The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, May 13, 1870, Image 1

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    34stiatt &lint
AT rill
ti & Be*ti*ej
OK & JOt
more St., Gettyabiirgi.Ps.
raceway added largaty to oar Mrsidy lip
& Fancy Job -Type,
y prepared to aoemisedate slat old on
all suers who nay bier um litkslu
Is the lest style oldie wt, at the alaeWt
on **nest reseonable teams.
'rig of Every De-
IN 11111012TION.
♦r TIM
timer* Bs., Gettysburg, Pe.
aiptental Painting,
Imre Pester, to the stualleat Cable.
I =inn. Books,
AND PAltillipLaEli
trUJ, t l;l'nl:ll UTD3FaLC.p92i,
lir et wit aid proniplaio I* MIN ar•
deo. ' ...
IN 1 0118 -COtTNTT.
metipdoes the heat.
t=47 l ._
elteulllee .1* es
. Illelltisete, 'wig Welk br
htrestsiNew Mk. is*
mufti wa r ilr' l li r •
PROMEncois A Ptnnniagis.
italtittlote at. beteate* ans3l4.otise and.Dtaewiii4
- .
Tax STAR Amp Bairrreed. is pidillshed every
day merlitoz, atiLeil a year in advance; or OM
It net pith' Wlttilithe tsar. Itoesbeeriptiestsdlit-
Continued until all &natant are paid, =kw at
thappliten of the pahttapps ,
Aanamataccare are inserted at reasonable
rates, A liberalredactioa win be masts to persons
advertising by the quarter, half year, or year:—
Special notices will be inserted at special rates, to
be agreed upon.
The circulation of the arts tun Bzwrium,
is one half larger than that ever attained by say
newspaper in Adams County: and, as stn &dyer:
Using medium, it cannot be excelled.
Jos Wbsx of all kinds will be promptly exam
ted and xt fair rates. Hand-bills, Blanks, Cards
Pamphlets, AA, in every variety and style,.Will be
atoll at allort =doe. Tarns Ulm
grattssional (cards, Vic.•
.• A 770 5.1711.7 .47 LAW,
Has resumed the Prattles of Lair, io.l vie &mad $0
any bullion In the Gouts of taw coont.r.l
. Be. :—FI on. J.' B. Danner' Bat tog, ltfooth • 1
corner or the Diamond •• [Korth 4, 1870—tf
- •
M. KRAUTS, Attorney at
J • LAW. Gettysburg, Ps. • Colloogloas Auden/sot
usi mess unaptly ettsLied to.
Giese on liettiatore street,soutb of the Court-house.
Jose 111, ISOO-tf
bIoOONAUGHY, Attorney at
• Lbw, oleo. one door ireetorßizauta's Drug
~, , re..3ealabereburg street.
lysctal itteatlon given to Salle ,pollectionesad
I•tiletaeol of ge4etirs. all legal baelaese sad
oe earioaa, Sea nay, ,Baot•pay,aad -DaLagee
-r ,t 4f.see,aT I 11:lases rosaptlyead Wholeat•
)y attended to •
,l +arriat. looted, todJholo• /arm, for sale
• tad °leer western States.
J Joe 18, 1369. -tf
L. 1. , will ,aomptly attead to colloctiotiostid
.11 Aueratinessostrustod tcohiscarc
I lice between fahnestook l'att Danner and Zin
o t ,res. taltioior•ttroot ottyabtra ,Pa
lay 'WIMP
C Y t T LAW, will promptly attend to collo°
1 411 ather business entrusted to bloom*.
eJsklance In the tturaostoryhatlldlag
IS " e :nu rt (loose. f Gettysburg, Nay 29,1187
t 4 .+4r, In. at blires[deneelnthettinth-eas
tr :or a.] Square.
day 29,1867.
S. S. Caner of 0 1 1;sabersburg and Witsiingtoot :tree
orrosrei On. TATlell Later Horn,
Jun* 11 1869.—tf
rt R. J. W. C. O'NS.U.
JUr Has big Odlos si his ceuldeno• lu B•lthaors
creetowo Lon ..bove the CospilsrOlc•
nottysberg,Kay 2111.11161.
•- - -
Dia TM
Jhambersburg , nearly opposite Lb
Into Hotel,
aerrnis VIM PENIUA.
sarkla Ting boon In coostaTtproo Ws over 20 year,
pat loots can be sataredif good work. Poly 9.—t
teill &ring located in Gettysburg, offers his
errices to the public. Odlce I n York street, -nearly
oppodte the Globe Inn, where ha will be prepared to
Attend to any ose• withi n tlteprovineeoftheDentlat
Personela •ant of foil or perils Iseteoftelothare la.
riled tocall. terse reasonable .•
July 30,1.1119.—t
Littlestown, Adam* co., Pa., •
u LYING pagamaently lodate . la • that oases, aril
oagagaaa tlua amoral practioli of 11duat'ctrua an
Sungari. , Omea In Lombard 'lrma, agar SclUmor
moat. \.!, [nag. 314.1049.-r.
Carriages, Ig4nittio, at.
INPOZIIB hlsYrlanda and the public generally that
be lea resumed the flarann-maktler Willson', sad
opened a Shop on Carlisle street, Gettysburg, sqlola.
In Put Inassager Sapid, irbere be !MI nuultotars
and` keep on hand ell klnits of
which will be sold at the lowest oUh wipes. Also
TRUNKS of all kinds
11.11PAIIIING end MINDING attendedlopromiptly
Haring been working at, the business for $0 years, I
can goaranti the best kind of work 4-411 being made
■nder my own superintendence. Give me • cell.
May 7, till34.—tf JOHN al/LP.
"Best always Cheapest. "
THE Best and Cheapest,
ISVD•44' 6 ,
Ml t,
LL:ARS ana,
HA EXAM' etf calitinds, is the *wag
are always to he found at the old sod won known
at and,Baltlmo st.oppositiiks Prosbytorlan Oku rah
Our Riding and Wagon Saddles,
ere the mom eubmanthilly,built and neatest.
Our Harness, (plain and silver mount.- completeia every respectand warranted to be
of the very best metarial and wortmenship.
Our upper leather Draft Collars
.0•11 Soma if MT. They are th• but FITTING and
most durable.
Our Heavy Draft Harness,
are !nide to order, as cheap ae they can be made any.
where and In the moat substantial manner.
Riding Bridles, Whips,- Lashes, Draft
Ham... Irtpmetrand everything it, the lia Noes
better or cheaper.
Our prices
barn been 0000000 to theloweetliring
llbersl allnillsamountinp
so $5 or more.
„lpei seekcsothlug bat the - , boot of stook sad wilt
warrant every trticlr, turnedoutt obelneveryrimpect
ea represented.
Thankfallorpastrafors wetneititattemileu to ear
preseat stock.
riewilitt as a Galls adaviatae pawn irr enemy
Jaa.S9.lllo4l.—tf D. HoOSSARY t SON.
Tti• wrrb•lnl over,themnd•ralpiedhaveresuned
- 4) kItBI A G NAX IN 03 II lIN In,
at tkeireld,staad.isi
where the are stale prepared to put up VOrk to the
fueseasisiol, and, superior
• tot of new sad woad-hand
ea hind, which Choy will dispose of •tthe lowaat
prices, aadaU lirdars will I. aapplled as procaptli
tad satialiallarilircactblo.
• torso lot of aoiroadoldiL•111111111*Biondio
tit - askthator the libersl patronage leseetelefie sr
loyetitiv then, theyeettoltsatl eadoseeter to die
seena Isrittakare fa thefteare. • -•• ' • •
May 19.41 - DANNER
Buggies and Carres.
Ime removed his Carriaire-malc
tag' ter tltl
4.8471 Mad e :i
I. Ps i&
ilai t irisu
WAGONS', ea, &e.
m volt ta.ial pat ip of mood iimakeriel NV
the baste( woo* taL give liAbo
aid • RIR • -Re HU&
its beessolsw. .
ZlPLllLlNi!primaptly date.stwlatil
, , .
~#ipi err vastrinut.
MUTUAL vale iNSURALNOB ooxp.unr
isposfoluttliD ic 18,115.1.
r rertikittlwapik. . . .
vic**rli. ll4o,4 iimiefir:ixassii .
fisfrailf we 4.lorabLar .'
. nine.-11111:14Tigtocir..
gesiglireAdeditkieftliao. d./adile4X.4igtir
f, B.ll,lll~. l iitirstargplisit
i AL I
Vag, II kerkeiip; Frederick ilfoietThimbill
a. 4:. p .3piamei dlodielif.olridirew Okikerd;
Vs. toile . itikisfir; E. o•Friorkre
Y. S.) .. .
IS,Tktooolipaiy Wilted la ta Opaistloss to . t.
oast/ orkatiai. It Ilia to••‘ im•p•ratteaterts•e• 7•4•4 1 • 1 01• NMI rints4
"" r•-•
, • ••••••11•••r•
1.1100 Oloaidtimseets itdo •
Oompaay, •• tits last Irsibmillaylisrai
StAiloek.PX. Mao 1111441504
VOL. LXX. NO. 25.
Removal I Removal I
Can be found at hie residence on
Corner East Middle and Stratton Sts.,
WILL promptly attend to all or
v v due la kb tine. Work done in the most satis
factory "manor, and at prices as low as can possibly b•
'forded toasts allying.
unlimited, as well as Obendeliers, Brackets, Drop
Lights Ac.; also WATER PIPE, Stops. Top sad Trost
Spigots short irrerzfking belonging to guar
water fixtures.
Hells hung, and fern leßsid It desired. Lock Fel al
Made repaired. . - (April parto-11
THE firm of Newport Ziegler having been dir
selred,the undersigned willoontinuethaßaking
buelnesa,in all itsbranehes,st the old stAnd,
Corner of South Washington and Tf eat
Middle streets, Gettysburg, Pa.
All kinds of
constantly baked ind al way st o be had fresh .
With years experience and 'eery d lspwl UOll
t o plague, he ries4 that he can promise utlsfaction ID
all eases. Orders solicited, and promptly attended to:
With many thanks for the patronage bestowed on the
old !rut, I ts continuance Is asked.
A.prl 9. 11169.-tt
MHI undersigned basin operation • STEAM SAM
J. MlL'', at tbo Bout!' Stountaln. near Orseffen
brag BOrill/P.-and Is prepared to saw to order bills of
many ktad oflTlmber desired, at the shortest notice
sod at testate.. He also manateetares
delivered at any point at the LOWEST RATES.
per coat. will be deducted for the cash payments, or
interest will be eharned from the time of delivery of
Lumber. Thankful forpeat furors, he would dear*
a continuance for the future.
All butars should be addraread Co him •t 0 raeffen
burg P.O. Adams county, Pa.
Oct. 49, 1860.—tf
scot door to Napio Hetet,
Has always on Land a large assortment of all kinds of
Emit of the test materials, with fral ta, Almonds
Shp, Cakes; he.
tarred to costower* and orders for Tsatiti •• or Par
_rotwAtijr *hod. Baviagsporialeccoasstodatlest
for Whit and oon them rp, tad determined to phrase,
he Invites ilia hioads to bra Lis * es U.
April 11, 11170.—tf
Surveying-- Conveyancing,
'fonder" biz gentian to the public as a
and Is Pragairell rams, Lots, lbs. , on row
armabletenes. via" takes oat a tionveir
LiC4611111.11.• Will eillo &timid to preparing
T YALiI, do.
Saving bad considerable experience In Oast Ins,be
bops to melee a liberal "bare of patron'''. Bind.
ea peenpsly at Withal to and a barges reasontblo.
Pootollise address, ealribild, /Waage...Pa.
Jas. I.lflll+-11
L prepared What'll& GRANITE, ter all klndi of
at reasonable rates—
Curbing, Sills, Steps, Ashlers /
Posts, Monuments, Ceme
tery Blocks, &c., &c.,
antand Animated In every style desired, by best o
I.3.orderafrom •dlatanupromptlysttmdad to.
Rascomniaticed the
la all its branches at bls residence on Of tilainmao•
bug road, at the end Of Car Wee slaw; lilettiribtirg,
Pa. Thattablie can always km made to cargos all
kinds and Styles of
thur maw.
ohm , " UNA&
f: • PICILYZ dr.41713,
I alio mannlictare 5 audit, cal.Rege Alder Barrels.
And all other kinds of Oooperhig.. Repairing done
'cliitiply and with despatch. Glee as a call.
Upholstering & Trimming.
H1LL7,711: 1 b7..1r, rin"` "XL'? fwersami's
Coirering filofas, Chairs, Mat
trasses and Upholstering
in all its branches.
Hoare eritlasee Ms old bantam of Trimiatag
WIL' - ClarriarrAe.,rudiollettarreat the pnblb
gritrakelige-ighargee reiterate.
*rill here Pa. Dee .11.-'-4f
HAs °posed a Illacksailelettor os Wathlairtook
aoxt door to Oluitstaaa's Clarpoatar
sai r loprtiparootto do kloofhp etimacrasumr...
Ilia,atosanoaablo v.iliOiolavttoosobantotpublla
311 Gob all Mau.. Olvo
< azzirtztairitd,'
llndertal F er & Paper-Ranger,
prepareattoidrildAm dm* Natio* aadessasaable
% 1 0/47.178 074. .L 05TY.L.149.
HWsehswnatrill &Urge ukorippiestolWALlti '
1 1 “41
a wake *dn
pi Vi a lenta . ll diF
Pi 4 2 f ift ' AVM' skaar.P:azink
zzraiixecurrzo ro
arTramrimt-ion witidiumudobarch
t •
P • _• t 41 1 7..
_ 1011 141 0 0450 ail a* P•Penilitbo
o estfted—besee It Is Ikiboot *Met tog
-.....,-....... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . -..
' l .. J. •
- •'' ' • -
I •
, .
AlNve . .
. . ,
I ~.., .
' .
- •
N • ~
. - • .
.. . ~...............,
( . ,
.. li p. • • 'N --7- ' '' '''•; -
11111 , . .
- \\•••••.
N •
.i . . I
' \ r I tit 1;.1
, di j r --- " \... \ - • \ t
. - \
1 1 1 HE undersigned has leased the
11 Ware-house on thisoorner o filtration street and
the Railroad,Gettysburg ,Pa., andwill carryon th
Grain &Pr9duce Business_
nein teibranches . The highest prices tell I always
be paid tbrWheat,ltyo,Oorn,Oats, Oloverand Timo
thy Seeds, Flaxseed, linsnec, Hay and Straw, Dried
Trull, Nuts,Boap, Hams,Shoulders land Sides, Pota
toes, with oves7thing else lathe country produce
constantly for sal I ,Coffes,3 rslidolsaass,3yr
raT"!titeSalt,Cb Bro om sttad,tal, ,Buckets, ra
Aa. Abo,OOAL OIL, Olii
Oil, Tar, . PlBl of all
linds;gpikesand Nails; Smoking .and hewing To.
He II always able to supply. first ra ` t‘e k trtlele
os floor ,with the different Ir fads et Peed.
Also Ground Plaster, with Guanosandoth erfeirti IP
ears. then ushel,ton orcarload.
He will also run a
toNo.l66North Howard street, id LTIMO It . and
N 0.611 Market street. ,PH ILLADZIPHIA. All goods
sent to either place oil Ibe received and forwarded
promptly All goods should b • marked "CRESS
April 2,1869.-t
305SPH wtata. J. S. IMILI
Joseph Wible & ;SOD
South-east eorneraf Railroad and Washington streets
.11 1 2aritrw h at r i fe l pki
a gor pr t u lt e. lnd g e .. o e f iu gula,
Mutantly on hand for sale all kinds of
The beet brands of FIRT:LIFRRII constantly on
hand, or secured at short notice.
April 22,1870—if
HAS. Makin the gatehouse, lately occupied b
Philip Bann st Granite Station, on the line of th
Gettysburg Hann,
mile, from llunhrstown,and
will deaths all kinds of
Grain and .Produce
giving the highest market price. I will also keep
cons:antly on bend for sale all kindeofaeg
Oeffes, Saga r, ifolasseg, Byrnp a, Tau. B. with Bal
/bah, 011 s. Tar, Soaps, Baco and Lard,Tobaceoe, to
Also, the best brands of ILODR, with MD of al
kinds; also, Coal.
I respectfully solicit thepatronageofourfriends,
andinvitethopnblic to call sad examine my 'took
Jan .22.-1. f A . X . ECEENRODE.
rrlig undersigned is payings this wsre•boaeeJ
Carlisle street . adjoining /twiddles Hall t the
!LOOS, WUZAT H7a, 001111, OATS, BIM!
'wafts, maim mennwormcrins,
and' nvituprodncsrstogtn Mtn acid IDsbr• selling
He has constantly on hand for sal%
Bolsaires,flyraps,Coffeas ingars,te.,with Sal t Fish
011s,Tar, doom Bacon and Lard, Tobaccos, to. Alia
ths boslbsands of /LOUR, wi tk FXBD of - all kinds
Ho ilkowiiis has
Soluble Paolle GaNio, Rhodes' Phosphate and •
♦ blezkan Gum.
Whilst biopsy, thehigisest market prices (mall
he buys, he selbi at the lesems living profits-, He
asks 'share of public patronage, remelted to Vn
sat slisetiouldevericest.
Ju1y13,11160.-41. 1101111 R T MeCIIIIDY,
HAVING purchased the extensive
Warehouse airs ? &e., of Cris &
the undersigned liaised y on the businoes,nu
der the Arm of Iltanan & Co.,t the old stand on
the earner of Washlngtcia a neltallro adst rats, on a
more =Native scale than heretofore
Mgr.& regular ne of Freight Oars ri II B• av • out
Warehouse every TIIBIDAT bOOll. and accom
modation trains Wlll be run &sou:salon may requis•
By this arrangement we areprepared to convey
Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All
hi:ulnae of this kind entrusted to us, wilibeprompt
ly attended to.. Our cars run to the Warehouse o.
o.erensoa & Sons, IBS north Howard street, Bahl
mass. Being determined to pay. good priest', eel
&NIP and Wel awl teuvarybody to give
as • tall.
foals and Saturants.
. _
p. longest end atootoonakodlou in
001111 0101Aa1tia701aLB WM15511010 a 5 Tinos
.101E2U . TATZ, FPopraetor.
ArrAmOssiboo„forPoomagoro &ad Itaggsmran
o lb* Divot, o s aarytoota.nd4opartaroolBal lea
Trani; Csomprolsorwaloto,oodrouosoblioliargoo.
Kay2O, VIOL—
lis enemy House, szdhesbeezi
JR. Stied "up fa the mast .wpgrovimi 'apts. Its
l ocation s pleasant and aonvaallatt, hulas la th
south salaam portion at th• tows. Ivory g
utoptlistbiamissititortfisaaaelamodatiataad out
rt.f guests, with ',plot tahligg at taoha
xPeilaweed and awatiapoitatiarOillit•
aballwas,•Wory .40.ivicir . t0plaai . *hi; 11 0
am, pea Nor nate at•l44lStuitarat , t h • p igh
wad adtpaliaitathare fp abliopat ran
M1g,1161. . - ,
, • .
sazrnmer Inicar,lrretriptwo 7Ftafea•
rsadotelpied hadtate. a Hotel, the it
1101181 fa the hatO•eiteroter oaf has I
teeeseey Brick Batten on Betties,* sem" toe
awe heat the Otettt-how, get 0 116 1 1 Milt, aatthr
prevailed let* eoeouteeedettne to the eloalettable,
eatertalaseat of a tarp umber driest& Eli
parieeet la the bastaere wanaate li
tatilauaketla orrery eate,aed be hob sonata
those ento nap with libta,ente will teat apAa,—
HlirMi iwgalir eapitliiivitirthe boa
arglte lg teerhoese lighi M. r=•o4 tilei4/11Mi
thleheattedi fleabites, with a rho* Ifklttler te
A g ar liege et pablialateomerkli d ‘=fally
soh sad so ellen wilt he sweet* tt.^
BON, i 00.1
Atbsii.d a4 tr lever'itatei‘ wisir•
Ude wit
. 14 , trria m ediall#
WM. II .BiesAm.
Baltimore Lock Hospital
Phydedan of this celebrated Institution. hes Die
covered the most Certain, nYeedt; Mama and Xf
fectual Remedy in the World for all
Weeklies stile Back
of Limbs, Strictures, Affection of the Kidneys or
Bladder, Involuntary Discharger, Impotency, Hem
al Debility, Permutes", /homes. Lentanor. Low
Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart,
Timidity, Trembling, Dienes of Sisk t or Giddies/ a,
Disease of the Head, Throat Nose or-Skim, Affectioas
of the Liver, Lunge, 8 tomach or Bowels—those Uwe.
kU Diendere arising from Solitary Habits of Yoith—
man and solitary practices more fatal to %WI:
victims than the tong of am Syrim to the Harbert
of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hwes. or
anticipations., rendering marriage, Se., impossible.
leepeolally, who bath becoate the Victims., liditary
Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which MN
nually sweeps to as untimely grave thousands 'of
young anau of the most exalted talents sad thillisist
intellect, who might otherwise h tranced lister
log Senates with the thunders of Sheathes. or wak
ed to &nary the living lyre, may call with Toll m
Karrisd periase,or Young Kea contemplating mar
rine. aware of Physical Weakness (Lose of Proms*.
rte., power—kupotency), Nervous Nacitability,
itatinn, Orsini° Wel= Names Debility, or any
otker Disquali fi cation, ily relieved.
llskiho places !Glum I under the owe of Dr. J.
may igioosly confide In his honor as • 'patients's,
and co gently rely upon Ids skill as • physician.
111P ‘ 614TICY, LOSS OP Po wza
Immediately Ctired end Poll Vigor Ilastorae
This di/trawling clioo-,w lch rewlesallts
arable and marriage Lespowdble—lis the penalty paid
by the victims of improber indulgsnoss. Toting per
sons are too apt to connultaxcessos from not being
aware of the dreadful consequence/ that may mull.
Now, who that unocestands ibitankleat trUl pretend
to deny that the power of procrealkon Is lost sooner
by those falling into Improver luiSta titan by the
ptpdentl Buildm being 'deprived of iim pleasure of
healthy offsprloy, the mast serious snit dustrwthre
symptoms of both body and mind arias. l i t mama
becomes deranged, the Physical and Me /unc
tions weakened. Loss of Prooreative Parse, Nervous
Irrimbility,Dyspepala, Palpltation at tits
dlgestlon,Cons Motional Deblitty and Wasting *flint
Frattie,tiongh, Consumption, Decay sad .s;
Relief in alit Hours! No kliPrenry
Persons Ruined by Ignorant, Trilling Pretenders and
their Deadly Poisons, should apply lairaedlatoly.
• ember of the Royal College of Surgeons, London.
redness of one of the moat eadmant OM lope la the
United States, and the pester part_ of whose Ufa bas
been spent in the besplusle of don, - Parts, Phila.
;Mph la ands lsewhere., has Miaow soma of the gy m s
anunithlng curet that wpm, ever *sown; peso,
troubled with ringing la ibe bead and eats when
asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sodden
monde, bashtolsess, with derangement of traog, were
cored immediately.
D t.J.lltddrearea all those who bare Injured them
selves hy improper indulgence sad mime ry habits,
which rain both body and mind, matting the, gm
either badness, study, society or inerrime.
These are some of the sad and melancboty effects
produced by the early habits ofyouth, vie : Weakness
of the Sack led limbs, Paine in Um ilead.Dlntness of
Sight. Loea of binaeolar Power,Palpitation of the
Hear I, Dieppe* N arrows Drlttillity,Darangement
of the Digestive Fanctione, General Debility, Symp.
toms of Votnutiption, 410.
)11Le1TALLE—Tbe fearful effeeta on the mind ars
morn to be dreaded. Loan of'awry, Contagion of
Ideas, Depression of /Writs,- BTU lorebodiuga, Ayer_
aloe to Society, fielt-DLtrost, lore of Solitude, Timid.
ity,l4., are some of the evils produced.
Thoomincts el persona of all ape ma new judge
what is the cause of their declining health, Wang
their vigor, becoming weak, pale, serves sae
einscistaci, having a singular appearance about tbe
ayes, cough and symptoms of Consumption.
Who have blared theptaelvaa by a atria& practice,
Indulged to when along, a habit (regnant) y Inwood
Gem6olo°w pm: lons or at shoot: the affects of
which are nightly salt, even when melee", and If not
cured, renders nearrtaieloimmobla, areddestroya both
mind and body, should apply iminadiataly:
What a pity that a young man, the hippo of hla
'coortuy, the pride of Se pareats, should be matched
from all proapects and employment of Ufa by the
conaequanc• of deviating mom the path of oaten,
and Monist:4 a cartels asset habit. back peruse
must, before contemplating
Redact that • sand mind tad body are the nest a..
ream 'KIWIS* so promote INPRO4biII 174441.4
limed, wi th out them the Journey throe Ida be
comes • weary pitarimageotha proappotbserly diat
om to the 1r kW. the sLud becoMea aiimieramt With
despair, and Iliad with the anialmschnly redaction
that Us lapplasta Of asaithis ELM ear
When the male/aided mid Imprudent votary orpim
ent. nude that be has imbibed the emus of We pair
kit &lenge, It too often happens that an fibtlased
same of sham. or doled of Mummery - deuce bhu
from applying to gums who, from education and rev
.spootability, ma slows befriend him, iletatititg tin the
eonst um Mutt symptoms of Ala hocridoisinue makes
their appearance, such as Meetated sore throat, dia.
eased nom, aoctornal pates la rho he and •Ilmbi,
dinners of sight, cloaking, sodas on the ehla hones
and arma, Inombas ea the Mad, hoe and carmine',
progressing with frightful rspidity, 1.111 at lest the
palate or the month or the hones of the nom fall in,
um the victim of stile atrium dies... b•Orilialia horrid
**Kt Or colislAbellitialk till clank ppm 11 ,..1fF10d
dreadful soaring , by wading niar to that midis•
covered country "trots whence mg tratgOgir rentram"
It le a melancholy fact that thonsambDlD vicuna
to this terribta disease, through • billing to.. tie
hands of Ignorant or tunbilllni PRIVINViIdiSs who,
by the use of that deadly Poises, Mercury, Mx, de
stroy the COBItItEItIOI4 sad incapable of eating,, 14 1 2 .
the unhappy sulfa or month alto month taking
mamma Or injuries. coninonade, gad taming of behsg
restored to a renewal of bum Vigor sad Bopp
dm loofa him with n o md Ram to.l over hi..
galling aleingilitinniat,
To such, therefore, Dr. JOgastoir pledges higuelf to
prawns the moat lirriobavie lieersey, sad trots his
extensive practice and obsenratione la the pat
BUlPitaill 01 kuroPi, and the Bret fi We country,
Yng,Land, /trance, Phtiadalphla s an& olsewbuts
is enabled to offer the most Certala, dpeedy and BF.
fectnatitecoody tha World kw an _Masses of lai
Office. 7 South Frederick tt.,
BAs' VD.
left hand aide going from Baltimore arrest, a few
doors from the corner. Bennet to obserrii name and
4/a - No letters received unless postpaid and oontatn
lug & stamp to be need on lit• reply. Pawns writ.
ing should Mats age, and send .portion of sdniirtiso
.neent osserthing symptoms.
Thus are so many Paltry, Bedpan and and War*.
less Imposters advertising themselves as Physicians,
trighsg with and ruining the lisaldi of all whit ww•
liortunm&ly hail into their powsr, that Dr. Johnston
damns it nenossary to say sepecially to those mane
violated with his reputation that bla Credeothlie wr
Diplomat always hang h(ds oaks
raDosaraziig •Yr !rap riw ss.
The many thousands ivied at We !tisklistailsati
year after year sad the DIIMOtOIIs Important Spread
Operations migrated by Dr. J.:damson eritheasett by
the representative e r the press and MAD: other per
sone, setleee of telitelt have syystred sots nodists&
beans the, public, besides his standing es • esti e
wes of cherseter sod rempodelbllity, Is it Sittilit
itherestee to the afflicted. •
spig D*11448 priIEDLLY MAXI)
Macesll, 18r0-171pr
N E.W F lilt I .
AVTWO uttered Into partoribly the BLIT•4711-
booboo. all Stadia- • -
Fresh Meat Every Day.
Sofmiry Tuesday and Saturday stornlng. boa
mats nary %Woodsy, Tharaday 941,144111, aisup
li firtot stead otew..l.l3tovor% rostdoloosiChol.
birstorg Moot, mond Square.
oats lug tat stook for sato artitilud ftio tisly
adyastsge tocollswor addrosatlas tow IHns. -•-•
5ug.13.1860 t f
&Tom & irnmie: •
West Middle Street Market
0 =42 env ooinri•iipppit;) r•
,Every Davin the-Week ;
diaittillatirdspicirphigs. ! Lasib;VosiOr.llit4 l
:1_.4 :4 ' •
0P19147.49F4011 4 4 . 4 1 17 rift Pill'Wlyn4Ppit
vilibepromptiydallvitiml tbgliellosimmuribiri4:l
••••••••.• •
An'lron Tonic, without Aldolel;
Austatthilis tbitrood as emir se_ gi•
find. asikla IPSWyIe
it #14164114 wawa UM,
40. a. parse One% 'PR
Qlll4 ie..100 • hal • •
.IturaM a irml`infiMa,
,Virt fit at
, ft
, o• • . 4
tr "
caul Nome. ea en be
• - up ewe
enundenag Maw Rub Uo-br
Via Star and Sadist,
The Merry birds are singing,
And from the fragrantsod
The Spirits eta thotalirgd fknvers
Go sweetly up to God ;
While in His holy temple
We meet to praise and pray
With cheerful voice, and grateful heart,
This summer Sabbath Day.
We thank the, Lord for one day
To'look Heaven in the face !
The Poor have only Sunday ;
The sweeter Is the grace.
'T32 then they make the music
That slop their week away.
0; there's a sweetness Infinite
In the Poor Man's Sabbath Day !
u a burst of sunshine,
A tender fall of rain,
That set the barest 110 abloom ;
. Make old hearts young again,
The dry and duslr,roadaide
With smiling flowers is gay ;
'Tis open Heaven one day in seven,
The Poor Hun's Sabbath day I
'Tie here the weary Pilgrim
Doth reach his House of Ears
That blessed House, so "Beautiful,".
And that soft Chamber, "Peace. "
The flyer of j e lfe runs through his dream
And the leaves of Heaven are at play ;
Be mess the Golden City gleam,
This shining Sabbath Day I
Take hatuf r ile glint and fearful,
Your cross with courage bear ;
So many a Awe uow tearful
Shall shlnb in glory there ; -
Where'lZts sorrow is banished,
The' are wiped away ;
And all eternity shall be
One endless Babbitt/ Day !
4.h l there are OMPjr\places i
Since list we mingled„here
There will be miming faces
When we meet mother year !
But heart to heart, betbre we part, .
Nati altogether pray
That We may meet In Hearse, to spend
The Eternal Sabbath Day !
iCammipendeac• of the Star and &satisal
Prowtarma, Lin., April fe , ifiro.
A datalption of my recent trip around
and through the State of Illinois, and parts
of lowa and Indiana, may possibly boot in
tercet to some of the readers of the "Star
and Senlinei r "
A trip on busitteso and rale for pleasure
are two different things, but I combine
them as much as possible. Indianapolis,
beautifal at all limas, presents a petty ap
pearance to a traveller even at night. The
hundreds or gas lights in rows along the
streets as far as the eye can reach over a
perfectly level Burka, present quite an at
tractive went. wring a comfinable
in one of the prewiter cars, I pawed from
Indians to the City of the Lakes.—
Here we find the New Tort of the west,
with the bustle an whist of busbiess, ev
ery onelitnia and on ths go from early dawn
till late it night, is search of the almighty
dollar. ' Making my headquarters at the
Truant House, (by the way a splendid
Hotel,) and partaking of a good substantial
bTeakfast, I was in bed' with the same ac
tivity *hick
,chara&etizee the people of
Chicago and in fact the people of the whole
Western Country. Finding trade very dull,
I bad a great deal or talking to do and am
of the opinion I did toore that dub than an
county lawyer could do even If he
were electioneering for an office. Worn
.out and fatigued I returned to my room at
the Hotel, and was glad to stay there until
elated the next morning. The same pro
gramme the next day, and after Aniabseg up
Cbicagp, purchased a ticket for Rockford,
but before leaving came to the conclusion
that Chicago was a fast place and no Leath
ei-Aead ought to go there to carry on busi
ness ; for if be has any money when be
goes, , he will come away without any; and
U he hasn't any be will starve.
In going to Rockford we pass ore; the
Chicado and North western Railway, a fine
road with splendid accommodations. There
are notewns of importance till we come to
Zighi:. Here we find the great Watch Fac
tory of the West ; their make -of watches is
considered the best in the country, and we
should jedge it Is, if their sales are any cri
teria to go by. They have the largest
work' ofthe kind in the country. Rock
ford ki a very pretty City, half on one aide
of the 'dials River and half on the other, a
fine business plea especially In agricultural
implements. It Is called • the Reaper City.
After attending to buslnas I stood on the
bridge connecting
,the two sections of the
Pit, ' cal ent ertained _looking at . the
*mem on the river s among whom were a
norotws t r ping ladies wil o 4o . lt on their
own book out here 1 but noon time called
me to the cars bound for. Freeport, where
we had to remain over . Sabinal. Thit,City
is nali inapufacturbig point`,' .but i 'con
siderable amount of ,business is done and a
welOY OW of people live in the neigh
borhood 3 the farmers have rich lards and
are well lobo. (in ffundey I alielpied the
f i rftsb,rtedifiCillliaksad. heard In wad
lent sermon. The church edifice's" spina;
did building. lighted with gas fronneffectois
in tbe , oeWag. Thechok was a quartette,
and, with floe music from the Augan, sang
MOnderilre Putuuti through the riphbsi
and meet highly cultivated portion of the
country we have ever seem, on the Way . -to
R oc k 121 2 0 and Dirrenports At Savan
nah, o die Western Union R. IS., we strike
sh e RikokOppi River. Its turbulent wawa'
wife cabbed by the strong cob Tace ° tibiae
Ice.`', Op modest sight of all Was. dm
gtollOttalfo3o on /9,0 1 :# ) /olust‘ rittultrog
backfrom the high nigh that botuid the
River: as fa as the eye coati - reach. Tha
.curling smoke fromtie_ rude Minn* scat:
ter 4 4: 1 1.1 1 1 there 91rer,444440, Woe Vie -04catkaOl clAavotion, T •
: WO IA urn. oxmigia 11114 1
NITO 1 14 , t 4 1 0 ft. 1 0 14001 Croft
bals 4> 7 1 0elli a 0 .11 4 51 0 0 3 4 11 601.21111-
I*, sail *4l~ Is wbs4ll** -
w om a n ,. , Icon Joe, bowsaw. Asa to
rainstilitait Winne &M aim, Vaxammery,
would bocoon very Tortoototts. Nisitt
collies wand we artlin alto& y i j a 47,.
110 + 11
rifertatrA ki J 114 54" 11 4. 1 0itit&V
i =.ot en a l d sawd , ~g . i . a . :; . 1 1
mat thtiektoOl &eel slit Wili -. 4 .•
b un d r D gx ; At B Nultilter. efitov
etwoclit MIL= IMMO 1114 ileabiacciope,
leiticklidagUlteitratle le laistimick ,
FlauDIM4lO-141eat to itaxcatick /mai/
fprollio4Phadid UtUe 1 :41 , 6Ja1l soLtualt.,
i p esu 4 ow' Wu Was to lookAticat the
city . much i but u soon as thicaskbagam
I took the ands beak to Darfpqrt, and
lbos badn't that try le is
t dame
. I
oewpeopeoroas OEM& ears at: 1134tebirg tir
litTlllloll or *Val au stiiiiiiii Ne
that piece bt pie cost exactly s2.7s—tatber
expensive. I reached Burlington just as
the sun was going dciwn, and, in crossing
the River, had another beautiful view of
that as well as of the City, which hes high
up, on the hill. The trip from Burlington
to Keokuk was by far the most enchanting
the railroad runs right along the banks of
the river the whole way ; here and there
open places for a mile or so, in the ice, filled
with wild ducks, and here and there, where
the ice was thick, were lots of "ducks,"
but not of the same species, on skates.
Keokuk lies on a very highcliff above the
river and some distance back. A line bu
business point, it is beautifully situated,
surrounded by a rich country, and com
mands a view of the River up and down for
allies. The rapids in the River, which lave
been dangerous and very troublesome to
vessels passing, are being passed around by
a ship canal some fifteen or twenty miles in
length. A high Stone wall or dyke is being
made, to keep the water of the jiver back.
I understood that the Gove!iiment was do
ing the work. Hastening IN. I took the train
for Jacksonville, 111. and rived there late
at night. I found myself hi a large hotel,
bands of music playing, mil t h, laughter and
gayest, resounding through the hall; on
inquiring we hear there- was a grand ball
going on. After taking a good look at the
throng of festive Jacksoniana I concluded
to retire, and next morning was glad I did ;
for at breakfast a score of young gents look
,ad, and no doubt felt, very sleepy. The
State iftstitottflos Of Illinois IN situated
here. The Blind Asylum and the Asylum
for the Peer and Plintb are splendid buil
dings; they would show to much greater
advantage if placed on an erninenr.e, but
there is no eudnenoe there to put them on;
the oountry bas flat as your !wad. A tine
Seminary_ for young ladies, and a beautiful
Court house are also ornaments to the city.
Altogether Jacksonville is a very pretty
city ; the streets are wide, lined with fine
shade trees, but are very muddy, no means
of paving them being at hand, unless at great
expense, as there are no stones in that sec
dim suitable for paying. Next / came to
Springdeld, the capital of the Slate, and
stayed over day. Springfield has but
few attractions in the way of public buil
dings, but will soon have one of the finest
State Houses in the United States, which
will add much to this city. The old State
--House is a miserable affair. Adams county
is well represented in this city and by same
of ila4PClla hospitable and clever aims. I
visitettl 4 incola's torrie and found nothing
but a common brick vault, and had I not
been told it was the tomb of the immortal
Lincoln, wouldxnever have thought so by
any outward aplseadince ; however the
foundation of hI monunteat, not far dis
tant, is laid, and It will\no doubt be a very
fine structure. Passing by,pumerous towns
visited (for you are no doubt more tired
reading than I am writing), we came to La
fayette. This Is a very flourishing city,
beautifully situated on the banks of the
Wabash, and can boast of the two largest
shoe manufactories in the camitri, beside,
being a shipping point fur quite a large sec.;
don of the country around. Some of the
finest store-zooms are here, and private re
sidences quite palatial.
Many 01 the streets are paved with Nichol.
son pavement, which adds much to appear
ance, as well as to comfort and ease. Very
gild to get be& to Indianapolis, I arrived
safely, after an absence of three weeks, and
a very successful trip.
I eau% speak too highly of the Industry of
the people of the West, nor of the wrathy
of the soil. The vast regions of iron and
coal lands in this State and Illinois, yet un
explored,will make some persons rich ; and
would * advise any young men, who haVert3
much to do and have a little money, to come
West and make men of themselves. But if
you come, make up your mind to work, for
If you expect to make a living you must
work hard.
A RsvoLtrnowsar SOLDIZB was running
for Congress, and his opponent waa a young
man, who had "never .been to the wars,"
and it was the custom of the old revolu
tionary hero to tell the haldahips be had
endured. Said he :
"fellow.citizens : I have fought and
bled for my eountry. I helped to wip the
British and the Indiana. I have slept on
the field of battle, with no other covering
than the canopy of heaven. I have walked
over the frozen ground till every footstep
was marked with blood—"
Just about this time one of the sovereigns,
who had become greatly interested in his
tale of sufferings, milked qp jq front of ttle
speaker, wiped the tears from his eyes with
the extremity of his coat tail, and inter
rupted him with: "Did you say' you had
font the British and the Injins
"Yes, sir."
"Did you say you slept on the ground,
while serving your country, without any
klver 7"
"I did, "
"Did you say your feet coveted the
ground you walked over with bloodt"
"I did," said the speaker, - eiultingly.
"Well, then," said the sover,elgia, as he
gave a sigh of tearful emotlon,."l ghee'
vote for t'other fellow ; for I'll blamed if
you ain't 4one enough for your country:"
&mares Fri Age or a-—A.
THIULLUIG Scams.—ln Jacksonville!, /11,
on the 13111 ult., a thrilling scene occurred
at the insane asylum. A woman who luta
been in the asylum for several yesra escaped
from her ward and went through the halls.
and up the stairway that lends out "upon the
roof of the building. She wandered around
upon the roof of the building until she
came to the edge of thi cornice. After .
looking down for some time she swung her-.
self over the edge of the cornice by her
IloodoOlitel plieTe the - could just
touch with het teen the cup, shove rifie win
dow of the Mk story, - which was Pat be
lowlier. Having gotten a fbothold thereob, 4
he let go her bands and, strange to' Uy,
preseryall her balance sea stood' . irin the
cap, which is about_ ,twelve !ache* *lds:'
While stamiing there sh•-*a Astiovered
la het perilotit eltnatiou iutlarghtlelY
newel melt went upon the roof Ind let ,
dowma repo and tried to pines*. herb!'
Satan il monad her. She Womb! telop
hold at the rope, then laugh 'at theme bet'
refined to ase Meiawhile beds: sem
brought out and placed on the und wrd
kOos igialfebet, and Is zeal
peraegill wbairstro ea Nls gritoutdAmooSeg.
161110. airtaing daunted. alletceteeshideg.
Ott Sae wludow pmwAor, nearlps• half bask
alk of .a sadden' alas grabbed .the
in thellesehrof the melt above and. jumped
of. The; let the lope. inn throe* their
hands, and shsubaltl.aa untilorban *Wag
obiliiiolll47 SS* .4414fUenwit AO go
oottiPn igen 4
thhtioklAltgolgftes ,:moot 1 11 4 1 4ag aoliv
leepAp s tColl.ibe tetsiollittioe .1 1 44.g 1 0t1500
Hot og.* OWPRO tog/ 4414 0 Pr%
A Ttiviqi beinedisted - brit bkhe:
utenot labireft*to iOdidioliti Vatic
One dull day in August, in the afternoon,
a hallows rose in the air at the foot of Cleed
Hills, on the Western edge of the Central
plain of England. It was inflated with the
lightest gasses which chemical skill could
produce, and it rose with Atuprising veloc
ity. A mile up and it entered a strata of
clouds more than a thousand feet thick.—
Emerging from this, the sun shone brightly
on the air ship ! tha'sky overhead was of
the clearest and deepeafolite, and below lay
an Immeasurable expanse of clouds, whose
surface looked as solid as that of the earth,
now wholly lost to view. Lofty mountains
and deep dark ravines, appear below ; the
peak and aides, of those cloud mountains
next the sun glittered like snow, but casting
shadows as black as it they were solid rock.
Up rose the balloon with tremendous veloc
ity. Four miles above earth a pigeon was
let loose ; it draped down through the air
as if It had been stone. The air was too
thin to enable It to fly. It was as if a ship,
Waned to the deck, was to pass from the
heavy waters of the sea into an inland unal
kaline like ; the bark would sink at once In
the thinner water. 'Up, up, still higher !
What a silence profound! The heights of
the sky were as still as the deepest depth of
the ocean, where, as found during the search
for the lost Atlantic cable, the fine mud lie s
u unst,irred from year to year, as the duet
which is imperceptibly ptherson the furni
ture pf a deserted house, No sonud, nor
life—only the bright sunshine falling through
a sky that mulch:tot warm.
Up—five miles above earth !—higher than
the inaccessible summit of Chimborazo or
Dawned. Despite the sunshine, every
thing freesia. The air grows too thin to
support life, evenlbr a few minutes. Two
men only are In that adventurous balloon—
the one steering the sir ship, the other
watching•the scientific instrtumente, and re
cording them with rspldlty bred by prat.
thee. 13ntitienly ae ohe latter looks at his
Instruntenta, bill sight grows dim, takes
a lens to help his sight, and only remarks
from the falling barometer that they are
rising rapidly, A desk of brandy lies with
in a foot of Mm ; he tries to reach it, but
his arms refuse to obey his will. ELe tries
to call on his comrade, who has gone up to
the ring above ; a whisper in that deep el.
lace would suffice—but no pound roues
from his N he le voiceless. The steers
man comes into the car ; be ends his com
rade in s swoon, and feels his own senses
failing him.
He saw at once that life and death hung
upon a few moments: He seized the valve
In order to open it and let out some nf the
bands are purple with intense
cold—they are paralysed, they will not re
spond to his will. He seized the valve with
his teeth, it opened a tittle—once, twice,
hrice—the balloon began to descend. Then
the swooned marksman returned to con
sciousness and saw the steersman SinOtiing
before hint. ge looked at his imitrument---
they must have been nearly eight miles UP ;
but now the barometer was rising rapidly—
'the balloon was descending, brandy was
riled. They had been higher above earth
than 'Mena DM or living thing had been
before. '4.)ne minute more of inaction—of
compuhsory \ inaction—on the part of the
steersman, witnse senses were failing him,
anti the sir ship; ; with two corpses, would
float in the wide realms of space.—Cosce-a
Scent is Comm—The • following took
place at a Cincinnati court. \ A man had
been caught in the act of iheft, and pleaded
in extenuation that he was drunk
Court cto the polie t enum who was w it
neaa.)-14What did the man say when you
arrested him P"
Witneas. —"He said he was drunk."
Court.—"l want his precise words, just
as he uttered them; he didn't use the pro
noun he, did be? He didn't say 'he wati
Witness.—"Qh, yea, he did ; he said he
was drunk ; he acknowledged the corn."
Court (getting impatient at the witness'
stupidity.)—"you don't understand me at
ail; I want the words as he uttered them;
didn't he say, 'I was drunk ?"
Witness (depreciatingly.)—hgh, no,
your honor. He didn't gay you was drunk;
I wouldn't allow any man to charge that
upon you in my presence."
Proseoutor:—"Pshaw, you don't com
prehend at all. His hmor means, 'did not
the piltioner say to you, '.,1 was drunk ?' "
Witness (reflectively.—" Well, he !night
have said you was druuk i but - Mal hear
Attorney Air prisOter.—"Yiliat the
conrt &aims is to haveyou state the prison
er'a own words, preserving the precise form
of pronoun that he made use of in reply.—
Was It the lst person I, the 2d person thou,
or the 3d person be, she, or It? Now then,
sir, wall severity,) upon your .oatb, (441
tiiy client say, 'lwas drunk ?'
Witness (getting wad.)—"No, he didn't
say you was drunk either ; but if he had, I
reckon he wouldn't a lied any. Do you
'spose the poor fellow charged this whole
part with being drunk t-
THZ Bassamsa Pzoosse.—Many people
admit their ignorance of the ticKitileti .Bes—
serner process of making steel, Don Platt,
in one of his Washington kitten, essays to
explain it that: ,
'Beginner, or. Beessemer, was a Prus
sian, who startled the manufacturing world
in 1857 by discovering a newAwcxxxis vl
purifying pig iroti and mating** Iron and
steel of it by a simple pneumatic process.
He the crude liquid metal in a huge
ladle and blew upon It a violent blast of hot
air, whose oxygen gurgle through the mol
ten iron and carried Abe carbon and other
impurities; this produeedllue metal, which
was slain passed hitp a riuddling furnace
with frequent noules on both sides, through
which air and steam were both &Nen, to
carry off the remaining impurities. Thirty
minutes by this process will convent the .
liqtdd'pfg ni:etarto . ,iteel, Whereas the old
methdd of *Eat steel waialow t prialitfre
and Bessimer's dis4oiefteB were
8165 01 1 007 /II the gird industrial nations,
and s 0401 In - 14141Qpti are sot Protected
as long aa. withus; the p a enh , won expired.
Or*. At pteleigl, therefore, all Bur Ope
is making steel 5g tesseareea procesa'
Too ingennity ot.the 4outrictu people is
1 114111 1 POWniNi. 411 natitms bevy . ewers*
-c.!* 1 / 1 . 1 00 1 All ern dePrataleraor
of the mechanic artii. A reesmtßerie wilt;
errserts Mat felt ose-holf of the invew
tide &Ins tifOS *told is =Wiled
hi thkrOltettitatee,. - Sintelitio over 100,
000 pitenuNivibeidisanterthiit our Pit
sot OttcOttilimote ao,ooo' areiciil4B
Webeen In England la *nee'
on the other laud..4notllAlegailling dui fe-'
wadable' genies cdtbe Wench tae cresting
newt:kepi inaormnottotal mod fiecogative.
'art .the monitor' (Tattled olesiog thalami
henthed.yoantlea bees bot•alloot 40,000 by
each government. Tbadisoramtkatis the
ifittilkf thinvilthatabt 6-the
fbvernments, an applicatlMS lire& !lineal
°Totally made is Seldom rejected, , •
:Y.-'w..w - .Y .:::c.'i
WHOLE NO. 3613
Marriage is a fair transaction on the face
ov it.
But there iz quite too often put up jobs
in it.
It is an old insUtushun, older than the
pyramids, and as phult ov, hyroglypics that
nobody can prase. -
History holds its tongue who the pair
was who Ant put on the silken harness, and
promised to work kind in it, thru thick and
thin, up bill and down, and on the level,
rain or shine, survive or perish, sink or
swim, drown or float.
But whoever they woe, they must have
made a good thing of it, or so menny. ov
their posterity would not bay harnessed up
since and drove out.
There is a great moral grip in marriage ;
it iz the morter that holds the soahul bricks
But there ain't but darn few pholka who
put their money iu matrimony who could
sit down and give a written opinyon whipn
artb they com to did it.
This iz a grate proof that it iz one ov
them natural kind of ackidents that hap
pen, fist as birds fly out ov the • nest when
they hay feathers enuff, without being able
tew tell why.
Some marry for buty, and never diskover I
their mistake ; title is lucky.
Sum marry for money, and don't see it.
Sam marry for pedigree, feel big for six
months, and then very sensibly cum tew
the conclusion that pedigree ain't no better
than skim milk.
Some marry belraws they bay btu high.
sled sum where else ; this is a cross match,
a bay and sorrel ; pride may make it ends•
Bum marry for love without a cent in
their pocket, nor a friend to the world, nor
a drop of pedigree. This looks desperate,
but it is the strength of the game.
If marrying for love ain't a success then
matrimony is a ded beet.
Bum marry became° they think wimMin
will be mine next year, and live tew won
der how the crop holds out.
Sum marry to get rid of themselves, and
discover that the game was one that two
could play at, and neither win.
Sum marry the second time to get Oven
and find It game—the more they
pot down the leas they take up,
Bum marry tew be happy, and rut finding
it, wonder where all the happiness goes
when it dies.
Sum marry they can't tell why, and live
they can't tell how.
Alatcat everybody gets married and it is
a good joke.
litunimarry in haste, and then sit down
and think It carefully over.
Bum think it over carefully fruit, and then
eet down and marry.
Both ways are right, if they kit the
Rum marry coquetts. This is like baying
• poor farm heavily mortgaged, and work
ing the balance of your days to clear off the
Married life hSz its chances, and this iz
Jost what give It its favor. Everyboddy
laves to phool with the chances, bekauze
every buddy expects .to win. Bat I am
authorized tew mate that etreryboddy don't
Bat after 41, raarrfacl life i# full u cur
ban a; dry goods Maness.
No man can swear exactly where he wi
fetch up when he touches calico.
lino man kan tell Oat what calico haz
made up its mind to do next.
Calico don't know even herself:
Dry goods ov all kinds iz the child ov ciT
corestansia, •
' tiium neyer marry, but this lz just ez
ky ; the disease iz the same, with another
name to it.
The man who elands on the banks shiv
ering, and diluent, iz more apt tew ketch
cold than him who pitches hid bect that tn
to the river.
There iz but few who never marry be
kause they wont f—they all hanker, and
most of them starve with bread before them
(spread on both sides) just for the lack of
Marry young ! lz mi motto,
I heir tried it, and I know what I am
talking about.
If enny boddy mks you why you got mar
tied (if needs fb,) tell him you don 't recol
Marriage iz a safe way to gamble—if you
win, you win a pile, and yon loge, you
don't lose ennytbing, only llte -privilege of
living dismally Mime, and soaking 'your
own feet.
I repeat it, In Italics, marry young
Tiler In but one good excuse for a mud
age late In life, and !hat iz—a second mar
riage.--Josh Billings
Rua a regiment was stationed in Maty
land during :the late war a number of ne
grotto patue Into mum, where' they found
encouragement enough to remain as long
•as the officers in command could mike it
appear that they were innocent of any
knowledge of them. Among the number,
at - one that, win one of 'a very religious
turn'of mind, *sing a member of the Meth.
odiat church. On being asked by one a f
the Officers If he:could read, he - said: "Nq, I
can't read t . bntl knows a heap ob de
Bible than some as can.'. "What do you
• know, Bill Ptoftiquired the officer .
brag a good deal I'm afraid you' are some
thing of a - humbug: "Well," said Bill;
"don't you find die yer in de book OBressed
am de peiee makers l liervents okay Tour
maaterep tlet every man bide In de same
calHng'lleinte called in I' I knows a heap
ob de same sort." - "Pretty well done,"
raid the officer, "but how Is this, IBM"
You say you believe the -Bible Is -the book
of God f" "Banta sure I does. Der
no mistake 'bout dal:" "Well, you meat
from its 'Let every map abide In the same
calling wherein he is called.' How do you-
reconcile that with your running away and
hiding in camp, f How do you explain
I want to know P" "Welt," aid Bill;
alter a moment's pause, "kitten you what I
bleve Unit dat. I bless now some ilecesh
tents! dant* MOW; and kind °'
gled It ip when de boss want lookint .
Hesse tikswesr&Pherwirm , igttimvesi In
gearing a horse or mule,eo as to enable th e
stand -to *ark easy, ind use a certain
amoirr.t of power wittt eaMpiPtiVe akin'
animal, &toe. , /dm* depends on, hag
or short leVeragn, The graft may be
too high or too lose; theonerMill draw tee
belly ter theAtilikbrilie nee the °dieing!!
choice • iint..isetzal. The _collar way be
too large or •thokunall , -Illber.9l ih►ob wilt ;
,tender mouthed
berm firtors - lintbbrimbdi tilt "and
nor be reined tip to tighr,NotthaiMbeit will
he.R4lOl-* sere as to 1018 its
agplecireW or rein., wary part ! of
hiwitsi - rihte be as 'Complete a tit ati
dandy'll teat; touching everywhere and
so The immem iqumid. be imp clean and
"Thefe are several preparations made
and,aold for this purpose, but tbe mbfor
tune is, they 10 . I ...Sib money
paid for, and Isl or spent in using, it not
spent in vain... When the ha nesse*. wet,
snit somitimes will, by
,being out
in the `reia,:straighteu it out to dry Defore
it to bung tip or It wilt earl out allays. It
should tevieehtesommenooenoonfireeie and
1 1 , 41 416 g fogeoe. using,...lo3amine the
'a the collars every time it is used Wilma
putting nose °that it is clean and emdeth.
—Stook Journal.
' Met X D
At - the final meeting of the Pennsylvania
Anti-Slavery Society, held in Philadelphia
last Week s it fltudbiet• of interesting remini
scences Of the "Underground Railroad,' In
the dark usys of the * fugitive slave law,
when to aid a fugitive slave wu visited
with it heavy flue and imprisonment.--
Among 'others William Still (colored) Carr
the following:
"Nobody professed to own the C. G. It.
R. No roll or stock blinks were kept. Of
course Abolitionists as individuals had great
sympathy with it and supported it heartily,
but as a society their funds and efforts were
never designed for this class of sufferers, but
rather for the uprooting and overthrow of
11, the entire system of oppression. A' great
'many slaves daily prayed for t oppoott
illy of passing over it to Canada; while, on
the other band, slavebolders universally
Considered it an outrage, and bated it from
the bottom of their heart; as numerous bar
barous enactments foetid in their codes in
adicate, and, as have been frequently shown,
lso by the merciless puuishmen is meted out
to any and all who might be so unfortunate
as to be caught, or thought to be guilty 01
doing nothing more than the act of a good
Bamaritan to one of these poor wayfarers.
Ofcourse I reveal nothing nee in saying,
!it lids connection, that it was my privilege
to be connected with the vigilance commiti:
fee for many . years. During these years I
gathered, from personal contact with p Lii
tenger; hundreds of intereolog and heart
rending narratives, told in the most artless
manner," but with emotions which it would
Seem impossible for any other human be
ings to evince except similarly situated.
I may here allude briefly to the escape of
Henry Box Brown—not as a secret, but
simply with a view of explaining certain
particulars relative to his escape and re
Caption—which I think have never heti,
published. Brown was a man of !riven tiou,
es well as a hero. In point of lutereat,
however, his case is no more remarkable
than many others. Indeed, neither before
nor after escaping did he suffer one hall'
what many others have experienced,
,He was 'decidedly an unhappy piece of
property in the city of Richmond, Va. In
the condition of a slave, he felt that it
would be impossible for him to remain...
Full well did be know, however, that It
wits no holiday task to escape the vigilance
of Virginia slave-hunters, or the wrath of
an thrum(' master for committing the an
pardanattle sin of attempting to escape to a •
lapd ofMiertr e So Brown counted well
throat before., venturing upon this hazard. .
one undertaking. Ordinary modes of travel
he concluded might prove disastrous to hia
hopes ; he, therefore, bit upon a new invert-
Sion altogether, which was to have himself
boxed up mod forgarded to Philadelphia di
rect by express. The size of the box and
how it was to be made to St him most cont.
forth*, was of his own ordering. Two
feet eight Inches deep, two feet wide, and
three feat long were the exact dimensions
of the•box, lined with blaze. His resources
with regard to food and water consisted of
the following: One bladder of water and a
rear email bhomits. His mechanical imple.
mots to meet the demands eft death strug.
glis for fresh air, all told, was one large gimb
let. Thus satisfied that it would be far bet.
tar to peril his life for freedom in this way
Wan to remain under the yoke, he en i tered
his box, which was safely nailed up and
hooped with five hickory hoops, and was
then addressed by his next friend, James A.
Smith, 4 shoe dealer, to Wm. H. Johnson,
Arch street, Philadelphia, marked "this side
up with care." In this condition he was
sent to Adams' Express office ins dray, and
thence by overland express to Philadelphia,
It was twenty-six hours from the time he
lell Richmond until his arrival In the City
of Brotherly Love. The notice, "this side
uPi deo," did act avail with the different ex
who hesitated not to handle the
In usual rough 'manner common to
this clam of men. for awhile they actual
ly had the box upside down, and bad him
on his head for miles. A few days before
he was expected, certain Intimation was
conveyed to me that a box might be expect
ed ihy the 3 o'clegk morning train from the
Botith, which might contain a man. One
of the most solemn walks I ever took—and
, they have not been'a few—to meet and ac.
company passengers, I took at 2j o'clock
that morning to the depot. Nut once, but
'for more than a score of times, I Goaded he
would be dead. I anxiously looked while
the freight was being unloaded from the
earl, to see if I could recognize a box that
might contain a man ; one alone had that
appearance, and I confess it really seemed
to have a dead man's smell about it. Rut,
on inquiry I soon learned that it was nut
the one I was looking atter, and I am free
to say I experienced a marked sense of re
lieE That same afternoon, I received front
Richmond a telegram which read thus
"Tout case of goods is shipped, and will
arrive next otarnieut,"
i llereireetters seemed luereasingly alarm
14 awl it was deenled wise to seek curtail
from one who not only unaderskx:si about
anderground.rpilroad operations, but • was
equally conversant with express and upper
ground railroad. E. M. Davis, who had
ever been ready and willing with his sym
pathy and means to help on the cause, seem,
ed to be just the friend needed fbr the occa
sion, and' accordingly he eat entrusted
With the responsible officer of seeing that
the box was duly brought from the depot
very early next morning and landed at the Being in daily inter
course with Adams Express Company as a
Merchant, he would not be suspected, was
the idea. He therefore err:ll24mi with one
of the drivers to go at on unusually early
hour after the-hog,-and wish-strict order ha
gyve the man, he headed the, man a five
dUllar gold niece, with the enderstanding
that promptutise and care would he observ.
Reit morning, according to arrangement,
the boi wall at the anti-slavery office in due
time, The witnesses to behold the resur
rection were J. M, McKim, Professor C. Ll,
Clieland, Timis Thompson, and myself
A . was quiet. The door had been safely
loCliod s The operstiou begins. Mr. lea;
wrapped quietly on the lie? of the box, and
called out, di( right ?" Instantly came tLe
answer front within. "All righcalr ?" Isbell
river lbrget that moment. Saw 111:1 d hatchet
quickly had the tine 'hickory hoops cut and ,
the lid;off, and the marvellous resurrection
of Brown ensued. Rising up it) his box, ha
reached out his hand, &lying, "flow do
yob do gentlemen ?" gratefully. The wit.: -
nesses hattaisnaszhal. Jo AWL or do ut
the us , .ment, Re - was about as wet as Ulm
had came up out ottlie Delawatu. Vet) ,
soon he remarked, that, Lektre leaving
Rtelitiond, be had tielected for his art iral
by tie (if he lived) the Psalm . beginning
tt these Words : "I have welted patientl
fort the lord, and be beard my prayer." And
melst beautifully' did' hi execute this tn,k,
in tolli awnikialietlon, a well as t..
' iiiillght - Of his small andlerkal,
' b : 4itia thee chrbaened Renry I/ ,, x
tht tch
.841411, and Witt ifterwirdi wait smo, ...
thinnistiltable residence ofJames Mott anti
L . !! Davis , on Ninth `street; where, it I
nc less to say be met a most vortil d it
ceraiou Iron Mrs. Lucretia Mott and her ,
household. worrivo ' heti Vlb
i t a Ki_ a n b g anda lihtl." u i co teti: L u a —Clothing's info ii
" 41 .14 filled ail hearts In this stronghold -
ofphilanthropy. • ' "i
Tiis 'prase, the pulpit, the,pet e a •
ad+ ruling power, ef Tee 'Ara
spmcie kuowgs tkie earned, Imo* and •
the 11rd sioreexkoweiderehliy.
A: wenn stmonnitt,thehe mikriag9 ind
'adti to • the nbacki eat% and - no
my to Bit theta." Marrying under Mt-