lint i gnOrtnn ghttO. L IC s A L .I.lezy ihtZo'). qf March inat, et/ 10 A. ea!-.a intending ta gait Flotel-ke• ping uli • t Pul.lic Fall:. at Lis residence, the Nation :. is ca•tht.nett, Adntne nonnty, Pat., the Lllaw •,,l le reek,t,nl Property, to wit: :tit! 1•11liflp MARE, n No. 1 Cow,2Sll. , tes . ot ex- Wr.on, Neve Sleigh Anal Hells, set 1:r Nri, Holing Bridle+, PI Int of ital. .. flotther tVsgon, Mattock, Soy. .1 1 ,411,1 e ttit Axes . , 11.:tkes. :1 t. Heel ant splrthita.; Wheel; ,• ‘1,.,•, ie.. Tub, Grate, nottlee, .t.• I' I.: • h., • ' " I. .. .0 LitAtrd, ', n , i,ting of fled ',• C., • , lt , cl;iug CLai r. FIG— : , ~.• •1.1 e, Coal Bucket 1 St tutht, ~• • ~•.•t Qttrtte•eir tee, ;•.:••.a , ttat •:• I Wltt , lty Keg, A., other I Shin ties, .rdig t.t A 1.,, a Tin, l`erLhe:+, ,r} and f., ‘,111;:t '2:i or :1.1 ; Gag be cut. nag sh,nt stile the rail, op.ti .au.1 5 of litzekiAli I.ltehAw aniel flt.halzeltaa:, cre.dit will be any pentton m 1 . 7 . 1 1.‘ , ill teeee the, benefit of the usual de ... Ilea...Am:, arc p..,eitscely warned against rrittglag • *by spirititttas -••• I hint - Ire on the 1. a said .tat-, as / pa) . a licenstOthei exe,x the the Ny. E. P. KITTINGEIt. Diar.l2—ts Au :.,,Lterr - 11.1 c SALE OF VALUABLE PKILSQNAL PROPERTY 11t,74 of et: Entate of Na. , ill .11 at l'oblic Sale, of 9r/dock, the ditwkn, in Liberty 1,. Pa., on the road leading t g, find about midway tuNottiogratnable I. I a. 1 11. i:er, ;?holes, 1 four and 1 . I t^t;t.l Cart iage,2 air•J Pk , ugbs, wi nuowin a g ii Hal neeft, Breectibandag IVaAT , In and Side. Saddl e , Jtck icrew, Flrld)a Mat • tirindst "le, Grain •at, :tad Irv...a Saws, Planes, • t il::.ce :1%41 Ilan, lot Of Lain , ~.!, Car Plank, ards, „ iU. h Kitehen i...rt Boisteada and Be , I ihral; ta,t awl 2 Kitche Tables, Et.l•l, ,/11/ Sb.res, Storen and ft plate St.., anti pil.e,C-rner Kitchen Cup. Cis, larawers,lVablifttands, Look cli tie Ctr,,,t•, Dei , k end Book Cue, 1., t.gur, Ctq,per Kettle, Dimas and Cu; ter, Ii cat Venaels, and a mti• - :••• t- , nntnerous to mention. .baaa• will 1, Reit and terms made known ba: JOUN 31U6SELMAN, ANNA M. GRA VSON, I 7.1 SniTil, A 1:c. L r. (Mar. s—ta lILIC SALE OP VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. Imanc 3 'ciConly w:1! rtt t Ihur,rlay. the ISt , / day of ..•' ttt,it . Cl. on the premises, it nt.,:c wit: tlan's Mill, /Iw o folh,w Pron,wiy, t., 11;4L.- KS. throe of thorn excellent o . •. C. , 11, 1 Cow. 2 head young st t:, Chester Sli , ,tea, 1 two and lath Unto Bed sod nay Carri er ha .e 11 " , o-tvt11 Hay Rake, It Plows, Shovel . Plows, Rite tk. I:lrr,w. 0..11:1 e :tn.! single Tress, t; ,. sitit. of -et FP,I. tl. Bri Ilea, Collars, Hal. •itl.ains, t 12:( r CLawni. 2 Spreaders, ,lit % Stoteol. 01 single Harness, eck 4.1,;:,. Olei:;11, two-horse C S h re.l,. Grain Ctadle, Grindstone. Feel great wavy o;Litrartieled tounuturrpux u. .:,.-, will I. givt t..iotl terms ovule known 04 JONA.S IiA.LTANZI/:lN,4:lse:%;uee ER' OF VALUABLE l'EitboNAL EttOPERTY 0- 01 svii at l'ghlic &Ade, Tut, .••' al 10 o'clock, A. N., at his :tot AdiunS County, Pa, G,ltyrsl , lzrg ou the road leading to lot ols dig Peraordil Property, to )1.L11E5. on„ a f ]lave, 8 veare 8 . Y ttlier 5 years old, with foal 8, 8,:i, ii,Ett,le. S SIIICh Cown. two of ..44,7i.: Cattle, 1 a Del.,' .81/114 2 • 4, 4 .0 4, and !trine., gou.l Rtilitag stt Plow 0 tare, hulloes three-lA.(3l'ot •, n nath. 0.1 Side Saddle. 14ow-- 1, nt 31ent Ves otlt. . ,:t net it... :Ina herein eutint,itteilt —Ail gum, under eminn'ofj.lll.. 411 a !Ir ~1 tc 4 mouths will ho given 1) "1 LU. 13EN27ER,1 tic: ..,;>; I.e 601.1 a tn:,,e horses ue de. ...Ay La I,le. H,Whoelbe.rr u tr, shoves .1.1,, 1111.1;,., halter, lines , Forks, • 01 . 4 , 11 c, bait, lazge Steel lards, 1.. I,n 1:t Go, pe,l; and Boots Case, Be-. • CL lb t;01, Ten-plate and l'lpe L..: t. t L. C:Ler 11.trrels, Froth Oilers, and • r 11;, r i 4.1, ti. , ..ancruus to mention. 111,1,1 cash; sums of $5.00 Inontha ss 111 be given ..;.; DANIEL BENNER, BR. A (r. pk.wr.s.ta • P,LIC SALE OF \ A LC ABLE PERSONAL YROEERTY. t.d, A linsni,t, Anltt of the &tate 0$ -.a 11 ill evil at Public Salo, ::Lry ri .1/Irch nrit, at 100. .at the L.t ru,idunca of d, le • !km tt,- vain:tut,. Personal % excellt Gorily Beast and •.. 1 zinifting-top Buggy. One bane t ••: V, li,u Singh and Bells, Wash , 1. d ru y rrr . lot of .Ikgriels, Seep el tn-d,[,04 and Bedding, Caepegins „ , tore and ti z tures, char'. ti,,e,tand, :Side Board, Blend; Ctock, Capper Kettle, ran, Vtrr Dogs, Bushel Bee. . I /MS I:ct 1, .addle, lot of new Bsge,lt Lang!, tray, W ood Buz, Saga!' Cite: n. Quilting t;,2 41.,:tt,..1,3 article, too numerate" • E. A. MONFORT, Aden 11,1 C S ALL OF VALUABLE ItEAL ESTATE MEM .rtlcr of the OrpbaaB Court of tho uihn e,gheal, Atlm inistrator of the 31,v,ry, deooleed , WM Sail at • -AI, on the pro:lt...Qv, on S.aurilay, March OF I, ',ND • ituato in Menallen township, 0 , 111, 01 IL , nd.rnull. , adjoining 'nude or Pkt..ra, and Clew go Peters, .\C7:3.'" and 110 PERCUES. The im •nt, ,i , ioitat if at wiostory Log Dwelling, Log 01 0110.1 lit: ilding, P. when attend ' `i r,.n and cr:als made known by 11. F.. 11. PETERS, Adm'r. Mar. 12.-ts 132311=1112 )I) ~TOC'K I.T PIaVATE SALE 1. rtsldinz iu Strahan township, 13.; .t' ••• vct I I New eliester, offers at Private f in;; Stack, v ,z: y: A p g,with 1.11, a Bay-Gelding rising ,•' t. irgc• and attire,) a Bay Mare rising e Id, ts, re Tay iur, dam Morgan,) an Ayr ”tt, en months .1,1, Gat* good t• put clime are invited to call and ~ :c,'Lli.nt.d Stock. 111= AIIR.IIIAM FICKES TE IUTIFUL COUNTRY SEAT; •. A cre. Prime Frederick County-, ! it.ree miles from Frederick I h drssazy Outbuildings; huge Peach • i i tz• r ice *6,500. liox 200, FrederjekOrld. ELM I' AB E STUCK AT PRIVATE SALE ...cunt; IL.rse, lour 3 etl, old, dives well Rua sed by low an n Itioing hum,. 4 nn fine, ut • old Lleikr 4, 0 LI:II N, 11l be fresh the 15th r u. .11. quirt. al tlila (...LASS FARM AT PRIVATE SALE, two m::ts or Fitt ,burg, on the liar ro,!, with all neetleary Improve nt:d in prime order. I will sell from to buil ptachasmk. Terms !:k. Fur farther iu formation, apply to WM. WIBLE., 3 -If Gettysburg', Pa. .•!•E AND LOT FOR SALE offers at Private. Sale, her Houma and 4 ground. situate ou Stratton street, in the of Gettysburg, bounaed by lots of John Jack.b . Coalori with an alley in the rear. a new two-awry Brick House, with a brick building and outbuilding. The is In a pleasant situati on, rod Improve-- ten.lit,g in that direction. LYDIA GIALLAOLIZR. OD FOE :!:ALE, 300 CORDS OAK, 00 If OKOR Y, SANDOE'SMIL L. d $j per cord 011 the groyne!. GEO. ARNOLD. burg. Aug. 2R, IS6A.-4. RMERS /EY TUE Bone Phosphate. •gr Irene's-Lets, therefore, who ere la search edits sod pen:Lug:lent manure, and who the delete atlas arttcle prefened to their the lard time, thk maLuiactaren would the kit BONE I'IIOSPIIATE of their ezpi ri n.rur;j trial. at 'dolt; past e • la 'llla ling Ills tacit contl4ooooi alai lc / ttry • 11/ tOitiMOni Wt .L' , w regard It as lb* datap ma/.. ore 11. tar market. E AMBIONIL onundoutly from Om °monk portion Pluck. SU PER SON IN BAGS. main& Grouted Bone, OR of Vitriol, cam be thee us a eaU. taws:lw !meow Pleaaphate Ibr sale. WAIL BUSLATZ. Nana tectairor. NITILICSOLDEB , & WILSON, • 'Banter tterPrese Balidinge, ',Learner Wasttiapon sad Rallrosd 'L c Gettystourt Penner. usArr *ZOIENNEODK, Granite Station, Pa. & BENDER, - New 01Jord Pa. CHAIMF-S Ren,a: Pa • ADVP2LTISING IdEDrum, Tsar STA* AND OUTINIL • Ti SW Ind „Santa lietitraboarar, Frtda7, Mar: if, plas. hi. RuscAN, Esq., of the State Senate. will accept our thanks for sundry documents. INSLTRED.—Mr. E. D. Newman had an insntanee of $lOOO in the Niummaabitvg Company., nia loaads mieh heavier. pfrThe Fra.klin Zouaves will meet In klunterstown, to-morrow, (the 29tb.) for drill and parade. A second Miententant is to be elected. The territory which now embraces York and Adams counties was purchased from the Indians in 1736, onehundred and thirty-three years ago. FORGE. —Messra. Baker, Feistel and Tolbert have reb Wit the Gettysburg Forge, and put it in operation again. Tt,ese gentle men are all active, energetic young men, and have our cordial wistme for sweet's. DEAD.—Thst New York Tribune an nounces the 'death of CoL Ai.Baii C. RAMSRY, which occured on the 9th instant, in that city. Ile was at one time a promi nent lawyer in York, Pa., and was well known in this section. • ==l A RARE CHANCE.—Any person de siring to invest from $l,OOO to $5,000, on peifeetly safe real estate security, with as surauce of prompt payment of interest, and free from all State or local taxation, will have a rare chance of doing so by applying at once to Hon. MOSES Mc- CLEAN, President, or A. D. BUEHLER, Treasurer, of the Board of Trustees of Pa. College. Bee ad vertiement. COUNTERFEITS.—The country is flooded with counterfeit currency of the smaller denominations. Ten, twenty-five and fifty cent stamps largely abound, while the counterfeit bill; of the denominations of one dollar and upwards are detected every day. A large addition of $lO and $2O notes of this sort has just been added to the circulation of the country, and our readers should examine bills of these denomina tions, dated 1862. ACCEPTED.—Ex-Governor MORTON, of Indiana, now of the United States Sen ate, has accepted the invitation of the Board of Commissioners of the Gettys burg National Cemetery to deliver the ad dress on the first of July next, on the oc casion of the dedication of the monument, which will be completed by that time.— Senator MORTON has a national reputation and will doubtless make an address worthy of the historic occasion. An orig final Poem will be delivered by BAYARD TAYLOR, the distinguished traveller, while Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER will per form the duties of Chaplain. ANOTHER FIRE.—The dolling con nected with Mr. Geo. Arnold's mill prop erty on the turnpike, one .mile south of Aboottstown, in this county, was also destroyed by fire during the high wind on Saturday the 6th. The fire is supposed to have originated from a stove pipe. The house was a two-story brick, and insured in the Dover -Company for $l,OOO. The , occupant, Mr. Jscob A. Staley, lost a part of his furniture, saving the balance only - by the most active efforts. It is Mr. Arnold's intention to rebuild immediate ly. Messrs. Stallamith 6. Son are already at work upon th 6 job.—Compiler. SALES.--Levi Mumper has sold his dwelling, two-story brick on East Middle street, to Hugh Malheny, of Staban town ship, for $2250. Joseph Barker has purchased Isaa Staub's new house, in Littlestown, at 0, 000. Samuel Foulk has sold his farm, in Cumberland township, to Capt. John Horner, 184 acres, for $5,000. Mr. Foulk has purchased of .Charles Overdeer, in Mountjoy township, 44 acres, for $2,000 cash. John Culp ham bought from S. It. Tip Lou the frame building ou Carlisle street adjoining the Depot, for $325. 31 A ILINA PRINTED M ATT ER e, attention oflhe public is directed, through the Postal Record, to the following rule of the Postoffice Department, which refers to printed matter on any kind which is not so done up for mailing that it can be thoroughly examined at the postoffice where it is first deposited: "Postmasters will charge and collect postage at the rate of three cents for each half ounce of any newspaper or per iodical so marked or written upon as to give other information than that contain ed in the print. The same charge will be made when it is so enclosed that it cannot be examined witout destroying the wrap per. The same applies to any printed matter which may be sent at less than letter postage." It is not sufficient to clip a corner of the envelope as is often done. Nothing but Printed matter and seeds can pass through the mails at reduced rates. Clothing of All kinds, dry-gotxls, ISE.C., must be rated with letter postage-3 cents for each half 4unce. CHAPLAIN.—The numerous friends of Rev. J. G. Bcrriass, - D. D., Pastor of the Lutheran Church at Washington, D. C., will be gratified to learn that he has been 4lected Chaplain of the House of Repre ttentatives of the 41st Congress. Dr. But ler is well knotVn in Gettysburg, having having prosecuted his theological studies in this place. He is a Trustee of the College and Director of the Seminary, and axtitctive friend of both. During the trying scenes of the War for the suppression of the Rebellion, his was one of the few pul pit& in the National Capitol that dared to give thoroughly loyal utterances. While not neglecting his pastoral &large, he was active in the various hoipitala around Washington, ministering to the wounded and dying soldiers u The career of Dr. Butler in the Ministry has been marked with treat success, and the distinguished compliment which be has just received from the Representatives of the people was merited alike by his exemplary Christian character and his acknowledged ability as a pulpit orator. BOLD BURGLARY.—OnMonday night last the office of Adams' Express in this place was broken open by burglars. The villains seem to have gone to work cooly. A pane of glass in the' rear door was taken out, the pieces of glass being carefully put into a bucket. Through this opening one of the parties seems to have entered, and then removed the bolts of , the door, and unscrewed the hasp of the lock, thus getting open the door. With - the aid of a crow bar, pinch bar, sledge, and drills, the safe was broken open— these tools all being left in the office.— They were recognised next morning by I Mr. PETER. BxrrLxx as his property, hav ing been taken from his shop near the freight depot. Nearly all the express packages in the office were broken open, and the contents scattered over the floor. The burglars got but little, if anything, of value fortheir trouble. It is supposed that they were atter mosey. As no mo ney packages are perinitted to remain in the office over night, they of course found none. They seem then to have gone to work very deliberately on the packages, most of them being articles that had ac- cumulated during the last year or two, as refuted or uncalled for packages. So far ss t o known, nothing of valise wits ob; tamed, it being very evident that the parties were after money, not goods.— There must - have been two or mere at work and using lights, sa the curtain was I found drawn over the sash of the front door, suds *go* - pi* orer one otitis, windows. lansillossiitinspiassioals that the parties engaged 41,_ the burol%.', ax• atranpra, who expected to led mantel package in the tails. Oboe The Express %/loom', was...m.o. by burglars abOut Wes rail lid th• nib beteg tbAn mum* 114:01thlUd__:414" molailed lane, aftiieolmtpasnoNlNG boWirnr, of valueisingibili SCIWIA./0119W • ItrOttdehied to Senator Ducti fora (*mot the Com mort:6ehool Swath, 1111111„-e4tithd eig th e annual reports of oOunty fitiperintemdents, statistical tables, %U. Sono:ova:lts ago we gave same data taken from the preliminary report. From the volume now blifore us we extract the following figures in regard to Adams county : No. of Schools in the county 151. Aver age number of months taught 4.79; Gettys burg reporting 8i months ; Huntingion and Straban 6, Freedom 51; Berwick Borough, Conowago, Hamilton, Hl.mpton, Highland, Latimore, Liberty, Menallen, and Oxford 5 ; Mountjoy 43, and the remaining districts 4 months. No. of Male Teachers 96, with an aver age salary of $29.74 per month ; Female Teachers 62, with average salary of $28.-- 10 ; average age of teachers 24 ; number bolding professional ce;tficatea 22. No. of Male Scholars 8,717, Female 8,- 45 ; average number attending school 4,- 628 ; average cost of tuition per month for each pupil 89 cents. - Amount of tax levied for School purposes $24,341.01, for Handing $10,847.45, Oc cupation Tax $5,286 ; total tax, $40,474.46. • No. of School Houses 146, of which 39 arc frame, 51 brick, 32 stone, and 24 log.— Number reported unfit for use 37 ; without privies 68 ; not well ventilated 41. Num ber with suitable furniture 60; insufficent 2G ; injurious furniture 28. Number well supplied with apparatus 39 ; wholly with out apparatus 37. No. of Schools 157 ; graded 14 ; well classified 140. Number in which text books are uniform 137. •.-! The Bible is read in 80 schools Mi. Susarfe Report is interesting but two lengthy for re-publication. He says eight new school - houses have been erected in the county during the year—three in Menallen, two of them brick costing $9OO each, and the other in• Bendersvijle, two story brick, with two rooms on each floor; two in Butler, brick, 30 by 32 feet. costing $9OO each ; one in Huntington, frame; and two in Tyrone, costing each $650. Mr. Sanctr gives a very unfavorable account of the latter two buildings, which, he says, were put up on "the penny wise and pound foolish" policy, of poor materials, with in sufficient light and ventilation, badly fur nished, and with "exterior surroundings in keeping with the internal arrangements.'' On the subject of school terms and wages of teachers, Mr. Snatur remarks: The directors of a number of districts , lengthened the school term, and promise to increase still more next year. Public opi nion is also becoming favorable to longer terms. I feel certain that in a few years the average terms will be six months. . _ It affords me pleasure to report that the wages of teachers have been raised about eight per cent. during the year, and that al together in the rural districts. This is not much, to be sure, but it is a move in the right direction. It is becoming apparent to employers that teachers cannot afford to teach at old prices, while all other hinds of labor, as well as the cost of living, are mare than twice as great as before the war. It is becoming evident that, to retain our beit and most successful teachers, we must pay them at least approximately what their services would command elsewhere.. It is always a source of pain to me to see good teaehers quit the profession or leave the county, merely because they can do better otherwise and elsewhere. We need the services of all the good teachers we have, and cannot afford to lose any. NEW WIItiDSOR ROBBERY.—The detectives in New York are quarreling over the reward for the arrest of the New Windsor Bank Robbery. It seems the officers of the Bank telegraphed to New York Informing of the robbery and offer ing a large reward for the reeovery of the . stolen bonds. The N. York Tribune gives the following account of the arrest of the thieves : Of course all the detectives were on the glLi vivo, and search was made for the thieves and the pionder. Nothing was learned of the robbers until air at three weeks ago, when Captain John S. y , ung, commanding the detective force of this city, received information through a pri vate scource that two men, who bad a short time before hired a room in the vi cinity of Exchange place and Broad street, were offering United States bonds at pri vate sale at a low price below their mar ket value. There could be no question hut that the bonds bad been obtained in some dishonest manner. How to get at the bonds, however, was the question.— The man who was endeavoring to sell them was only intrusted with one or two at a time, and should he be taken into custody, as a matter of course his confed erates would make off with the remainder. Finally, Captain Young hit upon the fol lowing plan : He hired an office in the vi cinity of the ono occupied by the thieves, put in furniture, and in the desk a uan tity of counterfeit money. A trustworthy man was placed in charge, and negotiations were commenced. So well conducted were they that, in a comparatively short space of time, the bargain was concluded, and on a certain day the bonds were to be ' delivered to the man (whose name is with held as he Is not a mein ber of the•detec tive force), At the hour named, Captain Young, who, in the Inditime, had told Detective James Irving that it was more than probable that he might need his aer, vices, accompanied - by that officer, pro ceeded down town to the locality named. On - the way down Isaac Ethan, an ac quaintance of Captain Young who has been on many occasions employed by the latter, was met, and invited to accompany them, which he consented to do. The thieves were completely surprised, detec tive Irving leaping through a window and seizing the arm of one of the men, who bad drawn a pistol. The door was at the same moment dashed in by Captain Young and Edsall, and after a brief strug gle, the men were secured. The plan had succeeded to perfection. In the posses sion of the men were found $99,500 worth of negotiable bonds. The thieves Were taken to Police Headquarters, looked up, and in a day or two afterward Sent On to Carroll county, the bonds were restored to the bank officers, and as a reward Captain Young received the sum of $1.6,000. A portion of this was given by Captain Young to persons who had aided him in working up the case. It seems that Young offered detective Irving lisoo, which the latter declined, claiming a larger share of the spoils.— Young refacing to advance, Irving com plained to the Pollee Commissioners, who required Young to fork over. He deelinee to do so, and has tendered his resignation to the Police Commissioners. SUICIDE.—The Hanover papers an nounce the death, by suicide, of Mr. H. W. KOILLICII son of Jesse Kohler, of that Place, aged 24 years. He was a young man of most unexceptionable character,cor rect department, and highly esteemed by friends and acquaintances. He was missed from his father's residence on Friday atter noon heat, when he was last seen going up stairs. Nothing, however, was thought of it, as Mr. K. has been engaged in the Sew ing Machine Agency and had frequent - oc casions to visit the country in connection therewith. His continued absence over Saturday, without known cause, excited some uneasiness. On examining his room on Sunday morning, it was found that he had not taken with him the clothes he. usu ally were when leaving home, and suspi cion lima then aroused that something undone' had happened to him. A search was instituted, and he was found ill the garret of his father's hotel, banging by a rope, and of course dead. There being no known cause for the deed, it is supposed that he committed suicide in a At' of . tem porary insanity, occasioned probably by depression of spirits growing out of his baainess—he having on several occasions combined of want of anticipated success in disposing of machines. His body was Interred 'ln Mount Olivet Cemetery on Monday, alicompaoled by a large concourse of neighbors and relatives, A WOR1? TO TH# WlRE.—Perootto going to Uounekesping thla wring would do well to eon at 15 4 . 11. Buntainnt extensive Ware-roont, worths Pump, argon Owliodontrunr Who Inwortiond a aaai Uri* vactetaag arlitavai OS_ w o l c a akilto Parlor, Oft*. : 1 1 0 0410r. OW site ' onOwWareallalwinAgsa*ars, • •W 4 114 A•A StWlPlPenik imusmor is • • limping, 'AMR , * knr ?nee 1 - " - FAIL Ii ': •‘: —Tbe. Ititsir True . Advocate, referring to the comPle- Lion of the Columbia` Bridge, gumminess that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company now control the York and Wrightsville Mad, and that in future the delay incident to changes at Wrightsville and Cohnubia will be avoided. The Advocate Author remarks:—"The country west of the Sus quehanna river, on both sides of the state line between Pennsylvania and Maryland, is picturesque, healthy, ponuloue,produc tive, opulent ; but the absence of a loco- 1 motive bridge across the- Susquehanna at Columbia has hitherto had the effect of keeping it in comparative isolation, from the country east of the Susquehanna. This isolation, now happily terminated, Will doubtless be followed by new links of road in sundry inviting places, including one from York to Orford. whenever the people of York shall resolve on its con struction with their own abundant means. If canvassed- properly York would un hesitatingly subscribe for a sufficient number of shares to assure the constrdc tion of a road direct to Oxford, from which she would derive both consequence and trade, neither in small measure. York only needs a little of that vital potent am bition which may be defined as public spirit, to enlarge the circumference of its influence, multiply the number of its In dwellers, and at the same time increase the channels and swell the currents of busi ness." LECTURE BY DR. WILLITS.—Rev. Dr. 'Wiliam, of Philadelphia, will deliver the next Lecture in Agricultural Hall, un Monday evening next, on "The Secret of Happiness." The Societies have been unfortunate in the choice of several of . the Lectures this season, thereby unfavorably influencing the attendance at the last ones. There can be no mistake in the one an nounced for Monday evening. Dr. Wu, Lxxs stands before the country as one of Its fir t-class men, with a conceded reputation for eloquence both in the pulpit and on the platform. We have no doubt the Lecture on Monday night will be a treat, and we ad vise all who can to go and hear him. In view of the fact there will be services in several of the churches that - evening, the Lecture will not begin until 8 o'clock.— Tickets 35 cents. INSURANCE PAID.—Our readers will recollect that a - few weeks ago Mr. Cnnurs.s IL BL mu of Liberty township, bad his Store building and contents destroy ed by fire. He had a partial insurance in the Adams County Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Yesterday, Mr. Buhrman met the Executive Committee, and adjusted the liability of the Company at $2,100. Mr. Buhrman received an order on the Com pany for that amount, which was promptly cashed by Dr. Fahnestock, the Treasurer. Mr. Buhrman's loss is probably $l,OOO ad ditional, not covered by insurance. PUZZLES AND PROBLEMS There are two pillars in a straight line, perpendicular to the plane of the horizon, whose distance asunder is 180 feet. One is GO, the other 40 feet high. In what part of the line of distance must a ladder be fixed so as to reach tile top of each pillar without moving it at the bottom ? A lso what the length of the,ladder? J. J. H. ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK'S PROB- LEMS, dm. I—Puzzle. The No. of 86eep was 1. - , 2—Charade. Way- ward—Waywani 3—Enigma. Nicholas Nickleby. WALL PAP4ft.—Mr..feremiah CAP, of thhi place, has just received from the city a very fine assortment of Wall Paper, including gilt, bronze, satin and common paper and borders, which he offers at very reasonable prices. The public would do well to call at his establishment on York street. The season is coming on when housekeepers usually fit up. Mr. Culp as a Paper-hanger, has no superior; lie is prepared to fill all orders promptly and wilj put paper on the wall at reasona ble rates, We understand be guarantees all his work. PERSONAL PROPERTY BALER, For the convenience of our readers, we annex a list of the Sales of Personal Pro perty; to be found in our advertising columns; March 23—Daplel IL Belmar, krabsa township. 24—E. ♦. Monfort, Munterstown " " "g—Exse'n Nathaniel Grayson, Liberty twp " 30—B. P. Pittinger, Casbtown. 'Next Thursday, March the 2i7413, will find Philadelphia In almost as much of a "flutter" as March 4 found Washing ton hi. jor much as all the people were interested in the inauguration of the new President, they are more interested in the new clothes that are to cover and adorn them for the coming season. Next Thursday Is the "Grand Spring Opening" at the great Oak Hall Clothing House, Sixth and Market Sta., Philadelphia. The The cards of invitation are out and every body is intending to look in upon the great sight which Wanamaker 1 .t . , Brown have been preparing for the people. "Re served seats" will be provided for their friends from the country, and all the sub scribers of this paper are invited to be on hand. GREAT SUHPHLSE.—we were aston ished the other day in passing Arnold's old corner. Noinus has changed his base to this corner, and is surprising every body that visits him by his large and cheap Stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, boots, Shoes, ire, Ow. °lye him a call. BFARRISD, FAVORITE—CBOUSE.—On the 4th inst., by the Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, Mr. Jere miah Favorite, of Frederick Co., Md., to Miss Alice V. Crouse, of Mouutjoy twp. Listii—MATllEß.—On the 14th ult., by Rev. Samuel Lehman, Mr. Sylvester 4. Linn, formerly of Pennsylvania, to Miss Katie H. Mather, formerly of Massachu setts, now both of Aurora, Kane Co., 11l DIED. bitnary notices 5 cents a line for ieoV to accompany no tices. Cnostran.—On the 27th of January, in Walkersville, Md., of Consumption, Anna Mary L., wife of Gorge W. Cronise,'aged 33 years and one month. HAB,PIM—In this piaoe, on the lath Mrs, Elizabeth Harper, widow of Samuel Harper, de,wasedrin the 67th year of her age. NEELY.-1u lowa City, on he 12d nit., ELdnlctild eldest son of Mr.-S. A. and Mrs. J. Neely, aged 20 years and two months, formerly of Adauls county. Nonezcz.—On the 10th inst., in this place, Mrs, Catharine Norbeck, in the 76th year of her age. LC/ulna—On the 6th inst., at the Alms house,'lll4 George Luther,at an advaaoed age. PitrisYL.—On the 18th nit., at Centre hitUs, harry S. 0. C., infant son of George W. and Emma Pensyi, aged 8 months and 18 days. N, Weeping friends ere all in vain, _ Weeping could nocease his pain ; Though from he did depart, Light and happy was h eart. Weeping Womb, though be Jilappy in eternity, Now his troubles all are oe'r, fie biss reached a heavenly odor J. P. Beromi.-,-Oxi the Bth inst., at the resi dence of l3enjaman Landis, in Monntpleas ant township, of pneumonia, Minnie May Swope. only remaining daughter of Morgan ths an d d anucinda days. Swope, aged 8 yeara 9 mon L 22 "God gave and God has taken away, The child that was his own ; A child perhaps too much beloved, And too WWI doted on. This lovely bud, so young and air, Called hence by early doom ; Just came to show how smut a tioWei In Paradise mold bloom:" Should we then grieve,rour Minnie dear 1 To know bow ram* hart; OcesM we then wish *Arm were hOre 1 litin yobrotend piano of reet. OntiMontWWiwii sadly pierced to know - Tloss you should,39ll_ _ ,-; Antenywoututli win soon be iteskid aV„,„ , /VA s '2 ,- , 1: ' .t ., - •': -',. ~ :..;:.;!". .- '4 ' ...4 i .. -I,Pl l ** l. ' ,;alMeiliottii • 4WD* ,ittamlikuar, wed MP& ' ' • . lz.i'-.1!-.1,- , - , 4 . REM= =3 r' , . . . zany—. itratt STOVE.==The atten den of onsekeepers is invited to the EXCELSIOR TENN COOK STOVE, which has recently been brohght into the Market, and bids fair to throw ail other Stoves Into the shade. This Stoic took Me first pi•emiuni at the StatelPitir held in HarriabUrg last fall. Aitong :eta peculiar merits are the large Oven and Flues, and general simplicity, not being eficambered with unnecessary appendagei, which In many stoves only enhance the cost without being of practical use. For beauty of 'de sign, quality of material, aild general ex cellence, it cannot be excelled. The price is lower than any other first-class Cook Stove In market, and let is warranted to cook and bake equal to the best. The Ex celsior Penn Cook can be seen at the Wareroom of Col. C. H. BUMMER, on Car lisle street; Gettysburg, who is the Agent for this place. Call and see it. tf, LUMBER.—The attention of Carpenters and Builders is invited to the extensive assortment of Lumber of all 'kinds to be found at the Lumber Yard of Col. C. H. lituebler,on Carl iste street,opposite the Pas senger Depot. River and Mountain Pine, Hemlock. Laths, Siding, Joice, Scantling, Shingles, Pickets, Flooring, Posts, (te. &c., furnished in any quantity snd at low est rates. ' MILLINERY GOODS.—AII kinds.— Adv. in this issue, by H. Ward. Bead adv. and give him a call. This is a relia ble house of long standing. It faint/ of the Matto. Baltimore Brain & Produce Market Bnnintore, Thursday Morning. SUPER FLOUR, 5 :,0 G 00 EXTRA FLOUR .... ... 6 75 @ 7 25 WHITE WHEAT, 0 00 @ (1 (y) RED WHEAT, 1.55 @ 2 15 CORN, 81 @ 88 RYE, 1 49 @ 1 50 OATS, GO g 00 TIMOTHY-SEED 5 50 @ 3 75 CLOVER -GEED, 9 25 @ 10 2S FLAX -SEED, 2 50 @ 2 55 BACON, SHOULDERS,. @ 15 " SIDES, ... 17 g) 18 " 00 @ 00 19 @ 20 LARD, GOLD, Phila. Gettysburg Gnat, & Provision nitrite( Getty:burg, Fri.lo SUPER FLOUR, - 6 00 Erma. Ftouit, WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT, • CORN, RYE, OATS, BroKwrrEAT, TIMOTHY SHED, CLOVER SEED, POTATOES, BUTTER, LARD,.. EGGS, BAOON, HAMS, " 51DE5,......, " StIOULDERS, Soap, TALLOW, rtr►drrrtisenunto. F 4 S -T It A Y Canto to the r(shhateo of tilO 'HI). scriber in Franklin townhhip, near illt.aen, Octvber last, a WLIITE - RAM. with no marks. Thy owner i• requested to r.:,:as forward, prate pri party, pay charge' and take him away. Mara 19.-3 t VOTlCE.—Lptter3 cf Adminis tration on the estate of Joan M:i.t.ta, deri_usi-d late of Mountpleaunt township, Adams county, has ing been granted to the undersigned residing to township, he hereby glees notice to all is debtid to acid estate to make imustdime p.ty meat, and throe basing clailms alpsinst the to pr,re, , t them properly authenticated for settlement. JOIN F. FELTV, 1=23:00 N 0 T I.E•E . The second Recount of JOSEPH L. Snots, Esq., Commutes of the pet 5.,r2 uud tbtatc bazuzy Baszainon, a Lunatic of Coutiwago to sr nob ip, Ada= t ll 4 14,1 the raw. t -ICOIII soon Plias of A daubs county, ' nod be' coullccupd by said court, onthe 19M cf Apraf, lt5:), Maris emu JACOB MELIIORN, Pratiey. Mara 19,1!49.-4i• O T .1 C E. The second account of I)..tstEr. G. Tg[l2, Trustee of HENRY ELI; zit, under the well al lILXILY BErDZI, deceased. late of afenallen townaLip, Adams county, Pa., Lae teen f.1 , -.3 in the court of Com- Mott Pleas of Aldan' county. •and well be - confirmed by seed (+Mart, on Me 19th day of April, 1649, unless cease be awes to ti.c rc,atr4r3 - . JACOI3 MELIIORN, Prot L. 31arc1419.-44. 0 N 0 T I C. E The first account of ii•OLOMON Committee of DAVID SLAYDICGU, a lunatic, of Tyrone township, Adams county, Pt , bas been filed In the Court of Common Pleas of Ailsms County, an•l will be confirmed by ' , lid court, on Otc, 19M day of APri%k ler. untem car.: t::•9bolIn to tharoottary, March 19.-4 t. • 3ACOLS Mr•LifOltN, f•r••th'y. • j\TOTICE. — The account of Dr. W. J. Mcerxitt: sod SLICELT, Assignee of AXDRER 13‘..{1 , LR9 awt Wife, of Oxford township, Adams county, 1'.... ban hewn 4fed la tho Cocrt ~1 Co=.7.tior i of Ad. CMICIty, and will he COL firmed b, 941 , 1 cocrt, On Gm 19th dive/April, leC9, cause Lr AL.:a-a to the contrary. JACOB METIOII: , ., Pr , t _March 19.-4 P, NOTICE, The seventh aeounnt of RonEirr - thatt. Sequestrutor of the ft ettssburg lteilroad Com pany, has been flied In the Court of Common Piens of Adams Co and Monday, the leas day , 11 - at 10 o'clock, A. M., has been Emut ter the cundrunst thereof unless cause to the contrary be shown. .76.C0D MFd MORN. Prottfy. March 10.-4 to pclelphia. 31fir. , 11 10th, ISO, We beg leave to lufbrw you that WOb.r.prepsn A l to offer kr your inspection, our n•ust &Dorn:merit of MILLINERY GOODS, Gonsiatlng of the Netr!sl Shapr3 to Strain, Silk nod Ohup RATS, BONNETA, Ac.; Velvete, Silk Goode, Rlbbon.y. Plowere.Yeathert, Ruches, Crapes, Mond., Braids, °rms. onto, lc., Ac. 'kali ho hap,..y to trait cu you at your store o; receive your et der.— Prices low :or nab. Your , Ac., It. WARD. Not. 102.105 and 107 LI. Second et., Phila., Pa. March 19.-1 m PROPOSALS. ARE iltet"-" :rNjtif'oAleor ' '' la'4'n Hotel," at Gettysburg, to ho delivered on or 4eroe tbe lit day of May, as required for nee: 6 Hega 20 penny Nails, 6 " 12 6 " 101. 12 " 8 " 2"0 " " 8 .. 3 If " PlalshingNaile, 1 • 1 .. 15 !I 2 " 4 Weil Spikes. I 5 o 15 Boxes 15:12 best Ameriean Window Glow, 60 " /6XBO tt" 4 " 10x12 2d quality Aukeriean Window Obtes, 500 lbe Putty, 8000 lb. Pure White Lead ground in oil, 600 gallons Boiled Linseed Oil, to be of beet quality. Bide will be received until the 2715 day of Jinn% inst., for tLe whole or any part of the above articles, the price to be narred for each article. All offers to be addressed to G. D. 5.511T11, Contractor, ' Gettysburg, Adama co., Pa. March 10.—td GROCERY. WM. B. MEALS HAS OPENIMA Grocery, Vegetable and Notion Store • ►t his risidencs adJolalog Meals & Brother's Marble yard, In EAST YORK STREET ►1715 ha tis line. rpared to ill e r n e " u scahcalt as the cheapest Mara ,' .I.llB9—tt R'S NOTICES. hereby given to all • REOh N NOTICE Legatees and 0th..., Administration Aoconadd-, presented at the Orphans, for confirmation and *Dona day of APRIL next, at 10 o'c Second and Anal account of Kameda. of the will of Jacob Wham 196. flacend and Ana account of Day Jacob 11—Dinatp t olsintor of likhaa none concerned, that the eretnafter mintloned will potart of Adams county on MONDAY, the 19th A. M., els aktivinetati, deed. ike and de . UK The amount ot4bn T. Renck, Raeottar U7 ll l will ofiickgb lifiliwidlioNi. Wt. Fint'and lug tgoomit of David Tinker, Ad. ithutetritor of Vent* Tole, &el. - VOL Pad sad &sal Soma at TbenliciL - Ilicka aid John ..t. Bloke, .11zwiipbrs of the last will and Ts.. tamest of Jobs lileksidgied. VT. Amatiat of Jamb K. Oyler, Onawdisw of f Mom Ida eralliilef*dindfriffrtletahCatia___ F deell t iapa 11* . /Raw um. deer ~ .Aitholitistmillir arawobil; 0,11,' x i ~ AO; AiltailtriAlwilb K. °pier; .ffilittiiiiigitilii. -4 Chivineannontnerada of Insemeagenosi ttedat,- WitlitirtirlaatT tirMesfiti.linr . wffiiiv PatK i - -- _...„. .........i.) , ~.... . rc, : . i. g. , . xn.i 0. znier/10141,41301' --- 1 , 4" - --, .. ' s '. . • ._ . . .. .. ...., J~yr:ye~4 ~;?~.. Nov *lttrettionisentg. JURY LISP FOR APRIL.. Gettyt , burg. Coraelicre 11 :xugherty, Foreman, Jam weiitch. Fpwklim Wm. Paitoo, ttri_ Githart- .11yery dorff, Donde! g..n10, Thomas r. Grammer, Straban, Wible. Fre,dotri: - Ihvid 11. boles, Sr: Lealmvre, Beujamfu, Siceosh„ Berwick. 'GertrKe Wulf. Momktf,-,r. Jasepli A Ilentler. Tyroun. Jobs F. Houck.. fiertztAny. Pins S. n , , sc, mi,h av i pi n k . am ilr.u. /I eilry !tuber. • Jesi..!, 1{,11 .0. 114toiltuta.w.u. Jolgu E. Baker, Gevrge Wezti. Joe: th iVicket>haln. Lluvrty. SillOnet Bran'. th.riliMilittld..'Jotiu [Heck. GEgEaAL JUltl". John 11. Fcltr, Gorge D. BaseLoar, 3rle•allen. AM,B Sthloiwer, JOOOpL m u w i d e ,, aut , J. W. Brahman, lieorge F. Smith, Samuel Dn. Frinklin. !len ry J. Br ink ortnl , l,,Wi. F. Lott, Faun'l JAL'Ob Deardorff. Berwick. tv.p. Jaculo A. lqaley, llenry Joseph Kepner. Highland. Luo,nuel Plank. Butler. Daniel Lady, John /lanes. kluntingtou. Jams E. Di etc tf , John Fo Leas, J. 11. Mwrsuluu. Flarniltouban. Spronklo. Goorge Baker, Franklin limner, S.unut I Munanert. Li trlestorru. E. F. nliort, Latimore. aline Chronieter, StLriver, Dan'l liart,lt, John Athert, Wilmer Townsend. IN...ling. Henry M.C1.3 A. °ELI/ ',tr. .Cuultwr hind. John Liuinn,+ s. o, o r g , Ispyn g . - Otrinany. John Felix, inc!.' ) Oxihrt.l. A. J. Eum..ra, Ph t/p 6nrgie, Lit t ty.4,nt tg. 1. n iel Corbulln, 11. J. Sill.le, Mizhnr.l Si. Maier, Join Muuul.l Jam i e W. nmr. St n. Stand rmcjior. 19.—te Court Proclamation W ll V l o lf : AS , th r ty ,l7 : o 4 u " rt l l t ? : J o ti F,j l 'l 7.l R. . P r s ide the ' t the 16th hi,tl ict, and Jnetlce of the Cunt to of Oyer and Pus miner and General Jail De livery, fur the trial of all 0001101 and other offendere iu ,al.l district,and Joe, r.t Er;:and ,Ist.te E 011131.- SON, Baird., Judges of the C.,r to of Couunou Pleas, end detain-s of the Com to o! .I.vvr "i'vrtu;t3er end General Jell Delivery, for the trial of ail capital and other offenders In the cLitury of Adants have htitied their precept, hie.ri . r.;:, date the ..7th d iy of January, in the year of our 1,1/1..14/11. rig lit hundrtd nod etx-LAthe, and to Ole fur fielding it Court of COultnoti Pleas, and General Quarter Sttilool of the Peace, and U1:11,1-.11 Inil Peiivt-ry and Courts of Oyer und Terminer, at Cicltysbnrg. on .111.qui r ty, the 115(). Aprt/.1 , t141 • - NOTICE I.y 11 EP.1;13 GIVEN to All the riDgiC('S of the Peace, the C,, , thner fuel t' within the eaid . coanty, that Clary be 11,, 00. theretoflair pro- per, with their Ezum inatbms , and 14 . .0ur. , I 11,c,,, to do tt,o,, this: hich to their in that behalf tipper. thth r., 1..- . a.. I will ^re urn 1:. I:1-1 4, Ulf,/ , 011 be in IL, J f •11,1 .1 kr. -1., 1,„ , , livm, to p:,..,ecate :sgai4:e4t th , a, a , • 1, , I= LIOENSE.—The following ta ap cut. I irmn, has, I•ta.o id•al u. my • !I', wit:, the requisite 1,, la , w] at thee,utt ul Qua! u'r rl.lprd, 18,d: 00 r.O 00 CFP. 1 40. .••'-:r.0.r.r1 . W :Ir, Getty s'.l.:r ; ,: 1; :: :".:11. C , •llrAtri Fro rl' r. :::.,:, M . '.I CA, : 1 :1,I. “. •' .1..'. : I. .1.; • 4 : . ',ad 1": :::. FIMI. i•.. 1. li :',• r", 1:-, ~''''. .' I/. z:ry li 1:: :, tr.. ::. 11, l',, I.rttl. :•: sr .1: In ~: r.' , u, C. 11. 11an..., '' •' Jac. , 1::•14,!5, - . Jan.' A. 1t.....1, Y,A; r,rin , •• .1o6:3 D. It. t'kr.r, J I r: .t. 11. It _r!., r. But: r 1 •s-r..'..., - . Jr n.r:::.: , : Jol:::, ( = 2 "0 m ( 0 SO rit , fit) F1 • ••1, 1,/,1. II( :131;4 :14.ntlel : 4 . 11, Oz. Frr, . ::1:21 4 4.41 i; Fi..,.4.rick •• A. t...•.r.t ; is 1 5 • 43 fie 8 I I f. r lIIr It t: I n t: re , .. r i i r P If ,ry :I. •. • J JACOB BTuVER 11%111 .r.. J. `..l.rt rg , . IZ TL .1. J~Lo M tr.:l 19 -t: p A IN !: I I, 1. A Far , rit, ,101 F you l'asn; ter. tune 14. t, KEEP the PALS ETT,I :Rril my I F j.u . hare a t)(: , ; H c,A );) , L ti:rLc oo;•: • : T!;:ht It it! ott a b,stf, L t Lr. E. r u K .i i t ; i l , 7 i r .i .y . ,7 61: trry z.,, 1,41, 1,t..„ 4 1 and EU Tr, k; Th. PIN Dealers!” k . "..wiiy7.l._ 1 • DAVii Pr,ps!,t,r, Pc:l -tr• i; .I.t. .11,1 ca L!c}:,NEE:I) RV TUE . UNITED STATES S. C. '1110:811PSON & CO.'S ONE DOLLAR SALE DRY GU;n.- t.. c4rross FANCY . vi.i‘,DS. 1:1101.:.•?, LVEIt k•LATFE, LE till RR and - “1::1.t.: '•)i•: • q' LVERY 11. , • , Ac t.tirlo. t 11 at ill, uniform price of •‘1•1: 1:E=IIIIIIIII= liept I,ohr1 , 0hr A The g- , t,d,: we L tee ,re described on printed .A 111 "I:,. - I:Ij addreat et the rate of 10 cent> i., L. t, : p..ettte, printing. iC i 9 then at the 51 I. wl.etuer they will send one By pet k is i.. 0 to, ).3.1 have a b3nce fo rx etterive y. articio mentioned on thew-MI.4,Lp 27ie sa+,!ril fo;• 0:171: DOLMAS can l'ire-Bottled litzfrx, or your Chnict of a I .• o, • , •1 other A I . ( icles !tang! Lid, cotnpri , int; cy•.t . 2:,tt 11,1111 article,, not one of which ci tf j at r,aail COlititr ,tore for nearly We &cud ea ro:nmi•eb n i to Ageate FUR A CLUB OF THIRTY, AND $3OO, one uf the lollorvii4 ititiclesi 4 Musket, Shot on o , or Austrian. Rifle, Co larolf rotion, Ladzie Squire Wool Shawl, Londister Quilt, Accofdeon, Set of Steel-Bladed Knives dud Fortis, Violin and Bow, Fancy Dress Patrern, Pak Ladies' extra quality Cloth Prieuf, 12 yards De. Boot., ours burn I sr,zo. s.ze Linea Towel,, Alhambra Kr alit, Houoycosob (!cilt, Cottage Clock, White wc,„l 'tre k , o o n t e l li a en rd t i l . l e : ' 7l L ‘ i n n 4 il l e ' r tj' Neyikine, Ac. FOR A CLUB Of SIXTY, AND 4500, one of the ic,r, dr:icier: Revolver, Shot 04n, or Spriogticid Rine, Pair H oneyee m b Cyl nicer Worch, 4 ',nix Douflo Width Walk, prof Cluakrug LaoyTh Double Shawl , Lancaster Quit, A linicra Dru, , Pattern, Engraved Siivor-Mated dlx-Bottled Revolving ia,sor, b,.t, y•Handled Knives. wilts Silver-Plated Forks, Pair of Blanket", Pair or Alba/air.. Quilt., 30 yard,. Print, or a Marseille , . Quilt, Double Bight-Keyed Accordeon, Webiret's National F c:ortsl Dictionary (303 engrav ings, 900 pages). yard" DJesk In for suit,'wc, Casslni.r Coat, Pattie fled ~k e . '4, i' e Y a lity), Pair Splendid Rese FOR A CLUB W.' ONE HUNDRED AND SIO 00, Double Barrel Shot U en, RJtle Cane, or Sharp's Rills, Vit and Bow, splendid Albans* g F ancy id 15 out Lung Shawl, 23 de. Hemp C : 61:1 7 ir" yards PPi pnt attern, n('le gii' , di ' Si lv e r ifnntiug.Caswl Watch, Single Dittrel Shot Don, charp's Revolver, one pair flue De• &task Table Covers, with one detail dinner Napkins to match, Worcester's Illustrated Unabridged Diction• ary, (IyOo pages). ko gar For itdonhand slat of commilitiOnli,seeCitroar. 904131111111 01311 for larger Clubs in proportion, stiEtenta will please take notice of thin. Do not send but number your clubs from one " wird. _ Make your l e tters snort and piste ee poolb:4 1 / 4 Take particular notice of this B.DO4676*BfaESItUDIDE LETTER, and - ewhic hMon can ey in ALL CASES by be sent from any Post Office., This way of sending money Is preterted to any other method vats ttver.. . We cannot be responstbhr tpr rOOO3 , loot, wkies, some precautions are taken to Insure negates-7. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Send your address In full, Town , n ....onaty, and State B. C. THOMPSON & CO. , 130 Federal Street, March 19.-4 w -.goer ON, MASS. maims WANED for the LI YE A 1411) TIMES OP ST. PAUL,---743.00 leAlorttintsoLTlrksab.orwildaseedzE,:vitttitthoneinsii::hzsteapimaramor 4.218e1c; itrauct editions of ibis great• work; wellayebeea L•in..4l to racism the - I,ajt.of oar Ootholoto. $440 tot& S. B. Min* 004 I r Oblbitefi¢s4 . y, N. Y. ONetrok ._ , ~.' ; nee ~ .--- T =Ors--ticOrs. E .,...igiatt . the t ht . t e il eg i UVOlSlV I. , • ....„, , iiikstaid .. WM Of 4 6 15. um . ' I Bow"Ptvelles galladteer. 441 . 'o* limpet* 'WOW: : • d S i, crinwmfuto ~_, __ _ ster VAL of Id•xld. Nur L. , . %-'''' • ihst: - , a, ii• D. SO•1 1 4 ...- • —"' BEIM '~ '"~~.w GRAND JURY Jambe Lefever, George c tg , n,lfer, Dr TAVERN Lif'.•:NSi.•.t,-, HiAl , ti •tr. tp I ',IV. MEC 6 - rillt!.; 1.1 iV. CArsrk d E-::, C:C.•r t;:. Yir , r ,dd by al: Prilggi“, Pi ntm, 1. En;::, A UnIOIZITI WM .a+l you know yoo ore to metti,l dGlog coat/try. r il:1:)1.z TO AUENT:7 MI `' MSNI STEC int AdkertigitunitO. A GENTS WANTED POE THE SNOTS AND SE Li CELTS 'OP Tsl' NA:TIONAL CAPITOL. Tkb moot statute& lastreettre, and 4pAtartaininic book of the der. Soled for Cl:vitiate, and see oar terms. Ads drtes U.S. Pettillabt&tAs o , Nt5.,411 Breezes et, N. Y. hlarch 19.-0 ' w.r,- - ..44 . 4. : , -.owv - 0-;,_: • () NCE L4olll t l wrrs saw spsnis noes is One Dollar Sale of Dry and Fancy GOODS,,' CUTLERY, &C•, &C • PRE3IIL73I RATES OF SHENG FOR CLUB THIRTY, . 21. YDB. SIIRETLIT " " SIXTY, " ONE HUNDRED, Ca " • All other intitniuuts in same aatio Enlarged Exchange List, with pew and useful art,- Foe Cin•n4: and Stemple. Sent In 'any address 11 1 4.,PleaFe bend your money by registered letter, EMI= J. S. HAWES & CO., 12S &130 Federal Str,t, P. O. 11,x C Allen's Lung Balsam Phy.icians wig., hive raili.4l to cure their patients n!,l try till. dirine hefore tlalr give the case UP, as are know - very many valniEle lives have been saved by [area Pe,uadt...l to give It a trial DON'T ff% 4 PAlit because all other r.milies have f but try this, awl yen will not ho deceived. Thy pr. , priel Ora of this valuable BALlblit take pleas. ore in calling tar It the attention oral! medicine deal err, cholirin;; that they pro,ure a supply et it, and re• e”inine , ,tl at to their , Ilikta.l patrons and friends. " It will Cure when all otheri MIE DIRECTION 3 AC , .:O3II'ANY EACH BOTTLE. R 31a1,11 ;;;;; ; ; 00 ; ; ; Ti Tar Wor am now prepared to for nl.l. ell chi—, with constant emplo) :dent at their tinmes, the wit dr of the time, or tor the spare mo. nlents. Itrish,ne new. liy.lit and pr , pfitab:e. Fifty ci , nta to 3.i rer ev enior, is I asily earueit by persons of eithor sex and :be 11, ob , l girls earn by as much lUD inert. Gr. , fildnvernents are ffercil those who will devote their lwl.ule time to the business; and, that ev ery pers , n untlee. may tend me their ad/beets :and test the tinniness for themselves, I make the f,,itow.ingr ilfer: To all who are not weft saiistii,l wltli the business, I will spud IL to pay for th,jr,,zble of writtuir me. Full particulars, di rections. etc. sent tree. ,sample sent by mall for 10 E C. ALLEN, August-t, -- N E Bo'o K . ESl S P . LiT p l z hN t f i h t s i t pay e. For address 2(.10 ENGRAVINGS. CO .„, ludo( net . 1 young men and boys. Claasical, Mathematical l ßEEMOUNT SEMINARY, Norristown. P. For Figur.•, <2 ited by fit, E. Waring, Jr., ltithor of and Coniniercial. Twenty fifth year. Situation tim f-r profit," - I:hi:lent, of Agriculture," &c. Send for 1, page surpassed. Spring !inseam, of le week.w. commences March 23d. For drentors address Loch, ch rut,. A,:ents u.iuted flino per mouth made,- Prin. ' TREAT d' Pubb•b•r•, Bruadiray, N Y It EL I ABL L4 SI EN AND °KEN WANTED to cansaan for the WEEKLY I LLOaI It .TEL CII It ISTIA N. Wages S2O per 'reek. A I ply to or address, alth references as to honesty and ALLEN a: Pu , Dahers, Pemberton egnare,'Boiton, Maas. WASTED fur Corsyceare and Huurson's titotbridgtd I,DITIoS W LIFE and P a u l EPI:nTLE6 OF, DIFFCF.i from.aiSt• • “Whet At! t.l.Art EDITION St Paul IF LA Lo.SttoN EDITIOV of • lioo and Illustration% entire. The meat iu: r.mitng zga.,l pubashed lu thin r si ill fiud th i. the belt p.gying our ..c.treer, qutrt., pager c-1'..• , :rcul gr. 6,f1: free. PARMELEE 4 CO., Sac, r.{ bt., Phil*, Pa AGENTS WANTED 1 n neer awl Intensely Interesting no.k, entitled OLT N SAUCEL i3OWLa of travel, extierieuce and obeereation with Vier. Pre.ident Colfax, among our new bistes and Territorit,l,twer, the hirer and the Pa. off', .rd,itig the in iv/laced t scenery of titi4 C.ll, 1') —its Gold and Silver mines, tam.. dr.—the, ~ r idde.tud and ri,eperti. The Pa— cifl Ii —it, n , 11 , ...--,centry—h9w it ie pushed and i tad, The Midm , ns—i heir social life, religion and politics. liitetitevrb het ireful Brigham Suttug, Mr. U,lt,x .i,tl Mr. The Mormon women— tu ihty ::he att: rim and tue; they live, their tidbits, rice, Lirier idyls torte is the Irrubdos, , 1.41 V , 1. , 1.0 , [1( 01 the country and people iltacx•ia d'et crams or SPLENI)I I) LY I LL USTRATED { ., ,Lrotto ; foil Daze Eogravlngo, tilustra lir.; Moru,,e, [Le Ludlow., IlLo. ttallruad. I 41,g etc. Now in the tune for Agents. OFILEES 1:001:8. Nothing do , to If. v:tr doocrytioe Circular. Mx. !tut Apply to, or address. • ,11.rtiord, Ct. AWENIS WANTED- SECRET& OF triE GREAT CITY, M2l==tlie=MMMl JI TSt ERIL.S. JIISLRIEa' and CR 1.11 of Sot It ro^t.A.lns li.. ri:7,raLT.2 r ss; and is the Spiciest, to StJII4C.V . .:( IT,, nrd alt4i , C4; work of the ki6:ll,l4bliStled. Ag.'uta are rneaung with unprecedented success.— One iu ILUZettle CO, P... reports 44 ennscribers the - first day. One in Meriden, Gunn .k twr days, and a great many others few 100 to 20,0 per week. ;taj m .tterid r r Ctrenlars and ace our term, and a toll de.oripti43 ol t.e work. Address, .1. 0.NE,1. Bitor ii- EOS it CO. l'hil.tdelphnt, Pa. T C Al. I: A A. AI) Y = Fp:lr.g open or, U.:aft of April, •nd t a “Ise j;4. As theta will be Dart row appl:otion shonld be made at once to W. A. 3lc DOW ELL, A. 3 /,} D. D. STONE. A. 31., Principals. t..lz:Nr, P. • !Tit) s ; t. Addruss Ll S. Piano Co Niro , York STEAM-ENGINES • AND DOILI•iItS. 71t0]1 i TO 38U1IORg3 I OW.I'R, in ludir , the tele - bruttd CorCite.C;lt.cdff tnitifire, :nide Valve nta tinuary Enginra, Portable }latrine., An Alan, Cir cular. Mulay and Odic,: Saw Mill 0; Pttlielat Lein 144;1 R'i,e+t dud Coro MICA, Ctrculto Sawa, belt tog, &c. Send for de all:direr - Cir. cular an I Pricepat. ITtiOD & MANN bTEAM EN GINE CO Utica, N. T. Plows ! Plows I Plows I CAST T • E E L A rvarth.d Pre7iart (ITICULARS FREE TO ALL. Addregg, COLLINS et CO., 21'.2 Water erect, N. Y. LOCK lives, PA. Masstth. laremcorr k BAKEICELL, Plttentrkh, Pa. Ges fa We have been neing your make of GANG SAWS Lri Mill, and find then, in paint of quality, Mperl or to any we have over used. Yours. he., SIIAW, BLANCEIARD t Co. • TAXESTOWN, N. Y. LIPPIN'oTT —WO hare no trouble with your - SW S ; .they don't need to be lined up with paper; - we put them on 164:Mandrel and they go right along. TWO Der perfactly uniform and quality one RopectPolly, : CHAO. .rli s :or LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWELL, • Manufacturer. of Circular,Utility, MITI , Gang and : C Pa n. re s n .C t u :x Ba e, * Sit i li C v b el7, P il i pa ng d j e i l e tta l kt il a n h iti l? e P a ilegi ° l l o l 3 llU fa r i% ." ' ad Scoop. Velocipiede Wheels m•vvvAmvup By S. N. BROWN CO.,t\ DA nay, - OHIO. They sue wake a prime erticle of SPOKES AND HUBS FOR LIGHT DARRIAGR AND BUDDY waget.s. Send Zr Pries List. EARLY ROSE POTATO. ONE lb. EARLY ROBE not by mall, P 014.1.41,4 ,4 " — ..y --- ""'s EARLY ROBll, seat himallateet• paid. $3 00. • •Ftior Wing. Wbilat. In the Tread •, thd•slllent and most • ptocluottliOwirt wofidgrfol e"Wrt Itlll 45 'pomade to • the , bushel; Spying . Earley; Grua Seale; - Foetal t*Egge ,".:Rage; the gnat lard COter. gait An PARII ZOULITAI,:.mtIit. val. labia linguine Wined la thlo .00itntry-.Katly-114A44 per'yoar. Billetertbelf rat wal4 taEtaßttitaa. - Earati., or, A!' 0311 #;--C hall . 4 *15/ 147 0 11 . - • =3 .NOW IS T4TE YEW ; YORK" 4 W.F4KKLy vex 1." PPOPCXI ;lin& - G• STOW:Es NEW YORK WEEKLY. FOUR. GREAT STORIES mooing through Its ooluatost sad at least ~. . . , ... , ONWSTORY IS BEGUN EV ERY MOM'S. . .. •. flew anh4eiberitare thus mire of haying the com mencement of anew conlOtad state, holhatter when they lub•crib• for the , niv - YORK WEEKLY MII Bah number the N WEEKLY con tainss Sevens! Beactiful S II W lustrati YOßK ons, Double The' Amonhe or Keisling Matter of any Paper of its class, and the 8. etches. Simon Stories, Poems, etc-, axe by the ablest writers of America and Europe. Ilia NEW YORK WEEKLY does not confine its usefulueea to amusement. bet publishes a great quantity of really It:tartlet's . * Mat ter, In the most condensed form. The N. Y. WEEKLY DEPARTMENTS have attained a high reputation from their brevity, excellence, and correctness. TB: PrzaSANTPAISCOLSTan are made up of the con centrated wit and humor of many minds. Tax IteIOWLIDOZ Box Is confined to useful Inform*. lion milli manner of subjects. Tae Dtew3 ITats6 giTe in the (west words the most notable doings all VT es the world. Tar. Boum. wino Cosagssonnista contains answers to Inquiries upon all Imagivable subjects. An Unrivalled Literary Paper [sfar. :.1 —6w• NEW YORK WEEKLY F:ach !sane contains from EIGHT to TEN STOGIES and SKETCHES, and HALF A DOZEN POEMS, in ADDITION to the FOUR SERIAL STORIES and the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. One Year—single copy Three Donut. Pour copies ($2 50 each) Ten Dollar.. " Right copies Twenty Dollars. Thome sending $2O fore club of Elglit.all sent at one time, will be entitled to a copy Para. Getters•up of clubs con efterwerd add single copies at $2 50 each. STREET it 8111T11, Proprietors, N 0.55 Futon et., New York. • The Patent Nagle Comb Will color gray hair a permanent .•lack or brown,— Sold everywhere. Sent by moil for 51,50. Addrcar WM. PATTON. Treasurer, Magic Comb Company, Springfield, Mass. Excelsior Emporium. A:IY THING YOU WISLI FOR kiNB DOLLAR. Silverware. Jewelry,Sewlng Machines, Toilel Beta, Fancy Article+, etc. Inclove 25 C. fur Catalogue con taining fall dtecription of articlea sold by as for One Dollar. Fathicaction guaranteed. Address ENOt 4 BA ILRY & Box 2462, New York Post Mee. A SIK YOUR DOCTOIt OR DRIRHIST FOR SWEET QUININE—It equal' (bitter)Qulnlne. la made only by x. STEARNd, Chemin, Iletrolt. ]larch 19 —lt SOMETHING NEW New Furniture Rooms Furniture Store in Gettysburg A. M. HUNTER & CO. hare te,n to the Eastern cities and hare laid In a large and splendid assortment of Cottage and Parlor Furniture, era' in style to any honie ont of the city, which they offer to the public at city prices. Their stock consist. of FCLL COTTAGE. CI - lAMBEft SUITS, from PO op. BUREAI 'E. from BO up. W ASUSTAN Da, from $2 SO up. TOWEL RACK. , from 15 cts. np. CHAIRS. from 718 ye up. BEDSTEAD... from 4 up. WARDROBES, la low as $l6 TABLES. as low ad, P. - S 'PAS. as low Rs /W. LOUNOES, as low as $7. MATTRESSES. SPRING BED BOTTCV. and a great variety of other Goods, Cl a; ac t ually low rates. ger Call apd examine our stock, ..401 AT THE OLD "SENTINEL" OFFICE, South-east Corner of Diamond March 12.—ti $4O STITCH ! $37 50 140 /40 drat class SEWING MACHINES 137 50 840 • given se premiums for $37 50 worth $37 50 $4O dfaubscrlytions for WOOD'S HOUSE- $l7 50 110 HOLD ADVOCATE, a Brit class 137 50 140 Family paper, at 75 relax a year.— $47 50 /10 Also • $37 50 $32 TICK ! TICK ! $3O $32 AMERICAN WATCHER, worth 132, *3O 122 I ise.:l for $3O worth of subscriptions.— 130 1 1 11 Also $3O $l2 DICTIONARY. $l2 $l2 Webeter's Unabridged Dictionary, $l2 $l2 worth $l2, given as premiums for $l2 112 $l2 worth of subscriptions. Also $l2 $lOO Sunday School $lOO LIBRARIES, $BO /00 Large or small. to be selected from $6O $5O 400 volnenes.of the eery best Book. $5O 140 pubilebtel and given ass premium $4O 110 for an equivalent amount of cub- $3O $2l scriptione. • $24 Ac. Also several other premiums equally liberal. At. elkir - The ADVOCATE, (formerly called the Prortnec tue,jcontsine 16 large pages, and aims to promote Knowledge, Virtue, and Temperance. It has been enlarged and improved three times in 27 months.— Bend for specimen copy. Address S. S. WOOD. P. O. BrP, , P,og, llowburgb, :N. Y Marell ;;.—;l‘.4 AGENTB WANTED A BOOK OF GENERAL INTEREST to •U CLASSES RECOLLECTIONS OF A BUSY LIFE. -5 1 : - 0.44 04V G.R.F.JELE Y. In one elegant octavo volume of over 000 pages, well printed on time paper, and illustrated with an ad mirable Partraitcn Steel of Mr. Greeley, with pictures of his various Homes, hi. Farm, Ac., together with a beautiful Pot, trait of Margaret Fuller, engraved by Linton. Ms. OULU! has maid of it: "I stb.alf Dern' write anything else Into which I shall put to mach of nay self, my egperlences, notions, convictions, and modes of thought, 44 theca R,cotketions. I give, with small reserve, my mental history." The book embraces views of early New England settlement, the author's own youthful life, education, apprenticeship, 'Wren. turn, profasalonal and poLtical reminiscences, ex. perlenee in Cancress, newspaper life in New York, and muck useful talk about hums and fuming. It is a peculiarly eutenalningand valuable work,—a look behlod the se, hes during iirt important 'period of the country's history. For terms, hc. Address with stamp. . CELLO. 8. GIINENS & 413 Chestnut at., Philadelphfi, Pa. March 12.-4 t 1A- $5, 0 0 GREENBACK AGENTS sauciest tnse to any Book AGENTS WANTED FOR .VsTTHEW HAZE SMITH'S NEW 1100 E; "Sunshine and Shadow in New York." A lroxiC ZAPLIT! MITE Aninnolke t Minters Or LIFE IN THE GREAT MOtTROPOLIS. Being a MIRROR OP NEW YORK, ndlectlug the SECRETS OP THE GREAT CITY. one Aper,t saki.° in one day, another saki and dr. livered 217 in 15 days, another 304 in 7 days, No book ever published that Coin so rapidly FYou wish to know how Fortunes are made and bat in a day ; how Shrewd Men an refuel in Wail Street; bow “, ounuymen" are swindled by Sharpers, how Witham AO Merchants are Black. mined ; now Dance Nails and Concert Ealkeene are Managed; How unakiirat Ronlea and Wearies an conduc , ad how Stock Oompaniea Originate and how the llnbbl ss aura, as mod' tbia work. IS tells you aboutlin mysteries of New York, and oontains splay Gig akeeon at of lts noted million 'free, merchants. *c. isms Osten Voheme, ISO pages- POwdy-Meatrated. The larneemomollirion giyen. Our dpage circular and a $5,00 Greenback lan. tree on ap ftestkm. For fail particular* and tering addriu the oda Walston, .1. B. BURR a 00., Rstrainrd, Om= Pen. s.—Em The Farmers' Book 140 basatital and mail Illuatndlona. 750 °etas° pages. Billowing just what syst7 hamar wants to know: HOW TO EWA THE PABM PAY. Eland tar ctrcnlatfir dal dastiiptfon. - im4l4lntlir Malin, SONS I ilxlPalinced Boot Agentaand oalkar4 wanted to take this book toeviwy lannsr to ansei seninutnity. Bu lintel permanent. Pan trap MO 11=nkonlit t. according asperiencs ALM,. A SSW SA4I 00 , Pbtladodpida, PIN ,- or At, JOU.:: t i G.' MIN !car akilvotionants. TYj SUBSC.RiBE tiwmhi to the At present tilers are EIM TUE TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS A. M. HU - NTEII It 00. gat gldratistnituto. J: E. CALDWELL & CO Jewellers, !laving supplied themselves with an entirely NEW STOCK OF GOODS thaltaigioat,.lll be happy to meet their many Me ode and thePnblle generally at their present plooo of Dula's., 819 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. Mar. 4, 1569.-13, FARMERS, Fruit Growers it Gardners. Bestts "Improved Patent Anil Tree Invigorator and Minn In sect Destroyer." IBS Is truly ono of the greatest iliscocerlee ever made—combining the most useful logredietcs ev il er known tor fruit, grain and general vegetation. As a fertilizer, It has no no equal. When applied to the tree It penetrates every pore—destroying every specleri of insect, and the worm In the heart of the tree or plaot.--connectlng with the mineral substance of the earth, destroys the cause and prevents the crest. Bon of any destructive insect. It will preVent Car o:ill° from atloglng the plum It will kill the peach grub. It will loosen the knot and old bark to the vine and tree—slough MI the Fume arid re-bark the stock. In a word, It re-invig.rates the whole tree and gives It health and strength to withstand the severity of the weather and retain its fruit It will destroy all Insects which fittest the pot-ttower9, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, p/ants, he. and stimulate their growth. ft will prevent weevil, mildew, rust or the tly trent touching the wheat, and the cut worm front Unicorn. It le now extent , ively used In tee Western ntateririend persona who use it would not be without it fee ..qe thousand times its taint, No man who has a mingle fruit tree can iitiord to be without it. Upon appliostion, we will refer to persons who are using it iu Barks county, and would pc( tube $lOO for their recipe, we will give residence and attire.. The un— dersigned have ptirell.l3lAl the solo right to use, sell and apply the luvli,eirator, within the Con risks of York, Cumberland, Adam., Fronk - Hu, Chester, Del. aware, 31ourgnmery, Lenigh anel Philadelphia City and county, and are niw prepared to sell townships or county rights. Persona who here pit:chatted town ships have martens high as to flu) per day selling farm rights at from $3 to $lO per recipe. Address BVANB ACO Reading, Penn's, The public are notHled to purchase no right of J. Ahearn, alias Ueo. W. Jackson, of Baltimore, 3111. as we rut prosecute to the utmost ext.nt, all who buy from him td sell or us. The sole right fur the above tor. ['Rory is owned by U. 30. Ahearn never saw Beet's Im- proved Pate° t, and knows n,thiug of 11l ingredients. Our right won obtained from the patentee, Mr. Best - who Is now prteecutmg Ahearn In the Baltimore Courts for fraud. EVANS k CO. E. W. CLARK & CO., 13ANKERS, NO. 35 S. THIRD ST., ,PIIIIADELPHIA R F: RAL AG EN T,S• 1 - 01: ire NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, 01 TEE. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 12:13333 Stales of Pennsylvania and Sotdhcrn New Jersey The NATIONAL Lae INSURANCE COMPANY is a corporation Charters 4 by Special Act of Congrant, approesdJaly 23, 1868, with a Cash Capital of One Million Dollars, ankle now thoroughly organized and prepared fork' haws. Liberal terms offs; c 3 to Agent.; and Solicitors, who are Invited to apply or ogre. Pull particulars to be had on application at our of• Ice, located In the second story of our Banking noose where Circulars and Pamphlets. fully describing the advantages; offered by the Company, may bo had. B. S. RUSSELL, Manager. DATID WILLS, Agent, Gettysburg, Pa Aug. 21, 1868.-1 y REAL ESTATE -AGENCY. I have opened an agency for the SALE OF REAL ESTATE, a connection with my law bneiness la Gettysburg Parties wishing to Nell, or buy lands, may Lind it to their advantage to call. floveral Farms and Woodland A No. I, FARM, PRIOR $43,000 A TRACT, 30 ACRES, FOR $1,900 A GOOD FARM, 2130 ACRES, VERY CHEAP A FARM, 130 ACRES, FOR $3,900 A FARM, 65 ACRES, FOR $2,275 A FARM, 54 ACRES, FUR $2.400 A VERY GOOD FARM, 100 ACRES A VERY GOOD FARM 125 ACRES A VERY GOOD FARM, 160 ACRES A NO. 1, FRUIT FARM, 200 ACRES A GOOD FARM, 160 ACRES, floor Cottrburg A GOOD FARM. 150 ACRES and 30 ACRES WOOD. LAND FOR S:,SOO A. GOOD PARM, 170 ACRES AT $35 PER ACRE A VERY GOOD FAR %I, 210 ACRES, AT $5O A FARM, 100 A REB, AT $5O A FARM, 150 ACRES AND VE R Y GOOD BUILDINGS AT $36 PER ACRE AOOOO FARM, 100 ACRES and GOOD BUILDINGS £2OOO VAR ISO ACRES Very desirable property to !Attlee:cm - a. Also, 86 rer alHouses and oat-tote to Gettysburg (or sale. R. G. I[cC'RI'ARY, Gettyeburg,July 10.1868.—tt.Attorney at law ONE POUND OF BUTTER MADE FROM ONF, PINT OF MILK. 82,5 profit made by investing $1 for bottle of the EXTRACT OP BUTTER PLANT, whizh, with six gallons of milk, will produce 50 the of prime fresh Butter. This Inexpensive, excellent Butter is now daily consumed from the tables of the first fio tsls, Restaurants and private families in New York City sad elsewhere. Butte, County and City Rights for sale, offering to capitalists rare opportunities for establishing a staple business, paying enormous profits. Agents wanted everywhere. A bottle °film Extract, sufficient to make 50 lbs. of Batter, with frill directions fur use, will be Rent to any address on the receipt 0/.41.00. The public are cautioned against all worthless imi tations, sold under the name of . - Butter Powders, Compounds. to," as the EXTRACT OF BUTTER PLANT is prepared only by the ECONOMY BUTTER COMPANY, Office, 115 Liberty Street. Factory, 288 Greenwich Street, NNW YORK CITY. N. B.—By the use of tho Butter Plant a pure and :renew Table Better Is made at a cost of stateen eats per pound. [Jan. 22.—die BOWER'S COMPLZIE MANURE, A .NI7PACTVEID CT HENRY BOWER, Chemist, PHILADMLNLIA. MAD* ?MX Sitpor-PhospAate of Lime, 4matuato and Petosh. irsuasszn nuts nom Annuli&nos. - This Manure contains all the elements to produce large crops oral! kinds, and le highly recommended by all oho used It, sleob7 Metingethitted °hemline who have, by analfele, touted Its qualities. - Puckldiss l l694(4 . 4(lo Me. each. And by &atm generally throughout the country. • • , intog, - somm.sse A co., 304011190/eSer and 40 &lab Dolswatit Annuls, WILLIAM REYNOLDS, TO SOM . IMPOST, 13ALTIMOltit, MD. And by dealers generally throughout the country. INV lultuutallon, address: itato ,Bownr, Pbiladeb • . -- Poor House Accounts . TACOWIHIN NTH, the Treaurer, In aeroutit sf this Ditisetar• of the Poor. and House of DmploV wltb '. zivjatUr l aar A _C9urVfltrEtt nary, A D.,1869 --both days 'delusive: • DD. Jan: I, To balance In hands of Treasurer at teat settleneot To outstanding obligations Feb., To order on County Treasurer. Mareh, " Aprll, " a • •• May, " e. June, « • {alt, " id August, " Sept, 4 a id • Oct.. a Not Dec., " 1449. • fan. 4, a To costa received. hom Wm. McClean. Cash of Ilent7,llahn, balance pot. of Mrs. Stallemith. ......... ..................... '- Caen refunded estate of Henry Hoke .. . ... Unoulleetsel orders of Penny Reatitahn.. Kent of John Hahn, for Mrs. 0uter...... . Cub received for support of John Howe: Uncollected order of Adeline Spreoltie.. Balance due Treasurer .... n y_a btdont.ilr pr CR. r eoplri 31.211 cieri.algr.weiansbargwaa .1 Beet. Pork, Baton and SQL, I,eoo 34 Reef, Cattle and hogs 68.3 Ir. Flour, grain and (binding , 1,600 64 Repairs to building'. '„, 960 20 Furnace, Storer and Fixtures .„ 303 21 Drain. Fruit and Vegetables ' ' 76 00 Mechanics' Work 742 01 Stone Coal, Lime and Freight....—...—......... 4111 87 Wood ch..pping and making Siiingles......... , 36 0::. Sundry Expenses. ...... ...... ' 1.16 rep prna• and Sta.:liaises 89 09 Relief to penpairs Funeral Expenses-- VS 70 v ._ :0 00 Wale Hirelings Female Mirelings......, 31.: 00 25 00 Per restage Co insurance 5 • 5.1 Publishing acw unto and printiog..— .. .... ou .. S:" ~.. Coats and stamps 1 oq Directors' extra salary ,',„". 1,, a Physician's salary l) ..,1 Attorney's wary. ...... .. Steward's sellati..... leek's salary Trrwtrer's salesy...—.... Outstanding obligations, We. the subacrlbers auditors to settle asul Jjula the Public Accoubte, du hereby .trlify that we toy , . ...II Iced the items which cote/poise the foregoing ea. eruct, and that they aro correct—tieing froth th• .iixth day ofJativary. A.D., 1668, to the fourth dev of January. A. Dislann=both daye Incluaite: RETRY L. 131113A)1. • • 31. E. BOLLlNiitlt, E. JONAS JOtIYH. Eeq Stew,. rd. iu ucrouut with thr Directors of the Nor end Muse of Euiploynieut the county of Adefue, being !Io) tho arreuth by of Juonery, A. D. ISCS, let the fourth day of January. A. D.; 1669—bot h day, Inclusiro. Tu order on Treasurer 150 Co 130 00 r • 75 00 30 60 Cvsh found with E. Nugvut, after death 11 70 " George Wolf " 32 .14 Received for liver - - 1 o hider 67 82 timothy seed and rye 7 (A) A. Polly, Interest Mr El White, 997 Cobh (or shoat...—. j, 1.0 " Cows 79 60 " Lambe Pi MI " Lewis Morford 16 Gl " for old Iron 11 62 CR. Ry balance due Steward at last,st c , . Cash paid general expenses Harvesting and hirelings.... Relief to paupers Removing paupers Grveri,v Mechesac's work Meat, fish, te Profs, vegetables, kc Leather Hog Pvsrage Balance In hands of ;Reward We, the subscribers, Auditors to tettlis and adin et tlin public accounts, do hereby certify, that we havi. csamMed the items which compose the foriegoin;.; count, and tied that they aro entree% being from ill seventh day of January. A. D. 9, to the fAirii. day of Jautmxy, A. D., inc' lu five, that there in a balance realAillitig to the h.adn ut t!.. ritewsr.l o 1 tarty-sevon liT 75.) Pnoriccrs CF TUE FARM. ',l,;ibuihels of Wbtat. 35 " Eye. 12,00 " Coro it: Car, 67A Oat.. " Timmtly ore': Potatoe,. 50 " Turnips,. 15 " 15 R.d Beer. 400 do7on Cucumbers SOO hoods of Cabbeio. f.'7110 poncele of Beef, ralle.k. 4550 " Pork, " 125 tons a lisp %.elua..s of Cora roideb. Number of lumates iu tin) ALL, i 14. Females Children Colored.... Total Transient paupers ............ .... Paupers admitted during the year Deaths during the year March 5, I Ski , . 4t BUTTON HOLE OVER6F,AmiNf; SEWING MACHINE CO.. In directing nitantlon to their CELEBRATED CO% BLNATION BUTTON HOLE t SEW ISO beg leave to refer to Its wonderful popular ily elusive proof of Its great merit. The increase in the demand for this ralnable may hiLe has been TEN FOLD during eh n.7i, ct i t • first year bekire the public. This grand and turpriting rsccert ;s in the history allowing-machines, and we feel Pell-, warranted la claiming that BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN TILE WORLD, And Intrinsically the CLeape3k It is really two niathinescomb/ued in one, (by a also. pie and beautiful mechanical arrargement,) making both the Shuttle or Lock.atitch, and the 0 verseamlng and Hutton bole stitch, with canal facility and per action. It executes In the rery but wanner Wet y riety of Sewing, such as, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tuck log, Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, (lathering and Sewing on, (done at the same time,)' and In addl. lion, Overseams, Embroiders on the edge, and makek beautiful Button and Eyelet Hole. in all fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company, or is. Agents, to give entire sathfactlon. Circulars withfuli particulars ant matnvlei of work done on thin Machine, can De had 00 appli.ta tiott at the Salearooms of the Company. S. W. Cbr. Ricrenth and C7itenltt Instructions given ou Inc Machine at tho the Company gratialtovaly to all pat-diatom AGENTS WANTED W. B. 31.m5zNa..4.14,, Treasurer. D. W. ROBISON, Agent, May 27-1 y THE PEOPL OF THIS SECTION ARE INVITED TO. VISIT WANAMAKER BROWN AND sio: The Largest Clothing fattso NO T E.— The core of o fiche! and _Awe the City can be more than pored in purc k g , MEN'S OP DOTS' CLOTHING o this, thorough/y RRLIA.BLII House. ) 7 tay , 7llelr Afire 'sing Card la as Mimic; $2 TO $6O -AFA.NlA*Mi3tolleatUrfirllWN:: Garments ranging ut every price. cut In every at) I. ready nude or made to- order. 111.11. corner SINT it and MARKET Htrrets. Sr 457 TO 325 .WelisirTtiteOdVllßCoet., statere t ailneltilla, Beetvers, he...largest variety le city. OAK HALL SIXTH and WAltaliT,Stg. • 86 TO VA UnINI:841 BEIM ROTH Borelg and Domenic Oooda. uHLeil stlles. B. E. coruer ATXTEI and 11AltICST OAK HALL, NyANASIAIIER. &BROWN.. 8 20 TO, $6O .I , : o t i lt ri g2 . B t U , L . Td ia ct i r u p the de• (*slog. RANARAlitclitt BKOWN(BlA l i b i r illA HATBtreeta. 84 14Y. 12° B aN inithi"li t a ges " atl i Z. a .11 chum rcods WANASIAKIKIL k /OWN, LABOR OLOTLI/NO ROWS , &Urn ski DIA RIC $7 TO . $25 BOYS' 5i511 YOUTHS' co HATTetc ' YIELDS in great vulety. ITANA SAbtß A BROWN, BLUR ,o 4 MARK IT Street. 82: TO 14.50 SHIRTS. 17NDICRULintil,iii OE:IWe PURNInIHNO GOODS 11 , 47 kind, at mall ilidvinoco on can, WANA.M A AMR & BROWN. OA IC lIAL'±, GREAT CLOTHING 4Q Ti p SIXTH' wed AI 4lLlClrratroidc—uta SALVO} WI gibilml , A CARD. TO Tag LADIES. Tot DlTPatioo4l GOLDItti raltieltaml. Ptus 1.0 pott fIiVAI4OIO. *Mewls di 'IMO' Wish', ItumetaitObstmomsot thulium!, r ums , ft..* willahror Oar*. pasilikheqtriiikm4ta a. • Pr, voittrili. ' ,•,r"- t. '.a. - Pmv.'..' -ta. ' is. t t4v."as47i , t , t. b.l",t , •l i t a ta w iitittkiaagsWl i ,iiimot..aapanil. „ a a" ta' staal , -w toys t t.h .teo. a. - . so,al 7_.a ismwtroPaow4oitw,litNrulat.o 4 t 'sitdtuksat lit4ll/44a ftle * l ' o 4.47,ofw . '' l pMiilia t b o4Aidlikrete' au'Owiai tt • l 11 41.- " V" "14"94 pa" I ' • . . PAUL," latbsd, D. ,11., wax pm, tM smatVrs. atut Yayß Taal. t 4,04 papa. east Moque of toboeflpoo 0 wan NW onoNireritstmtatO. 1.200 00 1,300 00 1,400 (i);e1 In= EL L. Dlti IM. M. E. liuL.LiN.; E. O. lIEla Y, THE AMERICAN rr lIAS NO EQUAL Philadelphia, Pa. FREDERICK PAXSON,-Freaident Get tyibrirK, Pa IN PIIILADELPUIA $133 90 1,200 1,000 00 ••. 1,000 500 00 . 1,000 00 500 00 1,3 as 1,500 00 sal S 00 6 00 10 00 4 00 13 00 6 00 73 97 4113,%{ IS t 0 I SEEM OM = Ul .. ;51 ... 13 EMI