I ghat Star end' Stutind. it Mativaboirg, Frltsj. Jim* 114,15T111. 11 SLAVOETNROY THS INNOC Ti.- That dop do infinitely more harm than good has long been an eatabliehed tLo Nine-tenths,of them are *twin tely worthleas—art eyeaore to all com munities. They - are remarkable only for their dsitructive qualities and the avidity with which they gorge food.— The monthly report of the Department of Agriculture for March and April gives a partial enumeration of the sheep kffisd the past year by dogs, as returned from four hundred and seven teen counties, aggregating 99,389, and showing a complete enumeration would bring the number up to at least half a million sheep killed, and as many wounded, involving an actual loss of two million dollars. In view of the above facts the report iuggests that while a reduction of taxation is the tendency of the times a tax by the general government upon dogs, like that of British and other European governments, would prove a hundred fold more of a benefit than hardship, relieving the poor of th• great burde of keeping them and society of the in tolerable nuisance of worthless doge, at the same time improving the animals worth the value of .a tax, and taking from the industry of wool-growing one of its greatest burdens of taxation. PASTURIN9 Ho° IN SUMMJUIL —A correspondent of the Country Gentle man, writing from Hamilton County, Ohio, says, the system of all good hog raisers in that region is to pasture hogs on clover during the summer. He presents, as the ad vantages °rabbi plan, the statement that an acre of ground in clover will pasture Ave hogs !bur months, and that-it will take the corn from half an acre to feed them at the same time. The cultivation of the .' corn he counts equal to the rent of the other half acre. He firtber claims that hogs pastured than clover are in far Letter condition than !lied on cont, as they are larger framed, healthier and eat better ; and also states that the land is enriched by the clover pasturing. The hogs' noses must be rung, or cut if they are to be pastured. To do this, this writer makes rings of pieces of No. 30 wire, 8} inches long. Each end is curved over the born of an anvil.-- ♦ hale i* made through the middle of the snout with a flat awl; the ring is inserted and cloud up until the ends lap a little. IDIALTH OF FAIMIOII.—There are seven reasons why farmers are health ier than professional men, viz 1. They work more and develop all thelesuling muscles of the body. 2. They take their exercise in the open air, and breathe a greater amount of oxygen:- 3. Their food and drinks are eom monly less adulterated, and far more simple. 4. They do not overwork their brain as much as industrious professional men do. 6. They take their sleep, commonly during the hours of darkness, and do not try to turn night into day. S. They are not so ambitious, and do not wear themselves out so rapidly la the fierce contest of rivalry. 7. Their pleasures are simple and less exhausting. A FRENCH gardener finding a piece of woolen cloth, which had lodged on a tree, covered with saterpillars, acted upon the idea suggested, and - placed woolen rags in -several tress. Every morning he foundAtiens covered with caterpillars, which he easily removed. 8011 - 311 or A Honaa.— smartweed in chamber lyii; after boiling put in a little soft soap. Wash while warm, two or limo times a day. If the weather be cold, dry with a hot brick or cover with cloth. erriciAL DisacTonT 0017111 TY OP/10114. her idea Afsidge—Robert J. Caber. Astro:6lo Irdpie—Joneple J. Kuhn, Sob er t MsClad: Prothonotary—Jacob lielbora.. tstorand lerearder—Samuel Swop*. Nark of tAs Corr ta—l3 .0. Wolf. DastriolAtiorvutyWan. • . Duncan fevonwer—W..l.llortln. hior(f--Jouloto Ckweserr—Dr. Id. L. Gatos. ars/eyes—Jesse D. Holler. *nos • nerr—JacobLott. Mow liartnan. lama net Doldion. Clerk—J. /offers on Myers. Consetel —Wiz..ffoOloao. "Weis,' to .1111—Dr. J. W .C. O'Neal. Diroustsra of las Poor—Martia Beta Benjamin Deardorff, L. /wart a. Stsweard—Jonas Johns. OW* —EL A. Puking. ffrossairer—Jacob Benner. Own ael—J .0. Maly. PArtfoittri--.1. W. 0. Aaditora—Mart la D. 6 olllager,Bll G. Dingy, Davld Bteau. • iterpes-0. R Sader. basil—W.S. Jseub W. Oran, Robert Tate,•. A.Y. Ha at or, WP.P. taker. Clark-1. D. Daphora. Treanorer-41, B. lapel. Illbascaloks—Geerg• W.Weikep,Jamee Rouser. &ia•l Dirsotera— Am. Galas, W. T. Vac Blraa , Wu. R. iyater, Jaalb Anghlabausla, . Seereier,--A. It. fleeter. Treasurer reltaee took. TTTTT lONIA NATIONAL XI. Bessideat—Beergellwape. Illeekiar—.l.lleaory Dew. Bakr—Hain I. Beazer. INreseerrs—Deerg• Swope, William Loam., Weary Wirt, David Willa, David geadlekert, W. Ilterry, Williams D. Mimes, Josh's Metter, Jail& Walesa. /111/1 NATI rresidolit—la serge Throw,. lkshior—floorgo Arnold. aillsr—MrAhoi Boighmao. Diroolora-400rgo Throne ,11tobt. 8011, John it•igh John llormor, Veers, hissl.l, Job a littaiohaaa J•lia oltird. ■►n •uNI • ?residing—J. L.M►lah. Ztorttory—Willissa B. Maas. Primirrer—Aleximair °abolis h Amapa's—take Sapp. J. 1. 11111, Josiah leans gpauslu, Clears* Little, Walla= B. Neal 00wita. &DANS ****** lIIIIIVAL lIIIIIMAIOI 00000000 Aisidosl-41serg• Swop, WWI PraliAnd--dratiol Z. lassol I. Aberekry—DaTit A. illikler. .111reassrer—Idward (I.Paluiestaiik. , AND•train CAawitlos—Zobort liothirdy, l Henri • Nokia& Jimob Mag. 41111411 / 1 4111414011/117. Vim Proaidass•—•pirsta layers J. IL W lib stow . =bag •sorstary--lisary Z. !table. 1/48earsiorip-14ward Q./abutosook. Oresisrar—David Wills. 11. Wlbl4l,Joaas Simass km, Prated& Mail: W. lass Wkit - amnia &maim".' ii•esides4-111ward, ./skaosto•A WWI Preruhab—Willisa A.Daaeas losrsiary—lola . NoOreary. arsararar—Joha Culp. Jfanapars—J.W. 0. Olreal.Jska Sapp, A. J. tont a. isall•kart, Wa. Z. Atkisimoa. ILI 01111 PANT iliVositiukt—D. s.ralatataak AkorMary—Wn. A. Dairsam Inassror—Joel B. Punier. haftsgers—A. D. Buehler, M. 11•11101Bergw, E. D W 8.01611,11. i.l assell,W.A.Dasoaa, J.l.Dance OONIPAIT. Rfasidett4-41•orgeW. Aereiery mod rreenerer—liamel R. laseell. 211 W. KeOisilas, R. B. Buehler. S. R =l, I. J. Statile, K. Mahe' herder. illetirthhheitAllheas. —leieet KeOlerity. rand 2'reurrer—David Wllla Pirst. theosit. *alas depart A.11.1.4.P.K. arrte• ISA P.Y. ILK P. K. nip fine train awakes else* fmtaaostion for plipbargaad Bistara 'ad Winters polatts, the sous/ iesla with ltalthetere. assioaArmai Amy l &Ape. Are.l24, I. 0. 0. ..—Miets eioraer • lissilslsaaeWlrssilstreasolssertassdayassailat "aim Iksesagaissig, No.lol, /.0.0.1.-I.a Odid I m p no, as sad id liessisy is mei issatik. Sod isisariess LON, N•. ink 4. Y. lf...oearaiest seruisssod strobis,l4l sad dab Itlharsday essi SfirsiskisSolOs u ir. AIM/. Y.—Oa nom stroo‘symolllssisy orsasa. I. 1..-14 ivory 11 irridsy irreales. Pest ifs. f.4.4.—110rth "sal mew if amine *wiry Saltiest' eves fait. sitaratt,( Arisers)—Paseardier.o.4l. Amy D. DA MewWs by Prshisers efOallep and Marisry fermata', Sabbath imarafag aad oreadas mis mn •Vmateeday ime me . Darius ramativam, SINN mat babansa,(lo.lsaary—llar.i. Wraidembamt& Aar • awesweals. Naftali atorktag Sad •••ahrgoisia ley Millawitse dtpaemettat—Atifm. A. C. tibea J. B. *ad Illsevises /Watt Illondag sad erealear, Tlisreilay timadas„ -+M Va. H. 11111. Ilarrieesiabbalb fad rfsabbAS. tad Welateday naiad. dem . It. U. Itestrfea. ea. Wale amass sad areabas,a Wadaaday 4=er. J..,, Sett. deraate ist,lid sad ila 1106alliA fberiams mmf edieratam. ASO nallidwdear.War, Jasiesaai • ar opoirlimpstaftssio, 'Ng, &weds, *divas, &t:- LADY'S STORE, AT FLORA DALE, PA. Wll Jerre on !mad tad are ,r...astatttly recidelar a vesseal aseartaker t of G 0 '0 D ninny kopt to • country whlch will b► obi at Lowest Cash Prices. Lill:loads !might hate ue will ta made up, If dadred, ea I. alma. Beals( Idaeltlea at a reduced prim.— ef atl brads date at abort notice sad low ratee. IMPLEY & lIOOPES May 13,1874-34 n GREAT RUSH ! Robert &Elliott's Store ) IN GETTYSBURG, W♦B entered last Week and • large scantily of Dry Goods, ?lotions, cineenawa Le sat d Carpeting taken. The palliators well known, but have thus far es caped arreet,asthey left Greenback. In exchange for . Goods. The persons who took the Goods are very well sat heed that they received more and hotter Goode for their money than they could have got at any ,other store. Come one -I Come all and examine oar large sisortxt en t of SILKS, GINGIL4MS, LAWNS, RA REGES, ALPACCAS, &c., CLOTHS, CASSIMERES,, TWEEDS, JEANS, VESTINGS, &c. Also, Oarpets,Notiollll, Glusware, Queen.wars, and Indeed, • general amortment of everything belonging to • ilrateolam Store. ZIUIIBI& the place la opposite the Courthouse, allitlaelre street, and that our motto la, Fair Dealhig and 11■011 Prod ta. (April 29.1870—if SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Fahnestoek Brothers lllilt bet venal a choice and desirable assortment K SPRING AND SIIMMIB GOODS of every descrip.~ tioa whloit Um are 11XLLING AT RXTBIthiIIIA tow picas: !•• BARGAINS, 111IN15TOOK SHOT/lERS are selling GOODS at neteniablagly low prices. Those wanting 'bargains should, by all means, give thorn a call. Reduction. in Prices If you west GOODS at old prices before the War, dart fell to buy Iran • "FIP" CALICO as pod as over was mold FAH NEVlVifet BROTLINRS keep Dry Goods, Carpets, &c., HARDWARE, SADDLERY, &c., QIIWBWARI OZDASOWAIIIt, GROOMU.'ES, PILYT9, EMI ar43lra them a call April 91, 1510-tf J. L. SCHICK has the Largest and Best Selected Stock o DRY GOODS DM NOTIONS Gist has been brought to Gettysburg this Spring, which wW be sold at the lowest pcwslble rates Mity 6, 11170.-If NEW . Spring & Stunmer. Goods, • AT PETERSBURG, Y. 8., PA. Are • GBIES T 'B 0 W.E.R& }LAYS received their Aar SPYING AND SOM. Kill GOODS, as of amortment, mamma ii maw and will b• wad cheap for huh. Maitre lila call and examine our Goods. • GRUM SOWMAP. I.—Agents ibr th• Arm $ Nair Sawing s& ma- April 31.1170—U 7. Z. COVIIIt. A. ItAITZMPAIRtIfa. NEW FIRM. ARENDTSVILLE, :PA. ns an d orolgo ed. having entered foto pieta onblp 1 ruder th e arm man of Onn turnuronsma Gall um attention of noir Moods aad tho public pa. 555117 to their opiondid noortotout of NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, 11110 0 1 111111. QuirmirairAis, ILAIDWAkII, g 0..; on of vldeli bare bees parchand In !Mpg emend dor eon, sod which we an propand •to soli at no vory lowest drum Gall asdAtaidlao our itodk too- Inv paraboaing oinwitoro. siirAloit of good Sails tot Wet Tomas a. OOTIZ, mAur/ X4fratill PIRGZE. Ariadterius. Pa., April 16, 11110—if FURNITURE. JOSEPH WALTON & CO„ CABINET-MAKFRS, No. 418 Walaut dt, Phila4elphia OVA •stablishasai if eau( the of ilio hi !Philid•lf Ws. sod boo ozpothook IPOloaka haafifs•C ars ,o f So rod -wink et ` p rim. 11• ismoolhotaro Sae filistiork sad alio looltali rmoisripsrquilw. A Wooled*. milts Vi ..t' Qin& or* so whiz Comitehl• 10•14 Vistii- hail Ms Signors tar M3l Moo NO Ilioutoo, side to older. inim Alfelaispern. BOOM 1/411811*-1, =Egit: INVESTMENT NORTHERN CENTRAL 6 Per Cent. GOld Bonds AT PAR AND ACS ltuE I) INTER- PRINCIPLE. AND INTER EST PAY- All • Thies paid by the company Persons possessing U. S. Bo can wake, $l5O to $175 on $l,OOO, bearing the same rate of Interest. erFor further information inquire at Gettysburg National Bank. J. EMORY BAIR, Jane 10, 1670-:41" UNITED STATES BOUGHT, BOLD •ND NNOLUNGED ON MOST GOLD BOUGHT & SOLD PAIINIL3TOOKEI PACIFIC R. R. BONDS ►t BAUM/8TO( ISB Bought and. Sold on Commis sion ,only. Accottats received sad lateral allowed m daily tolaocom subject to check. De Haven & Bro. PHILADELPHIA, PA March 4,1876-1 y AND WINDOW GLASS NATIONAL BANK ! LNT BONInt, of kiuds tIOUOIII and The HIGHEST PREMIUM paid on GOLD and PIMOka desiring to invest in STOCKS er BONDS of any kind, are Invited to call, as we have the the facilltien of New York, Philadelphia or roraconailofaamaini COUPON BONDS, and desiring for atfatito convert lota Has{stared, are pa:posted toeill,as . fire have the advantage to transferat trifling expel's. DPIMILNAL REVXNIYE STAMPS of all dauomlaa- MARES? ON 814COL*11 DIPOSITS Adospeed Persons wishing Information In two/ to Banda, andatocks t all kinds, at, roqatatoi to give •. will eltoortally gi • fonastioa Otte , Nov. 5,1116114 f COUGHS INFLUENZA Bare Throat, Colds, Whooping-Coup, Liver Owe piste% Bronchitis, Asthma, dlescling of the Lamm, sad :may airwoman of the Throat, Lapp sod Meet, era apeadily sod perimeetaly oared by the mos of WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Phis melt ham' • preparative does not dry sip a meth sad kart the ewe babied, at is the eats rah mod eladietees. bet it lama and cleaned the hew aed agape irritation, thus resort:4e he ea I qf Mat oemOtaied. Coneumption- can be . Cured by timady resort off. this' standard remedy. aim is promad by head:sib tmeloommais readved lot the P ro i iftestvarad by BETH W. FOWL! & BON, Boston, sad sold y dealers paserally. fdpril 1, 1170-Iyoode -NEW FURNITURE. A NQYlll air sets of COTT/lel 'mama biro 11 lay basa seat by mistake tei tbs Set Sprits; illatsP-portios tioliltir tory tad tusaars mak* sisoimakivid by ky at tie ftrattars Mott Of pima*. Wasais & ;la My 11.4 f Oxisquirou.• • 0 01416 i/ . SANT, AND PROF ,'FA4.I.,F. RAILWAY EST IN' CURIIEI•• ABLE IN GOBI) THIRTY YEARS To RUN by exchanging, from and gel in exchande GOLD BONDS BONDS ;LIBERAL TERMS AT MARKET RATES COUPONS CASHED Bought and Sold STOCKS NO. 40 SOUTH &I itTftl3l4T,, GE 1"1' Y SB URG EMI SIL VZk. 00IIPON9 CABHXD OR OOLLEMD Hattinor• marketa. Consequently all orders are promptly executed ikons for tale.] 1 per cent., rig 6 PEI CIIT . for I year, • 4 PIE 0161 T. tar 6 months, 3 PIE OIIT. for 3 mutate iimozr #41.1.11. °ashler lIMIGAINS IN +tea elothi NORRIS" READ-QUARTERS, On the S. B. Corner of Centre Square, has the Largest and Best Stocks of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, tIAT9 AND'‘CAPS, TII BEST AIANUFACVERED BOOTS AND SHOES, a Rh a Variety er Suthmer Under-Clothing GENTS' FURNIS , IING GOODS OF EV- a'm .o,soi uncut 01 NOTIONS, TRUNKS ; 10,1 everything totn,,l iti a Gentletinqi Store. GIVE US A CALL , Avrll:22, It7o-[f GU 'I KUNGLE'S FOR YOUR Boots, shoes and Gaiters 1 Dli: "KLINGEL, on Baltimore street, a few doers • above the Court. holm,. Gettysburg, human re. calved a large Mock of Boots, Shoe. and Gait." which he is selling at greatly reduced , prices. It em braces FOB LADlES—Congress Galtera,B•linoral Gaiter.; Hid ollppers, all styles, Morocco Balmonds, tc, 105 bItNTLBa BN—Yrimch Calf Boots, American Calf Boots, Kip Boots, Congress Gaiters, Calf Bat. morals, Slippers, all styles, Brogans, kc. FOE MlUMBU—congreas Gaiter., Balmoral Gaiters, Morocco Bahnorals, te. FOU BollB—Congress Gaiters. Calf Balmorals, Bro• gene, to. CASHIER. In hint Shoes of all kinds. Also. Boots and Shoes of hla own cumaufacture con stantly Oil hand. Buyers, from town and country, are invited to call ■nd examine goods and prices before purchasing else wirers, feeling confdeu• that .1" can please all who may call. THE hIANUFACTURING • of Boots, Shoes and OaDere will also be carried on, In all its branches, as before. Hopelrfog done on abort notice. By employing none but firstclaas workmen, and using none not the choicest leather, be wets con !Mont of maintaining his former reputation. Cer tainly nothing will be loft undone to deserve it. Thankful for past favor', he solicits a continuance or public patronage. May 18, 1870. D. U. ICLINOEL. —tf WOLF'S Cheap Clothing • Store ) • On the Northeast Corner of Centre Square, GETTYSBURG, PA., Has the largest and bent stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, ever offered la this pines. Also, th e 'very I ,test and best styles of Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, with a variety of SUMMER lINDEII•CLOTHING, and OrffTS' VURSISLLINU bIOODS generally. Also, a floe assortment of JEW ISLET, WATCHES, CLOCKS, NOTIONS, We. The best manufactured Lnstber Trunks and Cancel, Carpet gags and Umbrellas always on band. Hosiery and Gloies,• largeassortment. Children's Fancy shoes of all kinds. In short, everything than is usually kept In a first-class Hent's Varnishing Store. All will be sold as low as the lowest, our motto be ing. 'lack stiles and small profits " Call sad ex sails our stock or gaols before purchasias else where. I. MULE'. • May SO, 1870—If • SPRING AND SUMMER ~CLOTiIING, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. COBEAN4 CUANINGIIAN HAl t illus received from the City new and large of CLOTHING, lIATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, NOTIONS, SEGARS, &c. LATEST STYLES. One and all 'ref nvited to call at our Store, ow Bala iliroor.e?treet, Getryibiarg,nealy . ~.pgoslo 67 Fahrwtock JAB. CUNNING HIM. April 15, 1870-11 MIN PICKING OPENED OUT AGAIN Ready-made Clothing, HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, &C rf~IIB until.' laced, defile husinese under the Arm 1 Of PICKING & Cg.. been opened • new Store Room it! the large three-story Brick building, on Chambereburg street, nearly opposite Buehler's Drug Blare, and invite their old (rituals to give them a coll. Ws hare laid la en entirely NEW STOCK OF GOODS selected, with-cars, of the very best make and latest styles, ooniprtilDit " KRADT• I4 ADEOLOTEIING,COATS, PANTS, TOTS DIISTKR& WOOLKN SKIRTS. DRAWERS, BDaPBNDBRS, NMI-TINS. CRA VATS, HATS, OAPS. AND NOTIONS in IINDL was YAM KTI —all of which have been bought in a falling mar• let, and will he sold at astonishingly low ratan. We haul; fileo on band a large nasortment of LADIES, MISSES• AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, of latest stilts sad beat nuke, which we are monks oat at cost, to okre Out Nis nook. Cali aniteastalos. JOHN PICKING, N. B. PICKING. April i, 1870-tf SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, AT F. CUNNINGHAM'S, Chasboranirp derod, west door to Keystone Rote GETTYSBURG, P. You trill strip Ind the best qualttlea andlateat ts.. of COATS, PANTS, VESTS OP ALL STYLES AND sips. ALSO, SHIRTS, Trunks, VaUcits, Umbrellas, dada groat and Idris varistyof NOTIONS,. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CLOCKS, WATCHES, TOBACCO and CIGARS. hes ocouseotion with his itesidy-ssads Obth -12111 COMiniked MERCHANT TAILORINQ is all hi breaches. The petbne - will always Sad the - West styles et CLO rya, cussumes, ITWIDII. JEANS, mu- Xlitle. ite, se es item TI W. a DANKER, • ielkebt lase "Parioncii JJ • 1 / 111 alwal• •• Stud ea band nosy sow/ease, ass awl wroaltesare yowl Swag salt. Nreca• b 0•101 will be eve aim! ma, gp le malt lonsuess. 141. 1 1 1 1; irre'4l Tia 4. I ti,-ts. ill GETTYSBURG, .PA., THE LATUT STYLES OF DIM ERY VARIETY; F. B. PICKING aithisic Aitii,` RE-MOV - P,,DI JOSEPH JAOOBS, ELLS BAMOTID Next door to . J.' w Orem' Store, on ehambersburg et., near the Square. A largo assorim‘nt of OLOT El 9, AS3I Nt itB, ; TIMMS , TAT X X XXXI ic., &c., ae., offered at the . smallest pinata. OOD 1 &melt at the &ore (MT YkU OP CPI.III GO MAIM UP with dispatch, as well when .cat ether 'tore' at at Me awn. Latest N, 4.• received, and tailoring done in the malt sp. proved style. Uniting done, seam' 11. The public's patronage solicited, and no effort 'pared to pleat'. April 22, 18Td—t1 BOOTS AND SHOES. NA 'W RSTABLESHbfENT. r Ilk o fidereigued hae erected a new bulldfu r i,ot I. a Root •11,1 Shoe Establishment, on Oar lLlef . r rain ( the Railroad itation .in lettysbarg. whereshe now offers for eels, Boots , Shoes, Gaiters, Slip pers &#e &c orweu .40,13011 ud Ihlldren ,o different styles and price.. fl. ha.. dae essortm out to *sleet from And wil lael latary article at the smallest proitr. WORK li st DE TO •JEDER, of rash beet autterials and rrorkmanehf Every aqui mods to' render satisfaction. the pa trooageoffherobllcle Ohl If u mud select from hla stock or Isaveyour mere. are. In either case you cannot falito bepleasod. July 17.1 SOON .11 Xints of Sravti. GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE PI AST CRAIN. e,tre s Gettysburg at 8 4 0, A M anclzuttuect. at Q+uururJuuctiOL with train's° lag North,. a.OO i ,r 1 reaching Baltimore at 3 20 P 31., , U•rrishurg .t 12 30, P M., Philadelphia at 4 10 P.M. lteturalug,arrive at Gettysburg at 12 34.1 P M., with passengers from Baltimore, Marristitirg,ae SECOND TRAlNteaes•ti etty•hurs a .2 42 P .M •nd cnoectb at ll:mover Junction wltb Mu Train Eou th at 4 42 P. 31., reaching Baltimore at 7OD P. H. •Cnturulug trriven .it tlDt tyaburg •t 6 30 P. I . *.L.k , 111.01.14t1ti1l (rota thiltituure, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, ge sarA Plummier Ctr is nla.. stsnr:lis.l to the Freight SV,4 11ttiqr., Junction at 1.10 1. M reaching liett)st)urg at 10,30. l'auttigel. ta.e lb/ Harrisburg iu t 533 A. -U. tr.,lu ur thtif reach Clettystputg by 10.30 .1. IL The (night train, with Passenger ear at tiscliud, will leave liettpbUts At 2 P. li., rnacLingtLr Juin lion at 5.25 Nor. 2d, ISM/ READING RAILROAD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, HONDA.' , APRIL 18, 1870 Great trunk line from the North sod Northwest for etilladelphia. New York, needing. Tottselite, Tamaqua, Aabland ; Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown Easton,ephrat•,Lltlz Lancaster. .Columbta, &c. , Traineleave Ilarrleburg for New York,aefollows: At 535,8.10 n. 11., 1:I.10 ta.l3, and 105 P. N., con. Emoting withslmilarTraineonYenneylvanlaltalleoad, and arriving at New York at 12.1 e noon, 3.10, a.so and 10400 respectively. Sleeping bare ancomp447 the 5 :33 A. M., and noun Ttnini without iteiuining ; leave New York at 0.00 •. X., 12.00 no and 5.00 P. N., Philadeiphia at 9.15 A. Y. and 3.3 u P.M. iiiaeping Cars accompany the 9.00 4. M. and 5.01.1 P. N. trains, from haw York walkout change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Ilmeravllle , Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove, Allentown 311 d Plilladeil,bzii at 8.10 A. M., 2.05 and 4.10 P. )!.,stopping at Lebanon and principal way Stations; 4.1 U P. 11. tram Connecting fur Philadel. Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsviiie, dcbuylklll Haven and Auburn, via Pchoyikill and Bantuobann■ Rail Road, leave Lkarristnrg at 3.40 way Paesenget Train i OSTOC Philadelphia • t 740 A. M., connecting kl,thialuillar train on Last Penns Railroad, returning from.. Reeding at 0.3 t P. M. stopping at all Stations. Leave L•ottavli le at 5.40 and 9.00 A. 311.,•Dd 2.45 P L., tiara ion at 9 30 A.M., Shamokin at 5.40 and )0.40 A. s.l.„talilaudai7.os A ...U., a (112.30 noon, Tamaqua at 5.3 y A. A., and .4. - Zo P. Si., for Philadelphia and New YO• 0. Let,. t'Atsvilla iollipehalll4ll Raiirl.ll at 8.15 A. 51. for ilarrlaburg. and 1120 A. M. for I.lu.Airore and Tremont. tte,d,og, t :corauwdation Trait, leaser POttarille at 5.4 U A.M., p SS3 es Reading at 7.30 A. M., arriving at Puu•delpll• at 10 20 A. M. Returning, leaves Pttiindelphia at 5.15 P. M., pluming Reading at 800 P. 51., art in ug at l'ottan Ile at 9.40 POItAt.WU Act /111.11,114.1416.100 Train, leave• Putts towuat A. 1, 'tort:dna linnet t'bit•A.iphl. •t 4.51.1'. 51 Columbia tt.kilroad Tralaaieaeeßeadingal7.l6A. avid 6.15 P. 11. (or Gybrats, Lips , Lanc aster, Pericismeu itsildesti r rain Ili ears PerkiomenJunc• lion at 9.00 A. 11.,3 Ott and 630 Y. I k l .•.returning, leavodebtrouir.tvllle at 8.4.15 A. M., 124 6 noen,i mad 4.161' dondeeting trial similar trains onjimad in Rail goad. ..ii.ileorook.lale Railroad Trains leave Pottstown at 9.40 A. M., arid 13.2 u P.M. retarding Mayo Monett Ploavadt at 7 00 add 11.26 A. M. eonueetlag with similar h. tralueou Haulin g ac„4 . Ciae.ier Vella./ Iteiiroad Tritium leave Brlihrpolt at 8.3 u A. M., 4.05 audb.o4 F. M., returning, leave Downlagtowd at 6.1.1. i 1 2.46 mem ado 6.1.5.. P. coouecilni with similar trains on Beadingßail. road On Saudaya item New York at 6.00 aodB.oo P.M., Phi adriphia et 8.00 A.H. and 8.10 P.M.,(the 8.00 A. M. Train running only to kteadoig,) lean* Putiarilhe •t 0.00 A.M.. 11iirriabarg at 8.33 A. M. and 4.10 P. 31., %rid Beading at 7.10 A. M, and 1008 P. M. (or Marrlaburg, at 7.1:3 A.M. bur New York, and 3.40 A. .11. and 4.40 P. 31. fur Philadelphia. Commutation, Bileage,Seasuu,Achooland Mx cur- Rion rickets ,trindfruaa allpoirica,at redaceu Balm Baggage aback eo theoiligh; 100 pounds I lowed earliPatiseri gel 0 A.NICOLLB Jeneraluparintexident 0e1"11111,, I'a , 401 Zo, / NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY .SiaLlfElt SCHEDULE On et/darter Iny .1J,1870, Trains will teats Lien o•er Junction as follows: LHAVR NORTHWARD l' m.—Dally for Williamsport, daily (steep , 3 uodays))forYlmira, Rocheater, Buffalo , Niagaralralls and Brie and tim West. 1.10 A. w —Daily for Elmira, Ronal°, am. p.m. — DallgezeoptJundays)Or Williamiport anti RM.". 0.05 p. m.—Dall3(except Sundys)for York. 10.03 a. m.—Dallytexcept Sundaays)tor Harrisburg and the West. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 7.03... IL .—Dallys toppingatrarktonouly. 7.b3 a. ro.-I-Daity(erment Sundays) stopping •t all Stations 12.76 p. m.—Daily stopping at Parkton only. 12.50 (except Sunday) mopping at Park. tou only. 4.5; p.m.—Daily (aztept Sundays).toppingat tke station.. ED W. 8. YOUNG, Oen. Pali. Agent, Ba A LWREP FISKE, Gen. linperinte ltimore nlaMt. Jllll5 lu, 1071.1.-41 Harris burg, Penn , a. ii E N NS YLVANIA. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Doubletrack [(Marooning betvreeu Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Tritium leaving Gem sburg make the followiog °enaction' with this Trunklinee Gettysburg leave at 8.16 a. m. A 12.40 p. m. /. uk.verJuuction arrive • 10.06 .' 2.06 " '. leave 10.68 " . 9.56 " darrisburg arrive 12.66 p.m. 11.46 " leave 3.60 •• 2.26 a. M. Philadelphia aril, 9.40 .. 640 " liarrisburg leave 1.16 " 12.10 a Pittsburg arrive 1.36 a. to. 930 " • At Philadelphia close connections are made with the trains for New 'fork, Baton and all Batten Cities. - At Pittsburg connections are made la the New UDIJII Depot with the trains for all Western points. • ifla o forth et" nfonosti oppl3 to BDWABLP WILLIAMS. Gon.d operiotendost,Altoona, Pa. HINZ! W. ORINIIBIL, Gap. PASSONIOT And Tick. [May 14.1268,4 gutcheriut. MEAT MARKET , • NEW FIRM! • GEORGE B. STOVER k TRAD.IIOII S. SIPUJP. usvrso entered Into partnershipin the BUT BRING 111 1 / 3 1NS88, will carry , it on in ali its brandies. All kinds of Fresh -Meat Every Day. Beef every Tuesday and' Saturday 'aiming. bud meats every Wednesday, Tbriregayned Friday *am Inge. karket stead atileq.B.Stover's reeldinceosiCham. hamburg street, mood&mar.. Those having tat stale for sale will Ind it to their advantage to call on or oddments 's, him. STOUR & WIELE. Ang-111,11169—i f West Middle Street Market (nip THS ocitnemiouss.) • Every Day in the Week, SUNDAY YXOrPTID. lreetißeetthree time week,lteedaj, day sad Batardayakoratage. Idualt,yealer items ev•ryday. Orders eft at aiyaserketitt the wants, bit prompt I y dithered theledleartitialt• 010116/ i.OODORt, Jan•ls, 180 a-t • . otice to the Paha ! • T H. andaraligmbela ram maim aide. Sksystrana owag=to Sotteanopiamporapka• dosadiai mut j ak H ~, a f Odra * peastair amy losisonmarg. and Oloramt Ilprhaga. tolllaftaag.t=ll araishag asessayabszi as laiattpus oaurar clock ma ighwatiatlyen liet kr aiP asdatratualky Wad gab ararrhellrltiliWr.""lll6l • lW 111.4 f • WMIIII/ PU M P One Bores rano= why Mk is the b.d Pulp MOw factored in .Amartca for WELLS & CISTERNS. 1 it 'a ilimpla R. It is Italtabla. 6. It le Dotabisj 4. It Werke eery batty. t. It throve' Water Rapidly. 6. It b all Wood. T. The Wood I. Testelsa. IT. It does riot Crack ha the ßon. 9. It it not liablit to get cote order. 10. Mould soy ;impairs be necessary to time, they mil sally be made bran, per ' leo. II .1t will isotherms. 12.18 is Cheaper than sayru otber nitarle mp mum. factored. Is testimony., the enpertor etterectseof thde Pomp, we refer, by permission, to the following persons who hoes had it in sum, and tested it with entire setts- Action: J 0311,1.11 J ACOB Jer. Bleaecker, Franklin tp. • GEorits Smith, Hun graven tp.; Arnold Dees, yeelktis ip,; *ya m , Latimots tp.;Jobn Cress, 0 ettyaburg; H. P. Bigness, Greenewint ; Peter Elblvely, Taira eld Daniel King, ltdtbld ; Wm. 'Poing, lionsfloy tp.; Andrew Ham stank, Tyrone tp. Persona requiring Pumps for wells or cisterns, can We them tarnished all complete and reedy tbr use by seeding the depth albs welt or cistern. Benediction guannateed to all eases or no payment re/gated. Orders by mall or otherwise promptly Wooded to, JOSEPH KUNKLE, McKnlghtstovrit, Adams county, Pa. Oct. 29, 1869:17 WANTED AGENTS, • to canvass for n/t1L•18 AND 1101/ 1 / 1 /I'll NON.JaPLO .KEROSENE LAMP, pronounced by more than Su Professors In oar Cal Absolutely safe —saves nb per sent. of mil—no bad odor—will oat break or wearout,becansantertallo. Clorageuts wake mosey, because it supplies a want as universal as tight. For full particulars address, with stamp, BIINJ. F. BOW BM, 2d Floor, Mechanics' Bank, Harrisburg, Pa . Oct 16,1569.-tf youNi"s COMPOUND 'OK 11.1.11CURIC OF PUTRIDSORETHROAT, INFLUENZA or any Aber Inflaarmator) orinwerttilstflist of the Throat I f not 01 LOO long standing. Also,Slo LIMY? 72V11t. Title medlelnehasbeentriedin THOUSANDS OF CASES, a dlfferentparta of the zoontry ,and has ***** beep knownto(alllftakenla tlm• and according todireettons. ft is w rrrrr tad tomato. Myst'', Wall and 11 willapeak for Itself. livery houstholdshoUld provide themselves with a box of this iseesineaad keepit on band*. Thacuresthatit kas elractad are truly =melon,. Ifil.Preparedsod sold by IsisisTottirst CO:Pet ytharg, Pa., or by their authorized agents. Jo el at clearly all th•Storosin Adamtheoanty. May 19, 1807.-If fillt MEL YOUNT AOO. 4 - 43011RD1 iup'+ Ang" CRERRT PECTORAL Pao Diseasa of Me Throat amid Lungs. mach as Coughs, Cblds, Whooping Cough, Broach, elsgAsso, and Urantsaptuir. Probably !ever before in the whale history of medicine. ha anythitg woo so widely and so deeply upon the coandence of mankind, as this excellent re. seedy bar pnlmounry compla lute. Through a long aeries of years, and among most of the nom of meat It hmr rhea higher sod higher in their mtimatkra, as if haabecome better known. Its uniform character and power to cure tbsrearions &Images of the cage and throat, have made It knows' as a reliable protec tor eemlust them. While adapted to milder formic( disease and to young children, it is at the ftme time the Meet eirectual remedy that can be evert for inci pient oeneutoption, and the !generous alfealane of the throat and loop. Asa pt ovation agaleat itealdeh attains of Group. It should be kept on hand la every family, amid indeed as all Cr. sometimes subject to 'colds andseethe, all should be provided whit float antidote lea them. Although netted Cantu option is thought incurable still great trimbere of caste where the dims. seem ed settled, have been completely cured, and the pa, hoot restored to wood he• al by the Cherry Peeked ilo complete to Its muter, over the disorders of She Longs and Throat. that the most obithate of them Vela to it. When nothlog else could reach them, under the Merry . Pectoral they subside end disap pear. Singers and Public Speakers Cul great protoettm from xi. dahnia Is drays ral.Ted bud °rift & •holly eared by Ir. Bronchitis le generally cured by balms Lb. Cherry Pectoral to =all and frequent dom.. So aanerally are Ito sinus. known that we need notsrohllsk the certificates of them Mere, or do !aura than mars this public that its qoalitlea are fatly noatntahsed. dyer's Ague Uure, /ler Ater and Ague listersitecitt Prom caw Frac?, Roviittent Aver, htswile Arse, Periodkat or Bilious Aver, tc., and indeed aU the affections which art's /rent walarione, seam* or asimemiorpoiseeps, As Its name implies, It does care,sred dodo sot& Cesetelniag neither ArmoisAlaintse laAageog, our any *the. mineral or poisonous siatistiod• what ever, It Is nowise infores say patient. She number sod hoportance of lumens In the ape dletaieta, al. literally beyond account, and is beiLlete without wallet la the history or Ague med#clese, Quit hide hi gratified by the acknowiedgments we receive of the radical corm effected ill 01,1102/11. Moe; sag where other remedies hod wholly failed. Unarchmeted persons, either reddest la, or travel.. tag through mlasmatk localities, will lee protected by taking the AO US COAL dolly. For Liver Coamptaintr,ariairri from torpidity of the Liver, it la an exatihmat raatady, attatulat*g the Liver into healthy activity. for Pintas bisorders and Urn. Complaints, It is an eacelletit remedy, prodoctag away truly remaritabbe cares, where other medlohme had kited. P repared by Dr. J. C. Apt* it eq., Practical sod Analytical Chemist_, Loa til t Mans., arid sold ail round the world, PRICE, 11.00 Pllll BOTTLIC: 181:Far lab, Io Getty{buri, Pa., by A.l). Dumas, Agent. (J. n. 21 , 1870 —lino{ MUSIC EMPORIUM, ...NO. 30 bast Market street, Tork, Pent.'a gale Agent auJ Deafer 1• the &Mowing wake at KNAII4.k CO., Also, the Colibro Piano full 7 0414444, uol, 4 feet 10 16411.4 lout ORGANS, Inanahetarad by MASON * HAMLIN, and !MD All Guaranteed for 5 years ar Personal and careful ottsottoo sites to the soloctloit of luitnuneoto. Address York, Pa n Doe. 10, lakk.—au PICTilt BEAM • - lkotifflPh aintries, ESTABLISHED lIU. TIPTON Sr, MYERS' • EXCELSIOR GA L L FLRIES YOBS arßzsr, °armor/RC PIOTIIIIIII OP ALL BrlfialL - Views of the Battle-ftel& Spud Sta4for Cataleptok ALIIITALS. 14; 1 ao& i gt.A4titAirr sarrAtty, Itaraidi Pet . pat Deo. 3, 1.69.—tt • phgtographic - t JAcoil7P.F.Ngn,. T 8 prepared at all times to fa ski Iced style of the art ail timbre PHOTOGRAPH% AMBROTTPP BON TONG, CARTER,. LMRERIRLA AND ALL OTHER STYLES, at Mt :arm as Baltimore street, Warty' appoint arde;storivBwrlburva,bereasi7o4o.! Attiums, Photograph Itames, casaatti on bus/ sod I , lCe Teri Sp r Alt m airria777"l""ili shall : a;t:etrilatlaa Ulu all Um rilpiteil Cheat, 11110010-11eut ft If Oa shut 'WM Winn *O . THE OVOIIIMIIi WOOD TXSTINONIALL PETER BENTZ, EMEII O 404C11 STECK 4 CO, J. C. BURNS, STEINWAY a SONS, CIIICIKZRING I 80N8 ALBO, HAM A SONS O nitird S 141101* LOOK HERE 1 T HE . undersigned has leased the Irambous• on tb swornorol Strettosettrmit sad ettysburg ,Ps., andwill oarrjos tb Gkain & - Produce Business a altitabeaiehoe. Th• ulsheirt prices willitlirsys be pektferAheatjay.,Ocern,Oete, Ole dttleer thy Peede, llexisaed, atnnee, Ray and Straw, Dried itolt,ltnte,l3osp, Mutts Shostdsra and didia,Potdo toed, with siorythiag :lag lathe e unary produce Itse. GROCERIE S OF ALL KINDS nonataintl) (or sale ,Ooffeee. Sugar" apps, Toaa Spices, Salt, Obese*, Vinegar. Soda, Mustard,itareh,Brooms, Racket., Blacking, Soap, to. Also, 00411, OIL, rub 011, Tar, to. rum of all klada s. illpfkamand Nallnametking and Claiming Ta. bacon H. Is *llia's able to 'apply. Brat rate article orillour with the different kind. oi Feed. Alio L _droand elute?. witheaanoaandnherfertlll nom MAL; by the& usbeL,ton orearload. H. WiUyae run a LINE of FREIGHT CARS to NO.NISNortb floward, 5 LLTINONN and No. all Market strait, P LADELPHTA. An gioods swat to eithorplaes willbe r•celred sod foroordod result Lll .00da , thould be okarksd-"CNNBB Aprily,l469.- I JOllir M W 131.1 Joseph Wible son, PRODUCE DEALERS, Louth-east cornero/ Railroad and Washington strata GETTYSBURG PA 111011103 T oasts infra paid fur all kind. of Grain, II Hay, Straw and Country Produce generally.— Constantly on band for sale all kinds of GROCERIES. The best brand. ot FIIIitTILTZZRB constantly on band, °rano:trod stsbort notlce. April 22,1876—a NEW FIRM. A. E. ECKENRODE HAS Vasa the Watabouse, lately occupied b Philip limn, at Granite Station, on the line of th Gettysburg liallroatl,2 miler from Iluoteretorti,and willdeallo all Unclip! Grain and Produce , stains tko highest market We.. I will also Ito* conaMntlyou band for sale all kit:idiot...2n . aROCERIES Coffee, Sugar, lifolsaami.ityinp it,nreas. Ac...altk Bel Flab, 011s..Tar, Soap*, Bacon and Tobaotoa, An Abo.atolamt breads of PLOCX. with ,ice of al kfeda; ale% Coal. I raapiatfally aollolt th spatronageofoarfrlanda, and' write the public to call and emanala• my stock A.S. XCHISNRODE l!T =II 0 ROBERT M'CURDY, DICA.I.ER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES *a GETTYSBURG, PENN THIS a nderelgaedie paylagathie Ware-boase,la Carlisle street titloialag Baehler's Hell,the blittestprlcesfor 71,013 R WHIRS, RYR., CORN, OAT/3, BUCK WHEAT, CLOVIR ANDTII.IOTIIY-BREDB, POTATORI3, Re., Re., g•lte•producer. tegi•e him.cal lbsfors lie has constantly on head for sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES Itolaases,Syromiloales SagarsAc.,with lair /lob 0112,Tar, doape, Bacon and Lard,Tobaceo•ote. Also tb•bestbravidsof /I Win, with ?BCD of all libido Es likewise has SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS Soluble Social tio'no. thodaa' Phosphate and • ♦ MoxlcauOuaus Whilst hepsys thehlgheet market price. forst] be buy*, he *edit at the lowest livid& profits. Re OWLS • / dal* of public patronage, resolved to glv• eat efaetivalaeveevease. 1.01:1 MR T McCURDI July 23 A 8119.—t I NEW FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE HAVING parehasecithe extensive Warehouse, Oars, an., of Cott. A ILtaasasw, the nodentgaed latend torarry on the buslneal,nn. der therm of Lamm at the old stand on thisoserier of Washington mod gailroe dot rests , on • mere eatitaalta teal, than heretofore molar lineal Freight Cars rlittaays oat Wareboase every TOIIBDAY NOON, and wont asodalkratralas wlll he ran as oersaion may reonlie By this - arrangement we are _prepared to convey Freight at all thew to ;ad Urea Baltletere. All business of this kind entrusted to us, will be prompt ly attended to. Our care ran to the Warehouse Stevenson it Bons, 166 aorta Howard street, Best more. Being determined to pay good prices, sal cheap and deal (slily, wei neiteseerybody to its as a call. WM. M.BIGHAM. ALILYANDERCOBIAN JAMMIIBIGIMAM. lasi , I,t Halt seat gutubtr, put, itt. Cook and Parlor STOVES, OF ALL KIND.% The latest Mid most approved atyles HEET-IRON AND HOLLOW WARE.. Coal and Lumber OF ALL KINDS c Examine I .C; B. EM B'S _ _w4te. Rooms, ooRNIIt of .i3LE, RAILROAD mwn' JAO6II NIVW FIRM. COAL & LIME! HE ruidersigned have entered Into partnership, and under the firm of sr* °mous ant pony on tie 13mung Business, ein•bi Burning laws Illaa, on *Omer of lainnollikan Munn' arum. rumors and eaters ma relay ea gating tie Nut of Limn at eltidaunkonsitas lovesnynarkes tatty,. , — n l .4llll•Abie sannantly on lima Rum sad IF -adualltk C 0 A L =3:=3 M. sad *al dellvered arlionatrinirl, MA& WM J• MARTIN, Wholesale and ietell Del/lasi GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. A I.lrge lotat lin/aerials Met I nu: srlllcl Cheep or Cad, CLIOICE LIQUORS, Old Rye Whisky eight years Old. Pery Old French Brandy. ALL OTHER KINDS OF LIQUORS, A geuerel a...n0/eat of BITTERS, et/1411ff whlcb Is ■bier's Herb Billet, JOHN CRESS WI Pare Liquors for Medical pur poseg•t WM. J. MAMTIWB. Table Cutlery, Glassware, Queens- WARE, &e., at W.M. J. MART/NT. April :9.1869 WM. BUYER & SON, DEALERS IN GROCERIES NOTIOA S I TOBACCOS, ALSO, Stone, Wooden and Willow Ware. *atuA general assortment of all Goodausiially kept in a FAMILY . GROCERY. D.c.4, 11167.-t. BARGAINS at the new GROCERY IN GETTYSBURG. JACOB W. CRESS LTA VING °pent d a new Grocery,ln Clartylibury,o o the northwest corner of the Public Square, basins' received a splendid assortment of FRESH GROCERIES, Including Sugar., Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, Tea. pleffli,Tobacco,9alt, Flib,llams,Shouldera,ir Also QUEENSWARE, CONFECTIONS Nuts,lrelitajlosps,Fancy Artlclepand Notlonr limier ally We will alsokeep on hand /LOUR and MID STU/18. Having purehseed for Clan, I am prepared to se;l very cibeap . etre me ac•lland Judge for your selves. 8ept.26.1867.-t f J. W. 178/13P. GROCERY,„. WM. E. MNALB HAS OPENED A Grocery, Vegetable and Notion Store & Brother's Marble yard, in EAST YORK STREET where ha Is prepared to eel u cheap u the eheapes aavehlag ialde Mee ass *all. March 1„9,41189--0 Carpal:ll and Sontradonl. GEO. C. CASHMAN GETTYSBURG, PA., Carpenter and Contractor, RESPECTFULLY informs the publlethst h• has remoyed toll's now Shop on Stratton streatbetwean York and Railroad street and Is prepared to takeeoutracts for putting up and rspalring Buildings, at as iaasonabl• rats builder In Gettysburg—oil work g teed tube best quality. il•hopes by strict attention to bus', aunt° mod tpubllepatronage. Olve ma a call April 9.1889.,tr WM. CHRITZMAN , GETTYSBURG, PA., Carpenter and Contractor , Raving remorefi to my new shop On Washington street, between Riddle anti 'Jhambretburg streets, and ntrodaced Steam Pewer,rem prepared to for Malt all !rinds of work for banding purposes, of thip best mater al,aud as neatly and eh eaply as le can be do n• a t say other eistablishment la the atom ty Xx perlenced Hands always la readiness and work ex ecuted with promptness aad Maw ch. filr-Orden for all kinds o roe kets,iic rells,You Id imp, to., prom{ tly filled and on., essonable tense. Anr1116,18111.-tt Wm. C. Stallsmith & on GETTYSBURG, PA., Carpenters and Contractors. Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Door and Window Frames, Cor nice, Door & Window Brackets, &c. Oosatantlyon head aad ataaataeturod to order o BEST MATERIALS, LT export mood workmen And at REASONABLE PRICES. 1111,0tdonprotaptly &Undid to. A150.16.111119.—tf WATGRES:& JEVETARY. WM. P. McCARTNEY ' WIBBB to WasOvetimers sad the Mlle enerallyi thatinivlas pareliesed the Were* of his Parham L. V. B. Born) la the Watch sad &NMI/ Store on Baltimore at.. Gettysburg. se will He h n m o M ls om re t une d n fo t m hthCn y to •/1. with • epleadld amortment of BOLD AND =MR AMDRIC42I.4.NO LW1.14 wAranza, WILDY: nurs.s, EU AND 7.41361 8 P00114701z8• BOLD. SILT' Di AND STALL 1114. am APICTA. Ml 4, , CLOCKS of Osbert saw .afacture. YMCA!, lIVOTIM Will, VIOLIN BOM AR IttlitthflASCitSWE AND BALMS& 11-Watch and Clock Work warrented kw one year. Jewelry repairing executed la a neat and workroom like maser. fkept. 10, Lted.--41 DANIEL OAS/MAN WATCIII &JEMMY, 114.1411 NOM 11111 O:111112111111kepeserstljaany :ratupurau. As smediusi of Watches, .1•Toky,1111m "ad Plated Wan Ilmst =el." ?Zan = groceries'. REMOVAL. I HAVE REMOTWO 70 North-viest Coiner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, Pa., whom Ulan be haPIP.I to volt upon on my old No' Mama and all who may favor me with a cell. Ia addition to my Mock of GROC*RIES, NOTIONA • I have added . QUEENBWARE, FIRE PROOF • AND GLAERcWARB, all of which' I Invite the public to call and =am Inc March 25, 1570—tayeIC lEKRT. =:=M ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Star * Snubs" esbaui. CHEAP PRINTIN AT Tilt Star & Seatiael BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE Baltimore St., Gettysburg, Pa. *t a. Haring secebtly addled largely to one already Weeklc of Book & Fancy Job Type, We are folly prepared to accommodate oar old cu towers, and all others who limy favor as with their patronage, in the best style of the art., et the shortest settee, and oo the most reasonable tense. ' • Printing of Every De scription, UNEXCELLED IN NXIOUTION, UNSURPASSED IN STYLE, &ND UNRIVALLED IN I. DEA klir.BB, AT THE STAR & SENTINEL, Baltimore St., Gettysburg, Pa. PLAIN' I= Ornamental Printing, Frost the Ltrgest Potters to the meant CM'S. (. OMMERCIAL PEDITINU EIMX!I BILL HEADS, CARDS, CHECKS, DRAFTS, ENVELOPIIB, LABEI2, SHIPPING BILLS, RECEIPTS & RECEIPT BOOKS, HANDBILLS, DODGERS, &c.. EXecoteti promptly„ t►o be' t madam, and at t►a• vorplowest prku. BOOK AND PAMPHLET' PRINTING, la luso or mall orden la ea good style sad at • tow prism as •oy °See he the coustry. Ws rompoottally sok • alma by Shoal doshiali say- Wag la oar lin% ma KW GUARANTEE BATIEUFACTION, loth in stile of work sad priapism la 111th w• I=l ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY .4a. TENDED TO. THE GETTYRBIJRO STAR & SENTINEL 18 THE BUT ADVBIITIBIIIO 1131111101 IN THIS COUNTY. rrs min or 11141 14111:11111 uoyoforsap be •ma dam of the sigiatala. It losable* Ivry sifr task* MO* tits Ihrisiii; Irma Wahl dere; old Me** Wpm& dradatios la Mem die ==lrZ , BUEHL= Ban/more 0. te.troms, Cb WIEZI TERMS OF Srait txn !IENTIN 4 day mornind, at 4.110 a 7 It not paid within the year contained walla tiii. option of the publish AIIVERTISLIMTS ink r.ites. A liberal maudlin advertising by the q • Special notices will_he Inge be agreed upon. air The circulation of t. I. one half larger than tha newspaper in Adams cim tking medium, it canuoi... Jou WObta of all kind:, tod and at fair rates. Pamphlets, &e., In every prititod at short notice. .1 g,roftssiatuti I . B. WOODS. --A remuned the Praettee to any bustneut to the ► (]flier :—Nun. J. B.'llanne eoriter of the. 1)111100nd. lareh 4, ICO—tf J. 31. lERAUTII, - A Colleetlotei awl ay legal tended to. OEllee on ttaltlnvire et house. .luny 1 P41;9---(1 D. A Utile, one door west of 11l r nan iber ial attesburg street." Sp ;Orin t Settlement of le.srateir. A claims to Pensions, noun; ages against U. State*, at ettielently attended to. • Land warrants located, tale in lowa and other . w June 18, lsto—tf J. COVEN', W 11l promptly attend to Business trusted to taste oaten between Pah Zlegler's stores, Marinlore 3tay ::J. DAVIDA. DURUM AVID Rill promptly attend to is Business entrusted to his Mice at 1114 residence In ing opposite the Court-holt. May 'lt. DAVID WILLS. A 011 lee at hi re.4l,lenee t Centre Square. - May I),li7—tt DEL 11. N. SoNlthra.t turner of Chain toll ‘treets. 61),,51te Cot„ ' June 11. 1869--tf DR. J. W. C. O•RE Has Ms °Mee at Its reshten two doors above the (Jam May 23, 1447—tf JOHN L. KILL. 31 I M., on Cliantberstntrg the EsilLE Harzt. Getty ' sir - Having been In cons yea r. patients C3ll be-assnr .July 9. 1,i7--tf DR. .1. E. Beak Flaying liieated In Gettig to the publfe. uMice In Y. site the Globe inn. Where attend to any eaae with! Dentist. Pertains In want teeth are Invited to van. - July :to, IS69—tt earriagts, =1 "BEST ALWAY' • • Tbe ItesL4i4 s, Brill :tud IiAItNEASaf all ‘ kllitl a Ala acs be found at the stand. Haitha.we rt oppr Churelt. [NJ CR E. uric RIDING and WA ' Ire the roost substantially OTal HARNESS. (plalm • romp ;7 4 .1 10 every respect very best " 141 I P" WC ' to R uppt...ft can not be beat. most durable. HEAVY DRAFT are made to order. as el ea anyathere and In the hued RIDING BRIDLES, Haines, Fly -nets and ever) ele t per. UL R PRICES have been REDUCED 10 the I A liberal percentage I. amounting to 40 or more. We work 'nulling but the warrant every art terettlen re ra c i t i 1 C a i 4 u r i r past rese furors our present stock. ireG 1 ce us a cal luul exa Jan. IdCS-4f BUGGIES AND REMO THE undersigned has making shop to the east Gettysburg. Pa.. where he all kinds of work In his ho. CARRIAGES, TROT ING-Top BUGGI WAGONS, lils work is all put up of the best of mechanics. and istaction. Ells prices are solicits orders. confident th REPAIRING promptly d • W July 1. 146d-1y SAVE YOUR PATENT HORSRC • FILM undersigned has f RILATED COLLARS, Berry, Phi Ladelph wtd • theotection City Passenger pr of &Loa. eight. Absorb notheir moistuse Cerg with which they are tie, the Collar adjusts to and consequently does not thou. Also, H A R of all kinds for safe and my establishment on earl Pa., adjoining Passenger May Ai, IS7u—lf , CARRIAGE- The war being over, the nl:fled the Carriage- . • • at their pild stand, in-East burg, wEere they are work in the most batik; superior manner. A tut ut CARRIAGES, B I on hand, 'which they wilt prices, and an orders Will and satisfactorily wepos3l. R P•il done. with dispatch, anti at A.large lot of new azidol for nue. Thankful for the Ilhe enjoyed by them, they -deserve a large share the May V, ISei—tf En MEAT i NE W,• (,',60. B. arorzit 4 C . 1 . 11129t141 X -r" brawl" An ,idtbilsog Fresh Meat Beef every Tumidity a Small meats every W • • Friday morninin idazket stand at Geo. B. Chfunbegsborg street. - Twee having, fat stoat , tFrm.heir advantage to tail e . Aug. 13, 1801-11 • West Middle (Near tbe Every Day in SIAND4a ti x►..a Bed Limo) ttosesi 'weds; mid fiat4Udie Mutton: everydair. • tbel wide ' kiting June /14 les-tt