4ki 4tar mkt aottylibiiir; ?ridlay, Slay *l, 1869. G EN EIRAL NEWS Tl3O S►. 'Lord, thti victim of the great "Lord bond robbery," died in New York. . . ti.-4scir is set &wit for. early trial 111 a Ten":kesset court to test the right of a magis trate solemnising a marriage to kiss the Own patent medicine nutnufacturer ad ',Artists in twenty-five Winder/1 papers in this country. It is needless -to iiddtliat his 'profits are enormous. TES new whipping post and pillory at New Castle. Delaware,--were inaugurated on Saturday. Three criminals were pil loried and ten were whipped: Tun Governor has appointed Strickland Kueass, Esq., Chief Engineer of Philadel phia, and Cokeel James Werra, of Har risburg, to . lie , Commlssioners,. under the act of Assembly approved Kara 20, 1869, to settle, determine and locate ti, southern boundary, line of this Commonwealth. A natsciarioar of the Baltimore Amocia tion of Friends saw the President On the 17th in relation to the re-establishment of schools in the South. The delegation are appointed to advise - with the leading Friends in the Southern countiy, and particttlatiy in North Carolina; 111 - referene6 to IJie 'above übject. 'Fur. ordinance granting the Baltimore and Potomac :raihtotui; the right of way through eirtain streets "in Baltimore City and to tunnel certain greets has been pass ed by both brauches of the Councils .ind been signed by. the Mayor. Work is. -ae lively progressing, and a new Railroad line from Balthnoto to Washington will be eumpleted within a year. Lumete. Dups.—The Columbia herald says: "The lumber trade is quite active, and dealers appear to be purchasing heavy . stocks. : We quote pipe boards at $l9 to. $22; hemlock - at $l3 50 to $l5, pine timber .1.8 lb 20 Caserta per cubic foot. There are a attat munbir of iiilhtinthe water at our wharves; none are arriving as the we ar is too low" Jour+ Cum; of Qhio, the 'fainting drum mer boy, who dropped hia &inn for's mus ket, at ChicktuMmga, and shot a Rebel Colonel who demanded his surrender, and 'f' l3o )Fao sul egaet y wctailedin another engagement, has been appointed a cadet at large - to Vest . Point by the President. He was but 12 years of age when he beat' his drum, and is scarce 17-now. De. Lir.wis of Carmattura, Wales, has forwarded.to 274 e 73riliah' Medical Jour nal an accopA of if examination of Sarah Jacobs of i larerfihtntrhm:irth, who is said to hare takeano fn .i cod simui Pctober 10, 1867. andlidr even water 'since theind.ofDecem ber, 1868. Dr.. Lewis remarks that the statements made respecting Sarah Jacobs are of such an astounding nature that belief is scarcely poritilge, yet he accumulates evi dence Which might produce conviction. The girraparettte ere respectable farmers. not in needy clreaustances. A (elver onniir of The San Francis co B,u . liCtin, Who lately visted . Queen Em ma in her Sandwich Island home, found her reclining upon Mats and pillows in the Oriental style. A broad verandah made a most refreshing. shade. She offered her vis itors a dish of edible bark (Llittle like slip pery elm, but very tender,) and some fruits . Her grace -and dignity were singularly pleating. 11cr only coronet was of wild flowers, which are very generally worn by both sexes, and are very becoming. Chains of flowers and berries hung about her neck also, giving out an agreeable odor. A Ntea Coutmer.--The acquisition of AlaskaTrous Restid,a, aLa coat of some seven million dollars, was considered by the late Secretary of State, Mr. Seward, quite a "feather iu his cap." What kind of a coun try it is, we are told by a Sitka correspon dent, v(Ito writes: !"Takes ooe big mountain covered with trees born the' base nearly to the sueunit, with an undergrowth of brush, briers and moss, almost impassable ; multi ply-the -one by teif thoUsand, and 'you have . Alaska. Thereis a terrible sameness. One singular feature of this mass of forest is the absence• of birds. I have seen but one robin in Sitke." A SIcAKE WITH TWO lIEADS.—On Thurs day, April 20tb, 18C3, a man named. Joseph Brant, living.in Ilarrison tp., shoot hall a mile 'lmitheOf'l3uifal6 Mills, when going to his work after dinner, heard his dog barking not far from tke road, and upon going to the place found a large blacksnake lying by the side of a stone pile. Atter procuring a weapon, with which he killed it, he &mad that It had two -perfect heads, one on each end :ITOlWithstandirig the suOcy appe.trance of this !Aide h-ictoetched fc , r tesTionsible partie. 7 =_Rett‘ord inquirer. • • ' Sava.N .companies of the Fifth United States Cavalry ! unties command of OeOertt; , Carr, while moving from Kapsas towels Fort IticPbersozi, on the 80th .instant struck a camp of fire hundred Cheyenne Indians, and a dc.veratelight ensued. The Indians were badly whipped, and at last advices General Carr was still in pursuit of them. The Indian loss was twenty-flve killed and a large number wounded, the cavalry los ing three men - killed and three wounded-- A party of Indittris at Fort Hayes had to be roughly-used le prevent their munkaingllie guards. In Arizona they are committing murders and deturintiois!; - Ix Dennisville and other places in New Japer a hell vy lysinetosi cedar trees' out (Vile nitrifies In which they were , buried nifty, ceututitte ago, and covered Witit 'peat. The wood raised from these idled *efts is 4soundthilf re felled, aid is lastly' iumie i, l shingks. Tree after tree from 200 to 1,000 years old; in ay be found one 'over`another in the sa4 marshes on the , ;`Jersey data i " shosiog the immense age of the lowest layers, end also showing that this region has roeen jp,r4tuiliy sinking for thousands . of years. In one else a tree with 500 annual dummy Ibund directly under the stump , of another in which I , o 9i2klv4eCutinted. . 4 womits wrltal to.the New York. Time* from Washington some very sensible reflec tions ou department clerkships.- They are not only sensible but timely, and it would • bo better for tiles_ country could they be, heeded. No more undesirable poaitiott 'for man or woman, young or old, could be named than a desk in a department . Washington. The Wary' la rarely n4e Ain Is retittlred for subsistence ; the temp• talons to ge•uattlty . are !trimly and strong ; the routine of occupation is tminstruetive in , , itself: and bno ads to tHiug higher 3 the tithe after office hours hangs - .listlessly 0311. the clerk's hav4a ; and after years of unprofi table service the oftldehnlabr kit> bftenieaves the gapikti umilAut . d 6,1 ,ill'uOlo'hipa TIII PfiliTMOT#l4ll.-airAiiRAL Au re-or ganizetrihe spyCisr mad seryice, and for that ptuposelai divided the country into six divisions, each of which laa ia►nts, supaintandents;;ind -railway wall service agent, to.invaidigate mail deprettation also three vostleltiTaliecloir - % 4 Ner Eukhinft Stat!si make ifp th, titilibitrict 4 blew I ; enti4y/ilinit, /slew Jersey, Marylantl, Delatsar and the Esateinflhore of VilfAolWimsatute the: ationillsiiatrlet. Roswell Hart, or Rochester, is We superin tendent of railway ieriice. The inspectors are, fqr he Arai iliatriet, Israel lieDosald, of King* N. the seem], . 1 1,C. 41si bnilleilakiA.,OollJettiee L. Wag ner, of Baltimore.. The agents appointed to itmodgite Kati del.Tol4lg°3o.j choi, ifetorori*S,4; Oaf Thadmift. rbt krs, _ intl. MANTUA-MAKING MRS. E. J. ZIEGLER Is prepared to do emery description of Plain Sewing, Dress Making included. Residence—Bast Middle it., one door from the Medici. diet Church, Gettysburg, PA. treb.6.—it OHN W. TIPTON, FASHION ABLE BARBER, opposite the Eagle Hotel],, Gettyaburg.Pa., where ite caiiat 411 timeabe found ready to attend toall Wines) in hie line. Relies alaoso excellent a ssiitant - an d will inanre satis faction. Give him a call. May 29, 1867. GRANITE -YARD , GETTYSBURQ, PA., ON RAILROAD, NEAR FREIGHT DEPOT. PETER BEITLER Is proparod to !oral& GRANITE, for all Mods of BUTIMINO AND 3TONI23INNTALTURPOSEB, at realonaLte rates--' Curbing, Sill; Steps, Ashlers, Posts, Monuments, Ceme tery Blocks, &c., &e., cutoid fiaisbell ip. entry style dualretl, bye beat of workmen. - s3,..Orders from a dlatance promptly attended to. June 3.—tt JEREMIAH CULP GETZTSBURG, Undertaker & Paper-Hanger, pretqtr,dto furnish on short notice and roasonabhs terms COFFINS OF ALL STYLES. Ile also I,lens on hand a large as.,ortmc ntol WALL PAPER, wtik.ll he selliat lowestinsis rites, and If de sired will turn i.h panda to put it no the well. PLAIN & FANCY SIGN PAINT ING EXECUTED TO ORDER. Sir - Tort reet—it tow door t 9fLuthiertin Cburc MAi 27,1865-tr. ROBERT D. ARMOR GAS FITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL HANGER, • East filideffe grxe;r,hatta square from Me Cburt-house, GETTYSBURG, PA., - WILL promptly attend to all or dors in lifeline. Work done In the moot satis factory-manner, and at prices as low as can possibly be afforded to make a living. • - GAS PIPE farnlibed, as well u Chandeliere, Brackets, Drop Lights kc.; also WATER PIPE, Stops, Top and Frost Spigots, and,ln short. everything belonging to gas or water fixtures. Bella httng, and furnished If desired. Locks of al kinds repalsed. [Dec. 25,1807.-t MARSH CREEK PLANING MILL. THE undersigned has established a PLANING MILL,•on Marsh creek, four miles from Gettysburg, at which he will mantiGictura DOORS AND DOOR FRAMES, WINDOW SASH AND FRAMES, FLOORING, WEATHERBOARDING, Chair and Wash Boards, with everything else made at such a factory, and needed in the building line. The best of lumber will always be used, all thoroughly dried, a kiln Laving been put up for the purpose. Orders solicited, and promptly attended to. Prices as low as the lowest, and every effort made to accom modate =Amen. JOHN D. PFOUTZ. May 20, 1888.—ly FURNITURE. D. C. SHEAFFER . PETERSBURG, (Y. 5.,) PENNA., Is prepared to offer:to the Praillc, anything in his as cheap as ca be had In the county. *3Purchasers will do well to call and examine my stock b.k buying elsewhere. FU RN IT U RE made to order. Repairing done neat cheap and with ilsns ,, h. • Jan. 22.ise&-t1 NEW BUSINESS. Upholstering & Trimming. _ WILLIAM. E. CULP HAAvo,fryelt ablimesotnatZjggiloncipixro4tteroilearerhi Covering Sofas, Chairs, Mat trasses, and Upholstering in all its 'branches. 'ffe also, continneii him old liudineto of Truing Buggies, Carrlagca, - *c., and eoticrts'from the puhlic their patronage. C.lnarges moderate. e t tisbrtir t h bec.ll.—tf HOWE MACHINE S ! P 1 LATEST IMPROVED GENUINE ELIAS. HaTVE JE SEWING. MACHINES. -- :JACOB F. THOMAS, AtiknefortAletiu Caanady,/ti., THOMAS, P. -0, (Culden's Station.) O REIMS will be promptly attended to: Machines delivered to all parts of the wanly and instruct -boss given gratis.. .gThe public are cautioned against parties who use the name of HOWE: in connection with their ma chines on account of the popularity of the liuwe Ma. cbtees. Thereat" bone GliN VINE' tualtis they. Lave imbedded in each. machine • ,siedallion having the likeness of ELIAS IIOWN, Jr., on lt, &c. Feb.26—ti WHEAT WANTED. The titelorsigueti will pay the highest market prk• GOOD _WHEAT, delivered at iris Mill, 1921enwood formerly licllbeurfi, fa Ffighlastt tew• o sh'!p Dec. 18,11168:—t? urveying—Conveyancing g . J. S WITH ER OW, FAIRFI.t.T.,D, PA., Tenders hls services to the public as • PRACTICAL SURVEYOR, and Is Prepared t 6 survey Farms, Lots, to., on rea sonable term.. fleeing taken out a Conveyancer's License, be will also attead to preparing DEEDS. BONDS. RELEASES, WILLS, LEASES, A R- 7 TICLES OF AGREEMENT, CLERKING AT BALES, 16. , Liming had considerable experlence in this line, he hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. Sutt ees promptly at tended to and charges reasonable.— Postallos address, Feld/ell, *slams co., Fa.; 1860.—tj JOHN G. LENHART, ' SURVEYOR. WILL promptly attend to all cans la th e Survey tag line. CHARGES VERY MODERATE. Raddlasee in Nom Oxford,. kiliti!tt co., Pa. - • ICE CREAK.. SALOON " JOHN GRUEL,: — Chambersburgst., Gettysburg, Ira ouwizoios birieaunisiiihi or ! jOl CpNF,EcTIO-NBlty, ctik: Use beet r rigas, with Fruits, Aims", served ick cnottogort, aid orders for Patolltei , or Par tieoipromptly filled. Hartniari=outodatioos Ike Ladies A sod fleiallotosa, ' ad to plow bo Invites kb Moods to irfooMbill cap. April 9.—tf Ti • • QYP 1. nuwat Afip Tong vitintm T luzvitnaa!,!T -Braniliall • mune 1-1 .400.4., • , PRINCIPAL DEPOT, • F. RAHTER & CO., No. 6 N. Front St., Philadelphia, RECOM3IENDED BY Ex. GOT. David R. Porter, of Pennsylvania. non. Itobort J. Fiaber, Edward McPherson, Hon. Joel B. Danner, Zoo. Wm. Maberry, CHERRY PECTORAL, For Diseases of eke Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, 'Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, • and Consumption. • Probably never before in the whole history tine, hasanything Wee eo Widely and so deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long eerier of hears, and among most of thoraces of mon It has roan igher and higher to their estimation, as It has be comeletter known. Its uniform character and pow er to cure the 'orlon. affections of the lunge and throat, have made. It known as a 'tellable protector against them. While adapted to milder Curing of dis ease and to young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can bo given fur. Incipient consumption, sod the dangerous affections of the throat and lungs. As a provision against sudden at tacks of Croup, It *boatel be kept on band, efery family, and indeed es all are sometimes eubjeot to cold' andccinghs, all should be provided u ills this an tidote for them Although settled Consumption is thought incurable, still great numbers of eases 1, - 7/ere the disease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the pathect rest oredto sound health by the Cory Pectoral. So complete is its tnablery over the disorders of the Lunge and Throat, that the most obstinate of tire, under the Cherry Pecte,ral th ey sat side and tli,ai,p e ar. Singers and Public Speakers nod great Protection from it. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cared by it. Pecßronchitis is generally curedhy taking the Merry icral iu multi and frequent doses. Su generally are its virtues known that we teed not publish the certiticates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its nualltles are fully niaintnined. A.yers Ague Cure , Fi,r Fererand Ague, Intersuittent Fever, C7;ill Freer Remittent Peer, Dumb Jude, Perio dical or Lill as Feces., in., and indeed all the affections tchich arfee frons'artafartour, marsh, or usfasosztic poisons. As its name implies, it does Cure, and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic. Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other cahteral or poisonous nut, tance what ever, it in Dewlap injures any patient. The number and importance of iLecnree in the ara* districts, are literally beyond account, end wo believe without a parallel In the history of Ague medicine. One pride Is gratified by the acknowledgynents we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, mad where other remedies had wholly tailed. unacciinuit v d person*, either resident In, or travel ing through miasmatic loe.tlit ice, will be protected by taking the AGUE CURE ...rfOrty or rue Liner, it is an excellent remeilyotimulating the Liver Into healthy activity. . • For Bilious Disordorsand Liver Complaints, It le an eocaUord remedy, producing many truly remarkable curea, Whom otlaor rue‘lici nub had failed. Prepared by DR. J. C. AILEIt dCO Practical and Analytical Ctieudids, LberelJ,Maea,;auB sultl all round the wort.] For dale by A. D. Buehler, Druggi..q, Clettyabprg Pa. coce 1809.--32 THE GREAT Invigorator and Restorer OF TIIR Vitality of the Stomach. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Materials. Pure Tonics and the most. Pleasant Aromatics. .. This invaluable Remedy for DiaPepf la and General Debility of the system is offered to the ontilte, after it fair trial edits merits, with entire coutlitruce that It will CCIIIIMSZKVIIef r appro.:O. ..re hits been submitted, with the materials which compose it; ice - practising Physicians—among others to Dr. If: 0, G. Priln'en, one of oar oldest and moot eminent Physicians; redid tug at .Ntsw Oxford, who, after examination, pro. nuanced it a Remedy whirls would nol Jolt to showits salutary effects, when properly administered, In eases of Dyspepsia, springing tram old age and debilitating affects of serlorni inward diseares—wcaleening, tad at Mat destroying the nervous power of the aornecicit. self—and therefore entitling it to he nrati s i:itlcally called ''The Great Inrigorstor." Dr. IV. Ji licOterts, another prominent Pt ysiclan of New Oxforn, thns glees his opinion: Now Orman, bee. 30, • 11e.Jone BUEDZY. Dear Sir:—At your requsat I hav'e examined Great Invigorator," prepared by you, end the formula from *Wall it is prepared. It Is comptoad ty some of the rimat.posrarful vegetable teaks and mostpleasaut effumatics known to oar prolemdon, end bine no hest tasey to reeeminandlng it in ChrenicesaesorDys. vomits; Rodin alleluias of leillgeat lon resulting from datdlitysof the Stomach. Ettlikliaff that, if properly need, It will.be of Incalculable bcaedt to the suffering of our race, I subscribe myself, • Yours, very respectfully, W. J. fiIeOLIIRE, 81. D. it36.hlsaufactered and for. sale, wholesale aud tail. at Now 'Oxford, Adams county, Pa I.IUSIIEY LIEAGY, Proprietors. AGENT.I.—The "Great invigorator" can be had from the following Agouts: D. E..routz, Baltimore, If.d. ; S.M.° lhbons, Balti more, Md.; 4. D. Buehler, Gettysburg, Pa • A. S. Ilildebrand, Bast Ilerlin,,Pa.; F. J. Wilson , horarick Bor., I's.; Theodore Pleget, Berwick Bor., ' Ps. ; P. X Smith. Lrishtown, Pa.; B.G. Lawrence Mount, Bock Pa.; W. A; Mlillliffatry, 'Bed MIA, P. ' O.' Pa, ; . j. II Whit 'Weir trann•d, Pa.; D. 31. Millee; ?Sow Oiford a. '• Pan. IB.—t GOO Y. 0/ NOXLL A YER'S HAIR VIGOR FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE HA, R . . . The Great Desideratum of the Age A dressing which isat. once agreeable, healthy, end et tual pc preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair s soon restored to its original color and the gloss and Asthma* of youth. Thin Lair is thickened; filling hair checked. and baldness often, though not always cured by lie cue. Nothing can restore the hair where, the follicles aro destroyed, or the glands atrophied-and decayed. Itut inch as remain can he laved for tuleful. nese by nib application. Ittatead of fouling , the hair with a pasty sediment, I t will keep f t clean and vigor ous.. ita oecaalosul use will prevent •the from tensing gray or falling off. and consequently eroTe#t beldam. Nies. from those deleterious substances which nzakd some preparations dangerous and !Van. 'ciao the jukir, the Vigor eau only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a - HMI DRESSING, • nothing alas catt . b• Towel so .deolrable. Containing neither oil nor dye, et does not ill white eanelnie, and yet last, longer on the nir , giving it • ;lett lionly butra ead • gratalial porthuto. • Prepared by Dr. J. C. Apr it . Co., Oi.u.rxigt! ANALYTICAL CHBMUT% - . "- %Amoy" airvek *liaziatk G. lir m too,. is Pa. y 0 tINT' S-66-MPOUND'' . • • . • FOR THE &Jai PUTRID SORE THROAT, INFLUENZA, or any other Inflammatory or Inward disease of the Throat (f not of too long standing. Also, SG ARLST FEVER. This medicine has been tried In THOUSANDS OF CASES, In different parts of the country, and has never been known to fall if taken in time and according to directions. It is warrAnted to cure. Givens trial and it will speak for itself. Every household should provide themselves with n box of this medicine and keep it on hands. The curee,tlint It has effected are truly marvelous. ImPrepared and sold by rECILIAL Yovarr k Co.,Get tysburg, Pa , or by their authorised agents. For sale at nearly all the Stores In Adams county. May 39,1807.-tf ISRARL YOGNT k CO. THE GREAT ZINGARI BI T I"PERS. A SAFE BLOOD PURIFIER, A SPLENDID TONIC, A PLEASANT BEVERAGE. A CERTAIN CUBE PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES The BITTERS Cr. compounded horn a prescription of thecelehrated Egyptian physician Dm Critorsue, rho, after years of trial and experiment, discovered the Zingarini Herb--the rest remarkable vegetable production, the earth, perhaps, has ever yielded—certainly the most effective in the cure of die. ease. It, in combination with the other valuable pro- pertlaaof which the ZINGARI BITTERS la composed, will cure Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Cholic, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption in its first stage, -- Flatulency, Nervous Debility, Female Complaints Rheu matism. Dysentery, Acute and Chronic Diarrhoea, Cholera Marbus, Chol era, Typhoid and Ty phus _Fever, Yellow Fever, Scrofula, Diseases of the Kidneys, Ha bitual Cost i v e ness, &c.,&e. • In the PEEVE:S7IO3 and Ccltt of tho taw, it has never been known to fall, an thousand 1 our Moat prominent citizens throughout all pat ;, of the country, will testify, Let the affifeted 61-1.! r,r cir cular containing testimonials and certillcate• f those who have been fared after their eases have 1,, a pro- [tonne.] Lopekss Ly our bent physicians. itir - IBEND FOlt CHICULARS.IEIL leeb.l9, AYER'S PRICE, $lOO PER BOTTLE. 'I, I 6,IfELL, BASS E REAL glsTlm-:'AGENCY. I haie opeiked,_un agency for the . . SALE OF 04:ESTATE, qiibeetleiteeith tuy law tteluesit.in Qat tyaburg ? arties wishing b atii, or boy lauds, inky 'flua it lc their advantage to calf." TiOvoril • • • - Farms and Woodland A No.l, FARM. PRICY 28,000 • A TRACT, 90 ACRES, ,FUlt 21,600 A GOOD FARM, 330 ACRES, VERY 01111 AP A FARM, 130 ACRES,. NOR 4 3 , 5 0 0 A FARM, 65 ACRES, F0R5:4275 • A FARM, 54 ACRES, FOR 22,100 A VERY GOOD FARM, 100 ACRES A VERY GOOD FARM 125 ACRES A VERY GOOD FARM, 160 ACRES A. NO. 1, FRUIT FA ILM, 200 ACRES A. 0000 FARM, 160 ACRES, near Gettysburg • A GOOD FA [01.150 ACRES and 20 ACRES 14 - 091). LAND FOR 25,800 A GOOD FARM, 120 ACRES AT 235 PER ACRE A VERY GOOD FARM, 340 ACRES, AT 250 A FARM, 15,1 Ai RES, AT 250 A FARM,I3O ACRES AND VEItY GOOD BUILDINGS AT $36 PER - ACRE AOOOO FARM., WO ACRES awl GOOD BUILDINGS A00,M4 FARM, 150 ACRES Very ilosirable property in Litt teatime'. Also, lever-, al Houses 81111 out-lots In Gottyaburg for sale. flettyltbnri,July Attorney at law In consequence of the disastrous fire, which In Jen nary last, tlossro3 ed their 4tore and Its content/I', J. E. CALDWELL & CO. Jewellers, Have had made especially to their ordor In Europe and In America, an entirely New Stock of Choice Goods, ich are now opened and ready fur examination. Very Fine Paris Mantle Clocks, Every mort,fliont with the Lieu, Improvem eutc) NEW SIDE ORNAMENTS TO MATCH, Bronzes, Groups and Figures GORITA3I DIANUFTI CO'S FINE ELECTRO "WARES, Best S'lcrliiig • Silver Warm, Watches, Jewelry, &cy&c., A very fun ossortment at eery MODERATE PRICES., ' and otbers 819 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, Mar. 4, i569,-17 r i l 0 51 ILLIN ERB AND COUNTRY BTOBE- E Egria.9. AT E. RIDLEY'S, JOBBING . Yon will Hod the Largest Stock of Millinery and Strew Goal, hr this Oily, and a collcotitnt of bargillui opt to be found eleewhere. We rut leoßthe at Pieee Pricen. • Buy and Selt•for Oath. EDWARD RIDLEY, . . 3A.9, 31 I, 311 GRAND, A . nd 68, L 3, 70 ALLEN STS., Crastxr.k. Stows,. Fifth Block East ?torn the Bowery, SEW YORK CITY. Third and Second Pl.jiao —Rd First I.l .ior.—Wholeftitin tizthastrely. A pril 16691t1NG , 11f TLL 1869. r - It ESPECTFULLY in vitt art early Inspection of my J. nor stock of BONNETS & HATS , Ribbons, silks , Crap ,, ,3l.elitiest, Nets, Blonds, Laces, FRENCH. FLOWERS, Gimp astic: crave Tic iwti.gs. Also, FANCY GOODS of every Lit...capitoo sod the latast styles, sll of witch roll at the lowest cash Kai... McCREARY. GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD. FIRST TRAIN lcac , . flottSigburg It 8 14, A— X , nd~ectr[iau',rc•r Julicltori with trains go Lug th arid South, par , liongenr reaching Baltimore at 12 3 , 1, P. M., Ilarrisburg at 12 AP. M., Phtladel. ia at 4 00. P. and Icrw lA. P. ]t. arrive at Gettysburg et 12 15;P. M., with pmplengcra from Betltimore, Harrisburg, SECOND TRAIN INIVPi Oct tysLurg at l 2 40 and c,unecto at 114a6ver Junction with fast line N,.1 2 10, P. M , renchfng Ilarrid,urg at 400, P u., 11 I,th,lpitia at 9 00, P. M. New York tit 12 00,p M.; and with )fait Train Louth at 2 31, p. M., :reach- lug Baltimore at 5 ta), P. 31. Returning arrlies at Gettplwrg at 4 IL, I'. M., with passengers from ELI ti wore, 11 - !trritalrg, Yhila I, ia, tc. McPTIRDT Bup•t Ai r . ll 'SO, 1889. READING RAILROAD. SUMMER AR RziNGSMZtiT, NOXDA) , APRIL 26th, 1869 Great trunk dine from tlie and Northwest hr Philadelphia. Now -York. needing, Pottsville, 'fain:villa, Ashland, Shamokin, ,Letntrion, AlienStrirsi Haidon, Ephrata. Liths., Lancaaftw, Celt 11a, Ate.;le. Trains Irate IlarrlaLurg for New. York,, - is follows: A t 5:20 mail 8.10 A . 42.35 wore; 2;00' and 10.55 P. M., connecting, with alsallax. Trains on the Penn. eyleania Railroad, and arriving at New yprk at 9,44, 11.45'A. 51. and 310, 0 .45,0.:10 P. 11:, and. 6.30 .a.. 51.,• respi.ctively. Sleeping Gars accompany Lt5,n2.35, 5.:10 A. M. and 10.55 P. M.. Trains, without Change. Leave ljarriaLdr, for .]leading, Pottsville, Tama .lc4, in,rs wine, Aelalana, Shamokin,-Pine Grove,Al lant en and Philndeiphig, at 8.10 in At., 240 and LW P. 51., stopidng aasharion and principal Way Sta tions; the 4.10 r.: 51. train mating connections for Philadelphia, _Pottsville and. Colualida only. Fos' eottsv Ole, Schuylkill. 'tare° ,and Aabarn, via Schuylkill and Suaquebanua. 1d ilß. , ad, leave Ilartne burg at 3.30 P. 31. • - ltrtarlilLig, Leave New York 'irt-9.00 12.00 boon. 5.05 and 8.00-P. b 4., Philadelphia at 8.15".1. 31. Jana 3.30 P. 51.; Slopping car, accompany 'the 0210 A. M.: 5.05 and 8.00 P.ll. trains from Neer York,wittaiul. change. IVay P.issenker Train leaves Phi farielidaa a ft.:l° 74, connect in; avith aiinlinr train on Rait - Palma Rail- Toad. re turning fro., Reading nt 6:20 P. stiviabis ne all Statiotia. - Le.ive 6.46 A. M., - and- 2.15 P,. 41 SIS:t inok in at 5.15 anal 0.3.5 A. M., A etrland mit 'LOVA " . 3L.; a t 3,1 IL3O now, , Taniaqus at. 4 3.30 - A. nod 1'.31., lur brand NOV York. • Leave Pottsville via. Schaylklllaud Bus finelianna Railroad at 7.00 A:3l for flitralbutt, and 111)0 'A. 31, for Pine Grove slid Trifinidat. tittading Accommodation Train: Lemores gaihding ut 7.30 A. M:, redurnTni .leAtti PlittAdelphin at 5.16 P. M. ..,•_ • Pottstown Accommodation Train: Laurel: Page. town at 13.2 S returning leareallfrilikkiplailyit I:.lumbi. nail Road'4.ratnalltlilia nod 6.15 P.'31.10r E,pitrals, Littit,•beindeeter I Cultnbla. , Pt:rkiouten Rail Road Tra'anerMire PerklomettJuno. tion at 0.00 A. M. and 6.00 P. M. Rettrrtilhil re Plippack at 8 15 A. M, and 1.00 P. 51 ,tfitinetring with Binder trains on Instils fall Road. On Sunday : .Loavo Now York at 8.110 Poldes. hUa delphla 8.00 A. 91. and 0.19 P. M. the 8:00 sr. U.,rife rapping only to Reading Pottsville 8.00.4. St.; riebtirg 1.20 A. M. and 4.10 and 10.55 r. add Reid• ing at 12.55 midnight, 2.54 and I.lflA, M. for Harries burg. at 12.55 midnight. and 51i5 A.M. for:New York, coal 0.401. 31., and 4.25 P.M. for PI: iladpifdliai. Commutation, 31 ilpage t Scala:Jo, r.:choot and EXCUr! Ilion Tickets, to and from all points, at redcoat] Ratea. Ettk.ggotdp: checked through; 100 pop:011.6101re., each NIOOLLS, aeolug,p.. (leo oral Superintendent May 7, 1669. N ORTHERN CENTRAT, RAILWAY. ,-. WNTER SCITEDL7.4E. On and afte l Nov. 22, 1848, Trains ' , flaws llaiscrsir Junchca as follow-e: I,E4VE NORTH WARD 1.03' .x. an.—SDaity for . WO Ilardsport dai t t (axeept handsys) lehntra r R eel , utak,: Nisitararalla and Erie and the West. ' 10.58 a. m.—Dally (except Sand's) tor Elmira, Raft kn. LOS 'P. nt.t.litsity-ittespt ltandays) Ihr Wrlllarospori 8.05 p. m. —Daily (except 4andrs) for York. 9.21 p. sa , —Dally{steopit SundaartY tor Irarrisburg arid the West. • •- • LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 1.1.50 a. n2.—DahystappitHratparktoanuly. 6.02 4. 111..—Dlilly(04COPt Busdays) stopping at all Stations. 142 a. m.—Dally stopping at Panttaiiimay. 2.13 p. (sxcept_ gaindals) stopping at the. Btatlons.:, . ; 111)W. 8. YOUNG,Cien.Pasi. Agent, Bal thoore, W. DMA - IW, t4ertti f si, Jan..16,1088...tt •• • • A. IjENNESYLVAMA:'' tW , 2l2eirask soots ittzintng bet w m. 111264 14 and pit tsbuz. , Trains lowing ilittUsbasg-aa24-111.3 followlii itat z atuun c ia oniZ thieuk lino* ‘ 022 tie . 1 ler 2 . to 9 iir ak,: w r ik " Ism OAS " 2.26 " g 9 74 t i Fif 1. 11 7 6 % ,, 2 !Viir 1 Dd a a PtinideVni2 '' '_. " . "2 ":1 ' .' . • •••••g• ,'' ' r" ,- '" i. I.n ,- *, - -r.: . ' - - 0 ;I " I'' .24 : 7" - ' ' i the, . .• ' ,' , 'rt.. ... ~ • "i - , - Olt . ' . 4. .0k . V l '. 't ' • i NOW • , :; . .. ! 4 '! '4 " f " ' '. •: l& l'.. Tr i i . irdien .l46 ' t a idairlidthreitiatineukum apply to , - -- 11DWAita H. wilLturs, 41110*42101r!Ilfi1nit) R. O. 3.IcCREARY, Entfruly new N w Bi~lgu6 !or thelredeat at ECEM LP 82/.16.11, TIME TABT:E. grm rG Nl* Furniture ito6m' s Furniture Store in Gettysburg A. M. 4tI:I 4 VVER & CO . . ..: have Lean tisSie linelern eltlet and have laid-la a Parge And splendid essortinest el Cottage and Parlor Furnitute equal in style to - any house out of the city, width they offer to the patilc at city prices. Their •pock cousiattor •• FULL carreaz 01141MBER SUM, from $3O up. BUREAUS, !rm up. WASHSTANDS, from 12.50 up. TOWEL RACKS, from 75 etc up. PILAIRS, from 4i3 sot up. • BEDSTEADS. from $4 up. WARDROBES, as low ao $lll. TABLES, as low as $3. SOFAS, as low as $2O. LOUNGES, as low as 47. MATTRESSES, SPRING BED BOTTOMS and a grea var4et7 of otherDoods, allot equally low Wei, /1e - 'Cult and examine our stock, .mg AT THE OLD "SENTINEL , ' OFFICII4 South-east Corner of Diamond March 12.—tf TILE A III:MOAN BUTTON HOLE OVERStA3IING SEWING MACHINE CO In directing attentlen to their CELEBRATED COST 11.INATION LIVTTOII 111:11,E & SIWING MACII/NE beg lentil refer to its wonderful ipopultuity lig cog cinsleerroof of tell great merit. The increivie in the dens:mil for thierniunble machine ham been TES FOLD during tire tatlteven otentlts of Its first year before the public. Th i g graedetrdiglirpri s i ng =Dere, is utspreeedertied In thelifetory of wiwltigdnaeldnes, nod we feel fully warranted in claiming; that IT 47.45 NO EQUAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE n: TILE woaLD, And Intrinsically the Cheapest It Is really two Erlaxh CULIItkiLIO4I one. (by pint ple, and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) making both the Shuttle or Lock•atitch, and the Orersesming and Dutton Lola stitch, with equal facility and per fection. Itexecutee in the eery test manner every vs rint4,o, iliewiagoach as, Clamming, Welling, Cording, ThrtlngiElitchitig, Braiding and Quilting, ( lathering prittSowing on, (done at the same time,) and la addl.. tkio,Oretteams, Embroiders on the adge, and make' healinfufEutteuaud Eyelet Miles in all fabrics. . Every 3fachl tie is warranted by the Compan y,or its 'Agents, to glee entire satisfaction. Circulars with full particulars and samples of work dune on thls Maclaine, can te had en appllcationat the Ealtatoones (alba Company. lA' W. Cbr. .E7event7. and Chestnut &recta, Philadelphia, Pa butruetton• Oran on tho hinchtne at the roomy o the Corn patty gratottonaly to all purchasers. A. G'.ENTS.WARTED PREDEP.ICH PAXSON, Pretitleut W. B. MENDL:vi.tALLTreanurcr D. W. ROBISON, Agent,. Ciatpburg, Pa Huy .T,'-ly ,-. M u STITCH ! 837 50 $4O EP" Brat class 816W1140 MACIIIME6B $37 50 sin Oxen ad premirtu.s Lir $4 60 worth /37 50 140 orrutscriptionsk, WOOD'S 110CSE- $37 50 $4O HOLD ADVOCATE!, a first CLI/111 $37 50 $4O Family -paper, Atli, cent. a year.— $3l 60 /40 Also 137 50 $32 TICK ! TICK ! - $3O F,2 ANIERICA 3 WATCIInt. worth' 12, 130 i:,..ii t.r S.A.) worth of subscriptiuul.— $3O !? ~ Also $l2 DICTIONARY. $l2 $l2 W.1.4t. r's tnahriEgiall Dlrthmary, $l2 SLY w , .rtlt $l2, Orin as premiums for $l2 $l2 $l2 worth of subscriptions. Also $l2 ' $lOO Sunday School $lOO $BO . - LII3IIARIES, $BO .. , sou Large or email, to be releeted from SOO $5O 410 itAllill&ti , I the re', bra Book* pc, 110 pu1.1161.1e.l and giren ass premium $4O PO for an equivalent amount of sub- $3O $21.. :detiptlotte. . $24 kr. Also several other premium. equally liliersl. ke. 10E-The ADVOCATIL (formerly palled the Prorp,e tns,)cuti talus 16 large pages, amr afros to promote Knowledge, Virtue, sad Tearipersare. It has teen enlarged and improved three Unto. is Z" mobilo.— Send for speniutan copy. itddress 5. S. WOD, P. O. Minding, Newlntrgh, i. V' March 12.-7slo --- 1115 HOOP SR I RTES. 1115 WM. T. ROPIONS Ms Removed his 3 latintsctory ' ailtl Salesroom■ to N 0.111.5 CGE.ST:ii4T stag ET PHIL ADYLPIIIA, Where hie "Olio Maki" of Champion troop Skirts, especially adapted I, First-class TrAulds‘as and Retail Trude, will to found to embrace the utost extensive assortment In the Union, and all the latest and most d...l.l ' l 'St)le.. Shapes, Lengths and Sires, 2, 2!.1, yards round, of Plain and Gored Punier*, Walt:mg Shirts, Reception Trails, ka.,,te together with aver ninety different varieties of illeises and CI; d treq's Skirts, nil of which tar symmetry of style, !Suitt., 11,1E111,d, elosticity,durability acid real Cheap ntze, tremut gualed by ary other gtoodit i ln the Snarket, aidiaci. - ciarranteil, in alt. rir restart. Z. iris wads. to order. Altered and Repaired, ll'llolesale and Retail. Folk lines of Low Pnec. l Eastern Mad, Skirts, lb Ft eat nee, Cents i :trio ca, .13 Cants, 25 Springt, 55 , C , h,; lgaSprings, G 5 Cents; mid deSprings, 75 Cent, coo SE r-: CORSETS!: CORSETS!!! 57 different sty I $ and prigs, from 73 Cent, to 57.00, embracing If WorCey..Becirel," twit Pitting," Madan, Foy's Corset Skirt Supporters, Mrs. Moody's Patent. .Self. Atjurting,tbdwulyeul" Confide. French, Naglish and D , nueitic !land-mode Corsets, and superior French Pattern, of Cocci I Corsets, Our Own Make," to erktch e tart/ cippecial attention. T,oiagdetteasegament of .. Ladice' Cad, patrol:its, at - vorY fuer trrieca.• fiN.NNKAI itAiNNT FOR TUE ISAILTHAM 4-FAN NON PA514.14 850 4151C1 5 4kCIIINA3. AuParlor . sap °the r before tin Pttblie. FiNy-tnro of thesis No 1 Nlseliinca, Prins, 8,56 each, era Laing given airs" toscir aelltiqUeral 41 or.pr W gat slum introduced. ligrory person in went °fortifies in our line, should examine mr goods be Ore parcimaing awe - bore. Cell or send for welders, at our 31.emnfec tory and Salearocmsw, Na. 111 i Cbelitnixtst.„ Philadelphia. March 26.-3 w WM. T. 110PHINS. ONE POUND OF BUTTER , • MADE FROM ONE PINT OF MILK. $26 P EITTPC7 b OPII" I ngEr VLEA Dottie jQtDe NT, Ith slx gullutoi of milk, will produce - 6d IDS otplinip 6eidi liniter. mtx Inexpensive, excellent Unties 6 toils daily consumed from the tables of the' atilt Ho tcla, Restaurants and private families In New York City and elsewhere, . . , &.t Omuta , and OitY Rightofar Tait(' 1419 Itssliets tate44,peeteniti es kir soublfauhl le bosiness..imithusuortnous ptofttsw, 404 1 wonted .•Teq where. A _bottle of tis.• .1114rxe.k,solll el ta t to otake6o lbs. of Butter, with fall illteetlons tor use, will bweettlto soy .naldteas on the receipt. at $1 00. The publicArs eigittatioa si[alttst all worthless 100- tatioos, traftl tnacr Done of "Butter Pow erg, . Compounds ," :Ast Ole XXTRACT OF it P 7 .; 00 .„ 1, 1 1 $3 1, C 4 iifttini6 aolte 113 Jelberty 'Stret. -- , , • e ' ' ltiticl4, -it* Given crlcV Strut, . . N. 11.—Til the usa of the Butter Plant a par* and reellent Tobin truttor to made at a coat of, ataleeta ante per pound. [Jan. 21.-mds • PUMPS 1 PUMPS 1 FOR purewater use, neither bad t alitilrg wood. rueiy Iron., nor poison lead, but ' . 5 1 4 .4! iII#4II44TRA • ' CUCUMBER PUMP; made of wild jebAninG4 estalrcisi tasteless, duns. bit and got I wrtidte, but the good old-fashioned wooden Pump, made by machinery, and thwefere perfect and.accurate r Flrt!t! lest eaWilkattiontif of water,' and Cott tig less war 13 the money. Easily arranged sou to be non.freating; and in aoestrustion so eluipte that any am can put if up and keep it in repair. After thorough OW it it acknowledged the war Ann CILIUM. Twelve feet of tubing with each pump, free of charge. Dewar, mp• plied a lietebke t lowest manufacturers rata. For ciron/atai Dec .. • br adddtew' CRAB. 4, W4ATOHLET, • Alai Nara. Seventh SOW, • Piladelphia. Pa: No. Wilbert et. bet. 6th a 7th Market Arab st., • Philadelphia, pa Neb.l9.—am A. SERVANT FOR ALL, AWN* improver:4 tia 026 . 1.0 c.aciefoso and mt -' • 4 ' Mad Mtl i gaidanhANl Co any Dan asi ~,IT teliody'saddh, hy ocoa am ..'" Bred direction from the aria and closed tram onepoint, at 4 14 11 find the pie. Thin laa. provement is do p and chaadi; yet rzoort and strum evflAtt *A ImAiieszeneecby • am sear. 10 4 nor 11 tlid_aran n owis---tfi a posti; ma tce iAl* country kuietanith's sad asally , to= Iblmmilent._ _ ea rbnishiiii mot airwaves , tr, aria dal 4•lrl d a idedki*Jtana..lll4dismardialadai. -a ft e lfr i *" Awl* ilitthisianinfit ekt i ft t i di ebenalif ' --- SlTicat le: Use slikplemaillni a f *M. W k. 11414.4"11 , Nor *Unbar hlopudilosaHAAusr" A., t? , • ,1.) ,LI 1.2.1A1116 iliallatal ia. Ilaylii.-If • Mosallna P. o.,Adeem 00, • A Lukiektis Frestrasotaameatei Jo& sad Lard of Ms Tory bad 4 Vesi i...4-4f .u4MMITHIpMr.,.;Abrw, GO TO NORRIS'—If Tim want anything lo the GENTLEMEN LINE, for be keeps nothing but Gentteinen'e wear, and harp the LARGEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY. • G O TO MORRIS'—If you want - FPC 4 pair of HOME MADE GAITERS, war. ranted to give entiefactiou or Money .17.IYUNDED. A. M. HUNTER A CO CUNNINGHAM_ SPRING' GOODS, COATS, PANTS, -VESTS, OP ALL STYLES AND SIZES. ALSO, SHIRTS, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, NOTIONS, MUSICAL INSTRUMLNTS CLOCKS, WATCHES, TOBACCO and CIGARS, all of which will be soh! at abort pull ta sad warrant- ,d to pleas*. Olva biro a call at lilts store on Balt more .tresh(Plck ola Laud) Dear the Dies:toad April 9,1869.-tf CLOTHING, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes NEW FIRM! COBEAN UNNING-HAlif HAYS Jmt received from the City a new kW large stock of CLOTHING, The goods hare •I I Leon select.' with great care and - with • dwaire two:mat the wants of to cosaatoalty. The public will Bud the goods to boot the best quality •nd the LATEST STYLES. One sod all are in riled to call at cur Store, oil WO ft ore street, Dettystmeg,tesarly opposite Pahuestock Bros. It. C. COBIiiI2S, JAS. Ctrlit INGHAM. April 16..-tf KLIN GEL 'S Boot and shoe Emporium BALTIMORE STREV,T, TWO DOORS SOUTIT OT THE PRESRYTERLIN OtatRCH. -T .. undersigned -baguet returned froru the cit. I. with the beat and cheapest variety of Boole Shoes and Gtiteri; for Spring and Surucuer,"eier, or lered lie Gettysburg. Hiestuck cAnstalsof • • LADIES'. CONGRESS GAIIIFRg LADIES'*ITAL MORAL' GAITERS, LADLES' COILTION GLATTARfri LADIEO'HID SLIPPERS, alt styles, LADIES' MOROCCO BALMORALS. • IN LARGE VARIET. GENTS' FRENCH CALF BOOTS, GENTS' AMERICAN CALF BOOTS, GENTS' RIP BOOTS, GENTS' CONGRESS GAITERS, GENTS' CALF BALMORALS, GENTS' SLIPPERS, all styles, GENTS' BROGANS. c., 0. • MISSES' CONGRESS GAITERS, 3115515` BALMORAL GAITERS, MISSES' MOROCCO BALMORA.LB, 50., Au.; lc., Ac. BOY& CONGRESS GAITERS, BOYS' CALF BALMORALS, BOYS' BROGANS, Ac., Ac. INFANTS' SHOES, all styles, IN LARGE VARIETY. Also; Boots and Shoes of his own manufacture con stantly on hand. All will be sold at the townie living profits. Buy ars, from town and country, are invltailto tall Mad eiamine goods and prices before purchasing else. Where, feeling confident that I can' yrtaiLia elf who The hILNUTAGTICII;NG of Ytoots . 81soys, and Gai ters, willaino bill tatliSdldijili - allitibennelass as Ims -5: f at% As egg 44. on abort notice. By singlying moo but Aillii trOl**lo Dv 144 %OM F I Pntslite chois4t.bat se, nlissltenedif ent of atat Ong Ms le - kniet repo Hon." Cettaloirnoll24lo belea Il i_ done' to 'desertnlt. lia-Thitikrutr 4 p a in Pky'llt ito 4Sll l nSt4 4 coatt a il. ones of plfplic lksoule.- D. 4.10,1Naz.L. Gottysbnrf. 4142,, /041-,r _ . CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! `.% An ! O N P 11411 IOPIT-4-rll J. BRINKERHOFF, oorner of the Diamond And, , Torkeitreet, bake post returned' from the eft" Irelb, gin isibilMattyaStrieallif•mmoitibeut of CLOTHING .FOR IF.A.LL t WOW , * WIRE.. which he will sell at such prAnu citomot bati tO take them a very 11%44. 041 tend Jaddafor pair selves. To look at the eseelklish material, i t mining ivid seartng, and than when Ism prices—callers cannot help but buy, when they see it eo much to their laterite% to do so. Oas t ty kith. Vett% sisilstyles nudes* tea 'Rants and Shoes Carta, of all kinds, Hosiery, Gloves, Hand:kir oblate, Neck Cravats,Linen and Paper Collars, gulp ,lisnetits,Oombi; itmul;ll carrells', 'Pocket Knives, &gam, PR; Aug Okswinrobarcos,Pipeigitaehmeryolte. N.lraktlON ' 01,01 7, with .a• thonstald sad onelct smartie:lei, Ms rely too numerous to detsiillu ; a newspaper advertisement. lie mkt the attention of the public to his new stook, confident that it will please—and no anemia . • or w 111 soli almanac • Don. tforget the place—cornun. ofTor k • trestandth•Diaroond,Gettysburg. /fey% . JACOBBILLNKKErseIM • . NSW VOLK CITY 'Fine Cust937N, X'axte , ilo,ols AND SHOE'S 'GENTLEMEN. EMEN. Jpi "LOWY° STILES A li tied crnuida to assostrre. Priem Azad at LOW P/GOltitB. An Illus. 'trued` Prig Lim with instructions tar ault saeignire. utsattAataWiia4 t olPuat 01110•44d7451. XL I.ltAWrArr, 33 a;11,11 iir.*4:l., masa miasma"- " • - miustmusna. .:.:„Assiiipis 24 111611.-17 .01) SHOES. Awe Z e All:6 TSB" At ZATT eI lu4 sr o # y .1: Danz, pr • m.ri atabtkillum org,carft . f l ot is Aoesillaiters, Slip pers, Flaw •4111100aigibuio AIWA mil arie - siaLs • am; 14 4 94104 ses'rot 4. - • AA, . •, Gavo you Want • good BUM.IIIII BOIT. GO TO NORRIS'—If you want a forblonablo BAT or CAP. GO TO NORRIS'—If you want a faidilooablo NSOK.TIR, or good PAM COLLAR and CUM- Hs► just resolved ► largo supply of ands great and Urge rariety of HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, NOTIONS; cte BOOTS & SHOES. D. KITZMILLER 54.8A0., GETTYSBURG, PEATPA YORK STREET, OPPOSITE TILE BiNK Have Just received :rem the City a large asaor meat of BOOTS& SHOES GENTLEMEN, LADIES & CHIL DRENS' WEAR, Consisting of Calf &Kip Boots Congress & Balmoral Gai ters, Slippers, &c. Made in latest styles and of best mate We also MANUFACTURE TO ORDER, all kinds of BOOTS AND MOBS -1110 work being made up °Chest materials and by first thus workmen. The senior partner bee been in the buelnulte for over lb years and personally superintends all work made up. We respectfully Invite the attention of the public to our eakibltshment, and hope by strict attention to business and by selling at lowest cash prices, to give entire satiefaetion. DAVID KITZHILLEB., April 10, 1069.-tI JACOB A.HITZMILLEB LADIES' HATS ; Always the latest styles out, and at lowest prices RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, WREATHS, FLOWERS, Scc., New Goods every week during the season, at 11. B. WOODS' Store, Corner York street and Diamond. April 11.-3ns GOODS FURNISHED Garments made to order W. T. KING York Street, Gettysburg, Pa Jan. 15, 1860.—tf JOSEPH JACOBS, MERCHANT TAILOR elf ASIBEREIAIRG STREET, GETTYSBURG. rpnz midertigoed, of the tato firm of Geo. Jacobs k Bro., would most reepectfally inform his Glands end the public generally, that be has opened a Merchant Tailoring establishment in Chambersburig street, next door to the old place, and three dourt east of the Keystone Lions°, where lie will be happy to watt on all who may patronise film. ills stock of CLOVIS, CASSIMERS, VI:STINGS, TRIMMINGS, . tr., ke., kr., • will be f.iund choice and cheap—very desirable to se lect from. All kings of C,Jods ftft sale—whether be manufactures ur not. GOODS MADE UP with dispatch, as well whoa bought at other stores as st bl• own. The very beat work will be made—good fits and elt.3l.tauti3J sewing —aud - norblng will be decreed too Much trouble to candor saillafattiuu la ert:ry cans. The latest New York F.4.1410us regularly rectired. Cutting done, as usesh A share of public patronage is elicited, and no ef fort spared to deserve it. April 18.—ti HATS & CAPS. Spring & Summer Styles. 8. S. M'CREARY Ts ♦8 past received a fresh and generalassortment 1.1. of LLITS, Including the very latest style dee 811 k Cuslmere, and Soft For Hats, and also • large /supply of #ne and low Irked Wool HATS end arm fur lien and BUYS. He invites his friends and theiyoblk to glee Lima rail. (Dec. 11,1868.-41 cloto, Irucr,s, IfirdirintO. HUBER'S DRUG STORE. Forum/ 7 . ow .Vtorad --.12.1b4N0r0 Sircce GETTYSBURG, PA. H AVING purchased Vila old and popular Stand, and laid in an entirely new and freal Stock, offer a follassortm eat, consisting In part of DRUGS AND FAIRLY MEDICII?iES. PATENT MEDICINES—A LARGE ASSORTMENT. PUME LIQUORS A WINES FOR AIEDIC/NAL PUR SPICES AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS. [POSE'S. DYES A DYE-STUFFS-110W A STEVENS' DYES. EXCELSIOR DYES, AND THE ANILINE DYES— , ?LIE CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE MARKET. ALL THE NEW AND ELEGANT PERFUMES AND TOILET ARTICLES. .COLD ATE'S, END OTHER SUP.ERIOII SOAPS. FORNEY'S HORSE POWDERS—TUE BEST AND CLIE.APESTi ALSO, FOUTZ'S, ELLS, DALE'S PERS IA N, STONEBRA ER'S AND ROBERT'S. STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND — SNUFF—TIIIE BEST . BRANDS'. PII YRICLANA'.PRESOISIPTIONB AND FAMILY RE • CRIFTEI•Cai R , IsFU Id,Y COME PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY 3 1ERCHANTS SUP PLIED AT REDUCED RATES. Medicines furnished AT iLL 110 call Or ' TEX NIGHT,- Eight Balatthe doer., • Apr 111,11168.-0 A. D. BUEHLER, DRUG & BOOK STORE, CHAMBEIZSBURG STREET Near the blareond, STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, 'MUGS AND MEDICIN2s, PERFITIKERY AND PC4ja SOAPS iiiir.ool*TNlN &Mu Mrst fod at wholes& city prices. - • Feb, 1.4-,..t1 DR. JAMES CRESS, DRVGGIST, Store in Brant's Building, Ball a, 44. LITTLESTOWN. . RAVING apeuect a aew DRUG BTOR euttlitted It up In the best style, I our ay stock of pate tied fresh Drugs to the cittapas of Idttlestolgeasulvichtity at the toned restitet rates, rourtStAst In Put, 04 Diva anal Farr Fur Liquara for Medicinal Purpout, GEth:.C. -CASHMAN GEVITSBIT.RG, PA., Calljeriter -4/id : Contractor, IRESPEQUJII.J.,T iiktorias the - 11 -‘• public tbat b US 0ta,0•94.. to tam Dew Eibop on B tant4esastrriatbetwean Korb and Railroad._ streets, bipreitaiad‘taati oontraoti for potting up and teQalrlag D'andings, at as reasonable rates at say bander In Gettysburg—all work gvaranteed tope of beat ornslity, --1304 optebrekiet-atten lion to brat• naafi to merit public patrOnage. Glee me a call it ' Aprll 9, 1869.-tf Office and Drug Store, OFL&MBSABBIID.6 SIRED I W, Patent Medicines, Horse Powders, Pare Spices, Dyes sad Dye Staffs; Destamery; Toflet t3osps and Antyartioles. A full alltiortonfot of Untsbes, Statlosery of all kind., Cigar., !Tobacco asd Sault /Or Ifoore'a Electro-Magastio Soap will wash with hard or aott water cold or warm. Clothe' witabad with thla Soap aro ;nada beantlitilly white without hallos or blueing., This la the Dept 50ip iy ate: Try( tt. It 4 warranted not tetnJure the haw& or &brio. idtalestoten t ilay ltleely • • jdAllut. Mau& DR. R. HORNER, PR - 12757,C1AN AND . DB UGGZST, GETTINBIJRG. Medical advice without charge. DI ALBS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MBD/OXIFEI3, STA TIONERY, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSSIER,7OI4-' IT ARTICLES. DTA SWIPES, SPICES, . In SODA, CREAM OP MUM, ooet, OIL, *o MI • . • PURL LIQUODIII 'le- disliking purport*. - Dr. B. Horneea .OgllllN, a MUM! iina*4li / .)11 . 1,16 ,! 44 4 111'411 4 , 4$ Atliirtfolaiworrautedwirti•Dolge ias 11,110.41 Ito, *C. UM = AND BY ALL ()TITER KLNDS OF LIQUORS blishler's pure Liquors for :ITe(lical pur . -wit. J. ISA ILTIN%-. Table Cutlery, Glassware, Queens- WARE, ic., kt 101. J. MARTIN'S. April CO, 1369 WM. BOYER &-SON, DEALERS Ia GROCERIES- NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, Aiso, Stone, Wooden and Willow Ware. *az-A general assortment of all Goods usually kept in a FAMILY GROCERY. Dec. 4, 1.967.—tf JO B / I PII J 10011.5 BARGAINS at the new GROCERY Iti GETTYSMURG. • JACOB W. CRESS T_TAVTNG opened a new Grocery, In G•tt.yabersh on the north-west corner of the l'obllc oquare, has lust received a splendid assortment of FRESH GROCERIES Including Sugars, Coffee, 3lolzwee, Syrn Teas Spices, Tobacco , Batt , Yish,ltem/i,Shonlders, p, ' A leo, , QUEENS-WARE, CONFECTIONS, lintsyntlts,S.ps, Fancy Articles and Notions genet. ally We alit alsoltrep on hand FLOUR end VEER STUFPA. Raringpurchased for C. FU, I are prepared to tel very cheap. give eto ncallnnd fudge for your seleea. J. W. CRESS. 'GROCERY. WY. B. MEALS ILLS OPIZED A Grocery, Vegetable' and Notion Store at bhp remittenco ae.,,totatai r Mc* Ls k Erothea'a Mixt to yard, In EAST YORK STREET ahem he le liiri:PlM‘.l to sel l "a a s calf. " Lke- - he4°l March 19.1.960—:4f , a4ittnitra and gantrartnro. Will C.atallMith & Son; Carpenters awl Contractors Doors, ,S4tit . ters, Blinds, Dooi and Window Frames, Cor- .Coaaniailyoa baud and mantfmtated to 011Lir 0 BEST MATERIALS, REASONABLE PRICES. s_Orders. pram p tky attended Itr, 15*14.-11 M. CHRI:TZNIAN, GETTY6BURG: r Pit., Carpenter ana COntractpr, • Flaying Oukevid td.aa. new . • imeitleat "Nike, ettittnt4riiAli# **." - ;A) .11.1114 As.o 31. r-md 1 ~ 64 4 . 44W . 104.44. 0 yeeserA 11,ftt2.1s*It re tin , jaiNgr oi lmw writ ,ftY.terftg: GROCERIES. Srizawk AT PAXTOWItsTOBE, Cat 2111 HILL BALTIMORE STRERT, GrlTYBl:lt'Rrt, PA FRESH• GROCtRIES every . - Week' irretn . the City, Prnviai,na, Dried en Green "rotten! all kinds*, always onivand, et loweet rates: FLOOR, CORN MEAL, CIINESN,-PIIRE CIDER YIN EaIIi:SOAPS OF ALL KINDS,- CANDLES, NOTIONS, CONFECTIONARIES, .131[00)1F, *c. ; Ala°, • LUMBER, ouch to kintling, Potts, abioglos, cm, t tinny on 'mullet loxwtltving eat ea. Call nut! see. June 21.—Af. JOSEPH GILLESPIE, Dealer in Flour, Groceries, Notions, Six., • GETTYSBURG, PA., TNVITE the attention nf the untlic their large I mock or (Mods, nt the okt Atenfl, on York siteet, neat door to the (21,1 K Inu, couoisting, of the ',eat 01 GROCE Sugars, Syrups, 7 , 101a54e,, Cofruei, 81o1C011, 8.10, k.C.; 010 BEST BRANDS OF FLOLR a the market, with . I)erav, .Shou;ilerm, Sidem,Yish, Dried Fruits, C0nf,ti..:1.4. Ac. N 0 1' .1 0 X S , in great variety; Were, Croc are. ILukt.; Tobaccos, and a ti,0400 , 1 and une,rh,, BUTTER AND EGNS, nice and fre.l). akray. for I.lle. (kw:slick Co. .1/1 ,1,4, lit , .rt I, I.!e.t4t, arid err confident of I,.ing . abit• t, eI., • • iry eoetattzttly keopiuv• a full 41/./ Cil en,l tho very low tat •,,rvtits. Puo:,oce wet, fed, el( he r Nr the C. 10) iiu z -r I;:.trket price allovretl. e. GILLESPIE, Junol7,lM.3.—tf lip M. J. Wholrenl.• and Itet.4ll De% tiROC_ERLES AND LIQUORS A largo lot of Groceries that I 11111 Cheap for C+.6 CHOICE LIQUORS, Old Rye Whisky eight years Old Very Oki French Brandy A gnerril aesortment of BITTERS, a nxonVvhfch is CiETTZSB URG, nice, Door &Window Brackets,- &c. by experienced workmen, and at I=ZEI tartvardoo4okgro.' - LOOK'HERE 'imder. leased the fvv,kr,; or; IL t , the Mal tread, tiettyaha rer, Pa ..., and aaHL carry AL the Grain' kProdlice, Business iu ttlitttbrttnatza• 2 1 .0....hitatest piices will al wnys tAuttor atttJ 'Thnt, thy Seeag; IPfar.geod, Snmat, flay Fruit, Nuttl, Ault, lianiooStwitWnrst nets-bider, eta.. toot, with evnryt . hing clic in the country pr,Aucr. line. GROCERIES OF ALL Ii I\1)5 conetantly for ~ 3 10, one—, Soon!, Mulassedr. Pyr• ups. Tv...-. ciDegar,. Sod., tl.q II 1. it.•• turk.t Ttlack-Ing. Qoap r 911„ I.'lOA uil.T.sr, ac FISH of all • :;;Lil.._4:4.m.Jklow Cloning 1E11,14; r:.ti/ rt icle cliNlOnr.ww;th the 41g/rent I 1,4., ,t . 11c0..10 with tivarp,a:/d regtili• Zerft. ' hp / 11,0 run +1 LINE of FREIGHT CARS to Hee etd atecut,. B4VI3NORI:, and !il I Mark Rtr. PHILADELPHIA. All coeds vent t,• , Pbe- rkee will be rerelve:F and forwa!ded goudi, wholll4 l tudrked DEE NEW I'ORW A I; DING AND COMMISSION HOUSE. 11 A.VING purehaeil the extensive .tc.. it LP 3: intend to Carry 611 the lilletheei, der :!0.• f at tl. k.: , 1 >laud tht I:,er. :fret :1 a tilßo hv f reto t Cnrs nrvi n-cr wtll hun n.tue, n ,„, By e11,;ttt..,1 We ate B:tp .red to Curt, y Irtij,llt at all titot to arid Ila;tm,re. All .. I[l - 114teti to Ili, Leprrmpt.. ly eitir cartr ruls to Stir li'ar , b,,use of n,rtt. Ll , war.l etrett, 11,!tig dt . torminel clamp and J..:1 41,4,55.nrery:,A1y of n ciii. MIME AI:CURDY HAAIILTON, IN FLOUR, GI? _4 R 0 CI:R ps, TUE,"..! !Jn t. ktat)ialf. tdiottilt,t! If ‘ll 111,0111:, WILEAT. RYE, OATS, WHEAT, CLOVE:: AND Tp , t(yrirr.;ELL; ; :, POTATORS, tc., AO, and iLirit, producer.~ toirr• the nl acall L, f They hture tun , darttly .41. I, •,...!• A. L.:UWE SUPPLY OF GI:OCEELES, 11.. r;. T v. -, thcbt.it brauthini 1L , A.:1;., or; tit PEED of nll 11,;1 They likwwi6eL.,;; SEVERAL VALUALLE FERTILIZEP.L•z', Su ,ta! A A t1. , 4 pa Vat LII thPythe towelr.t% ..k -I..at,ntrittb!, .r, C.rn, ,F,l to Sat.dra, ti-I July 3,11317.—; W.V. 9. 11.1.MILToN NEW FIRM 4 -, EGKENRODE UItAFT, HAVE' taken t!, Watehr,n.r., htelT r.cclW,l by 11.1.1114.41 t t.rt:/:to un thu limo of tt, Glettystur4 fr 11111.:,,t '5ll, otak: will deal le all Lind, of Grain aml Produce , giving. the hightst nulek,t ;11 • 8,- ; p cQn/G3ritly ~n t' Au i G.r s lin•l6 GROCEIICES eufr,. FUG, r, p!a, Fyr,.• ik , ill. -.llt A , tisb.ollo. Taroip., Baconand Lard, Tobaccus, he Al4O, the bait I. - at, of FLOUR, a - a th FtYD "j all kin 14; nk.o. C'a 1 %Von spa,,,tullyaalicit tbepatrvnaiiptifour i nu!, and invite tqo alit: ta ar,.! A. } .BCKEN'HODI.:- . 011..&i. T. Jan. _2 —tf DANIEL GULDEN, DEALER IN Dry Goods , Flour , Grain Luntbrr, Coal, rindrsi ut , i keeps°, lasvl, at hlti Warel:J6,. 1 k.u,wll ate.. C;11111.,:, .57.3:1,/,' . 111 Str3l.. of *thip on the !i,:e•r. f all 'Ol.l. GROCERIES, Indult:lz C,.rT,..e. 111,laTse., Spice, ,to., salt Bacuu, Lard, Ai. Also, AND including Building Stuff, ShicEl—t. Laths,S.lur,rand Blazkernitb C.xri. Alo. anal,. and 3111, 4 , PAK rt men t of Dry Ch....14..k4,Ais au! 4ad Capa of all kiatbi,whicla he +J thcdow est prfr,,,, lie alAccrays the 11t,,,4*.k markot price for Fleur, Graita,C,,ru, Vata, 11.1,4-I,olc, clurar aa , ..1 Timothy Seec!A, POritfote.&,,, or will r,cefr, and I' , rward the Male t.) mark et-nr.•commi,sign. floesipoetfully eon, e his frien , l,trot tbcpul.lictu Rive him a .11. 'An5.^_1.1957.-tf 'DANIEL GULDEN. EIMME =I BEM Joseph. Wible & Sorg Proddee Dealers, ForwurdinLt. and Commission Merchants, AS;i4.-tatt cznif Ito ary dQ. IrCl474iV:it,:l G ETT - YSBUTZG P A ITT nti Est. task ptlre paid for will:it A . 0f . 0 ...„ 1 ,.." 'Zealotry .ne We call 'r:lsermirl for g0•.^,1 flay aid ,'F"." raw. We will ke ,+ P conitautly bind for sale all ,ode of GRO C E R loch aaSognra, Coffees, au,' Syrup, T. bace '' , Scar, Spires , everyth yt ing usually kept in a Cirt•cary tom. LINE - •OF • ',7.A.lts, TO BALTIMORE. We wm rmi a lino. or Care to Baltimore week kr, to 'ha Wilreha'.o4 EMERSON .t Ca, 129 North et., Corner of fur l Any, areasportations, sof goods each'vray, lie:ring Getysburg every Idonday and re turning: on wadu,,,,,jay. Thu bast brende-gd.FXILTILIZEIIB constantly on bend, or secured of iTurt notice for theee ordering. April 91603.--tt R . EATO.V.AL-41e .ultdersigned ~hareinored his Pill 101i10E from the Diamond to the i s 'Railroad end Washing stre.ts, %Iwo he will tie . ailsits So, most thlos ton old friends end 'estrum,. Apr it glwoat E XCELSI 011. "GrA,L.Taritt. TIFTON &IVI.YERS successes. to C. J. Tyson- PHOTO 'AIIINIATUREg 4 . 3 f1t.R0 . 7 . !YZE6', dke., Stereoscopic Tiews of - the BA T .14E4 lELYL), STEREOSCOPES, PHOIVOitiPII F MES, ,AND ; A - -1 1 - -- B M S ...GREAT AND t! 7 _fit.XATLY .1 UCED Pielt".ES: "firtra deal fr. n4thingbot coartue ow-opal ken a • • copt this at ieh can he fr.rnianall fronr,palmi es aver ta iory. • - 0 - • • TY I 3O.7.C'EY Oral ST . :A.ND, .144 A 9--4-ti _MIMI- R kRK ! 5 04 1 - CORDS W ANTED ! TJL 917B8Cffri* 'WANDA 1500 COOllOl4 OF- :LACK Alt K )10` , tch he ei1111)4 110 e Oitpte — jM-bx ow nry t o —Not d order, at file a r aerard 0 3, 0 cplt r d! tIIP P. 'April 30,1169-If JOHN' CHEFS =MI VM. M BP:HAM, ALKX JAM C- Itti: liA LOW:AT 31eCI:ili,1 122MEM1 .wasaa of its kind. Coll = BM ictlapEß, WePIFERS, . eaorinwriali ire 4 A rv.t, S4Pecirn Lie Carr oetty 'burg, ' Pe it 5:8 01 PUlty. 3.111M1L I. mortiing, et 42. 4 0.1 • yentrlitr Ito t pelf within the yeier. No; tluood natil all arearegessFeit ti.o or the publishers. w‘aillexzefeerweseritethe A !il,era neduetion be Rader i ❑; 1,7 the quarter, bait rear, : , 11 will be I meertetint Upon. aaTflra circulation oltlta3k airlarg•r than thaceinr natal% In Adtrnt cent nty ; 'id, niaa id r Anna los excellutl. nlB'oac of All kinds will be and At lair let., Ac., in e•ory rainety and tf •tort orEICI tl. arrECI Pr“l.l,n !Judge —ltot.vrt J. nib Aar...jot! llubtal• Pralin•inta ry—Ja:ol., 310/hur•. R Jilferrtn , ll2,,J,—Ww. D. Ci.trk r.f the Cour —A . W. NI late Uttirice A linrney—W ni. A . Dunt• mrer—ll. D. Wrtt los. di•triff—l•htlip C+roncr—Dr. W. J. .114Clotee, Stre4y..r—Jemo U. lielGe. C)A..iszinners—Nleboltsßliem EINEM En= Motile to. Physician to.fost... Directors of M.: P00r.,--Joho 11.,3 rain Donr.tur R. ..ilet•ard —IL J. W.dL rt,isarer--4 4 , l—J. C. Ya.dy. Pisysician -4,llMrs—llenry L. Mar G. 11,..,;;y. =1 =M=MI C..“ I,7—W. F. If I..ilton,..k.lexati trrwi tie ., r4n A. Earnabaw V. 3 6k...r. S tnt,..l li. RI114:,11. 6n rgn W.Welkort.. Sit Dir , ,:qr4-I)tvid A. Hue. S. Hiram ‘V3rt•li, Job E. Q. Valiatito..k. =I Pro I,if Ca14..--J.ls:ol,ry Telt, - --Ift•Eiry 13..nurc. Swupu, Rflli D is .1 h.,: •rry, ;VIM cu D. ilitaiet,l4,l3 N.1 , 11,1.1141NC 01.11 Jtrsirier—(l%.,,, A rn It. lion tvr. rttr.rtse. David rc 8..11, John nor u la tn. I= Pr....“4,a-C—J.. L. Schick. • S Liana .51.110. r,, • r C •b•• 111. itt —.1‘,6 Itu,.p. J. I, lii • ,r,.;.• z3i,11,K4r, , iouript Little, I,l.Auder Cobei.u. AL, X/ COVIXTIXtt cAL I' , —(;vorze 3wojw. Vice Pre tident—tlamurj 11'11144 Secretary—D4l A.llundiler. Treasurer—E.lwarLl 0. FA!, Roston Exrcutire cliininvi , • , —livdert Mc Picking, , :•orsrT a,ntCUL7C■ !'r.n!nf---?nm n• 1 I (.t!~t roc, .11c2Ittrr , fin; Serer 1 ry—E.brard J/:. Fr , .-1 ~ r ick Diehl, W. Jut. U. 11e.4.3e.1bu1. I= P F IlAulytt4k, iltio m A, 110 Kelt S ' j---J .!ut F. M - Crt,r y. A. Kit - A.llllllor. !. !. 11.•ary 11uolthr. NI 1;.1;.,.. t:. COXPAYT, DiLICIU. NE —Jo.! It. U. Ilry•titer, gi H. It. 11, W. S. D u ES cultrAlrl. r. r %v. Attelellart. y n - . 1 A. I; ili , tlcr, It 1.1 .4e/1, 11. J. B 14440 ,i,Ctirdy. , ' try mrl Trc. :11re, —Lbrld I 9. arr., 99. U.. , 1,1,1 (.1 , 100 Cc 12.1 t 7. w. fll .14.1 WlMllefa BE =II2MIM ,11,1. tdr—Astiti.ta,ever /I 1 i• O. 4 . 5 . it I 1.4 awl :14 .11.11443 , - CA. 114,, it 41 141.,1L G4/i. Lodi', No. 414 , •,•t, 1,1,11 3101144 *IMO Trab-, 1.0. 11. Y. eveoinK.. '4, 1;..1. --11, Star awl ev.lry A au .rcuug. .1 . 4. 114 11,6110, 4 , ,y-ty pre ettrE.lgt9: • "4/11. i d ,•%•rri "Pi y Pr, ,Irr • I.OrcqJneg • t,rn nwritittg ! Ity 1 , 1151214 t • Nivrt.it,4 and nr :ice. 5.00,40.1 inuu 1 Thu r.lay ti-torapc4-1431. W R. ;: —4 • mu , rninz and NE Ikl/1. SOT') • h.. 4111 allot r,DOi s . l'ofcosional k J. VI: It, ATTi _ Q- • L.\'s'. 114 0 ~, , ,,i trulted tu Las 51t .0; • , A thn. 3 itu6k Mid rolit„Ostt; BS NM VID .13 TJEIII, 1 1 ki" pa.pinpti ,„ , r 1 tit« ,Irt it ,urh,. kflotty D.VID WILLS, AT LtW,Office athlarrilttin c0r , r•.1C. ,11 . 1 5.1 ,, re• • May • JOS. 11. LEF EVER, ;MO TTLESTUWN, P ' , WA/promptly attend to Coilectl• sCritit.e.Jl Lausu., le., sod ~ptru hi to Llo care. ...1:1•01tc.a 00 Vrod.rick otratit,t4 t oc - upieJ L,p Lira. Bhutb, K kola . and Ly :e:,.4.-11 • =I Allorncy4 and am? INIcCONAMIIIY h • K ILIUM Li of Clio I.tw,.at 1,1 one door Drug store,Ci..tinlierslirg street. Special Attention given to Sults, Settlement of EAtates. All lege elms to PolitiOni, Bounty, Hack— Ainst U. St ttesAt all tlmO,prom attend." to. Lund W rrantA located, •od thole. lowa and other western States. DR. J. A. ARMSTR listing located et. mini! BA 4 to all branches of W. profeeetwe, and his onlco when not tly en McIiNIWITSTOATX, 0., 511.11.11 county, DR. J. W. C. O'NEA ILL. his 0111 co at his resit , atreet,tvro loam alkolo the Camp U a ttyehurg, Mny '19,1,307. JOHN LAWRENCE Li LI. t, °lntl in Ch.vohortborgatrec of tlu Lutherau Church, pearl Tiornes'iDrni(Stre,whero hr m willingto at teud , any case w,,,t j; the Den tint I'Crdollll{l.l want et A rclaythed to call. . IVI. STALLS!,i _.l[M:, baring !nested In Getty' ervicea L.: the public. Orate In for Jppogito LS. t11,,t,0 lon, where be le , attend to Sky case within the proi,.. ?ersoni t eI rull ur partial SU cited April DR. C. W. BEi fJO It 88113IED tho Practinie or .• LITLESTOWN, *Ltd offer. hli sonic •t Itin bound, corner of Loon Fonnutiry Minix, near the oath 8 -.0 to Ilk litimmsee. [Llttleato • &al, %umber, U GETTYSBI:f LIME KIL uuderrigaed Lu bought Ogg Tit r, Wx. Ouunii, and noW continuos THE LIME-BURNING iml,ll—,,t theo tty.btarg Vote RI of tho RUilcoad and North Sttattoa lug p t r_.age , will ends' - by pr.neuting Wi b ly arid oau larg o , * .:11a as p‘raalbl good •rtzcle and givit4 g4,41:116•11111. At hall WOW louk rr r the prompt 111114 He also continuos the CbJk!L BIJSIN ottiriag Obi poet popular kind). paters shosld sin btu; • call. Disc istautty on haat Lime and Coal delivered aarwhe ot tysbori, Nov. 30, Mr