pod parts. 'T R A. Y ine to the residenee of the sub- Frutddia totenithip, neer Ifilltown, in s t, a WIUT.Ii P.AII, with oo marks. The ..illt.ttll to Cottle forward, prpee, property, take him altay. JACOB STOVER: ICE.—Letters of Jon!: demised Id4mtscututt.r.bafog to the ut:de• Signed reeiding itrBtrithea Lt Le e'oy notice tv all persons in. ,•, 11, it, immediate payment, na, iar elaim.,akto, the varne - to present ,vr'o Ituthentirate.if,r N F. Aduer T in see,,iict 11 , 0miit of Jos Ern L. L-. C 0 1 111143.: 01 She pro sun: nod estate of 'I , kI.I:WI.R. s Liltlc o.f Col.oW.lit) towohhip, • u ty. Pa.. has filed iu the court of Com, ot A datum calmly, oud will he contirtuell t. with, IVJ.,i IS6V, U 41.4. cause the coutrary. :ACOB ORN,-Proch'y MEM TI C . , t , t. S. Gulden - has beau elected SecolidLieute,nant of the Franklin Zousves, in place of Lieut. C. E. Camp,, resigned. in-Mr. Christian Benner hits bought the Baking establishment of Newport and Zeigler, on the corner of Washington and West Middle street, for $2500 cash, FARMERS' MEETING.—A Farmers , Meeting will be held in Agricultural Hall, to morrow (Sattirday) afternoon, at v l o'clock. Subject, for discussion —"The Planting of Spring Crops." TOWNSHIP OFFICERS.—On our first page will be found a list of the officers elected in the various districts of the county, ct the recent township .election 9 ,, fur which we :Ire indebted to the cottrteu of Co ntp iler. C LLED.— On Tuesday last the Presby terian Church of this place unanimously determined to call Rev. WiLLIA3t 11 Hithas, of Vartinsburg, West Virginia: Mr. H. is a graduate of Allegheny Seminary, and is a •licentiate of the Car lisle Presbytery. Iu the reading columns of our first page we publish, as a paid advertisement, the first two chapters of " : Ited-Knile," a new story now appearing in the New York Ledger. Mr. BONNER, himself a publiser, knows the Value of extensive and systematic advertising'. ROBBERY.—On Thursday night, the Zth ult., the dwelling of Mr. WARNER ToW NSEN 1), in York Springs di - strict, was entered find wearing apparel of the value of $lO or sl° taken. Entrance was effect ed througlia window on the front porch.— It is supposed the villains became alarm ed and left hurriedly, without comploting their work, as the window was found open, and part of the-plunder Was drop ped on the porch. ILLUSTRATED BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH.—The late R. G. PARDEE, so long and favorably know as one of the foremost Sabbath-school workers in the land, died February 4th, 1869. The San- Times, of Philadelphia, ha. just published a valuable sketch of his life and labors, from the able pen of John S. Hart LL. D., accompanied with an excellent portrait of Mr. Pardee. Any one interest ed in the Sunday-schobl cause can obtain a copy of the sketch free on applicath,n to the publishers of the Timex. TOOK THE VEIL.—On Friday last, St. Joseph's Academy of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart, in M'Sherrystown, W a.s the eeno of a very solomn and impressive ceremony. Upon the afternoon of tha t day, two young ladies, Miss Smith and Miss Parson, both of Adams county, gave up the pleasures and enjoyment of the world by "taking the veil," and entering the Order'of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart.. ArchhishopSpalding, with a num ber of prominent priests, was present on the occasion. - "quite a large number of persons witnessed the ceremony, which is said to have been very touehing and itn press i ve.—Hanover Spectakir. IMPROVEMENTS.—David Blue- Laugh's house, on Washington street. Is receiving its finishing touches and will be ready for occupancy Mit few days. Charles H. Stallsmithls house, on York street, is under way,_ the masons Laving commenced on tho foundations. Daniel Klingers house, on Baltimore .street, is now under way and will be finished before long. had. M. Tate's house, on North Washing ton street, Is now under roof and will soon be ready for the plasterer. George Cashnian's house, on Stratton street, Is receiving its last touches and will be occupied in a few days, Jno. M. Minnigh has commenced the foundation of his house, on Chambersburg street. • • CHANGES.—S. R. TiiioN has moved his Barber Shop to the Diamond, in the room formerly occupied by'J. W. TIPTON. Jou.lt . CREss has taken poisession of the _BENNER dL Bao.'s Warehouse, they haying :retired from bu.siness. J. E. WIDLE d Dno. have taken posses sion of the Warehouse formerly; occupied by WM. BIDDLE. D. .W. ROBINSON has opened a Sewing Machine Agency in the room recently va cated by R.-C. COusAN. The firm of NEWPORT & ZEIGLER, Ba k em, has been dissolved, Mr. Ziegler go log mu, and Mr. Newport continuing the 'business. JOSEPH JACOBS has moved his tailoring shop into the room wi th Robinson's See•- mg NJ - aching ag ency. COMPLIMENTARY.—The National Deknder, Norristown, Pa., has a detailed notice of quitet compliment tendered by A number ot":-citizens of Perkiomen Bridge, Montgomery county, on the eve ning of the 3d Ult., tO - Capt. 17.. M. WAR REN, of this place. Capt. Warren had been sojourning for some weeks at Per, itiouniu Bridge and - neighborhood, selling the American Champion Washing Ma .chine and Warren's Electric Churn, man ufactured in Gettysburg, by Messrs. Kitz snilier, Hunter & Co. Quite a number of gentlemen called at the hotel where Capt. W. was stopping to pay their respects,— To Captain, getting wind of the affair in Advance, ordered a sumptuous collation at which BMW arty gentlemen sat down. - Toasts and speeches were the order of the .oveulng, continuing to-a late him!. ..RJSTICEt3 gtabillNAL CASES.—The following is the text of the act to which we alluded - last week, and which has passed both houses of the Leg islature. It is worthy of the attention of Justices of the Peace. Instead of holding criminal cases until a short time previous to the Court, Justices hereafter will be re .kuired to make return of such caseawithf. in rive days after bindingover or cum Ml* iug: AN Acr—Relative to committing magis trates of Lebanon, Dauphin, Franklin and Atiama conuties. €Ecr. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives of (he Comown a•eatth of renruytrania in General Anent. bly met, and it u hereby enacted by authori ty of the same: That from and after the passage ot this act, it shall be the dut f all the committing magistrates of the coun ties of Lebanon, Dauphin, Franklin and n Adams, upo complaint being made on oath or affirmation of any person or per sons, to enter such complaint upon their criminal dockets with the name, residence and occupation, it any, of all defendants, bail and witnesses in every criminal owe, and to return to the district attorney amid (nun ty.a true tran.cript from said docket within live days after the, binding over or committal of any defendant Qr defendants charged with felony, or any other criminal offence, and any violation of the re quirements of this section .is hereby de clared a adstisenemor in office and, on con y lotion thereof, the party so offending shall be tined in a sum not exceeding five hun dred dollars. bizer. 2. That all or anyinna ol'Aseembly now in force In the Corinth* of Lebanon, Dauphin, Franklin and Adannieonlinning herewith, either in whaleim• in part, be and the same are hereby repealed. FOR SALE—A 411 1, nisi elallblning And Shifting Top BUGGY. Esquiroi et Dr. O'NSAL's ogles oft - fielkeesii Walt near High. • • • THE KATLYBINE SPRING:-CON FLICT OF AUTHORITY.-4,11111e $ aen. sation has been produced in this ocimuitt nity by as event which oottared ate the Katalysine Spring on Tuesday last—the sudden termination of the lease of the Spring and surroundings to the "Gettys burg- tilpring Company," by the lessor and proprietor. On Tuesday the pro prietor took possession of the premises, ejected the employees 'of the Company and .placed his own agents in charge, it the same time posting up a notice of which thelollowing is an extract: • I. have re-entered and terminated the lease of theee premises and the Spring, in pursuande of one of the provisions of the instruments referred to authorizing me so to do in case defautt shall be made of any of the covenants therein coutalued. Such de.ault has been repeatedly madeof one antrall the covenants or the instruments, and I have accordingly terminated the lease by this my act done and performed on the 30th of March, 1869. An Agents of the Gettysburg Spring Company are for bidden to enter these premises or the grounds adjacent for the purpose of exer cising authority or the powers of the lease tints-abrogated, under penalties of tres pass and of such summary expulsion as the laws justify. This document explains itself, and it is to be assumed that the step is taken under legal advice. We presume this action will lead to litigation, and if so it may close the spring fora time to the distant public. . Should such unfortunately be the result, the people of Gettysburg will not ho without some compensation. "It Is an ill ,wind which blows nobody any good," says uu old proverb, and we are likely to have an illustration °f it, in this entanglement of the Spring Managers. The Gettysburg Katalysine water has ac qulreTe, high reputation for its curative virtues, and the demand last Season taxed the capacity of the management to till the orders as they poured in from all parts of the country. Thousands have used it, and many persons of note at hoina and abroad have certified its beneficial effect... The withdrawal of the water from the market will necessitate a visit to Gettys burg of those who desire to test its cura tive properties, and we may look for a hegira of invalids and bealtheeekers this summer, which must benefit our hotels cud boarding houses. We understand that the disagreement between the owner and lessees of the spring will nut affect the supply of water to Sojourners at hotels, boarditig houses, or Cottages iu the vicinity; nor will it af fect the large Spring_ Hotel now in pro gress of erection., The Spring Hotel Company have their right secured by wit tract, and we understand there is no dis position on either side to interlero with them, Sven if there was the power to do It is to be hoped, however, that the diffi culty which has thus temporarily stopped lie supply of this now noted water for the distant market, may be speed ly adjusted. ENTERPHISING.—Our young friend' Lieut. J. W. CRESt, by dent of enterprise, industry, courtesy, attention to business, and liberal advertising, has built up an extensive trade in the line of Grocerica;„ Queenwaie, Flour, Feed, and General. notions. His store, on the corner of the DiamMul and Chambersburg street, long known as "Smith's corner," is always thronged with customers, who cheerfully await their turn, because „they know they will get the best quality ef.goOds at rea sonable prices. A little of everything can be found in his store, and customers can be assured of getting just what they want and at prices to suit the times. He has Illst opened a fresh and largely increased stock rif Molassr-s, Syurps, Coffee, Sugar and Goods generally for the Spring trade, and now is he time to buy. We advise our friends to g,iviatle Lieutenant and his goods a trial. .it NEW COOKING STOVE.—The atten tion of ,Housekeepers is invited to the EXCELSiOIt PENN COOK STOVE, which has recently been, brought into the market, and bids fair to throw all other Stoves into the shade. This Stove took the first premium at. the State Fair held .tu Harrisburg tat ram Among Its pecupar merits are the large' Oven and Flues, and general simplicity; not being encumbered with unnecessary appendages, which in many stoves only enhance the cost without being of practical use. For beauty of de sign, quality of material, and general ex cellence, it cannot be excelled. The price is lower than any other first-class Cook Stove in market, and yet is warranted to cook and bake equal to the best. The Ex celsior Penn Cook can be seen at the Wareroom of Col. C. H. BrEHLZR, on Car lisle street, Gettysburg, who is she Agent for this place. Call and' see it. tf lIEAD QUARTERS REMOVED. Capt. Noma, has removed his store to Arnold's Corner, next door to the Ist Na tional Bank, where you will find one of the best and cheapest Stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods of every discription, in the county. He is selling Winter Clothing at greately reduced prices to make room for Spring Goods. , If you watt a Blitosts go to Nomus' corner. All kinds of Men's and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Caps,Boots and Shoes as cheap aibeforotbe War. If you don't elieve this, eall and be convinced.—Don't orget the place. tf. A WORD TO THE WISE.--Persons going to Housekeeping this spring would do well to canal Col. C. H. BUEHLER'S extensive Ware-room, near the Paseenger I depot, on Carlisle street, who has oh hand a very large assortment of Stoves of the best manufacture, Cooking, Parlor, Cake, and Chamber Stoves, for wood or Coal ; also Hollow Ware t Tin-Ware, Japan Ware, 'Britannia Waro, Bird Cages, and a general assortment of Kitchen utensils, necessary in house keeping, and at very low prices ! C! C !—liortaps wtll, after the Ist day of January well 'all kinds of Winter Clothing at greatly redued prices—Over Coats as low as $4.00; - Cavalry Over Coats at $6.25, Infantry Over Coats $5.25, and all other Whiter goods at greatly reduced pri ces, to mako room for Spring goods. tf GREAT SURPRISE.—We were aston ished the other day in pisaing An:fold's old corner. Nonms has charged his base to this corner, and is surprising every body that visits him by his large and cheap Stock of Clothing, Bats, at caps, Boots, Shoes, &c.c. &c. Give him a o tf. COUNTY TRADE.—"County trade" is a thing . which Many business houses af fect to despise. But Messrs. Winamaker Brown welcome to their establishment a gonuine honest "countryman" as cor- Wally as they .do tha most polished and elegant"citizen."- Coutarymen want good clothes at low prim, and Oak Hall is prepared to meet that want, and so invites every stranger in the city to the big house, at !Rath and Ma:tot e to see -what can be done for them .re. it Wear • your learning, like your watch, ins private pocket, and don't pull it out to show that , you have, one i but if you are asked whht o'clock it li, tell it. So if you are sake& what•the greatest tonic in the world is, you can with confidence ear the Zinger! Bitters. it is recommended by some ot the moat eminent men in this country, as well as in Europe. it PiPaTtle b23Portation - of rap gom the editor/anew, hides from Brazil, and other commodities from the tropios, is kniown to bring the germs of - &amo k chief& elvers, whioh are sometimes very afflicting and fatal. AYER'S A 01721 emit stimulates the Liver to exerate theme gems from the system as effectually as it does the-This:natio poison `of our Agne districts. Consequently it affords inval uable p lsatioii toistewskwas and others whine offtpatica expose them' to there dshgerowittrertion*4 atia-waboio tareu derthani Was , " senior, In pang them tbk 144riptiostpPW Pecitteb. GErrieswa suensass -Ibritzerenr. (set At is w is eselic 1.) \ aaovan Ar Law. - R. 0. Yeareity, York street, la reoldonco. ltasksaughy tKmiutb, Ohambersburg st.,reeldsuem. D. Wino; ;on Pnblk pare,ln residooce. A. a. °over. Ballamorairt., near latuneetosh's Store. - D. A. Buehler, Baltlmor- 3. If .Tlpten, N. E. *or Newport t Zlegjer,corn =I D. Lit=lller I Bro., "if D. a. Itlingel, Baltimol John St. Meil ing, Qarlbl CONFILTIL John Gruel, Ohara:Nish tug street, near Bagle Hotel CANDIXTZ/8 AND CONIDNOPOID. Wm. C. Btallanith k Son, York street, that square. Wm. Chritintan, Washington et- near Ohamberibtirg Ono. C. Cushman, York street. sseund square. • o►tttuaeae, C. Danner & Ziegler, Middle street, near Baltimore. `Perry J. Tate, Washington at., near Ghambersburg AV. K. Gallagher, net Middle et. second square. CLOTHING. P. Ourmitighham, Baltimore street, Brat square. T. C. Norris, South West corner of Diamond. Jacob Brinkerhoff, corner of York and Public Square COAL, LOOSE, LIME, IC. C. H. Buehler, corner of Carlisle and Railroad street& Jacob Reilly, corner of Stratton and Railroad. DINTIST. Dr. Wm. Btallsolith, York street, first 'quart,. J. L. Hill, Chambersburg street., opposite Eagle Hots, DRUGGISTS. A. D. Buehler, Chatuberstatrig et., near Public Square Ruben, Balamer° street, first square. R. Horner, Chamb'g st., opposite Christ's Church. DRY GOODS. Fahnestock Brothers, cor. of Balt°. and Middle ate J. L. Schick, car. Baltimoreand Public &pare. Robert & Elliot, Balt. et opposite the Court-hoagie. If. B. Woods, cor. of Diamond and York street. F. D. Duphorn, corner of Diamond and Carlisle at. FORWARDING AND CODUCLBSION HOURS. Big Lam & Co q - Dor. Wastdo gton and Railroad. H.S. Benner Brother, cor. Stratton and Railroad McCurdy & Hamilton. Carlisle Street. 11:11.211TO8i STOILZ. Hunter Warner, Booth East corner of Diamond GIIANITM TLBD Peter Beltler, Railroad, Rata of Stratton street 1111231131 IL D. Armor, East Middle street - asocnurs, ec. J. W. Oreis , cor.Chatubersburg and Public Square Wm. Boyer & Son, York et., opposite Nat tonal Bank. Wm. B. Meals, York ■t., second square. -- Wm..l.Martin, cor. of Baltimore and filth 'treats. Fahnestock Brothers, cor. Baltimore and Middle sta. highim & Co., cor. Washington and Railroad streets McCurdy & Hamilton. Contain it. Gillespie & Co., York at., first square. M. Paxton, Baltimore street, third square. alaDwans AND CUThZRT. Bennet& Ziegler, Baltimore street, first square. rahueeteek Brothers, comer Bal to. sod Middle ete CEM:2II3 D. McCreary & Sou, Balto. it. opposite Pres. CLurch HATS, CAPS, Basis, sc. S. S. McCreary. Chambers burg street, first square. Jacob Brinkerhoff, cur. of York st., and Public Square T. C. Norris, South West co tner of Diamond. It. C. Cobean, Cbambereburg it. Row k 15 - axis, cur of Diamond and York street. IMEEM Eagle Hotel, J. L. Tate, proprietor, corner Chambers burg and Washington. Keystone llouse, W. E. Myers, proprietor, Chambers burg street, opposite Christ's Church. I= N. Weaver, Washington st., north of Chautbersburg T. T. Tate, Washington st., near Engle Hotel. X1.1111L2 TAUB. J. M. Cannoti,corzier of Baltimore and Middle streete 'Meals Brother, York at., east of fitrattou. 31ANTMA MAIM. Mrs. E. J. Ziegler, East Middle attest PI/UTOGHIPIILILEI. Tipton k Myers, Turk street, opposite Natiousl Bank 1167167311 J. W. C. O'Neal, Baltimore street, near Met PAINTING otmea. Star el ..Tentinel, Baltimore et., midway between the Court Bowie and Public Square, west lido. 1370CE 2 9, TIRRALI, &C. C. 11. "loonier, corner of Corllrle and Rai Iroud BZOI/1. SUEZ. Washington Bierbower, N. E. corner of Diamond EMU! Wm. Y. Kilsg, York street, oppositellank. ViDESTAX.ZR I PAP= tianiza. Jeremiah Culp, York street, second square Wlll. E. Culp, Warqlingten street, near Eagle Slotal WASCI/X tcra. Eloper d IleCartuey, Salto., street, first square NEW WAREHOUSE.—Mr. JOBS CHEM has leased the Warehouse, recently occu pied by Benner it Bros., on the corner of Stratton and Railroad streets, and will give the business his undivided attention,dealing not only In Grain and Flour, but in all kinds at Groceries and Produce. He has opened a large stock of fine Groceries, which he is selling at very low prices, and will be glad to have his friends and the public give him a call, being satisfied that he can make it the interest of every body to deal with him. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK.—Having largely added to our facilities for Job Printing, we are now enabled with Abe aid or our Compiioll - Power T'ress, - Gordon Jobber, and /laud Presses, to turn out promptly all kinds of Pripting, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, inclu ding Pamphlets, ,spl3ooilf3B, CatilogUes, Circulars, Programiuss, dm. With our uew Job Press. LUMBER.—The attention of Carpenters and guilders is invited to the extensive assortment of Lumber of all kinds to, be found at the Lumber Yard of Col. Q. H. Li nett ler,on Carlisle street t opposite the Pas senger Depot. River and Mountain Pine, Hemlock, Laths, Siding, Joiee, Scantling, Shingles, Pickets, Flooring. Posts, d.c, ac., furnished iu any quantity ‘ind at low est rams. tf The attention of our readers is direct ed to the advertisement of CUE'S DYS PEPSIA CURE, in another part of thin paper. This truly Valuable Medicine is commended by all who use it. - Read the certificates. eow A wom.t..N with a child entered• a photo graphic gallery in Newburg N. Y., the other day, and previoda to placing It for a picture the woman subjected the ympiig pne to a vigorous spanking. The artist inter fered, when he was informed by the woman that she was only trying to get up a tine color in the child's face, in order that it might be represented in the picture with blooming cheeks. She was somewhat sur prised to learn that the matter of color in a photograph was quite au after considera tion; that the machine to take • colors Oust as they stood was not yet invented. GENERAL GRANT is after the "rings" in the Treasury Department. He recently re marked that it had given him more trouble than any other department except the In terior. "It is full of rings," said he, "I am told that favoritism in it to particular bankers ktrui interests has been common for years." erunt is - sfter such little arrange ments with a sharp stick y and the parties who have been runulrtg these machines had better stand from under. Tax high peaks in Oregon, it is reported , have commenced to emit smoke, and the inhabitants anticipate earthq3akes or some other internal commotion. - Mount Hood, 13,000 feet high, Mount Jefferson, 11,000 feet, and the Three Sisters, 11,000 feet, which are mentioned as exhibiting Signs of activity, are extinct volcanoes, but Mount Hood hallbeen in a state of eruption, ac cording to traditionary history of he In dians. Trot Columbus (Ohio) Journal says t "We greatly regret to learn through a pn- Oman of this city, who recently visited Mr, Stanton, that the ez-Secretary's health is in a wpm. cossiNon ON} is generally beliqed, His system is in a very weak awe, and so feeble boa he become that he is tenable to leave s his room, /le converses with great ditliculty with the few visitors who are admitted, on account of a painful cough which greatly annoys BAD FOR 'Ramer aaszoonteB.--I.ne WM MUMS on Public Health In' the New York Leg/slat= have reported littnsably II bill creating a Commission, oonsiiidug of three persona, to be appointed by the or, whose duty It dhe 11• be t t 4 teat s" medic' ascortetw *As Inseam* and report the same atuntally to the Legislature and to the Buie Waal Society,! Br directtkin of the kocretag of War, a cOmmiseks will atiesable IA New York on the alst instant, to num* and reportwani the subjeet of a twidge eceies the Mast Over , between Bropklst awl New York. . Ii his leei'tePoikod tioacimi PrOpri*Osi9 ,r 0348.4 ... "414Y. linaliriCeint49 lo 4 'a% th e -- 7 s De vr"- xiiVieriatiatkiltihked feffif imehOoktiSlMMOareofllW" 7- 7 ,V 211114% Ilaustot.:—The _dwelling of Maury Fal kerud4e, near Manchester, was tlesfroyed by fire an the 17th tilt.; lose 01300.—0 n the ult., Samuel Keller, of liustchesat: trict, was fittully injured will* Milli his team; whether by a kick of a horse or by falling is not known. His team returned home without htm, and in smolt being made be was found about a quarter of a mile from the house, with a fractured skull and speechless, dying soon after.—E. A. Gonder has been appointed Postmaster at Mr i ;iester. u gs,—The velocipede mania has reach Greencastle. Last week a profes sional froirt4lagerstown - astonished the na tive§ of that 'glace. by riding a velocipede in the street. It as built by Henry Rich ter, at the coach f a pry of Hoover & Johu son.—The Mereersbupeople are agrin agitating the project of ti,railroad to con nect with the Franklin rallroad.--Joseph Forbes, at Chamberaburg, a few evenings since, broke his leg while learninglaride a velocipede.—The Union Church in Fa'yette ville was entered by some villains on Fri day night last, who demolished the cliandi; Hers and lamps, and other furniture.—The barn of Jacob Strickler, Guilferd township, was destroyed by fire on Monday night lust. It is supposed to have been fired by an in cendiary, as the house of Christian Stouffer , close by, was robbed while the fire was in progress.—Mrs. Goettinan, widow of John Goettinan, while coining out of the Luther an Church, Chambersbuig, on Saturday, made a mistep and fell, fracturing a leg above the ankle. Fnanzurcx.—Col. John R. Rouzer has been appointed Postmaster at Mechanics town, and J. H. T. Rudy at Mktdletown.— Brook Buxton, of New Market district, was run over by a railroad train at tile' Junction on the 6th ult., and killed ; he was intoxi- cated.—George Truman (colored) has been convicted of murder in the first degree, for killing an unknown man near Point of Rocks in January last. Fora.—John J. Keech, of York town ship, has been appointed Steward of the Alma house. MURDER IN AN INSANE it 81111:N.—About six o'clock on Friday morning, one of the attendants at the insane asylum at Middle town, Connecticut, on going the rounds of the female wards, found in one of the dor mitories a female patient, named Jane Bow, of Hartford, lying in her bed horribly gash ed and bruised, and weltering in her own blood. An investigation showed that she had been beaten by another female, who had taken an iron castor from the bedstead for the purpose. There were one hundred and fifty cuts on her person, and an artery had been severed. The woman was alive when found, but died four hours afterwards. Ma. John Hershey, a much respected citizen of Lan litter county, was killed by a locomotive on Friday afternoon, near Roltrestown; about four miles from Lan caster. He was crossing the railroad in a carriage in company with Mr. Samuel Wenger, when the carriage was struck by the locomotive and broken to pieces and Mr. Hershey instantly-stilled. Mr. Wen ger was caught upon the cow-catcher and was but little injured. Tux Democratic papers have suddenly fallen violently In love with the Chicago platform, and are greatly exercised lest the Republican party shall make something of an advance by the ratification of the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution. Thus this old logy party is always taking possession of and defending the camp-grounds which we have left behind; Tux C OP PROS? scr.—ln almost every section of the country where grain is ex tensively grown the indications are that the crop of this year will be above the av erage. This prospect of an abundant har vest ought to gladden the hearts of the whole people ; but it does not seem to do m. Is the vicinity of Three Rivers, Canada, a travtiler's horse became entangled in the telegrapit wh'ea at a point where they cross the highway, and received injuries from which it died the neat day. The citizens informed the owner that- the wires were twenty feet from the ground before the snow fell- BY the let of June there will probable be uninterrupted railroad commppication be tween the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.— This will be the largest and greatest line of rayel ha the world—three thousand three hundred miles in length, and stretching in an almost straight line oTer the breadth of the continent. Tim Empress of Austria appeared, at the last State ball in Vienna, in a new dress composed of the green and golden wings of South American beetles, sewn with gold thread on a tissue of white silk. A splen did suit of diamond and emerald completed this costume. A tutltao preacher, recently arrested in New Orleans as a disorderly person, was unable to pay the fine imposed. Ide was about to be committed, when a happy thought struck Lim ; "If your honor will trust me till Monday, I'll take up a collec tion to-morrow." He was trusted. Tus youngest couple known are in Gefik town, N. H., the groom being 1G and the bride 111 years old. A clergyman whom they called on thought it ,a bit of fun, and sent them to the town ilerk for q "stifikit," but on the way a man married therifor 37 cents, 'the wife attends school and talks gravely about her old man, ' IT is said that since Grant has shown his preference for Quakers to manage Indian affairs, all the Indian ring politicians have suddenly become - possessed of broad brim hats and drab coats. But the trick won't go dpwn. Plant will lift their hats and dis play the cheat."- A Lucia /SPANT.—The miners in the Ne vada White Pine region presented the first born baby In the diggings with silver bars worth several thousand dollars. Quite a start in the world. §tvltur of flu Varfato. Halaw/rip Gpsin 4 Produce Basket paDimore, ThundaY Jigssng• 6 00 rqn 6 75 7 00 • 7 50 1 85 • 2 05 1 65 • 2 20 88 • 86 , • 1 45 • 150 60 a 60 TiIIOTILY-121D, 8 50 @ 8 95 Curcriga-sraw, 10 00 ® 10 00 FLAX -621 D,, .... ~. ... 2pa 255 BACON, 8110171.0116, ~ 14 • HI 16 • 17 ‘ 4 , Thom. 18 • 21 LARD, 19 20 • Gal), I v hlla 811 StrrEß FLOUR,. EXTRA FLOUR,. WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT,.. CORN, Gettysburg Gridsi Provisisa /Marie& ecterblori, , PVidaf Smog. sou 8 172 2 R PL0 00 2••!!•t0tt,..!1 , 9.1. , Brisk Fume, •••• 7.00 e Wain! -Wawa, 5O 0 200 RID WOA,T, 0 1 80 70 20 . 901 scoi 96? 88.•.• . _ •18 - • 20 • OWE • • .stu••••, tr RU, •t• .••••,•".” •t't t Oa* al. .....0..... • .„••• ...• oßtraMire; 4. •••1•••1•••P Z*OTTLY B=D, MOIR .•.. . . •••••••• toriwo, ••••.„ • Ram% zwiask ..... •••• -~ a.t.. • szomiumn • - 'f• - • ME MIA itgreb. . Cetrzi—Lrl.l..—On the 18th tilt., by the Rev, W, Wolff, et 'the house of the bride's. father, in Butter township, Mr. :Jbbti Crum to Miss "Limy A. t al i :iv . seanea—hiberrs.—On the ilth ult., by the Rev. D.:W..Wolff, attlie house . of the bride's father, in - Franklin towusiMpi, John Herring to Miss Mary A. wet; only,darighter of Ephrata Moritz: MOILHENNY-I:lEnSit. On the 2&1 nit.; by the Rev, J.E. Honeycutt, Mr. R. Me ' libeling to Maggie Hersh, both of S'irtiban township, this county. &err—Deem—On the 233 ult., at York Springs. by Rev. I). M. Mack welder, Mr. Wm, H. Svott. to Mimi Elizabeth Beek, t 5.411.01 Tyrone township. MIMI :oa/' obltuary notices 5 eenta a line for all over 4 lines—casts to aecoutputly BAuxtu.A.linNE.n.—On the 20th ult... at the re:sitlence of ids son-in-law, B. F. 4.ager man,' ti Montpleasant township, Mr. Jacob Batimmird r, aged 82 years 6 mouths and 20 days. Bn.owx.— On the 18th ult., at Las :mil dew*, in' Freedom township, Mr. Jacob .Brown, aged 04 years 1 month and 11 days. 13teous.—On the :Nth ult , David Big gus, (colored,) of this place, , ig(11 CO years. GULP.—oti the 28th flit., Pater Alonzo, son of Peter and M. E. Culp, aged 2 years 8 months and 8 days. • 'OnAFT.—Ott the 30th ult., at his re sidNice in Flunterstowa. John N. Graft, Sen.:aged 61 years. 9 month:, and 4 days. Katirn.,tB.—On the 18th ult.. in Mount ple:tsatit itiwnship, Mr. Ntitirc , w Kerimati, 83 year*. Livzsus - roz4',—On tiw 23(1 of February, at Lim ro,..iik•nc‘t.. neat York Springs, Mr. Ahraliani Living p, aged 68 yoars 9 itiontivi and 10 day.:., 1,.. Ma a. - snALL.—On 2u , - , ..day la,t. Mrs. :Mary McClean 4arshal% of Ilamiitonban Owuship, widow 01 Jc.:l- , , ~ .t.- 1 ;!,1;•.11, de c6a.sed , aged 79 years. RosisoN.—On SaturW. , ., 1',,.t, Mary Ann Robigoti, tdapted daughte of Jesse D. Newman, aged 18 years 2 moans and 27 days. SowEas.—On the 20th ult., in Menallen township, John Sower:, sem, in the 89th year Of it iri age. SHRIVE:R.-01i the 2.5 th of Feuruary, in Huntington township, Jesse Nichols. ann of Jesse and Sarah Ann Shriver, aged 8 months and 10 days. Stover.—ln Litilestown, on the 13th ult., Miriam Louisa, youngent daughter of George kV. and Eliza Stover, aged 2 years 10 months and = days. SHAFFER.—OiI the sth ult., in II untington township, Mrs. Elizabeth Shaffer, wife of Abraham Shaffer:aged 53 years t mouths and 19 dilys. STElsot - n..-011 the 28t11 ult., Henry, 6,11 of W. 11. and Hannah Stehemr, aged 2 3 oars 9 mouths and 7 dap:. Ant. Adbertistments. XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Let ter. reittamentary on the e.rtate of JACUL WOLF, Irate of Hamilton township, Adams county, Pa_ I,..tvtr.g grautrd to tbo und,r4ivr,d, tinldiag to said t4,wmghip, he hereby gly“ ',Alt, Ina bte 1 to e,tate to make , , pay- Chime ti i, ,Lr 3.• to f jHiLiMLICIi WOLi, Esz:cut,,r. MEM DISSOLUTION. The Firm of iii.WPoler and ZIEOLEN loss teen this (14 by mutual curefeut The business will Lie carnal on by Mr. Newpert. The Rooks and Accounts will be ku the hands oldie. Zir.,Lea, and all persons indcbted a ill coil and make imule.l.t° sett In. BALTZELL NEWPORT, CHARLES ZIEOLER. At ril 2 - t EETD:C. OF TEACHERS' COMMIT I . TEE. UN PERM ANENT CERTIFICATES: Thr Coallaltter aripoloroil at Ora lakt tesdi.ol of the T.-aCi'Vri I natitute, to ,trt neon ep. pli,•at ;Owl h.r Pro ainner.t Stale Ctrl .foaror, llt loret it Ore in Crttyst/ur,:. on Yu/- or-41y. rl,. 1711 r cloy e'cice?.., A. .1/. The Lai,ll-11. of life - - ortnritteo, atm] all 1.., l i ar, kik, f.--alotralCt-ttillc-ste,, who aro applicabt• rat the I'i-two:lent, art- Tr-pirate,' I r hr iitestrit at that Ct.,. J. 110.0 Pr t siJent See . .8.1,111 - ".! pr-imic SALE OF VALUABLE PERSON AL PROPERTY On &silt rc y (he FM of April init., al 14 o'cloc.., L. ki • •The nubncriixte having relinquished fanning and morel to Nen. daletu, will sell t Pul.llele, on the preu , l6es, the full wing , Yalu able Per...qua Property; to wit: 2 0000 It!Wit:DINO MA/IF.S, I Mule Colt one year old, 4 no 1 Sliich Cour, I yonug Pull, I Sow, two hone Wagon. Spring, Wog,., Caet greet Plow, &Ingle and double Sbovel Plow#, 'S..parat, r and Horse Power, 2 set of Breecithauffe, I •rt of Front Gears, 2 Fly Net., Roller, Cutting Box, Ivt ..1 Iron, end a great many otLer al title. t.OO LtUlgtrollti to mention. Attandanca o ill I, 4i vvrt and terms made lim,wn ou ‘iny of Tale. by JOSISPII KUNKLIS. JACO! MICILZT, ...4xxlVueer. (April 2.—ti ..LOOK::II.ERE THE undersigned has leased the Ware house on the corner of Stratron .treat and the }bawl& . will lam) , ou the Grain & Produce BllBl.t . eSS In all r uches . bight,/ price. will always b e pa Wheat, 11 ye, Corn, Oslo, Clover and Tim*. thy 'lewd+. Flaxseed. Sumac. nay and Straw, Dried Fruit. Nuts, Soap. 1.1141/19. t‘houldere and Edam Pota toes, with eserytbing Glee In the country iiroduce Una. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS coustuntly for cair, C &eon. Yusers. Molasses, Syr. ups, Tim!, S env..., Vinegar, Soda, Mualaril, Starch, Brown.. Buckets, Blacking. Soap, *C. Au, COAL OIL, F..th Oil, Tar, Ac. FISH of all kinds; p ike. and N 3113: Smoking and Chewing To baccos. lie id always at.lc to sopply a first rate _article of Flourositli toe different kinds of Peed. AIAo, Ground PlastPr, with Guanol hp,l other (arta', 1, 4 4. (CAL. bg the t,,tritel, tog or ear logo. Ho will also ron LINE of FREIGHT CARS to N 0.165 :feral 11,:ward street, BALTIMORE, and No. 211 Market etri.e.t. PIIILIDELPRIA. All goods vent to either place w:I I be received and forwarded promptly. Al! roods should be marked 'tiltEB' CA!!." ; April 2,18611.,-t In consegnance of the disastrous are, which In Jan nary Isar, ritroyed their store and its contents, J. E. ,CALDWELL & CO. Je \yellers, Have had made espe.'ially to their order In Europe and in America, an entire!".' New . .Staek of Choice Goods, Wtt lob Pre now opened and ready for examination. "Very Pine Paris Mantle Clocks, (Ever'' , movement with the aew ituprovem eats. ) NEW SIDE OTINAMENTB TO MATCH, Entirely new Bronzes, Groups and Figures. GOIPIA3I 3142TUF'G CO'S FINE ELECTRO WARES, Rest ,clerling Silver Wares, New designs. Watches, Jewelry, &c., A very full assortment at very MODERATE PRICES. yor the present at 819 CHESTNUT ST., PHIL A DELF'HLA.. Mar. 4, 1888.—ly We direct attention to Wanamaker de Brown's advertise-met. The Largest Clothing House in Philadelphia. 82 TO $6O WANAIBAKEB* BROWN.— MEN'S & BOYB' CLOTHING,— Ofirtneiris rangiug ev every price. evst in every style; resiripmede or made to cyder. 8.1. corper lIIXYR and MARK ST Bireete. Sk7 TO $25 T i ItINA z ZVE , VOATB e —Meltoo; alnehilla, Beavers, &e.largast vart:t u jia the ae eityer:: OAK BIALL. SIXTH and MARKBT 8,. 1 ' " ' 821rInrrAa"H"Pi 6 I DOT 3l tleGoodi, - exalte aril tit 820 I.° s6° limb's glea r , l ant iii ta7cW VFALLI4AraII-k BROWN, BLZMik.4(44. . . .... apa Mir l o 4, • • $4 ogo, glean -. 4g . !• 1 s_ r $2O :n O /2 " 4....7 2 , „, .. ii* 1126 BO" To :1: : 7 - 4 FIELDS in treekviraistir.yfkici.,, 8841,11 4 , 811 TH iialtiUnintre444.:,+ Apa tor, , $55 4 BRISTS USD . 11 , ,g+4 GBlrer 1: .: ..; to k r : - k .11.164 Irma adviwke on - lELT N.iyag. riAW.4I.II,IIA . 4 . 4 : 14 OTTO 'ad lyin 11./LLIENT Stump*. 1ray.14,-- „TBD.—Aile *theft *Pr.-91- i ed ema.surd i rk l, 4. atria: itar...—tr , A*tiOd er e of_/01) 1 . al ts r*liltjdool, ; * VIKA 0001141" ^ , 00001 tr • ' • 11l a *10',17 16111 gal gchltrtistagiti. LICENSE.-41•11 . pliciake. to: peiblle bosoms of ea aria, *c., hare !mei glad' 111 BM' 111110%, with the mephitis number of segnatuldisikulflloWpgapented sl theCoort of Quarter Sessioas, ek. II WYMe I94I dab' fl 4l / 4 ? 1 . , • „ TAViliff lacibiass. _ flenmel Wolf; Gettystiorgilorough„ . Jacob Stock, " - Conrad Snyder; 0 George W. HrOtaflui,`" John L.Tat.-, 0 Israel Yount, Id id Francis J. Wilson, Berwick " • henry Kohler, Oro: a it Yantis, Littlestown " John Green, 414 C. B. Hamm, "Jacob Shealy, " " Jane A. Bred ; York Springs " John D. Becker, " Jobs A.ll. !tether, Butler towsUilp. , Jeremiah Johns, Conowego Francis Bream, Comb:whin& Gettysb'g Lithls eprlnge Aesoclation, Clutub'd tp. Samuel 8. Moritz, freedom township. Samuel Eichous, gninklin Yrederick D. Smith, - George A. torerell, Martin Shoemaker, " George Rear, ler lei Little, Dowel Ileintaelmaa " Franklinßeamer, Hamilton Reuben Stem, llarolltonban Alexander Benshoff, " Peter Shively-, John lepp, Latimom Abraham Sieber, Charles Myers, Menallen Oliver P. Renee, " Conrad Wagoner Mountplusaut J. ',miry Wimi, ' Ogford LeMc B. Houser, " Robert M. Dicks, Beading Jacob L. Grans, Stratton Joseph Dodt, • " . Henry B. Stone, Tyrone STOILE LIQUOR LIGICCSR. William J. Martin, Gettysburg Borough. George E. .Kalbfiolch, Michael Roily, COIRM ago township. Sneer finger & 80D. " Al.rah on Sell, Union RESTAURANT LICENSE. Th&dore kfielger, Berwick Boroncl., Ma J. 'Cline, acnowago townahip. - Jahn niggle, Rawl!tun - llarch 19.-tc A. W. NI INTIIII, Clerk 1115 HOOP SKIRTS. 1115 WM. HOPKINS If Itewovhl hU Manufactory and Salesrooms to NO' 1115 CHESTNUT RTIIiDET PHILADELPHIA, Where his "Own Hake" of Champ Lin Hoop Skirts, especially adapted to first-class IFltoissofe and Xelai Trade, will be found to embrace the _must extensive assortment libthe Union, and all the latest and most desirable styles; shapes, Length* and Sizes, 2, 2 1 4, 23. i 2% yards riXend, of Plain and Goreo Foolery, walking Skirts, Deception Trails, Ac., Ae., together with over ninety different varieties of Misses and Children's Skirts, all ofilehich for symmetry of style, finish, lightness, elasticity,dnrability and rest/ Cheap our, are unequaled by any other goods In the market, and are warranted In every respect. Bairto made to order, Altered and Repaired, Wholesale and Retail. lull line. of Low Priced Eastern Dade Skirts, 16 Springs, 35Cenis ; 2e :Springs, 45 Cents; 26 Springs, 55 Ceuta; 30 Syringe, Oa Cents; and 40Springs, 76 Cents. CORSETS! CORSETS I I CORSETS different styles used pri,es, from 7Zi Ceuta to $7.00, embracing it. B'orlley.^Beckel," "0 mg. Fliting,7 Madam . foy'd Corset Skirt Sapporters,,.kfia. !body's Patent 6 .241 f. Adjusting Abdominal" Corsets. French, Englisk'and Domestic Handmade Corsets, and superior Frandlk Patterns of Cateil Corsets, "Our. Own Make," to which see invite especial attantwo. Complete osaortmout of Ladies' tinder Carmel:lto, at ♦ery low price+. , GENERAL AGENT FOR TAE BANTRAM t FAN TON FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, superior to auy other before the public. Fifty-two of the. No 1 Machine., Price E 5 each, are - being given away to our customer., in or :or to get them introduced. Every pmrsou in want of article. in our line, should examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. Call or send for circulars, at our Manufactory alai Salesrooms, No. 1115 Chestnut st, Philadelphia. March :16.-3m WM. T. 110PIELNS. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE NEW YORK WEEKLY, TOE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE JOERNAL THE MOST INTERESTING STORIES NEW YORK WEEKLY FOUR GREAT STORIES running through Itn column.; and at ln►at =I New subecritert ere thus lore of baying the com• menet:meet ore uew continued story,no matter when they subscribe for the NEW tORK WEEKLY. Each uumber of the NEW YORK WitEHLY con tains Several Beautiful illus;ratioto, Double the Amount of Reading Matter of any paper of fa clue, end tee Seetchee, Short Stories, Poems, etc.. are by the ableat writers of America and gimp*. The NEW YORK W.EEKLY dote Dot 0u11604 Wipe& Ineasioninnsannot, but nub ! Isbes a-great quantity of rformeap, lastractiv• Matter, In the most condensed The N. Y. WEEKLY DEPARTMENTS. hsve attained a high reputation from their brevity, excellence. anti correctness. The ;descant paragraphs ■te made up of the con centrated wit sad humor td many minds. The Knowledge 800 is coughed to awful informa tion on all manner of subjects. .The News Items glee in the fewest words the most notable doings all oror World. The Gossip 7ith Cotrespondents contains answers to inquiries upon all imasinitde subjects. An Unrivalled Literary Pap6r NEW YORK WEEKLY Each Issue contains froni EIGHT to TEN STORIES. .and SKETCHES, and HALF A DOZEN POEMS, In ADDITION to the FOUR SERIAL STORIES and the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. TER.3O TO 811BEORIBERE Ono Year—single ropy, Three Dollars .". Your tholes (i 2 50 each), ..... -.Ten Dollars Night copies Twenty Dollars?. Those sending $2O fi•raclob of Right, all mint at one time, wi II be entitled to a copy tree. Getters up of clubs can afterward add single copies at 12 50 each. STREET I Sid ITH, Proprietors, No. 55 Fulton st., Now Tor%. March 26.—Ln.. 1 011 N CRE3a AGENTS WANTED A BOOK OP GINERAL ISTARYIIT to all °Less's& RECOLLECTIONS OF A BUSY LIFE. BY HORACE GREELEY. In one elegant octavo volume of over 600 pages, well printed on fine paper, and illustrated with as ad, mirable Portrait on Steel of Mr. Greeley, with pictures of his various Romeo, his Farm, •c., together with a beautiful Per. trait of Margaret Fuller, engraved by Linton. Ma. aIItZLET has said of it: "I shall never write anything obis into which I shall put so much of sty self, my experiences, notions , convictions, and modes of thought, u these Reeolledions. I give, with small reserve, my mental history ." The' book embraces views of early New Nngland settlement, the author's own youthful life, education, apprentiieshlp, adven ture", professional and political reminiscences, ex- Perim:ice inCongrees, newspaper life in New York, and much useful talk about farina and farming. It Is a peculiarly entertaining and valuable work.—a look beynd the scenes dyrinj aci islperfadt peril s of the country's history. For corms, it Address. with stamp. CIIAI3. S. ()RUNIC R 00„ 413 Chestnut st, philadelphia, Match 12.-4; SHERI'FF'S SALE. In pursuance of sundry writs of, Vendltioni Exponas, will be offered at Public Sale at the Court House in Gettyebnrg. on Saturday. the 10th day of April next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following deicribed Real &tat% A TRACT OP LARD, agitate near Bonanghtown, in Mountpleasent township, Adams county, Pa., ad joinhig lands, of Nathaniel Hagerman, Henry forty, John Landis and other., containing 40 AMC more or less, improved with e on•Andivltillif spry Sought:fast DWELLING HOUSE, Log Barn, {log Pen, and other outbuildings; a young Apple Orr-hind and other fruit trees; a well of water near the house. The land is all clear, and under fence. Sized and taken in execution as the Real Rotate of U. J . Retniutten. Alao, A HALL LOTOY GROUND, situate in Rut Berlin, Hamilton towuship. Adorns county,Pa. r frone log on Main street, and running beak to an alley, ad Joining Wargo Spangler an the east,. inid an allity on the west—improved with a Two-story' !rune /MIL HOUSE,-name BOMA.. Wood Haase, :Smith- Shop, Bake oven, a well of water a p t door, and Huh , trees of different kinds onithisiot. Introsi asA taken in execution as the Milled 4% 6 4 illinnutWolal. p HANN, Mara Sheila's Ocp, ilettnibart roe SlLL—fa atroDeh per o;eliVilf*V =Mel noon all salsa' by the Sheriff tonal r bai war 11311110111M4 after the property Ii etro& dews or upon Mare W com Ply therewith the property will bagela pat ap for wile. . - $4O STITCHI - 0137 SOO - Ana awe SEWING MACHINES EitES . pros * o Kwultungliirta 60 yank be t6oafflobAcripootio for m OWE WITS& 0- MOLD. ADSOCAIS, des / 5 Family p•per ? ,art TS coati; • yei, 7 / - ASP - 482 TIO.II. I - nett Po- AMINIWAN iiraTamis, rer Sao !elk or B . -.Q.. .2)* ita I= Are always to be thuud iv the AA present tbere'are .4 1 / 2 ~~ ~ §lntg.tbadhitasits. Till AIIEMIXCIAN BUTTON HOLE OVEIp3EAMINO _ - SEWING' MACHINE CO., In dheem 8/NATION. N iiOLB h' WINING MACHIN], beg team to rear to Ai wonderful popularity se eon Elusiveprodf elite great nun it. The increase in the demand for tbleraluable machine hatbeen TEN VOLD duringlhe la/ism* mesas of Its . . DM year before the public.: ' Thiagrand and surprising auxesi is impreeedeadoi In the history of iteellig-untehinelq and we feel fully warranted In elalmlim that 11' 1148 110 EQUAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY THE - BEE' FAMILY MACHINE IN THR WORLD, And Intrinsically the Cheapest At ie teeny two m'obinesoombined In one,(by a aim p)o and beautiftd mechanical arraugement,) making bah the Shuttle or Loolbstitch, and the Overseaming and Bution.hole stitch, with equal facility and per. realm:. It executes in the very but warner eery riot yof Bowing, ouch an, Hemming, felling, Coding Tucking, laitching, Braiding and Quilting, (lathering and Bowing on, (done et the same time,) and in -addi tion, Ovenieams, Embroider* on the edge, and mak ea beautifn Button sod Eyelet Holee in all fabric.. Every .Machine U warrauted by the Company, or Its Agents, to give entire satiefactiou. Circulars with full particulanr and wimples or work dons on this Machina, can be had on application at the Salesroom+ of the Company. 4. W. co.. Eleventh and Chestnut Street. y, Philadelphia, luetracti.r. givta on the Machine at the rooms o the Company gratuttonely to all parehamere. AGENTS WANTED FRXDRE ICS. PAXSON, Preaident W. B. ILlNDMilliLL,Treanrer D. W. ROBISON, Agent, Olitiyaburg, Pa May 27—ly READING RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT, .J.I . O.NDAI, DEC. 14th, 1868 Great trunk line from the North and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Lists, Lancaster, Columbia, etc., Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, its follows: At 3.50, 6.50 and 8.141 A. 31., 12.40 noon, 2.05 and 1030 P. M., connecting with similar Trains on the Penn. eylvanla Railroad, and arriving at New York at 11.00 A. M.. 12.20 noon, 3.10, 7.00, 10.05 P. M., and 6.15 A. M., respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany the 340 • A. M. and 10.50 P. N.. Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg fur Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Mlnersyills,Ashland, Shamokin. Pine Grove, Al lentown and Ph ilade,phia, at 8.10 2.. M., 2.05 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal Way Sta tions; the 4.10 P. If. train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail 14.141.1raVb Harrisburg at 3.30 P.M. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 A. M., 12.00 noon, 510 and 8.00 P. 11., Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. and 3.30 P. 31.; Sleeping cars accompany the 930 A. 51, 6.;0 atalsl.oo P.M. trains from New York, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 A M., counseling with similar train on East Patina. Rai lroad, returning froth Reading at 4.35 P. M., stopping at all Stations; leave'Pottay ille at 7.30 and 8.45 A. 11, and 2.45 P.M. : Shamokin at 5.25 A. M.; Ashland at 7.00 A. 51.; 11412.30 P. M.: Tamaqua at 8.30 A. 51, and 220 P.M., for Philadelphia. Leave Pottsville, via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7.10 A. 31 for Harrisburg, and 11.30 A. M. for Pine Grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train: Leaves Reading at T. 30 A.M. returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.16 P. M. Pvitstoern Accommodation Train: Leaves Patti• Weil:wee 6.40 A. M , returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P.M Cclambla Rafl Road Trains leave Reading at 7.00 A. M., and 6.15 P. M. for Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster Columbia. &c. Perklumen Rail Road Trains leave Parklomen Jona tion at 0.15 A. H. and 5.30 P. H. Returning: Leave Skippack at 8 10 A. M., and 12 44 P. 3:114 connecting with cimlar trains on Reading Rail Road. On Sunday.: Leave New York at 8.00 P. M., Phila.. &lipids 8.00 A. M. and 3.15 P. 51., the 8.00 A. Y. Train naming only to Reading ; Pottsvilre 8.00 A. H.; Bar. rl.burg 5.60 A. 51. and 4.10 and 10.50 p. M. Lid $11116 • iug at 1.05, 3.00 and 7.15 A. 51. for Ilarri.burg, at 12.. .50 and 7.31 A.-M.(or New York and 4.26 P.M. for Phila. del his. • Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excur •ion Ticket., to and from all points, at reduced Rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pound. allowed each Passeuger. G A. NICOLIS, Goners! Bopesintsndent Reading. Pa., Dec. 26, 1868. ENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. Doable track route running between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Trains leaving Gott. sburg mak*. the following •• on...cilium with this Trunk Hue: Gettyeburg leave at 950 a. m. t 12.66 p. m. i.....nover Junction arrive 10.00 " 2.35 " leave • 10.58 " 9.40 Harrisburg arrive 1245 p.m. 11.45 " leave 3.50 " 3.40 a. m. Philadelphia arrive 9.40 " 8.10 " Harrisburg leave 1.15 " _ 12.29 Pitts arrive a. m. 940 At Pitn LW 4 ' telphla dam connection. are made with the trains ibr New lark, Boston and all buten. Cities. At Pittsburg cosomotion• are mads in Dm Dnim Depot with the trains tar all Western points. imam farther inlbrinalion apply to EDWARD M. WILLIAMS, Oen. Superintendent, Altoona, Ps. RESIT W. Owurszi, Gen. Rua. Aiwa, Milled'. Dec. 11, 1888..-tf NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY, WINTER BCIT4DULE. -On and after Nov. 22.15411, Trains Rilllise Hanorer Junction as loljolrs LEAVE NORTHWARD. 1.02 a. ca.—Daily for Williamsport, daily (eacept Sundays) for Minim, Recheater, Eatao, N hugaraPalle and Erie and the Went. 10.58 a. m.—Daily (except Shad es) for Elmira, Buff alo, kc. 2.05 p. m.—Dally (except Su ye) for Williamsport and &ie. 5.05 p. (except Sun ye) for York. 9.37 p. ni.—Daily (except Su ye) for Harrisburg and the West. LEAVE sourrrwAart. 12.30 a. m.—Daily stopping at Parktononiy. 7.52 a. m.— Da ily4except Sundays) stopping at all Stations. 722 a. m.—Dally stoppkig at Pakten Only. 2.430. m.—Daily (except Sundays) stopptog at the - Staflods. • EDW. B. YOUNG.Gen. Pau. Agent, Baltimore, N. DIIBARELY, Oen. Superintendent Md .. Jan. 1589.-tf Harrisburg, Pam's. GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD, TIME TABLE FIRST TRAIN leaves - Qettyaberg at 0 00, A.M. and connects at Hanover ltillttiOil with the Mall Train Nori at 11 A. At, ?Imelda; Harrisburg at 12 . 55, P. IL Retuning arrives Lt Gettysburg at 12 30, P. H., oath yamongers from Saltimoro and Washington; end those trout the North by mortting train. szomp vz,4411 leases Gettysburg at ; P . „aid onncets at tlenorerJunetion with Matt Train Eoatb at 2 , 45, P. M., reacting Baltimore at 6 20, P. M. Be turning arrives at Gettysburg at 4 1101.../d., with passengers tram the North. a AcKIIIRDIr Bup't Nov 27, tUB E. W. CLARK & CO,, BANKERS, NO. 35 S. THIRD ST., PHILADELPHIA GENERA . L AGENTS =EI NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. ITEM lINIt'ED STATES OF AMERICA, 1..) States of Penny/canto and Southern New Jersey. The NATIONAL LIPS INSURANON (*WANT is • corporation Chartered , by apaciay Act of Coastal; approvadJ nly Up, 180, with a Cash Capital of Ono Million Dollars, aid to eaw thoroughly orpaized and prepared ger bu inert. Literal term• cillMod to Assets and Solicitors, who are invited to apply at our Mika. Pull particalan bates had on application at oar M. Sea, located in the socandatory of parßanking goose where Circulars and Pamphlets, hilly dreseribhan the advantageo offend by the Company, may be had. Mat:agar Warp WILLS, Agent, Gettysburg, Pe. Asg 91, liege-I,r sext adortiosstats. ~~~~1~~~~~~ To vas Woninta thane :—I an now prepared to far. nigh all climes with constant eaapkgraolit at their bomee,the who', of the time, or tor the thane mo ments. Badness new, light • and profitable- ;My cents to $6 per :mooing, le eatily earned by persons of either sex, and the boys and girls ears by lantana as men. Great induannente are offered those whoirill devote their whole time to and, that *v ery parson who Belle thii notice, may send me their. eddreea and test tinebitainees for themselves, I mats the following unperalleled over: To /aloha are not well oath:eel with the Lumina.% I will tend II to pay for the trouble of Writing me. lull partieplars, dl. reotkona. do. sent free. dimple mat by mall for 10 do. Address X 0. Attmr,.austuets, Ste. NEW BOOK. 530 ENGRA.VINGS. The tamer% and Mechanfea Manuel, hill of Facts and Non% edited by Goo-110.Wartog, satbor of "Dralulag Rota," "Ithneenta Agrkilbars," te. A book of great value to • every otob Ned circular. Agts wanted. 1111100 per toooth nods.— TRE ,/ 0 0.. Publishers, mg amiaway, N. Y ItELIABLE • tI , EN D A-N , D W & for the WtiIHLY ILLUSTRATED DERIRTI " AN. Wages tio per week. Apply to or address, With referendums to honesty and ebitity, D. A. ALDEN k 00., Prollshers, 1.6 Pemberton Square, Baotou, MOIL AOENTS WANTED tor Cimycesre and Howson's Complete Unabridged EEOPT E ES O DITIO P N E ORFS WY m nd:Q4 Paul oCher editions. An Exec, EDITION ,St Paul t OF LAMEST LONDON EDITION o • With M.N. Note. sad Illturtrations, entire. The most interesting end rapid selling work published In this country. Agents will And this the best paying bos,l, In the field. Send Ibr our sixteen tomato pegs copyright circular. Scot tree. AGENTS WANTED Fora new tnlintensely interesting Book, entitled OUR EW WEST. BY SAMUEL BOWLES. A volume of travel, experience and observatkin ih VicuPreeident Colfax, among our new States and 'territories, between the Missouri River and the Pa. c!fic Ocean. Describing the magnificent ocenery of this wonderful conn—its Gold and Silver mines, farms. ! c.—their co nditions and prospect.. The Pa cific Railroad—its route—scenery--how it Is pushed aid built. The Mormone—tbeir social life, religion and politics. Interviews between Brigham Young, Mr. Colfax aid Mr. Bowles. The Mormon women— bow they like Polygamy, etc., etc, The Chinese and Indlane—what they do, bow they lire, their habits, religion and vices. In brief this work Is the freshest, moat graphic portrayment of the country and people described, yet written or published. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED with Steel Portraits ; fall page Ragravinga, Itlwtra ting the llorausta, the Indians, the Pacific Railroad. Digging for gold, etc. Now Is the time for Agents. It WILL OUTSELL ALL OTIIRR BOOKS. Nothing equal to it. Bend for our. descriptive Circular. Kg• tra commististis given. Apply to, or address. - HAR.IIO/3 PUBLISHING VO., Hartford, Ct. AGENTS WANTED toa SECRETS OF TILE GREAT CITY,. A Work deseriptive of the VIRYCIEB and the PICEA the JIYSYSRIZS, MISERIES and CRIMES • of New York Oily. It contains 35 fins engravings; and Is the Spiciest, most Thrilling, Instructive, and cheapest work °filo kind published. Agents are meeting with unprecedented success.— One is Lazarus Co., Pa., reports 44 subscribers the first day. One in Meriden, Conn., 68 In two days, and a great misty others from 100 to 200 per week. irs„Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address, JOhlig BROTH ERS &CO., Philadelphia, Pa. TUSCARORA ACADEMY. Spring Easton will open on the Sth of April, and continue twelve weeks. Terms $74. As there will be but a few vacancies, application should be made at once to D. D. STONE. A. M. W. A. hteDOW ELL" A. M,} Princi P 4 / 6 • ACADINI/A, JUNIATA CO, Pc. 53004 SALARY. Address U.B. Plano Co., New York STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. FROM 4 TO 3.50H0RJ31 POWER, including the cads brated . Corlise Cin-off Engines, Slide Valve Eta-. tkmary Engines, Portable Engines, As Also,Cir cular, Mulay am:Filing Saw Mills, Shafting, Pclleya, Ac., La th and Shingle Mills, Wheat and Oorq Circular dawn, belting, Ac. Send for de criptlve Cir cular and Price List. WOOD & MANN STEAM EN. DINE CO., Utica, N.Y. Plows I Plows I Plows I CAST dtearsted Premium at Atria. CIRCULARS FREE TO Address, COLLINS & 00., 212 Water street, N. Y. Loci Harm, Ps. Maas. lar rumor! t Beirersts, Pittsburgh, Ps. Gents :—We hare been tieing your ma}e of GANG SAWS In our MW, and find them, In point of quality, raped, or to any pe bare ever aid. Yours, an, SHAW, BLANOBA4III A CO. lAMB/1101M, N. Y. LIPPINCOTT t BAjswalL:—We bare DO trouble with your SA WS; they don't need to be lined up with paper • we put them on the Mandrel and they go right along. Temper perfectly noncom and quiMty liespectfally, CILAI37.Mr i . LIPPINUYIT & BA4FWELL, Manntictprers of Circular, Malay, Mill. Gong and Oro/stint zratis,Chopping Azmalleb apes. -Colbtarn'e Patent Axe, Shovels, Spades and Patent Cover ed Scoop. • Velocipede Wheels NANTITACTURID BY S. N. BROWN & CO., ua rrox - OHIO. They ebo make prime article of SPORES AND HVBB ?OR LIGHT CARRIAGE AND BUGGY MIME. Bend in Price List. EARLY ROSE POTATO. ONE lb. EARLY ROSE tout by mail, post-paid, $l. 1 mi.— EARLY ROSE, sent by mail, post- WO. 10 00. Best Spring Wheat 0 0. In the world; the earliest and most p roductive Corn ; wonderlta lug Oats—whiteand blank—weigh. ing .15 pounds to the ; Spring Earley • Grams Seed/ ; fowls Eggs, Hogs; the great tesseutter. Send ibr the EXPERIMENTAL ?ARM JOURNAL—rat val. liable Magazine Issued in this country—only 8130 per year. Subscribe if you want to make your Farm pay. Address GEO. A. DETTZ, Chambersburg, Pa TNs TANITZ RIMAY WHEEL Coto sot, doe,. not glue, gam, heat sr smell, add Is cheap. For cir culars, address ThaTault•Cle, Stroudsburg, Pa. 'EING tfP , NOßL—Polkielp for To Men .L's v W b. B erred, d V esire abetter utenhood. nna neat In sealed letter envelopes, bee of char . If Wood*. ted return Ake pollees. A.ddrees P Boa, Ikat. P, Philadelphia, A. NOW IS THE TIME TO AS' URS'CRIRE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THY PIOPLE% nvoarri JOLIR34 Inime t tiVikteitVoltl Art always to be bend In the NEW YORK WEEKLY: At Pietakt there are FOUR PREAT STORIES ruining through its columns; and at lout ONE STORY IS BEGIIN EVERY MONTH. New subscribers ano thus sure of having the cam encetnent of a flaw continued stiirii We =attic when they subscribe for the NEW YORK WEEKLY Saab ousber of the NIA► YORK WISELY cat talos Several Seetutlthl Illustrations. Double the Amount ot needles Matter of say_ Piapar or 1111 ChM, sod air 81Letelmi. WWII lkotiet, Polub tp.. by , tbe ablem writime of America and Motips. • NEW YORK W AY • , dO. O not 09411 a. -psalliallissa to but, pitbllskets tostniatlint ter, to Um art . coe.i . seal . 1411 .The • T. VOW,' DEPARMENTB . Astioitv.darinpme," .rmun *OP torsi,b site mole*, at the / -• • PABALELKE ii CO, 738 Smarm et, MaOa., Pa POUNDED 1838 I= =lei="l TO tlapo 41-111- =EMI Veutbillisib The Patent Magic Comb w,u dolor , Mini polliwogs*, ' , Wok ar brows.-- &di_. ter Ad joint. Pastor; Treatier, • IN& OaPb Cartpary, Sprispold, War taColBlOr Emporium. AJIY Tante NOV RBI Iron UNS LOLL fig. i=dr i rl i gd a wal!li r tildillafilidoo, 'raid &11, ion tor Cedalogno coo- Wakes OM itioreriptiorzet restebro *obi by us tor Oar DrObt eatistretios iroatibtard. bdidtra IiSOB gumdT lOU., Box sies, am York Puss Of A RR YOUR DOCTOR OE DRUO'UST TOR WRIT qui/tuts-it equals (Niter) Quinine. /a made 01 = 9 1 112:tAitatl, Otniiii4t; P j lIIPLOYMINZ dull paps. /or WO tieutVg *damn 8. M. SPANCRA At CO., Brattleboro', Vt. rrEItIMOCNT BEIBII4 RY, Norristown. Pa. Sof .L oug map and boys. Classical, Marttensottaal and Commercial. Twenty tittb your. Mutton an. summand. Spring section or 18 weeks cotsumene•• Prin.March 238. Poe wrculars address J. W. Loeb, OMETHING New Furniture Rooms Furniture Siore in Gegyaburg A. M. HUNTER & CO. have bean to the Eastern cities cad have eld in e large end splendid eseortatent of Cottage and Parlor Furniture, equal In style to eery house oat of the oily, 'which they otter to the public, at city prier*. Their stook consists of FULL COTTAGE CHAMBER SUITS, from $3 up. nuairAus, from SO up. WASHSTANDS, from SEM up. TOWEL HUMS from 76 ms. osrAnis. from Ira we up. BEDSTIAD4. from P 4 up. wARDROBIS,Aa ow l as $l6. TABLES, as low ai 36. 8' 'PAS. as low as $4O. LOUNGES, as IoW aa $7. ktATTRIESYS, SPRING SID BOTTOMS sad a great sariassur other oods, slat squalls low rat... air Call and examine our stock, .191 AT Tall OLD "131.NTINILV 01111014 South-east Cornei of Diamond March 12.—tf A. IL RIINTIft A 00. *alum Ice. FARMER TRY THE Star Bone Phosphate. T all airkultnrista, therefore, who ore In march 1 clan active and permanent manure, and who may have the clairds of this article preeented to {hale sug ges nob:* t, forthat the first time, the manufactures,. would the STAR BONE PHOSPHATE Is worthy of their experimental trial, at last; past experience warranting the hilliest confidence, that sif• ter a trial they will add their testimony to that of hundreds of Lumen who now regard-et as the cheap est and Lest manure in the market. THE ILDIMONIA. is supplied abnadeustly trout the orseale portion of the babe. PRICE u •PHR TON IN BAGS. Farmers wishing Ground Bone, Oil of Vitriol, caa to supplied. Give as • call. *LA. Spatial's has our Phospbata tor SOU, PETER BUBLITZ. Mum factursr, BURKHOLDRR t WILSON% et ng Balldiatv. N. W.corner Sest Wubit fiq•Preaa on and Railroad ate. Gettysburg, Pens., 1111. The Pbonhate is for sale by A. SPANGLER, • Gettbe GRAFT t NCHENROD y•rg, PeIE, Granite Station, PA 312LLHORN t BISNPER, New Oxford, Pe ht CHARLESES titrllN, Ihnover, Pe erca 12.—t f FARMERS, Fruit Growers & Gardners. BCBeB "Improved Patent Fruit Tree Invigorator_ and Vine In met Deetroyer.,, 1 w 4 trula b or i.g of th th e e u.st isrutest awo dlac i oler gr i .d es l ex t r . ever known for fruit, grain and general vegetation. Ass tortWsor, It hag no so equal When applied to the tree it penetrates every pore destroying every epochs of Motet, and the worm In the heart of the tree or pishi.—coss.othis with the mineral substance of the earth, destroys the cause and prevents the crea tion of any deatructive insect. It will prevent Con. milk. from stinging the plant It will kill the peach grab. It will loosen the knot and old bark on the vine and tree—slough off the same and .flobark the stock. In a ward, it rehivivmtu the whole tree ant; gives it health and strength to wfthitand the severity of the waist= and retain lta fruit. It will destroy all Meseta which latest the pot-lowers, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes ( plants, Ac. and stimulate their growth. It will prevent weevil, mildew, rust or the $.l Mew flap leitese t Ned the cat from the corn. ow extensively need In the Western Stelae, and persons who use It 'would not be without It for one thuttempl times tut taloa No man who hie a single fruit tree can afford to be without It. Upon application, we will /ON to pampas who are using It in narks county, and would not take $lOOO fur their recipe, we will giro residence and address. The un dersigned have parchased the mile right to use, esd I sad apply the Invigorator, within the countie s o f Y or k, Lkunbertand. Adams, franklity-Cheider, Def. aware, Montgomery, Lehigh and Philadelphia Clity and county, and are now prepared to sell townships or county' ri ght .. Persons who have purchased ships have made ea high a. 830 to pop per day selling far= rights at from id to $lO per relic. Address *VA k CO; Reading, Pena'a. 1eb.12.-2me The public are notified to pi:imbue no right of J. Absent, alias Cleci. W. Jackson, of italtimore, 31d. Ai we wall prosecute to the utasopt eategtotil who buy from him to sell or as: The sole right' km the taxa,e ter ritory is owned by tope. Ahearn never ease Beat's Im- proved Pinata, and knows nothing of Its ingredieuta; uur right was obtained from the patentee, Mr. Best._ whoIS now p,rostmutlng Ahearn . In AA Baltimore Court, fbr fraud. EVANS k CO. • BOWER'S COMPLETE -MANURE, MANVYACTIMID Bt EtEa'cßY BOWER, Chenzist, pal 4ADELPIIIA ZAD 1110 X 11 .P.I , Phosphate qj Mae, Anatopia ant /Wash WAMIATfIb Plu /11101( AD111.1%/AMS. ThL &Sangre contains all the elements to produce Large crops o'6ll klnde sod Is highly rstoomendsd by all isho u.W It, •lso by dbithiguliatsd chemists who hate, by enalysie, tested Its cipalltiss. Packed in Bags of 200 tbs. each. DIXON, SILLIIPLEBS k CO.. Agents, 39 South Water sod 40 tooth Detawnre Avenue. PHILADBLPRIA. roa SAL /IT WILLIAM REYNOLDS; 79 SOUTH MIST, DAITIMOILD, MD. - And by dealers generally throughout the country. For luforanation, address Henry Bower, Philadel phh6 [Feb.l9.-1 y The Farmers' Book 140 beautiful and weal 11htstratIons. 760 octavo pages. &towing Snot what every farmer wants to know: HOW TO MAHE THE FARM, PAT Bend fur eircrolor Orin foU PARKIBB' BONS t lapetieneed Book Murata and otkonv wanted to take this book to every Yarmer to every co ma nly. BO einamilonannent. Pada:trout thatfto 4200 per month K cording to expertentet and Address ' ZNIOUR IicCURDI CO., • , Fbnall.iiatia, Ps.. Cinosuati. 0., ckiefw, in.. or DOW, hlo, [Ant 21.—ta Vat and ger:loyal Mos. WOOD POE SALE, SOO CORDS OA7I, 200 H,CICO.RY, AT SAND 4 2E' . I3 MILL. 9316.Pric0 1s %ea Pe Per cord os the POlll4. GAO. Iit,POLP Gettysburg, A ria. 21.1.11a1.—et F OR sA. L `have several D wELLiNa HOUSES sad a manor of MOWS 1111711,DLV6 LOTS or sot. 1. O. MoOSULs it. 110.--st GOOD S'I ( OCK AT PRIVATEISALE me undersiaand, resign . lit 410 hp tpira44, %, miles soistiviess •o! Ma* ftiet , .. iilF,• iat rriftt• 111 MilaltiVit il =11 . Nkei Geblini ritalig . , MEE:ol;;:arlry7. dam wa. . • , Ito. 98110 P . ' k ate l aikeit "lt ra l '.. . *Jay to PP ma 4 - ' • 411Lialallt , swam , Armilik 049.' - . - 1 . 11 I V A' T E ' azteuttrim, =: EMI