The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, April 29, 1870, Image 2

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    tit *ar & Stutintl.
7. API4I ***.iste.
Advertlons w*•thenittarutedwitt
boar to aria* ?kat the regabir etyma
isnot *like •'STAIL AND 111111NTLNEL”
maul& Larger than that of any other
paper pabilsbed la the Comity, being
read weekly by mot leee time 1i,.041
THE Fifa' ward Democracy of Pitll4
adelphia have established a clubhouse
for colored men, over which a colored
man presides. The club bad a grand
opening the other night, at NO - bich the
work of making Democratic voters of
colored men was carried on with
the usual argument—whiaky. As to
the success of the white apostles tbe
public are not informed, further than
that the colored men had a hard job of
it in wheeling their white friends home
late in the morning.
IT seems to be now conceded that the
Income Tax will not be abolished at
present. Mr. Sherman in the Senate,
and Mr. Schenck in the House, as rep
resentatives of the financial views of
the Administration, declare that it will
be impracticable to dispense with the
revenue from Incomes, that this tax
must be continued for the present or
the same amount be imposed in some
other direction equally obnoxious. The
indications now are that the tax will
be reduced to three per cent., and the
exemption fixed at $2,000.
TitoußLE is brewing along the Cana
da line. British troops are training on
the other side, while mysterious- Fen=
lan movements on this side keep up a
. a good deal of uneasiness. The
oulty is complicated by the rebellion
in the Red River district, the latter be
ing distant from the Colonial Govern
ment, and hence an inviting Held for
disafft.cted British subjects and Fenian
agitators. Gen. Sherman and the Sec
retary of War have been quietly 'mov
ing troops towards the frontier t to
maintain a rigid neutrality, and their
action is endorsed by the President.
Tun LegislatUres of the different
States seem to be gainiugan anemia
ble notoriety for incapacity and dis
honesty, and general reform is - called
for. Even Massachusetts claims to
have in her Legislature an unmitigated
set of blockheads. The eccentricities
of New York and Pennsylvania have'
already been well ventilated, but Cali
fornia cape the climax by deidgnating
her last Legislature as the "mud vol
cano of 1880-70." On the other hand
the Ohio papers of both -parties unite
in giving due credit to their recent
, Legislature, as a model body, doing up
• business promptly and free from out
side influence's.
IT is said the Senate Committee on
Political Disabilities have prepared a
general amnesty bill, which the Presi
dent is understood to favor and which
will shortly be reported to the Senate.
-It. excludes from.. amnesty only three
classes, namely : First,, those who
Withdisev themselves from Congress at
the beginning or the rebellion to -en-
gage in the secession movement; sec
ond, those who withdrew from the
United States army and navy for the
same purpose ; and third, those who
signed the orginal ordinance of seces
sion in the various States lu 1861. It
is the belief that such a bill will pass
both Houses without material opposi
THE trial of McFarland for the kill
ing of Richardson, in New York,
which had been continued by reason of
Judge Hackett's illness, was resumed
. aday, Thus far the testimony
:1, • defence has gone to the question
c. • ty, to show that defendant was
et thetime of shooting Bich-
. awn, in consequence of a morbid
men tRI condition growing out of do
mesh) difficulties and Richardson's an
nounced purpose to marry lifcFarland's
divorced 'wife. The promised evidence
of a conspiracy by Mr. Richardson and
some of hill friends to win Mrs. McFar
land from her husband, and of adul
terous associations between the two, is
as yet wholly wanting..
THEICRE is no Indication whatever ! af
a reopening of the Alabama claiins
question. The subject has not been
officially mentioned for several months.
It appears that each Government Is
waiting for the other to advance in the
resumption of negotiations, which
were suspended by the Senate's rejec
tion of the convention. Neither the
United States nor Great Britain inth
mates a disposition to yield any of the
ground heretofore respectively occupi
ed, both parties closely adhering re
spectively to their former expressed
positions. There is nothing to exclude
the belief that Great Britain Is desirous
of an earlreettlement of the points_ at
Ince Id order to avoid difficulty, Which
might possibly ertse from them in the
future ' and to draw the two nations
into cl oser friendship. It la )tpouriiphe
heretofore proposed that the °Lay
practicable way of an adjustment was
by means of a joint commission, with
the Intermediate aid of an umpire, Se
In a previous arrangement for,the set
tlement of clahns. The subject, how
ever, is scarcely ever mentioned by '
persons irrauthority, but when It is,
the hope is expressed that some means
may be devisell to settle the entire sub
ject of claims to the honor of both na
tions. -
- •A isrras, from Washington states
that President Grant has sent a letter
to a member of the House of Represen
tatives, which- he received from Mrs.
Lincoln, who is now sojourning in
Europe. The letter states that she is
in great pecuniary embarrassment and
desires hasty action on the bill -now
pending before Congress for her relief.
The spectacle of the widow of Presi
dent Lincoln living in Europe, with
means insufficient for a respectable
-support, is one which Europeans, ao.
customed to pensioning the widows and
Amities of ex sovereigns, can't under
stand. They know that Lincoln was
a great Ruler, idolized by his country
men, loved of all men, and mourn
as a martyr to Liberty. Why his
widow should be *andering over
Enrope,boording at second-class hotels,
and unaided by the Government and
people for whose preiervation he gave
his liho, is a mystery to them. Nor is
it less mortifying to Americana, Con
grew should move at Oboe and give
Mrs. Lincoln si pension of at least
0,000. Grant that she has been ex
travagant, imprudent, and in many
whitailling short of what might bare
been 'Wished for in the widow of the
lamented Lincoln. Nevertheless she
a his widow. Lincoln. as Command
er-In-ohlef dour armies, fell in the line
of duty by art assassin t s bullet. /led
Grant, - Sherman, or !lberidaii thus fal
len, leaving a dependent widow, the
Jaw would have give alittenil pension,
without inviting Ss to the personal
character of the - recipient of the
Skin's bounty.
_Why t 9 apply
the OW prilldpie to Mrs.- 1
Tat philatlelAtAitt„ercsa onq
the substantial correctness of the al
!edged remark of Senator. Cameron to
Jefferson' Davis, on his leaving his seat
in the Senat4 in 1841 to further
Secession Conspiracy. The Rebel ex
chief, in a letter which we gave last
week, denied that Senator Caorerott
had made any remark touching tlti
possibility of Davis' successor being $
negro, if Secession were penditted
The Press says that it is Jeff. Davis'
memory—not Gen. Cameron's—which
is treacherous, and thus gives the facts.
In 1861, about two weeks before Mr.
Davis left Washington to join hifel
low traitors in the - €outh, Senator,
Cameroh met Mrs. Davis on, Pennsyl
vania avenue. In reply to her ques
tions as to why he did not ."come and
Jeff," ' toes
words were not pleasing to the Peni.
sylvinia Senator, and he answered in
elect that the rebellious section would
be brdught back into the Union, and
that, he firmly believed that, if . the
South persisted in Its eourse, not only
would the slaves all be setfree, tiut that
"One day a colored man will occupy
your seat, Afr. Davis, in the\ United
States Senate PT
Davis, in great anger, turned to Sen
ator Cameron and said that the North,
not the South, would softer from the
coming war, and that he himself would
"lead a party to burn to- I ,the ground
your property, Mr. Cameron, In Penn-
Of this incident Mr. Davis appears
to be as forgetful as he has been of his
oath. When the Invasion of Pennsyl
vania was attempted by the rebel army,
one of the generals received 'orders to
destroy, if possible, the property of
Simon Cameron and Thaddeus Stevens.
They burnt that of the latter, and went
on their way to destroy General Cam
eron's when they turned upon their
This is a plain, straight story. Cam
eron ithlilled,bis prophecy better than
Davis did his threat.
Is the U. S. Senate, on Monday, Mr.
Stewart, front the Judiciary Commit
tee, reported a very carefully drawn
bill to enforce the 15th: Constitutional
Amendment, the eesential provisions
of which will be enacted Into law. It
provides that all citizens of the United
States, who are or shall be otherwise
qualified by law to vote at any election
by the people, in any State, Territory,
district, county, city, pariah, township,
school district, municipality; or other
territorial subdivision, shall be entitled
and allowed to Note at all such elections
without distinction of race, oolor, or
previous condition of servitude, any
law, custom, usage, or regulation of
any State or Territory, or by or under
its authority, to the contrary notwith
standing. Also, thatlf the laws of any
State or Thrritory shall require any act
to be done as a prerequisite to voting,
it shall be the duty of the officers of
the law in said State or Territory to
give equal opportunity`to all citizens
of the United States to - perform such
prereqillsite ; and any such official
failing,so'to do shall forfeit and pay
$5OO to the person aggrieved thereby,
to be recovered at law, and in case of
conviction shall also be fined not leas
than $5OO and imprisoned from one
month to one year. The oiler of any
citizen for whom such prerequisite Is
required, shall be deemed 'a perform
ance In law of such act, such act
fails to be carried Into execution by
reason of the wrongful act or omission
of the said officers charged with- the
duty of receiving or permitting such
perforinanc of offer. The same penal
ties are prescribed against any person'
who shall binder or attempt go prevent
any citizen from performing such pre
requisite. Persons deprived of any of
fice except that of a member of Con
gress or State Legislature by reason of
violation of the foregoing provisions
may receive possession through United
States courts which are given concur
rent jurisdiction in all such eases. The
United States District Courts shall
have, exclusively of. the State courts,
cognirances of all crimes and offences
against the provisions of this sot. All
the officers of the United States courts
are required, under apenality of $l,OOO,
to Institute and enforce proceedings
thereunder, and the rresldent is au
thorized to employ the land and naval
forces of the militia to enforce its exe
THE New York Wortd—Copperhead,
of course—in noticing approvingly the
projected movement together together
for decent sepulture the Rebel dead
whp fell At, ciettysburg; Antietam, and
Souttt Mountain, goes out of its way
to *mail the custodians the National
Soldiers' Cemetery et this place, and
dunes them with "wreaking,venge
antes on corpses," because they jo not
admit the Rebel dead into the:Ceme
tery, and give them a resting place
along 'side of "those who died in the
defence of the Union.". The National
Cemetery is a tribute to the nation's
dead—lntended to honor and com
memorate the sublime patriotism and
heroism which esteemed no sacrifice
not life itself, too precious, that the
nation might live. We may pity the
Rebel dead, grieve that they fell in so
bad a cause, and be content to have
their remains protected from violence ;
but it is impossible to forget the cause
for which the one and the other died.
And until the nation has °eased to re
gard patriotis m a virtue and Rebellion
a crime, the World need npt expect
equal honors to be *Lid to the repre
sentations of Treason and Loyalty.
THE New York Heraki predicts the
overthrow of the Democratks party of
that State in the next . State election,
and with the ion of New York the
rapid diaintegration and disiolution of
the party throughout the Union.
Fassuus.--pn Saturday evening laa,-as
two young ladies were driving is a bow
from Upton to the residence of James Wish
&spoon, a stringer , crept; up behind sad
reaching over the buggy caught one of
them by the ann. Both ladies jumped from
the bum, naming in oppoidte directions.
The villain overtook cum end gttesupted to
commit a rape, but ' the lady's screws
brought assistance la thneto prevent a am
sunnation of the outrage. A young Man,
named Samoa Rohm, was arrested nest
Aity and committed to answer the charge, -
Yomt.—A. new disease, assembling in ha
genend symptoms the whoophig-cough, 14
wing in upper Toll county. A. vicdent
cough is followed by the trepeamatioa of
pined* phimae. When the espeotoratio
is not copious isliammatioa ofthe bap en
siles, sad pat , are 4101 be; IWO*
MI ie newasy l Or Aosikopoopy *dm,
CHUM Justice Chase - II soon make
trip_to Europe.
Tax membt•re of:the Ildeiature of - Ohio
arc on a visit to
.Wailtinefn this week.
ON Saturday the mouth* of Hott:,Anson.
Burlingame, were Aeposkod in their *nal
restigg-plai*, at .14tw , nt Auburn, *tea
..rI at_has been defeated lathe
Maititielmaeits fiell*of Agpreselliatlve;by
a vote of 15 to GB.
Cuotank leas been raging ft.tarrully iu Zan
zibar. In &a - weeks there were about 15,-
000 delay:.
- HON. John Covode declines to be a can
lorressluninatlon-aa Congression
al candidate.
THE *assael,nseits I,egiele rc has agreed
to a resolution looking to . eading rand
writing go:Lahti; ition for vac-
AT Virginia City, Nevada, Inc Democrats
will make no nomination i Mayor, but
aspport as Independent txdor,-IMmdidate.
Muon damage has been d Illinois
and Idwa by a mat freshet ht the Mlssis
Tint Fenian Congress has ailjtitaked titter
having, as is believed, determined on a war
WENDELL BoHaan, Esq.. has resigned
the Presidency of the Western Maryland
Railroad Company.
- MARYLAND exchanges generally report
the prospect or good grain and fruit crops
as very promising.
as official — return of the Connecticut
elec • r n shows that 87,415 votes were clay
And gi s Governor English 814 majority.
The total ate fell off about 10,000.
!ell off
Jonas Ft of the District of Columbia,
having resigne is seat on the bench to ac
cept the position o District Attorney; the
President has nomin Judge Humphreys,
of Alabama, as Fisher's uccessor.
Pi/FM:DIST GRLNT, it is r cared, I- e•: - .i
tiating for the purchase of a in . f ee
George's county, Maryland, near e District
of Colutribia line, which he contr. iplates
using uit summer residence. \ .
Foos bills, near Sparta, Mint*, \t`i
Thursday last, pounded a schoolmate, nam
ed Fergusson, so badly that he died on
Friday. The young murderers are about
ten yelis old. _
Mts. EMMA WlLLeau, !bender of the well
known Troy Seminary for the education of
young ladies, died at Troy, New York,
a few days Igo, aged eighty-four years. She
was a sister of Itifs. Lincoln Phelps of Etal -
BLOSSOM Rome, the chief obstruction in
Ban Francisco harbor, was blown up on
Saturday afternoon. Twenty-three tons of
powder were used, and the explosion lifted
a huge mass of stone and water to the height
of about one hundred feet.
Goy. Alcorn has sent a message to the
Mississippi Legislaturesecommending sepa
rate schools for white and colored children.
He desires the establishment of a normal
"school for the education of colored teach
GEORGE COLMAN, a convict in the Lan
caster county prison, died a short time since.
He statad to a fellow prisoner that he com
mitted and helped to commit,•during his life,
five murders and numerous robberies, and
that he was only twenty nine yehrs of age
and had been in jail thirty-seven,times.
VERY rich, vast and valuable deposita of
Iron Ore have recently been discovered In
Bedford county, Pa. Gen. Geo. B. McCiel
lan and a number of leading iron-.manufac
turers are miw on a visit of examination.—
The location of extensive iron manufac
tories is in contemplation in the vicinity.
NAPOLEON'S Ministers have issued an ap
peal to the people of France to vote in favor
of the Plebiscite. They state that their "ob
ject is to assure France a tranquil future, to
the end that en the throne, as In the hum
blest dwelling, the son may succeed the
father in peace and quiet.
Gas. Rosxcnixs, With others, Is at Wash
ington trying to pat' through a project for
the-annexation of Mexico to the United
States, and, endeavoring to bring in tbat
temtorydpider a protectorate form of gov
ernmener They my it is absolutely neces
sary in order to insure protection to Ameri
can Citizens residing there, and prevent
Mexico from falling into the hands of foreign
powers. The project is looked upon with
favor by a number of prominent men now
at the Capitol,
t. 4.11 1 ,7/ Blii.—Not a few members of
Congress think that the • tariff bill now
pendiog Is in danger of defeat. Friends of
the Penn3yhtpla iron interests, while as
senting to the reduction by the Committee
of Ways and Means of the duty on that
article, will vote against the bill should the
House concur in the further reduction made
by the Committee of the Whole on the state.
of the Union. They say
.fhat pig iron at
Ave dollars only a ton would .
'cause nearly
all the furnaces in Pennsylvania ,to close,
but that seven dollars would afford protec
Timm is a lady In Minnesota who needs .
looking r after by the Woman Suffrage .
Apostles. She recently wrote a commtmica-
lion to the Si. Paul Prue emphatically op-
Nosing the extension or suffrage to women,
and wrought up to a pitch of poetical frenzy,
thus broke out into verse : •
The "vote" that all are praising
is not the vote for me;
Its claims are so amazing,
I'd rather tar be tree.
But there's a vote in yonder crib,
A baby vote, clear, shrill, and glib,
That vote IS worth the raising,
And that's the vote for me i
Ohl that'sthe vote for met
ix new postage stamps are a great im
provement on any that we have had before.
They are Of the denomination of one, two,
three, six, ten, twelve, flftteen, twenty-four,
thirty, and ninety cents: and they bear re_
spectively the heads ofFitaarro, JAMESON,
Wiarrirs, and Num Each of the heads
is engraved in profile after a portrait made
by some wellnown sculpture. The por
treks are good, and the artistic variety of
the steams does credit tolho artist who de
signed them.
as well as In Maryland, the "Conservatives"
are fast leaving the Democratic party. and,
uniting themselves with the
The Frankfort (Ky.) Commonwealth or
Saturday last Says
Prominent Conservatives of this vicinty
have recently abandonrd the Democratic
party, with its corrupt management, its
wasting of the public funds, its increase of
the public debt end its proposal to immune
the taxes. There is no reason why every
Conservative shouldn't leave athat
moons to fight over "dead
and Unite with the Ifiepublican party in its
youth and vigor.
Irreturaxceo xo Offinoz-Sxxxstts.--It will
be remembered that a bill wag introduced in
the Senate, during theearly part of the ses
sion, designed to protect Congressmen from
the importunities of - aloe- seekers, Ind
which provided, in -substance, that Coa
lman= should have little or nothing to do
with the distribution of oat lad patronage
inrespective districts Or elsewhere,
sod - chat nob inatteit should be left ahnost
exchstively to the heads of the different
:branches at the Government. This
'came up in the Senate last weak, and, with
out even exciting any debate, wasindelinite- .
ky postponed. The storm of denunciation
against Ceniveramen which the plump of
s bill of this *Miter weak! WNW among
their constituents may easily be imagined.
Vadar the Inatentorgankstion of our po
litical system, it may • be put, down -u an
established flea that rennin in this matter is
among the impoisibltitiesi t und, though an
noying and great are the *nib of the pas.
sent system of dianibutineolfices, it is dif
ficult to suggest any priotioable plan o
&Voiding taw editor to than Who give or
the ni who good's o*oe.
linuicosutotpril no. About I I o'clock
Adis miming the Supreme Court of A ppeela
of Virghtia WIB crowded with eminent ehi
‘zens, Vho were drawn there by curiosity'to
bole Abe resultisf the bite bearing of the
question of the Mayoralty of Richmond.
Amonk the many prominent persons
present were ex-Gov. Wells, ex Congress
man Nelson, Judge . ' John A. Meredith,
Patrick Henry Aylett, L. H. Chandler, and
- others. - '
At 11 o'clock the gallery of the court
room, which was crowded, fell in and the
floor followed, and descended 30 feet to the
floor below, which • was the ,floor of the
House of Delegates of Virginia, , on which
some few members of a caucus ware wait
ing around. There was a general crud' of
all the timbers, and the falling of the inalde
wall, resulting in the death of about sixty
persons and the injuring of over one hun
dred others, many of them seriously.
Among the killed are Captain Charters,
Chief of the Fire Department,. Dr. Brock
of the Richmond Enquirer, P. H. Aylett
an eminent member of the bar, N. P. How
ard lawyer, Gen. Wilcox of the Rebel
army, several members of the •Legislature,
prominent merchants, &c. Among the seri
ously injured are ex Gov. Wells, Mayors
Ellyson and Calhoon, Judge Meredith,
lion. Thomas S. Bocock, formerly speaker
of the U. S. House of Representatives (leg
amputated,) Gov. Curse of : the Rebel
army, and over 100 cutlers, many of them
occupying high soeildrand business rela
tions: The disaster is one of the most ap
palling which has occurred in Richmond
since the burning of the Theatre, in 1811,
when the Governor of the State and some
eiguty, to one hundred others, including
many - men of prominence and ladies of high
Andel po , ilion, lost their lives. The City'
-.4 filled with mourners.
its*ristatts, April 21.—The entire city
was greatly excited to-night by the report
that five horrible murders had peen perpe
trated by a cut . the throats
of four of In it own mother.
The report facts being as
follows: Ats this afternoon
Mrs. Oath( with her four
children lh, eats, Mr. and
Mrs. Dwyer, street, a few
squares from Bellair Market, committed the
terrible butcheries, first killing herschlldren,
and then assaulting her mother, Mrs.D,wyer.
The mother of Mrs, Marsh states that about
4 P. M., herself and daughter, Cath trine
Marsh, and three children of Catharine, be
ing the only persons in the house at the
time, Catharine asked her if she had ten
cents, and on her answering "No," Calla.
rine said she had ten cents, and put on her
bonnet and left the house. She went a few
doors and borrowed a butcher-knife, and
- proceeded to District School, No. IS,
and calling not her son James, aged 8 years
cut his throat from ear t o ear, nearly sev. ,
ering the head from his body. A little bqy
named Burnett tame out of the school-room
with James and witnessed the murder.
Catharine then rushed at the boy Barnett,
hut be escaped her. Thence she returned
home, and went into the back yard, where
another son,William, aged seven years, was
swinging, his little sister, Mary Jane, aged
four years, being at play near by. She
seized William, cut his throat, causing in
stant death, and then the daughter, nearly
cutting off her head. Then she went in the
house, and cut the throat of her youngest
child, George, aged about two years and
five months, the head being almost severed
from the body. She next assaulted her
mother, aged about fifty-four years, a very
feeble woman, cutting her throat so severe
ly that she cannot survive.
Mrs. Marsh, the murderess, is aged about
27 years, was born in County Kerry, Ire
land, and has been in the United States
about ten years. She was married some
nine years ago in this city to Win. Marsh,
a barber, who left her about eighteen
months since to find employment elsewhere,
and is now said to live In Ncw York city.
The reputation and character of Mrs.
Marsh is said t' have neen very good, and
she was undoubtedly temporarily insane
when committing the murders. The faces
of the muidered children, as filey lay side
by lde to-night, are as placid and calm as
it they were composed in sweet sleep.
They are dressed neatly in the same clothes
they wore when killed. Mrs. Marsh has
continued unconscious of the terrible crime
—seems to think that she is at a hospital
by reason of illness—and frequently ex
presses a desire to see her children, especi
ally the "baby," of which she ottin speaks.
Since her incarceration she has slept but
little, taken scarcely any nourishment, and
seems totally unconscious of what she has
done. She continues to talk wildly about
tier children and constantly asks to see
them, wondering why it is they are kept
frotii\ her. She complains of - pressure on
the-brain and fancies all the time her head
is about fillingtff. Her aged father paid
her a visit, but she did not recegnize him.
Her children seems to absorb her entire
mind in its frenzied condition. •
She is fairly clad, -has been handsome, is
now quite good looking and is free from
any bad expression of countenance.' No
one seeing 'tier would for a moment suppose
she could premeditate and deliberately per
petrate so shocking, so unnatural a 'Series
of murders. But few persons are admitted
to her cell in the jail. She expressea no
ieslre to see any one aside from her 'child
n who she imagines are still alive
A M oaros Mitmosui..—The Mormons
have presented a curious memorial to Con
gresS against the proposed legislation on
polygamy. They assert that they have re-
Claihsed the desert waste, cultivated it, sub'
.deed the Indians, Made roads, built cities,
towns and settlements, established govern
ment, encouraged education, and founded a
new State. Then . -they declare: "We, the
people who have done this, are believers .in
the principles of plural marriage or polyg
amy, not simply as an elevating social re
lationship and preventive of Many terrible
evils which afflict our race, but as a princi
ple revealed by God, underlying our every
hope of eternal salvation and happiness in
heaven." The memorial concludes by ap
pealing to Congress In the name of humanity
to send a' commission of inquiry to the Ter
ritory before leglslating. , .
in age, is causing great excitement in Bos
ton. It should warn young men not to
marry in baste. • Rice is but 22, his bride
37. He swears that she made him believe
she was but his own age, by using Hag
nolia Balm upon 4r *to, wok and bauds.
Poor youth. He probably found her elbows
werrn't quite so soft and pretty. Ought
Hagan to be indlctedt We know of many
similar cases. Mai Balm gives 41 most
wonderfut pearly and natural oompkodon,
to which we don't object. We like pretty
women.. To finish the picture, they should
use Lyon's listikairon nporthe hair. With
pearly chin, rosy cheeks, and soft, luxuri
ant tres.° 4l . l ? they teMPtte Irresistible:
H. B. WOODS, at the corner of York
threat and the Mahn - to really selling oft
his Sidle Mock or BIT Gooch, Hats, &beer,
duo., at very low prices. Hnintends to quit
badness and offers many Domain. The
rush for cheap goods; Hats has
aorta* be to Woods' Btore;• since is
0 1 420 4 1600 4 lelUl4 O 4Pr1,P41.
O'Grady remarked to em that there hed
bin a mistmderatandin. He felt ashoored
that the Dimocrisy uv Noo York, alluz the
friends uv the oppressed and downtrodden
wood now genrously extend a helpin hand
to our colored brethren jist Elevated to full
citizenship. The Dimocrisy hed not as
sisted in their elevaaheu, but they hed no
teetin iglu our brethren nv color. When
our cOlored brethren come to analyze the
matter they wood love the Dimocrisy the
More for ndt doin ur it. He wood move
the subst:tooahen uv the folierin reeoloo.
ehen for the one ;rich hed bin unadvisedly
passed :
Resolved, That the Democrisy uv Noo
York hail with a feelin uv pleasure wick we
hey no words to express, the elevuhen uv
our colored fellow-citizens to 'full citizen
ship, and that we pledge ourselves to pre_
tect em in the enjoyment uv their newly
found rites.
The meeting didn't want to pass It. The .
feelin Agin em wuz too deep sot to be rooted
out in a minit, but O'Grady l'in; determin
ed.' 0 wat a minit wuz that 1 Wuz the
higgers to be killed by us, or wuz they to
be taken to oar buzznms ? Ther fate hung
tremblin in the balance? . • Finally it wuz
put to vote and the niggers wuz safe. By
one majority the resolushen wuz pored.
At that mink a groan wuz heard outei4.
"What is tilt r" asked O'Grady.'
"Some nagure t jist now bate !" remarks'
"Beatin niggers!"" sod O'Grady, "Good
Lord, bring 'em in."
And he rushed out and brought in the
two ueortunatte. They were badly banged
up about the face, and breast and 'stun:tick;
and lege, bat' Int* wuz 'ekal to the
emegency. He washed' their wounds and
revived em with witiiitY and bound up ther
sores and finally sot isni on ther feet.'•
"McGuire 1" Bed be when he hed the W9lit
Cashed, "McGuire embrace em."
McGuire hed his shillala in his hand.
Never did I. see a man so torn With catt
tending emoahens. Nate-al instinks Im
pelled him to drop that shillala on their
beds ea usual, but penal° considerashmut
rpstrenedhlm twict under Olarady's eyp
he lowered it, until at last be drops It and
fell Bobbin with eanoehen onto their buz
I took the crape off the door, bottles and
*tem, altd lmme3itty Moominated in hon
or nv the event, and the nut mornln I pat
op a placard at my door, "No cUstinkshes
althisbar cm account uv colon Ekal rites!"
The ward committee is takin prompt and
vigerous Wuhan to moor this vote. They
bey **mild the•Sante urea they y e
control titer other vote. They ca r atraaar
guild ten slams. run by col Mang to
wick they give all the profits, and ate" sr
magin kw ten more. There wig be a nliocur
or twoput onto the Pane to wonst. Vie
force will be .... mu ena to make room
for these new ones, es we &nal dlscharp
apt sav the Irish. I'li gob! lbr eat also -
Thorne wick I kit gis so , driok my liner
will vote my Mikes.
.11, will ism* as sum
? WA Y ' N. 4414;
April 15-lm
..41 , 1M111;11!M
THE earns NTH smsNDJAZIPI-THE mamma
zbox OP "HARP Iry ram 3 . 1.0024" To CON-
~ !mono voide 7 lsut I' 0021E.T0 A DECUHON.
-'4 1 i -
Hader ti*RaniB'doon, 1.
I F bir.•••. 4 '"'
I - -......,..w aa York Aprll,2, 18704
1 , . POObiftwalidn be the President art
* nein the ratificiudob by :the Fifteenth
ruenduient perch:wised a profound sense
shen do this ward. •
It Was told b our people by a reporter ET
a daily pipet - sit 11 o'clock this momin, and
It got pretty Well around among us by 8
pig kftemoen,, wick was tolla t bly rapid,
considerin that Intelligence in this ward hex
to be enneeyed orally. In the afternoon it
was resolved that a meetin be held in the
evenin to contrail ez- to wat acksbeu the
Dimocracy shoed take in the matter, with
was akkordingly so done. I bed the back
lit up, the barrels moved Into a safe place
under the strongest kind uv locks,. and the
bar closed and draped in mournin in token
uv the hoomillathen wich I felt hed fallen
onto the people in consekence uv this out
rage. I hung erape onto the door; I put
crape around the portraits uv Jazon, Chief
Justin Chase, Bookannon and Fermuidy
Wood, and likewise around the bottles and
over the red headed barrel, wich gave the
establiahment e highly funereal and mourn
ful look wicli wuz entirely satisfactory.
In the evenin the Dimocracy assembled,
and a more enraged gatherin I never saw.
They wuzn'tjist clear ez to wat the Presi
dent bed done ; indeed the most uv em wuz
labrin under the impreshun that theenfmn
chteemcnt av the nigger wuz the work uv
the Democratic Legislacher at Albany, and
.ther wuz indic.;shens uv a determinashen to
go tbro some of the houses uv the Diruo-
cratic members is this city, but I slept Sia
by tellin em the striate uv it. •
I moonied the chair, uv'course, and hed,
in eddishen, to do the dootles uv Sekretary,
bein the only one then in the meetin who
cood write. -
Teddy MzGiunia remarked that lie felt a
hoomiliasben with wuz .actooaly beyond
expreshen. The dirty nagur wuz now his
ekal. 'I he only diffrence between ern hed
bin removed by this infamous law.' Does
any one spree that he'd consent 10 vats all
day beside niggers? Niver ! He calleJ upon
the Dimocracy to jive him in u oroosade
agin em. "Follow me," sod Teddy, "and
in NO° 1 orrick, at least, we wou't be both
ered with eager suffrage begorra."
Pat McClaughUn held similar views.—
Sooner than vote beside nagurs he'd relin
quish the biznis uv voting altogether, and
go to aawin wood. Repeetin is a good enuff
biznis, and the small conthract wich he hed
ez a reward therfor was betther, but he
coodn't stand nagurs, nor woodeut. His
voice wuz for killin nv em.
The Others made similar speeches, when
,Pindy McGuire offered a resolooshen that
is offerin uv a vote by a nagur be consid
eyez a declanisben av war agin the De
mocracy of Noo York, and that they then
be immegitly exterminated- Sandy wuz for
no half waY.,meaeures. He remembered
the glorious Jooly days in 1868, when the
Democracy of Soo York assertid itselL—
Ho had assisted iu destroyin the nagur or
phan asylum; with this good rite hand he
bed beat out the brains UT two nagurs, to
say notbin uv the women an‘d children wich
he didn't consider worth countin. He
longed to get at em agin.
The meeting bein all so yoonanlmons in
their feelin I wrote the follerin resoloo
Resolved, That the Dimocrisy uv Noo
York, considerin and believin the nigger to
be a beast, a burlesic on hoomanity and in
capable uv dischaxgiii toy uv the dooties nv
citizenship, do hereby protest agin his beta
give the ballot on a ekality with white men.
Resolved, That the Dimocrisy uv .100
Yolk, rather than submit to this degreda•
t'ben, pledges itself to the ezterminasben uv
the aceusid race.
The resoloosbeus wuz adoptid without 'a
dissentin voice, and the enthooslastic Mc-
Goim, bandithin his shillala, rushed out
and attacks a couple uv Diggers wich wuz
pasain, and knoctus em down, stamped
onto em vigorouslyiwith his hoots, exclaim-
In. the:while "Want to vote, do yez I" •
The meetin wuz about to break up, when
Tim O'Grady, a man uY Fernanda
come rushin in. He hed heard uv the meet
in, and come imthejitly to see about it. I
told him in a breath wat had bin done,—
"Thunder !" he remarkt to me to a whis
per, "this won't do. Yoo eggreps old as,
the niggers hey votes, and will vote now in
spite nv us. We must sit em, for without
em, with all the rebels disfranchised, was
kin we do in the Southern States ? Call the
meetin to order agin."
I didn't like the tone uv his alloosion to
me, but I called the meetin to order onct
Ztor the itentinel
TINE LianrNisu NOD.
Masses. Enrroaa instrument is
used to protect buildings from the effects of
the electric fluid, by drawing the electricity .
#can tie cloud, at by attractitig and confine
;ring the lightning into the earth.. IC• will
do this whert-in good order, sad when oat
of order, as so many
_I see are, it will only
, endassger the building it was , designed to
'protect. Lightning rods are frequently
'made fast to buildings by some half dozen
or more of iron staples, minus the glass,
tubes. Where this is the case they material
ly increase, but not diminish, the danger.
Each staple is as good a conductor as the
rod itself, and these may prove so many.
conauctors to convey the fluid Into the
house. Then, too frequently they are laid
upolifhe roof, or if not thql touch It in
many places. Whenever this is the case,
en oxide is formed, which is also a good
conductor, and by which the fluid may pass
into the building. A-conductor should be
made fast to a building by passing through
wooden cleats—the passage through the
wood being lined with glass. Olais being
a non-oondubtor, it would effectually pre
vent the clanger of the fluid's passing by
any other than the right conductor. The
danger is greatly Increased by a. rod, unless
to good order. Once each year, about this
time,,is not too often to examine them, to
clean the points, to remove any oxide that
may have been found at the Lettings, and
to see that no part of the rod touch the
building. Look to your conductors, reader,
If you have any—a driy's work may save
your buildings ; to neglect it is to endanger
them. Better to remove the Rod than not
to keep it in order. e
• [For the Star and Sentioe I.
April 25th, 1870. 3 -
per must have a large circulation, for where
ver Igo I see it—in hotels, stores, with
farmers, and mechanics, &c. Since I last
wrote you from this place I have travelled
the county over, as well as others, trying
my hand in first one thing: then another,
and here I am hack again in the beautiful
village of New Oxford, stripping at Lieut.
James 11,nill'a hotel—nong. better, If as
good, in all Adams, Torii or Cumberland
county. I would advise• all my fellow
travelltrs to try the good old Washington
!Louie for comfort and good living.
The busy season for the farmer is at hand,
the matter of fencing is going on, also the
preparation of the soil for seeding, and the
farmers are going it with a wilL No man
is ever successful in its completest sense,
who does not enjoy, what be is doing. My
old friends Sam and George must have been
born in a good sign, for contentment and
hope have made them happy men. The
village of New - Oxford, in the centre of a
rich and fertile agricultural district, settled
by industrious and intelligent men, possesses
all that is necesstry. As the Spring open-
ed, preparations for building, etc. ark no
ticed in various parts of the village. Such a
istatt - ssf affairs must be gratifying to every
one *ho takes an interest in the growth and
prosperity or the village. I wish that I
could say as much for other villages of
which I have visited—some, however, have
taken the hint, and arc moving.
While in the western part of the county,
I noticed the opening of new ore banks, and
the best of all, if succ..ssful, ii the opening
of a Coal bank. Various tracts of land
have recently beea leased, with a view of
digging for coal. Near Eimlemtua Mill,
on Opossum creek, on the first of J. W.
Collins, half a mile from Bendersville, coal
WBB disorrered in a mill ran!, and it is said
that when the race wasdug, about 75 years
ago, some coal was found. Now it is seing
. opened, and fine specimenB of coal aie the
result, which shave be , n tried and prove to
be a number onecoil. for furn ice or engine
use. I hive visiteLt ee Broad T.rp coal re
gions and others, and , consider this as good,
.only that the veins are sin ill, but increasing
as they dig deeper.
Adams county has an abundance of 'the
very best iron ore, and if coal should also
be found in abundance, it will add much to
her prosperity and wealth. Real.e4ste is
becoming more valuable, and the inpult--
lion and business must increase. LOok out
for the aeitation of the Bendersville
road—it. must be built, and the town im
prove, as it is improving slowly. There
are wealth and enterprise en tugh to build
up a snug town.
I understand that a three inch vein of soft
or bituminous caal has been lately discover
ed, about two miles from Abbottstown, near
the Pigeon Hills.. I was shown a speci
men. It appeared rusty, yet has all the ap
pearance of coal.
Sundays of late have always been stormy,
with strong winds, accompanied by con
stant rain. A few Sundays ago it was so
'furious that few people ventured out of
doors. Yesterday we had one of the finest
days of the season.
The good people of the beautiful and
thriving village of Littlestown informed
pie the other day th tt they intend extending
their road to the State line, there to connect
with the Frederick and Penna. Line Rail
road. Their Engineer and Directors were
over the road a few days ago, preparatory
to starting the work. It is to be cdmmenced
and completed. in less than six months,
ready for the incomollve. Success to them.
[For the Star and Sentinel
SPRINGS.—[Mr. L. to his son John—time
seven o'clock in the morning.]
Ma. L.—" John, go and hitch up Nell to
the falling top buggy, and do it quick."
JOHN—"Where are you going, father 2
You know we ought to plant corn to-day."
FATIIEB—"Why, John, didn't you hear
of the Mammoth Stock of Goods at Haar
iva do Ssnouts's lam bound to go to
day ; for they are selling so cheap that the
Store is literally crowded with customers."
Mss L.—" What are you doing with
tiresome horse and buggy P Go and hitch
two horses to the Spring Wagon. Yon
know I have not bought much since the
war, and now I and going to buy. I want
Ane dresses for Kate,-,and Sallie, and Jane,
and Ellen, and myself, 'end good snits for
the old man and four boys, We also want
Hats and Shoes, and Millinery -Goodi ; for
yon know we can get anything at Hartman
& Sadler's Store we want. Thepeople say
there never was such a stock of Goods
.brought to• the town. lam also , going to
buy thy Groceries there. I will quit' the
Market man, as I find I can do better at
their Store." •
Ma L—" Yes, John, - you bad "better
lath to the Spring Wagon ; for I may as
Well get my Nails, Paint, Oil, and all my
building material, for I flail I can do better
there than at either Gettysburg or.Cartlale."
fan Jons, mtrrrsiuso."liartman ?lc
Sadler's a bother to me ; and if it was not
for getting that nice suit of clethei at their
Store, / would get mad. "
firWirours & Co. are producing a
1111=41011 in the diamond by their large
may ot-Fundinre, and the Mr pilaw it
whiclt they arenelll4 Now lithe tbue , to
celebrated Patent Elanleo Rubber lined
{Sollars, Saddles and Pads. Warranted to
Prevent horses troui
heel qp tinder work horses already galled,
If properly fitted ; sad sore netka 'arKi
backi are kept clean with cold Water and
Owttiletiloap, or nopay. For aaleilly J. W.
Oren, mannftustarer's Agent, Gettysburg,
Pa. Sept. ..104f
oelelysted Trifar4 Oil, for
rbownatisq49 nourfOglat#eada*, tooth.:
pobe, tto ibr or A. D. Buehler
pittl utk.
Wham we are sick this life Is obscured, ander 11'
61014, oppressed with humors. Experience has taught
mitemtain russets, which Darer tall for their removal.
The eb ild receives with his life the sesdttot his death.
Duey take one, or ewe hhadred years, Mahn the
seeds bear tbeir sad trait, but Just as situ as the
seeds of death ripen, life Few/. Pursing Is the
pand sateguaid, because . theft shalt betel s the seeds
of death are taken eway;axpelled from the body.
Ify child, aged Bre pain, had scarlet fever, and for
Ave days bad con%taut fever. By order of the doctor
I gave her syrup of rhubarb; she took nearly a pint,
but her bowels continued closed. On the Oftli day
the doctor said her bowels must be opened or she
moalstbm loft I proposal Himagristles liwIls; to this
he would not convent—sayiag she was too weak. 1
consulted with my husband. sad we concluded to give
her three pills. lu about four boors they operated,
Kling belt full acommonchember. After that opera
tion the fever left her, and she' raYkily recovered.—
Beference, 206 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn.
dprU 1,1614-1 m
J. warranted imparter to any °theist, or ao pay, fur
the cure of Distemper, Worms, : Bete, Coughs, Hide-
Bound, Colds, kc., in Romeo, and Colds, Cough., Loos
of liilk , Black-Tongue, Woo Distemper, kc., in Cat
tle. These 'Powders" were formerly put up by
Iliespeou I. Tobias, non of Dr. Tobias, apd ■lace but
death the demand has beou so great that Dr. Tobias
has continued to manufacture them. They are per
fectly saf e and innocent; ao need of sopping the
working of your animals. They Increase- the -ap
ntlte, give a fine coat, clemso the teemech and art
nary organs, and increase Ilse milk of cows, Try
them, and sou rill never he without them, 001.
Philp P. Bask of the" Jerome Park Race Course,"
Pordham, N. Y , would rot rise theta until he wan
told of what they were composed, •lace which time
he la never w ithout them. He has over treaty run
ning berms in his charge, and for the last three years
Las mei no other medicine. doll Sy Druggists and
Btorektepers throughout the United States. Price,
2.5 ovate per Box. Depot, 10 Park Place, Now York.
April I, 1870—Las
may ensue from tieing preparations for coloring the
hair charged with a:otate of lead and sulphur. You
tuoy kuow them by the heavy turtaille sediment
which hes to he ~bakers up before thedisgulting DO.
pound can be opplltd. Thu -Jourual of Chemistry"
toys there ore thirty of Meat in the na.zrke. There la
but one rip, ciotit ,i 144 no drloteri
ode suLstance, au 1 tlsat I
beeu ciirefoly anal; ze I b ) Pnifaeoir Chit
ton, arid eirolared by him t, coobiiir r, Ind or 811,
other hrirtfol logroillebt. Sie tin rueunteript cer
tificate, at Crlitalozo'ii, 6 Abtor !louse,. New York.
Dre,.ing, :Acre like It charm on the Bair after Dyeing
Try it. [April I, 1870-1 m
Restored to its Original Youthful Color
By Ott , u , o of that S:leutitlc Discovery, called
It .111 make Hair grow upon bald heads, except In
very aged persons, as It tarnishes the nutritive prLoci
ple by which the Lair is nourished and supported.:
It will prevent the heir from tailing out, and does
not stale the skin.
No better evidence of Its superiority need be ad
duced than the fatt_thist so many tositatiens of /tare
of-red to the public.
Our Treatbe on th• Mir sent Ire* by mall.
It. P. HALL & Co , Nashua, N. 11., Proprietors.
saaor tale by •11druggbits
April 1,1870-1 m
To scoots to sell the celebrated WILSON SEWING
MACHINES. The beet machine to the world. Stiktt
‘lll/, On bolt sidet. OSZ SiLCUIIII WiTKOZT MOCIT. /or
further particulars, address 25N. !th St, Phllad'a,Pa.
April 1,11170-3 in
For Store fronts. Asylums, Ac„.; Iron Bedsteads,
Wire Webbing (or Sheepand Poultry Yards; Brassand
Iron Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fender. Screens for Coal,
Ores, Saud, Ac., Heavy Crimped Cloth for Spark
Arresters; Laudscapc Wires for windows, Ac.; Piggies,
utakers'Wires.Ornantental WireWork,ke. ltveryinv
formation by addrestiox the manufacturers. Y.
WALKER A SONS, No. II North Sixth •t.,
delphis. [Feb. 11 , 1870.-ly
There can be nothing that will plata' the ladle*
Trotter than a gl , Alnrticle, which is needed in every
family for every day's ma. Bach an article la KEYES'
AldsarcAN TALLOW SOAP, recommend
ed for the following purposed: For General House-
Aoid L'se. For the Toilet. For the Laundry. ?hr
Chapped Ba4tds , do. Bold by all Grocer. and Store
keepers everywhere.
NATHAN FRICK, Sole Agent, No. 312 North Fron
*treat, Phlladelphi4.
Feb. 11. 1017 —6
DUBLIIMIED for the litmallt of young to..ess sad
others who suffer from Nervous Debility, etc.,
supplying the mean► of self-core. Written by one
who cored himself: and sent free on receiving a port
paid directed envelops. Address
Dee. 24, 1869.-6 m
A gentleman who suffered for years from nervous
Debility, Pr ature Decay, and all the effects of
youthful iserctlon, will, for the sake of suffering
hum y, send Cr.. to ell who need It, the receipt and
d tions for making the simple remedy by which ho
'was cured Sufferer. wishing to profit by the adver
tiser's experience, can do so by addresitng, In peripet
confidenet. JOHN B. OGDEN,
N 0.4 Cedar•trset, New Y0rk...1
Hay 14, ISOR.--ly
The Advertiser, having been restored to health In •
few weeks, by • very simple remedy, atter bar - Ingle .
fered several years with • severe lung affection, and
that dread disease, Coosomption—ts Anzio= to make
known to his follow•eafferers the means of care.
To all wbo desire it, he will sends copy of the pre
ecrlp don need (free of charge), with the directions for
preparlm and Luisa the same. Which they will Gad •
rare CuoVfor Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc.
The object of the advertiser In sending the Preserip.
t los la to benefit the afflicted, and spread in.:W=4km
whiCh he conceives to be invaluable; aad be hopes ev.
cry sufferer will try his remedy, 114 it will coot them
nothing, and may prove a blesalag:
Parties wishing the prescription will plateau/dram
Williamaburg, inks conaty, New York.
May 14,1869.-1 y
seamed with the utmost eacieem, by .1. 1nane,1111 . ,4
ami Professore( Damien of the Nye and Ear,l ,
specialty) to the Medical Cbtlefie of ihnnsy/oansa, 12
years ex (formerly of Leyden Rolland,) No.
sub Arch street Phi l a Testimonials be mew al
his office. The medical faculty area:Mud to spoon.
pony their patients, as he has no secrete in his pry:-
Um- Artificial eyes Inserted without pain. No
charge ibr examination. j.March 1670—1 y
eaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, will cure Con
sumption, Liver Complaint, and Dyspepsie, if taken
according to direction•. They are all three to be ta
ken at the same time, They cleanse the stomach, re
lax the new, and put it to work; then the appetite
beeornel good; the food digests and makes good blood ;
the patient begins to grow in flesh ; the diseased mat
ter ripens in the longs ' and the patient outgrows the
disease and gets well. Thus Is the only way to core
To thee. three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenck, of
Philadelphia, owes his unrivelled unscrew In the tree&
meta of pulmonary consumption. The Pulmonio
Syrup ripens the morbid matter In the lungs, nature
throws it off by an easy expectoration, for when the
phlegm or matter is ripe, • slight cough will throw it
heal sod the patient bas rest and the lunge begin to
To do tab. the Seaweed Tonle and Mandrake Pllla
wait be freely need toeless.* the stomach and lhir,
so that Moe Pelamb. Syrup and al. pad will make
rood blood.
Ileherick'm MandrakePilla act upon the Mir, ew ,
moving all obstructions, relax the duct, of the gall
bladder, the bile Marta bladder, freely, vidl tlfs, liver is moo
relieved ; the stool. will show what the Pill, can do
nothing has ever been Invented except calomel
deadly poison which le very dangerous to nee Cale
with great care), that will unlock the iitill-tiladde
and Mart the secretions of the liver like -
m ui g r age Pills.
00 1 1110 Wit is one of the most prowls
sums of Consumption.
Sabenck's Saiiid Tonic is a gentle stimulant sad
alterative. aod tko alkali In the Seaweed, whicb this
preparation Is made of, assists the stomach to throw
out t. l Uprite juice to dissolve the Lod with lb.
pplowc Syrup, and it is made Into good blood with
out imitation or searing in the stomach.
The great reason why physicians do not taro coo
"unpin is, do the try to too much; they mi.
ado, to sum the y
moth to tip chili to stop sir
sr gat
mini, hectic ifter, and by so doing they derange the
whole digestive powers, locking up the secretion'
and evattnalft the patient sinks and dim.
Dr. Schenck, in kin treatment, does not try to stop
s cough, night sweats, chili or beer. $113110t• the
kprose, had they will all stop of their own accord.—
To pus can be cored of Consumption Liver &on
, plaht, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Canker, Ulc erated Throe. t
unbolt tints; and stotnacharo sleds healthy. , •
If a person Sc. oaturtnapheri, of coarse du=
some was are dirtied, either tubercle%
bronchial irritation, pleura adbesion, or the lump at
a cam ofiellammation and isin deas elpg. In es*
gime what/east le diet It host ply tae lhgp
, that are wasting, but it Is the whole body. The
shim* Ind UM:ire lit theft power tomitkobiset
oat of food. Now the only chance Is to take Schoiell
tinge slroilisisse , which wW firths up a teas to lb*
Mimi the Piling hill bight to win hod; ft - irlu
ethpst idly and asks food bleed; Ikea the pattit
bogie to gala la Bak. sail as seen sari body befit
to grow, the hingeommasse a keel up, sad sM ps.
ilmai=zity sad we°. This le the silly way. I!.
Whoa aoloannggdisesssiaad oars Liver Oolth
pp taint aselttilepsia, at's amid TOM and
lfandnk• PIM are sallichat without tas Pelmeekt
. Tie the Mihail Pith =l a u r. all blies
0 as they are verbally
Dr„popeach, who Pa enjoyed
many years feet , and now weighs 2Sli pouade,wat
wield away to
,Pulmonaryainerseilmon,th tas ivy lit Nage
of ,Pulmonary Consumption , him phyoklane hiring
promsaid his chi itopelem and lila/0W hi ft
his !rats. Its was cued by the alimaid
ipd ohm Ith litiv=t , lsounnile
likaileitte Seed ift will the
Isms temaribit suthess. d i = rsai th m. ul atmompeay.
tag sath, !Ste ft not shoplately heemeru7 a, piegem_
ally we J. Suilleack. eider Whets wish eamd,
tan. nat•ll•46 PgrPaetall ry
ally at his Principal es, shilphi every Satur
day. where all lessors advice mast b• addressoc
He Is also paftoesioanily at Ns. ht lead eteeetiNew
York, ovary other Wednesday. !Re girt tornqii_free.
bit for 4 tharlatiii emiedeettea with his neolie
_the Vico is SS. OW • banes et sack city from
ft. to P.M.
:seck iNkill ill.ftl if Per ak* haft " 111" .4 a P iiiitai 1194 . = l e
Pisa& hats abort. .14111:1 all
tteOri . 411011.1104,
Netts' Stacts.
w• have hallo constant me, am elithteett menthe,
tbs beet above mentkraed, and pronoun' a it a per
teetemoess. *jib' obtalosd an agency Oar lb* sale
bt thim Yaocitiove would be pleased In faretsb all
who may valAtlOeu on the boat possible terms.
It operate.
.Bcsith End" Carlisle, P..
April 22
$25.-THR Po Loom zursovinr Sweats-Plea
Dollar Fully /..lag Machlas. The
cheapest not 01... MachTeel& the ltestat. /plats
waisted is awry fawn. Moral avataleekes allowed.
for terms sod circular, addA. 8. Ne omen, Geol.
...n i t No.loo Chestaat et e l , -84
WAIITILD an an NMI Ira eooli
.." - "Vosety is the States. to 4avel sad
take orders by seseph,ser 7111,00117.112,e5d SPICES.
?o tunable Min we urn* glee a glary of *OO 10 $l,-
000 a year, above sterilise and other .spree.,, and •
reasonable ootowlerfoo on oleo.
Immediate appelostkme are *slicks! from proper
parties. Ilatereecee ea:shammed. Apply to, or see
dress Immediately. - .1. P 1022 1 -11 00
BM Bowery, New York.
April 21-4 t
goal, gambit, glut, At.
Cook and Parlor
The latest uud tOlost approved styles
Coal and Lumber
Call it Examine .
Ware Rooms,
15 - 71r1
THE undersigned have entered into
partnership, and under the firm of
BAUM & C.asamair silt carry OD the
Lime - Burning Business )
at Assad It••4—tb•Clettydiurg Liao tb•
tenter of Unread sad Btrattos streets. /armors
sad others ma relay as genial~ the beet of Lime at
all thou, sad at lowest lastkat
Sig•Alaco cceutteatly oa bead Stow sad Blacksmith
at lowest prim.
LIMO sad Coal delivered saywhate IS GM
JACOB 8.111,
Aoril d, I.Blo—tf ,
S. G. COOK •
Hy a large esmortmeut of
He manufactures largely and uses the best materials,
warrants all his work, and malls as cheaply as possible.
Is tact he allows none to undersell him.
Tin Roofing & Spouting
put up at short notice. Job work done quickly and
of the best patterns, warranted to bake sad give
satisfaction la every respect; among which Is the
celebrated PENNSYLVANIA 000 E, a more that
cannot be excelled la baking or to ebeapaama as has
dreds who is. them on. testify Partlmbir &Ws.
Non is called to this store, as it lidoldmally one of the
beet stoves In the market. Also, the NOSLE COOK,
the CONT. NENTAL, sad wear other Piltlionl•
edfoim amass the best la the sextet
Copper, Brass, Iron and
in ending variety, Oeiree-lailla. knouthlolron,
Coal Rackets and Shore* Tea and Table !oons
Knifes and forks, lied may other articles to the
Hardware lice--fa bet about every article vended
lbr kitchen owe.
briloueekeepere and others win tag it ,to their
interest to buy o f his, sake le Materialised to seals
tail, him well-earued reputation br cheapness mil
dealing. . -11.11179.-3 n
has the Largwit anti Bao#.6lolootel Retook 0
•• • .
that ban been brought to Gettysburg this all, sidle
will be sold at the lowest possible rtes.
Oov. 6, 1100.—tt
My &Wire !kook of
Ti v ai rl d otovi= s ivenka r
*pa 1,11111L4f
§nt agudbesiwitK
No. 5 NAililAII &MST, Nr.* Yorai,
The remarkable nieces/11044 attended our rip
llation of W. Law of th. CIITIaL Piaric. Lu..-
awscsai►aar aid the Wznitur Pawn, latllo.lo
CONIPAIII,•ad the repulse') sod credit which *sip/
Leant have maintained In the market., both . Ia ' tile
country and Nueva, hate shows that then/et Mort •
pee hoods at wisely located end beseesibtrenanaged
Itailreada .re pram irtly reesignised and readily talkie'
ea th• moat suitable, sate, and advastaireode form of
fureattaeht ;lidding's non Iberia Mame amyl fan
hereafter be derived (mei flatnoveimeat Boade,. aad
ova/table to take UNA:plat*
♦.nnd that, la the saltation aid anatlattos of
superior Ibllrc•d Loans, w. aro azwtl•g • groat
public want, and eel:Waring a valuable eattlie•—daetit
to the !wider' of Capital aadtatiaeowett National
parka all I improvement whose totting& merit
sad ouhateatial cbaractar entitle mom to the nt• of
Cap I ial and tits coaddence of Intsstois—Ms noir o
kr with spocNl eeekdenee and seekketkin the
Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company:
TAs Meiapeake aad Oltio Railroad, connect toe t
Atlantis cooed end the magnificent harbors of ehe
Cheapp►e Bay with Ilia. River at ►point of re
liable navi.altlon, end the•, tb• entire italltroad
opteto wed water tr.eeportation of the rreet'.Wilet
♦YD WEST TWINY LJNB, so dezimad.
ed for the accommodation of the immense •ad rapid
ly-growiag transportation Latinism Ike AtLeask, goo.
bawd and Europe ou the on. hand, and the great
producing regions of the Ohio ktid Wachslppi Yallge
on the other
017TIAT 12,0311 THE WEST TO TUB RYA magolft“
it Into on• of national consequenco.and It/111r to it
an extensive through tndlle trim the day of Ito
completion; in the de•elopment of the ellen
sive agricalt mil and mineral resource. of Virgin'.
asul Wtot Virginia, it ponsauta, along Its otra liw
the elements of • large and prontablit Load butanes.
rhos the grad latersets, both general and *eat
which demand the complotkni of the Cisetizet
Axe Otno Newton) to the Obio RITA', afford tb•
surest guars', tee of Its stirrer mail vsime, and AIX-
a 111018 Ili 11118 COUNTIT
Its superiority es as ;ad end West route, and th►
promise of sti inacease yd prolltabiettetiessreititts
Its completion, hams draws to It the ettestkes
so-opsestion of prominent Capitalist sad Rallmatt
man of this City of sound Judgment and. known to
tegrity, whams oonseetkrn with it, together Ida that
of eminent citizens and butanes won of Thiginia and
WeatTissinik MUMS A12111a13211110, HONOIt
-4111L1, AND 11170011&81IIL MANAGNYI/IT.
The Road I. complotool and In operation from RIM-
Bond to the celebreted ihla Sulphas. Springs of
Tad 'Vireo* 727 miles, and there remain but tin
miler (now partially constructed) to be; complated,
carry It to the propoeed terminus on tbe..oitio river
at, or near, the mouth tit . the lig Seedy river, 1.50
miles above Cincinnati, and $U miles below Pitts—
Linea aro now projected or in proves. throegatHdo
and Kentucky to this point. which will connect the
castarspcs AND OHIO WITH TH3 Kermit.
Itsira!noble frsachises sad superior idmata‘es
will plow the Cnuatun LID 0/130 RAIL/CUD COM-
WIT &man the richest sad most powerful sad thug
worthy asrpeations of the madly ; AND MIRE
Tbh doiaDo of the Loma bate boos wirsapit with
'pedal roiliest* to tio - tranto of olk doom of igiottr
an, and onablne the micas Wares of coat o,
smarty, and Prot Mks &Wise lot of fraud.
The Benda are In denaminatioad of
$1000,4,500, and $lOO.
,They am b. famood as Campos Ards, payable to
Bearer, aad may bo bold ht Lima Ohm; or
no Bond may be repieterad to the same of the
ownet, with th • coiaponszeseatedag pitiable to benger
atnittied, the principal being then trianiderable only
on the book, of the Company, unison reassigned to
bearer: or
The conpose Duly be detailed and cancelled, tla•
Dead wade a persionest legisterni Bend, truiesihr
able only on the books of the Company, and die in,.
Wrest marls payable only to the registered miner or
kW attorney
Tha thqw clamor will be knows nepeatlyelj as r
let. 'COUPON BUDS PATABLI TO 1111.1tig,'"
9d. "aitensTlazD!KMDll WITH 00IITONS AT.
- ad. ' , REGISTEILSD BONDS WITH 00111 , 01111
TACKED." and should b• so Sootpiatoel by Corns
ipondenta In specifying ilioiloao of loath desired..
Thsp luvre TRIM YUIIII to MI frost Jaw"
11,140, with tittered at ski per mit. per *w
trait November 1,1119. haratis Juts mem, PAT-
LIU II 001 D II Tn 11111 T 01131, X.
The Wawa la peril, de Is Ktz sei icnnuom, that
It may take Una plasoarf ika of UN asellar lama' al
!ha-Twentlaa aadaalt flisaaavealasoe stew Memo
wlhe already bald Clialzal- sad Wagers Paadde Pawl{
wltk !Elena* pryabl•la Ammar, and Jody, sad lam
may disbar la mak*, addltieaal lalesatiaaallik
bare their Mama raaelvalala at indlaread mum oil
tie year. - .
The Lora is wired by • asoripege wpm tlO Who
Ltas *flora beer pariregurt *elk aillea!!!!,, Wide
the opdparoor sad allotboic property sad appertsa.
awes ooasseted thaterithi j•
Akithise Amid qt 0 06 , 401 .14. 4 1~ed
fir a* rokstsike qf ihaftsis. $0 44411101 Wm;
Odra. ameirmagi tf lag 2.44. •
Tho norting• is foN AMON" of slink Knee
000 wins swirl WI UM finis! for es sdi p;
Inn of voldnieng Besse of es PlSseis Ciatiosi
/Gana Cbuipessr,. now 'gimp& hi ms CiounAgi
MED ens.
Of laio rua a / a lag $1,16000410h, • oallolost anaosa;
will Do sold to amploto the road to las MD itwor
ported sad haproro the patios mow la oporatiou;
had thoroughly equip the whole lb:.a largelooll adios
The prated Idol is IS sad eeelihil *PBC
♦ Lost' so wooly meessei, est eerahlty guarded, saute
so outgo bend* to oommtool a iiimehteht place;.
melon the herotite opearitlee Is the market', heal
el this Choativ sad Beristo, will be at owe apieseh,i
tad sail ilium, rinerbo.• '
• Very rar♦aethW.
r. L—W. bare Loud piampilloM sastatataig am:
pasticalma ststiotkal dotarA„ . u" GM" width
fitaithel saes apalleotaos. ;
111.. We hey sal mil dkereramoet Dasia. sad
oohs t. ocessats of Beaks, 'Makers, Oceponlisao„,
sad . Mims% WOW to amok et olakt„ sad slim *Mo.
ISM ea airily beleaose Oar. 4.111116.4“ a 1
/Omar, 16th, 1870
lte 'Mier
TIIINGTON,. Secrets:l , 4 ot lb
Charities, made a brief vie
t. ibis week, visiting the .
County Prison. He 14.9
LAND . SAL,EB.4 . Tb•
is directed to the advert
McCreary, Emu, Alt
offering fersnie valiant*
building lots between - Oet
Springs Hotel.
riqatate us kr coy that th
prestehing at St. Mar
church, next Sunday, akb
attending thie.o•Bls '
nary of ,(inn', atl
DEATH.-Mrs. Anibal"
J. B. Anthony, poudor .
Chnroh at York Spring";
lad week. She had Nat
health for some years,
to York Springs batik feW i
death. Rev. Dr. Brown
end discourse.
core of the Grand Ett- •
sylvania are on a tour of in
this jurisdiction, and Will
of Union and Lincoln.
Gettysburg, on Saturday, •
eight o'clock, in Odd Vet
who are member, of the • ,
art invited present
Monday evening, Rev. Dv.i
tysburg, delivered a very
address to the citizens of
subject' of Temperance, in
eran Church. The doctor
length on the evils of in
methods best adapted to
progress, during which ha
♦iced attention of ihe kip
tendance. —LiellestotOn 1.
following gentlemen were,
of the York and Getty.
Road Company
Preelden t—aoseph Sin
Treaau rei—J. Curl.
Managers—Samuel S. H
Charles Spangler, George
Rimes, J. H. McClellan.
A dividend of $2 per •
been declared, pays Me on
the Paper Trade • •
lar is to be followed by "th
petticoats, which are either
itation of faablonable h t
stamped out with open wet
and delicacy u no unoun
scl.asors and needle con!lt
that, too, at the trifling -
...cents apiece ; 60 that'men'
eat get their angels a sprit'
•,Springli frotel will °pea lb
guest% OR the Tat of May, u
intendenoe of Mr. Moppet,
excellent lady has had
the management of find •
hoarding-houses. Materiel
will be made on the groan
tton n( btl ed rooms,
bathw, le charges w
and sls per week. We a
Mr. Hopped; bait already •
bet of applications for roo
We underst Ind also
and shipment of the Ka
have been resumed.
1. 0. 0. F.—Lost Tuesda
observed throughout the U.
Fellows as a day of -th
accordance with the
Grand Lodge of the Unite
members of Gettyr Lodge,
met in their klail - •
were addressed by Rey. W.
on the history, progress
Order. D. A. Buehler, R.
J. likable, ---- Fleuyperly
and H. B. Woods also -
with personal remtniselen
Mountjoy Bounty cam
verdict under inaeructipne
endint, for the defends:di(
the old School Board, on
sth banes, and for the p • •
Board) on the 3d, 4th and 6
let issue involved the pay...
to .Alfred Berman and' 11300
man drafted men, which the'
proper payments. The 2d
the payment of $269.47 pall'
en for money borrowed to •
which the jury also held to
ment. The 6th issue Invoi
centage allowed the T
Under the ad and 4th Lan-
allowed $21113.22 expenses of
in putting in volunteers, the
that the Board could pay- it
the $3OO bounty to veins
issue involved $lO alleged CO
ey, for which the Treasurer •
Plaintiffs moved fora rule
why judgment should not ba
defendants for Costa—to be it
dttnirrnlt •
Com. vs. Samuel H. Mai)
-Bill ignored by Grand Jay;
B. W. Byer., is pay ma.
Corn. n. Martin C. Ore
gery. Bill Ignored and • •
Nunnemaker, to pay wets.
James Reever vs. Mnuntjo
trtet.—Assomment of dam -
house Ate. After hearing
Conn fized•tbe amount,ot
Com. vs. Wm. F.Rw • „..),
coat, the property of Francis'
Verdict pilty. Seamus, •
Eastern Penitentiary.
COM. re. 81100M1 111111 a.
Battery, on oath of ileitis Hi
not guilty, and County M
COM. vs. Daniel S~
Thompson. Loewy of
eel of Lydia Maul" Verdict,
Com. vs. John Wiloon',
ham, the ,propettr of J. NV,
diet guilty. Sentence,
County Jail.
Com. ve. Rands J.. W
Liquor on
,iltunday.. •
and bNpd lirr, passim*
All the applications for Tai
Restaurant Licenses were' 1:
twb—George W . Rex,
Mel. In the
the bond flied, and Ala the.,
monstrance wu flied. Huth "
were =tinned to lay 4d !Os
In the matter of the InquJ
Elisabeth Dillon, thejery
person of unsotind mind.
NSW 0001)6.—liceeri.
A Bur., York street. oggcet
burg Natkoal /Mk, hare
the cities a saw sagiplyOL
°afters, BlIPPen, Ao., foe
and boys, of the IsMist
materials. Custom-work aka
des' promptly by Um beet"
Prices imply reduced, sod en
unusually low.
'girths: mads.
ataldag, at bar raddesetr.
street, sable of the
prepared to Ambit al use
for ladle' and
si)kr rates.