till and gem:lntl inks. ALUARLE LANDS !! F . N. 1, A FARM, two. miles north est of Gettysburg. adjoining Spring Hotel prop rtv. 153 ,\ rtes. wittt large BRICK rtol7SE,Mrge wit ter "tarn. Tenant Hone, and other Improve „.nt, i.s.son—not more than eat ot bulld- o. 2, A FARM. two and a half miles iirth-west of Gettysburg. adjoining No. 1. 116 eras. with good . STONE HOUSE, Barn and then illii , rilVements. An excellent grass farm. 'rice $4,40. No. 3. A FARM adjoining No. 1, and .on lots of Gettysburg containing 119 Acres, ith STONE FARM BUILDINGS. It Is divided - the Chambersburg Turnpike and comprises my very choice building lots. Price, 1115555 No. 4. A FARM, five miles from Get urg. on public road. 159 Acres, good land In 0011 COnditiOn. ith large BRICK HOUBE, and switzer Barn. Price 95,500—very cheap. \o. 5, A VERY GOOD FARM, two Iles front Gettysburg, 240 Acres, with large :ICE IioUSE, large Bank Barn, all in good million. Price !Myer acre. No. 6, A FARM, 170 Acres, four Iles from Gettysburg. on Public road comforta. • FARM BUILDINGS. red land,. iot" limed.— ice vim* half cash. No. 7, An excellent FRUIT FARM miles mirth of Gettysburg, on public road'. tit. 90 Acres mid land, with comfortable uldings. Price #.3.:,110. No..;S, A GOOD RED LAND FARM, Acres, comfortable HOUSE and all needed t buildings, and Barn. Land limed and In good et% goo 4 grass farm, near Baltimore Turnpike, files from Gettysburg, 3 miles from Littlestown. lee Su.soo NO. 9. 'A TRACT OF GRANITE Al). three miles from Gettysburg, on York Acres, good HOUSE and STABLE, a .1 stand for store or Mechanic. Price V,SOO. 'O. 10, A VERY GOOD - FARM, two es west of Gettysburg, on bli raid, 224 es, well limed anti in good pu condition, _good Wings, Weatherboarded HOUSE, large Bank Plenty fruit, good location. Price 160 per ; or will sell ISt Acres with buildingsat game. NO. 11. A .VERY GOOD STOCK R. 31 ~au miles east of Gettysburg, on York lhl Acres. or will sell 110 Acres, about ,tt; st, a good FRAME HOUSE, two Barns, well (Teti Pries. SOO per acre—terms easy. U. 12, A VERY VALUABLE FARM, Acres. of whiCh 100 acres heavy Timber, Oak, gory and Walnut, live miles west of Gettys- MI public road, excellent of Buildings, will or the whole, fruit farm. good red gravel. Price 1145 per acre. 13, A GOOD FARM, 130 Acres, 7 st front Gettysburg, on Harrisburg road, good ME BOCA: and Barn, all kinds Of fruit.— e gusto. 0. 14, A FIRST-CLASS RED LAND ' 160. Acres, or Will sell RV Acres; 2 miles t Gettysburg, on Hayisburg road; good therboarded HOUSE. Bank Barn, abundant • Land limed and in good order. t, several other Farins and Town Property. , Western lands and Town Property, to ex ge for Adams County Farms. IL G. McCREARY, -11 f orney for the Owners, Gettysburg, Pa -IILIC SALE OF 4, MEN VALITARLE LAND e undersigned baring quit housekeeping_ will t Public Sale, on Tuesday, the 2d day of ust. 1870, at 10 o'clock, ,4. AL the following M & LOTS OF GROLND. situate In a. Butler ship. Adams county, P, adjoining lands of Itartensperger, Israel Orner, Peter Butler, Stelnour, and others. The Farm contains 69 ::•3 and 53 PERCIJE.s, of good farm land,— three lots, to nit: I. Containing 6 ACRES and 15 H Ks. Coniaining 5 A.VRES and SO ' tiEs. 3, C ~E ,ining 7 ACRES and lin 'H ES. • farm and lots will be sold together or ate. as will best suit purchasers. land is all in good farming order, and is iippli#d with all kinds of Timber, With a fair rtlon of Meadow. The land has all been Persons wishing to buy will call on the un gned. Attendance will be given and terms made n by JOSEPH TAYLOR., Sen. le 17, 187 o.—ts LUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE undertimied offers at Privat6 Sale a VERY R ABL . 'ARM, situate in Straban town .thout milea•southwe.st of Newchester, lug lands of Henry . Thomas, Esq., George nan, and others, containing 86 ACRES of in a high state of cultivation. The improve are a new weatherboarded COTTAGE •E, Frame Barn, a thrivingoung Orchard de and Peach TrePs, Grape' Inesand Fruit ,in the yard, a well of Water at the door; a 4atiing Stream runs through the centre of trill. There is an abundance of Timber.— wation is convenient to Churches, Schools, and Market. Property is well suited for division. and sold in Lota or entire to suit purchasers. Persons wishing to few the premises or as'. n terms, will call on the subscriber or ad by letter. • Chester . Aug. IS ABRAHAM 181;9.--tt ROM S. WESTERN E-EMP'fI.(N I HAVE ON HAND A FEW • R s OF NO. 1, baud, Pre-emption Lands located uear ds, County Towns, 6:e., In well settled hoods, which lAN ill sell or exchange at a ee for Real Estate lii Adams county, Pa. ',, 14.il&—ts GEO. ARNOLD. • Public Sale. undersigned will sell at Public Sale, on tine:Way. the 10f/i day of August next, at t., .If, in Nest Oxford, Penna., on the .t corner of the Diamond, a two-story DWELLING, with kitchen attached, one snits is used as a store room, frame TM one-story Frame Dwelling, Stable, good eater, with some Fruit Trees. oye property well calculated for any public tnAness, and is also One of the lees for a residence in the town. tendonee will i.e given and terms made CHARLES W. DOLL lit7o.—td I.TE SALE OF A HOOD HOUSE idersigned being unable to work at hi., sell at Private Sale his HOUSE & LOT. naishurg, Adams county . The souse Is .ry in good order with al improvements. Acriai ot good land, with all kinds of ry Krson wishing a good home and a sit o M ark at some mechanical business, •all and see this one. 7, 157n.—.21g• ISAAC BYERS. FO R SALE ) DESIRABLE THREE•STORY" BRICK DWELLING EIOESK. ont. on .to feet lot. with two-story Brick Ulm:, in first-clays repair, two doors urt House. ou Baltimore street, will be leeommodatine terms. R ~ ty 9+. Chunttkretburg Geffysburi). LOUSE Is a twoatpry Brlck,tias In it, a rant in the yard with good oetbultdloge, drifts uf Grapes. Strawberries, Shia taspbcrries. Peach and dwarf Pear Trees 8. B. ROW. ardwarr. @Tindery, dr. ware and Grocerjt Neribers Live just ieturned from the h an 11unit-use :.hpply of Hardware rtes. which street, at offering at their on Baltimore street. at prices to suit the ur stock consists in part of is nolo, Bluthoinitli'll Took 1 , 71:atn,98. BAue Cabi .Vakc.r.s Took Ihuoekeelier'# -Norio, All kinds of Iron, .4*c.. - 6:e., tr. 'ERIES OF ALL KINDS, There . rilo article included in I deleirttuents entkuted above but be had to this %tore. Every class of . can be accommodated here with tools gs and Housekeepers can end every heir line. Give us a ott,U as we axe me lt as low for cash as any other house City. DAVID ZIEGLF-IJ, istn - -qt • soEL B. DANNER. MISSION HOUSE.. zerAnuiniv 1851 ular attention riven to the se,le of UR, GRAIN, 7,1) FIELD SERPA ENRY GIESE, t., SSION MERCHANT, R'S WHARF, BAL TIMORE, se Railroad in tae rear of my Ware it'elo dock in front. a !Laud and ferule at lowest market Si Ground Plaster, .NDALE CEMENT AND ALCINED PLASTER, or In quantities to suit „April 1.5.1870-3mln Kna.tno WoOluxicst4,--qhe York Press copies ourlocal in regard to the killing of a number of Woodcocks in the neighbor. hood of York Springs, by . a party of I sportsmen from that section and Gettys -- burg, and remarks: LOCAL .• "We, like our friend of the Hanover Citi- DemocratirCounty Commit- `en, cannot see anything."'ma 0° 54 5" in I Inuit disreputable, and' unsportsmanlike tee will meet on Satitsday, to -determine conduct. ITO true sportsman would thus the call for a Cotintyittvention. I take advantage of the law. These birds, according to the Star's acemmt; were killed on the 20th of June, just twemontha and and ten days before the timenamed by the * * * * The law, poses a fine of five dollars on each wood.' cock killed,--one hundred and sixtytwo woodcoclul, five dolrars a ll would make the • snug sum of EIGHT NDRED AND TEN pout... Re--the one half of which goes to the informer and the-other half to the county. Pour hundrpd and 3 five dol lars, would be a pretty good day s work for a constable. Let the law be, vin dicated!" All this sounds well, but it simply be trays a degree of ignoranea of the law un pardonable in public j4uxudists. As neither the Press nor the Citizen seem to know anything about the Game -laws aii plicable to their own county, we propoJe enlighten them by re -publishing the full text of the Special Act passed last winter, and approved April 9, 1870 justfour days after the General Act, to which lxithjour nals refer. If, after, giving it a careful perusal, they are still inclined to think the recent killing of Woodcocks by our Adams county sportsmen a violation of law, they can make a handsome pile by (mining to Gettysburg and prosecuting. As all the sportsmen concerned are perfectly re sponsible, "1,403 would be a pretty good day's work" for the editor of either the Citizen or Press, unless the Printing business be better in York than Adams Friday 1 / 1 6ruliag Jul,T 16, 1870,4 .ExAurttATirowl. Wert, County SuPeriniendent, will commence the Ex.- mutilations of Teacher in the several townships on the 20th inst. See adv. SERVICES.—We are requested to say that religious esiTices, in accordance with the usuages of . e Protestant Episcopal Church, will be eld in the Court-house, .oir Sunday next, t 10e1. M. and 3P. M., by Rev. Mr. Do. las, of Columbia, Pa. Dsw.- Dahlgren, whose sud den death at W 'ngton on Tuesday / of heart disease, is : cunced, was in Gettys burg a few weeks n i l t ins tgo, and bad engaged rooms at the Sp ' Hotel for himself and family during the {season. Pic-Nice.—The' Nic atlentre Xi Saturday, July 234 Also, a Social sc-Nic in George Wa: ter's woods, at Xeknightstown, on Satui day, July SO.. I LARGE OATS.--id.r. WIG- Wible of Stra ban township, brolight to our office during the week two stalks of American Cluster Oats, (a new varie .) The stalks are from 4 to 5 feet high, and said to be one of the largest and bet producing oats in the country. The contained—one 234 the other 27S , with two grains in a pod. s n aking 1024 rains in the two stalks. AprotriTED.— e understand that Gen. 1? s Gregory, U. S. rshal, has appointed David A. Wertz, sq., of Chambersbitrg, to take Social Statistics of Adams, Frank lin, Cumberland, Dauphin, York, Reny, and Lebanon Courgies. He will at once enter upon his duties. Mr. Wertz is a very energetic and competent man, and we are glad to notice his appointment. AccErran.—Rev. Henry E. Jacobs. A. M., has accepted the Franklin Professor ship in Pennsylvania College, to which he was elected at the recent meeting of the Board of Trustees, and will enter upon his Professional duties next session. In ad dition to Ancient, Modern and Medimval Erutery, for the preisent he will take charge of Chemistry and probably other branches of Physical Science' , INSTALLRD.—Toti: following persons were installed'as cars in Adams Div. No. 214 S. bf T. foti the current quarter, commencing July ISt, by D. D., .1. Jeff. Myers, viz:—David pulp, W. P.; Wm. H. Tipton, W. A.; Warren, R. S.; Wm. Pierce, A. R. S.; John L. - Holtzworth, Chap.; J. W. Cress, P. S.; J. H. Skelley, Treas.; Jos. Mannock, Con.; John Beck, A. Con.; Danner Holtzvrorth, I. S.; Levi Stallamith, 0. S. After Division adjourn ed the members pr*ecied to Minnigh's Cream Saloon, where4they spent a pleas ant hour before separating for the evening. __L AkSEMEILT,..-- A writer in the last Cilll - Airges the nomination of Capt. Fred erick Diehl, of Fran9in township, for the Legislature. Mr. DiOil will have to stir - himself if he wants tO carry the Conven tion. We hear of a flull score of aspirants for the same position including good, bad and indifferent mate'crial—the latter two classes preponderating. The impression :has beeome general that Harrisburg is a good place to make lmoney, and we are ,inclined to think some of these aspirants Ifor Legislative honors; would like to get a hand in that "nine million steal." TztcaitEas 2:l.Prori .—The examina tion of Teachess for the Gettysburg Pub lic Schools ars.slield Jaly Ist. On the eve ning of the esmoday the Board elected the following Teachers fo the ensuing year: School No. I—Capt. John F. McCreary. " " '2—Miss Milirtha Warner. " " 3—Miss Jedille Hamilton. " 47-Miss Maria Thompson. " " s—Miss M4ry. J . ,. McCreary. " " 6—Miss Neincy M. White. " 7—Miss Alice Powers. " B—Miss. Carrie McMillan. A sew School f ,yrill be opened to meet the increase of scholars, to be known as No. 9, Miss Alice L. Warren teacher.— 'The schools will open do the Ist of Sept ember, CAMP MEETINCi.-W acknowledge the receipt of a Circular of the Carlisle Dis trict Camp Meeting 'Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Dr. Mitchell President. The location of the Camp Meeting for the !Id of Auguit has been changed to flit rttrd Barb Station, near Oakville, on the line of the Cumber land Valley Railroad, ; 17 miles west of Carlisle and 5 miles east of Sldppensinirg. Board tents, 12 by 16 feet, with good floors and felt roofing, ;will be furnished for $10; canvas tents, 91x9, $0; 12x16, $9; 14.7.14, $9; larger tents! at proportionate prices. Persons desir.ng to rent tents will apply to H. R. Mosaer, New Cumber land, Pa., J. W. BuckMgham, York, Pa., or John D. Spear, Charribersburg, Pa. Company boarding teats will not be al leaved, but general boarding tents will be preficied, at which boarding can be had at the following rates: $6 for the term; $1 per.day; 50 cents for Breakfast or Supper, and .76.ceitts for Dinner. Children under 12 years, half price. Excursion tickets will be issued to all persona in attendance upon the Meeting, from all points on the line of the Pennsylvania Central, North ern Central, Cumberland Valley and South Mountain: Railroad. The Camp Meeting will commence on the 3d and continue until 12th of August. BASE BALL.--A match game of Base Ball was played at New Oxford on Satur glay between the . "Little Prawn Jug" club 'of that place and the Gettysburg Nine, which resulted in a decided victorylbr the Oxford boys. Up to theL Bth inning, the admit/age ~„- e emed to be re favor of the G t wtyaiturg Nites, - but the latter apparent ly vecame deinore4x - „'d It this point, and played indlierently, heti , in batting and fielding, from that out. Tie; base . was flig badly located in a comer the Ah'„;:uond, Hoke's swift pitching ' a nttW,er ..'' f balls over the ferias, gi their opponents a number of runs. Oxford , club were fa - miliar With the glguski , rind play ed a sharp game. They have reesontotoe proud of .their victory. Gettysburg club took their delbat naturedly,.and cordially invited the "Li e Brawn !Tug", boys to play a return tah in Gettys burg. We annex the : • NEW OXFORD. 0 MM. O. R. , ; O. B. _ Kehre, I t . 1 1 Crawit , 1 il": ' 4 I. sh 3 • 3 4 W e l ! , 3 p b ". '1 1. I Fiewe "3b ' . 3 4 r e ar,, r f 3 4 4 2 Swope c ' i a Emmert, 2 rt 2 • 0 , • t, 3 b 3 4 JIM J ~ e V Z 3' liack/olluiter, 11) 4 3 tinter ss 4 1 Wegener, • a 2 5 Hoke,l, 3 5 1 Weir. e 1 6 Scott, b . . 3 ,• _ ; - 1 27 37 t ~/ 2r 521 EVNINGS. 12 3 4 5 ; ortord,...s 0 0 2 7 0 '! Get tau :4s: g ni o 8 4 8 Fly 8 ; Gettysb .; Home 8444-adord 2. Rehm ',' Dorf jct. Umpl X, Patterson. - Scorers- insoes. New Osil Cx, Gettysburg. I After the above was in . • . a record of the gain from • . eat, "Galleiroys,!° . l,4o . ... thanks for his attentions. Rooxs,--iimi or two purpooes. E4quire ant, will be a Basket Pic in Houck's Grove, on SECTION 2 That no person shall kill 4 capture, take, or have in his or her pos session, any quail or Virginia partridge, for the period of three years, under a pen alty of ten dollars for each and every bird so killed, or had in possession, or exposed, for sale: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent individ uals or associations for the protection, preservation and propagation of game, from gathering alive, by nets or traps, quails or Virginia partridges, for the pur pose of preserving them alive over the winter and for no other purpose what soever. SECTION 3. That all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith be and the same arc hereby repealed.. AFFIRMED.--The Supreme Court has affirmed the Report of the Master in Chan cery, in the case of Swope, Maltby and others vs. Thefettysburg Railroad Com pany, and granted a Decree for the fore closure of the Mortgage and sale of the road.. The Decree has not been published, and we do not know the date fixed for the sale. The Decree reported by the Master fixed the sale to take place at the Mer chant's Exchange, Philadelphia, on a day to be named by the Court afterdue notice. The Decree. as we understand it, does not determine the status of Maltby as a Bond holder beyond the fact that he had suffici ent standing in Court to maibtain the suit. 'Whether he holds his Bonds as collaterals or absolute will probably be raised on the distribution of the proceeds of a sale of the road. We have since learned that the Decree of the Supreme Court requires the Gettys burg Railroad Company to pay the Indebt edness on the Mortgage within 30 days; and in default thereof Mr. Swope, the Trustee, is ordered to self the Road at the Merchant's Exchange; Philadelphia, after advertising it for four weeks--$lO,OOO to be paid cash, and the balance in 30 days thereafter. • THF:SECRET OF FLNANCIAL PROSPER ITY.—Among business men there is no thing that tends so tnuch to the acquire meneof wealth as he judicious use of printers' ink. Advertising is the life and soul of business. In a country like ours, with a people so wide awake and impetu ous, it is doubtful whether inevitable fail ure would not attend any enterprize of magnitude that shoUld be so short-sighted as to set out with, and perMstently adopt, a determination not to advertise. Some of the greatest achievements of modern times are due to the magic influence of Printers' To make advertising pay, it must be stuck to with all the pertinacity that is in dispensible to success In the prosecution of every other art. There are some men in the country who spend fifty thousand and others who spend one hundred and fifty dollars per annum for advertising. And every one of them is getting rich out of advertising. lOW TO STOP A PAPER.—The following from one of our exchanges so fully and clearly expresseS-ofir views upon the sub ject that we copy it with Out comment: ' "You have.an undoubted right to stop a newspaper whenever you are disposed, upon payment of all arrearges. Do not hesitate to do so on account of any "ten derness of feeling" for the editor. Don't you suppose he would stop buying sugar of you, or meat, clothing, dry goods, &c., if he thought he was not getting his mon ey's worth? And when you discontinue a paper, do so manfully, Don't be so piti ful as to throw It back to thepostruaiiter .which a contemptuous, "I don't want it any longer!" and have "reftised" written on the margin, and have the paper return ed to the editor. No gentleman ever stop ped a paper in that way, no matter if hie head is covered with gray hairs that Should be honorable. If you do not wish longer to receive a newspaper write a note to the editor like a - man, saying so—and be sure that arrearages are paid. This is the way to stop a newspaper." RM 2 IOVAL..--41everal yea" ago the Col lege Board put up a two-story frame Building, 33x22 feet, adjoining the resi dence of Prof. Ehrehart, to be used. for Boarding and Recitation purposes in con nection with the Preparatory Department. Prof, B. naviog resigned the Principalship, it became necessary to remove the build, ing over to the grounds of the Prepare,- tory Department, in the rear of Stevens Ball, which was successfully done this peek by Messrs Powers & Atkinson, with., 9itt i lnjury of any kind to the building: . Mar the Star and ItenthteL, c itAk 24,l,llinuEo; .TuLy 13, 1370. Mn. EDITOB:-- r _rhe,41-40rdwilling . we will prea*Jegus and th e Resurreetlen at the 'bile** times and plact. - 1: Bendersville, Tintritday elkillingi July 21. Gpttysburg, Friday, July 22. The preaching will be in the public itpmre unless some other piaoe be provided, and begin at 7 o'clock,.P. - • ' A Cowin ihrti.--Somebody that pro: iicasea,to know says thatpld ribbons will look quite renewed if - washed in cool silds made of fine soap"and ironed when damp, (3oter the ribbon with a clean cloth and pass the iron over that. If lon wish to stiffen tie ribbon, dip it; while drYins", to aumarabiewater, White silk gloves wash well, and anddid - be dried on tiie. bands. 'Nem darnOen bonnet ribbon and tuna it wet; it makes it as stiff astherm. • 7 8 9. Total 1. 4, - mettr, HEE wo relished' KirElandbee Celebrated Wlbard Ogler' zbeiteistany aerueigia, Iseedrobel- tooth." - aellik&o.; for sale by A. D. BuellIy ! rat, fkittYaburii• "RA9 4 PI J. 'EL Ir4k. county SEcrlos 1. Be it enacted by the &nate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly• met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That from and after the passage of this act no person within tne counties of Adams, York and Franklin, shall kill, capture, take or have in his or her possession, any wood-cock between the first of September and the twentieth day of June, under a penalty of five dollars for each and every bird so kil led, or had in possessimi. or exposed for sale. J. G. acitArr J. G. BISHOP NWWIII OF 41 01111PMEIL C ARieOl4--On Tuesday night a week; wal4houlte ot kr. John L. Fisher, re siding about two miles fiom Westminster, was :totally destroyed - by fire, the result of carelesimevitin placing hot ashes in the building. About five hundred pounds of Etteetc r wideh was stored 'in the wash. house, was burned up with the strneture. +-The County CommisZioners have award edltr. William Shaw, the sum of three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars as damages for the destruction of his son's „printing oflit* by a mob,in 1865.—A lithe BOW of mrl. Charles Wantz, at West End, fell from a cherry tree, several days_ since and severely bruise() and otherivise injured hirnself.---On 'Thestlay of last 'week the residence of Mrs. Fisher, the Court -house and Perkins' Photograph Gallery were en tered by some thieves. They obtabred but little booty for their troub.--.Tolus M. Cover has been appointed Postmaster at Double Pipe Creek, vice Daniel R. Saylor, resiglied• CIIMBERLANI).—The Marshal has made the following appointments of census-ta kers for this county; Carlisle, Major Jacob Rheem; Monroe and South Middletolelv J. P. Neff; Newton, Major Jacob Bretz; Mechanicsburg, Capt. I. Hull; Shiiipens burg and Southampton township, Samuel D. Shearer.—Mechanicsburg is about' se curing a steam fire engine.—An at tempt was made to burn the Cumberland Valley Institute, at Mechanisburg, on Friday, the 24th ult.—Jacob Mull, a son of G. W. Mull, Esq., of Newville, on Sun day a week, fell from a cherry tree on to a pile of rails, severely bruising himself. • PEAssus.—J. Logan Kennedy has pur chased the Washington Hotel, in Chun. bersburg for the amp 414,250..+The National Bank of Chambersburg has de clared a dividend of six per cent, out of the profits of the last six months.—The Republican County Convention has been called for the 2d; of August, delegate elec tions to be held the previous Saturday.— On Monday morning last the Stables of the Geiser Manufacturing Company in` Waynesboro were burned. Six valuable horses were in the stables, two of whicli were burned up and the other four are so badly injured that it is thought they will not recover. A valuable buggy and a lot of gears and feed were consumed. The loss is about two thousand dollars.— One hundred and fifty shares of the Capi tal Stock of the National Bank of Cham bersburg were sold last Saturday. The average price paid was seventy-three dol lars per share.-4r. Samuel Kyner, resid ing Culbertson's Row, had his eye knocked out by the throwing of a stick at one of the horses by a man iu his employment Tues day of last week.--4 son of Mr. Albert Winton of Chambersburg fell into a tub of boiling suds and was severely scalded. Medical assistance was called in and the lad is doing well. FREDERICIL—The colored people of • Mechanicstown contemplate holding a Fifteenth Amendment celebration on Tues day, the 28th inst. Yons.—A. N. Michael, Esq., has been appointed Notary Public for Hanover, by Governor Geary.—On Tuesday afternoon of last week a little boy named Clarence Bair, aged about 9 years, son of Mr. Wm. Bair, of Hanover, was seriously cut on the foot by a reaping machine in the harvest field of Mr. Daniel Gitt, close to AleSher rystown.—AGrand Harvest Home Pic-Nic will be held on Saturday, July 16th, at Keller's grove, opposite; Schwartz's School House, on the Frederick road, about 2 miles from Hanover.—Mr. Jolin H. Secl4 ler, son of the Rev. Jacob Sechler, gradu ated with high honer, at the Thirty-Fourth Annual Commencement of Fogiklizx and Marshall College, , at Lancaster.—The Hanover Gas Company purpose commenc ing work in a few days, They have 4e cided to locate the Works between Pred erick and Chestnut streets.—The Hanover Branch Railroad Company will soon put two new first-class engines oil their road, which will cost about s2o,ooo.—John Straley, Postmaster, at Hall, vice Jacob S. Kunkle, resigned.—The Post office for. merly located at Farmer's, York county, has been discontinued, and newspapers in tended for that place should be forwarded to York.—On the 3rd inst., Samuel Bran non, Esq., of Fawn township, died sud denly of paralysis.—On Monday, the - -4th of July, a young man named John Simson, who resides with ! his father, in York, had his leg crushed by the,wheels of the cars passing over it.-r-Last Sunday a week, at Yocumtown, after William Fisher had concluded the reading of a hymn, to be sung by the Sabbath School scholars, fell over suddenly, and expired. - SAVE 31015 ET.— P ending the agitation of the Funding Bill, which will evidently de preciate Government, Bonds, persons would do well by reitding tbh advertisement of the "Gettysburg Naticnial Bank," in another column, and kschange their 'Government ponds and realize a handsiime profit there by, and obtain an investment as safe and profitable. ''Spring and Summer Goods just re ceived. Bead Counerr & Curizarromiree advertisement and ]ears whore to buy Clothing, Hats, Cape Boots, Shoes, No tions, Sic., at reduced prices. Baltimore st., opposite Fahnestock Bros. ap22-tf FOR REIvV.--Berveral desirable Roomsin south-east corner of the Diamond, the late residence of Hp. R. 0, Harper, deceased. For terms, dm., incini?.e of 31rs. Harper. SETTLE UP! The death of Mr. HARP= and the eimsequent dissolution of the Arm of HARPER, MChL I 444II Bnanurs, makes it necessary te Amt mediate settlement of all outstanding aectocutts The Boots of the late US/ hays been PIP* In my hands for aWlectfon , t persons in arrears for Jobbing, Advertising and Subscsiptton are requested to call and Bettie. Subscribers can see by the labels on their pa pers the dates to which their subscriptions are paid, and will remit accordingly. From all who iemit at once, (without sulfloo;Ing the arm to the expeosat of sending out bills for collection,) a a year will be aocipted—thereby sating 4 ,so cents a year. June 10, D. A. Buratllg. , • . Zramiscor—Rartai t ti to _R) . O., ti ha ßev,'"Dr. t Lauer, Mr. pbes4bi r=mon to Eitisa Rae Reif, both of A wa. poe—minotawr.—un Sunday_ morning, July Ltd, the formed Parsonage, New Oxford by the'lley. F. _pay' . 4, Yr . . _Winton ,ilk: to la" 4a * fi n Pril 1 ?" 111 ( 4 ! 1 1alt ttit'' burg. - • Obltuarypotioei 6 dente & line fat anoOpriogir, . - to secompany thedbilde. -a. ' Frionit —At East Berlin; on the 6th' hist:Anna B oers Fronk, aged 63 years. months and 22 da e l niz.— New Orford, on the List; Charles W= Ist lgten, son of John and Catharine Getz. aged 4 months and days. Ham—On ttie Ma, rfeadennitle. Thomas Heinsrd, igr ui tg toss ann 6 m OM on Num —On the Otli ti* %t,lia. Parke eMlel, sem of - George aid •Z. M. BOPP, Wed ,3 l months and 10 days. Oar little Quitliabaa na ne gone-- Gone gotta And inbed iiiate lari In hand, He *ands Wive tbelbnnie. Then wonkl we OW ovir back Oh F gra der ,me., -- irail we, bet to ~' : Laab.4- % ' 441111X6 44"111*rYbigeatadi 4 *APO= we *APO= *Repot*, ' mono, ~... fwd. • . Itr B r 3l 'siunitt l eift l a wi', 'nedl t rei rlid ett Ala ear. n a ll '': aid s einiti Ma , rrfr c li ate • sadism ] and" lima, g pismarimo s I stirrivisam 11113111telltliS nrincrony (&e Advertisements.) ATTORICITB AT LAW. cei*: R. G. 31 „York Street , ix realdenoe. •D. Meer, klludnberslairyt Pt, la reeddenee. J. 3C Kra morewane sqUaTe. D. Wins. on Square, in reside A. J. Over , Bali et., neon ore. D. A. Buehler. Baltimore *reek in residen st ce. IL B. Wood', eauth-east cot ruble Square. akimar. WWI' New Pork con Watibtaikul and Xiddle sta boors umszoineAusta. D. 11. Kling* Baltimore street., second square. . _ E., G. Holiebarigh, WaShlngton street 1317Tcamarmil. Stover & Willle, Chambersburivet Geo, Codorl, West Middle t. CONIIIOIIO3B, Ake. John Gruel, Clioubersburg et., near Eagle Hotel. eskrionsae AND eturramnogs. Win . C. Stallaudo & Son, York at., first square, Wm. Chritsman, Washington Street. Geo. C. Cashman, Stratton street, near Banned. CARRIAOIB, Danner &Elegler, h11d44 street, near Baltimore. W. H. Galizner, But madle at., second square. IL 0. Wheat & Ourminshani, Haltimpre street. , Oluunoersburg st., mnsquare. T. 0. N South west corner of Diamond. Sunuel W earner'of York and Public Square. Picking & Chambenburg street, first square. uniagg, ec C. H. Buehler, corner of Carlisle andAtiroad Belly ,& Cashman, car. Stratton and !road st six s. • comma Peter Citp, Unlottstraet, In reeddenoe., • • DEITIDTIL • J. E. Berkstrtnii,nager, York first square. J. L. Hill, Charabersb'g at., opposite Eagle Hotel. reigoonn. A. D. Buehler, Chambersbitrg street, first square. Hubers, Baltimore street, hest square. R. Horner. Chambenburg street, hest square. DRY GOODS- Fahnestock Broth eor. of Bait & Middle sta. L Sabift, coy. of Baltimore & Public Square. Hebert & Elliott, Balt st, opposite Oant.house. - auswaannso min ODDREIBRION BOUM. Bigtuun & Co.. ear. of Washington and Railroad, John Cress, corner Stratton and Railroad. Jos. Wible & Son, cor. Washington and liallrdad. Robert MeCordY, Carlisle Street. Gamins TAID. Peter Bottler, Railroad, East of Stratton stree GAS FITTIft D. Armor, East Middle street. OROCIMIXEL WJ. W. Cress, cor - Chambersburgat. sod Diamond. m. Boyer & Pion, York at., opposite Nat. Bank. B. - Ideals, York dive_ ,t second square. Wm. J. Martjn, cor. of saillmore snd High s t em s, B Brothers_, cor. Bali and Middle sts Bighorn & Co., - cor. Washington & Railroad sta. ii. IL Beamer, cor. diamond and Carlisie street, 8/mows= ..slits =mom Danner & Ziegler, Baltimore•street, first square. Fahnestock Brothers, eor. Baltimore & Middlests. Hamm, McHreary & Son, Baltimore street. John Culp, Carlisle Street, near passenger depot HATS, CAPS, SHOES, Samuel Wolf, cor. York st, and Puy* Square. T. 0. Norris, South West corner of Diamond. B. C. Cobeals & Cupp Baltimore Baltimore street, licking it to., Man rsbuig street, first square ROMS. Eagle Hotel, J. L. Tate, proprietor, Corner Chain bersburg and W n. Keystone House, Wm. E. Myers, proprietor, Chambersbure street, y3poiiite CfrrisVs Church, Harris House, WM. P. narna, Baltimore street, second square. errAnit N. Weaver & Ron, Washington street, north of Chantbersburg. Tsat e ite the & HoEagiejtot eL ltzworth. Cluunbersburg street. o pin e MLBELII TARD. Win. N. Miller. cor. Baittindre and Middle sta. Meals & Brother,,York street. east of Stratton. ezioroon.enzas. 'Tipton & ?dyer!, York st., _opposite Nat. Bank Jaeob Pensyl, Baltimore Meet, AM square, • ritTaICIANIIL J. W. C. O'Neal. Baltimore street, near High. IL 8. Huber, ear. Chambersburg and WWI. sta. Robert Hortaer. Chambersburgslreet; first square PRTATTNO OFFICE. Star Jr Sentinel, Baltimore street, midway be tweeu the Court House and Public Square west side. STOVES, TINWARE, R.C. C. H. Buehler, corner of Carlisle and Railroad. J. Jacobs, Chambersburg street, first square. nrcdprrAtta & PAPER HANGER. Jeremiah Culp, York street, aseorgi square. uPtiOcarlißia. Wm. E. Culp, Washlagton at- year Eagle Hata WaTCßYalriga, Wm. P. McCartney. Balthnorestreet, first *mare ALWAYS AM: i.D.—Capt. Somas ,is de termined not to be outdone by rivals, and hence has been brushing up his "Head- Quarters, " on the corner of the Diamond and Chambersbnig street, (Arnold's cor ner,) where he has on hand the largest and best assortment of Ready-made Clothing of all kinds, for Spring 2,44 Summer use, ever opened in chilitystung, r anp which be.' t of.- f erini Pat.niett447 %u se. stock of Straw Hats etebra. au &web, qualitive, and prices. ap22-tf Pedal FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE! My table Ls set with the beautiful white, smooth ware I bought of William filaJzilt Son, and I buy the whole of my supplies for my family there, and I advise you to do saltoo. You wiL be safe always to get everything fresh, and cies& and nice, and at the lowest prices. They have just received fresh Teas of best quality, English flash', and a full supply for Nei:tieing and the daily wants of particular thing families. Oars Wno Llvas, Our firm endorses all this, and so Will any of the kind friends who have been dealing with us. WILLIAM BLAIR & SON, 'South End," Carlisle Pa,. Julie 24, 1870. , Mlif - DEAPNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH treated with the utmost success, by J. IssAN, D., and Professor of Diatom of the Eye and /kir, (his epecialty)in the Medical Cbileare of Pennsyl vania, 12 years experience, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 805 Arch street, Phila, Testimoni als,eau be seen at his °Mee, The medluai (acuity are, Invited .to accompany, their .patients, as; be has no wren; 41 ten* pntet)ce.' eyes Inserted without4sia. No charge for ex amination. [March 18,1870.-1 y WIRE RAILING, WIRE GUARDS. For Store Fronts, Asylums, &c. ; Iron Bedsteads, Wire Webbing for Sheep and Poultry Yards ; Brass and Iron Wire Cloth, Sieves; Fenders, Screens for Coal, Ores, Sand; &c., Heavy Crimped Cloth for Spark Arresters; Landscape Wires for Windows, "X; Paper makers' Wires, Ornament al Wire Work, &c. Every information by ad dressing the manufacturefs. M. WALKER & SONS, No. II North Sixth st. , 11illadelphla. Feb. It, 1870:7-17 TO THE LADIESI There can be nothing that will please the ladles better than a good article, which is needed in ev ery family for every day's use. Such an article is IMES' GENUINE AganaAli TALLOW SOAP, recommended ter the purposes: Jrbr GeneratHourehoid Use. .Pbr the . 2b/Aler. Phr Vie Laundry. PM' Chapped HandS, Av. Sold by 1 10 Grocers and Store ever/Where. NATHAN PRICK, Sole Agent, No. 3 / 9 N9lth Fiat street, rghtdelPl4 (Feb. 11, ISIO.-6M THE FOLSOM IMPROVED Dollarleamlly %whin Ms chlne, The cheapest PIM Ohms Machine In the Market, Agents wanted to every town. Liberal rrannddidon allowed. For tern , ' and Welder, ad dress, A. S. lima:rim, Sen. Agent, No. Vet/hest nut ' HAnt, vontnioniftth manyothers we have felt a lively interest In the Investigations which Dr. Ayer has been making to discover the causes of failure of the hair, and to provides re. medy. His researches are said to have been much more thorough and exhaustive than any ever made before. The result Is now before us under the name of Araa's Ham, VIGOR. We have given WS trial, and with full satisfaction. It equals our moat favorable Anticipations. Mir Orft,Y 414 have tiliurtmeared, Or resumed thdir relgtual color and a visible crop of soft, silken hair has started o n a part of the scalp Which waS , eoitely bald•—• Democrat; Atgagdori, lira. July 1,1870.—1 m PHYSICIANS AND CLERGYMEN 2:teilfyitut t° tiPe Meli4 Pc ' ‘, . 1 .,,. ' I HALL' A " VOGET.4BLie au.thILLY gro ci l HAMA itill ZWER, I • e _ln reitui 4 atitsi vi 4 prop Its Irmakeli the haft Soft 44 stioesy: The 04 14 'manure are !rigid e Plus Win: Yt is the best' 1 tear usef. /1, ninxireeVapalrsui and sti iourvi Eruption& It does not stain the skin. Our treatise on the Hair sent free by mall, Beware of the numerous preparatio* Mak are sold upon our reputation. It P, HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. . ' Por sale by 11l ilmirglit& [July l.—lm MM 1 110/414014 „ With thossasie•of trnits-mses the lialfgeri of that frighifdeth3tioo..Cheises, What untold and Indescri nom, It biti WWII into Maim& of households in our bind every , year for gesettiielone pet. A **tee and eettO pre• flerearke as well as speedy ON absolute runt for Das awfulitiTi as a mour vzst 111111dy, v witkoe Kerb .KWat fa to - W align eallets tbe icke of Asiatic Chafers, phases ' i garbuit, 4#1141411., Dlarrbrelk Amur SXoPfdailit, Mioliffnry, Chao, Piiliasrs , Owns, Phystelsi " g! ,41111. tlPplerai. !t for ightt reeak &elms; oaf bogs tuled It *nth Merv* Ifuoix q ul ,l4.luAlle es.. 44 MAAR *a Anew o = - ewrquoliam_ 5 044.04r05e5e Pul .Pr /8 anti= * Co : , Preprks• 1 1 :0 1 1 Imitesiter, Ti, Mgr TAILQR. TEACHERS. Desiring to hold my examinations In the Bor oughs, where the people are not so thuillyettgaged this time of the year, and in some of those Ns. trlcts, whist; hare make 00l Serum, as seda Ws peaatidable, hereb Me followtat appointments for the examination of Teachers, Littlestown Borough, Wednesday, July 20th, 10 A. M. York Springs Borough and Huntington town ship, at York Springs, 'Hi iursday, July 2 , 115 t, 10 A. M. Oxford township, at New Oxford, Saturday, July 2.3 d, 9_A. M. Menallen township.' at Bendersvllie, Mda, July 25th, 10 A. M. on y Butler township, at Middleton, Wednesday, July 27th, 9 .t. Straban township. at Htmterstown, Friday, July Alth, 9 4. M. Hamilton township, at East Berlin. Saturday, At fitti 10 A. hi. township, at Moritz's S. 11. e t arurday, August 13th, 9 A. M. Notice of other examinations will be given in due time. 1 have several reasons for holding ex aminations so early. 1. To give the best Teachers sufficient time to make their engagements. where they will reddve the best compensation. 2. To give those Districts that pay the best an opponity of securing the best Teachers. A T o rt give applicants who fail an opportunity toTame for a subsequent examination. InaMqsj will be rigid and thorough. 'Them wi be no pri'vMe examinations, and do certifi cates will be renewed or endorsed. Directors are , requestedid the public cordially invited to at tend. a deliver a short address at each exam inatiod, w give the members of the Board an opportunity , to ask the class any questions they desire. and I will explain any points of the School Law, upon Which information is desired. 4rson,will be admitted to S class after the e don has commenced. pplicants will be exam tied only the District I n which they In tend to'apply. Examinations will be partly oral and partly written. Each applicant will please supply himself with writing paper and material, a Reader and Mental Arithmetic. It Is hoped many Districts will imitate the noble example of Liberty. by increasing their terms to six months. Directors are reepecttnlA, urged to give no promises of employment, tm they know that the applicant holds a valid Cer tificate. Carelessness In this matter will proba bly cost Hamiltonban, Union. and perhaps other Districts, their State apsroprlon for at year. ll.OmA-fib T. July 15, 1870.—td um ray Superintendent. Ayer's Cathartic - Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A Perhaps no one medicine Is so universally XS- Vthed by everybody as a cattut Wir was ever any before so universally adoZ into ma, in every country and among all classes, as this mild but efficient purgative Pin. The obvious religion is, Vat Is more reliable and' pw innra eir eetw a remedy than any other. Those whirhavetried ft, know that it cured them : those who have net, know that- it lures their neighbors apdtVi t and all know that what it does once It does a ys —that It never fails through any fault or neglect of its comp:anion. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are known In every neighborhood, and • we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and con ditions In all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety. byanybody. Their sugar coating preserve* them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being inirely vegetable no harm can ar i se from The their use in any quantity. v operate by thelr,Powedad influence on the infer& viscera to purity the blood and stimuiate eto healthy action—remove the obstructions of stoma*, bowel,liver! apd Ober oy , i . g . ..pf, body.restotingtheirirresulariteden r ange y correcting, wherever they eztat, ments as are the first ori aides*, minute directions are given to the wrapper on the box, for the folloningconaplainta, wtocji Uwe Pilll4Spi*MY eure!--- -- For D orbinennlnner, Liaparmssiss, WinOß NO AMMO; tirst *odd be oderately to stimulate the glomo o h ao-a restore its healthy tone and astlon. For imrasPosmarisr end talleariougersplaeng, grnlooll lisueoacan, Hshanioad Uittrinntri or Gann et names coin 'and drums Palmas, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct !eh the diseased astleg or throne thg q amt.__ • .- DT or I-oLoo sfiktt bgt , orit) 10 1 4. dose z y nniti required.' , F or gum (loct, Glatitle PARrnan Op BUST; co n P ' t it, yq Lona they i i . e3M h tgrula %Agit, Quiredi v ta e diSe Ff • MM. ithWortrange Mee ylam For %a ot iA Ditosewsz. twitrilos th ey should be in kirP and Aral -dimes to produce the of a &sale For dmpusit sh s 1 :4 111mM:10e should seinen as lb noes the eneet hY st nner ?A take one or s. hvißerni pro ouand relkWp the An oimaidowd dose sioloplistieh and bowels into healthy action. MIMI the appe and invigorates the system . _meow it is ado_ no OariONSimimpremett 476 rg wed, altiin= b n it dew o th ew eil as him Lied tar, front their g and renoviTA o t t iW P Cr Pial l ia4 r 4.l"lB6— Mi/di C . 44. CO Pr ( fdietti Chemists, WZLia 4 1( .410Y4 ¢* A. 4111.1 1 0 r sale in GettysbinA Pa, A. D. B ums. m _ in. Agent Pt.lB4-41W' • An 4 111111' jE * 9 - _a.';! e rlLL . X l 4 l * ,- , 'Pr! RlVainieel The Otareemil IN2 UM tar of Mt Ilaltisnorr Grata a Preetwee Market. • Bcatintore, Thursday Nbrning. Sung FLOUR; § 25616 Errat ...... 600 a' 64 WRITa WHIAT ...... 140 oleo Ilan WNW, ` 120 0 150 Coax; En, too • 113 100 @ QA.TS, . 411 110 Thicmrpsbijah. ... ......... . 10 •11 00 CLorma-833m, 000 0 . 000 BACON, BRO ........ 000 @ 000 VLDNIIB„. ............ 1434 10 14X Own, 17 0 179 Hems, ........... 0 03 23 16% @ 17 LAILD, Gettysburg Gratz iltPrestatela Xarket. Getbuburg, Friday Morning. 000 6 , 000 000 0.500 000 @ 000 ..000 @ 115: 000 @ 90 ....... 000 @ 90 ...... 000 @ 4g 000 @ 000 ... 000 @ 000 .... 000 t7j 000 ... 000 6 , 30 .. 000 @ 20 • • 0 0 0 16 • 00 e 18 0 0 6 124 Oo 0 12% 0 0 @ le 00 0 6 0 0 i 3 00 Supra FLOUR, EXTRA FLOUR, WHITE WHEAT, .... RAD Was.q, ~..,.. Co,RN RYE, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, TEHOTET.SIIIID, CLOVER-SEED POTATOES, BUTTER, LARD &as, BACON, SHOULDERS,. " Sums, " HAMS TALLow, STOCKS AND BONDS Closing. Prices of De Haven di Deo 40 Mouth lird St., Philadelphia. • 3o'clock, R , ►L, V. fi's of 'Bl, ... " '65 new, " '67 " s's, 10-40's, & 80 Year 6 per cent. Cy., Due Vup. Int. Notes Gold, . 112 1 4 1129( Silver 107;4 109 Union Pacific R. It. Ist M. 80nq5......640 650 Central Pacific R. R. 8% 901 Union Pacific Land Grant 80nd5.... . 77i1 ,710 Attu Idvertistuunts. N'oncE—The second account of .t.NDREW / Lona, Committee of Henry Lohr, (a Lunatic), has been tiled In the Court of Common Pleas of Adams County, and will be confirmed by said Court on the third Monday al Anylvd next, un. less cause be shown to the cvntrAry JACOB MELHoItN, Pro'y. July 15, 1870.—td Jurnrs for August Term GRAND JURORS Liberty—Joseph McDivitt, (forema.) liamilton—Henry Wolf, Andrew Delimit). Gettysburg—Amos Plank, Adam Dwrioni, Jr., David Ziegler. Tyrone—Peter L. Spangler, Augustus Deatrick, ifeny Spangler. Menai r len —Noah Snyder Nicholas VVierman. Mountpleasant—Lewis Wilt, John E. Taney. Freedom—A. Fleming White. Cumberland—George Schrlver. Hamiltonban—Joseph Culbert,on• sea, brooks. Butler...Burkhart Wert. Reading—Andrew Brown. Conowago—Levi Bindig. Strahan—ThoodoreTaughinbangli.J,,lni N. Boyer. Oxford--Samuel F. Neely. Berwick twp.—Cyrus Wolf. GENERAL JLitGits. Remick bor.--Jesse Bucher. Straban-John H. Majors, John E. Benner. Franklin-James Rom, Paul Sowers. Frederick D. Smith, James A. Rebert, Peter KeiferMan, Jacob M. Bushey, Tablas R. Cover, Wm. H. Adams. Huntington-John A. Merman, Elf S. Myers, Wm. Leas,Er. Butler-jai-jar Peteni, Geo. Hollehaugh, Michael Deatriek. Gettysburg-John B. Crawford, Isaac Deardorff, Joseph Jacobs, John Gilbert, Daniel Trimmer. Liberty-.JohnLlbey-John Nunnemaker, James Curry. H. H. 13. HAL. Oxford-a-David M. Myers, Daniel Heitzel. Win. Jenkins, sea, John K Brady. Tyrone-George Meekley. Freedom -David Rhodes, aen. lifountpleasant-sJohn May, David Sneeringer. Union-Jacob IL Gobreeht. Menaneu-Henry H. Orner, Gibson Ross. Cumberland-Adam Butt. Latimore-James Wilson, Alexander Livingston, Jacob K. Larew, Wm. A. Gardner. Hiinilitonban-George Herring. springs -4i. C. P&ers: Reading.24fm. Townsend, Cornelius Smith. Conowago-Vtneent Oliold, Joseph Klunk. Mountjoy-Jonathan Allison. July EXAMLNATIOSS OF LAXATIVE MEDICINE Vtark 1113 ----- SOCIAL PIC NIC. • ----cm ill Geo. Waiter T g 'Zt1 411 W,1.9.,..._ v _ a: 30th of Zuly. Reed mune win be in .....unnee wad ( IR/WIS IkZWitriint..... There will also be other sources of Refreshments mi-169 The publio is efeinsay betted Ind A . thee ma be en. meted. Should the ds unfavorable, the Pie nle will be postponed until the following Satur day. Runny J.ltsineran. Ow Jscon F. imAnoonn, AtinurcAn Rum, diernonY nw. Dnammesw, July 15 ,1 11870.E 0n0. W. Eienwswrz, COMYrilnee. TAX NOTICE NDIiCE/e herebrittitm that Ihe Duplkates (or BOROCH AND SCHOOL TAXEs for MO have been placed In my hande for eollection. An Abatement' of 7 per cent will be allowed on all Borough and School Taxes paid on or before the Ist aQt. July I.—td Star Bone Phosphate Jury 13th, 1870 .114% 114% .1104 no% • 110 34 nox .no% 1105, 4 .109% jog% .109% los% .los% 109% 1 07 107% 114 114% 19 The best known Fertilizer TRIED AND APPROVED HE ''Star Bone Phosphate," manufactured by Boyinfoinga & Wirsos, Ls nu longer an ex. rerhnebt, but bas been Thoroughly Tried and Tested during the Last year or two, by numerous Farm ers In Adams and ad pining countie s and where ever used is admitted to be the , BEST AND OBEAPEST Fertilizer now In market. The proprietors there fore confidently recommend It to Farmers and Agriculturists, assured that all who try It, will not be willing to do without It. THE AMMONIA 13 nupplied abundantly from the organic portion of the bone. Pelee •33 per Tom 1■ Bags Farmers wishing Ground Bone, Oil 6f Vitro', eau be sipplieti. Give us kcal', immlioLDEß t WILSoN, GE TT 1738 Prrmt Bonurz, Na nufacturer. wo, PENN 'A. 91-Tlie Phosphate Is for sale by A. SPANGLER, Gettysburg, Pa. WIBLE & SON, Gettysburg, Pa. SIELHORN& B E NDER New Oxford GEO. YOUNG & HON. Hanover. Pa. JOS. ifeBRIIIE, York Springs, Pa. July . 19;0. The Fatherland Series SUNDAY-SCHOOL PUBLICATIONS, by the Sunday-Sehool Union, Tract Society, Pres byterian, Lutheran and Methodist Boards of Publication, for sale, at publishers' prices, by A. D. BU.EHLER, GITTYBBURG. PA Sti.tiXi:4-4,•<)01$ supplied with ilok.s at July Y. 1870._Zu. lucid rate s. . PAY UP! PAY IJP! A VING sold out my Store to Mr. SAmt - Er. G. 1 1 Coox. I desire to close up XS BOOK.ACCOUNTS without delay, and request ap pentons Indebted TO CALL EILIIIIEDIATELY and make settlement I can be found at the old stand. All accounts not paid within reason. able tlmeislll be put In the hands of an omoer for collection. July I. IKO.--3t ron in the Blood NATURE'S OWN VITALIZER. THE PERUVIAN .SYRUP An Iron Ibnlc, without Alcohol, Assimilates with the blood xxisaa the sim plest food. vitalizing and In fle whole Ardent -It stlibula without Mt, bends up thifbroken ilow cures Dripepsis a lizr Com plaint, Female Wenes, Dropsy. its, &c., and expeLl.diseave from the sywin by) increasing Natures own vitalizing element—lß N. Pamphlets free. J. P. DINSMORF., Proprietor, 36 Dey street, New York. Sold by (Immo gen. erally. Aprll 1, 1870.—lynola ASSEMBLY. ERGEANT SAMUEL C. GIFFIN of Hamß- Wuhan township, offers himself to the voters of Adams County. Irrespectl mrty• l _as an Independent Candidate for Amu gam -.Raving carried the Colors of the 12th Pa. Reserves dur ing the War, and proved his devotion the Coun try by service In th 6 held, he now asks the votes of his fellow citizens. pledgiog himself. If elected; to faithfully sem honesty the tyCount,people of Adams Count, and fideli July 8, IF7o.—te OS k D ALIS Irrll E GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH 1 RESTORER, purlfles the blood and cures Scrofula, Syphilis. Sian Rheumatism, Diseases of Women i . :4l l2% Chronic Affections of the BWod", Liver and Kidneys. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and many thousands of our best citizens. , a . Read the testimony of Ph iclans and m tlents who have used ; send for our Ratachdls Guide to Health Book, or Al ngimanac for tida il et iti v:i . ch it w4fullish v iz lletrt!:ll%ble ilfonnalioil, give Dr, 11, W. Carr, of Baltimore, says; I take pleasure in reoonlaleildilig your ROSADALIS as a very powerful alterative. I have seen It used isi two cases with hap 3 results—one in a case of secondary s a , hit in which_ the patient pronounced I cured artr having ot he r bottles of your medicine. The ls a case of scrofula of long standing, which Is rapidly improving under its use, and the in dications are that the patient will soon re cover. I have carefully exaudned the formu la by which Yew Busadalis is made, and flnd i gre t andients. excellent compound of alterative in- Dr. - Elyarlcs, of Nichelaaville; /44. 13 ISSYS a ta has used itosadalls in same of fUla Secondary Syishilb With satisfactory' results —as a cleaner of the Blood I know no better remedy. Samuel 0. 2 4Tadden, hfortresborce, Tenn,. MVP 1 • I bare' wed seven bottles at losadalls, and am entirely cured of Rheumattsm ; send me four bottles" as I wish It for mrbrother, rho has earentions sore eyes. Ve a Be'etrititClena'jwirsAwitti! veterate ern on over my whole,_ Yt. a time I annhased a vane of Randathr and IS edteeted'alrsirfnet fore. 'aisadalls is sial by all Deuilityte. ~ .. Laboratory, 61 ptellajir Plaice, i . ce, aflgnlrn't PLE4 821 7 8 & C O , #MPriatans: . - . • Feb : For In Gettnb o prir, Pp., b* A. D . Rulawk o .,. . PROOM _l_ nONORAOLL .: i RELIABLE. A GICNTS wATITED in every city, town and rs _value for the and most sueeesafal DOLLX HOUSE l i r it eatlntrp-ONI 4 I endone A ti by the leading persand Express of the Un r ited Staten our ' mods rive universal 4 Mi all oiLetenikeenigi , , 4 " 1 1 cora Med. ArflitliEl I , !..N. ........ IW__FRATOI I Upto I. iw i J. i . W f , Federal . . . . r i , ~ #: . f.•nsives, Chicago. liOr ri n_, Wa N /W2Da rout Ingtietwage-rimpiememosw amk, fateßip age. an R, Chailoitestnia, Va. for .. •!•- , rll . . , . •Fr OEBEu 44. 4 !... It llT t essir tt - • ;t0 :4 4 . T c l o r it , few Nivertistuttob. JAMES hroCREARY, Collectoi. A:k;ll OTREIt J. S. GILLESPIE. DISCOVERY VINEGAR BITTERS MORE THAN 600,000 PER-SONS Bear testi mony to their wonderful Curative Effects, WHAT ARE I'HEY '; EY ARE A GENTLE PURGATIVE AS wELL AS A TONIC, possessing, also, the pecu liar merit of acting as a powerful agent in reliev ing Cm= 0n,...r inflammation of the Liver, and elf the POE rit-aft7N7MPLAINTS, whether in Meet qr d, married or simile, at the dawn of WO:nannood or the turnof life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal. MirSerid for cirouler, • ' THEY ARE NciP A yi,LE AND REF FANCY DRINK, .. , , , e of POOR R E W}IISREY, PROOF USE LIQUORS, doctored_ , ced, anti sweetened lip the taste, caned figo n k s ,,,.. m ",_ "Am., that lead the Uppler otiti — dFaillemaese and ruin, but are a trim medicine f er'ront the Nattlerftftand Herbs LIC STIJL. v -, 1 a yptA PI 014 Q nrinoD-PURl ieMaror Mid , FraOr cif system, cariet tng oft allyibl e spn matter, and restoring the =I g en t 4 neeimr ,, y condition. No person een take aerating to titre:lions, andreinab long unwell. • 441...NR1 igsell foot n incurable ease, pro, rcieg me bo are destroyed ,by mineral Or Maim and me vital organs d 8 int of repair. ____S__WeillIWATORY A.ND CHROM saLSUMA GOUT,DISPEPSIA. OR INUATION Oak, ,mmuTTENT, T ax ND DISRAERS op 9:____ BLOOD. gam , /tdveriiiiiitnrts. , 0 Largest--Best 7 heapet 1 1 I INDIANA POl .-. 17 , E NT ERPELILINDITITET, TACT, LIBER- i l + LW reel Mov, have for over , uod . MOO ES RUILAZ ha ve 1 I BLOOMIN MR And as a Vole now twoenalneutlY, - BIZ _Laruest, Best pest furnmollnltintAL, •' ' : mrinsar Ann MOLY ilfmnar ln he World-- Teas of thousands of wide - awake People. allover the Continent take and admire the Buns/. for its SUperiOr ,ftf. Moe, Thasreationjk dryk, ae. THE P "AND PEOPLE PRIUBE IT! Tor exkosple,an Skenang i says: "Tun RURAL Is the mod =waggon sant Ably MUM. Widely areutatew and Wticorned Pa Nr. ae a telele, which Pole 11 8 i'Lr wag among Me People. moaa-voi. xxli. Iftins July 2. Try It! Only w volume of us numben, or .3 per year.— toolubs. Sttocribe Note! Address D. D. T. MOORE. 41 Park Row, New York. 50 Cts. iT glitraieo g y f , r , o vi cvl, n ',E w Ei t C „; January I. 187. ONE ' DOLLAR will pay for the SEJALWEELI do. do. 50 cents a mouth pays for THE DAILY SUN. Address, i. W. ENGLAND, publisher, New York. AGENTS WANTED FOR Tun Bti rinuf•ew ng Madii (, 8 i PRICE (15 Warranted to do %lc42nal e:. to tlot btu toavhine COUNTY RISRA . FOR SALE. SEND F 01? A SAMPLE MACIIIXE. MESSINGER & INMAN, 30 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia. PATENT ,ti. Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent are advLsed to counsel with MUNIC & (Q., editors of the Scientific Americrin, who have prosecuted claims before the Patent oMce for over Twenty Years. Their American and European Patent Agent yin the most extensive In the world. A pamphlet containing fnlili I nst n let lons to inventors Is sent gratis. MUNN & (XX. 37 Park Row, New York. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING, a IA Book of 12:5 closely printed pages, lately is. sued, Contains a list of the best American Adver tising Mediums, giving the names, circulations, and full particulars concerning the leading Daily and WeellrJy Pollticai and Family Newpapers, to gether with all those having large circulations, nellgion, Agriculture, Literature &c,. 4te, Every Advertiser, and every person who contemplates becoming such, will find this book ofgreat value. Mailed free to any_address on remipt of fifteen cents. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Publishers, Nu. 40 Patk Raw, New York. The Pittsburg' (Pa.) Leader, In its Issue of May 29, 1870, says: "The flrm of G. P. Rowel! & which issues this Interesting and valuable book, Is the largest and best Advertising Agency In the united Mates, and we can cheerfully recommend it to the attention of those who desire to advertise their business scientffically and systematically In such a way: that is, so to secure the largest amount of publicity for the least expenditure of money." MEDICAL MADNESS. Lane hive no wt el practice of admin istering poisonous evacuants In ca e tion, biliousness, constipation, andfemaledebili ty. Is almost out of date . When the Tonic- Cathartic pia/I:Weed by Natare herself in the most - valuable Sanitary Sinring la the world Is repro duced by science, in the form of TARR-Q.I"S SELTZER APERIENT, it la Indeed midsummer madness to rack relax and irritate the diseased or enfeebled sisiem with drastic purgatives. This refreshing an delicious counterpart of a remedy prepared by the creative hand of the Omnipotent Physiseous cian Hlimbell. severywhere amp/median the nau and sickening compounds heretofore used as laxatives. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DSSwOOO^ _ATMO.SLANCY, OR fiOVI., CHAMMING.—A wonderful book it shows how either sex can fascinate any one they wish, Instantly. (An poe seas this power.) It teaches how to get rich, Alchemy, Sorceries, Inatntations Demonology, Magic, Mesmerism, Spin tualkim, Marriage G uide, and a thousand wondent. Mailed for 26 - cents.— Address T. WILLIAM & CO., Publishers, South 7th street, Philadelphia, Pa. [July 8.--tw (ESTABLI & HE SD 1830, WELCH: SAWS!' AXES! SAWS! Seine of all descrinUons. Axe*, Belting and a Solidlll r raialslallagm.th Circular saws with Teeth, or wi Parterr ilawareata Pours, riiperfor to all Inserted Therh &Ica. rtirPrices Badiaesed.-iii Sir Send for Price List and Cireulantlie WELCH & GRIFFTILS, Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mien. A GENTS WANTED—oIio PAR DAY) tiL_h v the A.Mki RICAN KNI PTING June 17. 1870.—Su MACHINE co., Banton, Maas., or St. Lo4ls Mo. WANTED AGENTS—To sell the Octa Son Sewing Machine: It fQ ticensed, makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch" and Is warrant ed for .5 years. Price 11.5. All other machines with an under-feed sold for $1.5 or less are in fringements. Address OcrsooN Entwrso MA CHIN/ Co., St. Louis. ?do.. Meng°. 11l , Pittsburg, Pa., or Boeton , Mass. fjene 17, 1870.-3 m TRU 66 Iv Seeley's Hard Rubber Trus ses, Supporters, and Pile Instruments Cure 'Rupture, Abdominal or Uterine Weaknesses and Piles.— Different approved patterns. Comfortable, safe, Han light, cleanly, used in Whing, indestructible (steel goriredited.) Muth,. 4 t kings, Belts, Braces, ete.—CREAT VAIRIETY, EStabliShlnellll4, 1347 hestnut st, Phila.. and .3 Ann st., New York, mr t s . ite s, l4.. .Irtyld Drygbysq , mailed s(t.:srirAilroer. June 17„ 1870.—1 n $lO A DAY—Business entirely new and honor able. Liberal inducements. Descriptive circulars free. Address J. C. R LND it Co., Bid deford, Me. [June 17, 1870.-3 m WANTED AGENTS- To sell the Home Shuttle Sewing 3fachinP. Pt-e.• 525. It makes the "Lock Stitch." (alike on both shift) and Is the only licensed tinder-teed Shuttle Ma' chine sold for less than ma IJesnktyi b/ , ' Wheel er & Wilson, Grover a Baker and Singer & Co.— All other under-feed-Shuttle Machines sold for less than Mare infringements, and the seller and user liable to p rosecution . Address Joitssal, CLARK Co, Boston. Mass,, Pittsburgh, pa., Chicago, lit,or Ex Louis. Mo, (June 17.-3 m T emp WeNTED-acc e er MONTH. 'OUNTR 11QMES or How to Bare owner. .The fastest selling book published. /4 oontains information for all classes. Address, HENRY A. SMITH, Publisher. a) Wal. nut St. Phila July 8.--4 w A few more AGENTS are WANTED for one of the CHEAPEST and BEST Books In ' the world. RINGLETS NATURAL HISTORY. Givings.clear deselriion of nearly everiiiown species of Beasts, Sir Plahereta, tilel, I &c. , &e., enllvem4 by 030 zip ted Illus tions and replete with excftirrial using anecdotes of thetrinautfoltr See Ent Theeream of the fatuous London four vo lume edition," valua ble addltloua, from the works efuther d nguish .ed naturalists, ands .gauir, W . Anso, Audubon, and mans; omen, No trouble to Agents about met or party. Everybody is de lighted with it, old and young, In town or coun try. Homing like it In the Maki. Agents report prolita from ES to i.O per o.v. al sell in connec tion the latest and best edition of Bibles extant Send for illustrated circular and our most liberal terms for Book and Bible. A. K HUBBARD, Publisher, 100 Cheataut Bt. - rhila: spat: jw3B,:i n i l'ait ifkiii-„„ ttf-ItAim - minvAL r i f f:LF IN. i Intrince , oillMly Witti ra ts it numbe good Agents, ltlso, It Gene Agent for Pittsburgh and vincinity; also, a General Agent for the Ger man countie Sou t h nslvania. Address the Of fice, No. 112 th st., Phns., Pa. July 8.-01 w { . THE G$ AT xwme4T4 Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA WESTERN RAILWAY • , 1 Sieves pet int. Qtalld Leis. 'ct . _ . . . The bonds are la denominations of 11.00 each secured by a arid mortimr 206 nines of road, from Indiatutpolls, the eikf and most im portant railroad centre e State of Indiana, to -- the city of Pekin In m r ..,.. ONE HUNDRED AN EIGHTS' MILES of the Line are now In PULL PERATION and equip. ped with New, Plittfrekake Rollint Stook, con slagiufg4s Locomotives,.• 23 Passenger Coaches I 7 and Espresso(,; the road , 715 Box, wants Stock and Coal 'ars, and more will be addedas the of require. The are already GREATLY IN EXCESS 0: earnings THE INTEREST 01! THE wawa tsars or Bonn The balance, twenty- Ave miles of the division' In In is nearly b e graded, with all the iron on hand, and will be completed without dela% ' There are Thirty-Mx/pots on the line, Lo.i.e. .iiii ED IN CITIES Ii TOW'S THAT CONTAINACE THE AOOBEOA7B, A POPIILATI N or ONE.HUNININHAmpo NINETY THOUSAND, averaging over 1920 to cash square mile, wit in a nutty; of half a mile of the track : and WITHIN TwkitTT Mutts OP THE X, THERE IS A POPULATION OP ABOUT lux THorsAND. :_..i It passes through ' the counties of Marion, 'len drlckß, Montgomery, Fountain, Warren and Ver million, in the State of Lediana,• and Vemillion, Champaign, De Witt, Platt, IdeLean and Taze well Counties, in Illinois, oil the line of the old emigrant State road w doh was laid out in tile hest portion of those states before the time of rallreat.ts, was then thel main line of Mister!' travel, and consequently became more thickly settled than other:sections of the West, as the numerous cities, large yillages. and products of these counties demonstrate. Besides the large agrieultural productions-or this section the manidaeturing interest is very extensive in the large toEns and Is rapidly in. creasing. M . th a i n s dl iFURNISH - BUSINESs FOR OVtilt I THREE HUNDRED COAL TWICE this line it presen_ ,t and MORE THANTHAT NIDIBER WILL BE RE QUIRED to carry coal on' completion of the re maining link. . . From the present earnings on 180 miles it Is W safe L to assume t AMPLEOT hat til N e LOCAL BUSINE.SS ALONE IL BE ONLY TO P HE BONDED DEBT, BUT LARGE DIVIDENDSON THE STOCK, I In addition to the population and wealth of the country and all that Is necessary to support a first-class road and make It a profitable invest ment through local traffic, it forms a grand cen tral trunk iluefor through, buMnems noisy rpase4 by any road of equal length 114 the West. • At Indianapolh It connects by main lines with the cities of Columbus, Clondand, PittsbumCin chinati—and with IbeFferineylvania Central, Bal timore and Ohio and other imix,rtant railroad lines. At Pekin, the western terminus, euntlec nous are made with Peoria, Quincy, Keokuk, Burlington and Omaha. 4t Blomnington, with the Illinois Central Road which runs northwest 600 miles to Fort Dodge, lowa. A very large bus iness will be done with this line. At Danville it connects by raft with Toledo on lake Erie. A map will show all these to be very important connec tions in making through lines over this route, The Loan is placed beyomi any contingency by the ptesent earnings from local tragic on One Hundred and Eighty miles, which must necessa rily be doubled when the trains run through. The Bonds are convertible at the option of the holder Into stock at par At any time, which adds greatly to their value. They may be registered at the Farmers' Loan and Tru.st Company if desired. Coupons Payable April Rai October Free of Tax. Total issue $.5,1 ,01 10-12.00000 u Of which are placed In trust with the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company to redeem and cancel F 2,000,000 bonds Issued to the Danville, Urbana, Bloomington, and Pekin Railroad, now merged into this road, mak ing the loan only g 3,000,000 over hai' of which has been sold In Europe and this market, The balance we offer at 90 and accrued Intkrest. At this low price the Bonds, being so amply secured, will be quickly znarketed. We have been thoroughly posted in regard to the road from then tart, have - closely Inspected It from time to time during constnictlop, and being familiar with the wealth and resources of the country, the responsibility and integrity of the officers and directors of the company and the present earnings of the road I t Is with pleasure that we recommend the Bonds as one of the cheapest and safest investments in the market, sure of a high standard among the best railroad securities in the'country. All marketable securities received to t a ll at market rates. Bonds delivered to all points,ge Pres of Express. Charges TURNER BROTHERS BANKERS, NO. 14 NASSAU STREET Jul) .--1‘) AGENTS WANTED FOR " W 0 -N - D E R S OF THE WORLD," OVER ONE THOUSAND ILLUSTRATIONS. The largest. best selling, and most attntative subearip.. tlon book ever published. Send (or Circulars, with terms at once. Address, U. S. PUBLISHING CO., 411 Broome St., N. Y. July 8.-4 w THE SECOND VOLUME OF A. H. STEPHENS Great History of the War is now ready. Agents wanted. Send for Circulars, with - terms and a full description of the work. Address National Publishing Co., Phila. Pa. .Inly B.—tw WHY DON'T YOU TRY WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. They are Sune Cuan for SORE THROAT, COLD, CROLT. DIPTHERIA, CATARRH OR lineman:SC also a successful remedy for Kidney dibmiltles.- 2. - ) cents per box. Sent by roam reeelpt of priee. by JOHN Q. KELLOG, 34 Platt st... New York. Sole Agent. for N. Y. HOLD BY DRCOMSTS. June 3. 1870-8 w EIGHT PER CENT. GOLD First Mortgage Bonds OF E ISSUE OF $ 1,5 0 0,0 0 0 , BIL THE St. Joseph & Dem,.rer City RAJX,ROAD 00.111PANY. .14 denominations of al,ooo and 4000, coupon or registered, with interest at Eight per cent. per annum, Payable Lsth February and August in GOLD tree of United States tans, In New York or Europe. The bonds have thirty years to run. payable in New York In GOLD. Trustees, Farm ers' Loan and Trust Company of New York. The mortgage which seettreS these bonds Is at the r te of a 13,300 per mile; covers a comple te mad for evegrage.y bond issued, and Is a first and O. ONLY mor o n gears ey, w This I ll ffie, connecting t. Jciapplkwith Fort California i Make a sha tin ft NW through route to . Ande Company have a Capital Stock of ..$10,000,1:00 a grant of Land from Congress, of I ,,oooAeres, valued, at the lowest es Co9 tlizate, Ai ... . , .............. First mortgage Bo nds • . 6 4,000,000 1,503,000 ,5E0,000 Total length of road, 271 distance includ ed In this Mortgage, 111 miles; price, grX and as interest, INCUMBENCY. Can be obtained !mpg the Undersigned, Also, pamphlets, maps and ation relating thereto. These bonds, being informll secured and yielding a largeime, are desirable to parties seeking safe and lu nco crative investments. We recommend - them with entire confidence. W. P, CONVERSE, lt CO., CONDIERCLAL AGENTS, No.` 34 Pine liireet, New York TANNER ,S; P/SCAL AGENTS, Na. 49 Wall 114r4fts, Maw York.. June 3, 1870-,30 HE OLD WAY AND THE NEW. THR GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO ED MPANY I (ESTARIAH 1861,1 • Nos. 31, 33, 35 and 37 Ve 114 17 811 "eicir NEW YORK, • • . nave Arriya,rell . . . J. W . C it ES q . - L- . • GETTYSBURG, PENN'd.., to sell their Mg dNb' COMES at dame .preces that the Company sell thereat` heir W es , Ousel In New York. A (ills nnily the fresh est New Crop Teas will be kept for Sale at an times- All goods warranted tintve satisfaction or the .moiCZfrreflioneProdfrided. charred/tom Me Preduce to the Cbesumer. Fromfire to" eight profits moved by purchasing of this Company „ n , trader the Old-iyalem of doing busines. the - netiln flail to my abmit eight prank elyd 4sr l f , 5 ° ewer so ranin . sales. • • Vallee An ow *sates the Great Ainetten Tea Co.„. distribute Teairto the oonsurnerr, torough their Agents, all over the country subjecting them ki bid one and* that but a very modende mi, susa criyett Ne on the laminae sales will =NY IXIMMM_ tint they tell tnonsanded ell Tea. Itta• or *mum than It took' to sell one mw under the old irgent. Pune 3,11170-3 in Boxes CUBE FATARitIi AND DEAFNESS. lirriag the sbY t i lot t insatuirl of St. , July/1.-4w .1. 41414 !: 14° 111 =6%_14 as c Witt wits, oolor of oyes MUM hair, you ro• re,. by return mall, a correct ikkitom orow futore husband or wife Irtth name and dote of arriage, Address W. FM, p. 4:11k to nome No. pt, Fultoorgle t N. y, July 11.-4 w rill I _ .._.._._._ _ _ N OTlCE.—Letters of Admi __ •istration on the Estate of Joey LADY, deceased, sate or hae fleownallen towns:yawing 'been gr i anted to the Inv tahe a t il o ves ilitliz togliperioeg ate alinement sal ' those having claims the same wfd please preeent them propelleit thentkatted MY atilJement. July fh—et SAMUEL BERM., finer., N oettratrg Pa. --- r - na AlYli i JOTlCE.—Letters of Administration on the crate of GDOROE MIMI, late of Oxford townshlP, AdalMS county. Pa., deeeased , haring been ted to the undersigned, reskUng In mg to P. he hereby ItiSee notice to ail persons im debted to said estate to make Unmediatepayment. and Male haring claims against the mine) to pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement. June 10,18 . 7&-ft Whl. D. HUHN, saltier. The undersigned Wing been Impohned Assts.. nees of Joni( W. DaTts and Wire, of Moutitioy township, Adams county, In trust for csedltors. pdhereby give notice to ill personaindebied to as tor to nuke Immediate payment of their ru• ve dues, anti all persons having claims or emands to present the same properly authentl. cated for settlement. JOSEPH STOCKSLAGER, Jasig.PH DA VIN, June 10, 1870—tit Assignoes. Slip. The first named Assignee lives In Sough township, Adams county, Ps., and the iast mimed hear Taneytown, Carroll county, Md. .._._____________... MOTlCK—Letters of Adnalohitratio cm "the .I.‘ estate of Aannew H . ELNAN, late of Franklin townshlF, som: Pa, having been granted to the underel they hereby give notice to apereone Indebted to OW estate to make Immediate payment. and those having counts agalust the same to present thent proper by authenticated for settlement. MARTIN HRIYZELMAN, JAMES MICKLEY, June 10, 1870-61 A..dnfrs. . Arne first named Administrator resides Franklin county, P. 0. address Fayetteville : th other in Adams county, I'. 0. address Seven *sr Atiminvitrator s Notice, ,HABLEN EisTATE.—Letters of ad. ministration on the estate of Charles Myers, late of Menallen township, Adams countv de ceased, having been granted to the undersfimxi, the nrstAamed residing In Cumberland town Ship, and the last-named in Menagen township afore said, they hereby give notice to all persons I. de bled to said estate to nutke immediate prnwat. and those having claims against ape same to pre. sent them properly anthentieatellior aettlement. PRA1.101.9 .811EA31, sAatrEL MEALH, Administrators gIIERIFF'B SAL 6 June 24, 187(4-44 lAN of sundry welts of Fier! ?betas and • flbefaß issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams co.and to me d I rected.l will sell at Public Sale, at the Court House, in Gettystrunir, ,on Sala:Map, Me ISM day of July IS7O, at 1 6. , .. Nock, P. .th, the following described }teal Estate, viz: NO. I—A LQT OF GROUND, sit uate hi the Borough of Gettysburg Adams coup. • ty - pa., fronting on the south side of:Bracken- ridge street, adjoining lot of Henry Sloneker on the east and lot ot A.ll. Fektel on the west, hit proved with a two-Story FEAHE DWELLLNG HOUSE, Frame Stable. and a spring of water on the premises. NO. 2—A LOT OF GROUND, ad. • i flan No. lon the east and lot of Jacob 801-1 1 kon the west, Losproced with a tvcastory e DWELLING BOMB. Seized and takt hi execution es the real estate of Attiescrs h, 1 ,- NISTEL.. ---.. . A LOT OF GROUND, sHUate iu 'k.N. 8 2! t Bo.ougb of Oettysbnrg, Adana county; Pa., fronting on' tile east side of th e Mummasburg road, adjoining d ames of John aid he on the south and lot of J Woodward on the Impiroved with a two-story Frame DW 1 :. o g HOUSE, and a one-stru7 frame Bltellon attar with a number of fruit trees on the premises.— Seized and Mkt . _ _n in execution, as the real estate of GEORGE E. nrr-ssuu 4 . R. Also, 4 LOT OF' GROUND, ' situate in the Borough of Gettysburg, Adams county ; pa., fronting on the nor th side of the York turnpike. adjoining lots of Witham and Henry Ray on the east and lots of Pahriestock and Duncan on the west, red with a two•story Brick DWEL- LING .OUSE, and a two-story Brick Baek-bull• ding a had. This property Is new. Seized and taken In execution as the real estate of Passion N. Ms.nrrs. .TACOB KLITNB, Sherif, July 1, 1870.—ts Sit *Tat per cent of m ust purchase money ulaM all sales by the Sheriff be paid over immedi ately after the t roperty Is struck doWn or upon tallure to com y therewith the prc,l - ,erty will - be again put up or saJe. gaitroa4 Mutt gaiiii. i cttysburg Railroad. - ' PifmT TRAM leavi.s oettysbnig ,at &30 A. 3f., arriving at Hanover Junction at. 10.15 A. 31. , Baltimore 12.10 P. IL ; Washington 2 P. IL ; Yor 1110 A. 3L ; Harrisburrl2.3o P. M. ; winiainspor 5.45 P. ; Columbia 12.10 P. IL ; Lancaster 2P. 31. ; PhiladeMbia (via Columbia or HartsbOrgi 5.30 P. IL, and via Baltimore 6,30 P. M. New York 9.30 P. M. by either Harrisburg, Made'. (Ca or Baltimore; Pittsburg 12 night, Return ing, arrives at Gettysburg 1220 P. M. SECOND TRAIN leaves GettYaburg 111 tat P. arriving at Hanover Junction L2O P. IL ; Baltimore 7.15 P. 3L-; Washington 10 P. M. ; York 6.10 P. 3L ; Harrisburgll.ss P. ; and Pittsburg 10.10 A. M. Returning, 'arrives 620 P. M. R- IfcCI7RDY, Supt, July 1. 1870.-tt .. Northern Central Railway. BUS 8C1137, Cllal CIN and atter June- 12, IS7O, Trains wilt have k../ Hanover Jut:widows } Jail*" .• 10.384 LEAVE NORTHWARD. . m—Dally for tßilinasaapn dalircezeapt Sundays) for Iticsra, mer, Buf falo, lAtintla and Brie and the , West. LlO a. m.—Dally for Elmira. Buffalo. ite. 2.09 p. as — Daily (except Sundays) for Willinnis port anti Erie. 6.0 S p. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for York. 1 21(n a. m.—Dally (except Sundays) ; tor Barri*. burg and the West. • . LEAVE SOUTHWARD: Ltt; a. at. — Dailystopptng at Parklanl only, 7,52 a. ra,...DStatany (exoeption& Sundays) stopping u an 12.5 p. m.—Daily stopping at Parkton only. 10.19 a. m.—Dally (ex_rept Sunday) Moving at Paraton (ra nd eockeyrillieo 4.54 p. m.—DILGY leteept Sundays) stopping at the Station& EDW. 9. YOUNG, .Pass. .oml. Balttatr u p, ma., ~,1 • ALFRED It. F . / R, . General Superintend/fa June 24. kra —l4 frartlabt4T, Pa READING RAILROAD, SUMMER ARRA.NGEMENT-\, 10.1siDAY, 44'IUL 18, 1870. Great trunk line from the North and North rest for Philadelphia, New York, heading, Pottsville, Tamqua, Astuand, lillialoklll, Lgoanon, Amin. town, &Aston, and, Litt; Lancaster, , Colum ina, &C. 'trains leave liarrismarvor Nolo Vark, .ita lows: At 5.20, 8.10 a. m., 20 noun, an 4 2.05 p. in., connecting with almalar ?Mos on Penusl• vailla tialnuatt, and anteing &thew York at 12.1.5 noon, 9.40, ti.ou and lu.oe_p. in., respective/7.- Sleeping Cars accompany tin &spa. in., and /2.20 nounnoon 'ludas without Returni ea g: leave Re i ti nsTAl atil.oo a m., 12.00 alaa O P. al., PhilidelPhia at 6.10 a ni and 6.Su it le. : Sleeping Cars acconapany a. m., and 6.0 u p. vs Stains trwa Nei Tur k without Leave =Puri tor /leading, Pottsville. ?ma gus, Minersvin Asitliml, osbaniukin, line Wore, Aiientown and at &Ma. m., and :LW and 4.10 p. m., ai Lebanon mid imuct- Pal , ay Wad; 4.10 p. In., trap eunneetlus for . rtlitatletP 'Pottsville and tkuumbla only. Por Pottsville_ . , tienuyiklit haven and tr i. si, via ` - isuyimn and busquebanna Nail nave riltri wning 4%3.40 IL 14. • War Poweniter n I •Te3 Pain a t 7.30 a. m. otteethig with miar_train on Nam Penot'S returning !ruin imaging llB6 p. nk, stupOing at ail igat ions. Leave' PP as Me and 9.00 a. m an d 2.44 p. m.; Herndon at 9.30. a. m., Shuman at 5.4(1 and 11.1.40 a. in., Ashland at 7.06 a. rn., and , LIA! , nuon, Tamaqua t &Si a. p, gy, Philadelphia and a New Tontm„ and LA) Leave Pottsville, yin Schuylkill.. and agne- - hanna liallroad 845 s.tii., tor marsisburg, and 11..iu a. m., to Grove and Tremout.. ville Readi u. ng 4o a. m A :' _Oll Traln leaves Potts at . towin., arriving at Philadelphia at ag e in. Iletuno log; Mavis Paliadelptits at in P... ,114. PaSbing Reading at B.ou p. m., arriving at .rustsvluie at 9.40 p. in. Pottstown Antonin:iodation Train, leaves Potts town at 6 ,10 lt. in, cettirtMig, leaves Puladelphia at 4.00 p. In. Columbia lialk.md Trains leave Reading at 7.15 tar Colombia, ac. a. in., and 6. .5 p. in. for hparata, 141.5, Lucas. , Perldomen hatirmßl Trains leave Pdritloineu Junction at ii.bil a, in.. &Wend 5.30 p. in. ; return ing, leave thihwenicarville ao am a. m., 1240 noon, and Lib p. m.,connectnag with nirtinar trains on Reading Railroad. Cotebrookstam Railroad Trains leave Pottstown' . at 9.40 a. in., and 6.2 u P. no., returning leave ounfiigessant at -7.00 and 1145 4. In, amoral studiar trains on Neading Railroad. • c, r, Valley Itahrond Tralna leave • • rt e &P a. In., 2.00 and kW p. I p. M., reatur. 4 . v Doiloitilltoll at or I _ l l 41.. 1 145 noon asui .15 ealthemilig ga e=litir tridail till Read '..N : leave New York at toe and ILO° P. IPhla at 11 . 1 41 L. tu. and 3.16 p. m., a , _OWY tO Reading; L& r.„ eave 84 it. tis, warnseurg ar .)...V. a. m., 4.1 p. m. and .11eadlng sad liklikg. At, for . 11 arriabaro. at t'22 a. m. tut ... .,NeW York. and 24 a. ra. at for P 11111144- pm& uziVaclt and at id EY eta, to from all palms. at reduced " tel l . Ban n atiecked term* t No pounds auowed each tier, aeurTh fi l . A. Mama . Pa. Ap r il —, 1870. sumutendent :nay yam . Central Railroad. Doublir buck route runntng k letween Made, phis. and Pittsburg. Trains vleg tietryebura make the following vouneetions with this Trunk Hue: GettYeaurj leave at 8.1.5 a. m. & 12.40p.1n. amtover Juletkk arrive 1102 •• ^ " ." • " ' leave Nati •• 9.66 " malpurg arrive 12.65 p : m. 11.46 " Maa • 2.26 a. Phitadelphha arr ive 9. & 40 60 " - arat m. P 1 bUr~ leave 1.16 " 12.10 •• arrive La 6 m. RIO '‘ NThltattelphla aorta commotion/I iloMatt with the trains for New York Bodine alwiya ooa Aaq~~ Vaal Daces. VS NOTICE TIDE T:thLs.