On., Wit Mi n: 69. JUNE A rCLL A 3 8011TM112!k Oki Family Medicines 'ENT MEDICINES, Kb WINKS FOR YIDIC>L PORPOIIII3, ZS ♦MD FLAVORING ILRTIAOTE DYE ETV7Fb, IL/EDINS AND TOILIIT GOODS, TING FLUIDS AND STATIONINT. Pk ASCRIPTIONS AND 7ANIAN 11.1- ACCVIIIATILT PVT VP NO ♦ND COUNTRY NINDORANTINIJIP AT ILIIMICKD BATAS y's Horse Powders 0 ., lumpier for formes, Cattle sod Ihrtso Powders otapprorod cakes ÜBER'S, re IN r eet, Gettysburg. Pens'a. U9.-!l . R. HORNER tice of Medicine.. °m.. ♦s his G STORE, 111511t111117R0 ■T., O2TTTIIUIO Alma. Dealer la URI Ysucoixss, DTX STI.I7YB, PAULI T I,IIIDICIIIX LIM AMES CRESS ' IJGGIS r rant's Building; Ballo. at. TLESTOWN. ' G opened s new DRUG d Oiled It u th• boot stle, I offer re sod boob Drugs to the titthuou of • vicinity at the lowest market rotes, rt of Family Medicines, Pill' or Medicinal Purposse, nt Medicine:, Horse Powders, Dyes and Dyw Staffs, Yarreskary, d rimy ankles . A fon oasortmest of Awry of allkinds,Clgars,Tobsecoafal itioctro•hiaanetirfloap will wash with *tor, cold or wars. Clothes washed are s►de basatAtally white withost Tidal. the bast Soap to use. try nued not to injure the hands or fabric. .May IL-17 JAMES CRilia. D. BUEHLER, & BOOK STOR; ' TYSBURG, PA. DICMLS, PATENT MIDIOINIX. TATIONERY, PERFUMERY, MIAS, GOLD PENS, tc., ilk urg street, near .Diamond try Merchants supplied a 3731:11 !maul cfalo. N D S OR SALE dersigne•:,, al Attorney •ge by gale Ind will ••11. Jte Real Estate, fettylbst& ez.caprielaig and Lots, Out-Lots, lding Lots and Farms, at the Spring firms proper ty •id plots will b. preparod la • IV UT* sakes will a. pilafs ed. Pub wow called to tka proposed Bale, place early le;Jaawaszt, as adoring ty br aoliolrfag (bilrablo property.: midi oleos of bctumbroacto I. O. XeCIZAZY April 20, 11170-tf PROPERTY AT PRIVATE BALE. ad Grua at Priest* Ml* • YlOl2 111, situate In Scribes township, soralowert of Newsravatar, atecialark ll=Gowns sae at laud i alaietate, of ea te art a saw w sag de l a r lria, Prase Bark a tkriv. • at Apple and Peach Trees, erupt Trawls timpani, a wall of Rater at, fallen[ Stream rare Omagh the • There It as &amber* of The basartealeat to earaches, 11401416. la well oaltod br divioioa.and will bo lbw Somali parehrwon. to rim tb preiolooo or soorrialla • Om mu twertbor or addrsio by Wow. g. 111,11116- AiILAKAY mum. 1 olf TOWN PROPERTY PRIVATE ULM Private Ws do TALIIASLII PIG. hi of Gettysburg. at Um tors or some am th. illosasg, Lowe aa " trostlag 00 Not us Obsolbersisati tag leek to • plains alloy. no bo at • lewooess7 11.4111 DWG', lIGIGG aaviamiummit, sftb ibe. 110 • tatorbio or rosomoblo toms. for feather to oftloo of tit. imadoeidasod. JOHN L. 111:11LIM, MAUI .11 T. A. 11111110111‘. SALE OF MOUNTAIN LAXID. WI at Awhile Sale, fa itrr- vJeV WO.atytr.lij .11. la to . mom Pa.. are Wataaahane awl Luis /as th• . of PatelleaL It it the fret Wad 446 11116 AM la dlyaled late lota. 4 ACERB EACH, dm rasa threrlas eltattaat, Lima Mae. - 11 la attested that it al 11011 Mlle to the Acre. ems et the WY bony Cbrient Oak Oak.— 7 =ite 142:11711i1 3114. the atheetibert. le *OWN 1 b. Wise mad tame aids tam*. MAIL UtWllt JANSII W. xz WIIL .101111 =WIS. TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE:. main od !Mato kb Ida LOT ard- Oprimps, mat etln/4c • of Jtv_odos PO roomoly n tlit oda& seimunilmatio . loaddiate paimisok• MP Ws& Ner wog 17- 'IMO B. TAXER.—Last winter the Legislature passed a special Act extending to Adams county the Y:firk county #ct in. vig•rd.ito the Collection Of State l ittnt OhiinlY taxes. On all taxes unpaid after July 16, five per eent, additional will be collected. The .Act will be found in full in our advertis ing columns. VATERPrLLARS 2 .4-3:bein Pe44 of the Garden and °retard has already made their appearanoe. A little time and trouble will destroy them, and thus pre vent injury to fruit and get rid of a nuis ance. If neglected bow, tboie will - i 'bs trouble 'all the motion. Go 'to work at once. THE LITTLESTOWN RAILROAD EXTENTION.—We learn that Jos. S. Grrr, the Chief. Engineer of this road, was at Littlestown last week and made a permanent locatiop of - t ibia raw* Sp ' Vbe Peraisyltazda lad r alU7iftnatiiiief,- lad prepared it for the oontractor. Proposals for the grading and bridging of the ex tension of this road were received last week at the office of the Company in 'Lit tiestown, and the eontfact awarded to Cyrus Diller, of Hanover, his being the lowest of five proposals that were handed in. • • I. 0 : 4118; Akeyseone Good Templar," of May 8, we find the following list of Good Templar. Lodges in Adams county, with the number of each Lodge, night of meeting, aod , address of the Deputy Grand Chief Templar,: 160, Gen. Reynolds, Mom, A. W. Fleming, Get tysburg, Adams co. 302, Geary, Tues., H. C. Peters, Tork Springs, Adams co.l 344, G4l4.isbung, Fi May, QD. McMillan, Geliya. burg. Adams co. 364, Morning Star, Mon., T. U. He'nerd, Benders. vine, Adams co. 674, -Green Haven, Wed., J. It Herman, Ramp• ton, Adams CO. Lo.No FAsT.— vve - are informed that 'on Saturday last while Mr. Abraham Herr, . 0 1 ow: L awns; township, , Adams county, was engaged to removing some hay from the loft of &is barn, to his great surprise and wtoniattasent Ate dhlooiered concealed some dlititenee beetwilb_. APhti bay . Ik turkey, which had bean ilitesinefrohiii 'about the premise* for some 4ight Aar tan streeks. The turkey was still alive, but ..was, fearfully emaciated, being reduced to aztareskele ton. "Itwasatimesi.relthtied from Ili portaop and food and water placed be. fere it, .ot v.44ch• it heartily partook.-- Han° ver Citizot I. 0. 0. E. -On thinly:Ter .4ening the - Officers of the ChineEncargipment of 'Pennsylvania, who are on a tour of °Motel visitation, met the members of Union (Gettysburg) and Eagle (Hanover) En campments in the Hall of Union Encamp ment of this place. Grand Patriarch Fos ter, being unable to ne present, was rep. resented by John W. Stokes, Esq., E. W. G. Represeqtative to Hp Grand I f adge of the United Btat4s. Jibe's wore - also Ore*. ent James B. Nicholson; Esq., Grand Scribe; John S. Heim, Esq., Grand Treas urer ; William H. Trinnich, Esq., P. G. P.. and. Gsarga,Bertsuo; Req., Pt. R. P. There was a full representation of the two hncanspmects, a special train being run from Hanover. The. Grand Eneampment officers, duringitheir stay in Gettysburg, were entertained by Union Encampment. STATZ MC S. ABEICEZIMAON....—LaiI week we noticed the call for the Annual Convention of the State Sunday School Association, to meet in Harrisburg on .Tuesday June 14. We hope the various Sunday %hoot. organizations In this coun ty will make arrangements to be repre sented. The sessions will be interesting, instructive an d important. -Sunday School Superintendents can obtain fall :printed details by addressing the State :Secretary, LeWks,P. 703 San •som street, Philadelphia. The names of those who expect to attend the Convention sthould be sent to Rev. P. 'Robinson or J.M. Sa, YruA l 4-E 44 1.1 Harrisburg, Mites ,man and Sedielary - Of the local committee of arrangements, before the lit ofJnna, so duet places of entertainment may be pro s ..44:16d• A 2 ,0V1F RAILROAD PROJECT.—The citizens 0,. New Freedom, York county, Pa., soluelebik! ef e hekie.elketit/E•Wldeb was largely atto7ed. bf the Wkist'llner- Netic and substant:el wee of the country around. The meeting` was organized by the appobattpeat oft!wpgoll4l. and committees, and the gusset , the pro" priety of building a Railroad wee Wow Freedom, Pa., on the Northern C l itetra Railroad, ta-Bachsraues Val)sysampa -A** up and discoesed. Quite - sr number Wr speeches were made,and a preliminary our. i vey was'ogreed upon. Jeseph 8. GUS, Civil Engineer, of New Oxford, In this county, is t°)°,ll4ttrir, (. 1 1 13Iit Y ( 1- learn, is now rnsmog, a recoano 111140 u - o the country . legltfg_►Qe4~►een Drew Freedom and the Ore Banks in Baohman's Valley, Md. The survey is to be coin mewed, we believe, next week, and if there is,' PrfligkaVlO Mae to tar ) 20 411ire Gift will surfolyfindit;:as fa IsbOteoktered one of the best practical Engineers on' kr ,cation and construction in this section of country. ELECTIONS,—On Saturday evening t the following gentlemen were elected om. . core of the Gettysburg Building A.111100ill• di m: • ' LI If President—Bd wardG. Fahnestook. Vice President —William A. Duncan. tillecretary—John F. McCreary. IrrsaMusr-elehrtiOnlp; A - • lisatageni—J. W. 0. O'Neal, John Rupp, A. J. Corer. D. Rendiehart, Wm: F. At kiuson. The Report of the. Dhrtory ehoin, the assets in tb• Ifkserteribiglitht to $54,763.. 00; in the 24 series, $38.810.57. The amount paid he the Ist series on each share is $78.00 ;pseseekvalus i pn it amount paid in 2d miles there on each present value $73.0. The avenge premium paid for money during the lest six mouths, in tAle orrirrilrrsno,droo Oa the 24 hat., the following gentlemen were elected officers of the Litileatown Railroad Con! y : Praeidose... Nti‘etk'' 1.1 Dir eetont — lefeWL.l,6l,d;irmooh &yr., Levi D. Ham, Henry Wirt, Wil liam bleSherry and Geo. Stomata: On the Ed inst., the following gentlemen were eleataLalleerstaa,lloo 13avinpi "Z -1"1116, Saniml Ithgtavies*-14114 ti. ;41v Rider,ioltrilia Myers, e `. albr and Levi Ham. =I SbauiWkalikAßAWlid: Getty ** it ** , 11 , 11114.. 1e746 POSTPONED.=-Tie Entertainment at Boyfry Etohool-hopat will not be given dntfi batirdai eveitineithit. Should the weather then be untavoralle, it will be further postpoded to the 28th. LOCAL.—We learn that the Rev. Mr. Williams, formerly of Taneytowo, ,has accepted a call from St. John's Lutheran Church, Littleatown, Rev Mr. Lane hav ing removed. pipLit.t4-4-3 Chilmberanteg , "Pirpers an nounoe that Mr. Everett, of the Theologi cal Seminary at this place, has reit:aired a call to the Lutheran church at Glntencastle .—aala 1,000. • ; I SCAL ED.—A little Henry 'Atte, residing McSherrystown, bad one of . his feet badly scalded on the 23d nit., ,hy accidentally treading into a pot of boil ing evattlr.rwbleis wait ilaintli;tit 40* Yard awaiting to be used by his mothbr, wbo was engaged in washing at the time. SALE OF B 001 ES. —We direct the atten tion of the resider 011ie pile, of Books, ',fad Magazines, constituting the Literary of late Hon. Robert G. Harper, deceased, to. take place on Saturday the 2lst hut., ad vertised in today's paper. Among them are some valuable'Publications. a The Ninth Soilditt ofthiaverllale District "Methodist Rpiewepal Sunday Rebook! In at will be held is Ratiover, ow Tues. day,V'ediesdaf and 'TteursdaY, 111aY, 31, and June land 2. The Inititute embraces four oounties, Adams, York, Cumberland and Franklin. We are indebted to Rev. J. B. young, of Bendersville, Zr a oopy of the-preowenme, which we enact : Afternoon Absnon.-11ceckiolc. Devotion al Exercises; 8.15, On-animation ;"' \3.30, History • and aim Jot the Carlisle District Sundiy School Institute, by Rev. Dr. Mlt- chell ; 3.00, The duty of laboring In the Sunday School, by W. M. D. Ryan ; 4.20, The Model Superintendent, by Geo. D. PoonYPenknr ; 4.40, Question Drawer; 6.00„ Adjournment. Beetling Satviort.--7.80, Devotional Exer cises; 7.41f6 Annual, Sunday School Ser mon, by Jaynes H. IlleDarrall, or A. R. Miller alternate; 9.00, Adjournment. Morning Session.-41.80, Opening Ser i ',Jona, Prayer for Pastors and Teachers; '8:40, How to conduct a Sunday' School Teachers hfeetine, by H. C. Cheston ; 9.10, The Study of Sacred Geography, by A. H. Mensch ; 9.30, Answer Box. Why are you aS. 8. Teacher! 10.00, Children's Meet ing, to be addriesed by A. R. Miller. E. W. Kirby, and W. M. Frysinger. ,AMrstecus How lb teach a Class? by H. R. blossitr, S. J. Shoop, G. T. Gray, and R.M. Ash ; 2.50, Blackboard Exercises, by J. B. Young 3.20, Question Drawer—Free discussion, ' minute speeches; 3.so.olunday School\ Music, by J. A. Demoyer ; 4.10, Infant Ma" by J: Donahue ; 4.35, The Model liktholar, ‘ by J. A. Woodcock; 5.00, Adjournment. Evening Rianion.-7.00, Devotional Ex emboss, Prayer for increase of S. 8. Laborers ; 7.15, The Answer Box—How shall we secure the largest number of effi cient Teachers?; 7.45, How to Preach to Childien, by Wm. H. Beith ; 8.00, Sun. 4ay school Experience Meeting; 9.80 Ad. journment. 8.00, The best Library System, by J. B. Shaver; 8.30, The Teacher, by J. A. Dix on; 8.50, The Relations and Duties of the Pastor and Superintendent respect ively to the Sunday School, by , Tilol3lol 1 10 :51cCluire ; e.BO , The peauliar obitacles of Country timidity Schools, and bow to overcome then)? by J. 11. Clark ; 10.00, The importance of the Catechism, by John Lloyd, and Wm. Sayers ; 10.30, Mis cellaneous; ILOO, A.diourrimeat. CMIT PROCEZDENGIB.--A. special Common Pleas Court is in .sesakm this weak for the trial of deferred Civil causes. A number of Jurors having tiled to answer on Tuesday, while empaundling a Jury, the Court made an order that all jurors failing to answer shnuki lose timday'r payra fine of Os to be imposed on a Second failure to answer. Ws annex a reocird of the cases Wed.: ‘.a Exicutors o( Thadidepa &evens vs. Christian Bomberip' w and others. Bom berger alone was served isiiit.suouncms.— Xjecunec4. Verdict for the plaimifik premises described In the writ si sifsbut Bomberger, being 888 awns of Mountain land. J. !Stewart Witherew vs. Sarah Elythe a alias. Ejectment Cue settled by parties. ltiagdalida Kohler's Executors vs. Philip Kohler's ffUecutont. Trespass. This ac tion was brought for money received by Philip Kohler, deceased, on a ma:team for damages done by thenonstraction piths Gettysburg Railroad over land which k w)til alleged belonged to Magdaline Kohler, be fore jter =triage:to Phis Pitillp 'Kohler died beforewife. The Jury rendered a apectal Verdict for Plaintiffs for $606.20; . Jun if the Quart should be of opinion that the record in the proceedings for damages is conclusive as talk* the verdict to be for plaintiffs for $202.06. La the petition Tor damages, signed by Philip irnhlar and lisidalinak kid wit{ tio Mille I. alleged as Wog* the wife for life, remain. der in Stele heir husband., Both signed the petition for damages. Martin Stombangh vs. Joseph Shin ta= and John Sling' This was an action of Trespass against Glorietable for buying and 0114 -4.14912at1t Xiiiirelljaidalig shoos la - longed to him, on siedgment of Stamm vs. hb Misr, Mr, Stoifibiugh, sr. 'On A DARING ATTEMPT AT ROB BERY.—Ott Friday' night about two o'clock one of the most daring attempts at robbery filet lore 'hive hoard of for a long time, was made at the residence of Mr. Frank WilsOn, is Abbottatown, Adams county. The facts .of the ease ire these: At the hour designated above Mr. Wilson got up with a view of getting an early breakfast for .one of his boarders, who desired to /cove early in the marling. Mr. WALridlng it not as late as he sup posed, took a seat and bid not been sitting long betbre he-beard the door open which leads to_ the cellar. He proceeded . nt once to the demi, when be was confronted by h large man who hurled a brick at Mr. W., striking him in the face and knocking him scusek dres • ku..s few, eptutauta , when the seouner opened tie dar if the barroom, but did not succeed in getting much money—buts Sew ants which tad been left in the drawer the evening , peseioes. After the thief lomat be was foiled is hie cindprpe/fim b• made shanty, exit Lank the hataL—Renover Galant, - • ,TOO POOR TO TAXIB A It lEWIIPA—. rEa.—Akddectly the poorest :Mfg these atirring.tinisi is the man whols Soo poor to take his local newsp4ocii.. such a man, especially if lie ii a prOperty.' Whoever heard of a man too poor to smoke and chew tobacco, if addict ed to ',Wier habitt 444 yet, men who spend from ten to fifteen penis a day Sr "the weed" amt." poor to takes oswag paper', in the isittiltiotial ii4eYnistitis o which their families might participate. Rielly such men are poor! They are ob. i fects of pity. Buck men do not know how fp am thorivesidi tbniy *mien. BR - "feint ' IWIL LNG .--Wthat ground was broken on the Littlestown Railroad Ettemiltits,':o. • Itoinlay last. The President displaced the at ground, accompanied With 11 14$4 , 1**ti remarks, when others followed. The loittlestown Braes Band weans hand and • dimmest excellent music, to enliven the occasion. Capt. Biller? the contractor, is on hand dinlokilit o 4,F 4 4:r t "ABROAD ON THE /MLR Hamar L. Beviniss; of'`Q mt , de -11,,a1 ,or s htstiatotieta.rAWVd a nion r le tterViik it:: spu 61,' 'Cal Friday sight last. OwLeg to, the o 7 of of tbe weather many were inrf• k9115 3 / 9 3iBilift AtiltdhAinetElibt,; • lecture wax a moat one and a Wateadh h . timalskti Iwo boors la Its 4illyery t many.evesas4 NNIFs& that It was not. bitifpr, closupepebig pow mow Aguas ' , in -Aoki to trisellak Abend, the learned Proteseer carried the indience with hint. a Ray yet expres sive triads he. dessaibiCs 'skein int CEMEI The tieszliftd cowry sclimilsid, Wesel soda:4lW sllkiWie 'or all Vag-, 4 . nal UN . 140.40.4 oftcrisf • sal • 29# 111 9 Nib* storm oa Blow,Osstsiorlikli, ar opet4 sioimaida, Ira postopdAswa aasesiscir 44st • Thew Walt 111, &IVO 044_ Wiwi( scenery and champ-visa .4 tY!di* 1 41V 0 440 1 010011001461101itit . • • isqg sissothes 5044,1111 s As isisor of rouvaii: erth• - ioris4 wean In as Boma sad JUJU'S *sop suis t sisr *Pt 0614iNinotiirtausessissosakt 111:1 t i rfORakiNAIIIIONArork is• Tinesnat—wix 31. WXDRZSDaIr—JUNg L THURSDAY-JUNE 2. (41b*Amaktat s ermetirnier LAIF . Zak IlleatmerS . .Toritetreet,la reahlemee. D. IlieClee inky VAlbnit at.. ha resideam. J. IL Er sink lia Baltimore , m ooed agere. B. VIM, am fa malieeee. A. J. Orem, Beitimorost w emir Baitsestook'all to. A. Beeeler,lieltimmemtreet, to midair a. • _ . W. T I p toi,(thaistre4irgotreat,Orst wpm., Bolts/sr SewportpelasT Wastungtoni Midis ate. soot a sseatizis. - •D. Lltamlllfir a Bro., York st opposite UAL, D. IL Kilacd, lialtheare street, mood ere. Jlohla K. UMW, Cul lals slim*. mar Dip*. R. G. HoDebunk Witakingtoa Street. :nrittommu. Wibloglimuttieridetrig Stmt. • OAHU. Wen Middle et mot. ooredarroxihtore, se. Jelin Gruel,Chambersburg stroot,noarltaii dicta'. _OLIWINZITA &ID 00=110104114 Wm. 0.1114111110111 1 a,Ttrk introddill4 square • W. stratums, Weatilugto• Wenger ummiberobarg dloo. C. Delman, Stratton street. soar Railroad. omutuass; ite. • , ! Duller & Zleglar, Kiddie etreit,near Baltimore: W. K. Gallor, RAM Middle atailoond 'guar* OLOTRUNI. - • • L. O. Cabman k Ounnteginito, Balthnoro street. 1. Canal egbhaat, Chantborabuni utmost, lint square. T.O. Morrie, South W..t oornar or Diamond. Samuel Walt. corner of Tort and Public Square. Picking d 00., illmommenburg street ,Arot • ocar,, saws, LIX/1. NJ. O. W. Buehler, corm* orearlislo and Railroad street goilly a Clidunon, corner oil Walton and RAID Gs d Dr. J. I. Bork *rower, York ain't, Int square. m J. L. a, Chainbersburgatreig, °ppm/ t Nails Hots A. D.Baehler,Oltamberobanr et.,aitar Pabliellquaro Habita t Baltimore street,llist squwit. I.llonitar,Ohamb'ist,,oppoelt•Oluiet'sehareh. Saintsototik Stotler, ,cari.ollal to.and Mlddl este J. L. Sol.lck.cor.Raitinioroasul Public Spars. Zobsrtt 111111ot,8alt.st..qpimaidOthoCoart4iones. H. & Woods, tot. of Rimini/land York street. 10211WISLINI Altloo.ll a 017410. a CO., eatt.lVisklogtoi sad Wined& Job* thee, *or. Stratton and Railroad. Jot. WIbI. It Sons, ear Wasitlagtoia and Sanyo Rabat McCurdy. Carlial• Street. 111A1111.1 TUB 'Ht•r SLlt.r , laUrosill. Nut of Stratton@ troet OAS FITI2I. D. Armor, Prat Middle street SIMIlls, 60 • J. W.Hress,cor.eltaaaberiburg and Public Square Ws. Boyer k Son, York st., opposite National Bast.: Tort st.. wooled square. Wm.J.Martin, ear. et Baltimore and High streets. Fahaestoet Brothers, ear. Baltimore and Middle sta. It Co., iihr. Washington aid Railroad streets ARobinn Illreltrd9. Carlisle st. Joseph J.Gillesple, Tort at., drib square. Arnesictert, corner pldlasnad and Hartle street . P 0131111.011 aeons. Warner I Co., S. R. corner or Diamond. TIALDVAII3 •• /IP C 17111121%, Danner & Zligler, Bsltimiorostrimit, fret square. •. tahassteek Drotiters,coraor Bill*. and lade* eta 1411110, 10. • D. X Sou, lialio.st. ecrpoUtto Proc. Church joka Culp; Carl mb Street, saw psameror &Dot. • 0.1.73,1110Z1. M. 5. 5. McCreary. Oluuoborobarg Orbit, Ilfiq square Smog Volt cos. of York .t.. wad Public liquors. T. C. Norris Monk West tomer of Dianow, RO. Gault Oltalthigholo. itoithsors otrott.',, H.S. Woods, oar. of Diamond are York street: , Pick's( N., Okamobo noarg Knot, list square. 1441 a Retel preptlaer,earnor Ohambors burg aad Wasithigtos. Irspotons HOMO, 11.11. illyara,propriefor, Chasibirs berg street,tpipod , t• Ohrlst March. ~'r'~'~~+"w N. Weaver h &a, Witskiagton st., - north of Qom Taren r oft ' swortk CUM, sobjug , opposite the Ise. Hotel. - JAISU MAL Gammon & 111.1114 r, earner of Baltimore and Riddle otreetir. Meals • Brotkar. York at, oast of II trines. Imilkkkmkaf• Tiptoe k Myers, York alma; oppaelteltatioaml !ask Snyder & Pawl, !animate gnat, fleet square. *aromas. J. W. o.oll•6l,llaltissore argot, ti ear Rigb H.ll. Heber„ cos. Oluusbordmrx Washington sts A salmi Eerier, Chsailbersterg at., itsst squats. nurnip 01/7100 ff dtatlavl , lialtiraors ,at., sldwy luitwirea *ke °Girt loom imiliSablialquam, void alb. IH•Y. TLIVAILI. /AC. C.ll:ituelder,corser etCirlisleandltagroad. .J. Jacobs, Obookbesilborg Amoy Iltot mum Wm. T. Xing, Tart street, opposite Beak. mr•sisktu• • Nazi 14110131. Jeresolsh Oulp,Torketrest,escosil @guars. IMUIP•WadaI4OI4 street, 'ear ink So WI 211M!E5OM ACO,EPTI{II.—The Rev. Samurai. J. Wits," D. D., Professor lulegbemy (Pa.) • • • • Seminary, has socketed the Inv • • to addrosa "thi Literary soeletMs of P Ivanla College, at the, next • • • • DOLLA B STO —The Ladles and Gentlemen are hereby utiffed to call Im mediately and purchase seta of Jewelry large China Vases, Ch Pictures, and a large and general assortment Notions, as Hr. Auettsch Intends to leave shut up his Dollar Store on next Mon.' , (May 16th.) His goods are all open to . - .a and the public will not and cannot be Died in purchasing them. file Jewelry eons of many styles and varieties with a large Dor tment of Jet Jewelry. Aint a couple oP days remains for you to Gall at the Dollar Store, as Anerbach has tally made up his mind to close onion Monday next. Go one and all and give Auerbach a Dollar call. REMOVED.—Jacob F. Thomas, Agent for the "Howe Sewing Maching," has re moved from Wolf's Clothing Store to his new room on Irock otont, out door to N. Coded & Sen. Pirelasem wth beer in mind that the "Howe" is sold on a trial of its merits, Onion solicited . Machines dellveted any place in the county. jam_ lion given gratis. Oil, .Needles, &c., kept on band. AUCTION! AUCTION 11—At Wood's Store, corner of York Street and Diamond, on Saturday, Nay 14th, afternoon and eve ning. Goods new, and every article calm' will be sold. Dem opportunity to get all kinds of gs3oll, at Ancskat Priam. 2t BAs a blood okonser and purifier noth ing equals Dr. Phrroe's Attentive Extract Dieoorery. It cures But face, Eruptions, Blotches, Borofahlii Nooses and all Bores arising from inpri 404. Bold br druggists or Mid three dettintend twenty:Aye cents to Dr. B. V. Paree p N."Y., and get three Unties Ansa eapreessdorges. It lirThe L Iheirg Wood 4 4occkna au Saturday, "Ifth _ s r , liitaltoolo)44llitki *pied oil, for rheumatism. usundirts, haralautuo, tooth" *the. ika, *or aide tor A. - 1:!: ltdierfew Druggist. Gatttraburs• aril' Inman wants a Soule of whitey, let Mal boy it and take it home likes man, and amps* bane with ebqttle of "Bit , tem" of o(lobliaii" aid pretend that it is medicine. It ho wants $ tonic that is something beast the* temporary stimn .l.4 Wing); Ctia ' will 'statism' the blood, and bile dnralopMrsmth to the systems. lt Dontitotpt 14th. W•ad'a Aistikwiois" isar ATTENTION FA RIIIRS.—Try the 0e +d lPmcagt Ellittie Ribber 'lined. Whin. Saddlatand Pads. Warratited to prevent /woes ' hoari islllajc:aset to heal up under work horses already gamed, If properlitttedl aore.iiiike mud beaks are kept Weep with PPM inter slid CastileYoap, grc PQM*, AN br iv. Oros, mastabotarees Ageskesityalturg, rt. •" :1 ' • • orepring• sad &wow Goods Jost celved. Rood Ckaptisi i‘lyoamplaiwea advertisenuntand Fara w.• to bqy Otago la& • kielkimattokli• due al reduced glika‘ "Yak Fabssiesock limbo% Aril 16-g, 4112 4 0;i4 ptr Yor k. Auk Thaw Illkistsve PM* aatikallYcprq Pamir. /t is vetoed la this law. la* ,FOR BigliT.—thereed deeirdde limns la south-sea comer ot tee diamond, the Irge reddest* of Rea. B. O. Super, de wind. Par tense, ite., hore, - oilers lierper. ilirßargabla tern be plenty at Wood's afrEsid a. G. COUlell 4fter4.o". sad bilk ?ober* lir Toit - Ocroktog *OK Tis-Wara *a, et Mooed prima = = =:3 CIS Bmakte.—On the 6th inst., in Freedom township, Emma J. 8., wife of Rush M. Bleham, in the 25th year of her age. prom the 25th ult., waiter J. G*per, oungest sou of Thomas J. Cooper, of this place, aged 31 years, 1 months and 28 days. Fuirr.—On the 27th ult., Mr. Henry Punt, aged 60 years, 6 months and 16 days. Balta.—On the 20th of April, at the re• sidence of hit son-in-law, James A. Miller, in T e township, Adams county, Mr. Fredadck Ear, formerly of this place, aged 113_years, 1 month and 17 days. Lima.—ln this place, on the,2d inst., of consumption, Mr. Keller Little, 'son of Jo se daphys. Little, aged 21 years, 2 months and 15 Muss.—On the 27th ult., George Myers, of this county, aged 71 years, 8 months and 24 days. Bwors.—On the 2d inst., near Little.- town, Mary g. Swope, wife of John Efwope, and daughter of William H. Lott, aged 87 yeank moathe and 2 days. May this dis ffisg c offifterfprovidence prove a blab urthose who mourn their loss. gstiv Advtrtistxtuts: Exciff,BEN CEMETERY. •• electioa *or a PRIMILINNT aqd 811 , 1111 MAN. AGNIUS of Zvergresa Cemotery A 1 0011111'41. to serve Der ose year, will be held on MONDAY ETZNING, JUNE 6th, at 734 o'clock, In the Arbitration Boom, la the bar ough Ur Gettysburg. J. I. BODICE. Preeldeot. Wm B. Mute, Secretary. (May 13, 1870.3 t. .OTICE.--Letters of Adutioisi truism on the estate of Jule* Mama, late of Lattimore township . Adams county. Poona, defamed basins been granted to the undersigned, reading la the Mae township, she hereby ghee notice to all persons Indebted to said estate to maks launedlate payment and ose harm( claims amiss! the sante to present th e me roperly authenticated for settle ment, May 13, 1370.—Ste 3ARAII ANN MAJOR, Ad z. TO BRIDGE ' BUILDERS. S BAUD PROPOSALS will be received at the of See of the Coattnisakmen of Adams wanly, until TLIMIDAT, the 24th day of MAT, instant, br the erertios of t • Osehirce Bridse across Opossums Creek. as Hwy ippeizasa's MIL la Menallen tersaship.— n• Hrtille 1 42 . RIM 4 a span et Si rferit,,Trith a pier la Sins destot.: Tbe stale - work will be ere° oat separately. Specifications can be seen at the Oenantleakmers' of los, la Gettysburg, at say thee before the 24th. JACOB LOTT. MOM HARTMAN amutgrzionumcis, • Chndiabsionsta. Atted :—J.Jm.llnasolnerk ! MA; 18„ 181C—td ars e To atethoelo Oho more moot 410 Hoettoo et tease, fa U. moody of York. Wino na. no eat, sandal NIA Act Ispostae 'efi. *Wood 11=111. *sr Stags o e , "pp m = tbfr . tartti_ . #4. S( OM. Asa* Oa* tit *Wet wino alehatailyehow, which add aet, ousoueet ewe atatoors. preolke Wu Umatilla moral abaft ailelloo roe MOM potteley to mob meaty, on all Heats tome romotatteg _Ovate oa the lino day of Awed; deo& ra r, Mb foss Mad to boo*" a phi tory Wed: .„esegoeowoog, it le Harty &Weal& to ItaTe the ;meaty tame, se well es thodiebe Opel. roondee to be Paid BY odd ottott7. loOdedy olheetod, as *OH to pest Umooxltteasoo of the away se to mom the JyallailY slikk WAIN mob* odd ate. lo Isaposof by tho_nwellqc &meel I domtotor*, HINHOe.i. Pod whale by the Notate lad Home if vs. et the Commonwealth of Penn ' inaetal Aneeshiy met. sad 1 1 1 - k Brod" itg e o gy ar tat• astbuotty 0 04 . 1. th e m .. =.4.4 .,:mea.ow is 1 sy," taus o f moo alai otro7 taxa. We of tart taus vapale oa the Illteed; lay offeß t tota j a s olet thenumml Aviv:glib ben. Arad sad Om* year lb - sat Idled Ilhoe teasapr ta oldish late iro opasty Ups Illa WiN/Aperrired mad oolleetod, ta . ; owl doll an eels of aeotatblY fr o . lest tru op tiptpot, top& 1 al t ... of was tioo litaso li: itetait toololo, -.• ' - ' . SOW& ot. Atiiiiigh Aeraoyea.---11 jOr Ana° Do w ild PP* Ntfortßd 101 brill 0044uptt. _ '.• • • - !' ti! AIi•FTPw, AN. Am _ . •. To *Morino I.* wird prompt oolloodoo or to** ill tbo imam of *farm . i t a = 4 = 1 ; 10 %.%= 14 .,42. IffiThatt 4lk ... , .. 1 ,, v 7.,,..„., ropt M to s tora amotod . 12y - tior um mom, rat ilirom ol4 7*****. domddth c a s of Apt. molhishot moo of a didatttroAry m omMortio OM Mom prompt , 91 imak, tak My colarpod Teti MI smit - Mo *my* imoW mt. *got maim mooMpof fermi 11 - 1110 marrior as . f . , tipMfitog bilf ffeediq . rifired 4 / 11 Vet - • • Prater of Mho ileoss of Air railt l ifil. = Amt ournak,,TlM di*** day of Aped. dame aro* tot OW titomood eight boo** rtpl 1 11RaLV • •- • • 1 , lici. w.ligisT. . • i ..... • To. Tos Ootto r rrraz To r lsf mi y oast = e re oval* ItiM • at . SIM .4144 441 4 : * difddia*-1./TffhlT*Mo ilTdolo l ` ':' ;'' ' ", 11 -,- - , 38 .4 40 4 111 P 0 1 4 , - -' 4 ' - ' ..7 - • gttliew liallilositre grata a Produce Market ' Badfisiiri, Monday Nolifolo • BDPII FLOM, ~... 5 00 •- 5 25 Nava. nous,. ' 550• 5 75 Warn Warts, ... 0 00 • 1 70 RID Wax" . 1 38 • 1 60 . 115 4 128 Fin, 00 , _O-00, A 68 fir . 64 TIKOTRY-1111D. ' 000 IP , 000 CLOTIII-1122D 0 00 0 0 00 =" 6660 , 0 .00 fi 000 Boos, Snotrunss, 181. e . isi ,g &Du, ... 16} e L 171 " Em,, 20 • 21 LARD, ... ifectreilbaric Grata & Prevision Market Gatgysberrg, Mday Morning. 4 50 - 5 00 Bones nova,..!. Straylitotra,:. Wifirs WHAM. • RID Wail;.... Como, RYE, Own, BUOKWUZAT, TDIOTRY EIRID, OLOIFIR EIRID, POTATOIB, Borne, LARD, EGOS, lkoos, Kum, " SIDRA, " SHOULDIRS,... SOAP,... %mow, 0 1 T4 1 / 1 11 AND RONDS. Closing Prlonsaf De Hama & Woo., 40 Santis ird Si, Philadelphia 3 o'clock, P. M., U. S. 6's of 'Bl •1164 1161 It It f 6 2, 1121 1121 ‘, , "64, 1114 1111 II SI, ' 65 , Illf 112 " " '65, new, 1141 1141 .AI ~ 1,67, 1141 1141 41 II '6B, 1141 1141 " s's, 10-40'0, : .1081 1081 V. 8. 80 Year 6 per cent. Cy 1121 1121 Due Comp. Int. Notes, Gold, Silver, Union Pacific R R lat.M.Ronde.llss kas Central Pacific R. R. 925 935 Union Pacific Laad'Graet 80nd5.765 775 MA 1111111111 RD. Bizatrramaaa—Mmarrom—On the morn ing of the 12th lost., at :be residence of the bride's mother by Rev, E. Breidenbaneh, Dr. J. Emory Berkstresser to Mbss L. Min nie Minnigb, both of Gettysburg. Cor.E—Rross.—Qn the 8d inst., by Rev. J. A. 8011, Mr. Jacob Cole, Jr., of Buchan an Valley, to Miss Josephine Rider, of Fatrilekl. - . GoostartOra—Gsovit.--43n the sth inst., by Rev. Dr. Ratter, asPisted by Rev. Mr. Davis, Dr. David Gocbanonr to Miss Mary Lucinda, danahter of Mr. Francis Grove, of Abbottstown. HAVIXIITOINC--STAMET. --Oil t eth inst., in New Chester, by Rev. J. B. H o neycutt, Jacob Haverstock to Emma Starry, both of Heirlierrburg. ; Horn- Zoomr.—On the 10th inst., by Rev. J. R. Honeycutt, Dr. A. Hobs, of Hampton, to Jennie, only daughter of J. C. Zoock,Esq., of New Ogford. larna-43diatturean.—On the I9th at Bonaugbtowo, by the Rev. B. A. Shorb, Mr. Augustine. Little to MAIL Matil da &teenager, both ofMountpleassat town ship. , Svovau—Rksvon.—On the Ist Inst., by Rev. Mr. Sailhammer, Mr. Fiodon W. Stover to Miss Emma C. Reever, both of Littlest own. DIED. Slll•Obituar notis 5 cents a line for all over 4 lines y —eas ce h to accompany no tions. Colleption of Taxes. AS ACi. LADY'S STORE, wit bayA r i a r band and an constantly malvlng a VS wan samariumi o/ •G 0 0 D turnally kart in a country store, wblob Will be sold at Lowest Cash Prices All Goods bought from us will he made up, If desired, ea the Sieger flawing Machibe at a reduced price,_ Bawler of all kinds done at abort notice sad low rotes / 7 1 • 171 Mv 13, ino-am ORDINANCES. THE following ordinances have u parsed by Berwick Bgh, and aro now In foreerki the Borough of Berw ick , Adm. cou n ty, Penn.: Be ft enacted. By the Town Council of the Borough of Berwick and It labereby enacted by authority ot the seam that on and after the 12th day of &ley, A. D. MO, no person shall be allowed to throw auy dead bog, dop, eat, chicken, or rat, or any dead caress. or carrkeeirbatever, Into elthcr of the streets or alleys In said Borough; nor to throw any brush, dirt, altb, or sly obstruction whatever into the gutters, streets, or alleysof said Borough. Also, that the side walks aed pasatitiosts obeli be kept cheer and unobstructed. Also, that there shall be a fine of 60 MILS Imposed on any person or persons lased guilty of either of the above offences. The Constable Is hereby authorised to collect, and retain or half of the above peoahles when collected, and the other half shall be paid into Borough Tress , "5 I In ter the nre of the Borough. Approval by P.J. WILSON, Burger. 18 6 E NDUE I 25 1 50 A 15 4- 90 90 52 75 4 00 7 50 85 g 40 .80 AI ay 13,1170-31 Will be sold at Public Bale, on Saturday, th r 21.1 of May. at the late reahlence of Bon. Soutar O. Hum, deceased. to Gettysburg. ONB Betuuu Breaking! Table,. a set of Book Shelves, Setter, 2 Cupboards, 3 Desks, 2 large Meat Tussle, Bench, Plower Ikons, kc. A booti a large num ' her of VALVABLS BOOKS, cosititeting lit liar per's Libtary, including Niles' Register 8 volumes, tHrculathig Library 12 volumes, COloolal Records 16 eedomae, penneylvant• Archives 11 volumes. Con grearkmal Globe 45 columns.. 0 votleman's Magazine 14 volumes, Miscellaneone Beguiler., 30 volumea, D'AtibigutecUlatory of the Reformation 4 volumes, Blalr's Sermon's, Bzpionitkme 11 volumes, and • large number of other valuable boob; together with on. board of Bleckwood's Magazine. Ltptelrs Magazine, 1141luburg Bellew, &hectic Moo thly, West minster Review, Loudon Quartet, aerie., Monthly, North British kirriew,Erabgelical Review, Knickerbocker, and a Large variety of Miscellaneous Magna tnee and Books. 1113-Bersous desirous of examining the Books prior to the sale can do ea n. lealilog at my resid•nce. Bale will commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when at tendance will be dirge and terms made known by BBL MA111413 A. 8A384111. May 13, 1870.41 May Ilth, 1870 115 116} 108 110 EADVILLI THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL-14114A ao; edar.atee Julia Were , $l6O a year to poor sto thud"; begins Aug. 29. Apply to A. A. Livermore, Meadville, Pa. NEW ROOIL —Agouts ..11 100 per week. Pelee so. Address L. IBTXBBLNS, Ilartiord, Ct. TAR SPANGLED FANNER — A large 40, column Vpaper, Ledger slao, illastnted Devoted to Sketches, Pastry. Wit, • Hamar, gement faislioneena a (et a naelble kind), and to the expatiate of Swindling, Humbugs. he. Only 76 eta a year, and a superb en. graving "Evangeline," I 3412 leet,greitir. So,uoo eir- Cantina. Mon trifstidW ball who Oak it. It ha wide-awake, fearnia, truant. Try it NOW, To ors. A TRAIL Specimens PEEN. Address "BANNER," Hinsdale, N.H. •-A MODEL HOUSE. Bcing a cripple. I have made house planning a special study One built Jut meson has proved a model of co-eenience, beauty. and economy. Descriptiv e dr mien of. Plane, Views ; etc., with general informa tion of value to all. meat Sr... Address (with stamp or script If COuramielt). G.BOBOIC J. COLBY, Archi tect, Waterbury, Tomcat. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to take oat Letter. Patent me advised to counsel with MUNN A CO., 'titer e of the gai o o l cAllecricart, who, hove promuted claims be- Gnu the Patent (Moe for over Twenty Tears. Their American and European Patent Ageoc) is th. mut extensive Woke world. Charges bee then any other rellablo agency. A pamphlet containing (oil instruc tions to inventors la seat gratis. MUNN Jt C 0,37 Park Now, New York. (ESTABLISHED ) WELCH & GRIFFITHS, • , &twit' AXEsI A. Wit I • HEWS of ail descristioas. AMIE, BELTING eon MILL Fussumbuis. mum...tit BAWB with Solid Teeth, or with Pawl /11:14101ITAILS Polars, re paler to au isserted TWA &ties. • Mir PIE/0114 BAIMICED.IIOII sip -Bead for Price List sad CircularsVS • WELOhI & ORIPPITiId, • ' Bast**, Yeas, or Detroit, Mich. Aromatit Vegetable Soap, OOLGAZI A 001 TOILET SOAPS LESTABLISHZD 1606 NZ Fr TORS.) /or the Delicate Skin of Ladles and Children. SOLD ST ALL DRUOODITIL "WISE AND OTHERWISE." "TIME.„ That mortal sod spic y book on Widths', called . 21.11 B," contains makable Inkruiation. It also coo. trios a Hat of Leh ee and Cent's Watches at almost sad prk,,, desired. EASTMAN & CO., 12 School st.. Boston, malt aftw nend your friends, names with your own, and all Let a cop/. ONE MILLION ACRES CHOICE lOWA LANDS DOR SALL stiff per acre and upwards, for cosh, or r on credit, by. the lOWA RAILROAD LAND c 0 Ref 'roods already built through the Lauds, and on all sides of them. Greet inducements to settlers. Bend for our Dee Pamphlet. It given prices, terms, looa• Wm; tells who should come west, what they should brier. what it will cost; gives plans sou elevations of It different styles of reedy med. houses, which the Company famish at from /210 to 4,000 ready to set up. Maps seat if desired. Addreet - - SA. NM PLOYMENT. $lO. LIIINDRIIDD OP AGIINTd make from 11.5 to fi n It PER DAY, In soiling our Patent It:tendon Se al sad Swifts. combined. Used in every family for wind. tog Yarn, Silks; Wonted, Ac. Winds fall slued skein. and weighs lose then ens pound. AO ANTS WANTED. /or tarns, Ike., addreme 11. L. STORNBA CO., A nburn, N. T. Capicanst TUMORS!! ULCRRSI!! Positively cured by a new method without pale tons, or eisasile. Call or address PROFESSORS, Usti Tiffany, 614 Piot at., Philadelyhis. Ps. PISTOHOE4NO Y,' PASCINATION OR SOUL. ORARKINGL .400 pagee; cloth. This wonderful Wilt bus fall hfetructions to enable the reader to 6seitiats either ma. or any animal, at wilt. Mee.. somism, Spiritualism, sod hundreds of other curious experiments. Itcan be obtained by lending address, with postage, to T. W. EVANS t CO.. Ne. 41 South Eighth street, Philadelphia, Pa. May 13.11170—.4t • • REGISTER'S NOTICES. N° TICE , is hereby given to all Leelifeesatid ether peraons eoaceneed, that the Administration Account, hereafter mentioned will be preisnted milhe Orphans' Omit of Maws county conArtnation and alionance, on the Ileth day of MA7,11170, at 10 o'clock, A. M., via! 21. Tim amonat of George Y. Antes, Adudeletrater of Ms 'Mate of Jeremiah Bites, late of liatnlitonban townebip, deed., 29. The Ant and Anal 'comae of Abel T. Wright, lets of illenallem township. Adams no., deed, t e m, asentary,. treated Nader the will of Georg. Group, .d•ed, of Calvin WOK sight,, mined son of John J. Knight., dec'd, is settled sod exhibited by Jane 0, Wright, Adminiatratrix of Abel T. Wright. . 80. The account of Samuel Henry, Administrate? of Joseph S. Henn deo'd. . • 31. The mooed end float account of Conrad Dull and JwDuli , Executor* of John Doll, date of Ant ler tdorslidlDi IDOL The Arai account of Micha el Noce'. Adeolabk. lte3or D. b. N. 0. T. A. of Jacob Mauer, deed. MI. First account of Samuel /adobe, Executor of the last 11111 and testament of David Jacobs, deed., 34. Tho account of Jacob . Livingston William LivLageton mod George F. 1.1•toptoo; lot'sootor. ~f Abraham LiVingaton, deed. S 6. First &coon's* of Samoa] G. Stkaarlajer. tar of the last will and testament of ilainuel a age*, dsoimsd. 84. The iirst and final woo at' of Plum P. rink. U tica for of the last will and Petulant or u ss u m Diehl latiaof the - Bona& orilttlestown. dao'd. 37. ifiranand Anal acco of Jo dr. a Lewialfattlai Itismutore u of nt hn the last will and tom and mint of Jam Ifaiths. deoaasad. 39. tint secant of Julian 'Oyler, Administratrix of Jacob 11E. 0: leddeced. so. *e Irsh and toe!' account of 70%, * m i nk, Administrator of Catharine Norheoh, dec'd. 40. The test and aril dodo of dada P. Labium, Administrator of the estate of George obr om i s t e . bile* , usweattip,deo'd. , , , • 4/. rant' s ai a c,x,cont of Joint P. Petty, Executor of the hid will hod testament of dished taltVdr, late of dlrabat townshiti n des'A, . : , 43: The Nand acoount' of Denial Ooh s 06 w , 48. dated), Executor Of the led rill and teetame z t o f * my systann„ late of Monntplesesat tensible. Ad- Nu anhadgrodlioesiod. Ehhibilett by Eicap p i pc otd. 4. pps ipivPi Wild, Atheldttlstors, ils band nen of . s 0114 94 "•• I • tot sad 'sat Wend' of 3menii Daft. (ir X14 5 0 1 / 11 4 01 4 11 4 , ,of rriaMilk tows. , ., . r - *aloitioarederlet DUN. 7114,. s zimmw , 4 the MI nut W testemeot of (Wadi es i smc , it. latent 'Wuhan tOdinstilt• Ad 9o2 900 . 1 17,410 , 4.,. • t 1116 , /US Mai that ammo. of Jacob awaer o jia, oiltfr Vat leaf WPI 4ltil• tddlittfit of jAmb a o i, Uwe , «Pp ~,,- 1 it' . . , . 44. ii.iiii..2 et 7 .. op I. 14118, Adaimpitagar ocliariiii:l44i.d.•o4- Baugul t A. SifOrr o Aorkt iT ,, 41, 4 0 5W: 11 49. - 4 1 1 : - - _.'• - I Store , Room .for Rent.. : _ ALMS OTAKII•le OROS to ow aig i h m fri i i. to change or go tato trohotto. Is, au "Odd Var . or Asto.tittp o York Ilittlixo' ban ea ologoot Mill ili fiat lab& *id% Wuk as fallooltaiottit bo o r o of tho &woo& IV 3, A county. ft- or /4. futhof totonfogke, uoloreso Poi :V44 Sallow Yortrlo,,Nott, V, I Ittp-tr .WartDower7.4 Charnels Ifiralif noirii . 0. bi ts Trody sokoropt, tlooorsoomozwolog t o w so .fre , Wasam .WM dillCOUglinati end a -$0 thig Moo lir italotioot . „ , 04104 c iettar BOWS, Thji SW* BIT#POO: 2 aiI k!lithpirg* plaits 'ojeo willi *milli's= ilia damp it.thaisiki. AT FLORA DALE, PA. EPPLEY A irooPes W. W. WALKER, Viee.Preridesi, Cedar Rapids, lowa RXECUTOR'S .NOTICE.—Let• JR-a ten Testamentary oa the estate of Mumma Urn, late of Tyronertownshfp, Adams comity, Pe. deceased, haring beam - granted to the andamigned, residing la wee towaship. he hereby ghee Doti , . to all persona Indebted to said setae* to make ha. mediate payment arid those having dolma ilivatoet the same will present them properly authenUcated for settlement. May la, 1870-43 t 0 TO KLINGLE'S FOB YOUR Boots, Shoes and Gaiters H. KLING/EL, on Baltimore street, a Ihw doors JJ. above the Oourt honor, Gettysburg. hasJost mitred • calling k greatly ts, Shoes and Gaiters, which he is at reduced prices. 'lt em braces FOR LADlES—Congress Gialtans.Balisoral I Rid Slippers, all styles, Morooco Balmonals, tr. Iva oBbITLIIIIIN—Ireneh Calf Boots, American Calf Boots, Hip Boots, Congress Gaiters, Calf sm. morale, Slippers, all styles, Brogans. Lc. FOR AIIMSZALC,ongress Gaiters, Balmoral Gaiters, Morocco Balmoral., te. FOE 3 01/8-oongreas Gaiters, Calf Balmoral, Bro gans, tc. Infant Shims of all kinds. Alen. Boots and Shoes of his own mane facture con &tangly on hand. 'I Buyers, from town and country, are Invited to call and examine goods sad prices before purchasing else where, feeling confident that I can plasm all who may call. THE MANUFACTURING of Boots, Oboes and Gaiters will also be carried on In all Its branches, as before. Repairing done on skims riotke. By employing none bat drat-clam workmen, and uslii none Dist the choicest Nattier, be feels con fident of maintaining hie former ?imitation. Oar- calmly nothing will be loft undone to dintwan It. Thankful for yam bison, he /Wicks a aOatinalatil of public patronage. May 13, 1870. D. 11. LINGSL. —tf NOR I? S ' HEAD-QUA'R TEES, On the S. E. arner of Centre Square, GETTYSBURG, rA, has the Largest and Best Stocks of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, THI LATkiBT STYLI& 01 EIATS AND CAPS THE BIBS MANITTACTIIIIID B O•OTS AND S HOES with a Variety of Summer Under,Clothilig GENTS' FIIRI4ISHING GOODS OF EV ERY VARIETY ; also a large assortment oS NOTIONS, TRUNKS And everything found in a GentleTnan' Furnishing Store. GIVE US A CALL April 22, 1570-er 1870. Millinery. 1870. MISS McCREARY Ju et opening • •tw beautiful assortment of Bprt.g BONNETS ANI) HATS with trimmings of the latest sad 1110111 i imitioutbis styles. Also, as sawortoseat of • Fancy and Toilet Goods, an+. finsaa Log export.. in %Mains alle is cotokamit of offering the ladies • el:temper and better *elected stock of Goods than le to be found out of the And respectfully mks a continuance of the patron- age whirl she bar in years past in liberally remised Old Bonnet. and Hats altered and dome up In the beet meatier. iggy-lt Miner@ stippHed with rods to sell Win on reasonable terms, and patterns with instructions gratis. Aprll 7.41870-3 in UNION HOTEL CFOEXIRLY Tux WHITT HALL,) YORK SPRINGS, PENN'A E. P. RITTINGER, Proprietor I=l Z IBB undersigned having leased this long establish ad and popular Hotel, In Petersburg, (York Springs Borough) will spare no effort to please all who may patrooise ben. The Hotel is pleasantly located with large and comfortable Chambers which cannot fall to gtve satisfaction. His Table will be supplied with the best that thatoarket can afford; his Bar cantatas none but the best of "boon: he Ie also well suppll.d with lea Pit the Bummer 'eases—this befog the only Hotel in the place that has an Ice Houser attached. There is in connexion with the Ho. tel extensive stabling with attentive hostler*. He elks a share of the public patronage and is determin ed that none shall go away dissatirfled. Charges moderate. Boarders taken by the weekon resemble B. P. KITTINGKR, Propridor York Spline. Yap 0, 3ro --6al AGENTS I VANTZO.--SIOOMII3OO per Month—any, wen. School Trackers, guar: Thaw mat end Ladies wanted to Ouseass for the'New Book. "OUR FATHER'S HOUSE ;" or, the UNRWITTEN WORD. By Desna MAUL author_ of the popular "Night 5c....." This master In thought and language shows us untold riches and beauties in the Great House, with its Blooming. Sowers, Singing birds, Waving palms, Rolling clouds, Beautlfal bow, Sacr ed Moun tains, Delightful .Iron, Mighty oceans, Thundering voices, glaslog hastens and vast universe with count. less beings In millimua of wolkis, and nada to us in each .the tiarwritten Word- Rose-tinted paper, ornate *naming' and superb binding. Send fur cir cular, In which is a full description end utillenrd commendations by the press, ministers and college professors, in the strongest possible language. Milli- M.WIIIIDY it CO., 16 South Bluth sc., Philackd phia, Pa.. [April 22,0676-4 w FURNITURE. JOSEPH WALTON & CO„ CABINET-MAKERS, No. 413 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Ou" sitabliabment is one of th e oldie ln Philattek, phis, and Nom Ion; experience, and superior facilities we are prepared to furnisb 'good work at reasonable oricee. We nosaufactnre doe faraltare„and,ole• resdins priced furniture of superktrquality. A larpretock o furniture always on hand. Grads madotto order. Counters, Disk Work end "Mai Purl t tuts tutu, Use and Atom, made to ontek. • • .1 , 4- %TAM". 7. W. LurtsCorr. jag. L. &On. .J 46.11,100-17 WESTERN PRE-EMPTION LANDIS. I HANN ON NAND A cc! TRACTS .OF No. 1, eacond hood. pre-emption Loots locked 'ratite roods"ointy Towns, he., fp vel) reitlernolghbo boods,whieh I wills.% or axeheagi "A A fair prie or Real Satateln Adasesoonotp, re. P0b.i.111111.-41 11.119.1.A11/1011.D., COMMISSION HOUSE. ZSTABLUINZD 1864 Pertionler attention giveo to the male o FLOM, GRAIN, it FIELD SEEDS, tr.o. J, .I;I.ENATiCRIFifkE, CORMISRION HERON, 21 , 8 pear's Wharf, Blatuore. I. ),..Han 11;i1 Her of terirembouser !Lad asp Not Isfritif, Always a heat tod kr tale at, leeteet - madat Lump nister, Giouml 'Plaster, ROSENDALE C1N330 AND CALCINED X 144611131, or Irkoloodo or io qoultiltor to-salt. 1. )0 11 11 111 vaPra 11170—lhola JAMES ♦. 1111.14.1271tx'r ItOOICAIPINTS VANUD TO ETU • TEN YEARS IN Wild 4 STRE.IIT. Pronounced the histeet eelltueibook out. One Agent reports 79 orders in 6 days. It Includes sh that is mysterious and Interesting in the focus of swat.. flub, IS year"' experience of the author; Portraits other,. of Vandern lit, Dissr, Fisk Gld and many titled with Illustrations. G r ea tlndacenients to epee tit good 43r mowers to WOSTHINOTON, DIJOVN t 00.. Hartford, Conn, April V, Ib7o--4w AND mar 111AND•IN-RAND 1117TVAL 412 MITZ I♦ BMX COM PANT Toot!. nubs itigood amen* also, good General dint An Pittsburgh and ty. also a floooral /idiot for 04 Gomm empties of Pennsylvania. addreoi Hoene Glage, /go. 112 South 4th West, Philadelphia, (April 22,-ew AGENTS WANTED FOR THE PHYSICAL LIFE OF WOMAN. Twiorry-717TH THOUSAND NOW LI&DY. BY OEO. H. HA PlEf373, Af. The most titlark/ibis mimeos of the dey. It %UN, with ueprecodonted rapidity. It cancans, what Han and Wonsan ought to know, end few do. it will sane much suffering. As the only reoutible work up= on um single end married life, it fa earn. etly mom. mended by Prof. Win. A. Hammond, Pratt. Mars Hop. him, Boy. Henry Ward Beecher, Dr. Dualnell, Mrs. B. B.Hleason, M. D , Prof. H. N. Litman. etc. Su ing egerly sought for, the Asset.. waif Is easy.— Send lamp bar pamphlet etc., to HSU. NACLX.AN, Pabllahpr, 7/ 0 Satitioni Street, Phalt, NOUS, II Sawa Street, flootou. Hasa. 1A70—.4 April Nana* boost, New Yort. 22, w DISCOVE R Y! VINEGAR BITTERS MORN THAN 600,000 PERSONS Bear testimony to their Wonderful Curative Watts. They area gentle Ponytails' as teal as a Toxic, poi, awing alto, toe peculiar merit of acting as a power tvl agent In re liating Congeation, or Inflammation of the Liver, and all as Putaaral Organ.. PON PAMALII COMPLAINTS, whether la young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood Or the tun of lila, themelonio Bitters have no equal, girElead for ► circular. Mode of POOR RUN, WHINIEST, PROOF SPIRITS, AND REFUSE LIQUORS, doctored, voiced, an d sweet, ened to please the taste, called j..Tonice,""Agt. petinera" n ßestorers," Sc., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and reds but are a true medicine, made (Non the native Itsicita and Herbs of - Call/rata, PRICE IRON ALL ALCOHOLIC smainiurra.— Thwy are the GREAT BLOOD FURIVIRR and Lint GIVING PRINCIPLE. a perfect Renovator and In. -vigorttor of the System, carr of all matter, and restoring the bloo d htait=d7 Wm. No person out take teem Bitters according to directloaa, and remain log unwell. $lOO will be given for aa inclinable ease, provided the bones ere not destroyed by mine's! polices or other meanaend the vital organs wasted beyond the, point of rapid?. - for INILAMItATORY and OHRONIO MN, Ana GOUT. DYSPEPSIA, or INDIGSSTION, BILIOUS, RE/ITT/NZ ADMIKUSAILITKN VIERS. DISBAR RS Olt TDB BLOOD, LIVER, HID,N/Yd, and BLADDER, them BITTERS bare bees next enceeasfel. SUCH DISEASES are caused by ELT/AT/Hi BLOOD, wilds if gesterally pederast by denometeset of the bleb/MITI oneame. Clews the Vital*/ Brood whenever you find' Ha Impurities bursting through the akin In Pin ltruptione,oe Boma ; domed It when you end it oh. waved and alaggieh he the *elm ; dome It when It is foal, and your feelings will tell yea' when. Keep low. the blood punt and the health of the einem will fol- PIN, TAP/I,.iiii o th er WORSHI , lurking in the spi te= of in many thousanda ere' crectially doe Toyed and reenreredi' ' In 511 km., Remittent,' bad Enterneittent_ Fevers these bitten have no evil.. 'ler fall directions read carefully the'ciroular around each bottle, printed in dour laignagee—Bngleds, German, French aad Veen- J. WALKER, Proprietor, NI Commerce et, N. Y. B. Lt. AI c,PLAID 4,Ci„ Drat:este, and oral Anima DO , Ban rranciem ud Ilecreasento, Oallformte, and 33 and 34 Commerce et., • GEBBe Ailt.£llo6D BYALL BMW •iiriD 10141.111014 Metz - 4, 11170-3na HINKLEY , : KNITTING MACHIN.E TOR PAWL!' 1788 —simple. cheap, reNible, Earn rriarranra. 800118 WuIiTSD. Ment r sad ma pis stuekiag 7111111. 'Addeo+ WAKENS KNITTING GAGGING GO IWO. Mt, ovinkitdoutwiljr.3; Selo: 18;1870—Sul ' ' TIII MAGIC GOMM will cbstagt r alic iv eolanl is hat . 0 1 1 tAint i r .0 411 • . ° o:4e - 1r Lis M. gas . avat by mai/jar I. Adam.. MAGIC COMB CO, Spriftleld,llam March 116-40 i OSA,DALIS Tl ' . M T A ERIC ii HE GREA A?! HEALTH HESTOEV s, usillea the blood and Muir 8 mu; Ski' Dimas* llbmititothat, "BIM NM all Chrushrßllbbonspo the ' Lair ' ILldnoy IL . litattonniolifelfby tile lisSiaci ty mid 11 1 1 16711bonseada of our bud clthionli. ;endue bistiFy i4l = iis d szil. ;0% . OS* whalime amcialitioble II al MO= for this year, with:ll_los publish gratuitous distribution ; It w •Blitlyive zoo mash Talasele ~ !;- , • t .^-• Dr...LW CUrr, ' lirintitlidoterinie:l . Ltaletpkimirikin r eimilihnißlithi7cor iii, I Wan air a very powtrtal ratha. I' ban men is used la ill,* iniiiiral happy malts— 1 ono Ix a posit of sectmumq syph il is. la WO ' Ohs padres pretemeiced himself tank after' Whig *leo lye botklitcof per , maiklas.... The NSW Is steam of scromilarof haw standing, talk& is rapidly improvbfgandex ps em ad tbo ladWilio altouNis fhb *Weal wi ll soon rer. I beye.oerstally aftwoheed s to by whideyeer Basedleihr YMade; and Lid 'it an exclaims compound of alaltrailve lagredl , .... ~ ~ , 13r = 1 : 141 . 6 Cg a nil l ial , /../aia bo him used~lta+dsjl, la oast of Barafahl and BedsoNfo. !try Syphilis with sstlelootory rowthow-akel • lesser of Me Blood 4 Imagt to bowie lum m tr„ Ismael G. llll olfamithia..histfreeekngi. Tess, Ye: I have earl seven beetles of lltu6ltq senf entirely cared of Ithenastieert lilt Ate entleettlinitial *kb it {Or ajlniother; swages,,,„. . - Steduuslo B•e•tal, at Listania• la- tia I / Imre tWw•iw j ui tezthi Ttittaiii trollitsittirwir w rim alport tins dace 1 puttibmiel • batti• of sad it Whoillwjetwei ow* • 411 :1 — ta ", l4l 'V4 t 2: 1410 7,1,•, 41,64 dgekvi4aiiifiass.Ciwiftine. mcs 4 plc iortv-ivtir • ' l„ %air imii• t •14yibutc, Pa., by •. D. • inistri, • $lOO to s2g par Wr ight atoie• &we rJV pay. plod weekly to Aseote everywhere ' sedum our /Janet Meer Amid White Wire ClakesZiecs. Business permantmt. For Aparticulars whims Gnash linait Bata, Pa. play 11,1 79.-4 w Paris by Sunlight and Gaslight WORK descriptive of the llYargalla TOA:s, nus, 3PLANDORBsedViIIa4 or the CITY OF Pllll3. It contains 160 fine engraving, of noted Places, Life and 80110111 in Paris. Agents Wanted. Address NATIONAL PUBLIBBING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Alai 6, ISM— 4w 49 WALNUT BT, CINCINNATI, 0. CHEAP PAINTING.- 100 lbo of the PloolA C0MP412.1 Cowish Parr (mating 812.450) will 1-2 paint ws mach as 251/ lbs. of .1.04 and wear logger /or particulars, address 8. BOWEN, N 0.150 COST LEAD. North Fourth Phliwiolpbla. OR 76 MAIDEN LANE, N. T. May 9 , 1570.-4 w • Apents—Chaturiag Books test free for Secrets of . Internal Revenue. The most remarkable book ever published, belhg a complete exposure of the powerful conhdetations or . .kiage^ preying on oar Government. Showing sip all cliques from the lowest to the highest, Cabinet of. Oren and Congrammen as well as minor operators' sysidralatle depredatlinia, conspirsciee, Uncial cernip. lion, political Influence, patronage and wire pulling. A fearless illetorkal work, invaluable to every chi- ZOO ; containing 640 pages, by a prominent Govern. meat Detective. Over 20,000 copies ■Leedy esid— Agents wanted. Ceara/Nog hocks free. Address W. FLINT, psigfiArr, Pulladelphis, Pa.; Eaton, Wm; Chicago, 111. or Clasionati, 0. [May 6,1870.-4 w w A .: 9 :I7D HAND-BOOK P Tin CS OF HUSBANDRY. • complete snide fur rarmor's young anti old, by the ordenrated Author and succomful farmer. GIEO.• & W411.1N0. Jr., of Ortes Pitra. The large experience and recognised ability of the Anther /manatees a work oreterneg malt. among tk• matlects treated are Duping and Lemleg a ParM, Scalding,, Improved Implements, Judicious /milli* lag, Sabwolllog, Dovirdig lingation t f Cops, hotter Makin& Cheers Yectories, *doting and care or Live Stan, Elmer diseases sad remedies, Sc., Sc. with many Tebte& 00 pages doh wish i&strucUon and embelliebod with Intl spirited swaying& Texas /I bora!, Circular tree , Bacurs a n /pasty at Ems" A.R. HOOSARD, Pnblialwr, 400 Chestnut at., Phila delphia, PO. Play 6,1670.-4 w kluttuil .1.110 iltaMilauatm w. , fur all parte et Peonsy vsnla and Ale. Jersey. Itellsrease reqaltiel. Branch Wise DM...SWAIM .1111:1TUAL. WIZ INT:M. N. W. cur. 9th end Cliestritit Sts., April 24,1b70-4w / AGENTSWANTED BINGLEY'S . „. NATURAL HisTORYTh • Giving a deer and Mipsstl laterestiag account of the Meeks variety of habits and soder of lii, of nearly every known species of beads, bird., deo .14 Malmo, reptiles molluscs and animalcules of the globe. /root the Lamm London ker.voltuae edition, with large additions trom the moat osiebmted muslin@ td the so. Complete In on. large band soli" volume of / 032 Nigel. richly ifthstrated with 1000 spirited engravings. Price down to Mil harts, to twit Ms MUM t timid outman, ens to me. any b.. 0 it in the dud. Terms the suet liberal. /01.1 per- Menhirs seat free. Address A. H. 11 1 U5ti4ltD, PhD., h.* Cawood at.,Pilla. [April lb-4w THE QREAT MEDICAT. Dr. WALKER'S CWFORNLi. WHAT .ARE THEY ? TREY AR; NOV ♦ !nit FANCY DRINK, $l.OO, AUERBACH'S PQLLAR STORE Baltimore 'st., opposite the "Star and Sentinel" Office., GETTYBB UltG, PA The public eau at all thew lad r largo aad vatted allortnoot of ME SILVER AND PLATED WARE, " CHINA. it PARULNILARRLS WARS, JEWELRY in endless variety. ORITA.IIIIM4I4 RAT lis,dies' Sewing Boxes, SATCHELS, LADEES'•PIIIHUM, • Ladies' Sewing Baskets HANGING BASKETS, ALBIImB, GLOVE ROXES, J P A.NCTI e BOXEk WBT PANB, CEIRODIO PAINTINGS, and an endku variety of NOTIONS. WI, *lll Tau pay SIM Ibr *Vole likly you au '7 avg. $1 FOR ONE DOLLAR. The ratio are reepeettelly tutted to all sad nee Geed; witch era he beegbt la alp Oar Dollar. Step in and See us. mal irrobe LOAN Or THY Chesapeake and Ohio RAILROAD CO. Th• advantages and altrutlons of the Um; far In ♦eetment pumakmars asa7 and ilaploilat I 1• It's based opon gae of the Greet THBOUGIII 4M1213 srrwszir flu SZABO/OLD TA I. Sam ILICEISITY IS lILLVADY CULIIILTXD, tM traitor part of the Ilse Wag Is sotorosafal rsa Ding opertioa lE2=== reptitiiiand froitana Cbtadiporitt adjacent. as;Ult tak large and palpable. 4. !!4 eat erprise melees, Imposture Oinninsezons Ass Pommy/is from ago Item of 'fresh' awl West Yttglids 6. It IN wider Lb • maxaceatetit at elltiont and was, isms Camauste, Vbolllll EMU are Aisaraatera br LILT COUPLIZZOIN ind isocipsocat Nom. 6. Th. Wads pa NAM eltior Coupon, or Registered . • fano ; they iseti littie to nay:. pal and lbterest bang payablbiLl . a ., pld . ttivitio of dli**taidippe a 4', $lOOO, $5OO and MO, bows.. taganitiki di* Elite'. et six ti Pfaa. iossobiadtke riemoiss ht. Froreirramsarusseasravitris - riara ipei 40. eau a- I! !frptr o ti s ead o i r dwrabie, dead egif4a QM' Ns luiPhinilititt 6464 fikidida. oel Ammo, of rr.ttrastvillef f etta,Tirvislimis qristaily i I M F obooktiemlerity remialishis IWNW: of llailoirbissto ibrodweaUss set iieshbodl 1 11, riud 3.06 6tailkw th* ants redo le is* te ,4, 444..thisi4Ort 6 4*orsh Nod 4.reida. fiker«,..aipiikaSkiimidip m • los& and iskomit:4t t. - _` t :.p r.e.tr.a t..seitaimeAd:x s «.; .tai to koi . "I", ill! 14 9, 1 r 4 ."!i1i. trio 61 MOM% diary's- PRI% 00 411 1 P, ACclO4l4 likierem f thirtelidi : 1141 .0assii.Ilishaidkftillifiraftiosiew 461 . 4 "-.1 *v • . - 17131 C -1; HATCH:- •=MAW ierVtit4 arr, SI.(X), Spring it Summer (food;, G4IIEBT it BO WERS ATV mays/ ash mei SPZING AND 1U - ti WO an excellent einortasset, selected i l l we • lad will b. sold Gimp lot per, 1111.40, e• • adl sad atiuntse our goods. GAIBIT • ROWELL N. N.—Ames kr Uts Grote it Dakar Newts( alb elapse. mirro-st AND COAT RACKS, Lee the Largest end Beet Selected //Ike& of DRY GOODS NOTIONS that ham boon b...d►t to Gottisborg t►ts Ilptiair, I' M& wff b• sold at the knnat poistblit CIVIL Way 6, 1570,-tf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Fahnestock ,Brothers Have hoot *pawed adios doolzablo wwortawal, SOWN of d of SPAM AID Mom owdy elm which Um aro 11.1111.1111 .12 low prima. BARGAINS. TAHNISTOCIC BROTH/IS are Nina( GOODS is setealableg t a low prim. Those Teasing I . Mould, by wawa, give them a sail. Reduction in Prices. If you want GOODS at old prices ►.br. the War doai SLOW ►ay boas "FIP" CALICO as Pod 11111141PPr Warn sold Dry Goods; Carpets, &c., EARDWARE SADDLERY, 414., Qinuessw,uti. CUIDWIA2,II, 'asoceotrak PAM* per»• too • all. • April !o.•i T6—if GREA.T RUSE . - •I • - • Robert' & Elliott's- Store, • CLETTYRIIIIRCI, WASBIIIIIII* Ito Vast &WI • 'lamp wre a th, r sakeh tiry*9 , 4l4lvl . atvestaaad Oarjavtly n• pa:U.44'1,4611 Itorowa. bor t have Was Ihr es • • aspadoora ma , Worthy's* Greekrbeeke exchatla t Virieorathiho r look the Goode are vary veil 141 0 1 4 1 ‘1 1 MIS reeelvsol more sad bettor sea 4. kr tier orta ,; *tau they amid ham arts as grey dale COM . ; one I Conie all I ^ mad 44solairoar lame amarteas4l44 G.L5049:41414 -4 4W 241 4 - • , ,p , u40.1144 • . ' . az". caaa..9 ; akts. azomr„ • o.stri ajekes s . • JAMS; - : • valinriow,4o. 411144ftrovil;,, s „ a "' "Plior?!? 1 , 1 117,40f bek•siva za =luul tarqt s tr o t w a,a. o .. t umil Pisll44 •• • ' rA114;4:1 1 =1 • .•C 4 ;Okr a__ *PP, Saar& Its. _ Pl** . and ;Groceries. • Tbui ailyouits Ws inall rstissed hos Os MINI is • try maple, at NaIIDWA as smil WM., . . WOO Oble ore ireed",;/,‘ 'bilk .t..Th • * • To 0z..% at prior se Nth the It. qiii :'! A - 41 1 11 171Wi s T00/. -l' I Mal TOCIU ' . Naos 7UMILif au seem issessieri 01 OA= tF/1 UPS' - ' • --44 - • 0=181,314 " a • Ala amolwaa, elf /ask • - ~a 0=4 1 0 8 ..._ h•. Thom bs• NaggitAlNtai• b .... loft M Mall li. Ude va " 2: 61 40AVV111 ..i m os, woloalierment au ilW , s -)"I . Moll Sbot Nam AU i• tos jig rill . . t .14noViewt. gANN se Vey s e iec—ti % SELLING OFF • - OF COST t TO QUIT BUSINESS I my Entire Stock of tolt Y . GOODS NOTIONS, HATS, SHOES, dco., &c.,, ke. FOR CASH ONLY: is.A Wale Masao Ibr Boreales at the mese of YORK meet and ette Diasead,Gottyabin. Aprill,l,lo.-tf IL /a. WOODS. T. a. 0017.11. A. NA111:1111PIUNINE. 31.FiVir ARENDTSVILLE, PA. ems • ad, having asearad tato partnership I ander the soa Damao of Coen A Narsexasanann call tha attostioa at tnair Moeda sad tise public gam. eralty to NW, splandid aaaortatarl of NEW SPRING AND SUMMER ;DRY GOODS, GROOrana. 00111sw.tar, atabwmur, all vblc h barns be. pareitanal la 611.1ag market au Sash, sad wldob we are prapared to salt at tha wo .a/r g isparc/serest Agana. Oalara.l sad anemias our luck 0* haalag alarwh sr% lot of good /tails for ails. TOLA 00T11111, AN II /M/11 S W MAP/lINSPAINGJIII. Areadtnilla Pa., April 11, 14170—tf NEW AT PETERSBURG, Y. 8., PA, J. L,. SCEICX ANTI PArlbM!=ol[s. It IAliti1110( IL t rmuukirpos. lananza tau, ♦ND WDIDOW OLIN 201