k Orilisijnit'l * 4l* 1 4 ! isistii '4 : II .41"ilit 1 - C47 I Ir", 4 awns"'iii Sao 1 • p.; if tr.?... • Advert saw's' Lose ' 1411"11 =4 °1111 r . a • ir oura Wr Ma Art:•, IlltirsitiskViefirairsolliwoileaWled uodarslimi iptilekkinßit-W *WOW sfirthemberivelectei • the tagielatere of Virginia will be..aa. qtlitailloolake eelikprtie fore takffirtherile 1060 tilkireledden• eitiiietthutiritcciteiwn4 ail'aaostAirtie Creieereetf re. emedidatee cannot 'take the'eliar: ; r , • TB' Weal; MellediatEpineoi. pal ChureliSlikba/Milltat of• reavatatkplac OVIIr aanidaaatidi• hen eabiethethe &emit. Wl*be-adapted bi* dreaded fiWierfty:: The Newlferk Methatilk ke lid week -gives the Te• • Haim Fhb , = a unanaber , of 41burebee, *Mal , littan'lsp 'B,4B* . risa Old 4400 aotieetbattr Pbthmielphis the votsideiesidr:ayeas'2llllB, narp2oo. gate from WwitititigtotoTwraittary, la a radicalitepabgethi: - Ire Ws* a Mice Denlocrat before the war, but` when IFecesslO thatle RIG mu., he *name out kir his rutintii: He his stayed 'on that side; ed sl6o*" 816 ciunpethor was a Johnson Wed. Republican, who has naturally enough hewn:telt Cupper head. lie was badly ‘beitt4ii; and this' infant Zen-Rory rdaintains its adhesion Co the villaclplei of lisp-goverment. Maplir,i4tire of o rt 4, as - fled Ahe,2o . 7a4i;nentei e majority: The ivori'xik, V iiriistOrinjOht gPv,fz4FtwaktOt clp l ea.on wlika it 8 199 0 1 4 7.! 91 4 PP Wei*, 4 ifitlib• WO* itany bravely on The Tains af.AFPRI4 r"Yt Englaiid*stAn , ppoinali . .uueras: PAPCIPI% X 1 442 1 4 . 0ti trf(i,ivin zatiop aFp/16044 6 4, ,V I OW Lthe : 'ideal fossils, and t he world trill nioie, 4Pfildte their 104Whe!wPd TALE Dvmeavael Fred,o4. IFIL had Aorta APPKTIOPAR: of `41,1? , ISPbelz graves in that vicinity on Friday anal noon hot, AU wikligi„Occagon JO:in Ritchie, Esq., an amino:W l ponnommtio lawyer, made ttgicAl4l9P- Whyeabl hbelkaPberse 44 - 44410 be as tic 44, .s4o_mit ites4 deg. for_ the cleoaratiou of the .goves of the Blbel dead who he around Gettysburg? If Apse 4l the -xe54410. 1 ;41 1 P9V4 . 0 era : tort batickpal to the could be kuporliElfrogn theothyr.slde of, the. Una, whertiilesesbDasysxseyA i ee bar/ full dueskpoateistbses.tbs Dem-, °orals aremotasbaziedisowsithat they were Tiaitonicaingtastint. „, . Tnn itepublfcan Brae Convention met in Philadelphia on Wednesday.-.» As we go to press this week in alliance of our usual publication day, the pro ceedings of the Convention have not yet reached us. We have no dearttbat Gov. GEARY was houdnated for- re election. Judge Witsikrailworild have no opposition for the Supreme Bench. The Democracy are marshalling their forterifor a dapenitettruggie this fidT. Gen: Cas ruittliidge Packer are their proininent•amdidittes for -Governor, with the chances hi - fitter of the . fertri er, who is President 44 the 1 1 11111barge,- Fort WaYrielt , Chleiligli-jtairtaid, and verYlreidtltt. Tbcre is in :talk Of Gen. Hancock, but thegeneral 119 n, ti 'that lie. yinti*l nranielitin twin in'ttiat THE well on o e coloreda - I\ ' i v t - . 1) : 14 4 $4 1 10 43 44°, tliht Oftettrmit'. flu cession on 'tle`oOcasionoT deeinlit- Moo of the ScAdierg" graves, turns :dut to be a icleiteCt,"gAiiFiiti: l l,:3 Cop perhead ?Mania kW? and . ;4liafi:' 'p oi several-weeks we have bad p chorus: of jubilant buzzes fix*,thale 4iselsiles the "shirt-bon?" pl3ilmiorthy, set to 'vit: lying keys, but all in the same vein --7 that of low denut,goguism and arrant Ckmperboadlamp. ,t 1 t4 12 4 veiled with professions of -regard for the memory of the dead heroes of, 419 Republic.— How long ig it since these' same Cop perheade hissedout/ E heir most, Lo4g slut vonom in tierce denunciations of Pnccin's .Ihlrelings" and Stanton's "satraps?" Hiss on—it is the last op portunity. Whatever capital is to be made out ortiNo ' r i nigger." must be se eqed now. A few uncre, months and "Othellobi,ocoupikthml! ,will be clean gone' , , Tux newspaper world was startled on Friday mornipg last• by the, au notaacement of the sudden Oath, from apoplexy, of Henry „Raymond, edi tor of the New Y oi ,k !hem: .Ms in his Willa h*Milth.o3l Thursday night and In buoyant spirits— Be left his residerree-sit-0-4A&ahte Ail an-appoint ment at a ITAlVldelinfiethre About 11 oicktelt hp,neturnedto his residence and flap to enter the door. About 3 o'oiock Friday morning, one of the in mates lewd _some person breathing heavily, and Imprediatidynlanned the Mr,,,Rayrrtond wattlpund in the, tudiwAll, JI IN( on the floereetintlY um:ming:how and breathing beityll,y-- He lingered in an unconscionastite un til 6 detach, when, be died.. Mr. ReY ntoutahad amide reputation es one of our thee . prouiluent and successful journalists. He was a ;:man of :un doubted talents, wielded a ready pen, sod hid fen equakt, as an *Alter,. He wee alsolotearlnently identified with politlesi.but slue atwars • *itemising large influence, failed to reach-the po sition his abilities ahotiki-have com manded, by reason ofw timid, consecr ative policy. autocairrso, Ass* Rustic. •:_ .. Lasefall, the Democratic - palters anfl oratorsasserted that th e expeileieOf government were largely` lif exCeas of the revenue, that the debt Was increas ing, and that the only way 'toieve the icratloni f ia tiatikruptey Ilist to elect erritmin.. l l*yjtos D!tiSiatit, then of On; lrieieatt I.4lirerkt; to prepine sotnekitiantinli 'Alia 'they 'wart& . . bore - nut these predktioris but which the Republicans denonneed as take and delusive. His and theillindneseertion w t. /woo l at tlieelbie ioi Ole present : 11! . .XW'R9ucn Aoo,4,ere wen* bee 44 1 011 11 4 1 ii Treasury ,000, 4 * ' . • b n tli e ;Afar kii4, the RePublicans denied all lids,,' - ana said t . he re4fel . zie would exceed : .the revenue 4 413 i . ! fffutt ' ii L , 3.lm!t ot* rePglil , is , -- , 'raL l 4 Mkt Sii,#l . Po , ii• Ml° I . /eV fires 4 P 06044- (1 i by irbsti is iireidy bilinid, to . m „.. , • 1 thou the surplus w,i4 bacsbiyiki, .i . -" ex ,e -060—rho revenue exiiii43 4 /:: 1 , l 7 paws that iamb: ~.... - . irbakisfspiesel elags erawri attlies seaLis tha liars's& galant )(oral; rat not your 1111101; .4iop4 rrhelida' The Rftgitilt Liberalists on : : achieved a signal triumph ~, 1 House of Lords, by the Gladstone , s Bill for the d. - • , went of the Irish Church. It recollected that this is the b . 4 1. , lb. Dtlsraellt, the Tory leader, . . /A, last fail and went to the put , 4, In a new Parliamentary election. The re. suit was it - boa defeat for the Tories, a rot maj a tV C o the new en °l" 41 IP = Wng t.— = tetldved4 l 4. Meknetifle,. and 41e- Citieen leomiogdtepe . to rptrns new CeWiet.,.* PAPAW . 0440 1) , tbeA 1F 1 4 0 7 dgice4 * 1 tilt : .1411 Int& t4e,3 Qwavir caixtpum N and a month or,ttectego Peeked_ the ,61 1 3, 44.pc . a augority -of 324...._,T40ite 0_ the bill ti's ft 0 9 8 4, Fords. , AePfRP4I, AottbitstL-..Thal beds.: amide aP. :9f Ppm Abebremso4 1i0tt , 14044 0 ,0*. tints maisiosAikkaiwl!tor.S4P. l 4lF ttigAPArices AU: 4149Pkiwitt iosiellisql : 1 for, lifek, /4t, iffikkea e m*PiAX: "c on eervatlivCillatruaq./ar.) l *Prvic! , Refs. doeidediY4ollt44. to Phitl449lWa Panay. Oeine **Outage' A Dee!** eft the Peers was held at which it was dot oided to reject ttle,-.TheegtaOlighteent NW, The ailtiolltaaaiaßr44 444.4 0 147 poem fastefYthe4 lo Pillar Wlll P; o 44eed. fn.tenae ;excitement throughout Eng land—an exoltement AmParallAdeli: England politics for many yeara. The theory of the,Engliali Potifilltatloa ie peculiar. „The muwale hereditary, fold the Peers - hold Wilke for We with herr editArY Prerogatives in the oldest . horn sons. The Commoos, beiag the only elective body, relleets the popular will, and the reigning sovereign implicitly regards the popular will as expressed thz.a!lidi the. Coaitrioas, o.*Agieg the MkaietUAeAtts4o 14 404041 wtt4 the, colamoi" No.Eugliebagre*Feign has dared to exercise theeyetepower fo; eerktue.*, The deternauativiu at thli.:Bouse of Lords,itherefore s wog a ded}a/voe of the sovereignty a, At10,A1 4 140 4 , 1 6U4 ira44l-7 salty the, interposition of a veto,, not by the Queen, but by the gem. It wss 41/111 tbßateueti liittionce . of Ake popular will, probably more , than sty tacentent ..to the • prlaelanof Gied stone'sbill, whiolLevoked uteckeX cdtementi ' Threats' were freely Dishier rafornvlnglhe.Ponapv-- It - isPnototitl)At that if .tae kNeurchaditinrried out their purpose the test wouldlutve result-. eit in the abolition of the House: of Lords. A..nututer of -Peers forseelug the coming storm• wisely.abandoned the posttion first assured, and detareg • to accept the Bill rather than °end the threatened bone. The •Arciatdshop of Canterbury, early in the discussion, titrew.the weight of his mune and in fluenotte Amor of accepting the bill as weencesslowto the will .of the nation, as termed-In • the Ilviidianven Easy /deaf time - end --suitise4iently 'though the. Renee of Ciennvens,- and .44 , bleb -the Peeis'as Well cis the View* bughtto recognlie; even Whiledtaipproviegthe princlpler tritidied' The discussion was brOttilti te 9i elope in the House, of J e o l thiq4t, ou, Batur day morning, when -amid intense ex elteuaent titeffouseiliciteMed to diville obilte question—She'll' the tillPhe Tevid a seem! tlinel - The" - rtualt- was an flounced es follOws For • • AktorttY. , .:•?•-•••• 33 The wildest cheering fropi c ..the Lib eTal ,benches,, greeted, the Anncnnoe- menk, taythe.kar timg44,4ll tile 4445 MO 44 6 crowNig ;of P0n:4.30v :.weNk Nix*Ws: itwalting. tAferwl4.oMaide 4407 kukt4tug imiaiatilY*ol4ei of 0 44-77 It they tioNiSPVIdedA, M 19914 ..-reAfMkg in Dome of itCdOstiON b l - /Pk 1044,* 11 4 grinols49i ace &VIM*, t.frfs IfAit warty:44x kidatatorwurrAffiligiii* Liberalistai. pooniOssit,a9Rtig N.409P), Is John Bright', 'Theo early * / steadfast, friend of Aneariasi • THE Democratic party. :4kends lag so , mach es Ade 'elect:Mem; Their only hope of successlies in diva:Lamle of fraudulent Llano* and hence they resist all Registry Jaws 411iii3igned- to break up the "repeating" system .and the voting of 'dead imn,tiosiethich they polled Such enormous majorities in certain districts. of , Philadelphia last fall. The leaders are just now seeking to have the new . RegistryLawget &hie by the Ckiurts,stid initiated proceedings before Judge Sberneood, of the Su preme Court, who ha s been setting at Nisi Prins in Phikideirdila. OnSatur day last be ruled the Act, so far as it applies to that city, .unoonsititutkmal. Judge Bharswood owes his seat on the bench to the same class of frauds the Retistry"Act is designed'" to prevent, and it is in no wise strange , that he should, in common with his party, dis like it. The ease, however, goes , from Judge . Shirswood to it :MT -Bench Where we Wive-no doubt the taw will be sustained. = THE Demooranythink it a good thing to "have two strings to their bow."-- While', the Southern Democrats are conciliating the' colored vote, toping to carry Vitginia With its aid, is they car ried Georgia last fall for Seymour, the Northern - Democrate—those" who haVen't any sense or -prtnelpte- 7 are bawling themselves -Immo' over the necessity of having 'what they call a "white man's party." , -Mts.-bags exhibttion Illusttates Dem oentUe tactics.: A* • • Liss's Vicatientins.—A. London cone* ndent writes: White I am among no ble wrecks and Ibtperallng . • Kings, I should ant target the - "Hallway'King,*' George Hudson. Poor George Hodson! • A very few years ago he lived like an heir appar ent f I mean In Material sunomaringa only) at Albettilate. ; He waatmember of Par llment "He was fabeloualy rich. •Urtly the Rothaehilda were richer was &ROW Rty -the -"He" ittelrenhipped by ihe•Weet Had. • He could dieted the mar ket between the parse his el*. He was a ruler le lheliflrref eirele; ata his was i (*personal monarchy." la •an end ; -there 'were few who in perardal. In social aplenabr, Sa masher °thane:ll4a, audit estileaeladiseeere; Were Ilbeeitaide -George , lindsos. -Ib4lay At .1a *assay, Without sammen'itilimteldihMe He.yea :Men mettatly la Paria,M24 the.pesasa mite aaw:ldat Ise -laistkaidy wilthem. maw but the It anwentidis it dettehtilat such as may teli~lakerms 11011141ke-to I pat oh" le t 14114 isiMEMAlatifirtinb-1 atuiptiost for hkrelle4 ithiedosti &indite' soon reach, if It hits not already reectietVki stun unflialesit to , ti#/oei ”Klogui $ 444. 0 1 ' PC* : 4.41" :1 34 4 1 A L :like . iitc-GonaawNo****Milmodiamda,t , Mlllo4kti,44.Polegobligj_ 1 , 10 C9 1 11 4A4 1 / 4 444! lagorcood A l oolBlPitis b l9 s 4 l@r; 04004 lera4P44o VA9Pber 9fffiall4llol44 SCII, wbo batliiiik*Ampriakwoo* narrows and badebissos dud sdiett at Ind 44 " 01 ' , ;+' 4411 riG44.064001 4' T *ottemokaiol4ll,4lllol6olloffigt • WIMP , "Knights of Bt. OM*. " kis iiiil4o.l bor 601000 INIU*II. Tug sans amity* MEM ,Itips apt* at Ws f• ab 4 kuany :faildwaimiWi"lllll"l::- 000 Unbar of wbast 'moo: Twasisria3642 languages spoken sad 1000 Wilrafent religions in the world. . A Niw York hotel is being erected at a elaiAgfit t pittotegtoildAlharni which ills a bide othay per day, arrive) at New Y C ir k °ll YeAVi cb w' i Tan wheat harvest ha* oorproesseed:in flonakentiWaolY.. The gamier Jo good and - . asx3ros lititnumptgoett to Franco to at /lOW tho.bioal of ..theL Pasta 43onvention with litollinitiod litatos. Tarr prairies of Northern Texas have horn litinidly tottered vtith straWbetries this lesson. Or Ithitaiee lit,rtuw . oo4l.3 ti,4- 1 1W fr : " • 4:16 a* s t l ; Fft - kway4eikiln , # orth 6 f!tiga• 4.I 4*MW/7 3 : 4 1fitYPI 1 4•geP avow, A. vAal Akar , miijogity of votes • la the Wawa! lielliodistAlarabei Lse been givaia in.faymef ippresentalicw. Twins are 'but tevratnragen 1u Washing ton, end sew consequence the hotels are Omit innpty/ 'lv : lirtinderatocKtilid f3leneral Stales has accepted the Spiral& mission, and will khortly receive his instructions. • BBLaLtari 'chemists martufaettire a cham pagne whlcli dellst a trance aloottle, and yields a handsome profit. N4PoLsoit has re)ealwykeight ,1" his prisoners, who were arrested dining the Late demonstration against him in Patris. ; Swart Wean Blown keys It will never do-lo : "preach cream lied practice skim mni ottearisis intending to visit the hefted' stet this iniminer 'tire- !brining in thiinfittrg,Meitielciand triatAx's distillery , Italttmore county,' 1111:; Ctetzett ter dais since, thr a vio litlibh the'rt!teitud Lima by the 'pitipite- tEni - new; paper money to be Wood at the close of ihe month will be water-niarked with a ; litige `tt - IL" tbe piper Is that known aelhe rreitoh silk' paper: Tr It honorary degree of LL: D. was con ferred,Qn.The.President-Cplfaz• by Hillsdale College, klichigan, at its hate Commence ment. inietlinegittf *omen went to get on jueiee bachekwa and tagly-looking , men womb:W*4 &poor dance for getting .jus tice. Mivronste are to be made by a new pro ne,. -Sodium is to be used instead of pbos • Owns. • ftf ignites as easily, and Is free from offensive odors. lions Minnie Warren waa married to Commodore' Nutt 'at Bridgeport,, Rhode blind; on gatunlay. 'They are the eelebra• ted A- xna info/el Thomas Watson has been fined fal?„'.and sent to jail in default of, pay. Lunt,. in, Zataillson,. Luilions. for brutally whipping/ in atepliaughier. ' Tim 'Gritted Stites sloop-of-war Saratoga arrived at New York on Saturday from Key West whh, sixteen cases of yelkror &ter on board, one officer midikoar men having died from the shwas,, • h Is a somewhat curious alphabetical coincidence 'that-the =lin ofthe three last Mlnlitere to Russia Amid allies% with a C, like the title Cut; itsettCameron; Curtin. ' It 9 146 C Atoll sayn, en strong ground hthivor of ltdczuktorSnnutei's Im* on the t Aitthanui claUo; sad Ti is said thit. 'Robert J. Walker is preparing ispowerftil paper in Support of thoisime side. • Yarmatt, who, has =lied in San Fran cisco via tie Pacific itailroadywrihis home that the distance hetyreen that city and 'Bostortia,eTtal to ,211 games , of euchre, 178 tiArdcs, and,...117 cigars.. StAkienry Rawlizumin, the diatioguished archreql4giat, nmintains that Babylon lathe site of iltellardest of. Eden, and thst the Babylonian doppgkeos pow.extsit gives an extract geographical description , of tie scene of "man's first tlisobedienee.!' dons Moriarty,: President of the Irish Re pnblican Association of Pennsylvania, in inifiddreas_jitst 3sanetl, says the Iriiih Re publican (knivention which meets at (,`him cago ua the 4th of July, will come out in favor of oniviwsal suffrage. AFFAMS to littsmssrppl.—The War De pogtment is in receipt of InforMation from krisaissippi, which goes to show that the condition of society there Is considerably disturbed, and - that the necessary military measures have beer taken to prevent the perpetration 'et entrages by lawtess parties. A urns boy, son of Peter Sloyer, of Coctuaritown, Crawford county, Va., In at- tempting to climb through a rail fence, one 047 kg ima his footlipik and falling, his bead vw Caught between two rails.— ins month - Win pres sed down so that he coOTd neither breathe nor makes noise, and 849Rata,. Palms:lA-Arita has a criminal and pauper population of / 24,004—nine-tenths trout In teropenuinaintaled at a coat of $2,- 259,910 RI or 115410 for each voter in the State. The State revenue for licenses is $4 16 ,742 2.5, while the 4 0 . et tg the People of supporting intemperate criminals and pau pers 18..2,259,914 66. . "Tax North Pacific Railroad" is the next great national enterprise that will be sub mitted t• public &tendon, and. put through with Yankee allergy. This Road is to run from Lake Superior to P.uget'ii Sound, by • math shatter:lkm and running through s f,sr better region of coultbythan the Union and Central Pacific Roads. Tax Prat'dent will fix the time for hold ing the elections in Mississippi and Texas as soon as the result of the contest In Virginia (on the 6th of July) is announced by Gen eral Canby. Colonel J. .W. Forney and other Northern speakers• wni take thestump In Antr'of Wells and the whole Republi can ticket Ins few days. 1 - A coo dt 24 tierces, or *boat 1,080 gal- Ups, of Callibitda Wine wu recently ship ped on ibil'iclllc tillithid for the Atlantic . , I T he ' wine and brandy 'product or ' now reaches 8,000,000 gallons, and it is estimated that in ten years' time the annual value of the crop will amountto 526,060,90* ittelegusi'lrilithie to iii) pies- Ent gold Prodtiot. ' ''' ' ' Viz I ,ligii 742 e world , is reported to t to . ti, , tons per annum. Of islotinl,4le ralted Mit p3aslllMs 161 k * ii.'i lfr: is 4;# l 4t itil l? "- $ 81) ".• '1 otl,l .01111etietii ,00014 iii 'lt 1/XB, IQ m,*t-iikidefillialotwili,d -dab &Al.:6:i gist i elitEdoierldo;6occtov o lit: 1868. ~..,,...„„....„._;. 4 bll493" :l ll4 l : i ta r l h r i all ,= o " th is iiiialW a tier!fthibiable"”lti44X ot . — . 7 =14 ' } n - • ,o Edible of 3 , , .. i" 'R . .: ' '.'.... ',. • , ,ii i - ' , 7. - .• , r7 R4* 1 A Ina exclu- 4 Naar Rolfe, int nine miles e road, had *on Wood rd ratite: de -"( laborer In his employ named Henry Aram, and him Hr. Ranh lett at home bury with the team, mud procured a passar • la with p, kteighpor, wasabout fire oklbrldtein thh'rfterneon __.' • . 4k4148011.71 , 44 destood that the neighbor would not return befoid thelbit day, tbe bunny, cottolitlfig of wife and 'Mote small 'boys, knew that they wonld`i Win with the hired man for the night. Andes wit eomparative strahger to them all, havfng been at work for two weeks only. He wane. quiet man,' and Omit his leisure hOnrs by himoelf, never 13:Wigging in chnventatilin when not direct , Nu; neither Rolfe nom bpi wife &and finit,'or ever hid occasion tit suspect that the laborer was Other than what he seemed. On his arrival In the city, Mr. Ride par 7 dilly concluded his business with The mer: chants, and engaged lodgings at a hotel on Limed street. About nine the, in the evening, while settled' in, the, office sinok hsg, Mr. Rolfe says bebegan to tremble and feel nervous shocks, which so Increased that hie short time liscould scarcely hold his pii:e between his teeth. He walked several Ur i nes tier/As the room, went into the open air, but the feeling did not pass away. His thoughts kept recurring to the laborer at home, and he called to mind the features of Allies, and the fact that he had several times caught him peerinhlbout the room where a bureau was standing thakcoutained money to I go towards putting an addition on the house. 'At ten o'clock Rolfe decided to go b mie• lie was laughed at by hi; neigh bor, who told him that the feeling was the first symptoms of chill fever, and that Rolfe would go home next day and find every thing had passed off peacefully. Rolfe hesitated for some time, but at last started for home on foot, promising to re turn in the morning on horseback In time to secure the balance of his things before the neighbor should be wanting to return borne. He reached home about midnight, awak ened his wife, and to her expression's of as tonishment could say nothing, only that he felt that be ought . to return. Inquiring as to Artles, the wile replied that be had per formed the farm "chores" as usual, remain ed about the house for a while, and then in formed her that the night being warm, he would sleep in the barn. Rolfe passed through to the kitchen, where he found a window up that looked directly on the barn yard. His wife was certain that she had shut all the windows on retiring, is they stood for a moment looking out, they saw the, barn door swing open, and Artles led out one of the bones. As they watched, be led the horse through the gate, and, going to the front, they saw that he had tied the animal to the door yard gate. Rolfe immediately opened the door and walked down to the gate. He was within ten feet of Artlea when the latter espied him, and giving utterance to au oath of angry astonishment, immediately lied down the road. Rolfe pursued him for some forty or fifty rods, and then gave up the chase. On returning to the horse-block the gleam of steel caught his eye, and ho picked from it an ugly-looking sheath-knife. The open window, the pretence of sleeping in the barn, the horse and knife, all went to prove that &ties intended to rob the house, even if he had to make use of the knife.— The facts are given exactly as narrated by Mr. Rolfe himself, and the reader is free to judge of the truth or absurdity of the pre sentiment. On Friday, Artles had not re turned to the neighborhood, neitberbad the alightesst chile to his whereabouts been dis covered. STATE ELECTIONS The following State elections will come oftduring the summer and &II of 1869: July C, Virginia—State officers and Con gressmen. Aug. 2, Kentucky—State Tires - Ewer and Legislature. • • Aug. 2, Alabama—Members of Congress. Aug. 5, Tennessee—State officers and Legislature. Aug. 10, Montana Territory—Delegate to Congress. Sept. 7, Vermont—State officers and Leg islature.. Sept. 13, Maine—State officers end Leg islattrre: Oct. 5, Colorado—Delegate to Congress. Oct. 14, Pennsylvania—State officers and Legislature. Oct. lA, Ohio—State officers and Legisla titre. - Oct. 12, lowa—State officers and Legisla tu re. Oct. 20, California—Judges 44 the Su preme Court.- Nor. 2, New York—Secretary of State Legislature, dm. Nov. 2, New Jersey—Legislature Nov. 2, Massachusetts—State officers and Legislature. Nov. 2, Minuesota-43tate officers and Legislature. Nov. 2, Wisconsin—State officers and Legislature. Pr:lumen itsmaisrs.—The body of the late Adam Treusch who died at. the age of 66 years, and was buried on November the 26th, .1861, in Baltimore Cemetery, was on Saturday disinterred for the purpose of re moval to Greenwount. The body was found to be almost as perfect in appearance as at the time of burial, except that it was completely petrified. The face alone &bow ed .signs of decay; the eyes were gone and the clothing on the - body had nearly disap peared ; but the body and limbs were solid and stonelike, hard and chalky to the touch. The deceased was a very large man and weighed 300 lbs.' at the time of MS death. In the prOcess of removal it re quired the utmost strength of four men to lift the remains from the grave, and , this, too, after an Interment of eight years.— There were several other bodies in the same lot, members of the family of the deseaaed, but en removal none of these showed . any but the usual and natural signs of decay, and Mr. }ferryman, the superintendent of the cemetery, says that with one exception this is the first case of so called petrifaction that has come under his observation in twenty years. TIEN ' 'lino is FRENCH ELacrrloNry.—l n Its commenis on the results of the recent elections in Prance the. Journal des De bate calls attention to the astonishing de croule,in official votes since 1882, and the correiPosiihig Increase of those of the Op position. Thus, in 1852, the votes given to offidial candidates in Pais were 182,00 c; In 185 . 4 111,018 3 in 1868, 88,690; in 1889, 77,- 587. • On the other hand, in 1852. the Op , ~,,, . , poattlim vote w i g 116,1,91 . ; in iiit?, 101,207; 1 is i.it.,, 1 0,406i and la 1869,194,186.-:., r -VM, 4 , , o ° .l leq 1 11 .,_ 11 4tue& The . 1 same mops of ere .iii4w tbna‘twat .France , SO • oi , f i r►,___.," ! hi. • -a ii: "Ors' tiiil strength `the vppoissuon has increased. in early a minion of = votes.— On this bolds, =Or the.• -Debags, eves though, nothiss• ocouktivent to accelerate:. thilillailmilatA! 416e.Oppoidtkatholls will attain as waliii.' mitasliasgositi. The French people eve effilliffidePelvoi-heingTeer7 of inge2llll. EMI 7 . : ter% mai valved at 013., I!! discharged pima lan days ago by reason of the expiration othis tem of service. Be Y' hl epil i sMal Ns' herd,; a p i t s4z , th e Wowing account of bia ex- "I 4111,1ampe . ,b g a ait gy : Ouster hadeont nand of the troops. ' There was quite a force of cavalry with us, but these were about a mile in tie rear" when we first dis covered his reds, E 801:13e of the troupe bad • been sent around so as to attack from the other aid& The reds were encamped in a • sort of valley, and we were within eighty rods of them for half an hour before day break. Just in the gray of morning the fir ,ing commenced on both /Idea. and we bad it all our own way for a few minutes, the cursed snakes being much confused, and not knowing what was up. At length they rallied, and we could hear Black Kettle shouting and ordering. The vermin got In to boles and behind rocks—anywhere they could tied ripla,co; and began to, fight back with a will. We fired wherever we could see a toplitot, and shot squaws—there were lots of them—just as quick as Indians. When it was fully daylight we ill gave a big yell and charged right down into camp. The lodges were all standing yet, and lots of Indians in them. As we run through the alleys a big red jumped out at me from be hind a tent, and before I could shorten up enough to run him through with my bay onet, a squaw grabbed me around the legs and twisted me down. The camp was full of men fighting, and everybody seemed yelling as loud as he could. When I fell I went over backward, dropping my gun, and Ihad just got part way up again, the age r ibpe ' ing me by the hair, when the Indiat dmy gun and struck me across the neck. The blow stunned me ; the squaws kept screeching and pulling my hair out by handsful. I heard some of our boys shouting close by, and the squaw start ed and ran, one of the boys killing her not three rods off. The Indian stepped one foot on my chest, and with his band gather ed up the hair near the crown of my head. Be wasn't very tender about it, but jerked my head this way and that, like Satan. My eyes were partially open, and I could see the bead work and trimming on his leggings.— Suddenly I felt the awfullest biting, cutting flash go round my head, and then'it seemed to rue just as if my whole head had been jerked clean off' I never felt such pain in all my life; it was like pulling your brains right out. I didn't know any more for two or three days, and when I came to I Lad the sorest head or any human being that ever lived. If the boys killed the viper, they didn't get back my scalp; perhaps it got lost in the snow. I was shipped down to Laramie after a bit, and all the nursing got hain't made the hair grow out on this spot yet."—Detroit Free Press. A BL,uoe•'s Torn AROUND TUE WORLD.— The Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church in this country are not diocesans, but exercise a joint and general authority over the whole Church. One of them, Bish op Kingsley, is about to start on a course of Episcopal visitations, which affords a strik iug illustration of the breadth of the field over which our American Methodists have extended their missionary operations. He goes first to Colorado, where he will organ ize an annual Conference ; thence to Ore gon, to superintend the meeting of Confer ence there; then back to the California Conference, and then to Shanghai, in Chi na, and from there to the Conference in Northern India. After that he is to visit the work In Gerfilliany, Denmark,, Sweden, and other Europa/a countries. This visita tion round the 110114 is to end it? France next summer ands Bishop expects to reach his limit* vain, if life Is spared, in September of next year. In the programme of this tour, the days of the month are specified on which each meeting is to be held, and such is the completeness of mod ern arrangements for travel that very little apprehension is entertained of a failure in the appointments. CUBAN affairs grow more and more inter esting. Numerous expeditions, conveying men and supplies, have reached the island from American ports, and have doubtless given great encouragement and aid to the revolutionist& We have news that in sev eral recent encounters Quesada, the leader of the revolted forces, has gained signal advantages. Spanish power on the island is evidently waning, and its supporters are becoming disheartened daily. Spain is too fur off to render efficient aid, and the home government, besides, has nearly enough to do in attending to its own affairs. Mean while the leading members of the Cuban Junta in New York have been arrested by the United States officers, on comp/MU of the Spanish minister, on a charge of vio lating the neutrality laws. Classics, Isranca.trioN.—The subject of . Chinese immigration to the Pacific slope will be brought before Congress at its next s ssion. Several prominent Representa tives are now on a visit to California, for the express purpose of studying the whole question, and' another gentleman leaves In a few days for San Francisco with similar intentions. It is apprehended that the number of Chirtese who will arrive here within ten years will be estimated by mil lions ; and the theory of some newspapers and politicians, that they come merely for the purpose of working, without any in tention or desire to participate in our poli tics, is regarded by many as an assumption not altogether warranted by fact, history or experience. CAMP IiKETINO AT TOWBONTOWN.—On the I 4th install, at meeting of the husi nese committee of the North Baltimore Ci rcuit, M. E. Church, held at the house of Joseph Gorsuch, in this place, it was re solved to bold a camp meeting at Towson town, to commence on Thursday, 26th of August next. It will be held upon the pro perty of CapL C. R. Chew, in the rear of Epsom Chapel, a beautiful location, with an abundance of pure water upon the ground. The meeting will be under the supervision of Rev. Dr. Dougherty, preach er in charge of that circuit. Invitations Imre been sent totbe Members of the church of the surrounding circuits, and it is expect ed there will be a large turnout. GestsaAL Gneen—No President has ever moved so qrdetly, about the country as Gen eral-Grant does.; Hie antipathy to recep tions and speech making is so well known that his time is not intruded upon, and he is generally leftto himself. They contrived in Boston to extort half a hundred.:words from him on .Wednesday, but farther at- IlPoo Min were neeless, and he let • the banquet hall and Sod to Groton, where like could awake 1401gar,4elotlY with Mr. Sontwell. • Grant's aninple wW bo rive of good ; it lads other pawns In (*- Oa We to keep ' l inens, The evil of the ais `fgals." Silence .is coyien, and as is no gold in circulationom we have no OW&N 21": awn. Adv. _ IT is ssooonco from Washiagtou that sites- the close of the prune, bald Tear , (Jane 8o) and unit funhor antes, Jo:taw of vrtekty perching Of heads sod sales of teeratery of the Thiesurf WE purchase $1,000,000 of bonds in sitentaid V elbeeollinshebiettrinairdg, lint le a jiklut twin iti1144 0 . 0 00 01 0 04 igt Milo* web. / 111111 dati l )1 a l 8. =l:======fi Cunots..-4 new petstots established at Mayberry, at to **IS phew ll tralol1 1 1C WS -4,04 4 0 „ whl I been dog ha ~. Cuarammtnn.—TheAndatera Troop pijo pose holding.it re-union in Carlisle on the sist bf Inly.—Two horses, one belonging to Aa qm, and the other to Hiram Each, both residing in Lotier Allen'imin stdp, were stolen on the night ; of June if. A reward of $l4O is offered for the return of the hones and detection of the thieves. —The erection of the Soldiers' Monument, at Carlisle, Is to be commenced, soon. The monument will be lopated in the Court House square. It will stand thirty feet high, and will stand upon a mound four ket high. The base, three het high and ten feet six inches square, will be of Gettysburg granite.—One day last week, a little boy, who resides in Mechanicsburg, started on a fishing excursion to the creek, and return ed in the evening with a "snapping turtle" as the result, in part, of his labors. Wish ing to preserve the life of "snapper" until morning, and thinking water its life ele ment, he incarcerated it Ina thirty-five cent bucket filled with water. Later In the eve ning, having occasion to wash his face, he betook himself, unthinkingly, to the afore mentioned pail of water, and dipped his face into the water, whereupon "snapper" seized him by the nose, and hung there with that tenacity for which the creature is well I known. With some difficulty, and we are glad to say, with little injury to the boy, be was relieved from his unpleasant position. FRANNLIN.—The two-story brick dwel ling of Mr. Wingert, near Fayetteville, was burned with furniture on the 16thult.; sup posed to have been fired by sparks from a steam saw mill close by.—Adam Hoke, an aged, and one of the most wealthy and in fluential citizens, died suddenly at his resi dence in Mercersburg, oa Sunday evening, the sth inst. He was in his 78th year. —Kearney Lodge, No. 159, Knights of Pythias, was instituted in Chambersburg on the evening of the mit inst.—Martin Shoemaker, of Grateffenburz Springs, was bitten In the thumb by a copperhead snake on Sunday last. FRY DILRICK. -- CluttleS H. McDonald, aged only sixteen years, an employee in the office of the Republican of Frederick city, committed suicide on Sunday morning. YORL.—The dwelling of Daniel Worley, Franklin township, was struck by lightning last week, shattering the gable end, cornice and one tier of rafters; no injury to the family.- On the 9th inst. a trial of speed be tween the horses of Mr. Charles E. Kuhn, of Hanover, and Mr. John Brandt, of Littles town, came off on the Frederick road, near Hanover. The race, (a quarter mile dash,) was easily won by Mr. Kuhn's horse. Purse, slo.—On next day a trial of speed took place on the McSherrystown road, between the horses owned by Messrs. Simon Diller and Peter Weaver, of Han over. Two heats were run, of 410 yardi each. Weaver's horse won both heats, the Ist by the "skin of his teeth," and the 2nd by several lengths. Purse, slo.—Joseph A. Brenizer has been appointed Route Agent between Baltimore and Harrisburg.—On the night of the 16th inst., the house of Michael Hartman, in Loganville, was enter ed by burglars and robbed of about forty dollars worth of clothing ; Zacharias Kraut and Edward Howard, of the same place, were recently relieved of some leather, provisions, dc., by burglars.—Jacob Ho:- ter had his leg broken on the 14th inst., by the falling of the frame work of a wagon shed which was being erected on the prem ises of Mr. Hannegan, Hopewell town. ship ; several other gentlemen were injur ed at the same time. Rapoers have been received at the Rev enue Department from the revenue office's of East Tennessee., North Carolina, and the border counties of Virginia, communi cating intelligence of the destruction of sixty illicit - distilleries In those localities within the past few weeks. The work It rendered exceedingly difficult and danger- , owl, owing to the remoteness of the districts and the desperate character of those engag ed, and Gen. Sherman has directed the military, wherever a force can be spared, to render all assislance in their power to the revenue officers In their efforts to suppress these violations of the revenue laws. A LARGE Strzna.—On the farm of Isaac Stebman, near Mount Joy, Lancaster coun ty, according to an account published in the Cohnubia Spy, is one of the largest bul locks In that county. He weighs nearly four thousand pounds, is six feet four inches in height, and measures over ten feet in circumference. He is about six years old, of Kentucky breed, and is generally con needed to be the largest steer in the State. He will remain on the above farm until next fall, when his owner, Jacob Kurtz, currier, of Mount Joy, will ship him to the Philadelphia market. Is consequence of the great difficulty en countered by the revenue officers in Phila delphia in the attempt to suppress the num erous contraband distilleries in Richmond and the other districts in Philadelphia, ap plication has been made through the Com missioner of Internal Revenue to the Secre tary of the Navy for a squad of marines, and to the Attorney General to direct the United States marshal to contribute the aid of the local constabulary to assist them in their enleavors to enforce the revenue laws. A NABZOW EBOAPE.—At New Haven, List week, as a little girl three years old was looking out of a window of a third story house she lost her balance and fell. quite a number of persons saw her fall and ex pected that she would be dashed in pieces on the pavement below. But,. very fortu nately, the loop of the child's shoe string Caught upon the blind fastener, and she hung in that position until a man who saw her frightful condition could run from the street upstairs 'and take her in. It was a very narrow escape from instant death. C ! C ! C !—Nonnts is Just from the city with the largest and cheapest stock of goods in the county'. All kinds of Men's and Boy's wear; Straw Hats, Leghorn Hats, Panama Hats, and Light Fur and Wool Hats in endless variety and cheap. Also Summer Clothing of all kinds and Cut In the Latest Style. Young Gents wanting a Fashionable Snit made in the latest style and good material, can save 2t-per cent by getting it at'Norrits' store', Arnold'. old corner. HAGA.NII MAGNOLIA BALM.—Thia article Lr the True Becret.of Beauty.. It Is what fatehlonable Ladles, Actresses, and Opera Singers use to produce that cultiva ted, diatiague appearance sommela admir ed in the Circles of Fashion. It removes all utsoky)ttly liligabiwp Red neee, Freckles, Tan, Sunburn and Effects of Spring Winds, and givea to the Com plexion a /Snowing Purity of transparent deliaey and power. No lady who val ues a. Complexion can do without the Magnolia Balm. 75 cents will buy it of any of our respectable dealers. Lyon's Estisairoa Is is very delightful Hair Dressing. drum 11-1 m _ _ StirGo to hcar the Musical treat in dig 'outwit Hall, on `may evening. It - Lae ettektkin of aziratders is dire et led to elie adsatikeass of 00813 Dios P1Pf31.41. CUBA, in another part of We paper. Tide truly 'rake* Yadkin. lierm are lebblimPlll, - Yead _. * *"2 . • - 1. '''VED MORNING GLORY.—: ,- ' .• onto Mornitig Glory Skive, leo ids, , , , objected to for use in - by families Inn but e ` 6 not adap - i ' ' • ' 'Ai r . . 5 ".7:' 'difficulty has If" e Oiled t0: 6 4 -laitlelondsy we saw oneWl.he?tiprofidd ,:. 2,,, , it Glories ilrojs „lriljelit“, Mlle WO:sso . . ~ - _Col. C. H. Bnilietzst,san Cattikt streetoihlch seems not only to obviate objections but to meet every desired want. It la potblng more or less than the ordi nary Morning Glory, with an Oven about 15 inches in diameter attached, and Inge nkialy eriangeddanipers by which the heat can be thrown around the oven at pleasure, and Making' it as hot as the ovens of the best cooking stoves. Water can be boiled, pies baked, and even meat roasted as readily as In a cooking stove. This contrivance, while preserving all the qualities of the Morning Glory as a 'beat er, adapts it fur the sick chamber, or use in small families requiring but little cook tug. LUMERR.—The attention of Carpenters and Builders is invited to the extensive assortment of Lumber of all .kinds to be found at the Lumber Yard of Col. C. H. Huehler,on Carlislestreet,opposite the Pas senger Depot. River and Mountain Pine, Hemlock, Laths, Siding, Joie°, Scantling, Shingles, Pickets, Flooring, Posts, dm. an., furnished in any quantity , inti at low est rates. tf THE 'FIVE WONDERS OF GETTYS BURG FOR ALL TO VISIT—The Ka talysine Springs—Orphans National Home —National Cemetery—Pennsylvania Col lege—and E. H. Mission's Cream Soda and Ice Cream Establishment, on Chambers_ burg St., adjoining Keystone Hotel. P. S. Our Cream Soda is delicious. tf ARE 1100 P SKIRTS FASHIONA BLE f—They certainly are. And the La dies know that to be well dressed, Hoop- Skirts are necessary. The best stock to select from is at Iniphorn's, store, N. W. Corner Si/are. tf CH A DLE.S.-- Grain Cradles, Of Greenmatle manufacture, three sizea. decidedly the beat In use, on hand and for male by It. SfiERFEY, l miles south of Gettysburg. June IS-tf ARRIVED —A fresh stock of Cassimeres, Carpets, Floor Oil Clothe, Lawns, Sun Shades, Hosiery, Gloves, de. has just been received by Duphorn, and are the cheapest we ever saw. May WAITERS WANTED.—A few first class colored Waiters will find employ ment, by addres.,ing Dr. G. D. SMITH, Pronietor of the Springs Hotel, Gettys bnrg, rte - Persons having Black Oak Bark for sale will do well by calling on JOHN RUPP. He pays 168 00 per cord delivered at bis Lanyard in Gettysburg. mny2B.tf INSIDE AND OUT. ''The outward forms the rosier mau reveal, We guess the pulp before we eat ato peel." • Certain it is that a man's dress reveals much of his habits and character. A clean ly man, however poor, will never be slovenly in his dress, and on the other hand, a careles man, however rich, will never be a well-dressed man. It pays to cress well, there can be no doubt about that, and it is equally certain that the place to dress up at is Oak Hall. it Jfi ptrial Notitto. aIiND YOB PRICE LISTS We have on band printed price lists of met of the leaking goods to oar line of business. each as Qualms ware, Grocers' Drugs, and nelfGooda, Sugar., kalt, Oils, ho., which lute we will be pleased to mall to any sod all storekeepers who will mod as their address, muesli. WY. BLAII k SON. A GREAT POLITICAL REVOLUTION was accomplishad log the election of Grant, and a re. volution of Immerse social Importance has beam ef. fatted by the general substitutlau of that pure and harmless preparation, CRIBTADORO'S EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE, for the deadly compound of lead and brimstone, of which, according to the "Journal of Chemistry" and the "Medical Gazette," more than thirty varieties have been foieled upon the public Orittadoro's Dye is the only one that HAS BEEN ANALYZED ; and Profetwir Chilton. over hie own signatnr•, de_ Ware, that It le perfectly wholesome. CRISTADORO . B HAIR PRISERIATITE, as a Dreading, mete !Ikea therm on the Hair after Dyeing. Try ft. &OS by all Dru;siot. [Jane 11-1 m "A WORD TO HORBE3IEII." TAR. TORUS' CELEBRATED TRIZTIAN HORSE V LINIMENT has berm tested by the first llorsemen In tlat• country, and proved to be superior to any other. The late II Irani Woodruff, of i.trott ing Lime," we. never without a bottle In hi. 'table. It is also used by Col. Both, of the Jerome Park Course, at Fordbam, N. Y., who ha. over twenty running horse. under his care, among slikh rank some of the gout sock in Ame:ica. 11 Is warranted to cure Latnerem, !pis ine, Scratcher, Erni/to, Gallo, Cuts, Wind Galls, Coll c, Sore - Throat, Mail to the Foot, and Orer Mot log, when cued according to the direcHons. All who own or employ foram are &muted that this LI 1:1 hoe nt will do all, If not more, In coring the above named complaints. No horn need die of Colic, if, when first taken, the Liniment Is need according to the daectlons, Always have a bottle In your stable. Price, to Pbsibottles, One Dollar. The genuine is signed S. I. labia. on the outside wrapper. For sale by the Druggist., Saddlers, and Storekeepers through out the United States. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. - • [June 11-1•2 IMPORTANT FACT We see that persons of strong constitutions, and young, suffer SO days with pains of the limbs, loss of appetite and fever, who suddenly get well after a eholle followed by 'limy, bilons stool.. The relic. produced by those evacuations were the original guide to the ides and practice of purgation, and which, when adorned by Biandreth'■ Pills, always benefits , tumul i) cures, and often pre, outs disease,. especially Scarlet lever and dlsmumes of similar character. I. L. Cook, publisher of the "State Banner," Ben nington, Vt., says Brandreth's Pills wed bins of Dyttiepsta, attar tens *Misted with it °Ter AT a year' His friends and doctor" considered Ws recovery Im possible; but six boxes ol Braroirettt's Pills restored his health pertecty. • young lady of Mount Pleasant was sorely troubled with Tapeworm. ♦Il advice and medicine felled to help her. Bile had no rest. Thin, careworn sod un happy, she looked the picture of misery. Al last she concluded to try Brandrath's Pills. In one year she took beventy 7 two hoarse. Thar, hrunght away, cording to her computation, over two bandied yards of tape -worm_ ♦t length all herbed eymptorna left her ; she slept and ate naturally, and her health be came fully restored. [June 11-1 m ERRORS OP YOUTII A gentleman who stormed br years from nervous Deb Oily, Premature Decay, and all the erects of -k m ai a to indbeettien, win, br the sake of miliming nmanity, send free to all who need ft, the receipt and "directions for Making the Simple remedy by which he was cared Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver tiser's experience, can do so by addnastog, in perfect confidence. JOILN B. OGDEN, • . N 0.42 Cedar street, New York, 'flay Id, 111011,—ly A GREAT REMEDY 102 !HZ 0011 OP THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES. Dr. Wiabart'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial It h the Thai prisolple of the Pier Tree, obtained by • peculiar progress la the distillatiod of the tar, by which itz blithest medical properties are retained. It is the ouly saiegsard and reliable remedy which has ever been prepared from the juice of the Pine Tree. " It W a rit:meta? the digestive Organs and restores the beat the debilitated system. r are n t It parties entenriehes the hiecal, imd is from the the ayatollah...empties which suoldli breeds en lungs. It dilativp the imam or phlegm width ,tape the atimmireos of Ilse lamp. finalhig principl e Up= the levitated wfoce of tie hap andr throe; midfepostto to each dheesed pun, rillentes patilad isbduisig It Is the ram* of years of Seedy sad aspimmant, and lib ofireCto the sUcted, with the positive as latuanot its paha to sure the lollowlag emanin the patient hes hot-too tam delayell a retoott . te emu of eurerii Coomothetket of the Loici a they, a + Throat eoth attot i rookith4-Uior c aim* tei r o r a sal eg inothrive ugh. INlth= i t i a. as ex t.. ~,,, with onset thlter li m Palmomr7 silhadows eII•mi C IMML, I" b ca ort% Pine Tree'tharOentia -We thetreo— ,LC A ditlM, iofirrViZzaitirifilayi hait int matter oo l = thetne th roitethib • best theatortnituttes esadogogh. Se& Wet Throat therLuatillemitthee we ocapeeed of anodyne', Adair allay Um• milk ibe aidiU w alt WOW:- - ,eitetiithrtiottiw etheees,theithree theme as, widths WNW WY aosedaidaadatiotillahl. id laths thetas, Wombs/ theme Iteposit the , anew of car owes esteems *rides,. ETIL The Pfne l TreeTat °With dial ft.= airs wa li n g,* become tasy MOWN the on irritation of the domes thembnath end tablas, maid the hump to set pd ilitair ad' the on *Why pethetiom, eithe lad t. mitt** blood, thus Wes. V ttheall a aore 4Le Whe .4or. oarui t at hie once loth*** sad diapdaido *an Kea lad Want, at ____ . . . • sow's. ."--------- 'in ' '4 : 43 ELIXIR. 4 1 .... 11 *speptia—Costiveness. Ty on WI 'headache try MARSHALL' I .1 aid be vhsoad that although other TOCCl•iiell •fill re you, this will sire ;ow hui r tia , 1 tenor. t and fatigue your eery.* have "..110 , 011•** _ eat Headache admonish,* y 0119141 gm mous may happen, such u --.1.-IVIIIIARigi, DIVNY.BB OF MUT, andotti-efliert-edngaervous affections, thou Marshall's IHlsir by stein toes alma strength to your systems, reenenii You to perfect health. Whenever cod which shoeld be digested remains In the stomach, causing paused atieastoses for the ward of Mall prirscifil• Welch leo* tender it ituy'ordlgier Mon, thew by motet Marshaa'e !Uzi, you will eupply U I D; this deficiency andevent its recurrent.. and so be tellorZigMl" A......r • ~ hiking cleansed rink" an u'aeant y to a healthy condition., coativenasa arid the otter at. tewiant dlaordars of the beiselsr ere od neenisity pre vented. Price oi lifarshaH r a H lixtr, fl CO per bottle, F or se, by all Dreigirtabi. Depot, bliol iitartet at. M. MARRIIALL k CO , Druggists, Prop ribtors 71a.210.-41 • T HE ICIDNICTS.—THM KIDNEYS AMY TWO in number ' situated at the upper part of the loin, surrounded by fat, er.d etneletlng of three parts,ris: the Anterior, lire Interior, and the Jinierhore The Interior 'blurbs. Intei for consists of thints or reins, which serve as • deposit for the urine and convey it to the exterlor. The exterior is a conduct. or also, terminating in a single tube, and called the Ureter. The ureters are oonneeted with Ow biaddec. The bladder is compoted of rarities coverings °rife. suer, divided into parts, viz, the Upper, the Lower, the liervonsothu the Mucous. The upper , xpelf.thw lower-retains. Many have a desire ro urinate , with• out the ability; others urinate without the abi.l trio retain. This frequently occurs in children. To cure these affections!, we Inuit bring into action the mueche, which are engaged in their various functions If they are neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. The reader with ale., be made aware, that however alight maybe attack. It I. tore to affcct L4plity hgeith sad nt,..n i n t rowers, a. our n. 011121.1 1/).X.1 ore supported from three antirres. GouT, 06 0 ins' in the Toil, is indicative of the aleore dieeaseA. 1114 y a cur in persons disposed te acid stomach and c1.14y cc acre. non, TUC GEAVEL—Tlirgrn Tel unglrnt Cr improper treatment of the ki,ine, e. These organ. bum g weal:, the wilt°. in but ea prili frt m the Wad. der. but allowed to remain; it 1, 4 . ,1111, revel and et:dement forme. It is from ILI■ depolit that the stone is termed, and gravel enema. PlilienY in a of water in somu parts of the Lady, and hears differ, nt names. acet.rtling to th, part, arrerteit, viz: When y rr the b,,,ty, it is called ATJUalea: when Of the tit Ll. , tut'u t AnCiten; when vitt.. chest, 1.1 rtirdthoraa. TIitATMENT.-11elrobriii'n highly concentr..t,l com pound Extract bucLu i s decidely one of the beet ree• ratifies fir dil, an.ea of the bladder, kidneys. genre!, dr, peical rheumatism, and gouty affec• tions. Under this: head we have arranged D3suria, or dilLculty and pain in pa.eing water, scanty See", furl', or trnall nod lei ilurrit direful rges of water; Etraugnary. or stepping of water; Il•motturin, or bin ~riot and Rheumatism .1 the kid.) q, iti, iiily in but inrrra, u 1 r .1. ur. or dsrk water. It saw always highly roe...untend ed by the late Dr. NO niCk, in these affe..tions. This turchcine increases the I..wer of euiles the ab.crl,t nt., Into Leatithy carreise. by %bid/ th.lwitery, or C.likateMlN, awl all au• natural enlargements, an welt an pain And initm mutton, are ftrldElCed, and it is take,, by :Jinn, I.n. , uieu, and children. Dire,tions r•r tire and diet accom pany. PUILUMLUILI, PA-, Feb. '25, 1667. . H. T. tivinnoLD, Drugghd: Desk Sia-1 Lave been • sufferer, ri,r upward of 'twenty years, with gray el, bladder, and kidney affec tions, during which time I Lave used various medic inal preparations, and been under the treatment of the must eminent physician,, experiencing but little Having seen your preparations extensively ►dyer. Used, I consulted with my family physician in regard to using year Extract Buctia. I did this because I had Randall kinds of advertised remedies, and had found them worthless, ■nd some quite injurious; In fact, I despaired of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter on. lens I knew of the Ingredients. It wee this that prompted me to one Jour remedy. Aa you adverthel that it was composed of boast, cubets, and Juniper berries, it occurred to me sad my physician a. an ez• cellent combination, and, with his advice,after an es amlnatlon of the article, and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I commenced its use about eight months ago, at which time/ was con fined to my room, 'From the first bottle I was euthini lettedand gratified at the beneficial effect, and after using it throe weeks, was able to wills opt. I fedi much like writing you a full statement of my case at that time, but thought my improvement 'nigl t only be temporary, and thersuore concluded to defer and see if it would efftct a perlect cure, knowing then it would bo of greater value to you, and more iultlsfec tory to me. I am now able to report that a cure ht effected after using the remedy f.r live month, I have oat used aoy now for three months, sod feel as well lo all respects as I ever dld. Your Ituchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and In•lgorator of the wystem, I do not mean to be without it whenever cceaeion may rr r A n ire its use in such affection. If. )IcCOIIMICK. gh.,.01d any doubt Mr. McCormick's 'lament, be refers to the following gentlemen: lion Wm Bigler, Ex-Governor, Pennsylvania. lion nos B Florence, Philadelphia. Lion .1 C Know, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon J 9 Black, Judge, Philadelphia. lion D IL Porter, ex-ilovernor, Pennsylvania. Hon Ellis Levi., Jodge Philadelphia. Hon C Grier, Jude , United Slates Court. H. a 0 W - Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia. lion W A Porter, City Solicitor, Philadelphia. Lion John Bigler, ex-Governor, California. Lion E Hanka, A oditorGeneral, Washington, D. C. And many others, if necessary. Sold by Druggists and Dealers every where, Beware of counterfeits. Ark for 'Pike no other. hunr--SL2S per bottle, or 6 bottles for s6_6o. De livered to any address. Describe symptoms in all communications. Address B. T. lIELMBOLD, Dreg and Cbucatcai Warehouse, 694 Broadway, New York. NONE ♦RE GENUINE UNLItBB DONE UP IN eteel.entyravec wrapper, with fac•aimile or my Chemical WaraLousa, and alined Janes-2n - H. T. Ii HUI BOLD. SPECIAL NOTICE SCUENCK'B PtL3IONIC SYRUP, Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, will awe Cses sumption, Liver C. mptaiet, and Pyspepal If taken accordion to dirsetions. The, are all three to be Ls. ken et the Nuns time. They cleanse the stomach, re lax the liver, and put it to work; then the appetite become* good; the food digests and makes good blood ; the patient begirts to grow la flesh; the disimeed mat ter ripen, in the long., and the patientowtptrewp the disease and gets well. Thus is the only way to cure consumption. To these three medicines Dr. J. H. Scheeek, of Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled muerte in the treat ment of pulmonary consumption. The Pulmonic Syrup ripens the morbid matter In the lungs, nature throws it off by en easy expectoration, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe, • slight cough will throw ft of, and the patient her rest and the lungs begin to heal. To do tide, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills mast be freely need to cleanse the stomach and liver, so that the Polnkscic Syrup and the food will make good blond. Schenck's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, re moving all obatructions, relax the ducts of the gall bladder. the bile starts freely, and the liver Is wow relieved ; the stool. will &bow what the Pine Min do; nothing has ever been Invented except calomel (a deadly poison which Is very dangerous to use unless with great care), that will unlock th e galibl i od er and start the secretions of the liver like Schenck'. Mandrake Pills. Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent moues of Consumption. Schenck's Seaweed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, sad the alkali in the Seaweed, which this, preparation is made of, assists the stomach to throw out the gastrin juice to diasalve the food with the Pulmonic Syrup, and it famade into good blood with out fermentation or souring in the etemacb., The great noun why physiebusir do not etre con sumption le, they try to do too much; they give me. dlcine to atop the cough, to stop chilli, to stop night sweats, beetle fever, and by cc doing they derange the whole digestive powers, lotting tip the seCretioret, and eventually the patient sinks and diet Dr. Schenck, In his treatment, does not try to stop a cough, night sweats, chills, or favor. Remove the muse, and they will alI stop of their own accord.-- No one can be cured of Coristimption, Liver Com plaint, Dyi ..nsepels, Catarrh. Canker , Ulcerated Throat, unleu the fiver and stomach erg made heattly. If a person has consomptfon, of coons the Unpin some way are diseased, either tubercles, abacuses, bronchial Irritatioe, pleura adhesion, or the lungs are a mug of Intlammotion tad clash decaying; In inch miss what mug be dime l It L sat only the lungs that are wuting, but it is the whole body. The stomach and liver have lost their power to make blood out of food. Now the only chance la to take Schenck's three medicines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the patient will begin to want food, it will digest easily and make good blood; then the patient begins to pin in flesh, and as soon as the body begins to grow, the lungs commence to heal up, and the pa.- tient i v=shy and well . This is the only way to tar. puou, When tier, loaolabg disease, lid only ItlteBol4 plaint and Dyrpepils, Schenck's Smarties! Tonic and Mandrake Pills are standout without the Pnimonlc Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely In all bilious complaints, as they are perfectly bermless. Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health. for many years past, and now weighs 225 pounds, was wasted AU'S , to same skeleton, In the very last stage of Pulmonary Consineptlon, his physicians having pronounced hi* cue hopeless and Unadvised him ae fate. He was cured by tbi aforasaid medicinal, and since his recovery laiiiousands. af- Blued haveiseed-D: ,prelineetkunwl liter , nut rensarkable mast; I divot:Mobs lug each, make It not absolutely necessary to person ally see Dr, Schenck, aphis; this paUents wish theig lungs examined, and tenth* p4rpone he is prilresido4 ally at his Principal Dace, Plellhdelpida, every Solari, day, where all letters for advice aapathe addressed.— He is also professionally at No. 39 lioneirtreet, New York, every other Wednesday. Ha gives advice-free, but fora thorough examination with his Respire_ meter the price trill. DSc& boars a r t each ity from 9A. if. to 3P. if. • • •• • •i _7 Prica of the Puknoule Syrup and. SosyssiTolik each 91.60 per bottle, or $1.50 a balklosen. Mandrake. Pills 2.5 tante • box. For sale by all druggists , DR. J. H. suamtex, 16 N. Bth et , Ps April M,1869.-ly TO CON The Adverther, having beef restored to health In few weeks, by a eery simple remedy, attar ttaTing sale fared several years with a severe lung_ affect/no, and that dread dhiatee, Consumption-11 analatis to make known to his fellow-inifferers the means of cure. . . To all who desire it, he will sends copy of the prop. earlption used Mee of charge),Mitit the directkeetter preparing and using the same, *MB they will dud sere Cure km Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. The (Meet of the advertiser In LasMblilks PreortiP lion is to benent the ailleted,amtsprisit Blimmation which he conceives to be invaluable; aid he hopes In, eg rairarra will try his maandy, as ,Itlrgi cos t them nothing, and may proles hbaaskag.' • ' . . Parties wishing the prescriptio ,n will picas address RSV. NDWAND A—WILSON, Wlillamsburg, liar county, New York. hay 14, 1809.—1 y ' ' • : 400141) . Merriman while ruidinti /fall lmaiteraa a ON;e o fr 6 f OffkMll. 4 4 l l4lfit the Cu,. Nervous Weakness, pay? 'wil e the Iluelzal °maw, sad Of train of WNW' W — eire7e=vieltea bs = 541 t1dr d... ..b&. ready. ?twitted toy a desire to en re makded end tiftfullueoll win add tted reedits's, preepaitai WI Mier ads eddrifteekli feweakelf , of Wide e• for efie 'who wederli,.M4o tempt. Addtimp M ••• I • ..101.11,2 IR ut, Station D, Beige HouseiNserolo, • ger : lf.-ly Iprppe neryrpa, WIRI a. , Not Skive lionahltalwi, td. Wire Webbing for Uwe and Poultry Yards; itreme Earif i MM 01:rif Dadra: 204- nedwirlitree,Orieste Wire Work, de. Way fewatfen by addrwher the eaawfsetanes. Iw WALItU t llanw Mlicn > dt /Kith 6 1 .. Phllr [1•16.1,1311),-17 Air DIM/138, NttliNgile AND LintiMortAk_thlto . tutq ISLAM, /11. D., :,..:_r t:C= Wr aire • • Lamed, of de, Nottood,) No. k u re 61Ve ` 711 V e:VNVit St l o E ir M a 7 ll = 1 1 7&111 4 V 1 7; s4l.Pir ME AT PAXTON'S/3TO** dif TUN NAL: NAME El ~.1.41111W.7,01.rrtT,917,2•Nr`t: . .„ • FRES:fiGIOCERIES' every watt from the City, Prorkttrth; bided M . °MS/mit, ki,a4s.ltittvr pft.411,4 i9wMf —, , . nous. coax ilati v aimiak antsaamp:i m i. 49.4.2. 8 0.44 0r ~ALL gAxlmiss. NOTIONS, CON/NOTIONARINS, BROOMS, Se.; deo, Tr Luck as Scantling, Porta, Si&glen, Plnglale:Atoill' sally on hand At lowest tiring, taktaa, C.l44lllauot. Jane Si.—t f. JOSEPH GILLESPIE, 1 Dealer in I+'lotii,[4tiottiti6s, Notions [ GETTYSBURG, Vlrorte 9th:ft pijp:tZteliarl=l Celt *rot 14) th. Maio iv" couletia•cillibip bow ro t G ROCERISB. 8 ' , guy. 6 / I ruPa. NoMaw, Oodrimi, Nam, 11440 14 , Sift kc.: the BEST BR. NDA'orltotat n the mirk et, With flame , Shoulders, Blass, risk, Dried isults,Couiroecusie. dr.. Also, • , N OTIONS, lu great variety; Cedar and Stoa•- are, Cruekery-ware, Baskets, Hems, TotuNecui. and a thou.lud and onauther article.. BUTTER-AND EGGS, • .1, .ind (reel,. always for sale. Gut-astir Co. will spare no effort to visas*, and, are confident or being able to do so by constantly keeping a full and choice stock, and selling at th• car! lowest profits. Carrera! Pgenumt wanted, either for the cask or In etchangs forgootle, highest market price allowed. JOSEPH . E. °wain.; June 17,1863.—tr \VM. J. MARTIN, dIiOUERIE,S' AND LIQUORN A Virgo lot of Urocerios that I in senior Clue, for Cub CHOICE LIQITORS, Old Eye Whisky eight yedrs Old. Very Old Frene Brandy ALL OTHER KINDS OF LIQUORS, A general ii.sortment or BITTERS, mow' which firyip pure Liquors for Medical pur post. st WM. J. MARTIN'S. pabie Cutlery, Glassware, Queens- WARS, kr , it WY. J. MA MN'S. April ZO, ISt I C A V M. BUYER & SON, GROCERIES, _NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, Stone, Wooden and Willow Wars 110*.A general assortment of all Goods usually kept in a FAMILY GROCERY, Dee. 4. 11167.-t f BARGAINS GROCERY IN GETTYSBURG JACOB W. CRESS H AVING opened nom Orneery,ln Sleitysbnrs,Ola the north-west corner of the Public_ Npare, he. lust received a splendid assortment of rim GROCERIES Including Sugars, Colfee, Molasses, Syrup, Teas, Speonr,Tobsceo,Salt, Tish,Mmos, Shoulders, Or Alto, QUEENSWARE, CONFECTIONS, Nuts,Trults,Sospe,Yancy Articles and Rot {OVAten et sty We mid also keep on hand FLOUR. and itts,D -6711/78. %ming parctuuted flu. CUSH an d an prows& sell very cheap. Give me a call Judgefor yes?. selves. Sept. 2.3.18117.-tf _ROCERY. WM. B MEALS 11/8 OPENID 1 Grocery, Vegetable and. Notion Store at hie realdence adjoining Meals & Brothel"( Krssedb. yard, In EAST YORK STREET where he le prepared to moll as cheap as the eiespee azutbing fn Ais line.- Give Pia call. Mara 18.1869-8 f gni 21114 Xersoul $2lO. • VALUABLE FARM A+ PRIVATE BALM The undersigneilaixecatiitz of the will of Attars Towne/an, deestm; in accordante wick into will. now offers at Private Sale, the valuable Para on which she now re sides, bZon/Orsg to the heirs of ams E Jowswelstis eldrigAt eag township, Ad co., Ea, iboiti 1 % ? north fts of Hampton, four mem hew Wirt StrOas Oprialge and 34. *lle from tie. Naltheare and Chattels idler .imatatukes 2111 ACRES, more or lase This Is emalienly buten es the "Old Round Hill /arm." It Is mostly of the graeltrfeoll, bib frees heavily limed Mitimered, and le !IWO 1441441, of cultint Wu VMS are about 160 Ammo, good firmhsg land. and 40 Acres of good timber.. The farm Is well watered with springs and misting water; a ner-thllies 'print of ise•Uant water about 25 yards er hosn the door; also, another eery large sad strong *stag about w iiront the how, rap 'saki' the water rpm Uto the hews roe ntie, , Arced by • hydraulic Rem, which hlis been " 4081114111 OPlMatdatt hg weer twenty year,. There is a berre4f atcelfeat water standing to the kitchen all the limb.ecutaSl Lr wallas or vaulting. from. the honeoltuf weber le carried by lead . pipe. to a. trough In the barn yard, thus forandring plenty of: water all the time for all the Mock. The Winding,. and . 113 + irsriZei FA D W IV= I Grata May mows, iltzthallbi k„ ifFait , ;;Abled, Grata House, Machine Roam, Smoke House , Spring Rama, Rog Hoar e end other: necessary ruder .pins shingle. roof,— There lea No.l apple Orchard la good order also, Neches; Pears, Phne, Oberviet, do.; in anoe. Thierirable atm Jitr,r7 solgri o te4 ta raga tlharthes. smolt al, Grist MTh itemenisit/f All parsons desirous of purchasing a lints are, Minvited te „enentine ann then*. eaves. They will and ftei hmtasentet. T, easy and reasonable. 114 it A ter t ietap lira= etilin *au trA t tetett, t by letter, by eddreulag MAST 7. TOWllllMiltiocatzlz. amperes, Mime to, Pe, Jana 18,1M,-3 4s* WESTERN PRE-EMPTION LANDS.. - - - il - A* - I,i9IIIIAND 1. . Al T R A 0747. S . . diresd &sad, virepigoi irradiolilisiiks. mos Ma. limida:c i as 4 ty - rovis. - £ 6 4 - Atvgfll44l•oobor boodle, which S will IQ. it “. 4 444 1 11144.* far Paco f o r Bowl "mat* In Adonis eamtv,es. G. WALD. Feb.f.lB6B,—tf WoO,III O OELSAIX, "4.'" 09 - 11M1138 ()Mk 24 - 2 xo.t z 1i414'161;f sort se 134 Pull* abaft /11111 Mi OATAIRII HZEI F 32 ELEILE3 T2INE titLUMBLR W 1104..4 •od R. tall Deal, In ALSO, at the aim .7. W. CAJUN. OF Iro. 1, . •1t4113104' Glettr•iirwi EST A MASH E D.—A ne bag been ent,»,bllnbed at (tree III) cocinty; with Ilbbert 1 'Ma odic° in lot rrmsL,r. Graefen . 4,erg snd rayetterfil PA itA110.1.9.---Lu'aso4, delicate "Wes' 'igo the most dlatitwilahed • with coin oonhipglit $ green or blue it A DIBII.-61r ! , I bort, at this plass, Yaw a fina ittprfpatiy d.velgyidi by him, whits!, measures etrtatin if po9nds. - ON THE BENCIL-00 at the meetiwg of die Or commission of Judge H.► by direction of Judge Fla Harper took his said on member of the Court. LONG ROD.— Capt. A. iiieieted by 1. 11. Moore, We the lightning rat oeir the Gil It Hotel. There ate 02 feet of highest point Le Its feet from' It is said to be the highest ty. LARGE BARN.—)fr. Jo Ilamiltouban township, is Baru 1Q by GO feet., the large Tract Messrs. F. nud D. C. Sul township, have finished a fin LO ft.ct. busy making bay. There w ally large yield in the county beginning to show signs of some will be ready to cut is days. We hear of weevil in - . but no material damage can grain is already well filled. TO RA DlJA'rki.—We 0,. FINLEY 11 . 014 E of this borou H. LADY or Arendisville, ar graduating din* at Um ilex went of Franklin and M , Lancaster, Pa., wilieh La to Thurs,lay, July 1. Mr. LA one of the College lioneor.a, the Sialututot ACCIDENT.—Oa Tuesda while Mr. James Router w. same carpenter work at the p the scaffolding gave way ju... about giving a cut with a right hand. The conscqu• _hatchet struck the little ling Land, cutting off the end of T 111: TENTS.—The Seer has ordered the tents whir. President of the NationsiCem tiou, applied for, to be turn's , rlstuti_ They will be put a. west of the Seminary, where ed on July 1, I 8 ia, and wit: lteyuolds fell. Acuttct_TurußAL rat ul Nlanagert of the Ad rieultural Society have fix: Wndnus‘lay and I'huratisy and 3tn.li of Septaakbor to next annual ex ibition. bu open cm 11 1,,r reetption of articles us hi hit.oll itENI EMBER 'POE ORP to he hoped that the frie tilt-1-W orphans will not fo them with a supply •of at dc,, to dispobe of during th Deilieution or the Sbldlt next week. Materials for thetuselvel to make up, w ,ly reeeixed at the Routes KILLED.—Ntaj.II. H. Osten, while croieing the oda the old Shippensburg r a•Rattleenake leth4th. It had 13Yattles, brought home with hie.) • When tittanketi, instead of proposod in make fl alined blow of a large (la at ouce. STILL CO NI ING.:—Capt. in the last tbmpiler, adds h list 01 mind idates for Clerk The Democratic Conventio bust of "patriots" anxious serve the people, from w their selections, We have sionneeinents-7 for Sheriff ?for Register, 4 for Tresure vecMr—with plenty more c FESTIVAL.—We and strawberry Festival last w. ladies of the Methodist Epi realized about *425, from are to be deducted. A man's Gown was voted for, excited a good deal of inter .day evening the students • made a rally for Itev. Dr. V ident of the College, and prize. "STORING FOR A ' ; nez a ■oggditive Millersburg (Dauphin Co. illustrating the folly of from market after It termed "We have been in formed in this valley has stored thousand bushels of N. • which he was offered aim. a bushel, but wanting mo hope of its rizinir in prioe, this quantity of grain has his bands." THE FIRST THROUGH —We see It stated that Israel late U. S. Consul to Java, through passer.ger on the P He was ninety-one hours m from Omaha to Sacramento, the driving of the "last splk Mr. Diehl is a native of N well known arra very erten ;fatigable explorer of remote returned anent a year Mace Asia. GUIDE BOA RDS. —The guide boards to be paced' every road, and it is the d bles to report to the Court • • law has not been complied wi useful prow hi ion , ant! benefit) es of people. Nahisigis ; than not to know which . • take, especially what s lokie a place where inquiries Many townships of this 6 • tirely deficient In this rape° :respectfully all the It -visors to this subject. NATIONAL MONUM day last work woe • tional Monument. Im been erected, with the and workmen have been bit 'tone In position. As mash lost In the tramih.pment of will keep the eosins:Sot • monument up by the let. of hands, however, will be 4 A. M. to 8 P. M., and it fevontble the naosnuotiotw We are requested by .who is superintending the' monument, to say that . Cemetery will be required safe distance, so as to guar Rossibility of seeldeot idoulty is apprehended, yeti. of the immense weight of Atones and the height to wh be raised, a giving-way of lasikstitagiappumss anent. J f this warning is lite p•bile tieisto cit oloaisd b vh6olllll, , 4r.,