Atat id' r 4. 6eti7o4ulr. lriQ R ` ApVM 'S,-11169 ASPAXAGI7B. —Prom the likkof.3lamah to the let of April, the aapalvut Weis shofild have the come part of_thettutuurre with which they have been c9vered • ' the winter taken off, and as soon. as enough the reat carefully forked in, all Clods' removed and the topsoil nicely pulverized with a rake. A dressing of salt—fish salt will answer—should be applied the &at week in ApriL The ground should be well covered with salt, but care must be 'taken that it does nt't come - in contact with boa edging, plants' and sinall.trees, as it is fatal 1 o them. In setting out new asparagus beds, if roots one or two years old are planted, let them be about one foot,apart each way, the crowns of the roots being from three to four inches below the—surface. The soil should be least eighteen inc.hes in depth and made as rich as can be.' Apply no salt un til after the plants produce a crop, which will be the third yeas. " Beds can be made as early in March as the season will admit of, but care must be taken ti perform - the work in the best manneer. Theitt is no reason in the world why every farmer and family should not have an asparagus bed, 'There is no vegetable supetior to it, and it comet; before we can get anything else, exceprapinach and cauli flower ; thelatter, however, is botl trouble some and costly. When an asparagus rbed is once established, and regularly covered in the winter with it good coating of rich manure, and salted in the spring, it will last with opt other livable or expense, from twenty-five to thirty years. - RAISISG CALVES.—At a meeting of the Franklin, Mass., Farmers' Club, the Presi dent, .Phineas Stedman, Fag., after advis ing farmers and dairymen to raise their own calves, gave the following as his method "The mires may be most economically fed by taking them from the cow during the first week. Having learned to drink new milk readily, skimmed milk, warmed to the tempe,rature of_ new milk, may be substituted gradually, until, at three weeks old, the new milk to fay be withheld entire ly. Oil meal wheat and bran should now be given, commencing with a tablespoon- Tul once , a day. This should be scalded and allowed to stand a shoo thee toswell. Af ter a few days the provender may be given at each meal, and increased at discretion. It is of the utmost importance that calves, and indeed all young stock - , be kept in a thrifty, growing condition. It is much easier and cheaper to keep a young animal growing than to bring it again into a flour Wag condition after it_ has, by want of care or proper food, beef' allowed to stop growing. I prefer, to reari calves which are dropped in autumn or early winter.' At this season they are likely to receive bet ter care, are better prepared to bear the cold of the succeeding winter, and, until they arrive at maturity, hold an advance ol several months, in age and size, over those which are dropped the following spring, while always classid of the same age." - EXCELLENT Wruzirw.trrsnAs house cleaning-will soon be here, it haay not be amiss to say a few words in regard to white washing. There are mans receipts publish ed but we believe the following to be the hest that can 'be used : White chalk is the het substitute for lime as a wash. A very hue and brilliant whitewash kraparation or chalk is called Pails White. This we bily at the paint stores for three cents a pound retail. For each sixteen pounds of Peri, White we procure half a pound of the white transparent s glue, costing twenty-rive cents ',fifty cents a poimd.) The sixteen pounds of Paris White is about as much'as a person will 1.113 C in a day. It is prepared as follows : The glue is covered over with —cold water at night, and in, the ;horning is carefully heated, without scorching, until clissolveli. The Paris White is stirred in with hot water to give it the proper - milky "consistency for applying to walls, and the dissolveu glue is then added and thoroughly _ mixed. It is then applied with a brush like the common lime whitebrush. Except on very dark and smoky walls, a single coat is eufilctent. It is nearly equal in brilliancy to "zinc white," a far more expensive article. SAVE ma Adi,Nras..—Farmers are not aware how much is wasted on their farms, that which by a Mlle care and trouble might be made into; valuable manure.-4. Everything that can be decomposed, either in process of time, With the- assistance ol the elements, or by the aid of chemical agents, should be saved fur the compost heap. • Select some place in the barn yard or adjacent lot where - it will be convenient of access, and there gather your compost, adding trona time to time stich solvents as may be necessary. Here brihg all the weeds, Kids, briars, thistles, ite. - ; Iluit you are com pelled to dig out up, through the summer ; and add to these from time to time, what ever you may have of waste material, muck from the swamp, decayed fruits, potato vines, She deposits from the sink, &c., and at the close of the year'you will be surpris ed at the \ size orluur heap, and be able to see for -yourselves how much is really wasted on your hams that might be turned to valuable account. Usiote . roa .?ourritr.—lt seems strange that this esculent is so litUe appreciated, not only for use by the human family, but for poultry. Its curative properties do not seem to be understood, or else are much un derrated. And as a preventive also, it has no superior. A few raw onions, chopped up fine and hated with the feed of young chickens act like a tonic, and are equally good for old fowls. The tops too are good. We remember,lOug . years age, seeing a maiden aunt chopping up onion tops and rives for the young turkeys, deeming it a certain specific against gapes, pip or other ills that lowldom is heir to. Three times a week is no too (Awn to give them a taste— not merely a taste, but a good bite also. Were the use of green fOod more common among poultry ndsers t . we should hear of less cases of cholera, croup, gapes, pip, etc., &c. If sameness of lood Will engender distaste and diseases in man, why not in fowls? Feed your fowls as you do yourself. Give them change, variety; and.givi them onions.—Mural New Yorker. • -POTATOZB ON SPRING-7V3 M Bm).—A correspondent residing in Washington County, Ohio, writes as follows: "Alter many years experience I prefer sod for potatoes, avoiding heavy clays. Plow as early in April as the ground is in order, harrow thoroughly and plant in hills, cold. vale thoroughly both ways and often until they bloom, then quit. I manure with CO MO manure before plowing or with fine after, and never fall." We have no doubt the practice is good, although to secure thorough rotting of the sod and destruction of weak, we advise plowing in August; yet it depends very much upon the kinds of grass and weedei,u the sail, and upon the Mode of plowing sad turength of the soil. Critzum Beate may be pruned Wit month with advaniage., ,Don't be amid of cutting out too much. Leave only hen Uq strong wood of two summer growth, amid your fruit will be larger and almost as much in quantity. A very piety wit of train* IS to stretch wirea from posts eat abouf twelraseet &Pert, and tie the stalky ishi l lopedio them. LI this way the oe miaow fijoot: border for a pay, and alllljegajgg -Corer for as Unsightly' . fence. Goon' Palk* 1 40 11 , 0 ""• ; 1 1 ° of Wardle: WHOM p AIN iILLE Aft—i4m•abiii• $4l-4, lon haTa • use the Pain NO ' Klee the PAM Eta= illvay, - at I.apal„ you lame a COUGH ArtlllLD, - Doe the Pala Miley. ..I.4anc out Lod not gat - nottlit.. Wit** It bottle of I.o_ In Sines- to thebonai. ET my. body use the .pda Inner for Sprit:as and F . :I , IOKY Sailor al viola mini .Fbotther ? Ain °in " D/1411. d 11112 T Pats littler la _foo Lo, luternal II an au. . ' I'h+ PAIN 111146(aill. L !odd' all. Dnmiggilda and' Dealers in !Nagy iledielow•Prieesl6 een ts, 60 cents, PERM/ b .rroPriotolu, 78 High atreetvrrovtd ;' 380 fit. Paul etreatialon, Canada ; • 17 Southampton aim, IGlAidon, England'. March 10.-41 w . • LICIMNIKED SY TLIE , UNITED 'SII*.TES AUTHORITY. 81 C. PEIOMPSON & CO.'S' ONE DOLLAR SALE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, LINENS, COTTONS FANCY GOODS, ALBUMS, BIBLES, SILVER PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, LEATHER and GGIMMAN . GOODS OF STEELY DILSCRIP . TION, Be. Meaner Delta to be said at thaantfurns price of ONE DOLLAR RADII, and not to be pald.fiir untilyon know wkat you ere to The moat peritt AliTeioiooutical method of d;yimi basiness In the Country. The goods we hare !be saloon) described on printed slips, and will be sent to any aldose+ at the rate of 10 cents osa, to pay Ord portage, printing, go. it ',then at the oplion of holders whether they will . send one dollar for the article or not. ' ' By, patronising this BM you . bare a chance to ex change your goods, should the article mentioned. on the printed slip not be desired The Smanert Articles sold for ONE DOLMA'S' can be exchanged for Steer-Plated, Pire-Bottlrel Revoking Ckstor, or your Poke of a large rariety of other Artidei upon Exchange List, comprising over 250 useful articlu, not one of which could be bought es any retail country store for nearly double the amount. TERMS TO AORNTS. We send as commission to Agents: FOB A CLUB OF THIRTY, AND $3.00, one of the folldwing articles: a Nnekot, Shot Gun, or Austrian Rafe, 20 Yards Cotton ' Lady's Fancy Square Wool Shawl, Lancaster Quilt, A ecordeon, Sat of Steel-Bladed Knives and Forks, Violin and Bow, Fancy Dress Pattern, Pair Ladies' extra quality Cloth Boote, one doxels large else Linen Towels, Aihsmbra Quilt, Honeycomb Quilt, Cottage Clock, Whit., Wool Ulankst, 15 pude boat quality Priest, 12 yards De laine, One dozen Linen Dinner Napkins, Aa. FOS A CLUB DY SIXTY, AND $6OO, one of the following.artlclee: Resolver, Shot Gun, or Springfield Rifle, 42 Yards .1/teeing, Patr Honeycomb Quilts, Cylinder Watch, 4 yards Double Width Water proof Cloaking, Lady'sDoublo Wool Shawl, Lancaster Quilt, Alpacas Dress Pattern, Engraved Silver'. ?lated Six•Bottiod Revolving Cantor, Sot of Ivory4landled Knives, with Sliver-Plated Porte, Pair of All-Wool Blankets, Pair of Alhambra Quilts, 30 yards, Print, or a Marseilles Quilt, Double Bight-Heyed Accordeon, Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary (600 engt liv ings, 900 pages), 334 yards Doeskin Inc salt. Ac. FOR A CLUB OP:ONE UUNDBED AND $lO.OO, Double Barrel Shot GUI], Rifle Cane, or SharpN, Rifle. 65 yards Sheeting, Pauly Cassimer Coat, Pants and Vest Pattern (extra quality), Pair Splendid Rose Blanket+, Fancy Plaid Wool Long Shawl, 25 ••da. Hemp Carpeting, splendid Violin and Bow, splendid Alpacca Dress Pattern, Silver hunting-Cased Watch, Single Barrel Shot Gun, Sharp's Revolver , one pair fine Doe mask Table Covers, with one dozen dinner Napkins to match, Worcester's Illustrated Unabridged Diction. ary, (1800 pages), Ac. For adaltional lilt of commLeeloue, see Circular Comrulas/ene (or larger Clubs In propertlOu. Agents will please take notice of this. Ito not send names, bat number your clubs from one upward.-- Make your letters abort and plain as possible. Take particular notice of this: Sip-Re BURR and Send Money In ALL CASES by REUISTERED LETTER, - which can be sent from any Poet °Mee. Thug way of sending money is preferred to any other method whatever. We cannot Le responsible for money lost, unless some precautions are taken to insure Ise safety. . . SEND FOR CIRCULARS Send your address In full, Town, County, and State. S. C. THOMPSON,: ez CO., 136 Federal Street, . aosroN, MASS. march D.-4w AGENTS WANTED for the LIFE AND TIMES OP ST. PAUL, _ 83.00 Complete Unabridged Edition, as arranged by CONY 'BEA RE and HOWSON, with en Introduction by Bis hop SISII'SON. In consequence of the appearance of coutiltded editions adds great work, we have been Compelled to reduce the price of our Complete Edition from $4 50 to $3. E. B. TREA'r ek CO., Eublisbere, 654 Broadway, N. Y. [March 19.—1 w Cancers--Tumors—Ulcers. PROF. makingf L i o: t in h g e en " r i e l s ad o;Wa h n i c a er U a n n iv d e arl it &n " ore, by a nay, practise, A CIiEbIICAL CANCER AN TIDOTE, that remorse the largest of Cancers a'td Tumors without pain or the nsuof the knife; without canstic,.estlng cr burning medicinee.and without the lona of a drop of blood. For particulars, call or ad. &sea R. li. KLiNit, M. D., N 0.931 Arab et, Philsdel plia, Pa. (Hardt 19.-4 w AGENTS WANTED FOR TUE SIGHTS AND SE. CRETE OF TRH NATIONAL CAPITOL. The most startling, Instructive, and entertaining' book mt the day. Send for Cent lam and see our terms. Ad. dress U. S. Publishing Co., N 0.311 Broome at, N. P.' March 19.-1 w WE ARE COMING, V I NCE MORE WITH A NEW SPRING STOCK - IN ‘../ our Groat One Dollar. Sale of Dry and Fancy GOODS, UUTLEI3,,Y, &C„ SzO, PREMIUM RATES OF SHEETING FOR CLUB THIRTY, " ELXTY, " ONE HUNDRED, 85 " All other premlaras In same Wk.. Enlarged,Rxehange Idat j with new and useful art See new Circular and Sample. Sent to any address *3„.Please send your money 'by registered letter Address to J. S. HAWES & CO., 128 kl3O Federal Street, Boston, nese P. 0. Box 0 Allen ' s ,Lung Balsam I Physicians who have Rifled to cure their patients should try this medicine before they give the case up, es we know very many valuable lives have been saved by being persuaded to give it a trial. DON'T DESPAIR because all other remedies have failed, bat try this, and you will not be deceived. The proprietors of this valuable Beams takepleas• tire In calling to It the attention of all medicine deal ers. dad Hug that they procure a supply of It, audio. commend it to their afflicted patrons and friends. It will-Cure when. all others fail. • DIRECTIONS ADCOMPAPIT EACIS BOTTLE. March 19.-4 w ONE POUND OF BUTTER MADE ntom . ONE PINT OF - MILK. 825 profit made by li:treating fil fora bottle of the ILXVIIAOT BLITTICR PLANT, with, with gallons milk, wUI lbs of prime trash Hotter. This laexpemalve, excellent Batter I. now daily cormumed from the tables of the first Ho tels, Iteatauranta and private families in New York City and elsewhere. Blot e, County and City Right; for sale, offering to capitallots rare opportunities for urtablishing a staple bottoms, paying enormous prtdits. Agents wanted everywhere.. A bottle of the Extract, sufficient to make6o lbs. of Butter, with Inn diretticow for ale, will be motto any uddreee on the receipt of 31 00.- The public are cautioned against all worthless imi titian., sold under the name of "Butter Po_ erswd Cetspounas, MsS the =TEA Off BUTTER PLOT is prepared only by the ECONOMY BUTTER COMPANY, Oilioe 118 Liberty Street. Factory, 288 Greenwich Street, army YORK otrr. IC 8.--By thilua of the BOW Plant a pore and :Gallant Table 8t4 , , - _ ter at made at • coat of abitans eats per pound. ' _ pan. 1111.-411 a -- 1 A 86 00 " , ,GBgENBA - CK Cr Jai ealtii mitt (ANTED` FO_ frie to !so Bea R Aps . .ll. AGENTS 11 sha t ‘lhir atdararie ELMS writ Ivlnr Boor. - flintishipp,sall 11 , - 4: itE t , 4 In*: saws Irbil i & slim OP LIFE : DT ,TFLE OREL POLIEL ISstairts_KGW94 Of NSW . nSecting t Kamm 01? TIN 7 0117. tr s e v e r aided fa enaddinde.- .M4ril 1118'11•"14.447. "i" 2" li a ilwvAin. um. mg 1 e „, 4 .14......Amazir = .....:bY ., I lijor . .111 dis dad C 4641 - are 'el itili ' 1 ..‘" . ;'-'' 'OO ' bow At_ rea S ed "Air ' N ''''' - -. ' Ait tiiiiit octig T s " NM L ' 7 " r4. • ' ." tlllis a V eurr eeiumark er o urv , a oi POOlgokag , ...,,.. "Voir , J. *f I+ '-': 71.1.1..." . , MDlitl ISELL for very small profits;and .1 aim at doing • very large Business. FASHIONABLE SHADES OF FINE SILK POP LINS. FASHIONABLE SHADES OF FRENCH WOOL POP LINS. FASHIONABLE SHADES OF ALPACCA POPLINS. FRENCH CHINTZES, PIQUES, PERCALES AND LAWNS. BLACK SILKS, PLAIN SILKS. PLAID Kum. SWISS MUSLINS, JA CONET MUSLINS. CAMBRIC. BLACK ALPACCA, COLORED ALPACCA, BLACK ALL WOOL DELAIN. RISTORI SHAWLS,CASHMKRE SHAWLS, THIBET SHAWLS. CLOTHS, CASSIM ERB. CLOA KINGS, L I N EN DRILL-, ING, COTTONADE. TABLE COVERS, TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS, TOW ELS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, 1100 P SKIRTS. PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, HEM STITCHED HAND KERCHIEFS. MEN'S, LADIES', MISSES',A CHILDREN'S GLOVES, AND STOCKINGS. ' am constantly receiving the latest styles at Dress and Fancy Goads. My stock comprises every thing usually found in a first-class DRY GOODS STOKE, to which I invite elle attention of the public, feeling assured that I can safely challenge compari son with all other Stores in quality (irk oils and low. seas of price. J. L. SCLUCK. Gettyturg, Pa., Jan. Li , L 659.—t f NEW GOODS. REBERT & ELLIOTT, Baltimoreet.,oppoeitethe Court House, H AVEJnat opened a new and large assortment of Spring and Summer Goods OF ALL KINDS, CLOTHS; CASSIMERES, To which they invite attuntlea..-being determined to sell at lowest cash prices. [April 8, 1.86?„.—tf 21 YDS. SITEETLNG ME NEW GOODS OLD PRICES The undersigned wonirPTespeettally Inform the public generally that be Sc nour.deing business at the place formerly occupied by Dctuoun & Iloermax, and thathe has Just returned from the Citleiwith timber, selected stock ever brought to Ids place, which con sista In past of CLOTHS, [Mar. 5.-8 W SHAWLS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Some attain goods will be sold lower than ant before, and ore just trap from the OWN. FRANK D. DUll'lloltli. Nov. IS,ll6lL—tf GOODS. FURNISHED Gan acts made to order, .:2 • York Seook#oo4oburO f ;lc ls, UNr 4l - • aufaf flow, ag. N E. W FIRM . • _ . 'AT ft*TERSBURG. Gl7 - 1 Plirr 0 . urouppii , oicchiniutonwilisin:o4l-p.40., -1 , 3( burg ittiglicholey., that - tbny have taken POlnit dolt Mr...W..intritairmetißtore, and in addirtim $d hls Large • Stock -of Goods, • have received a full supply or - WINTER DRY GOODS, Notions; firoberteoSoOta, alio,* Rate, Cape;Wirup, kr., which will be told at prices to defy competition. We hope, by strict attention to Blidilatilfil and a 411- POSitiCn to Pore, to merit a 'liberal Mare of public patronage._ Our motto is "gulch talee and small pro file." • • JOIEL GRIM, P. N. W. BOWERS. Dee.lB.l4BB.—tf' A CARD. - HAYING disposed Of my entire stock to Messrs. Omar k &yam; I embrace this opportunity In extend to my friends my sincere thanks for their Ter, liberal patronage, and knowing thetu_to be men Ofettict Integrity, thorough, energetic and salted business men. I would most respectfully solicit fir them a full share of patronage. E. I.IITEBIiEW. _ Peteraturg, Y. 8., Dec. I f BA4GAnkI-83,. • poR • - CASH! We propose to sell °lnfante Steck Of Wintery Dress Gads, Dress • Trimmings, • Roods, Rubles; Cloths, Oesslmers;, Jeans, Flennels, Hoop and Del. ,. moral Shirts, Gloves, II celery, Lgalles , Vests, Velvets, Frame*, Rib bons, Feathers and Ladies' and Chit ' dregs Hats. • 'AT NET COST to reduce stock for Spring. - H. B. WOODS' CHEAP CASH STORE, atintrana, Jan. 15, 1869.—it • 1869. DEsiRABLE 1869• NEW GOODS! Most Excellent Assortment! Cheaper than Ever! TTF BEDS, SILKS, GING HA MS, LAWNS, :PRINTS, I BAREGES, MUSLINS, deo., MEI CASSIMERS, CASSINETTS, MERINOS, POPLINS, SKIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS GLASSW*ARB, QUERNSWARE, kc., &co MEI . 1 1 ti 014 s; .FAHNESTOC lIROS. um aa .stosinisatzt of ESI .Dig gis' GOODS whiekasey sr* selling Tbry'ehisi PAHNESTOCK BROS HAVB THE Largest stock of Fars fit town,,.lf you want bargains call and buy from them Cloths, Cassimers, it great varlety t low primp ots:baztdlat FAIINESTOCK altos. le the place to buy *. CHEAP GOODS If you wouhi 111/1"0 MORO) btly et the SIGN OF TUE RED FRONT. CIIRISTMASP.RESENTS. Buy a aot of FURS or n handsome DRESS PAT- TERN, the most useful Christmas Prescut you can make at Gettysburg, Dec. 4, 1844. tf Olothiug, Mats, ,t,hots, Boot and Shoe Emporium, BALTIMORE STREET, TWO DOORS SOUTH OF THE PRESBYTERI4 PRE undersigned has Just returned from the eft with the beat awl cheapest variety of Boots Shoes and Gaiters, for Spring and Summer, ever of feted In Gettysburg. Rig stock consists of LADLES' CONGRESS GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, LADIES' KID SLIPPERS, all styles, LADIES' MOROCCO BALMORALS, IN LABOR VARIETY. GENTS' FRENCII CALF BOOTS;li GENTS' AMERICAN CALF BOOTS, GENTS' KIP BOOTS, GENTS' CONGRESS GAITERS, GENTS' CALF BALItoItALS, GENTS' SLIPPERS, al) styles, GENTS' MISSES'.CONORESS GAI'ERS, MISSES' BALMORAL GAITERS, MISSES' MOROCCO BALMORALS, tr., Ac., 4r., kc. BOYS' CONGRESS GAITERS, BOYS' CALF RALNIORALS • BOYS' BROGANS, tc., ke. ' INFANTS' SHOES, all style.., IN LARGE VARIETY. Also, Boots and Shoes of has own manufacture COO- Illicitly on hand. An will be sold at the lowest living profits. Bny era, from town and country, are invited to tan and sxnmipe ~,,oL N and pricey before purchasing else where, feeling confident that I can please all who may call. _ --• ' - The MANUFACTURING of Boot. Shoe*. and fled tore. will also be carried on, In all It. branched, al be lore. Repairing done on abort not ice..l.ty employing none but first-class workmen, and using none but the choicest leather, he feels confident of maintaining ELM former reputation. Certainly nothing will be left un done to deserve it. ess.Thankful for put favors, he solicits a cantina alma of public patronage. D. U. KLINGEL. Gettysburg, April 22, 1868.—tf CLOTHING ! CLOTHING NEW AND LARGE ARRIVAL! J. BRINKERHOFF, corner of the Diamond and York street, haejitst returned from the city with en unusually attractiTeapeortnient of CLOTHING FOR FALL A WINTER WEAR, which he will sell at such prices ea cannot (al: to take thept off very rapidly. Cail and judge for your *elec. TO lo.k at the excellent material, taateful outtinK, and neat and sublitantial :owing, and then to set his low prices --callers cannot help but buy, when they •ell it so much to their Interest to do to. . • . • tie has Costs, Pants, Vests, o tall styles and meted al lists, Boots and Shoes; Shirts, of all kinds, Hosiery, Gloves, Handker chief., Neck Ties, Crava . t ., Linen and Papereollars Suspenders, Brushes, Cow be; Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Pocket Knives, Eicikars, Smoking and Chewifig Tobercos,Pipes, Stationery.&c. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, with a thousand and one other articles, entirely too numerous to detail in a newspaper advertisetneut. Efe asks the attention of the public to his new stock, confident that it will please — and no one COLD or *Wenn cheaper. Don'tivrget the place—corner o f 'fork atreetand the Diamond,Gettysburg. Nov. 6,1868.—tf JACOB BRINKERHOFF. HEAD-QUARTERS RE MOVED T. C. NORRIS HAS removed his Store to the corner of the Dia mond, long occupied by George Arnold. where he will be glad to see his friends, and show his buige aseortmet t of CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, Every kind of Gentlemen's Wear LINEN COLLARS, COTTON STOCKINGS, DELAINS, POCKET BOOKS, FURS, keenGentlemen's Wear of all kinds and will to hem at the LOWEST CASH PRICES Boys' Hats & Shoes, fn great variety. .§..aive me a call before pnrchising else where lob. 12, 1110().-tt Fine - Custom Made • • BOOTS •AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. All: thn LEADING STYLES on. tumid or , mute to measure. Mom flied atLOW mums. Antllns• truing' Peke List witn instructions for self swam& meat seat on rooeipt at Part Moo Mama,. -- WK.7. BARTLITT, 811,30 Va. Shth sib (JAMMU, PHILay . tELPHIC August Sialtilt47 .BOOTS _ AND SHOES ...._ ~_ NNW AVITABLLS'Itai-Itlf.T. rtialawdloviabig kis . Brae üb. ymi ••my butkftoe_ ,hr 1 a • aoot ablimai MNIAISIMOO oolluuti• sty ' wirsaktpltaftramil 1100•4 - 01 .0 whowb• _ . I TIATI ON )4EO • TRW Rot TskG P R A'.C r T „t il4 - - *-- - - t0.,-,„. 2 - OF NQ,- 4. • teed latt of t 1•• i t o •••••••ailasat se •thakuiroim iii.... 1 tila4*;tiipsai- br a illeillin. t Mgt it thaiumumaprollts. ' ---- ,. ~ . TO 00,0101 1 at Us WSt siatedialp ' 1494400 fta17 APD• la InAr kw" ' l = - - y.„..F - - ' 7 '4111:41:1111ittarolt= beel"bl* 11 ! Inii. 4* ° "" 1 1 1106 " A 1 1 .2 1, it t - T ., - 114 041 , 46 m norma l & Air 4, 1 , 11.1 1,1 1. : -l' ; E L iki**••••30.04.00110.1to be, _bisall, i ; .--"'',.. ti 410;ABSNNO . MS T1M11....0; •.- ITOMULAMMINir 1•10•300 - - ' , I _ MEE FURS. FAIINZATOCK DVS of every,ifescriptlon 'FAIINtSTOCK BROS KLI_N GEL'S EMMEI AND 817C11 4.8 PAPER gIIFFS, PAPER BOSOMS, GLOITES, HANDKXRCHDLFB, TRAVELING SACKS, UKBrWMU3t CANES, &c., &c ALSO flotking, gam 'hots; U. CI 0 T , N G.. tut :Tolima. ikotit the City Largest . k. Best- Selected St'ock of Clothing everlirtlenty, Waal. is re owpr nu Stock emulate of OYERCOAI I B, OP ALL STYLES AND sun, Dfess CoidS, Thinness Coats, Yancy Cassimere Coats of all styles, Satinet and Jean Coats. very cheap, Doeskin Fancy Cussimere and Sa tinet Pants, Wool Shirts, White- Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers, Olocis,Musical Instruments °fall kinds, TOBACCO CIGARS ) Hazors,, Pipes, Brushes, Neckties, and s thousand other articles too numerotui to mention in II newspi. per advertisement. Y. CUNNINGHAM. Oct. 2,1868.—tf HATS.A OAPS, LATES STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES AT 11. B. WOODS. 811 E B OP ALL KINDS AT ItHDDOED PRIORS AT 11. B. WOODS. New Boot and Shoe Store. D. KITZMILLER & BOR., GETTES'BURG, PENNA. YORK STREET, OPPOSITE THE BAN TIIE undersigned bawe opened a new Boot end Shoe Store, on York street, Gettysburg, in the room recently occupied by no ca k .511cCasYszr, and have just received from the City a large assort ment of BOOTS& SHOES GENTLEMEN, LADIES & CHILI DRENS' WEAR, Consisting of Calf &Kip Boots, Congress & Balmoral Gai - tors, Slippers, &c. also SIA.NIIPACTURE TO ORDER, all klcabi of BOOTS AND SLlDES—the work being made up of best materials and by first class workmen. The sentor partner has been In the business for over 16 yeers and personally superintends all work made up. We respectfully invite the attention of Xi public to our establishment, and hope by strict attention to business and by selling at lowest cash prices, to give entire satlafsetioa, June 24,180.—tf HATS &CAPS. Fall and Winter Styles S. S. M'Cft.EARY HA 8 fast received a fresh and general assortment of II kV, including the very latsst'sityle il k H fine Silk Camlmare, and ft Par ate, and' also a largo supply of tins and priced Wuol HATS and CAPS for Men and BOYS a invites his friends and the public to at,. him* rail. I Dec. 11. 18x8.—t1 o:infections, Zoo, fotionO, OYSTER SALOON. JOHN GRUEL, ChambersburgSt., Gettysburg, next door to Eagle Announces to hia friend. that in addition . to his CONFECTIONERY, he ban opened an Oyster Saloon, at his old Item! on Chemberebure street, where during the season he will keep constantly we hand PRIME OYSTERS, the beet the market can afford, with special accent modatlorie for LADIES & GENTLEMEN Give us a call. Nor. i6.—if THE VERY BEST! Bierbower's Segar Store GETTYSBURG,PA, NORVI•EADT CORNDII OF THE DIAMOND Tag ,underaigned, thankful for put fns, re 'pitifully call, the attention of the public to his assortment of Segars, Smoking & Chew ing Tobacco, Pipes, ac., which he is prepared to sell at the lowest living prices, WROLESALZ AND RETAIL. He mill keep on hand THE BEST BRANDS, and will manufacture for gen eral sale throughout the County. sc= ember tile place, in the Diamond, between Brink erhoff's Store and McClellan's Hotel Dee. 11,1888.—tf WASHINGTON BIHRBOVVER giants and potaurauts.. EAGLE'EOTEI. The largest and moat commodious In GETTYBIII3II4), pErmi. 001NNZ Or ONASIDIESSINAO AIM WASHINGTON Mill" JOHN L. TATE, Proprietor. • sar.en Omnibus, for Passengers and lieggsieY rens to the Pinot, on and departure of Rail Road Tritium. Careful gammas, and reasonable chargea. May 29, KEYSTONE HOTEL. GETTYSBURG, PA. WM. E. MYERS, PROPRIETOR. NOW OPEN. THIS is anew Holum, and has been fitted up in the most aPPrevod style. It. looaiion it Pleasant and convenient, being in the matt business portion of the town. Beery arrange. bent has be bade tor the accommodation and coin fort of guests, with ample (tabling attached. With experienced ' , servants, and accommodating Cilarky we shall use eeeee endeavorittplease. This Hotel b now open for the eatertainment of the public, and woldndly solicit a share ofpnbliopatrrowll o . May U. UST. • A LL HINDS 01 BLAN4B, oammon, Actoalniars. .LIL torissid LOcutor*Dada Judaccs Now, Pcialeseir Notes, with and withat waiver 0 0 1 141/10114 111Zalluas. Subpolar's - Aid avieutlise _so' owe es maviavaa onsitieeles mem. WESTERN PRA=EIS' LAND. G RANI T E.-1 7 ART) • GETTYSBURG, PA., • ON RAILROAD, N.P...AR , PREIGHT DEPOT. PETER BEITLER prepared to furnish GRANITE, for all kinds of BUILDING AND MONUMENTAL PURPOSES, at reasonable rates— Curbing, Sills, Steps, Ashlers, Posts, Monuments, Ceme tery Blocks, &c., &c., out and Dabbed in emery style desired, by boat of workmen. 113.0rders front a distance promptly attended to. • June 3 —tf JEREM lAH- CULP GETTYSBURG!, PA., Undertaker & Paper-Hanger, Is prepared to furnish on short notice and reasonable term, COFFINS OF ALL STYLES. Heals° keens on hand a large assortment of WALL PAPER. which b e sells at lowest cash rates. and If de sired will furnish bands to put It on the wall. PLAIN & FANCY SIGN PAINT ING EXECUTED TO ORDER. Ala" York street-a few doorseast ofLutheran Chore May 27, 1865—tf. ROBERT A ARMOR, GAS FITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL HANGER, Zait Jliddle street, hatja square front the Court-hotue, CiETTYSBURG, PA., VTILL promptly attend to all or dens in hit line. Work done In the moat Bath factory manner, and at prices as low no can possibly be afforded to make a living. • GAS PIPE furnished, as well as Chandeliers, Brackets, Drop Lights kc.; also WATER PIPE, Stops. Top sad Prost Spigots, and, i n abort. everything belonging to gas or water fixtures. Bella hung, and furnished if dr, Lock, of at kinds repaired. Pee. 25,1867..-S MARSH CREEK • PLANIN G ILL. Tim undersigned has established a PLANING MILL, on Marsha eek,lJor miles from Gettysburg, at which be will ma ufacture DOORS AND DOOR FRAMES, WINDOW SASH AND FRAMES, FLOORING, WEA.TELERBOARDEcG, Chair and Wash Board., with everything else made at sue, a factory, and needed in the building line The best of lumber will always be need, all thoroughly dried, a kiln having been pot up for this purpose. Orders srlicited, and promptly attended to. Prices u low as tits lowest, and every effvrt made to accom modate customers. JOHN D. PFOUTZ. May w.1&68.—1y DAVID EITZMILLER, JACOB A. KrrnitLLas FURNITURE. . D. C. SHEAFFER PETERSBURG, (Y. 5.,) PENNA., It prepared to offer:tot!. Public, anything In his as cheap as cis be had In the county. 119.-Perchasers will do well to call and examine my stock here buying elsewhere. FURNITURE made to , rder. Repairing done neat cheap and with disra , • h. Jan. 22,4148.-t1 NEW BUSINESS. Upholstering SL Trimming, WILLIAM E. CULP H AS opened fe, Weaver's Covering Sofas, Chairs, Mat trasses, and Upholstering in all its branches. He also e.m Urines his old business of Trimming Buggies, Carriages, As., and solicits from the public their patronage. Charges moilerate. Gettysburg, Pa., Dec.ll.—tf ONLY FOR CAgH The undersigned, Dealers in Coal hereby give no tice to their Cue :outer, and the Public, that after this date NO CREDIT will be allowed, but all Coal moat be paid for in ad- TAIIC.Ib when ordered. Our being required to pay Carib for Coal and Freignt neceasitatee this change, and hernettn• The Cush ..Vstcm will be rigidly adher ed to. Sir All persons Indebted to either of the undersign ed on Book Account are requested to call and make settlement. C. 11. BUEHLER, JACOB RILEY, BENNER Ilainun. Gettysburg, Dee. 22.-3 m NEW BAKERY. NEWPORT tk, ZIEGLER. Mechanical Bakery, Corner Washington end Zee Middle streets, Gettyebnrg, Pa. Constantlkon hap. the beet of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, to. Persons wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leaving their names sad residences at the Bakery. Every effort made to please, • GIVE US A CALL May 23.1x87. HOWE MACHINES ! THE LATEST IMPROVED & GENUINE ELIAS HO WE, JR., SEWING MACHINES. JACOB F. THOMAS, Agent for Adams Cbunty, Rt. , Granite Hitt, P. 0., (Gulden's /nation.) ORDIRS will be promptly attended to: Machines delivered to all parts of the county and instruo- Holm given gratis. • gi3L.The public are ca utioned against parties who use the name of HOWE In connection with their into chines on account of the popularity of the Howe Ma chines. There are none GENUINE unless they-'have imbedded in each %whine a medallion having the likeness of KLIAIS NOME, Jr. ; on lt t to. Feb. 26—ti WHEAT WANTED. The undersigned will pay the highest markot prig* GOOD WHEAT, del:traced at kte KW, 14 01enwood Mlle? formerly Monhenny* f Iltgbland township. Dea . lll, IW.—U • Sum onveyancing. J. S. -- WITHEROW, p'ATRPIELD, PA., Lein big isrda4 it. tie paiblia ea PRA Calidltt SURVEYOR, and is props/ad t 6 ini±ey , Letts, to., di unable tams. Haring oar a °atm rim Uotosee, serio" adtskaa to PnPfzi. 111111 . 1 1AW_Illtailf • SaYtaitlaf4isitilitOdabe; 01-iloprok b"'" tZot ittV-Illt% • ZaZia:401419104"..:".' M Volum; gnat MANTUA -MAKIN MRS. E. J. Z.I.E6LER to dO /every desiniptioi Plain Sewing, Drees 'Making. Included. • Meeldeoce—East Mktdle et., one door from the Meth*. dist Church, Gett'sbord, OHN W. TIPTON, FASHION LBW! BARBER, opposite the taxis Hold, Gettysburg,Pa., where he can at tit times be round ready to attend to all business in bib Itue. ashes alsoan excellent assistanttand will insure satis faction. Give him • call. , • • Ida? 29,1867. GIORGE GDAGLLL. rz=mi Kee tr NT ' S COMPOUND ja t Pon THR CURE OP PIII < RID SORE THROAT, Or nay other Inflammatory or Inward &ULN of 'Throat If not of too long standing. Also,BoA pETYR. This medicine lau been tried in '.THOUS4ITDS OF CASES, In different parts *of the country, and has never been known to fail If taken In time and according to directions. It is warrented to cure. Give it • trial and it will speak fur Itself. Every household ehould Provide themselves with a box of: this medicine and keep It on hands. _Them:ores that It has affected are truly marvelous. Es. Prepared and sold by IsisittYounr k fraburg, Pa, or by their authorised agents. per sole at nearly all the Stores In Adams county. May 29,1867.-tf ISRAEL YOONI k CO. THE ORZAT ZINGARI BITTERS. A SAFE BLOOD PURIFIER, A SPLENDID TONIC, A PLEASANT BEVERAGE A CERTAIN' CUBE PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES The 'LINGUA' BITTERS are compounded from a proscription of the celebrated Egyptian physician Ds. Campers, who. after years of trial end experiment, discovery,' the Zinporini Herb—tho moat remarkable veritable production, the earth, perhaps, has ever yielded--certainly the most effective in the cure oldie s.° It. in combination with the other valuable pro• pertly)s of which the ZINGARI BITTERS is composed, will cure Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Cholic, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption in its first stage, Flatulency, Nervous Debility, Female Complaints, Rheu matism. Dysentery, Acute and Chronic Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Chol era, Typhoid and Ty; , ph us Fever, Yellow Fever, Scrofula, Diseases of the Kidneys, Ha- . bitual Cost iveness, eze.,&e. In the Panreurion and COIN of the above disease., it has never been known to fail, as thousands of oar moat prominent citizen. throughout all parts of the country, will testify. Let the atilicted send for cir cular containing testimonials and continent Ca of those who have been cared after their cases h ave beta pr.- pounced hopeless by our best physicians. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, F. RAIITER •5.:, CO., • No. 6 N. Front St., Philadelphia, RECOMMENDED BY Ex. Gov. David ILPorter, of Ponn9 lvania Hon. Robert .1. Fidler, Hon. Edward McPgaraon, Hon. Joel B.Danner, Hon Wm. Mcllhorry, Air SEND FOR CI C HS. Fl,. 111, Ib.:J.-1y AYER'S CHERRY.: PECTOR A L , For Discascs-of the Throat and Lungs, such as Cough.i, Gilds, Whooping Cough, Bronehitia, A6thina, and Consumpliwt. Probably Dever before in the whole bietory of medi cine, has anything won so widely and eo deeply upon the confidence of mankind, AS th is excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. through a long series of year,, and among most of thoraces of men IL bas risen higher and higher in their estimation, as it has be come better known. Its uniform character and pow er to cure the various affections of the lung. and throat, have made It kaown as a reliable protector against them. While adapted to milder forws of die. !MAP and to young children, It is at the same time the most effectual remedy that Can be giVPI3 for incipient consumption, and the dangerous affections of the throat and lungs. As a provision against sadden at tack. of Croup, it should be kept on hand in every family, and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with thia an tidote for them. Although settled CvlaZiOnpli.ll. thought Incurable, still groat numbers of eases %bore the disease seemed settled. have.... completely cured, and toe patient restored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. Bo complete is its muter,. OM( the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them, ender the Cherry Pectoral they subside and disappear. givers and Puelic Speaker, And great protection from It. Alamo. Ls always rellered and ,hen wholly cured by it. Bronchitis la generally cured by taking the Cherry l'ezierai in emall and frequent dose*. So geuerally are its •tttuea kuovrn that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than aemare the•publtc nut its onalitiee are fully maintained. Ayer ' s Ague Cure , For Fora and Ague, later - mule:a Fever. Chill Fr.ver Stmiitcnt Fear, Dumb r iucticAl or I liUoics Fever, db., and indeed an the affection., which arise from sialarlous, mariA, or miasmatic poisons As It. name implies, does Cure, and doe. not fail. Containing neither Arsenic. Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or pOilunOSS substance what— ever, it in nowise !Wars' any patient. Tho numb and Importance of Its cures in the ague districts, erg swww, essawet a wlrtiOut,a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride Is gratifleil by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cum', and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacclimated persons , oitlior resident in, or travel log through miasmatic localities, will be protected by taking the AGUE CURE daily. For Liver Meiphainrs, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Lifer Into. heeltby For Eitlicus Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly remarkable care., where other medicines had failed. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO, Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold ail round rho work', PRICE, 1100 PER BOTTLE, Fur sale by A. D. Buehler, Druggist, Gettysburg, Pa. [Oct. 2, 1868.,--3sl THE GREAT Invigorator and Restorer OF TIIII Vitality of the Stomach. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Materials. Pare Tonics and the most Pleasant Aromatics. . Thu Invaluable Remedy for Dyspepsia and General Debility of the system is offered to the public, after a fair trial of its merits, with entire confidence that it will command their approval Lt has been submitted. with the materials which.compose it, to practising Physicians—among others to Dr. IL 11,0 PPM, nt, one of onr oldost and town eminent Physician; res.d. lug at New Oxford, who, after examination, pi a nonnced it a Remedy which would not foil to show Its salutary effects, when properly administered, in cases of Dyspepsia, springing from old age and debilitating effects of serious inward diseases--weakening, and at lut destroying the nervous power of the stomach it self—and therefore entitling it to be emphatically called "The Great Invigorator." Dr. W. J. Blcexcax, another prominent Physician of New Oxford, thus gives his opinion: NXW OXIVILD, Dec. 30, 1869. Mr. Joan!' BEIM! Dear :—At your request I have exam:nod "The Great Invigorator , " preps - ed by you, and the formula from which It is prepared. It is composed of swine o: the moat powerful vegetable tonic. and most pleasant aromatics known to oar profession, and 1 have no hesitancy in recommending It In Chronic casesof Dye. pops*, and in all pysos of Indigestion resulting from debility of the Stomach. Believing that, if properly used, it will be of incalculable hennflt to the suffering of our race, I subscribe myself, Yours, very respectfully, W. J. Mr:CLIME, M.l). ..Manufactured and for sale, wn01ca,0,,,,,,,g re New ozfatd. Adams county, Pa , by BUSBEY h HEAGY, Proprietors. APENTB.—The "Great Invigorator" Can be had from the following Agents: . D. B. roots, Italtimore,lld.; 121.11.41bb0n5, DAM— more, 51d.; 4. D. Buehler, Hinesburg, Pa.; A. B. Hildabrand, East Berlin, Pa.; Y. J. Wilson, Berwick Bor., Pa. •, Theodore Platter, Berwick, Bor., Pa. ; F. X Smith. Iriebtown, Pa.; P. O. Lawrence, Mount Rock pa.; W. A. Mellhenny, Red Laud, P. 0. Pa.; J. u Wiest New Oxford, Pa.; D. M. Now Oxford Pa. [—t. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE H A I It.. The Great Desideratum of the Age A droning which feet once agreeable, healthy, and effectual ibr preserving the hair. laded or gray hair a Soon restored to its original 'cote• and OW gloss and feeskosts of ywatk. Thin hair is thickened, telling hatr checked. and baldneas often, though not always enredby Wines.. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glandsatrophied and decayed. Bat each as remain tan be oared kw uaufal neee by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with • - pasty sediment, it will keep it Glean and rigor• ons. Its occanional usi will present the hair from turning gray or telling off, and consequently prevent baldacas. Ares . tram those deleterion. substances which make 11001 e preparatknis dangerous and irtiffti ons tn the hair, the • Vigor can only benefit but no , harm It, II wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSMI-, nothing else can be *sad ao desirable. Cloatalair ' s neither oil nor dye, It dos not s LI wditeeambrlo, and yetleste Isom on the halt., string it a rich glow metre and a patella perfaine. Prepare4-by J. a Ayer Co:, Puomer, & ANALYTICAL OREMISTS, MASS:" • •, . m 4110•Pana.ovifsi - • agar Weld , 14. Nooks, a• to , Wit Ps. ' • Md. 2, /10"/ ,twmhtu timpittututo, &r. FARM IMPLEMENT. WILLOTJGHBY'S GUM SPRING DRILL. Tax Beet Drill In use, will 11014 ., all kinds of Grain without changing any part of the Drill. .Can tarnish them with or without the Guano Attachments. Guaranteed to do good work. Also, the Harrisburg Fannig Mill made In New York. Equvily as good as the mills thruway sold to this county. SEPARATORS AND THRESHERS, CLOVER nut LERS, STEEL PLOUGHS, AC., YARNING 131. PLUME:WS GENERALLY. for sale by WSI. WIBLE. Aug. 14.-tf J. H. SHIREMAN'S REAPERS & MOWERS. H AVINO been agent for this machine last season, I also oiler It to the `armor this lioas,n It is well known, having taken the premium at the Benders• villa Fair, also at the Gettysburg Mowing Match over seven others, which were considered splendid Ma chines, and-likewise et the Dillslairg Slowing Match. Hiving concluded not to otter any nia , hing, thst will not glee entire satisfaction, I have refused kgencitsi of several other machines, and now odes this one as TUE GREAT MACHINE OF THE SEASON Having tried one !I:1),W, I ltima 'exactly what it will do. I could refer yon to scnren of ftrnr.•rs who lame purchased 11111C1111.1021 of me, who are it ititti t pleased and say this Is the only machine tbe use. Extras always on band. anti repairing done here at my place„_.Thie id a. great consideration—lL, machine can he repaired at Moue inuavdiately. and writ. much less Coat. Another great saying is the BINDP.TI wide!, le at tached to this celebrated Reaper Alla Men er It has been thoroughly tried, and• given entire satisfaction— requiring co harrest hand except n driver. This Hinder can also be attached to the: Reapers bleb have been sold ;,,,but cannot be attached to any otbni machine except Shirenian's. I will here refer yonto a few farmers, In different localities, who have beught and used the, inaebine• Michael Facet, Stephen Oettier, Moses Hartman, 11r. Sterner, Joseph Wlcrmau, Me Linn, Ulrich Jazobs, J. R. Hershey Jacob Hartman, B. D. Woodhuro. Jacob Laman, with others, too numerous to mention . . This machine has a seltrake, fide delivery, and id warranted to do Its-work as above recommended. Alen on hand, A N'S SE LF.Dit , CIIARGING HORSE RAKE, a Orst-rate article, which we will sell at the lowest possible price. Warranted to give e e tj a . faction. Also the COLIRIBIA, RAKE alwayeGn hand. Machine. can be seen at my house, three 'inlet south of 0 etty 1bur,...7, or at Mr. Conrad Snyder 's :Littlefield LEWIS A. .131.781131 AN. Juue3.—tt Agent. A Word to the Wise I HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO FARM ERS Renner 's Chemical Fertilizer ! THE importance of a quick, ac tire nod durable Fertilizer, adapted to tba !soil of our county, fa acknowledged by all Farmer.. Hav ing sittiellimi myself, after long study and enreful ex periment, that F. C. Idur.lita's MEMO Chemical Fertilizes surpass', all others Is a.lapt.t.luesps to ail ki:As oI soil, I Irks , • purtim.,l the right for A dau, r..onty, Isocl sot pr.:par..l to fill orders for it promptly ark: on rea.4l,ble tOritii. It is Ito humbug, but HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY TRIED by a number or our Former', and is admitted by all who pare it to he the best in the market, ,m 1 the cheapest. lam prepired to furuish this Fertilizer in any quantity, auil will deliver t. In-any town or vinaE 4 e in the County, when ordered in not less quantity than a TON. I manufactuao it for sale at t. 54) per ton without bags, or ELS in &age. This f-rtilieer Is cumpcc.•d of the best fertilizibg chemicals that can hell:id. I ate no oil of vitriol; it does not contain any ammonia, therefore I do not use it. Neither do I use lime Cur ashes. THE OBJECT OF TILE CIIE3IICAL FERTILIZER la to Introduce a fertilizer that will last I,:r a aeries of clops—not only for one. It Contains nation:at an. Mal matter to mature the grain and make it ripe early, while the ammonia forces -the growth. I expect to manufocturea large trapply Chid winter for the spring eropaand therefore invite firmer& and the public gen erally to give it a trial on all kinds of Grums and Verget•blcs. CAUTION.—I hereby give notice that Farm Rights hereafter sold unless signed by Me, are Infringements on my Right. and will he prosecuted and dealt with according to law, from which there is no appeal. 1111,..A1l orders Will be prompt/3r attcadccl to by ad dressing Bew.lerbv ilk. Penns. E. Mc I;IM3I G,neral Agent for sale a Coun ty and titat, Rights, Bender...ale, Adana county, Dec. F A - R E RS ! ! ! " TRY THE ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE! IT rs composed principally of the celebrated Guano from ALTA VELA. Contains threa per cent. of AMMONIA, an ample goactity Rico activity (without injury) to the rego tatioa, and a large quantity of soluble BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, together with Potash and Soda, the eesential etemonta of a COMPLETE 3LINERE. TheLigh reputation it ham obtained among the many thousand farmers who are using it in preference to all other hinds, is a sure guarantee of its ratite. PILICE $.56.00 PER TON. Send for a pamphlet. Address • THE ALTA VELA GUANO CO., • • '57 Broadway, New York. S. S. BISHOP dt CO., '_oo N. Del. Ave., Philadelphia, Agents for Penna. and Southern New Jersey. E July 31, 1868.—1 y SURPRISE OATS T Alt prepared to turnish SIIIIPISE SEED OATS I to persons desiring it. Weighs 47 lbs when fully matured. and ripens ten days earlier than other oats; grows larger and stirrer in the straw, and will yield 100 to 125 bushels to the acre. Persons wanting it must make arty application. will deliee the Oats to persons Gettysburg or vicinity at 13 prr bushel. Address CILARLES W. CRUSE. Petersburg, (Y. 5.,) Adams co., Pa.—tf :Notice to Capitalists ! PERSONS desiring of investing, and .reilizleg nearly NINE PEE CENT., are requested to call at the, Gettysburg Nationa! Bank, AND OBTAIN CIRCULARS OF THRJ UNION PACIFIC CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD COS. GRATISI These investment/ are daily growing in favor and sales Increasing. liar-BONDS can baled at all times at this Bank and where all information concerning said Invest ments wilt be cheerfully given. Dec.18,1867.-tf J. &MORT BAIL Cashicr. GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK GOVERNMENT BONDS, of atl kinds, BOUGHT and SOLD. • SEVEN-THIRTY BONDS converted Into FIVII.TWEN. TY BONDS without charge. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES CASHED. The HIGHEST PREMIUM paid on GOLD and SILVE R. STOCKS and BONDS, of all kinds. bought for persona without ,CHARGING COMMISSION. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Interest on SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced l per eta ris: 6 PEB. CENT. liar] year, 4 PER OENT. for 6 months, 8 PER 01113 T. Ibr 3 Months. Persons wishing Information In regard to IJ. B.Ba and Stocks of all kinds, are Invited to give omit call and we will sire all Information olneerfully. . J. EMORY . BAIR, Cailtiar. Gettysburg. Oct. 804867-0 FIRST NATIONAL BANK G.ETTYSB URG WILL Allow • Interest on SPECIAL . DEPOSITS u follows 5 P P 4 1 1 51T ' P f 411 a 41 1 11155 15)117 0 1 111 1 4 4 5a 8 tg st 8 " WILL OW 001EPOUND DITNIEST. NOTES LIM wm aleopurcltale orlon. NrOOMI . mad 11011MOof ovary kind nasal abilixtfigr Cknamisdaa, sad wilt at alt t*.. Pal 4a. 111 1 1 / 1 /02 frif ow), :0'1'104 , 7). FR, imptlyss apt with iajosestp r"° — hemoroiefaidtdo ECM= - , GIIQ. Alinesalt 17 1 110ty11111114110t GEORGE 13 EN DER Xittantiat. LIME= Stlt'o toiumu COE'S COUGH Ulla 1 This lung tried and popular Remedy ir again called to the attention orate public. Ai often as the year rolls around, the proprietors annually make their bow to the people, and remind them that amongst the many things requ'rid fir the health, Muffin end ■tm tenance of the family through the long and tedious months of winter, Coe's Cough Dalsani should not be forgotten. 'For years it has been a household medi cine—and mothers M 12101211 for the salety of their dal droll, and all who suffer from any disease of the throat, chest and lungs, cannot afford to be without it. In addition to the ordinary four ounce so long in th market, we now furnish our mammoth family size bottles, Which will, in common with the °Meriden, be round at all Drug Stores. FOR CROUP, Th. Bataan' will be found Ihealusble, and may aiwaya ho relied upon ie the :aux extreme cases. WHOOPING COUGH. The te,tilbouy of all ,bo have nsed it for ail' term Lie .li,ea.e during the hut ten yearn, la, that it In variably relieve, and care, it. SORE THROAT Keep your throat wet with the Balsam—taking lit tle and often—and pai w ill very son find relief. lIARD COLDS AND COUGHS Ylold at onco to a steady tiie of this great remedy.._ It will 'Emceed in giving relief where all other re medies hare failed. SORENESS OF THE THROAT, CHEST AND LUNGS. Do not • delay procuring and Immediately taking Coe'a Cough Balsam. when troubled with any of the above named ditflcultles. They are all premonitory symptoms of Consumption, and if not arrested, will sooner or late. sweep Son away Into the valley of shadows front which none can tool return. IN CONSUMPTION, Many a care-worn nnfferer hae found relief and to day ',joie, that her life hot been made easy and pro longed by the use of Coe'. Cough Balsa, IN SHORT, The pe knuw the article, and it needs no comment Iron. a.. Ir is sole by every Druggist said Dealer In 31,11cinta in the 1.41 Dal State!. THE C. G. CLARK CO., Sole Proprietors, Newilaven, Ct Read ! Read 11 Read ! THE ATTENTION of the PEOPLE IS CALLED TO THE World's Great Remedy, Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. This preparation to pronounced by Dyepepiral aa the only known remedy that will rarely CUTe that ag gravating and fatal malady, For years Is swept on Ita fearful tide, carrying before it to an untimely grave, to millions of sufferers, Coe's Dyspepsia Cure has come to the Rescue Idigesticm, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache Sourness or Acidity of Stomach, Rio- inp of Food, .Flcduleney, Las- sittide, Weariness, finally ter- ninating in Dent Aro as surely cured by this potent remedy, as the pa- t ient cokes It. Although bnt fire years before the people, what Is the verdict of the muses? Hear what Lester Sexton, of Milwaukee, says: tFroat LESTER SEATON, of Milwaukee.] 31z1x...viz!, Jan. 24, 1868 Mustr.s. 0. G. Cu.z t Co., .Ncto Room, Ono. Both mytelf and wife bayouited Cod eDy tpepida Clam and it has proved PERFECTLY satisfactory as • Eisin eay. 1 have NO hesitation to saying that Ire baYe re ceived GREAT BENEFIT from its me. REMM2MI A GREAT BLESSING. (Prim R. L. Z WARD, Avon, Lorain Co., O.) Nears. Strong d drinarcitg, Druggist, Clerdanii. Gentlimas :—lt gives me great pleasure to state the t my glib hes derived great benefit from the use tJ Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. She has been kr • 'number ol years greatly troubled with Dyspepsia. accompanied by violent paroxysms of conatipatton which eo pros Crated her that se was all the while, toe modths, un able to do anything. She took, at your instance,. COlO , Dyepepsla Cure, and has derived GREAT BENEFIT PAGE IT, and s now comparatively well. She re gards this medicine as a great blueing. Truly yours, 1an.13,1868. L. E. WAR). CLERGYMEN. The Roy. Ileac Alum, of Allegheny, te stiles tin has cured him, after all other remedies had failed. DRUGGISTS. Any druggist fa the country will toll 7 4 11.1,04 , take the , trouble to enquire., that ovary *a* that bays • bottle of Ooe's Dyopopeta Cure from there. "oaks In, nu. moat unqualified praise of Its great tasilttaal rapt Coe's Dyspepsia Cure WI b• bond. invaluable in all cues of Bluely*, DYamitay, ooUe, Bummer Oontpiaints, Griping and In het every disordered condlion of the stoma. Sold Ity,Druggists to city or canatryoverywnare at per Bottle, or by application to C. G. CLARK. CO., Solo ProprlN Ipow A. D. BVBIILItitp; Gettysburg, Pa.; Agent-for Adiuni-eointy. Oct lA. blnly 10, 11110.4700, ENE IMO 041 OPER. 1.40141 k Pt011411 . 011111:AFV . RIP n tryrf. tlnt O•ftytbirpr.„. I putt, Tdr. STAR %Su Sixtvezt. day morttinit, a Eiov n year la not I›.i I within tho y,ar: ifyr 0,111,1 trail All 4regitagitte ATI Hon of the rot blisherc AD4IRII/11.11 eivestid A libersNaluetlovit will Ai wwil Si as by the quaster,balfl•Wri. Sloss will bel assitoasit s • '•• upon. • ... *Jena urclOstioa of iheST belt larger Masi the 4 ever *us! In Adams comity; end, wise e *ipso; be excel/ed. ,Jos Wow' or .11 klodi will b aMd sa,t falr . • lics.Nbllts. lets, tc , in every vorinty sod *hurt wm , e. T.rms of i•A, OFFICIAL OIR Prrfid, n ALtreiat, .bot!its—ititte Pr ,1,,,,, a0tarii—J4c...,t, Rrgift.>u n.rt of the Com rta—A w.ine Dulri