Ike Star vaiMaisbutrig. Friday. Sabo is. ISM NNIUPAIRS ON THE FARM. The Journal of Agriculture contains valuable hints upon& subject which is of very great interest to every farmer --the repairs on the lam Theis, ordinarily' cost more than . most farmers would be willing to ad mit, and in many cases three times as much as they need to, for the reason that , the team is stopped, and a hand sent to the mechanic, several miles away, to get some hula job done that any Harmer of ordinary ingenuity could do in half the time the messenger is gone to the mechanic's, if belled a few tools, and a little of the proper kind of material. • The thrifty farmer will always lay aside pieces of Umber of different kinds, to be used for repairs. These he often finds in his' wood pile,' and he lays them up where he can get them or send a boy for them at any time. He will also have a box of screws of dif- f.rent sizes, with a good screw driver and several gimblets. That first and last of all carpenter's tools fbr the far- mer, the drawingAnife, will be at hand ; shoo, a little box of different sizes of bolts, withinuts and washes to mj►tch ; a brace and gOod set of auger bits, from thre4eighths to seven eighthsl and thr ngers, one inch au d a half and two inch,. These, with a hand-saw, make a berg respectable kit for a farmer, and.JA he has any skill at all in using thetn,'he will sometimee save much more that the ooat of them in a few months. Let any fernier who has been aeons- tamed to run to the shop for every lit tle repair, supply himself with such thlw as we have nanied and do his owuppaiting, and he will be . agrtata 0, blyileprised at the di ff erence in the melaudes' bills. • _ Then Uwe are the harms's. If the _ farmer uses several W-them, he can sttytseveral dollars in M tonne of a year. by haviogon 1•1141 two or three awls, a shoe knife, a ball of shoe thread and a bali r of - wax, ali of which will "et doalan, and will l as t murk yaara. ll : , 4;.:•• . HISTORY Op' - Tos.—ln the year 1130214. Jo key or Mereer county, Xenneylvanla, thing along Neshanock creek, plated a quantity of blSe, - feci white and other varieties of potatoes, from the Product of whitinta *sleeted the above named va=s4,iihich at first were Called Ne after the creek near which he lived. They were soon after brought into notice by' the name of Mercier and cultivated near Philadel phia, from thence spread over the whole country, and for a long time more generally cultivated than any other variety, but of late years has been rather on the decline, and other new varieties have been introduced, but none of which has attained the celebrity of the Mercer," - which was al most universally planted for nearly half ¢ury, hwing to its superior edible qualities and produotiveness. It may be a.jong time before any one variety of this wadable (feculent to man will attain the prominence of the noble Mercer, which although having had its day, is stUi the iiivorit? With a large number of piople. HOVII:K OR BLOAT >x Cerrix.—At thlisesson of the year, many cows are lost from hoven. I will give a short chapter from my own experienee, some years ago I turned . my cow intotheolov er field in the mornlng.iwhliesbe grass was wet with dew. She soon brims blotted:and kt all apPesrimosAhere was danger that she would shortly die if not soon rear/ed. A near neighbor told me to run a knife into her and let the wind off the stomach. I was not ex perienced in this sticking Nuttier, and ileolinedMlowle; his advice. But I hastily forced her mouth open, and put a club iti it. By tbe smell of the breath, I knew the gas In her stomach had commenced escaping I then tied a piece othickory bark to each end of the oluh, and paned It over the head and behind the bore; and then together.— In Wien 'bent niy cow was perfectly well. The remedy Is as sure as It is simple. Try it, Two years ago one of my neighbors let hii two only coin die 1p a few rain vies, by not know" simple mare. Cla.Vasette. - • . USE Yoga Orr TIERIEUMG MA CUfIq great many farmers have old threshing machines which may be put to good account. Aoorreepondent illyeat harvest, when the time came tir grinding up my' mowing machine knives and cradling scythes, there was, of course, a great deal of growling at thell~t of *ruing the grindstone arid having blistered hands. I thought „I aright posibly:sive seine labor, and I aosonlirtgly Mink my grindstone and Washed ttle the shalt running from the large wheels to the pit-wheel of the threshing - machine.' Or, in other •Words I made a wooden snaft, and af ter tating.ottbe (murk, joinetlthe two together. This was corny done, I then puts horse to one of the srmys, and the knives and scythe were all ground by horse_ tower, and ,that . In a. very Idiort the boys who did the turning were delighted with - the labor saving machine, and gave me a hearty vote of thanks for my invention. - Wirwramn hogs require sulphur as an essential to their health, arwhether it is sought by them as a condiment, -may not be known for certainty. -But one thing is sure, they devour it With IP*l4 ll thinever,Aisto be found. It it for this purpose,probably,that they eat Lags quantities of soft ooal,which ppn tains a large amount of 'sulphur. Per thh is the economical method of supplying lig* with sulphur during the winter, when they require a great deal of carbon. But in the summer it is better to feed it to them insubstantial which contain less carbon, cti account of their producing less hest. Coormnitass zx Hods.--Give halts pint of lard melted in a •.pint of new milk. Put the lard and milk ins tin Mat, set on the stove and heat until the lard is melted. Administer erezm. This will in most eases afoot a cure la ma bort time. THILOAT DINTIMPICR IN HOWELL-- Ts*, devil's bit, or wild turnip, If Beep, AMAiI a snutil one fine; If dry, a obonful,_ bilis. it with wet bran 'or tab.. This repeatedly given, has never bee- known to Oa It Is abocia eerie& 'sem for a 6& LA"Atiii * 0 .4 afilrtki with the lohijOw mit harp the pilots MOM oft the swollen •port;;.%WhiriV-1110hAi not moon wool/lag, *pp). tho palate solution of slam—o tosspootifol Ro a PO gtl 42 #f% • : - • • m osgtar , eipupoom buttar , will - dostav lisp on oattlo. Ito "Lt ADY :'STORE AT FLORA RALRi PA. T s laws ea band li:i t To eciistaatlf readying a . G.OODS army k.pt ill 4 conatry store. which will be midst Lowest Cash Nees. All Gook boottl is nasi as will lis t inalis an, if dwh.d, Iltsaas ' 11 =1 kb& Own at ' s:at wades mod dlea— low Tana IPPLIT a 1100Pk3. Key 111.11170-3= GREAT RUSH ! Robert & El "ott's • Store , IN GETTYSBURG ; Una entered last Wog sod a largo, simatlty of Dry Goods, Nadas', Queesswat woad Carpeting takes. The partleearo well kaown,bs I hays thus tar ow gaped arrest, u thy lift Greenbacks to exchange he *ado. Hoods 'Ora iary well "r addedtrtat " who loch the avid mo re sad better Goods for their mosey than they could bare not at say other stoic • • come one I ' Come all I sad examtaeour large aseortateat of SILKS, GINGHAMS, LATHS, - B.ABEG.ES, ALPACCAS, dco.,* CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TTT EEDS, JEANS, VESTING% &a. Also,Carpets,Notioos , Glassware, Gasenswere, sod Wood, a feudal assortasen t of sr erytldsg Delousing to a Arm-class Store. 11.11hlIIMBIlt the place Is opposite the Coarthome, Baltimore street, &lid that oar motto ts, /Mr Dealing kat Small Prato. !April 19.1170-1 f SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Fahnestoek: Brothers Have Just °paned • choke sad desirable assortment of SPRING AND BIIMIIIIII GOODS of ovary domaiy tloa whisk they are DIMLING AT NITRIMICT low prams. BARGAINS. FLIINISTOOY BROTHZRI axe selling GOODS at astonishingly low prices. Thos. wanting 'bargains aboald„ by all moans, Elva them s call. Reduction in Prices. don If you want GOODS at old prices bolero the War, t hdl to bay from VIP" CALICO as good . as fur vu sold IAHERSTOWL BROTHERS keep Dry Goods, Carpets, &c., HARDWARE, SADDIART, QIMS/IWASIL OILDAZMAAN, 011=Mr.S, PAINTS, OILS. AND WINDOW GLASS ilirelve them tali April St, 1870-tf J. L. SCHICK has the Largest and Best Selected Stock o DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS that hee been brought to Gettysburg this Bode& ilth will be sold at the lowed ;marble rates. Kay I, 11170.—tf NEW Spring & Sammer Goodsi AT PET BURG, Y. 8., PA. GB/18,T BOW.E.BS • 111,1•3 received Weir Am mum AND 'm um MOM aa Welke, or 011 sideoted OM Wad wW ba Gobi clued dor mi. 11111.ahre us a cull bad vicanie• wee floods. Y. . ikow RIM 1 Meat. be * GU *Grove tiebra cu e ewing we eklies. .atilt SURTO—It I NEW FIRM. AR,ENDTI3VILTAII, PA, rr. 4 = 4 , *was a- Randmat tip atteetbe of neer abode mai ibe 'RAW gee .rally ie Utak eplablid eweberb K NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS 0171113111WA111, Stft.; au etekkat bae•boas proton/ la • lir ask sat whisli es ore porpparil re Hi It W via karret OsilimedAsialrisser .took lor gortiar , 'NUM ANDZSw Jtarrwaseilema. PA„, April le, 1870—if F tr-R N* s T`-dit z OSEPH WAJ - TON drLO,I CABINET-34J . puk 6 UNITED STATES BOUGHT, BOLD AID IXOHANGND ON YOB? GOLD BOUGHT & 4SOLD PACIFIC R. R. BONDS Bought and Sold on Commis 'ion only. Aotouats received and Interest allowed as daily balances sobJott to chock De Haven & Bro. PHILADELPHIA, PA Mardi 4,180-1 y NATIONAL BANK GOYIENIUNT BONN, of •U klnds,101:141111 mil She amass? PRZNIUII paid ea GOLD aod a s«as. Neva imilaalases rllate boaarriod is 411 ter branahm as boars.. throirtagikso se abort .11eMe. 1; sotploykagaise beitamweimat worlissia, mil what *am Mt thediaismt-lastbairde pa .bko im. toola Car arra -&41 114•14.• 11 fashmaatei-lia frosuse- •4ireatag orillthslettearkme sor ute mtt. ihr matihreorsdr•aelkdre ri • erstlassac• of NNM pativania. . . . - • . D. H. manor& of illy klad, aro lavitad te call, as tro Mrs thir f 11"—tf Persons de/11ring to invent In STOOKS or JONDI. the hiotlltios of New Turk, Plano&lpltia or FAIINIBTOC'ES Piononsposseasing 0011PON BONN, and dasirtyr tor seity to convert Into Reglsisred, us requested toed!, aa se have the advantage to treader at • trilling expens• INTERNAL REVENUE RTANTE of all dissoaaAA at /AHNIBTOCIB INTIRIBT ON- 11PROIAL DIPOSITS sthroneeli 4 PIZ OUT. for i eamilia, Persons wisklai latorsiathb t& lloacb,raad stock all Mao* aro rocatotoil to glee us • nil••d w• will cheerf•ll7 gl la format - I o a # .tivsbarc Nov. 6.11109-tif gintls mut Sattastatuts. EAGLE HOTEL'. - thelergeat •ad most* ankidodleuf ITTYSIDIG, MINNA. Mina o/4 KAMM= Ra u r .141311111 JOHN L. TATE, Proprietor. sr nOmalbas,torraneagera &ad laggsgs,ru a • the Deoot, en arrl•slandit•partar sins' Us 14•Lis B. Oaratals•r•sais,•adr•••••••!look•rges, Mieylll,lllllll. KEYSTONE HOTEL GETTYSBURG, PA. WM. E. MYEBR. pßoPlarrop.. NOW OPEN. lIHIS is snew HOttilf3, and himibeen fitted up la the most approved style. Its pestles s pleaaaat sad feat, bolas 1. ta "sesta adneaa Forties et the turn. ivory arras( mentbasb est sad el eitheiweemunadatlonaad iisak rtefgaeits, vita emplettslollag attached Wits zperlezteed 'Primate, and aoomainedating Melt wit shall as• every sad pleas. Sahli.. **aspen for theeetertedastentof theymill weclndlysellolteshae•tttpublkpatroset may, ISM • NEW HOTEL. HARRIS HOUSE, BALI7MORZ 1117ZZET, 0221733197t0, 1111 andettlieed ku mimed • Hotel, the HAM= I. tbs Is ealargsd sad Labors* motor/ Brisk Banding on Baltimore abash, tiro doors from tk.O..rtioomoar, Osttbrberth P. wad As provided alb Poem nods br lb. coadtwtahls astsrtaliesst of a kris amber of ipssb. psrlsaos la the bubo= warrsaia him to adliwaloa la every sus, aad dab s ' asiti s id wtso Woo with his oats will call sgsla.— Maros sioderato, Kb TAN wttlahreye be r sepplled with the beet theGellath•liza Illektiaete larks. Slay Mod, bar Mrs tba mat visa, bib" Ida; do. avail* box aleph Stab Uzi, dtY a goo{ lealler atesediaam. • Moral Aare of lab& pala roopostrally mod so afore Will loo=i o Gm& April /6, W. P. It UNION HOTEL [roasanny TN man Ltiz o ] YORK SPRINGS, PKNN'A. E. P. KITTINGER, Proprietor. • • isdeirdped lintag Le ad tits lose sitalakilta- Spriof sad Isr HOPI. hi Poirtsbur& (Tatt ng' ) utilipmes so dirt Is phase MI p patnelise fit.. The Beat I. locatell Ida /wry sad asialbetalle Obsoberi bm 2l. mama edi libib be gurpboll with I. Sot tbaimetoet sad; Nr Nur imultho slab baatia bait 'it Lleasfs; Ife b tlw wippliciliwitk 4* far Ulf Mame atagati. , blitailas only maw is lb. Oaf thaf asa aa ase aim alltaelhad., -Then brim 0111011161111 Via ON ie., aztossmi stabling wltli suastles beenim iksomm e, Wei **tie of ta• plebs pabtfamsa is IN = o„. aaa=e_ away Glow filis wad's. ramoselft EIIIIIINAUN Tod' Oritase.l67 4 PM 41174 ..4ba BARGAINS, IN ; . - NEW. 7„ V TTRE , ir" ...J. / i'-:. r I A aintias.e•sts stannei puisztvia b pr ... a... 2XL/ Italiiii .. v_ iit_ sea be 11 1 / 1 0/IMx Man , ma,. Itriplio • • • 7 , ~...,, ' k BONDS LIBIOAL TAR= AT Itt .t MEET ISA.T I :8. COUPONS. CASHED. Boaght and Sold. STOCKS ' l4'o. 40 SOUTH 04 STREET, GETTYSBURG SOLD SELL MR. • (X)UPONSI eAsaiD OR OOLLBOTRO laMnor• msztets. Conaaga•atl7 aU orders are prcmptly execated. iri items for Buy 1 ,sr /test., • ill 011?. for I year, I Nti OM. *or MI oath • ,J. EMORY 3A11 • Casklgor N jt 'R IS' !HIX-QI7#ItTERS, owaos..e. Owner of Osnere Square, C . OL!TM3BIIIiG, PA., Liu the Largest and Best Stooks of . _ ' SPRING AND SLIMIER CLOTHING, THI LIMA? STYLUS OP a HATS AND CAPS, THU MI BICANVIUMMLID BooTS AND SHOES, with $ Variety of Sinnmer Under-Clothing AND GENTS' FIIIINISFIENG GOODS OF EV ERY VARIETY,; also a large assortment of NOTIONS, TRUNKS, And everything found In a Gentleman Furnishlqg Store GIVE US A CALL. April 12, 11170-tf ,GO TO KLINGLE'S FOB YOUR Boots, Shoes and Gaiters DH. KLIIIIIRL, ea Baltimore litres., • few doors . Owe Ili•O•Nrit-boomo, esttyabarg, Imajast r.. osivetil bind dont atiliata, Moor NM Galan, skid Ws Wily stprodly roamed prleas. It .w- . . Opcsi LAAltma Gansu, Bahama G ata TU me, Now= Sataatiala, to. aiters. ...mak Ikata, Aatoticaa Puitesoits. Clasaroan Salaam OW Bal. Ilignikp#optakall alotba, amagairt, M 111LMS.40ompost Gialsre, csoaloso bahmatala, ha. POUlitirl/,‘talum Gallo& alamonan, pro! °kat atimme at ail Made. Boots and Shaw of Ma fora laaautoctuca cos• rtaitlioa beast- Zarin: *ow tots and ilea try, era fawned to call mad azaillas goedsaad prier babrepardopiag tracio, lbeitilcsaadlisas Ara a sea pima ail who nay tan. . • • - THE MatIitrFACTURING WOLF'S Cheap Glodking Store, On the Northeut Corner of Centre Bquue, GETTYSBURG, PA., Has the terve lad Bert dock of SPRINO AND STIM)OR CLOTHING, aver allimod r ia tli. plank Abe, Um very 14ed sad boat satilis4ll Hats, Caps, Boots dti Shoes, w lib a variety of 1517111111111121D1S,OLOTHING, sad WHITE VOILISIBILING GOODS ky. Alm, a lanalowtsiont of 7 LEY, WATCHES, CLOMP, MOTIONS. flak but fookullaelanot Larther Trusts aad valises, Csa . _lnge sad ihnbrellso*shreye as band. sad alma WO saiortnast. Obit drum** Weiniy asap of all Nods: Aar; ileryiblag that asmailt kr. la a arotoleas Gear* lasealsg Stem AV villbo add t forr so the Unapt, oar motto ter log, Mash* sides sad mial prollts." Call sad en seam oar stork at goods betas purvlaitog alas- Orem. S. WOLF. Kay 10, 11170—tf SPRING AND SIIMMER CLOTHING, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. COBEAN OUIV.NINGRAIII HlSEinv received from rho Olt; a sow aad largo croc CLOpinila, HATS & OAPS, BOOTS t SHOES, NOTIONS, SKOARS, &c. LATEST STYLES. Ono nail all arelnilted to call at ou Store, on UM ;loo o . rostroot, iiMilitar"l"k JA11.11:113111112(daim April lb, virctr JOHN PIOKING. F. N. PICKING. OPENED OUT AGAIN ! Ready-made Clothing, HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, &C. MIR ata4r•litaid. dots* William sour th e area lof Pima, Co., bay* vaned • atm-Store Aeon tjt tbo large tbrowatogy trick banding, oa Obausborabarg atrott,aaatly appoints Enabler% Drag Ikea sad tatti• their old Meads to giro tbina a aidl. Wit bays laid la as mainly NEW STOCK OF GOODS, saleeted with °limit As Tin boot amakesAd latest stylni, easepridag NIADY•NADIOLOTHINO COATS, PANTS , Tim DIIIIMIS'WOOLIIN dams. DEATTNIS, SIDITspoIISS, IIiCIIMINS. 171A VATS, HATS, OAP& AND NOTIONS la INDL KU vaulty all of which haws beim bought in a falling mac , kat, sad will Ds sold at astonishingly low ratio. Ws have Edo ea hand a Mg. anortmant of LADIES, 11038111 AND cnummran SHOES, of latest styles sad bag auks, wltkii we are gni( out at coat, to clam out the nook. Oall sad acalataia JOBX ZIOXIXS, I. It. pious.. April $, SPRING. AND SURLiga CLOTHING, AT F. CUNNINGHAM'S, Cuphireiwr 6pwt snag itimr to i.,... Bata 112747317719, - • *IN Toe will *twain tad the but qualities aa41.1.1 40( COATS, PANT VESTS, 0t ALL MIMI AND ALIO, S H I .R T S , Inuas,. Valises, Umbrellas, sada awe 44 lam varietyof SonsUs, MUSICAL nernanceNrs, CLOCKS, 'WATCHES, TOBACCO and CIGARS: Rs in is asuman with his Zawipaitsis MERCHANT TAILORING Trivoisirw4l4.sp Am an kibtis el* a.° rim' oiling:its; rwatik: mai, tram . ulna, its, se h sixty w aiinit; a raw; et Mai impar Simi es Wiwi mpg sillowerk MI • ellegVarr= *lt • * MI 69. JIII4E 69, A IPULLABORTMITIT 016 - Drugs 4SL Flunily Medicines PATENT MEDICINES, LIVFOLO AND ITINUIVIL lIILDNDALPURTOM TUE DIIPIDDIS AND VLAYORING "'TRACTS DTEB AND DTI STIITni, SOAPS, PIIITUDIS AND TOILET GOODS, INIII,WRITING /WIDE AND STATION/DT. TETSTOLUITEP ANSCENTIIOII,II AND TAW LT I*- qttmli AOCuIttPILY Pin UP. • PHTSIDI t ANS AND 00IINTETNINOHANTBATT ! AT RIDIIOIID DATIL Forney's Horse Powders Um bodied °lmpost Ibr BONN. Cattl.aad MA& Misr Horse Powdwo of on rove d cokes. HUBER.'S, ileathnore Street, Gettysburg, Petirf l av Jrao• 11.11169.—tf , DL R. HORNER bale reamed the . Practice of Medicine. eme. at hie DRUG STORE , IN CHAMBERSBCRO ST., GETTY/BUNG. Alec, Dealer In PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, eri BAKING SODA, DYE STUFFS, 4. PATENT MEDICINE Jan. 14, 1810.-t1 DR. JAMES CRESS DRUGGIS r Store in Brant's Building, Balto. s LITTLESTO WN. AVING opened s new DRUG' irroßn and Itt.d it nip In tb. b.st style, I offer my stock of pure and fresh Drugs to the citizens of Llttlostown and vicinity at the lowost markat rates,. consisting In part of Drugs and Family Medicines, Pur Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, Patent Medicines, Horse Pato Spices, Dyes and Dy Stuffs, 'Perfumery. Tof lot Soaps isd Limo art Is lss . A full wort= eat a Brooboo, Btatlonory of allifloolo,Clgoro,Tobaccotad Snuff. air Kooryssisetroarsca•tiesaip will wash with hart or soft ',star, cold or wars. Clothes waslisd with this Soap are. fluid. beautifully white .witboat balling or bislang. This!. tho bast Soap In use. 2 . 17 It. It is warrantsd net tolaptre the handsor fabric. Litthattowa.MaylL—ly ORII4I. - A. D. BUEHLER, DRUG & BOOK STORE GETTYSBURG, PA DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, BOOKS, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES, GOLD PENS, Chambertbury street, near Diamond SlirCountry Merchants supplied a City wholesale rates Feb. IS. 111170—it givnli ibtables. - WEAVER & SON. Livery, Sales & Exchange STABLES, • Washingtonst., Gettysburg. Penna. TAKE pleasure in announcing to I_ the pubbe thank, hare better sobommods. Coss than ever to imply the puddle with all styles and blade of tioaveysimee that as he band ins Iris sties u.arp. Their HMOS, Hacks, and Sleighs cannot be host by any establishment Is the tows. In pima they de* ossopetition. Horses and Mules bought sad sold, es ramonable tome. GIVE US A CALL, Take Notice, THE desirous is deair of clueing lig bhp old taconite, and would ask all times bullebta4 to all add settle the mate. '.me book, will be firma at the above stables and ail pefeassin. tented are sansistly requested to call and square thei D r acco U4uns ' NICHOLAS 1111/1.9K11. S,tf EAGLE LIVERY, Sale & Exchange Stables, opposa. w saek Hold. csayrifeircammt, 61.177NBAURG, lUMP',A THE underefined have opened a new LITANY, BALI AND BECIIIANON NIA- Mt, to this plate, sad are prepared to cell' .-parlor socoutuwetatkout ht this Une. We We provided ourselves with Buggies, Carriages, Hacks, Light Wagons, &c., of the Wait styles, aalleleat to asset is • public de. omit. Oar home are wood, without spot or blear ,sad whet*, reliable—noosed rihr "eld plea." bat all 01 the .14/o"order. Sidle( pal thw eau always b. - =coma oda tad east watelhetable palpiseass taratebed. Pertiwt, laraoor man, awe gerfjart hig what the want au Ike =et acesitimaillit tern& Thdtare lathe Satalorfall pedttel7 &Mad" " I " rdlable drivers faralabad If 'Wm& wartied *sad Rao the Doper sport the arrival aad departeraof ovary tzar*. Honig WWII, Bolt, or whinged, alltslwaJg • N eihreaoe Ihrberaidae chew Oar Wt° ,_ play aarls e = eata=l to farabblag Va. lakdoit sad nuke fer err,e law tut In amen moda• star sat by binogasyg or oweamodatioar, we swot SW ter please raw 411 e whapslitudass ear aidalawhiatat. PRIM J. TATI. D ec al. Inl44til D. ROMW01131! Salmi, slough ar; Hardware and Groceries. ......... The sehelatbare hue jut Mural heat Übe dam B "e m om...aetely d 114111)1111.1 mid ORO. ...- ----9, '..'""•. 601 7 are oralas et their Of stead KM upstage to nit tie" theta, Oar sleek la 0 0 ' TOOLS 1:41 iIIIDINOII, BROX YLIZONG • -' ' - iiM oo6 iTilltlll. • Aia, apipll Olt I#o3f, # 04,Qqataa- Or ALL =RDA of* 10*4.616 "AA, ass alibis isinaded fa the i le o rar=etseati aeadosal ebi gnu ze bet lat s as Stars, as be useeaueuiduri ll gnu and ikldil au alletelkallolae Se leastrefq.. snide la IbelrMaa litre as •MI as intim 1 . es “ al by hr as at urrithar bon. Je Om eX e : r i . ._ - • {.. ~ MILD , ' •. . J • M ID , Sim 11 1 6 lan....it_ f , •-•'- '''' '' :':'.' • •••• r• - •• dolso klOrest JsY SwF !II lift MOM. IN alp meMlLets. Powders, PER7I7ILERY, &c., &c. REMOVED - : JOSEPH JACOBS, MERCHANT TA.ILQ.R, HAI 11111110VID Next door to J. W. Orese More, on Charnbersburg et., near the Square. largo umartmont of °LATHS, dILBSIMIRS, &e., •e., to, offered at the =What prate. GOODS bought at the glory OUT IEII.II 01 OH ARGIL 000= se D 1 UP with dispatch , as well when bents other mores at lila own. Latest N.Y. bib Wed, ad tailoring done in the moat ap proved style. Orating dose, as nsnaL The pablies patronage solicited, ad se erect spared to please. April 22, 1870—t BOOTS AND SHOES. XZW ESTABLISHMZXT. THZ andsrafinedb II erected a new building,or a Bootand dhoti listablistuneat, on OarHsian g noartho Itallroaddtatlon , I n Gottysburs, whoresbe now offers lisr Boots , Shoes ) Gaiters , Slip pers, Ste., ......,......111ndobildren,of different style. and prig's: Hs has a Itneassortnient to 11111/11113 from ,and winos!, firth:lest the smallestprollts. WORK 101ADR TO ORDNR, of the beet materials and workmanship. Rvery effort made to render satisfaction. The patronageof the outdid, solicited. ORIN n,and sitlectfrom bis stock or leava your meas. Or.. lD eithercase you cannotfailto bspleased. July 17.1801.—1 y JOHN IN .RULING pato of Surd. GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE SIM TRAM Gottyibtarg et 8 404 ♦ .11 andeonnoctswt H►nonrJonclton with trainige lag North,passeagers reaching Baltimore at 3 20 P M., Harrlaburga 12 30, P. M., Philadelphia at 410 Iteturning,arrlvaat Gettysburg at 12 SOP K., with passengers from Baltimore, Harriaborg,te BBCOND TBLlNlearee Gettyabot I, a.245P .M and conneet2 at 111030•01 Junction Wltl, M Train Tooth at 4 42P. M., reaching Baltimort • 700 P. IC fteturniug arriru at Gettysburg a O3OP. 4 , risu "smaller' from Baltimor Harrisburg, Philadelphia, ac garA Posseug•r Car ig also attacbtpd to tI VreigL rain, ralv.o 10.61/041 lisnov.,r Junction 7.10 .t. M reachlug Gottyaburg at 10.30. Paasaagors Laving Harrisburg le the b. 15 A. M. trate car thus roach Gottisb art by 10.30 LM. The freight train, with Passenger Car attsehed, will leave Osttymburg eta P. M.,r•achingtheJatietion at 6.25 .8 Nov: 26, 1869 READING BAILROA.D SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, HONDA i , APRIL 18, 1870 Great trunk Ilne from tie Nor tb and Northw for Philadelphia. New York, neading , Pottsvill est e, Tamaqua, Aahland.ilhamokln, Lebanon, Allentown laaton,Aphrata,Ll tie. Lancaster Columbia, &A. Trait:sleeve Harriet:orator New York,asfollows: At tab, KW A • M., 12.20 noon, and 205 P. M., con. newt lug witbalmilarTranson Pennsylvania ilailroa and arriving at New York at i 2.1 i noon, 3.e0, 6.60 end lv.oo P.M., respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany ng the 1.26 A. M., and 12 20 noon Trains witnont chae. Amaral's' leas' New York it 9.00 A. M., 12.00 noon and 6.00 P. M., Philadelphia at 8.16 A. M. and 3.30 P.M. Sleeping (taro accompany ta• 9.00 A.ll. and 6.00 P. H. trains from haw Yurk witbont champ. Leafellarrisbur• for Reading ,Potnetille, Tama. put, Mlnerarilla ' Ashland, fillamokin,Pins Grosso Allentown and Ptillade.phi• •t B.lu • . H. , 1.06 and 4.10 Y.stopp,ng at Lebanon and principal way Stations; 11%0 P. N. train connecting for PhiLadel phia,Pottsville ens Columbia oily. kor Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Autrurn,•la Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave lisrrisburg at 3.40 P.M. Way PaseengerTrain I PhiLadelphi• at 7.30 A. *.,connecting with slictilar train on Nast Penns ftailrued, returplpg from Reading •t O,Sf P. H. stopplag at all Stations. Leave Putteelll4l at 6.40 and 9.00 A. 61., and 2_44 P don at 930 A.M.,Shanzokin at 5.40 and i 0.40 Ashland a t 7.06 A .11.,•0d12.30 noon, Tamaqua at 11.35A.11.,•nd 2.20 P. 11., tar Philadelphia and Maw Yot k. Leave Pottsuille,•lll.sohuylkilland inannehanni Railroad atS.l6 S.Y. for IlarrhiLtirg,and 11.30 A. IL for Plnelliere and Tremont. Reading AcsoommodaUon Train I Pottaville at 6.40 A.M. pause Reading at 7.30 A. IL, arriving at Pailwielpida at /0.20 A. Y. Returning, leaver Philadelphia at 6.16 P. K., paasiag leading at 900 arrivingP.ll., a Pottamila at 9.40 P. Y. rOgraIOWII Assonsinoslation Train. laavis Potts uno 41 t LS A. 11., •iiturnina lease. PhUadelphis at 4 - iambi& Railroad Trains Wall. aiding a 17.16 A.. U., and 6.16 P. Y. for iiphnita, LAI:, Lancaster. COtratbla.Ac. - Taritinsea. •I 21..4 nob t gem 6.00 11.9 CM and LW P. Mt.; returning, leave fkbwaakavills at LOO A. M., 11416 noon, and 4.16 P.*.connecting with Miellar trainees Read ing Rail Road. Liolebrookdals Bsßroad Trani/ leave Pottatown at 1140. A. X., and 0.20P.M., 'Murata' hove) -Mount Plesseat at 7.00 sad 1136 A. IL oonaseting with similar tratason /Leading Railroad. Chestar Valley ltaiiroad Trains . Isty• Bridgeport at LAO A.M., 2.06 and 6.02 P. M., retaralag, loses Downingtown at 6.20 A. Y., 19.66. noon.ana LIS P. M., connecting with similar trains On itesding R&M roe d. On Sundays :leave New York ati.ooandB.oo P.M., Philadelphia at 8.00 A.M. and 11.19 P. M.,(tiell.oo A. M. Train running only to Leading,) leave Pottsville 619.00 A.M.. Herr lsburg Arian A. M. and 4.10 P. M., end Beading at 7.14 A.M. and 10 OS P. M. for Harrieburg,al. 7.4 A.M. for New York, and 9.40 A. M. and 4.24 P.M. for Philadelphia. Cononotation, Nilesige,Beaeon,B &boo land Is ear aloatlekliti,toa idfrent all point's. t reducee Rates. Bag gag e& hocked through; 100 port tide llowed ehekPassen go r A.. NICOLL!' , 1 aperintendeat. Reading, , Apra NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY WINTER SC'HEDUL.E. On a od arts t N0v.15, Ill69,Tsalas will/ 414 T 4 %nos or unction u follows: LEAVE NORTH W AID 16,32 4. m.—Rally for Williamsport, daily (clew ilt i thl:silbrilmira, Rochester, Buffalo N ills and Brie and the West. 12.27 a. at.— * tor Rhaira, Bugalo, tc. 2.16 p. m.—D an ally(tmeep td u ads's) for Williamsport d 6.01 p. m.— Da gusdys)for York. 10.03 p. 1111.—Dalip except Sundaays)fer Harrisburg ands • West. LEATZ SOUTHWARD. 1.01 a. at.—Dallystappf ugaipirktononly. TAY a. m.—Daily(szespt Sundays) stopping at .11 Stations. 13.21 p. m.-.llsdly stopplu sat Parkin n only. 1.32 p.m.—Daily (azaosptilunday )stapplag at Park s.° Daly. 11.42 p (ene•pit Sundaya)stoppan ga t tits Stations. BDW: S. YOUNG ,G sa.P ass Agent, 1141tIssars, ALTUD 1181.1, Nes.Sipovinlimilse Md. t. Nov. jiii. ittso.-tt Narrhbors,Pson'a. I p .6.N.NBYINANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. Daub(*track reuterunnlng between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Trains leaving Gott. sburg make the following. 0006one:3s with this Trunk I ins: Gottributii tears at 9.11 a. in. A 12.40 p. at. I...6averJunction arrive 10.06 " 2.06 " " . leave 10.68 " 9.61 " Harrisburg arriv• 12.66 p.m. 11.46 " 2.26 Philadelphia leave arriv 9:10 60 ~ 6.6 a. m. " Harrisburg leave 1.11 "-' 12.10 " Pittsburg arrive 1.86 a. m. 9.19 " At Philadelphia close cennectlonearo made with the trains for New York, Boston and mil Ninitstil Hitlea. At Pittsburg denuectiows &rotunda is the New thetas Depot with alitreiss for an Western points. . 11../py furtherinitrmaticaapplyte 11DWAILb H. WILLIAMS, Hoe .Buperlatandon t,AI goons, Pa. Timm W. Owrisms, aut. Passenger and Ticks Agent,Phllai•lphia. [May 14,111611.-t Wi#44o alo Vtwarv. WATCHES & JEWEIIitY. WM. P..Mc - CARTNEY WIMP, to inform blelhastomare rind the PIM Var. 4 / 1 7. that haat hased the Intoned of innate (L. V. B. l osstn the Watch and Jewelry Mono on Baltimore at, Elettylblirs, as will ewe no */byte to efts esththretion to aIL awo Hertmen limies or t returned fro the Ottrwlth a Aphada t • GOLD AND Oa TEE ANIERIAN AND LEW WATONEA JZWS/Jll/ • AIL FIR AND TABLE sPooßa i ltoiqukgcliD. my: EA AND ETAEL PE,AAIE EMU. CZ'S:W.O,4I.OCM ef Shekel sum. stfaadorit DV.17217- aIEN mum d 49672%. ADVGAEOSNWE AND BRWCIAL Mir Wirth aad Moak Wort warreared far one year. Jewelry werslyhts eneented is a seat sad . stannan. 1 5 • Ph tar / ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCHES &JEWELRY, Sala NOM SIIOOaDMII- Tormairegilin7 V aeminea W Whonare t sad Plated • spitenatring et w•ti,m Jorgrib at to. woreallq? tended •• •- tans. Une.4s COUGHS, INFLUENZA, .6. Throat, Osldt, Whooplaroougb, Liver Cola Bronekltla, Asthma, Bleeding of the ' unite, NA seem miteatlon ot tits Introit, lamp and thee; " ere speedily and pernuntaatly aired by the ossot WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, Mt rail buyout prqsaratuss Shea nag dry up a amok art &saes Qs cause iskiasi, as 4 Qs as trite sat sedietwas, but it 10411C1118 Old eleillia Ul4 law aid ailaptisrilatfaa, thaislaerriy Qs muss qf the sQ,IIIOI. Consumption can be Cured by &tinily mot to this 'Miami tomody. al le Mret ttotbactdattrlTWlllllllitko olani ',mina Is 11011 i Mg 1 1 .1. 411 7. (APO' PuM P ! 0,14 doses reesone why thee is the kit Pm? same. Actured is America /4w WELLS 414 CISTERNS. 1. It le Shipla. 2. It le Reliable. S. It la Rambla. 4. It Werke very laelly. I. It, throws Water Rapidly. 0. It le all Wood. 7, The Wood It Tutelar& S. It doeii net Crack la the Sea. 9. It Is rot liable to get Genet order. 10. Should say repaireb• Deosuary thee, limy ale sally bemadebyaay deer. 11. It will tiotlreere. 12. It le Obeyer than say otbar reliable Poop MUM- tastinionyal the suparkir character of this Pomp, we rater, by permission, to the following persons who Uwe had It It use, and tasted it with satire satin. ihatkas: JOEXPE moose Jer. Blame/ter, Franklin tp.; George Smith, Hem -tington tp.; Arnola Levee, Franklin tp.; A.R. Myers. Lialmore tp.iJohn ems, G ettysburg ; H. P. Highs., Graeasonn_,t • Peter Shively, Vairtletd ; Haws' mg & Fairfield ; Young, Molantioy Op.; Andrew Haver stook, Tyrone tp. Pinola requiring Pumps for sells or Meters., can Meath= furnished all complete and ready for use by wading the depth of th e well or einem. Sattsfactkne guaranteed m ai l name or nO {ailment required. Orders by or otherwise promptly attended to. JOSEPH CLONELS, McKnight/down, Adams county, Pa. Get. 29, 1909.-1 y • 1115 HOOP SKIRTS, 1115 HOPKIN'S "OWN bfAKK'• In all the Sim Spring Style', fur Whim, MINIM and Children; the quality and Woes of wide!' will re commend themselves to every customer. CORASTSt 00118=111 COMMIT II I Just marked down to gold at par: making our present priess less than they can be afforded, until gold declines to that point, and 33 per cent. less than the price one year aim. We were the grst In Philadelphia to give sliver la change to our custowers, and now take the lead In giving them full advantage of the return to a specie basis, in ad vance of the Gold market; which will be fully ap preciated by all who ex s mine our extremely low prices. Hoop nklrts, Our Own Make, at 37, 40, 60, 66, 60 , 70 , 76 . 6 09 86 . 90 , 96, $l.OO, Sc. to 3220. Handmade Whalebone Corsets at 60, 00, 76, 90, $l.OO, dc. to $1.76. Superior French Woven Corsets at 76c. reduced from $1.00; at SLOO reduced from $1 - 31; at 61.26 reduced from $1.76, ie., ke. to $5OO, re duced from $7.00. R. Warly Corsets at 12 00 reduced from 62 60, Ac. Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets at $176, reduced 'tram 112 20, etc., to. Mrs. Mood6's Patent Self=Ad lusting Abdominal Corsets at a reduction of 26 eta. to $lOO per pair, ecoord mg to quality. All other goods proportionally reduced. !Skirts and Comets made to order. Altered and Repaired, Wholesale and Retail —One Prize Only—Call or send for deecriptire cuter. WIC T. HOPKINS, No. 1115 Chestnut Street, Philads March 18,1870-3 En WANTED AGENTS , KEROSENE LAMP, .ronottneed by more than 50 Professors In oar 00 Mu, B. YoOIIIIDY dap --one>N per Cent. of oil—no bad odor—will not break or wear oat, benumb =stalls. Our agents make money, bananas It supplies, a want as universal as right. For fall particulars addreee, with stamp, BYXJ. F. BOW BN, 24.1 Floor, Mechanics' Bank, Oct lb, 1869 Harrisburg, Pa. .- tf yOUNT'S COMPOUND FOR TELECUItIe OF • PIITRIDBORETHROAT,INFLUE.NZA. or any 3 thee. Inflassznator, osinwarddisasar of the Tbroatif not of toolong standing. AIso,SOARLIT MILE. This medleinshas beeatriedin THOUSANDS OF CASES, n differentparts of the country ,and has 00000 been kbown to fail I t taken in time and according Wires:Slims. fits warr.intad Wears. °Pfeil& ilia! and it willspaak for Itself. lever, bonseboldahoold provide thasselves with • box or this fasefleirie and keeplt on hands. Th eonroethat I t has iiikatidare t ruty marvelous. isle..Preparodand soldby fewiYavarrt CL,Clet pilau& Pa., or by their authorized agents. Pe el at asarly all tb•Storeei■ Adas• county. Key 20.11167.—tf 1811.kil YOUNT k CO. TO THE LA.DIEB. • SPRING MILLINERY MISS A. HIMMEN II A 8 JIM received from Philadelphia, at her MU- Harry establishment ea ilaitimors et.,fiottya• burg, near the" Presbyterian Minn* a vary large mad einput amertramat at new styli BONNETS AND HATS, Ribbon's, Wks,. inripes, Bkoades, .Nds, Laois. ELEGANT FRENCH FLOWERS: n t iz mp a t = s ia rut Wz a sa i g y Caps for elderly Ladies. lb. invitee the atteation of the Indies to her am mutant, which will Do sold at lowest malt prime. April 1b,1170-3ao AYER'b CHERRY' pECTORAL Pbr Divaoes of the Throat awl Lows, ruck MS Cbridu,Cbids, Whooping Cboigh, Bronch itis, Aglaia awl alansaspg Ws. Probably before to the whole history of medicine, has aortae; won so widely and so deeply upon the coaldence of mankind, as tbia enrollee t moody for pulmonary complahite. Through a loss series of-years, and among moat of the noa of men It bee lieetl higher end higher In their eettmatko, as it boo become better known. Its unitem character and power to cure the various affections of the limp and threat, have made It known as a reliable protec tor splint them. While adapted to milder forms of dines, and to young children, It Is at the ruse time the most effectual remedy that can be gm far Inel pleat consumption, and the dangerous affections of the throatitnel lungs. As a problem against sadden attacks of (.ronp. it should be kept on head in every family, and Indeed as all are soenetlines subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with thb antidote for them Although settled annreeption is thought incurable 81111 great n of mum whore the disease seam ed settled, hare comp OW, mod, and the pa, Unit restored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. Po complete I. its arestare ever the &borders of the Lunge and Throat. that the moot obstinate of them yield to When mobiles else could reach them, under the Cherry Pt:dorsi they subside sod din} aingess ho aad :Pmblie Spilakerz Slid groat proteethna ax is. Asthma la always relavad and often wholly eared by It. Bronchitis le gas/rally cured by takisugthe Cherry Pectoral la mall tad freeman dome. So generally are Its virtues known that we need not pubilah the certificates of them here, or do more than sere the public that its qualities are fully mahatainaL Ayer's Ague Cure, Par heir and.elgus, Astermittent Aver, Chin Aver, .* BassiWin 'hoer, Dyad Aside, Periodical sr Jihad "err, de, Mei indeed ail the a„gitetions whin% arise from sialariour, marsh, or minsmedepoisenin„ As its name Implies, it does Ohre, cod does not till Containing neither Arsenio, Quinine Blenieth, Mae acid say ethr mineral or poised:Pus sanctum* what ever It lo Routes Wares any patient. Thu number aud i t aportance of Its cares la the ague districts, are lite lly beyond ascount, and we boilers without • parallel in the history of Aga* =dila*. Oar pride Is greened by the acknowledgment* we reedy. of the radical cures edsoled in obstinate oases, end where other remedies had wholly failed. Unerclim aunt persona, either resident IN or travel ing through seleamatio localltles,, will be, protected by taking the AG 776 cog daily nor Liver anspialide, arising from torpidity of the Liver, It is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver Into healthy activity. Nor ilWoos Disorders sad Lirerpaisplelata, it is an escallent remedy, predating many truly remarkable cures, where osier medicines bad tailed. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ares & Co., Practical and Analytical Ohendets, Lowell, Mass, and sold all round the world. PRIM SLOG NUL lOTTLI. Giteier GGe in Gettysburg. p 4.. by A.D. - - Aeeet. (Jan 1.11171:11= PETER BE,NTZ, MUSIC EMPORIUM , No. ao Agit Narks/ street, York, Anut'a Sole Agent and Dealer In the Ibllowing lathe of Pianos: WY. ETUDE A 00., GIORGI rizaK a 00., J. O. DWINS, STEINWAY A SONS, osmium 4 110111 Also, the Colibro Piano ftO. T octavo. only 4 het 111 inches Wig. AT4IO, ORGANS, snanntestared by MASON anil /MD EA! * ADM All Guaranteed for 5 years. Sir Persona and amoral attention even to the easetios of Inetnunents. Addrees Tart, Pa, Deo. lE 11149.—5 m PIM Mr". • Notice to the Public . I T aal' .. . adersigiftwis rituals( a Liao of Iltaipshira Vageetyllate,teallagibraC on 7, Wsdairkla sad la at 7 4. IL. pentag by uri, Wayne s boro', and Clermont Springs, Fountain Dale and llntrblit at 0•110Dirg as mu faun lbw* elooftail_ rdavulagfreme settribergoinlialklitsTbtrodu itiou l Ilaturitagragit au Tubas nidatirt Van for Babbler, . - - - May 2 - - - ,Lllll4l WAll .... THE - STAR a SENTINALL ha, a opimiallig au au tab poems Goa.* 1111101101.4t . 5c0 It Is lb I of stgast witutuantoif THE CUCUMBER WOOD TZSTIMONIALL 1:1223=E3 ?PRIM AID NOVleil NON-UP LO Absolutely Safe givrtmerg §austo. LOOK HERE ! T HE undersigned has leased the Stratton street and Chet I s Pi r r it==gl i g:g " g r ., Q andwill carryon tie Grain&Produce Business nap tsbrandies . The highest prices willalways be paid for Wheat,illye,Oorn,Oate, 01 d TIM*. thy Seeds, Plansead, Sumac, Hay and Straw, Dried Trait, Hate, Soap, Heins,sitioniders and Sides, with everything else in the e oontry produce life. GROCERIE S OF ALL •KLNDB constantly fir al* ,Ooffeea. Sugars hiolames, Syr ups Teas, Spices, Salt, Ohms., Vinegar, Soda, Ilmitard, Starch, Stoonce, thickets. ?Hacking, Soap, de. lees, tar OIL, Fish 011, Tar, Am NISH of all kinds;SpLtesand Nails:Smoking and ChewingTo- Immo& He Is always able to supply a At rate article otifloar,with the different hinds stn.& Aao,Otantiplelaster,vithenanosandotherfertilr sera. COAL.by thebush•i,ton orcarload. He will also run a LINE 9f FREIGHT CARS . t0N0.1115 North Howard street, 11•Ltimous. and No.llll Ilarkeistreet,PHlLADLLPH/A. All goods emit to either : Place wil Ibe received and forwarded promptly Alf ,roods should be marked .CRISS OAR." JOHN CRZBI3 •pr 112,111119.- t 11,111.3. J. Z. W 131.1 Joseph Wible & ►ion, PRODUCE DEALERS, South-east carnerof Railroad arid Washington sired, GETTYSBURG PA. Hiaryssitracazhavcclopuantfyorpralkcel generally: Gra in, y Constantly on band (or sale all kind, or GRO.CERIES. best brands of FERTILIZERS constantly on hand,ormacured•t short notice. April 22, IB7o—if NEW 'FIRM. A. E. ECKENRODE HAS token the Watehonsio, lately occupied h Philip Hann, at Granite Station, on the line of th Gettysburg liallroad, 2 miles from Unnterstown,and will deal in all kinds of Gram 'and Produce, givingthe MOW market pries. I will also keep cons:antlyou hand ferule all kindnot GROCERIES, Oelfeei,flogar,lllolasses,Syrups,Teas, &e.,• Ith Sal Fish,olls.Tar, Soaps, Bacon and Lard, Tobaccos, Sc Also, the best brands of /LOUR, with PM of al kind.; also, Coal. I respectfnlly solicit thepatronageofisorfriends, andinelt•the public to call and ex•mine my stock A .Z . ZCILINBODIS Jan./R.—lf ROBERT M'CURDY, DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES &c OITTTOBIIHG, PXNN'A THEunderolgned Is paying•t his W•ro-booseja Carlisi• stregj adjoining Buehler's Hall,th• higheatpriceafor /LOCH, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, BUCK WHEAT, CLOVER ♦ND TIMOTHY-BEIBB, POTATOES, Lc., Ao., audinvitesproducarttogivehimaxsilbeforesellin g He has nonstop tly on Land for We, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES Itoluse 6,8 yrops ,Coffees Sugars c.orith gait /lob 011o,Taa. beam Bacon and Lard,Tobaccoo,te. Also th•beatbrandsofilLOUß,with YEKD of all kinds H• Ilkowls• ham SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS Soluble Paull! c Woo, Shades' Phosphate and A ♦ Mexican Guam,. Whilst Ineptly' t►ablgbast zaarkat price. feral' ►. bays, ha aolla at the lowest living profit.. Ha Win • 'hare of public patronage, reaolved to giro tat adctlonlneyee. case. KOBER T NeCt/RDY, Ja1y23.11160.—t 1 NEW FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE. HAVING purchased the extensive liiandngned In O te m ndt o &c a . r royf oCDIhT k booioeee n oa. dr th• Arm of 'bazaar t Co. ' at the old stand on discerner of Waattingtoaanditallevada ,one amsweztooM Tommie shag beeetoltrt• air% rmtirs U nag ogf-. / _r e efil t Oars II • ay • ant *mtiontravrwukaxosoon. and &coos- By Skisame•sentaaon may et ',prepared to mime, "'relight at •11 thneg anal. floe Bonham*. ail bantams of this bind entrwskid to noorlilbeprompe py attended SO. Cyr tart ran to the Warehouse o itevelsaollB.sw, tdt north Howard street, Bait! mon. Being determined to pay good price', eel &map and dealfair ly , w•I writ reverybod y to give us • call. ILBIGM. ALEXANDEBC HA OBIAN JABIBBBIOHAY. JanAlaßill gamba, ghat, kr. Cook and Parlor STOVES, OF ALL HINDS, The latest and most approved styles TIN, SHEET-IRON AND HOLLOW WARE. Coal and Lumber OS" ALL KINDS Call 4SA Examine . H . BUEHLER:B Ware Rooms, CORNER OF CARRY = RAILROAD JAOOB JLIII.XT. DANISL 0•13BMAI. NEW FIRM. COAL & LIME! rsHE undersigned have entered intoT _ partnership and under the firm of IJIXIXT & Mums MU aurs ea the Li- • me Burning Business, at thsilditasol—M•Gottrg Lire illar r i s t: 441W:sat eingt Mtuwa statett. as 4 Skill con at the but of Lime at all does. sad at loweit rats% Alip•Also sesesattasabariltdoasat Blausauth C 0 , -A L at Wrest prim. Liss afal Chad adtraredearebatitti= TAOOII DMA 4PCI MR UMW REMOVAL. I HAVE rumor - ED TO • North-west Corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, Pa., where !shall b. hippy to wall coon all my old Cus tomer, and all who may favor we with a coll. In addition to ley stoek of G - ROCERIES, NOTIONS, J.C. I have added QUEENSWARE, FIRE PROOF AND GLASS-WARE, all of which I Invite the public to call sad examine. ALMOI3 101 YET. March 26 1870-41 WM• J• MARTIN, Wholesale•ad Retail Dealeri tiROCE.RIES AND LIQUORS • large lot of Grocerle• that I em selllag Cheap MET! CHOICE LIQUORS, Old Rye Whisky eight years Old I'ery Old French Brandy ALL OTHER. KINDS OF LIQUORS, ♦ general assortment of BITTERBamong which Is @bier's Herb Bitters Pure Liquors for Medical pur polies at W.Y.J.MARTIN'S. Table Cutlery, Glassware, Queens- WARR, Ac., at WM. J. MARTIN'S. Aprll 30. 1869 VVM. BUYER, & SOiN,, DEALERSiN GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, ALSO, Stone, Wooden and Willow Ware. 'A general assortment of all Goods usually kept in a FAMILY GROCERY. D0c.4,1567.-t BARGAINS at the new GROCERY IN GETTYBBURG JACOB W. CRESS II A V 'NO opened a new Grocery.in Gettysburg, oe 11 the north-west corner of the Public Square, haslust racelred a splendid ueortaent •f FRISS GROCERIES, Including Bn. Coffee, Melaw., Syrup, Tees, B plces,Tobacco,Salt,ffieb,Eratoe,Bhoulders o tr Melo QUEENSWARE, CONFECTIONS Nl:day/nal t.,goapa.taney Article. and Notion* goner Wo wlil •look sop on hand /LOUR and FIND STUFFS. Harfog purchaned for CASH, I am prepared to tail very chaap. Hire ma &rancid Judisfor your salves. 11ept.2i.11367.-t 1 GROCERY. WM. B. MB&LB RAS OPINID / Grocery, 'Vegetable and Notion Store athisrestdanseatdiotatagMeals i Brother's Marble yard, la EAST YORK STREET where b•is p rowan to sal as cheap as the champs& anything In his lins. 81ya as a oall. March 19. t itea—t earpottro and goatractors. GEO. C. CASHMAN GETTYSBURG, PA., Carpenter and Contractor, R ESPECTFULLY informs the public that h• has removed tohli aim Shop oh Btrattonatreetbetwaaa York and Railroad and is p rowed to takasontracts Louvain': g sip and 'repairing Buildings, at as raasoiabl• rate an builder In Gettysburg—all work guaranteed lobe a but quality. Hehopeeby strict attention to bud- asset° efferitpabliepatronfts. Give ma small April 9.1869.-tf WM. CHRITZMAN, GETTYSBURG, PA., Carpenter and Contractor, Havingremovod to my now Shop On Washington street, between Middle and Ohambresburg streets, andlntrodnoed Stearn Prwera am prepared to fur utak all klndsof work for building purposes of the heat muds r al,and se neatly andoheaply est; can be do aaaaa ny other establishment I a the cenaty • IX perfencod Hands always in readiness and work *n egated with proispleteee sad dispatch . elip•Ordars format Wade otli rite katajto rolls,hfould- Inge. do., prom( tly ailed sad on. nameable t eras . 10r1116,1189.-tf Wm. C. Stallsmith & Bon, GETTYSBURG, PA., arpentera and Contractors. Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Door andWindowFrames,Cor- nice, Door do Window Brackets, &c. CIE .4etantlyon hand and manufactured to order o BEST MATERIALS, b experienced worksmis,aad at REASONABLE PRICES. al,Orderspromptly attended to 1m5.16.111611.—tf Minn, &t. COMPLETE MANURE, I 2=l= Super Phosphate of Lime, Ammonia and Potzu3h. POR LILL LT ALL LIADEPIO 1111A172/. A PZE7XCT PIRTELIZER Palg ALL 010P3 Os emend of tbe redooed east et law Natalia's, I am enabled to gall "OOMPLITS 11411IIt1, at a lograr price, alai by the aid of saw machinery It ig Improved in coadition. also •ta quality. (Warranted ftegjroas adulrevening) Main BOWEL, Jbwiwreetorteg CURIO, Gra)'s /any toad, Ploiladslphia. This Maanr• *Mahn all the alamatit of plant deed to a SOLUBLE FORM. containing ea well bed giviag heating ilertility to the soil. Raperienee in the nee of “Comploto Manure by the bet airmen of Ponnaylvania, Nom Jersey. DeF imam Maryland. and of the New Buglaaid glugoe, motor through a period of three years tzlial, has no sultod In confirming it to be /At 140 Jhrtiliaer nom grbsed.fer Ws. DIXON, SHARPLESB 4 CO., 40 South Delaware Menne, Ph#adelphbi. WILLIAM azywouoi, Xardi na 11 1 =Ws South lino, Dahlman, XL EMI J. W. CRESS. ORM rvaLtannii Eri Baltimore at. between agt TRICKS DB Tint STAIt ADID day morning, at ILIA a if not paid riltlitittho coniinned until all the option of the Was, ♦ liberal advertising by the Sweat notices will be be agreed upon. The eireulatiotro is one hail Larger than newspaper in Adam* - Using medium. it Jos woes of an led and as, fair rates/ Patnphleta, &e., in e printed at short notion = LI B. WOO Has roomed the Prot any business In tho' See lion. .1. B. earner of the Diamond M. KRA • L•tr. Ootryoblirri. Positions promptly •tt•t.• Uttle• oo ItAltitomo atm Jun• IS, ISW-If NIcCONA.I7 • .t.a•.Cti . .a.tilteratigni tr Special tttooklert intlitg.tut of goatee. t 11 a. to 0.11141 , 11110, Soon,. . +[...1,111•11ti ly tittonded to. I sari' aat 4101111,114 a lovea And oltI•1 wester Jugs 18,t1169.-If AL. J. COVI4a , L tW, ,romp %It ,th.r etvilnessestras 0 Ic• betwosa Mobs*. , bona.t•ltinaut•otr May 46.11167. AMID A. BU It LAW, will .64 411 .ther_beillos ♦ •,..1 141i3611011 .Ulf) L. ',ir-4-41001111. 1V[11) WEL ..) 7..atror3qa•r•. , I.‘y 29.1116 T .- DR. U. S. li .v, CVl,lftbdri orrntri 00L. T 4 I= DR. J. W. C. I Mil tate Odle. , at LI .t I ',as tbor•th• l•tiyiburg,Xsy 29,126 10El N L. LIIL 1 cqembirabarg 13=1 HUTS 5a lirit.•l4 %mos In COW pit halt. C4ll b• amazed of DR. J. E. BERK: Ist, a.aa l loostod •rneirs to am pcibile. 0 ippotlt•th• tilob• laoy tilt•ad to 4g7 cas• withliat ,rivoits 4/glut or tall or et tod weal!. rerm•rease Jely 30,11169.—t( Sarriagto, SAVE YOU Patent Elastic Cull• THE andersigne. cicticattArsu Cu gimmrs Berry, Philade hp eat the city raetenaer Sal ►r , tealJgo of their stock. absorb so moisten.. cod do which they are stuffed bet adjust• to the shape of tae dart not abate. rIAIIIIIOIM HARN or ittto sad motto to • • moot oo tots . Moto Welt, Passeogot Dopot. goy 2a, 11170-1(' 1)1.71D VG'S/CARY "Best alwar THE Best and Q §ADDLES t _ BRIDL • 414 N• 844 of 411 k ars•lwaye to b• found At stand ,Balthnose st.,oppps (?if oCRE • Our Riding and , W F. the mons eibetanalallp ptq Harness, (plain Dd.) ore o.insplatel • •rery r st Cho very best material and Qur upper lestliarili • (7•11 sores CUT. fblerliff poet derable. Our Heavy Draft H order, s• cheep where and le the ingot-400 Biding Bridles, Wai Denies. V 1 -sets and erefli bettor or cAoaper . Our prices A liberal perieutapaforr is $6 or mars. V. work nothing bit toe Ararriat.very 4rtlclo turned • se represented. ?kestrel for... t:. Tars vrei pres•at stock. ue &call 4p.lexaml Jau.19.11163.-tr n &REL&GE-ACKIN 11;• war, of now,thound tb• OAIRIAGI•YA[ • ottl,,ittrold otand,ln • whore %boy ore mists grow moot ntolilosablo, osbotaatisl, A lot ofs ow and wocond- kin d a AL 511.1,0/15;BUG on hand, which thoy will "d, prices, and all adllfll will lior sad satisfactorily as possible. lir REP &IR eons wititdispatch,anditchea • large lot of aim stiddad aide. Thaakfa I for lb* Ilboral pit joyod by thee, theysolicitan saris • largo share Is %Wats May29.-11' DA • Buggies and' R E 07- rrinameersigsod 4w moo 1 lag shop to Ch • MIPS and of burg. p a ., When be Will 00%114 Work is his vis . CARRIAGES, TRO „MG-TOP .8 MG' • WAGONS, * Ma work Is all pat sp of tho bolt of wrackaalco, and tactloa. Qlt priciesr• slim* Its ordomootadopt that Ito sitAistile promptly 41•04. July 1,1165.-17 Wit zad girt ADAMS CO NIKITUA.L FLBY 11180 ILVOORPOIA.IID, °lncas /rent—Mobrgellvope. Nineary.-a.A.Haeblet. freasouror-11.0. Isiniastock ■p Jacob Mag. tamitirs.-43serg•iwspo - 4 1. 1, S. R. Acuson, SAT. Valluisollos ILlns, Stratum toIrsollp; U. A. Mottos, lit.rabsa; AMAMI Wm. Roes Indio, Liberty; S. Y. &) elakleCluspsay la lladtait I county of Adams. It Hsu has IT 'Gamma la t►at beisast.bariagralilosoos by II mouths toovorilbASO. ♦y srabosaba apply to ettbitr at Weis Itawn the Oostald Ompaay. die last w. 2. Weladt. PAL