* Statisti lobnus. HEAP. R.4.NTI.NG At. TAR Star Seatiael 00K & JOB PRINTING OFFICE ltimore St., Gettysburg, Pa. 'lag rectally added largely to rev already Wire or ok 4!‘ Fancy Job Type, • rally preporid to sotoutuaodato oar old c amid an oasts who nay lint us with Omit la las boot Mitre( the att, at the shattoat sad on the moot roaboaablo term. nting of Every De scription, EXCELLED IN 71X11017TION, ErNSUILP.,MED IN STYLI; AND• UNRIVAIILED /hi 4.: ilki PNILBE, Al THY AR & SENTINEL, altimore St., Gettysburg, Pa PLAIN LEM namental Printing, largest Posters to the smallest Cards RCIAL PRINTDIO Such as CARDS, ill CHECKS, DRAFTS, XNVICLOPIId, LAULM, G BILLS, REPTS a RZOLIPT BOOKS, JELOTDBILLS, DODGERS, ac prampUy. la tb be t MINIM Wat the vary lowest prase. ..111ftur . • 40, AND PAMPHLET PRINTING, sal oast tbs *nl'4l 6 lll, as pal st ask". yle aad its as lay m Y'I'TT -.r;. ARANTEE 19ATI8PAOTIO2i, lip se work tad pnrytaise la lUllaig on Ilars. BY MAIL PROMPTLY AB IX IDED TO. THE GETTYSBURG R & SENTINEL MST ADVMMIIING MEDIUM 11118 COUNTY. 'Or Mani emptier So bow wimaskr. It alroakaas tlie Iltraers. sad is red 17 a& Ime tie Impost alriWithe la Adis, est PUBLISHED OS JET,WS PSIDAYs BUEHLER da CO., Baltimore at betverea Cburt-house and Diamond, GettPinMl, TI MM . OF PUBLICATION: TEE &rift LID itsarrnua. is published every Fri day morning, at =OO a year in advance- or u.sp it not paid within the year. No subscriptions dis continued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publishers. Anviarngsmorre axe inserted . reasonable rates. A liberal reduction will be made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year.— Special notices will be Inserted at special rates, to be agreed upon. air The circulation of the 32.118 AND is one half larger than thakever attained by any newspaper incounty M and. as an yer: Using medlutt iW cannot be excelled. JOB Woag of rill kinds will be promptly execu ted and at lair rates. Hand-bills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets,, the.,lti every variety and style, will be printed at short notice. TOMS cum grotto:Wol Carib, kr • H( B. WOODS, Arroßifir AT W, klas &warned the Practice of Law, and will attend to soy busiussa In the Courts of Adams conati. Of ace J. B. Dettner's Baildiaa, bouta Zan corner of the Ulan() sid Kerch d, 1870—t M. KRA.UTLI, Attorney at Law, Gettysburg, Po ilellectlona business promptly attekded N. office on Baltimore atreet,soutb of the Court-house. Jane 18, 1869-tr AcCONA.UGHY, Attorney at a-a • L. .w, orle•ooe.toor westof Buiates's drug tlttecon•rsearg street. 3;eCial Mention Oven to Smits,Oollectiontaad tottlement of dstates. atl legal business, and I tt n 4 co ?cahoot, doonty, Back-pay, and :Damages Li J. it "et.. 111 mes. promptly tad edielent ly 4tteuded to. ! Lat • ceeted. :twice farms for male sod other western States. "L toe IS, t869.-t( A J. COVER, ATTORNEY AT • • LAWowillpromptlyattendtooollectioniand allother Businessentrustedtohiscarip. pace b•twoele fahnestock sad Oann•r•tkd Z!eg r•• .jr . Iltr.lalreitrestasttysbarg,Pa. Stay it.1.86T• j A. VI D A. BUEHLER, A.TTOR ( gr kr L 4.11% will promptly attend to solleo ohs .11 it! 'cher Susitiess entrusted to his cars. I • • 41.tafters to the threettory building ii‘is rid llonss. (Gettysburg, May 29,047 )1V [D WILLS, ATTORNEY (Ice .t bit..eildenceluthelloath-leas r :or Jf.loutreSquars. =MEM OR. E,l. S. HUBER, r u iS. Minsbersburg and Washitglorm sires COL. TOTS 'S Leu Ham. Jane 11 1849.—tf DEt. J. W. C. O"NEAL firs the Jllee rt his redldence In Baltimore •Ereet,E I ,r• tbov e the Conaptier Ogles 7ettyiburgOloy 29,1.867. j WIN L. HILL ,1,D., dl &N TM? s:ke.o Chawbersborg eeeee t, nearly opposite th A lag's Hotel, 0101Y8BURG, PINN•A felr-tlrving been In constaoriiractlee over 20 years patients can be assured of good work. Poly 9.-1, DB. J. E. BERKSTRESSER, Dent lee, guying located IroGettyaburg. offers km v ices 1, ? the public. OfliceircYork street,mearly ppo.ltrit* WOG Inn, where Elawlll be prepared to to Au', ye.; within theprdvlnce of the Dentist f f all or Paatiatliettotteetharein ' lied tocell. terms reasonable:. July 30, 11169.—ti earriagto, garusf, al. SAVE YOUR HORSES ! Patent Elastic Cork Horse Collars. -7 1 , H E undersigned has for sale these CELsattersD I.NILLA6B. manufactured by aver k harry, Philadelphia, which are bow flea by alrtbe City Passenger Railroad Companies fir the pr,tection of their stock. They are liskiter in Waiiht, absorb no moister.. and do not heat. The Omsk with which they are atnffed Dein; very elastic, theOollaz adjust• to the shape of the animal, and consequeutly does not chafe. Farmers, try them. Also, HARNESS OF ALL MRDEI for isle and made to °roe-. Call at my establish ment on Carlisle street, Gettysburg, Pa, ulielnlag lb* Passenger Depot Ilay ?o, 187o—tf A:VID ticCILKAILY. Jona ). YcCRIAsY "Best always Cheapest.? • VIE Best and Cheapest, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS and, 11" A R NESS of all kinds, in the Couv MI re always to be foand at the old and well known atand ,Balttmos• at 4 oppositethe Preabrtatiaa Crhafroh (McCREARY'S.) Oar Riding and Wagon Saddles, are the must aubstantfally built and neatest. Our Harness, (plain and si/ver fnount ad,i ore complete i a every respectead warranted to be af th• very best =scoria! and workmanship. Our upper leather Draft Collars, CAN INS es MIS. They are the best PITTING and most durable. Our Heavy Draft Hammes . , are mule to order, as cheap as they eau be made nay where sad in the most substantial manual. Riding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft "flames, Sly•nets and mrythiag in the Ila None bitter or cheaper. Our prices ii.r.b....isßaosp to thelowestli ring standard, & liberal percestagefora ash ,off allsillssmonnting ,to SS or more. We wort nothing but the best of stock sad will -warrant every ertici• turnedcrattoboln eseryreepect as represented. f hant.frOforpai tf• ears •elaelte attention to our present stock. Whales decall•naeXlMine PlllOlB qn.ttarr Jan.39.1103. - tf D. MoOILL'AIT * dON. nARRUGE-IttAKING RESUMED. •warbsing evar,th•andersignedhaviresumed the • WIFIRLLGI-MAKINOBUSIN*IIB, at Matra/ stand,ln Bast Middle street, Gettysburg where they are again prepared to put up work In the most fashionable ' satiptantlat, and superior meaner • lot of sew and second-hand a£ EILIAGSB ,BUGGINB ,40 on hood, whisk Oily will dispose of atilt* Inwost pHs's, sad all orders will M supplied as preaiptly end es‘jsfactorily as swasiblo. _ erREPAIRINGJII .-don•witly.qtyyjitoh,sadistalisapost rates ♦ larg• tot of new andold fl•liN11111 on kaad fo tale. Tbaakfalfor tba Memel patronage keretodere en• loped by them, gbeysellaltand will and de. serve a large skim to thefugars. May 29.-t f Itildfilli a zriazaz. Buggies and Carriages. REMOVAL. Pill undorsiowl has romovoill his Carriago-osok tog shop to Cho oast sod of leddlo stmt. 04417 , - burg, Pa where tis will coition, to build all Wads of work In Ls 11”, CARRIAGES, TROTTING & FALL ING-TOP BUGGISY, JAGGER WAGONS, &a, &O. His work Is all put up of go material and by t►e beet of mechaales,and manor fall to give mile. .taottoa. His prices are always reasonable. He aolLo its orders. confident that be can pleas*. ItIPAIIIING promptly done. at moderatecates. W . i. G £LL•9H3It. July 1„11168.—ly flit anii girt §ussrmt. ADAMS COUNTY mirruAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY INOORPORATZD, KABOB 18, 1851. pillow reildwat—Georig•SwOr. V lee•Presidirat—esaviii,lassoll. i.eretary —D. A.laeklar. fru/minor-I.G. fatisestook gzeentiv•Ootaalsteir—Zobor MeClardy ,11.A.Ple is , Jacob Kin. gccogers.-6wKllwggD. • ilii•kler.l.N.Ont y 3. R. Its 11.0 . lisknintock,G ettysbarg; Jacob ging. iambics township ; itredorick AI. ♦. Picking. litraban; Oxintd; igss. loss White, Glicirty; H. o.Peters.Petorsbarg 7.8.) t.Thl'Oompanyliltiltadialtsoporstioa.to t aunty of Adana. It has boas La operation for mon loan IT piste, and Is that paziod WM awl* bit 'was alatoot.b avlag paid low* by ars tubs that polo/ noitatlag toovorsl6,ol/11. Layioraos daalrlas awls atrium:ran apply to oltloy of l b . itatutgots. men • luestly• Ilsaianta• Ruts atthipeallee • onapasyrea Um lad Ilredseedayamt? woe -Web& 1.11. • Maw 1111.111$ BAST ADVIRTIBING na =mow VOL. LXX, NO. 31 Removal 1 Removal I ROBERT - D. ARMOR, GAS FITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL HANGER, QUI to•Saand ►t his residence on Corner East Middle and Strait(' n'Sts GETTYSBURG, PA., • WILL promptly attend to all or dors In his line. Work done In the moat satb. factory manner, and at pricesas tow as can posiriblyto• afforded tomake •11 ring. •' GAS PIPE urnlahed, as well as ()kandellas, Brackets, Drop LAglitatc.• also WATER PIPE, Stops,Top Frost Bpigota.sall,la short...everything belonging to visor wets's-ll:tares. Bells hang, and tarnished If desired. L.dek i.oi al kinds repaired, (April 29.1870-If GETTYSBURG BAKERY, Tag Arm of Newport & Ziegler boring been &e -solved, th e nnderdgnedarllloontlnnetheßaking bualnees,in all Ito branches,at the old stand, Corner of South Washington and 11 est Middle streets, Gettysburg, Pa. lIRACIUIRB, OAKES, PRETZELS, Ao cunt tautly baked and alwaysto be hadfrati Wltl many years experience and *Tory poeltion to please, he feels that he can promise sat tbon In all cases. Orders whetted, and promptlyattendad to. With many thanks for the patronage bestowed on the old Arm, its continuance is asked. B ALTZER NEWPORT. Aprl9, 11169 STEAM SAW MILL rr Hl{ undersigned has in operation a STEAM SAW I. Mll4, at the &nth Mountain, near Grudge burg Springs, and I prepared to saw to order bills of WHITE OAK. PINS, HSMLOCS, or any kind of Timber desired, at the shortest notice and at low rates. He aim manufactures SHINGLES, PAILINGS, be LUMBER, delivered at any point at -the LOWEST RATES. 3 per cent, will be deducted for the cash paymenta, or interest will be charged !tom the time of delivery of Lumber. Thankful for past favor■, be would deeire a continuance for the MIAMI. All letters *tumid DO addressed to him at O raeffen burg P.O. Adams comity, Ps. kab1,11,7 MILTANBSEGER. Oct. 29, 1859.—tf ICE CREAM SALOON. JOHN GRUEL OFIAIEBERBIIII.II6 BT, OITTYBBIIIIO, Ras always on hand a large assortment of all kinds of CONFECTIONERY, made of the best materials, with Fruits Almonds Raisins, Figs, Cakes, Le. 'ICE CREAM, served to cnstomers, and orders for Famill m or Par tias promptly llliad. Having spacial aecommodatiams for Ladles and li saltless en, and det sun ed to please, he lushes his friends to give him a ea 11. April 5, 1870.—tf SurVeying-. 7 Conveyancing, J. S. WITHEROW 3 FAIRFIELD, PA., . Tenders hi■ servi , » w sae ramie as • PRACTICAL SURVEYOR, and is prepared to surrey tarots, Lots, to., on res sonable terms. Raving taken out a tionveputeses Limnos, he will also attend to preparing DEM, BONDS, BBL/•4213, WILLS, LIMB TIOLBS ON AOAUBYBNT, ULNA/LING •T to. • Saving had considerable experience in thisline,he hopes to resales a liberal share of patronage. Bast. au promptly attended to and charges reasonskle.— PostOtlee oddes's, Vairield, • dams eo.,Pa. Jan. L. MC-4 JOHN CULP GRANITE-YARD , GETTYSBURG', VA., ON RAILROAD, NIUE PR,NIQXI7 DZPOT.= PETER BEITLER Ls prepared to furnish GRANITE, torah kinds of BUILDING AND MONUMENTAL PURPOSES, Curbing, Sills, Steps, Ashlers, Posts, Monuments, Ceme tery Blogks, &c., &c., au hind finished In every style desired, by bat o == 11011-Orderstrom a ittatanetpromptlyattanded to inno3.—t! • COOPERING!, PF.TER CULP COOPERING BUSINESS in all its branches at his residence on the Mummer burg road, at the end of Carlisle street, Gettysburg, Pa. The public can always hare made to osier all kinds and styles of MEAT VESSELS, CEO Cr STAND& PICILEL STANDS, TU$ ,• PLCUA BARREL& • I also manufacture Ai and 10 gal.liegis ,Oidskr Barre/s. And all other kinds of Oooperhig. Repairing done cheaply and with despatch. Giese us a call. Ang.l3, 18119.—tf NEW BUSINESS:- Upholstering & Trimming. WILLIAM E. CULP H A 747t7ZenitPe7ite w°T r Pl.lor:s:ss, ro Covering Sofas, Chairs, Mat trasses, and Uphob3tering in all its .branches. Re also conflation his old badmen of Trim:Din SaggioyCiarrtaiteeSte., sad soMoitefreas the public their patronage. Magee moderate. Gettysburg, Pa., Dec.ll.—tf BLACKSMITHING. B. G. HOLLTITIALIGH H AS opamod a BlacksaittliSlop oa Washingtoa street, next door to Oluitankaa's Carpoator Shop, sad tap/owe/to do all /dada ofIILACJIMILITE INGratesamaabIo ratoa,aadiavitarasharootpablia !Waikato. 211PA/11.110of all Staid/. Woo moLsoall.. April 110,11411—tt JEREMIAH CULP GETTYSBUBG, PA.; Undertaker & Paper-Hanger, a p reparad to tarnish on short notion andenessable tsar 00771N8 07 ALL BTY.LXB. gelds* bleoloa ka_at Wt. anortaiestotrAt r*PliAlwftriestliki.basisarklater tarrl a . l4ll a & Pdarak MOO •40 - .4.Thrlt , zap irEcurso 9./0)412L- ,firrisibtainoi-iitur*mmast offaitlisnOftarsib _____—.......armanquin -....-.............--._ ~ . •... , L. a . s ue. ~ , \ ~ All kinds of BagAD, BOLLS, next door to Nagle Hotel, at reasonable rates— Has commenced the HOWE MACHINES! THE LATEST IMPROVED & GENUINE ELIAS HO WE, JR., SEWING MACHINES. JACOB. F.- THOMAS, Agent, GETTYSBURG, PA. At his residence on York Street. ORDIRS wilarepromptli attended to; Machine delivered to all parti of the county andl nstruo. Mons 07en gratis. ItE—Yitepublic *recant loned against parties who use the name of HO WE in connection with their ma chines on account of the popularity of the Rowe Ma- Chines. Thereare none GENUINE unless they have imbedded In each machine a medallion having the kenos. of dGLAS HOWB,Jr. on it, As. Feb. 26--tf tug chints t farmiug Vmplements, 4r. DODGE'S PATENT REAPER MW MOWER AND SELF-RAKER. This machine hu met with the most cowpf et* SOC. car. In every section where it Lot hems Introduced, it has taken precedence over those machine' w4loh have heretofore ranked as first-clue. It is a perfect Belf-Naker and a superior Mower. A careini examination will convince any one of lie superior merits over all ethers, in simplicity, strength and durability. Al a Sell-raking helper it has no equal to our —vvotatedpe. The Dodge rake is attach." to no other mashine to the United States, lament to this machine. Built by toe DOWN. k bTSVISNIA/M Manufacturing Co., Auburn, New York. Also Tax NOTICE of yas COMPANY TO OVA AOKINTd Haring bean ieformed that certain manufacturers In Ohio and elsewhere are building keepers. with DODO/I'g ItZLIV , ItAIUe attached, we ask you to for nigh on the nan.no of all ptreons vending CV ppn aiding such mach Ines r m we have never licerated %pi parson or persons to mautifacture said ur any paet theme, and will prosecute to the fait ex tent of the law all persons manufacturing, selling or using said Self-hate except of our own mum:suture. JUDAS A. LOWY, Yresident. We bee* that confidence In this machine that we are willing to glom wanting a machine teat It with any other machine that piny wjeg, and temp the one that gives the mart Farmers wanting Droppers attached can be seem modated. Vor the benefit of thole wanting machlitts we would refer thew to a low of thine to whom we have sold, tie: Usury Culp, Peter Markley, JObll B. Lem, Wm turner,- Jesse D. Newman, Dliaha Penrose, George P. Winter, John Deardorff, Asratiain Waybrlght, Ephraim Lady, David Plank, Jonathan Wiaier; John Dockenunlth, Jamie hDchle.r, Peter Nom men, Daniel dettie, Henry iihriver, John Bender, thrtetien bhrtvpr , Jahn Yckert, Noss Hunter, itt,gF7 KING Jelin Lower, Anarew Wrakeri, John N . Boyer, .J. George Phutpi. ON HAND A YZW SECOND HAND }MAPES/IL Also, WlNDSthrfli HAY DANJOS, of different make,*awoke. whist' is the Brazos Nate. 11. few rurl tia o I alff lltaS, Itirveher and Separator one of the hest sad cheapest ever altered in tailcoat. ty. usiticbetlise Lumina itiLL AND PANg IMPLNHSNTN teiNDJAALLY. Perste* 'slatting to epunlas machines will And them at the Watauga of Jogai W?ii. lt Nos, Denys burg, Pa, or at the residence of the etitapriber, miles from Gestysbarg, on the Llarrlsbarg toed. aXtIf.AS thiaILAISTLY UN HAND ia :ciao of b•taucege. Persons treating Circulars will address the souecriber, Gettystnug, Ps. WM .WIBLI, Agent. May 27.—U STILL AHEAD ! HOFFHEINS' REAPER & MOWER One of the greatest Machines of the Age IS superior to any other Michins now in nos; an will extol any that will ever be Introduced, bar lag been thoroughly tried and glees paeral 'webs lion. 1 would now inform all thou who Legend pus , clouds' Meentass so call and examine for thweftres. This Machias Mt:toted particularly to excel all other machines In strength, durability. ease of draft, and reliability el work, In all Wade or aid grata,..- la M a4 t i li a l d iars i ta a lees. li i ,ia Wi t i r i s aa sed is a ter L'ln' rake at trellea a ealarater. ix cats 6 feet X incase la grata; lest 10 lashes in grass; ham a sting opium ber, with wrought lion guards ; It can to. wed as a Single Mower as well as • tioutolosd Machine. Atoll trial of the Mashie can be bad. 4150.11/11MISIMAA'S naILY-LItiCHAXWING HOR6M RAYS, and Cgs greataad wall-knows ISAAINT M 484, the best rake/1510 handmaid. We would also call year afteuthill to the ;WU DODBLN 8110 VAL PLOUGH, wrought item trains, spry Lahr and HMIS, Heal shovels, molly ImU.stod to Mb 'WWII Pr 465, and Is neatly and isogotalky made. LLB% TUN fiLANLAN. 'AND sicsuroi ,74N -161Ati MILL, the OW oeasneroegh tea Improved, for emu pare a gross favorite among the farmers of Pennsylvania. /tints:go and strong, hal two cockle screens, and warranted to work perfectly. Also all kinds of/LAMING I . I LPLI4fIX TB always on hand. Any person vlah int to exantina these machin ate an see own at the Battle-Bola Bow or at toy readonoe, 2 Wien front thatydnarg, between-the Taneytown road aid MI6 Baltlinorapik - IIWIB A. BUSHMAN. micy:kisaa—t f 'Siren! stabits. WEAVER & SON. Livery, Sales t!z, Exchange STABLES, Waehingionet., Gettysburg. Fenna TAKE pleasure in announcing to the public that they have better aecommoda• thin than ever to supply the public with all styles and kinds of Conveyanses that an be found lo a first glass livery. Their Horses, Hacks, and Sleighs cannot be beat by any estabtlatuneut In the town. In prices they defy competition. Horses and. Mules la:night and sold, on resaonablo terms. GIVE US A CALL. Take Notice. THE undersigned. is . desirous of awing up his old aceoanta, and wou Id ask all those tndebtad tonsil and settls the same. Ths books will be foam' at the above stables and all penman in debted WO earnestly saqueousl to call sad sonar* their amounts. NICHOLAS WICAVUR. Dec., 1810.-t EAGLE LIVERY, Sale & Exchange Stables Opposite Ma Zagte Hotel, - atasebessbitry .stseet, SZITTSBBtIRG, PEfi'.N'.4 THE undersigned have opened a sow LIVIEY, &ALI AND =CHANG) STA tn this pleas, sad art prepared to offer suporkw soconunodatkous le this Him Ws have provided ourselves with Buggies, Carriages, Hacks, . Light Wagons, &c., of th• latest stiles, suilloimit to mint the public de. wad. Our hones are rood, without moot or bum. /aboind panto rotisido—nons of your "old alp. plea," bat all el Ds 'IUD' ardor. •• Biding ps.ties can always in accommodated and sou Is equipments fataishad. ' Parties, large or can gotjust what the want on the man aamammaamig lama: Visitor, to Om Battle-Sold i p=attuniiod toa ad rollsbla Mimes far anima if Pittissoannir ~arras and from the Depot upon lb. arrival depart of ovie7 train. Horses , haul t, mid, or st rain. and olaaTo chancel Dr barnins glum. One motto is "fair play and ai r p = situation paid to furnishing V► Moles and Hacks for - Amoral& *rite latter 0111111111111 that be *barging mode,. atoll and by taraishing superior actooniniodstlona, we issuot hill to piano won ono who patronises oar ostablishinent. MDT J. TATZ W/ILLUI D. uskrairossui Doe. 81.1N10 Sardszn, any, kg. Hardware and Groceries. The sabauthars Rau Jut rotund Eau tbo dna with 11111M•D•• 'apply of HARDWARE sad ORO OILHES, oblcit thu Altag of *dr stand ea Salto attau, at prior to ftit itte thaw Oar go* ooludits Javan - • OAJOBBITIVII T 111ACILIMI M AI I TOM , • own imaeres, NM 'mares; CAILIINIA.IIIIII/ fo 11011:1141011 , 2111 iILKINDSoit GROCSAINZ 07.1 LL =NA% One, Palate s *" nen Is no amble laelmted la the -several departments milatimint'abor• bat what as M bed b thlaatona lima '.em at Mitabenhe Asa be hart inet tale mid illailbt sap fad Warp l ardede la Atte a se poem preptred to 1 Jaw tee OSS Ow bowl cm. ,Pir lot the - • - • 1931,14 111119,41 gooks, frugo, Vitditinto 69. JUNE A PULL ASSORTMINT OP Drugs & Family Medicines PATENT MEDICINES, LIQUORS AIM WINES FOR ERDIOAL PURPOSES PURR RPIORB ♦ND FLAVORING LI/TRAMP DYES' AND DYE BTDITH, 130AP8, PEDSTTMEB AND TOILKT GOOD: INKS, WRITING FLUIDS AND STATIONERY PHYSICIAN'SPRUORIPTIONS AND FAMILY ar, VIPSS AOCURATKLY PUT UP PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRYI,RECHANTSAUP PLIED AT REDUCED RATES. Forney's Horse Powders the beet end cheapext for Hone., Cattle end Swine. Other Horse Powders of Approved alike, HUI3ER'S ? Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, Petin'a Jane 11, 11189.,—t1 DR. R. - HORNER has resumed the Practice of Medicine. °Mee at UM DRUG STORE, IN onsumanuna ST., GNITTSBIIIIO. Also, Dealer In PLUM DRUG% 112DICINNS, BAKING SODA. EYI DI'S BTOP/13, Pula: SUPPICINZ Jan.l4, 11170.-to R. JAMES CRESS PRITGGIS Store in Branca Building, Ballo. a LITTLESTO WN. H AVING opened a new DRUG ISTOILI and fitted It up In the but style, I offer mystock of pure and fresh Drugs to the slitting 01 / 411 0 , 1 4 Wit and vicinity at the lowest market rates, 001:111114Ing in Wirt pr Drugs and Family Medicines, Pur Liquors for Medicinal Purposes Patent Medicines, Horse Powders, Pare Spices. Dyes and Dia fliuff., Perfumery, Tel let. Soaps and Taney art Woo. A full assortment of Brushes, ISsilopery of allklode,Cfgars,Tobsecoand BuulL 44r-Koores ilectro-Maisetlitoop will wash with hard or soft water, cold or warm. Clothe. washed with this Soap are made beautifully white without boiling or blueing. 'Thistle the best Soap I. .Try It. It is wanuntud oat to Wit re the bands or &brio. Littlestown Aar IS., t, JAMES Initbo. A. D. BUEHLER, DRUG & BOOK STORE GETTYSBURG, PA DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINEB BOOKS, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES, GOLD PENS, Chambersburg street, near Diamond ilifirCountry Merchants supplied a City wholesale rates Feb. 2b. 16T0—tf gottls and gtstaurants. EAGLE HOTEL. Th.firgeet •nd most3ommodleue la .1 YTTYBHOI4.6, PBNWA •••••1 01.1114•111-11•1710:1A•D WASZIAO7O JOHN L. TATE, Proprietor gar A. nOmnibui,fo r Passengers •nd itagrago.rre o tho Deno, oh arrt•alanddeparturt of.R•l Boa Trains. Careful aaaaaa ts,androaionablechargoa May29.1867, KEYSTONE HOTEL' GETTYSBURG, PA. WM. E. MYERS, PROPRIETOR. N 0?A OPEN. Tuns is anew House, and has been Atted op In the most approved style. Its ocatlon a pleasant and Coivenlent, being In th moutbaslness portion of the town. Zverywrrang menthasb *en nada! or themmonunodatlonand eons rt et gam te, with amplestabllng•ttached Wits xpetieneed servants, and accommodating Clerk we shall nee every endeavor to please Thli B nowapen for rheeatertalnment of thep.ll wedadlymUeltaahareolpublicpat sssss Ilar,lllll. ESP HOT,EL e HARRIS. HOUSE, BAL27IViI 0.321770317R0, MN! tIHI understood has opened a Hotel, the HAIUtil HMIS, In the lately enlarged and Itahannee mmatary Brisk Betiding on Baltimore street, tiro doors Irma the Goa rt•hoses. Gettysburg, Pa.,and le provided - with ecoommodatloss for the osabrtable easertalassokof a large Ember (Woad'. His ex winos la the boatmen warrants him la promising orktaistlea is amp cae4 s aad he *els Getters that those who Sop with dupe will coil egbia.-- Charges moderate. Ms Table will ahrays be nalplied with the best the Oetsysburg sad Stithaore markets may afibrd, whilst ids Bar will hare Os obotaset pimp, lafrewe, 11/1111, 41p. He aiso has imple 9 tab ll ßG , Tilb a good Host* in artedanoe. • llama *are of Wablidpationage lo rewmadeedli aollelteel, sm it e ffers will be spared to deserve U. f W. P. lig/AWA. UNION HOTEL Dioxin:Rix Tax warns YORE SPRINGS, PENN'A. E. P. kITTEDTGEB, Proprietor. rp HS undersigned leassd thieleag estalindr. 1. set "Rd popeiat Betil. Petersbork sponge geseeo) spin so tlYbrt to AUN T eisp paucities Ali. !be Hotel is bested with large and esesibretble Obasebers erases SI sopve satisiastiou. Flis 'Bible will be aelpollll4 Irak sis best that the seatket tee stherd ; hie allireCßlStair MIMI bet tbii best of Weems rite is ehee w.i seppllki eltb , lee g/t the Ihnuaer seasserlhla beteg tie only Betel be the vim* that trie. an 76e Iteestntnitterbeil, Thli ng entie te eseeetaten Thlaibell6- tel eeeme , stab ett7h spiestsia ketnietx mk s a dove eirtbapeige pubeamisall 411411M11011. el** *all se ,etrap IltasihkeUbee by the= l :l4e22l:' beggito ; , • • • t . T. 131,1178114 Tedt1107161.0110,11111111.•011 GET.TYSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 24; 1870 Baltimore Lock Hospital. 69. Physician of this celebrated latEttntion, haat , 'le. covered tbe most Certain, Ppeedy, Pleasant and Ef fectual Remedy to the World for all DISZASIS OP IMPRIMIS/Mi. Weakness otitis Back in Limbs Strictures, A ffectioh of the If iiksys or Bladder,lnvoluntary Discharges, Impot rimy, G enter. al Debility, Nervettiniese, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion et Ideas,.Palpttatten of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Reed, Throw, Nose or Skin, Affections of i be Liver, Longo, 8 tanked' or Bowels—those turf. bye Disorder. arishig from Solitary Habits of Youth— s/ban and solitary practices mere fatal to Gigr victims than the song of the ryrens to the Mariner' of Ulysses, blighthig their most *Want hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Am., impossible. YOUNG YEN wbo hive become the lletbns of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and deetnictirahablt Which an nually sweeps to an untimely grate thousand■ of piing men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwleehaveantranced Ibten ibg Senates with the thunders of queues. or wak ed to ecstaq the living lyre, may call with full con fidence. Married persons, or Young Men 000templating mar riage, aware of Pliyelcal Weakness (Lose of Procrea. tire Power—lmpotency), Nervous Ilacltabllity, Pal pitation. Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily rebated. He why places himself under the are of Dr. J. may religiously *dide in his honer tie a gentleman, end confidently rely upon hie shill es a physician. OROANIO WZAHNEfid, iMPOTIZNer, LC,S'd or POWER, Immediately Cored end Yell Vigor Motored. Thir distressing SiTectfon.—which yendentilfe ml.. arable and tourisge impoesible—is ttilt 'Pella I t petit by the victims of improper indulgences. Youn g per sons are too apt to toinsult oxalates from not being aware of the dreadful coneequences that May emu.. Now, who diet nnoerstands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreet. is lost owner by those falling into improper habits Vials by the pi udent i Besides being deprived orthe pleasure of healthy offspring, the most serious sad destructive symptoms of both body and mind mho. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and„kiental rum" their weakened, Loss of Procreative 'Min Nervous trruebility, Dy *viola, Palpitation ei th er Heart, In. digestion,Constltutional Debility and Wasting of the Frame,Cough, Conenesptlob, Decay alid Death. 4 01184 W4f4L4NTBD INIMO DAYS. Relief In six Hoare, No Illmaiwy Persons Ruined by Ignorant, Twain/Pretenders and their Deadly Poisams, should epplyintmediet e d i . DA. "JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgegus, graduate of one of the must emlatewntkillegee uu the United iltstimond the greater part at p hue Mu bee been 'Peat lb. boop;tale of 4A,Pabiirrhile delpbia and elsewhere, hu effeettet IMO ur tits Must satioilahlog cores thst were tree known; many troubled with ringing in the head sad are when uleep, great nervousness, being alatued at sscdsla sonnets, Lubin mars, with derangt Went of wad, were cured hunattilately. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured them seires by improper 4naulgouce and tobtery habits, which ruin both body ana mind, utaitting them kir either Ladner/1,44v&, society or martlege. These are some of •the sad end alidascholy effects pi oduced by the early habits ofyouth, viz Neatness of the Bach and limas, Pains in the 14.4, Dimness or light. poem of kluscabar Power, Paiplietiort or ti ta fleas t, Dyspepsia, h Orton' frritability,Dyrapgement et the Digestive tunCtlons, thiseral Petality, By Dip tome cat ounsuniptudt, IIENTULL.Y.—The fearful offsets on the sand are MUGU to be dreaded. Wm of Jiteroury, Gaetano° of /deas,ltepreaskin of hunts keit Foreboding', • ter soon to *ale ty, delt.lastrusi, lut e of /Solitude, Timid ty,,ltc., are sums of the evils produced. Thousands at wants of all ages Can now Judge *hat is the cause of their declining health, luslng their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, haring a singular appeerande shunt the es, cough Slid lqapttaus of Cuwaumptlon. Who has e Injured theraselies by • eirt•iu Practice, indulged In alma Muds, a habit trtimently learned !nag evil cotapantobs or at ichool. the_ elfecte of which are mealy tali, area when asleep, 'and I/ am' Mired, renders stainiegslatposeibie, atiddeetroys both nand sod body, should apply initoadiedidy. la hat a pity that a young mac. the hope of his comotry, the pride of hte pareati,eboald be 'batched from ail prospects and employmant N lite by the coneequence of deviating ;rum the path of nature, and iboutalog a tertian 'caret habit. Such persona must, before contemplating Reflect that. a woad wield sad bade 1110 the tetot oe. codas" requieltes toieced* counnblel hipplusee.— /esed, wi th out the w. Jeurney through ha be cause ► Wavy pilgrimage,' the judepegg hourly &ik on. to the ir linrs ihe ailed becomes dusihnirod unit Weetwit , wel gibal with the ntelaselinly reflection that imp ltapinwe le blighted ebb dug .we. When the =Moulded and Imp mideint votary of plea sure finds that be henizehibed the smear of tlarpain nil disease, It too chits happens that an 111• Weed sense of shame or dread or discovery deters bins ring applying to those who, from education and rs spectabilny. can alone befriend blio, ,lelsying up the cunetittitketal symptoms of Mils horrid weenie makes their appearance, suck es unstated sore throat, dia eased nose, nocturnal pains In the bead and liable, Caine= of sight, deafness, nodes on the able bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rspldity, till at last the petite of the Month of tbp Pones of the none fall in, ape tbe'rletign or l• avr oul aleerup bcoques a horrid object of come:deers:kip till death puts a period to his dreadful seaming, by senolog biro to that moths- COTered wintry "from whence no traveller returns." 1118 a welauchoil fact that thoomuds DLIS victims to this terrible disease, throash tehleg Into Ow handier Igno.ant or anskillini PlikraholtbB, who by the use of that deadly' Poison, Memory, ac., de: 'troy the couststritton, and incapable of curing, keep the unhappy soffeter month alter month taking their noxious or injurious compounds, and instead of being restored to a renewal of Life, Vigor and Happinees,in dated, leave him with ruined Health tough over his galling &isnot, talent. Tp IMO r thOretore, Pr. longues pledges himself to preeerye the moat Inv toleble ffeczety, and from pis extensive prsotice and observation, the great Hospitals of Europe, and the first in this country, viz: sooleud, Preece, .Platiadelphls, and elsewhere, is enabled to offer the Moat Cerullo, epeedy and If f• factual /tettiedy In the World for all Diseases of Im. preCienCe. PERFUMERY &c., &c Office. 7 South Frederick a &Limon, ND. left band side going from Baltimore street, a few doom from the corner. not to observe name and nom bet. ag-Ifo letters r cool v uniess l er" tpi.id and Dig a stamp to be used of the reply. ?mous writ- lag should state ago, and send a portion of adrertiase meat deweritiang symptoms. There are to many Paltry, Deeigulog and Worth. lees imposter" advert:slog thetuireivesirs Physician', trifling with and ruining the health of all who an. fortunately into their power, that Dr. Johnston deems It necessary to ally eurpmially to those OWlC quail:dad with his reputation Met se t. Credentials or biplanes always hang la his °Oise Or TUN PRILlig. The many thousands cured at this Establiehment, year after year and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston witnessed by the representative •f the preen and leaky other W achs, mitres of which have sypeated again and again Deems the public, besides his standing its .reitle• man of character and responsibilit3, is a ellfildent guarantee to the &Minted. SKIN DUALISM! SPESUILY CUMIN. March /3, 18 7 0-2 7/Pr ' W. N. MILLER'S Corner of Baltimore and East Middle strcpfr, Gettysburg, Pa Every Description of Work executed in the finest style of the Art ALL KINDS OF Cast, Wrought and Wire Tunisian ON TEI stIORTRET mynas Jolt 17,1870-4 f G ErrYBRURGMA.I 3 /3 P C YARD. 41e* 't 1 Torldtrestolottisbarg Pl. rieretly areprep#r• ?toter alai} lk deo w orb I Mire fr is 111101 •l ALONIIMANTB,TOII3S,II.IIADITOMMI atihmkortoota qqap,stigain !!!p th dumps 4pe lir as a•a I. Prottealateßlas haat. ileattyleurg .11 ay 116.1i1l FOR' SALE '4ll 3,:r ra Pern , " aktaber+WS St.; etiV4/07, .11111 HOUSE ii 4 two ov a =Pao vas! stasignfis,r-u h rL'i Z it /44 Virdirat DR. JOHNSTON, 111A.RILIAGE TA&X P.►BTICULI& NOT/C8 TOL SU USN MAHRldtit, OLS/LiSNI:or Da. 40106T0N, Waal: Inds. MARBLE WORKS, Rulings, 111111'Ll11 to. to • ght star and Satinet. THZ OLD CHERRTWOOD CLOCK. It has ticked, with the bell, That a wedding could tell, It has ticked, keeping time with the gong It has ticked at the birth Of a soul brought to earth, To tattle and grow with the strong. It has ticked through the nigh When the small shaded light Saw the weary, fond watchers above With the breath dying fast, Ere the life-lease was past, Of a parent or child whom they love. It has ticked to the tread As they carried the dead Through the old-fashioned hallway and door, And it ticked right alon4, Just as steady and strong, When the funeral services wag ~'er. 'Tire an honest old I it Witt a dingy brax. . nd. Tracing round the old al ! . ach day lint it seems to tot 11, With a rnyaqa spe.l. How swiftly our lives p::.I away. "rib an heir pool at Lest, Look lug odd with the qv Of the modern apparel and icare I With Ita wondering glum; At the present odd ways Of the new generation and fare. Thers's a problem to solve. As the hands slow revolve; Whether modern folks, manners and a Ars as true and as good As the odd folks so rude, Whose hands pined the clock In the ha INuIDEXT iN AIRRAILMSAJS LIFE. BY JTIDG/I ARRINGTON I shall never forget my llratilsinn of Jtam Penton. It was in the 'wort house al Little Rock, Arkansas, in the summer of 1834. The occasion itself possessed a terri ble interest, well calculated to As in the memory all its circumstances. A vast con course of spectators had assembled to wit ness the trial of a young and very beautiful girl on an indictment for murder. The Judge waited at the moment for the sheriff to bring in his prisoner, and the eyes of the hnpatient multitude"eagerly witched thy door for the expected advent, when sudden ly a stranger entered, whose remarkable ap pearance riveted universal attention. Here is his portrait dune as accurately ai pen *can sketch it. A figure, tall, lean and sinewy and straight as an arrow ; a brow massive, soar ing, and smooth as polished marble, inter sected by i large blue vein forked lite the tongue of a serpent ; eyes reddish yellow, resembling a wrathful eagle's eye—u brit: Bent as timidity piercing I and finally, a month, slight, cold and sneering—the living embodiment of unbreathed curses ! He was hal•ited in leather, ornamented, alter the fashion of Indian costume, with bisada of every color in the rainbow. Elbowing his way proudly and slowly through the throng, and seemingly al together unconscious that be was regarded ea a nhenomenm thitt needed explanation, the singular being advancea, anu wan me haughty air of a king taking his throne, seated himself within the bar, crowded as it was with the disciples of Coke and Pink stone, several of whom, it was known, esteemed themselves tar superior to those old and famous masters. The contrast between the disdainful coun tenance and outlandish garb of the stranger excited especially the risibility of the law yers, and the junior member began a sup pressed titter, which soon grew louder and swept around the circle. They doubtless supposed the intruder to be some wild hun ter of the mountains, who had never before seen the interior of a hall of justice. Instantly the cause and object of the laughter perceived it. Turning his head gradually, so as to give each laughter a look of infinite scorn, he ejaculated the single word—" Savages I" No pen can describe the unspeakable malice, the defiant force which he threw into that term ; no language can express the infernal furore of his utterance, although it hardly exceeded a Whisper. But he ac cented every letter as if it ivere a separate emission of fire that scorched his quivering lips, laying horrible emphasis on the s both at the beginning and ending of the word. It was a mixed growl, intermediate betwixt the growl of a red tiger and the - hiss of s rattiesnate—!'rgatiages ,I" It cured every- body of the disposition to laugh. The general gate, however, was then di vorted by the advent of the fair prisoner, who came in surrounded by her guard.— The apparition was enough to drive even a cync mad, for hers was a style of beauty to bewilder the tamest imagination and melt the coldest heart, leaving in both im &gloat-lop and heart a gleaming picture, enamelled with fire and fixed In a frame of gold from the stars. It was the spell of an enchantment to be felt as well as seen.— We might feel it In the flashes of her pile tenance, clear as sunlight, brilliant as the iris I in the classic contour of her featizres, symmetrical as if cut 'with an artist's chisel; in her hair of rich ringlets, flowing without a braid, sober than silk, finer than gos samer; M her eyes, blue as the heaven of southern summer, large, liquid, dreamy ; in her motions, graceful, swimming, like the gentle wafturee oft bird's wing in the gunny air ; in her figure, slight, ethereal--e-a syph'i ore seraph's; and more than all, in the everlasting smile of the rosy-lips, so frank, so serene, so like starlight, and yet thrilling the soul as a flock of electricity, Ais the unfortunate gis I, so tastefully dressed, eo incomparable as to personal charms, calmly took her place before the bar of her judge, a murmur or admiration arose from the multitude, which the promp Interposition of the court could scarcely re maw from swelling into deafening cheers. The mnrmor,was followed by a loud un• earthly groan from a solitary bosom, as of some one in mortal anguish. All eyes were centered on the stranger, and all were struck with surprise sod wonder, for his [coati writhed 44 if in tortpre—tortarp gut his rain of tears cook) not asunage.— Ott what could be' the cause of this sudden emotion I could any connection exist be- tween him, the apparently rude hunter, and that fairy girl, more beautithl than a him- mom of summer, and in countenance celea ial as a star The judge turned to the prb►oner—"Em ma Greenleaf, the court bag been Wormed that your counsel t lanel Linton, ;L• sick and:eatutos Wend. Bate yowwlnployad ny other V' _ . She simmered in a voice meet as the warble of the nlghtlaple. and &air at the song. of the skylark- - !'M7 eoesties have bribed all the Imam even ray own do be sick; bat God will defatilke bummer At this raw* so topoldag In Ito aim* pathos, a pluton or tho auditors bossed ap plat>ae,and,the-rest wept. Op the yostaas however, the leatherrobbed otroogef l wbollo sweet hod_ PrevieuskY attic mitosolted .the prhowir, sad iddivind solutblng U. be" S. Site hounded several inches from the floor, pale wild shriek, and then stood pale and trembling as if in the presence of a ghost from the grave. All now could per 'eeive that there must be some mysterious onnection between the two, and the scene assumed the profound interest of a genuine romance. The stranger addressed the coast in accents as sonorous as the trine of an or gan—" May it please your honor, I will de fend the legal rights of the lady." "What I" exclaimed the astonished judge, are you a Remised attorney?" r "The question is immaterial and irreva lent," replied the stranger with a sneer, "as your statute entitles any person to act SS counsel at the request of a party." "But does the prisoner request it ?" asked the judge. "Let her speak for het self," said the stranger, "I do," was her answer, as a long-drawn sigh escaped, that seemed to rend her very heart-strings. "What is your name, as it must be placed on the record? interrogated the judge. "William Denton," said the stranger. The case immediately progressed. We will briefly epitomise the sqbatenee of the evidence, About twelve mouths previous ly the defendant arrived in the town, and opened an establishment of millinery.— Residing in a small room back of her shop, and all alone, prepared the various articles of her trade with unwearied toil and con summate taste. Her habits were secluded, modest, and retiring ; and hence she might have hoped to escape notoriety, but fur the perilous gilt of that extraordinary beauty, which too often, and to the poor aud friend less, proves a curse. She was soon sought after by those gay fire flies of fashioe, the business of whose life is everywhere seduc tion and ruin. But the beautiful stranger rejected them all alike with unutterahle scorn and loathing. Among these disappointed admirers was one of a character from which the fair mil liner had everything to fear. Hiram Shore belonged to a rarely at once opulent, in fluential, and dissipated. He was himself licentious, brave and revengeful, and a duel ist of established and terrible fame. It was generally known that he had made advances to win thq favor of the lovely Emma ; apd had shared the fate of 411 her ether w ooers —a disdainful repulse. At nine o'clock on Christmas night, 1833, the people of Little Rock was startled by a loud scream, as of 'some one in mortal tenor; while following that, with hardly an interval, came successive re ports of fire-arms--one, two, three--a dozen deafening explosions. They flew to the shop of the milliner, whence the sounds emanated, and pushed . back the unfastened door. A dreadful scene was presented. There she stood in the centre of the room with a revolver in each hand, every barrel discharged, her features pale, her eyes plait ing wildly, and her lips parted with an awful smile 1 And there at her feet, wel tering In his warm blood, his bosom literal ly riddled with shot, lay the all-dreaded duellist, Hiram Shore, gasping in the last agony. He articulated but a single sent ence—" Tell my mother that I am dead and .nna in h-11!" and instantly expired. "In God's name who cud this ? exclaim ed the spelled spectators. "I did it !" said the beautiful tulllitter, in tier sweet silvery accents. t'l did it to save my honor!" Such is a brief abstract of the *sell dal circumstances, developed in the examina tion of witnesses. The testimony closed apd the pleadings began, First of all, Fowler, Pike, and Ashley (all famous lawyers at that time in the south-west) spoke in succession for the prosecution. They about equally partition ed their eloquence betwixt the pr ironer and her advocate, covering the latter with such sarcastic wit, raillery, and ridicule as coacie it ; matter of doubt whether he or his client was the party then on trial. As to Denton, however, he seemed to pay not the slightest attention to his opponents, but remained motionless, with Ida forehead bowed on his hands, like one hurled In deep thought or slumber. When his time - came, buwever,he sudden ly sprang to his feet, crossed the !iv, and 404 4 positiop almoit touching the foreman of the jury,he then cqmetenced in a whisper, but In a whisper so wild, peculiar, and in describably distinct as to fill the hall trout floor to galleries. At the outset he dealt ip pure logic ; eu filyaing and combining the proven facts, till the whole mass of confused evidence look ed transparent as a globe ot'crystai, through which the innocence of his client shone luminous as a sunbeam, while the jurors nodded to each other signs of thorough conviction. That thrilling whisper, and concentrated argument, and language slip pie as a child's. ; hpd satisfied the demands of the Intellect, and this, too, in only twenty minutes. It was like the work of a mathematical demonstration. He then changed his posture sal as to sweep the bar with his glatree ; told, like a raging lion, rushed upon his adversaries, tearing and rending their sophistries Ibto atoms. His sallow face glowing like a red hot iron, the forked blue vein swelled and wreathed on his brow, his eyes resembled live coals, aud iris vele; was the clangor of a trumpet, I have never, before or since, listened to such appalliere denunciation. It was like Jove's eagle charging a flock of crows. It was like Jove himself hurling thunderbolts in the shuddering eyes of in ferior gods. And yet in the highest temper of his fury be seemed wonderfully calm. Ue employed no getture save one--fiesh of along bony Yore finger directly at the pal lid faces of his legal foes. He painted their venality and unmanly baseness in coalescing for money to crush a friendless female, till a shout of stifled wrath broke front the multitude, and some of the sworn panel cried "Shame!" And thus the one tor had carried another point—bad aroused a perfect storm of indignation against the Prosecutors—and this eh° in twenty min utes. He changed hb theme mice more, 444 TOica VONT IP a Noma dirge and his eyes pled with tears, u he traced a vivid picture of a man's cruelties and woman's wrongs, with special applications in the Cale of his client, till half 14eiautn ence wept like children. But it was in the peroration Ltist be reached the smith both of term, bud sub limity. Ills Amuses were _livid u those of a corpse ; his vac! hair appeared to stand on. end ; hie nerves shook as with a palsy he tossed Vs bandit wall'' , toward' halms each Anger spread apart and lutyering like ' aka game of a candle, as he olosed the last words of the deceased Hiram Sbore—"Tell my moths. that I tun dead and gone to h—ll l'! Ilia emphasis •on the word hell embodied the elements of all horror. It was * wail of immeasurable despair—a wild howl of letialte torture. - Woo can *victim edict latt ell who bawl II- Mew roomed, women , abriebed, sad one poor mothering, home *way Ist convulsions:- The satire speed/ s :led The jury • het seedks of "Not *0 gist the box, and Wen \ • WHOLE NO. 3619. tremendous cheers, like successive roars of an earthquake, shook the court house from dome to corner atone, testifying the joy of the people• At the same moment the beautiful milliner bounded to her feet and clasped the triumphant advocate in her arms, exclaiming—"Oh, my husbatd ! my dear husband!" Denton smiled, seized her hand, whis perea a word in her ear, and the two left the bar together, proceeding to the landing, and embarked on a steam-boot bound for New Orleans. It seems that they had previously parted on account of his cause less jealously, after which she assumed a false name and came to Little Rock. How he learned her danger, I could never ascer tain. They retuined to Texas. The husband was a colonel in the revolution, and escap ed its perils only to fall the next year in a terrible fight with the Comanches. A new county in the cross-timbers, a county of wild woods romantic as his own eloquence, and of sun-bright prairie beautiful as his own Emma's sweet face, commemorates his name—the name of a transcendent star that set too soon, which else had now been the that luminary in the political sky of Texas, if not in the circle o: the whole Union, for he was nature's Demosthenes of the western woods !—N. Y. Sunday Times. Tux Saves WOAD/Ml.—The ancient world had lie seven wonders, which were much talked about, and which people traveled hundreds of miles to see. Ant the seven wonders of our time are more useful, and quite u remarkable, The seven wonders of the world were : ?Wet, the Egyptian Pyramids l ; the largest these is 793 feet square and 469 feet high, and its base (-were acres of pound. Second, the Mausoleum, emoted to *Kt. solos, a king of ,Caris, by his widow Arte misia ; It was GS feet long and 35 feet high. Third, the Temple of Diana at Ephesus; this was 425 feet In length sad 220 feet In breadth. Fourth, the Walls and Hanging Gardena of Babylon. These walls are stated by Herodolns to bare been 80 het thick, MO feet high, and GO miles ip leugtli, and the' statement is deemed credible by modern antiquarians. • Fifth, the Colossus at Rhodes. This - was a brazen statue of Apollo, 106 feet hi gb, standing at the mouth of the h arbor of Rhodes. Sixth, the statue of Jupiter Olympus, at Athens, which was made of ivory and gold, and was wonderful for its beauty rather than its size, The Pharos of Ptolemy Philadelphu.s. This was a light house 550 feet high, on the Island of Pharos, at Alexandria, in Egypt; a wood fire being kept burning oa . its sum mit during the night to guide ships into the harbor,, The seven wonders of . the world now are: The art of Printing ; optical Instruments, such as the telescope and microscope ; gun powder; the steam engine; labor-saving machinery the eleotric telegraph ; and the photograph. A airwrissi.sw traveling In Ireland hired a pure pative as a servant, who he thought g,,,fc LAMA AMU/ Utill.l.Jll V/ We 4wr4asu•J Observing a beautiful residence at some distance, the following colloquy ensued "Patrick, wbo lives there ?.' "It's Mr. Fitzgerald, that's dead, sir." "What did he die of?" "He died of a Thursday, sir," "How long has be been dead, Patrick ?" "If he bad lived tlil next Thursday, sir, he'd been dead a year." The gentleman, thinking Pat's wits were wool-gathering, asked : "Have you taken anything to drink to day, Patrick?' • "Nary &trap," "Will you take a little V "I will, sir." "Well, what shall it be? Will you take the raw liquor, or will you bave grog, or shall I make you a toddy P" yer honor please, I will take the raw liquor first, then I can be a drinking the grog while you are making the toddy," Jozp Bp.t.tztps thus speaks of a new agri• cultural implement, to which the attention of harmers is invited, John Rogers' revolv ing, expanding, unceremmions, self-adjust ing, self-greasing and self-righteous haw rake iz now and forever offered tew a sen t erous Thee mikes are as easy to keep in repair az a hitching post, and will rake a paper of pins sowed broad kast in a ttu aker lot of wheat stable. Tebze rake kan be used in the winter for a hen roost ar be sawed up in stave wood for the kitchen fire. No farmer ov good moral karakter should be without this rak, even if ho has `O4llll/4 o steal one, A GENTLIMAN was pralaing the pretty hair of a lady, when one of those terrible children whom Providence seems to have sent on earth as scourges of hypocrisy and falsehood, exclaimed : "My hair would be as baudoome as mamma's, If She'd let me take as much care of it as she takes of heri Mamma never sleeps in her hair, but al ways puts it away in the bureau before obe goes to bed," A xoung lady having !'set her cap, " for a rather largo specimen of the opposite sex, and having failed to win him, was telling her sorrow to a couple of her female friends, -when one of them comforted her with these *olds : "Never mind, *elle i there arses good fish in Ike sea as were ever caught." knows that," teplled her little brother ; "but she wants a whale." _ . Tux other• day IMO ladies were out visi ting• There being a little two-year•old present, one of the ladles asked him if he would not kiss ber- He answered; "No." "Wbr.t is the rebson you will not kise "/ 'ln too little to kiss you. Papa wi kiss you ; Papa kisses all the big girls." Re was permitted to play with his toys. Ting 2..“ srm..—lt. is understood that the Senate Finances Committee will not report the tax bill, recently passed by House, for at least a week, awl during that dine they will consider bow the income tax can be dispensed with. Great efforts are being made to effect a reduction of tha tax, on spirits, but the committee decline to enter tain the question of reducing that tax. A Tonto lady, wishing to entangle II young man in , the meshes of Cupid, sent hie the knowing invitation "Oh, will you come to tea with 1, And help me eat a custard pie!" To which the young man, with corrrs• ponding sentiment and grammar, replied : Another one's asked me to tea, And I most go and sup with she I" A tarsq lady In town who was beasUag of her teeth., Was el* if they were natural or artificial. "Neither " was the reply Ilabey are outicsperekl7 Aoltiorrroruz. pepsreliiilntoptd sips ;big the growlez wheat oroge look finely every whenksaid a orop lava than the *Temp is expected. I Dmoorrsirr.-;ilpar u4seiedll, ! Wr never heard I rims *So ceukfity "I ani content!" Go where you will, saving the rich or poor,. the Matt of c•lnpetence or the Man who earns his bread by the nifty sweat of his buw; you hear murmuring and the voice of complaint. The other day we stood by a enoper who was playing* sherry. tune with the ads around a cask. ".1.11! sighed he, "mine is a hard lot—forever trotting around like a deg, timing away at a hoop." "Heigh° !" sighed a blacksmith, one hot day, u he wiped away the drop., of perspl- Mtloo from his brow, while his red ima glowed on the anvil, "this is life with a yettpanoe—swehering and tryum• one's self over a Dm* "Oh, that I. were a carpenter!" rj iculated a shoemaker, u he beat over his lapatoue. "Here lan, day eller day, work log my soul away in making soles for others, coop ed up In a seven try ultie mom." "I am sick of this out door work!" ex claims the carpenter, bolting and swiltetint under the son. 'or exposed to ti* inclemen cy of the weather. It I only were a tali- "1 la too bad perosetoolly cries the Ten or," in be compelled to sit perched rap here, plying the needle all the whit—woaki that mine were anut 'active life!" "Last days o grace—the banks won't discount—the eirstomers won't pay—what shall I do ? grumbles the members 1. "I bad rather be a pack horse, a dog, any thing 1" "Happy fellows ?" groans the lawyer, as be scratches his bead over some per plexing case, or bores over some dry record, "happy fellows t I bad rather hammer stone than cudgel my brains on this tedious, vexatious questions And through all the raminc..tions also. ciety, all are complaining of thelr . calling. "If I were only this, or that, or the other, I should be content," is the universal cry, "Anything but what I asu." tilo wags the world, so it has wagged, so It will now, "Coat. Oct Jon " Memo Coat.—Ak RoilacTllle (PIO correspondent of the Pitts burg Commerciat says: "Johnny Steele," the farmer boy, :Ai prince, millionths, but now teamater; la one of the celebrities of this Lowe, Asa self-made man be Is as stains an example as can be fOO,DAI anywhere. Five or six years ago it wee estimated that be was worth between two and three mlln4ns of dollars ; but to-day he is reduced to the necessity of earning an honest living by hauling coal along the streets of Rouseville, and doubtless a greater blessing to the com munity than in the days of his prosperity. His case furnishes as apt an illustratirm '44 the truth of the old adage, "lbatrlclkes take Milo themselves 'flags," as can be desired; but, unfortunately, whiskey and fast ilk: furnished the wings. k is a marked tact that the majority of the old residents who became all of .a sudden immensely wealthy are to day sunk in poverty almost as deeply as before they woke up and discovered that they were the powwows of east wealth. Orre day last week Mr. J. II: Goals. a wealthy stock dealer, lost a wallet, con tabling twenty-five thousand dollars, at the Union De ft, rlusburc He did not, miss it for some time, and on becoming aware of 'his loss returned, to the - depot and a diligent search was instituted bat an to no impose, ith a heavy heart he was slowly leaving the depot, when a young man stepped up, to him and handed over the missing wallet, • informing the loser that he had dropped jt while In the act of getting out of a car. The now happy drover tendered a cue thousand' dollar WI to the young man as a reward,for his honesty, but the proffered rewani • wet not accepted. After much persuasion the young gentleman took Itie hundred I - to so•doing and il h ecliVg Math to devote the to some charitable object. Be contended that he had only performed a simple duty, one incumbent ea every honorable mau, Land he did not, Therefore, feel 4ustigkegi ltt taking a reward. The•dame of the Andes Is Charles E. Idebiartrie, and his residence Tyrone, B6ir comity. Miss O'Neal has answered the chap wh,, called her "ihrllng," "sweet," sad . •It {hat, Here It Is: "Oh ! Ygla hay Yon are . lonely o without n-, shut yeu sigh for one etude of ul l y eye you're blarneying always about me—Oh why don't you to papa apply } Yoo men are so &caving. I,Oant believe aught that you sly t your love I will ouly I),..diere iu, when Jointers Is made au fait. "This trash about eyes, voice and elan , eing may do for a mill; her teens ; but be 'rim to me makes advances mast talk oflila kink stock and means. You beg of me 14 go galivatlng, to meet you at ail foot cirati, lane—with a kiss • too ! why •niten your,' ranting I ao you think I aln eleolly insane ? When yon woo a lady of sense, sir, non'‘ whine about sorrow and tears its a mattak• of dolly' and cents sir, noWe of romances interferes. O h! poverty is Erit very funny (my style I'll not try to conceal it,) I emu'; get a husband with money, I'll live and die Nora O'Neal. Tug New York Warkissys the tali for the enforcement of the Fifteenth amend ment, particularly that portion of it dltve: ted against fraudulent voting, snob as ht practiced in Neu; York slavery electioryte a vile partisan measure. This denanciA tion of the World is tantamount to a con fession that the law touches the Democracy on the raw. "Massa," said a Mississippi darkey, 4 1 ain't a gwtue to dat meetio' no met preacher call my name, right out, In church." "Why, : no he didn't Pete; I was there ;he didn't lay sword about you." "Wall—lt's Jess de Ism He 1 1 0 d. yen miettlp Pinner, ye man% He asesialicte-, an' I know well 'nrdt he meant me I" Cam ix Kum Crry.—Th• Repubti can'i special iron krone City eves thy following estalape of ovine enacted VI tb A x city A. man named wintan, allot *amber named Weioden, and crushed 'dtit skull tf another named Masat, on Saturday night. The latter is dead and the Sumer in a et hi cal condition. WMiants Is In jail. On Sunday afteroon James Hall stabbed and killed 'Timothy Hanna, This la lb* eight Stabbing alFi , te , s that Hill has dguivcl In, ' Ou Sunday nig t George D. Campbell, from Knoxville, Tennesse, or Dalloh, Georgia, was murdered by au tiiikomat a patty. The body wow settrirard pium*net - the ndlruad track and nut over by up WM: ) =I ' 4 Alanam" said a owls lettiatbrat elan to a patient, "If wytnen weraalnii utpf to l'aradbte, their tougu s w. •uld wake it a purgatory:" • %ad scene physicians, If allow.il prer Lice Mere,7 repleid the lady , w tilti soon make its desert." . . "GRAINDIPA, did yen know that the VW' ted Stites has been In the habit of sneatet aging end Soksowiedglng toirear "What ki04,1 Amiss P" "Territm leo t Now give me some peasant, or catch thy me talets and make you pay Mr them." A CoesnentAw inn facture lwt the er.gi neer* dollar that he . octukl seine the A. wheel and bold ft, Hu tte4 , l It to,ll ^tot picked op on n pile of bricks outride t builillog,_ "Ilk s wind..w sash for a heel; "WHY du you . ahroP buy * - ticket tr asked agemtleaul t 4. 1110,0., cause lbws is ists tbbiti eteitirtield v : viobs Pomp* reply. - - - 1 tf z unfirDS.ati taring 'had %.' iv e, roe T v " . moblit, a pe!spl bidetibu tk• iith% l efier #4lir they rirra I 1.../.14414 : =.L *W.* El