~~~ ~~ % 4 *wwint. is item tie P wuri-Vrxrer.—Tbs fanner, like the Ines. man, must bow ' *bathe is Meg must lucre souse pretty decichitidens of . he is tosceaelplisk•- 3a teethe must it behrehan4. — - He muit know soil—this hf each lot; - not only the top, , the sub-aoll. He canstaho whstgrainsidgnirea pare adaptadio• He mast know Is the best time to work them, w they need summer &Bowing. He must know condition' in which ground must be , plowed, so that it be not too wet or too He must know , some grains require . earlier sowibg thin . there, and what those grains are. - He must know. h. w to put them in. - He must know It pays to have ma chinery to aid him well as muscle. He must know stocks and manures, and the cultivation . mania small fruits, and many other , •in a word, he must know what expert observing farmers know, to be sure of • Thee e will not guess--will not , such risks.—Etcral Work/. LAZY Fes. Laziness prevents a man from getting o his home to put up the first railthat, . knocked off the fence, and through this neglect a whole field of corn is seriously Laziness keeps a from driving one nail when one wont do, and finally costs a carpenter's bill for naive repairs. Laziness &news a to get off the hinges and lie in the mud, or stand propped by rails—or a stable or, . .to leak and dam age hundreds of do worth of provender. Laziness, in short is the right and proper name for nine-ten . of the excuses given for bad farming. rut by far the most pro lific of the many - that are due to la zinessis the west of ignorance. But this waste is in itself se - and has so many ramifications, that e slug have to defer its discussion for • other' time.—Dixie (Tenn.) Farmer. Poe linzararker. A lady correspondent words us the folio . : receipt for a break hist dish. Which she I says serves for meat ti and potatoes : "Put into a comm n biscuit pan a heap ing teaspoonful of tier, and let it malt i fur and spread over the : then take enough slices of bread ( answers as weU as any) to cover the bottom of the pan, and make a to edlo them in by beating well two tri e gj e a sci nd pouring in runt enough to soak the b ; season it with a very little pepper salt—make the bread quite moist; then lay it in butter and fry brown on one side, abd, if too soft to tarn, put hrtathe oven to brown aver the top, and you will have dish that serves for meat and potatoes, outdating of neither. Tell me If you lik . it. "—Hearth and Home. SOAP suds is an grass and grape v '• I wasted. A bit of suds sends the soap and leaves the water carefully poured o which becomes a almost as .good as alttm as large as the into Amy of five suds, the scum runs water clean and soft We have often, inian glass of Mississippi • as clear as a bell • tying a bit of alum It under the surface glass.—Hatt's. J • ent fertiliser of and should not be m in a Mb of soap 1,- d dirt to the bottom t for use again, if from the sediment, ncentrated fertiliser, o. If a lump of . tunb joint is thrown one of boiling soap over and leaves. the d usefia for washiag. lent times, settled a liter; and made it look .a few seconde by a string and twirling of the water in the WHAT FARMERS 0 poor firmer can not II a poor farmer. A claim the verdict aga cattle, wagons, h • dial the fact that he his surroundings pro- nst him—his horses, plows, fence, fields children bear silent ce against him. On things will testify the good farmer. the evidence pro ought to stimu his best, for the sake as well as interest; i that every passer-by t according to the —even his wife and butnimistakabh3 the other hand, all. favorably on behalf Every passer-by can or con.—This fact sic late every farmer to • of his own character,) for he may rest will pronounce jud _ ..! evidence. Amour Hoesss.= om the Rochester Union, we hike the following: f.'Horses as a general * thing, get too mach lick ing and too little feed. If a man loses his hat while driving his horse, he licks the horse to pay for it. If he runs Into another wagon through his own careless, he licks his horse to make it right. If his horse slips or tumbles, he gets licked for it—if he does anything be gets licked for It, and if he don-'t do anything begets the same. A great many horses know 'a sight' more than their drivers, and if they could change places with them, society at large would be - the gainers, and so would horses. " MAILING HAT ST bleonEvzny.--Aecord b2g to a writer in the London 2"sram, machine has been invented and tested in England which will greatly facilitate hay making. The apparatus takes the grass as soon as it is mown and places it h] a strong durent of hot air set in motion by a fan, to be worked by steam or borse•powem, as pre ferred. The hot air is generated by a &D -uane, and the revolving fan throws it upon the grass. -In, this manner, it is claimed, moist grass may be converted into bay of the best quality in tea minutes. - Towson is ► New PAiatON.—Take good ripe tomatoes, out them in slices,-,and ,sprinkbt over them finely pulverized white sugar, then add claret wine sufficient to , cover them. Tomatoes are sometimes pre potted in this way with Minted vinegar, but the claret wine imparts to theM a richer and more pleasant flavor, more resembling the strawberry than anything else. To Max Vncsa►n FROM Tosamota.--- Mash up two bushels of Tomatoes, to make forty gallons of Vinegar. Put the Toma toes in a cask, add three gallons of common molasses to a banal, and fill your cask with soft water, and in six Weeks if standing in the sun, you villl have a superior quality of vinegar, equal to the best cider vinegar. A OCKIMPOILLIT says : , "There is a man up In our country who pays for his paper in advance. He has never seen a sick day in his file, never had any corns or toothache ; his potatoes, never rot; the wesvils never eat his wheat; the frost never kips his corn or beans ; his habit:4l=year ay in the night, and his wife never scolds." Reader, are you the man ? Chloe or rar t ... Bors.—"Where were you Charlie r "In the garden, tan." "No— rm bare been swimming—you know I cau tioned you atiout going to the croak. I will have to correct you. Look at your bait haw wet it is." "Ob, no, ma, lidt is not Water ; it is sweat." "Ali, Charlie, I bare caught you fibbing ; your shirt is 'wrong side out." Boy, triumpluuttly— "Ob, I did that just now, ma, climbing the fence." Wnons'e ire's- —Hewing her tither re mark that the almanac predicted fair , weath er, but he did not, place mach reliance cm it, little Winnie ,asid, "If we could only look bao God's almanac, now, we ehotdd blowiest wind the mathsr isgobig to be." iliplistoond haute loss of corregri •to , Wilt sod tear is sore than reedeot to per the opens. of printing and leadeir IL The average We of a beak vete 4 three years, sad Oudot mow sou* aortal Man : 10111: sirr eaoloc AMP" lllr a nell. QUIIIINIIWAIL Aprll6o, 14- if DUPH ORN'S C HIS CLOTHE C HIS CASSIMERS. C ALL HIS GOODS BEFORE PIIRCHABING,7,LSE- NOT CONONAL.-A WHERE IF YOU WOULD Nerth-crest corner of Square April 16,1189.-I r 1869. DESIRABLE 1869. NEW GOODS! Most Excellent Assortment ! f SELL for very small profits, and am at doing • my large linelann. FASHIONABLE SEADNI OpiFINI SILK POP LINS. FASHIONABLE S HAMM? /BENCH WOOL POP LINS— FASHIONABLE SHADES OP •LPAC3• POPLINS. FLINCH CHIWTZBS. KWIC PM/o*Ln AND LAWNS. SLACK SILKS. PLAIN SILKS, PL AID SILKS.• VDUS MUSLIMS, JaCIONET MUSLIM', CAMBRIC. BLACK ALPACOA, OOLORID ALPAOCA, BLACK ALL WOOL OBLAIN. RIITORI SHAWLII,CASHINIERNSHAWLS THUM KAWLS.• CLOTS' IS S. CAISSIMBIS.CLOAKINGS,LI N DRILL ING, 002TONADE. TABLBOOVIIRS, PAS LI LINEN, NAPKINS, TOW. ELII. BALMORAL, SKIRTS, HOOP SIMS. PLAIN MIN HANDEIDOHISIIIMINOLDKRIED HANDICSBOIIIIPS, HAM STITCHED HAND HBILOHILES. MEWL LAKIN% IKISSEVAOHILDIENIGLOnIi, •ND STOOLING.. :jyrl sea eenataatlyrecalelag the ham styles of Drees Sat Fong Goods. 'Mistook comprises may- Wag usually bad in iltstuisea DRY Dom non, to which I lavitethe 'Mastitis of Deo Pattlq =llllllllllllll that I ca. safely challenge tit all ether Stores la quality °knob= wee apricot. J. L. SCUM Deleelfbwes, PI., Jan. 11,15EL—tf $lO,OOO RE WA RD ! STOBA' ENT)? 2? D! Robert . k Elliott's store , IN GETTYSBURG, Wimatamil hot Weekend a One quality • II V Dry goods, If Olean, queouneffad Carpeting take*. Skit partial an well knoni, but have thus fu cad scrag, as they left Orrealeeks a:change Orr ne persona who look the Goods are 'very well aetteded that they received non or bcdter flood: for thalr many thaa they weld have not at say other store. Come one I Come one 1 sad aosortmeist of SILKS, GINGHAM'S,' LA WIITS, 24. RE G ALiod INA.% &cv, CLOTHS, - - "CA&SEWHIIIIS, • TWEEDS, • JEANS' VESTINGS, Ales,Oerpete,Netteme. thseseetntre, sad tehee ‘fteee e morel aelortmeet ef.rtrfdiag behmeisit b ltltilsUltfts Store. the eisee emeette the Chettehome, paphetere street, sail Ost our netts 1:11:11 Deellet rid Owen Prone. (anti li.lem4 NW SPRING AND SUADIRS G 0 0 AT PETERSBURG. ok.rasr BOWERS WOULDMlPmeghllylakett tle= iis s that they ben jest nemented brew eta a beg ailemmed at , 'SPRING k SUMME lißeoWolotbs, GOODS, oftildistist past MN Ildasearwit o w . :01 . Aru e lhosside 111•011 NW a la me et sal licassis, aim Narkni" 1.0411. ,_ _ taws. 011, Oar iiii imiljo i ll e V:pureasse at_ pasts niter Plim w imiel Ora vie • ma obrorbers toerw r e p oo rk )l.2. , rim 411mendeed - ' " l 'llgiurranatrimi satiosasii— RAVI BANIVIID • :LAWN STOOK OP SPRING 17 00All =I GO TO SAVE MONEY. D S (Iloomoosto t. I. nitaimpw.) 4, ' fili ' :atgatkiii, Nees.; 4, 44 . . ._. , .... GOODS AND'DIIIII 4:ONUT . . 1 That are tottirht stem. picas. . tiorromOrroo, s, exayse: itairiars ,...7, i .. a io., . .....,,,, ~ That ars *boar &bah aver. :,, 111:94 . 1194T8 A.NI! OVUM '1)1111 BUTTONS, Is *teat',. tidy. • 100 P ilif.; amens, PROTIOTOU AN \ DTEN titIII.tp4IPT BRE/L.IOW" 0011311 T MARL\ ~ysa~i►~iuf ,) MIN All nenal to got Armes to At nkely. NADLOOLAI AND 173[BEDLLAS, Don't bu Detbrayon gst myyrioss. conoNsase, JANIS, &c., To whit& Melte examination In Price and Quality. HA TS All thr Wart Spring and Sommer Styles SHOES Of all kinds. In Shoes I can uy that I keep the beet class of goods that are kept to Adams county. Those who haveirlett to get cheap Shoes ehsewhere soon learn that they hare wpted their money Aprill6. 7 -.tf NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS AT ARENDTSVILLE, PA. TOBIAS IL COVER HAVING opened a new store, in Arendtiville, has Just returned from the city with a splendid as sortment ot oLaprai MIT 000 DB, GROCERIES, QURINSWARII, Having purchased my entire stock for cub. I as* pre to WI very cheap. Give me a call and judge tor May youraelros. T. K. COVER. 266-r esa garriagto, gums, la. DAVID INACIRNAZY. DOHS P. --------- "Best always Cheapest." THE Best and Cheapest, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS and, HARNESS of all kinds, in the County arealwa' tobe found at the old and well known etand,Balthnore it., opposite the Presbyterian Church (McCREABY'S.) Our Riding and Wagon Saddles, are the most au betantially built and neatest. Our Harness, (plain and silver mount ed,) arecomplete I n every respect and warranted to be of the veorybest material and workmanship. Our upper leather Dish Collars, Cia 110 , 131 MAL They are the beat FITTING and most durable,. Oar Heavy Draft Harnesi, are made to order, ss cheap as they can be made any sittl in the moat substantial manner. Ridlitridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft names, • -nets aid everything in the line; None better or per. Our prices heretic= ISDOCSD to the lowest I I ring Standard. A libel* percentage forculi, off all billsamounting to $6 or =dm We work nothing but the but of stock sad will warrant elet7 article turned out tobetn err eryreapeat so repteieoted. Thankful forpastfavoro we I mite attention to our present flock. .§ o ol.re as &call and examine nucis ac►Lrrr Jan.24.1808.-tf' D. McCREART & SON. CARRIAGE -MAKING RESUMED. The wer being over,the undersign 'Wheel, resumed the • CARRIAGE-MAKINO NUBIANS°, 'at their old stand, in East Middle 'treat, Gettysburg, where they are again prepared to put up work in the moat taatdonable, substantial, and superior manner. A lot anew and second-hand. OARBIAGES,BUGGIA *O.l oa hand, which thay srll.l dispose of at the lowest prices, linden orders will be supplied as promptly and satisfactor py as possible. OrREPAIRERGLE, done withdispatch,lutg at cheapest rates. A large lot of new andold HARNESS on hand for tale. • Thank&l for the liberal patronage heretofore en joyed by them, they count and will endeavor to de serrya Large share In tbefuture. 111429.-tf DANNER k ZIEGLER. Buggies and Carriages. REMOVAL. THEandersignod ham removed his Carrlage.mak- Ing shop to it a east end of Middle street, Getty. burg, Pa., where he will continue to build all kinds of work In his line, vie : CARRIAGES, TROTTING & FALL ING•TOP BUGGIES JAGGER WAGONS, &C Lte •• • His work is all put up of good material and by the best of mechanics, and cannot fall to glee calls. Action. Hie prices are always reasonable. lie solic its ordera, confldent that be can please. REPAIRING promptly done, at mod era t e rates. W. K. GALLAGHER. July 1,1688.—1 y NEW HARNESS SHOP. JOHN CULP 1117081113 his friends and the public generally that .1. he has resumed the Harness-making businees, and opened a Shop on Carlisle street, Gettysburg, adjoin ing the Passenger depot sitters he will manufacture and keep on hand all kinds of RAINISS, BRIDLES, COLLARS wain, LASHES, which will be 'midst the lowest .cash prices. Also TRUNKS of all kinds. • • 111111.AriaNO and YIND/NG attanded topromPtlY• Havlnalimsemirorkhkg at the bnelnee Orr 30 years, I can tt the Mot kind of wart, all being made nadir In, anpeeintendance. Eltro in a call, May I,1:• • JASN CULLIII puitofripli EXCELSIOR GALLERY. TIPTON# MYERS succesiors to C. J. Tyson. PRO T '0 A P R. 4, PHOTO MINIATURES • difBROTYPES, dv., Stereoscopic Views of the BATTLE-FIELD, STEREOSCOPES, • PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES,, A L B - U M S GREAT VARIETY, AND Al'. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. . I ailrW• &WU nothing bit t the bast onto kind. Oatl and amain' our Eked. Oopleb as W tandskalfroa allmigativve not ts kw at thiseallory. TYSON'S OLD STAND.. Oat. L—tt CASH FOR WOOL! The higheat Price paid by F. DIIPHOBN, Northwest corner of Centre Spare ) Gettysher#, Penn'a. f imovvanziallast, ~.~`' 12 ii 13n 'TO IVIRRT.Ir—If you .Bali GO NOillatr- . -If yob, Tran` • b0ic4,14• 144,A.G•P• 0 TO NORRIS'—If yon want • Outillasublo nacovrtz, or , good rAPIa sad 017/I%* G 0 To. NORRIS I —If you 'want saytkleg la the GENTLEMEN'S LIKE; for ltis keeps nothing bat Gentlemen's weit.,,and bas.tbe LAMM STOOK IN. THE °MINTY. \ 1:251 GO TO NORRIS'—If you want a good pair of HOME MADE GAITERS, war ranted to glee eatisfaction or Money REFUNDED. BOOTS & SHOES. D. BITZMILLER & BRO., GETTYSBV7?G, PERNA YORK STREET, OPPOSITE THE BANK are met received from the City a largesseort. ILmont at BOOTS& SHOES HAIDWLRI, kc GENTLEMEN, LADIES do CHIL. DRESS' WEAR, Consisting of Calf &Kip Boots, Congress & Balmoral Gai ters, Slippers, &c, , Made in latest styles and of best mate- We also MAIMPACTURE TO ORDER, all kinds of BOOTS 4ND 85018—the work being made up of bast -materials and by first class workmen. The senior partner ham been i the basitiees for ever 16 years and personally superintends all work made up. We reepoctftilly Invite the attention of the public to our establishment, and hope by strict attention to business and by selling at lowest cash price., , o gin entire satisfaction. Apr1118,1869.-t I CUNNINGHAM Rae Just received a large supply of SPRING GOODS, COATS, PANTS, VESTS, OP ALL STYLES AND sum. ALSO, SHIR TS, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, NOTIONS, MUSICAL INSTRUAIXNTS, CLOCKS, WATCHES, TOBACCO and CIGA_RS, all of which will be sold •t.shntt profits arid werroat- 111 to please. Give him a call at ht. More on Balt! more etreet,(Picking's old Stand) near the Diamond April 0,1869.-tf CLOTHING,; Hats and Caps N E W COBEAN OUNNINGBAALI HAVSJast received from the City new and large .11 stack of CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS .& SHOES, • NOTIONS, &c me. g oodi have all been selected with great care sad with desireio meet the vista of ale community. The pnblle will end thegoode to be 01 the beet quality and the LATEST STYLES One aad all are invited to call at our Store, on Balti more lines, Gettysburg, nearly opposite Pahnestock Bros. R. O. OOBBAN, JAB CIINNINGOAM. April /0.-tt )LY•NSTS, ie., to GOODS FURNISHED AND Garments made to order, B W. T. KING York Street, Gettysburg, Pa. Jan. 111, 18e4.—tf CLOTHING! CLOTHING! NEW AND LARGE ARRIVAL ! J. BBINKIRHOI7, runner of the Diamond and York street, hasjust returned trdm the citi - with sn unusually attraetiveassortnasnref , 4noranto /OR PALL & WINTER,. WEAR t which he will Renal snob price, ad 0011 nOt fill to take them off vary rapidly. Call and judge tor your. &Mum To look at' the excellent material, tacielkil butting, and Rest end substantial sewing, and then tb ker.hts b./ priews—oallers eannotiolir tult bay' whentlity Holt so touch tolbeirtntereet to do so. Nakao Oasts, Pants, Vests , o fallstyl e sand materi als' Hats, &cote awl Shoes Shirts, of all kinds, Hosiery, Gloves, jandker. difeb,Seek Oravats,Linen and Papereollars, diespendoirs,llralheli,Veurbs; giadwallas', Ombrellas,Poc ket Killtee,Belprs, Chewing Tobaroos,Pipes,StatiOnery.to. 01eekedWatekee, Jewelry, with a thoneen4l...aed pis othmrerstateg, entirely toontiteerous todetailla a ampspoksaverilisiktent: • • asksjite atteakion of the pebibt to hick", stook, taiiikdort thstitllleese—and no asp or willsolleheeper. Neff orget the praosu—lierket. alTorkirkirealfadtheiltsinond.Oettisbuyp. 41111111Aff gAOOSBRINICELHOIY. BOOTS AND SHO.ES. "NEW' ZSTAPLISH.4..ficri rrltaitsitortilipOwl has 'emoted a now bulb/inky 1 a Boot and Shoo !stabil/It:wont, on Qatilalo at., otafteolitlttmletattba, lo 'Oettyaborg4 mho ofrorolbr solo, POOL* Shcieg, Gaiters, perg,.itc 1 4itsonaullfflatottolaiiron* otroroot eArls. prkoa. - ulnas a Itanaseortkont to soled mallu . frpta,totit •1 PE . olar• tor aI a le.T 'Sort auto' to; roodoe. •Tilit a ts=ortbo r prjoEr... °A.,l4:rterediselaitosanott oet aauttill irmiiiwe s6. I Jolyll.llllL-0 MINE ~, ; ~.~: ~ ME 4. ZEES EEO rialB DAVID KITZMLLLER, JACOB A.KITZMILLER Con.i.ting of and a great and large variety of Boots and. Shoes F I R M! Fl, , . .4 ri4 g • _ wuarw. t .7l.r. • p;ofiH.Q Mi== rvitiv24, •o•z.l - • ktioFior made 0,4", Pilosaftitalint nettign• AUVIINF lzatidittleiarlithiliraotfoir .lbt - sat aramim• attiitnateaterlpl iepast oaeltddr~ti , ion:Aim/411u. IME FIE= A"gustat,ll4B.-ly RE4OVED Nest' Store . Rootikdear pou#-house ! 11121141E1i A 8 #}mowl istsJOssei sma them Store to hia, new Store Boom; & few 4 0 00 *gab •or the "634'urt• h ;mid Miaroppeelter . preicripipiknoitice, Balti more, atreet„Geetystioix. taiti4l a largiamr stack of gbo6ii.Siiiith trtittel aced Priem • LKBott,ib666lllßS'elylB, • BA/AI6ItALMA ERB, .1: Itriag t INEAR4 atl styles,. , - OB Aitmckedas, . . Loam v -miieNts IMNOtiteAlit BOO L _TS • .SW:tin* .94- 1, •!. 0 7TO • •94&41116044t1161,1!GA1T16t8,1 Goma ps,Ly Bit MOBILE, ' • ; " r 6 litfle/161164068, attatries,, 664W13'.11600,0 1 1,_&_ MISSES' UON6ILEBB oeinßs; • Kosisr&tALMOrtejs GAITHRS, mmiss , 110,B0CCO 6AL11011.4L8, to., &c., hie 0. , , soya , ooxuassii GAITHRB, BOYS' CALP BALMORALB, ' BOYS' 8a0641`16, &c., &c. • LIPAATB' $llOl.lB, all styles,- IN 1 . ,11,,AGE TARIM% Ab le , yloottsus4Sh ; oes!.! 44 9WD manufacture COO- stonily on hand. All willbesocihtthe lowest living profits. Bey ers, from townan& country. are invited to call and examine goods arldNorices before purchasing 'else. where, feeling confident that I can please all who may call. The rdesuFAcluaiNG 'of Boots, oboes, and Gai ters, wlllaisethe dirtied on,iit all its branches, a. be fore. Bepsiring done on short Mottos. By employing none but fireteclass workmen, and Using none but the choicest leather, hefeels confident orinaintaluing his former repstation. Certainly nothing Will h e t e n ni ,. done to dtselve it. '‘,...Thaokfal for past favors, he a'contlntt ant* of public. patronage. D. 11. XL !NUL. Gettysbarg,Jaly 16, 1.80.-tf JOSEPH JAAJOBS, MERCHANT TAILOR, MIA I.EII3IItiRG STREET, G E:TT R G TIM undersigned. of the late flrm of at.G. Jacobs & Bro., would most respectfully. inform his fr lends and the public generally. that be hoe opened a Merchant Tailoring establishment in Clr.nibersburg street, neat door to the old . place, and three doors east of the Keystone Hons.. where he will be h.ppy to wait on aftwho may patronize him. lii■ &lock of CLOTIIB, CASSIMERS, VESTLVIS, TRISIMINGS, * Ac., Ac., Ac., will be feud choice and cheap—very desirable to se, lect from. All kinds of Goods for Ila! e—Vr ',ether he man ofecturee or not. GOODS MADE UP with dispatch, as well when bought at Ober stores as at hie own. The very beet work will made—good Its and substantial sewing —and nothing will be deemed too much trouble to render satilfaction in every ease. Theist**, New York cushions regularly received. Guttingdont, as usual: A (bare tf publicpstrdnage if solicited, and no ef fort spared to deserve It. April 18,—t1 tanning Mmplatents, fir. THE WORLD, DODGES' 011/0 AND BUCKEYE Reapers and Mowers. A careful examination of these Machines wi ikon)• mourn any one of their sriperfor merits over all ethers, in strength, durability, ease of draft, and re- liability for work, on all ki ods of ground, and in en• ery variety of grass and grain. Confident or ebb. we invite thowe in want of a good machine to ezatuine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. These machines can be sold as Naked )1 °w e e.— REA P6Rel as Baud Bake s Beibftak e, or Drepper.— Two different sixes . No. Machine, with two cutter Barn and three ffultrea, Arbaing 6veand a hal feet inf grain and boar fast eigintAuch es in grace; No. 2, cut. ting four bet sin inches. We harethat cclelteliaMe In theme machltlea that we are willing to lee Uholle3tehtlng a mach: he test them with any iseher they may wlsh,and keep the one that s ores most satlefeedl/OtLi"DODOICB' AUTOII:IAN hht Y. FLAK F. teas gi vet! ,thoh, general sathrectioo that we consider lithe bearßSlPEake out, and is attached t. no other maohliMe r ksiFellst the DOdge Machin :he Ohio and Bock.sgetpacent. For the benellt"dt thaws wanting machines we would reins uertaio• bmur those to whom we have sold the last 'wean, via: John DeardortrAVE, Henry Culp, EphzaisrAerily, . ilenry King. George Lily, Elisha Penrose. Jonartati'Whder. . David Answers James *WWI W. Roos White, Daniel Bettie, J. J. Kerr, Joins Weider. Andrew Weikert; J atm MANS, Wm. Ingham, Wm. Pent. Johni3elnr. - CoribiirntLott, John N. Jlsdtmen, lrn4,gtuldeo. John N. Brhrer, Wm. Roe:. Aiso,•WIRETOOTHAIAT RARER, including the celebrated Brandt Rake, and t. 2 elfdlochargioa Rakes. Also, PLOUGHS, FANNING MILLS, A:4l, FARM IMPLEMENTS GENERALLY. Femme wilhing to examine mnchinesstlti find them at 06'warehutuie of Josseu Wttilli A 801.1, Getty. burg, Pa., or at the reaidenoe of the eabecriber. mites from Gettysburg, on the Harrisburg road. Per sons wanting Circulars will address the stibecriber, fiettystinrg,Pa. April -3.-tf STILL AHFAD ! HOFFHEINS' REAPER & MOWER, One of the Ort'ritedt Nachines of the Asic, Ie rrl.r o, ar.y other ,cl.tir.e m,sv PiCtk-Iny that gill over ho intrndu,pl. hav IgY Ito:, tkuvr"uglily tried .50d azvon ~ ,, [1 ,1 , 1. J1,0111. 1 11C Iliql. I ili1:1.! 11 ,, ,Vicf rrt tP. h intend plit• chasing Machines to c - 411 tool ozamimlfor-th.n”relves. Thin Nl.tclrae in 1101011.411.:Cil , arly to “th, marble. In n!Triictli. ~050 rf draft, and r• liahllnry of work, is xll tiods of grass nod It ' • 1 ., 3.lmir.tt. • ,vLidt i , 4rs.lt item In 0ef0t.... to a firmer. It can be miel a. • hand Wrllas a self-ral:or. It rule 4feet 2 int:brain r,,, ; 4 (~..110 gr,s; Las a steel ratter Ore, air?, wrought Iron gt:.ll , l+; it ran he used as a Single r on well .50 a C, m'Aneal Maclaine. A full truth of the :4,c1.12 no an be had. Shoo MITRE:II AN'S SELF.L/lIICIIA ROING HORSE RALE. and the great and well-known [WANT RAKII, the Lett rakes ever intreduc.f! We would also call your attention to the IRON ,DOI3BLE SHOVEL Phut:LlU, wrought iron frame, very light aud strong, reel shove's, sully adjosted to run shallow or deep, sad Issue:say and tastefully made ALSO, TILE KEELER AND EXCELSIOR PAN ;NINO MILL, the old , amhereuirh Van improved, for irmiscreata a great!faeorite smoug, the, farmers of l'enuaxlvania. It hi large and strong, had two cockle iteieeoth and warranted to work perfectly. Also alikiAda of SAILIIIN(i 111PLY411iliTS always on baud. Any person wishing to examine these mach Weil can 'catboat at the Battla-Bold Hotel or at My residence, 3 miles from Gettysburg. between the Taneytuwn madam] the Baltimore pike. LEWIS A. BUSLIMAN. Slay 28, 1869—tf GEISER'S PATENT SEI.F.REGULLIV(I GRAIN SEPARATOR CLEANER AID BAGGER, With the latest improved Triple-geared Horse Power, either Gear or Belt. This machine has socceesfully competed with 'lithe beat of the different patented Grain Separator*, And now has the repptation of being the best Separator ever pro:mo4On fact, the only Separator and Olean er ever benne the public to give general eatisfaction. Thoraischine Is couvoulmitiy arranged. tor hauling' and threshing, being permanently Aned on two wheels. One man can Mane more or Mtn It about, so that ft is not half the trouble on a barn floor , ea Common thresher and shaker. It is also eaily. put to operation. It lash:Pp* easily managed, reliable durable, 'Compact and cleanly to work by while Is operation, nor making near the dust as the common machine or other Separates& • • Farmers can rest assured that this mulatto is no humbug, sod Judging from the high rocomMendation of farmers that are along them we most Conic, to the conclusion that 1t hi the very machine that farmers want. The following are a few of the 4>ersone asho have need thin machine, well known, and to whom' the public are relerrei fon further ItifOrmation: . Win. J. Peters, Flora Dale, Adams Co.. Penna. WM. Kobler, near New Oxford, Jobn Mute, near Gettysbm - g " • Henry Bubold, Tot* Springs, ." ' Daniel Peters, Benderrtire ' " John Hallman, Ideliherryetown " 6 4 Michael Fiscal, Hountjoy twp., :* ' 6 Jobe Email, incelherrysurtro. " Wm. F. Brtuldea, York bprings, ' Repair Dude's for the above machine will be kept by the agintorad also by Ephraim !Ude!, near Gettysburg. . • • All orders for. the Separators can be addressed to - ILBRA.M. BURKHOLDER, agent, , July 30.430 plearaprir4, York 00, Pa.. 6.4 Number, gisuE4f. GETTYSBURG LIME KILNS., tnallisidirsivolibiabodikt en tlititornles pour -21 .P.WItAlauraitiiii6iteetbities ' • 4410241;fi inTtid Btigrt44l3 of the - Rafrit64 .Orid NorthBtrOtibo dr; M. Muir fol for pitelpitpxwye t bAurfil oOri!o•T,4iiettokro " ntim i l YNN , ItANC4 I . rfr 4 0 'MMus," 'WINO 171114 OM /141t0!* redo ■41.1411.7 1 ceding gaxtartielimod witihressars. Jarajarip otbersatiy lobifilioatipteimstmogiol4l*. • COAL. lettrAX,S. 31, 4.0 drains/ thuito kind!. Bork esPitlikad du iiwltituNritit44.r* ,T.rt,"•.7.; Lii l9-1111 40O•1ala**Van9YR Gett?strorwroy. $1,4800 .ILI0S141:01T • ,r 0 '2 Alt at. •', 1 1 1 : 1 0 1 AR ABAC4N#BAIRATT, ;• ' Seth,. #69. Fr;•4_ ,•, • ~4 1 Alke from. tip liorth attplSoill i 64•4 wr - • tua; Net York, tlinsding t poi= 1991901t2/11447. . 66 4taolen;Isen, 411 paitut;4llrata, Lancastitc, Cloitunbia, 4c., ite. 'Metter r liarrisbn men' 11 eve - York; as 14 4 5 ,300aud 9.10 A.lll 12.26n00n/2.00: NAP 1066 . it.,coutiedsing with stray Trains onSksPentw. •9 19 4 191 41611 1 419cip1, and ante ns at New York at 9.46, 11.46 A. M. and 3/0, 0.40, 930 P. M., and (I.OC CA. tlaspattlrlay: - EU•splog Oars acsnmpany the 226, 6.20 enAt /0.66 P. 61..ttaina, without change.: Leave 4artiebtir4 tor Reading Pottsville, Tama qua, klinerwrille,`Alb land, Shamok ' in. Pine 6r0ee,41. lintoirst eind Ph i ladesphia, at 8.10 A. M. 2.0 and 4.10 ..P.M.,stopping at I.ehancla and principal Wsyllta- Slow the 4.10 P. .11: train making connections for Pbttadelphta, 'Pottsville and Colutoliki only. For 410kaylk 11l /fault sad Attburn, via Schuylkill and•Susquehannaltalaklao.klavn Oats at 3.641P.61. ME Returning: /MITI, New York at D.OO A. 3142.00 noon, LO6 and 8.00 P. It., Philadelphia at 8.15. X. M. and 3.30.P.M.; Sleeping oars acconspani theQAOA. M., A. 65 and 8.00 P trains troru New York, wlthou t change. • • Way Passenger 2'r ain 1 eav e s Philadelphia a t 7.30 A Known:N*49g with similar tnin on Emit Pennig Rail. toad, relgrningfrou. Reading at6:3o P. M.; stopping *tali Stations.• • "Geese Pottsville at 7.30, 8.45 A. M., and 416. M., Shamokin at 5,5 and . 0.36 A. X., Aillilaadat . 6.00 A. 12.30 noon, Tamaqua at 8.30 A. MY. and 2.20. P m„ tor Philadelphia and New Yolk: Leave Pidniville, viit.Bchuyikillarid Susquehanna Railroad at 74 A. M for Harrisburg, and 1140 A. 111, fur Pi:WC/rove end Tremont. • Reading Accommodation Train: Leave' Reading ma. 7.36 41. M., returning leaves Philadelphia 48 8.16 Piatatown Accommodation Train: Leavei Potts. town at 0.25 A- M., returning leave, Pkiladelptda at 420 P.M Catimbla itailßoadTratnilsave Rattling at 7;00 A. M. and 0.15 P. M. for Ephrata, Ulla, Lancaster Ooluniblit, Ake Perkin:nen Rail Read Trainileave Park bin en dtino tion at 0.00 A. M. and 8.00 P. 61. Returning: Leave Bkippack at 815 A. M., and LOO P. M., connecting with simlar trains on Reading Rail Road. On Sundays: Leave New York •t 8.00 P.M., ihila delphia 8.00 A. M. and 3.16 P. M., the 8.00 A. M. Train running only to Reading; Pottsville 8.00 A. M risbura N. and 4.10 and 10.56 P. 51., and 'Read ing at 12.55 midnight, 2.54 and 7.16 A. M. for ilarris burg, at 1255 midnight, and 7.05 A M. for New York, and 0.40 A. 31.. and 4.26 P.M. for Philadelphia. Commutation, 3111eage, Season, School and Excur sion Ticktits, to and from all points,at reduced Rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds alfowed each Passenger. 0 A. NICOLLe, 0 enerel Superintendent Iteseing.Ps.,llay 1869. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY On and after May 9, 1869, Trains will leave Itanot , fr Junction as : LEAVE NORTHWARD p. in.—Daily for WilLianasport, daily (except Bundaye) for Elmira, Rochester, Hotel°, NiegareFelle and Erie and the Weet. 10.55 .C`tra —Daily (except Sond . r) for Elmira, Buff- Ac. p. w.--Atify (except Sundays] eor Willinmeport nitti Erie— p. m.—Duily(except Sundys)f.rr York. 1115 p. (except Slandaayd) fur Harrisburg anu the Vi,eat. LEAVE SOUTLIWARD. • 7.07 a. m.—Deily stopping atTarkton only. 7.52 a. m.—Dally(except Surtdays) stopping al all Stations. 12.30 p.m.—Daily stopping at Pailt.ton only. 62.35 p.m.—Daily (except Sundays) 'topping at the Stations. EDW. S. YOUNG,Gen.Pass.Agent, Baltimore, Md. ALFRED R. FISKE, Gen. Soperintendent, May 25,1b09.—tf Ilarrisburg,Pentea„. • pENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. Donbletrank route running between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Trams leaving Gett•nburg make the following ounectious with this Trunk line: (icttysburg leave at 5.15 a. m. A 12.40 p t . m. i....n,verJunctiou arrive 10.1; 2.05 " leave 10.55 •' 9.25 arrive 1.2.55 pm. 11.45 leave 9.50 •• 2.25 a. tn. Philadelphia arrive 0.40 " 150. " liarnsburg leave Ll 5 12.10 Pittsburg arrive 125 a. M. 9.10 " At Philadelphia doer connections are made with the trains for New York. Bo.ton and all Eastern Cities. At Pittsburg connections are made In the New Um in Depot with the trains for all Western paints. JOSEPH J/COBS Haffiabo rg forther I nt.rrnal ion ripply to EDW.& RI, If. IVILLIAW. Sap.. , :t , t 4. 4xt, Altoona, PA. 11rNay W. GwisiNlK, Paaarnger and Tiolet Aw.nt,Philadelph [Slay 14. Polk -4 --- In consequence of the disastrous Lire, which in.lau nary last, deatroye•l their store sad Its contents, J. E. CALDWELL & CO Jewellers, Have had made elpe,ally to their order io Lampe and In America, an entirely Nev Stuck of Choice Goods, WhlcL are now opened ut...lrendy for MIMI init . : loD: Very Fine Pari.3 Mantle Clock., (Every movement vrith the ',err Imprcrrem eras.) NEW SIDE OR NA MI:NTs TO MATC;II, Bronzes, Groups and Figures GORHA3I M-kNUF'G CO'S FINE ELECTRO WARES, Best Slcrling Siivcr Warcs, Watches, Jewelry, &c., &c., A very full u.ortmeo t at very MODERATE PRICES. Wll. Agrat 819 CITES I'\ UT Sr, PHILADELPHIA. Mar : _ 4._ ISB9.=ly AGENTS WANTED FOR LAW BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE! • • Full .1 ntt tru tionv and Practical Rains, adaptidto Ev rry A iod .• Baninv,v, and An sit thrrAititive of th Union. • BY FRANKLIN CHAVJEEtLItt, Of the United . Ftates Bar. •There is no book or the kind which will take rank - with 1.; for authenticity. intelligence. and complete ness."—Soringliehl ( . 0 1t1W4 ErpuUlicoe. This is the ONLY NRST Efhiß of the kind publish. ed for many years. It lit prepared by an able PRAC TICAL LAWYRR,of twentyrlre years' experience, and is Just whit everybody needs for daily nee. It is highly recommended by many eminent Judges, Including the Chief Justice and other Judges of blue sachneette, and the Chief Justice and entire Bench of Connecticut. • Sold only by Subscription. AGRNTS "WANTED EVERYWHERE. send for Cirri:dant. 0. D CASE k CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn.; No. I Spruce st., New rock; Cincinnati, 0. ; and Chicago, ru. Ain old law-book, published many years Igo, has jostibeen„bastily re-joined as "a new book," without even a imitable revision of it. obsolete statements.— Do not confound that work with Chamberlin's Law- Book for the People. flnly 23-2 m WM. KNABE & CO., NANO FORTES, 'rime Instruniente have been before the Publlo fo r r nearly Thirty Years , and open their excellence glom attained no unpurcha'red pre eminence, which piro nouncesthem TON unequaled. Their • combines great power, sweetness and fine linen quellt7, ss well u great nurfty of Intonation, an st . ulnas' throughout the; entire scale. Their TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stiff neat found In ao many Piano.. In WORKMANSHIP timers notnoall ed. Greing .nonebot tbe very our stasonedgiiaterkl, the large papital employed, In our baldness enables to Ad keep continually en Immense stock of Ito:ober• no.. on hand. /lirOur SQUARE PIANOS have our if ewlmprowed Overstratog elude sad the AGIA.S.Pn TBESKE. We would call special attention to our istaimprove; menu • - • GRAND PIANOS AND, SQUARE GRANDS t Patented August 14,1168, Which bring the Piano nearer perrection than 61 pit ' been 'attained. Every Piano fully WarranfeirfOr Five Ydare. - ,) . BUNTZ. York, Pi.•'Bo.lo eak tbr. the aboi;• celebrated kbetruinects, is by special artengommiSit Onabimito Meal& them at the Very ltrwillet hickory prices. ENASE a'co. 11, 18811.—ea , : Taialthaoh, . , s". STITCH'? • - tleutelitt!SlWlNG mammal= '$B7.W $4O HOLD MOATN, *Asst . class $37 60 $4O Pamir, paper, it "sots a $4O Alp r yesx.--; Wt. $37 60 882 TICK - 'IICIC . !. $36, AMDDIOAN .WATCEIDB, worth us," oven fors3o worth et sube.aiptionno— .s36, Arso , . - $3O 1812, .! DICTIONARY. • $l2- - websteris Onabridged Dietfonae3; worth.litt ltstvan as' premiums tor $l2 $l2 vorth•of subscription'. Also 71' $100 : ' 'Sunday 'School $lOO $BO LIBRARIES, - $BO. wt•iffros • - lin 400 Mints' of l'he 04 40 UAW ip 440 ' e'en aos Orignion 1 60 $llO , •.; torn equivalent "iihieluit•ot Sal. 7U r3l.fs. •Yec . . •."Amo-T"'-vai5°k1.114.,*646""4. z:44,.. mid' • bp* solugialladimP*Mit din" s o o4.2sisafilmotheF•7 .- • ez.; Nowbur 41,1t g i , tt Viankar.4l4 IEIEI titatit BA.D 1141143 RA fiat o' SPRING , SUITEDULE. ELtir , ly V. Fr th. present at ('lll atnERLLY S =TEE CAUTION =I GRAND, SQUARE AND •UPRIGIIT BALTIMOIW, MD. ,sa7 5 ; '§Ustalanteri. rjj ROVER k BAKEig . FIRST PMII!ERN gLASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 495 Broadway, /Pew York. 780 C'heainut street, Philadelphia. POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Beauty ltd Zlesticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Mashinery. Using both threads directly them the spools. • No fastening of seams by hand and ay waster of nWideutm range of application without change of ad eat. The seam retains its beautyandliammeNsibarmuh• Ing and Ironing. _, Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sew lug Machines. these hiseldnes ezemate ths met beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamented murk. Siit-The Prem . hues at all the fain and ex hlbltione o Hi f tghest he United etatim sad Maropa. have been *warded the Grover Jt Raker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in com petition. ikil - The very highest prise, THE MOSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, wu conferred on the repro. sentative of tie Drover k Dakar Sewing Mach Ines at the Exposition Universal's, Paris, 1607, thus start log their great superiority Over 'an other Sewing Machines. dEtr For sale by D. W. ROBISON, Gettysburg. NOTICE. T HE undersigned having kad IT years' eaPetisue• Be a practical Operator on Sewing Machines would recommend the Grover a Baker Family Ma chine es the cheapen. and beet mash.hts Lr Wally one. The slmplicity'of cotistruetk n and elasticity of stitch made by thewi machines are two very import ant points In their favor. 240,000 of these machines are today bearing witness to • the truth of our as sertions and the demand la stirsdity increasing. We have also Shuttle Machines on band for Tailors and Coach-trimmers use. Call and see us. D. W. aOBIBO . N, Agent, Obambetaburg et., Gettysburg, Pa June 11, 1869.-1 y 'ESTABLISIIED IN 1851 REMOVAL. JACOB HARLEY, JE WELER, Invitee his patrons and the public generally, to his New Store, No. 1320 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, where they will And a large and well. selected stack of DIAMONTS!, WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARY, at Moderate Prices. N. B.—WATCHES and JEWELRY carefully re- paired. JEWELRY and SILVER WARE of all kinds mods o order. [July 18,1889.-eni A GOOD THING hoportaa Rowaekeepert, Hotel; Banki, Offices, Ec THE PATENT WIRE Adjustable Window Screen WILL FIT ANY WINDOW, Give ventilation and light Screen from view and exclude FLIES, MOSQUITOS AND OTHILIL INSICTS The Adjutable Window Screen Company BOLE MANUFAMIB.IIIB. 623 Market Street, naiad's. For sale by Dealer in lionsraursithing Goods. Juno 25, 1869.-3 m ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCHES & JEWELRY , N 0.148 NORTH SECOND STREET, curl:tarot Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watcliss, Jewelry, Silver: and Plata. Ware constantly on hand. -Sfa-Repafring of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended o. [Aug. 13,1869.-17 BARGAINS IN NE W,FURNIT LIRE. ANUMBER of tete of COTTAGE FLIINITGRI hay jog been seta by militate to the Gettysburg Spring, Hotel—parties wishing very anvil, sod good furniture eau be accommodated by calling hatnedhsta ly at the Furniture Store of Oso. A. Wsgags t Co., (in Old deniinelOdlee,) July 16 -tf PROPRIZTOIt& GETTYSBURG FEMALE IN STITUTE. The next Session of this Institution ' will commence on Mefirsi Monday of September, (September Oth.) For information with regard to the School, inquire of MKS. U. M. ETSTER, Principal. Gettysburg, Any. 13, 13661.—.11t MISSI.SQUOL POWDER, THE actually cures Cancer and Scrofulous dilemma of the Still. See Report to L. I Medical Society, and 'oaten:units of Physicians in circular. Baas fro on ap. plication to CHAS. A. DIIBOHS, Girt/aril Apia, P. O. Box 1659. Is 2 Pearl st., - Neur York July 9-2 m utrictring. MEAT MARKET NEW FIRM! GEORGE B. STOVER t THADDEUS B. WIBLE, HA WING entered into partnership in the BUTCH ERING BUSINESS, will carry It on In all its branches. All kinds of ' • Fresh Meat Every Day. Beef every Tuesday arid Saturday morning. Smal meats every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morn Max. Market stayd at Geo. B.Storer's reeddence on Chun bersburg street, second Square. Those hayloft fat stock for sale will find it to th eir advantage to call on or address the Raw Pint. SWUM/. k MEWL sag• 13,1869.Ltf West Middle street Market (REAR THE coma-noon.) Every- Day in the Week, SUNDAY EXCEPTED. Fresh Beef three times a week, Tuesday, Radnor day and Saturday mornings. Lamb, Veal or Mutton every day. Orders left at my market in the evening, will be , promptly delivered the following morning. GEORGE A. CODOEL June 18, 180-tf MEAT WANTED THE HIGHIEPPOASH PEVA PAID POE COUNTRY HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS lz LARD, - BY NICHOLAS & SIMON CODORI, TVA Wed., Wow Won's Hotel. Hams and Dried Beef, also Fresh Meats constantly on hand for sale. Jane 4,-.W *tan and gentannuts. EAGLE HOTEL. , Tito Wrist lad moat Goma odious In ' GETTYlattllta, PENNA. ooim ot ottotanzsoviairo IMILIII4/01 rrlOfa JOHNpi. TATE, .Projirklor. azrancittialbot,for Poostagers to tb. bsot, Oa orrtvaloaddepartar • esokii 404 ;robs. Chaalabtortania,addreatoaabbatuagoo. KEYSTONE HOTEL. • 6.I4ITYBBURG, PA. E. mTatis. PROPRIETOR. •=d• NOW OPEN. THIB is anew Hoene; andluiebeen -IL-stud up fa' tisc Ina •pproirsi style. ]Na Imitioi4 I Osimat i l eutootrialess, Wag is the ,ailt ib ,1 111 " 611 Itet :l o,Pt S•lni• Asagmebesivasiotosibiga aoja iSsiitallvair alortatioadeorith 4!llNPhistablbsadt44oll. ;with *PfieSg l 4 01!1, iesepoMistaiiii 71 dal Imbrrikefavor looms, sabilisial fear...sibs thoutiellibuiinktotiimipallayeal wailftrenlaillibigia A Ma 3 N , Met • ,, a; -.= itme, wfi.:44 GROOM= .& LUMBER. If. Keefit's Store, dreturnuouvenoosait,G3lTlTElolllll.PA. FRESH GT,OOERIES rani week fr the City, Provisions. Dried ea Greenhill., oral" kinds, always on heart, at Iwo Mee. nous, aorta KRAL, 01110151, rvsaomuvix. lIGAB,SOAPI OP, ALL =EM, OANDLIII. 11021Q/1114 09W/ATZIONAILII, BZOONS, U.; also, LUMBER, each aolgoanUinn, Poota„ Le., continual/4 on bane at lowort living nem CO mad us. :Aug.., 31 —tr JOSEPH GILLESPIE, Dealer in Flour, Groceries; Notions, &c., GETTYSBURG, PA., the ettentlas ot the public to ambler's TXTITet li n i k of Goode, at the *Wotan& on York street, zest door to the Globe Inn, consisting of thit boot of GROCERIES, Sugars Syrups, Molasses, Cods**, Tsai', Solt U.; this BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR n the market, with lime, RauWert, Dried Praits,Oosibettosa, az. Alio, NOTIONS in great variety; Cedar and Willow-wars, Stone ware, Crockery-ware, Basket., &agars, Tobaccos, and ;thousand and onfotber articles. BUTTER AND EGGS, a Ice and fresh, always for sale. Guxuarct d Co. will spare no effort to please, and are confidant of being able to do so by constantly keeping • full and choice stock, and sailing at the very lowest profits. GOITSTIT PRODOCI wanted, either for the author In exchange fbr goods, btttbesrm•rket price allowed. JOBiPH 8. GILLESPIE, Jane 17,1848.—tt WM• J• MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In G-ROCERIES AND LIQUORS. ♦ large lot of Groceries that I am selling Cbesp for Comb CHOICE LIQUORS, Old .Rye Whisky eight years Old Very Old French Brandy. ALL OTHER KINDS OF LIQUORS A general atoortment of 811123/1, among 'which to bfiabler's Herb Bitters pure Liquors for Medical pur P aws •[ WY. J. MARTIN'S. Table Cutlery, Glassware, Queens- WAR', te., at WM. J. iurnirs. April 30,1609 WM. BOYER & SON, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, ALSO, Stone, Wooden and Willow Ware. IfteA general assortment o all Goods usually kept in a FAMILY GROCERY. Dsc.4 1167.—tf BARGAINS' at the new G ROC E RY IN GETTYSBURG. i JACOB . CRESS 11)1rAVING °posed a fhocery, la Gettysburg, on AA the nerWirest or 44 the ?NW/ &Mato, has last melted a spl d assortment of Mall GROG RIES, Including Sagan, Colrle, Molasses, Ilyrap, Ti.., lipless,lobasoa,lllalt,7l6,Haaurn,Jr A 1.., Q u.sENSWARE, CONFECTIONS, An te,tru lts,Soaps,lancy Articles and Notions gener ally We will also keep on hand npuz aid PHD STIMEL. Having purchased for CASH, I am prepared to sett very cheap. Give me a ealland judge for your selves. flept.l6.lB67.—tf J. W. CHIP. GROCERY. WM. B. MEALS lIAB OPMED Grocery, . Vegetable and Notion Store &this rultleitee adjoining Meals I Brother's Marble Tot* in EAST YORE STREET whaas7m h. is t G o iT s:l i l as u e c tp ea the cheeps March 19.134111—ti earptstas and gentriutirs. Wm. C. Stallsmith & eon GETTYSBURG, PA., Carpenters'and Contractors. t Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Door and Window Frames, Cor nice,Door &Window Brackets, &c. Ckonstontlyon head sad maculberrod to Order of BEST MATERIALS, by eetperhseod worlsea,ead at REASONABLE PRICES. 1113.0rdenyroolytly attended to. ha. 44.4 c-tr . GEO. G. CASHMAN, GETTMITRG, PA., Carpenter and COltta'adOr l 111E$PBOTIPUl i tLY Worm the +Ai public that les roamed lilts aew ea *Weis riven borne" York aid Wesel saute, swab Tamara to ta!aseoetraets br psalm up sad repairing , Mtilstiep, at it resessable rates is any hal * 11 ! **,- V ;411101k r ials ai"!"b" bat tssant7:. itekepeabY Odd ~toe tei bast• mut° airitrabOOPOriatelPh MT. IN aea Urn ik NNW WM. CHRITZMAN, GETTVIittrEG, PA., Carpenter and Contractor, Nimbi removed to ay sow Mica Wathift v it urr i bitumen Middle • , 23 r r x t r _a sot r it g t l at aasetilg L= tresi am= *Mo fa essm w i2 ul : oleic l is l . ar r a coa r elled sad cm oi sionablf tams. ~~!'l~f. f allsibsertbsrshaviOnatrstarn•dtroothsaltlas *tab la 11E11101124, supply of HARDWAiII & ORO. l ERnMorbid' they are offering at thelrold stand In Balaban* street, atprloca • so ttth *elates Oar steak e Dad st • I • Dart* , Olispostoo'.Tool* IllsokoluitleToolo Ooa 4) PI • dln g °obis, tlfakor' , Tool ..• • Itessokeeparltirfosto, All kbido of Iron le • • eriarra 00 :AZZ ittNDS, othiesista 21 koritraoalitio . lofaohniod 10 prforol illeportatiata ikettsuossoicbst what 'afibail if tifo Stort..l 'IMO of Itaolioakto win.b.,4411M1144100 li*R•oriliktiollit eM laidfais, andßossolnepor • eau. isilAvary tbelr Illoosearimillratft4rtireipirietilifosin hid ow breast saasiotberloinicib VIDMMIL32, SO I 4/1111113 Vidial. OUNT . 13 COMPOUN 101 TIM 011111 01 PUTRID BORE THROAT, IIiPL "(TEMA int say other laisamatery orliterarddleesee of tb Tbeeselt maid t.. long staisdhig. AIee,SOAXL 13731. nal mittens has ben tried lit THOUSANDS OF CASES, a diferent parts of the seuatry, and has novo todfbens know* to fail if taken in ttma and accordion todfrections. It is warranted severe. °lvo it • trial aad It wthaposk for limit Seery household should provide themselves with a be: of-this modish., and keeplt on bands. rh • cures that It has elfsoted are try souwelons. 'viand sold by Taw/414mm t Co. ,G et or by their authorfsod agents. per sale at nearly all theStorosl Adams meaty. Nay 29,1167,4 f 1111.411 L YOUNT • CO. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For Diseases of the Throat and Lunge, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping - Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before In the whole history of midi cm bananything won so widely and so deeply upon the Confidence of mankind, as tale excellent remedy for pal ovary complaints. Through a long serial o hiars, had among most of thence' of men it bee rim gher and higher In their animation, as it has b come better known. its uniform character and pow sr to cure the various affections of the lunge alt• throat, bare made it known as a reliable protect° against them. While adapted to milder forms of die- ease and to young children, It Is at the same time th moot effectual remedy that can ha given fur inclplen • conenniption, and the dangerous affections of lb throat and lunge. , As a provision against sudden a tacks of Cramp, ft should be kept on hand in eve family, and indeed as all are sometimes subject t• oolds and coughs, all should be provided w Ith this's Wore for them. Although settled Casanova:mils thought Incurs!, still great numbers of cases where the disease seem I Hatted,- hare been completely eared, and the paths. restore to sound health by the Cherry ?sclera/. . • complete Is Its mastery over the disorders of the Long and Throat, that the most obstinate of them, under the Cherry Pectoral they 4 1111./side and disappear. Singers and Pubite Speakers find great protect!. • from K. • Asthma is irwayarelleved and often ',holly cur* by ft. Bronchitis la generally cured by taking the Che Pectoral in email and frequent doges. 80 generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates of them here. or do more than assure the public that its o !unties its e fully maintained. • _Ayer's Ague Cure , For lencr and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever Bresitteme Freer, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fertr, db., and indeed all the affections which arise from. 121 41111i011,, marsh, or miatmatic.poi2.3. As its name implies, it doe• Cure, and does not fall Containing neither Arsenic Quinine, Bisioutb, Zinc nor any other mineral or poisonous substance what ever, it In nowise Nur. any patient. The number and importance oL Its cores in the ague districts, are literally beyond account. and we believe without • parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our prld• Is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical mires effected In obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unaccilmated persons, either resident In, or travel. log through miasmatic localities .wIl I be protected by taking the AGUE CURB daily. For Liver Cbmplaixfs,arising from torpidity of the Liver, It lean eaedlentremedy,.timul•tfng the Liver Into healthy activity. Pot Bilious Disordereand Liver Complaints, it is as excellent remedy, producing many truly remaakabl cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYBR A CO., Practical sad •mayticalChemlsts, Low ell , Mase.,andsold &Drina th • world PRICE, tICO PER BOTTLE /oresle by •- D. Buehler, Druggist, Gettysburg (Oct, 2, Is6B —3e AYER'S HAIR VIGOR FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE HAI R . The Great Desideratum of the Age A titeadttg teltleh teat ones agre•ellite, healthy, sad effectual for prs••rHng the hair. Paled er gray hats fe soon restored to VA original odor and the eau and Preshnese of youth. Thin hair Is thickened, hair chaskad. and baldnawr often, though not always euredby Its us. Nothing can restore th• hair where the follicles on destroyed, or the gland/ atrophied and decayed. Bat such as remain cark be tared for cuing aim by thlisppliestion. Inmtaad of tooling the hair with • pasty seditnent,it wiiikeep It clean and 'lgor ow. its ocesskmal ma* will p t lb* bait from farninggrsy or falling Or, and consequently prevent baldness. Jr.. from time* deleterious eobetenee which make KCVO preparation@ &Lupton. and I Wart- anat. the hair, the Vigor can only benefit bat not harm It. It wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, ...OW.' 0.... mat ►. found Iry %Nairobi.. Ceuta/sing neither oil nor dye, it does not a II whiteeauttorle, and yet laatslonger on the hair, giving it a rich stony nitro and s grateful perfume Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS. sa-Pluos moo.-fs sr or sahib,: A. D. Buehler, Druggist. Or ty [Oct. 2 18 B.—ly Zift and tire Mnsuraurt. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL-TWO MILLION COLLARS Assets Jan. 1, 1869, 3. 11. WASIIBrR:P, Secretary CHAS. J. MARTIN, Preeittst GEO, M. LYON, Asset Secretary A. F. WILLMARTII, VICO Pruident T. A MUMS, 2d AielSectretary D. A. HEALD, 2d Vice President H. A. PICKING, Agent, West Middle Street, Gettysburg, Pa April 30, 1869.-ft INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, NO. 232 WALNUT ST, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED MAMIE PERPETUAL MARINE, INLAND & FIRE INSURANCE. Limas Llmlid or Perpetual Policies Assets lam 15t,1860,—... ..... ..... .22,242 3 2 3 32 $20,000,000 LOURS PAID IN GASH, PINCER ITS OR. OARIZATION. 1.21111711 0. COUIN , OHABLZB PLATT, President. Vies President MATH/All NOILIIIB, deeretazy. H. A. PICKING, Agent, April , Oka in nthW. Street, Gettysburg, At- rib ADAMS COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY INOOKPORATID, ILLEOH 18, 1851. = Praddiud—llearge Swope.. VlowPtuddsitt—llsamel R. Ituaaell beetstax7—D. • .11nobler. Itrainum , •-1.0. hibnistock icaerstiveoomadtte•—ltoberlYethrd7,R. ♦.Ptak •g,Jseob Mag. liansgerie-414arg • dyope,D. A *Buehler, li.lleOur dy, R. Usedll,N.O.Pshadatost, ettyibirg ; Jacob ICla&lltrabea township; Triderick DIM, ?manilla Id. A. Picking. Iltratmai Medial P.Gitt,Now Oxtbrd ; .Rola whit ., Minn O. Potat,Potersbury. (r. 11. ) IS.ThieGodapany id limited In Ito operations to tie 'amity of Ilium, It has been In oporatlon for non Gra l'lloara, and hi that period has 'meditate ese ar alanoteitibrvelag palmed by aro dada( that period onannettng to otratildPL Any Penis . Oaring an In thaanomanapoly to oithor of So marmagers. affelb• ltalcaltra Oomaltas• seam at Um Wale* at Gosipaim au Um last Wads Way la arm soma et SOelpak. P. 11. Pos. mum.— Est t, gunny, *c. • gARDWARK •XD @ ROO BRIM 07111,111L1 1 , . comer own= :'':Aide n tladv-Rober t J.lfts , A I.wil le i/Alges-.lLaieph Y. K. • P , ...th..sotary-Jutt, klelhara: . I • 1U iiite , 4n,i Ac..^arder-Was. O. niork ,flle Courts-A. W. (WI I/ I tlrict Aftwaty-1 1 (111-41•066 T .... ,e u re. r -11. o Wattles, ~. • .S.• , i f -Philip Haan. - " ' ' ' • r 7- ,n,r-Dr. W .J . AcClatil. .1 t , ney or -J ase D. lebiler. - i:,,. n t ssiontri-Nlchola•Wlar• 11.1.1 a 111. rA,ek-ir IL yr, 11,:leta. P.4ivician fujatl-- r r Dercilrs nf the Nor-John ildajAalla Il.,.arAurtf. Sierra,' .., 2-ii. I. A rlt. ftylsurAr,„ i ..1-1. L; , V,..ty . . Piysitis c. Au 10, s -Henry L Alreara Ma g G. 1.1...gy. fE $3,966 2.82 :V. E IMAIAMIIS, Stepll4 rsomatoail • ag.a as re tired ,betrhiin . 164 ', &ape** TIFIXISOF PWLI I r igL ITAIt CID SIIM I / 4 116..i11t .11y morning, et il.oo pall within the year. JIW . tinuedungll.ll Wis K. thu of ttrepublisberl. • :Artsixsartarci.olertiW A liberilledectionwillbesial littgbytbeq ,bsilf7llBl, I Del 00000 Adat upon. , • sir rho circulative tltt_toll h II ft argertbantbstrirO#t to kdantocousty; aild,q4uis c inekot boozoollod. oe Wont oraltkindetrtil . •m 1 strairretee. Iliaret4ll4e t ß eta, no., in every !vanity and it bort notice. Terme Veen:, - ipIrFICIAL DIA D )r.'ll".kin or rizryr . /:4 ;pots—C. II !Webler. 4 . it alltna, Vita W. Cr..., itabort Tote, A. H. II r?i . :;—v: D. I/debars. rrea I (),reclotl-IA. lialerb, W‘rren, John V. sloCresr7i t . II icAr. .4'4erefarip G. ratmeetaait rreisectia lent —Georgeiirapa. Calhier—J.Kmoryßait. T•ller—llenry S. Benner. • 9;r,tera—.},of CO My" belt W; rt. DAViI WIII4. OtTII4.K .cherry, ,Filllam D ta dojo, Samson. LIT !COW!' tc[ dl Pr Cashier—George Arnold. feller—Samor I tl.s.lstusu . ru,! ate. Dn rl Br. , Jotsu [torpor, Gears +loll:01*n, Jolla Wolt4rd. MCI .311.111 M Ci ritid!ni—J. L.Srhick. • "...;:ry—W li.n l;_. esti. Tr, tr,ree—Alliumler. Gabes.. pr,--4)l.rt ItnPp, 1. 1. .4 .1;• .410 r, V, ,r,gq LI4I 1.1.)14n.1.er Cvbe.n. I= l'•-••tt•fent—George S •opf. , Pt •••• Prefident—Stitno.A Rgisol Slertflry—Dart , l A. Buehler. Tr•lsurr,r —Garrard W. Fait uetot9 rr•cuttre thebnsift,r,-Itublrt • Picking, Jacob Filn4. •D/OVICQVNTT LOISC{:LT • Prmdrnt--Samu.l tiara %Irght S• , :retary--Iteur 2,,turu—lidward Tre•spl rer—lin•id Mims jers—Willtapi B. Wiling'. • Rotaahn, Frederick Dash], 'A' I'vuroan, Juba It. McClellan. riViLnutcl .ASSOCII Edvr474l .Fahnestue r, c , Miami A. Duo 3,r4.lry—lohn F. NlcCreAry. re• urircr—Jutin Culp. • Xlaig•rr—J. W. C. fSNAal..lo D. liendistlart, Wua. K. Atkin Gas costiasi r B. Dm:kilter. U. flltnlikr. M tt..1114,11,W.A W ATM/ CAXII. Pr , ;1 i•nt i.;•W McClell S••,-•:try m l fr,lvirer--ftaku _VI K . )IcClella, .itTITIIO9IIO SA ra to r—Robert McCurdy. .•ebt Truism!: cr.—David Train, oirpart •• AMY(' tr:liti milk es Clan' rti'plr4 rl I Ktut,u tad Weldor train with EtiltiLuJro. LaIPICIA7IOIIIS. lie:: y$ Lodge. No. 124 r T. 0. 0. Liiislo t.l Railn,n.l Kt iosta,e. ('Nino Kar vapinent, No. 1,1111.31 . it all. lit and 3.1 Monday. Sonarit-In No, 336 .elide tot Railroad atreota,' in itch Month. it , yPtolds Lodye, 14, 9 .1040,Y." u rte It fret, •vory c.',/.11 It Tribr, N 0.31, 1.0, F. II ill. every Friday er.okrtic., 90.9, G.A. R. —Nortb ,rery 8 itardny eten cuCacaa Lai•ran,', Christ's)—Pastor, 3er•ice. br Profs+.ore of Coil terottely, ...iabtmth mmnin e•euing. Marin veninz vervire omitted. o sires , 4bilysch mottling end evening. gaill.ppzi—ltera. I Sh tver. •{ervieen 4antastiv m and Thuraday evening. P,vbyterian—Rev. Wm. H. lit morning and evening. And W H•fornted—ReT. W ♦icee.iabbatb morning and 4 evening. Catitt se— Rev. Joseph 8011. $e Seib .tie. morninz 311.1.115t0 Er n o,d pr,o7i-rian.—Ber, J. by npeeleleppointreente. l'ratessionti4 IM. KILAUTH, • Lox, Getty,turg, N. 0 busi WAY pr.mutiy atta.led Ottice ou 114th tui qre 41 - 000, lOU IMII :\IeCONAUGII • L.w, oin,,ous,lourir st,re, Ct. wl bereb erg .treot. 4 vecf.tl ttteotiou 4lvott to S +•alaueut ur CSIAtc,II 41) G, Bounty, gal i lit U. •L it na,a t Il• I wearp ly e ttendnd to. , =II A CI tri" Cti In I awn toil other western 8t Juno 13, 1.46'.1.—L1 J. CO VEEL, AT • L A iv, will dr,uptly 4tt 111 'al or Buelnoseeutruited to • Ike woo n t L!lueitock Ar , ,t ilthnoroltreetaii Say 29.,1967. AVID A. BUF • II scr ir Let W, will prom , one sod , 411 other bastheelevetr 4.1.011ce.it vie codidencir In th ppostterb•.:ourt lipase. Viet 11.-1VID; - WILLS, "—"-- AT LA %%Olen at hiereside urr.or oftlentr•Square. Mar:9.l46Y. DR. H..S. HUBE 3. IL Corner of Chantbenbimr a OPPOLITS COL. TALL'S .loos 11, 1860.—tf OR. J. A. ARDIST tiering located at NMI - to all branchosof hte profligates, his °taco when nut profesnlocuttlk .Itcl[nntarsront,P.O.,} Adams county, P. DR. J. W. C. O'NE Ilaetas Oillc,• at hie rui• tr net,tro ,as .holetheCon , Gettyibtirg,Ma7l9,tllol: JOHN L. HILL, 31 Od!coin 06ambersburg 'West, lle.gle Ciotti a ISETYSIIURG, P Sir Having been to cooetall pat tents can be assured of ige.od DR. J. E. BE RKST ' lit, ea•lng located 'in it ' .r•toes to th. pa bac. 01441 oppoato ant Globe Inn, whirr attend to any ow* wltlehaltap • Persons lo *sot of full or part* • I tad to cal I. Terme resioonabloi. July 30,11309.—a DR. C. W. A 8 A 8 ft ISlMCDth•Pratstioi otrarsalvaaa Mee .t ale house, sorper et • Paandriallay, near the Ton to Skin Otteaasa. [LIM DR. H. W. LE Littisatouni, Ada IJAVING perataastikb toads. O. engage to thel7 , M d . • Burger;. OiIle• In street. C A S FUR W The highest Pri F. DUPHO Iforilorsie sinter Of Gasouri, Aug. A IMO.-111