;At Trf LUMBER II MIL% 1141., BALTIMOSX Mit lriyY estille. II GROCERIES from the , olty, Prov Mona, Dried an or all k ends, always on hand, at low.. ' NEAL, CEINSSIL, PURI OIDIR NIL APS OP ALL KINDS, CANDLES, lONS, CON FRCTION MUNK, BROOMS, /lc.; also, MBER, Ilass, Pat■, Shingles, Plank, de.,'contl at lowest it Inn rates. Call and sea. f: H GILLESPIE, in Flour, Groceries, Notions, &c., 'TYSBURG, PA., attention of the public to their large at the old stand, on York street, Le Globe Inn, consisting of the bait of OCERIES, r llulasses Coffee•, Teas, Spice•, Salt T BRANDS JF FLOUR I, with Hams, Shoalden t Sided, IV lab, °election., M. Mao, OTIONS, leg , : Cedar and Willow-irare;:Altnne rprare, Baskets. Segura, Tobacco; d and oceotber articles. UTTER AND_ EGGS, =BEIM C. will spare no effort to please, and of being able to do so by constantly II and choice nook, and sailing at the Courrar Peonocz wanted, either r to exchange for goods, highest toar'ket JOSEPH B..O.ILLFJ3PIP., 1. J• MARTIN, solemnly. bald Retail Denkrin RIES AND LIQUORS. Groceries that I am selling Cheap ICE LIQUORS, c H'hiskylNyht years Old. Old French Brandy- TER KINDS OF LIQUORS, *.rtment of BITTERS, among which Is MEM IIIIMM!!! iquors for Medical pur- W M. J. MARTIN'S. utlery, Glassware, Queens at WM. J. MARTLFI3. 'MYER & SON; DEALERS IN I,RIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, ALSO, ooden and Willow Ware general assortment of ods usually kept in AMILY GROCERY. _ RGAINS at the new OCERY ' GETTYSBURG COB W? CRESS sued a new Grocery, ID Gettysburg, on h-west corner of the Public Square, ad a eplendid assortment of PilltlH C'E RIES, are, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, Teaa, ~ilalt, Pish,tl ems, Sboulders,ir WARE, CONFECTIONS, pa, Fancy Articles and Notions genet alio k eep on hand FLOUR and MD based for CABII, I am prepared to . Ozra me a call and Judge for your- J. W. CRLBEI OCERY. MEALS 11AS OPENED A Vegetable and otion Store adjoinine!(eal■ 2 Brother'► Muhl* yard, in T YORK STREET pied to sell as cheap as the cheapes line. Glee ne• call. and pronnal AIM LE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. ed, Executrix of the will of JANIS sled, In accordance with said will, :rate Sale, the valuable Penn on resides, belonging to the heirs 'of , situated in Beading township, Ad t 1 1 ,4 mile* north of Hampton, bur Sulphur Springs end 14 mile from and Carlisle pike, containing 201 lees. This is commonly known am Hit! Farm." It is molly of the been heavily limed and mitatired, mate of cultivation. There are about • farming land, and 40 Acres of good rut le well watered with springs and • -Tailing spring of excellent Yards from the doom. also, another trong spring about . !4 , mile from the Ich the water rune to the house eon. by a hydraulic Rem, which has been ration for over twenty years. There .11ent water standing in the kitchen table for cooking or wubing. Prom nor is carried by lead pipe to a re yard, thus furnishing plenty of e for all the stock. The toultdinp story STONE DWELLING HOUSE, e Sant, a large framed Stable with rses Ray blows, Straw Shod, lc., n Roue, Machine House, Shop, • rinc Boise, Nog Hares, and other ngs—&ll under pine shingle roof.— Apple Orchard in good bearing order e, Plums, Cherriee, An. In &bend able form is very convetilentla: . i s • Churches. School Roues, Mills, Blacksmith Shops, At. Irma of purchasing sweh • arm aro tad to call and examine lon them- II End it as represented. Terms easy • desiring any farther information, Went for them to call,) may obtaiu • • million T T. TOWNSEND, Executrix, Hampton, Adams co, Pa. • • • WESTERN TION LANDS. VI ON RAND ♦ FEW ACTS OF No. 1, re-aaption Lands located :marital'. • ike.. Is well settled neighbor WI. or exchange at etair prise la Adam a county, pa.. ONO. A3lllObD OR BALE, 300 amps OAK, HICKORY, NDOE'S MILL. gg gar oord as Ow ground J6lO. LIJOLD. OR - SALE. :IRABLE THREE-STORY • ICH DWELLING ROUSE, 40 loot lot; with two4tur7 Brick Illtst-clem repair, two doors from 241/tiaCifil street, will be sold ea oo• - mtif Ilu $ oegs,lanirts Talialkai #lOl l l ISM IN ADVANCE.—Tii ene)le our em loyees to participate In we dedication reinonies, we INDIA the STAR AND SRN INAL this week 'several days In .advance. DIVIDEND, The Gettysburg Gas Coto .any has deinered a dividend of five per eat. for the hat six months. W ITIIDRAWN. —Dr. C. W. Benson has ithdrawn from the "Litilestosins Frees," d the paper will hereafter be published Mr. J. II . Christ. The Commencement exercises of Inklmam College took place at Carlisle t week. There were 21 ' graduates; among them W. Scott Morrison, of Ben deny die. FORGE.—Messrs. BAKER, FE,IISTEL and TOLBBRT have sphi their interest in the Gettysburg Forge to Mr. STEWA,RT HOl7- MAY, of this place. Mr. H. is a young man of energy and vtlll no doubt push•the enterprise. INSTALLATION.—The Carlisle Pres bytery, which met at. Mechanicsburg last week, adjourned to meet In Gettys burg, on Thursday the Bth of July, for the purpose of ordaining and installing Rev. Mr. Hillis, pastor of the Presliyter lan church in this place. - REAL RSTIATE HALES.—Jphn Hart man Liss purchased —fac,b .134tikerhofra farm, in Cumberland•township; about 125 acres, with improvements—giving him a tract of 80 acres, lu Franklin township, and $3,000 inquoney, therefor. Hon. Edwaid Nicrheison has purchas ed from W. W. Young the "Burns"oprop erty onLehambersburg street, for $BOO cash. - FIRE.—The former gate-house on the Gettysburg Turnpike, one-quarter of a mile east of Graffenburg Springy, owned and occupied by Henry Everly, was en irely destroyed by fire week before Wit.. Nothing was saved but the clothing wqrn by the family. Seventy-five dollars in greenbacks were also burned. Mr. Ever ly is a man advanced in years,-and had no insurance, his former insurance in the uinniashurg Company having recently expired, and had not been renewed. • A SWINDLER.—The Hanover Specta tor says an Individual has been trying t) "oome it," over the people In the pelgtibur hood of Hanover and lic.Sherryatown, by representing 'himself as an Agent of a Boston Dollar Sales House, and get..ing up clubs at IL each, for goods to be lot warded by express. He suddenly left for parts unknown, iprobable to operate in Cher see.lons. fie Is about 3 feet 4 inches igh, florid complexion, red hair, beard lid moustache. TE PERANCE...--A Temperance meet ing was held in the United ;Brethren Church, Littiestown, on the -evening of the 24th ult., Rev. M. J. Alleman presid ing an,l J. 11. Christ acting as Secretary. Add reteu*, were unule by Rev. P. P. Lane, and Jlessrs J. li. Christ and S. IL Young, and resoliniusizi adopted denouncing In temperance, urging minl&ers of the Gos pel to preach on the subject, and recom mending that the pledge be circulated in Sabbath schools. Another meeting was to be held on Monday evening last. A TRAVELELING.I.Iid.POSTER.—The Barri-burg Patriot says an unprincipled scouisirel, giving his name as Prof.. de Gross. is practicing a swindling game upon the Catholic clergy in the rural vil lages. The swindle consists in forward hp; a siintli box, neatly done up, to the ad dress or the priest, marked C. 0. D. Not suspecting dishonesty the charges are paid, the box opened, and found to con tain a dime picture of the Pope. A num ber of priests have already been victim ized by this impostor. Those who have shoulekeep a strict watch. A RRE.ir.—On the night of the 20th ult., several sultsof clothing, worth aboat $4O, were stolen from the dwelling of Mrs. Brough, on the turipike, this side of New Suspicionttaciled- to a German named John Myers , fit the employ of Mrs.. B. and who was missing neat morning. Myers was pursued and arrested near Alanchester, Md. He confessed to taking the clothing and said he had sold part 01 them to a man in Hanover. A search war rant being sued out, the goods were found in the pcssession of a German, named Keefer, to whom Myers had sold them. Myers has bees committed for trial LAY REPRESENTATION.--The Methodist Episcopal Churches, connected with Gettysburg circuit, have voted on the question of Lay Representation, With the following result Gettysburg, Rock Creek, Fairfield, Chambliu's, The Littleatown and Two Taverns Churches vote this week. As will be seen, the vote, composed with the membership, is very light, most of the members either declining to vote or being indifferent as to The decision or the questioe. • ROBBERY AND MIRE ST.—A trunk belonging to Mr. H. H. Hemler, of Littles town, was stolen front the West Branch House at Milton, last week. It was traced to Williamsport, and there found in the office of the Hamden Express Company , directed to David Cooper, Troy, N.Y., and the thiel was found at the American House, where he had registered his name as David Cooper, of Harrisburg. The receipt for the trunk was found secreted in one of his boots. The thief was, after much difficulty, lodged in jail.—Preas. EMMITTSBURG.—The closing exer cises of Mt. Bt. Mary's College and'St. Joseph's Academy, near Emmittsburg, which usually attract many visitors, take place this week-r-Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The Feetivais by the Ger Min Rrform ed, freabyterian, Methodist and Luther an churches, all passed off successfully and pleasantly. The Lutheran congregation have con tracted with Bliss Roth, of New Oxford Pa., to repair sad remodel their church. The Presbytehans_ have also contracted • with Messrs. Rowe dr, Bushman, of Em . mittsburg, to repair and remodel their church, the work to be commenced Jul mectiately, and finished by the 15th of October. • THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. —The School Directors of Gettysburg have elected the following Teachers for the ensuing year: —Capt. John F. McCreary teacher of school No.l, ?dime Martha Warren of No. 9, Mims Sue M. Myers of No. 9, Miss Em- Ms L. Aughinbaugh of No. 4, Miss Mary -hfoCreary of . No. 5 Miss Nancy White of No. 8, Miss Alice C. Powers of N 0.7, and Was Carrie McMillan of No. 8. The Ekhoola will re-open on the let of Septem ber. Capt. hicCititsar, we understand; has agreed to accept the position• tendered him —being the High School, for several years under charge of Mr. Winrr, recently elect ed County Superintendent. The appoint ment is a eapital one, Mr. MoCasear be ing peculiarly well qualified for the im portant position, and-having had consider _able experience as an educator. For several years the Board4iss been much embarrassed financially. 'by the in-' creased expenditures of the acheib i l system, growing outof the adviring Wailes re quisite to secure good teachers, increased oost of fuel, repairs, so., and a'reluctanos to increase the School tax *a long es the heavy Bounty tax lasted. The lax-payers being now relieved of the Bounty debt, the Board felt iteelfjastitied In theireltalllg the school tax, to meet the wants of the system. The tax for the current year, in alluding school and banding Manes, wal Witt no': Sunday morning last . ,Bev.. Dr.l l ,aannuis . delivered the Baccalaureate Address, hi Quist Church, tai. the graduating class of the College, seitAing for his theme , the "Greatness of Usefulnels." Webeed hard ly say that it was a line production, rich in instructive thought and earnest, practical counsel—brought out in the bold, sharp, original style for which President -PALEN =nes productions are distinguished. Dr. V. is making his mark as one of the most promising scholars of the day, and is fully meeting the large expectations of the Board when it' called him to the head of tbe In stitution. At night, theChnich was again crowded to hear the address of the Rev. Dr. DusrEs; of Brooklyn, before the Young Men's Christian Association of the College and Seminary. The speaker took for his theme the greatness ofCliristian Privileges amid the activities of the age. It was an elaborate, able and elpquent effort, and commanded the close attentian - of the Congregation throbghout. Dr. DusrEs is a comparative ly young man, of great positive character, aggressive thought, and an unusually ef fective delivery. On Monday night the 4th Holman Lec ture- on the Aufsburg Confession was de livered by Rev. Dr. VAIX'STINE, on Article 4of the Confession. It was an able dis course, but purely theological, and not ad apted for the popular ear. It will be pub lished. This Morning the Exercises of the Ju nior class came off, orations being de livered by the following young gentlemen ; Mystery of Life, J. L. Kendlehart, Gettysburg; Regulus, J. L. Hill, Jr., Gettysburg; Power of Individual Effort, D. W. Cassatt, Hunterstown ; Genius, W. H. Bayly, Gettysburg ; Lady Jane Grey, E, Oranges, Buckstown; Activity of Na ture, V. W. Forrer, Pine Grove; Great ness and Goodness, J. T. Gledhill, Fred erick, Md.; Major Andre, F. W. Mehaf fey-, Marietta; Pleasures of Memory, J. M. Reiruensnyder, Sunbury ; Living Words, Thos. J. Stable, Gettysburg ; Reputation, M. R. 31innich, Bedford; Patriotism, J. M. Radebaugh, Gettysburg ; The Age of Reason, J. L. Kraber, York; God's Se crets, A. G. Faatnacht, Voganville ; Pom peii, J. C. Felty, Hnnterstown ; What we owe to Prisons, Fred. M. Ott, Harrisburg ; "Unknown," B. J. Hickman, Bolington, Va. ; National Ballads, W. A. List, Wheeling, W. Va. i A Poem—Sea Foun tains, J. A. limes, McAllisteville. The exercises were, in the whole, very creditable, with varying degrees of excel lence in matter, style and elocution. . To-morrow (Wednesday) the commence ment proper takes place. We annex the programme of speecheirt Latin Salutatory (in verse,)E.T.Horn,* Cstasauqua; English Salutatory, F. R. Feitshans,: Indiana. ; Republicanism in Spain, H. Alleman, Selinsgrove; Repeti tion and Analogy in History, A. Schul tea, Berne, N. Y. ; Christianity an Incen tive to Poetry, J. Neff, Philadelphia ; The English Commonwealth,' L. G. Wile, Philadelphia; Mathematical Reasoning, M. L. Heisler ; Salons ; Architecture, J. W. finlibiner, Vincent ; 2Esthetical Cul ture, J. W. Humrichouse4 Baltimore, Md.; flements of Character, 3:A. Tomlinson, Bedford ; Conflict of Languages in Amer ica, W. S. Heindel, York ; Greek and Roman Culture, J. M. Gross, York ; Cor relation of Physical Forces, J. A. Clutz, Taneytown, ; Self Reliance, J. F. Cressler, Shippensburg; Christian Art, T. R. l3eeber,t Muncy ; Valedictory, J. J. BrinkerbotLll Gettysburg. • Received the First Honor. - I Received the Third Honor. t Received the Second Honor. II Received the Fourth Honor. The Directors of the Theological Bemin aw meet to-day, (Tuesday,) and the Trus tees the College to-morrow. Import ant business will claim the attention of both Boards: As we go to press in advance of our usual publication day, we must con tent ourselves with this brief reference to the exercises, leaving details until next week. AN INTERESTING REMINISCENCE. —At the commencement of the National Deaf Mute College in Washington City, on the 23d, the President E. M. Gallandet gave a history of the College, from which we take this extract : But during the year 1866, an incident oc l cutren, the effect of which was to secure the very end desired by the officers of the col lege, and this in a manner wholly Provi dential, quite independent of any plans or endeavors of theirs. A young man, resid ing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, who had become totally deaf at the age of fifteen, hearing of the establishment of the college, applied to the Hon. Thaddeus btevens for aid in securing admissio.,. Mr. Stevens, with his well known ready sympathy for the unfortunate, pro Aised the young man his assistance, and addressed the president of the college on the subject. To his surprise he learned that there was no law authoriz ing the free admission' of students to the college save from the District of Columbia and from the army and navy. "what?'' said he, with no little Indignation in his tone, "have we been appropriating the mo ney of the United States to build and sus tain a college for the deaf mutes of the country, into which s deaf mute from my. district cannot be admitted ?" On being in formed that such was the fact of the defec tive legislation on the subject, he said : "We will very soon remedy this error, and the young man from Gettysburg will be as free to enter your college as he who comes from the District of Columbia." This res olution Mr. Stevens carried into effect, by procuring the passige, on the ed of March, 1867, of a proviso attached to the appropri ation for the support of the institution, that deaf mutes, properly qualified, not exceed ing ten in number, should be admitted to the collegiate department of the institution, from any of the States and Territories of the United States, on the same terms and conditions as had been previously prescrib ed for residents of the District of Colum-. For. Agai7!.st 11 22 3 7 Thus did the silent appeal of the Gettys burg boy open the door for the higher edu cation of his brothers in misfortune through out the land.. Thus did the veteran "Lead er of the House" of the Fortieth Congress, in the midst of the heavy cares of State, which were exhausting his failing strength, find time and vigor enough to seenre from the Government of his country a boon far the deaf and dumb, the efficacy of which shall endure, as we trust and believe, till that day of joy and peace when the "lame man shall leap as an hart and the tongue of the dumb shall sing." While private benevolence has performed an important part in the inception of our college work, to the Congress of the United States belongs the honor of establishing and endowing the institution in a manner worthy of the Government of a great na tion. The "Gettysburg boy" alljided_to,ts John NV. ficottsausflfAj. John Scott, iiira graduate of the old "Star l. ' — olEre. A be nevolent lady of Gettysburg,_ who brought to Mr. Stevens' attention the case describ ed, can fairly sham the . credit—of_the—xe aulta,which flowed from it. NARROW ESCAPE.—On Monday eve ning list Mrs. Valentine Warner and child, David Ziegler, jr., son of Waybright Ziegler, deo'd,sgell2 years,and Perry Gil bet t, son of D. Gilbert, aged 10 years, made a very narrow escape. They were return ing to town in a one-horse wagon, young Ziegler driving. Coming down the bill on the Mummasburgroad, lieyend the old gate-honse,- the shafts got - loose, frighten ing the horse, who broke loose from the vehicle and ran away. Young Ziegler was thrown from the wagon and had his wrist sprained. Young Gilbert was also thrown from the wagon, and in some way got tangled with the reins and was dragged some tistance. He was badly cut and gashed about the face and head, and was Picked np insensible. Upon being• brought to town, Dr. O'Neal was called in and examined the injuries, which Proved to be only ugly tleatt and scalp wounds. Mri. Werner and child remained in the wegon and escaped injury. SCRAP IRON.-41.50 will be paid in oath for wrOught Scrap Iron delivered at e tkvetourg Forge. V • en the tlonal Monument is pmressthg nqtall7'as we write ; and there is every thclicaticia that it- will be ready for the dedleatioe/rnervices on Thursday. Thestatues re ling Etbs tory and War have been placed in position, and the visitor begins togit a clear Idea of the monument, wbickttill be a handsome, classical and attractive structure. It is to be 65 feet high, and will consist of n mas sive pedestal twenty-five square at the base, crowned withet colossal statue representing the Genius ef Liberty. Standing upon a three-quarters globe she holds in her right hand the victor's wreath of laurel, while 'frith her left hand she clasps the sheathed sword through whose uncovered power the victory was won. ' Projecting from the angles at the pedestal are four buttresses supporting an equal number of allegorical statues, representing respebtively War, History, Peace and Plen ty. War is personified by a statue of the American soldier, who, resting from the conflict, relates to History the story of the battle, which the monument is intended to commemorate. History, lu a listening attitude, records, with stylus and tablet, the achievements of the field, and the names of thiltonored dead. Peace is symbolized by a statue of the Ametican mechanic characterized by ap propriate accessories. Plenty is representedvby a female figure, with a sheaf of wheat and fruits of the earth, typifying peace and abundance as the soldier's crowning triumph. The panels of the main die between the statues are to have inscribed upon them such inscriptions as may hereafter be deter mined upon. The main die of the pedestal is octagonal in form and panelled upon each face. The cornice and plinth above are also octagonal, and are heavily moulded.— Upon this plinth rests an octagonal mould ed. base, bearing upon its face, in high re lief,' the national arms. The upper die and cap arecircular in form, the die being en circled by stars equal , in number with the States whose sons contributed their lives as the price of the victory at Gettysburg. The town is rapidly filling up with strangers, Itho alre titly find difficulty to se cure comfortable accommodations. The most ample arrangements, however, have been made by the Committee, through Mr. Wills, the chairman, for Thursday's cere monies. This afternoon a number of Mil itary companies are expected. In addition to the Railroad atrangements heretofore an nounced, we are requested to state that on Thursday and Friday, trains will leave Get tysburg, making close connection with trains on the Northern Central, as follows : For Ilarileburg, Colombia and Baltimore at 8.15 A.M. 12,30 P.M. York ind I ntorannliato point I, 4.20 P. " York, ILarrieburg and Baltimore, 8.00 P.M: A special train will be run from Hanov er at 9A. M., on Thursday, stopping at Valley Station, New Oxford, Granite and Gulden's, for passengers, which will leave Gettysburg, in return, at 4.20 P. H. Pas sengers from these points will take this special train, as no other train will stop at these intermediate stations. Fare from Hanover and return, 75 cents ; from New Qzford, 50 cents ; Granite and Gulden's 30 cents. ELECTION.—At the recent annual elec- tion for officers Gov. Geary was elected president of the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association, and the following directors: Henry C. Carey and Edmund A. Bonder, of Philadelphia : Gen. J. Watts De Peyster, of New York ; Wm. AL Hersh, of Pittsburg; Hon. 0. A. Heister, of Har risburg ; H. N. McAllister, of Bellefonte ; J. B. Danner, D. McConaughy, R. G. Mc- Creary, George Arnold, A. D. Buehler, Prof. M. L. Sto3ver and Charles Horner, of Gettysburg. The board was organized by the election of R. G. McCreary as vice president, IS. McConangby as secretary, and George Arnold as treasurer. The resident Directors were appointed the ex ecutive committee. The association now owns about one hundred and forty acres of the Battle-field, including Cemetery Bill east of the Turnpike, Culp's Hill, Granite Spur, Round Top, and Reynolds' Grove. The purchase monies have been ail paid. The Board contemplate indicat ing the field with granite guide paths.— Their plan also embraces the erection of historic structures to commemorate the doings of the several army Corps engag ed, and the more salient events of the Battle. RECEPTION.—The Omaha (Nebraska) Herald of the 18th ult., has a handsome notice of the rereption of the Right Rev erend Robert H. Clarkson, In that city, as the resident incumbent of the Episcopacy of Nebraska, and his installation in the new Epicopal "palace." Bishop Clarkson is a Gettysburg boy—son of Col. Michael C. Clarkson, and nephew of the senior ed itor of this paper —was barn in Gettys burg, gradaiated at Pennsylvania College, and stiti.equently entered the Ministry of the Episcopal Church. Although yet a young man, he has risen to the important position of a Bishop. There wat quite a gathering of the elite of Omaha at the recep tion. The Herald rays "the residence of the Bishop is itself a model of eleganca and convenience, withtts airy apartments and fine corridors, and in every way suita ble for a gathering of fair women and brave men. The bishop was never in bet tor humor and did the honors of the oc casion with a quiet courtesy and grace which we commend. The facade of the residence was brilliantly illuminated, the light throwing a halo over the fronting parterre, which, falling upon the fresh grass and full foliage of the trees, had a charming effect. The band of the Second Cavalry from the barracks was stationed in a grove and played delicious music at intervals until a late hour.". THIEVING.—On Friday night last, the residences of Hon. Moses McClean, 1). A. Buehler, and Daniel Gilbert, on Baltimore street, were entered by burglars, who help ed therisselves to such silver ware as they could find. The thieves were somewhat fastidious, rejecting every thing but the genuine article—fragments of broken platcd spoons being left behind, showing that the rascals had tested them. The idea of burglars visiting a "Print er's" residence, in expectation of getting any thing worth taking is decidedly refresh ing, To save those gentry in future the trouble of prizing open our windows, and rummaging through closets and-drawers we may as weli advertise the fact that the gentlemen who did us the ho nor of a visi on Friday night carried off what little sliver ware we had, and there is copse einently no more on hand. No doubt the rascals thought a "Printer" had no bust- De= with such articles. Probably they were right. IMPROVEMENTS.—In addition to the improvements heretofore mentioned as in progress throughout the county, we note the following: Jeremiah Shriver, of Straban tawnahlp, is erecting a line two-story brick dwelling and back building on the State road ; and Samuel Hartzell a two-story brick dwel ling on the htnunputburg read. Jonas Robert and Isaao Miller have nearly finished oommodhus and handsome barns on their respective farms, in Bhu tan township. Daniel Heintselman is building a vary large barn at the upper end of Cashtown. John ICochenour, near Bragtoarn, is erecting a barn 110 feet long, and Michael Bergert another of somewhat smaller di mensions in the same neighborhood. Michael Bohn, Jacob Racier and George Spangler have put up now barns in Bast Berlin. Georgti Jacob has enlarged his barn, in the mate place. Ifirallif titiading' a large barn near Fairfield. George Worts has put Up a twomfory dwelling house aelhort dis tance this side of Fairfield. Mr. Amos Eckert, we. midirstand, in tends to oiien a ft:saucy t3tore in Jaime Waltelliltr Width& Ent York street. Star Combination Berlesqueimd Cperstio Troupe propose to exhlhit in Agrhiultural Hall no Wedneeday,Thutsday and Friday evenings of this week. The Comilany is I represented asporantsing mere than usual ability. Among them is Wise , Viola Clif ton a distinguished sensatienvocalist, and Mint Louisa Boshell, the eelebfated aerial slack wire performer. Our theatre going people will have an opporttinity of indulg ing their testes without the expense of a trip to the city. See adv. er It THE GALAXY.— The July number of this popular and attractive magazine con tains continuations of Chariot Read's nov el, Put Yourself In Ms Placeow . lth an il lustration, and Mrs. Edwards' Susan . Fielding, with articles. on Our Impending Chinese Problem, by Raphael Pumpelly —J. B. C. Abbott's on The Throne of Louis Philippe—A Light Man by Henry James, Jr.,—Our Great Farmers—The Practical View of Spider's Silk—The Last Chapter in the History of the War-- A Plea for Jack Cade, by Grant', White, and the Galaxy miscellany—Drift Wood— Literature and Art, and Editorial Nebu he, making Avery lively, animated num ber of this live magazine which is always fresh, vigorous and adapted to the nicaids and tenses of the poeple. The publish ers, Mes4rs. Sheldon and Co., New York, are one of the foremost book houses of the country, and no pains or- expense are are spared to make the Galaxy, what it is, one of the very best magazines of the day. NEWSPAPER LAWS.—Post masters are required to give notice by letter when a subscriber does not take his paper from the office, and give a reason for its not be ing taken. Adectlng to do so makes the portmaster responsible to the publishers for the payment. Any person who takes a paper regularly from the post office, wilether he has subscribed or not is re sponsible for the subscription. A pvlson ordering his paper to lie disim , ititud must pay all arre,,taAei, or the publi,her may continue to send it until payment is made,and collect the whole amount wheth it is taken out of the office or not. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals front the post office, or removing and leaving them un called for, is prima facie evidence of in tentional fraud. IMPROVED MORNING GLORY.— The famous Morning Glory Stove, so pop ular as a parlor and office stove, has some times been objected to-for use In cham bers and by families needing but one fire, because not adapted to heat water, dtc.— This difficulty has been overcome, and last Monday we saw one of the improved Morning Glories in operation at the Ware room of Cu!. C. 11. BUEHLER, on Carlisle street, which seems not only to obviate objections but to meet every desired want. It Is nothing more or less than the ordi nary Jiorning Glory, with an Oven about 15 inches in diameter attached, and inge niously arranged dampers by which the heat can be thrown around the oven at pleasure, and making it as hot as the ovens of the best cooking stoves. Water can be boiled, pies baked, and even meat roasted as readily as Ina cooking stove. This contrivance, while preserving all the qualities of the Morning Glory as a heat er, adapts it for the sick chamber, or use in small families requiring but , little cooking. If THE SARSAPARILLA DIGGERS OF YUCATAN.—This singular set of people are descended from the ancient Aztecs, of Southern Mexico, and still retain some of the peculiarities which Stephens and Pres cott gave of their ancestors. Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., employ a small army of them In digging savaparilla root. Provided with narrow spades, a coil of rope, and a bag of water, they are ready for the forest where the wild banana furnishes them food, and thick-leaved trees their only shelter. Few of those who find themselves rejuvenated by this product, know how much they are indebted to the toil of these humble labor ers, who dig health for thousands of Dr. Ayer's patrons, while they sometimes lose their own.—Boston Commercial. It. THE PLACE TO GO.—Do you want a good Smoke—either a prime Seger or the best brand of Smoking Tobacco—you will find it at BIERBOWER'S establishment in the North east Corner of the Diamoud,who makes it a specialty to turn out the very best article. Also, Chewing Tobacco of all kinds—Meerschaum Pipes, and all the articles desired by persons addicted to the use of the weed. He manufactured Segars largely, and is prepared to fill all orders promptly, and at lowest rates, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Address W. Blerbower, Gettysburg, Pa. tr C ! C! C !—Nonnts is just from the city with the largest and cheapest stock of goods in the county. All kinds of Men's and Boy's wear ; Straw Hats, Leghorn Hats, Panama Hata, and Light Fur and Wool Hata in endless variety ,and cheap. Also Summer Clothing of all kinds and cut in the Latest Style. Young Gents wanting a Fashionable Suit made in the latest style and good material, can save 25 per cent by getting it at Noma' store Arnold's old corner. tf AN INSTITUTION.—Oak Sall has be come one of the "institutions" of the City of Brotherly Love. Many people have been or pretended to be concerned for the permanency of the establishment from its very beginning; but every year it has grown in size, in efficacy and in the favor of the people, until now after ten years ex perience it stands bead and shoulders a bove anything of the kind in the State if not in the whole country ; and all lovers of good clothes are glad to have such an in stitution to which they ean resort. It LATER.—We are informed that anoth er new stock has been received by Mr. F. HIIPHOH24. He is selling so cheap, that no one should come to town without buying something at his store. Take your wool to him and exchange it for goods that you need. You get them Just as cheap as for cash. Store North-west corner of Sousse. tf LIIMBE R.—The attention of Carpenters and Builders is invited to the extensive assortment of Lumber of all kinds to be found at the Lumber Yard of Col. C. H. Buehler,on Carlisle street,opposite the Pas senger Depot. River and Mountain Pine, Hemlock, Laths, Siding, Jolce, Scantling, Shingles, Pickets, Flooring, Posts, etc. ac., furnished in any quantity end at low est ratea. tf THE FIVE WONDERS OF GETTYS BURG FOR ALL TO VISIT—The Ka talysine Springs—Orphans National Home —National Cemetery—Pennsylvania Col lege—and E. H. Woman's Cream Soda and Ice Cream Establishment, on Chambers burg St., adjoining Keystone Hotel. P. S. Our Cream Soda la delicious tf ifirThe attention of our -readers is direct ed to the advertisement of COE'S DVS PErBIL CURE, in another part of this paper. This traly Valuable Medicine is recommended by all who use it. Read the certificates. sow ARRIVED—A. fresh stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Lawns, Sun Shades, Hosiery, Glove!, did. has just been received by Duphorn, and are the cheapest we ever saw. May 28-tf ARE HOOP SHIRTS FASHIONA BLE 2—They certainly are. And the La dies know that to•be well dressed, Hoop- Skirts are necessary. The best stock to select from is at Duphorn's store, N. W. Corner Square. GRAIN ORADLES.--Grain Cradles, of Grammele inanufscture, three aloes, decidedly the best In use, on hand and fixr pale by R. Raniunrz, 11 miles south of Gettysburg..' June 18-tf FOE BENT two desirable `rixona on Unitimorestrest, near the diamond. 'En quire at 4dis 04100. - (Sit Adoperlisenasts.) in - nazism An la. D. 6. McCraw', Tort Wont, laanotdonee - 1101 (kunisibt . ht innlll 4 &ink. ' fesbi:9l6 ll o B Mmirt 4otalia•aeL D. RIM, on rubDO oacc A. 3:43over. Biihnoornit, mar fahnsotoers Store. D. A s Inohloy, Baltfmoko otroet;ln rooklonee. - J. W. Tipton, Chun ber bugrtnet,antpairs. Noltwar Newport,ionter WiiSnttoat WWl' sta - 'Boor • spostuatus. D. ifttamiller t Bra, York at' opposite Bank. D. &Rlingel, Baltimore street, third sqn ue. John M. Railing, Carlisle street, near Railroad Depot BIACIAU1111.111110• B. Q. Rellebangh, Washington Street Stover t WOle, Cbsiebersbarg Street Oeo. A. Codatt,„ West MIMI* Street. 0016/11411021111, SOTO, 60 John Gruel, chantborsburg street,oes r Eagle Hotel CALPIIITIMS AND CONTRACTOIII. k Son, York stroet,first square. Wm. Chritaman, Wubinton H.. near Ohambersbarg Oeo. C. Clubman, Stratton Week near Railroad. CA1111.1411111, &C. Perry J. Tate, Chimberiburg street. Danner k Ziegler, Middle street near Baltimore W. K. Gallegber, itastailddle et ' . second square CLOTHING. E. C. Cobean & Cunningham, Baltimore greet. Jr. Cu nnin gbham, Baltimore street, first square. T.O. Norris, South West corner of Diamond. Jacob Brinkerhoff, corner of York and Public Square COAL, LUMBER, uXI, AC. C. R. Buehler, corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. Jacob Reilly, corner of stratton and Railroad. DINTIDT. Dr. Wes. Btallsmlth, York street., Ant square. J. L. Hill, Chambersborg street, opposite Eagle Hotel A. D. Buehler, Chambersburg it., near Public Square Unbars, Baltimore street. first square. R. Bonier, Chamb's ■t., opposite Christ's Church. Dia 000DS. Fahnestock Brothers, cor. of Balto. and Middle Its J. L. Schick, cot. Baltimore and Public Square. Rebert & Elliot, Belt. It.. opposite the Court-house. 11. B. Woods, cor. of Diamond and York atroel. F. D. Duphoro, corner of Diamond and Carliele et. tOZWAILDIXO AID CONKIIISIIOII BOUM. BI ham t Co., dor. Washington and Railroad. John Crawl, eor. Stratton and Railroad. Jot. Wibla t Bons, nor. Washington and Railroad McCurdy A Hamilton. Carlisle Street. FUR:MUM 1110114. Hunter & Warmer, South East corner of Diamond (METZ YAZD. Peter Itchier, Railroad, East of Strattonatreat GAS FITTLIL. R. D. Armor, East Middle street • GiOcza.m, J. W.Cress,eor.Cfmambenburg and Public Square Wm. Boyer & Son, York it., opposite National Bank. Wpm. B. Meals, fork at., second square. Wm. J. Martin, cor. of Baltimore and nigh streets. Fahbastock Brothers. tor. Baltimore and Middle sta. Ingham A Co., cor: Wubingtoa and Railroad stream McCurdy k Hamilton. Carlisle at. Gillespie & Co., York st., first 'square. H. M. Paxton, Baltimore street, third square. • HAILDWMIZ •AD ortrissy. Danner & Ziegler, Baltimore street, nrst mime, Fah nestock Brothers, corner Balto. and Middle sts HAINISS, D McCreary .1' Boo t Batto. at. opposite Pres. Church John Culp, Carlisle Street, near pass eager depot. HATS, CAPS, 11/107.8, AC. 8.8. McCreary. Chambersburg street, first square.. Jacob Brinkerhoff, cor. of York at., and Public Aquaria. T. C. Norris, South West corner of Diamond. • R. C. Cobean k Cunningham, Baltimore street. H. B. Woods, cur. of Diamond and York street. Kanto "Hotel, J. L. Tate, proprietor, corner Chambers burg and Washington. Keystone House, W.E. Myers, proprietor, Chambers burg street, opposite Christ's Church. LIVIA! eI.t3LZ.I. N. Weaver, Washington at., north of Chambersbarg T. T. Tate, Washington at., near Eagle Hotel. J. M. Cannon .corner of Baltimore and Middle streets Meals* ttiother, Yuri •t., east La Stratton. Mn. E. J. Ziegler, East Middle street Tipt.o t Ilyers, York 'treat, opposite National Bank .1. W. C. O'Neal, Baltimore street, near 1110. IL 8, Bober, nor. Chambersbung Waehington ate Liar ri &Mind, Baltimore et, midway between the Court Mime and Public Square, west aide. =I C. H. Buehler, corner of Cullele and Railroad Washington Bi-embower, N. E. corner of Diamond J. Jacobs, Chambersturg street, first square Wm. T. King, York Street, opposite Beak. SIDSSlain a Sakti ELLIIOBII. Jeremiah Culp, York street, second square Wm. E. Culp, Washington street, owir Eagl• Hotel WATCIIKLIZI. p 'per t McCartney, Balto, street, Ent square TILE BEST.—Tonics have of late years gained rapidly in public estimation, and are far more generally employed by first-class physicians than they once were. The rea son for this is that it is a generally establish ed fact that wholesome tonics used in mod eration daily for years do not loose their virtue, neither do - they injure the system.— They act in fact like air and exercise, and not as "medicines," which ar• intended solely for attacks of illness. The arr-rsn rotscrvtes, especially those of vegetable origin, all possess the common property of stimulating the appetite, stiengthening the nervous system, and of imparting strength. Women generally derive benefit from them even more than men, their system being more liable to debility and exhaustion.— We have again and again in our experience seen the good effects of tonics where the eyes had grown dim and the cheeks pale, and the entire frame showed every indica tion of exhaustion, nervous suffering and debility. The best established bitters before the American public are beyond question those of Dr. Stcever, and this is equivalent to de claring that they are the Net, since among the scores of really excellent bitters now current, a poor article has no chance of success whatever. The most ignorant per son can tell at once by its effects, almost from a single dose, whether any bitters are good or bad. These of Slower have been sold for thirty years, are composed of sixteen, of the safest roots and herbs of a well-known tonic virtue. so skillfully selected and compounded with regard to their mutual effects, that It may be doubted whether any more perfect form of this med icine can be made. Thousands of persons are exposed to or afflicted with fever and ague, bilious ague or other results of malaria. Let them re• member that these bitters are as admirable In such cases, as for diarrhoea and cholera morbus, or any ordinary derangement of the stomach. Try them and be satisfied that they should be in the stores of every family, and the trunk of every traveler. It is a favorable feature in the advertise ment of the proprietors of Dr. Stcever's Tonic Herb Bitters, that no claims are made that they will cure every ill that flesh is heir to. The weakest intellect can hard ly be imposed upon when told that this or that remedy will remove evbry form of dis ease in every stage, and yet we can not take np the majority of journals without encountering an advertisement declaring that this or that medicine is a nostrum which is a perfect apothecary's shop, and a whole college of physicians in itself, rend ering all other cures useless. What is claimed for Dr. Stcever's Bitters is simply that they will act as a good tonic, and are capable of doing as much good as a prep& - ration of bitter principle can. They will not cure incurable diseases, bat they will often prevent a certain class of disorders from becoming incurable.. The references and certificates issued in their favor are all true and honest, and of these there are hun dred& • From the editorial column of Forney's Phila. "Press : " FROM THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. Lanossrsa, July 25, 1868. Karma & Co.—Gentlemen In reply to yours of the 22d inst., I would say that I have used Dr. &cover's Tonic Herb Bitters extensively in my, practice during several years,past. Ido not hesitate to say that I have; found it to *sees remarkable efficacy in cues of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, lA"' of Nervolis Energy, as well as Fever and Ague, Manton', Headache and other dis easesroceeding from a disordered stom ach; and espicially has it proved c.fines- Anible value itt general, debility of the system, when other tonic medicines have failed to produce the desired effect. Though. reluctant to appear •as reltem. mendieg soy particplarldvartised e, a sense of duty to the public and the (11 1( 40 0f wilt not allow me to wltbbo my testimony to the merits- of the B . in **lotion. 'room, respeejtA, J. T. B X. D. , Nador offt. Po.. MartuffStlffent snd'aole Proprietors, 121 North WIN., Phihniel; SOld'emnywhom Attar tet, ; , UNE = DRUGGISTS CM= MARBLE YARDS E=l3 =I 17=11! PILIATING 0111C/1 =Di= EIEZIEM .It` SS itlinerit Grafi Promisee litiiirkert. Baltiltore. linersdait likrwisse. Syria nova, 5 00 eir 5 25 Ekrak noun, f....... 6 004# 625 WatiaWnitaa, 1 50.4 152 RID WHEAT, go cbstN; B5 • 90 RYE, i 1 20 • 125 OATS, 64 V 0 Timcrray-sum 4 0 00 i 0 00 CLOTSR-SZID 1 0 00 • 0 00 Fraz-aszn, 0 00 0 00 BAoos, Siwtruosys,.4 • .154 " ..... 18 • 181 " Haw,. 19 • 21 • 20 LARD, Gorm-, Phila 4 I 87 Glettrobn rot Grain G Provision haslet GeUitburg. Friday MorsisS. SUPER FLoua, '5 00 Erna fLotra, ......... 5 50 . 6 4 WEITZ WHEAT, i I 25 (# 1 50 RED WHEAT, 80 @ 1 00 Cowl, - 70 RYZ, ; 1 00 @ 1 20 Oars, 55 BUCKWHEAT, 90 TIMOTHY SEED, 2 50 CLOVER SEED, 7 00 POTATOES, ... .. 80 Q .85 Burma, 20 LARD, • ;' 2O EGGS, 18 BACON, HAMS, 20 " SIDES, ..... 16 SHOULDERS,- ..... . 1C SOAP,. i; e TALLOW, _ 10 MARltlin SMITIT—KLINE.—OII th • '!.7th inat.. by Rev Dr. Butler, at the P idence of the bride, in Washingtop ci I: , Dr. G. D. Smith, of the Gettysburg Hotel, to Mrs. It. A. Kline, of the former place. DI ED BAKER.—At Emml4sbnrg, Md., on the 15th of June, Mrs. CAharine M. Baker, consort of Nicholas Baker, aged 32 years and 5 months. SNITEL—On the 21st inst., at the resi dence of her uncle Samuel Cobean. in Cumberland township, Miss Mary E. Smith, aged 29 years, 2 months and '2.5 days. . the 9th inaL, in Little:down. Jacob Wilt. aged 71 years, 6 months and 9 days. Iletv ducritistnriuts NOTlCE.—Letters of Admiais tration de bong Roll with th. vrio annexed of illsoaas Autumn. deceamed, We of Frankllis township, Adams county, having been granted to the undersign ed residing in Cumbertend township, be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted thank, estate to make immediate payment, and three having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. DAVID BLOCHER, Adm'r de emit non With the Will annexed July ^_-8t• AGRICULTURAL HALL. NEW YORK STAR ; COMBINATION BURLESQUE & OPERATIC TROUPE. DIRECTOR, SIUSICAL DIRECTOR, TREASURER, This Troupe being out for a short Ammer tour, viii offer to the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, at A ark - a Hurst Hall, • first elms recherche Burlesque and Operatic Entertainment, comprising as it does selected talent from the OPERA. BAUFFE and Dramatic Company of New York and other cities. MISS VIOLA CLIFTON, the beautiful and sweet-toned Soprano, hrhni the Neer York Theatres, lu her selectlons hom the"Ls Grande Duschesse," ke., and her Impersonation of the world renowned LINGAL RD MISS LOUISA BOSHELL from the London and New York Theatres, the chamo is& and petite Comedienne and daehing aerial elect Wire performer. the feat gever attempted by coy other lady In this 000ntry. MISS ADA BOSHELL, the popular and talented Comedienne Dammam from the Loudon and N. York Theatre.. J. R. HARNEY, the dlationalshed and teleuted Comedian Irmo the Neer York Theatre. MR. HARRY H. WOOD, the versatile and eccentric Comedian and Toeslilt from liolllday Street Theatre from Baltimore. MR. WM. SWAIN, the tevorite light Comedian from the Holliday Street Theatre. SPECIAL CARD. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Evenings of this week. Performance commences at 8 }precisely A do) kwlon 50 cent+, front Sesta reurrved for inner without extra chaxg.. Ticket' to be had •t the principal hotel• and Buehler's Book Store. Matinee on Friday afternam at 2 o'clock, P. M. The managemeut with the above array of talent confidently expect to plea*. the most critical and fastidious. The sparkling gents from the . Omod Dna cheese and other selections from Offenbech's Opera will be proluced, whose 1510110 has created such a furore in all the principal cities of the United grates. •Iso, the comical impersonations of the popular Lin gard now the sensation of the day and choice Come dies rendered in excellent 'kyle and taste. PARTICULAR NOTICE Whilst oar poeten atirertlee pr briar nights, the Troupe will make its last. appearance, on friday night to meet other engagententa. [July 2-It BOUNTY ACCOUNTS FRANCIB BREAM, Treitatirer In account with Bounty Account of CUM:PERLA:ID TOWN81:11P: Balance to hands ortressur+r:at last sit- ment f 2,398 04 Balance due on duplicate of J. Keefairrer, , ' 1867.._1,702 55 Duplicate, e. 1868 . 3;737 61 Latino( U. 8. Toot 825 00 Loan of Abraham Plank... . 368 00 gMEEM iimms:mm IM==l I;iIMIIMEt=! " Advertitemint " " N. Lightner. etpenses..-- . ••" L. Bushmad, " " J.Daardcorfforror duplicate " " A. W. M JAW", fee 5.... ....... ExoneratlonBolnplicate 1867 606 71 Per cent. J. Keersuver, Collector Daplkste, 1867 .............. .. . . ..... Balance due on Duplicate. B66 1867. - . leconerations Duplicate, 1— BAIIICCO due on Duplicate, 1868_ Collector's Ten, 1868 Trsadurer's Fees...—. Balance in Treasurer's hand! We hereby certify that wehave examined the above accounts and nod them corryct se stated, and that there is a balance In hands of the Treasurer, of Poor Hundred and Seventy-six Dollars and Seventy-eight Cents. We also fad that thaiTreaaarer has paid Five Hundred and Fifteen Dollars. and glity•kotir Cants in. tartlet on note duo in Gettysburg National Bank, for debt Ibrmerly disallowed, hat for which he will be allowed a credit In next iettlement, am per late Act of of Amambly legalizing said ilebt. LEVIfiPANGLYB, PETIG 13M , IfiliER, Auditors. ONORGY 4 . LANK. July 2,1889.-3 t REAL ESTATE AGENCY. I have opened.an agency for the SALE OF REAL ESTATII In connection with my law badness In Gettysburg Parties wishing le tell, or buy lands, may dud It t their advantage to coil, Farms and Woodland. 99 ACRES OF WHICH 40 AiRIS TIMBER forsl.olo A GOOD FARM, GOOD B Imams and ?MRS near Gettysburg granite nd. A No. I WARM, near Gettysburg red/gravel land. A FARM. 180 ACRES, AT $3O PER ACRE. A TRACT OF GOOD LAND,;6S ACRES, AT $35 PER ACRE. A VERY GOOD FARM, WITH 100 ACRES HEAVY TIMBER, AT $45 PER 4X$lll, VERY CHEAP. 100 ACRES, WITH VERY GOOD BUILDINGS AND 10 ACRES CHESTNUT TIMBRE, F0R56, 0 300. A BUI VER LDINGS, AT $36 PER Y CHEAP WARM. GOO ACRE. D LAND AND GOOD A WARM, 100 ACRES, near Gettysburg. - A VERY GOOD FARM AND GOOD-BUILDING, AT $6O PER ACRE, two ranee from Gettysburg. A. FARM. four miles trove; Gettysburg, 00 PER ACHE CHEAP. A VERY GOOD GRABS !ARM, two mum from 'Gettysburg. A GOOD AND CHEAP TAVERN AND LOTS AD JOINING. • A VERY GOOD PAM IN 000 IF ORDER, $56 PER ACRE. A GOOD ALSO MANY IMILM, OTHER TRGACTS.S ALL NEW, $5,000 ALSO HOUSES AND BUILDING LOTS IN TOWN. H. G. Meozieu, Anon., ',law. GeottyllbUrto Jane 11 14139.—t f. WOOL WANTED.! fral andoraignod want' Buts quantity of Wool, for which Lawill yay *4l Menet Film Bring It in at once. l 3,4 141Uf D. DEISM, Store west oontoet Maar& May 1111-81 • H 0 X lit . .„1111 L if f T H.Vlri nkfteted fifth MIAMI" for 30 years • ft A. had diafto ity yoke L and onto d tight and 150.0*,. In el 1 weak* I in boon so. i. • • ountd. For hantanfty'a (aka IwM woad tho ro •pt find the atingle flood* posing* boo, to all a larms IMW, T. J. MAD, Orsini No. 116, • we, N. Y : • • t • • _ BTB' YUOfLOR to. Ar r i is nz Lama, OaselotA* ~:.. r . . r0:...v, ~ifrt * al w bn a l w _WOID TO CONSUMPTIVES. . Being • short mod pnunistl trestles om the maitre, moms,. sad symptoms of /Mammary Cbarstaptim, Bramattis, mad Asthma , sod their prevetaies treat. sat, mad esty by inhalation. fait by mall. fes• mammas Q.' VAN UUNMXLL, I. D.. 16 Item tea at. Ife, York. pine 16.11 M-1 Dlt wadi t lib tents, with age, WO% odor gy m , .41 and heir, ten will tweatre, by ?sternmeal; a ter. rest picture et tont future liostratul or will'. with twar and dots of tuurrlog, Addruss W. VOX. P.O. Drover Nu. 24, Po Roo N. Y. [June 11-4 w CHEAP PAINTING.- 1 100 lbs of the PLOWIA CoMPANT'S CoLOILILD Pin! (Milos $12.60) will paint u ouch a. 250 !Us of Lead, 3 sod wear looser. For particulars. address 8. BOW N 0.160 COAT I.EA D. N. fourth ■t., Philadelphia. SECRETS OF THE GREAT • CITY A Wori descriptive of the naruzs and U.. VieSS, the MYSTERIES, MISERIESand CRIMES of Now rork City. It contains 35 line .ngravlngs; end le the Spiciest, most Instroctl•e, end cbeaptet work pub- Limbed. ONLY $2 50 PER COPY Agents are meeting with unprecedented suecese. , — One In Marlborough, Mass : , report. 34 subscribers In day. One in Lucerne Co., Pa., ♦1 in a day. One in Meriden. Coon.. 681 n tyre days, and a greet many others frbm 100 to 200 per week. Send for Circulars and see our terins,and w fail description of t 5• work. Address, JONES, BROTHERS A CO., Philadelphia, Pub'(shod lo both En glliob and 6..roten BEST BOOK VP THE PERIOD, WOMEN OF NEW YORK ; OR. THE UNDER W.flt .D OF THE GREAT CITY. The most startling revelation of modern tim ei ,„, New York Society unmasked. '•The Aristocracy." "Women of Pleasure," '•!derrted Women," and ❑l class*, thoroughly ventilated. 60 Illustrations. Ad- dress at once The New York Book Co 045 Snuno st.,Nerr York June 11.-41 r BE CAREFUL WHAT MEDICINES YOU TAKE. WREN you are exhansted by overwork of bead or hand, and feel the need of something in— vigorating, don't drink whiskey nor any intoxicating thing, whether under the name of Bitters or other. wise. Such article. give Just le much strength to your weary body and mind ss the whip gives to the Jaded horse, and no more. Alcoholic stimulants are injurious to N erve-bealth. and are ALWAYS followed by DEPRESSING REACTION. DODD'S NERVINE & INVIGORATOR is a TONIC and GENTLE STIMULANT which Is NOT attended by REACTION. What it gains for you it maintains. When It refreshes body or mind, ft re- Inches with natural strength that romp to eta). We are not recommending teetotalism in the interest of any faction ; but long and ea tended obeemdlon teaches us that he who resorts to the bottle (Jr ran or recuperation, will find, to he keeps at It, that he is kindling a Ere in his bones which will consume like the flame. of perdition. Turn. from it. Take a tonic that will refresh and not destroy. Dodd'. Nonlife la for sale by all Druggists. Price one Dollar. See book of Certificates that accompanies each bona*. Jane 11-1 w IMPORTANT TO Newspaper and Jobbin6 . PRINTERS . • The Knickerbocker Card Mannhinter'', No, 41 t 79 Iton street, New York, Is now famishing Printers' °arils at a lower figure than any other house In the trade. Samples and List of Pricer mailed on applies, tioa• [Jane .J. R. HARNEY. PROF. lIERWIO ..8. G. KINBLY. COLIIIIRN'S PATKIIT RED JACKET A • X Is better than our regular shaped Axel for thee* tea sons: Pint—lt cuts deeper. Second—lt don't stick in the wood Third—lt does not Jar the hand 7burth—So time is wasted In taking the Axe out of the cut. A/lA.—With the same labor you will do one-third more work then with regular Axes. Red paint has nothing to do with the good qualities of this Axe, Wr all our Axes are painted red. If your hard ware store does nos keep our goods, we will gladly answer inquiries or All your orders direct, or give you the name of the nearest dealer who keeps our Axes. LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWELL, Pittsburgh, Penna. Sole owners of Colburn's and Red Jacket Patents. GLOBE FIRE EX'I'INGLIBRE# CO., No. 4 Dey Serra. New York. Great reduction in price.Nu 1 $35: N 0.2 $lO ,N 0.3545 First•clw Agent/ wanted. Addrea, as above. STEAM ENGINES A'ND DOILIIII2. FROM 4 TO 3.50110 RPM POWER,lncladlne the cali brated Carina Cut-off Ensinetb Slide Wee 4ta- Maar., Xrigines, Portable Engines, Ac Also. Cir cular, Malay and Gang Paw Shaftlne, tr., Leib and Shingle Mills, Wheat and Corn Mille, Circular Matra, Wittig, tc. Send 4.,r de criptlre Cir culer and Price Litt. WOOD .4 MANN STEAM EN GINE CO., Utica, N. Y. WANTED, AGENTS, r 5 to t.:00 per month, every- Ty where male and female, to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This machine will Ititchobem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in ■ most superior manner. Price only SIN. Folly war— ranted for five years. We will pay $lOOO fur any ma chine that will sew a ■tronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second Stitch can be cat, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing It. We pay Agents from $75 to t.E.O per month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be mad.. Address S ECOMB t CO., Pitts. burgh, Pa.. Boston, Maas., or St. Louis, Mo. CAUTION.--Do not be Imposed apou by othermar ties palming off worthies. cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only gen- Dimmed ieallypraetiealchenp machl oemenufactured. EVERYam-nidt,:bethperiTinTTgALEtfi.alPißES.: corn playing it, every man can do his own printing neatly, quickly and cheaply. They MAN are so simple in construction, that a boy ten years old can easily manage the largest size. Printed instruction. are sent HIS with each office, enabling the purchaser to get at work with out a previous knowledge of printing. A circitlar t contain. fag fall description, prices,tes- WNOur tSpecimea Bhaeta of type, `29,r31 20 ADAMS PRESS CO., PRINTER.STRZET• NEW YORK. $3,288 15 1,200 00 026 00 MEI PATE N TS.—Mu - kw k Co., Editors SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN,S7 Park Row, New York. Twenty three-yearf experience in obtalaitg AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PATENTS. EMI 2200 2804 as 00 82 Opinions no charge. A pamphlet, 103 pages of law snd isfornsatkus fres. Address as above. Era ALIIMINIOM BRONZE L OROIDE WATCHES, with American, English and Swiss Movements. Chains and Jewelry of every style. Price L 4 sent free. Address OHOIDeI WATCH CO., 93 Washington street, Balton, H. 8. 437 47 00524 50 30 31 52 475 78 TEN PER CENT. MICHIGAN BONDS for sale by A. WILKINS, Detroit, Mob. $9031 3') $lO.OO PER DAY GUARANTEED . - Agents to sell the Roma Shuttle Seeing Machine.— It makes the Lock Stitch, alike on both sides, has the under-feed, and V equal la every respect to any Ben ing Machine ever invented. Price $26. Warranted for 6 years. Bend (Jr circular. Address JOHltioN, CLAIM A Co. Boston, Mass, Pittsburgh, Pa., or St. Louis, Mo. 33000$ SALARY. Add ress U. B. Plsno Co., New York. ABHYOUR DOCTOR OR DRUGIUST /OR MIST QUIN t equate (bitter) Qui nine. Is made only by V. BTNARNo. Cbowlst. Dotrolt. WANTED—AGIINTS—To sell the AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE. Psis. $25. The sim plest, cheapest cod best Knitting Machine eyes ID. rented. Will knit 20,000 start. per minute. Liber al inducements to .0 coots Address A3IEBICAN KNITTING MACHINE CO., Boston. Mass., or Bt. Louis, Mo. 11,TEURALDIA.—Nereourners and Peewit Weakness Cared.—A Clergyman'■ Widow .tVered fur years with the above diseases, sod for the benefit of like suit rrrrr will send the means of her own cure free.— MRB. DIXI FRANKLIN, Jersey City, New Jersey. C-c-C-c-C-C-C OUS new termite' agents befOre si nding to 'any other Orin. We give 103 yards etowning for clubs of lOU if all returned, and at the same rate fur clubs of thirty, forty and sixty. Recollect oar Dollar Hale Is the oldest and largest in this city, and perfectly riw liable, all orders and letters being answered the same day they are received. Don't pay the high pricer charged at the stores. but save your money by send. lug tuns, and don't condemn our club system bf sell ing goads before you try it. Male and female agents wanted in all towns and villages, where prices are high In sending clubs, send lOcts for sub na Circulars sant free by mall. EASTMAN t Erdnil— ALL, 2.6 Manley street, Boston, Mass. We direct attention to Wanamaker dc Brown's advertisemet. The Largest Clothing Howe in Philadelphia. 2 TO seo yr zi Am i t o ttE c t Garments ranging et ever MXN'e y cut to overystil; madras& or made to o or. IL 'Loonier SIXTH and MARKET Streets. 87 TO 125 /I Stlk Mfzed, lane . Machina, Beavers, toJargen variety LI Ow atty.— OAK HALL, SIXTH and CURIUM Str. 6 TO , stio ant 8. E. Ad a l o S w ArIT Streets, $2O TO r i rere 3 :tz ... ti r l artabtkr its sus e de- oc. =don. It ANAMAILIta * SIXTH& ARAB KITStreeta. 84 TO $lO /101 r am' 1 SUITS TOROCHOOL H sad Drew—awed styles aid bat ohm goiods. WANAMAK la • BaowN, LABOR CLOTHING noun, EXTEII Mid 114111111 T Stassts. $7 TO $25 DOYW asd YOUTHS' OLUISTAIL 711.LDS ju • tura Walla, 2 , TO $344 11111 S; lIIIVIROLOTaIiddt GUT, TORNIBILING , OOO . OB4 'amply kind, at mall advance on coidOVAIN w BT.OWN t OAK llALLyJizanowmwe aotrifq stivrand N0v.10.-4yht mAzzire. . 21113 IS NO aux.sou AGENTS WANTED FOIL AG M.NTS WA NTED FOR TUX MZW=l= Cuts, &C., tau cents. Aedreas WATCHES 10019 pits.„ N 0 T 1 QIN% The notes even at the sale of property at Caledonia Imam/ la December Mato:ono* dne,aad In the hand. of the andendgaint—to whom, a se DATID A. 80161.112. Simi. at the Star OMNI, 11014.04111 payment should be made. • IDW. BIePHEMIN. Clas of the Itueutair of Eon. Thaddints derrese. Anion-34 A BSIGNEE'9 NOTICE. The undervigned having been appointed signee by Deed of Voluntary Judgment for the be astlier creditors. executed by Written W. Harm of Nenallen townehip—notice Is hereby given to debt ors to call and rattle their accounts with the under signed, residing to the rune township. ..101111 D. 1101112 LAN, Aedigll•ll. June 25,41 RXEC UT OR' 8 N OTI CE. —Let- IL. ten testamentary on the estate of noon Mc- Bazaar, deceased, late of Hamilton township, Adams county, Pa.. baring been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township, he hereby enigmatic* to en persons Indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment, and those having clams &naiad Umiak • to present them properly authenticated for settlement. MICHAEL McBIIEBRY, Executor. June 25.-60 TO BUILDERS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be recelved at the York - Springs Post office up to the 3rd day of hily sdat, at 5 o'clock, P. Y., tor the building ut • Stone School House, at Haynie, In Huntington School Dia .Plane and avec Mentions can be MU by caning on JONATELN Mari, Prom Indent of Board. By order of the Board. JONATHAN MILLICH, President, JAN. DAVIS, flec'y. [June 19,-2t NOTICE. District Court of the United litatami POI !HZ In-Bankruptcy. Earful, Dial rid of Penury/eau* In the matter of SAIILILL BIECHILIt, Bookrlpt, Itutern District of Pennyslvania A warrant in Bankruptcy has been leaned by said Court against the Estate of &Limn Bascule of this County of Adams and State of Pennsylvania In said District, who has being duly adjudged Bankrapt up• oppetiton of hi. Creditor., and the payment of any dads and the delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt to him or is his nee, and the transfer of any property by blot are forbidden by law. A meeting of this Creditors of saki Brankrnpt to prove their debts and choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden at Gettysburg in said Dhitriet, as the Strewth day of July, A. D. 1869, a t 9 o'clock, A.M., at the oIP Ike of it. U. McCann', Req., before HASTINGS HMI, one of the Registers in Brankruptcy of utd Diettict. B. M. GREGORY, U. S. Marshal for said District. June 2.. —2t REPORT CIF the condition of the GETTY& BURG NATIONAL BANK, on the 12th day of Jane 1860: 4:[ll:l.ry LAMB and Disconute d U.S. Bonds to secure roolstics...—. 160,000 00 U. S. Bonds and other securities on hand.. 30,600 00 Other Stock., Bonds and Montages...—. 26 , 80 0 00 Due from Redeeming and Reserve Agents.. 22,101 49 Due from other National Banks.-- 3,896419 " Banks ........... 87 10 Banking House 0,000 00 Current Expenses—. Cuh Items including stamps— 090 03 Bills of other National Hanka_ ........ sose 00 Fractional Currency including nicashi...— 170 /18 Legal Tender. ................... ...... 33,310 00 LIABILITIES Capital Steck paid in............... 0146,160 00 Surplus Fund 19,000 00 Discounts 1,100 Zl Profit and Lou 4,173 611 National Batik Circulation Outstanding— 129,500 00 t Stae u s ,u :. ...: 3,1110 As Indleittial Deposita --...--... Doe to National Dante Due to other Bank. Dividend■ unpaid Taxa uncalled for I. J. EIdOIT But., Quitter of the Gettysburg Nation s! Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the beet of my kuoukdge end belief. J. AMOST SAM Gushier. liabscribed,aad sworn to before m. this 19th day of June. 1869. } A. J. COVER, J. P. Correet.—Attest—G. Swore, Dsvto D. ICZIDLIZAIf, Directors. Jane 25, 1869.-3 t REPORT • OF the condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANE OF GETTYSBURG, is Gettysburg, Adams county, In the State of Penneyi sun* at the close of business, on the 12th day of /tote, 18419: E=E! Loans and Disc-mut. 191,104 63 Indebtedness of Director, 10,000 00 Overdrafts O. S. Bonds to secure circulation 4.11 if as. deposits Due from Redeeming and Reserve Agents, as per schedule 6,042 21 Due from other National Banks as per schedule Due from other Banks and Bankers, as per schedule ' Furniture and Fixtures Current Expenses Cash Item., including StamplAs per sched ule .. 293 17 Bills of other National 8ank5...... 175 00 Bills of State Banks 5 00 Fractional Currency (including 100 50 Legal Tender Not ....... .3011 00 1313=3 Capital Stock paid in Surplus 1and.... .._... Slcbange Interest Profit and Loss. Cirrulat.eg Note], received from Comptroller 90,000 00 Leu amount on hand 425 00 Individual Deposits ........ -.-....-.53.290 54 U. 8- Deposits 43,815 83 Deposits of U. 8. Disbursing Of ficers Due to National Banks, as per schedule.-- Due to other Banks and Bankers ex per schedule Notes and Bills re•dtscounted...»2B,2so 00 Bills Paid 02,884 53 Dividends unpaid I Groans AIXoI.. Cashier of the First National Bank of Gettysburg, do solemnly mime that the above statement is true, to the beat of my knowledge and belief. GEORGIC ARNOLD t Outlier Sworn to and submribed before me, this 22nd day of Jane. 15e9. • A. J. COVV., 7.P. Con ect.—Atteet—Jacos Mops=TAß, Ozoitas nrzorg, D. McCottetre He, D irectont. Jour 25, 1869.-3 t E. W. CLARK & CO., BANKERS. NO. 35 S. THIRD ST., PHILADELPHIA GENERAL . AGENTS =3 NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO• 0/ TDB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I) 21=3 States of Penneyhania and Sbuthens New Jersey. Ina NATIONAL LIFE UMW= COWAN! Is a corporation Obartorod by Special Act of Cannross. approved/01y 215,15 M, with a Cash Capital of Ono Million Dollars, and Is now theronhly organized sad prepared forbu imam. Liberal term. offered to Aprils sad Solicitors, erbo are turned to apply at our ogles. Fall particular' to be had on application at our of. ace, located to thd locoed story of our Hankies/louts where Circulars and Peingoblets, rally describing the advantages offered by the Closspeny, may be bad. B. S. RUSSELL, Manager H.•.PIONING, o.ui.b.rg, Ps. Aeg.21.1868.—1y 69. JUNE A TULL ASSORTMANT OP Drugs St, Family Medicines PATENT MEDICINES, LIQUOSS ♦ND WIN= rOs MITICAL imam" nal SPICES AND FLAyOLING ffiILACTIN, DYZS AND DTI STUMM, SOAPS, pas:um:as . Aiiiiikorm GOODII, INNS, warnita 'MUDS AND STATIONERY, PIrfBICIAWITI6OIIIMONgi aIpP f: Cana =MOUT Pt* PHYSIOLUM ANA WI"! IMlC4Alrriall/L PLUM AT i ILIDtCXD Nl. ; Forney s Horse. l'owderS tie but aid cheeped br Haut, C.l.in and B.lat. Other Hors•PowAin of sporoved city R IJ BER ' Bcatirriast,Sreett, (Mtlenstg r Assi'a. fi.l • ": 1670r,N . racitiOVEY 'irlisi.lrentosi- • ciasi • • by.gob , h i r .via daft .11111111,a CM==!! ffil ryas undersigned has leased the W• ll4olllloll atimebeamofftrattoustreetaa4 eke lel Ireeil,asititbius.4, , sOlyill carry sulk • Grain 11,Prodube Bnakess la allltabratalitos. 'Tao Ila prista airy* be paid km Wltaaa, lye, Oats , Oatai (flavor rad I'lasar thy llooda, Pattllotak liaarat, Sal tall Italatiallioll Pratt, Na a, amp, Hata it, a boulder* *ad ?a b. toes, with ovwsitlag olio is the oottatrs proihmmo 11... GROCERIES ootaitaally for ado, HoLiu. Sugars. Holum, Syr. 9., Tea, Spites, Balt, Clossii, ado. Y s, Ourca, Ilrooa latekiits. Blacklyc Iles% its. Also, OOaI. OIL. Flab till, Ts., do. 115 stall Made; Spikes awil Nall.: ...aktud sad 011owlull Tea Immo. 1/o Is always abl. to .upply a gist rata ankle of Pkiar,wltY Ills dlQ.r.O Mews WNW. Also,Groaad PlasSar. • lib Oaanimasil otitor 481114 sirs. OCIAL. by dm bushel. tea iiraltr load. He will also rim . LINE of FREIGHT CARS to No. 1611 North Ilevard .81174111011.1, out No. 811 Nark.' 'Area, PUILADZLPMIA. ♦ll goods rot to stiller plot, .1)1 reoefeell lad forwiadud promptly Ai l halo elmilt be awitimi .ClUtair CAR." April 2,11149.-11 NEW FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOME. HAVIDTG purchased the extensive Warebowie, Cart, dc., of CUP d ILIII2IiW4 the soderaftead tweed to tarry ow the bastaes% on. der Use Ins of Neu& & Co, at the old stead es the corner of Waeltion and Unread a o• • non exteasive wale tWkei Iteretelbsit. . sara regular. Ilse of Freight Can will liar • ea womanise every TUESDAY NOON. aad astern wodatiow tail's will be nut as orwealloa may revels* dl this anwspesseat we are prepared to convey freight at all those to and (rola Biltbeare. bantam of this kind entrusted to aa, will be prompt. ly attended to. Oar care no to the lirsintlionse of Swaney' It ibaus, Ms aorta Howard street, Litt. more.' Being deteriolued to pay good prices, tell cheep aad deal fairly, we lavite elsrytiody I. gip as a will. Jaa.ll,lllN M'CURDY & HAMILTON, FLOUR, GRAIN, GROORRIES, do. MHZ u uditnagaed are ylsig el tbutr Irarrhosio. t• Oath& street, Susiliar's Hall. tb. h tabu tprieas tar !LO M WM?, ATI. 00111 X OATS, SOME WHIAT, CLOY'S AND NTALIDS, POTATOIS, AA, NA. =1 1 sad baits prodasays eosin that snail beim* ulna g nay have SOMAINIIItty di band her este, A LUIG)tRIIIPPtY or elwmalle, Mobrach flyrope,Oofoos,Elogaro,toorlth lilt flab 01laMar, 11041.5. lex% sad La4,Tetateee, ie. Allot floe boot brordoof 11401T11, with YAZD of all Mad,. 'nay Ukrids•have • 147,25242 6,401 30 - 3,001 66 2,357 23 2Zr 60 SEVERAL VALUABLI IHMTILIZZREIt solubl4 tualfa Own, nodes' Pliasphsto ssl • • Kellesalitaso. $161,489 25 they buWhilsty th the ey pitysel gheit pric Are, , y l the at hlthe es lowest !tries profit..— . They set • shareef pebUe Wiretap, tenured to glee istiefactlos be *very ease, ZONINT MeCHADI', MX. I. HAMILTON July I,llle.—tt NEW FIRM. A. E. ECKENRODE HAS. taken the Warehouse, lately occupied b Philip Hies, it °tacit' 'WU", Os the lino of th Gettysburg all W ads of ltaiircad, 2 dies from liaaterstowa, sad will deal la Graiii and -Produce, 'Mai the Idgiast market price. I .111 alao karipa.z/ Goat:aptly oi baud In gala all kinds of GROCERIES, Clidfoa, &war, Yolaaaad. BMW, Ter. sc.. it la sai t , PIA, Ns. Tar, Saws, Bacon and Lard, Tobaccos, La Also, the bast brawls of 7L001,. with 71.11 D of all k I ado ; also, Coal. 6,110 311 100,000 00 60,000 00 1,63'2 74 I nopeetllcUy oollolt the patronsgoofoar %Heads, and Writ* the public to call and ellailli• my stook. • . 11. BCKINIODB, 1,178 71 700 00 371 72 Jan.22.—tt DANIEL GULDEN, DEAL= IN Dry Goals Flour, Grain, Groceries, Lumber, Oraktic. Tuudersigued keepeon hand, sable Warehouse tonna as" Osislas's Sartes," In Strube, taws: ship on the line of Shea ettyaburg lallroad, all kinds of 39,08 E 67 8M1.2V .8100,000 00 . 4,770 30 36 31 72 55 956 86 GROCERIES, Including Sugar, Codas, Molasses Spices. de., with Balt Pish.Offe,Teheeeo,Bacon.Lsid, to. Abo, LUMBER AND COAL, ineindlai Building Mat, Shinslps. latis,Btovs and Blacksmith Coal. Also, Onano,lliad • large assort. saint of Dry gooi,Boots and Shoos. Hats and Cap 001 kinds, whiMi heat proposed &peen at (below est prices. He - s/sepays the highest market price for Plows. i llraln,Corn, Oats, Buckwheat, Clover and Thoothn Beads, Potatoes, de., or will recedes and forward Out same to mark *Ono 000311111Siell. Ha respectfully oaks kis friends and the nubile to ft.' him a call. Aug. 31,111111.-If DANEBLOULDEN. 1,065 72 89,476 00 1,633 04 111341:19 41 no TT 1,344 341 .10111:Pli VIZIJII. 1. S. 11110.1. •al. J. Inns EEC] $296.=7 06 Joseph . Wible & Sons, Produce Dealers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. had/posid oo►rrff Railroad o.sodMisfits grotto, GETTYSBURG PA. HIGELIST cub prig' pald for all kladr - oferairt Country Proftee generally. The h4heets each prioeyaid far good Hay and Ity•Btraw. Ws will keep eoastaatly oak haul for sale all kind. of GROCERIES, nob at Sutra, Cable, Taaa, Wiest. and Byrop, To. lisseeco, Wipe, Splash and eivsay*lnp ' r eally kept Is oilrocery atom LINE OF OARS TO BALTIMORE. WorriU rat a Lao of Oars to Winos** weakly, to the Warehouse qt =MON 00, IsB North or, some of Pruitt's, for the truarpartrittoas of woods sack way, keeirtag noty•barg wort Wong and rie• honing on Itodasaday. The beet bnarts of genitalia: ea hand, of aertred at abort pollee Orr those ordering. April 9, 111/9.-41 REMOVAL.— Th.land ersigted bas removed Ms PRINTING 01/7101 hos the Rtionond to the renter ml leaned sad Waaidegtom streets, where be mlll be phased to meet Ida old Meads sad patinae, April 4. CANNO_Ig_'I3 CORNZIt OP BALIIXORIAND YID- DLE ST., OPPOSITE THIII 001111T-NOIIEN, 11111111 Y D 1110112210110/ WORK 1.111471M0 !Si mime /TM or ems 'an; 69. GETTYSBURG MARBLE YARD. MALI 1110. Is istlrert 111SrestAillyiburg, P.. Wiairatiort ere pritirs4 go tar alelisllkisisqf weal a tbisSrUas NOS Al 11101111100 ft. TOIII4I, 1112ANITONNI • • • I PlUiitostsolia•Aitill•i WINO w sly •110041, 41 salt.lliq;4.e.Salt . estaszasasof I=3 = bsperfitat 10 limalboirerl! IhWar ilmiks , Oka' eo AAjAstable Window Siitxili WILL MT AWB •inillink 'I . ' • oh • *maths apt 1114 to , . Ikrall. : Mk*" IW O M b "' 1 rusk 11011=M 1 *-101111 111111131R1111110114 .T. aosemicarilimiliffiai . comiftp7:, • . ._ 04 1 1fle 6*.anskit 5401,•pliiiiidps.. • hit illiatikkthrinatieigiOd n bMo r thild s , .. 11 10* 1 1•411e - F .1t 1 . 4. '1 :1 • ••• •'• • .1 I -• • ‘4 A. I.:10 • 1. OF ALL KINDS ;URN cuss. X. 81011.01. ALLIANDIIIOOIIIIIII JAM= BIGILLY. DBALEREI IN J. B. WIBLI. Punt Oro. MARBLE WORKB GRITYSBURG, PA., 0111111411, be. li. A GOOD THING. 211.1 pwriori