FFIUg OF 1. HATCH, AND DEALERS IN GOV- ILENT sEcußrruts, Valk/T . STRUT. N* Yak', Fetal's') 16th, Me aLle 4neems • Mich attoadiod out negc, • Lotus* of tk• CSIIITRAL P.149C1C RAIL- ALA the WlSTillt PACIFIC HAOiOAD the popularLt3 sad credit which they* stefaioed in the mutt* both to this tia mpe,•hav • shown that the rind-Mort - wisely lacatedindbonarably-asaaged p nauptly reeognlzed acid readily ;taken u 'tab] e, safe, and advantageous form of 'riding& were liberal income than cart :•rived from Govertusent Bondi, and Ak.0.46p.1am t, la ti• 'election and negotiation of toad Losivr, we are mooting a snow ud rendoting a valuable Nei rice—both of Capital and to tinge great National ►t improvement whose Intrinsic moth !al character entitle them to the nee of he coofidence of loveotors—we new of- el confidence and eatinfeetlen the MORTGAGE BONDS OEM and Ohio Railroad Company to void Ohio Raiirc4d, connecting t and the Introldeent ►trMns at eke lay wl tb the Obi., River at point . of r. end thus, with the entire Railroad ter transporeatkot of the great West , FORMS T!tE,ADDITIONAL EAST LONE LINE, so Imperatively demand modatlou of the immense nod rapid sportatinn tailrace lb. Atlantic sea. rope on the one hand, and the grew woo of ►ho Ohio and Mhehrippi Valley! RTANC OF THIS ROAD ABA SAW 31 THE WI ET TO THE iIA 'magnifies astional conagquenes.med insurer to if !Armagh from .the day of It, bile, In the development of the extvn ral.nd mlneist rosuarces of Virginia ,f.nan: It powwowed, along Ito own line 01 a large and, prontable local business... eat iotereste r i both general and local We compleifou Of the CHLIUPZLIA umaa to the .Ohio River, afford the tee of Ittesurrisa and value, and REX MOST IMPORTANT AND lIDDSTAN AD ENV:Akin NOW IN pito- lII' COUNTRY ity as an East ►ad West mutt, sad the ,nmerner and profitable Iliad., awaiting Lave diairst to It the •tteotion And f prominent Capitalist and Railroad ty of sound jadgmeit known In ofttiow with It, tog*thir with that /lore lasi bullion wen of Virginia sod IN BURRS ARIINHISAIITIO, HONOR- 881 LIL MANAGEMENT plated and in operation fru Rich- lollorstml WM*. Sulphur Springs of 2117 milm, anal there remain but WO coostrooted) to be completed, to proposed terzSiote on the Ohio river a mouth of the Big Sandy river, 150 chianti, and 359 miles below Pitts- prujected ut u progre., through Ohio to this point, Which will connect the ' AID OHIO ' WITH THN NNTIRIC BUM OT THE RUT AIM BOOTH TH THB rapric RAILROAD. thuichises 111011 superior ultraot;rges NANA AND Oazo IlAjuoAD Cox- rkbret sod most powerfW atid trust tone of the country; AND TIISRE INT VALUN, IN COMPLETED RIC D0NV..&417.4L TO TRY ENTIRE HY NosTaatOs. the Liat hey . been arraosed 1.41, • to A. w•nt4 of •ll clr•s of invest- die Various features of convenience active asatuetilova or fraud. lu deourelastions of 1000" $lOO aimed as Anion Bonds, payablr to be held le that form; or ryi•ttrril fettle saxes of :the oonpons remaining payable to bearer sacipai ing titan imaginable only bo Oempanyi unless ,rosardgned to be detalled and cancelled, the • owlet Regintered Bend, traneter- Innis of the Ihmatpany, sad the in- Lb. only to thi regtstared =her or will be kaoli' respeetively so RONDO PAI4/1111 TO BIARTIL" ND BONDS WITH COUPON!! AT KID DON DB' wrrn COUPONS DI stiould be so Aids:mated by Corse- flying the ohm of Bonds desired. TETT ream to run from hintiary tern! at duper cwt par aroma 1, 1110. Purim las mum. rai- /II CUT or NNW TOM Payable la Mai and Ncrirazies. WI lace of that of the earlier User of watt theatatireudemos of oar ttisad• Clastml J a i lr in sitena Pad& limp., le sad July, and who ed by meattypire upon Om entire likelaeed b the Ride River, with • another preperty and epperteer tbervettlb. stf sloo,oooipor IMMO is presided Q/ Ac Awl+ to Lao dike oat par too Ac jock. le for Ilitkaakase, of which. 440* sad had tit trait fat the rear*. Wade of the raybae Cadre? • wow merged la the fkoaeszazz $llOOOOllOlO, wiriest aapaik the raid to Um Ohio river i!EEEEI is MI siti, solonied Lions& y assared.pod* ead to proodaant photo toololdoo Itt the smuts% both Ibtrogo, bo at omit apply/U. SK & HATCH, RANKS". Weed p 444.6.4. 44.444a4418 Au 4446114,, 44m4, win wrestle.. , ilorersated 'S of seal, isakess, Oarrestlipu, at ,lit,sad allow later. 4, 11170.-44414 • IMIE iltar rl i.etiymbearg, rridmiy. Mardi U, lblll A PPOINT EICTS.—A t the meant Cou &relic* of the kvatigeliall .km.ixiitti 9 n, Ht this State, Rev. H. A. tli rtelt liras appointpd to Conowago and Rev. J:Nl..Prim . to Renderavitte t•ireuit. . SALE OF TOWMLOTB.-9n Saturday next, at 10 G'cloek, A. M., Mr. Hoffman, Assignee of F. D Dttphorn, will offer for stle, at the hotel of Geo. W. McClellan, the Real Estate of said Duphorn, House and ptot, and undivided half 'interest in 12 acres ground. Bee adv. HORSE STOLEN.—On Thursday night of last week, a valuable Day horse was Stolen from the stable of Col. David M. Myers, near'NeW OxfOrd. The horse be longed to Hr. Myers' sons, a fast pajr, 5 years old, and marked on the aide of his neck, the hair having been removed by a bite or bruise. SALES.—Ww. McClean, Esq., has inir fghtteed the late residence of lasso Robin son, deceased, on York street, three story brick, for 03,000. Hon. Moses McClean has purchased Of McClean, Esq., a half lot of ground in East Middle street, with two story brick dwelling, for $2OOO. TO THE CRAFT.—Having had dealings for.several years with Messier Atectirt Co., 75 Fulton btreet, New York, Advertis s tug Agents and Dealers in Type, Printing Materials, &c., and having found them to deal liberally and fairly, we cordially corn- Mend the firm to the craft as a reliable one, who have uniformly and promptly met their engagements. NEW DIVISION.—A new Division of Sons of Temperance, to be called "Ittum masburg Division, No. 184," was oigatilzed on last Tuesday night, after a lecture by J. Everist Cathell, the "Boy Orator of the Po tomac." Eighteen persons gave their names as members, and an excellent corps of offi cers were elected, with Isaac Byers as W. P., and Jacob Fulweiler as R. S. The of ficers were duly installed by J. E. Cathell, assisted by W. H. Tipton as GI. C. ` ANOTHER. —A new Division of Sons of - Temperance was also organized in Littiestown last week, atter a lecture by 1. EV&RIST CATHELL, Esq., to be called "Star Division, No. 183." The following officers were installed :—Harry; Miller, N. P.; Charles Sickle, W. A.; George Gettier, R. S.; C. R. Snyder, A. R. S.; Charles Weikert, F. S.; A. F. Barker, T.; Levi ••4 chro ticker, Chap.;..Dauiel Crouse, C.; C. P. Gettier, A. C.; David Sickle, I. S.; d , sparrer, 0. 8. s HERIFF'S SALES.—On Saturday lamt Sheriff Munk sold the Farm of Fer dinand Rxhter , Mountpleasant township, 156 acres with improvements, for $5,450, ehri•tian Halter purchaser; and the Hotel property of the same, in Ltttlestown, tor $4.570, Jeskie D. Eppleman purchaser. A i the Dwelling and throe lots of gretind i . W and Henry Riley, on York -t reef, Gettysburg, for $2550, E. G. Fahne- -to,lt being the purchaser for the Gettys i; Building Asiociation. BARN BURNT.—On Saturday evening last, the Barn of Mr. John Spangler, Mountpleasant township, was destroyed , by fire.- The farm is in the occupancy of Mr. Joseph A. Eckenrode, who had been attending a sale, and returning home late in the evening, put away his horse, and wria to the house. About half an hour afterwards smoke was seen to arise from the far'end of the barn, and soodafter the names Must out, the destruction being of course rapid, as - there was a good deal of . hay and grain in the barn: The light war plainly seen from town. Mr. ,Eckenrode succeeded, by great efforts, in saving all his stock and a portion of his farming im pletnents. The origin Of the fire is in voked in mystery, as no light had been used by N.cketirode in putting away his horse. We learn that Mr. Spangler Las an insurance of $l2OO in the hiummaa burg Company. I.IiASED.—The Dauphin Coal Com pany has leased the farm of John Culling, Henry Eppelman and Cornelius Bender, on Opossum creek, with a view to dig ging for coal and iron. It is rumored that coal has been discovered along Opossum Creek. We should be very glad to have the rumor turn out to be a fact ; but the judgment of eminent practical geologists year, ago has been adverse to the possi.: bility of coal being found in Adams co;, the geological characteristics incident to . both anthracite and bituminous coal for mations being wantingAn this county.- We have more faith In the development of iron ore. Since writing the above, we have re ceived from Mr. Eppleman a specimen of .4tone which resembles in appearance the slate usually found in coal formations, and which is supposed to indicate the ex istence of coal on Opc*sum creek. We can only repeat, that we should be very glad if the dictuof geolog lets should prove erroneous in this case. ROBBERY.—On Tuesday evening last, while Mr. Lewis Strouse, who keeps a no tion and confection store on Carlisle street, was at his upper, some villain entered the store and stole over $lOO. The store is in the basement ,of the dwelling, and Mr. S. had gone up stairs to his supper, taking the precaution, as usual, to lock the front door, _but leaving the rear door leading to the yard open. While at supper the attention of Mr. S. and his wife wu for a moment arrested by a alight noise in the store be low, but it not continuing and the front door 'being locked, no further notice was -taken of it until Mr. S. returned to the store, when he found that a box under the count er in which he had *97 in Bank Notes and some currency, amounting to over $lOO, had been rifled. , As the front. door was still locked, the thief must have entered from the yard through thekrear door. An alarm was at once given, aid a colored boy, who happened to be in the neighborhood, was arrested on suspicion, bat subsequently dis charged, theire being nothing to justify the suspicion. The robbery was evidently per-' petrated by some one thoroughly acquaint ed with the store and Mr, Strouseht habits,. APPOINTMENTS.—The -following are the appointments for this district of. the Central Pennsylvania' Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Con ference held its sessions this year at Lewis town, Pa., and adjourned to meet next year at Carlisle : • CARLIBLZ Du rater.—T. Mitchell, Presid ing Elder ; Carlisle , Ist Church, IL C. Par. doe ; Carlisle, Emory Chapel; W. M. Fry. singer ; Mount Holly, J. M. Lantz ; Cham bersburg, E. W. Kirby Cbambersburg, Second Church, J. Donahue ;Shippenshurg, Ash; Shippensburg Circuit, J. Lloyd ; Newel& and Rehoboth, W. H. Keith; Meelmniesinug, j. IL McGanah ; New Cumberland, J. N. Clarke,: J. B. Shaver; Dancantion, U. T. Gray ; New port, A. R. Miller ; Liverpool, A. H. Henske York, Pint Church, W. X. D. Ryan ; York, Duke Street, G. a Panapneker ; Wrights ville, J. W, Glewine ; Shrewsbury, W. A. McKee, I to be mapped ; Castle Fin, J. A. McKindhis ; Hanover and New Oxford, J. A. Dixon ; York Springs, T. F. ,Bicellue, J. B. young ; Gettysburg, H. C. Cheston, J. H. S. Clarke! Mount Ail*, J. W. Peight; W'ayneaboro, J 4 A. De Moyer ; Greencastle, J. A. Woodcock; Mercemburg, G. W. Ixer; • McConnallsbart H. Linn, L A. Rodisill. Rev. M. Cora Is appointed Presidia g -. Elder of the Williamsport district. Rev. M. L. Drum goes tra Emporium, Williams port distrifft; Rev. EL G. Dill to Catawiste, and Rey. N. - 8. Beckingtunn to t3hamokin, Pontine district; Rev. W. Goya to Manor Hill, and Rev. J. A. Boss to Schellsbiwg, Jut. ; Rev, G. Warren to Rola? idt district, -.~.` 1 rviii....„ I MASONN.—The .. mascrnic Hatefully :on MOnday last, thercmcasion being the Cot.- tituting of a new Lodge by Robert H. Thomas, EN., the H. W. D. D. G. M. of ! dibtrict, under a dispensation issued It. A. Lamberton, Esq., R. W. Grand rat:,-ter of Pennsylvania. Seven different 1....1;2 ts wete represented, v lz :—" Cumber labd Star Lodge, N 0.197," and "St. Johns Lodge, No. 260," of Carlisle;' "York, Lodge, No.. 1.V.13," York; "Cumberland Valley- Lodge, No. 316," Shippenaburg ; "Eureka Lodge, Lo. 302," Mechanicsburg; "Patmos Lodge, No. 348,".Hanover ; and "Good Samaritan Lodge, No 336," Gettys burg. At 2 P. M.;a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was held, and "Hebron Lodge, No. 465," oan stituted in due and ancient form, District Deputy Thomas acting an Grand Master, assisted by the folloWing officers : —D. G. M., Alexander Wentz, of Lodge No. 268 ; S..W.,'Wro. Vent*, Lodge 197; G. J. W., George 11. Cole, Lod,ge'3l3; G; S., S. Eintninger, Lodge 302; G. T., John Palmer, Lodge 3Q2; G. C., D. A. L. Lav erty, Lodge 315; G. S. D., Samuel Claudy, Lodge 260; G. .1. D., John Corntnan, Lodge 197; G. M., L. Y. Kerr, Lodge 362; G. P., D. H. Kimmel', Lodge, 302; G. S. M. C., D. S. Tenger, Lodge 348 ; G. J. M. C., ILK. Culp, Lodge 336 ; G. Tyler, Joseph F. Hoover, Lodge 197. The following officers, elected and ap pointed, of "Hebron Lodge," were then formally installed:—W. M., 11, C. Peters; S. W., Dr. 1. W. Pearson; d,. W., H. A, Sheeler; S.,J. L. Worley; T., C.G . . Beals; S. D., Jonathan Miller; J. D., T. P... Gard ner; S. M. C., F. N. W Bowers. At night a Lodge of Instruction \ was held, after which several hours were spent in a pleasant Interchange of social greet ings. "Hebron Lodge" starts under fav=, orable auspices, with excellent material, and every prombie for futurg strength. OLD DOCUMENT.—J. S. Witherow, Esq., of Fairfield, recently, in looking up some old surveys in his possession, came across a quaint old document, a manuscript advertisement of a Public Sale of a Rouse and Lot in the Eastern part of the State, by John Trump, sen., dated March 26, 1766- 104 years ago: We have the manuscript before us. It is written on a page of fool scap paper, of the old style of manufacture, with water-mark, tinsixed and weather 'stained. The penmanship is good, but the entire advertisement is without punctuation, the writer disregarding syllable rules in the division of words. When a line is fall the balance of the letters requisite to make out a word are carried into the next line. We annex a verbatim copy of the document : ADVEICTISEXENT March 26th 1766 To be sold by public 'endue at the dwelli ng House of the Subscriber in Upper Dublin Township on Thursday the lid day of april next good riding or working Horses A Pule young breeding Mare Mich Cow in good profit A cart & Gears A Clock and householdGaids of s undry Kiuds Also the house and Lot whereon the scribe r liveth being pleasantly situated on the grea t road Leading thro Germantown to Betide hem Easton & Parts adjacant There are on said Lot which consisteth of between 8 9 Acres of Land A stone house twostories high with Six rooms & a Kitchen also a frame Stone House & shed & a frame Stable and also a w ell of good water with a Pump The said Premisses is very convenient and well situated for a Store & bath been oceuple d as such The Distance from Philadelphia about 1.5 Miles Attendance and Credit will be given on said day N B Tba sale to begin at 10 o clock t PROF. BAUGHER'S LECTtRE.—The Lecture in Agricultural Hall on Friday evening last, "Abroad on the Hills," by 'Prof. H. Louis Baugher, was, as we antici pated, a capital entertainment. It was one Of the best lectures of the season, and in 'view of the numerous lectures we had by professional Lecturers from abroad of high reputation, the fact that such was the gen eral judgment ot a large and appreciative audience la no bean compliment. After briefly describing the ocean trip, his first introduction to London society, and giving his views of "sthck up" people and his own experience with the inevitable "high silk hat," Prof. B. rehearsed the salient points of his tour through the high lands of Wales and Scotland, across Fi 4 ance, and among the Alps, closing with an as ce of 311 Vesuvius during the last rules sic eruption. Prof. B. has a keen appre ciation of the humorous and in sketching his interesting experience while abroad made a number of good points, which re lieved the narrative portion of the lecture and held the close attention of the audience for neatly two hours. It we:: a lecture that will stand the test ..of critical taste, and _bear repetit lon. • A N N IN E RS A RY.—Arrangementm have been made for a joint 'meeting of Zion and Mercersburg Cissais in Cham bersburg, on the 30th Ll'April, to celebrate the semi-centennial anniver.a47 of the organization of Zion C1a.,44, which occur red April 30,•48at. lan Rations are to be extended to all the ministers of the Classes, and such elders as may feel an interest in the event, and also the in inis ters from other Classes, who were once active members of the Old Zion's Clasais. , Committees have been appointed to make report at the joint meeting, viz : 1. On the history of Zion's Claasis from its organization to the separation and or ganization of the Mercersburg Class's : Revs. Jacob 0. Miller, William K. Zieber, Daniel Ziegler and Jacob Sechler. 2. On the history of the hfercersburg Class's, from its organization :—Reva. William M. Deatrick, Henry Beckerman, and B. S. Schnook, D. D. S. On the history of Zion's Classia froth the organization of the Mercersburg Chisels :—Rove. W. R. H. Deatrich, W. F. P. Davis, and Davaid W. Wolff. MURDOCH COldlNG.—Our readers will be gratified to know that Jamas E. Munnoca has made a positive engage ment to give a Reading in Agricultural , Hail on Monday evening next, March 28. Mr. M. had acquired a high reputation as a tragedian, but left the stage some years ago. Slime, then he has ocoadonally given Readingentertainments in the lar ger cities, always Arawing full houses. He oomee to Gettysbeirs on the invitation of the Plumuticoemlan . Society of Penn sylvania 'College, and we advise all who want to spend a pleasant eventug to go to the Hall on Monday night. Besides se lections from Shakespeare, we understand Mr. Murdoch will read "Sheridan's Ride," `•ThiSleeping Sentinel," "The Leap for, Life," dm. Doors open at 7* o'clock; Reading at 8. Tickets 50 .celits. fill""The .D.Paspelicaf Review," Prof. K. L. /Rawer, L. L. D., editor, for April, is on our table with contents of more than usual incerest. The editor continues his , Reminiscencies of deceased Lutheran Ministers, the - present article' containing readable sketches of Rev. Alba Heck sad lieu. Motilelineht. _The ittsttertiete by Rev: Dr. Valentine, "God's pare of Church pa exhibited In the Rektrmatlon." Prof. Martin contributes "Luther on the Ministry," Prot Ferrier the "Loneliness of Hamlet," and Dr. Hay a continuation . of his translation of "Schmid's Dogmatic Thelogy."- Revs. Settiemyer, Weddell, Fry and Weiser also contribute articles. ..DEER SHOT.— Hanover Wizen says tbaS bast Friday a deer made its sp7 pearanee in Iloantpleinant township, and was followed by acm e citizens, who shot n , . it near the Conocreek t . a -few miles from New Oxford. • REMOVED.—Asia Bolter' has removed his Grocery and Notion Store, from York Street to the Hoke building, on N. - West corner of the diamond. The room has been relitted, - und- Mr. &kart his laid Ina large .issi4uneut of nay Cirocerks, • Quenswarli t d 03., whicble is - peepared to @Wattle, tory lewast - ptiose. Call and use hint in ties poops—aoke's• cant* Wyly notatpkod r,-xxvopborn. . • = EiZi Since my last conuitmication, a copy of "Commissioner Wells Report" has come to hand, In which.the condition and needs of the productive chases of the country are so clearly set forth, that it cannot fall of carrying conviction wherever read.. Let every tanner of the land procure a copy of this "Report" and read It thoughtfully; and I am sure it will do much towards creating a more intelligent public sentiment on many questions of vital importance to us as pro ducers. Mr. Wells also proposes contraction, "pure and simple," as the means of relief to the burdened labor of the' country, and in a previous "Report" he plainly told Congress that every interest, which was sufficiently clamorous to mate itself heard and felt at Washington, received uttention whilst those which did not, went unwed for. Our Commissioner of Agriculture has also intimated, that the farmers are "too modest" in regard to their interests, and therefore they do not receive an adequate amount of attention from Congress. From this we see that so long as the Farmers and farm-laborers of the land are willing quiet , / ly .to endure an unjust proportion of the public burdens, as I believe they noyr / do, so long. the Congress of the Unite 'States, backed by the manufacturing and trading interests, will be entirely willing to let things remain so, and the day may reason ably be expected ' To come when these thoughtless men will become the pliant in struments, in the bands of wealthy firms and corpo - ations, whereby an unjust pro portion of the expenses of the "best gov t ernment the world ever saw," will be per manently fixed upon the shoulders of its farm-laborers. This state of affairs has so `often repeated itself in past history that we can not take warning too soon. By this process the yeomanry of England, as we shall.presently show, sank into the degraded peasantry of to day. There we find the cardinal difficulty in the way s of contraction and resumption, namely, that those who will suffer by it immediately ~grow clamorous when it is talked of whilst those who will be benefited by it, or rather will suffer least, meekly sub mit I do not doubt that President Grant, Sec. retary Boutwell and'other prominent indi viduals are thoroughly honest and earnest, in all they say and do, on the vexed ques tion of resumption, but I. think it equally clear that a majority of Congressmen are not earnest in this matter. If they were, one can hardly see how they could accom plish so little in that direction. Look at the enormous interests which are all directly concerned in this matter. Take the Na tional Bank interest as an illastratiOn. A large share of the profits comes from the premium on gold, which, if lost, will cut off much of their revenue and many, it is thought by some, can not even live without it. They, very naturally, are interested in maintaining the premium.; and, in addition to this fact, it is asserted, that a majority of Congressmen are directors and stockholders In these institutions. One can easily see therefore the power exerted by them. Be sides these, we have the Railroad interest and all manufacturing and trading interests, all directly or indirectly interested in keep ing prices at their present level, since all must lose heavily by a decline. Besides these difficulties, we have the idea constantly reiterated by some of our public men, that, by some process or other, an "easy and natural" return to a specie basis is to be brought about. Exactly how this is to be done, no one basyet explained; but the people are led to hope for such a consummation by such utterances. Gov. Geary, in his last message, advances the same idea. Now, what has been the past history of all inconvertible currencies? In vain do we search, fora single instance, in all the great revolutions of Europe and this country, wherein a currency, rendered re dundant and inconvertible by the exigen cies of the times„; has afterwards been re duced and redeemed, except the case of England after the final struggle with Napo lean at Waterloo, and in this case it was only done, as the historian tells us, after "incredible suffering" on the part of her mercantile and manufacturing classes. Thus the "Asaignats" and "Mandates," which Napoleon issued for defraying his enormous expenses, eventually proved worthless, and our own experience with our "Continental currency" but confirms the statement. Hence, it is painfully true, that a return to ET.C.Cie has nes , er been, and in all probability can never be, an "easy and natural" pro cess, but much resembles the return of the penitent Prodigal, after he had "wasted his goods"—as theologians might say, not a work of Nature but of Grace. Again, we have it said, that the amount of our currency is not more than is needed by the business wants of the country, and the proof of this is presented in the fact of the present scarcity of money and high rates of interests which it is bringing.— Against this, it needs only to be said, that money is always scarcest when most re dundant, and interest highest when the cir culation is greatest. It is not the use or need of money which makes it scarce, but the abuse—not trading, but over-trading or speculation. The true evidence of the re dundancy of our currency is found in the high price of everything whose price is not regulated by foreign markets, and the con stant tendency of specie to leave us and go where it will buy more and paper less. On this phase of the subject Mr. Wells' ideas will be found pertinent by all who choose to read them, since differ from him as we may in our ideas of "tariffs" and "protec tion," his ideas of the currency and con traction should be unanimously endorsed. I will here quote the language of John Stu art Mill on this subject, who is regarded as almost as at the head of Politico economists of the day : "The uses of money are in no respect promoted by lamming the quantity which exists and ohnulates in a country, the ser vice it perfbrms being as well rendered by a small as by a large aggregate amount.— Two million quarters of corn will not feed so many persons as four millions 1 but two million pounds sterling will carry on as much traffic, will buy and sell as many commodities, as four; millions, though at lower prices." Senr BY JOHN THUMP The conclusions, to which the foregoing brings ns are these: let, that if the present popular movement toWards ' resumption Should result in any thing permanent, it cannot be fairly attributed to any special wisdom fir foresight on the part of oar rul ers ; and, 2d, that, the government of this country is not run in the interest of its ag .ricuhnral classes and produetive laborers If the signs of the times indicate one thing more chesiy than another, it is that 'we are hat drifting Into the acceptation of that accursed maxim of English poll', which declares, in motion that the rights of Capital are superior to those of Labor.— In American policy we have all been taught to expect a diihrenkrule; not *mat "all" are "equal, ".but that the rights of the in dividual are superknt to those of capital or property, - and thit, irthikthie latter inter to with the former, they-mustibe 01 thh principle we fought andpthed lair the slave ids freedom, and ea Mb principle the great Republican party of thalami wan organised and drew tad its ranks ammo& of men who believed in helping those who could not help themselves; Would' ; not be a burning shame to as all, if now abandoned a Ms and followed the lead of the tottering empires of the Old World, which have succeeded in crushing all that hrtnanly out of their Muting millions, and making them shrres in hct, t not in taw ? Ate khk of Frigid* deli it thi* or tlie eta) and Sentinel. SUPEIL FLOUR,. EXTHA FLOUR, WHITE WHEAT, RED WHIYLT„.. COEN, RYE, OATS, TIMOTHY-BEZD, CLOVER - 81CED,......... FLAI-HEED, BACON, STIOULDERS, " SIDES, HAAIE.• LARD, Gettysbnra Grain &Provial•ta Market Gettysburg. Friday .m.r.r.o. 4 00 450 SUPER FLOUR, EXTRA FLOUR, WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, TIMOTHY SEED, CLOVES SEED, POTATOES, Btrms, LARD, &mei, BACON, IlAms, ,‘ Buns, BHOULDE RS, .... SOAP,... TALLOW, Closing Priers of De Woven It aro., 41 Fionth 3rd It., Philadelphia. 1181 1141 ....1092 110 1081 ....1081 1081 ....1071 1071 —.lOBl 1081 1081 1081- " s's, 10-40's, .105 " 1051 LT. LS. 30 Year f, per cent. Cy. 1121 1123 Due Comp. Int. Notes, 19 Gold, 112 112 a Silver, ' 111 f 112 a Union Pacific R. R. Ist M. Bonds - . 850 Bno Central Pacific R R. 980 940 Union Pacific Land Grant 80nd5.760 77.1 Bectsa—Essi.v.—On the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. Sechler, Samuel Becker to Miss Elizabeth Esaly, both of Adams county. Del—Wszurr.—On the 15th inst., by Rev. D. M. Blackwelder , Mr. George N. Day, of Adams county, to Miss Lavine. Wallet, of Cumberland county. lisamen—RxonwiNx.—On the Bth Wet., by Rev. D. M. Blackwelder, Mr. William Harman, of Adams county, to Miss Mary Emma Richwine, of Cumberland county. limsoar.---GLossza.—Ou the 15th inst., at the Reformed Parsonage, New Oxford, by the Rev. W. F. P. Davis, Mr. David S. lilingel to Miss Lydia A. Glower, both of Adams county. MEALS—NAIL/R.—On the 15th inst., by Rev. D. M. Blackwelder, Mr. J. B. Meals, of Adams county, to Miss Sarah A. Nailer, of Cumberland county. Wumsm--Stunt.—On the 10th inst., by the Rev. D. W. Wolf, at the house of the bride's pananta, In Butler township; Mr. Elijah Wirier to Miss Lucy. Ann 1111,11. all netlces t" cents a line for all over 4 Ilnes--cash to accompany no tices. • ABLE,—On the 18th Inst. in Statban township, Mrs. Angeline Elizabeth Able, aged 86 years, 8 months and 15 flays. BAKZR.—On the 12th inst., In Getty.- burg, Martha Ange, infant daughther of W. F. and C. E. Biker, aged 8 months. BOYD.--On the 26th ult., near Emmltte burg, Md., Mrs. Anna Boyd, aged *boat AS years. Bursa.-0n the 11th inst. , only child ,of Dr. J. L. Baehr, In Middletown. aged 8 years, 5 months and 111 days. Bccaza.—On the 18th inst., in Franklin township, Michael Bucher, aged 89 yew, 4 months and 11 days. On the Nth, wife, aged 78 years, 9 months and 11 days. They were both interred in one grave at. lbe Marsh Creek Grave-yard. Ktraff.—At the Alms-honse, on the 15th• inst.,Miss Therese Kuhn, - at an minimal Mvirats.--On the Brd inst., near. Bast Ber lin, Annie E. Myers, aged 8 years, 10 months and 28 days. Taneanr.—On the 14th inst., near Fork Springs, Mr. Jacob Tangert; aged 46 yetis, 2 months and 6 days. gar 44/11159iFiti, S HERIFF'S SALES. . . jo porousace (Ss writ of YenditlonlExpotwo,liwowl Naar the Mutt of Watson Pleas of Adams ocaulty, wed to awatilawited,..rUlbo oupsseitao,P WCoact Moose la late Borough of Gett*isiu, do Aleherddy,S e9aii gleam/ Apra, 1870, en. Ohs lallowthig disarree4 Nadi 2fttoe yrs , A TRAOIi OF LAND & Mlt PIIIOPaitT; pa Cipposauut ()reek, situate la Sutler Seenship, Ada= county, Perna., 'Weirdo./ Wade of dessost Harrie4Willisse Quist sad othera,wrotsialaw •la ACATT, moip or kw. 'lmproved with a TITS WORT BRICK DWULI.II4 BOUM with Bock attached. with a oral of water as lift te d r i :Aressellara; alio, a STONI TZWIT BOMA sod MITABLI, Apple Orshard,• Griot Will with d pain of rututiog Panto, sad slaw !W, bosh to dped "ram Wag ardor (ibroterly liver'. MAL) . lewd sad takes is execution as *ritual wee lowa Baum, aad to be sold by mil. ILOLIA 'LUX, Aerie 411terill's Ofko, tlettyldiarogitr.l4lWW-ts • *PIM row teat. of tie porsimo iho ll•k• = b7 th. g =ler oni VitOlteT.' " = 4 " 44 or opooliderotblosob illut /WWI Tql lIP4i pit lq• 'WNW. I. Z F. I 11_9 7 - J{oo ST..—A Most Wendt% ; ilreitziiirearaggimwt birds, eviws, has been located for a num ber of years past in a pine thicket back of .the ore banks, near Littleetown,, inui Is in hihited by a vast number of the sable-head birds. Here they make their borne through out the.cntire year, tutiver and Winter, and can be Seen daily In immense flocks winging their way to the DIiMeTbUS streams and danui in the neighborhood in quest Of food, going at an early hour in the Mornin: and returning regularly about sunset. T e noise made by them upon setting out and returning from their daily trips, is repre seated as being almost dealbning ndaome . amusing scenes are frequently to be wit nessed, when a quarrel ongst them concerning some favorite ranch or tree which has been taken on of by some of the flock to the e tuition of its regular occupants. This t, we believe, is the oaly one in I th7fection of the State, with the exceptio , of one located somewhere In Lancasterunty. Naturalists and lovers of the curious should by all means pay it a visi..-t(nd learn the peculiar habits of this much•abused bird.—Hanover Spectator. d JUST RECEIVED.—A ne w . and large aasortmeut -of Queensware, Glaaiware, Groceries-of all kinds, and notions gener ally, has just been received from the cities by Mr. J. W. CuEss, and Is now being opened at "Smith's Corner," on the diamond, to which be Invites the at,tentlon of his friends and the public generally. The goods have all been selected with. care, have been purchased in a falling market, and he is prepared to sell at the lowest cash rules. Call and examine. It Air The remarkable properties of Brown's Bronchial Troches have been thoroughly tested since first tut educed The demand for them has steadily In creased, and purely upon 'their own mer- Ha, they have found favor with those who, from Pulmonary, Bronchial, or Asthmatic oomPlaints, require them! For emiglue and Colds they are efficacious. It Do you think the proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rowdy would offer itso . °re ward for a case of Catarrh which Ito can not cure, if be did sot positively kn'Ow that his Remedy would cure Catarrtif Preposterous idea! Sold by druggists; or send S ivy Cents to Dr. R. V. Pierce Buffalo, N. Y., and get a package by msl, 06 - Hamlin's celebrated Wizard Oil, for rheumatism, neuralgia, headache, tooth ache, Ito., for sale by A. D. Buehler, Druggist, Gettysburg. • tf fatty of the 'Markets. Baltimore (amiss & Produce Market Balti"ore, Thursday Morning, 4 6'2 Q 4 87 5 12 @ 5 25 1 38 1 40 1 25 ite 1.40 92 @ 93 @ 1 03 STOCKS ♦!D BONDS 3 o'clock, P. M„ March 23rd, 1870 C. S. G's of 'Bl, 65, new, '67 MARRIED. DERSO: good S. Ge can obi deairows of p,secur l ing of the Lille away Oats, A ci o t at D 3 par bushel. by famedlata applka. D.raiding tat,dia Miele ha Go W ityabarg Byelaw DateL rel 25-3! NOTlCE.—Letters of Adminio t ration, enemies nem on. the estate or Mien Oman, Ireediahed, eras pt letnabern township. Adaliii Onsty, having beau granted to the antecribers, they hereby give notice to all persona ladebted to said ser tats to make immediate payment, and those having claim against the mu* to present them properly authenticated fur settlement. 0110R4IX r. GULDNN,) , DAVID WILLII, ." .11 re. March 26, 1870-6 t A LOT OF GROUND in East Middle street, Gettysburg, (muting tooth, with TWO 00 1 1YORTABLE MOH DWELLING ROUSES In go,id 'their, well of water, .11. c. Io 0011 of the dwelltoga Gas sod Hydrant Wstiw have been introduced. Also, a vacant LOT adjobsitig. The sit uation is near the Court Monte •ad is a very do sirable.une Immediate Leassetekm given. Euquire of - M. &W. McCLICAN. March 2h, IS7O-3t Turnpike Election Grrirsiono, March 2:,,1b70. rj , 11); 2 tuchbolderi in the Turnpike Cisepany, mi -1 titled "the President, Malmitelm ax Company of the York and Ciettyabeirg Turnpike oad," are hereby notified that the annual lelectlon will be held en Thraday, the lbih day of April,lB7o, it the Pnblks House of Usury Kohler in Abbottatown. Adams co, Pa, between the boors of land 2 o'ticck, P. H. fur the purpose of electing a President, !lx Managers and a Treasurer, for said Company, for the ensuing yelir. JOSEPH i3MYdr.R. gee J. March 25,11170-2 t BOOK AGENTS WANTED TO dk.Ll, TEN YEARS IN W ALL S'IREET. It (nand., the Illatoritia, Mysteries, sad Secret Do. hags or Wall Street, Life Sketches of ) len, the Speculations in Gold, Stalks. de., Woman Speculators, and all that is great, powerful, splendid. ray steriou llnteresting, wicked, amazing, wretched, etc., In the a bens of speculation. Portrait, of Vanderbilt, Drew, Gould Fiske, Jr., and limy other., itograci egg of noted places, Llre and Scenes, to. Overusing Books free. Bend 1:1P circular,, to WOZTOZNOTON, ur,Tt, • Co., Publlaheni, Asylum it , Ilartfintl, Conn. March 25-4 w •MO CONSUMPTIVES, Providentially ray daughter .1. tram restored to health by simple toes.., withOUt inedicine. The particulars will Go swat tree. Skunks Y. Horistow, Stockton .t., Brooklyn, Long rased. Starch 25-4 w Tai MAGIC! COMB mw ammo tiny colored batr or beard to a permanent black or Wenn. It Con. tales no poison. Any °pecan nee O. One sent by mall for $l. Address MAGIC COMB CO, Bpringbrl4•Mam. March 15-3 m THIS IS NO HUSIBUO! By sandhag36 rents, apith age, height, color or *yarn and bah., yckr will receive, hr return Wall,. correct Orton ofyour future husband or wife, with name and data of .marrisge. Address W. PDX, P. O. Drawer N 0.21, ltaltoaville, N. y. March 25-4 w REMOVAL. I HAVE BEHOVED 10 North-west Corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, Pa .) where I •Call b. happy to wait upon all my old Ofm tuner. stud all who may favor me with a c.II. GROCERIES', 14OT1OES, d.C. 53 5 75 fiit 600 8 / 2 1 its 8 50 0 00 @ 0 00 11 1 14} 151 0 0 00 Hi 15 QUEENSWARE; FIRE PROOF AND GLASS-WARE, all of orb tcl, I Invite the public to call and ezasolos. *KOS ECKERT. !larch 25, la7o-1( PUBLIC SALE Thee andoralgoad, Assignee of Y. D. Drumlin, will offer at Public Saks, on &leerday near, Merck Mk, at th • hotel of George W. McClellan , in ffettredeurik the new BRICK Dw suave of mkt Daphorn, on Car lisle street, oear Steven's 1.141, with lot of ground front JIM SO feet so raid street and canning back 140 feet, The doars and facings for windows and door frames hsv• all been wor ked oat and will be sold with the house. Also, the undivided ball Interest of said Marlboro In I 25 # 150 00 I 05 12 ACRES OF LAND, Mora or lets, adjoining the above, suitable for bulls . log Ism Salo to tornmanceat 10 o'clock, ♦.Y., when attend. SACS .111 be, era!' and tams made known by MART W. EOIIIIIIN, 4.od6nee. sOO 750 Much 25.—1 t 3 5 411 40 30 REGISTER'S NOTICES. vornea tie - livreiry siren ao •ea Legatees and ...thee persons conceraed, that the Administration Accounts hereafter mentknsed will be presented at the Orphans' Coast of Adios county for confirmation and allowance, on MONDAY, the 11th day of APRIL next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., Tit. • 15. The account of Ezekiel Hansel, Guardian of George . sad Hennah Mary Hansel, minor children of. L. B. II artml, deceased. G 0 8 • IL The Brat and final account of David Mother, Administrator of estate of John Blocher, deceased. 17. This Ant and Anal account of George Myers, Administrator of estate of Catharine Myers, widow, decanted. 12. The find accoont of Levi H. Martin, Execut or of the last will and teetament of Mathis* Martin, late of Ox ord township, Adams county, Ps., dec'd. If. The mend and Seal account Of John Blocher and Eli Blocher, Ireentors of Joseph Blocher awe. 10. The second and final account of Abraham Shealy, Emmy tor of Jacob Wisely, deceased. 21. ne first and Anal account of Abraham Shealy, Administrator of Catharine Ilbeely, deceased. 22. First and Anal acceunt of Henry Overdeer, Ad. minion.* for of Wm. Homan, deceased. 23. The first and Anal account of John Hanes, Sp., Adm.nistrator with theiN will annex a Lewis Wol4 deceased. 24. The account of Cornelius Myers, Admlnletrator de lonia non of tbe estate of Joaah C. Albert, dee d. 25. Second end final account of Emanuel Brough and Andrew Omagh, Testamental, Trainees of the estate of Abrahans Brongh, under the will of John Brongb, deceased. 2a. Next and Alta account of Jobs Albert, Ad. Infiltrator of Mary Albert, deceased. 27. The Bret and' goal ocooont of Mare V. ltieksr •ff, Executor of Will of Suiau Tate, deceased. SAMUEL A. SWOPE, Register. March 25,-1870.—tel TH E RE L EXCELLENCE end Cbeepnesrsf our Clothing is the only senses of our greet success. READY-MADE CLOTHING BUT MATZRIALB. We vie now but "all wool- goods every piece of which Is well spong ed, suit carefully ex - valued. Oar cotters of Seedy mule Clothing are such is could work in W ELL CUT other establishments on Custom Work; their work combines comfort with style. Our hands are supplied with the best trim. wings, and we see that they us* them, mid WILL MADE. every article is titer , on hly pu t t elti t s 2 before being Every garment sold accompanied with a legal guarantee, hold ing us responsible for the correctness' of all the representations made. It Is conceded that oar large busbies' sad many otheradvantages enable ua to sell lower than any other house. We invite a Sir com parison of prices. GUARANTRRD LOWEST PRICED YOH FALL AND WINTER OF 1869 We have made the GREATEST PREPARATIONS 'YET. EDSIBERLiSS SARiawn, ENDLESS VARIETY, - ORO/CEST SELECTIONS, GOODS TO WEAR WELL STANDARD STYLES LATEST 'ASIIIONS, NEW ruaNuartne Goon& iirAllear goods are marked at tower prises gss Were the mate artlater last Jeer. OIIEITaitE DEPARTIdEIiiT • DEPARTMENT PCOt sow AND YOUTHS' lINAR An topoolally Bali proporad to , MEW AND SNIT= MITT/1M MtiIaTJED ourzat, r OBIATIR DIAPASON A PIN= LINE OP GOODS THAN - EYES, NONOOD MOUND, • HONDA! CLOTHES, • MANY NNW-ffillall. WAIAMIMMAULAINELIB OAK HALL BUJ:WINGS nia LAientir'is INN WAYX IL B. cot'. 411th t MARKIN' Stay Phllldelphla. Hm bracing whole block on SO Imo *IAN to Mum Oct. 22 ttl4l . IFAN4.M4IFEB ik swim Sarpfise Oats. DERSOIS desirous of securing good good or Um, • .Genuine Surprise Oats , obasibi ft at $1.60 par busisa, st 11 1° Mt fi MI addriaili g . W. GRIMM Wadi 11, Notice to the. Publig I TlLiao4l“lgneasimalait a V;lp4t4laiimaropi agesitivira t4wilNesbal4oVOll. mmay, weilariday pad .11 7t.1.g . A Wag y Wartieuerr, I EB 'dap' ilide ant FaCrili4 glitalarh4ro: pat Itrar 64, aid room tastasymilt44;l‘id wino lagag with thavSsielee trait tkitigsto. Kay it-ts AMU WAllll.lpq .fiTe.t4) bor-4 !onion. am initmeroperitt swim* 000.4-6 1 .rtiPt Viirtwort NM% NOR'W. OATS. E. IiARMON For Sale or Rent In addition to my stock of I Ln• added Ta PIMPS:7I'ION ME= (XSTABLISIiI.IIIA ri WELPI BEA PIS, • 8A Is Arl.S&Witi 8.11.1V11 or all daacriwtioaa. lIALTING mat MILL WURNliinnen. onto -- itia a saws with Solid Tooth, or with PATENT AltiVirtalliii PoIXIII, nt perior to all Inserted Teeth &two. sornuossDucto.-ss airs«nd Prke Lim and tirealanvli. WELOIL4GRINIIULS Nokia. Mai . is , ,Ear Detrilt,loelk THE DOLLAR SUN. • CHAS. A. DA Duna. The cheapest, smartest, and twit New York news paper. Everybody nee N. Thee, editions: DAILY, SO; Sato-Wzmur $2; and Wilmot, $1 • year. Au. ton Nays at half-price. Null reports of markets, agriculture, Farmers' and /milt Growers' Clubs, sad • complete story In every Weekly mad Semi-Weekly nam t er. A present of valuable plants and vines to Amery subamiber. lndneentimsts scieNavanorquww .ll,ooo triaarsnoes, epood likEara, Slaw, LiMrbium, Parlor Omani, itirs'ing ILschins, tic among the premiums. Specimens mid lista free. Send &Dollar and try it Z. W. ENGLAND, PublishorGita, New York. AUMNTS—C4N 'CASSINO BOORS eKNT PRICK. Secrets of Internal Revenue, By a Prominent (Slicer of the Treasury Service, showing up the secret:and inner workings 01 the &- venue Department, tie Whiskey *Mg, Gold Alma and Drawbect Fronde, Brava:pile Robbery, Beganattee lions, Conspiracies and hal& on the Government, btaliamiancr, T 3 runny and Corruption of high Or- The most alartlimg and important boo.: pub lished. Containing thous 50. wan Stiledpagee, epalt esliy illnetreted.• AGENTS WANTED. Canvassing Book and complete outfit sent free. Address WM. PUNT, Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa.; Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati, U. ) 1(1ZE8 . "I l t rtt i . ei le i°9 908 .1 at...wee to sub...soars and agents for WOOD'S K Hoc... HOLD MAOA2I7I/, thlr large/IC and bead Dollar Monthly In the world. Biotite: prinew to be tepeoted sot...— full particular. In March Number.. for male by all New eilta ler., or neat with Catalogue of Premium. on receipt of 10 cents. Addres• B. IL WOOD, Newhtirgli, N.Y. List of 2,500 Newspapers t.r nue stump. G. P. BO Wt • , y . Y romatio Vegeta • :Soap, COL , iATK h 0 TOILET SOAPS L ESTA 1111. , 111.1, Ibf.• XI;II FORK ror the belicate ikin oi Ladle. and Children SOLD BY ALL DEUGoiste AGENTS! READ THIS ! wE WILL. PAY AGENTS A SALARY Of $3O per week and expenses, or allow a large commission, to cell our new and wonderful inventions. Address M. Wagner t Co., Marshall, NW.. $2 . A DAYI.-40 new articles far Agents. BM -91..../Ve• IL B. SHAW, Lund, Ate. "Economy is Wealth. "—Franklin. IA7 HT will people pay IMO or more ibr a EXWLIO I MACHI3I when lirt wiluy one that has a sednet ardreputation, bid:able br ea d t,c mptete with Table, constructed upon entirely new and practical princi ples, rune by (fiction. and excelkall others Timm celebrated Machinenfutly lictatiarl, ace intended km poor Pmt.'s who moota to novo tiale, labor and mosey. /gents Wanted. Machines seat to Agents and given away to needy families. For c I routers and reduced prices, address J. C. Ores A Ce., or Franklin and Dia mood S. M. Co., Box 397, Batton, Masa. P 8 YC LIONA NC , FASCINATION OR SCUL MURK/NO.-400 pages; cloth, This wonderful book has fall instruction. to enable the reader to fascinate either sax or any maims!, at will. Mes merism, Ppllituallino, and hundreds of other curious experitusats. / t Lau be obtalaed by studios shires*, with postage, to T. W. EVANS k CO., No. SI *loath Eighth street. Philadelphia, Pa. March 18,1870-4 t THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVE R Y! Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. MORE TEAS 600,000 PERSONS Bear testimony to their Wonderful Curative Wrests. WHAT ARE THEY ? They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, -pr 'teasing also, tae peculiar merit of actiag as a power . Magma In relieving Congestion, or Intlemmation of the Liver, and all the Viseeral Organs. )OE VS-MLLE COMPLAINTS, whether la young or old, snaffled or mingle, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of lib, these Tonic Bitters have no equal. (a-Bend for a circular. THEY ASS NOT A VILA FANCY DRINK, Mad* of POOR RUM; WHISKEY, PROOF SPIRITS, AND ILIFUSS LIQUORS, doctored spied, and meet. , mud to "Wee the fame, °Mimi "twillim,ff petmens, .meesearre,- an. , Was sea ray MOW , ow to drunkenness and ruin, ant are • Owe medicine, made from the native Roirta and Herbs of Califontia, PIM FROM ALL ALCOHOLIC STIMULANTS.— They are the CIaiI.T.BL.OOD PURIFIRIL and LI FE DIVING PRINCIPLE, • perfect Renovator and In , vigorstor of the System, carrying off all poisoner's matter, and restoring the blood to • healthy Condi. • Don. No permit can take them Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell. MO will be given for an Incurable use, provided the hones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means,arld the vital organ. wasted beyond the point of repair. For INFLAMMATORY and CHRONIC RIMUMA. TISM, and GOUT. DYSPEPSIA, or INDIGKSTION, BILIOUS, REMITTENT, AND INTERMITTENT DISRASES OF THE BLOOD, LIVER, KID NKTS, and BLADDER, them 21/TTRB.S have been morn succesefel. SUCK DISEASES are caused by VITIATED BLOOD, which Is generally produced by derangement of the DIOESTIVE ORGANS. Clesuse the Vitiated Blood whenever you Sod its impurities bunting through the skin In Pin.ples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse It when you 8.4 it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it Is foul, and your feeling. will tallyou when. Keep the blo , d pure and the health of the *Otero will fol low. • PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, lurking In the sys tem of so many thorium* are effectually destroyed and removed. In filth:um, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, these Bitten, bate an equal. For full digit:ees read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed in four languages—English, German, French and Span ish. J. WALKER, Proprietor, 32 Commerce et., N. Y. R. EL AteDONA.LD A LO., Druggists, and general Agouti., Son !hoodoo° and Sacramento, Califormia, and and 3d Commirce it., N. Y. air - SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DIALBRS Mar. 4,1810-3 m The New Articles of Food, FOR TWENTY•YIVE CNN'S YOU CAN BUY OF YOUR DRUGGIST OR °HOWIE A PACKAGE OP SEA MOSS PARINI, MANUFACTURED PROM PURE IRISH MOSS OR CAR RACLIN, WHICH WILL MAKE . SIXTEEN QUARTS OF BLANC MANAGE, AND A LIKE `QUALITY OP PUDDINGS, CUSTARDS, CREAMS, CHARLOTTE RUSSI, • 8C.., AC., AC. , BC, It is by far the cheapest, hialthies and most deiipious food in the tooPld RAND SRA MOSS MARINE CO., PLANTATION BITTERS S. T.-1.860--X. Thin wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet. anchor of the feeble and debilitated. Al a tonic and cordial for the agsd and languid. it has ao equal among stennachkee.' As • remedy gm the nervous weakness to ; which women are especially, subject, it is sepensdt n Jr every other stimulant. In all cli mates, trop est, temperate or frigid, it sets as a sloe. ale in every, species of disorder which under:Muse the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Ferule by all druggists. Mar. 4, 1876—em I wu cared of Deafneu and Catarrh by a aimpl remedy and will mud the reclllpt free. 111111. N.C.14111091TT, gobok el , If Mar. 4-4 w HINKLEY KNITTING• Plaellii 4l lE 7011, YANIII" UBE—simple, c*a r7 O, larn vmarnitaro. AGIN TS WANTiID. mar pl. stocking DAL Addriss INCE KAOHI3IIIOO., XL, tlflitostA k , T. rob. 111, 1810-3os • I MAGIC COMB w il l Mumma any Canal os , P H iEd to • panmummi Block 4r 1 1=1" a rt pwn. Atryossara Ira M. One IM. Address MAGIC CtlYil CO, ilialniteld; Yam. 010q.24, 1809.--33 a • PRIPERS• I = vg etl•a arize d ai . V.l4 ata l l i ti W GZO. /1.7131 11 j_ t_ .r:ti Audo...6M left Azeka lama lbof . y.,— -Cleitral Rut. a. 6.. t book fo u rrSanwa mit limed neid It Wpm, k WWI imsvisig. maws blieiff=oduarikft bona Auld thaw& aim nth DV*" I.hre Aguas TIMM "arise 'A. 444 D, lefiClumume MOIL ' [Ker. 4-111 w Store Room, for . gots - - A RUM ClEL&Me to is u red4co u sa t i e ets o =co tal cig =tt r is go ci l f 'York "14 burro an oni Eso ka 1 41, 10 s al% ff 4 . 0 4 8 , er tiistatilictuts^ ... 10(44. „ &grotti laaralSostikiirtior tie fM84.1 "Tait 1.-1 411 r .11ipti;ssa$547147.,11i7prikai We, the undersigned, Auditors to nettle and adjust the public accounts, do hereby unify that we hare examined the items which coin the Sorterotainc man t, and that they are correct , being from the fifth day or January • .D. 1869, to the Swarth day or,Jan nary A. D. 1870, both days incloatre. X. R. soLcnrara. E. G. IIItAGY, • DAVID DiEvoms, BIL„ Auditors Steward's Account. OMAS JOHN& Zec., Steward meemat pith the aI T Directors of the Poor and Home of lempityment /erthlAounty of Adams, being from the fifth day of January A. D. 1869 to the third day of January A. D. 1.870. both day • latitudes: 1669. To balance doe at teat settlement To order on Treasurer " . -3 37 ro .. 50 00 .. 60 00 • . 60 00 To cash of Hides sad Bklao 94 93 " Lewis_ 86 Bosoisol i ta i ry Zoo, Ant.. 17 08 " " A. Polley, Lotrrest / or Bliss Mato: 907 " for Cows mad Bull . 149 00 for Ti/low„.„ ..... ....... .......... 1 50 " Old 800 " Timothy Pod.— 200 " " Ihoop sod Lambs 125 50 To , balance doe Steward 25 42 CR. By cash pakl General Expenses Harvesting and Hirelings. • " • Relief to Paupers.— " " lentos& of Pao pars • Groceries " Mechanics Work— " Moat and 71•11 ...... •• Pratt and Vegetables--.... • " Portage, ie Funeral ix passim .... - ....... " Horse Farrier and Medicine.. We, the eubecribers, Auditors to settle and adjust the public account; do hereby out* that we haye examined the items which compose the foregoing so• want, and that they are cart act, being fr om the fifth day of January, A. D.lBOO, to the third day of Jan. nary A. D. 1870, both days inclusive. PRODUCTS OF THE FARM, wo. 514 bosbiels of Wheat. By.. 2400 " Corn la ears. 809 " Oats. 7 " Timothy Seed. 200 " Potatoes. 16 " Odom 20 " Bad Beets. 260 doaan Cneutibera 2000 bolds of Cabbage. 1060 pounds of guff raised. 3814 " Pork " 200 tom of Hay. 86 loads of Con /odder. - stesuebes of Insult. in the Alan Hnnw on Jan uary 1, 1170 : 38 reasalas . 38 Children 12 Colored Total Transient Paupers Paupers admitted during the year Death' daring the year March 11, 1670—St HAIR. VIGOR, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color A dressing which Is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual tor preserving the hair. /hated or gray hair 14 soon stored to as original color with as gloss and freshlietsqf youth. Thin hair V thickanad, talUng hair checked, and baldnsoa akin, though not always oured by Its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicle' are destroyed, or the - glands atrophied and decayed. Bat such as remain can he saved for usefulness by this application. Instaad of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, It will keep it clean and •Igoroas." Its occasional use will pre. vent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldneas. Free from those de. %tortoni substances which sake memo propitiates' dangerous end Injurious to the hair, the Nor can only Serail t but not barn 11. If inland merely for HAIR DRESSING, nothing *lse can be Load so desirable. Containing noithor oil nor dy., It dant not toll whits cambric. and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it • rich glossy luatre and a grateful perfume ;Prepared by DR. J. U. AYER & CO, PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL Calm-urns, al Part Place, V. Y. a/slot We is Gettysbargy PA. it, A. IN )uuzu Pair 111111..-Iyeal C=l I have opened an agency for the SA TY4 OF REAL ESTATE a connection with ny law inneincanin iiettyelents Partiotwiehing to cell,or boy lands, nay and It I' heir advantage to call. Farms and Woodland. . ma. or. WHICH 4110 , 41ai11e EMIR= li= • GOOD FARM. GOOD D IGS sad naaredttreare Roane Riad., A No.l PAR*, noir Gott - Taber red /rivet load. A YAWL lee A 011111„ AT ello MAORI. . A TRACT Or GOOD LAWD,SII Actium ATARI PIA AGRI. A 'MIT GOODIARW, WITH 100 AORNS RR/MT UR ILL AT rts Pl 2 AGRA YU OGR4r. 100 4CIIIIB, W H VIII GOOD 1 NG11411171 le AOlllll C 11 TINI Al e ' T A U . GOAD IINAWD GOON a MILL _ 4FA , 100 Amu, soar Got ...: '.. A • T GOOD NAM AID IMOD NO AT NO MIR ACM, two Wks franditArgo la , A DAM, Dior adios boa Ciflysintri, Mt AOIIORSAP. A TAINT GOOD GlitAir FARR, two allot haw eatisktut, AL . 4WD OIIZAP TAVERN AND Lora AD 30IIiIG ;: AL YID! GOOD IMAM IN GOODORDI.R. SAS P 1; . . - A GOOD FARM DUILDINGS ALL IINR:100(0 Jam murearassation, • - ALSO HOUR'S AND Beta e LOTS - tirrofilif Attorw!ty gnaw . 111,'Ill 0 etiyalitrg, Jame IX Flni~l ode ;i mHs tint Patios ae nipmadruitif 110111111rmil4 fiti E! i oliti .L. l OP 4 B A a m b o r of Moron and Tapsesliok aid • boating ""• — tawithz,:rio*..dliive of kin Dnummaainrasktega BQINITAT fge NALOICZa, •4WilleturMAlllPtot• `Ede/Rill or rime& Ise vissinearess; - :'1 Thip io Was ft we nomplohowyillbase bawd= emwmagew, II Kat Ow aj tiw4 bat will be homiirlid b alltWilk A k,,, r ,,.11:1nu f *dui *sit IN& lhila Sti..U3llllomak_:_. .. , POOP BOUM ACCOIMt. 1 . 008 B ls....Tr==mit: nip tba Bounty of Moms, being nom. 800 11301 i Jinnouy 4 D 7.1174,4411114,1117 at .1.11- nary A. 1). Is7o, WSW dm* : ' At !-, • . 1E49. Jan. 6. To Ouistandinglibßnatbsaa-..:-......11.. 210 01 7•6. ', Corembuauper's 0rder....... 1,000 00 Bar..". " Apr _.„ ..... ----.. 1400 . ' - ~,. -......... 1,000 Noy , " " 1,000 00 J am 0 ., , , , , 0 ......_,............ a I,OIWOO July " " ' " ..-.4.---:.—....1.0110Z011 Aug. " " 1,000 00 &opt. " " Nor. " " No. " " "' .-_ ... 00 To nub. of W. Litter, os Laad....—...... 1,6 17 4 00 0 " James 1 1, 14 an. an Lang 13 00 Jobe 111 B ent ..-- 30 00 " " J. C. MHO, Tklama Turn. " pft o " J. O. Neely •Viaio . i; O . ( Timmins Nets To Uncalled for oniony.. To Comb of 11 Roily from Naar Noc'o rotate Jan. 3, IEO To COM mix/toner's ardor. CR. By balance du* Treasurer at settles sat 11 TO 97 By Cash paid On: door Paupers support—. 1,272 33 Mercbandise,llrocerieed Hard. Wars . •• Pork; Deer, Baron and Fbh... all le " Beef Nut., Coll/ sad Wogs 1,6E2 16 " Flour, O rain and Qrind4qp..... HI 33 •• " Fruit and Veastableit 214 26 Dipairs to bolidlegs. SII2 11 Beellanics 1 1 102 k..— 631 64 ' • 610644 Coarand ..... . 1,161 14 -• Wood and Propping, Waking Fence Posts " Sundry ixpeneee Drugs and Surgical Instrn manta 107 30 " Boller to 446 28 •• " Per utility °Nand Inmate:ice.. 174 36 Costs and ..... 70 75 " " Funeral Expenses.- 91 09 •• " Publishing Accounts & Print. ing • " Male Hirelings Yuman Hirelings •• " Directors Extra Wary.- --. .• " Physician's Salary-- " Attorney's " " Steward's " Clerk's " Treasurer's Ay balance is hands of Treasurer. M. E. ROLLINGEIL, E. Gi. HEADY, DAVID lIIIODES, JR., Auditors. AYER'S LOWELL, MASS. PitION $l.OO ESTATE AGENCY. VICK'S •••• ' Fy ! i ii,.. 1,,. . . , lin, .. " l " *lrirMEilliEß; !. ~..». JURY LIST FOR AP., ,*, - I,i . ____. tinAND JUST. ", v. ife IDRIIG & .BOOX. STORE ) limailissbass-Jas IL Marshall. Idesnia. • ' ' • Rail Monaeph MAckley or Oxf F. Reale, Joseph 'think aIIITYSBV7?O, P. 44. Franklin-4 P. Buil Conosaso-Adamonel A. Outer. kienaueo-aarOmer. • Reading-Wm. n &R.m.......11111ebra mend. i Tyrone-4arti r. Gegyabtirg-Term -none, Davit......Etterner. Ouver Bonner. Samna ,_p oll . Bermes , Baner—Rtnun L. Harris. M artin Thomis:V.. 14tUedown-Levi Krebs: Einntin... union-Willlam Sett. • • aeob Ettmns Flekee. Croji 7 John martin, pbael Sherry. Hantilton--Jobn Stipp. GENERAL JURY. • osnt—John L. Jenkins, Al sins Hem- ler, David Dietrick. Butkir—John C. Markley, Jacob RArtZell. Berwick tn.—John 11. Baker. Franklin—James Mickley. Itamiltinthe&—r........ Peter Shively. James P. • Steno, W. Worts. Litt 14Talvn.-eamuel P. Young, Ephraim Myers- Ihnon—Joseph Adams, Abraham We i George D. Basehoar, Jacob W. Keller. ard Oxford--J Adonams. Stock, A. J. Bowers, Win. King, Rich Cumberland—Jonas Johns, James ThUn Laberty—laasc Pecker. Peon. Huntington—lsaac E. Wlerman , Philp L. Hauck , Gettysburg—A. W. Minter. Jacob Retly, Robert Jacob F. Months. C. Cobam, Jacob Sanders, Wm. D. Holt:worth, M Straban—Jacob C. Pottorff, Isaac F. Brinkerbod, Jacob King. Moan Eekenrode, Ezra nue, Jacob A. sartmaa. Conowago— Wm. H. Sinai!. ton—Abner S. Itiklebrand, F. B. Picking. 41 — Emanuel Plank. Tymne—y ers. Reading Ezra M. My Bell, Solomon Baker. Menallen—Samuel Meals. m—Jo hn Germany—,Wm. Berne Staub, Jacob Pfizer. Freedo March IS, liffit—tcr. 18 50 EM .- 110 00 1,600 00 161.3.268 66 210 IS "Al 9 00 OTICE. The second account of JOHN HANES, hag:, Committee of the perms end estate of Ama Mum, • • Lotman, of Admit. want', Wen be a i led I s"n the Oourt of Common Neu of Adams Co.,and will he confirmed by said Court, on Ole Iftt day of Apra, MO, miter cause be shown to the oputrary. JACOB MILLIORN, Proth'y. &Lerch 18, 1870—td• 78 00 312 00 325 00 66 DO 135 00 25 00 300 00 0 -T 1 C•E . The - second account of - .7.acoa MllS gamut and Onion W. Worn. neelle•es of panto. Museststs• and Was, of Adams county, has been Bled In the Court of Common Pleas of Adam' county, end will be connrmed by said court, se lAt lfdA day of Apra,lB7o, nobles ens* be shown to the contrary.' March 18,1870—tdo JACOB bIBLIIOILIN, Pratte:. 3000 iiMil 113.298 55 NOTICE. The 2nd Romani ofloaxoamix)arr, Truett* of Joan Hoax ad noun hi, wife, exhibited by FILAICUP H. 0111D0 111, Administrator of rid Joan OMOR.FT, deceased, of Adatnecounty„ ban been tiled in ta.Cknart of Common Plano of Aft.mil County, sad will be confirmed by said court, on the Ugh day of Apra, 1870, tiniest cans. b. ebown to lb. contrary. March 11, 1170—tdJA.001$ 11111,HOILN, Proth'y. e NOTICE Is Lusby glum. to AU epplicsato far Pima unit Cettztleatto, to meet the Calnadtin• on arid Cer tification, at the Public !School dnildtm In Glattyabarg, on Saturday, March 284%, 1870, at 814 o'clock/. At. JOHN- koCazAzar. J. Prod.:lnt of C mut Ilmossainn, Bao'y of Com. Owsunittes. March 11—td NOTlCE.—Letters of Adminis tration, Cum taitimaato saitexo—en tb. ast.t. of Batton. LATIII•11, late of York livings borasigh, Adams county, Peas's., deosesed, having beau plum ed to the ■adersignest, residing in same place, she hereby gives boas to all persons Indebted to said estate to make Inuasslisto payment and thaw haring dolma apart the Nam vUI present them properly atithentleilted for settlement. MARY C. LASH RAW, Adm'x. March 11, 1670—dt MI --f 14 70 . 219 00 . .- 3!0 14 50 NOTlCE.—Letters of Adminio k tration on the estate of Wausst Su" de seemed, late of Menallen township, Adams sonatyNL, having been created to th e andendisned, running la said township, he hereby glees notice to all persons Indebted to wild mate to make unmeant* imam; sad those having dela • egaltastthe Name to plowing them properly mithentloated kor settlement. Karel 11 1870.—fit JOSUE 0111111 T, Adger. .. - 5 30 -..- 10 25 SO 70 140 78 109 15 9 66 200 10 36 NOTlCE.—Letters of Adminis- A., tratlon on the estate of Nam G. Ilszeratvan, deceased, late of Butler township, Adams comity, Pa m haring been granted to the undersigned resift( la New Chester, Strait:mu township, he hereby Wow mt. tke to all perilous Indebted to sn estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claims noinst till mane to present them properly authentklised for set tlemen t. IMO el Er = JOHN P. MA SALTZG/TXit. Feb. 25,1!70-8t Adn'r NOTlCE.—Letters of Adminis aratke as rimesters Gleam= D. &vaui, de. mood, late of Ilandltooban tdartuddp, Adair. comity, Pa., baring been vented to the andereyreed residing In said toweehtp, he hereby ere, Utica teal P4llllOOll Indebted to said estate to sate immediate payment, and those haring clahros 'ganef the sea • lo primal then properly authenticated for hettleekeet. ht. 1011.4.11, Feb—U-4P T ICENSE. The following application* for Li ft/we hare been filed In my oak*, with the rev:WU number of signora and wilt be prosonted at the Coast of Quarter &odor*, on Yeadelt Mina day af Nan*, mu: TATEILN LIGINSE. Washington P. Harris, Gattyihttri„ WO. H. G. Py 4rig. Mareb 4, 1 na—cd ASSIGNEE.'I3 NOTICE. The nudereigned having been appointed Assignee by Died of Voluntary Antiunion for the benefit of creditors, executed by WailLtilaSon IttitknoWlnt and Win, of the borough of Gettysburg, he nereby glees notice to all persons indebtei ur having intros opinst the pime to call Lad settle them lioniedlasely. STUART W. /10/SILLN, Assignee. March it, 1870-31 AB SIGNEE'S NOTICE. She undersigned having been appointed Assignee by Deed of Voluntary Assignment for the benefit of creditors, executed by pear PITIMS & Wile, of M.D. Allen township, Adams county, Pa.—notice Is hereby given to all persons indebted or haring claims to call and settle their accounts with the undersigned, re/W -ing In Butler township, March 'l3, 1870—liteGRORGS GROUP, Assignee. Bounty Tax Notice. 7 •HR School Directors of Butler township hays levied a BOUNTY TAX for 1870 and placed the Duplicate In the hands of the Tteastuur. Isaacs m ma, to whom the tax Is tots paid. AU potions paying on or before the 961 of April nazi, will have the benefit of di pet cent. deduction ; and those not paying be fore the first of January, 1871, will have five per cent.added. and their amonnte placed in the hands of a Justice of toe Peace or Constable for collection. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. Feb. 26,1870.--81 REGISTER'S NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given to all Logue.' and other person , concerned, that the Administration Asooants hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams comity for oottArmation and allowance, on Tiffin /AT,the 39th day of 3LANOti hut., at 10 o'clock, A.M., its 11. First and Anal account of Hon. base Z. Alen man, Adnilaistrator of Ilisa Spielman, deed. 12. The Arm aocount of Newton M. Horner, lx. °rotor of Andrei, hfcLinissy, deed. 13. The first and Anal amount of Aillion, Sell, Ad illter of Peter Pell, dec'd. 14. The NM feceunt of as&g,t. m ., Trustee Ibr Hiram Albert of,fand wl!{-9f Aer..lo/th E. Albert, dec'd. \ SAMUEL, A. swam segistai. Mar. 4,1870-4 d Court Proclamation. 11711111.KA8 the Hon. Raszer4. thantinstresddentth 91 Judge of the Courts of cosapost Plate ha e murales composing the 19th District,and Justice of the Courts of Oro end General Jell De. livery, tor ttnt Arta Of 11l Oldidtaland other offenders let said district r did Jailor J. Evan and llos'r MoCaitsr, Zeus., Judges of the Canute of Common Plass, and Justices of the (loath' of Oyer and Terabit and General Jell Delivery, ter the trial of ail metalloid Other Wenders in the county of Adams have issued their precept, bearing date the 24th day of January, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight bondredl sad seves.ten, and to se directed, tot hotdlgOciAg 01Coosmon Plans. and General Quarter Bssaib3a offEh Peace, and General Jail Dellrery and Courting Qtrs. and Permbrer, at Gettysburg, on Kendall, llkh April, 1870. NOI2OII HIRRET G1T11,12 to nil the Juittaspßt the Peace, the Coroner titni the Constables wfthiti . the said county, that they be then and there la *Wpm =ns, with their Records, mi ll sloes, sod *Our Rem to do those things which tsillbllr allcesand in thit f apper tain to be done, sad slew the, who will pronoun, against the prisoner, that are or then shall he la the ail of said nount7 Ot Alb are to be gm antithere 0 prompt* egotist thanULU% Net * I Mott Emirs 0110 e, ttysbon, 18,1870. Sadirat; Was, *it ----- Hardware and Groceries. Tile subscribers bare Jest mimed from lb. Ohba; with la imams* sappy et, HAIDWA.III MA 9EO. Min, Which thacrate a/Mat at thalr old staid oa Baltimore street, at prices to sett lb. times. tear stook Ometestolemixof UNP cAile - 3 Toots,. ocu.Oß 1119D1N98, 11:10% n3 : 110 1 / 1 =22,13e8 (12111 ka 010010.133 OP ALL =WA %It, Mats, De. There- lashsled la the several dapartakestaireatleaed abate bat what alla t d or .41 1 A rkilka, Do Id* aiha ands llesseiesigem semi Dad woo article la their Lae,— airs a asriiiipeorfspropszkise lowr OM* al 119 out JON, lit. a111 1 :1 1 ( May 99, 1119.-41 ADAMS cOMITY . - 'NORMAL SCHOOL' rei Cloudy eitpertatikilteletMu o a Bo' hoot $464 aim liratiagy bete. trauma TWibegrl the Norval Meal Dahlias es Met street, eete; , Nitta& /jerk% itessfatth. slwe.iywttdU eOOl ittOtelbettesa tree&e: a 'aloe of %Moe tee dol. ill& asst •be pelt fa ethreppe. knots &- Aimee oteaterterg Uselkikei atlts forward testi MOM, aneltrirrflik . 1,41,11 will be etaittli isitAssUar t f, 4,2lLik ,KairfAßD l 4•l9olgre. eaviiB inf.-4C • I ito, !rugs, Viediar.” .1 DRUGS, MSDICINEb, PATEXIT MEDICINE'S. BOOK IiiTATiONT TOILET A aMLR% GOLD nisi, Charatersbury tree, near Diamond iiireountry lifitohat its supplied at City wholesale sates /el, 2s, ALM 0... u. DR. JAMES CUESS DRUGGIST &Wore inßrartt's Building, Bali V. si LITTLESTO WN 1.1 P AVING opened a new DRUG STORI and fitted ft up f n th • beet nay le. I offer lay stock of pure and fresh Drugs to the cilium's ol Littindown and vicinity at the tow•Ft market rates. aonalsting In part . Drugs aril Family Medicine,. Fu r Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, , -Patent Medicines, gorse Powders, Sore SjaWu. Dyes sad Dy• Stare, Perhuesry, Toilet fleapit aid Policy art Mos . full••••ort moot of Brssolina Stationary of aliklads,Cfgaro,Tobseeonad Sniff. gilloant'sltteetro•lisenstielloep will wash with haor soft water cold or num. Clothes method with this Soap aro ;teas beautithlly white without balpig or bilielng. Th iel* the best Soap In woe. Try It. It Is warranted not to fajta revs he hands or fabric rolithlstriD.MaY IL-fl, JANII/1 0111.1bS. 69. JUNE • NULL ABllOll 11111 T 011 Drugs & Family Medicines' PATENT MEDICINES, LIQUORS AiD WI:NU/OR YroICAL 14:11P011/18. PIIRASPIOSB AND D.LATORINGI IXTIACTS • DTI AND DTI ATII/18, 130AP8, 1 . 157171118 AND TOILET , (100 Db, nrin.warriNo FLUIDS ATOr o EITATIQ Nsai r. DITYX/D/ANWPRI SCireTIONA ♦ND ZANILY RN- CM ita A CCUItATZLT PVT DT PHYS/CLUIB ANSI 4701INTILYNNEOPLINTBROP PLUM AT XIDIJOID RATES. Forney's Horse Powders bebertandahmipost kir Hareem, Cattle sad illitta Other Hors•Powdari of approved tr.ak el H IT BE R ' S , - Baltimore SYreee, Gettysburg, Penn'a Jun• 11.1869.-41 DR. R. HORNER h•m t••mm•d th• Practice of Medicine Ono• ►t 64 DRUG STORE, IN ORAXIIIIIBURGI IT., GRTlTiatral Alia), Dealer In PURR DRUGS umouss BAKING SODA, DTI BTI7/715, Jim. 14, 1870.-tf HA3ILIN'S CELEBRATED WIZARD OIL FOR SALE BY A. D. BUTIfLER, GETTYSBURG, Pd Druggist & Stationer, Feb. 4, 1870.—tf gtal and g'tnonial VALUABLE FARM AT PARTho.undorsigned offers at Private Isle hie rateable K Situate In Bt. Thomas township, Pcsaktin oy, Olt the road from Campbeilatown to the m* Spring road, of- a wire front Um latter rue eosl A(IN,18, more or law Tbo potentiate. area new twootory RIL LING, lesli het with a Trams Bar myt, and watbandlap. There Is a never.adlow Opting of water on the promisor. About 98 Acres are la rood Thaw, with • large proportion of excelleat Marlow. The bum bander rood lancing, sad Lapod order sad conveniently bated for Ill* B cbool-see, tie will be eat 7 to milt purchasers. Pence, j *slew the presume will g IMaiel roddlaiint res Ihteß4l2lag m 'Arin. farther intorinatlon a dds - , . .B idlY MILTir „ Grasdenburr, Asia co., Peluso. Oct. 29,1969.,—1hn ITA.LUABLEPEQ:e3RTY AT PRIVATE BALE. The andari4M' a d attire at Private Bat s • THU old P.NAHI a ABLI LOX, 'Utast*" la etrabea iowashle. of F southwost of Newthestor Oak adroadad rimy Th 66 of Lad hi um/4 sad talalue • la •O State oulltl oon eaboa ass mai are anew' waath larboarded OMANI H tram. lare„ . * flirty. Parung Orchard. of Apple sad Noah !mass, Attar. mad trait Tram fa ea yard, • welt et the dour; • aurer•falLtag Stream ritat theat.sh at allialattat Shah Is ma *thral'.... 9 6 Th... Tim toeatioa aaavoai eat to ()kw:a.B e i m " . Mall, sad Market. Property well *alba./ thrisloa, saalltHl be SOld 4111110 at sour. ba.Olr Inttclu umn. tersas„ wil Potions wialttas vim the ;manilas. or ascertain l cell on w or address by letter. MAHAR -- Now Chaster, Aag.l3, A/ 71' ALI/ABLE TOWN PROPERTI • • otTPRIVATIC SALL .1114 b. mold at Private gale the . 11 ALINIBLA PlO. PIETT In the Borongh of Gettysburg. ose the embe r eflOhatannnbarg street and ten digging / 4 im, Le ," . etllnint's Corner," fronting 00 feet og Wm* as street, and running beck to • paella alley. S='lnt• Em enteits. roadie of telseierg. giuggs Dv, us mots tersetorg RUCK Bea-au. SPHytkilecens, Praise ge ; It Is uausa rekhahUo "Lend, Wang kind of Wildman,. . . I, L.c It wilt 14 wild out tesposable brag ter *brills. tidbrinSil" a Pertg.l l 4,' GS ireniquied ' AWN -Stitt k wax. 9 1, 44,e, . T. A Mr/11gs . .3•41. t, IQo.—et - - = • --- .. : ...... 'TOR' 'SALE iu 211? f, Progy ime timilibirribiir e 'at.; get 4481,0,. p t; siftte 4 4 Irg.4 .4 11 P 44 8 as *O4 kiiyi.brick, 434 i 6.4144 Am iiFa . "lllll' :11.Silt e* 00 alaplig, •Ig ~ , Ole tf mak • ilk& dMilt t•Pret.. , , 5 . 0. AV. l i r , ii---- I- . t i, ~ , , :k.'s. isnw3,.. 0:1 1— ' ----- --......_ - ~.::.FO R SALE, THE, liinaiße.BLE THicior r aTaßT . ' RM.. OK loWzi,katio. Rous t) . igai .444 tic6t, ao 40 -6,44 1.4, who 44.t..4 7 &Wit bek-belidllag, In Ilnit elms rnynk, Ono utx,r3 trow Own ,on Balsliworo street, W/11 i/. NOW VW in , to* , Mpatenan,.,n 1. .:._., 1 Jane II 11 1.: ''''' 010 rozreazz • , - - , 47 - - • soo CORDS OAS. v.:. , ~ L 4 pv,lr 20 0 hrlcr o it IF -- •-•-= , ....v. • A-T 8 AND Will& M. XLL. , -*-•-•''' • 1116114°.e..!,,m641/servertauategiout, - - 1- 4STe iLOVIIXIXBOU ililla sm ag raim. iIIIIIA tr. a' pirtritEßl, &c., itr 69. PASANT MADICINIIIII, PRIVALTII SAUL