= the f4ar . and Ststintl. N4*. THE PLOUGH sov's, Pletainstaerm BY PHILIP LEE am a plough-boy, stout and strong, As every furrow ploughed, .4> • And this, the burden of my song, I cove one rich and proud. I.have not houses; wealth or lands, Far better these instead, An honest heart, and willing hsnds, To earn my daily bread. Oh, but a single word impart, ' To show thou dost not.scorn, The bitter throbbings of my heart, May thin be better borne. If thou can'st_but my loye return, (How r'S , s'ould my bosom thrill), Let.bat a simple taper burs, Upon' thy window sill What ! all Is silent, cold wad dark, • And Ipuist let despair Of - ever beliblcrved; but hark A voice breaks on the air. "Who is it with discordant voice, Mika hideous the night, " Yours** oyes phall netksjoice. To see a taper's light. "What ! wed a tilleruf A poor eld buirible Mai,`- ) Whose hands are hard and black with toll, The low of human kind. Take heed unto this warning, then, No further eeektruy facia Or else my father's serving men, Shell:bah thee from. tiMplace.!' : Farewell, iwoud beauty, 4. mai) Thy wrath can well be Slitte, For love is now contempt, and know, Tbfbitter words I satin.- In yonder cottage lives a maid, Though humble, good 'rind fair, If I should ask, I'm not afraid,, But she my - lot would share. CULTIVATE PLOWEZS. I would cultivate in children a love for flowers, and give them hemline An ten to care for, as Soon as they are gik pable of doing so, It Is a. work that tends to beget k indness aratteadent of fliellikg, and will lead,theifi:to leadg to be good and lovely, tender and -gen tleAnlyord and deed.. Who would in 4 dutips in anger among dowers ? • , Every Farmer's wife should have a few plants or at least one, to cherbsh and loye. , It would liglgep#o , gunick labor, and relieve her greater care, and often aooth her 'perturbs* feellingcsfo give It merely a look, a thOught, a draugbtot water in Its need—to watok its growth and catch the fragrance ot its opening petals. Perchance I hear 'one say, "I have no time to spend in -that way I have to work, wbrk, float morning Lill night, amigo to beil much left unfinished." Well, I know how that is, having had some experi ence in that line ; but the worst part of the matter is, that the spirit, the tenr per is so worried and fretted. By all means calm that, though no work be done for a week; attend .to , your Sow: erg f" they have a soothing infittenoe.- 1 Your "husband does not care how hard you work, nor how tired" you are?— Well, he truly doesn't know—but then It is not likely he will kaow-; abd this sin of Ignorance iri him bad better be winked at than fretted over. say cultivate plants and Bower; let no day pant without listening, quietly, at• 'tentively to their whispering voices, 'and in your silent communings with them, learn to "Bless 9od for flowers, Tor thebright, Settle; *meth' the , lirelithe. From out-their -odorous beauty, like a wreath Qt supdanoto life's home." . ; A YOWWWmito him the wadi; Who had never seen any fishballs, handed one to his lady-love under the impres sion it was a doughnut ; after breaking his open lie carefully examined it, theri smelt it, and with sepulchu.nd voice said : "Sal ! don't eat that doughnut, there's something dead in this!" orriciuk..L DIKECTORY CO ONTI 0111r/Clllll. Pr as id n tin dem—Bober tJ. Maher . Associate Assipts.-44wepi.J. Kuhn, Bobort McCurdy Pr otionsotarntob Mclitorn. Jiegisterand Recorder-13anutal Swope. Olerk afthICON4I4I-r4.0 ' MOM • PagriiiAltiarney-2_Wp. . relawarm.—fl. D. tinkled. • • ' - Alker(r—Jpixpb !Clunk. Coroner—Dr. Arreesesr—Jame D. Haller. Cbmnisstenars—Jacob Lott- Moses Hartman. bean nal Alsiaton. Clerk—J. JeNars onMyera. .Consul —Wirt hie 0 1 ,014.. Piittiftisto Atal—Nr.,Sl. W. O. O'Ntiat- _.- Dtreotors of the Poor—Martln Oats, Benjamin Deardorff, L.llmeta.Watiterd—JoausaJohae. Mark —H. A. Pichlag. Treaslarar--Jestob Bannar. CMsia• sat—J.o. Neely. Physician—J. W. O. O'Neal. And itore—Mart I n .11 ) ,Bolliftgar,11116.8•97, David Rhoden. • • • . 1010110101611271121714: Surpass—O. I Buehler. Council—W.B. Hamilton , Blewßopp Abort tate.4l. Asaitat. Mak D. Dapleini. Chsatelel..eikallf iii4NhartAmetaeilt. /thee i r Mrheters.- , Na. Outaa,'W: T. tut; Hiram w „Was. B. ityster, Jacob Auillihilllsesti, A. .YecrolarrTA. 4. gasser. flwenwer - ortnuaza.vAnoxLi sera. ' tasei—Osor .emae rrr.' • .nts!!-Aisagli Ps e il v er• - " tyr k it, bold ra•inet s "Ntri -vor tfiti ert9pm v.sa, 4 ;mr, loth*" liettiorihila ,71Y7 11142.11104 L LUIZ 011 WITTIBMI4I4: - . • eiskikr-43ierite Amok,. 111kr-i- em on ! i i= - 111sahasta. e Throb*, Ulm. IA; • - • John Heti siteorke, Arnold, Job . w;: 2112111 014111 014111.11/Ilf, Provikke4-4.3.311de1t. Atanstery..llllllllll4as Traillisaader 000• an... .111Giss4.41101-41141111 gaff. J. HILL 441111lait SWUM latisALlAliwi Lma& • '411411111 oioorri 10014101 oatraft.f*, Swops, • V 4 ,e , r • a aiklit. al"tilsr• - • • • ward ki sitimmitook. • boatiter-aiolplutt gihtis.,4 *IMP A Nali/810•9 0 01441i. . • - • • • , - UNNOW/MISTT itlIHM11111.110100141%; • tipinillak...bmpi - Rol Rolibst. no• Mirkir4l , l*-41ustio. s • Wltilliellw• arivrastrit.4ionry J. ateldis. • ward G.Sakasitoosk. asaiihn-WILUmsB. Wilsonjllllllam *lll4,gleasi lievitaiklisnotterickpobl, toss 114 U., • , . .11,haittook lorlitisi&-Ir - afta Daggia "OrMlisi7-Joba italtreary. rreasurp.-Jaha Culp. 0. Will Wolin Sapp. 41...7. Ounie. ua SWUM 1..../1141101111800k Ws. A.DlJoaaik. rnpinver-aod 1. Luau. S. B. Raglan, p'irs=r,ll. s.ltasepar.A.Daseaa.ALlF wages eourkirr. • *anew, ewe- . 411. &At " ' Jhafeepeee—a. W. IlloOlentay IL s. A , s. IL igeseill, EL J.llhehleilt.ifehelberget. emettesseenheee. .., agiiietteetereAchett MeOurd7. ilhereterpseitTneesrer—Deeidif Ills. Nett. ascent. ` Testae depart ha h. Y. Lb P.lt. " finite elate P. itt *AIL 14; 'Th. ant end" stakes elate eemasettea. !be Ws. debatigehe_ mileage AO Weehmumpate, the leeettl vela withaathhift" , 21 1. .7 j... =I , e•wors•si•arcua. r.o. o. it-iileal wiliest Quilsle ail itsursuls, , riAn c l i t • . 't a W 1=04 4 ii kar •46%7Zim IF iiil Itsikesdalese r.. ta. trii ir ek 110041: ' Jaireoltilioatl. 0 OIL 441. 01418104 11 4 . rlso,Z 0.0. r.—thiltaltl- Rem skrsoi, every Meaty irreales. os was rriie, ALAI, LO. Ar . 1.-1217100iisaaskr. a Jiai. wary Itsidar sisslaig. , Plat NMI, G. a..0...amt1i isit-amverrlt Alfrior vairkierN,Tfimilitg• witnians. + - le04 , 40(11014. 4 4 Rea•Thriew A.- 1117 , D. NH birdsos by trogissors efOolbire sad Samisery All. , tisvi, ammo ••••amir. me (*MIN I X Wolasellay ersiZ s UIFIN , tfV1 ,.. 011/4 •Thailliellarvies - , .+ES Anslioraisikka..famsf)-14m. Z. Iltl i tt , Than *mum ipari*lpi or , illarsffeadiq. • ~- 7 ' l7. ' .... 7 • ~MO dpiretpa...llsva. H. 0. Oksetas,l. is arnme. iforriede Jobbat '° l6- ' alliglitarmli Iry . P"l* l4, 4 'I" """g* , era irrimohilialgi" h. Musing OA 1 40, OPp $ ulag 1 0400 0 tt • sertilletl4ol4.ll, amie sad ammo' , oirow. I. Ji64,o6"s e . .111,161111,110101145414 - # 1 . ...,=,. ‘, t elSatit ASO JUST THE PLACE. TO GET CH E A.P • 'Boots and loes 1 - _ I WILL DILA, T lilt tqc • • OI BOOTS:AND- SHOES -- .' .•_ COS.T! CALL AND 1111 CONTINCIOr • NO , ptotriqx so wow GOODS! DON'T KIBTAKI TRW !LAO',' ON BA.CrINORZ 1122.1," Beare opposite the CONPILIR Jan. 21, 11170.--ti HATS, OAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Jr., NICENEW SUIT ! I " the kluee P rice. ilt°ll6* Jas. 7,1878.—1 y wwit, Imam WR E ? S. WOLF'S * CLOTHING' STORE , ' hi the Diamoscrigor. of the Square, row 01 017771777410, ooverr 07 ADAM AND STAIN „Dl PINN'A. THAT'S THE PLACE, aise.iiest i Oests Awl I . sase.9l II 1 . . . evetrakeer, 'Drees Osety, Paatideesa, TAMA; -1111Gols,-Wkieellighta, Collars, Neck Tlas, Gloves, Casskorte r nate, Gobs, Reap sad Oboes, Clocks, W5...t0% Jewett', Per -1 NW. FY. Clothes Eruibes, **pet asp, ISeUorgAtmbrelles, . • I saloon elmeesesek eibor.ortb . I deo, ail "toosemerges ••• to tonal." - ea, aoliselos„ bs coordoesd,,bas, end be glad. MONA mob" wino wit *Sol bloat et nuts. tom. s„ . JOSFAt r it JA4J6138, AIERCHANT TAILOR, OaJIigi4II.I3IOLROAMI4I/I,II3TTTSBIIIt,G of Malts trot" oftleo. Jakob. . 44%; t wOottill ROW tidal tile t t r tis . i e Lli!Eik o aesse one =be boo opened 1111171 0 4.. —l-7111 1 1 11 &MX to • alit Otree,aail dirt, ems owl Of ttitZootanstleass, whore to will tree Nappy to watkoo allitturtasypstronlsolia. Itlabtock of CLOTHE, CABBI I IIiIII3, IrIISTINSIII, =mum • tc., Ike., to., Optlipto Itotudeholoo sod oboop—;.toty isdrabla to or tooVltopt. All kinds of Go* for salto—trbither Ito atootdietare or trot. f • ' 11180841 MADE UP wtth' dtspatett, as well trims ae-Ilttat 'other Soren' at Dia mt. ?lie very best - tat be . A pollygoad tits aad istoetautlat prolog 1111 be dilated too m acti . tenable to la every ease. Utast Itlmr Tort loth! ousrevilarly received. Cattlagdanie an uguW• A. share ofrabliepatronste to sollc Red, sad ao • f lett rpaeod to d It. April 111.—tt _ BOOTS' AND MO E& NEW ZS ZABLissms2T.r. pllllankrld s zod ka • arostod • aim • J. • iosaaad Shoo lotabllalnast, on pa lal waautlro Billnsaddiatlea at tyaba rg , where'll • now odors br sale, Boots, Shoes,Gaiters, Slip , Mi t vilviy ,440 1 : `oniarol wannuandaldideow,o datonnlatylaa and tydrwa!nolinsa diaot so near* froal wadi tboanallstpoolta. *011: X 1?0 of Ow bass as& wantinuridno Wary Wart nada to - reader aatadaatkoa. The Winona of Ow yablichi 001111a,arid maw& lemi hie stook or Immo your was.. In olthweanropra owasorlalltobaylnund. July lf .11111.11111. HAS A. NORRI .S HEAD-QUARTERS, On the S. /it Corner itt' Omtre Bquare, GETTTSBIJRG, PA.., the Largest and Best Stooks of Fall & Winter Clothing QA TB AND C A P 8, UM BUT /114111MACTUILIM BOOTS AND ,)-3110ES, also a lamp 'Variety of , Woolen -Under-Clothi.ng watt s large Moortmost of NOTIONS, IMO, Led •rirythiag Itaind In a Gentleman' raasl4l4 Mote. GIVE-VS A CALL. Oat. 1. 1210w•Ali . . 0 4 r11.1 N t , Hats and . • Boots' Shoes. IT,ZW FIRM-I.; CON/AN 4 QUAIgXGALILM H AM:s i urrsolvvil friss tile* , sOir Lars OLOTEENG, • _ OAPS, • - NOTIONS. *c. 11 4 1 "=Z all antetr e t ait i aPthr al ear. r d' lb& irk tiZoido to !pea Wilmot t i sidisy I:X'&sTr . -13 PTV E S evisealallarohnlisito sal stow illiir kszt: a. airwillts‘arttplius s aulirly iia.imiThur tax. uc.l /,' PALL INV WIZftZR p. - L qrftilisT.Ci AT F. etrigiinirGEWlVlOA oppasnz arait 4J Dminas OJ7WI, rAtim,,..,4 ! .b..i "mom MA PA vim; or kts muss iirvinn. Awe, Trunks, F:rakeuas, _ 6 0 1 4 kesisi#Parstr f 80M218; • • IWOOMVIVATCHEIIk !; . A ;ask •sta 101 ," t, , • L,alie inne oil , II iME= HID YOU BUT THAT WHY, A? the very pl►u„ for /011111211 J 1.00311 72Z321 THY LATNIT STTLT.B Of "" ' "l t6a4 h PA. ,i firtionsjtc. aItING Et; Mlit Eß UNITED STATES G - n 0 .EiS !' • AT ARENDTSVILLE, PA TOBIAS R. COVER mew store, in A rendtaaille, has . jut retlettred (rote the city with a splendid es. • eat or T GOODS, GROCXIIIIB, QUZIRIIMARZ - R AKDWAU. to., purchased •ggj elittivlitollk I.•r cash. bur toselleal c h eep. 01,eliar tall audJudge . ;: . COVER. 870. . B. WOODS. Corset Tot* stre•t sad. Dias.: GET F IIBBUI \ Ur, dmilaues loaal DRY GOODS, NEW Fall and Winter Goods AT PETERSBURG, Y. S., PA GBIERT if , 110WE1:.. ._ _. iIIIV'S rooked their NNW FALL AND WINIKit MOW, as excellaat assortment, eelectr•l with ears sadlirill b. sold cheap ibr cash. lighAlve naa tall, and =MUM our Goods. GAIEST it BOW it K. I Oct. 29.1111G44 if ' ' i Agenis for the Grave k Baker Sewing machine J. L. SCHICK has the Largest and Best Selecte lock o DR:Y GOODS DM NOTIONS that hay been Drought to Otysburg this fall, whir Ell be sold at tLs lou4et poulble rat.. Om. 1364 L-Ar $lO,OOO REWARD ! ST'OR'E ENTERED! Robert & Elliott's Store, IN GETTYSIVCrIiG, WAS entered last Week sad a large qnantity o Dry Goods, NOttonsAnimrslWas sand Cannata f taken. The porgies tre well kiewa; but have thus far ee tfir g air . ...eh.. left ereoubseks la exclaimer for The p ea who took the Ekade are 'wry wall oethdled that they received more or better geode far their mousy than they could have sot et say other Sort. Come one I Come all and exaralar oar large assortment of SILKS, GLIVGHAMS, LAWNS, BAREGEAS; ALPACCAS, dce., CLOTHS', . . - cASSADIREB TN EOM; • TRANS, " VWSTINGS, &a. • Also *mot I,lltotiomr, 91auwars, (Itomaimrani, and tridood, •general oureortzeont of everything belonging Ma firat•obrilltare. illtil4llll the plum It opposite the Ocrerabonee, Seltammr• amt. mad that oar motto la, lair Nano' sad thaall Profits. , lApril =ant —I FALL AND WINTER G 0 0 D rtAtnirrffroas sunless hale Jost received a hill suppip ot /ALL AND WINTItit GOODS which their frhiods and the public are limited to ex eadoe. POB LAMBS, " Oar leodlc asaiked Trench 'Marisa% Debbi 04 prekak Bpliagelar, Oedema Oietb, BSleek aal Atoms, Bleak sad /army Bls i labia aid ar aq vanity of Drees _ %oda Abe, Base Ririe, 111 Neck l'ise, ka, ae. Zama ciomaxs, Plala mut /seq. Repellant Clothe, Ise Inumu, Ikrable mid MN. 1111aaket, Snob* sipl i 11 II 8 , II line ailKeialellt and Tory chimp D 0.111 ST IC 3, at lowest rite `lor cian.naiit We hive ►, bantlfal, mithriy of Nal% vid Taney Goods. Also, stun thwief Ohridres'e flenlarts wad Drawers. soli laws mime, • eludes amortmeat et 01 Casement. Caria•te• . ! Taos, ft. Also_ & Mat . Shirts • wl Dtswers,ll6oisdun, Ilsadkutekbei, Yak 170% 001/sis, &a, to. frammik iitgou , - IL • sisal If mot baiter as wadi.: • . . Irsailialk:Saa•esado asaciu ILiTTDIG, orra pad Strew.: Moan 'SLAM% latt. vadity ear lora) fat •o/ 41311111X1rAllS. wine 111.4 L 1111.*Misitaitaid.ltialsaieguivt , Okytaat 788. and at Wrest Nem ; - - 11AMMINITIM r • • WESTERN XprEitnlQN LANDS. I ELYION RIND ♦ 11W TIACT_S • , WM*. 1, .4000.4muirkoriguip. assFil assetasutisito4 .404 *win pitill,«%••1011. immillamilliilitillwllommiregi sit lift pm yi, „ Ad . sivrtial.l4;. •;#6•l4.lLTst 40 • .• : ,40.Alit • • • T1E111144 abuttals% tlos •:Notpoi.tiost it it lha be. iErert Iss ===M:=M !tut BONDS . • ; ' 110D3FIT, SOLD AND NXINIANGItb ON MOST LIBERAL TERM GOLD BOUGHT & SOLD TT MARKET RATES COUPONS CASHED 1870. PACWIC R. R. BOND 4 Bought and Sold STOCKS Bought and Sold •on Commis sion only. Accounts received and Inteient allowed on dally bel,nees'iutleet to check 1)e Haven & tiro. N0.:40 SOUTH 3I STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA larch 4, 1870-17 SAFE AND PROFITABLE INVESTMENT • _if NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY „j 6 Per Cent. Gold Bonds AT PAR AND ACCRUED INTER- EST IN CURRENCY ; PRINCIPLE!, AND INTEREST PAY- ABLE IN GOLD THIRTY YEARS TO RUN All Tarea paid by the Company parsons resossudng Ur. Bonds eon make, by , exebanging, iron' $l5O to $175 on $l,OOO, and get in rrehange ()OLD .130.MDQ bearing Use same rate of interest. For farther Information Inquire at GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK. Feb. 111, 1870.—tf GET'r YSBURG NATIONAL BANK ! GOTKRNM UT 8ONDII;v1 ill klodo,.1•01lti HI sod rk, HIGHEST PRICM /UM paid. un VOLD mad ouoroxi ULBRIIID ox oomurcersD Pereou desiring to Invest in STOCKB er BONDS, of sal Ir-foil,oro Invfted to all, so ire ►are, Um th• 6411111•1 it Now Tart, Phtladolphia-er Baltimore 'merkeu. boasecpattly all orders •rr promptly esosated Pocono powering 00 UPON BOND*, and desiring for safety tocou'rert Into Rpglstered, are requested to e 111, Akers have the advantage to tremor. at traitor expease;,ll tNTKRN AL RIVINUN of all denostua- INTEZEST ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced 6 Pint OMNI. for I year, 4 PIM OUT. for ao■thy S PIA CILIRT. for S *oaths t.,00U *taking. latonsatim in rogue to II load", sud.iltocks au kind; ars requested to glie U a eallaad we win ehaerfally give r fonlifton golt i filmig. No•. 4,941 W FIRST NATION4I. BASK 0/ t . rtit ALRAG' ELM Utmost oa 1 1 PROLkirDIPOSrfill as Mow, I „,. .10 WT. Pr, tiftrik , ;• 0011/OIIIIIMMILIIIIT sarecuti 12E1 sv als fremptabs opmaas• °run STOOLS ' erykiall ige as Clanalideivia4 TO entem• ray iip , auman mos hr GOLD AND BILVRB, arkarlamare bassist all hams pali lailaaprapailidalagOawillrair9stMW AVIOLD; Oesier " 4 Ilikirbierjralf iv Mr J. EMORY BUR, al/40r SOLD etc rem ileum 1 per 4,[114, J. 11111014 1141 E, Cub ,atAfilfir..o *Mein; =7 inorALL- . I aAre , Rxmormo re North-wct ri er, pf ; centre Square, - Getys, but, PEC',° abets labail be bappi4 ;oraltapon all nay old_Cua tomere aed tll idle pow for rerkoryb a 911. Ricci t id ITh4 kißoCt of` t GROCER. ES,; LIO'O77O.NS, I ha'''. added QbEENSWARE, FIRE PROOF ARD GLASS-WARS, all of wbicli I lierlia the public to aill t aed exsaatplP. AMOS yam , . March 25, 1670—t. VV M. J. MARTIN, (rli , ;,al ;Lnd Retell Dee ; JR 0 CER.I.ES .121.1) LIQUORS . A refire hStnt 41rocerlei OM I *Il s.UInR Cheap .' for CO. CROICE . 141(411()ItS,, r Old lige Whißky eight years 014.. Very Old French Brandy. ALL OTHER KlNns LIQUOIII3,. A general saaortteent of HITTERS, amour; which la ehler'n Herb bitten. are Liquors for Medical:pur x poses at Wit. J. WARM'S- Table Cutlery, Glassware, Queens- WARN., .1,, ea WM. J. )141t172V8. April :30. 1869 WM. BUYER SON, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, NOTION .rOßA.uuos-;, 41,801 Stone, Wooden and fri/low Waite. , SatbA general assortment of all Goods usually keptin a FAMILY GROCERY. Dee. 4, 1687.-t, BARGAI NS at the new G ROC ER .Y UETTYSBURG. JACOB IV. OMB HAVINCI ipencd a'neve Orotery,ln Clettyiburg.o• the ill:4111.1.Na copier et the Public square, aupleoldbl misebrtmlioliff PlI t ICSO • ( it CER .1 E IncluditiK Bng•re, coffee, Muiu.e•, syrup, dtd rel.:Mbar-co, ialt, fiefi, It•n•,Bl3oll.l4ere, 41. QUEENSWARE, C . ONFETTIONS Nuts,Prolts,Vosporaneylrttcle.oodlifotleup ?comer alp We .111 •Isokeep on bend FLOUR rztn . STUFFS. Quilts poreeased (or /oto pcopared to sell very cheap ClVf sor.etial I elvi /wigs for vote: selves. Sept •/b.Pitl7.-t: J. W. CRESS. GROCERY. WWI P.. MICALS lIAS OPENND A Groclq - y 7 egeta i hle and Notion Store athla raaidearraitiolaingStealt A Aro:Oren , tarhat yard, ht. , . EAST YORK STREET where he t• pespared to eel U dinar . xi the ehespee savtbing in lifeline.' Give nec eta March lii.ll49—tf • PbaTtèllsL EI4TAHLISUP.O 18.16 TIPTON & MYERS' EXCELSIOR GALLERIES YORK STREET, GETTYSBURG, PENN' A. PICTORMS OF ALL STYLLS. Views of thefßatqe-field. Stud Stamp for Catalogue leitAittEti, ALBUMEN &c., ..dm SS.II•Is Agouti for BallabY ard P.tent Revolvt.g D.c. 3, ISAl—tf HOLIDAYS! NEW FIR 1! 'ine entescrlbers having gained Into partaersht la I the PUOTOGItaPHIO 111:181.11288, at the Id a.saa or extant &Oa.; Italgtawee *root. Oettysbnn,,tt ll [[ 77 t (nearly opposite Fahneetaelte' Store), where they, always be prepared to takada the best style, PHOTOGRAPHS, AHBROTYPEB4 B4N TONS, CARTE,SJHPERIELS, AN ALL OTHER BTYL,ES, 4ksatutri.fAeB l :oll 9 / 4 Arf B y/tO• I .‘ In areal variety eenstantilin atal 4 ht" ,ollB thlag us* esti, everything done to please au tomer' and et!! saw T yAt. SNIDEtti: JACOB PENS! ,tottiOinidStol44 l ol; ' 1 4 , E L o : 1 reeldargeeg . and asestesiiigairdinneitt Nov. 10, 1869.—tf tk ITT !BB lIILO, **mut o arisegisautiaan wksanwir ois slain. 10454r.i rAVg, '191.61°,46A. ilfirA*o44llnr,,fitifiikel s • th• De?ot, on =flys' asillerfltal SOV: Trans. Clar4iiiigiptergillresi 11 / 1 1 _4 , 4ll l9 harlt•fr Mane. Int T •, . . ',Go24 l 7oBgatio Par :‘O. 1117/11Ei ;PR6PRilti/4314. Vs -- - • N: o :l97,,tr*lf. THIS is iiew Hinumi sittkiebeen Itt.4 111€12-Mr?Nrl-.. Ii ilOll4lOll I 1111111.111 d asoLsourreideas fit atitha stikettieettetittt.4 6 l l ii`•*iii.,"44 • IlliellthasbeeassdairtheiteenA tow et e poste, witk!saisdastdgbailiiallillhiv 1 16 XPAriiioi;4l airsi4,Zii,i,ll;a4lo,o44 oth Its, ever y intlsotrely;ipellidreC'tiiiiE° aurora for ties& t t ilitiasatettbov.pli t r e cimuyseu•surkiwit4P4OPits,""ka. : ' 1 *A.7. 1 # 8 P . " l '''' ' '''' • - 1.. 1.... . . , 11"4"01Mitrar DAWMOMMk . Jsi*Uk•ff metisakitig G r ErrESTMAG tall; 801 4 D.1: TIME TABLE. PII2BT pitAlll J G •Mysburf , •t:840, .M 214:1 . 0128W., 82 IfAaaver I ugiforth, passimage2! resektimmtlmjnomm 461 -,;14 1 P1 m,,lfmti§burvie RhuadaSktliat '4 lP P.M.: lotraraing,arrivaid. Mf814,72M8421212,147**; M., ttl t hpaammgwalesaulielihnoir% JIIIMPW II32 II.**. 8 NCON DTR INtst? rU ttyrbtltl i 245P.M sad cJanoCti 'lst "I.lincrre2 Mai Train 20utls at 4 421'. St,;:tenching Ihittiimire ii 723 P. 31. Rdtunging 'Airless •CM4lttiiiikri'at ag . 4 . 4 ,%.ierirere lron. UMW* a A PesTuriseilliVailawi irLuse ng al ti; tiorreight crab', malice 11 sy 2 stil 124)=.41 ( A.- NE - reibebittaatott‘thirg ar4llll, 4 A i r, Harrisburg IN 01,6.1, A. ,M., , Pflobt ;4,2 reach (16119.4914 b,y 10.26 ,Phe #41411, , 12.1 / 0, Wit laa2ori.(lo4sbari 2 P. 11., ruscliingtbe Juni:llu¢ at 6.2:,„ 4.) v. ttl, 11:199 Ret ks)iiii atil:fa WINTER ARRLOIGEMENT, AroynA 3 .2ith, • , i f . 0 ..-. r, 0.0 real ttnak l t its (real/4.Borib 1 nit Mertillweet for. Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottrrille, Tamaqua, Askland,dhassollidn, Lebanon, AMentnato, Easton, En Arata.i.itist, Lanonater,Cobunids,. Ac. i -..-. Tralneletive Iliirriebnrg for New York,alkilismo: At 6.35, 8.10 A. M. 4 12.10 soon, and 106 P. M., con. g Dec tin g wt thalami tar.gralla• 00 Pesus g hlui l l i•i l lage and arriving se New York at 19.16 meow RA, 0.60 10.00,P. M., respectively. Sleeping Car. accent tite.'646 A. 14., and L'A 20 sane Trains' wit t clause. • . .- . Atmarsing: learealiew York at 9.60 A. M. /she nossiesudA.oo P. M., Pilladelp ids si $.15 A. 414 *ad 3.30 P.M. Slairplag Cara accesposs tbak 41.190 AL M. end 6.00 P. M.isains Mont li ew I arkwillont alas.,. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pettaville,Tunser qua, Mineasville, Asbiand, ilbansokin, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 A...K., 246 and 4.10 P. M. stopping at Lebanon and priucipal way Rations; 1.10.1. M. Ivan connecting,for Philadel. Elia, Pottsville and Celaniliga only. 'a ilort lint . , tarn'', ‘nchuyik ill Halea m e dil., 'lit Fghgatill and Buequebanna Rail Road, tear • Ha rr.sburg .1340 P.M. ' .• May Passengeri raft. Lantos Plilladelplila a 6 410 A. 18.,connelingorith similar Ulla on Nast Penis. Railroad, returning Cron. Reading at 0.31 P. M., stopping at all Stations. • Leave Pottsville at 5.40 and 6.00 A. M.,anid $3 2 t 11., Horn ion at 9 30 A.M. Shamokin at 6.40 End TO. A. AL„ Ashland at 7.05 A . 31.,•nd12.30 noon, Tamaqua at 0.33 A, M.,and 140 P. I, tar Phtkagsdpirja and •biew York. Leave Puttivale,ria.iebaylkil land 3 usquehauas alifiroadatlkle A.. IL for Harrisburg aid US. A: 11. fur Pin*Oro•e and Trasuunt. Reading avooatmodatlau Xraigeetrataß• l 4o l 4 l l. at Irf4o A. psalms !toadleig at r... 1 0 -46.4 1 .4 arsiving at Pail.dalphi• •t 10146 A. M. , Itaturatug, loaves Philadelphia at t.{s P. M., pawn`` Zeadlos at 7 40 P. M., arriving at Pettsvalle at 11.30 P. Y. Pot taiawr • iLoceamatadatlon Trate, lesapa Pot ta tweru•t 6.4 i A. It, •etttralais4aas•llPhlladelphi• at COO P.M Columbia Railroad Trait. leaveßsiellect stl.l6A. )1. and 8.16 P. M. for Spkrate,ls, Lancaster, Ckrbledbp: • kidlealtitißoatiPrelmieleslaterkladdlealidia• ties et 9.00 .. Si., 300 sad 5.30 P. 111.• returning, leire•liabcrtillitelltie at. 8.616. 1 1- )1, 841 fle t and 4.1.5 P. St ctiliztoctitig vitt similar *Elate* Read. lei Rail Road. tiolebrookdale Reilroa lv d Tritium leave Pottetoir et L a .4 , 6 . 40 p„ , wigwam .386ee POtaulatat T AD aad .11S9 ni. - 4, 111 11•*5leg *jib chniter trnineou Reading Railroad. Clieator Valley Railroad Train. Aiwa Bridgayiest at 11X1 A. lit., 246 astls.llo P. 11.,_ridlirlittig, have Duaralagtown at 6.30 A. V. 12-45 LW n and 5.15 P. eolinecilarwillaaissliaC tratits an Itaddlogßadi. road Oa 8n oda 7e s Ware New York at 3.00 aid Loup. N., Philadelphia at 11.00 A.M. and I.ls P. Il..o(the 0.00 A . N. Train rooming only to.lierallettalroaro Pottsville at 8.00 A:11.. 11..nriabarg at AM A. IA. end 4r.tilP. 11.,and Beading at 7.18 A.M.—and 10 06 P. M. for ifareletiorg , at t.237A, ii..dot s.w York, area 9,10 A. Y. sod 4.26 P.M. torJthiladelphia.. , . Comitiotstio ii. Ileage ,Boaataa,Sebiro) sit/ Ilacur. riot Ticket', to•ad Croat all poltits.a t reduc•d Rates. Baggage checked ehraairiti 100 pentode Hotrod •arl,Pftspengol • . U A. NICOLLB. i•ursiiupedntesdtmj tenth'. g. Juc.4l. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. OD sod aftor Nor. 15, I , loll,Yralava o Eloouvor lovelloa ao LEAVE NOR?Hwptv , 1•.2 leor Williolosp r ose, deity (except 8 amiss') for Elmira, ROdleester,_Roffeelo, Sing•raralle and Eri•Jead 12.27 a. . lot Elmira, Dollalo,'Ao; LIE p. m.—Dsil2o 3 o•o l lel"ToO fur WlikkosPort and NAIL SAL p. st.—Dskr(elospeSeugelya)for .Vork. 10.03 p. m.—Dally(eicept Ssodaaro) for Ilerrisbeirg and the West. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 7.07 a. t oDatlyftopp(,Qat Perkion only. 7.82 a. Ilete4oyo stopping at all Stations. 12.11 p. stopping at rertiossi4e., I. p. m--Daily (esceptSus. der , .teppisni al coo only. 4.4/P•tn•—nall7 Oilleopt sm.% y 46uppir6•60.16 KDW. R. YOt I lieln.eo/1/ .46•41 flair hallinierriellg--. ==i .} A:NNSYLVALNIA CAZITRIII. . , _.. iLIALII,OAD. Duakistreak SWIM. riumfaup element - Dlti twiellib. ape Pittsburg.' Traialleetl of Gott. 'berg make tb. following .onnections with tbsiaTirligll l / 1 1114 - F: ' Gettysburg leave at 11.1 e a-te • A-. IDA p. t0....1 I. iii.verJunrtiou Arrive letitt, . • . lee " leave ' 1038 “ . , 941$ Harrisburg .) orris t 12.86 p . t.. 11.1 E ... . leave 1'."..;43 .. 2.21 .. es. Plabedidgbla. - c• anis. 11.46 " &SO iterciaberg leave 1.15 " 12.10 s I Pittsburg •rrl•e 1.34 a. se: : 040 . . At Philadelphia class connections 111 0 Nadi *1 the trains for New York, 8.0.4441 and all_lteltotit , Pities. A t Pittsburg connections sirs mate let atr ial, Onion Depot elle ter trains tog otl 7 / 1 ( 1 10111 valeta. . MY et foe I b est nfornial to Lapp!) to VOW ARP D. WILLLA./it', } tian A nperintendiont, Altovisa, fa. . II rat, W. laWlll l / 1 1K11. Soo. Pasorceer and Tkits. Alten t .1' bilau..lo. Gk. . Pia; 14..11tri11,4 NEES Gtutry stablts. WEAVER & Livery, Sales k r Exchang • Washington at., Gettystatri ..-. • r l l AKE pleasure - fu' atkloan ing thitpublic that theY thme than .ter to supply the p styist said kind. of col:m*l4olmsCoq be Wt a nose cams livery. Their Horses, Ita. - anit. cams* he beat by any mantilla= tat in the tom Is prig.'" they defy competition. Horse& and Mules bought And mold, on roulosabls turps GIVE US A CALL. THE- uudersipe,4 is desirous of clot/1,4'0p bill old aeceauts, atul would ask • . those Indebbet Milian awl settle Ike maw. Me • , .' will be found St ibeabove stablessad all - preemie la *ebbed ate: *intently requested to all sad KM, their amounts. NWHOLLEWLLITXIt. , Dec. 3, 1360.-tf . . MG'S' - LIVVRI . . ,Erthaw +bu i• ' . - • - 4 .4 A t 'clittiMalrilitir: Bug, 1 1 =06, and on=sind _.•7lLf. f't• ocean \IA tide" • Wit • r Lt- . ',... ..; , ::.Y.4:1 ';f,,,ik k , _ Dugglesi- %Amara., Light liVag,kat, . . . Or ch. Wag styli', saki oit to isiot mad. Or heroin are oat; without I • Ilratlitall .4 ot. WI A , .' •, par in can ;imps seem winforiable ell Welshed. Tr 111111Ola' tililltemilb =beimeibibmentheiblideTi antral and nspinednidr,PllMl., - d Swim beihi.o.emaliemmegeiwi claim in barpetes gime. Oats. . _ L mod so ensiblidd 1 .5:: .1.4 - 7: ! #:.0...9t1 10%.4 ii.' - iliegieftekieilintoeginn , , :dm :iftigewpbi Ire hliebeeemitir .% $llOlOOl bet, Wily and by feralahing impeder en, we ameothill to pleseeeterzene Wbe oar ""kaie D " a -atillai IL racromicp Doe. M. MO _ _ . =II H,QTE:L: OM ri,. INCE Ada) . Sea a goOd itima 01' Ragatfst arRICAN' Wanlilibly Cittagft. .. _ iti':: . : Nevi 1•, 1.116.—1h0 4na Al triutt 1.. It Sul .1 IV I.NT.EIt SCHEDULE. STABLES, Take Notice. 1,.. •i illi jfl• joURNITURE ROOMS, OET'.VYSBURG, PA WA l liii' 4 Eß - 4 "CO. INVITE olisObtVatteattost tb. a Wt. larga;avourtment I, of Household Iforalturo, all of the Oast make and latest styles, which they are senior et City prices._ COTP,I'A.,(4k.; SUITS, WNWNaI* UNDIMBAD; 411111XLIT, -WASII-111TAXII; T4l.lllLk. NOUS P. WISF. NOCIIISR, duA TtrWrt`tAClE"-. , ma. lbw a 1131). - . PARLOR & CHAMpERFtItNiTURE, ME - 9 4tHLUNtamilifiEgrnte". gird " '4l l l Seti llUlti""A V l P . M r Ap o rleg is, A . ,L , T A NAVA4II.II.I . AGMAIT .; EBY BRA . sod mk4otror , 3norisrept 01 AbGELiditii(TU - St GOODS TUCICER SPRING- BOTTOM Call and, Examine ! South-east cornet. of Centre, Square. Oct. 22, 1869.,-7-tf TYNDALE, MlTelitLVez 'WOLF, China, Mass and Earthen-ware, 'N'O. 707 CrIESTNI7T STREET, PHIL4 I 2EZPITIA,' Fine Parisian Ganite, notest stoneware le the mantel, sell at for prime varior Net — - WAFT % #IIENC - 11` CHINA, - b Qty., beet shapes and it, le. Decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets in great variety. ENGRAVED ON TILE PIiEMISES, AAW COf6.A. D BCOR A TED tither in josii to or potatcs in Ks, Ns the beef stameer .VIR2I' CLASS GOOLe ONLY and LOWEST CASH Letitia 4.,f ic.luirj is regard to prices, fie:, "of pods,Apraopily sowNerWl. 'RING'S VEGETABLE A 111B.ROSIA. THIS FAVORITE HAIR RESTORER has been berut• the public long enough to loses Urn tbortsighle tested and Its increasing isle and posin baritrare the best evidences of its smellier matt. AS A RESTORER OP GRAY HAIR to Hs original color It has no etiliaL FOR CURING HUMORSoY TILE SCALP and pr•vvot ins I trlang It la word.rhilly t . For Preventing .the IL ii ilthar MEI& ts . iie j likillna, FOR RESTORING -HAIR TO BALD. HEADS " 'tor Col= b are e al l ot Tea. ...a2rOAß•tr Wtt'ilifiartut•grin.t,llft.fitititti it PM. AS. A ,DB,ESS ING boating surpmem it. St Imparts to dry, faded and may aalr that beautiful glossy appearaace go murk CoaMeltrut D. oil tor grew It does not- son the Mod Pam. " • It Ileammouedied apes SeJaillec principled et the tarred ingredients and la anti/ay harmless. Saddle pertained with the moat fragrant C.:tracts - Its aim to delightt iI. . E= namari. witLatt number can b. givou it oectseary 'but AMBROSIA .. , . w . , k i 6 tos. ea known to renntrer ft. 7.. it once and you will mtrer. bt *Miura It. , BaeUor, J.Y. Huber, H. Homer, llottyoOorg, Pa., 404 pßupsusrs A.VD MEN.L'a t i:NTS ETNRXWENZ . . zwesatiE DOLLAR f"" nz : '•r N. H. Nov. 28, 18C:9-6m Tuie.cuciJmeleß ! Osis4 . ifp., - 1 ; 74 4 . 1430,14,0 ;i4s kr( hnis,p moil; facturroarioria Apr - - - ; L - , -, W.4 1 .44 5 1. 1 .1t - -att,MIN-5•1. • ...... ~ . raktt • 4...:14 , . er 7 ) ...... . ittpxr , gee Arnim ice. neeemaarj In thus, they tin an i ean f = ..1. file OhtlePat Utsu '',*ipr rellakte Dilfstntrlia' • , I 0 • 1 r •Ift / 1 use, aad tasted . ft iritit silks eatist Ahs.suralar.V.4. - ftwato . ' Greanannt ; rater Shively, ; *** lf airfield.; Wm. Tamp Ihrsittioy tp.; Andrew Mt 1 Watt Tirops tr.l.; tuil -- 7 ,1 • lave than A'!" I :m 1 ""r" r r"fl • "• ' • 4 1E 1 W w of • .• 2.. • e •. I •_ .; 2. - 111°W q7/ t , 19hitdr4Allikittgreen Y. , • b 1,,.• Ms Apia sad Drill Is *W. W1...1.K. w.Y. ot PILIGES I hiair-44 ISIII-41in Aliaotyind flaatfoity of Otteh. trle* orlLBLotyllcity ot hfackluery. t lit glocitlrthirowis dlraatly from the spoolt, No thatigthil•futulwa Ifyk.haiall soul se, rate of timed, • lifkbrAtuge at appllcallon without thaugi °fed . iusustiataltii Mr sooty lioddratriammtftbrWash ftLtlas doing all Ithicts of work doo• ky other flow. log Machloor, thou. Machines emulate- the .reaell .4tuitatlfu4sd poresamoutlltubtrytuderliwto•ntal ' . IMI ‘it i a tt b s. 19MUt-ERXTZ, MUSIC EMPORIUM, N 0 730 114,11 Market Wee!, fork, Penni(' , " Plum* VW. KNi►Bl3 OtW, Obtoltaln lerxcic i co J. C ( 81TINVVIV & Isdrre, otttoKNßnca Y soNs Also, the Colibro . Piano, lull 7 uotrte•, 41111 4 feet 10 Ivo.Leal. oz EICEM ORGANS, in!tinfactiired by MASON A' trxmtt N. And NP:ND.; ti 1.11 - k to!ty All Guaranteed for 5 years and carettil nttettkm to aeleatios qt Instritiguinto• sqrrtr. 4 B.lir7.. • .Turk, Pa D 11.4 141, MY. -.4. RtTTON cebN N P. 1.1„ Flinn tit e atr room s. N,49. Bt9 MARKET STREET, North Side, PHILADELPHIA. PARLOR; ROOM CHAMBER FURNITURE, Of lfie latest f;tyles and Best Manufactule, IM3O FEA'rilEli BEDS AN') 3tATTRM3I23 WANTED AGENTS , cauVems fur 'swag AND !WOWS SOX-tint, KEROBENE LAMP , pronouousd by mori thou On Professore in our Col Orb Absolutely Safe. --oases 33 per coat of oll—stO not brisk or trassaull,boaguna trstalts. :Oar agansia snalla many, because It suppling a want as =drama as rif io ht i full particulars add/rota, sithr Amiga, maim 7. lOW IN, rioar„ Itnehaalcir Sask. Harrisburg, Pa. 0e111,1110611,0 "FURNITURE. JOSEPH: WALTON & CABINET-MAKERS, N 0.413 Walnut St., Pkitadelphia. • AL's artaltifithamat 'sodas at um aidest . kt Philedel• 16.1 phla, mad from ion experience and superior fecilitha we are prepared to tarnish good work et watim Ire manotectare Roe furniture, mid •be.• o low pried firatture rap•tior. ofttlyr. A tang. stuck of furniture alsraye on h. od. i,h;o4. made to order. Counters; Dist Work' and Nifty furniture For OilliceAsAA Aims, aced* to order. JO6. WALTOS. J. W. LIMICurr. Jud. L. ;Corr. 111,111170-1, An* Viaskints. WHEELER& ViTILSON'S L OCK-4ITITOff Family Sewing Machine. OVER 460,000 NOW IN USE. EXAMINE IT BEIVBE BUYING ANT OTHER. MOLD ON I.IIAOE PLAN, $lO PER MONTH. PPITIRSION It °REPENTER, Cowell Apses. GEE BE Al, OPPICE for ADAMS COUNTY, JACOB'S CELLAIBLILSBURG STREET, GETTYSBURG, PA. F ltov. 12, 12€19.-6co HOWE MACHINES! I'iIF;IATESI i IMPROVED & GENUINE • • • sts - Sin TV .I..R_ .SEWING MACHINES: JACOB F. THOMAS, Agent ) • .. QEPLYYHIIBQ PA.. career a Contriaotare, IR the Store roans o W . L. .01111DS211w1.1. altiestudte. Maabfaen deliveredtoall partial the satiety aatlitieettee es. etabOaszepattiettedairalut parties w es. the WWI offitlMMAAseeeeotrirfth alleihvost ,rnirlsPowl4 fili,••*ffpf iths Rom th•reare soits - MIUDVIIL malaise this,' hay. shoaled Seem& iteeltia • asedalliese hexing 4he kmissaotlll/A1 UOWJI,Jr. on it a te. rib:l6—'lr GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 495 Broadway, .New York 780 Chestnut street, Philadelphia POMTS OF . EXCELLENCE. air The JilUshost Pr to sli h 46,f sa4 hibltk thimileitarata s es sii " amar*oliat AillinKtio9mover 64% saw • th•weik dosibythimi, *h **llThiliMarl-41. • -sarib.: • Maki ova!! maiko wasi l mlap . ipW • mar it Maker Sew ba Milikiridllsotalklaß t NW; 0 41 4 ' . j 11104104 VW"! OTfir 419 . otbar ;/•w 88/bwasie6l o..4l:•NO4lNlG.Q•itsibignr- T iLlii r ll oo!. Viirs ig e L t i n T i'entanggru i *Ma PagasaimalaieVkaftelk Saar Naafi, Ia aIIaNVIILM at a /tirsettria ir rati F tt7l NM& anadairrauta rarf.Yar •l ie lB4Porto y nuleat4tW. X 41.009 talia =Waft 7 baatineeffaissa , ll* trail or oar on. • Andtbidemidlit. Waft Inderning. IN hap" =attirdatirsna and far railart Ili a moo- Olt - and no - 1111. • $ 1, 11•140 1 0011, AIWA, Ofiguittlialbnrir at., eatiya!lairg, Pa. • DOLLAR AND , ' TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. '! Wl4 BUT J. I'ILIST-CLA36 SEWING.MACHINE oR A GOLD WATCH. • As. mi,addloso•Shid Alltavertimewol . is-ao Muir Bus, mad Lir Otreular; cactoalas ithroo coot stomp Ilbr »tam poetics, - Adams • • ••- 8ID11111:4 00,1 • • ' - •• . lialyetsity Mai; , . Now York ; J. irrosar ' ••' • O¢1::~R... , t . . -.. C - ' -- - ~ ,:',:,::-.4*ift'44::':.: : 1 ',.:',- -- ;;•.,1 .43-1012,110,14.41U.1iff.; f i ttt , e y e , thwagite of Lime, l i int yytora alkstrefOli• i • .:• i L.:. ).1 n..'i i i..; . . AZ- 1 475 2 7PL1W1.Wi )444 , .gemiki 1 • f I. atiwuibr- 4 iirtil= S ' AtAlkultsilaix'z • Ni.d aiig e r i p a ra ark u n sb.g l ix:rvAt . .1 ~:, AwqurPose w jtgamsw4 oar ' Siiiiiittifseiti lib ifirmatt et' plait, Ibtagte a iroz VMS !ORA contain/as as yogi b i g he Oise isausesti alliegpswassoa.- . Ader i. alfi l ittirs i :ir dl ipt • :7 ! "?.. ll ' 74141:1a#' :=- -•------- ----.-,....1 e: .'l2l. - •2 - •` 3 - ' ANIOC " . SEARP Etek44) - - ge 3 Mt 1!1Ai lf . • ' # 0 1 1 1 04 4 .4FV 1 44 . 1t0 _l llOllO 1 .Wa1t1.44 ; • esphis!sacidlaustaiil; Pilaus • Na riptitrele .1310Prft- viti iwaties as 4 deep sU6101111%.„ gitatur k glom. &t. Cook, and Parlor STOVES, OF ALL ICINIII4. The lalegt anti ningl 'approeodl-mtytE4l TIN,. §fIEET-IRON AND HOLLOW WARE. Coal and Lumber oF ALL KINDS. Call it Examine I C. H. BUEHLER'S Ware Roonis, (X)RIiElt OF CARLISLE RAILROAD STOVES, TIN-WARE, &C S. G. COOK.' Mae ■ large assorlfteat • of TIN-WARE He manurfartures largely and arm tbt bast asetetialn, warrants all his work, and talk as ohenply a. peanible. In fact be allulro none to undersell him. Tin Roofing & spouting put up at short notice. Job work done quickly and well. COOKING STOVES of the b,ot pattern., warranted to bake and eve setteraellon In every notiect ; among. which le the c•lebeated littlialiTlirdat 11 COOL, • stave tbat canaot be excelled In baking or in cheapness, aa lane *reds aril° ase thew can testify. Pertimast Wee tiara je called to ads stove, aa It is decidedly one lathe beet stoves In tbehierket. ♦Lo, lb. NONLI-COOK, .tb•CONS.NYINTAL, and sissy other p•ttetas "ideat ed frost •mono the beat in the market. Copper, Brass, Iron and Tin-ware la oodles., variety, Choilfee-mills, Smoothing Irma., Veal Buckets and Shovels, Tia mad Table , Spoons, Kalvee and Yorke and many other articled in the Hardware Ilea—la bet almost every article seeded bit kitchen nee. didr-Housekeepers and others will find It to their hs twat to boy of blot, es he 1. dotoratflood to tools tabs his well-earned reputation for cheapness and fair datilnd. - • Reb.11.1670,—.3ux GETTYSBURGr LIME KILNS THillsiadonlgsedbasbossit on I hit - former p. alor,iyit.Gtrum,and bow cointlau“ TECILDJM.B.BURNIII 0 BLSINMBE ioneelf—nt tlietlettpdatri Lime Kilos; an thevertle ad tho LUNN te ad North Stratton etznisa. Moak tat or peat patronage, hewn] endeavor to deserve It isoutinuanco, by prcisooeting tba 6asinw aiivicavono ly and ovi as tarp a seal. an posdbl•-41way• earns a good artlelo and giving goothassrure. Yarasni an . othorsiany look t'ir the prompt Ilb.g of orders. if • alsocoat Ingo' lb. -COAL BUSINESS °Main the Boost perelar Maids. lioneekeoper am othersitteahleve bin • mat. Iltlaeksaaltb Coal coo atastlyiht baad Llme•ncloaldolfierolaayw!har• a Ottyaltarg Ge4ty•bara.Nay..lo.lllll7l *Rails Ir . illtanfg, At. THE•WORLD, DODGES' OHIO. AND Ettrkillt E . . Reapers - . and.. lowers.. 'A careful ssmolastkol of Mimi taielifs' so trill esti.- allsaossay-olad at tAkdo roe outdo -sow all otlis atteustA, darsA U. e ase of draft, sad r•- tty for-work, ole Int els of stood, sad la ev en' tuck*/ 41(11110MPlasalatidosrI N S su bst -:f ad. Its Wits amiss IA wsar of • , , to ozototo. foribliassil ItilMlttMriliadtreeiltrooMuiri -1,, or _ per.— Taro 011INSIlleo: -XL assfdasti wilf Ilya lo tcotte !ors sad sattios Ihosasolabal bat t intillitfl ' t laillklis It pass; No: 2, tot- Opilting Mk .., . ~ / 4 • base thst coati ',to woo astotisass that 1.. • ilifilliettritifib vatitfoirs mobilo net thew With ally of at ow arlakaatkes. the ass that 'gives moat satlahr:tion. DODOBS' AUXONAN Mar -lAKA has givea such general mathhatthat that w• vomiter It tioboo d•U(4dotraowS, owl Is sabehed t. no otter maoSlas szcept tio pods* Machba, the - Oaloandlaiskops 0••••••• - , - :• , I , or- the bonsai. of thou mastblig assokla.s o• womb! refer Mob tO I few of thOso to whose we. bat. sold dor toot oessoolvisf . , isingins•readleilimi Wir Ledh , Aeterg y • 431= a hetkr. 3 - • Inhibit eaCulp; se. W44 , 4ri ' .V4/4 taelltil 'auras w Komi milt., J O• J. J. Sem ag header, 4t i T Wert, ilingltt • • . Juts 4=7' • " Cornelius Lott; • Joh n N. Betrnten. • JalSlN.Yotee, Alen, • `12.,AL11111 induAlig Zak P 1112( 9 I 1, PLAY ". . • • • .r • MT. - ' P At trr ai ttareltt i n`l=MVCl a ltiel la e bug, re.. sr st-IWtrimligebeey 31,6 - 21,11161 Ntr• 2 wiles from Get_tgejtm, on the warittabtin road. Per iwig eIIoiIIOWIMIWIEWIP will whim! Ws* ottotribor, gmti7slufirs"4 int Arvikti, Agent. AOrtiAL.—t IiEPAD ! „Hoknix.nis! REAPER &' 7,1 tkpe Q o,a;Giroceit: ipthiAes of the ' - 'S w ard*/ to lay otlsze in tar a m = b „:; t ag vas general satiolloe -11216"0%.' * bad ar• E fr al.s: I. lad l Ise er *a...Lc r MM, of lbifd y is t i Inabo• "111 .1 4' ba • 1114” 1161rdl PlroulllNHlell Amebae is , • L i= i` SS tatimertutors NOM MAT 1•7011, s teMIZMCWOLSMaoaaIId 'aloe ~ , r4 s • IlkairOlk; DOMIXOTIL '.112 '43 ' - ‘02114 allliosialtollobalaira at deep: ME= PA:N um trto tv iv grep 1111,0tIshl•=imavad eask girths% orr 7. al II". • ''iiliiis ' I to exsisi i i :' fais iiielegn a tillilliatftit esor as ...iii, 11040111004 . II • 4 1 ,47, _ U. 1 0 1!, .tr , ft -,.:-1.,,'-: ,: .! A , - STRisET 11M2 itertimorest. betwee* th Oettyibirg TEXII.9 OF PUB TUE STAR AND 81E111312, day morning, at SUVA year if not Odd within the Year... continued Until all the option of the • • ..•• AD 0. arc' _ rams. A ÜbmairedMlSOn advertising by the quarter. Special notices will be I be agreed upon. _ Vibe dreakathm of Me k one half larger thanilhat newspaper In Adams • modlum, It eannot-be JOB Wban of all kinds tad and at fair rates. I • Pamphlets, ie.. In mei nted at short notteet grsiostaiit B. WOODS; LL.. rommed iboßroetroooll soy boohoo lo pis Conti o the proemial ho oio b• • , March 4, 11170—If M. KRAUT . : oi l • lE. tligUyslonrg, hi. .1 oi uss promptly aSectslio stem. u. 11141thasis dcoot Jun MeCONA ErGif 4 -.• • Law, u 3. tacieor. f 0.1.31 f • atria . ..burg street: 1p...141 .1f •1111114 ck fiV•IB to fettle:seat 1f