h i p ar" 1491 1 1 . ww • GO TO PH 0 RN'S HIS CLOTHS HIS CASSIMERS. LL 1118 GOODS E 'PURCHASING ELSE- IF YOU WOULD AVE MONEY. west corner of Square 0 REWARD! ENTERED! & .Elliott's Store GETTYSBURG, last Week •nd • largo istaatlty • Notion•, Queenswat mid O•rp•tlai wall known, but have thus Air ea. hey left Greenbacks in atobsage ho took the Goode are very well y received more or bettor Geode for • they could have got at say oast ne I Come one I I I argil amiertairot of AMA WNs, BAR,EGEs; ALPACCAS, en., "HERBS, Tif EEDS, JEANS, YE - STINGS, dte. etione,Oleasward, Questaware, aid • Kasai of everything bakamispg • place Is oppadte tb (harthoemo, ad that oar motto a, Fair Deanne r 41mM 23.1160.-1 DESIRABLE 1869 . GOODS! cellent Assortment! very small profits, and 1 6 17 A o SP; N BILE POP. AD 11 1501112110 - H WOOL POP. ALDISUIP ALPAO34I POPLIN/. BS. PAUND. FIRCIALIS AND NILES. PLAID BILE& JAI:IONET 1111IIIILINII. OAKELICL . 00I4:111.2D ALPAOOA, BLADE IN. ,OAUSIIIIIILI I HAWLII,THMT I.II . O LOAtINGS,LININDRELL .11. ABLI LIMON, If 11 , 11131, TOW- HOOP ZACHIEIS , NIKBROIDIEZD In, HI 82ITOHID HAND- 118111• ACIILLDRINIOLOV21, al. lyr•oalvlag th• lat prlmas•st styles of ll • •s. Iyetoch com ovary. le a Int-elan DRY GOOD. • rttoth• attention of the public. Jean astily changes* easipart• •. • tit quality °trade aad lot. J:L. SCRIM. • .16,1540.—tt NG & SUMMER 0 D S DTSVILLE, PA. R. COVER n•W ■tore, to Areedtavtile, bre the city with a splendid w EEO! ULENSIWARI, BARDWAai, lbc my entlro mock for com. lam bap. G lye me •00 *adjudge T. R. COVKL WOODS, TO BELL art!' hf 00 for ho oo • rth 7 00 for 11 00 44th 1 00 for 4 00 U'B BROILS and GA1T231.1 01 at Ilk* reduced rites. AL S 0 M 00 for $3 00 3 111 for 10 th 264 kor 000 1 2* tot 1 00 for HATS at was taductios = ♦L!O . it 21 , br id otr $1 1111 and $1 00 tor ft , d 70 cu. ~ 40 444 40 eta. for se, 40 ROC 30 eta 1111111131911 find 611120 as mar rodoesd prim. Leo fbr. . Si SS II rod Si Wilt SI 4e sac Usti. SHiMIMI LIQ anAww, oLoyst, NG -1 LLARB, ROMJXO, Ai n all at tk• prices. Lb lisesesily Lew • SOO OORDS OAS. 01108 .Y, Z'S MILL ..w. Me grand. eXL NllO-11 Site 'Aar4uti. Ststind. gailtßisba lei *O, WOOD WASTED. A. te4 Oordie of good dry Wood :well be Caftan at this office, in payment of ac counts, if dellverediffnmediately. BALE.—Cleorge W, McClellan' will to day, at 10 o'clock, if the weather be favor able, sell • large variety of Household Fumitnre, at his hotel. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS.—On our first page will be found a list of Township officers reoently elected, for which ire are indebted to the courtesy of the Compiler. ofilrq'he Love Feast at Flouts's Church, •on Sunday week, was 'largely attended. :Five persons were admitted to the church thy immersion on Saturday previous. ACCEPTED.—We learn that Rev. J. .Clemene, of Littleatown, has acoeptsd :a call from the Reformed church at St. Clair 03chuylkill onunty, Pa. is the dme to begin advertising for Fall and Winter trade.- Advertising -will pay the year round, but now, active, llively adverthsing pays best. SOLD.—Mrs. Minnigh has sold to John McCleary the two-story brick house and half lot of ground, southeast corner of Washington and West Middle street, for 82,100. The premium of $2O taken by Dr. T. T. Tate's horse "Cashier," for the best thorough-bred stallion, noticed by us last week, was awarded by the Cumberland county Agricultural Society. TO KEEP CIDER SWEET.- Pat 25 • cents worth of Neutral Sulphite of Lime into one barrel of cider; alter two weeks rack it off and rinse out the barrel ; ‘then return the cider and bung it, and it will I keep sweet, for use, all winter. PURCHASED.—The Frederick Repub ifican says that Sheriff Hann, of this place has, purchased the "Clairvetur." property near Mt. St. Mary's College, with the in Mention of opening a boarding house nez ;spring. SCHOOL MATERS.—In to-day's paper will be found an article on School matters by Mr. WEFT, the County Superintendent. Weed:tail be glad to hear from Mr. Wert frekpieutly ; and will also welcome com munications on practical topics from Teachers. Let them, however, be con densed and of general interest. TO SCHOOL DIRECTORS.—We are requested to call the attention of the officers .of the various School Boards in the .county to the fact that the law requires *heal to report to the County Superintend mmt the names of the Teachers employed, •with amount of salaries paid, as soon as •elected. A number of Districts have failed to report, and they are required to •do so twmedlately. •ST AT U E.—The excavation for the ftbundation of the Reynolds bronze statue, fin the National Cemetery here, has been 'made. The statue, we are told, is to be raised to its place next summer. It will be placed near the entrance. We 'bon • have preferred to see it located on e ground where Gen. Reynolds fell, back of of the Seminary. But the let Corps have selected the National Cemetery, and their decision is final. BAD ROADS.—We hear a good deal of -complaint about some ol the roade leading iron, town, said to be in bad condition. Ill'inter is coming on, - and they should-re eeive prompt attention. In passing over the Bendefsville road recently, we found numerous "chuck" holes, making trav elling with light buggies dangerous. We° don't know who the Supervisors are, or 'who im at fault. The township authorities 'Will do well to look foto the matter. In ease or reatotiebT &attuned neglect, somebody would have damages gad costs to pay. Now is the time to re pair our county roads. Let the supervis ory go to work and see that repairs, where neede,i, are made. Every ditch should be clealsed out and new ones cut where required. All holes should be fillet up and the roads graded and repaired that when the aut tuna rains come, the water will drain off and not stand in the high way to the great annoyance of travelers. SHERIFF'S 3ALE6.—Sheriff Hann, on the 16th inst., sold the real estate of Jacob F. Beck and wile, in New Oxford, as follows : A boast" and lot, to A. S. Rimes, at OM ; a building lot, to John F. Warner, at $302 75 ; and ten perches of .ground, to Peter Diehl, at $3O. On the 2d instant the Sheriff sold the property of Philip Egerton, on the Bin inittsbnrg road, to Hon. David Ziegler, at 113,000. This is the property which the Gettysburg loiyium Association bought, Ihrought 'Mr. Egerton, as the basis on which to prosecute their huge swindle. They paid $l,OOO hand money, and the thing subeequently exploded, the lature repealing the act uf - incorporation. Judge Ziegler had nothing to do with the swindle. He sold the property in good faith, before the villainy of Egerton it Co.,developed it self. Of course be pockets the $l,OOO .hand money, simply baying back the property to 'save the unpaid gales. • ELOPEMENTS.—Our Han over neigh bors have been having a Little sensation in the, matrimonial line. The Sp•ctotor says: "Considerable gossip was created in our town last week by the announcement that wo runaway couples, from distant places, d been traced to our town, and compel!- : • to return again to the homes they bad weaken and made desolate. The first of •• woe interesting couples consisted of an old gray-haired man of 60, (married,) and a young miss of 16, or thereabouts, from Westminster Md., who, becoming infatu ated with each other, and being ()mistimed by the "fires of love," linked their for tunes-together and fled across the line to enjoy the blies of love. Their dream of I. ppineaa was of short duration, however, on Tuesday, (election day,) their friends arrived in pursuit, and they were disco,- •red at one of our Itoteis and compelled to return to their homes. The second and t couple hailed from Reading, Pa., and e believe, as In the former case, the man was elderly and married; the lady single, outhfal, pretty and interesting. They ere also discovered, and compelled to •turn home." TEACHER'S /hiST/TIITE.—The next ion of the Adams County Teachers' titute will meet in the Court-house.. e ettysburg, on Monday December 6,_to Untie during the week. Mr. Whirr, .onty Superintendtipt, is arranging an .• rive programme, which cannot fail be profitable to Directors and Tee/chant. e has already seen red the services of . L mn th&d Elocutionist, on. RZYRY Mum. uty State Super ntendent, Prof. BROOKS of the Millenville ormal School, Prof. EsaLtarraorrr of the ' utatown Normal School, and other pro .. • ent educators. Thies institutes important agencies in the aevelope ,. tint of the Common School system. e law 41111[118 provision for them. Live • o-of Directors will give them a aor tal support; and not only grant their etchers the privilige . of attending with t diminution Of nay, as provided by vr, but will BitQUIRE their Teachers to • - d. Their is much practical imfintua • .0 to be obtained at - these Conventions, hen ludicionsly oondneted, which will ble both Directors and Tawthers betW . discharge their respective duties i end argues either culpable indifference to devekipmeat of our educational intel•- • or grow iltiberality, when Directors to give their ir rashers a fall opportn- Ity to enjoy the an growing of an exchange of views and heating suggestions of distizgruisbei prattleal JACK FROST—Is berg, and - Roams is determined to kap- peeplii warm and comforts ole, by galling clothing ao cheap that every body can purchase Over,Coats as low u 14.00 and good warm Under Coata at 03.50, also MON. Shirts and Draw• erS at any pries a man wants them, Knit Jackets, Government Mouses and Over Coats, cheap as dirk and Genuine Buck Gloves the best in the country, and every thing that a man Wants to keep himself comfortable. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shims, Rubber Overs, do. , dm. Dont tail to Pall at Norris' Corner—Arnold's old Stand, if you want bargains. tf BIERBOWER'S SEGARS hat* be come noted for their high Sam, and every body who knows anything about good To bacco baa got in the habit of going direct to his establishment in the northeast rimier of the :diamond—fully assured this they can get just what they want, the very beat Segura, made of prime tobacco, highly- Savored, and what is better still sold at prices that can't be beat in or out of the city. Strangers can't mistake the place. "Putsch" always stands at the door, good humoredly inviting the passer-by to enter and enjoy the good things to be found there --Began, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, of the beat brand, Merchaums, Pipes, &c. ATTENTION FARMERS.—Try the celebrated Patent Elastic Rubber lined Collars, Saddles and Pads. Warranted to prevent horses from galling and to heal up under work horses already galled, if properly fitted ; and sore necks and backs are kept clean with cold water and Ca. tile Soap, or no pay, For sale by J. W. Cress, man ufacturer's Agent, aettysburg, Pa. Sept. Mt( WINTER COMlNG.—Winter is corn log, and Comterr & CIININOHAK have made arrangements to meet the wants of the public by their large assortment of all kinds of Ready-made Clothing, for Fall and Winter wear, for Men and Boys— also, Cape, Boots. Album, dro., which they are selling very low. tf II A. RP E R'S PUBLICATIONS.—Her. per's Magazine, Weekly and - Bazaar ars three of the best publications, for general family nee, leaned from the - press. They have attained an enormous circulation, attesting their popularity and merits. In to-day's advertising column will be found the publishers' announcement for 1800. We call attention to the advertise ment of The Churchman in another column. It is a finely printed, ably con. ducted paper, and is one of the very best religious newspapers of the country. SHOTES FOR SALE.—Mr. Hez. Lat thaw has on his hum, one mile south of New Salem, eighty head of fine Shotes, weighing from 30 to 90 lbs. each, which he will sell at reasonable prices. Now is the time to buy &totes for next yeas, and as Mr. Latahaw always deals in the best of stock, the present opportnnxty should not be neglected. It There is no danger of a stock such as Wanamaker & Brown's giving out very soon, and if there was, they are con tinually manufacturing and adding new and fresh garments. But at the same time, there is great advantage in making early selections of Fall and Winter Cloth ing. We advise our readers to be in time in making their purchases, and to get a "first pick" out of this wonderful stock at Oak Hall, of which we hear so much. FOR CIRCULARS of the Ir i on Clty College, giving fall particulars of the course of study, method of instruction, qualifications for entering, time of com mencing, necessary expenses, &c., ad dress the Principals, Smith & Cowley, Pittsburg, Pa. It NO HUMBUG.—We do not wish to in form you, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, has discovered a remedy that cures all diseases of the mind, body or estate, and is designed to make oar sublunary sphere a blissful paradise, to which heaven itself shall be but a side show, but we do wish to inform you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy has oared thousands of cases of catarrh in its worst forms and stages, and the proprietor will pay $5OO fora case of this loathsome disease that he cannot cure. It may be procured by mail for sixty cents, by addressiu B. V. Pierce, M. D., - Buffalo, N. Y. -'or sale by most druggists everywhere. It BR BIIATTIIF'IIL.—If you desire beau ty you should use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It gives a soft, refined, satin-like texture to the Complexion, removes Roughness, Redness, Blotches, Sunburn, Tan, &c., and adds a tinge of Yearly Bloom to the plain est features. It brings the Bloom of Youth to the fading cheek and changes the rustic Country Girl into a Fashionable City Belle. In the use of the Magnolia Balm lies the `true secret of Beauty. No Lady need com plain of her Complexion who will invest 75 cents in this delightful article. Lyon's Kathairon is the best Hair Dress kg in use. CAUTlON.—Extended success in any department of business justly awakens competition, and owing to defective men tal and moral structure, often begets envy. Now these are to be expected and may be met with energy and determination; but not unfreqneutly the bounds of legitimate rivalries are overstepped; and base, un scrupulous men stoop to use the patron age of others to further their nefarious purposes. With the assistance of science, and by means of industry and honesty, in + providing a potent remedy, Dr. Stce ver's Old Standard Tonic Herb Bitters have attained unparalleled celebrity, hav ing been before the public for the last thirty years. Wherever they have entered the sick or complaining household, their effects have even exceeded expectation, and so far sur passed all we-have ever claimed for them by circular, card, or otherwise, that the (p ublic confidence in the medical qualities of the Bitters is unbounded. We do not fear the competition of the empirical throng who attempt to palm off remedies upon the people, which are not scientifi cally compounded, and are destitute of available qualities. Their empiricism will b, discovered in the end, and the ineffi ciency of their preparations found out. We would rather 'be envied for merited sue mas than despised for failure, however ungenerous it may be for man either to envy or despise. Against another and a worse clue of individuals , wean forced to take Laotian. We . allude to those who take advantage of oar popularity, and at tempt to gain public favor and confidence by counterfeiting the Old °Standard Bit ters, barely imitating the label, or making other approaches to its preparation ealcula ted to deceive, and ass matter of course, Ina° fir as they succeed, to bring Our ex cellent Tonic into disrepute. The public are hereby warned against ail such im itations. In order to further protect ourselves, and save the afflicted from im position, we have concluded to change our Label so as ever hereafter to sustain our indentity ; and keep the reputation of the Old Standard intict. We incur great ex pense by so doing, but the. end warrants the means. The new label along with the caption, direetions and met ornaulemta tion,will present anaitoellemt steel portrait of C. H. lEryder, the senior member of the Arm. This will be the badge of its genuineness, as wen as a guarantee of the quality of the Bitters. Theiabel will be duly co ted, and thus p _ laced beyond Abe 'et eounterfelteriC By no hunt of oars shall the publio oonfidenoe ever be abused or the ,reputation of the' 'Oki Standard" be allowed to el. - Cer. None genuine nal* alirmed. KNYDER C,C, ISI North Tbini ::rent, - Aug X. an . , Arrrmuttim or Roate.—The Chevalier Pietro Rosa has made . some farther inter= eating ilkxrveries on the prOpezty of the • Palathut Hill at .Rome, now the property of ithe Emperor Napoleon. They consist of ''a swimming school, with a series of chambers, constructed with reticular walls, coated with stucco and adorned with fine encaustic paintings, representing various mythologicial subjects, surrounded by some very delicate drawings, eiecuted with great skill and in very brilliant colors. There are demons, talamons, hippogrigs, columns, candelabra, birds, vases, garlands and festoons. On one of the walls is the giant Polyphemus (with two eyes) surprising Galatea and Acts, and on another 10, chain ed to a rock and guarded by Argus (also with two eyes) and delivered by Mercury. Another interesting discovery has been made in digging the foundations of a house at the, hospice of the Minim. del Pellegrini. 'An old building has been found with the remains of the fresco paintings and a flue pavement in meotic, representing in the middle Mercury holding the caduceus and a nymph carrying a cornucopia. es the corners arethe four seasons with their attri butes. Tzarazz AOCIDIINT. —A most shocking accident occured at Newton Corner, Mas sachusetts, on. Monday, causing the death of a young man named George Gove, and causing the utmost excitement and horror through the whole village. Gove and an other man were at work painting the ex terior of the steeple on the Elliot Church, both men standing on aplatform supported by a rope at either end. From some cause the rope sustaining the end of the platform on which gore was standing suddenly slipped off and the unfortunao map W4O prpcipita ted to the earth below, a distance of eighty- Ave feet. His companion on the platform was near enough to the other rope, which did not break, to sieze it 'and sustain him self until safely rescued. The body of Gove was shockingly mangled, and was removed to the residence of Mr. Evans, one 1 of lii employers, The deceased was sin gle man, but leaves a WIrkIWP4 mo r in Maine, who was dependent upon h for was support. GENZIZAL Burrxerutm, the United Litotes Sub-Treasurer at New York, has re plied to the attempts of the gold gamblers to connect him with their conspiraey by writings letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, asking an official investigation, which has been ordered to be made,- Un doubtedly an honest and thorough examina tion of the affair will be made by Secretary Boutwell, and justice done. Day earth has recently been introduced as a deodorizer, and the result of the pro cess is reported to be perfeelly effective. Among other Illustrations, it Is stated that at the meat preserving establishment, near Melbourne, Australia, where thirty thousand sheep are frequently slaughtered in one day, there is not the slightest smell, in consequence of the use of dry earth as a deodorizing agent. gating ot tht Tharktto. Baltimore Oral* i Preduee Narket. Baussers, Thursday Awning. 5 50 • 576 ... 5 87 • 8 12 1 88 1 52 1 40 r 1 45 1 06 • 1 18 1 03 p 1 15 6 7 fa 59 3 75 O 400 700 • 760 .. 2 45 • 2 50 16 • 16} 121 • 20 • 20} m 21 . 18 • 18} Supsit nom; Kx nova, Wiars WRILLT, RXD CORN, RTI, Own, TiXOTHT-IZED.. Crows-aszp,... FLAX -Sub, BAoos, Simms)," " 13mn , LAED, GOLD, Phil Gleterstbstric Orals & Provision Nark &t. Gatubres, Aida, Morsief. • ... 660 t 25 • 1 60 ~... 1 00 • 1 15 Bursa Erna 1n0ue,... Warns WHEAT, RED WHEAT,— CONE, R : 4A 3u n a TIMOTHY SEND, Crowe &ND, POTATOES, Burriß, LARD Hoes, ELLms,, S IDEO, I SHOULDIES, SOAP,... TAU Ow, NA iItIED. Runtss—Humnivon.—At the Orphans' Homestead, Gettysburg, on the 26th inst., by the Rev. W. H. HMIs, Mr. A. sa Barre., of Becket, Mass., to Mrs. P. B. Humiston, of Gettysburg. [With the above announcement, we have tile compliments of Mr. and Mn. 8., with a kind remembrance of the Printer, for which they have oar Acknowledgments and good wishes for a bappyluture. CHMONISTZII MELLZIR—On the 14th inst., by the Rev. W. F. P. Davis, Mr. Henry T. Chronister to Miss Rebecca Jane Miller, both near Hampton, Adams county. Camcar.atre—easessrnut.—On the 11th inst., hy the Rev. W. T. Lower, Mr. Wil liam Dt_Chamberlain, of Adams clunty, to Miss Margaret A., dadghter of Dr John Carpenter, of Martinsburg, W. Va. H. zasn — Ticoius.—On the 19th inst., by Rev. 7. E. Honeycutt, Hanson E. Hersh to Elizabeth N. Thomas, both of Btraban township. Lzminsrutz—DEsez.—On the 19th inst., in York, by the Rev. J. H. Menges, Ed ward Leibenatine of Oxford, Adams coun ty, to Amanda C. Diehl. of Dover town ship, Yotk county. Tannsitzt—Zren.—On the 14th inst„ at the Reformed Parsonage, New Oxford, by Rev. W. F. P. Davis, Mr. Clement Trim dime mer to Mintownship Em, York ma County. E. Zinn, both of Pas, DIED. #o^obitnary notices 5 cents a line for all over 4 lines—mall to soiximpszy no does. BD:aux.—On the 21st inst.. Daniel, eon of Andrew Bishans,• of Ham!Bonbons township. aged about 8 years. Buntsst.--On the 9th inst., in Freedom I township, L ' Lizzie Jane, wife of John Big ham, and daughter of John McCleary, in the 32d year of her age. BIGIWC—On the 25th inst., John Wil son, son af John Bisham, of Freedom township, aged 1 year 4 months and 17 days. Coantar.--00 the 28d inst., in Mount pleasant township, Amanda Catharine, daughter.? Joseph and klatah J. Coshun, aged 4 years and 10 months. HArtr.—On the 15th inst., Franklin Peter, son of Samuel and Mary Ann H of Franklin township, aged 1 year 11 th and 8 days. Lattru.—On the 26th inst., at Carlisle. Grace Boyer, only child of Charles and Nally Leeds, and grand child of Jacob Aughlabangli, aged 2 years 2 months and 8 days. MArsisAirrs.—On the 19th inst John id/wham, of Haatiltouban townsh ip, aged 80 yi_mara. 11 months and 18 days. AL the 28d but, e Charieswolth, Youngest eon : .f Hon. •- ce, In h McClean, of this Gam 20th year. townshipßsanam , --47. M the 18th ME-, in Busier Mr. Jacob Hebert 8 months and 8 da , aged 59 yearsys. firunzasltsa.—/n Bendenrrille, on the 28d inst., after a long and painful illness, Sydney Studebaker; aged donut 80 pant. Youaa.—.On the 14th inst.,_in Linke town, of Typhoid fever, Mm. Marprst R. Young, aged nearly 51 years. VALUABLi FARM AT PiSTALTII MLR The tutdestood wire eit Mods We hhi rehab* Wall, dhoti to Ilt. Thom towaiktp, lteaktto ooset, ea the read host Oeadv i era to the rim i lz kg rosad, ot • the Mae rood, II AU" ware et kola The IR. a are • wow oniony I**M BMW ° tem talk • Prow bas. UM *ft, sad wetbeildir Theor • .• Wein haw iketheri water e r ik zee. = dirwed 1114l a ero Thaler. with • ot eitolliest d The arra 4 geed mod it order; sad aeseesientli loaded I* in The tem TM be ow to nil Perm* deetroei * ,t.w the .promere odd WI Daniel tedoei...z...• the adteierd foros.' Air farther .... EMT attaf 0 itddroden, Mow 00. Peary 4.1111,M42 . O,NWOI#_ - its 'My .......„....._„„,„_—_—_, IVO'TICE.-4rettero of Adminis 1, 1. ti !owe,* air imam% tatesemme awaits te ef Jowl, elation; aerm il d; arar, alien to Weildp e • UMW 000petr s Po., betty .booi wootod 1 to the oadonlgood, reading 111 00 a m , bone 17 Om melee Joan pompom tot to o w. so nri*e immodllato payment, oat birds s u, se Wag the ornate to present then properly sathoatie sue tor settlement. - • , JANI C. * R IGHT', Adair. 1 CX3IO NOTlCE.—Letters of Adminio- A. Station de gents am es tho meets of Runnis Hgaidur, astereted, tato of Wesalles toitablp, Ailluse reddlaD to maidtew toasty, Po, hansig been eeletp, p e herb to the saderslothed, all pews. Indebted to sold y dirt sotto* to Mate to wake hanneillite perseet. end them having etalstsaphut the loam to vassal them properly auttutaticated forattlereat. JONAB B.AtrAumum, Adn't. Oot. 29.—et CHESTNUT RAILS poR SALE.—A prime lot--on a m. rood rimd, miles from Middletown, and 13i miles from Flora Dale, Adams county Pa. Addrom P. iv. COOK, Plora Dal' s Po. 0ct.22, 1860 -- . - - • - 111LIICENSE. The following applications have been I. nw wage, with tie soloist,* mew of Amos. sad will oe preessee et the °court of Quarter llowkloo. se Motlawth AU WWI day e low az*. nest RCITAIIRANT Limes. MAUD TWIN, Conowsno township. JOHN HOPPWAN, Gottysburn. A. W. NUM, Cloth. Oct. 2P—td STEAM. SAW MILL. T HE undersigned hu In operation a MAE RAW at the &Mk Mountain. near Grsethia burg Springs, Cod M prepared to taw to artler Me of WHIT& OAK. PINE, HEMLOCK, or any kind of 'timber datired, at the shortest notice and at low rata.. He also manufactures SHINGLES, PAILINGS, &,.. LUMBER,, delivered at aey point at the LOWltirr RAM. 11 pm , coot. will be deducted for the cub pawa, pr interest will be erli NI; 14 Os' fir PrZ of twOo• TiNali 1 1r *pm, • 0. ,o. of msb,„,.. o r . ..... - 4 ,„ littera shop be addressed to hip; et qr aggro- bum P.O. Arlags caunii. R. Oct. 20, 1869.-11 HNNitlf 1414TENDEPAR. NEW • Fall and Winter Goods. 41 PETERBI3I7IIG, '. 3„ PA, DRIEST f t BOWERS H API received their NZW PALL AND WINItt esi arid GO :lftbi l so i fi l kes d t th p "d"".n, Se lec ted W ILO Iva nes call end exhomo d itir i nr goods. GRUNT BOWIRP. 04.29.18119.—ff P. B. Agents for the Grove 41; Baker Sewing imethhie ÜBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE . REAL ESTATE. The undersigned will offer at Public Sale, on Pri day, the 19th day of November enact, at 1 dchick, A. 1., the fallowing Leis and Traits of land attune In Nousijoy townalp, near the Baltimore pike, three miler south ofGettysburg, via 910-I—Cootalalag 14 ACRES and 66 PEACHES, part Timber land. No 2--Contidning 9 ACRES and 126 PERCHES, a portkm of which le Timber. No. 2—Con bluing 9 ...wisp and 196 PEACHES, part of which Is T No. a—Containing 9imber. ACRES and 12 PERCHES, part of it is site Timber. Also, 1 Lot containing 6 ACRES had 46 PEACHES, of Timber land. Aleo,at the rune Ulna and place, will be offered the YARN, oa which the subscriber resides, contalaini 133 ACRES, more or less, baring erected thereon a oontibrtable DWELLING ROUSE, sew Rank Born, Wagon Shad, Wish Home, Spring Rosa,. sad *Orr necessary outblldinp ; Spring raw the house, Or chard and other Trull, totcellent sedow and s large portion of Timber. Parsons desirous of clewing the stare Property can do so by calling en the rehembit mudding on the taro. Attendance will be given and terms undo known on day stale by Oct. 20—as REGISTER'S NOTICES. • IVOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and other persons concetiad, that the Administration Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams county for conitrmetion and allowance', on MONDAY, the 2lith day of 1109111121121 next, at 2 o'clock, P. 111., viz: • ZW. The seasint of Jennie Beaver, imam of hods of Widow of Denial Snyder, deed. Tb. ant amount of Uteri &kirk Issestet of tie lest WIG and Testament of Abraham &kart, deed. Settled by Levi H. Woken, Adminietrake of Um legato of mid Seem itekeot, deed. 940. Prat account of George King, Itieentor of the but Will and Tremont. of William I. Wangle, demised. iBO NO. lint meant of Hoary flattold and Daniel W. Harboid. irsoutorn of tho last Will and Tostsamat of Mihail Barb*id, 'he'd. fill. Pint and Mal amount of Ron Bowmen. Ad minilo Ad ministrator with the Will anonsod of Join 1 Neb. dued. 262. The &et aoconntofJoho Brinkerhoff, izeonkw of Henry Brinkerhoff, deed. . The first account of Jorrepla A. Diehl and Jobs W. Diehl, Bxecators of the Will of Bamtml Diehl, deed Bottled by Joseph Diohl sow acting ttommer. 264. Pint account of kraal Riley. Rxecater of lb. last Will and Teetantent of Peter Nook diet 264. The second amount et Abel T. Wright, Ad. , rolalStrator of the Botate of Panama Harlan, late of ilonAllen township, Adams co., Pa., deed. inhibited by Jane 0. Wright, Administrator of said Atm! T. W rlßb t, deed. 300 6 50 40 • 50 85 20 20 04.2 A, 1110).-ioII , D. DOLTDWORTH, Roilatokr, TEE CUCUMBER WOOD P M Pt! • • One dons reascnu why this u the but Pump sumw factisred its Antrim for WELLS & CISTERNS. coo • 1. It i !Simple. 2. It le Reliable. 3 It le Durable. 4. It Work. Very Really. b. It throe.. Water Rapidly. B. It ix all Wood. 7. The Wood ht Taauleta 2. It does net prick in the Ban. 0. It is not Babb" to get crater order. 10. Should any repairsbe neossaery in Omit, they alum easily inlaid. by any pen. ~, sou. 11, It will not frees.. 12. It b Cheaper then any other reliable Pump menu future& La teethnonyoirthe anperlor character of this Pump, we refer, by perm Woo, to the following persons who Dave had It in nee, and tested It with entire Reis liaction Jet. Blesecker, Franklin tp. • George Smith, Hu newton tp.; Arnold Lives, Franklin tp.; A. R. Ryan, George tp.; John Cr..,, Gettysburg; R. P. Bigheda, Oreensceint ; Peter Shively, !airfield; Daniel yap& /airfield ; Wm. Young, Mountjoy tp.; Andrew Raver stock, Tyrone tp. Persons requiring Pumps tor wens or cisterns, eau Lre thain ningoo ell complete and reedy bee nee by sending the depth of the well or cistern. Setistitetion guaranteed in all came or no psymeat required, Orden by mail or otherwise promptly attended • JOSEPH KUEHL!, Manightstaern, Adams county, Pa, Oct. 29, 1889.-ly FALL AND WINTER GOODS. ♦ HNI3TOCK BROTHERS have Just received • fon au of PALL AND HUTU HOODS which th r and the public are Invited to a& oafs'. Our stork roaristo of Iron& Matiaoo,blau, Im eck o Clo and th, Tombs, Itplngham., Croke* Cloth, Bl Debited Alpacas, hack and Farm em Bilks, P/aldo sad emery vanity or Drool Good.. Able, Hoop Skirts, Raman ' , Ebben', lick Tier, he., hay to. Phan and leaci, RopeHaat - Moth; 2c Double an Stasi* Blanket: Brooke n 1 Mint. a large assortment and very cheap 0 0 agssr,I0 at lowest ntaa NOR oananurs, WI bows a bolutffid 'mists of Maki mot hung Goods. Mao,* foil HMI of Ghlldsed's V. difsbirte and Drawees. - NOS KIWEI WWI, • Ode* amartaiamt er Olodus;CoadammOurfaatlil, haat, ie. Also, Shirt 444 Drawn, toupseden, Maadkirellilde, Neck TIN, 113., ifs. . SURIING WOOL COTM,- *pal If MI bathe trim my *Mi. Ingalls, lonblau, ilecofted e • and 011 Omsk sad 5s ROM LID LAP IDANWITh. a fan variety AJao, , oar meal to aisceltmaqi of aannisr. QIIIMINSWAILL OIDA2WW, GROCEMM, PAINTS, 014 'rig 94E4 *sip aiding NM* **et" wait Immo Nam ' riumn ," Einalrom ► wt. a, nat.- - WILLIAM YOUNG TESTIMONIALS iroa4.4Duni, CLOAKING, BRAWLS, / 1:1 It II , 0111P1C11, ILtITIOM, COUNTY INSTITUTE. . T HE peasion'of thfl 0011ifY Usenet,. ender the get Of Aseanbly, approved April ith, 11MT, will be held In the Oceirt•bones et Bet_ tyabarg. um mincing alniday, Dee. W‘at 134 teeter.% P. 1, and will costinne fn session during the week. The exercises of the week will COMI/111 of Loatoo l s, lestractiln In the various branches taught In the schboletikas-drills. Buoys Disimasions of Important edecational topics, cattails in Orthography Wettest branches, and whatever will give intareet and variety to the session of the Institute. It le the wish of the Superintendent that the Institute may be of prat. Mal benefit to every te.cher. Prof. Robert Kidd of Indiana will be present during the entire week. giving two lessons each day In total Culture, Elocution and leading. Re will also give two evening entertaintnetts. Ron. Beery Houck, Deputy State Superintendent, will be present oa Weduroday and Thursday. Edward Brooks Principal of the Platte Nor mai School at Itillerrvilho, will give instruction in Arithmetic and the wiener. of teaching. Prof. A.S. meson will give instrectkm In penmanship. There will also. be a teacher 10 , pftrapby, lee. Zdaall Ferrier of Penna. Coll erege, Et..loho R. Ermsntrust of the Natatown Normal School, and of .r dietinguished Welcome and lee. tares, will aariet, The OXINVIIONI Will be irterepersed with vocal and instrumental meek. this hoped evert' ttmeb,se to the county will be present on Monday. to Pentcliale organization. None, who Lave the h e In e thle e work in which they are engaged—none, who are de misirous of advancing, will fO6IIIID awe; without tell d suinclent excuse. Moment better teachers; we want each year to ad. vane* the grade of the profeadon we went to sift out those who are Incompetent and stationary. Then let every one, who whiles to be considered alive Mather, come up to title annual reunion, assuted that they will go to their work the better fitted for It. But we want more than simple attendance. We want the earnest, *eV's cooperation and participation of all to make the Institute, a .rand success. Let all re member, that, as they labor to advance the profession to • higher lad nobler standard, they labor for thew selves. The conteste In Orthography will take place on Tumidity and Wedusiday, the Ent premium being Webster's Duabridgsd Dictkotary Thursday will be Director's day. A portion of the der will be dToted to the explenatiou of points In thapchool-law, upon which directors may deaf,. luformation. It le hoped there - wilt bea full sttendance of live directors. Directors are respectfully urged to crab, &seekers the will be time. Those paying fall fare over the Rellroad returned tree : realateack w erg will he ont male teacher modeled at reduced ra male ay the leading hotels; fe s, SI punkah will he eittertalatei inptivate krill- tor particulars of extuCkiee , see air krill- which gill be mailed to leathers end directors. J. iIOWARD WENT, County Bup.rintdedent. Oct. 2y .-8t IJNINDSFIONADLF THE BEST RIIATAINRO WORK OF THE KIND IN THY WORLD." ER'S MAGAZINE Harper's Hags?lns, apart from the flMstrallous, contahm from try to one hundred per cent. more matter than any similar periodical Muted la the Ea &lab 11%1'1.16' CRITICAL NOTICES 01 TUB PRESS. The most popular Monthly is the world —hiew Fork Otwaver. We must refer in hums of eulogy to the high tone and varied exesilanes of Harper's Mnpstess—a Jour. nil with • monthly circulation *taboo 12:1,, , 00 cools* —ln whose pages are to be found some of the chokset light and neral readino f fo the day. W. speak of thin work s. sp evidence the culture of the Amer. Imo people: and the popularity it has severed is merited. Sault nittuber oonhaina fell y 144 panes of niteling-matteiolpp illustrated with good arraalte; sad it Ines in- Itself the racy month. randthe more philotiophlea c i .e Aarturly, blended with hest Features of the daily nisi. It has great power in the dismatination km* of pont literature. — Tatuitta's Oxide So Awarieww Latratmerd, Logsdon. It is one or the wonders of Journallaes—the edito rial managammut of Harrier's. • • e dll the period!. tale which the Harpers publish are almost ideally well edited.—The hation, N. Wei= account br Its success only by the lava pie fact that it meets precisely tba popular tuts, furnish. log a Tar letr of plowing and and inatractive reading for all.—Zioit's Herald, Jgoodoss. 130 BSCRIPTIONtr.-1912. Barper'e Meg:ulna, one year $1 00 A a Extra Copy of either the Wages Ina, Weekly, or Baser will be impelled matte for every Club of Five Sub Isenberg at $4 00 nub, in one remittance; or, Biz Copies 10020 00, without ultra copy, flubserip - blou to Harem's Magazine. Weekly, and Bahr, to owe eddrem for we year, $lO 00; or, two of Harper!. Periodical., to one addrem for on• rear, $7 00. A Complete Bet of Harpor't *mina. now com priolng3o Volum", in seat elotb binding, will be 141.00 by n/press,Breight at expellee of porobuor, for if 2 lb ►•f Tolman Biagio volume., by Sun, poetp•kl, 88 00. Ckdia eases, for binding, 68 amts, by molt, postpaid. The pottage on Harper'. Magazin, la 38 units year, which most b. paid at tbo anbeortbor's Address LIARPIR & morns& Now York COMPLETB PICTORIAL HLBTORY OP TIM TIHRB " 'TUN BESP.OHEAPERT. AND YOST 8 17CCrIalIIL AMILY PAPERIN Tall UMW.' HARPER'gWEEKLY. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. In November will be commenced"ikorietud NVe," a new serial story, splendidly Illustrated. by Wn.itis Cowin (author of ..rbe WnIBILI in While." "No Narne." . Annadsla," sad "TIN M New Subscribe's will be supplitd with Hamra% nu! 1170 110 Your Dollen from the emomencement of the Story to tba sod of CRITICAL NOTICIAI Olf THE PA!!!. Ttie Mona NETrona of our country. Complete In all the tleputaesnts of an American belly Paper, BAIBPSZNI Muni has earned Ibr iteell• right to ita weir jourit; op Ommatios."—Ner York Ea RA Routine Wm,, may be unreservedly &flared the beet netripapar In Ammina—,V. T. bkiepreddea. The articles apse public questioas which appear to /Inert:al Wmi. from Week to week Arm a remark. able aeries of brief political euaya They are &Wl*. golabed by clear sad pouted statsuiont, by good common-mum by Indepeedwwee and breadth of view. They are th• asps... Woo of motor* oonstetkot„ high principle, sad Aron( feeling, and take their place among the but newspaper writing of the t Luc— North American iferkw, autos, Nam. lAI I Harper's Weekly, one ' ',5r...., S 6 00 du Aim CV, of of* , Me itfastialne, 'Weekly. err Baser mai be supplied profit/or every Oak qf /Ise Bnbscilbers at $ s 00 rack, fa one ruminative I or, &a [hies jar SSO 00, wahend extra espy, . 90610 % . Pgi00: es , HorPer's Nallashe, Weekly, and Baser, to one address for on. year, 110 00; or, two of Harper s /brushy:Le to one adetrusfor one year, Si 00. Bac.. Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Iff• sepses Weekly, In neat cloth hlbdioll, will/ be mot by express, free of expense, 63r 67 each. A complete Bet, manprbehist Thirteen Volumes, sent on receipt of cub at the rate of $0 26 per vol., freight et expense of purchaser. Volume MIL rady January Ist, 1610. The poetess on Herper'e Weekly le 20 mete a year. which must be 'mid at the rubscribeee post.otace. Address*, HARPER. k BROTHICR2, New York. 4 RIPOSITtIar or inisarox. PLIIIIALWAS, AND INSTRUCTION." HARPER'S BAZAR. A oupplement containing yammer fuli•alsed pat tarns vl metal arliclea ancempanies the paper every lop Pist fraugh e. t, and oceamirnally an elegant eolottal hob. duper'• Bazar contain' 111 War panes of th• size of Harper'. Weekly, printed on supertlits cslendared papsr, sod is publish ad weekly. CRITIOAL NOT/CBB OF THE PENS& Harper's Baser emoting besides pictures, patterns, etc, a variety of matter of especial use sad Interest to the family; articles of health, dress, and bane keeping in all Its branches• its editorial matter Is specially adapted to the circle it Is intended to Inter. et and Instruct; and it has, beside., good stories and literary matter of merit. It Is not that the Journal, with inch features, har a W i ret in is ohott''tt time an bonleuse -success ; for smoothing Of its kind was desired lo thousands of families, sad 14 publishers have Oiled the 'demand. The long lady who bays a single lumber of Morw's Baiter is made a subscriber for Ille.—/Voe York Awning fit. Th• Bazar is excellent. Llk s all the peroodicals which the Harpers publish, it is almost ideally well edited, end the clam of readers for whom It Is Intend ed—the mothers and daughters la average can not but profit by it. good sense and good taste, which, we bare no doubt, are today making You loony homes happier than they may havebeen before thewomeo began taking lemons in personal and household and social management from this goad matured mentor.—The Nation. It ham the merit of being sensible, of convoy's& Itt• 'traction, of giving excellent patterns in every de er[, and being well stocked with good read iflg-matter..-.Wstamint and Roferfer. NABICMPTIOOIB.-Ino. TRIM t • Harper's Bauer, one An Hutru Copy of either the ly,:or Bazar will be supplied gratis ibr emery Club of Wire Ilubweribere at $ll 00 each, In one remittance; or, Six Otraiee ihr s3o_ 00, without extra copy. beoriptkuts to Harper'. Mapasiae, Weekly, Sad BOW, to one 'darer for one year, $lO 00; or, two of Harmer! Periodicals, to one address fo r year, 00. Bach Numbers can be supplied at say time. Inas. I. sad /I. of Harper's Beam, ter the jean 11011-9, dem tly bound in green inotrocOo cloth, will be len tby uprose, Alright proskakl,lbr 011 MOIL Th • smolt. Harper'e Dant is 20 ma ts a ,ywar, which must be paid an at the anbectibar's poetnence. Address PEB h MOTE:IM New York. Oct. 25,1559.--St GREAT DISTRIBUTION hiwowiitan Gift 00, leash Gifts to thi Amount of $510,000. MIRY TICE= DRAWS A PAM. I Cash Glfte, each $20.0301 40 Cub Gina, each $ l,OOO to • • .. ~ lops us • " " soo So' “ . 6,000 soo " " 100 80 BlePat Beeewood Planea.—....mard 6300 to COW Melodeons.— . 76 to 1 00 360 BOWill Yaeldnee.... ....... . 40 to- ITO MO Gold ' 19 ..."" ie --- 1701 " ' 'Ar ta . am pub POPE. Silver an. 4va u itt "ow_ A ehaam to draw any of the above Peon Ihr Mo.— Tlekete deeerfbing Prism are sealed to anviWpwrimd wall mixed. On receipt of Se. 'a 'Belted Thrket is Ville without choice and sent by mall to any ad . F no prise named upon It will be delivered to '4O • - 6holder on payment of One Dear. NUM turaare Ibusedtately mint to any address by =pram or is. malt . You' will know what your 'Prd Lr ise iasotber o s bakes yof mom pay aw ft Yaks. No Blanks. ()Empanels cu t doped on kit drilla& Itorsanimmu—Ws wiled the In_ Itop from many Who bine lately drawn 'Valuable Prfta and bleats milted no to publish them: Andrew J.illnrue,ol7 $10,000; Mks Mars.. Vanua. Balthatir , James lE. Matibewo, - Detroit, tOtOOdt John T. Aa - - dm% Bolmjnpar. UAL 44 1 13 Alm Mamma. Cher leetomi nude Illsocf. wows's* no names with. MO PenntaMmo, ''' mearma op vis P a ir—nits Arm le reliable, and fiNO theft Illar ski tlilllMPV l ,l 7 , Nag SS. ~ .41 bleed ofestedrew a $6002,7460. . ‘047 * * "a a glP l P ill, L s fidgentow grje w te oods so assat L gneranteed. lwery *Wow of Sealed slew oestabe one ask AM is! to kr Al ; 310,.. fie 116 ler Olt litr lby $ll6, All leleere aboeAl be tiaftmald 4d . . •- - . /Ain% 'MOW e OE' - f i Oct.t-ilt . , 173 Broadway. is To& . . if A. WIIITTICaIt, 11 Tirek_etv PitUainiritl. Ps . ° 4... Tippirfils. titsoll,lrieill: a►t Mond ft. qua; 4 ip 447ummy fit=lia, the rs. salt qf Pleaffdat 44/1•110. ' amber irr il api, state coo, Ow Irsvpie Ihmk 7-11 0011,10) vitiov wlb t who of the .... I , berukg, OM'w ws m ettee, Akron Ali Ifallindlitt e nek , , TEACHERS' KNIT—KNIT—KNIT AGENTS W 4 NTED eserywhers to sell the A MERI• CAN EMOTE() MACHINE, the only practical Pam- Ily Knistrnig Machine ever invented. Price SM. Will knit 20,000 stitches psr minute. Address A MEBLIAB KNITTING MACHINE CO., Boston, Maas., es St. Louis, Mo. #LTOM SHALL.. 'Ann oar 801711E8" by J. W .11,isorba ,2Wp ,Sl-110. Pres by mail 00 raceipt of prim Nasoar Warroar, N. T. WA 'FM' NEW SCALE PIANOS. Nita brut Frame. Overstrunpiirata ef Agrap MiLODDONII AND CABINIT ORGANS. M. beet lanneaactured. Warranted for Syear,. PIANOS, 11111,0DSON8 AND ORGANS.—Mere greatly retinue! ibr Oa& Now Twelar• Pima" 5216 and upward. New Cabinet Orgy= SO sad Upward. Secood-hand Instruments $4O sad upward. Monthly inatalumeta received. Waresteens,4Bl Broadway, N, Y. HOZACI WATILL A-- G/INTII WANTED,-.tai to 1200 MIR MONTH to mil the original and Improved Commols Seem hem,g Alleakies. •ll complete tor $lO. It will l.ll, stitch. bind, braid and embroider hi • most superior manner, making the celebrated "Lock Stitch." 0•172101..—Do not buy Machias under tbe Mae DM. 48 ours from any one weeps them bevies certificate orangery, Aped by eau they me conk less cast4ron Machines. For circulars and lama, ad. dr-u bt apply to C. BOWIE/ A ell, dal liprace Philadelphia, Pe. COMMON SENSE !I WANTMG.-AGIN7II. MMO p. math to Nil ;h. rely GINOINZ IMPROPID COMMON SENSE FAMILY MAOHIMM. Prioegle. Great Inducements to Agouti, Tbla le the mart popular Pawing Mashie, of the dig—makes the tanioue Look Stitch" —Sill do toy kind of work that an begat* oft a I ny nig& ine-100,000 sold and the demand roestaatt ereselag. Now Is the thus to Wt.. an /Lofty. for rimier' W. - Beware of futriugers.lsl Address 831:0MB t OU., Boston, Mom, Pittsburgh. P.. or Bt. Louie, Mo. ATTENTION I Arramort i rneRY MAN Who lam a Roque to Paint. R,I4DY•MADE COLORS, *noes as "RAILROAD" Colors. Guaranteed to be more economical, sore durable and sore convenient than any Paint ever before offered. • book entillvd "Plain Talk with Practical Paint ers," with samples, ass Nee by mall on application. Globe White Lead t WRITY.M. e Lead and Color Works, 111 Puiton et., New York. Na tab netted IEIS Beware of Ireltatloas. DUSINESB CHANCl.—Wanted,• sun In each town 1.) and city to mann Whirs and cell Weather Strips and Rubber Moolditupi. }Vert I.lllll4rat free to all.— ram $lO to 1113 Ci worth needed upon every building. from 300 to WO per mint profit. Bend your address upon stamped enees, Sr fall particulars and price 114 of Natetials, reedy to be put together, to RBA fla•DBUB11,11as BM, Bos ton, Musa. AGENTS! READ THIS ! 4ITE WILL PAY AG [NTS A SALLEY OP *3O per TV weak and expaumes, or allows large oonnalsaion, to sell our new sad wonderful Inventions. Address M. Wagoner * Co., Mardian. Mleb. 4 . 4 HINTS ON HMI PAINTING." By J. W. as... 40c. ire. by mail on re belpt of Pee*. 11A517RY WHITON, N. Y. Mal MAGIC COMB will change any colored balr or I beard to a permanent Black or Brown. One Comb mot by mail tor $l. For sale by Merchants k Druggists generally. Address Magic Comb Co., Springfield, Mam. 81140 Bow,JZl,:d!`fL".l!nr.,ll:l7,4Ad. s 36001• YEAR ante°A , °o LAZ Ma. Ac. V 1,..„, ilipp% DAY.--33 nem articles for Agents. Sam plas flew H. B. Saa.v, Alfred, Me. A BR YOUR DOCTORequals OR DRLIG.II&T FOR SWINT QUINLNi—it (bitter) Qunine. Manufac tured by Y . BTRARNI, FA C RR I 0., i Chemists, New York. COLBURN'S PATtNT RED JACKET A X E Is batter than ear regular shaped Axes for these res. gauss Pirst—lt cuts deeper. • &coed—lt don't stick In the wood. Third--It does not jar the hand.— /Wolfe—No time is wasted in taking the Axe oat of the mat. Affit.—Wlth the same labor you will do onatbird more work than with regular Axes. Red paint has nothing to do with the good qualities of this Axe, Ibr all our Axes are painted red. If your hard ware store does net keep our goods, we will gladly answer inquiries or All your order, direct, or sire youth" same of the nearest dealer who keeps our Axes. LIPPINCOTT & BASEWELL, Pittebirgh, Penna. Sole owners of Colburn's and Red Jackets Patent. Aromatic Vegetable Soap. COLGATE t COB TOILET SOAPS. [II3TABLISHILD 11106. NZW YORK.] for the Delicate Skin of fah* Ind Children. BOLD BY LU. DEVOCIIBTIL IMMO/ WISDOM Ibr Tanis Mee on the Bull's VI Puska In Tooth and Daly Illeithood, lota fa. hehp for the either end unfortunate. Pent In sealed letter ennlopes. thee of charge. Addams litimoo AMMO N", BOX P, 'Mir, Pe. CABBAGE SEED • 1" HAVE groins sad wiU send by snail the Sestet the *mowing 'missies of CABBAGE: "STONE Y ABON"—a remarkable sweet and tender r variety. I have succeeded in .nLasing dile varlet', to weigh from 16 to 12 pounds. Under Am:Arabi' cs , csauCansee every plant will head. Mammoth Drumhead • --mpg la Oat) with the Stone mason. Under Idgh taltiti beads &Pala to the weight of 10 lie. The &sod hi put up in peciuger sad awn to lay at. d m fir both" os on MlSS lsti at id eta. 6:e one package, or 66 . eares. for IMaapasha I Wiles*, acempany auk paskage• flevendapechneas of the above *orb *the were on exklbiliestat the last agricultural lair Gettyeberg. Address SOLOMON walnuts. Leer, Adams ea, Ps. Oet.ll.—tt Trees & Potatoes for Sale. VEX trabooriber ofhts for ale, at tiollool Wenn 11116noiry , ese od%o weft o laNirlit v s p n .0,001 Nook of Milk largo lot of. CLINK TO , ?NW ! . TO.T11111,01111:031' p etAß lL — lroarssairrepa to &nit* an chomps with consant . ennrksyrnant I home the whole or the thew or Ow the spars sonents.. Bosinner new, lied and profitable. Persona ofeither see well y earn from SOc. to S 6 Per evalloll• •• 41 • pro. Dortlowal aum by devoting their vials time t0...i11e baetnere, goys and girls mum Itearb' es much at tueu. That all wbo ern Ole make may mend their ad dreg.. and twit the butemet, we make tit is onparalhd id oder: To such as are not well satisfied. we will mad S 1 to pay fur the trouble of writing. Pull per. Mutant, 4 valuable sample, which will do to cow ploPce moth 00. and • ropy or The Roples Literary Compaentart,-one of the largest and beet &lolly new& papery published—all ant his by mall. Reader, If /do trout ent. Profitable work, address B. 0. ALUM t erniutn, Insane. WO IN GOLD PAID TO AR AGINT WITH OOM.. MISSIONS/ MARK TWAIN'S my BOOK, "The Innocents .Abroad," With all its humor. andell Its richness, Is ready tom agent.. The whole press of the country Is praleng it, and ' , very person who has read It is known b Ikby che.rfal looks. One anent at Hocheatar took den in in one day. We haze reports like this cons74tanot ly. We pay the largest commissions and extra pre m toms as above. Said to as for oar .xplanstery air col.r.. and wimple which ; la tent Owe, sad Jo , * /Ix yourself. BLISS t CO., Newark, New Jersey. BOOK AGENTS WANTED To Census tir Mrs. 111lett's new Book, just published in beautiful style, and sold at a low price. A NEW NATIONAL WORK, Now wallow in immenee numbers in all sections of our land. It fs frisk, lively, and sparkling; splen didly Illustrated with elegant Steel Portraits. Every lady will want a cop) ; gentlemen will want It for them. Nn larn fly au afg•rd to be without it Agents, particularly ladles, can do better with this, book than with any Oilier extant. Great Inducements offered. and Agent. wanted In every township in the United Stases. EXTRA PREMIUMS GIVEN To good onegoVe men or women In .ddition t. say regular terms Send for MITI] Inv,. will. comply's In- Gmendlon and fermi.. Addre.• II A HIVOILD TDB. LOMINO CO, Ilartfori, Conn 100,000 AGENTS . ED I , olt PRIEST Al\ U NUN. This mo.t exciting and it ,esiing book, by a Peetiar authoress, la now road) , nod thoee who wish to eaDVPSI for it should apply riconediately for ch , conies, (with etaropeneloseejetating territory desired, experience, kc. Agents wanted everywhere for this and other Osst-ollas. hooka and engraving+, by CRIT TENDIN i liciilNNßY,l£llls Chestnut street, Phila delphia, Pa. FBSIALE COLLEGE, Bordentewm. N. F. Baird and triltion $2O/1 per year. For catalogues &dime Rev. Joey EL BlAin.rr, A. M., Preet. THE CHURCHMAN. - Ti 1133" end Ali GEST Weekly 3"e per, with the elrealatlon in the Protegantiseopsl Chards. Seat TIER for one mouth ter examination, and UR Jas.], 1870, to new inbealbers br that year. 13a year, in adennee. M. H. MALLORY OQ., liartibrd, et. JUS? NOW TOO POILLIIBIII oP 1.4111/. D , u31.1 Wititt.T NEW YORK OBSERVER The oldeet and Bat Pateily Newspaper, are ofeerag ft to Dew Rlbseribers 00 Ter,/ IsTOmble Lerma 134111• pie copies with circulars, sent free to any &Wiese.— 1t3.50 per atlontit. SIDNEY E. MORSE, JR. At CO., 37 Park Mow, New York. THE BEST TYPE; CABINETS. PANEIBIIB AND PAINTINGS' HATRILIALB, Node and furnished by VANDIRBIINGH, WELL& & CO., New York Good Second Hand Cyynderr for Sete. H E REAL EXCELLENCE aad amp . to, Obthiag Le tboaely Nom grim meas. Tax puiracriox or READY•MADB CiOTHEMI. kXBT NATI/Ma LB. We mrs nate bat "all wow" moods every plena of which lb well "Gag ed. mad rarest], atm. hied. Oar rattan of Lady. made Clothing •re inch as eottid • ark la other awahltabweato on Madam Welk; their west oceobtaeo imaihrt with style. Oar hawk are 'applied with the hem tits aad we we that WkLi. MAUL they Imo them mad ever. artlolo b Mar. mighty tested While being pat Into stock. livery pinneut sold la acoutapanied with a legal guarantee. hold. lag as reepoondblo for the oorrectteita at all tho representations wads. It Is conceded that our largo !gneiss." sad many other advantages iambi* us to sell lower than any other home. We invite a fair row LOWEES PRICED. parboa of prices. WILL cur. Gil AHANTKED POE FALL AND WINTER OF 1869. W he PREPARATIONSGREATEST .YET --- PIIISIHICRLIES GARMINTS, IN D LSSS VARIETY, CHOICSIST SKLRCTIONS, GOODS TO WEAR WELL, STANDARD STYLES, LATEST FASHIONS, NEW FURNISHLNG GOODS, • wpm t oar goods ere marked at lower pries. than ewe the wee articles last year. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT AND DEPARTMENT FOR ROTS' AND YOUTHS' WEAR Are especially well prepared to give satieobes, NEW AND BETTER CUTTERS. IMPEOFED SYSTEM, GREATER A FINER LINE OF GOODS THAN DISPATCH EVER. , SCIVIOL CLOTHE& SUNDAY CLCMHICS ANT . NEW WEARING QUALITIESN UNEQUALED.STYLES OAK HALL BUILDINGS THIS LARORST TUN -STATZ 8. X. cor. 6 th & NARK= Bia., PhOodalpidis. *OM beach` 'bob, block on 6th from Market to Minor. Oct 22.—tlia W & BROWN. Cook and Parlor STOVES, OF ALL KINDS. The latest and most approved styles. TIN, SHEET-IRON AND HOLLOW WARE. Coal and Lumber OF ALL KINDS Call 4SA Examine 1 C. H. BUEHLER'S Ware Rooms, CORNER OF CARLISLE RAILROAD 17 , 11-; FURNITURE ROOMS GETTYSBURG, PA WARNER & CO THYME special attention to their large usortaisot j. of Household Puruittire, all of the best wake and latest alike. which they Sr. within •• i City prima. COTTAGE SUITS, Containing BEDSTEAD, BUREAU, WABH4ITAND, TEAPOT TABLE, YOUR CHA/118, ECRU BOCKEE, and TOWEL SACK— sets as low as $3O, Also, PARLOR & CHAMBER FTRNITURE, of aIl Undo In aspirate plisese—SOYAS, TABLES CHAIRS, STANDS, BIIREAUS. TOWEL EAVES, WARDROBRS, WORK TABLES , DINING and BARAK /AST TABLAS, RATARSITII TABLAS, oitres,KAWRAMSIS, GAT RACKS, WRAT.IIOII4 °GIL DUNA OARRIAGIE, STEP LADDRii, BRAJARTS, Sc. An, mad large aseartnient of MISCELLANEOUS GOODS TUCKER SPRING- BOTTOM. Call and Examine I South-east corner of Centre Square Oct. 22, 1889.—tt 1869. MILLINERY. 1869. MISS *CREASY - Has just opened • larvossourforsot of BONNETS & HATS of Os visitor styles, irk% Feathers, Flowers ,& Ribbons to match. at wltlab oho tota MI al the tetrad orb prim Oct.esjkokusllto mato to brat 'at Om itioneit Salm 2t, 1119.-2 a Ladies' Fancy Furs I JOHN FAREIRA 718 JIRMF_ rr.4xxr., mu& dui' bust; ire. aigagitilt lout a* PEISMONSPULe, 111 9•1 1 4rtiasta sad Dada all Wads Vail 4w - PAIN-Olt FURS 10k WOW , OW 411 ealearosilsons,l ai Waal/ arrinailly bows tux moos jork, Tory Vaud mokoiWim saa oba Previbow 1. , set brie IhMillatnalar • • ab =art besselOossei be se. sdigrd at tel = ft irailierint=== ralap. • • - 0164 IMAM 11.1114 § 1 =44: ' ;‘,.}4 titt, few Advertistments. JURY LIST FOR.NOVEDIBAR. GRAND JURY. Huntington--Wm. B. Gardner, Foilsman, Jere miah_ stay York wtn,p-, G. Beale, R. W. Sadler, John D. Becker. (=lMOxfoinb—Jantes Harl i Charies_Timmlns. codori AM, Its h u rctrrdt John L . . B traban—William M John Dickson. Liberty—Martin C. Overb , John Z. Welty, Reuben Shover. Menallen—Jesse Dull, Cornelius Bice. Berwick bor.—Jesse Newenuner. Hamlition—Ahnera Blidelbrand. John Patterson. Union—l K. —He K. Bollinger. GMNEitAr. JURY. WrILL, • Menallen—WllUam Fitter, S. A. Burkholder, Geo. W. Wilson. Hamiltonb Waughan— , Frederiet Shelly, Peter Stover, John Daniel Eitililvan, Reuben Stem. Conowago-.Adant Outer, Augastus Delione. Monet Robert Wilson, James Davis. bur Eita=oba B. Lease, George B. MUstort, Wm. Bla,elsiela Philip Weaver. Cumber —John Baring, David Mariner. Hunti n—Henry Myers, J. G. Wolf, Sebastian Flekea, James A. ?Wier, Thomas Kennedy. Berwick bor.—Lewis Judy. . Littlestown—Willb.m Lauinger, Bensy 8. Kline. Bream. Sr., John C. marklY. J. L. Bahr. Liberty—Charles IL Buhrinan. Latimore—Panl Troup, Isaac B. Tudor, P. A. Illirlastd—John Dubs, Hamilton—Peter Holibeins, Daniel lihrehart. Franklin—Junes Heck, John C. Hartman. Wil liam Bell. Joseph rt. '_Tyrone—Moses M. Neely. Mountpleasant—curies G. Miller, Anthony Lit tl Jesseph J. Harman. Oxford—John L Smith. Hettrtburg--John Weigle. Unlon—Jaeob G. Basehoar. SECOND WEEK. Union—Amos Lefever, John 'Rife. Ge Klingel, Jacob B ttysburg—C. H. Buehler, John Scott, Daniel H.enner. Reading—Adam S. Myers, Jonas Hollinger, M. B. Blamer. Mou ntpleaant—Jcesephr E. Hemler, Hezeklah Kagarman, John Kerrigan. Latlmore—Joel Wiest, Arnold Gardner, Michael Staumbaugh, Wm. F. Bonner, John S. Martin. Yorryk Springs—Jesse Johns, Samuel Shelly, Hen- Shultz. Butler—Wm H. Deltrich, Solomon Orner, Jesse Ho Berwick uck, towas Israel Sphank.—hlJac Menailen—Joel oarretson.obSterner. Handltonban—ltufus C. Swope, Henry Hull, John Ogden. Tyrone—Uriah Gardner, Jonas Sterner, Jacob Funk. Straban—Philip Donohue, Jesse M Germa cCreary. ny—Bufus Eckert. Runtin ohn B. Group, John E. Plank, B. F. W erman. Oxford —N Llberty—Geo ich rge H. Krise. olls lieltzeL Conowago—JosepEt brad: l 4 Handlton--We Ca MichaelStrubinger. Littlestown—J. B. Adams. Barwick bor.—Dr. D. Kochsnousr. Cumberland—Michael Frey. Oct. 2L—to SIEVES AND WIRE CLOTH, MAN lIYAOTMUID BY SELLERS BROTHERS, M Market Street, Phila. Sept. 24, 1884.-31aa-12 WANTED AGENTS, - to canvass for Mild/ AND noun's NON-IXPLOI/V1 KEROSENE LAMP , pronoanced by mon than 50 Prokators in our Col. Absolutely Safe _gar.. 88 per cent. of oil—no bad odor—will not brook or wear out, bantam met Oar sputa soaks right. money. because It supplies a want as universal u for full particulars address, with stamp. BMX). P. BOWEN, • 2d Ilsor, Mechanics' Bank. Hartieburg, Pa. OA IS, 181119.-tf IACT /NUM- Agents, Tesch•rodltudento, Clarguistr, lamer,' sons and daughters, sad al/ to sell BEFORE the FOOTLIGHTS AND BEHIND THE SCENES, BY OLIVE LOGAN The Great Reforsta. of the Mops, who, haying abandoned stage life, now exhibita In vivid colors the whole, show world Before and Behind UK SCOW. Befog Truthful Monk and Slob toned, as well so Benaatkonal, Rich, and Racy, it °owes all Whiff books. Beautifully Marginated with 40 spirited engravings, 24 full-page cuts, 660 was, on rose-tint ed paper. G sWc s. reatest bglitonnonta yet offered. Pro copy. &Mee, and 8 latfotiory, Free. For Circular. explang, address leased lately; PAR- MILK' CO., Publishing sither at PhEsdalptils, Pi, Cincinnati, Ohio, or Middletown, Conn. Oct. 22.--4vr gioo A MONTH SALARY PAID Aar Adapts, maid and drenah ; basins*/ pan inaftent. Sulam ac stamp. Van Anon A•oo , m Broad's, t.] . New Park. (Clip act, and neva adver tise:dan [Clet..l6-4w A WATCH PRIN.-611 , 11N GRATIN to every Nye loan who will act se"gent In a :modish," ood honorable banner, minnow • day. No gift enter prise. No humbug. No money wanted in advance. Address R rioma.,m Ramsay & Co, Plttabstro. P.. Oct. 16-4 w CHEAP PAINTING.- 100 lba if the Pitenna 00Thwell COI.4IIXD PUN? (coating 212.60) WOO 1-3 paint as much as 260 lb.. of Lead, and weer longer For particulars. addrame 8. BOWEN, •ec'7+ N 0.160 COST LEAD. • N. 'fourth at., Philadelphia. 0et.16-4w HENRY WARD BEECHER'S SERMONS IN PLYMOUTH PULPIT, Are being read by people of every class and dements's-. Mon all over thin country and Europe. They are full of vital, beautiful religions thought and feeling . Ply mouth Pulpit Is published weekly, and contains Mr. Beecher's ilennons and Prayers, in form suitable Sr presentation and binding. For sale by all newedeal era. Pile:4ooc. Yearly so becriptkuis received by tits publishers ($3) &lug two handsome volumes of over 400 Pogo. each. mail yearly, 21.76. A new andel:sorb Steel Portslt of Mr. Beecher presented to all yearly subscribers. Butraordi offer! PLYM GUY PULPIT ($3). east the lAN UNION(I2SO).sn Unsectarlan, Indwendeut, Christian Journal-1g pages, cut and stitched, clearly printed, ably edited:, o one address fot 52 weeks for tour elledu,-. Special Inducements to tativieeere and those 'Mi op clubs. Specimen copies, postage free, for Sc. n J. B. FORD t CO , Pub's, Mt Park Row, N. Y. Oct. 16-4 w Allen's Lung Balsam 1 FRB AMRROY FOR CURING CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, AND CROUP. AS AN XXPICTORANT T HAS NO EQUAL. It le composed of the active principles of roots and plants, which ate ebamlcallyeztractid. so as to retain all their medical qualities. trizarrus AND PUBLIC BPI/A=2 Who are so often afflicted with throat diseases, will Bad a ears remedy In tble Balsam. Losengss and wafers sometimes give rellst but this italeani, taken a few time's, will ensure a permanent care. Will all those &filleted with Omaghsor Oonsiunption 'Orsini *deem a fair trial? They will ha plowd with the result, and sonnies that tha Aare Remedy is Found at Last. IT Ifl BOLD Blf ALL DEDCiOISTB. Oct. 16-4 w PAIN KILLER. PAIN la supposed to be the lot of as pocrr mortals as laesltabla as death and liable at any time townie up. an as. Thereibre It le Important that remedial*gum am id ben hand, so be used os awergesey,'whea we era shade to teel the esernelatlnd Wm./ of Palo, or the diteressing Indultam of disease. each a restedbill 'gest estate Is PM= DAYSIP KILLIK." Car bate of WWI has extended ever all the earth. Mild the item! bee of the polar regloss, or beneath the intolerable and bulldog sue • of the teoptra, tie airtime are known and appre cdated. And by It stifulne, bonaselty has band relief cow wally of Na lUe. ThO erect of the Pala Kiitir %Don the whin, whaa talon Internally, la Cliooo of cough, Cold, Dowel Con palate, Choleta, Dpseetery, and other altatlawe of the gates. hue been tralr wooden'', sod has wee ter It a sews moss oodlesl preparations that eon never be htsottes. rat inatare ■ reeswidg pain, as as external tweedy; to maw of Bunts, anthem, Boras, ohd Spntlety Oats, litlogo of I Inseete, to., sod ether ammo, ealforlog. Sae secured SR ft the noel proinlannt position smug the soli. dim of lb. day. '...Beware of Counterfalta sod worthies. Inaltationa. Call kir him Davis' !raper We Pals Killer, hod take soother. Sold by Prusigle sad Groom!. (Oat. te—dwn FARMER'S HELPER enowe 11011 To - DOWiL) Tag PPOPITII OP Tag will, sod bow Myers nod Wit 101111 gal tech auks Ilt4 PIM MOM to Water. iogoo .cord - ma cop dras to ies er be walled tree to taretets. &MI mosoosod 0 w . ZL—awa, a ataby a Co., nu 'miaow., Pa. ct4w yOUNT'SCOMPOUND - - 10 k THICIOIIII 01 .PUTRIDBORIPFILIPAT, INFLUENZA L.— , . ... • s of ay attar Vasaistaater) 011 I awarollsous of the Throstlf setsl toeless etanding. aIso,tIOARLET RINTEI. This asdistselsobotassfedia , THOUSANDS OF OASES, • dUlisiss• pots :of kb* soirstrp. as/ has omit hiss bowl Sellal If takes Is ease and tsimet•Sm li, - hid wen :atoll tem.. elven' trial 'ssmt it lisps& kot iUmilf. Every hosseholgabsald libisississe *Mt • hoz or this ist~is sad Phossesstbst (%b&. awned ass sail WU by lassall'inisit oe.tast Is a a " iitli t t i l:Str wi Tteasy "ell , ll. 1 7; ‘ , • .41" 11112424110M1TA ~ , ,2 ''' .- • ' - with noseroom bills requiring Immediate paytuaot the prompt collection ■nd payment over of tbei• taxes Is absolutely pecuniary Attest—L H. WLLTU, Clerk Oct. 22, 1869.-- ur Ef BRILLS the Hon. guar J. Time, Preskteet Ty of the several Courts of Common Pleas in the °tattles conspoldng the 19th District, and Joules of the Courts of 07.‘ and Terminer and General Jail Doe livery, for the trial oral capital and other offenders In said district, and Jewel. Kona and litmaar G. Hu rstalura,Judge• of the Courts ofComniou Please,and Jostles* of the Courts of Gyerend Terminer and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders In the county of Adams have issued their precept, beatiog date the Nthde of August, la the year of our Lord one thousand • ht hundred and six-nine, sad to me directed, for hu fflog a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter ileestone of the Peace, and General Jell Delivery and Courts of Oyer and Terminer. at Gettysburg. ens Monday, the =I of Aroustber, 1889. NOTIC I IS fl RUDY GIVES to alt the Justice, of the Peace, the Coroner and the Constables within the said county, that they be then and there In their pro per persona with their lolls, Itecords, leo Itzetninations,and other Hewes. brances, to do those s. things -blob to their offices and in that behalf apper tain to be done sod also, they into will prosecute against the Weimar" that are or thee shall he in the jail of said county of ♦Adams, are to be then and there to prodecuta against them u shall be just. p, HANN Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, G ttyaburg, aw Oct. 22, 1169. S HERIFF'S SALES. By virtue if sundry welt of Viedlike' ittpotiss will be °farad at Patine Bala. at the Cott* Howe: In Gettysburg, owZataniay, the Me day of Noyes. bey eat at 1 °Wolk, P. N., the followlair deacrlbed Zeal &tat" via A HALF LOT OF GROUND, situate in the Suroogh of Ostyak's:lc. Adam scanty, Pa., fronting on Stratton street. on the west, adjoin tag lots cf Jacob Coded on the aorta, and lota of John Kuhn ow the seat sod Math, improved with a, two.. story BRIGS DWNLLING BOUSOL oneetory Brick Beckbuilding, anti Out Bon..; with Fruit Trees the premises. Seized and takes into sneer, on Uon ea the Baal Estate of Vote Oa in Also—A TRACT OF LAND, 'nats in Union tognahip, ddams county, Pa.:adjoin lag lands at Mho Orendorg, gdward Weaver, John Llano:man , and other,, containiag 3 MUG, more or lay, improved with •13 LOG HMI, Log stable, Hog Pees, Bake Oven, and akar ootbuildlage, with a well of water at the dwelling with • house over It. rite lot is all clear and under good fence. /WWI and taken into execution as the Baal Estate of Lime P. PHILIP HANN, Sheriff. Merin Office, Gettysburg, Oct. 21.—te ririr Ten per cent. of the purchase motley upon all the sales by the Sheriff meet be paid over humedialy alter therewit property le struck down or upon taller, to comply h the property will be again put up the sale. REPORT OF the condition of the GETTYS DIM NATIONAL BANK, on th. 9th day of Ootobol, nee: 11 . 1 1301711C133. Lams end Discounts 8189266 60 U.S. Monde to secure circulation .. 150,000 00 U. A. Bonds and other securities on ha - nd.. 30,000 00 Other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages ..... 23 ,800 00 Doe from Redeeatiogand Amery* Agents.. 13,820 19 Due from other National Banks.-- 4,433 66 " flanks and 8anter5.,,,_...... 794 98 Other Real Metals-- Current Expanses ...... 6,000 00 587 29 Taxes paid—. ... ................. 1,285 77 Oaah Items (inclaing stamps)... 414 43 Bills of other National Banks 70 00 Tractional Currency (tnoluding oktels)... 86 33 Legal Tender Note, 23,210 00 LIABILITIES. Capital Stack paid in 6143,130 00 . Surplus Fund..... ' 19,000 00 Diaconate.-- ..... —.— ............. —...., ..... . . 8,479 00 Profit and Loss _4 —..-- ,173 66 National Bank elreulatkut - 130,600 00 litate ltutatandiag... 2,778 On ladlvldnal Deposits. 122,193 68 Dna go National Dank/ .. .—. . ..... --.......... 116311 21 Due to other Banks and Bantam...... 3,411 40 Dividends uncalled 663 23 144444-H -4.4. SNORT Betz, Cashier of the Gettysburg Nation al Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beyr of my RNORY BAIR, Cashier. knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Dlith da. of October, ISI3D. J.•OOVIR, J. P. Correct.—Attest—G. SWOPE, DAVID WWI, D. Hammagem,, Directors. COUGHS, ASTRALi, Oct. 22, 1869.44 REPORT fißthe condition of the FIRST •NATIONAL BARN. OF erfrlSETllle, in Gettysburg, Adonis county, in the State of Pennsyl— vania, at the ekes of business on the 9th Say of October, 1809: Lautsand $11 7 ,404 79 Time accommodation L0mm...:9109.404 T 9 Indebtedness or Dlrectors.-..... 8,000 00 Orordratto —.. ....... -- . U. 8. Bonds to secure denials tloo ti. 8. Bonds and &;;;;iiloo on ....... ... Duo from Recleaning and Ho sort* Agent, (au nor 00hed ..... . Des from other National Dank. Due Win otheas per sehedur Basks end Dunkerque per schedule)... Furniture and Itttnres. Current ll:pewee Clash Items (Ineladloggtatope) (aa Mlle of other Natlooal Batas.. /factious! Cunene, (loofa& ...... Legal Teader Note* ChipiSal Stack paid 10.—..„. =los PriVaal Lmisr Otesolatln N t Ooteptrjk: meeivedbant Leo ammo on basd-7.7.2: 90; M 00: nosenot eatssendier..— individual, Deposits... ...... -- Due so National Bantu, ea per Dividends lumwid—.—••••••••••••• I liatuit Amato. tiler of the tint National. leak .weer that tar &bore , staanont to troe,to t bait of ay knolitiodie 104 behlet asoaor, ARNOLD, °ambits settee, PamMinable 4 : ) ." . onto of Adams. throne to sad subscribed be. rum me, this My of October, NW A. J. ODIUM J.P. Corroat.—AltothiAcca 31.2imaaa. Gam* ?non, b. ikeOrmsessur - Oct. .--3‘ Dibuitece. _ - DIG CROPS 4.11 D HIGII PRICES in miikin 4 ickuluers Age suLt friAsktus I,.ucars this !Kw prsatkil *ad natal book 'ma 3ft. mod he *Mr baba, sattltled • , . "111.1 NABIUmiI 111141411,A1e . bp Maven kacm.„401404 (Nome 1. 0 wn k azi .40.10, . th.Agnmtoma amt... ium g .. 44mstPark, 0•Ir tort. Thaniwis of Immo s aged sad mat Shia wax ti S t ty Niirrta. "4 ". wy_ViiiWZMT SOO Pr ...mama,' isoi!hitsli. Per =Zell (; .t - .1. ,-Siassa i , , iuii - , I 4 400 Cliertuakt at. 4 • N OTlOB.—Letters 'of Adminis trates as the 'state of Aait T. WIWI?, late of Usaallas Omagh*. Adoww maat7. Pau"-, • damned, havhig boon invaded to the wieralitned. law Ailing In gad hivrealifp, slur beryl., afro" India to an [AMIN, Indebted to said *Mete to make Instoolinte , pat aid aims having dahlia against the WSW will preetertheet properly initheetleet.d for settle ment. _ JAN 2 0. WlllO lIT, Adru'x Ikpit. St.-111 NOTlCE.—Letters of Adminis• troth* on tho musts of JACOR Mom, Into of sedum township, Adams matey, Pa.. diseased, having be. graomol to Itta andoesinnod nodding is add township, ho hereby give, notice to 01 persons Indebted tumid total* to mak, Immediate payment, sad these baying elaints against the mums to prossat thorn property asthentiesteal for wititeraent. JOHN LULU, Adorer. &opt. 24.-41 NO T I C E The tint and thud account of JONAH lion Asikamee or Isaac Illcli.ott and wire. of /davit:county, Pa., ha. 1....8,01,d In toe court orCion. MOO Pleas of Adonis conuty and will he conllnted ow Out nat dig of Neweinbcr, 1069, males. canes he shown to the contrary. • MBLuortN, P,oth. Oct. 22.—tde $2O REWARD ON tb.lttb day 0(.7n1y, TWO COWA strayed front lb. primulas@ of tbe eunseriber In Oratateburtt -.one • red buffalo, wpb it little whits on one 01'111( U:l4i other red and stilt* spnutid, with •ery timed borne A r•waril of sae will be pd.l fir in byrtuatiti n that will *Sears their requvoiry. tiettystourg, Pa., TO COLLECTORS Collectors of County and State Taxes for 1869 are hereby notified that they will he expected to refire aid pay over the 'Nice on thelrboi•lcatesr,o or Pe- fore Monday; The 22d day of Norealiber next If cos wiy, tber will proceed at core to eraurce lens by the usual hugal process There being no money In the County Ttee.ury, ' JAOOII LO T, 310813 ILUIXMAN, EMANITIL KirMOM Oommluloners Court Proclamation. RESOURCXB Lt 40 7.4.10 00 175 00 04$ 11 $271.Z2- 60 666 46 1/0,000 00 '4,770 Su 3,666 96 asnw at 89 1545 00 88,851 86 ttnistas so J. J. KM li ECU =EI 2,667 96 100,000 00 26,000 00 EICEI 1,513 Z 5 823 71 1313 NS 00 20451 00 7,64.2. 12 519 el CB el