air stiir mut *lliad. M t.e: 'glowers. friday. Same i. IS7* TIUIIrQ ZILCH to TO PAR. TIME. In the central eouhtiem of New York the herds are usually turned to pasture from the 10th to the 20th 'of 'May. Some dairy-tneu coutend that it is the better practice to turn cows to pasture while the grass is quite short and be fore they can "get a good bite,q since by this course the animals become gradually accustomed to a change of food, and are less liable to a derange ment of health. They say, too, that the pasture Is not injured by this early • cropping of the grass, but will produce quite as much feed as it would in rase, the cows were kept in the yird until grass obtained a good growth. Titere is no doubt that cows are often in jured by a too sudden change from dry to succulent food in the spring; and, Indeed, a change of food at any time will be likely to affect health, unless the change be made gradually 'and judiciously. Now while we freely admit that the health of stock is not injured by this early cropping, we cannot_ admit the same for the pastures. Cattle never ought to have the range of pastures in spring until the ground is settled, as they cut up the turf with their feet and destroy much grass. In their eager ness for fresh green feed they eat down to the roots of the grasses and produce in their pasture the effects, somewhat, of, overstocking. The plants being kept down short, the stock, sa the ma shes advances, J. compelled to work loiter and harder to obtain a supply of food"; and when this is the case there is a less yield of milk than there would' be upon pastures affoidllmg "a flu*" of feed." It seems to us, there- fore, Much the better practices to keep the stook In the yard until pastoratess get a fair itart, and then by turning out to .grass—at Sat for: a few ,hours only each day, thus ;gradually accus toming stock to the chaige—better re eons are oWained in the yield of milk, "bile no injury is done to the health of stock, and the grasses, at the same time, will bes i more vigorous and pro tjpctiva. During the months ofJune and July, pastures should yield food ha-great abundance, so that mush mil& stock may easily and rapidly take their fill. It is true; where feed Is abundanktafte and pat.of grass are like' to Voir up and be rejected by stock. This can. not well be avoided, but is better to mow these down before they git woody; and during the hot weaather in July, when grass begins to depreciate, if these tufts are cut, and on being par tially dried, cattle will then often est such with * relish, as it offersp change of food. We sholild prefer such a course even at a loss of feed, than to stint the cows on very short pastures, since then we should expect a much greater /ow of milk into the pall. Stock of all kinds, anti especially mlich stock, at this season of the year, should have dally access to salt, and allowed to take What Is desired. It IS much better to provide salt in this way than to salt at stated intervals, as in the latter course cattle often take too much, and in consequence are more oriels in jured. How TO HAVE PLENTY OF OtrOOM".. correspondent of the Horti cu/turiat ays : "I had a narrow border, not more than two and a half feet wide, on the edge of a high fence, I planted three cucumber hills in thetidrder, and laid some bruah (such as are used for pea vines,) between them and the fence. As soon as they crept up to the brush, I pinched off the ends of the vines which rapidly thickened around the roots, and in every direction, throwing out the most vigorous foliage and pro fusion of flowers. I did not allow the cucumbers to grow, but Watched then, and such as I wished to reserve for the table I picked as soon as they became of proper size ; and all the rest were gathered every day for •pickles ; every day pinch ing off the end of each shoot. In this way the hills continued fresh and pro ductive until they were touched by frost. E3ome judgment can be formed of the value of thispractioe when I add that more than a barrel of Pickles were made from three hills, besides allowing a supply for the table. Whenever a leif began' to grow rusty or yellowish, it was removed, and the cucumbers and leaves were cat off with large scissors, so as not to- disturb or wound the vine. There is an advan tage of having them run titan Wash instead of trailing over the ground ; because they are much injured by be ing trodden on, and by being kept low on the bushecthey can be easily and thoroughly ezatjulned over every day, which Is essouttal, because If swum ben are overlooked, and grow very large, it stops the yield of that vine." *HMS POE FRUIT num.—The editor of the Horticuiturist says : "We ! in have, known quite a number of in 'stances—indeed, so often a• to make It quite a rule—that old orchards appar ently dying out have been brought baerito traltfalaaes by the liberal nee of wood-ashes, also stirring the mil. Potash is the most important element in the noc cmen! growth of all kinds of fruit trees. An old gentleman told a club not long go, that he had known a man tolnake and preserve an orchard of apple trees in a flourishing and pro ductive condition, originally placed on very poor ground, by sprinkling every year around each tree, to the circum ference of its branahas, halls bushel of ashes. We. consider this a very im portent item." ELT/SPAT/ON or Sormam, farmers would use more gram seed and *eater they would make lam complaint about. Coral. Fanners should, on all their winter crops, sow from six to eight quarts of good clover seed tarty in the sprMg,"before the ground becomes set tled, and as early as the let of May sow one bushel of plaster to the acre.. If land will grow good corn or wheat it will grow clover, and sorrel will not grow tt the shade; it requires a warm soil and the sun, and usually grows on warm, sandy lands. Good farmers are Seldom troubled with sorrel. It is farmers that use clover and Ouster sparingly that grow the most sorrel. Wiraue &aua ties as Withrnrn? —Bliht weeks aid is the best age. do. - They should became aoeustomed to food such as is ordinart lrgaiMs to hop before -weaning, and *en Wore will be no need of any loss in growth by the loss of the mother's milk. If they are at all inidlned to sonar, one of the best Preventives Is an ooessional day's teed of whohrecirn , or all* kernels•wills their, other flood each day. They shoubVillye 101 they will eat, and even If **Adam is under the neoessikr ofbop* g :eass to keep titans along till his own limiest is ready; in the fell, the growth will sea. erelli MY at/eastillftli per cent aver the above met. LADY'S STORE, AT.j'l.9ltA DALE, PA ygric bayeen hand and are ounstantly receiving a TV orient! assortatec t of GOO D S usually kivt la a cc . wintcy stork, which will be soLiat LoNiest_,Gash Prices All Boats booed has we will be nal. aP. if &mind. tke Dicier &Wag Btaahlaa at a Weald peke.- - bag ; .. of . all Wadi dale at' abort wake sad low kay 11,1$70—lat GREAT RUSH Rebert & El iott's Store ; IN GETTYSBURG, WAX entered last Week add a large quantity of T V Drytioode, Notions, QUeetillnit 'and Carpetbag taken. The partiesare well known, but have thus for aged arrest, seamy left Groonbocka In exchange kir . oode. " The pinions Who took the Goods are very well eatiMied that they received more and better Goode for their money them they could have not at any other store. Come one 1 Come all 1 and =wane our large &martin= t of SILKS GENGII.AMS, • LAWNS, BAREGES, AL.PACCAS, CLOTHS, CASSIAMRES, Tfi REDS, • JEANS; VESTINGS, Also,Oarpete,flotions, ohuurwa re, Quainunrare, and Indeed, a generations:anemone of everything belonging to a Arstobses Mom =MB= the place Is opposite the Court-hoose, Ullman street, and that oar motto 1., lair Dealing and Small Profits. 20.11170-4 f SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Fahnestock Brothers Have Jost °posed a &oleo led desirable Asaartairot °MINCING AND 81711MM3 GOODS of ev d es 1y Uow ihieim. *ay are BILLIXO AT -TIT low pr BARGAINS. IAGNIISTOCK SZOTailtilirs selling GOODS at astanishingly law prim. noes waiating 'bargains should, by all insaas, give than a call. Reduction in Prices. don't fall tobf you lout uy GOODS at old paces bolus the Wu from "FIP" CALICO so good as *Tor woo sold PAIENZEITOCE BROTHER! • keep Dry Goods, Carpets, &C EMIDWATI, SADDLKRY, &c., QI7IINIWA22. OZDALWAISI, ezoozalas. PUM% OILS, Sir Give tbam • asiL Aprfl 211, 1170-tt J. L. SCHICK has the Largest and Beet Selected Stock o I DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS that bas boos brought to ilottyabarg tikla Oprisig, which will bo sold at **lemma rwalbla rates. May e, IRo:—tt . NEW Spring & Summer Goods ; 41 pirrlartssußd, Y. a, PA. • • • r • (BLEST .1 3Or W BA' • • roe:bred Clair sow enilxl3 AND MI- D= comm. as osedhot stormiest, ..Mond jll we sad wit to actladkopp der orb. • 11111.0 h• so • call spa whims car fiZINIIT & SOWER& N.B.—Apo, Lir Ohara.* Dour awing Rs dash. April 1111.181&—u T. R. 99171 X. a. IitgIiZOIPKINSILIt. ' NEW FIRM. muczunsvuzic, PA. rftWtoodorolgoodl, boobs tal"! tato portaorsidp II wader . ** Ira use of Conk I Itttaisimazt UN attention or tbotr Moods madam piddle goo and" tea* eloolld totootoood of ; NEW SPRING AND SIIIIMSR DRY GOODS; moors s, 464 AU at eldtli bat* bud *OW& %RAO lor soak mad wide& we Sr. troopotoll. to tell at -tio vary totrostigitto. oadevotatasolit Mock No, pottimodoottoodoeo. - /firA lot of or good LW" OprosA A . 1 I TOMS s. Asseaw ar o di rr , p. , April SELLING OFFS! REGARDLESS OP OOST TO QUIT BMW 1 XT Entine Stock of DRY GOODS, Nona" HATS, —1311.0.104, As, 10 1 Mt, f. 1.2. 4 1,,, CA a: _arra: 4sk iri and 4Ves . .11r iva d an tsi Paw at are z, uriutfr 'lllOOB. BOUGHT, BOLD Mint ZZOBIIIri3XD ON YOST GOLD BOUGHT & SOLD JIPPLIT t 000P13 Bought and Sold on Comutis sion only. ♦oooants noat►ad and Intone& allowed on daily balances subject to aback.' De Haven & Bro. PHILADELPHIA, PA Marsh 4, 11170-17 NATIONAL ' BANK ! 11011111,NYINT BONDI!, of all ktads,lllollGHTaaa The ITIGRAST PaLUDY paid es GOLD aad Pergolas Oohing tai having lo EITOOKI Sr BONDS, of any kind, are Invited to call, Ea w• have Um PAHNIiq'OCEB • Polionapoionable COUPON BOND!, and &whin tor meht7 to convert into /Weltered, are requested toptil i tite we have the advantage to tranater at a Maui expense. INTERNAL RIVRNirrITAINPR of a antaiolAs- at PAENI2TQCfI ENTIZIOT ON DAPNCLALL DNPOBITO selesalesd Person■ winking laformation !■ rrpue It gond*, ►ad Stooks 1 all kinds, it. ugliest/4 to era us a cal/and as mill alia•rfally Eh,. • • la AND WINDOW GLANS. fbraatlon .* ittrsbarg„ for. 11.1111,-tr EAGLA cr• largest a ad meats oatmodloas In GI 11 r1T8B112111, !ENNA 3101101 OM/ ISILIZS3I/20 AND WA/II Milt/ JOON T. 4 TE, Proprietor. IMPAnOtaalbasjorPassourgeze andliaggsge,r a I * fits Delo*, oa arrltgaangd Sal Iles trains: Oasts b arm ts,aniiresitonabi taitargos itayrn, KEYSTONE HOTEL GETZTSBUrIZG, PA. WM. Z. MYERS, PROPRIETOR. NOW OPEN . 'I'HIS is anew Howie, and hasbeen Ilttmt up Is the most isAmoyed style. Its oestlon • pleasant sad free, befall lath mostbosiacor portion of the tem.. iverrirreag menthasb sea matt st orthemseasmodati aimed Dem mot gem te, with amplestahltag attached s„ Wits zporisneed rrrrrr ts, and mmomasodatins sik r ys tin 'WI use eery eisahavortopless ?bhp to, sowspeefei•ths•sterthhumeatof th epsilon ineledlysolieftsahare eltrabliclatismsb Mei, INT. NEW HOTEL. HARRIS 110178 E, 1AL27110211E M=M. 6011171101,7710, PTIPXI TrHZ wide:wiped bas*wied s Hotel, the HAI= HOUGH.. fa the bas4sularpd sad beadecese eeatory Mak Bandingea Se. doors Mai Übe Oeuralb litaore stand Gettysburg. Pa., lad two is provided with seem nodal for the coalbrtehle satertalamest of • lugs number agnate. His ea whim ia *be business entreats hive hi promising setisibetiou fa every ease, sad he Inds certain tba those who seep with Ma ones will call egela.— Chirps moderate. ib ilgahle4laiwze las applied with the best widlsiViSer Ohne t arh=el iga lrlasi, Igt i st shoe; *a. .Ye bAI *GPIs BMWs& with a rata/walk' la atsisidaa.* A liberal Giese of ' , ladle ylairesege is reaped:oy ao effort will be vexed to deserve it. affil - W. P. UNION HOTEL `4. [,Daunt: T i MUTE xis,] YORK SPRINGS, PENICA. E. P. EITTINGER, .Proprietor. 4- • ; : 1 1 - _ . Wag *NE *4104 establib. sul tad mow Waif ellW) lblAgtmitlVM air thati: p 4 /lima i l vm os p b o ow lsi lilpnes il T _7llPam i a ti= lic.t o ais nlllbaoslslluisssp ioppas ssylk4 soo k r l e i w y d n t t i t = log Ss plan QM boa is Sot anus siposassoll Than is to sonsmstssa rila Was Sol setsesars •selsative IlssiPsea mks is desrs at pit isysomp. and is asesniqp. SiosS sale SlSsap Ologps 4 assisests. Salm kV do woks* rsissoslijs I. Z.12M0411, Jorspridar reek lipeftimAsr 41.11170—is BARGAINS IN NEW .:PUIINITURE. A 11T a 11 irisitet=110111111111ft boor 5"11 emega=br ijir ogl ili lis 4"1") 'e~;_ . UNITED STATES BONDS LIONSAL TIMM AT id ARK2T RAT F.B. COUPONS CASHED PACIFIC R. R. BONDS Bought and Sold. STOCKS No_4o SOUTH 3d STREET, GETTYSBURG SOLD diL TIM. COUPONS CASUID OE OOLUICTUD. the Well ilea of Now York, Philadelphia or Baltimore markets. Consegaesdly all orders are promptly executed. tier's for astsi 1 ;per soot" vier ö PRI OINT. for I year, • 1.146 011”. for I months, S MIR OUT. for S atosib• I. RIMY BAIA, Oalikler . gate's and saturants. fasairsugitglksi•, at N OR R IS' HEAD-QUARTERS, On the S. B. Corner cf Centre Square, GETTYSBURG, PA., Lae the Largest and Best Stocks of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, TUX LATkBT STYLICS OP H.ATS AND CAPS THY BISTMANIITAOTURIED BOOTS AND SHOES, witira Variety of Summer Under-Clothing GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS OF EV ERY VARIETY,; also a large assortment of NOTIONS, TRUNKS, And everything found In a Gentleman' Furnishing Store. GIVE US A CALL. April 22. irro-it GO TO KLINGLE'S FOB YO UR Boots, Shoes and Gaiters TIH. IL/110111, as Baltimore street, a hw doors U. above the Oeumbouse. Oettysbarg, bail oat !s -eemed a largo stock otAboots, Shoes and Walters, Irbil% be la selling at griMy induced prices. It em braces : POI LADI2II-omgress ealters,Balmonl Gaiters, Kid Slippers, aU 'tyke, Morocco Balssorsh, tr. Phu 46 - 11WI'LIMIN —Stench Oalf hoots, American Oalf Boots, Kip Boots, Congress Gaiters, Calf Bal. morals, Slippers, all styles, Srosaas , Ate. 1011 Gaiters, BalmoralGaiters, *worm Babson/Is, as. NOS BOTS—Oongress Gallon. Calf Balmoral, Pro pos, Pc. Laird Shoes of all kinds. Alio, Boots and Sboes of Ms own manaketure on. Mashy on Lad.• hoar% hum town and country are invited to call sad examine goods and prior before may p else. where, feeling maidens m paidens that I hase who ash. TEE MANUFACTURING • ' of BOOM, Bios sad Banns villa/so Ms tarried sit la all Its bramboa as Were. flew/tog dam oa ab ort amiss. l n ßy ose emp bat loy iMOn nom but ilmt-clase workm IMO Mils obolOont Mahar. be lade Iwo' Idiot Idiot of salotainforlia Ammar repatatlon. Oar. solely nothing will be left undone to dearrve it. , Thanlthil kr put Minn, aallats a ocnstinusoce ol public patronage. ■ MO la, 1170.—tt WOLF'S Cheap Clothing Store, On the Northeast Corner of Centre Square, GETTYSBURC6 PA, Hu the Wiest sad bese'otock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, nor offered is this plass. •Yo, th• vary bites* sad best stylecat Hats, Caps, Booth & Shoes, arlak a variety of SUMIKIR -OLOTHING, and 11111 NW lIIILNIELLINU GOODS ge UNDlß nerally. Abo. a Sas miariaaa et JAWALiIiT, WATOWIMI, OLOOKS. Karxoss. 10. Thelma manufactured Latter Truk. sad Tama Eaof gamiand Umbrellas always on band. end Gloves, a tarp amortmant. Clinetraa's Panay nom of all kinds. Ia ACM frier,lll lig tint in usually kept In • gretalsea pears rumbaing Mrs. all will b. sold so low its the lowsd, our sotto ton lag, .clitick salad sod small prods." 0611 sad ad, sodas our stock of goods bsibrs purchasing Mao whets. Y . WULF. Kay 20, 1210—tt _ - SPRING AND SIIMEER CLOTHING, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. COBEAN ()VAN:EN-RAM H A s iaius o t received from the Olty • new and large CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOPS, NOTIONS, SWABS, dm. LATEST STYLES. One and al larva nvitodio call et oar Store, o 101- irr *street, Gettysburg,nearky z i. pri s tMlin • JAIL ounnuiamt. April le, 11170—tt • JOICN PICKING. OPENED OUT AGAIN Ready-made Clothing, HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, /JO TINS andjmehgeed. doing badnora ander the Ina lof Puqprie Co, have apea•d var ta l tni ltare Aeon la Um law thredatary Brick lid Edema banters serest, nearly appall. Boob toes g Stars, aad lavas their old Wends I. glee them aealL Wheys laid ht as eathraly NEW STOCK OF GOODS • stleeted with hire, or the vary beet eaakesad Leta - styles, eesapeUteg • • . .. &ItiDN.MADDoLarsINCOOA2II, PA NTS TOTS DUTRA& WOODIN SPIRT& MUMMA atropin/bias; Nzogiriss, OKA- I'AiIk,NATNi. OAP& 'AND I OWN ItINDLIAB TMLIXTI .XllOl "Mob bass base 'Wylie, Is a falling mar ket, eat will be salt at estaal*legly low rats.. We hare Milo ea bead a buts ampreataas of LADLE/3, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S •- OES \- • sty* sad boot magi VA Ara ct = eat at east; to doe out the amok. WI tad JOHM PI in% s, PIOKINO. Apia it; 16T444f BPRENG AND BUMMER C L O.TH I N G, AT Y. OUNRENGIiaIff'S, Obankrikar anal, wit door go isyskons Row HBTITIBI7B9. ?.6 rait rilt biori andlaiasi styles COATS TAM- :VESTS OP .4 ALSO, S 41, -T , Tram Valises,. Umbrellas, isaia rest sad lareiviaistiret NOTIONS, YDI3ICAL INNMUEENTS,, CLOCKS, WATCHES, TOBACCO and CIGARS. oimusethpa with lb lisilpambile Oa& lag, museatell Jffl IXEC ILLW T TAILORING is glii4i* itBoolllll. win always" gad the 11114 Mein* :was, am, sum =MK P. ati *am . 1 ..,,444i.mgn . 0. D.Egai..r. Mi . • 41'4" VII quota* miL lip Pi gips moms& pox BOOTS AND SHOES. SEW • EST ABL 18.13.1171t7T. T IM a nilarsigaed it a s "recto' a atm balltilap,or a Boot sad "Mos lartabliatimont, on Clarlbilatt" warns Nallroadatati on , I a Gettysburg, wherambo now afore for ale Boots, Shoes , -G aiters, Slip pers, &c ., orates ;w main and chilitrou ,o f different style* and Woos. H. boa a Ilsosasortisant to atplaot frost ,mad willsollovory &Molest the smailaatpronta. , woinc WADS TO ORD'S, of the boat material" sad worksuaushb. Ivory effort mad, to reader satJafactiou. The patrol:inept the public!' solieJtod, Oallia,aad select front his 'took or I say" roar am". are. la either ciao you oaanot Wit° baploaasi. • July 17.111111b—ly JOHN If AIMING AND GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD andeohnoott at Hanorar Junction with tralaigo lug North, passenger! reaching Baltimore at 820 P M., Harriaborgat 12 30,P. M., Philadelphia at 1 10 P. M. fteturalng,arris• at Gettysburg at 12 30 P M., with passengers from Baltimore, Harrieburig,&e BIICOND TRAINt Gettysburg,. ei2 p and eounoct■ •t Hanover Junction with :II Train Louth at 4 42 P. M., reaching Baltimore •t TOO P. H. Returning arrant •t Gettysburg •t 30 Y. 4., •ito ot•seagere frets Baltiotors, il Irria hurt. Phi ladelph la, to Peemeoger Oar I. ago attached to the Freight train, which 1 Hanover Junction st 7.19 A.;.; reaching Gettysburg at 1040. Peasengere tattle; Harrisburg lu the 6.1$ A. IC trails eat thus 'roach Gettyaburg by 10.30 A. Y. The freight trate, With Pessitegor C4r attached, wilt Leave Gettysburg 612 P. M., reachlaithil Janetloa at 1.24 Nov. 26,1169 READING RAILROAD. • Great Crank line from the North and Northermt tor ehiladolphla, Now York, kosdlag, Pottsville, rmwriww, **bland ,Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown laeton , ltphrota,Lltls.l..ancsater,Columbia, Az. Trains Immo llorrisborgfor 21 ow York ,as(ollaa f •t 6.36,1.10 •. M., 14.20 soon, and 906 Y. M., con necting withalmilartroinsonPedneylvanialtallroad, and arriving at New York at 12.16 noon, 340, 0.30 000 lu.oo P.M., respectively. })looping tars accompany th• 636 A. M., sad 1990 awe Trains without change. D. H. LLIJGZI. Rom:ging : lean, New York at 9.00 A. M. 12.00 no and 6.00 P. M., Plilladolphla at SJ6 A. M. and 3.30 P.M. B looping Cots acc•aryany lb* 9.00 A. IL and 6.00 P. M. trains from bear York without chaise. Leave Harrisburg for loading, Pottiring, Tana. qua, Mlnerevitle Ashland, Shamokin. Pin• Oruro, Allentown sad Phlladuplds it Sal/ • . M., 2.06. gad 4.10 P. M. stoppsng at Lebanon and principal way ritotloss; 4130 P. M. train connecting for Philadol. phis, Pottavills and Columbia only. boy Pottsville, debuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schaylkill. sad Susquehanna R 61111444, lear• Harrisburg a 63.40 Way PassongerTraini Philadelphia at 7.30 A.M. connacting with similar train on Rest Pones RallrOad, returning from. Reading at 6.30 P. X. stopping at all Mations. Lief, Pottsville at 6.40 and 9410 A.M. and 2.46 P M., Horn don at 9.30 •A. M., Shasokla at 6.10 and i 040 A.M., Ashlandat7.o6 A AI., 1 0512.30 noon, Peraisout at 6.113•. M., and 2.20 P. M., for Philadelphia and New York. Leave Pottsvllle.vls./abeliki Me esquebesisa Rallroadat6.l6 A.M. for Harrisburg ,and 11.30 A. Y. for PineS d ?inmost. Reading Accommodation Train I Pottsville at 6.40 A.M., paging iteadias at 7.20 A. M., arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 A. lotavaivg, Movie Philadelphia at 6.16 P. M.-, putting Leading at 040 • P. M., arriving at Yott.viii. at 11.431 P. M. POttatow• Accommodation Prege t lesees'Pettp towns' 6.36 A. SI ft 4.00 P.M : • Otlatubla Railroad Yrain•liavelteading • trail*. K., and 6.16 P. M. fog Splints, Li tia, Laincastet. Parkionten Rai illoadtraind ••• eParkionionlanir lion at 9.00 A. 61..3 00 and 6.30 P. 11(4 returning, leavelichwenkrville at 4.06 A. M., 16.46 soon, and 4.10 P. Y. connecting with aballar trills/on Lag lng Rail Road. tiolobrookdato Railroad Train, leave Pottstown at 11.40 •. M., and 6.20 P.N., returning leave Room Pleasant at 100 and 11.30 A. connecting trick. similar trainman Read Jog Ita Chester Valley ilatiread Trains leave Bridgeport at SAO AAA, ROI made= P. It., relliaralag, 1000 Downingtown _SS 0413 A. N. ' 13.46 DOOp sod 6.11 P. d E.., cameo tins with similar trains on Zeadiag roo. • On Banda yo :t sawn Now York • t 6.00 andl.oo P. IL, Philadelphia at 8.00 A.M. and 3.16 P. 1t.,(6h• 6.00 A. Y. Train running only to Boating,' loses Pottorillo at 8.00 .6. .. llorrniburs •t 616 A. Y. and 4.10 r. and Reading al 7.18 At. ht. and 10 06 P. M. for Harrteborg, &Vial A. N. for New York, and 9.410/1; Y. and 4.26 P. far Philadelphia, Owartimiatiolif, sag e eason,B chop Lad eat. idonPlotioto , toe 'WO** allpPolnta,atrodaucßatia. Ilaggan• chocked through; 100 pounds I loweill eachPusiongor G • • NICOLLG . 1 4 aperlitondukt, Beadles, Pe., Aprll%, WO. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. On and atter N0v.16.11109,Tral newt! ll sae • flatterer unction as follows: LUTZ NORTHWARD 10.86 a. m.—Datly for Williamsport, daily (except lialtdays) for Rimtra, totheeter, Begat° Niagar a / a l Is an d Brie and the West. 12.27 a. in .—DMILt r or twin, atiltsio, 10, 2.18 p. st.—patip ikfesptsaii4ayayorWilliaxaspori and le. 41.04 p. sa....llollfluxeeptlimedpayfor Twit .4 • 10.08 p. m.—Dally(mmapt liamittepajfer Hardsbarg and Chi Wist. MOB 110173BWARD. • 7.02 a. m.—Daillittoppl ag atParktom only. m.—Dallpieet as.impt limedaye)atopplag at 011 &Min 1 .21 p. stopping at Parktosealy. .82 p.m.—NUB (eamipttaadsy )atappiagaiParit, ton 0217. 4.112 p (except Bandays)atoppingat tit Bunions. SDI!. 11. TOIING,aaa-PalcikiMai. ALPRIT Baltimore, Nil.' G en . 1 1eperiateaMiat. Noy. 26, Harrieburig, Pena's. P. B. PIONWG UINBYLVANiA OENTItAL - bisk outSrusain RAILROAD. aa D Pittsbu a . r Train*leavi g g b Getebu P rgmak p h following ousmotieu s with this Tinal flues • Gettysburg leave at 11.11 a. se. S 11.411 p. :a. lasuoverJunotioa arrive 1046 " 2.06 " " • leave 1038 " DA& 4 ‘ Harifsburg arrive 1236 p.m 11.4.5 " ee 340 '' d • m. .Philadelphia lav " 2 49 "' 140 • Harrisburg leave 1.16 16.10 • Pittsburg aril's 1.36 a. m. 1130 At train' Wows seuneetiont aro made with the traits' Gar New ark, Boston and all gamma Mita . ♦ t Pittsburg aosnactioas ara Made la the New ilalJn Depot with thinning for all Wastara points. ferWirialanurstiozapph to .11DWAZD . Gila.thaperintand l et Pa. Hoar W. eirmizs. Goa. Paammairr Wilke Agait,Phttahlpila. _ [314714.11411 WATCHES ejElf FLU. WM. P. 'McCA:WrNEY U7lsau to Salami hisCastooloso sod As labile of bit Cralrirer bg ima lr i sb3sti li tir Amok o s lioltissoro÷wa•WiltbArg' " wink ao Wheis So t a So all. Re hasAsat • Oliy Ili* • grimed aasoetanat of GOLD 41 GILIIIR 4.IIOIILMIN - 4ND ANAL" as s rr. mum. ZPOZrNziayl•U S gr lOZ t. O A I Z A r N A inw p.m ARAM CAJNISaisrCASKINSaf Want saw VataryvarcaL •VIOILN It 9171P \ An aufas,iminril AND NANGAIL M.Waiblit aid Oloek Wort varreatsi kr ewe year. J•w•b7r•P•tr , tag smeentel to It War sail wallow'''. Uk• MOM • - , . 113.AAC STAWFFER, WATCHES* JEWRI4Y, 1t0.144 30/112 f i MOND stairr, earner 401 111iinIt usipsimmi ivaiima.taivr Pistol sapsa t ibia g of =LA J Wm*, P A& 1/0,11 • COUGHS INFLUENZA; &aro Tiaras; 0;1114 Ona pianis t liresonisk , laieedersi Lunn. lied. am/ alleseins- el Use /map and OW are speedily and penemamety essredby theme el OF WILD CHERRY. . wat Mims priperagin iftet Ort ono sad kali the te el dir r m swat maideloies. bit itt hopsor l" Z 041111,47 0 1Z and saays *rasa% Migern 1,11 , er;:umption osa blieured_ resort tothbt - * N om l = 4 Tiiinip a° r'l.• ' • R E .M 0 V .E D JOSEPH JAOOBS ME.B.O.RANT I TAILOR 1. HAS Anuoilim Next door to J. W. Orem' Stored on Chamberiburg at., near the Square. • large assortment of CLOTHO, OASSIMZItiI, Sc., he., ie., offered at the •saugleet profits. GOODS bought at the Store OUT Fail OF 08 1881. 43001111 YAM! UP with dispatch, as well when bought at other stores as at his own. Latest N. Y. 1/ miaow received, and tailoring dote in the oast ap proved style. Outtingdone, u usual. The public's patronage solicited, and no effort spared to please. ^ April ZI, isle—ti Josipa JAeole. gin's); of Soul. TIME TABLE 11REIT TRAIN( Gettysburg at 8 40, ♦ .114. B .11001111 Di Suet SIIMMKR ARRANGEMENT, HONDA 1, APRIL 18, 1870. WINTER SCHEDULE. atties and TYNDALE, MITCHELL & WOLF, China; Glass and Bart/um-spare, NO. 707 CHBEiTNIIT STREET, PHILADBLPHLI, Fine Parisian (lanite Tim but staaswaritia Um market. sad at As prices of ordinary gads. WHITE FRENCH CHINA, la all As best duos, sad skid*. 4 Decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Bets in great variety. GLASS ZNOR4rED ON THE rznams, AND CHINA DHCONATED either to full ado or ssaidlings, Gs the kat slams? YDISZOIJJSB GOODS ONLY and LOWZIIT CASH PRIOIL Uttar, of Inquiry In regard to pekoe, Le., ef goods, promptly annrered. Mar.& 1170—gen Till CUCUMBER WOOD P U MP! One doses maw ohy !kit is as best Pimp sisi • facture( is ..isterioss /or _. WELLS 8 CISTERNS 1. It is Simple. 2. It Is /tellable. 3. It Is Durable. 4. It Werke very Beelly. 0. It throws Water itapldly. O. It Is all Wood, 1. The Wood le Tastitleu. S. It does not Crack In the Si 9. It Is net liable to get onto( • order. 10. Itheald an, r•Palrab• siorneari I. n osyoi they can rail, be wa by son. licit will netf l ie s *. IS. It Is Meaner than Mother rellarlo p =DU. TIBTIMONIALB la torthnony oldie nperionohareeteret this Pomp. we refer, by persaleekra, to the folknring persona who bay. had it Is nee, sad tatted It with entire sane ihatiost Jer. Eloesekor, /manila tp. • Own* l.ltk Enn Unites tp.; Arnold Urn, tp.: A. l i jdin Lottmont pp.; Jona Cr..., El ot_qMporp; 11. r. Groomonnt ; Pow Shively, Mask! ; Deado7Vrag: Totttold ; Wm. Yam& lionalSoy tp.; Arilrew Savor. stock, Tyrone tp. Penna. requiring Pumps br IF ilk er elatlllllll, eu boos ikon faruldrod sli ersibloto sad br ass by sesdtsg tbo day* of aro won or clatern. reareueeen is all rams or so payment resent a Orders by sash or oslounrissOSEPH promarsby striodoi to. J !MILL Oct 411 , 11189,-ly Iteislyydrrorra, dibeassourry,Ps. 1115 HOOP SKIRTS, 1115 HOPKINS "OWN iLLCIA," Is all Um Now 'gulag Styles, Sur Laclise, Nimes lad Child:ea ; the quality sad pica of which will conutead theseeltee to miry caiewoor.‘ =arm ooksinil 1 comers I I Just Marked doors legal at per waeklaqt our poorest prim i.e. How they eau be aoudad, magi gold deedless to that point, sad 113 per east- law that tits Woo ale you. ace. We wore the /rot is Phibidelpkta to glya allow Is Wow to our cuaterate, sad sow take the lead to stria' them All advantage of the room to a epic* brio, la ad vance of the Hold ;mosaic; which will ho tal7 sp pnctatell by all who ozonise oar extremely ley prices. Hoop skin., Our Wu Make. at W, 40, 1511, 711.150, SC" 16,11140,1 c. to $2.20. Idarillaade N Malebo,* Cleviete at SO, dO , SC 00, WOO, le. to Wit. Bawler Irma W. 14411 Otateora at Tlac. vadocod from WOO; at WO reduced frau 111.- /1115 at rednald bowl SUS, de-, Lt. W IW.OO, rr dewed from 00. IL Wooly Oofoots - at $3OO rodatad Awe el $O, Thompooal Olovo Sitting Canoe at di 1,14 rodoood from $l2 00, do., he. ins. Mood) Patens doll Ad. lands' Abdominal earoota as a ndadlos at% OA to 01 00 Sannairoseconitos to qualify. All otiter pods properdoosuy Mooed. Moo and Comte dada to order. Attend and topaimod, Molded* and loud, —Ono Nis* Ouly—Calf or amd for didieripthe do also,. HOPKINS No. 111 i Clootost Strait, PhAida. Nara 11,1f70—am WANTED AGENTS, to Paws br naxtu Asa soasa's roa-sano KEROSENE LAMP, Drowa>teod by sore We 60 Prolasoora la oor Cot Absolutely _Safe b - ;,tic:tiaate.llit=nnar; Low, borsooo It supplies a moat as sairereal as for full particulars address, silib IMItN, 24 floor, Mosiaidor Irak, Itisurtabar g , Pa. Cot li, 1M6.-4f y 0 UN T' 8 COMPOUND AL POI TII.201:121, OP • PUTRID SOMITHBOAF,I24IMmiam sr say other lallasaastor3 tot awardalsalae Kum Throorlf Robot go,lollllstiadityr ablo,SOULLatt SITU. Thtemaidaehaabeeatrtedta THOUBAND . 8 OF CASES, a dLifiwaatyarra •f tlo try ,and has war been karma total) Mateo la trin• and •••ordiad tiodirsateas. Itiewerrashmdrocare. Myatt* trial and It willaprek for fruit Ovary lioaralioldiahr*All thillasidrer with . box of ale wmlfeble•ad es toad& Theoaraathatlthasalf.stadar• repti s pat " ILO sold by esaariovirr* 0 11 ,9 at Matra, Pa., or by their Authorised erotic P. el it aearlydalth•afor•st• Adams County. Kay 29. LSO? .-4 f isaAiL YOUNT *OO. TO THE LADIES. SPRING MILLINERY I • MISS A. :N HJut medevil ere Ptilledsipbte. et bre all; 1 1 Huey essidiebseeet es Ilalthsore enordirr. rug, mar tb Presbyteries ginuek, s eery large sad regent sasortrest of sew style BONNETS AND SATE. Modem, aritz, Asper, Itiesies, *44 Lean, ELEGANT FRENCH FLOWERS, Prams., Gram Strew Trimmings end Piracy Goode, ot eery descriptive sad the West style., Caps for. elderly Ladies. Res terrier ilis actoliiiPS of the ladles to bet sr tertereet. *b, 1116.4ai10b will L. sold at lowest sub prim. Aprlll4 gkotganiPli gatterits. IiABLIEHM 1{69. TIPTON &' 31TF2S ExOksioa dALLihuzs roar orals% esrmannte, 141014 mamas or ALLirrurs. :views of the Bait field. Send & ibr clitalego& BBAMES, ALBUMS, &a., hr &barb/ at Killardle Pegnis ' t gi t Photographlo JACOB PENSIL eat TS prepard exec fa the tart ogle It Ile art MI kis* , • . : :41% PHOTOGRAnig. Ainitioenroes. Bon Ton, cuamiamawria AND ALL OTMIR • OrIV:0 1 so kw Ilidiary out Itilthocir4 cippodis Marto& 'WC StoreAsityabutt; Mies all styles at ARnifria, Photograph .Frantes, &a, somotaally ea land • tad *or sate deo: lira au • - LAW /10-41 AYBRIS , CHICEIRT ?IMO/IAL .lbr Diseases ef td. Throat end , such as aiwgkftsis,C=a;anin.Vbausasoimee'°l. • PrebstelLsovei Ware fa tha whole Itlleiry of seadkdne. wilds/ tree as 'Hedy sad se amply • epee the eanddssepo efontktbd. as Oda ancelleet re medy far pehnomery emplabsta. Thieve" a keg settee of years, sad sautes meet of Ake aces ot su n lalsas thee Maker sad higher la their estbeattee, as IS boobies's* better haulm Weathers" eberecter W power toms the 'erica affections of the kegs sad West, have mode It kayos as a reliable' protec tor setdast thee. Mil le adapted to milder bases of disease sad to yaws( 416114rwar It IS it the sues thee the must idfortnal moody au ow A. gt vat Ibr onoesiemptlea. and the &morons affections of on threes sod hum. Li a biocides spinet adder attacks of twerp. It should bo kept au head le every fisellP, sad lodised se all are eolnetbset enbiset to odds sad sepplue, all should be provided ylab this =Mots A. them. • Altbeasik soltied Cattaissites Is thought locatable great slumbers of awes where the Caws* maw. ed sett hal, have tom sosephiltely cured, mud **pa, Sleet sestersd Ii *Sued keel* by tb• Mary Rotonti. So easaplet• Im Iteasstery over the disorders of the Lamp mad Th reat. that the nest ebettnete of them yield to ft. When aothlas else could reach them, esderlhe flurry ffesiorai they subside and dirty pear. Divers a id PisbAte speakers bad great protective Ikea te. MiZ;M== *weehitts pi ll eally eursd by lathe( lb* Cherry , ?Wirral la ma awl frequent doses. no gewerally ame its flaw knows that we need not yubllak the certificates of theta here, orb wore lira aims the public that VW qualities aro folly audatalsed. Ayer's Ague Cure, lbr hoer and Agoo, /atamittestr hoer, CAM fewer, Bosittent Fever Dumb Ague, P.riodical or Billow Aar , rille.,essil indeed an tits Afrotkisms milk* erne ivirem materfoirs, mars.% or miannetticprisons. Aiello noise baptist, it dame time, and does sot 60 Coalsbang winker Amalie, ilthialitt Bismuth, Zino nor say °the. salami orpaisonous enbettnce what ever, It bilowlee Wares say pokiest. The mintheir sod inspekbusie of Ira • Mires la the ague districts, are litera tileyosd rawest, and we believe without a Collis the Itistory of Agee minticine. Our pride gran/id by the acknowledgments we receive of • radical curet *footed Is obstinate cameo and where other remedies bad wholly Ailed. Unerelthisted persona, Anther reddeut In, or travel• lag through olassestki beelines, will be protected by taking the AGUE CORE daily. For /deer Climpletids, analog from torpidity of the Liver, It Is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver tato healthy activity. for Bilious Dlearders and Liver Complaints, ll la an emelleut remedy, producing many truly remittable cures, where ether medielates bad lanai. Prepared by Dr. J. O. Arm A Co., Prettiest sad the world. Analytical Chenthrea, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round PllOl, in.coo 111 E BOTTLi, lel.l/or Wla Gettysburg, Ps., by A.D. R u saLn, Agent. rJ.• 21, 1M O-17mA PETER BENTZ, MUSIC EMPORIUM, N.. $0 Zug Market sired, York, Pt..'. , Sole Agent and Dealer In the guffawing wake of Nance: ILNASN 00., 01011011 MANX 100., J.. 0. MIMS, STIINWAY & lONS, ONIOKIBINO I SONS Also, the Colibro Piano , fall 7 octane, only 4 bet 10 Isola. long. LIMO, ORGANS, ism elk dared by SEASON ti RAKLIN, and NUD ELY I SONS. All Guaranteed for 5 years. dltPanonal and weal attention given to Um soloetkin Instriensante. Address ra..11.. 10. rm. Mgt 11111 M gal, 'flush'', tae, Ott. Cook and Parlor STOVES, OF ALL KIND& The latest and most approved styles TIN, SHEET IRON AND HOLLOW WARE. Coal and Lumber OF ALL KINDS Call 45" .Exansine I C. H. BUEHLER'S Ware Rooins, CORN$lt OF cART.TRTi tituwAD 17 - 11 MI 7400 a =MIT.• • Ml= CASKIMIL NEw _COAL & 7 .141 M -E! T HE "utideiiiiizgrhaii *Hind - into 4 .Preisill U nd _Wider !he f 17131 Of 7 maw. Idme Pun* Mau:Hess I Aliftiat=rall st etvi riatiftri ls 4 21 a ° 114' 4WolVo :ma tio bolt -of Lho• - - JIPASsis islulfrislir Maw art Blaakralti C. 0= (A• -" liAirt pries& Unlit mil Mai dellkatataliil . ftsborg. 114 1 1 1 11, 11Sallfg4f : '77 •-.7r §airdornt,ling, At., Haidware and droce.riesi 1, 1 _ 1111E=!I love jot Mira OaAbs. Aka @apply of HOILDWAIti owl ? M tit ill, arida nay an OW', 66 Omar WO oit stkatota aorta I he t haamt Oar soak II It IL:- • . =I IMP ,GROCfpgrat OP . 414 FDA • "Alidarigaiiii. .41114141111/11 lia - I Vll= llll ls6 sal • • asa, lad mu . ,061016 la *sir ono. • ato WON orgarso self itikror roe at slAw? h".."l"6lll2TaaLt DA ri - - • afiltLO, GAIN •• . JOSEPH WALTON & CO,, vAiii*EzisrAtizag. No. 418 *atliiti ?'11‘,:14e1 . 404i, 401i1E-' EMZI=I.III REMOVAL, North-west Corner of Centre Square Gettysburg , Pa., titters I shall be loappy to waft saps all Illy old Oua toisars sad all irlta my favor ms with a call. GROCERIES, NOTIONS, ¢JC QUEENSWARE, AND GLASS-WARE, all of which I invite the public to call cad examine. MUM BOMIRT. *lra 21, 1/20-141 WM• J• MARTIN, glutei'Wand Retell Desieri a - ROUBLES ANDLIQU OBS ♦ largo lot of Groceries that I am sellicg Chup or Cash. CHOICE LIQUORS, Old Bye Whisky eight years Old. leery Old French Brandy. ALL OTHER KINDS OF LIQUORS, A general assortment of BITTERS, amongehich is shler'a Herb Bitters. Pure Liquors for Medical pur pc.. t WM. J. MARTIN'S. Table Cutlery,. Glassware, Queen WARY,ko.,at WM. J. M•ltTlfill April 30.1889 WM. BOYER & SON DEALERS IN GROCERIES NOTIONS TOBACCOS, ALSO, Stone, Wooden and Willow Ware licat*A general assortment o all Goods usually kept in a FAMILY GROCERY. D0e.441607.-t. BARGAINS at the new GROCER - Y . IN GETTYSBURG. JACOB W. .CREBB HATlNGepened anew Greeery.ln Gettysberg,oa the aorthoweet corner of the Public Square, WWI tut reeedeed uspleadld aeronaut t el /WM GROCERIES Including Sugars Cafes, Melaaseq, Syrup, Tea. Illpleia.Sobaceojialt , Pish,Hases,ahoulders,kr also QUERNSW.ASE, CONFECTION S Nuta,frulte,Jkape,YancyArtielesand Notions goner ally We will alsokeep ea hand FLOUR lad 711 D lIITIII7II. Sarin purebased for CASH, I ant prepared la WI very cheep. Giro me •ealland Judge for your selves. 1110pt.211.1367.-t f J. W. CRUEL G O_C Elt Y 4 WIC B. MBALB HAS OPIUM) A Grocery, Vegetable and Notion Store atlfaraddimeradialningliaals t Brother's Marble yard, la EAST YORK STREET whirs Ws protrared t_dael i aa . damp as as cheaper aarag i t ioN te tir s ir. . Carpenters and Sontrattors. GEO. C. CASHMAN GETTYSBURG, PA., Carpenter and Contractor, RESPECTFULLY informs the AAR public that helms rentovad tobis new Shop on Itrattonatrest betwiten York sad Railroad ',treat and lsprepared to take oontracta for Putting up sod repairing Buildings, at as reasonabls rate any band sr la Gettysburg—all work guaranteed mob• o best quality. R•bopesby markt attention to bomb. aesstomeritpubliepatronage. Give ale so all. April 9.1869.-tf WM. CHRITZMAN GETTYSBURG, PA., Carpenter and Contractor, Hoviagroasovott to toy now Shop On Washington street, between Middle WWI Oharnbretburg streets, Atadlatrottotwit Item. Prwor,l art propmrod to fur of& all ktadoof work for building purposes, of the but actor &Land uwowtlyaktehosply softest ha dowoo4sayothor ostailtabauatia ski °rusty. Ix portinced Saadi always le nudism and work ex atottod Mak prospromoaaddlopitok. ItarOrtliwo for all kinds ofitrookatoAorolls.Moold• bop. iw,protof tly Illtod and on., traeosablotorso A5r111111,119.11.-tt Win. C. •Stallsmitli. & Soil ; GETTYSBURG, PA., Carpenters and Contractors. Doors, Shutters, Blinds , Door andWindowPrames Cor nice 'Door &Window i3raokets, &c. doutiratiyon band and aria nottrod to order a . BEST MATERIALS, by apt: hated ateksen,and st RE4BONABLE riticEs. , J ll ll l.Or t alszeproaptly attended to. clutilizits, it. Bowgivis COMPLETE MANURE, Super l'hoephate of Lime, Ammonia anti Potash. .1011 LAX ALL Pl4lllll AWAY'. YZEJTCT rzsrgaus ;cut ,44,r, OOPS -Oa aasseat at m. aptasal aaat of 1&w Illatartab, I as ambled to fen , VOXPLIIIIIIIItLXVICIV at a hivarbetab Gad ay Nut aid of ass analdnary It b Itapdtrred la aoadlttothedia sosUty. ( Warranted frostras tlishirstissi - - 11.1111.111 HOW'S, klanaraeantsa Chaniet, G ray's Sara Seed, Plltadalibla, •MU llasaroesatahatrati ialwarasta of }hat bad la a 3OLVBLi YOJtM. fantail/kg as wall And Its globs( la Hemp to tbs toll. loyorloao• to ilia too of Mlsooptot• Wove by iil4 - but &noes of lNoonylvoalo. Nov Jim. Dd. igirmaeogiroad, sal of 1110 ii,Sods' d Staioo, =ming Went a period of throo you* aria. Us rib. MINIS to oosAtooloiflt to bo fit etif Altrtatoof DIXON, EIHABP.LEBf3 k 00,, 40 south Num', •A3Ynr,!'ingd," Yard-zakir _01,1;4,1)0,, &outh cre, Ow* ISTII.I. lasi ft 404;1. 1 RIFT REMOVED 10 /a s4lJoa, to of •look of I kayo added FIRE PROOF SLIM 1110 X CHEAP P RIN TIN G Star & Seatiael BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE Baltimore St., Gettysburg, Pa. • Haring recently added largely to oer already large at** of Book & Fancy Job Type, We are tally prepared to aceolonsedate our old ca touters, and all °then who nay favor as with their patronage, In the best style of the arca". the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable eerie. Printing of Every De scription, UNEITELT,F IN NXICIITION UNSURPASSED IN &ITU& AND UNRIVA LT,Fi) IN CLIKAPNXIIB, ES= STAR & SENTINEL, Baltimore St., Gettysburg, Pa. PLAIN AND Ornamental Printing, From the largest Posters to the mulled Cards. COMMERCIAL PRINTINO MIMI BILL HEADS, CARDS, CHECKS, DRAFTS ENVICIAPES, LABELS, SHIPPING BELLS, ~y_il:niC7i:•]:ltll HANDBILLS!, DODGREIS, &c Immodod proMptly; boot manner, sod or MID toculereart Woes. BOOK AND PAMPHLET .44124t1NG, 11,1azipi or ilia atteit ia bl di Pod • 1 7 1 9 add 4 1 ea low Maw essay Mee tie tawdry. I;46,ol4lbn,thras a trial by *bow &arias Rby h! our lbw. aa ask wit GUARANTEE SATISFACTION, Both In style of 'work oiil praimptaes. la efts on. ORLI= AY. MAIL PROMPTLY Ali ,TENDED TO. THE GETTYSBMW STAR & SMiTINEL I 8 TEI BEST ADITERTISING MEDIMit nt Tlflt3 COs. rit4. PRODUM.wretlar " 041/ ib l i ." 111 : : la g 4414 11 taw - vow 'Skilisen, mid Is 40 . by, dims, eatiosilis is Life . etha ti Mims Um ♦T Till =E! Baltimore St. between Getty TERMS OF ' Tug STAB AND 8 . day morning. at V.. 00 a It not paid within the year continued until all the option of the pa. •• -“ ADVIRTISIMISTi U. rates. A liberal reduction advertising by the Special notices will be be agreed upon. sir The circulation of , th le one half larger than. newspaper In Adams using medium, It carmot. JOB [Max of all kinds led and at lair rates. PataphletNite.. In eyery printed at abort nutlet. grottootatuil H.. B. WOODS Hee roomed the Practice of sn: onetime .Is wa Watts des:—lion. J. B. Denotes c?rn•r of the Diamond • M. KRAUT IN • Inn, Gettysburg, Pt busiest's promptly •tt•Lded Odle* on 8•lumor• tttttt t Jug, IS, ts69-tt il McCONAUG •,-. • LkW , J a,/ ~ .d oor 4,,,ra...3n..tioforsO(srig •iroot. .ipecial ktlootloo 41T•0 to if 4attloment : al.tolos. AI I Ii LII L.; L . e. loos, donut', a .. ~. . i it•i..t.ri.(4.. ly tttood to. . (1 at, oo&todo.nd .( ( • V.I Sod other wasters' B. Jule 13.11189.-lf k J. COVER, 4 L. I.IW. rill oranapill.• .11 ,[s•r Buninelientrusted oc. netweee V.6uMto•k t lalttrgorertrN _t %Inky 21,1867• kVID A. BUB .fCY ti LtW,willp ,t 11111 .thor hudeee■e• touce le to in ' Dart 10 ).k\rfl.) WILLS, 1r . ) Bc+.rufir•• tr,or ;•ntreSqu•re. • HAy 2J,1167 DR. 11. S. HUB g. 'pr,sor .•j C't t--4sterabwg .irrostrit OoL. JULIO 11 1110.-tf J:• W. o'/ D Its. hi. •t his r CCCCC or• tbOV• the Co 44ittisbarg,Nlay29.1101. JOHN L. HILL, ...:Isansber•burg .ink• 8.g1• Hot ,1f nirtisvlog bean in constant can Da &wand of g • DR. J. E. BERICST 1.11, rarity/ Weaned In • •rrtc•. to tb. public>. Onkel .ppotito the Ulob• Inn, twboore tt tnn4 to .oy as. •Itbintb.p • .r•oasia • halo( full qrpirt it tip,' to call. reroserwonalil July 30,1889.,41 otarriagni, SAVE YOUR Patent Elastic Collie THE undersigned h CKLlAnitAticii eou.Aa Hsaar a Berry, w all the City r *meow Rail • pr •tectlon of their elect. Th. •boorb tio Moist,. re. and do not which they ore stuffed twine adJust■ to the Wises of tae and • does not chafe. Yermers, try • HARNES for tele and made to orde•. moot on Oar Hale street, Gatti the Paseeoger Depot. ]try 20,1870—1 f D &YID IfcCIZART. j( "Best always T HE Beat and Che SADDLES', B ft IDL.Is;S lIA R NESS of all kin. aro always to b• found at tha ntsod,Baltimoaa et.,oppOtlt•tbe (I'll C A.- Our Riding and Wago. •ra the most dubetautlalt) Our Harness; (ptain'ah ado are complete I • every meetc of the very boat material sat try Our upper leather Draf OAS NOT es 1111.1 . . itt•y are tb• most durable. Our Heavy Draft Barn Sr. aisd• to order, ea obeop *OM where sad is the meet sahstanti Riding Bridles, Whips, Qom... Vie-nets sad •verytbie baiter or cheaper. Our prices have boon IIOUCIID to thelowestll liberal percentage tor:ash ,o • to 116 or more. We wort nothing but the bee warrant •V•rf .rticl• torn•dout • represented. Th•nkfto throes trirOre 1re112 . 1 , stock. .116•Itre us • celltud•Xittilit•l Jan.:29.11163.-tr D. M. RRIAGE-MAKING Yo•warselog mr,th•anderil the OARRIkOZ-MAEINGS • th el r old itsod,lo lest Ilddloo •here they ors .gala proparod to molt t&stilessiblo, tobttoott&l, rod & lot ot no! and wood -hood a a (MAOEB,BI3OO'I on heed, wttleh they •I►► Map.. price.a. sad all orders grill H sup sea satiefeceorily MI passible. erREP&LFIENG done wit hdiipoteh,ood•to►ospoot A Iorg• lot of our andold MAE al n Thank fultor th•llbersl garotte peed, he them, they tellairhod sell serve • l•rge share ip the fame. DAZINI Y►y /SO.-% I Buggies and C REMOV THI aadaralguad kaa ermined I log shop to Mt • own sad elf KM burg, Pa., what* be willrooatimmata work la his Mae, via: CARRIAGES, TROTTL ING. TOP BUGGIEV WAGONS, &C, Ms work Is all put up of the beet of aaobaalas,dadaata action. His prloasar• always raw Its orders, conideot that ha eat pia RIP/11114Na promptly domylit M. . July 1. 11611.-ly gift sod girt Vs ADAMS C01:1 3LCITUAL VIER INSURA.NO isoosroctriri. mum 1 011101118 resitisnt—a eorgeBwope. V lee•Preaident—ilmas•llB.lPuseil Secretary —D. A.B ashlar. Treasurer—M.G. fahnestoek lzeontiveoonunitteo—Bober Or • g,Jaeob King. tiscutgers.-6eorgeBwope.D. A .1112 y, 9. M. Russell, M.G. Fahnsetook,o Mine, Statism township; Mreriorleit G. A. Picking. litraban; Abdul Lai Wm. Rose White, Liberty; S. 0.1.• Y. 8.) 116,ThlaCompany au.tta Isl_ busty of Adams. It has bo•ii to ban 17 years,aad is that period hale sussat.bavlimpaldlo.sea by Inds 111 auk this toaverllo,ooo. A sy p ono transoms bpply to olther at tb. 111 Illasoally • COM ZS it U. 01 001 .Paah ofql• but Aodahlal I floolosig. .IL • BUT ADVREAM