principle of the Wild Mum the %demi° , per of tar and et' Itehagredierna are an bohemia. Coughs, Cold` Sam Throat s gronchitia and Consomptkot speedily dia. appear raider fin balsamic intheence. It tirffaxammekarated Nola o 4 for ibeumathee aaaraiia, headache, tooth ache, das., ter: D. Sadder, Dnig 10tv 9 ,07 1 01% - tf MEI 4,4 i tte I g.ggi I - 0.4 g ) Pit :gram S r; © I;re ;rt . I ht I . r 4 , 0 m. f i g 1 r ' • glc ' .9 4 .Pra ST3' ' I EM=J I we #4 l omtvtonvp,ATip t PPOWRAJAAVI aniniok2RNOrt 7 z.s..;;E4ttaegawsetlig 'rx s AgeE.0.0.0.F.P . 11 gig ii§RlP:tag§MattY r'rt ww:2247.ttagniasztr.g 187,213,766 60 tures 82,653.6e6 77 170,066,326 xr 17,800.561 Be 49.500.ne sl 14407,396 76; 12.906,586 as A CHANCE FOE BAIIGAINIL-MEME. Cobean it- Cunningham having determined to close out their stock of Ready-made Clothing, are now selling all kinds of Coats, Pants, Vest, &c, at largely reduced Prices—many of them less than cost. Now is the time to secure Bargains. The goods are all first-class and will positively be sold without regard to cost. aug.l2.tf. ArrENTioN FAMIEltB.—Try the cele brated Patent_ Eiastie Rubber-lined Col lars, Saddles, and Pads. Warranted to prevent horses from galling and to heal up under work horses already galled, if prop erly fitted; and sore necks and backs ,are kept clean with water and trastile soap; or no pay. For sale by J. W. Cress, Manu facture'r's Agent, Gettysburg. seplo-tf SAVE 3 fosEy.—Pending the agitation of the Funding Bill, which will evidently de preciate Government Bonds, persons would do well by reading the advertisement of the "Gettysburg National Bank," in another column, and exchange their Government Bonds and realize a handsome profit there by, and obts4n an investment as safe and profitable. cOpttial fotires. TO STOREKEEPERS GENERALLY. We would be pleased to mall regularly our monthly whole-sale price list to any storekeeper who does not receive them, and who may give us his address. These SAS will give 017 R Wholesale Prices of most of the goods we offer. We correct and pubdlah them at the drat of every month. We Invite a comparison of our prices wit h City quota tions for good goods The secret of success lies in buying small—buy lug often—keeping good goods—keeping up vatic ty. anal carrying leas stack. Try It. IVILLIA2iI BLAIR & SON, - South End." Carlisle ]'a Aug. 12, 1870. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER, IT WILL POSITIVELY RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It keeps the hair from falling out. It is the best dressing In the world making lifeless, stiff, braehy hair, healthy, soft and glossy. R. P. HALL Sc CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists [Sept. 2.—lm _ _ _ sir - DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH treated with the utmost success, by J. Iss.ace, 111. D., and Professor of Diseases of Ute Eyre and Ear, (his speciattylia the Meliffelli Cbtlepe q' peasayt oftnia, 12 years esperience, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 806 Arch street, PIO& Testimool ski can be seen at Ids ones. The medical familty are lathed to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in hise practice. Artificial eyes Inserted without pain. No charge for ex aritinatlon. ([arch Ilk 1110.—ly WIRE FLAILING, WIRE G,IIABBB. For Store Fronts, Asylums, &e. ; Iron Bedsteads, Wire Webbing for Sheep and Poultry Yards; Brass and Iron Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders, %measles Cad, Ores, Sand, &a, Remy Crimped Cloth for Spark Armlets ; Landseafvf,Wlres for Windows, &e. ; Paper makers ' Wires, ornament al Wire Work, Re. Every information by s4l - the manufaettuvrt K. WALKER & SONS, No. 11 North 81x4 at., Philadelphia. Feb. 11, Bra —ly TO THE NERVOUS. The natural remit of exhaustion of strength by excessive labor or action, as feeling of wuslttless, dullness, hisavinem, weariness, languor of body or mind, gm. Persons of a weak eonstitutkut, or whose habits are sedentary, frequently complain Of thls relaxed condition of the vital energies ;and when peumons a( a nervous temPsowassistere thus weakened and debilitated, disease Inevitably fol tows, unless it Is at once checked and overcome. All who suffer from these causes alike require a remedy which li~len the system without exciting it, and awake a feeling of true enjoy ment, so that life may beetame a source of pkas. nra MISHLER'S RE BITTERS has won its way into the confidence of thousands of this class of persons, who minor endoilie Was the hestily , illiorating agent, and BM !ilea' adapt and itellbr of all tomes and altemtives for istraugtheffingand restoring the phials'! constltElon. ,CSePt. 2-lm &gal Notiita. • - , : on XT oll ol.—Laten up on Ms azte of Maim Adam INCRited 10 the ba ,be beretryluerfastfOeas f e nd b lecee titr e inaki Ike mara le A j sent them properly stsbea far isett=e4f„. 150855 B. SePt•o. 1870—et. E LEO T.I 0 . 6:llaleetiou for Mem Mama the "'*,willAdlillis Mutual Flee losureacm Ilikra the Moe of tbe CO/117 • on Mondus:::p o f (nat., be. t o lbe ot 2 4o' P. IL a* member befog _ ; 40 one Tote Tli i polloy lehielo4thigicet tte. Allil Diot ii is e' A. IL, :Or Sept. 9.-td • .1:c. A. BIMCILLICR, flee'7. Notice - to Creditors • . .. . N OT IC E Is hereby , iita - 73 to aIII parsons ladder, ed either by note or Book t tothe Ina laJ. a it M/LLKli v a bli:Millea4 tolnutdP. 4thwar eq or war ot Illsan4 plass* Bkip,•thatloll t intut tit made on or before the FIEST day of . ANBABY, NUL , : iii milt < :Aji-,.4..". 4bilualitlZlleatand Via Ir,„ am art • handl of au ellen for , i ....i. _ , . 7 PITY . Adnibiligatot ' " , AlihroWi t , The asks ateenntr onn lM et J. *X XlLLevartsuroll WA& Mk!' m. WM'Joao! R Avg. I 2.0", -f .;;.t - NO:litos Aral. Ni..:li' :13iTSI.14:SS. ~, ~1 1. 3 * ..4 ok Mil** litte Z .i • - E. CULP . co SOFAS, CHAIRS, MAITRESSES, AND UP- HOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. li .ThVesseUseseemookt beakless el • Carriages, , and sol icits trom the pue pametto. Claws moderate. Dee. BLACKSMITHING. B. G. HOLLEBAUGH H AS opened a Blacksmith Shop on Washington street, next door taChritzman's Carpenter Shop, and is prepared to dO all kitals of BLACKSMITH INC, at reasonable rates, and Invites a share of public patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds. Giro us a Call. April 30, IS6o—tt COOPERING PETER CULP Has commenced the COOPER( NG ESS In all Its branches at ids residence on the Mumma& oburg road, al the end of Carlisle street, Pa. he - rer Getty akiTds ap bstylesa always have made t o MEAT VESSELS GROUT IfTANDS, MCKIM STANDS, • TUBS, RR I also manufacture 6 and 10 FL pal. Kegs, Cider Barrels. And all other kinds of Cooperthg. Re pairing done cheaply and with despatch. Give us a eall., [Aug. IJ, 181111—tf GRANITE YARD, GETTYSBURG, PA., ON RAILROAD, NEAR FREIGHT DEPOT. PETER, BEII'LER purdarld to,ttvirotAlMArAcindsvo, at reasonable rates— Curbing, Sills, Steps, ASHLERS, PONTA WHITMENTB, CFM ETERY BLOCK/4. &C., &C., cut and Onlabed In every style desired, by best o workmen. AiKkllers trout a ilbstanee prow Idly attended to June 3—tt REMOVAL! REMOVAL! ROBERT D. A RMOR, Gas Fitter, Plumber and Bell Hanger, Qin he found at Ids r oeskl ne on eoruer of &ISt /addle mad titration streets. tl GETTYSBURG, PA., Will promptly attend to all orders In Mt line.— Work done in the moat satisfactory manner, and at prices as 'Ginn; can possibly be afforded to make aping. GAS PIPE fundshed, as well as Chandeliers, Brackets. Drell mi t ts, de. •, also, WATER PIPE, Stop. Top acid gs frpfipot, and, la short, everything belonging to or water fixtures. Bells hung. and furnished If desired, Locks of all lands repotted. .( April 29, 11370—t1 GETTYSBURG BAKERY id ot Newport A: Ziegler having been 1 dissolved, the undersigned will continue the Baking business, In all Its branches, at the old stsaa, Corner of South Washington and West Middle streets, Gettysburg, Pa. CRACK r All kinds of CARES. BREAD, ROLLS. acS constantly baked and always to be bad fres PRErZELh.' " tart p i Wtst, y gtUrtZtie ca 7rol v ohle th ' s = faction in all plant Orders solicited, and promptly attended to. With many thanks for the bestowed on the old Ann, its continuance :m il= April 9, 1899—tt HALTZER NEWPORT. - - STEAM SAW MILL PRE underaigned has in operation a STEAM A SAW MILL, at the p repared ta, near Gbieffenburg Springs, and la to saw to order DEN . of Wk/1e Oak, Pine, Hesleek, or aufkindef Timber desired, at the shorter no tice and at low rates lie aisu manufactures Shingles, b ' s7 Pailinv Vic. ' LUMBER deliVered at any point at the LOWEST RATES.- 3 per cenCwill be deducted for the caall payments, or interest trill be charged from the time of deliv ery of Lumber. Thankful for past favors, he would desire a continuance for the future. All letters should be addressed to him at Graef fenburg P. 0. Adams county, Pa. Lg69—tf Oct. HENRY MILTENBERGER, 29, ICE CREAM SALOON. JOHN GRUEL, Chanaleroburg •t., Gettysburg, Pa., next door to Eagle Hotel, Haa always on head a large assortment of all kinds ot CONFECTIONERY, made of the best materials, with Fruits, Almonds, Raisins, Fige, Cakes, te. .ICE CREAM, served. to eintommuld orden Famines or rink* Ptelnili4 Having Bimetal soma modatkins for Ladles and Gentlemen, and deter mined to please, he invites his friends tdslve him a eall. [April 8, m—tt GUNSMITHING ! BATTLE-FIELD RELICS! anes, Shells, Bullets E. WOODWARD Would respeotfully call the attention of the pub lie to hie large assortment of Relies gathered on the GI thing =fisurg Itattisgekt, attended to with promptness and all work warramed. Oise us s ettysburg, call ag our Owe of business on 'Car. mem, Pa n giry's iluly near the Ll7o Rana Depot, f 29, .--M JEREMIAH CULP,_ GETTYSBURG, PA ., UNDERTAKER AND PAPKILHANGKR, ti Patld to taint* on , abort mike and re& COFFINS of all Styles. Re also' en ahaad a largo sasortmeat of WALL PAZ Weal he rib at krweat cash fatea, ma! up tarok& Made to pat It Plats ail* jitney Illfga Paltatizyg es*. stottiml eras,. illirYetit street, atm dam s east at Lat er Cbtatb. May IL lees—tt How & Sign Painting R. B. DOYLE. House, Sign Sr, Ornamental PAINTER, GETTYSBURG, PA., Shop, ea Washington gives, waits -WEAVERS-LIVERY. ANlPWagis promptly minded to la town or aboatim aVreamonabiaPrioefhlukt u I s aelt *AA • LssM. t,36IIA—V ebtking, Pato, Am, kr. KLINGEL'S Boots, Shoes and Gaiters • DIL KLINGEL, on Baltimore street, a few . doorsabove the Court-house, Gettysbur has just received a large stock of Boots. g, Shoes and Gaiters,. which he is selling at greatly reduced FOR L prices. It AD embraces: lES—Congress Gaiters oo , Balmoral Gaiters, Rid Slippers, all style, Morocco Balmo rill. Ike. FOR GENTDEMRN—FrecIi OW Boots, Amer lOU OW Boolsellap Boots Co=alters, Calf all Idyl FOlBlissitragteuSil G ai ters, Babson/ Gait era, Mereeeo &C. FOR BOYS—Congress Gaiters, Ulf Balmorals, h ilri: =Sboes of all kilds. Also, Boots and Shoes of his owu manufacture constantly on hand. Buyers, from town and country, are Invited to call and examine goods and prices before porche s. it svho may can. elsewhere, feeling confident that I can please THE MANUFACTURING of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters will a/so be carried on, In all lts branches, 38 before. Repaid done on short notice. By employing none but workmen, and using none but ' the choicest leath er, be feels confident of maintaining hls former reputatkm. Certainly nothing will t o left undone to deserve It. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continu- May 13, 1370--tfanoe ot public patronage. I). L. KLINGE WOLF'S Cheap Clothing Stu' On the Northeast Corner of Centre Square .6ettyltburg, Pa., Has the largest and h es t ,gook of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, ever offered In this place. Also, the very latest and best Myles of Hats, aps, Boots & 'Shoes, with a variety of likawawaer lUmdesselsithilwisr, and Gents. Fars faiths; {toads generally Also, Mine assortment of Jewelry,Watehes, Cheeks, Notions, Ike. The best manufactured Leather Trunks and Valbmsand, Carpet Bags and Umbrellas always on V Hosiery and Gloves, a large assortment. Child ren's Fancy Shoes of all kinds- In short, eve thing that is usually kept in a Orst-elass Gent' ry s Famishing Sto All will be sold.as low as the our motto being, "Quick salesand small plow rofit est. s." („Wl and examine our stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. it. WOLF. May 2A, LS7o—tf OPENED OUT AGAIN READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Notions, Szt, 'I'RE undersigned, doing business under the Arm of Promo & Ca, have opened a new Store Boom to the large three-story Brietait ing. on Chambe.raburg street, nearly Buehler's Drug Store, and invi heir uld=sis to Mire them a eall. We have la i d in an entirely NEW STOCK Ok' GOODS selected with care, of the very best make and latest styles, comprising READY-MADE CLOTHING, COATS, PANTS, DUSTERS, WOOLEN SHIRTS, DRAW - Ems SUSPENDERS, CEA. VATS, NECK -TIES, HATS, CAPS, AND NOTIONS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. All of which have been bought in a falling mar ket. and will be sold at aston ishingly low rates. We have alio on hand a large assortment of LADIES' MISSES & CHILDREN'S SHOES of Latest styles arkl best make, wined we are sell ing out at cost, to close out the stuck. Call and examine. JOHN PICKING, April 8, Li7o. tt F. B. PICKING. SPRING AND SUNIMEiI CLOTHING, AT F. CUNNINGHAM'S, Chambersburg street, next door to He y tune Gettysburg. Pa. You will always Sod the best qualities and latest styles of COAT'S , PANTS VESTS, of all styles and sizes. Also, SHIRTS, TRUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, and a great and large variety of NOTIONB, MUSICALINSTRUMENTS,CLOCKS WATCHES, TOBACCO and CIGARS He has In connection wRI his Ready-Made Clothing. commenced Merchant Tailoring, lu all Its branellt,L The public will always find the later styles of Clotho, Cassimers, Tweed*, Jeans, Tri.m naingre, hi. Store. -11 W. C. DANNER, a Tailor of longrireri ce A/ • en, will always be found on hand yto measure, cut and manufacture you a good ding suit. sir-Goods bought elsewhere, will be cut and made up to suit customers. April 21, IKO-41 Spring& Slimmer Clothing WITH A LARGE STOCK OF Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes COBEAN & C IAkININGHAIit H AVE just received from the City a new and Clothing, Hate and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, SEGARB, fe., te LATEST STYLES. One and a 0 are In invited to esE at our Store, on Baltimore street, Gettysburg, nearly opposite Fahnestoek Bros. JAS 00BEALIP April is, 1870-tt CUNN,EtifiRAM. NORRIS' HEADQUARTERS ! On South-East Corti. of Centre Square, GETTYB33W, PA, Has the Largest and Best. Stocks of SPRING AND /SUMMER 12:11 LAMM? Rm HATS !AND CAPS. TIM Barr mAin4A.drosizn BOOTS .AND, SHOES, WIPE A. VARIETY OP Stumm Neer-clothing, Gettts' nandidiing Goods of every variety ; also a large assortment of NOTIONS, TRUNKS : Andeverything found in i Gentlemen's Furnish- ing Mon. GIVE US A CALL. Aprll 211, 18711-11 GO TO its Yov rr FIE undersigned havinv, leased the long estab .l. !lobed and pcpular Hotel, In Petersburg, (York Springs Borough) will spare no effort to please all who may mstronize hint. The Hotel Is pleasantly located with large and comfortable clambers which cannot fa to give satisfaction. His Table will be supplied with the best that the market can afford ; his Bar contains none but that of the best of Liquors; he is also well supplied with lee in the Summer season—this being the only Hotel In the place that has an Ice House attached.— There ts in comiesion with the H extensive stabling with attentive hustlers. Heotel asks a share of the public patronage and is determined that none shall go away dtsaaiistled. Charges moder ate. rms. Boarders taken by the week on reasonable te WEAVER & SON Livery, Sales & Exchange STABLES T"" pleas announcing to the public that they haremsbetter accommodations than ever to supply the public with all styles and hinds of Conveyances that can be found In a first-class livery. Their Hones, Hacks, and Sleighs cannot be beaten by any establishment In the town. In prices they defy competition. bought and sokt, on reasonable terms. GIVE US A CALL rinHE undersigned Is desirous of closing 111 D ent- bis an tnose ed to call and settle the s Ind ame The books will be found at the above stables and all persons lndebt .d are earnestly requested to call andsquare their accounts. NICHOLAS WEAVER. Dec. 9, 1969.—tf EAGLE LIVERY? Sale and Exchange Stables Jig...mite t/ E4igle Hotel. CAnmhPrlgourr underitgned have opened a new Ln ER V, SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLE, Li this place, and are prepared to oiler superior accom modations In this line. We have provided our. selves with Buggies, Carriages, Hacks Light Wagons, &c., of the latest styles, sufficient to meet the public demand. Our horses are good, without spot or blemish, and perfectly reliable—none of your "old cripples," but all of the "140" order. Riding parties can always be accommodated and comfortable equipments furnished. Parties, large or small, can get Just what they want on the most accommodating terms. Visitors to the Battle-acid politely attended to and reliable drivers flirnishfti if desired. Parties conveyed to and from the Depot upon the arrival and departure of every train. Horses bouet t sold, or exchanged , and always a chance for ntgiven. Our motto Is "fair play and no you g. particular attention paid to furnishing Ve hicles and Hacks for Funerals. AiliiiieWe Batter ourselves that by charging moderately and by furnishing superior accom who pat modatioronns, izes our establishmen cannot fail to pt, every lease one PERRY J. TATE, WILLIAMD. HOLTZ WORTH. Dec. 31, 1869.—tf Notice to the Public rptill undersigned is running a Line of Stages .1 from Hagerstown to Gettysburg, leaving for merplace on on ay, Wedresclay and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M., passing brLeitersburg. Waynes boro', idon_terey and C,...`Wmont Springs, Fountain. Dale and FairSeld arriving at Gettysburg at hair Past four o'clock and returning from GWysburg on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday arriring Hagerstown to make connection with the 5 o' Wain for Baltimore. ANNA WASSMii. May 2L—tf MEAT MARKET ! ! NEW FIRM ! GEO. B. STOVER &THAD. & W.LBLE, AVING entered Into partnership in the branches. Li Butchering Business, will carry It on in all of Fresh Meat Every Day. Beef every Tuesdaff and &Unita), morning. Small meats every Wednesday, Thursday and Rar Frida tet am sVant Geo. B. Stover's residence on Chiunberaburg street, second Square. Those having fat stook for sale will And It to their advane to call on or address the new rm. STOVER & RUBLE. Aug. /169-41 West Middle Street Marke (N. taw Court.boase.) FRESH MEAT Every Day in the Week SUNDAY' EXCEPTED. GEORGE A. °ODOR!. Aug. 12, 1810.—tt REMOVED MERCHANT TAILOR, Xezt door to J. W. Cress' &ell, on Chaos beYsburg at., near the Square. 1 Cloths , Casaimers, Vestlitirs, Trim. , slings Ate., &e., offered at the sm aller Goods boufht at the Store cut . recharge. Goode made up . with well miens bought at other stores as at oetri. Ur 2f. Y. naloms received, ilg t Lieetig d eft this most approved style. dose, os - mataL The NW patronage so ,NM ao Mort to aleaso April Xt, / 8 70—tf 108 . JACOBI/ . - - Nieto Ad 4esitintranto. EAGLE HOTEL. The tallest and most econ Mug fu GETTYS'BURG, PA awser f d Chambersburg and IVnalti,tylost ma JOHN L. TATE, Proprietor. 111 1 - Anthwilbps for Paaseugers and Baggage nto ° tbe Depot. on arrival and departure of IMPROVE THE SOll. Railroad Train Careful mervaulm and reason- able charges. KEYSTONE _HOTEL, GET.7'YSBURO, PA. WX E. MYERS, Proprietor. NOW OPEN. HIS is a new House, and has Ewen fit ted up In the utast approt ed style. Its loca- on is pleasant and convenient, being in th,• wmt business portion of the town. arrange tnent has beet' made for the aeeolomod a t hot ;aid comfort of guests, with ample stal.iitic ;di:wised. With experienced servants. and :tecnillimstating Jerks, we shall use every endea‘..r p!ease.— Tills Hotel ?Pity open for the enteilalulut•ut of the public, and we kindly mrileit a share of public patronage. (May 2a, 1 4 .67—tit N E 11/ aHOrfEI,, I, TIMOR E STREET, U ET?' TSB P.I. a 1111.11Rilatlie stfig,iftMitg !Ho tel, L il l om handse three.Ory Brick Buildingon Balti more street, two doors from the court.imuse, Gettysburg. Pa., and is provided with aceom modations for the comfortable entertainment of a large number of guests. His experience In the business warrants him in pronitsing satisfaction In every case, and he feels certain that thos.e who stop with him once will call again. Charges moderate. His Table will always be supplied with the best the Gettysburg and Baltimore, markets may af ford, whilst his Bar will have the choicest wines, liquors, ales, &a'. He also has ample Stabling, with a good Host ler in attendance, A liberal sharelof public patronage is respect fully solicited, and no effort will be spared to de serve it. w. P. HABltis. April 15, Ira—tf UNION HOTEL, frOHMEILLT THE WHITE HALL, YORK SPRINGS, PENN'S. E. P. KITTINGER, Proprietor E. P. KITTINGER. Proprietor. York springs, May 6,1870.-6 m iutrg Jtabtos. 'a.4liingtort Strut, Gettysburg,' Pe/4/4'( HORSES AND MULES Take Notice ETT EST LTG, PENN' gidghttbzi. JOSEPII JACOBS, RAS REMOVED A large assortment of RAISE HEAVY CROPS [May 20, 1867.—tf WTI ITELOCK'S EGETATOR, WIIICII CONTAINS IN A SOLUBLE CONDITION Evcry Elcment \-ccessary to the growth of the plant, formation of the Improvement of the Land It you want any thing to grow try White lock' I. rget.ttor. It come 4 nearer what cotton wants to eat than any thing I ever ease - We will wake more wheat on one acre troth its application than on two acres where other manure %%a-4 used I cheerfully recommend It as a first-eta% luau The increased yield from an application of 1:1) pounds per acre 14 as ten bushels per acre." think It has given more 'satisfaction than any Fertilizer I ever sold - I ani very much pleased with its action on my crop of wheat and endorse it as a No. 1 Fenn MANUFACTURED BY W. WHITELOCK & Co., BALTIMORE, MD For sale by WIBLE & SOi\; GETTYyII3URG. PA Sept 9. 1970. —2nl A PERFECT FERTILIZER }OR ALL CROPS. BOWERS' COMPLETE MANURE, MADE FROM supER-PHOSPLIATE OF LIME AMMONIA & POTASH. Warranted free from adulteration, and equal in quality to any sold during the last four years. This manpre contains all the elements of plant food in a soluble form. Also, food giving lasting fertility to the soil. UNDENIABLE• FACT. Experience in the use of "BOWER'S COM PLETE MANURE," by the best fanners of Penn v I rania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and fourotton Stateg, resultedhrough a period of years' trial, has in proving it to be The best Fetilizer offered for sale HENRY BOWER, Manufacturing Chemist, Gray's Ferry Road, Philadelphia. DIXON. SHARPLESS CO., 40 South Delaware Avenue, Phila. W 35. REYNOLDS, 105 South Street, Baltimore. And For Sale by all leading dealers. Aug. 36,3 mt ,fttring HOWE MACHINES! THE LATEST IMPROVED AND GENUINE ELIA HO WE, JR, SEWING MACHINES JACOB F. THOMAS, Agent, GETTYSBURG, PA., At Ms residence on York Street. ORDERS will be promptly . attended to. VMa chines delivered to all parts of the county and instructions given gratis. ser-The public are cautioned against partis who use the name of HOWE in connection p a r t i es their machines on account of the popularity of the Howe Machines. There are none GENUIIiE un less they tutve imbedded in each machine a medal lion having the likeness of ELIAS HOWE, Jr. on it, &c. [Feb. 26, iro.—tt gitattigraph 6alltrito. ESTABLLSRED 18.59 TIPTON & MYERS' EXCELSIOR GALLFiRIES York Street, Gettysburg, Penn'a Pastore* of all styles. 'lsms *film ATTLE-FIELD t lUD STAMP FOR CATALOOM FRAMES, ALBUMSAte. out Revolvair Sole Agents for Bernal)) , 4k lilllard's Pat Dee. 3, 1800—tf Watches au4 fftwelry. WATCHES & JEWELRY. WM. P. lifelßlll34 wishes to Inform hb customers and Ma MO) that having purchased the Interest of , on V. B. hopw,) tbellrateh.yaburr sad J !Bore Baltimore effort to ere minim to all. he wit spare no fie has *Just returned from the city wltheefolett. did assortment of GOLD. and SILVER AMERICAN and SWIM WATCHES:, JEWELRY SILVER TEA and TABLE SPOONS, Iift E GOLD_ , WI PER sad STEEL SPEGTA. OLIN; also, OLl:Witil of She best . Banat MUSICAL !M -OTO VIOLIN iii %W m GS, and • PirWatch sad Gook j srOsk Ise oaa year. Jewelry reloalrtig mooed ha a ancl,, workmastia• imam pep& 1 erttlizers, /ic. 411 CD BY THE BEE OF mill • and 'W. G. GARDNER W. IT. WILLIAMs. k WLINGS CO. J. D. WISHEROT A. J. SCHINDLK W. If. MITCHELL THOS. CHAMBERS. . " Friday it* HEAL &MAI'S 8 of the properties: For full description" J'IJEtl Esturday, Sept. .. 24—IX-C. pertheS, Acril9pla " •24—Attal" aert*, . East Bern Tuesday. ". 27—Adia' acres, Atttintas, Oct. I—J. N. & ntraban I—Exaeu House an. " I—Heirs o IlnuSe and ' 1-11. acre. • I—lsaae P. York ea, Friday tracts; 147 Saturday, •• lota of gro •• l—Assign Farm and Joy t wp. arrel 96 Nlonday. 19—J. H Friday, " Personal Saturday. " Jr—A(lW? and Lot,'ll. 51onday. " 17—A4in'r trade, Oxto triburg. !tin:alien tr, rfirVAT.E George Smith, .`.4 Acres, CI Rev. C. J. Ehrehart. TOWII ; EVrs' of John Cannon, . (;ettyshurg. Jonathan Brenneman. Hopi. Springs Borough. IL & D. A. Buehler. New tys burg. near stevene . Emmanuel (Irerhultzer, Übe 4:cot& Arnold, Gettysbnrg, Martha fJlen Stewart, - • burg. B. F. Hagerman. 19 act*, M luae Grroefoe, 100 acres, Ei r. of James TOwnsend, Theodore Bender, 218 Abraham Flekes, Oft acres, .Cyrus 8. thirst. Howie and J• B. Row, Hou,se and Lot, ( O'Neal9i nnrai, Fan • Gettteburg. Jobs Baker, I 6 twres Elias der. ktt acre, Dui John Hartman. 198 acres;' Hon. R. McCurdy, 121 acxes, FESTIVAL. -'17w Feet' Church in Agriculrtirsil R.t.RN BeRNT.—T6 . • of Mr. John L. Fisher, in ship, was destroyed by. i inst., with the yeaes c is attributed toccident. CHANGE OP FIRM.-11 & Co., of New Oxfort% ha entire stock of Dry in New Oxforti—the,lat business TEE REBEL DEAD.-3.1 SER and Major U. : Ilagerstown, and J. A. 4 C crick, have been appoin to expend the $5,000 app Legislature of Maryland f. and burial of the remains who fell at Monocacy,l Antietam and Gettysldt near Hagerstown has bee place of burial. ' ` THE PLACE TO BtlY.-: tention is directed to the I Smyth, Field and Co., .of our advertising cohittuni. ing Notion and White G.. adelphia, well known ail o Mr. .Tames J. Metcalfe, fo Springs in this county, is c the house, from whom- all others from this section wi cial attention. ISPORSfATION WANTED: tieing columns will he fou the Cousul of Wirtembarg in regard to an estate bel. heirs of Dr, Charles C Schotiek. We understand veterinary surgeon. and is Dr. Schoeck who resided i romp years a t O and had *o. as a Farrier. Ifilvovan G.ts Wougs. Taney, of this place, hai th building the Gas Works in building is to be stone, 11.5. wide and 111 high, it is Fard stone building in that lila. our neighbors were slow to Gas line, they have at length cally to work, and ere long.t. Hanover will enjoy the k In securing Mr. 'Taney to put lugs, the Company has done a thorough workman, With n. his line of business. ADJOURNED COU RT. —A; Court, for the trial of Civil sion this week. The foliipwin been tried John Kuhn vs. Gettygb Bank. Summons in Debt. tried before, with a verdict and taken to the Supreme was reversed and a new trimil Jury this time, under : . • Court; rendered a verdict f0r.14 John S. Stansbury vs. Ab Foreign Attachment. Verdict ant. Moser & Cover vs. Win. sign attaeement. Verdict for $266.36. &mos.—Jacob Ho steer Farm and Mill property, .in township, about 100 Acres, O'Bold for $17,415. j The Executors of David i sold the farm of deceased ' township, 101 Acres; to Tot*. for $lll per acre. •, The Executor of Edward sold a House and 5 Acre Lot in i; town, to Mathias Ginter, for $ , L Lydia Gitt has sold her /1 1 .: Acre Lot in MeSherrystown, Gallagher, for $1475. ' 1 Michael Miller has sold his F ~., 100 Acres, hi'Moustpleaaant to Rev. Walter J. Burner, for . i over $5OOO. John Picking, Esq., has sold and Lot of Ground in East : acres and 84 perches of land to John W. Smith, of W • ship, York county, for $3,800 :" JANES M. ROBINSON, as Adm has sold the property of Jose (blacksmith) in itfountplemtud for $1,005 to Andrew Hall. LOOK Hani.—E. Woodward mencetl, in convection lug, the repairing of Umbrella, &c., which he will warrant to., ed than is done by the' niajori , brella-raeuilers. Any pens* work done in this line C;4l4'leay his shop on Carlisle Street, and sent for and returned. Cl!aigegi Ile also has still on hand a yule tle-field Relic; of any kihd aptj large assortment of Canes, - ar.,), see him. IS ti LOCAL i-- I,lrn'r.