gad ltd prson ALUABLE TOWN PR AT PRIVATE RALE L. 111,..1rreignil .ffer* at Private Fele The two. y BIM K DiSELLINO re:Tatty nrcupical I.y hie her. an Baltimore attest, liettyaburg. fronting 30 '4bn:our° street, with an alb un the north and and adjolling property of Ire. Paxton on The th. It he de.bably located for • private reabb.nre le In good ord.., with a good frame Stable, and ,eressaiJ briprort merits. For terms. apply In • RL BERT 3IcCUIIDY. =BEI ALUABLE FARM AT offers at Private Sale Lis valuable, RM. in Ft. Thomas township, /retailer lay, on [lie r,iid from tempbeitstown to the rei Spring 1. ad. , 4 or a lode from the latter .mtintainfnit 71 ACtil:S. more or leas. The lin ements area taw two story !KAMM DWEL— G Ifig24 fret a ith a Frame Born, '20x35 feet, and ' 4lll4l ogs. There is a n.ver.iailing Spring of rco the premiaes: About 22 Acres are in good her, with a largo proportioe of ixrelleut Meadow. tam is under good *acing. and in good order, miureelentiy located Avila's, schoolllouses, terms will be easy to soft pore Lasers. nous &string to clew the paleface will call on ref Knotiss, raildieg oa the adjoining farm. For her lotorulatia.n address • HENRY MILTE?iBERGER, Oraeff ram rg, Adams co., Penna.. 1 dil , 9 —sm ALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. e tit , :rrsigc.rd offer, at Private Bale a VERY ALILk YARN', imitate to Strabon townsbiN t 1?-6 miles southwest of Newchetter, adjoining of Henry Thomas, Lag., George Cashman, and es ACID En 01 Land in a high state Berm on. The Improfe.sents are a now wrath tong Or, lard of Apple and Peach Trees, Grape • and Fruit Trees In the yard, a well of Water at 'am: a tirvtr-failit,g stream rooa through the eof the Yarns. There is an abundance of Tim- The location is coul'ollietil. to Churches, Schools, ,sod Market. Properly Is well suited for dirieico, and will be in Wm or entire. to suit purchasers. reens wishing to view the premises or ascertain e, will call on the subscriber or address by letter. ABRAHAM FICHES. w Chester, Aug.l3, ISG9.-tf RIVATE SALE Of A FARM NEAR GETTYSBURG- e nudet signed Laving divided hie Farm lying berimod tOttbaliip, Adame county, Pa., abou t .west of Gettysburg, to the right of Chambers; turnpike, *bent 1 4 mile, offers a portion of Private Sole. It c Attains about 115 acre■ ot: term land, with 30 acres of good, Timber.— top, cement, area new two-story brick 11011160, • Out-house, Frame Baru, and all other nice.- There it A tine youretdreltard in bearing condition of nll kinds of krnit Thu er port of the land him sit been limed sod le in At .rate of cult iTnt too. • Ai,3 1 , elm•11 wirldut, to purchase a farm orar .111olkets.thossIses. School•houses, should u '.Cull iknl see this 000. THEODORE BENDER ttyab ins-, Pa =1 RIV ATE SALE. A GREAT BARGAIN. tiful nodoroducting FA RNI, situated In the e I red., rick Vitlle3,ono 3 nilles from Frederick 31,1, cuntikinn ACRES, Improvements, did tone Mansion House , Carriage !louse, Dairy, Corn Crib, Wage n di ,dc., g.,od :idling of IVatet ; Also, Mooing r In all the, fields. Peach and Apple Orchards ,1 4 rds 700 Trees. Fehcing ; good. ale pi..lliv e.. Price $5.000 OEo. F. WEBSTER, Property Agent, 'Frederick City, Md. 17, -:Ii• I.I.I:ABLE' TOWN RESIDENCE FOR SALE undersigned, intending to remove from Oett)s oilers t Privute ;ale the prOperty io whi 0 trert, adjoining pi open) of Jobtu on the Edar urd of Hamlet !Shilling on the f t.IIt1111: .;0 feet on nigh street cud rennin t tweivo fed. alley. The 130173 E is s new ory Fran, Building, conveniently arrange n large STA is LE on the lot—everything being t•t.ite ..rder. It will be sold on ressonabi tura, it.fortootwo apply to JOHN W. WEIGLE tyaburg. Pa.. Nor. v, IStAi.—tf. kLUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE 4:lrt Wit rs ofthe Will of CANNON, deed. t Private Sole; the Talmible Ilea! Estate of *laid .rot on the corner of Baltimore and East Middle directly opposite the I 'OILIti MOUSE, 95 feet lumnte Ste, et by 142 feet deep. Improved wit O ,`TORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, marble .g shop, and a well of excellent water, Isolt. s one of the most desirable places In Gettys- At ply to 31ARY A. CANNON J. StAIteIIALL CANNON, Executors ISt .-tf HEAP LANDS! ye for sale more than 200 FARMS, varying in 10 Acrre t 5000 Acre.. and varying in tom SI to $5O SICR ACRE. The glin.ato ie .ed. 601 l advted to the growth, o Grain, , Gra., Fruit and Grarolli Water ie abundant 'AP RAILROAD TICKETS will be provided for 0 come to me to buy laud. For catalogue of prices, tc., address JNO. B. GRETTER, Greensboro', N. C - - USE AND LOT AT PRIVATE SALJ" eubacrilier v Mies to dispose of hie liouse ana ualod en the Muntrusebtirgßued and close to 1101.78 S Is a new TWO-STORY FRAME BUILD -Ith a one and half story Backbuilding, a at Lie, and a choice variety of Fruit. The go are all new having been put op with good al but a ow yearn ago. ny person wishing to purchase a property not tall to call and see this one As it is • No. 1 ty In all respects. Terms will made easy. W5l. H. 15TEINOUR, J . ysburg, Nov. 12, 1669. 3m. FOR SALE opt. rty on . Chanatrsboirg rt. Gttlyabstry, Pa E HOUSE is a two story brick, as in it, a Hydrant In the yard with good out gs, rltotee 'nestles of Grapes. Strawberries, rrles, Easplerries, Peach and dwarf Pear n the lot. -S. B. BOW. 10.—If • LUABLE MILLS AT PRIVATE SALE ). 1--A very desirable Mill Pro ,:b 15 ACRE, Or LAND, on the bead waters Mouoracy, cue mile from ilarneS, known BB mall. U. 2—One other Mill Property, ACRES OF LAND, on dank Creek, known loe's SIIII, eta milts west of Gettysburg. O. o—One other Mill Property, ACRES OF LAND, on the Turnpike leading oL,tt.toorn to ilanover, one mile from the lat e, know 1.1 Gollinger's ALSO, MASONIC.—On Monday night last the officers of "Good Samaritan Lodge No. 336, A. Y. M.," - were installed by R. H. Thom as, Esq., of Mechanicsburg, R. W. D. G. M. of this district. The officers for the ensuing year are :—D. A. Buehler, W. Id. ; A. J. Cover, S. W.; H. J. Stehle, J. W.; H. S. Benner, S.; John Rupp, T.; Wm. E. Culp, S. M. C.; D. A. fikelley, S. M. C.; Wm. McClean, P.; J. X Brandi, S. D.; Rufus E. Culp, J. D.; Rev. W., R. H. Dea trick, Chaplain. John °elseloran, Tyler. After the installation of officers the mem bers of the Lodge, and visiting members of other Lodges, took the cars for the Springs Hotel, where an elegant entertainment bad been prepared by the gentlemanly proprie tor, Mr. Homes. It was gotten up in Mr. H's best style, for which he is noted. After supper came the "feast of reason and flow of soul," with brief speeches in response to various sentiments. The first offered was to the R. W. Grand Lodge of Pennsylva nia, which was responded to by R. W. D. Grand Master R. H. Thomas. W. A. Dun can, Dig., C01....E. G. Fahneatock, Col. C. H. Buehler, Dt. J. W. C. O'Neal, Capt..J. F. McCreary, A. J. Cover, Esq., H. C. Peters, H. J. Stahie, Rev. Deatrich, G. M. Howell, J. C. .Neely, H. B. Woods, J. M. Branch, H. S. Flowers, George Hoppes, and others, were called out during the eve ning. After an hoar or two of' pleasant social enjoyment the party returned to town with favorable impressions of Mr. Hoppes, proprietor of the Springs Hotel, and Mr. Hovel!, President of the Passenger Rail way, both of whom extended every possi ble courtesy in providing for their comfort. It may be proper to add that no "wine list" was provided for the entertainment, the ocly beverages being coffee, tea and water. Treasurer. A CHOICE FARM, Ing 231 ACRES OP LAND, 30 ACRES IN R, mostly 100 gushes, of i hoe to the Acre, nice Buildlugs,-tiro mile, west of Gettysburg. GEO. ARNOLD. • .burg, 5ept.24,18G8.-3m. - • I would exchange one of the above Mill Pro f, a g....lF•rna in Atlanta county, Pa. OEO. ARNOLD. )0D FOR SALE, 300 CORDS OAR 200 HICKORY, SANDOE'S MILL, rice S 2 and $3 per cord on the ground GEO. ARNOLD •burg. ) 0 11g28,1,668.—.t. I ANTED.-:—Partner—Half in tcreet in a good Wood Engraring Litho .rc •uil Steam Power Printing Business, in li his, an an paralleled chance Air Capital and 'cal Printer or Lithographer. Address • M. R. LtiIIiGACRE„ 3u & 3:2 South Seventh et.. Piffle EIEMIED 8,000 WANTED! tSONS desiring to invest from $l,OOO *B,OOO on perfectly safe Real Estate ty, at G per cent. interest,free froo all and local f taxatim, will make im v te applicatiki to either of the under .. , M. McCLEAN, s't Boaid of Trustees of Pa. College A. D. BUEHLER, 17.--tf W ESTERN t'-EMPTION LARDS. 1 HAVE ON HAND A YEW R ACTS OF No. 1, hand, pre-eail•dou Lands located nee/ Rat oriaty Towne, ikc., In well settled seiglaq.l Web I willsell, or exchange at a fait pelf I latateln Adaneseonnty, Pa. GEO. • ENOIL isee._t FOR. SALE. DESIRABLE THREE-STORY BRIJ:K.I DW L.LLINCi HoUS.E, knit. on 40 tent lot, with two-story Brick • to or, clam, rtosir, two - door froir N. es ISsltliktore street, wall be sold on 00-.ttr, •••.• I Jane. 11 T ADVERrilistho MZDIUM, ElT•ipte 1111.2111111/1 FRIVATE c3A LE RL-APPOINTED.--On Monday last, being St John's Day, the,officers elect of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania were installeJ at the Masonic Hall, in Philadel phia, via; Robert B. Lamberton, Right Worship , ful Grand Master. 4 ,11* Yam ant ,toutixel. fictiviburg, Frldna , ice , 31. Iht9, CARRIER'S GREETING.—The Print er's "devil," carrier, and ,employets of the office generally, have been busy du ringthe past week, getting . - iut some niyii tt.rions document, which we Asko to be the annual greeting of the Carrier Boy.— Ile and lieuteuans will be on hand Sat nrday morning, and hope to Lind their 1.613.12"13 prepared to return the greeting with substantial evidences of good will.. SALES.—Mr. 'William Ruff, .of NeW Salem, has purchased the new brick house of Mr. Overdeer, ou Baltimorestreet 2 , this place, at $5,000 the latter taring the Ben ner property, across the, alley, at:52,600. Edward Stab! has sold his property in Alobottatowu to Mr. Martin for p,aoo. Josiah Benner, Lq., has purchased the Weismanle property on Rock creek, Harrisburg road, for s2ho. A 'WEEK OF PRAYER.—It is well known that the first week of the new year is observed by Christians of various de nominajiops, as a season for special prayer and mutual edification. We understand It that such meetings will be held in the churches in New Oxford—the first on Mon day and Tuesday afternoon, in the Ger man Reformed Church ; on Wednesday and Thursday in the Lutheran Church ; and on Friday and Saturday in the Meth odist Chuith. PLEASANT SURPRISE.—On Thurs. day night of last week, a number Of ladles and gentletneu of the Reformed Church in this place made a "surprise visit" to the parsonage, bearing quite a - number of ac ceptable gifts for their 'Pastor, Rev. W. 11. R. DICA.TRICH, and the differetit mem bers of the family, including eatables and substan dais of various kinds. Tile whole matter had been judiciously managed, and took .the good Pastor by surprise. Mr. Deatrich is labdring with marked suc cess in his congregation, and enjoys their confidence and esteem, as has been mani fested by frequent testimonials. , EXA.MINATIONS. The Common Schools of Gettysburg closed their first session on Thursday oflast week, pre ceded by a public examination of all the schools. The °semi Nations, we under stand, passed off creditably, and to the satisfaction of the Board—all the mem bers of which, with a single exception were in atteLdance. The Schools will re open on the first Monday in January. John M. Kratab, Esq., bas been appoint ed Director to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removal of Wm. R. Eyster, Esq. Some of the Teachers were made the recipients of handsome gifts from the pu pils. The pupils of School No. 1, on the day preceeding their examination. gave their, Teticher, Capt. John. F. ZWCreary, to undersUad \Mat they would like to be dismissed, and have possewasion of the school room for a l'sw hours. They had a still further surprilse in store for hint. Upon his return to the School room next morning, he found that 'his pupils had made good use of the rece*—tne stove being nicely blackened—the rbom .care fully cleaned np—arid the walls p tb t , kniely decorated with appropriate mo twined with - myrtle—all the work of the pupils of his department. ' CHRISTMAS IN NEW OXFORD.— A correspondent advises us that the good people of New Oxford had a joyous time on Christmas day, notwithstanding the inclement weather. Numerous gatherings took place, and warm hospitality prevail ed throughout. There was preaching in the morning, and at noon a Fox Chase took place, when some -of the sportsmen of the neighborhood and .rom Hanover joined in the chase. The fox was letloose about one o'clock, and after 7taking sew era, circuits about town, made for the bills. When a few miles from town he was holed and caught alive._ Another chase is to take pine,. 0. 7i Now Year's day. In the evening s Christmas festival' 'Was held in German Reformed Church, by the Teachers, Officers and children of the School. The Church is said to have been beautifully decorated, and two large "Christmas Trees" filled with presents for scholars and friends. The scholars' pres ents amounted to 144, besides 220 more given to individuals. An addresewaade livered by the Pastor, Mr. Davis, suitable for the occasion, and everything passed off pleasantly. We also learn that there were quite a number of gifts given during the day, and some very valuable ones. One in particu lar, worthy of note, was given to a Teach er of the German Reformed Sunday tchool—a large Oil Painting of the "Trial of Christ before Pontius Pilate." A large Quilt too was the gilt of a mother to her daughter, that contained 2888 pieces, • and all pieced by the mother herself. Samuel C. Perkins, Deputy Grand Mas ter. Klfretl R. roller, Senior Grand Warden. Robert Claritlnnior Grand Warden. . Peter Williamson, Grand Treasurer.-- Jdtin Thomson, Grand &Wotan' R. W. G!.. M. Robert A. itamberton an itoustcei his eppointmenta for the Fear.— Eion. il...Y.Fer, of York t is re-appoint ed Chairman of the Committee on Corres pondence; Charles M. Howell, R-q., of Lancaster, District Deputy Grand Master for. Lancaster and York counties, and Robert R. Thorns; Phq., of Mechanic*. burg. Pistriot Deputy Grand Master for Cumberland, Adams, Franklin and Ful kn counties. Mr. ThomM ettlere, in s markeddegree. confidence and esteem of the Xfoctri la ills district, and the membership will be gratified' to know that kW relations to *ltnß an ilk oopttisios. CHRISTMAS.—We are glad to notice by our exclukes that the Cusom of obserr ing Christmas Is growing into favor, and year by year is becoming more general.— We read of 'Christmas trees and Christmas festivities itOburches, Sabbath Schools, Orphan 1104.3, and the various benevolent and charitable h3stitutinos with which the country abounds. It is a good ohl custom --healthful in all its associations, and not only a source of intense joy f 6 the little folks, bat important in its religious bearings, by directing marked attention to the cen tral truth of the Christain system—the Ad vent and Incarnation of the blessed Sav iour. In Gettysburg the day was - generally ob served, and bright faces and • pleasant greetings marked the meetings of old and young who thronged our streets or ex changed social visits. We hear of quite a -number of Christmas Trees in private resi dences—some of them elaborately and ar tistically gotten up—and embracing all de nominations, Catholic, Lutheran,Reformed, :Methodist and- Presbyterian. On Christmas eve, at the Catholic church, the services, as usual, were very impressive, aid attracted much attention. lIZTORMED SABBATH 'SCHOOL.' , . The Reformed Church Sabbatk School convened in the Lectureroom of the church on Christmas eve, and enjoyed a, most de lightful season. The exercises (for a mem orendnm of Which we are indebted to a friend,) were 'lntroduced by — the School singing an appropriate Anthem. The beauttful Christmas servicu, of the Church was then gone through with, the Pastor leading. At its close Mr. Richards, one of the Teachers in the Infant Department, de livered au interesting and fitting addiess.— Several Anthems were sung atter the ad dress, when the Christmas gifts were given io all, Scholars and Teachers. Owing to repairs going forward In the Church the Christmas Tree had to be disposed with, but the gifts were none the less acceptable to the children. A large amount of candy was equally divided among the Scholars and Teachers, by the Pastor, as their re spective names were called out. The child ren in the Infant School; under the care of Miss Annie Danner, each received, in con nection with their candy, a beautiful Card and Book. Private gifts were the joy of the evening—not a Tia — dter or Scholar missing. These gifts were presented ins public way—each Scholar syttd Teacher ing forward to receive it. Miss Eva Dan ner wis made the happy recipient of an elegant copy of Milton's complete works Miss Annie Danner and Mr. Richards were kindly remembered by their side of the School. 'Tie difficult to discriminate ; Mt s. W. A. Duncan, Mts. John Winebrenner, and the" venerable Superintendent, Mr. Uuyer, were not forgotten. An interesting feature of the evening was the presentation of the .Rewards, promised a year ago : Ist. To the scholar committing the larg est number of yei sea of the Scriptures: The reward was won by Lillie Frey, of the Youth's Department, and by Fannie Fley, of the Infant Department. - 2d. To the scholar or scholars most reg ular and ptuntual in their attendance dar ing the year. The rewards were given ta lreste Danner, Ella Buehler, Emma Wolff, Clara Rebert and Ada Deatrich. The Choir of the congregation remembered the Pastor In a handsome present. OHRII3T OHUEOR SABBATH lik7llooL. The Sabbath School of Christ Church (Lutheran) also bad a pleasant time on Christmas eve.' A large Christmas Tree had been put up In the Church, reaching from the floor to the ceiling, profusely decorated and heavily laden with oranges, sacks of candies, and gifts for the children of the Senior and Infant Departments, pro vided by the Teachers. There were also many private gifts from Teachers to their Classes—from Classes to Teachers—and from Scholars to each other—so - me of them eustry mutt mumble. Indeed so numerous were these special gifts that it was found im possible to put them all on the tree, and Many were deposited on the platform. At 7f o'clock the, School met in the Church, which was well filled by members of the congregation and visitors from other Churches. The services consisted of sing ing appropriate Christmas hymns, reading of the Scriptures, Prayer by Dr. Schmuck er, and brief addresses by Prof. Martin, Dr. Valentine and Dr. Hay. After tha ad dresses, while the Choir sang a Chant, the Christmas Tree was lighted up, with about 160 tapers, presenting a beautiful appear ance. The , distribution of gifts then com menced, each Teacher and Scholar coming forward as their names were called—some of them repeatedly—until the tree was stripped of its precious fruit. Most of the private gifts were carefully put up, with the names of the donors concealed, so that even the recipients knew not their charac- ter or source, until careful examination re vealed not only the gift itself but with it probably a'llitle message of love and kind wishes from some cherished friend, which enhanced the value of the gift. Thus it was, that while all were remembered and shared in the pleasure of the evening, there were many pleasant surprises to give zest and interest to the occasion. The Pastor of the Church, Rey. Dr. Hay, and the offi cers of the School were not forgotten, each receiving a handsome gift. Much credit la due to the Committee of latiles i and gentle men who had the affair in charge, and Whose laborious efforts contributed largely to have it pass off pleasantly. BURNED OUT.—We regret to learn 'hat the office of the Fallon Democrat, in McConnelaburg, was entirely destroyed by fire on the morning of the 23rd inst.— The fire is supposed to have originated from a pits of ashes under the- office. Al most everything was burnt. The forms were on the press, almost ready to go to work, and went down with the press.— The proprietor, BigfrEt RonarsoN, a grad uate of the Compiter office, has our singere sympathy in his loss. Although he prints wretchedly bad politics', he hi a clever fel low, and we hope he may soon get his of fice refitted. IMPROVEMENT. peter F. Hen ry has built a two-story 'frame dwelling house, with back kitchen, In Ham ilton ban township. A LARGE EAR.—Mr. Theo. Tones, of Menallen township, raised on his farm last season some good corn, one ear of which measured 144 Inches in length. THE LITTLE CORPORAL—This bril liant juvenile for January makes its ap pearance in anew dress, with new engrav ed title page on the cover. It claims to have a larger circulation than any other juvenile magazine In the world; and de serves its great popularity, both because of its originality and sterling worth, and because it gives sp pooh lbr Bo email a prise, only one dollar a year. Pubbibed by Alfred L. Sewell & Co., Chicago, 111. All the children should have it- It will make them happier, all through the year. AU who subscribe beibre the Arai of the'year will receive the Nov. and Dee. Nos. of the old year free. PITTNAMI3 MAGABLNE for January contains ald.4ory of Father Hyacinthe his chug, by Hon. John Bigelow with _an excellent portrait oro c , Npor,i4kst. There is an earnest paper to the *Om of Cuba and Spain, which urges that the Cubans are entitled to recognition by lter government. A new novel, called "A Wo man's Right," by Mrs. Mary Clue; ADIS*, of the .figisgtendertt, is begun. Putstant is always fresh Ind sparktfog, Sad is sapeCWiy the medium of wtuueyie is new/nd ettraptlva In the literary SINGULAR.—Tbo Bork *Ting 4. Use onix nisobine sold on trial, ' - N GMT .4111rEk CIINISTINAN 1 num riniclL 'Twas the Otfter Christmas, when all through • the hoarse Every - soul k Tss abed. and sti ll as a mouse: Those stoe ngs so late in St. Nicholas' care Were empty.of all that was eatable there; The darlings had duly been tucked in their beds, Wltlxvery full stomachs, and painsin their heads; I was dozing away in my new cotton cap, And Nancy was rather far gone in a nap, When out in the nursery rose such a clatter, • I sprang from my sleep, crying, "What is the mat ter?" I flew to each bedside--still half in a doze— Tore open the curtains, and threw oft the clothes; While the light of the taper served clearly to show The piteous plight of those objects below: For what to the fond father's eyes amid appear Etatthe little pale face of each little dear! For each pet that had crammed Itself full as a tick I knew in a moment novi felt like old Nick. Their pulses were rapid, their breathings the same; What their stomachs ejected I'll mention by name: Now turkey, now stuffing, plum-pudding, of course. And custards, and crullers, and cranberry sauce; Before mimed nature all went to the wall, TekkillYFoPa flaPdoodle, dinner and all. Like pellets which urchins from popguns let fly Went fig& tints, and raisins, jam, jelly, and pie; Till each error, of diet was brought to my view, To the shame of mamma and Santa Claus, too. I turnd from tie sight, to my bedroom stepped back, And brought out a via' marked "Pulv. Ipecac. ;" When my Nancy exclaimed, for their sufferings shocked her, "Don't you think you bad better, love, run for a • dotter?" I ran; and waS scarcely back under my roof When I heartl the sharp clatter of old Jalap's hoof: I might say that I . scarcely had turned myself round • When the Doctor came into the room with a bound. i He was covered with mud from his head to his ' foot, And the snit he had on was his very worst suit; He hardly had time to put that on his back, And he lookedtke a Falstaff half fuddled with sack; His eyes, bow they twinkled! Had the Doctor go merry? Ills lips looked like port, and his breath smelt like sherry. He hadn't been shaved for a fortnight or so, And the beard on his chin wasn't white as the snow. - But,' inspecting their tongues, in spite of their teeth, And drawing his watch from his waistcoat be neath, He felt of each pulse, saying, "Each little belly Must get rid"—here he laughed—"of the rest of that jelly." rY I gazed on swirl chubby, plumb, sick little elf, And groaned when he saki so, in spite of myself ; Bat a wink of his eye, seltm he physicked our Fred, Soon gave me ba know I had nothing to dread. He - didn't prescribe; but went straightway to work, And dbeed all the rest—gave his trowsers ajerk— And, adding directions while blowing his nose, He buttoned his coat, from his chair he arose, Then jumped in his gig, gave old Jalap a whistle, And Jalap dashed MI as if pricked by a thistle: But the Doctor exclaimed, ere be drove oat of sight, "They'll be well by to-morrow: good-night, Jones, good-night." [For the Star and Sentinel. CHRISTMAti EVILNING AT THE NATIONAL EOM ESTEAD.—I do not know when I spent a pleasanter evening, than I did on the 25th, at the above named place. Tableads and speeches were the order of the evening, interspersed with music, vocal and instrumental, by Mrs. - Buckler and heir three daughters, whom she has lately 'brought to the Home to share in the instructions of Sir, and Mrs. Hilton, who so ably fill the position of pa rents and preceptors to the orphans COM milted to their care. A silver coin was pre sented during the evening to the pupil who had committed to memory the gresit est number of verses in a stated time.— The donor was a gentleman who visited the institution, ifome time since, and lett it for that purpose. The person selected to present it was the Rev. Mr. Hillis, and the happy recipient was Lyman Beecher Brown. We were then all invited to the "sewing room" where atreat was in store for us in the shape of three large Christ marctrees, laden with etch though not for bidden fruit; for after a visit and speech from old "Sixty-nine," with his frosty locks and snowy beard, the distribution of the gocki things began and each one re ceived an ample share. Upon looking around upon thelgroup of over e hundred children, we were reminded of the 'Old woman who lived in a shoe, And had so many children, she didn't knoie what . to do." But when we saw so many eyes danc ing with pleasure, as arms were laden to their utmost capacity, we were forced to the conclusion that the lath r part of that ancient poem could have no application there, viz: !lithe gave them some broth, without any bread, krid a good sound whipping and sent them to bed." LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE, for Jan nary, opens the fifth volume, and commen ces a third year. The publishers announce that they will use every means to render it more entertaining and attractive, and that, so soon as the current serials are comple ted, less space will be given to such matter --;4 change we have suggested, and that will, we think, add materially to the value and circulation of the Magazine. There are five more , chapters of the Vicar and two of Beyond tire,-Breakers, in, the Jan uary number. There -are two Christmas tales and a Christmas"poem. There are three short stories and twit' Abort poems. There is a sketch of the founding of the Capitol, and the usual miscellany,, Mr. Spencer accompanies his philosophy of self-impoi tsnce with some amusing anec dotes, and Mr. Stockton's fairy is a neat though not novel production of a familiar German idea of the season. The story about going an errand is vivid and well told. Mr.' Snowden considers the propo sal for an internationarcoinage. Terms—Yearly subscription, $4. Single number, 35 cents. Club Rates—Two Copies, $7. Five Copies, $l6 '1 en Copies, $3O. Lippin cotts's Magazine,, with Sunday 'Magazine, $6.50; with Good Words to the Young, $5.50 ; with Good Wood, $5.75. • . Specimen Numbers, with Premium List, sent to any address on application. Ad dress J. B. Lippencott & Co . , 716 and 717 Market St., Philadelphia. ''OLD AND NEW," Is the comprehen sive title of a new Monthly Magazine pub lished by Hurd and Houghton, the first 'number of which lies before us. Among its contributors, are the familiar names of Henry W. Bellows, E. E. Hale, Robert Coflyer, J. F. Clarke, and M. Harriet:B. Stowe. The average merit of the articles is good, and the variety sufficient to meet all tastes. The Editorial Department, in its various branches, is well sustained, and the initial number gives promise of popu larity and permanence. It is published at $4 a year, at 185 Washington st., Boston and 459 Broome st., New "Turk "EyEay SATIJRDAY" has become an illustrated paper, and been considera bly enlarged. Its new attractions, added to its substantial merits, can hardly fitilitt secure a liberal share of tatronge. T he terms are 815 a year, or ti in connezion with any other periodical published by Field, 46*(4 dt 03., 124 Tremont at., Bos ton. The illustrations in the number of January 1.• areof.a high Order of expel: inQe, and the litersity selections choice. Ala What'll the via oratiffering intoler able misery far &Dirt weeks to months with 1,""Cold In the Beak , '• when Dr. Sage's Remedy gives immediate relief, and will perninnently cure alt !mob eases, and ooeta only ;My coati apatite/M*l4o prepares one pint•of the medicine. Sold by drngOte, pr mend puttyTptit 1)14 R. V. l'lerOft„ V. V., and gei ii post free. -14 lllKTader. a did prohosor and with ;he holtoldasr,ing Pl,ll o ol,the pupils/ 1 0 1 47:4 2 . 1 1 1 11 401 . "114-11411"1"1"144P4 EU JACK FROST—Is ,here, and Norms is ds'ermined to keep people Warm and comtbrtaole, by selling clothing cheap that every body can purobtut Over Coals as low as $4.00 and good warm Under Coats at PM, also 'Under Shi HAMM) Draw ers at any price a man wants them, Knit Jackets, Government Blouses and Over Coats, cheap as dirt, and Genuine Buek Gloves the best in the country, and every thing that a man . Wants to kelp* Winged(' comfortable. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Rubber Overs, Rc., &R. Dent fail to eall at Norris' Corner —Arnold's old Stand, if you want bargains. if SIERBOWER'S SEGARS have be come noted fur their high flavor, and every body who knows anything about good To bacco has got. iu the habit of going direct to his establishment in the northeast corner of the diamond—folly assured that they can get just what they want, the very beat Segara, made of prune tobacco, highly flavored, and what is better still sold at prices that can't be beat in or out of the city. Strangers can't mistake the place. "Punch" always stands at the door, good lonliOredly inviting the passer-by to enter and enjoy the good things to be found there —Segars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, of the best brand, Mercnaums, Pipes, &c. THE CRlBlS.—People In this section have not yet had any chance to be benefited by the crisis in financial affairs. An op portunity Is now offered to those who wish_ to avail themselves of it—in the reduction of prices of Goods :—A. fine quality of six quarter Waterproof, Black and White, for 1.15 ; Extra tine Gold mixed at 1.50; Fiae Chinchilla Coating at 2.25 ; Good all woof Cassimeres for 1.00 ; all other Goods in proportion. In short, the Intention is to make "a change in the base of operations." To satisfy all that this is no humbug we re fer, by permission, to F. D. DI:THORN, store North' West corner of the Square. A few more of those linty cent Hoop Skirts on hand. Dec. 3-if. CARD. —To reduce stock the undersign eepffeFt3, for thirty days, the following de sirable goods at Cofer many of them Lass than cost, viz :—Merinoes, Alpaccas, Pop• iins, Plaids, Wool Deluiues, Printed De lathes, Long Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, Waterproofs, Colitiugs,Balmorals and Hoop Skirts, Blankets, Flannels, Furs, ,Glass ware,, Carpets, and Oil cloths ; also a full line of Men's and Boy's waer, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinetts, Gloves, Hosiery, Bows, Ike.— Terms positively cash. FRANK D. Der rioter, store north-west corner square. dec. I u,1869 -t f FESTIVAL.—The ladies of the AM.: can Zion Church, in this place, will give a Festival in Agricultural Hall, on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 30 and Jan. 1, the pro ceeds to be fur the support of their Pastor. Refreshments of all kinds, Oysters, Ice Cream, Cskts, &c., will be served up.— Doors open at 41 o'clock on Friday after noon, to continue during the evening, and ou Saturday. Admission 10 cents. - 2t WINTER COMlNG.—Winter iA corn ing, and COBEAN dr. CUNINOLIAM have trade arrangements to meet the wants of the public by their large assortment of all kinds of Ready-made Clothing, for Fel and Winter wear, for Men aid Boys— also, Caps, Boots, Shoes, eitc., which they are selling very low. tf ATTENTION FARMERS —Try the celebrated Patent Elastic Rubber lined Collars, Saddles and Pads. Warrantel to prevent horses from galling and to heal up under work horses already galled, it properly fitted ; and sore necks and backs are kept clean with cold water and Ca- tile Soap, or no pay. For sale by .T. W. Cress, manufacturer's Agent, CiPttpthurg, Pa. Sept. FOR SALE.—A "Vulcan Heater," which can ~ e used to heat a single room, or two rooms down and up stairs. Will be sold cheap. Enquire at "STAB & figsrmra." of fice. tf Ott-Sudden Chan ea of Weather are productive of Throat Diseases, Coughs, Colds, etc. There is no more effectual re hat in these diseases to be found, than in the timely use of "Brown'. Bronchial Trochee." They possess real merit, aqi have proved their efficacy by a teat of many years, having received testimon ials from eminent men who have used them. It orEminent New York and Philadelphia Physicians claim that Dubois' Misstsquoi Powder actually cures Cancer. 'lt is ad vertised in this issue. tern Lissy , / VErstcrr.Tbe jury in the case of Allan Kay vs. the Penn'a R. R. Co., rendered the following verdict at Williams port recently : "We find the defendants guilty of gross negligence, and award plain tiff $B,OOO damages." This was a case where a child bad both arms cut off on one of the branch roads leading from :he main road to the lumber mills in Williamsport, in the summer of 1864. The defendants have moved for a new trial. M. A. W Burr sheep, the property of Mr. Levi Dawson, residigg near Bellsville, Washing ton county, were slaughtered by dog's on Saturday night of week before last. Ninety head, belonging to Messrs. Deems 4 Ditval were similarly killed on the Bathe night, The Monongahela Repubtican. says : "This is a terrible slaughter of fine sheep, some of Which cost over $2O a head." - 121: • I Monday night an alarm was created among- the audience at a theater in Bilatol, England, and in the struggles of the crowd to escape from the building eighteen per sons were killed and many injured. Brentx——On the 28th inst., by the Rev. Jacob Fry, assisted by Rev. M. Kuhn, Rev. P. M. Btokie to Miss Annie Wattles, daughter of 11. D. Wat tles, of this place. Hnixits— WEAven.—On the 30th ult., at thwesidenee of the bride's parents, by the Rev. John Nei. ig, Calvin P [(bikes. E'q., of Carlisle, to Miss Alice M. Weaver, of York county, Pa. Simarritn—Sowsns.On the 21st inst. by Rev. D. M. Black welaer, Mr. David Shay ter to Mrs. Isabella Sowers, both of Hun tington to en.hip, Adams county. SMITH—VAN PATTEN.—On the 21st inst. at the residence of the bride's uncle, (Waif T. Steiger, Esq.,) lirightwood, Howard county, Md., by the Rev. Dr. Ross, Amid Smith, Esq., of Washington, D. C. to Miss Hannah M. Van Patten, grand-daughter of Hon. R. G. Harper, of Gettysburg. SMITH—ICARFTELT.—On the 15th inst., by Rev. W. H. Rum, assisted by Rev. S. M. Pearce. Mr. Cal. C. Stoll], editor of the Wrightsville star, to Miss Anna, daughter of Henry Kanffelt, Esq., of York. WOLF — BowEns.—On the 24th Inst., by Rey. D. M. Blackwelder, Mr. Fred 4, Wolf to Miss Lassie J. Bowers, both of iluntiuitoo towttatttp,A.datne comity. . DIED: 4 pis-ObituAry notices 5 atints,s line for all over 4 lines—oash to accompany no tices. Buitam.—NearVipper Bermudian church • iintington township. hirs.Barah Augusts, wife of Edward - Bream, aged 21 year and 3 . months and 2 daya. DeratelL—On the 20M-inst., Mr. Ru dolph Detrick, of Tyrone Township, aged Wawa, 11 months and 4, - 41 1113 R T.—On the 1 1' Lb Miry y l iana granklir k tokish p i liged 18 ews 4 months add {`drys, 41,,Orga.—Qn taut VIM inst.,. John t. infan son of Jacob and Rebecca Klepper. 'l3sTr2eViita. On the 17th matt. Daniel, Gilberithdulgiver, egeda&yeare, mast., and 29 days. peareit fsther thou held lett us' Hero illy iota we deeplY OW. But tie' plocktliat: haul arm% ts; - He can all our "arroyo' bad. • .1 ' Itet;•"gain fro.litive to meat thee, hen "the day 4,111 a laded 4- . N I.; Tiira In heaven we do greet thee, Whin* no farewell - 4, 11134 0, 1 - itat.i.a—Ort die ITiii. .. ;Asir. Jo- IlePir, W"ikei.:9:. _of ~ dr 9100 .16 ` .13 44 *PM. ?NW 0 " 1 li rilleL \• , 0,- - :' •-i.. . 7 ...' . ' - . 7 '''.. ',. '. ' - ''''l_ , , - •.t,',' MARRIED MS BOYS.—Mothers will do their children a great injustice by not clothing them in Oak Hallgarments. The boys like to go to Oak Ball ; it does them good; gives them an idea of business, and shows them what cu" be done by a "boy from the country," as Mr. Wanamaker once was. 'But the great point is, that the bast Boy's Clothing wan be bad there, and at the hiw eat prices. Bring the - boys to Oak Hall. and.both they and their parents:will be sure to Bid satisfaction. It teuietu of the Markets Baltimore Grain & Produce isore, TA graday 4 75 Supeu FLOUR,. EXTRA FLOUR,.. WHITE WHEAT, RED W 111, AT, CORN, RYE, • OATS, TIMOTHY-MD Cwvetc-szzu. FLAX-UZI)* BACON, .81101:ILDit BS, SIDES, " lIw►IS, ME G OLD, Now Tot k Gettysburg' Grain &Prevision Market Gettysburg, Priday Morning. 4 50 5 00 1 20, 1 50 1 00 0 1 00 &mut FLotra;.. EXTRA Fi.oup.,. •Wirtm" WHEAT, RED WHEAT,... Cosa, RYE, OA*: BITOICFMCAT, TIMOTHY 8112 D, CLovicu SEED, POTATOES,, Burrzu, LARD, Eaos, BecoN,, BMWs, " SIDEB, " SHOULDER; SOAP".. TALLOW, 4tur gkilliertirmento. N OTICE The drat and final account of JER ATiiiis W. Insitt., Assignee of Saxtrit Batensl and wife, o [Baths,. townahip, Adam:l3ocount,, Pa., ha. been ledla the court of Common Pleas of Adams count, and Will be continued on as 31,1 day of January, _ 1870, unless cause be shown to the outrarf. JACOB KELM/RN. Proth. Dec. 314809. td• pA-A I X_ECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Let ten, Testamentst7 on tbe estate of RCDOLPEI Denizen, deceased, late orfyrone township, Adams county, having been granted to the undersigned, re siding in same township, they hereby give notice to aft persons Indebted to laic estate to make Immedi ate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them property authenticated Tor settlement. - GEOROV J. DETIIICII, miouen W. DETILICiI,f l ' ecut° " Dec. V.l, 1869.—et 19-The first named Executor reside+ in T.t roue and the letter in Butler tewushlp. VALUABLE TANNERY AT PUBLIC SALE. The entocilber, wishing to give op the 'ramping hostile., will Orel . at Public rale, - o• 77iurrelak, the 27th day of January nest. all o'clock, I'. on. the prtlutan ,n,o valuable TANNERY, situate on south Baltimore street, Gettysburg, P." including Bildt Beam Shop with one ;Kiel, two lin er, and six Inlaid. lers ; Brick Carrying Shop; Back and F./!1:1143 Bark Mill House; thirty eight lajonway Vats on the yard. with eight Leeches, end rue a to odd any •attitiousi number—CONISTANT RUNNING araiNu WATER, neverlaillug„ In Tauyard and Shops. this Tannery L lomteci in • region where goon Bark is abundant at leasonableprires. Them is besides a large TWO4TGBY BRICK DWELLING on the property, with. Spring House ; iinooku Hunw , Wood Shed, Barn, Corn Crib, W &son !Shed, and oilier otitianoldo rigs, with a Well or water and also Hydrant et kitchen door, with roofing -se ter through baring Bowie. There Ia variety of Loot qnslity or growing Otaptai one Vruit on the Toe property le Lu good condition, and in every re ►pect a newt dealrable residence and Li:winos& stains, --ealtableskao fora Brewery Or any noisiness requir ing st sada or running water: Low, will b.. .old • LAM *JP= GB JUND adjoining an .Tl 4 containing 1% Accra, mrr• or leas, with au App O r chard and a ntsCcbuis Ewing and B.Lthing /iota tsibuanit on it. • also, a 141 T UY GROUND on ttt• Emteltt•borg roast oaabelt Mae frees sown, eantaisle4 8 Acre•.— Toe TANN ditY •ud LOTS will be bid separately or together a. way b. dewed. sts.Pereous delialog to slew the premises, or as certain, tuttber yartkutets, will amidst"s the sub scriber, restdusg le Usttyeburg, Pe JOLtrA WINLBRIENNER. Dec. 31.—ta EAGLE LIVERY, Sale & Exchange Stables Opposite the Eagle Bold, Chambersbury.gred, OR77TSBBITRO, PENN' undersigned have opened a neer LIVARY, BALK AND EXCIIAN••IS STA BLE, in this place, and are prepared to ,ffer superior sccosornadations In this line. We have provided ourselves‘ith Buggies, Carriages, Hacks, Light Wagons, &c., of lb. latest styles, sulllcienhio meet the public tie. mend. Our horses aro eood, without oi.ot or blem lob, and perfe:tly reliable—none of your "old clip. Wee." but allot the .240" order. Riding pa• ties can affray. be accommodated and corn tunable equipments furnished. Pont,ei Imiaeor small, can get Just shat the want on the most aranumodating term.. Viaitore to the Ilattleeflel.l politely attended toand reliable drivers furnished if desired. • Parties onnveyrei to and from the Depot upcn the arr ival and departure of every train . Honea bought, sold, or exchanged, and always • Chance for bargains given. Our motto is 9air play and no gearing " 401 - Part miler attention paid to furnishing Ve hicles and Huta for fuiterali. .J W. natter °armpits. that by cbaralog m +der stet, and by furnishing superior se !ommodations, We can not fall to please °Ter, on. Rho patronises our astablubmaut. T. T. TATE, W. D. 110L,TZWORTH, Dec. 31.1860 Valuation & Assessment. FOR - 1870. IN pursuance of an Act of Assem bly passed the 17th day of July, 1842, the follow ing Statement is hereby published by Om Comm lesion ere of Adams county, which exhibits the amount, de. BeviptiOn and WINO of t be Remand Personal Property, Tnules, Occupations and Professions, made taxable by the several Acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth E. BOROUGHS AND TO lir Gettysburg Cumberland. Germany Oxford... Franklin Mewllien. Reeding Hamilton Monntpleasant Union Tyrone Butler .. Mountjoy Freedom Liberty Bernina Berwick bor- LitUwtowa but... .. Highland York gpringe bet- ...... i f:22:J IMPROVEVENTB 4476480 i i iii ig El ' 11 111 il ; ril °l - el'i 1000 TOO Ell 4316 C...... ZOO BOROUGHS AND. TOWNSHIP& Eitttyibpll-• . liagnfltembiln...--e Btrsbao.-.........,.....,,, , E.F., 1.....7.1..w.::: ai10 R .,....„... : ,.,..,....5., "40............ I min 4 , 7 „...t..... .........•..... 0....w..0...................... batter . -.....,---- Mountioy...-......—., II 14164 MG 1050 1066 1930.. nos' is ygoof 000 i TllO fhaudaraliFoid.OolaumwmaraotAdasuriamam U. seastly:thaf. aboabar• allaatien of Um *dor we Ilaraagbaand of the us _coaoty, fa tociat lathe beat at as 4 bariat. • • - l e le grk 061044 ?r a • ' ,-- - -- 1' ...--. 7 ....., .11 . 30 . 5 apnap bar-- El r ✓';. COL LICCTORS Statsand Ouv ray Tax. for ISC9 ere hereby uot Med Ahattbey will be expected to cot Int and pey oyfr the roxes ou tLelr doplkatro, on of before 2110NDa 4, the 21tb day of J e h ITARY, 1570 If necessary they wilt proceed it own to enforce col lection,by the - starial legal process, The duplicates tong be tattled up et the end of the jeer. Money Wog needed, tpo prompt collection end payment of the Taxes La übsolt4ely. necessary. Alnekt.l Marmnil. • 500 I* 5 50 @ 1 50 40 1 42 @ 92 @ 1 10 10 56 @ 4 95 @ 8 25 @ 2 25 @ 15 • 19 • 20 @ 19 , Attfrat—J. Jur. 31i ix, Cleik Dec 31, 1809. itl; filflß Comenhalonere of Adatn. county hereby giro J. Ottelce that they bays axed . upon the following nays fur h.ldlu g the Appetite for the tereral Borough. and Townsuip. or laid county, at the office of the County Couduisationer., in Uttlyaburg, when run where they will ettegd to bear Appeal., between the hours 9A. 31. aud'A P. hl. ,of each day, WI The Appealseir.l3ettyaburg, Cumberland, Ger many, Oxford, Eluellu,stun, „Latin..dr, Tyrone, and ^ lll /Ball, an ructddy; the 2fitle day of January next . For liactuttott, Ikea - mit borough, nerve its ship, Reuling, 31. Italian, Butler, Yranklin awl bawl tou oan. ort Welneaddy,Uelbth day of January next. for 31uunt.l.), t reedont, I,therty, Highland, C.m. imago, Bounty lea.aut, Comb, au and York Syrtut,e, on ihUrtday, U e;il day pj Jaimery net!. By larder ul the Gulnuldununere, J. Jt:FF.'.3l3", Clot Ir. IKI Lit 31,1'0,-td itEADIN i G RAILROAD) WINNER ARRANT] : T, HONDA , DEC. _ - th, 1869 75 3 25 7 00 40 @ 50 Great trunk lin ert'Orn the Novi! nd Northwest for Ohliadelphia. Now York, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Aahlatid.nhamokin, Lebanon. Allentown, Naston,llphrata,Llelk Lantz/net Columbia, gr. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York , ft e follows: At 5.33, SAO A. 11:, IL2O 000 n, and 2 . 05 P. 31., con necting with similar 'rosins on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New 'York at 11:.10 noon, 3.40, 5.1,0 and 1,00 P. 31., reApwctiTify. Sleeping CALI. arevlnpany the 13.35 A. 31., and, 12 20 noon Train. without change. it ettbnlng : have Now York at 9.00 A. M., 1200. noon and 5 00 P. dt Philadeip Lim at 6.15 A. 01. an,, 3.30 P.M. /Steeping %Gs accempauy the 9.00 A. 31. acid 5.00 P. 31. Clain. Grow New k without change. Leave liarrisburg f#r Reading, Pott”ille, Tama qua, 31inerliville, Ashland, !Shamokin. Pine Grove, Allentown/end Ptifladeiphia at 8.10 A. 31., 2.05 aim 4.10 P. 31., stupp.tig al Lebanon end prihcipai way otations; 4.10 P. 31. thin connecting tor Philadel phia, Pottsville one C4luwbia only. tor Ponsvnie, Schuylkill Haven an 4 Attbuin, via helso3lolll mud ottsquebanns Rail Rolsd, leave Hari . ..Ling o( 3 eV 6 @ 8 Way Passenger Traitt I earet Phi ladelpb lb at 7.30 A. 31.,cunue. !rug with iltutlar traiu WI East Penna. ttallroad, returuiug, trot, Itemultfig at It.3f tapping at all Idtutioug. Leave rott.SVille at 5,40 and 9.0011. M., and 2.45 P. Mkrn don at 930 A.M., Shamokin at 5At., and 40 A. M., Ashland a. 7.05 A .91., at 0.12.30 noon; Tamaqua at 11.33 A...M., and 2.0 ,- X. M., for IthiludelpLie g and tor Yu/ k. Leave Pottsville vl4 . 3cLuylkl I lend 3 usquehanas !Unread et 5.15 A.M tor LlArrisburg .ana 11.30 A. IL fur rifiellrovo and Tremont. Keadiug Accommodation Train leaves Pyttsaille at 5.40 A. M., p•saeo ituathog qt 7.30 A. M., arrivin g at Pullatialptila at 10 YO A. M. &turning, leaver Philadelphia at 4 45 Pi 11., passing Heauing at 7 40 P. 51., attiring at Pottsville •t 13u I'. Pottaiown Accommnalstion Train, leaves Potts town•t 6.45 A. Ni ',Ku:Taloa fear. s Philadelphir at 4.06 P.M Colombia Railroad Tlaine leuvelioadingat7.l6A. •nd d. 1.5 P. U. forEphrats, Liciz, Lancaster, Columbis.&c. Parkiowang.allßoadtrainstaisTs PerklotnenJunc tion at 9.00 A. 81., 300 and 5,10 P. 51 ; returning, leers le at 8.05 A. M. 12 45 noon. and 4.15 P 51. connecting with sintilai trains on Bead ing awl Boad. i.kiienrookdala Railroad Trait. Irate Pottetown at 9.40 e. „R„, and t. 20 P.. 11., returning leave Monutt Pleasant at 700 and 11.2.5 A. 01., conneetlog with' elinitAr trains on Reading Railroad. cheater Valley Railroad Train,, Tatra liridg..poit 4 at 8.00 A. X., 2.05. and 0.02 P. M., returning, leave Downingtown at 13.39 12.45 noon and 5.15 P. couyealjug with irinallar trains on Reading Rail road Lin Suada!s: leave Neer York at 5.00 anti 8.00 P.M., Phiadeipbla at 8.00 A.M. and 3.10 P. 11.,(the 8.00 A. M. Train running only 40 Reuling.) leave .Puttevi Ile at 9.04.1 A. 51., Harrisburg at 5.00 A. M. and 4.10 P. M.,stol Beading at 7.15 A M. and 10 u 5 P. N. ter Harrisburg, at 7.13 A M. tot blew York, and 0.40 A H. atl , l 4.35 P. 51. fur Philadelphia. Commutation, st ileale,Beason, School aud Excur- Mon rickets,to and from all reducec Rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pound, flowed •acLPaaeeoger.. CI A. NICOLLE. I ea eras I nperinteaden Reading, Pa Dcc.3l, Isc9. TIPTON & MYERS' EXCELSIOR GALLERIES YORK- STREET, GETTYSBURG, PE NA Views of the Battle-field FRAMES, ALBUMS, &c Dec. 3, 1509 —if AUCTIONEER. PILE undersigned; haring taken out License as an AUCTIONNEIt, a lien kris Nerviest to the Pabltc as a 8 &LP, CRIER. Terms reasonable. Letters ad dressed whim at Benderiatll., Pa, +ill be pneuptly attended to • WILLIAM REED. Dee. 24, 1869.-102 Aromatic Vegetable Soap. COLGAyE t CO'B TOILET SOAPS [ ESTABLISHED 1806 NEW YORK.] For thii Delicate Skid of Ladles and Children SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLOMON'S. CHILDREN'S Under-Clothes Supporter Is the most perfect article of the kind ever offered to the public; made prettily' tits nicely, giving ease end comfort and Lynn what every His_ wants. Maters interested in the comfort And health of their dutch. ten should examine its merits. For sale by 401116 L. SCUICH, Getty Dana tactnfed by D. B. 9AUNDERS tt CO.. 96 Sum• net et., Balton, f 3 o = =,l rn; sopv !SU = 4 .0 5=5! -is go! - - . LORILLAI. I le an excellent ar C C t l fr i :i D o ra ; gr e;Tie n re la r ted er EUREKA" 'intro...pd. i. ant- SMOKING TOBACCO venially admired. It to put up in handsome anal In No, In which of for Ateerecha . m Pipit. are daily packed. - LORILIAILD'S• is made of ibe chole- C l , u II Yacht, I eat leaf grown ; it la I anti nervous in its effects, as the Niza. SMOKING TOBACOO tine Las been ex. . trseted ; It leaves no disagreeable taste after smok ing; it pa very mild, light In color and weight, beets. one poind will mat as tong as 3 of ordinary tobacco In this brand we also pack orders every day for 'list quality Meerschaum Nies. Try it and . Convince yourselves it lash it change to 4e, "TITS !?INSET Or ALL." -,,. - . : 4277 2437 7698 13776 9060 10700 30026 1112t21 LORILLAtiII'S z I This brand of Fine CEN'rUltylcut cheritnr iodic, co bus no equal or superior anywhere MEWING TOBACCO, llt is without. doubt the best chewing tobacco in the country. CE3 LORILLARD'S I have now been to general use in the SNUFF . Slu nitaaStates over 110 years, ant still aelttiowledged"the beet" Wherever red I year storekeeper doeinot have these artklot for ask him to get them 4 the, aim 9014-47 IllePentio• ble 'Ohne' shiest evetylere.. Cireolse, prietwnzail appltestlon. P. LORILLARD 4 CO., New York. THE WOREIN6 CLaSB.—We ere now prepared redid all elapses with constant etnplormsnt at home, the whole of the VW or for the Wire R cn rii t t Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 5Ck. tO per everting, and a pro portion/11RM bl deriding! leek lidiole time to the brisineee. doya and girls Mr. nearly as mnob se men. That all who see thfs Make send their mi lker and test the Mutant, we make Ads unparalleb ed oi l y To ands as are not well saddled, we will ten to pw*. the trouble of writing full par dontms,at Wilt le amp* which will do to com mend work.,on, end acopy! of The fimpies LUeren Obeuporten--oo• of the WOW and bey family nett& papers pablished—all sent-free by mail. Reader, If you want perms:ant, pltde work, address Z. 0. A L1,111"1 90., alatt4a, e. . ~~ [l, A 88 YOUR DOCTOR 08 D11170418T WOE BWBRT A QUlNlNS—ltoreab (1/ Quinine. BlRRldele tared by P. BTIARNI, DOR R 479. 4 089ROFts, Now' , MISTOHORANOR, OR AIL all ißrt,..-4 &dal book; 041, kbolooto •uoo they bak e r 11 110,1111111 Zr.) filo r Rithelliy, Dr. id Allen Rtherreas, co:dation; Ilionoooom kborx, Illthetherteth.DPiritrt- Rernalgettaide, and a theneeed ether nth lient OVIVAthr 26: meth Address T. IM- O 00q !MOWS. OSA lietaitic Ittre4 411 9 1411 !"! 1.1404111 ffSIM Stur gWvertionnento. TO COLLEUTORS JACOB Lorr, • MOSES lIARS6IAN, EIIANUEL NRIDICH Commfiggiouers TAX APPEALS. ESTABLIeIIED 1850 • PICTUANS OP ALL STYLES Send Steuart for Catalogue gent Advtrtiotments. A THIEF. Ile Lcc beta traveling about huuwugging (hug-, gists arrd private parties, intxtug up seri aching a base compound which he calls WOLUOTT'd PAIN PAINT.' All of Wolcott's genuine remedies h,,• e lab ita out-Ilda wrapper (with signature love). Look oat for counterfeits. Six Pinta of WOLCOTT'S ANNIIIILATOk for Cato:Them' Cold• in the head. or ono Pint of Pain Pilot, for Ulcers or Palatial' free of ex preys charges, on receipt of the money it 181 Chatham Bquara N. Y • or one Balton of Poen Valet (double strength) for $2O. :mall bottles sold Ly all Druggl.ts. Ikc 10-4 w it. L.. WOLCOTT. BEST CABINET ORGANS AT LUWESP PRICES Thai the MASON t ti A '.IILIN CABINET and ME. TRUIPOLUAN ORGANS are the nut to nut WOILLD I. proved by the alums& nn,minuna opinion of yitifee clonal albeit:inns, by [haiku - gra to thew of SKVAIN TY•FIVB G,LLI nod SILVER -it LDALS ur other highest prsinintos, at principal industrial competi tions within a few Sear,, includieg the fill-DAL at the PARIS SCI'Ui'ITION, aim by a sale very ninth greater thou that u/say almllar lusituaieuts. This Company umuufactore cat/ 7111ST-CLanll lIttrUICIAL:111, and will out make • Ytrap organs" IA any pr Ice, ur ander an inferior lustrumaut to bear their Dame.— ilariag gnat iy intermitted their terailies fur Maim facture, h) tim lot r. ductitii of new machinery and t.thera ow, Ila ir) Yin rlow making ithTlAitt ultuiANS (Lau kVitit !init./Ith, auaereuttd economy in eon, wamb, is ni:VOlLizaice with their Died pane) of selling 61111a,ya at Iciest remunerative prods, ihey are now of. klieg at PRlt,bS OF INFEQUIt lttißK. YOUR ovre Ptciu IV cleat. Came, YtV tt ut;TAV e. .% 8, Double Re, d. tohit /Yalu Ut Cue, Co. t.I nod pun Ord, a (I/.-crops .32e1,1§4, !wt, •i 23. Other al) lea iLt prep. I tit.. Virt Wats, with lull tot I itulao o, 1/AIIIEII4, IfCCUrato drntr mgr u 1 ItIO Oitlerrta elj tel of 01'6MM, and muds lulurm•.tlun shut, will Le td atqTl,o to etery put. thy., WOO Orguy, will toe seat tree, 4114 puetaga pawl, to au) cite dew' lug thew. .11A,54.,N it LIN Us/AN 144 Tretuout et., tlustun; 5V6 druaaway, New York. Lee. 10-4 w THE AMERICAN FA'. LEY KNITTING MACHINE FARMER'S HELPER. „,„: Rows now TO DOUILB THE PROVITS OP 0 THE Fa KM. and how homers and their Done con each make /No PER MONTH in Winter 10,000 cut lee will he mailed tree to farmers. Send nameand addrewe toZ KIO LER, if cOIIILLY CO., Philadelphia. Pa. [Dec. 2.4-1 w PRICE- ONLY $25. .1 THE BEST ! THE BEST t 1$ pletented to the publie as the West Simptakurable, Campact and Cheap .. 1{ 2:i Irt g Shell Ice ever Ihvented. This Machine will ran either backward ur !sward with equal facility; akes the same stitch as by Hand, Lut tar supta in ry rerprct. Will Knit 20,000 Stitches in one Minute, NIL DO PERFECT WOL , K, leaving emery knot en the 'made of the work. It will knit a pair or stock- Inge (any aLse) fy lean than hair an boor. It arillimit CLOSE OR OPEN, PLAIN OR RIBBED WORK with any kind of coarse or fine wsieleti yarn, or cot. ton silk, or linen It will knit stockfup with double heel acid toe, drawer., hood., sacks, smoking caps, cim forts, purse., muff.. fringe, afghan., unman, nu dersieeres, mittens, skating caps, lamp wicks, maps, cord, undershirts, shawl., jackets: cradle blankets, leggin.,•must.enders, wrieters, tidies, tippets, tutted work, and in f_ct an endives virility of articles in every day use,. well as for ornament. From $5 to $lO per Day Can• be made by any one with the American Knitting Machine, knitting stocking., ac., while expert open• tors can even wake niece knitting fancy work, which always commands a ready sale A person can readily bolt Cron, twelve to fifteen pairs of stockings per day. the protlt on which will be not lees than tarty cents per pair. FARMERS Can •rll their wool nt only t a rty to tiny cent• per pound; but by getting thi!yruol mace Into yarn at a •null exprbee, and kn Ming It intosucke, tea or three dolls■ per pound can be - • Oa receipt of f:.5 we wli forward a machine as LI . dared. e wish to procure attire All ANTS tti eTery sec tion of the United 'tat.. and as to chum the most ,Ithersi trinuccurents will he offered Athletes KNITTL.Nti L.ollPAgli, ' • B,lvll, Mute St. L,urs, Lee. 10-4 tr • 1340NC1T1T19.011 THROAT DISEASE THOSE AFFLICTED WILE, FIND A REMEDY IN - ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM! OE CONVINCED BY POSITIVE PROOF, AND 11;n' IT YOURSELF Zogr.svitte, Ohio, February 20th, 1569. Siteere. J. N. HARRIS At CO., Gentlemen have been afflicted for ten or twelve year. with Bronchitis la its 'worst form, and bare tried every thing that 1,, could bay recommeneed, but with little tr no cellar, until' I used yi.ur ALLICN'n RUM) BALSAM oshich gavel me relief in a .hors time. I believe it ls the best preparation extant , for ali diseases oldie throat and lun,ts, and I feel It my duty to say this much for my t aril case, so that others may try It atid get relief. api ctiully, MATHIAS YILEILII We know Mr. Freeman weir, and hie statement atwrela cornet. OftgFIAM 00. Wholesale and :etas l Draggute , Zinesvilie. D,c.10.--tw P. T. BAR NUM WRITTEN aT tIISEEtT. 13 01:1 LAIIVI OCTAVO Vet- SOu PAQUI—• (, WAX. 33 ELEGANT FULL PAW! SIewRAVINGS. It Embraces Forty Years Recollect/cm, of ha Busy Life. es a Merchant, Manager ,t asker, 4, cturer, red 'bowman. Nu book publisbeil so acceptable to al? Masser. Every one wants It.'" Agents average from taioo subscribers a week. We offer extra induce . mewls to agent.. Illustrated Catalogue and terms to Agents seut tree., B. OUR. & CO., Publishers, llortfigii,Conn N0T.12-lOr VINEGAR.—no. made 10 hour. without drug For Circuleie,addresii L. SAUK, Vinegar Works, Cromwell,Coria. (Nov AGENTS WA,ltTgiV , our 41eAt thus..hula %%ork. Our Home Physician ! A New Randy Railr of Fans iledicine By fir. BEARD, of the Uuiversliy of the City of New York. as sisred by mei:Mils' professors in tie various Orpat I nents 'Three yisiirs dry. trd to Its pregirstion. gosck wry and humbug I,,ry - expolied. DrobeTiors fu our load- 4 in, medical evilness *astir) that ft hi the tiett faintly &mot boot ever written. Om fit and sample free to • .gents. • A. H. HUBBARD, 400 Cheatuip It.,'Philadolphia, Pa. Nov. 280-4 A ..ENZ,S WANTED.—Newest and greatest lneagtlon ut ' - he Now Self &equating Guides, for cutting perfect fitting Pan's" Rtlttwiaboutt, and Ladles" Drees's. Indrepenalble fa e•ery household. Address it i ii.ll#6lf 4 64.XYPT, Pittsburg, Pa. [Nor. 26-4 w EXECUTRIX SALE ^ FINE ART COLLECTIO "9:11 , Tkik,LATli THOMAS THOMPSON, Esq. BY U. 11. LEED3 t MINER, AUCTIONEERS, ART GALLERIES. 817 k 819 BROADWAY. N. Y., CO3IIIENGING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, AND CONTINUING DAy AND lIVY NLNO'UNTILTtiE ENTIRECOIes LECTIt/N SII ALL BE SOLD. This collection le believed to - be the most exleu sire and valuableeves owned In the United Sta•es. Comprising more than a thousand pictures from European artiste, from the 15th century to the pre sent time, lucludiog many originals of great value, arse many hundred Paintings fr*m celebrated Ameri can ,rusts. TILE ENTIRE COLLECTION WILL BE SOLD WITIF OUT RESFRVE OR LIMITATION, TO CLOSE TILE ESTATE. The Catalogue, a book of more than 100 closely printed pegs., wit , be forwarded on receipt .of 25 cents. Address the Auctioneer. AGENTS :WANTED For a New Illustrated Book of great historkal Inter est. stirring events and gaining adventure. "The River of the West )) , OR, MANLY TIeMS IN TUB ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND OREGON; with kiII:AORTA( the COUNTRY anR Everitt la the Life RI a MOUNTAINefiIAN and PIONEER -By liwneis Puller Victor; of Oregop. An lutensel. iotereating work, replete with humor, pa. tboe and luettuctien. Now In press. For ennui% and terms, address the Publishers. • - BLISS t CO , Newark, N. J THE DOLLAR, SUN. etlits. A. A, &mos. The chapped, smartest. and best New :Tort news paper Everybody tikes it. Three_ editions: DAILY, ss; baxl WtrElY, SY; and WEstile.Sl a year. Au. Mrs rizws at bat ItUrtsp. Malt '