The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, May 13, 1870, Image 2

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    tOr star it. Situtind.
it. isTo.
adirsallsors andotbersluterested w 111
' boat tie Sated M i st tie regular strew.
, latlow of She "SITAR ANDAENTIISEL"
Is atuei larger thaw that of way star
wooer publisbrd in the County, biotiwg
read weekly by sot less thaw MONO
4. • enema.
We notice in our exchanges that
prepanitioniiire being' made in various
places for the observance of the 30th of
May, the day set apart for the decora
tion of the , graves of the heroes who
fell in-defence of the Union. As yet
we have heard of no preparations in
this-place, where of all others the occa
sion should be duly honored. At Get
t3 sburg the power of the Rebellion
culminated, and here _.received its
death-blow. Over three thousand of
the nation's heroes lie in the National
Cemetery, and it is eminently fitting
that their graves should be strewn with
Bowers on the 30th. Hitherto the cer
emonies in Gettysburg have been con
ducted under the auspices 'of the mem
bers of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic. We understand that die Post in
this place has disbanded, and it will
be necessary that some other agency
take steps to observe the day, either by
a meeting of citizens or of the surviv
ing soldiers of the War. There is a
propriety in the latter moving In the
matter, and as but little time remains
to complete the arrangements, we tak
the liberty of naming Col. C. H.
Buehler, Col. E. G. Falinestock, and
Hitj. H. B. Benner az a provisional
committee, to initiate ;the movement,
by promptly callino a meeting of citi
zens or surviving officers and soldiers
of the War, as may be deemed best.—
We name these gentlemen simply be
cause they are the highest commis
sioned officers in the borough. There
are others, both in town and county ,
who will doubtless be glad to co-operate
with them.
IT Is somewhat remarkable that
while Northern Copperheads and
Southern fire eaters of the Ku-Hinz
stamp alike fail to accept the situation
as determined by the triumph of the
Union arms, and manifest a dogged
purpose to keep alive the spirit of Re
bellion; by a constant abuse of the N
ational Government, and an equally
constant defence and laudation of the
men who precipitated the Rebellionr—
the Rebels who did the actual fighting
and bore the brunt of the conflict, with
,s conviction of the rightfulness of their
cause; now evince a determination to
atone for past errors by a manly sup
port of the Government. While Fer
nando Wood, Horatio Seymour, Voor
hees and Vallandingbam, Jett. Davis,
Henry' A. Wise, and other blatant
politicians, North and South, are 'still
at heart Rebels, Wade Hampton.
Breckenridge, Longstreet, and other
prominent Rebel chieftains, insist that
it is the duty of the South, having
staked every thing on the arbitrament
of arms, to abide the issues of the
war, and accept the results work
ed out by the logic„ of events. We
have before us another *illustration of
this same feeling. Robert W. Hughes,
a prominent Viginia Rebel, who went
into the contest, not from ambitious
purpose but in vindication of what he
believed to be a just cause, in response
to an invitation to attend a recent .
freedmen's celebration, thus writes :
"Having been myself a rebel until
the close of the war, it was natural that
I should have arrived at the aoaclusiou
slowly and reluctantly (but I entertain
it profoundly) that the policy of the
Republican party is the only policy that ,
can settle the controversies of the late
war and restore a final and substantlal
peace between the sections and races."
We commend this paragraph to
Northern Copperheads who are reluc
tant to surrender their sympathy for
the loot cause, and doggedly cling to
the issues of the dead past.
Southern Rebel organs are just now
roundly berating (ten. Longstreet for
attending the colored celebration of the
ratification of the 15th Amendment, on
the 80th ult., in New Orleans, on
which occasion he rode in the proces
sion in a carriage literally covered with
Stars and Stripes.
Tun woman suffrage movement
doesn't seem to be waiug 1111tch pro•
tress in The Illinois
Cotu3titutional Convention, which had
agreed to submit the question to a vote
of the people of that State, has re-eon -
sidered its action and struck out the
clause. In England, however, the ag
itation bids fair to amount to souk
thing. The House of Commons has
passed to a second reading the bill re•
moving the disabilities of women in
-regard to voting, by a vote of 124 to 91.
A petition signed by 190,000 women
was lately presented to rerilenlebt,
asking for the right of suffrage, " and
the decided vote in the House of Com
mons shows that. the new movement
has considerable strength among our
congas across the water. In England
the right of suffrage among men is
limited by a property test, and the
masses de not vote. Hence even If
female suffrage be granted, It will be
confined to the '!upper"
Tim New York World, the national
Democratic organ, is after the colored
vote—insists that "the colored people
owe nothing to the Republican party
for the change in their politiesl condi
tion," and that prudent management
will secure a lame proportion or the
Democratic party. Now that the
"nigger" has become a power in polit
ical movements, we hear little of the
0 4113 in-bone" philosophy, and it will
not be long before these tome Demo-
cratic leaders will claim to Iwo bcen
the life-long and peculiar friends of the
colored man. It will take some time,
however, to bring the Adams county
rank and file up to that stand point.—
They have been too persistently Indoc
trinated with negro•phobia to change
front at once.
We see it stated that a bill was passed
by the Legislature changing the man
ner of electing School Directors. While
it is difficult to ,say what bills were
passed and what were not passed, we
feel satisfied that no such bill panned
either Howie. Mr. Beaus, of Bucks,
reported i bill to provide for the elec
tion of School DlrecMrs the same
way that Inspectors 'of Elections me
elected, so as to give each political
party a representation in all School
Boyd*, but the bill was not brought to
a vote; School Directors will be sleet
ed as heretofore.
Tinaßoontreet Nava comes to us
this week enlarged and in a now dress,
presenting a neat appears km. Mr.
Scum., the editor, kit 'veteran in the
service, hsa proved his fidelity to Re
publican priuoildss in a long andikith
ful editorial career, and in this im
provement manifests!' purpose to merit
the continued oestildeum and support
of ihi true Ropubikaps of liktuansel
Putnam's Magazine, for . May, has an
article on "Political Degeneracy," from
altieh we take the following' extract.
It faithfully portray a the abandonment
of Drinocrativ pr inciples by the Dem
ocratic party within the last fifty years.
The writer says :—"The Deniocratic
patty used to be a party of ideas; its
shibboleths in the old times, though it
was not always true to them, were
equal rights and impartial legislation ;
and the predominance it acquired was
won by these words. All its greater
leaders professed and expounded them;
and they made the party dear to the
popular heart. The writings of Jeffer
son, of Nathaniel hiticon, of John
Taylor, of Carolina, of Andrew Jack
son, and particularly of Silas Wright,
Samuel Young, Michael Hoffman, and
William Leggett of the Rate of New
York., were the utterances of men sin
cerely,`convinced of the truth and good
ness of the democratic theory of the
State. - In the long and exciting strug
gle between the masses of the people
and the money power of banks, the
leading Democrats clung with an in
vincible tenacity to that conviction,
and by means of it they were victorious
in the end. It secured them a prolong
ed control, not only of the General
Government, but that of nearly every
State in the Union.
But prosperity wrought corruption ;
the sinister alliances which success al
ways brings with-it, and particularly
thtalliance of the slaveholdere o tAte
South—swift to put themselves on, the
stronger side--cauleci a deflection from
the straight line of duty. How could
they who bad marched to victory un
der the banner of equal rights, wave
its glorious folds in the face of a body
of men whose whole social, system was
built upon an atrocious denial of all
rights to an entire race of mankind?—
How could they who had clamored for
Impartial legislation uphold a legisla
tion which refused to acknowledge ev
en the political existence of at least
one-half the community ?. It was
a painful predicament; a few re'
mained true to principle ; but the most
preferred the tortuous paths of jug
glery. Iu the place of Human Rights
they inscribed upon their standard an- I
other word, not different in every re
spect, yet not the same--State Rights.
Under a plausible but fallacious inter
pretation of the Organic Law, they
erected these commonwealths, which
are but the coequal integers of a Com
poalte Nation, into the independent and
sovereign parties to a federal compact.
There was enough truth—and of im
portant truth--.-in their doctrine to
mislead the simple mind, unused to
the nicer distinctions of, political her
meneutics. It was not discovered, at
a moment, how they brought the Con
, *Mutton into conflict with . the most
elementary principles of liberty and
justice,—how they adroitly shielded an
abuse which every unperverted mind
abhorred by an instrument which ev
ery American heart revered. Thus fbr
a time they were successful in confus
ing popular intelligence andconsolence.
Slavery triumphed ; but as it is the na
ture of all despot/arm to proceed to
excess, its triumph was accompanied
by an assertion of supremacy so dicta
torial and arrogant, that it of itself,
apart from its nefarious cense, provoked
revolt. A reaction, slow at first, but
sure and inevitable as the laws of God,
gathered intensity and strength with
time, until the smouldering fires burst
into a conflagration. War, the- last
arbiter, came; but when it came, it is
to be said with sorrow and regret that,
while the masses of the_ Democrats
shouldered their guns in defence of
Liberty and the National Life, many,
far too many, of their leaders, either
aided with the insurgents or gave a cold
shoulder to the patiltits,
Throughout this contest, and especi
ally in the appeal to arms, the conduct
of the Republican party was as decided
and honorable as that of the Democrats
wag vacillating and disreputable.—
Formed originally, indeed, of the seri
ous sad - thinking men of all the °lda'
parties, as a protest against their gen
eral subefrYlonee to the SlaTal'ower,
it marritained ConahitelleY with a
greater purity of zeal and a ingfre In
flexible purpose than is usual with
political combinations. . fik,Elietintaa it
doubted, sometimes it wavered, some
times conspicuous leaders thought
possible to solace the hardships of the
-tnarch with the sweets of official
bivouacs; but when the battle was at
length joined,
'They fought li p brlyve mex long and well,
They were!' the Faked with slain:
and they did not desist—in imy &irk
nese however black, in any strain how
ever exhausting and desperate—until
the enemy had been dispersed, am) an
entire race redeemed from slavery into
freedom ! That Is a transcendan
glory for any party to have achieved
at any period of the world's history.
The movements of reform are coin
manly so slow ; wrongs are so inveter
ate, strike so deeproots into the so
weave their branches among many
tender twigs, clamber up and twine
about so many sheltering walls, that
pulling them up is dangerous ; so they
can only be lopped oft by degrees. Bu
the hideous Upas of slavery was liter
ally deraelnated ; radicalism was _true
to lts meaning ; the very roots were
torn from the soil by the Act of Emsn
&paten ; and subsequently by the
Great Amendments, all the rootlets
and little fibres that might sprout again
somewhere hive been out uft. Now
for the first time slime the preamble to
the Declaration of Independence—the
Mating CACirifi 4f Oa ftepUblie—Was
framed, every human being In the lend
may read it without feeling it to be a
14, with an hyneat and js i ddlant anti
solemness tlutt,ll le a truth. *Act the
greatest of truths.
What is to oome of so swift and tre
mendous a change, the future will tell ;
hut it is impossible to indulge in any
despondency in respect to it; for we
should distrust the God who mac) us,
and man, his Pohlad image, if we
could suppose that as act of Justin, so
grand and signal could hays any other
than prosperous leioes—pusperms
beyond the dreams of oath, because In-
volving every benignity of the gym.
isthettilo baavens.n
Tan Trustee, of the Delairare State
:formal Schwa have recently imbed a
einsular on "the prreent oondition of
nubile education" in ;hilt Mite, which
oontaine the startling Mateasent th4‘
good Judges estimate the ;lumber of
men and women in that State unable.
to read and write their own namm, at
not lea tiara one-third of the emirs
population. This le the State where a
White Idan's Party".'Wanted pre
aerve the armed rights of the white
eltizens, and to protect them from the
dreaded Influence of "ignorant"
On too AI bug., Glen. Irwin onounod
the aloe of Stile TIONNWer • boring
Sled cm bond roquLrod by tbo our
Aot..lleggart, cootifor amber Mr.
Irwin'/ 'brew adinfabnedkonAgs boon
fie - Eleils owe Gov.
Geary a debt of 'gratitude lbe his veto
of the Bill to rob the State Treasury of
over $9,000,000 to aid sundry railroad.
enterpriser. It Is conceded that the
bill was carried in botkbranchotof the
• Legislature by the • most andacioni
bribery, members' votes being shame
lessly brought up by the originators of
tile swindle. The enormous amount
of the "steal" gave the lobby ample
means to buy up as many votes as were
requisite, and but for the lute hour at
which the veto was sent lu , making a 1
second passage of the bill impractica. f
We, it may be that it woulithave been I
enacted into law over the Governor's
veto. The p inks wilco engineered the
matter will i in doubt he co. hand next
winter, and ose only way- 'a.• the peo
ple to prevei.t the swindi.- being con
summated iiext is for the
nominating Convebtions , o see thatall
Legislative candidates" are squarely
pledged against it. Adato.s county is
on the record, through the votes of Dr.
Dill and Senator Duncan, as favoring
the bill. Row about our next Re-.
presentative ? This is a matter that
concerns tax-payers of all parties, and
they should see to it, if corrupt party
leaders will not.
TH E result of Napoleon's appeal to
the people for endorsement of his
peculiar scheme for establishing the
appearance of popular government
While, at the same time, he retained
hie absolute personal power, has justi
fied his confident expectatons. Full
returns from ail parts of France show
the vote on the Plebiseitum to have
been : Yes, 7,210,296 ; Nor-415.30,610,
giving a Majority of 5,679,686 for Na
poleon. The army vote stood, 227,886
for, and 29,864 against. These enorm
ous majorities peeve that the go• ovo
runt of the Empire still has a r Hog
hold upon the masses of the people,
despite popular belief to the contrary •
Paris and Marseilles voted against the
Empire, the former by 45,013, and the
loiter 6,417 mojority. .The rural dis
tricts gave nearly a unanimous vote for
the Empire. There wag mueh excite
ment in Paris, and barricades were
thrown up by the mob, but the prompt
action of the troops maintained order.
Tax General Conference of the
Methodist Episcopal Church South is
in session at Memphis, Tennessee. On
Wednesday a memorial ws. read from
Bebop Janes, of the Church North,
urging a re-union and asking the ap
pointment of a Committee to consider
the question: Last year a !similar pro
position was- declined. A re-union is
only a question of time, but at present
the Church South needs a little more
"re-construction" to bring it into ac
cord with the unionistic movements of
the day.
THE Pension Committee of the Uni
ted States Senate have reported ad.
versely to granting Mrs. Lincoln a
pension. The Committee give a de
tailed statement of the amount realis
ed from her husband's estate to show
that she is not in the needy circum
stances generally supposed, and argue
that as there is no existing law under
which the pension can - be granted a
special act would be a dangerous prece
THE trial of McFarland, for the
murder of Ilicharcison.' which has been
in progress in NeW York for several
Weeks, terminated on Tuesday by the
Jury rendering a verdict of "Not
Guilty," after three hours deliberation.
Tea Irma °aux &Ana. —lf the House
basis of 275 members of Oongrese should be
adopted for the next ten year*, Ohio will
have 21 members, Indiana 12 and Illinois
19; total for the time States, 52 members.
This is nearly one fifth of all the House.—
It is nearly equal to the number of members
of the imperial States of New York and
Pennsylvania, which will bate 58 member"
between them. The five. States lying side
by side will cut 110 votes in the next House,
or within 28 votes of a" majority of the
whole Union. There are thirty-eight States
in the Union, but practically the political
power in the legislation of Congress and In
the election of President and Vice Presi
,dent is in the five States we have mention -
ell--,New York, Pennsylvania, Ohlo, In
diana and Illinois : 'pa 4ed with the smaller
States they will carry, they will be irresisd
ble, It is probably safe to:lay that after
1880 a majority of all the people in this
country will reside within their borders,—
They are thiseat - of American empire.—
Look at their present mpjestic populations :
New York 4,700,000
Peruisylvania. $ 500,000
Ohio .3,100,000
Illinois", 1,700,000
•?, 1,700,000
. . .
Here is a population within a million and
a ball of the whole population of the Valon
In 1840, thirty years ago, —.ltarrishurg
A - 81110171.“ CAs=.—The following cue
of suffocation comes from Portland, Maine :
"A few evenings since the family of Mr.
Charles Rolf, Jr., consisting of himself, Wife
and one child, residing 'on Portland street,
narrowly escaped suffocation by gas from
a mei stove. • The child had been playing
about the room, e 4, pnobserved, shut the
damper to the stove, thus preventing the
gas from escaping up the chimney. Just
before retiring Mr. Roll Ailed the stove
with new coal, but did not notice the con
dition of the damper. ,Ithey retired, and
the escaping gas soon completely stupided
them. When they returned to -conscious
seas Mr. and Ma. Rolf both found them
selves prostrate on the door, and had been
vomiting violently and (flo od was oozing
rom their noses. The child was still sleep
lag ow the hod- They fetlnd 4 Wiedelf
open which we. closed when they went to
bed, bat neither remembered raising it.—
They thought they : had slept the usual time,
but on going to the store far his morning'i
milk be thund they bad slept until nearly
six o'clock the next evening—sbout twetßy
two hours. Fortunately, no serious effects
have ;united."
Dammam Aocumer.—On last Friday,
little Freak, the only child of Frank and
ano7 !twins; While &ding with a pet
dog in the kli4heni pulled a fee kettle or
boiling water off the stove, deluging himself
with the oontents. An examiustion show
ed a terrible scald , . covering the entire body
from the waist down, but even than the fat
al result which followed was not anticipat
ed. Although every thing that could be
was done to relieve the pain, the shook was
too great ler his system, and on Saturday
morning the little seems died. - Frank was
II Most interesting child, aged about three
ran and memo iusarki t 'mtd was the idol
ebb parents end the pet oi fhe belem4o4l,
eild redden has Arita the dopes"
sympathy of the entire cermenethy.—gar
ibrd DenweraL
Tan host hualligattoa front the mad!.
lion farming the Isthmus of Darien ibr a
canal route tantrum the Atlantic and
ic, is that it has not yet met with sums,
and that the Calakalla bay routs is Wigan
Ti* intensatkiial Yacht jam between
the Sag lid yacht Oestibeis. sad the Anal.
tas —I Elepato, at Wednesday la the
gates eheseel, vu west by the Sappho.
Tag 80boone aglow mos was to
bek“ Peamyinsis Igoe.
Omit Widesaigy,
MANI Constmsnr - of an adjourn
ment before thlt Ist of A.nignst.
Tim Senate Killats4',Committee is ad
verse to the amen* to Mrs.- Lee of the
Washington relics - owlet Mount Vernon.
Tiu Pfasideitt baistated hie approval of
Senator Sherinan's bill for the reduction of
the ham
Ox Saturday 'there was ten-and-half mil
lions of currency in the Treasury, and near
ly a hundred milliome of coin.
AIMS° Napoleon's little bills of, house
hold expenses, is an Item of $lO,OOO paid
,yearly to his hair dresser. -
Tas British Government purpose wolfing
to the Canadian waters a force sufficient to
protect the fisheries.
Tim Ways and Mean Committee Mon
day decided,tipon a large redaction of in
terrud taxallOn.
Jossrs H. Lawns, Mr. Golliday's
successor as Representatives from Kentucky,
took his seat in the House yesterday.
IT is said that four thousand Mormons
attended the fortieth Conference of that
church at Salt Lake City last week.
Gamut. SHUMAN has ordered that all
available troops at Fort Columbus, New
York harbor, be sent to Texas.
Tax Emperor and Empress of Austria
recently washed the feet of twelve poor old
men and women in the throne ram at Vi-
Amnia girl sent out to hunt for egp,
came back unsuccessful, oomplaining that
"lots qt ballr were standing round doing
car loads of ego passed through
ta i na
Toled one day last week. The shipment
con ' one million two hundred and
,; nd eggs.
Nsility two Weeks ago 1,500 pounds of
strawberries arrived In the San Francisco
market, and were sold at from twenty-five
to thirty cents per box.
A raiment:4nm hall storm occurred in
Philadelphia on Sunday afternoon, stones
seven inches in circumference falling and
causing the wreck of thousands of windows.
Guinean Jordan and several Cuban of
ficers have arrived in New Cork. They re
present the patriot cause as being In a bet
ter condition than at any previous stage.
Tas Oblo'Leeslature adjourned without
passing the appropriation bill. Members will
have to wait for their own pay until the next
AT Memphis, Saturday, the graves of the
rebel dead were decorated, aid the corner -
stone of a monument was laid. Business
generally was suspended.
Tut Executive and Locating Committees
of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural So
ciety have fixed upon Scranton as the place
fbr holding the State Fair for 1870.
A TOTING lady of Massachusetts was re
cently offered $5OO-fur her hair, which lacks
but half an inch of being six feet long, but
refused. The offer was increased to $l,OOO,
and then rejected.
A Mn. Pickleton was lately married at the
Walnut Street Church, in Philadelphia, to
a Miss. Sardine. This is a fact. There is
nettling fishy about, the announeement—ex-_
cept the name of the bride.
A Barron gentleman who could not
waltz, offered a young lady one hundred
dollars if she would let him hug her as
much as the man did who had just waltzed
with her.'
"1 WOULD do anything to gratify Yon ;
would go to the end of the world to, please
you," said a fervent lover to object of affec
tions. "Well, sir, go there and stay, and I
shall be pleased."
Tux world is -safe from collbdon fur a
while longer, as the consoling intelligence
is afforded us that for the next hundred
years the distance between the earth and
the sun will gradually increase.
Tim Burnett House In Cincianati was
leased several years ago by Mr. Miller, who
cleared $250,000 during the thus he mana
ged it, and sold the lease for $225,000.
Mr. Miller knows how to bring grist to the
Ir Ls stated that a man recently died In
0 4 4=7 county, who left his wife one
cent., a brother a few dollars, and the re
mainder of his property„ss,ooo, to erect a
monument to hte own atinriotess and ego
Tom Majesty of the law takes care of it
self in Louisiana. A district Judge of New
Orleans has just commiued to prison for
five days, and fined ninety-live dollars, the
Lieutenant• Governor of the State fbr con
tempt of Court.
donne from Tomas, Louisana, and Mis
sissippi are scouring South Carolina for
plantation bands, and thousands of celled
families are saifi to be moving Westward
in response to this great demand for their
Tni dread disinter at Richmond has
awakened an unusaul amount of sympathy
throughout the Country. In most of the
Pities subscription lists bare been opened,
and liberal pontributinne srP 1 111 14 4 7 going
forward to the sufferers.
m•-!.. 14 ,7 00 . 00 .
Turas yaks ego, a young man in West
Rutland, Vt„ boaght a quarry hi that lawn,
in which's supply of stone bad been discov
ered adopted to the manufkcture of slate
pencils. He paldsloo for his purchase. At
present the quarry is valued at ssoo,ooo.
Tax Republican Executive Committal of
Philadelphia is taking measures to secure
the polling of the full colored vote of that
city. it will amount to between four and
five thousand, and ought to secure the suc
cess of the entire Republican ticket,
Tag peach growers of Delaware are Johl
bat over the prospects of an immense crop
of peaches. There is no danger now from
frost or cold winds, and this Important crop
to the people of the State may thergiete
be considered gab.
"Do you mean to challenge the jury P"
whispered a lawyer to his Irish client. "Ti,,
by }abets," was the answer, "if they dont
aerate me, I mean tp phallism vary spa_
peen of 'em ; I want ye to give 'em all a
hint of it, too."
GOTZRYOB Morrow, of Indiana, is a per
manent invalid, Re walks with a pane In
each hand, and addrepea the Senate while
seated in his chair. Although a paralytic,
there is no lack of energy in his manner,
and his voice reaches every portion of the
spacious chamber and galleries.
Am Irishman, being a little fuddled, was
asked what was his religious belief. "Is it
PIP be of 'IV be sikieß 0 0 104 It's the
'amp es t Widdy pc*. owe Or
twelve *Miroto Whisky, and she lo
ans VU never pap bert—end, hith4 that's
my Wahl too,"
Tea Hon. John Morrlsey, member of
Congress, is evidently without honor in his
own otentry. The new 13uptriatentleat of
Pollee in New York has stationed= Wager
at the door of site Honorable gentleman's
gambling den, to warn all parsons from en
tering that renowned but dangerous stab
As a New SAW school esaminamm,
the etbendayobe timber sought to drrelop
1W romemLintelllimme" <dm infant clam
by asking, What are come good for r
ter s mansett'a penes a small band went op
srldt unmendous energy. 'Ma Johnny,
'what is id" 'Moir stomachs are good for
tripe," Masted the young savant.
Is South Carolina greet is tbe demondi •
mien among the Democracy. Tire
guillemot °Purger (DeSserad) fart "At
this inomeat, Mew l timstb Oarliala bm M .
me organised party,- WM& le the
party. Tbe Drunommks , party, as a -BMW
nratill Yaw." per: *slim!.
of ;1411 i: 1 44111W roe' AIM"-
MOM awl 10
will of at latoßlibip tieflkar
Ild!PaW t°10011144 aa Pow
4 1 * ,
4 1 4001 1 1weiNt ompospil la bit ilk
wmairift is sevirrr-c
4,114 D.
On the 3d day of May, 1861, the President
keened his proclarastion calling f0r42,086
anteers for threeleers ; and on the next day
the literetary oriVar issued what la known
as Gelmina osier No 15, prescribing the
pica to be maid* use of in Organizing the
troops called for , and -promising k every
volunteer enliming ender that plan, who
was honorably discharged, $100; also prom
' ising the rune to the heirs of such volunteers
as might be killed in battle. General Orders
No. 26 simply repeated these promises.
- On the 22d day of July, 1861, a law was
Pos 6 4. whiclk PrOlaised hotott9.ot oo ,l,
those only who served two years, or were
wounded or otherwise disabled in the ser
vice; and to the legal heirs ofsuch as might
die or be killed In the service. All the en
listments on acd . after July 22, 1861, until
another law was made, were subject to the
conditions of this law.
The only question involved In 11.
Homer in Supreme Court (Hosmer vs. 11..
8. in Court of Claims) was whether the gen
eral order mentioned which required no
particular length of service, or the law of
July 22,1861, whiCh required twe years ser
vice, should apply in respect to bciunty to
the troops called for by the President on
May Bd, and the Court decided that be
promises of the orders should be carried
Many have supposed that the decision of
court would affect all persons enlisted be
tween Mai 4 and July 22, 1261, and who
were discharged before serving two years ;
but we are informed that it was the under
standing of the court that the bolas of the
decision should be waned to the men com
posing the regiments organised and ao
cepted under the call of the President.
The number of regiments actually raised
between May 4 and July 22 was shout oho
hundred and twenty•tive, but, under the
store construction of the decision, only
one-third of that number are in any way af
footed. We are authorized to say thatthis
is the construction given to the decision by
the accounting officers of the Treasury ; and
it will, of course, govern in making pay
The AdJa lent General ht now in corres
pondence with the authorities of the differ
ent States in order% determine what regi
ments were organized unier the calL
There will be considerable delay In the pay
ment of this bounty.
The only other decisions of the account
ing officers in relation to the bounty are as
follows :
1. If discharged for promotion the sol
dier is not entitled.
2. Any soldier who re-enlisted after first
discharge, and by service under such re-en
listment became entitled to the additionit
bounty (Act July 28, 1866) is not entitled to
bounty under this decision:
8. If discharged for any disease, Injury or
deformity existing at the time of enlistment,
the soldier Is not entitled.
STRUCK sir LIGHTNING.—During the storm
of Friday night last the dwelling of Mr.
Richard Taylor, Perrymansville, Harford
county, was struck by lightning. The two
gable.ends of the building were entirely
torn out from the roof to the ground, and
openings made directly into the rooms of
the house. Mr. Taylor and another gentle•
man, who were sitting in si room on the
lower door of the house, were thrown from
their chairs by the violence of the shock,
while another gentleman sitting near them
did notifeel it at all. The remainder of the
family, who were in the Weeping rooms;
were not injured.
Rarnerts for the annual lists of incomes
and special taxes for 1870, received at the
Internal Revenue from thirty-six collection
distficts, in different parts of the country„
show an Increase in amount of assessments,
of 584,000. As the districts from which
these returns come are generally small Ml and
unimportant, the bulicatioas are that the
lists tor the current year will show a very
large increase over the returns of last year,
notwithstanding the Luta that the general
business of the country has fallen a some
what, and that almost all incomes are =ill-
Jammer now than then.. The arises
solely from closer assessments and a better
enforcement of the revenue lawn.
Ix Cincinnati dwells a woman who no
doubt wants the ballot, would make a cap.
Ital ward politidin and should be put for
ward immediately as a leading advocate of
woman's rights. She was recently dragged
into a police court there for fighting In the
streets with a Degrease. Her face' was fear
fully battered, and she held In her dexter
'hand the remains of a switch ofjut4l. She
exclaimed : "I tell ye I kliqw my rights,
and I'm a ping to fight for em, I don't
beer 'ef Igo to the gall's. Yoe may jar
cut my throat of you want to, -but I'll fight
for my man tin I die—do you hear me ?'
What an invaluable woman for a primary
election !
Tim greatest degree of cold ever produced
is 257 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit),
which was obtained by Ratted; of Vienna,
lu the attempt to liquefy oxygen Midll.74nl
- gas. This # pcopceivably intense cold
was caused by allowing lb:Ladled langbing
pa to suddtmly expand to its newel con
dition. Even At this low temperature, and
under the pressure OtB,ooo simosikberelly
neither oxygen nor hydrogen could be
broOght into liquid 'form, Tel the two
combined in the proper proportions make
a natural liquid—water.
Cu.nroam papers give ue some curious
facts in regud to gold production. In eight
years it has fallen off from .82,000,000 to
$2.1 ,000,Coo, anA has now become a legiti
mate boalness, yielding sto more average
remuneration than ally other. If as . much.
The business has WWI into the control of
associafed capital, and the miners them
selves reoehe wages averaging about four
dollars a day.
Trot State of Maryland has Irwin suit in
the Superior Court at Bakimore against the
Bah/More and Ohloßallread, to recover the
value in gold• over Currency in dividends
paid the State on petered limit, awned by
It, amounting to nearly twp millkras of dol
lars. The based on the recent
legal-tender decision al the liopretne Court
of the United Staten.
AT Helena, on idoadity, A. MottoMpton
and James Wilson, chared with robbery
and attempted murder, were Old b 7 a ocn ,
mhie of twenty-tour citizens, tound guilty,
and hanged in the presence . of about 3,000
peomMs. he iyuda4was broufhtaboot i
swi by allgllaßce "liitiltWet 1)1°491 -' 11 *
meeting of
Tan Corendaikeer et bdernal Revenue
has recently deckled that manneactswers eel
Hog a tiara of the articles of their own
. stanntsotere, betas their IMP aectitineent,
are not liable to pay either a use's/
as auctioneers, or the auctieWeenr tax at
ow-tenth of bee per tient., provided they
Lave paid their taxes u seanufsotuturs.
AT Camberl,4 Ysr7lsadp 0 ; 1 ''""""gi
We maalaiPsielsotion resolve 1 laa
0 ! a I to / l abilaia ihne al* a=4 741 2.
Cif gotta. PAP
aagavfad the weft, tti Amphora so 411
1 4 11 apd elket ? husiikg wd
thirty ( *wad lA= eieriise4 Illslr rlfatOe
Au 'kudos fie dokottes leo sassed*
dousl eautestide •took, Om is Winona
'on Tuesday. • MI whelp' beau* settled
se wawa' it soakage, to wilt& des writ—
will be Yery suvestr ! It-uot turidt
IpooluYl °HMV
• Tits
ws er'initawsfo luxe comiza.
CIRIBIRLAND.—The Dickinson College
dilliculdes have resulted In the withdrawal
of the Sophomore and Junior classes, $5
dhadrected students leaving for their homes.
246:Tbe Carlisle Herald says that Scarlet
Fever, of the most malignant type still
lingoes in that neighborhood. Oa Monday .
morning a young lady, daughter of the
R*. Hunter, died of the disease, and say
end during last week. Instead of abating
it appears to be on the increase, and many
cases are now reported.
FleA.EnruN.—The Mercersburg Journal
has donned a new dress and has been ma
terially improved in appearance.—The fol
lowing persona were elected odioers• of the
Franklin County Agricultural Fair Com
pany, at the Annual Meeting, on Thursday
last: President, C. M. Duncan; Vice Pres
idents, M. L. Garver and Peter Kreichbaum;
Secretary, Calvin Gilbert; Corresponding
Secretary, B. L. Maurer; Treasurer, Wil
liam Heyser.
FRADIXICY..—The following officers of
Wm. ilimmitt Lodge (Raimittaburg) L 0. of
G. T., have been elected for :the ensuing
quarter : W. C. T., P. W. Troxell ; W. V.
T., J. A. Zeck ; W. C., Joseph Troxell ;
W. Sec., Emma Matter ; W. A. Sec., M. P.
Gilson ;W. F. Sec., C. Guthrie ; W. T.,
Mrs. Gamble; W. M., Z. Six; W. D.
Laura Gerhardt ; W. J. G., Mary Clabaugh ;
W. C. G., D. Brown ; W. R. H. S., Nettle
Nunemaker ; W. L. H. S., Sallie Shields;
P. IL C. T., A. R. Hunter; Deputy Officer,
D. Gamble. '
Yoax.—The Grand Jury of the April
Term of Quarter Sessions found true bills
against John S. Forrest, Howard Stahl and
Jcdui A. Asper, of Hanover, for incendl
trim ; the trials were postponed to August
term.—The let National Bank of Hanover
has declared a dividend of 5 per cent.—
Michael Werner; a repair hand on the Han
over-Branch Railroad, fell from a hand car
on the 2d ult., near Porter's Sidling, the
car passing over his body, inflicting severe
injuries.—The chicken cholera is prevailing
in Manbeim township, many farmers hay
ing lost nearly all their chickens.—The
barn of Jacob Grim, Conewago township,
was destroyed by fire on the 29th alt., no in
suraoce. —The Lutherpm church at Wrights
ville was struck by lightning on Thursday
of last week and burned ; lose $4,000, no
insurance.—The dedication of Harmony
Grove 11. B. Church, in Dover township,
will take place on the 12th of June.—The
Hanover Branch Railroad Company has de
clared a dividend of 5 per cent., and the
Hanover Saving Fund Society a dividend
of 8 per cent.
report of the Statistical Division of the
Department of Agriculture has been leaned.
It says In relation to the condition of
winter grain, the April returns relative to
the appearance of winter wheat and rye and
other cereals are very clniplete, and repre
sent every section of the couctry in which
these crops are gr)wn. They picture a
small and slow growth, thinned in places
by winter killing, weak and unthrifty in
spots from loss of vitality by long exposure
under ice, or to freezing winds, but with
these exceptions vigorous, of good color,
and ready to shoot under the influence of a
genial spring into luxuriant and healthful
These blemishes are neither very general
nor very marked in localities where they
appear, with the occasional exception of
severe freezing.
" While the appearance of wheat Is by no
means as it was last year, the difference is
due more to backwardness of growth
caused by late planting, followed by an
early winter, than •to Injuries. TUe mild
Weather of the winter wheat region was
wompanied with a few sudden changes
,ilohe earlier winter months, while the cold
and rougher weather of the latter winter
was attended with heavy 1131U1.. which fur
nished protection at a critical season.
The returns were prepared about April
lit The tenor of later information gives
assurance of a general amelioration, which
may yet result, the season &tering, in a
flue crop of winter wheat.
The increase of imports, exclusive of free
goods, during the first eight months of the
present fiscal year was $27,271,200, and of
this amount $18.864,1114, or about two
thirds of the whole excels t, paid a duty of
EU 7-10 of one per cent., or asxna 17 per
cent. less than the average rate of duty on
all goods imported subject to duty. The
result of this is that the average rate of duly
on goods impaled is considerably less than
it was during the first eight mouths of the
preceding year. Also, that the amount of
work performed at the Custom House dis
proportionately increased as compared with
the increase of gross revenues received.
fast train, re
cently put on the Pennsylvania Central
Railroad, makes the distance between Phil
adelphia and Culcsgo in twenty-six and
one ha'f hour.. It leaves Philadelphia at
half past twelve, noon, and arrives at Har
risburg at fifty-seven minutes past MM.
Ww91 2 . 4 41 0 bc 4 Wlut tba two points,
midnight It is in Pittsburg, and at three
p'eleek the next afternoon in Chicago.
Prior to tide, the trains occupied thirty
four hours In •.
p ia the distance.
Winrinu.z. Pumas, at the Introduction
Of Senator Revels to his Boston audience
last week, mentioned by name a citizen of
of that city Who, fifteen years ago, declared
that freeing the negroes would be letting
loose a race of hyenas. Philips then turn
ing to Senator Revels, added : "Ladies and
gentlemen aim me to present the hyena."
Tax colorod men throughout the country
base eedebrated, the tlAeeUth Amendment
with great tredlt to themselves. They have
en all occasions conducted themselves In
such a manner u to secure the good opin
on of all classes of oar citizens Into are
not blinded with prettdlo. /a the march
of event§ thls prejudice will illanppear as
the mist disappears lanftwe the morning sun.
MADISON Meuse kite been nominated
for the short term and 4ames Alois (pr the
regular term to All the vacancy in the Rouse
.qf tlepreseatil4Te from North Carolina
canted by theespulsion of Deweese for sel
ling Cadetships. Mr. Harris is a colored
man, and has • fair donee for being the
tirst in the bwer branch of Congress.
A Szsruorr mother left her infant in
gharge aim older ebid, a boy of six. The
child bectiming fretful the boy, according to
his mother's custom, administered a dose
of laudanum. On the mum of the mother
8 .4 6 4 4 4 her 4 4 % 1 4 Jabot Of 11 4 'Wing
prescribed nearly a gill of the druz
_ 'Ladies desire witAU niea admire. And
this little thing is beauty. What do we
say is beautiful ? A transparent comple;"
ion and a luxuriant bead of hair. What
will produce then? Hagan's Magnolia
Balm will make any lady of thirty appear
but twenty t and Lyon's Kathairon will
keep every hair in its place, and make it
grow like the April grass. It prevents the
b4litun tntalnir grayAr/Itticates Dsildruirr
and is the Streit HairDressingib the world,
and at only halt ordinary post. V - you
want to get rid of Sallowness, Pimples,
Ring-rparks, Mothlatchea, etc,, don't tor
tbil *WM* Um. ladies, to lin
--WAYS 4 , 4841). - 4411t. Notate II
detennined not to be outdone by rivals, sad
hewn Ins been tweaking up his "Head-
Onlaters,“4ll•ltie corner of the Dianiend
And Ofisitittlql wed, (Amokra wawa
yiiisseims its on band the largest and best
4,4111411#t of itiko.wade Clothing of all
) hld% for Spring and 13untmer uieerr
valid bnGiork•sri - aidwido — h 'be "Is
Ulanisidnit law halm His
- 4 4:2! ** 13i,1t a : *Oa, WTI "Crlurk.
In age, Is causing great excitement in Boa
ton. It should Warn young men not to
marry in bastes Rice is but 22, his bride
37. He swears that she made hint believe
she was but bit' own age, by using Mag
nolia Balm upon her face, neck and bands.
Poor youth. He probably found her elbows
werrn't quite so soft and pretty. Ought
Sagan to be indicted? We know of many
similar cases. This Balm gives a most
wonderful pearly and natural complexion,
to Which we don't object. We like pretty
women. To finish the picture, they should
use Lyon's Kathairon upon the hair. With
pearly chin, rosy cheeks, and soft, luxuri
ant tresses, they become irresistible.
April 15-Im
A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, re
quires Immediate attention, as neglect
oftentimes results in some incurable Luug
Disease. "Brown's Bronchial. Troches"
are a simple remedy, and will almost invar
iably give ix:amen late relief.
Owing to the:good reputation and popu
lathy of the Tioches, many worthless and
cheap imitations are offered, which are
good for Be sure to obtain the
true "Brown's Bronchial Troches." Sold
Spetial fattcni.
Wehay.Jast receivird, 01 oar own Importation, by
the ships "Jails" and "Tbeubsld," two large lots of
las Ammons Pains, of new and improved patterns,
all of which ws offer et very low price; II bole• Ste
sad pupil. Please call and examine our very largo
stock of Ware of every kind. The Lilowiog gcods
hove Wino in price: Byrom Chewing Tobaccos, bolt,
Blab, and Coal Oil. Bpscial indaceeneate lo 'hotrod*
BLAIR A scrs,
'Booth Emir Cs:Lisle, Fa.
The summer menthe will very soon he fairly usher
ed In with their sultry weather and long train oldie.
muses. It Is tie sesame when nature can do little in
recuperating our exhausted strength, and when wa
are required to fortify oar physique against the
dangers arising from the oral I prevaleney of
sickness. The only true eafsguard Is that pare and
reliable tonic and invigorator, MlSllLitit'S HERB
lIITTNILS, which Is indoteed and recommended by the
medical acuity and by unnumbered thousands of
Persons In every city, town and village to the coon
try, why, bare totted its remedial virtues, eq. by Its
aid, preserved or recovered their health. it 'trill
parity the Blood and Secretions; cure every Xing of
Indigestion, sad afford immediate relief in cases of
Dyseats.y, Cone. Cholera. Cholera &turbos, and
kindred diseases. Provide yourself now against a
time of nand, Relays areoften dangerous.
klay li , ISTO— Isa
• the best artlel• knows to 'reserve the bait. It
will poaltl••Iy rotor•
It Is an entirely now ecleattlediecorery, combining
many of the moat powerful and reetoratire agents to
the vegetable kingdom.
It makes the Hair smooth and glossy, and doss not
stain the skin?
Yor sale by all dragglata. Pries $l.OO.
R. P. HALL A Co , Nashua. N. H., Proprietors. •
May 6, 1670—las
Is the price of Health as trial as of Liberty. Bs on
your guard against poisonous hair dyed.
Is th. only one that has stood the tint of chemical
analysis. ♦t the store of the proprietor, 6 Aster
Heise, N., York, may be 011113 the certificate of that
able analytical chemist,
&unifying that It contains no harmful ingredieet.—
On the other hand, In the "inertial of Chemistry"
may be found the statement that there are uptiarda
of thirty poisonous hair dyes berme the public.—
Minas the only safe lad 11111.0
Drawing, ecte like a charm on the lialr after Dyeing
Try It. [May 6, 1870—lm
UCU AN ititYICLII IS . 01/..201.11Ati' VS SETIA N
L) LIA 11110.11" " It by stood beime the public lor
21 years, and has never failed giving satisfaction In e
Biagio instanco. Every drop of thm vslaabla oat
pound is mixed by Dr. Tobias himself, thatefore, it
men •Iweys be rolled upon. It Is warranted snarler
to any other for the curs of Ottroulo Itheumatlan,
Toothache, Ileadar.he, Sore Throat, Vomiting, /ratted
INst,lhisampa. Csonp, Clwita, Y.. al.ltae.e, 1.-
seet Cholera, Oohs, Spasm: plum
tory, Stab.., Colds, Coughs, Old Sores, Swelling%
Paine In the Limbs, flack and Olivet. There kr no
medians in the 'inroad" that stands more on its own
sera- than tke•'Venetlaa Liniment." thamande of
Certificates can be rep at the Doctor's oflcoattestlag
to Its rani virtual. Sold Ity Druggists and Store
keepers throughout the United Stales: Price, 60
canto end one dollar per Son. Depot, 10 Park Place,
Sew York. (ltay 6,1870-1 m
Brandreth's Pill. penetrate the whole man ol
blood, tensing the expulsion *flamelike,. The body
feels relieved from a disseu what then may be' expect
ed Iron twenty? By continuing their use, the whole
of the blood in time becomes periled, and the body
reconstructed from goad material, and a new lease of
tile secure. •
Sang Sing, Much 24, 1866.
:—My daughter A lice, thirteen year.
old, has been completely curial of that horrible dig
OW), Scrofula, which for years rendered - life • tor
ment, after all inedicloss and missy physicians had
been tried,and hilted, I commenced giving her your
pills. She took them aimless mry day for three
mouths, consist:oJ, improving. She has now entirely
recovered. Moan truly,
May 4, Ur/0-1R
V i m 'EAR AND RxrizzisEs
To mewls to 001 l the celebrate& WILSON SEWING
MAO NINES. The beet machine 1n the weed. Metal
•Dhow bode midst. On Limits 1111111017 T DIONZT. Pon
tortbor particulars. address 25 N. 9th St., Philad•e,Pa.
♦prll.4 1/110-41a
• gentleman who salferwd be yews f arrow
Dobil l / I .Pmeater• rime sad - flt• slats of
youthful lodnerctlao.11111:10/ Me sak o eofferiog
humanity, toad fres to all who Geed It, t he r e cede? wed
dimness for making the simple remedy by 'Web be
was cored Sufferers wishing to prollt by the adbor-
User's 'armloads, ease do so by oddment'. Is perbeet
coaddenc• JOHN B. OGDEN,
May 14,1164.—1yN0.4 Cedorstreet, New York.
The Advarti TO mr, having bee lIIP n
reecored to health In a
few wept% by a very simple goody, attar haMay suf.
fared 1111•11110 yllt/p with Ilf severe long affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption -1a anxious to make
known to hit fallowindlirert the maaas of more.
To all who desire W i lke will mod a oopyof timk
ecriptkia used (free of (Margo), with the dlrmilleati
preparing:and Ulna the imam, whlck gm will sad 8,
tare Ours for Ommumption, Mamma Senaddtis, ma.
TheotdMt of ths ad Titer fa sending tbo Preserip.
sk a is to bell Me leted, and "mad informatiou
lethal alOll TOI to laraluablaqaad he lamas ev
ery Wrenn. wit try tits ram:i b r en as Itoattt coat them
within, and may prime a 01
Parties wtahlag the preseriptioawill tdramaatraim
Ida /4 14 Williamabasg,ttagammoty, New York.
y ,I%—ij
teeeted will, tb• utmost moms, by J. i/44C11. N. 11,
and Professor of Diosams of' bike ilke sea Noe, (Air
specially) he lAt-Jfeditosi CbbAye et' Poensybetnia, 12
Wars -81 1104(tronstorly of Leyden, kfulland,) No.
d 4211 Aeon strew, &kWh' Testimonials as be sopa at
kb sea. The asdiost or* invited to soma
posy tbotir paitoato. es be has no were*. in Me pm.
tioe. Arnie's' spur tweeted wltbont pods. No
obtors• totaiatostfoo. ' [March DS, 1870-Tly
for game trouts. Airylams. to.; Iron Bedsteads,
Wire Webbing for Ilb amend Poo/ try lards; Bran aad
Iron Wire Cloth, Sieves, renders, Boreens for Cool.
Ores, Head ., Emmy Crimped Goth - for Spark
Armlessda:apt Wtree Wf oriudowii, lc.: Pow.
seekers' Wlree.Oroarea ta I reWoiri. to. Biery
forma** by_ uktgroulasi Sim fasitibiatorors.‘
WALKIIia SONB;Bro . 11 Korth Stub at., Plata.
sopkta. [Yob.ll, 1570.4
Tbaraaaa ba Dadblas *A4 vlll pleads tit II bulfrog
Uttar due a good - artkda, which la needed is ovary
pigmy he every *ell 1119111 Samba; &Mlo A Knis ,
Alf/MOAB ?ALUM 1110:11P, inoosaausad•
isd tor t sMlowioi . ylrposos Aa &mew Alibeue
/Hid Me. lbr the Tease. Ar she Laundry. An.
rd south ete. am . by all *lnvert mad Siam,
bowers suairlybam
NATHAN num Bole Apart, lea 111.1 k Iftyrit T. ! t
lab.ll, trio-411
raUtiankr the lissallt of IWO/ isms and
ifbia war frost Nervosa Debility, sta.,
&applying no mass of amilkaars. Written by crio
who sued bbsialt amil east free oa raselviar
raid diradad Aden..
I4ATH . 1147741.11111, lltrasiari, N.Y. ,
111 n A s POLSOM IMPROVIID Twentz-11°1
440 '"•111ir iron Sorbs Watidso. The
Mewed lint Olga Madams Is the Na*,.t 4
Intalsd ill awn keen.
for temps oadettader, tel Ldetr edresol temdpled°,
_, A. Ho Aitt!oit, il el
Arm, e s
, ;toe Olmteat rt., Palls., Pe. • -
April , 111*-4,
s9(x) ,--0., liArrlD ......_i4 - .!,!,,,a,. ...4
.„„ .. u. • sad
uOt• onion' t ti ••••vistho .
TX4,00//iN i sa4 SPIOXII.
To Whale ona wo orni give • sibu7 o $OO to SV
0011 • pour, Oars travettps sad spoor staits„ mita
riosiookitooomaiiioit to Paw.
frottrhiatplkst• Prollos,
= l. iima•d isia l ".‘ "214
poly to, ot. a&
l e,
: . ' J. /10111111111 - -
- ..
Notice Is hereby given that the laird of
Managerial th• York and Gettysburg Turnpike
Company, have declared of a Dividend of Sl PRA
Baku", payable on and after the 10th of May.
April 29,1870.41 t
TM . 0111118111:180 AND PISTNRSBURG
TURDIPLEZ OOMPANY" au declared a dlvldeed of
0111111%* GENT., payable on or after say 2. 1110.
J. U. IIicCLALLAN, Treasorir.
ttuad, heittble day declared • Beattatunta/ Dtvld.od
of 4% PER CRNT. clear of an U. 8. Taxes, payable
on and alter the 10th day of Nay.
. . OW. MISOLD, Crider.
Nay 6,1470.-3 t
decLarede Semi sineal Walden/ of MX Pala CENT.
clear of all U. 8. Taxes, payable oo and after the 9:b
cf May.
8,1810.-i,lt J. EMORY BAIR, Mahler .
0 T IC E.
The cight6 account of ROB BRT MC-
Cua Dr, 8.q., esqueettutor of. the Gettysburg Rail.
road, of Adams county, has been filed In Lb• Court
of Common Pleas of Adamson., UNI I. 111 be conanned
by said Court, on Mesday, Usc MA day of Nay, 1870,
unless cause be /howls to tb■ contrary.
April 241870—G1*
Notice is hereby given to Creditors
that Joists A. Buis has epptied to the Court of Cam.
moo Pleas of Adam. comity for J.echerse under th.
Insolreut Laws of this Commoswealth ;—aucl the
Court has fixed Iteesday, Gs ink slay et Mos. INTO, at
2 o'clock, Y. M., ior U.4151[5054 5.f the ay .I.feaot sod
hia et...tutors at the Court 1.51551. It. the borough of
NNOTlCE.—Letters of Adminis
tration CUM testament* annezo—on the estate
°Mostar G. hearse, deceased, late of the borough
of Gettystatry, having been granted to the nude:-
aged, he hereby glees notice to all persons indebted
to said estate tomtits Immediate payment, and those
baring claims against the same to preeent them pro
perly authenticated for settlement.
May 6,1870--6 t
tors Teatementary on the estate of Haug! Ur
-1/001., deeeued , late of Germany towialiP, Adams
county, Pa. hay fog been crania:lllo th • undersigned,
residing In same township, he hereby glees notice to
all persons indebted to said estate to snake Immedi
ate payment, and three baring claims against the
same to present them properly authenticated for
Hay 8, 16i4-8t
Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the
Gettysburg Water Company, that as election fur Aye
Mattagami of said Oisimpauy, wUI bes Ash at the hosts*
os George W. MeCI than, In Gettysburg, on Saturday,
Me 14th doped' Nay Mtg., 16tween the hours of 2 sad
4 o'clock, P. M. by order of the Board,
B. R. SUBJCILL, Secrotary.
May 6, 1810.—td
TRE School Directors of Beagles township bus
levied • BOUNTY TAX FOR 1 870, and plated
the Duplicate to the hands of the Treeasrer, Joe*i
Iternuss. to whom the tax le to b. paid . All per
.:allaying on OT before tn• Lt alma, will hare the
benefit of 6 PER CUT deduction and those not
paying before the 181 of October, 1870, will base 6
PER CENT. ADDED, and their amounts placed In
the bands of a proper officer for collection.
May 6, 1870.-3 t
Notitmits hereby given to Creditor'.
that KILL Brux has applied to the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Adams comity for <Hogberg' under the
Insolvent Lw■ of this Commonwealth;—and the
the Court has fixed Tuesday, Me MA day of May, 1870,
al 0 o'clock, P. M for the hearing of the applictat sad
his Creditors at the Court house in the Borough of
April 72,1870-30,
Toe undersigned hawing been appainteed Ageism,.
by Deed I t Voluntary Aseignsoeut for the benefit 0.
creditors, executed by noses Cool t Ltd, Liberty
township, Adams county, Pa.—notice Is hereby fifsen
to .11 persona indebted or having chinks to tell and
settle their account* with the undersigned, reilding
to the nuns township.
WM. C. 8/ABIOOEI3, Adslgeen.
April 1,1810-41
NOTlCE.—Letters of Adminiz
trlitiolloll th• estatoof 0/0143 WATIIJOIIe, do.
ceased, lac* of Cumberland township. Adams eowaty,
Pa.. baying been =rooted to the undersigned, residing
In said township, he hereby gives notioe teall perms,
indebted to add sweats to make Immediate payment,
and those baying claims against the woe to present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
April 8 1670-6 t H. P. BIOUAM, Adm'r,
The undersigned having been ayyslnted A esignee
by Deed or ?amatory Assignment for the bonsai of
011.4120.- aus thg. kr Diwatt Irak vs. 4l
Sutler township, moos smasity ra, ke aereky gives
waive to ell persons Isdebandi weiwarteg slakes spinet
the same to cal sad settle tilos inissedietely.
P. D. W. !UNICE?, Assigs.A.
• Enaberhad twy.
April 15, 1870-8 t
NoTicE.—Letters of Adminis
tration oa the estate, of Brent Inn, dicers{
late of krone's township, *dans eoesty,Ps, harries
been granted to thy aedorsigned, residing to said
toweahlp, she hereby ghee mike terall ramose kr
debted koala estate to Sake hemddiele PoTtooet.
and those haring claims against th• mins to ;moment
them properly autkentleatedltwasttlsetant.
XLIZIMITEI 71722 T, Adnex.
May 6,1870,-tit
Osman H. Yon. of YanaHen township, to tNe as
thorized Agent of the Altnlnlatratrix, and Ia an
Medial to attend to say bluenose of the setae..
to the residence of the subscriber. on
the farm of Wu. Wins, to Ptmban township, about the
first of April Met,. WHITE BUOY. with larrre horns
and about two years old. The owner Is requested to
call, pay charges and take him away.
0.10. W. OZAILDORT7.
IdEJ 6, 1870.-40
Grand Jury Report.
To the Honorable the Adria of tho Severe/ Mures e
Adams away
The undersigned, Grand Jury at April Sao tom; A.
D.. 1870, Inquiring In and for the County of Adams.
respectfully report—That they have visited the Jail
and Alms Hones. •
At the JMZ weelbeetteheMiteret le& Direly , kiwi:
and oialigiem Olean" gad 'Wildest' clime and the
primeness well mad 8w; and would recommend the
painting of the exteriorof the Poet belhling.
At the Alms Hones, ws found the bra la sztell"
condition. the stook wall clued br, the Strinfr . ,
plumate. la good order and well stitleande
dings end apartments clean and cost-amble; the
inmates property cared for, and the lit'ovard ally* to
the interests of the County, end "..etsntimm to the
:ants of the poor, and we think `jet , jeservina the
thee!. of the County far the 4 . g ".... l a odd, l y
disclairgej his dodge. • it
JAHES ref. MARSHALL, Yorantaa.
Henry Hull, Samuel Wolf,
Joseph °Mac leeak M kley, - Barney Snyder,
ek H. 4. awls
.. John P. l artin Thonias,
Adam A. Outer, William NC,
paennel Omer. John Mat i t tris.
W.B. Hildebnued, Raphael
Martin ItaTmaperger, John 14.Slugyp,
Jeremiah Rowe, Rithesia Ple*s it
David Barger, 40;41
April 29, 18T0—.3t
DANIEL Ll7Tllglt
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
For all the purposeaaf a Laza
Perhaps no *nem/dicta* is so universally r tet=d
by everybody as cathartic, not was ever any
eo universal. adopted into me, in ovary country and
among all classes, as this mild bat .moist purgative_
Pill The obviate reams Is, that II Is • more retiable
and far mars effectual remedy than any other. Thom
who have tried It, know that It cured think ; those
who have DOC know that It car., their neighbors sad
freards, and all
keno + that what It dose sum it does
always—that It fella through any bait or os.
Isct of its sompeeltkma Wye thsweinide upon
thousands of cart lattas of tier tessakkahle cures ot
the following complaints, but suCh enrol are known
Is everynsighborhood. and we need not pabUsh
them. Adapted to all ages and eonditkos In all ell.
mato , cwilivriiting neither colonel or any dsteteriona
drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody.—
Their sugar coating preserves , them mar fresh and 1
makes them Sistant to Mika, OM, being purely
ylitetahl• too WO bin Id* 401 11. {heir 1109 in any
quantity. •
They opsrete by their potted& indenture en the
laterasl Mama to pm* Uoi blood and atianlate tt
Into healthy actionv-temove tae obstructions of the
stomach, bowels, liver, and other orgaas of the body,
reolotibg their trmular action to health, and by
cot,' wherarer they exist, such derangements
as are Om first cries of disease.
Illante directions are given la the wrapper pa the
beg. ilk
rapidlyrapidlytholllelll Mowing complaints, which them Pals
should be taken sederately to ativanleto the
and rester* its healthy tone and action.
• For LlVint COMPLAINT. and Its various
tome, . BILIOUS ga4amati, sum 11.114 ":
pad &luaus nyzas, they should be Jadistountt
Wren ibc each se, to correct the diseased action ar
reitove the obstractima +tack masa It, . .
Per DVSS/MST on DU1111416 but one sabd
drools reountily rc mired: A
fad LOINS, they eboolo be cootlaaosely taken, ae
required, to chines tba dbieesed sotto* of theorem
Wok rack she Dip tabby eolightiktir dbappear.
eitosld b. Wow la tugs eat frequent daps. to pea,
Ohm the effect of a drank! pup.
for SUPPARSIIIO/1 • large dose ehonid be taken u
It miaow the de Arid if fic; bjinspiiby.
Ai • Dieser PlJ<take tumor lobo Pale peowl•t•
Illetatioa and roller" the stomach.
as ocoational does infatql•Noo tkl sloasch
tab hoelthf at 11110 appalls, lad
the 'waits. l
ono where no eer darenewaaat name. One who
fob =ft wt l 4 aftotritt does of time
ram um kW dad batter. from Shalt
Imi noft nearktisi Won as tki• diralttle ego
DAL J C. A ITR t 00,..reit4W cemi t y.
/,01WSLL. MRS, ..-AL 4.
aa•Tor silo 111 qiutriows,,,,, by A, Pk
4 vat. Pan. a t %KM
Oath , lisa au LIN piers la %a umar
Wen it lb Um WO shut tift mem
gegal fofitto.
May 0,1870.-3 t
April 22, 167U-3t•
Bounty Tax Notice.
tive Medicine
'ado, &80, *didOaf
A ►ULL A3lloll.T.lilett OPi
Drugs & Family Medicines
Forney's Horse Powders
the best•ad cheapout for Homo, Cattle sad Mao
Oth*r Mann Powdere of a pp lOTO fi makes
Baltimore fftreet, Gettysburg, Petuea
Jun• ii, Is6Y.—tl
has teamnsiod
Practice of 'Medicine..
ome• •t Ms
Also. Duler to
DYE 8T11778,
Jan. It, 1i70.-t1
Store in Brant's Building, Balto. at
H AYING opened a new DRUG
EITORR and fitted It up In th• beet sty* I oder
sty stock of pare and ?reel' Drugs to the eltlreaa of
Littleetown and vicinity at the lowest market rates,
consisting In parlor
Drugs and Family Medicines, Pur
Liquors for Medicinal Purposes,
Patent Medicines, Horse'
ISPure Sakes, Dyns and Dye Stuffs, Perfumery,
Toilet Soaps and Sauey articles. A fall suer - finest of
Brushes, Stationery of allkinds,eigare,Toh•eco and.
sap -Moore'. ectro-MsenetirSosp will wail, with
hard or soft water, cold or wane. Cloths. weabed
with this Soap are made beautifully white Without
boiling or blueing. Thiel. the best Soap In use. Trip
It. It Is warranted not to Injure the hands or fabric .
Littlestown,May JANSS
Chambersburg street, near Diamond.
ilfirCountry Merchants supplied a
City wholesale rates
lob. 25. 1570—1 f
4txt lout !trona illus.
THE undersigne':i, as Attotttq
for tho Ownors,
nda Ind will "
largo amount of
ValUatAe Real Estate,
it. air smeram e eketyibur& wrawrielas
Houses and Lots, Out-Lets,
Building Lots and
being • putt= of th• Oprtag, bras property.
sediethatte and plots will be prepared la • *re
days and daseriptiv• 110t104111 will be labile sd. inb•
lie Wooten or now called to tole powered dale,
w bleb will take place early la Jaw* mixt, a. offerlui
• rare opportunity ibr arstairtarr desirable property.
All titles will b. ma& *Mu of bewebosaseis , and
Gettysburg. April Ite, 11170—tf
Tb. uadoesdeaad offers at PATH* Sale • Mr
DWILLOLit Nam. lawn* In Straka thrreArip,
about IM mallet soetawett of Newtheater, adjetuh..
lamb of Henry floras, Georg, as a,
others, eorbaial i• ♦ .OWBOI laail la • Irldli sloth
of cultivation. Tba fwipeoweei eats are s new wealli.
erboarded OOTTAGN mous', /nose Bans, s tbitis.
Ise yew °tabard of Apple and Pasch Tree,, Grupo
Vtteg sad Troll Trees in tie yard. • well of Waled at
thYdoor ; a neverstailltat Straus me threasl4.
centre at time Tura. ?bare* aa abaselesee of
ber. The kiosk* haeuN.aioatts Olterebr, Sabath:
Mills, sad Market.
Thor Property is,wellwaftedilbr dluirdorytad will be
sold la Lots or satire *Gault parolthem.
Persoes within Ito view tier premises dr athertela
terms, will canon lb. Ana Wilber or address b Myst.
Iltinr Chester, Myy.11411,41C-tt
11 be molt at *testsSale the TALUABLII P11(1. .
PI=TY Is the Ileteogjt of Gettysburg, ea the corset
of Chomeerebooto attest eat the athietst. Immo so
"Sesith's Center." thostleit 40 test ea ObAsabereherg
etteet. sad tusatog beet to spittle alley. The Itte.
prenatal* emits eta ItoooPeery IMAMS
WM. wiltk timeteer =BOK BANIMPILDIIIIII.
.Zoosaidfruair Amble, lbe. It teerfolleehlo Met
fbr say triad et haelaire.
It will be sold ea reuesahle terns. Per forth..
thfontatiout, apply to either of the tuoiorehotoeL
JOHN L. 11 1 011111 X
. • ' AAs.w
Jam. 7, lITO.--tt T. A. ..
pußuo SALE OF
Thfiasboariber will will at poldlo bah, on Moo.
iftz w Hato, itt Am Mk al /Waled, 4.
.N i
llaiwiltootnia Sinn**, /Mew *mealy, Ps. war fto
Naito rood, loodhsh so Wilamitoro' sod Maio /st
ow% Niles west of lokaaki. It is the 1 rit but
1 7h41. W. soosioSolik. Via NM ho 41v14•4 boo httti
5 TO so _exalts Emu,
.d hi apirs.l.d loth
14) 1, „somas illuidig hme hammait,Lasuil
ObsstAAt Ook lust Pia• tis s• Um If 111;
saw b
gi Cron um* WIG king to NO tete, sou of lb.
med .or WWI bsts7 . olessiabt Osk inric,..-
• Timber Is biCsausi awl illuiThig.
= am
wisklag to nr. On kW will b• Mil own ill*
Ism estlbeig es ths sularlbsti.
*Woo Oise sob Um' ssid• bunts.
9111157 of . ads by
nun 'Aviv-
JA w. mink 1
AprU 42,1670-it
Tbeenedesibried ellbesellefeete Ode IdleloOT
DWALINI M _ lietteibemween •44. .: • •
et 4 ,....., , t
am ts fireeeseseeder„ a eseeebey • • .
lee MOO INS. Imeellato pmeseeise pew
be sold illirmeemble tome fikAlefeie is•
te ' ellallll 1, mmimaw 7
41,c., ho
fieitysborg, Wild
spho P oyi o S idid,a T tse P he O h N o,we it i D_ thber . o —T,
until Saturday eviii
it will be further
accepted a call to:il
Church, Littleatowo,
ing removed,
)I*-Ite antire
nounce that Mr. Ev
cal Seminary at this
call to the LuthersiimC
—Wary 1.000.
Little, residing Melt.
of his feet badly sea
by accident/Lily tresdi
ing watir,which waft
awaiting to be used b
was engaged in wasbl
lion of the reader ep? •
Magazines, constituent:,
late Hon. Robert G. .
take place on Satarda
vertised In to day's pa
are some valuable pub
TA XES Last vin
passed a special Act
county the Yprk con,
the collection-Plat/di'
On all taxes unpaid
rent. additional will
Act will be found
tug columns.
Garden and Grobeed
their appearance. - ' At
trouble will destroy.
vent injury to fruit •o
slice. If neglected
trouble all the season
Tut: urn,Esto •
the Chief Engl.
WAS at Littlestowu DLit
a permanent lunettes' o
Pennsylvania and
prepared It for the coot
for the grading and b
tension of this road
week at the office of th
tleatown, and the eo
Cyrus Diller, of Han.
lowest of Ave proposals
I. 0. G. T.—ln th
Templar," of May 3, we
hat of Good Templar
county, with the num;
night of meeting, an.
Deputy Grand Chlet
160, Gen. Reynolds, Mon.,
ty3burg, Adams co.
, Geary, Tuea, H. C. P
Adams co. -
344, Gettysburg, Friday, 9.
burg, Adams co.
364, Morning star. ator.,-7
vine, Adams co.
674, Green Haven, Wed, J
ton, Adams co. •
W.NG Fear.—We
'on Saturdsv List whit. Y
•of Conowegc; Wilm a / 1 1C,
was engaged In iemoviol
the loft of bits barn, to L
•nd aL4eniatiraent be 41 •
some distance beneath,'
which had been calash;
'twerp lac* for sons eight •
turkey was still alive,
emaciated, being red
Wn. It was at cmos r .
tog pr/top and food and
fere it,-.of wil.toy It
Hanover Citizell
1. 0. 0. F4atu.
Officers of the Grind
Pennsylvania, who arp
visitation, met the me
(Gettysburg) and Eagl
eampmenta In the gall Co*
men tof this place. Oran
ter, being unable to be p
resented by John W. Sto
G. Representative to the
the Unkeik Statile. TIM
ent James B. nob°
Scribe; John S. Helve, E
urer ; William H. Trio
P.. and_ Gleargo.Beataaar
There was a full rep l resen
Encampments, a special_
from Hanover. The P
officers, during tbrrir eta
.were entertained by U,
' STATE E. S. ' s
week we noticed the call
Convention of the State
APsociation, to meet in
• Tuesday June 14. We lit
Sunday School arganlasti,
ty will make arrangemen
• sented. The sessions will
Instructive an d Im •
.School Superintendents
;printed details by add
:Secretary, Lewis )). VIOL
, ROM street, Philadelphia.
those who expect to ahead
ahould be sent to Rev. W.
J. AL Say turd, Esq., - Mix
man and Secietary of diet.
of arnmgemeuts, before the
that places of entertaintiwas
cameos 01. New Freed om,
Pa., some wes .kil " 4 - 01
was largely atten ded, by •
gotic and substant.: ll i me n •
around. The meeting . ¶
the. appointment of woo,.
committees, and the questi.
priety of building a Rail
Freedom, Pa., on the No
Railroad, !wiled:mares V
up and discussed. Quite
speeches were made,and a p
vey was agreed upon. slasep •
Engineer, of New Oxford,
Is 63 01414 f 1Fv 41 7.
learn, is now malting
the country . •
Freedom and the Goof:links
Valley, Md. The survey
menced, we believe, next
there is a pralakmAk mutat.
Gitt will surely finditflur
one of the best practical Rug
...cation and construction in •
• the following gentlemen we
. core of t h e Gettysburg Roll.
tioll •
President—Edward G. Feb
'Vice President —Wllllant
:Secretary—John P. illoO
Treasurer—John Culp,
/Clamors—J. W. O. O'Neal,
A, J. Cover, D. Kendlehart,
kinson. •
The Report of the Direoto
Assoolatimilto •
assets in the ist iterlaralitottb
00; In the 24 series, $38,:
amount paid la Abe /el eerie* •
L $78.00 ; lemser . atioalego. '
paid in 2d carie s oh aanlik
value ;73.62. The vomit."
for money durlngths Masi
lase beanies,
lirs, 12# p.,
seslesl7l. •
4N't the 2d inst., the follow
were elected officers of the
Railroad Company :
Pieeidesit—Rphralar Myer*
Dlreckwa—Jerrelik L. MON
fevre, Levi D. Maus. Henry
Liam hfillititerry and Geo. Skt
On the Sa inst., the follow
were sisslid, er ofriiiio
Rider, id' ere - 7.
lifer and Levi Ma .