The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, February 19, 1869, Image 1

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icy, thugs, !Within's.
Near th , Diamond
'NSItY MERCILINTE supplied at wholtaal
Building, Ballo. st.,
ING opened a new DRUG
liE Lind fitted it up in the best style, I offer
r •itd fresh brrgs to the citizens of
I, Ned iirinity at the lowest minket rate.,
putt of
lnd Family Medicines, Pure
.for Medicinal Purposes,
Itent Medicines, Horse
Dp•A aud Perfutovry,
and Fancy articles..l)3,
A t full assortment of
tationery of as k fi,dc, Cigar., Tobacco and
Elertra.Magn.fic Susi - , will wash with
ft water, cold or warm. Clothes washed
nap err mode beautifully white without
doting. This Is the best Soap In use. Try
- .sr ran ted not to injure the hands or fabric.
we. May 13.—1 y JAMES CREY.S.
is al advice without charge
QUOllli t for medicinal purpoace.
ornor'e °LIEN, a reliable remedy fm
Ale rough akin, &c.
warranted pure and genuinr
.• old Sland — Ballimore Street,
purchaied tills old nud popular Stand,
id to an entirely new and freak Stock,
rtment, consisting in part of
urniArd AT ALL L101:Rb or TILE NIGICI.—
Niyht Ed I a: the dear.
Xirtry ,ffitablo.
eprietor of these Stables;
hank NI for the Ifberalpatronage here
d. begs leare to Inform the public that the LIVERY BUSINESS at his Oblitartli
a al trnet, Gettysburg, sear the Railroad,
prepared at all times to aecommodat•
anything in Menne.
tort notice and on reasoaabte tome,
t frets sent along lidsaired. Persons
.yed to other towns, or to any place in
Ms stock and Coaches are of the first
paths will be spared to make passen
hie Ile is prepared at all times to
es for funerals; and also tuparties de
over the kettle Field or to visit th•
t and arld atoll tlinee. Persousdrair
e stock will find it to their advantage
undersigned,. his stock Is warranted
sented or no sale. He tuts a fine lot
Holes at present on baud which will
ascii:l.le terms. They are sound and
ease, and are guarantied to work as
Persona will tlndit to thalradvantag•
old stand beim, hiring or purcbuing
ton Street, Gettysburg, Pa.
ndersigned would respect
form the public bit be Lea opened
and it prepared to Grier roperior ac•
r In Ibis line. He bar provided himself*
Carriages. Hack r, Light Wagon.. Ac
style; sufficieurto meet the itublie
orses are all good, without spot or blew
ally reliable—none of your "old grip
of the "2.40" order.
tire can alwaye be accommodated and
• olpmentsfurntabed.
sot small, eau get JIM what they what.
commodating terms.
the Battle-field politely attended to
iron furnished If desired.
eyed to and from the Depot upon the
rim:rot' ens? train.
Ott, %old, or I:changed, and always
Our motto Ia "fair play
r attention paid to famishing T . •••
• for Fiantirals.
ourselves that by chorea' so.tes ,
tarnishing superior scooomotbstious,
to please every one who patronizes
t. T. T TA.TII.
Ittarbit lards.
Mll/118 • ERQ.-
3 ,cietty'sborg, Ps. Whore they
hm;aishallktadao.twoirk to thN rUo•
111110111114, TOMBS, RIADIMItyp,
ANITIMIkka /iv
poticirthit . cheap a thr chavosi
ea& Prodaeken in *samara Soi:
itms: litetitSllllllollr ii*VIDItimULL
eliessavou liusuirva mpas,
Adi if ore if rat, hetideta the Caurt-heteeesad
• tittity4iirs. Pa'
Ti n_ttnhaih liarnma. published eeely
ay up:rainy at s2.oit &Isar hg &thrums ; et WIG I
not pall withla the year. No enbeetipdions dhotis.
tinned aunt all sruarhis" arspald,tiulesa St the
c ion or the publisher'.
urtArtsty errs are insertedai reasoaable rates.—
(there 'deduction will 44 wade to pontos, *dowel
ag by the quarter:half rear, •r year. flgorelal so.
ticks wtit be Inserted et spacial rater, 10 be spud
a- The circulation of the.ivas anti Mursattroale-,
ltalflarser than that ever attained by any newapapar
in Ad,.. roomer ; and, aan ildrettilhalt litedll4ll, It
cannot be excelled. .
Jos Wear. °rat! Linde will be promptly method,
Alla at fair rites. fland.billa, Blapkg, Qarde , .Paiiipb
letg, ae, in every variety and Mlle will be printed it
short entice. Terms Caen.
groft — iitional Cul% s4r.
w• LAW, will promptly attend to collectlonfand
all other Buil:lmam/trusted toldocare.
01Ice betwoen Patmeatock and Danner and Zing.-
er's ttures.daltltuoreatreet,Oettystopre, Pa.
3-lay 29.1867.
NEY tT LA W, will promptlrottend to toiler,
t tor. Ail other businoteentrusted to hie cars.
*.l-it e .),21cu
the '7 ths residence in the threostory betiding
..trirt Ilouse.. [Gettysburg, May 29,18137
LAW,ollice at Ills residence in theSonth.eas
cur °Maitre Square.
4,3 !9, 1867.
signed will attend to the collection of claims
against the U. 8. accrernment, including Military
il , nln tier. Back Pay, Penalone.Porage, lc., either in
the Court of Claims or before any of the Departments
at Muhl ugtun.
.If.a3 - 29,l 867. Attorney atLaw,Glettyeburg.Ps
Will promptly attend to Collections, Conveyances,
Writing of Deeds. Leases. tc., and all other business
entrusted to his care.
44 - Office on Frederick street, at the office liArmcrly
oc,apied by Drs. Shorb, Zinser and Alehring.
May 20, 1663.-Iye .
lei:0 1 .1130117,
Attorneys and Counsellors.
n 11 1cCONAUGHT has ass9cia
AL. • otei JOQYg , ARdIITQ , Esq., in the practice
or the law ,at his °Nod:lce, one door west of Doznun's
Drug store, Chamberalarg street.
Special attention rivet' to Suite, Collections and
Settlement of &states. All legal holiness, and
aims to Pension, Bounty, Back-pay. and Damages
Mast U. States;at all times, promptly and Olsten t
a aoudad to.
Lend vra rrisnts located, and choice Farms for sale
lowa and other western States. f-NnT. 27,1867.—t
Haring located at NEW SALEM. will attend
to all branches of Ws profession, and will ba found at
We office when not professionally engaged.
Mclf eeaureyowx, P. 0., 1
Adams county, Pa. f July 54, 1b68.-tf
lias his Office at bill residence in Bait hnore
street, two doors above the Contpiter Office:
tl cityshurg, May 29, 180.
_l_, let, hating located in Gettysburg, offer' his
services to the public. Once In Baltimore etreet, in
roam above Mlnnlgt's COnfeetkinary, where he
will be prepared to attend to any case within the
province of the Dentin. Panatella want of full or
•rtial seta of teeth are united tocall. Terms reason
- - [April 8,1868,--
J ti.t,officein Chambersburgetreet, one door wait
the Lutheran Church, nearly opposite Dr. B.
Itorner's Drug Store, where he may be !Mind ready
snd willingto attend any cue within the -province
01 the Dentist Persons in went of fullsets of teeth
ore halted to coll.- [May 29,1817
LIAS RSSUMSD the Pellet/as of Medicine in iLIT
JATLESTOWN, and offers Ms services to the public.
Odic° at his home, corner of Lombard street and
Foundry alley, near the Railroad. Special attention"
given to Skin Dieeases. [Littlestown, Nov. 13, 1867
Tarringto, Primo, &e.
"Best always Cheapest. "
THE Best and Cheapest,
HARNESS of all kinds, in the County
ern al tray, to be found 44 the old and wen Unto...a
at and, Baltimore at., oppoalto the Presbyterian Church.
Our Riding and Wagon Saddles,
are the most substantially built and neatest.
Our Harness, (plain and silver mount
ed,) are complete In nary respect and wartaitad to a
of the very bast material and warionanakip.
Oar upper leather Draft Collars,
Cis worn sue. They ere' the beet 11=1010) and
mart daub%
Our Heavy Draft Harness,
are made toorder, as chap 1111 the y can b. wads any
where and Is the moat substantial manner.
Riding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Dra ft
names, Fly-nate and everything in the line; None
Getter or dzaper.
Our prices
have been AZDIMED to the lowest living standard.
A. !Iberia percorttege fur cash, off all bills amounting
to $.5 or more.
We work notb inn but , the beet of stock and will
warrant every article turned out to be in every respect
6.c repreeeuted. _ .
Thankful for p,dt fAvGra we tuvitnatteatiou to our
preseut stock.
st-a ice Us a call audeXanlitio PRICES err QuaLl 2 T
Jaa.29,181.18.-tf D. McCREARY k SON.
The war being over, the under.igned bare resumed
at their old stand, In East Middle street, Gettyabfirg,
where theatre again prepared to put up work fume
,most (Adam:oble, substantial, and superior manner.
A lot of newtind second-hand
on hand, which they will dives' of at the lowest
pricea, and.all orders will be supplied as promptly
and satisfactorily as poulbie.
.yon• with dispatch, and at cheapest rates.
A large lot of now and old 11A.RN88.9 on hand for
Thankful for the Rural patronage heretofore en.
, ;oyed by thew, they sallolt and will eudeavor to de.
serve a large share to the future.
May 29.-tf . DA.NNILR t ZIEGLER.
Buggies and Carriages.
I ILE undeeidguad hes removed We Carriago-mak
fag shop to the out end of Middle street, Gettys
burg, Ye., where be pill continue to build oil kinds of
work in tris line, viz:
:WAGONS, &C., itta
Ms work Is all put up of good material and by
the beet of mechanics, and cannot fitil to give Nita
faction. Ms price/rare always relaxable. He solic
it, orders, confident that he can please.
REPAIRING promptly done, at moderate rates.
July 1,1188.-1 y
now building a, variety et 00ACEI WORK of
.the later t .and emitproved styles, and construct
ed of the beet to which he barites the site*
lion of buyers. Raving Wilt his work with great
reare, and of material releatod with special reference
to beauty of style and deuthility, he can *addict.
•ly recommend the work as unsurpassed by any other
in or out of the cities. AU Marks In an iturpection of
his work, to convince thaw want of any kLud of a
Vehicle that this is the place to bay them.
AparitlPAlltlNG In ever,y branch done at short
notice and on reasonabls tarots.
• Gleams a eall at my Vaatol7, soar the etehar of
W rablagton and Chaubstaborg street 0 ettpburg,
Xiftand art fitisrinw.
IMOEPORITED, 71/ABOR 18, 1851.
solosot.--iloozoothllloll., -
Se4r —D. A. Bushier.
Treailursi;;D.Q.Johnfolock• -
Erocutivs Costanltte•Aliober(WOOseity.E
ur. J.o.b iutit: • -
Hansom—George , D. A 41tobler, .11.1hOar•
s o ft:f ,
King * &Taboo tornmblp f'l/Rfat 'ooooiooo.oooet
Picking. &ahem ;.MIAW 1.41itt,ik0t..41111.4
w S.) k ola WWI. Liberty: U. 0. Poidro,Potwoign
. .
os.'fkla clolopaor lalkailidollitike • ' •
-count,' of Adios. It has bull Saop.. • -
than 17 yearn, audio that potted bus Mi di titedpso.
Ilefament,haTing pad lariaa 'by ars
&mounds( toover "HAW Au" pima
.ursassoaa Wily to oftbor of ibor. ,
Diototto• Coostoliffit jigir .„ , at
Colajwi7os ths lest Weds so dlof Ist
lo'ileok, P. IL
- . .
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VOL. LXIX. NO. 13.
iltal and giromal Sinlto.
' The subscriber selTat Public Sale, on Friday,
the 2Glh iPf .Ftbruary, 18139, at 9 o'clock, A. M.. at Isle
rioddence in Straban township, about 2 miles west
from Lintiteratown,en the road•leading to Pine Grove,
and miles north Of Gettysburg, the following ulna-
Lie persona! property, via:
TWO WORK HORSES; 3 Colts, one 234, one 2 and 1
one years old, 6 Milch Cows, 1 Steer, and 1 Bull fat ten
'ed, 3 Heifers heavy with calf, 1 Devonshire Bull, 154
years old, 1 Bull 8 months old, 1 Steer year and a hall
old, 5 Heifers 2 year, old, 4 Sheep, 2 Brood Sows which
will hare pigs about the sale, 4 Shoats, 2 Broad Tread
Wagons, 1 a six-borse Wagon Inches Tire, 1 a three
horse Wagon 3 inches Tire, 1 Buckeye Reaper Berlin,
a Threshing Machine four-horse Power and Thresher
and a Shaker,l6 feet long Wire Hake, Winnowing Mill;
1 Drill, 1 Sled and 2 Sleighs, 1 String of Bells, 2 sets of
Ray Carriage, 2 Stone Beds with Side-boards, 3 Plows
.2 Shovel Plows, 2 Harrows 2 Corn Forks, 1 good
Shovel Harrow, 1 Roller, ilouble and Single Trees,
Wheelbarrow, Log Chain and Fifth Chain, 2 sets of
Breerhbands, 2 sets of Front Gears, Bridles and Hal-
sers, Breast Chains and Butt Traces, 1 Wagon Saddle
as goods new, 1 Riding Saddle and Bridle as good as
new. 1 Mattock and a Crowbar ' 1 Cross-cut Saw, or
• Axes, Tor 3 Scythe and Snatbs,2 Grain Cradles, Maul
and Wedges; also, a lot of Cow Chains and new Grind
stone never been reed and a lot of Anus., Collars and
Housings Forks and Shovels; and alb. Household and
Kitchen Furniture, consisting of Bedsteads with
Bedding, Bureau, 2 Tables., 1 Kitchen Cl:Thu.ld, 2
Wash Benches and a lot of Chairs, 1 ten-plate Stove as
good as new and Pipe, 1 first-rate Washing ?dub ine, 1
Meet Teasel and a lot of Tuba and Barrels, 1 New
Foundtand and a great many articles too numerous to
All emus under 85.00 cash,-.:on albums over a credit
of 11 months will be given with approved security.
Joan 8211.1.1311 TE, Auctioneer. • LDec.2s.-ts
Thesubscriber will tell atPublic Sale, on Tuesday
the 23rd day of February neat, at bin residence in
Freedom township, (on the. farm formerly owned by
David Sheets,) 134 mile west of the road leading from
Gettysburg to N cinema er's Mill, 5 miles from the
former place and 4 miles east of Fai r S eta , the follow
ing valuable Personal ProLAßOperty, viz:
HORSES, good for either draught or travel, three of
which are No. 1 Brood Mares, 10 head of Horned Cat
tle, among which are 5 Mich Cows, one of which will
bo fresh about the time of Sale, and 1 large two yea:
old MU, 10 bead of Cottswald Sheep, among which
tee. Duck that is beat by but few In size, symetry of
form, 0 deness and length or wool, 1 four•horr e broad
tread Plantation 'Wagon, 1 good narrow
tread Wagon, 1 Lime Bed, one of Ball's Ohio and
Ituakeie Combined Self-eking Reaper and Mower,
1 then Drill, Spring-tooth Hay Rake, nurse Hay
Fork and Rope, Cutting Box (Hovey's patent.) Win
nowing Mill, 1 pair of Hay Carriages, 1 set ofilllack
ism ith Tools, Circular Saw, Cross-cut Saw and Wood
Saw, Barshear Plows, Single Shovel Plows, Double
Shovel Plows, Corn Forks, Corn Coverer, Harrow, 1
large thrg,-horse Cultivator, 1 single horse Cultiva
tor, 2 part of Breechbands, 3 pair of Front Gears,
Bridles and(Jkillare,l Riding Bridle, 2 Side Saddles, 1
Basket Sleigh, 8 or 10 good cider Barrels, 1 Grind
atone and Fixture , , single , double and treble Trees,
Spreaders, Breast I:tains, 3 pair of Butt Trace., Mat.
tock ; Maul and Wedges, Crowbar, 1 two-horse Stal
-1 Log Sled, 1 pair of Scales, Planes and Angers, 2,
Grain Cradles, Broad Axe, Hand Axe, Foot A dge and
Falling Axe, Jackarter, Cant Hook, Dung Hook, Log
Chain, Fifth' Chain, Cow Chains, Halters, Wheelbar
row, /Midge, 1. large meat Vessel, Grain Shovel. Pan-'
sage Cotten; Farmer's Dinner Ball, 1 Mahogany
Bureau, Table., Chairs, Bedsteads, Writing Desk,
2 ten plate Stoves and Pipe, 2Rifies one of which is a
smooth bore, a lot of Bags, and !non) other articles
too numerous to mention.
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. on said day,
when attendance will he given and terms made known
Jan. 22.—ts .
The undersigned will sell at Public Sale, on Thurs.
day,, Pb.e 26, 1860, at 10 o'clock, A. N., at -his resi—
dence, In Highland township, Adams coon ty, Pa., 144
milers west of °bagel's $llll, the following 'Personal
Property, to wit:
3 WORK HORSES. 1 a Mere with foal, 211rst-rate
Mules, 1 yearling Colt, 2 Mulch Cows, 3 Heifers, 3
Shotes,l four-bone Wegon,33l Inch tread, with large
English Bed,Sideboardand Bows, new Lime Bed, new
Wood Ladders, new Hay Carriage, Rail Carriage, 3
Plows, 2 Harrows, 1 Threshing Machine, Horse Power
Strap, sine, and double Shovel Plows, Cultivators,
Corn forks, Log, Lock, fifth, Breast, Halter, and
Cow Chains, Bough Lock', Ice Cotter, Butt Traces, 2
sets of Breech sands (nearly new,) seta of Front
Gears (all good,) Bps eadere, double and single and
Treble Trees, Jockeying Sticks, 1 Srat-rate Cutting
Box; Post Augers, Work Bench and Screw. Jack
Screws, CrOlaCilt Saw, Maul and Wedges, double and
414::itted Axes, Cant and Dung Hooks, Wagon
fp, Heisting lopes, and Boller; Bridles, Saddles,
Co Halters, Liam, Wheelbarrow, :Grain Bridles,
Scythes and Sinaths, Grindstone, Hay apd Dung.
Yorks, Grain Shovel, Rakes, Spadm Shovels, and a
gnont many orticlao too numerous to mention.
TERMS 07 SALS:—AII sums of Ten Dollen and un
der, Oaah ; all over that amount • credit of Twelve
Months will pi given on what with approved/marl ty,
osoaos A. BZURCHEE.
JASON Monist, Anctionnot. pan. 29.-to*
puntac g AiTY: OF VALUABLE
The undersigned, intending to quit fanning will ion
at PublioSale, Flataday the 23rd of February nest,
at 9 o'clock, A. X., at his residence, in Btraban town
ship, Adams o'*aty, Pa.,4 miles north of Gettysburg,
1 mil* to the right of the Carl ele road, the following
valuable Personal Preporty. to wit:
4 RZADO7 WORK R0a3168. 2 Oeltv, 1 two and 1 '
one year old to the Spring. I Zilch Oews, 3 Helton,
with ¢1; 1 14411. P heat afgoaag Oita* I haul of
Simi"; 2 Brood Bewa,l faqir horesinarrww tveag Wag.
on, 1 low sad Iterseee,lllelgteied Herneee, Threat
tng ida&bieemdliers•Power,layring.tooth fla lake
(Pratt's Patent ) 1 Hay Carriage and Ladders. y 1
Wood Ladders bearded - up to haul Lisa, 1 Line Bed
with bows and cover, 1 Wagon Bed, 1 Bled, saws Ohio
Reaper,/ Patent Hay Pitcher with 78feet of one inch
Rope, Urain Drill, 1 Flax-brake, 1 set of Wagon
Boards, 3 Plows, 1 double Shovel Plow, Corn Forks,
Spreaders, single aueNtonble Trees, 1 Harrow, Forks,
Bats, Shovel, Mattock, Grata and Clovernoed Cradles,
Scythia' and Booths, 1 flatting Box, Breast, Butt, Log
and Cow Chains, 2 seta of Breechbande,2 sets of Front
Gears, Housings, Halters, Bridles and Collars, Wagon
Saddlo and Whip,l Metal tell, at the same time will
be offered 3-Patent Fruit Drying Moues, and a great
many articles too numerous to mention.
TIMMS OF SALE.—AII arms of -Five Dollars and
under, Cult: all over that amount 41 credit of Twelve
Mona, will be giv !El 011 notes rith approved security.
Pint/ P DEAMEIt.
Jourivauslurd, Atmlior,rts. iJen . to—tee
The subscriber, intending to quit farming, will sell
at. Public Sale, on Thursday, the 2114 of 'armo ry text, next, at 10 o'cack,.d. N., at his residence in Straban
toWnship, Adams county, Pa., about 2 males from
Ilonterstown on the road leading from the former place
to Mu . and 4 miles north of Oettyeburg, the
following ial le Personal Property, to wit:
2 GOOD WORE: HORSES, also a 1 Stallion rising 2
years, S Mitch Cows, some of them will be fresh about
the time of sale, 3 head of young Cattle, I Bali, two
and three-borne narrow tread Wagon with Bed and
Bows, nearly as good aa new, 1 pair of Wood Lad
den, 1 Screw Power Reaper, Nearly as good as new, I
new Wire-tooth limy Rake, Belt discharger, 1 Car
riage, 1 Bletl,l Land Roller, Ploughs and Ilarrows, 1
Shovel Plough, double and single Trees, 1 Spreader, •
lot of Gears Collars and Bridles, Corn Fork and Corn
Coverer, and a great many articles too numerous to
TERMS OV SALE :—All sums of Five Dollars and
tinder, Cad.; nil over that amount a credit -of Twelve
Months will beers:a on notes with approved security.
JOll3 STALL/al/TH. dwellOneer. [Jan. 22.--ts
The subscriber will sell at Public Sale, on Wednes
day the 24th of February neat, at 10 o'clOck, A. Y., at
his residence in Btraban township, Adams county,
about 1 mile south east of Lower's Mill, on the road
leading from Lower's 31111 to Runterstown,en Camp
Weaver's farm, the Personal Property, to wit: '
3 MARES, one of them with foal to a .Tack, b head
of Mitch Cows, three of Qom fresh, 9 bead of young
Cattle, 11 Sat Motes, 1 two-horse Wagon and SW,
baring Wagon, Plow,
Harrow, single and double
Shovel Plows, 2 eats ofreechbazubt Front Clears, 2. .
Corn Forks, patent Wire-tooth Hay Rake,2 Sleighs,`Grindtone, Forks, Dung Boards, single, jonble and
treble Trees, 2 set Butt and 1 set ireaat Obelus,
Wheelbarrow, grain Cradle, Cutting Box,Cow Chains,
Grain Cradle, Scythe and Smith, Forks, Spreader,
Spread, Collars, Bridles, Cheek Lines, and a great
many articles too numerous to mandlon.
TIMMS OF GALS.—AII sums ander Five Dollars
cash ; all sums over,
a credit of Twelve Months will be
given on notes with approved reality.
Joint STALLSNITM, Auctioneer. [Jan.29.—ta*
The undersigned, Assignee of gamnel Beecher and
WM, under • deed of voluntary Assignment for the
benefit of mentors, will sell at Public Bale, on Tues.
day Meath of Mara oust, at 10 o'clock A. Z., on the
premises, a TRACT OP LAND, situate in Butler
WienshiP, Adams county, Pa., 1 mile south-east of
Arendtsville, tonna/dug AT Acres. store or less. ad.
joining lands of George Rinebeuth, lamilak W.
wail, gamma Lawyer, andel:ham The impmements
conch of a new twattory FRAM DWRLISNO,
Backhanding, god Barn, and other outhuadtop, a
thriving young Orchard, • Well of water sear the
house ; about 10 acres are in excellent Thebes; thsbal
ante cleared and under_cultivation. Big Ooaowago
rimathrong* the facia ; *ire 16 • three etory Paper
Mill, which at which been' unditgoingthorough
repair, e nter repairs ars not yet complete. There
11,690,1favorably has SAOWIII to the public. The propert y
will be sold entire or ta parcels to suit purchmers.
At the same time AAA place will be aoldA\ amen beam
Wave, Truck W lot of lltsaw, • lot of•Leatbet
Dew sad obi,Boar& sad Plank, Bbap Boiler /6 bit
long gad 76Web*. wide, 180 gross of leddltago, • lot
W colon lbw. Zurio*,ol6/rashOssltags,llba U niaguad
oarlege, Ineelter, Shovels, Hera oe4--Grein Ors.
Ale, Gan, one • past away ankles too numerous to
moutloe. -
Bums& LAWM, Auctioneer. (Feb. 6.—N
/Pp -York True Democrat Wert 4 times and gond
bill so tido ofilno colloct
Tba billindgand will mil at Patio gal % oi &dor
do. tale Slat dew Qf Jiblatassi, at 2 *do" P. N, at
his residence, la Clamberbusd totraditp. Adman mat
ty, I mum nit Gettiabars, mar tb• Obbadamp.
burs Wapiti, tbs following taltiabt• Peanut be
t 0 „ wit: • •
2 YAM, lam 'with US, .1 yeatittla,
2 Cows, / 10 11 , • 7•lt c ; l an : nr lamr,l
Aim vabliocseVigas aid 'theta retEMO66.
lag Mach*. sag tow, Platt, Quantwas,
./4436 5 t a , eatt. ' t om setratat altar ! 1 Oat an ,
Warn Bat, 2 AWL Met
0 f=il 0 =e l P e 44
w Llittem
oiro ! s . .iry . oer _ ~ ! 0•00449
- ittnailanton WS* 2irotsad ilrat• tat 4 1 /14/c " r4-
pa day et
,14 4 10 #
Mae Cumin,
4tal and gamma ,01110.
The undersigned, Administrator of the &tato of
Moses Myers, deceased, *HI sell at Publie Sale, on
Thursday and Friday, the 4f and sih of March next,
at 8 o'clock, A. M., at the late residence of deceased
in Latlmore township, Adams county, on the road
leaaing from Deardsrff's to Wolford's Mill, about .two
miles northeast of Petersburg, (Y. 5.,) the following
valuable Personal Property, to wit:
1 GOOD FAMILY HORSE, rising 6 years old, and
will ride any gait and jot in harness, and Is a very
nice trusty driving horse, and will work any place he
Is hitched, 1 flue two year old Colt, and both nice
Bays, 3 Mitch Cows, all young and two of which will
be fresh about the time of sale or shortly after, lone.
horse Wagon and Bed,l Spring Wagon, 1 Rockaway
Buggy, 1 Falling Top Buggy, 1 sleigh and Bells 1
Plough, 1 Harrow, Shovel and Fork Ploughs. double
and single Trees, 1 one and two horse Spreader, Cow
Chains, Halters and Chains, Log Chain, Rakes, For ka,
Shovels, Mattocks, Pick, Hoes, 1 Winnowing Mill, 1
Corn Sheller, 2 Bow Hey CarriaLes, the one • two
horse Carriage, the other is calculated fur ono or two
horses,2 Sete of Light Wagon Harness, 2 sets Buggy
Harness, 1 set of Front Gears, 2 Housings, 2 Blind
Bridles and Collars, 2 good Leather Fly Nets, 1 Side
Saddle, 2 Riding Saddles, one of them new, 2 Buffalo
Robes, flay and Straw by the ton, about 7 acres of
Wheat in the ground. - Mao, a lot ofMillwright and
Carpenter Tools; consisting in part of Broad Axe,
Chopping Axes, Hand Axes, Augurs, Chisels, Planes,
Hand Saws, Steel Nl:wee Steel Blade and Bevel
Sipa re , - traces and Bits, all kinds of Monloing Planes,
Stab Planes, Pannel Plante, 3latch Planes, Work
Beaches and Screws, Screw Cutter, Turning Plane,
-Cross-cut Saw, 2 Grindstones, Grain Cradle, Clover
Cradle, Scythes and Snaths, a lot of Poets, a lot of"
Plank and Boards, Am Also, Household and Kitchen
Furniture, consisting in part of 1 Bureau, Secretary,
„Book Case, Tables, Stands, Chairs, Bedsteads and
Bedding. Corner Cupboard, Kitchen Cupboard, 1 Desk,
Quilting Frame, Cook Stove and Fixtures, 2 ten-plite
Stove and Pipe, Coal Stove and Pipe, Jars,Vens, Boxes,
Tubs, Barrels, Meat Stands, Ac., 100 yards of Carpet
ing, Wool and Spinning Wheels, Chests, Looking
Glues., 2 30-hotir Clocks, 1 Rifle, 2 Copper Kettles, 2
Iron Kettles, Iron Pote, Earthen end Queens Ware,
Tin Ware, a lot of Smoked Pork, Lard, a lot of
tatoes, Sausage Cutter, Stuffer and Lard Press, and' a
variety of other articles too numerous to mention.
Attendance will be given aud terms made known
Adru'r of Moses Myers.
JanL 22 —ta
Monday lAsl3olof /larch nezt,al 10 o'cloc . ., A. Ir.
The subscriber having sold his SIDI, and Intending
to remove , will sell at Public Sale, at hie residence in
Righlaud township, (Weigle's Mill,) the following
valuable Personal Property, to wit :
1 COW, nearly fresh, 3 Shotes, Sled, 1 Sand Screen,
1 Rolling Screen, l_pair small Scales and Weights,
1 nushol Measure, - 10.6tore Boxes, 2 long Ladders,
Maul and Wedges, Log Chain, liCrowbars, Digging
Iron, 2 Sampson'. Jack Screws, Corn Sheller, a lot of
Saw MID Toole, also a set of Carpenter and Cooper
Tools. with 2 heavy Jointera and Dream }Loops, Cross
cut Saw, lot of Dry Lumber for Mill wright work,
such as Cogs,Shafts, a lot of Plank of various sizes
13,4, ; 3334 and 4 Inches, tot of Oak Posts, lot of
Locust Posts, lot of Wild Cherry Boards, lot of Bee
Soaps, Post Boring rench, Skutching Mill, hay by
the ton. Also, liousehold and Kitchen Furniture,
consisting in part of 4 Bedsteads, Bureau, Corner
Cupboard, Chairs, Tables, 3template Stove.,2 Pot
Racks, Wool Wheel, 2 Reckels, Barrels, Tub s, Fire
Dogs, and a variety of other articles ,
etjteuttatcce will be given and terms made known
on day of sale Ly
Jan. tl.—ta
The undersigned, intending to quit farming, will
sell et Public Sale, on Wednesday, the 3rd of March,
at his residence in Butler township, on the road from
Middletown to Bell's MID, one mile from irendteville,
the following valuable Personal Property, to wit:
2 BROOD MARES, heavy with foal, 4 Colts, 2year-
Hogs and 2 two year old, Y Mitch Cows, two of which
will be fresh about the time of sale, 3 head of young
Cattle, 1 a Hoe young Ball,l2lead of Sheep,l three-.
horse Wagoff lied and Bows, 1 Spring Wagon, a good
pair of Bow Ladders, Spring Wire Rake, Grain Pan,
Cutting Box, Plows, llarrdw, double and sing le Shovel
Ploughs, Corn Fork mid Corn Coverer, Ede' b and
Sleds, Jack Screw, L3g Chain, Cow Chains, double and
stogie Trees , Forke,Mattocks and Roes, a lot or 0 ear.,
lets of Breechbands, 1 set of Front Gears, 2 Riding
Saddles, Collars and Bridles of ill kinds, 'falter and
Halter Chains, and a great variety of articles too num
erous to mention.
Bale to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M.. when &Mead.
mice will be giyen and tonne made known by
Joan Hasse, Audio: user
The undersigned intending to quit farming; will
sell at Public daloots TAo 'Way, the 4th day of March
Sect, at his residence, on the Conowago Chapel Farm l a ,
Conowago township, Adam' county, Pa., the roil.
towing raluable Personal Property, to wit;
If 'la Colfll, (majority oLthem will be fresh by time
oriels), 4 Beef Cattle, 8 Bulls, 4 Moen. three and four
ylen Olt 13 Hop, 3 Plantation WIg011• 1 1 Spring
Wagon, htngUaltigtzin Bedl=hini./Ceizza
W and Horne Power
Mower, Grain Drill, (13infr's s mike), Corn
Corn vienter, glotigha2 ifarrows,2 Shove/ Plough;
sCorn Yorks, Ray Ladders, double and single Trees,
Spreaders, Log, Halter and Cow Chaim, Wood Bled,
1 two•horse and 1 °arbor's, Sleigh, 4 seta Horse Gears,
Hay and Manure Forks, Rolling Screen, and many
other fanning Utensil,. Also, Household and Kiteb.
enifurniture, consisting of 3 Reda and Bedsteads, ten.
plats/Roes and Pipe. Kitchen Cupboard, Large Din-
Mg Table, Meat Tessals, Barrels, Tube, together with
a great randy Of articles too numerous to mention.
TltttlfY — A credit of alas months will be given.—
gale fa eteammeas at 9 o'clock, A.K.Onsidd day, when
ettesilleaes will be One by
A. and P. OASTS; Auctioneer. pen. n.--es
I The undersigned, ibtanding to quit farming will
sell at Public Sale. on Wednesday the 10th day of
m arch . ex s, o so o'clock, A.N., at his residence in
Straban township, Adams meaty, Pa., on the Fork
turnpike, two miles suet of Gettysburg, the following
valuable Personal Property, to wit:
4 WORK HORSES, 6 head of 3inch Cows two of
which will he fresh about the time of sale, _ bead of
young Cattle,l Bun, v Read of good Sheep, 1 Ram
(cotenald breed, hard to beat,) 1 good Brood Sow,
broad tread Wagons, 1 a four horse (nearly now,) the
other for fire or six horses, 1 good one Wagon, Lime
Bad with Bows and Corer, 1 first-rata Hay Carriage
w i t h Nom. Reams, Wood Ladders, Rail Carriage,
Feed Trough, 1 Wire-tooth Rake, 1 good Threshing
Machine, four horse Power with 14 feet of Shaker to
It, Kasper and Mower, 1 good Winnowing Mill, Cut—
ting Box, Flaxbralte. Grain Drill, Plows, Barrow.,
1 Shovel Plow, Corn Fork, large Cultivator, Corn
Coverer, Jack Screw, English Wagon Bed, lot of old
Iron, Dung Boards, single and doubts Tress, three
and four horse Spreaders, Cores Sheller, Fifth, Carry
ing, Log, Baiter, Butt. Breast and Cow Chains, Saets
of Hone. Gears, Br,dles, Collars, Halters, Wagon
Whip, Wagon Saddle, Side Saddle, 5 horse Line, Plow
Lines, Housings, Forks, Shovels, Mattocks, °rain
Cradle,Barrels, Boxed, May by the ton, 2 Stacks of
Cora -(odder which will be sold by the bundle. Also,
Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting in part
of 1 Kitchen Cupboard, Sink, large Rocking Chair,
good Clock, aad a great many articles too numerous
to mention.
Any persons buying stock at my sale, can leave it
ten days after the sale, if they wish.
THREE OY Huns of Ave dollars or on
der,caeb all over that a credit of eleven months will
be given on notes with approved security.
Attendance will be given and terms made known
on day of :ale by HENRY lIERBST.
JountreLLSIOTU, Auctioneer. Van. M.-4s
- The stibacriber will cell at Public Sale, on Wednet
day the 21th day of February next, at him residence
in Freedom township, Adams county, %; mile south of
Bream's Bill, the following Personal Pro p erty, to wit:
2 GOOD BROOD. MAASS, with foal, (one of them
a good driving animal,)2 Mitch Cows, 1 eifer, 1 Bull,
1 Brood Bow, 2 Shot' s. l four-horse Wagon, 1 three
horse Wagon, Hesper,•Threshing Machine, Wind-mill,
Rolling Settee', Grain Drill, Ploughs, Harrows, Cul
tivator, Corn Pork, Double Shorel Plough , Hay Cor
ti/4448M! Ladders, Wood Ladder, Lime Bed, 2 Sleighs',
Sleigh Bells, Thressohorse Trees, Double and Single
Trees, Log Chain, Cow Chains, Horse Oasis 5 Roue
logs, Single Ram o, Corner Cupboard, Kitchen Cup
board, Table, Cider Barrels, several Scapa Bees, with
a great many other articles too numerous to mention.
Sala to commence at 10 o'clock, A.ll. on said day,
when attendance will be given and terms tussle known
At the ammo One and place, the undersigned will sell 1 good Draught Horse, 2 Oolta, rising two yalre
old, lot of Sheep, with a number of other articles not
mentioned. GEOROZ W. SCOTT.
Jan. 22.—ts
The nnderaismed, intending to quit lansing will
sell at Public Sale, so Friday, the 12th day of March
next, at a o'clock, A. X at his csaidenos, in Straban
township, an Um Tork ~ ftarnplke, near Gulderes
uan, halfway between Gettyabnzg and Ox ibrd, *wain.
ly knownas Conakon'a Tavern, the following valuable
Pomona Property, to wit
6 WORK HOBBES, (good stock,) one of which is •
N•A u tras you ohl, *Oat ons year old, hec k
of H ed.Cattbry among which as EMI/ good Hack
Cows, ths balance am Bulk, Steen and Hefter; 1
Brood Sow, good !bar hems Wagons, 1 bread the
othar narrow triad, Spring Wagon, Thrashing Ma
chine and Hone Power, Reaper Wire Tooth Hay and
Grain Bake, Gem Spring Grab Drill, Bolin, Cutting
Boy., Balling Screw, Sleighs, Bells, Harness, 2 Hay
007lages the one 111 and the other 20 feet long, 2
Plows, Harrows, Double Shovel Plows, Corn lona,
single and double Trim, Synodal, Jack Screw, Teed
Trough, Crommut Saw, Bresebbands. Front Gears,
Collars, Bridles, lionsinp, Riding Saddlesand Bridles,
Wagon Saddle, and Whip, Wagon and Plow Lines, Hal
twrs.Ormla Cradle, Scythes, AZOIS, Grindstone, Log,
Batt and Cow Chain; Ha,y and Hawke Forks 410,1
large Kitchen Tata, Bedstead, and a gnat many
*racks too nummrons to mention.
Traura OP BALL—AII some olitua dollars or un
der, orb ; all Over That a urea t orhrelso months will
be given on notes with ayprored security.
JACOB Itpt ra.
JOIM Ilinuwati, Auctioneer. ejt.
puma; ULF, OF VALlTABg aiamt
Tim wadkaidirtual ip iota:din to vit
at Public Pala, ow Plorroditm Alt 414 day fof March
wait, 010 4. A, at ha riddance, fa Aroma.
=um &hum oototty, Ps, tl: ta s
from Us to lawightoirs, about
adios Um *maw and about the *ma
*tom the ladlowpiaavoW hi. valstabl• Pascua Pro.
jporele p wit:
ISOM MIMIC 801=4, ass of thou a
sato ry with *641 my llooOsit *es=
It Wait Cowaj Dun, 1 SOW, I,ll,o o kabd
*mow triad Worm maw, Lima Bad, 84
liaddlow; Mad, 8 shins liaottina and Hone
IPOwar, 1 Ream wed _ Oar* 81111n0 Auntie,
41341, Pled Wier, Bono lidatMotrihibu4sll7o.
I =ILIVroVI 21 li ta7 4 0:21
ag ao.ll=a.MLl M , llClt ihrboaak at ft' . Pf
And Chw ObalaWliprkainikeiriThati._9l#l4lloeles
and Smiths, sad &snot lU;# 41 = 1104 A
Atkilda“WitEgialWen 41 d tit/ 3 2 /I"
as dig at • LTA
Jr** .04
rffln. kr, WA
(he, 9i q'
gut and gerfOni saltd.
The undersigned, intending to quit farming, will
sell at Public Sale, an Tuesday the folh day of March
next, a/ 10 o'clock, A. M., at his reeldenee In iltraban
township, 234 miles from Gettysburg, on the road
leading to Bonatuthtown, the following Personal Pro.
,party, viz:
4 HEAD OP HORSES, one °idiom a Brood Mare, 2
Colts, one rising 3 years and well broke to harness,
and the other two year@ old, 3 Mulch Cows, some of
which will be fresh about the tits' of sale, 2 Bulls,
one of them a fine large Bull of good stock„ 5 head of
young Cattle, 8 Southdown Sheep, 1 Brood Sow, 9
Shotes, Sheep Shears, Threshing Machine and new
Horse Power, Grain Drill, Wire Tooth Horse Rake,
Screw Power Reaper, Corn Crusher, 1 MOT horse and
1 two horse Wagons, Spring Wagon, a good strong '
Bulling Wagon, a two hMIISe Family Carriage, Sleigh
and Bells, two and three horse Plows, 2 Harrows,
Shovel Plows, Corn Fork. Corn Coverer, 2 Hay Car
riages, Stone Bed Windmill, single, double and treble
Trees, 2 Lcg Chains, Cow Chains, Halter. 4 sets of
Breechbands, 4 eat, of Front Gears, set of Double Har
ness, Single Harness, Collars, Bridles and Saddles,
Crowbar, a first•rat• Circular Sew and Frame, 20
Inches, 3 Grain Cradles, Mowing Scythea,2 Clover Cra
dles, Hay end Dung Forks, Dung Hooke, Mani and
Wedges, Axes, Cross-cut Saw, lot of Saga, Clover and
Timothy Sieves, Grain Shovel, Fifth Chain, Butt and
Bteast Chains, 2 lour horse Stretchers Spread, Doug
Boards, 2 Scapa of Bees, 1 Roller, 4 Stretchers,
wlth •
number of other articles.
On Tuesday thelfdlt day of March, at 10 o'clock,
If., the undersigned will also sell, at the same place,
• variety of Household and Kitchen Furnßurs, mu
tilating of Cook Stove, 5 ten-plate Stoves and Pipe,
Bedsteadi, Tablet, Bureaus, Corner Cupboard, /Ugh t
day Clock, Chests, 2 Wood Boxes Meat Vellf4lll, Bar
rels, Tubs, Churn Washing Mart:toe, Iron and Copper
Kettles, Crocks, Iron Pots, Looki-g Class, Pictures
and Frames, a lot of Books, Stands, Desk, &c. Also, a
first rate Bellow*, Anvil, Tongs, 'HaMmer, 4 Vices,
Benches, Planes, Saws, Hand Axes, Spoke Shaves,
Breese and Bits, Augers, Braving. :Knives, Chisels,
Compasses, a lot of new and old Iron', Lever Punch, a
lot of Rasps, aid Filer, Grindstone, Sausage Grinder
and Staffer, and a variety of articles too numerous to
A credit of ten months will be given on purchases
over /5, on notes with approved SOCUrity.
[Feb. s.—ts
Joan ETALISXrrn, Auctioneer
The undersigned will sell at Public Sale. da Thurs
day, the 4th day of Sfarch nest, at 10 o'clock, A. Af.,
at his residence In Mouutploamtnt township, 4dams
county, Pa., rear the Bonsughtown road, throe miles
from Gettysburg, adjoining ptOpert les of Frank Budy,
George Howard and Joseph Spangler, a variety of val.
nable Personal Property, consisting of 2 HORSES,
one rising 8 years can't be beat in the county Car
trotting, driving or working. 1 Bay Colt, rising two
years, sired by the celebrated Tamerlane, / Cows and
1 Heifer, one fresh by time of ado and the other two
shortly otter, a yearling Bull, 2 tine Brood Sows
which will have pigs by tact of March, a Manny Reap
er, Windmill, a good .two-horse Wagon, with Box
and Sideboards, a first-rate flay Carriage, two-horse
Plow, Shovel Plough, Corn York, set of Breechbarois,
Front Gears, Bide Saddle, Collars, natters, Halter
Straps, Blind and Biding Bridles, 2 pair of Brstrate
Breast Chains, single,double and treble Trees-one
Wagon Double Tree, Open Rings, Koller, Mani and
Wedges, Mattock, Axes, Rakes, Dung and Pitch Forks,
Dung Hooke, Fly Nets, Mowing Scythe, Spreader,
Planes, Drawing Knives, An vers, Saws, Grindstone,
Shot Gan, Bedsteads, Tubs, Flat Irons, lot of old Iron,
with a variety of other articles txt numerous to men
On all SUM over SS, a credit of 10 months wit I be
given en notes with approved security.
JoIDI ErALUIXTrit, Aatthineer. Van. 210.—ht
The undersigoed residing la Highland townslip,ll4
miles south of New Belem, and 13,4 miles west 01
Bourn Stars, on the Farm now ownsvi by if ielme I liar-
nigh, formerly known as the Rhea Farm, will sett at
Public Bale, or Saturday the 6th day of March west,
at 9 o'clock, A. M., the following Personal Property,
to wit:
LWOW( HORSE, 2 Number One Untie, which are
well broken, one rising 5 and the other 4 year.,
Mitch Cow., all of them will be fresh about the time
of sale, I Devonshire Bull two year. old, 4 head of
young Cattle, 2 two and 2 one yearlings, 4 head of
Sheep, Sow and Pigs, 1 four burm broad treed Wagon,
-Lime Bed, Hay Carriages,. I Carriage, Sleigh, three
horse Plow, Harrows, simile end double Shovel Plow.,
Corn Forks, Brea:bland. en i Side Plate., Prone
Gear, Shod Bridles, Conan, Wagon sod Riding Bad
die., Fly Nets, Halters, Hosiery, Riding Bridles,
Buggy Hamm, Gears for a onekore. Wagon,six-kwm
Line, Wagon Whip,Jackarter, Grain Shovel Fork",
flHakes Shovels, Sprdes, Grain Cradle, Scythes and
uatlui, Dung and Britr Hooks, Log, Halter, Breast,
Butt and Cow Chain', Spreaders, single, douLle and
treble Trees, I Cumberland County Premium Grain
Fan, Peed-trough, half bushel Measure, Grindstone,
Meat Teasels. Also, Household--Furriltrire,:such ae
Cook Stove and fixtures, lot of Pipe, Bedstead, ,Deik,
Book Came, and a great many articles too nerous
to mentkm. Also, the one-half 5119 Acres ofGrain
and S Acres of By. In the `round will be .old.
Attendance will be given and term. madoknown
day of mile by
JACO3 aiwz/Zr, Atte/(anew. [F*O. 6.-4
p urtue beuas TiLIioAD L E
Tha undersigned having rented his Farm, will sell
at Public Sale, on Amnia, and Wsehserfay, the Ish
and 17th dais of Bard, nest, at o'clock, A. N. e.s
eat* day, at le residence in Staler toil:whip, 2 miles
east of Aron Wills, the following valuable Personal
Property. to wit:
I WOKE HOBBES, three et them brood mares, will
work well any place you hitch theca, one 80. 1. draft
horse. 2young Stallion' rising throe years, 2 one
pearling Colts, d Mfloh Cows,2 Rabin, 2 Bulls, 10
ghee% 2 foeu , horee narrow tread Wagons,l Buggy, I
Biagi. 2 pair of Hay Carriages, Lime Bed, Bowe and
Peed Trough, 1 Reaper and Mower, 1 litael•tooth Hay
Inks, 1 Threshing Mackin*. and Hors* Power, one
first.rate Winnowing Mill, 1 Cutting. Bor., 1 Flax
Brake l Skutching Machine, Plows and Harrows, 1
Shovel Ilarraw , Shovel Plows, Corn Yorks and Corm
Coverers, double and single Trees , Spreaders, Jack
arter,Cuttgr and Rough Lock,FifthCheln,Log Chains,
Halter end Cow Chains, I string of Sleigh 8e11e,2 psis
of lireeclibande, 3 pair of Front Gears, Wagcm Whip,
Wagon and Plow Lines, Wagon and Riding Saddles,
Riillsg and Blind Bridles, Plated Harness, palters,
iluileinr. and Collar', Shovels, Dung looks, Forks,
Itakee, Graiu Cradlce , Mowing Scythes and !baths,
100 lbs. unwashed Wtx.,t, 10C bushels of Wheat, 200
bushels of Gate, 30 bushels of Rye, 500 bushels of Corn
Ears, 50 bundles of Straw, 15 tons of llay;and a great
many articles tee LILICLIerOIIII to mention..
TERDS OP SALE:—AII ruins of SIO and under
cash; all over that amount a credit of nine months
will be given on notes with approved security.
Rau. 15.—te
Jous ILus.s, A cretivta•vr
Thu tioderiiigned, Executor of the estate of Yred
crick Finney, late of Monotio/ township, Adams
county, Pa, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on Mow
day. Lhelllh day 41 March next, al 9 o'clock, A. IL,
at 111. late residence, to the right of tits Baltlinotte
turnpike about 3 tulles, and 23 miles east of Horner's!
Mill the following Personal ProPertY, to wit
I FAMILY MARE with foal, 5 head of Mitch Cows,
'4 Heifers, I Boil, 6 Shot's, I Sow, 6 head of Sheep, 2
Wagons (one a four horse the other a one horse) Bug ,
gy, Threshing Machine and Poster, Buggy Rake, 0 relit
Drill, Fodder Cotter, Winnowing Mill, Cutting Box,
Cultivators, Plows, Harrow., Corn Forks, double and
single Shored Plows, Flax-brake, Sleigh. Ray Cirriage,
Spreaders, double, sing* and treble Trees, Forks,
Rakes, Shovels, fly Nets, 2 Ladder., lot of Bags, Rol
ler, Boards, Sledge, Lrompar. 2 sets or Breichbands,
Front Deare r 2 set single Ilisruess, Bridles, Collars,
Halters, Saddles, Whips, Breast, Butt and Cow Chains:
Alm, a large lot of hay, Drain in the ground, lot of
Oats, Corn, S busheleClove rimed, a large lot of Bacon,
Lard, /Seeps of Bees, Lc. ILioseLold and Kitch
en Furniture, consisting in part of Bedsteads, Tablem;
Chairs Cupboard , Sink, 2 Clocks, Wood Cheet,Capet
ing, I Cook Stove and Fixtures, Ten-plate Stove and
Pipe, Copper Kettle,2 Iron Kettles,Meat Vessel,linxei
Barret', Tube, . and great many other article. too;
numerous to mentiou.
Attendance will be given and tertun ;nada known
Jong &mutant, Auctioneer. pan. 29.—ta
The undersigned Intending to remove west, will sell
at Public Sale, en Friday Use 124 day of dforeh nut,
at 10 °week, A. M., at his residence, In Franklin town
ship, 3 miles south-west of Caabtowo, on the road
leading from the former place toPoplar Spring House,
the fallowing valuable Personal Property, to wit :
3 HEAD or SMOG COWS, two of them will be
fresh about the time of gale, 1 Heifer, Brood Sow, 1
Spring Wagon, Winnowing Mill, Wheelbarrow, double
and single Shovel Plows, Corn Fork, Grindstone,
Forks Bakes , Cow Chains, Cal penter Tools, Broad,
D oubiobl t and Pole Axes, Drawl og Knife, Soy thee and
Soothe, Mattocks, 1 pair of Dog Irons, Socket Wedges.
Also, Household Furniture, consisting In part of
'Bureau, Corner Cupboard, Sink, Table, Stands, Bed
steads, Chairs, Rocking Cradle, Cook Stove and Su—
tures, ten-plate Stove, lot of good pip e °b u y , ck o k .
Looking Glasses, Pictures, Jars, Fruit Cins, Tabs,
Barrels, Spinning Whim', Sausage Grinder and Stuf
fier, Lard Press. Kraut Malta, Shot Gun, Iron Pots and
Kettle, Dutch Oven, a lot of good Vinegar, Five and
Ten Gallon Bop, Meat Benches, lot of Tin andQuessun
ware, Potatoes, Beets, Onions Cucumber Pickels,l
Soap of Bees, lot of empty Seeps, Steel-yards, Flat
Irons, and a great many articles too numerous to
Attendance will be given and terms made known
on d 41.7 or sale by ABRALIA.M. /LOEB.
dance liflCKLXV,Anctiatieer.
The undersigned, Executor, of the Estate of John
Shull, deceased, late of- Straban township, Adams
county, Pa., will sell at Public Sale , en Wednesday,
Me 3rd day of Harch;lB69 at 9 o'eack. A. Z., on the
premises, on the road lead ing from New Chester to
12 eeterstown, 2 railed from the former place, the fol.
lowing valuable Personal Property, to wit:
3 HORSES, 2 of them fine Brood Mares, heavy with
goal, the other a line horse rbtWg 4 years, well broke
to saddle or harness,l yearling Colt. 7 Ant-rate NM&
Cows, all young, 3or 4 of them will be bath about
' time of sale, 3 Bulls, Fat Steers, 2 Brood Sows, 6
gheep,7l [(boss, fourdarts• narrow4rsad Warm and
Bed, oul..hone Way= and But p leair air Carry,
one entirely now; patent Hey e, Threshing
chins and Horns Power, with double Shaker attach,
*41,2 Plows, 2 Harrows, bboes l Plows,CornlladcCarn
()wearer, Log Chairs, Boller,Stous Bled ; thrso•borse,
donble and Ames Tr ou n i Sadirs. Jack 9erew, 3
11Woa, BraireHan, Sled, Wheelbarrow,
grindstone, Crowed SAW, and Wedges, Wood '
Om Ailli, Augers, Prowler sad Pinsern Oralollhonel,
Sbervels. Porky, Duns Brats Orsdbm, Omer
andleilloytheeand Snails, C lo ver Wove, 166-=
halt la @hal Ifewatree, Crowbar, OM feet Poo
Oak Plank, 9 sat Wagon Boards_, lot oft suing
2 . par Breechbands, 2 Bair groat eenA lk *
Lffles,Collass, Plow Liar, Houston Cow
teeltald sitdSaddle, Flax Brake, lot k et Ma t Ladder. 4
, aloalaarr, Sting Venal; in. ttey by the taii...
moo' UnlCen. in=ieenalattoiht
nest atlnriaity Tables, .atre; and wog. ;
14n,g,Coraer throbanel s
tri Du et.
CI WT ''
•- . , Thee; WV 7
ah e m, * Sac • . ,tr ,
.Cutter and '- - , lania; "
beale/0 14141 . 21 4 . •' ' • ' tobaorototro
.., iioll. .
Attendance will be glranahl . arm naidahirows;ors
of la"r • ':-.!•-• i ' ' iiiii v t4al -
fat and 'Wrong Anito.
The subscriber, intending to quit &ruling, will tell
at Public Bale, on Thursday, lath day of „rang, yggg,
at 0 o'clock, et. .11, at hie residence in Unkas township,
Adams county, Pa., about 2 miles north of Lit ties
town, on the lbrks of the road the one loading to
Bonaughtown and theother toConowago Chapel, the
Rdlowing Personal Property, Tit
Brood Mares heavy with foal, 6 bead of MBch Cows, 8
of them will be Mesh about the sale, 5 head of young
Cattle, Large Bull, Brood Bow with Pigs, 2 fear-hone
Wagons, 1 a three Inch and the other a narrow -tread
Wagon, 1 two horse and 1 liming Wagons, Threshing
Machine and Power, Harrisburg Panning Mill (Rey.
fold's Patent,) Fodder Cutter, Corn Planter, Hay Car
riagea, Plows Harrows , 1 Grain Drill, Corn Forks,
Shovel Plows , Cultivator, Dung Board., Rap.
er and Mower, Boring Rake, Breechbands, Fron t and
Plow Gears, Blind Bridles, Collars, Fly Nets, Log,
Fifth, Brent, Haller, Butt and Cow Chains, W anon
Saddle and Whip, Crew-cut saw, Maul and Wedges,
double, single and treble Trees, Crain Cradles, Jack.
screw, Pork., Rake', Shovels, Mattock, Crowbar,
Scythes, lot of Bags, Log Bled, Hoisting Rope and
Pulleys, Stone Bed, Grindstone, a good Bull Terrier
Deg. Also, Household and K lichen Furniture, con
sisting In part of Bedsteads and Bedding, 2 Tables,
ones Centre Table, Ten-plate and Parlor Stoves and
Pipe, &mane Cutter, Flax Heckel, Meat Vessel, and
a great many articles too numerous to mention.
Attendance will be given and terms made known
JACO3 itplai, Auctioneer. [Feb. 12.—te
--- -
The subscriber will sell ct Nails Sale, on Monday,
theta of March nest, at 9 o'clock, 4. AL, at his resi
dence, in Union township, Adams county, Pa., about
.1 mile north of Littkatowe, and %Oa mile east of
She Bousughtown road, the following valuable Person
al Property, to wit
HORSES, both for travelling and working, two of
them Brood Mares, 1 heavy with Lel, 4 Colts, 1 three
tears old, well broke to double or single Hareem, 1
two years and 2 one year old, 5 head of Mich Coos, 2
/fellers, 2 Bulls, 1 a Devonshire, 4 elegant Sheep, 2
four and five horse Wagon', 2 Buggies, 2 Gay Caryl
agemme of them new, Stone Bed, Threshing Machine
and Power, Winnowing Mill, Buggy Sake, Reaper and
Mower, Roller, Plows, Harrows, 1 Grain Drill, Shovel
Plows, Corn Forks, single, double and treble Trees, 2
Sleighs, Buggy Harness, good set Gears, Breschbands,
dears,Front and Plow Blind Bridles. Collars, Mus
ings, Fly Nets, Wagon Saddle and Whip, Riding Sad
dle and Bridle, Saar &alive horse Liam:Rafters, Log,
Fifth, Breast, Halter, Butt and Cow Chains, Kay
Fork and Rope, with Pulleys, Dung Boards,
Forks, Rakes, Shovels, Grain Shovel, Grindstone, Mat
tock, a gDII.
Box, Sleig h
l Sells, and g oo d
Wagon . Ala*, tmseho and Kitchen Furni
ture, consisting in part of Bedsteade and Bedding,
Table., Benches, Spinning Wheel, Cooking and Teo
plat. goy., lot o f Rags, Tubmand a great variety of
- ankles too numerous to mantra'.
Attendance will be given end terms made known
on day of sale by DAkit IL BARE II (IA IL, JR.
JACUS Slow[, Auctioneer. it'd,. ts
The underaigned will sell at Public Sale. on Friday
17Je 12114 day e l f Mare, next, at his rc•idence in Mena l.
len township, on the road leading from !tenderestlle to
Centro Mills, about 2 miles frees Beaderseilie and I
mile froan Centre Mill, the following valuable Per
sonal Property to wit:
3 =AD OF WORK HORSES, twoOf them Mares,
heavy with foal, one yearling Colt, h head of good Mitch Cr.w.,5 herd of young Cattle, 10 head of 131aap,
1 four-horn broad tread Wagon I two and three.
horse narrow Tread Wagon, 1 Sottish Wagon 'Red
with Bow., 1 Lime Lied, I pair c' lay Ladders, I pair
of Hay Carriages, 1 pair Of Wood Ladders, 1 Thresh
ing hinnhine.l Beeper. 1 Grain Drill, 1 Horse Rake,
Winnowing Mill, Plows, Harrows single and double
Rhosel Plows, two-horse Bled. Horse Gears, Wagon
Zaddle, Log Chain, Fifth Chaln,S tr etcher, Dal ters and
Chaln,Collars and tiddler, Cow Chains, single and
double Trees, Hay by the ton, and Potatoes by the
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, ♦. M. on raid day,
adieu attendance will be given end ternn made known
by 0 NOW/ YOIIL.
- Jan. 22.—ta
The uudersigned, Adadulet:aft!: of the Estate of
Booms& Monfort, deceased, will sell at Public Pale,
on Wednesday, She 241 A day of Zurek next, at 10 o'-
clock, 4. Y., at the late residence of slid deceased, to
annterstown, the folknriug rateable Personal Pro
perty, to Wit.
BAY BABE, she is an excellentlamily Beast and
will work any place,l§llifting-top Baggy, one horse
Wagon, set of Wagon Ilarneas,Blelgb and Belle, Wuh•
log Machine and Wringer, lot of Barrels, Sup of
Bees and Ricci, 2 B.dsteade and Bedding, Carpeting,
Kitchen Cepboard,Cooking dtore and litotes, Chairs,
Casa of Drawera, Washstand, Bide Board, Stands,
Feather Bed,Looking Glasses, Clock, Capper Kettle,
lard Cam Pot., Pena, Ladles, Fire Dugs, Bushel Bas
ket, Wheel and Keel, Bide Saddle, lot of new Bags, 2
small Kettles, Crocks, Doughtray, Wood Box, Sugar
Basket, &ales, Chura, Dishe., 3 Gecko's, Quilting
Frames, ft Gallon Jug, &adman, articles too numerous
to mention. ,
The owilentigoed latendiag to gait farmiug, will sell
at Pahlie Bale, on Wednesday, Me 17M day of y ar d,
west, at 10 *Wick, A. M., at his reddOeisee, In Straban
towsehlp, on the York Turnpike, about 1,4 mils east
of Ciettysbneg, the ibllowingselnable Pavane Proper-
Sy. to wit:
S BOMBS, 4 head of hflkh Cows, which will be fresh .
&boat Shot!** of male, 1 Heller, 1 one horse Wagon,
mingle and harry Wagon &kraus, Corn Sheller, Sleigh
and Bells, Baker Plow, 1 Horse Plcrwa, Hamm C orn
Ports, mingle sad double Shovel Plows, Hay Carriage,
Spring-tooth Hay Sake, 1 gamily Carriage, for one
or two honer, Wagon, Riding and Side iladdies, Siding
Bridlis,Carnage llaruess, Scythea, Grain Cradle, Log,
Breast and Cow Chains, Crowbar Mattocks, Sakes,
Yorke, Corn Coverer, Spreaders, Wheelbarrow, Hal
tare, Patent Chars, Tin 'Pans, and a great many arti.
cies too numerous to mention.
TIMM OF SALE autos of Tan Donets and
undoe,caah; all ever that amount s credit of eleven
tuontha will be given ou notes with approved security.
Juux &TAILIIXI23/, AucLionter. j Feb.l2.—t
The subscriber se ill sell at Public Sale, on Wednes
day, Melia Jaye' February nest, at In o'clock, A.
if, u Ids resideuco In Butler township, Adams mon
ty, Ps., 1 mule south bf .4, , retailtssille, the following
Personal Property, to wit:
2 1101t8Eti, 1 a Mare heavy with foal, 2 Colt., 1 two
Jean uld and 1 one year okl, 2 3111 ch Cow., 5 head of
young Cattle,l two•horse Wagon, 1 Boggy, 1 gia, of
Bay Carriagae,2Plough., Bar ro wa,anda great variety
of farming Claudia too numerous to mention.
• • .
Attendance will be giren and ttrms made known by
Jan. 29.--tss N A9hI G. CAMP.
The undersigned will sell at Public Sale, on Satur
day, the 6th day of „Muth ate, at 9 o'c'ock, 4. 24 at
their farm in Butler township, Adams county, *air
miles north-west et Gettysburg near Grape Vine
tichooLhatute, the following Personal Property, to
1 11114.YY FAB)! HORSE 15 years old, 1 large black
Horse 6 years old, 1 Bay Mare S years old and 1 Colt
2 years old In the Spring, 2 bead of Mitch Cows.
head of Steen, ICalf one year old. I pair of thorough
bred Spanish Sheep one year old, 4 head of Sheet',
bur-horse narrow tread Wagon with Bed, Hay Car
rine, 1 Spring Wagon, I Baggy.l Steal Centre Plow,
double Shovel Plow, Corn Vole, Harrow, 2 sets of
'Erne:omnd/ nearly 1:111R, 2 sets of Front Gears, Col
lars, Bridles, Line, I Sink, half doyen Cane Bottom
Coe Chairs, add many other articles too numerous to men-
Attendance will be given and terms made known on
day of sale by
Jan. M—ta
with sixty-two Acres of Prime Frederick County
Land attached there to, three miles froze Frederick
Vity, - Aftl. Alt necessary Outbuildings; large Peach
and Apple Orchards. Price 0 6 , 000 .
Apply to Box 200, Frederick, Md.
Jan. 15.--3** .
T R .A C T, S
OF N0..1,
* l sisg hand, Fre•emption Lands rooted nes:Ea*
route, Coun:SP Towne. Le.. In Till settled neighbor
hoods, which I will sell, or exchange at a fah' pale*
gar Real Estate In Adams county, Pa.
020- inola).
o,lt 8A L E.—l haye severali
sad • number of OHOIOB BUILDING LOTI of Ws
E. 0. letoOßELltlf
Jae. /4 /e 49•"" ,
the eabscritver offers at Private Bale, he it onsein d
=,14,:0f amid, idtaate on Stratton dna, le the
of gattyslawit.hounded_ IM lots of John
Naha, sad Jacob Oodori with an alley to th e rear.
Rho ums• Is a now twowtoll Britt Haase, with A .
larp beak brick buildiag and aanatilfflap. 2.44
Prow*, is la a yleastust Mutat on, ad b erms.
meats extending In that direetioe.
An aux,
two miles of Gettysoupg, th e : Har .
Ashlar road, with all aoselsary h nurove ,,
mid ja prime order. 'I Istit jar g roin
leo ,to IGO Acres, to suit Purchasers. Terms
*sociable. For further In tornime ilt.t v y to
Pit •
flept444l - - •
- _
iflieriiir AND ailitakilLif
41' 11 OTIRCIS
A handsome barouche with a splendid
pair of horses, harness and trappings all of
equal style, waited at the open door of a
mansion in-a fashionable square at the west
end of London. A young, beautiful and
richly-attired lady descended the steps, ac
companied by a gentleman, who handed
her into her seat: already a lovely boy of
about four years old was placed there.
"Come with us, papa," be cried, "this
- "Do, Arthur," echoed the young mother,
"Max pleads for us."
"Dear Blanche, I am overwhelmed with
business this morning. But you will not
be alone. Are you not going to take up
Laura and Fanny Oliphant? There, go
and enjoy yourselves; we shall meet at
He pressed the little band resting on the
carriage door, and she hissed her's in return
to their parting salutations, as the spirited
horses, that had been pawing the ground
impatiently, dashed off at full speed.
Arrived at the Oliphants, Mrs. Devonport
found hgr cousins ready. There was a
flower show and musical festival at Syden
ham, and the Crystal Palace, so worthy of
that name, would be attended by the gay
votaries of fashion and pleasure. Some
came there on this fair summer's day to
view the rare and choice flowers, and oth
ers to listen to Erne music, many to behold
the world's wonders, thetreasureies of art
and science collected in the far-famed pal
ace, but many more to meet with friends,
or to exhibit their elegant toilettes, and
discuss the different events; then on the
tapio In London.
Laura and Fanny Oliphant had lingered
among the flowers; whether induced to
remain by the sweet perfumes and glowing
colors, or by the appearance of two dash-
ing young guardsmen of their acquaintance
who usually hunted in couples, the reader
must decide. Hrs. Devonport, fatigued
with wandering up and down the gay crowd,
after appointing a place of meeting with
her cousins, lett them, and with her young
son seated herself to hear the music of a
new opera. His - little hands were filled
with expensive toys she had bought him.
"'What n beautiful child !" was the gen
eral remark of strangers, as they passed
Lim by ; and beautiful he looked in his
white embroidered cashmere dress and dark
blue sash across one shoulder, forming a
contrast to the curls that fell over it like a
shower of gold, a velvet cap the color of
his sash, whose single plume was fastened
by a rich jewel.
Immediately behind Mrs. Devonport
were seated two gentlemen, apparently
more Interested in each other's conversa
tioh than in the fine strains from the orches
tra. Between pauses in - the music, Blanche
overheard (an unwilling listener) a portion
of.their conversation.
"And so the great house of Devonport
Co. is likely to become bankrupt."
"Yon greatly astonish me ; I thought
Devonport one of our wealthiest mer
"I can only say," replied the first speak
er, "that a few days since a bill to a heavy
amount was returned to me; and on mak
ing inquiries this morning in the city, from
a friend who is usually btu fait in such
matters, I have no doubt their liabilities
will be enormous. And then they live in
such an expensive style—that little wife of
Devonport's might be an Eastern princes.' ,
Poor Blanche! She could have exclaim
ed with Beatriee, "What dm is In mine
ears—can this be true?" She durst not
leave the spot, fearing to attract their no
tice. At length, after what appeared to her
an incalculable space of time, little ➢fax,
who vainly endeavored to attract his moth
er's attention, bcgau to pry. She rose, and
taking her child's hand moved away. liast,
ening through the throng, she sought her
young cousins.
"Blanche, what ails you P Bow pale you
ook said Laura.
"I have a sudden headache, dear, (heart
ache would have been more truthful). The
heat and noise are insupportable. But I
will not take you away; the carriage shall
return, and these gentlemen will escort you
back to town."
One of the young officers found Mrs.
Devonport's car . riage, and conducted her to
it. She bowed her thanks. "ifouie," she
hat found voice to utter to the liveried ser
vant, who stood waiting her commands;
then, as they drove off, she sank back and
burst into tears,
What a change! It was like one
awakening from a dream, and what a rude
awakening ! Only a few hours since she
had left a splendid abode, brilliant and
happy ; the very sunbeams-seemed to dance
before her path, a coleur de rose had tint
ed with its unreal hues Ufe and life's scenes
—now the veil was withdrawn, and what
was revealed but present and prcepective
Blanche Devonport bad been brought up
tenderly—the darling of a fond father and
an over-imtulgent mother; then, after her
marriage, every gift wealth could bestow
was lavished upon her by a kind husband.
But though apparently the spolled.child of
fortune, she bad vr noble, high-principled
mind, that prosperity could not barn nor
Advendty crush. 'those bitter tears fell;
not hewn* 40 beheg P/104 sway wealth,
and Its enjoyment! ! bat that ber 4w/hand's
;IWO &O . ,4 goccaintad.
By the tuneßlanche mimed - her" hozno m
ihe had resolved In •her own mind what
ghe sine and sezt,tittl.
There la many a rose in the road of life,
If we would only stop and take'it;
And many a tone from the better land,
If the isuer . olous heart would make it ;
To the sunny soul that is full of hope,
And whose beautiful trust ne'er - faileth,
The grass is green and the flowers are
Though the Winter storm prevaileth.
Better to hope, though the clouds hang
And to keep the eyes still lifted ;
For the sweet blue sky will still peer
When the oinincus clouds are rifted !
There was never a night without a day,
Or an evening without a morning ;
And the darkest hour, as the proverb goes,
Is the hour before the dawning.
There is many a gem in the path of life,
Which we pass in our idle pleasure,
That is richer far than the jeweled crows
Or the miser's hoarded treasure ;
It may be the luve of a little child,
Or a mother's prayers to Heaven,
Or only a beggar's grateful thanks
For a cup of water given.
Better to weave in the web of life
A bright and golden filling.,
And to do God's will with a ready heart,
And hands that are ready and willing,
Than to snap the delicate minute threads
Of our curious lives asunder;
And then blame Heaven for the tangled
And sit and grieve and wonder,
course to pursue. The child had fallen
asleep, and was taken up stalls to his nurse.
Mrs. Devonport was gratified to discover
that her own maid, not expecting their re
turn for several hours, bad gene out to spend
the afternoon. She locked the room door,
threw off -the bonnet covered with itssuowy
plumes, the delicate peach-colored dress
trimmed with rich and expensive lace, laid
aside the elegant little gold watch and
chain, with their costly - appendages, then
selected a black silk dress, a simple lace
collar and cuffs; would have even brushed
straight the beautiful hair, almost the gold
en hue of her child's—but no, it absolutely
would curl and wave as before. She sat
down a few minutes to collect her scattered
thoughts, for the first time in her existence
about to confront the stern realities of life
—but what matter ?—she had her -husband
and her child left her. At length rising
and ringing the bell, she inquired if Mr.
Devonport had returned. He had, and was
with Mr. Morton, his solicitor, in the libra
ry. Blanche felt a little nervous, but calm
ly went down stairs, then through a suite
of splendid apartments to the library. Her
hand was on the handle of the door, gently
opening it, when she heard her husband's
"Morton, I will make any sacrifice; buy
time for payment at any price—if I can
only keep these embarrassments from my
wife's knowledge."
Ills wife entered the room.
• "Dear Arthur, I know all—and now no
further sacrifice must be made. Mr. Mor
ton, as my husband's friend, I beg you will
explain to me the most honorable course to
ourselves—the most just to those to whom
money is due."
Devonport was lost in amazement : he
rose and clasped her in his arms.
"My brave little wife! Fool and coward
that I have been ! I did not do you justice.
There, Morton, have your own way now.
Confound it, but I am happier than before
I owned a shilling."
And the poor fellow b rushed away a tear
froin his eyes.
The lawyer then briefly explained to
Blanche that, in consequence of the failure
of a large firm abroad, her husband was on
the verge of bankruptcy; that he had ad
vised meeting the approaching crisis by
lessening their expenses, and, with Mr.
Devonport's assistance, he felt confident of
ultimately arranging matters satisfactorily.
Then in reply to his questions as to how
she obtained - her information, Blanche de
tailed the conversation in the Crystal Pal-
ace, and inquired the name of the gentleman
to whom they were indebted—yes, she said,
indebted for her knowledge of these affairs
—for he should be reimbursed by the sale
'ot every jewel she possemed, and the money
enclosed in a note, with the compliments of
the "Eastern Princess;" and then poor
Blanche began to laugh hysterically, and
asked for a glass of water.
"My dear child," cried Arthur, "how in
considerate I have been! You have taken
nothing since breakfast." He rang the
bell, ordered dinner to be hastened, and
would not allow another word to be spoken
on business until they returned to the
library, when all three sat down to discuss
deliberately how, In the most prudent man
ner, they might weather the storm.
The London season being at Its height,
the house of the Devonports was easily
rented. A cottage In an unfashionable
suburban district Was taken, and thither
they conveyed sufficient from their former
residence to furnish it simply yet elegantly.
But the chief part of the costly and 'valua
ble articles in the house were sold, as well
as the horses and carriages.
Nearly all the servants were paid and
dismissed—the lady who condescended to
act as nurse, and of whom Blanche stood
slightly in awe, among the number; a
young housemaid, who was a great favorite
with Max, begged to remain, and was re
tained to supply her place ; the lady's maid
was dispensed with, as Nell' would attend
upon Mrs. Devonport also; she, with two
others, funned the entire establishment.
Belgravia looked on and wondered ; then
in a few days the Devonports were forgot
ten. But if the creditors were surprised,
they were also gratified, for within a year
all was paid in full. Mr. Devonport, who
probably had been too reliant on others,
now attended closely to business, and work
ed early and late, stimulated to exertion by
the heroic conduct of his wife.
One morning about six months after the
event already related, a gentleman was an
nounced. The delicate tint on Blanche
Devonport's cheek changed to a deep color,
as she read the name of Mr. Charles Stan-
ley on his card.
"Pardon my intrusion, Mrs. Devonport,"
saidhe, on entering, "but I only recently
returnedfrom a tour abroad, and have now
called to apologize for the rude remarks I
was guilty of uttering, when seated near
you, one memorable day last summer. On
your rising, my friends reoognized you, and
I felt deeply concerned for the pain I must
have caused you. I have seen youa hus
band's solicitor, and understand how nobly
you acted. And now allow me to leave
this money (laying down,a pile of notes) in
Mrs. DevOnport's hands, until perfectly con,
venieut for hint to repay me,"
"Indeed, Mr. Stanly," replied Blanobo,
recovering from his embarrassment, "you
little know the service you have rendered
us. As to this money, I thank You greatly,
but cannot take it."
"Well, theu,i shall call upon Mr. Devon- ,
port, at his warehouse ; but pray give me
leave renew my visit at some other day."
Blanche assured him he would be most
welcome ; and Mr. Stanley took his leave,
determined in some manner to benefit the
It is now the end df a long, cold winter ,
and in the early spring Charles Stanley was
enabled to carry out his purpose. He own
ed a pretty little villa, with a few acres of
land, about ten miles distant from London,
situated In a beautiful country, and near a
railroad station. At this time 4 fast friend
ship had sprung up between the formor
debtor and creditor; and one day, hearing
Blanche lament for her child's sake the
want of pure air, he turned to her husband,
saying! "I know the very spot that would
suit you, to be rented by a friend of mine.
He prefers_ to reside in town, but would
like it occupied by a small flintily. It is,
too, remarkable cheap."
He theh named so low a amp, that De
vonport was induced to accompany him to
OA k at it and in a few weeks they were
comfortably settled in their new home.
Blanche had the gratification of seeing
her little Mai bright and blooming p form
erly ;• and when at last she discoveed the
name of the real landlord, she appreciated
the delicate manner in Which he was deter:
mined to serve theni—the gardens of fruit
and flowers, the pleasant terraces,' — fna" the
shady groves were more prized by her than
her former Irmury, -
Their eurnme Melld bad of counts flown
with the change of Tertene, Plat ell' tiled
and valued oriel remained, Tim_ Oanheete
had 'laver deserted•them, =di:Marley fusi;i•ip.
lay, elm wautarooludautxueat, atleitglit
made an offer to Xialma. otherprond
of her NIKO*, emoted him, but walks&
ed to believe he only asked her that he
might become related to her cousin Blanche
The Devonports never returned to the,
fashionable world they left—"its gold and
all its broldered equipage" having, by sad
experience, lost all charm In their eyes
But, if not moving in the same rank as
formerly, they fhlly regain the honorable
name which was only dimmed for a time i
but never lost.
(For th• BTAA AND Bormria.
Messina. EDITORS :-I would recommend
he formation of a Young Men's Christian
Association as a likely means of alleviating
the want felt in New Oxford of some.insti
tution where young men could be induced
to spend their leisure in a more profitable
Pay than is customary at present ; and al
thoilir,it I would prefer thjs, yet, should
this not meet with favor by the majority of
the young men, I would name another pro- ,
ject, which I had the honor to meet with
while absent from home—a society known
as the "Mutual Improvement Society,"
which had for its object the improvement
and amusement of clerks and others employ
ed dtping the day, but having opportunities
of spending their evenings in whatever man
ner, fancy or inclination dictated; and the
remarkable success that attended its opera
tions induces me to commend it to the at"
tendon of your many readers. The plan
was this :--One evening in each week a
meeting was held of the members, at which
meeting a certain number of readings, re
citations, or essays, were delivered, each
member having the privilege of criticising
any reading, recitation, or essay that was
brought forward, and the reader, elocution-
ist, or essayist replying to the criticisms,
after such as wished to remark upOrt his
performance had concluded. The advan
tages of such a system are obvious. A
friendly rivalry is soon promoted between
the members, and on each succeeding meat
ing a decided improvement may be traced
in the productions of the essayists and the
delivery of the elocutionists. $o much for
the improvement part of the question. On
the other hand, the amusement afforded by
a selection ofrecitations-and essays is most
genial. Recitations from Ingoldsby, Hood,
Thackeray, and the other humorists, never
failed to produce laughter of the most un
bounded nature ; and the essays—humorous ,
and satirical—always obtained their full
share of applause. The readings from
Shakspeare, Milton, Scott, Longfellow, and
the other writers of a more serious class of
poetry, were also equally successful; and
the knowledge of the writings of such men
always engenders in the minds of the young
a taste and sentiment that are very benefi
cial to them in theirfuture career. Debates
on all the subjects of the day were entered
into with interest and avidity by its mem•
hers ; although, of course, such were not at•
tempted in the younger days of the society,
however popular and interesting they might
have been to precocious aspirants for Or
acular fable,
Let a number of young men form them
selves into an institution, haying fer Its ob
ject the discussion of matters of a literary
or scientific nature, that would be accept
able to their inclinations, and it would, no
doubt, be a source of much enjoyment and
improvement. Try it, young men of New
Oxford, and elsewhere. J. A. G.
Tax Durcmwes Talcit.--While a
Dutchman was passing through a city in
Vermont a Yankee came up to him and
said :
"Shoe, If you treat me to a cigar, I will
earn you a trick."
non agreed. Yankee then placed his
hands against the fence, and told him to
atrike it as hard as he conld. Shon, not
thinking any harm could befall him by do
ing so, struck a blacksmith's blow, but In
stead of hitting Yank's hand, the latter
jerking it away, poor Shon struck the fence
board knocking it off.
"Shen Gott in Himmel!" cried Shon,
"what makes you foolish - ? I knocked my
hand off clean up the elbow ! 0 ! socker
blitz! my_poor frau, what will she say?"
Poor - Sohn was bound to have revenge;
so one day, as he was passing through a
field, espied a man. Going up to him he
said :
"Mynleser, I show you a little joke for
As there was no fence or tree near, Shon
put his hand against his mouth, and said :
"Strike yust sat as hard as you can."
Mynheer struck, and Sh on pulled away
his hand and received the blow on his
month and was - mocked down. Shon
jumped up, his mouth bleeding, and com
menced dancing with pain.
"Skerusalem A thousand teyfels take
this country. I goes back to Holland on
the first train."
A• Wtss Cnotos.-,-A. little girl having
one day rend to her teacher the first twelve
verses of fifth chapter of the gospel by
Matthew, he asked her to stop and tell him
which of these holy tempers, said by our
Lord:to be blessed, de should most like to
have. Shp paused a little, and then said
with a reddest smile, "I would rather be
pure In heart." ter teacher asked her why
she chose this above - all the rest. "Sir,"
she said, "if I had a pure heart I should
have all the other graces spoken of in the.
Allfi rule girl who was walking with her
mother, was templed by the sight of a bas
ket of oranges exposed for sale, and quietly
took one; but afterwards, stricken by con
science, returned it. On her return home
she was discovered in tears, aud being ask
ed the cause of her sorrow, replied, sob
bing : "Mamma, I haven't broke any of
the commandments, but I have cracked one
a little,'' • •
A Searcn.uss went to a lawyer once for
advice, and detailed the ciroustances of the
case. "Dave you told me the fadta precise.
ly as they occurred ?" said the lawyer.-
4, 0 h ! ay, sir," rejoined be. "J thought 1$
best to tell ye the plain truth ; ye can put
the lies in yourself."
A YOUNG lady who Was reading a novel,
was asked by a gentleman how she liked
the style. • -
"The style—the style l" was the answer;
"oh, sir, I've hot come to that yet 17
"You seem to walk more erect than nin
e; Tay dear Mr."
"Yes,/ MAT been straightened by eirA
Wan Is the difference between the
entrance to a barn and an over-talkative
person? One is a barn door and the other
darn tore.
War La a baby like. a bed of !Oat
Because it is first *died, the* thr 1 0. 3 4
and finally becomes the flower of the Mu
TEpt dinbrence between Eugene and' the
dethroned Queen or Spain Is, that one
brills cat the throne and the other
off. , .
"I don't admire ladies' ettfle,' is the hus
band mid whoa Nil wire Ilarqd tl4 elnd
He owns a theatre which cost,it la said,
$200,000, _and which has yielded a large
revenue. It Is a well-built edifice, nearly
ae. large u the Boston theatre, with par
vette and circle, dress circle, family circle,
and gallery. 'Gentiles are consigned to the
I dress circle, though Saints also sit there.
Climbing a narrow stairway we find' our
selves in the dress circle, occupying a frost
seat, giving us a good position to study the
audience. We are not there to see the play
but the -people. The curtain is still down
and the audience are taking their seats.
The parqutte is' arranged with slips like
those in a church. At the right hand side
•la the parquette circle Is Brigham's tinnily
pew — distinguished from all other seats by
its red plush
_qr damask upholstery. In th e
right hand aisle or the parquette Is a rock
! leg-chair which Brigham sometime oceu_
pies when he wishes to be on a familiar
footing with the Saints.- The light in the
building is rather dim, gatrusi having been
introduced to Salt Lake coal oil being used
Instead, but there is light enough for us to
study the countenances of those around us.
On seats adjoining ours are two young girls,
fresh, fair7rosy-cheeked, accompanied by a
young man well dressed—Gentiles, I judge,
flocs a remark dropped now and then. At
our right hand is a woman with a baby in
her arms, three other children by her rade.-
Beyond her another woman with a belly
and a great strapping fellow with red whis
kers by her aide. Behind es are three roys
tering fellows from the mines of Idoefaus,
ogling the girls in the parquette. They are
Gentile wolves. Elder Williams cautioned
the girls last Sunday to beware of those
who came in sheep's clothing to lead; them
away from the Church and down to perdi
tion. These wolves do sometimes carry off -
the fairest lambs of the flock. Some of the
girls prefer the undivided love'of a hardy,
good-looking yotmg Gentile to the fortieth
or fiftieth part of a withered old Apostle.
Two seats distant Is another baby. The
mother Is Wrinkled and care worn. We can.
see lines of care and suffering across her
forehead and In her sunken cheeks, as if
Time had been turning deep furrows and
his plough-share hail gone down Into the
subsoil and cut the heart-strings. Not hers
alone. We see thd same joyless Cut of
countenance on every female face. Artists,
who with pen and pencil paint - characters
—who can read the joys and sorrows of life
in the lines of human fitce---should coma to
Salt Lake City. They would fled it one
vast studio—every woman a subject.—
"Dead Affections" would be au appropriate
title to their pictures. Stifled, rather.--
¶1 iese women never have known what it is
td love or to be lovedl They know only
sacrifice. They are slaves—in bondage to
the church and to the devil at the same timc.
They are ground to powder between two
mighty millstones—the upper one a religl '
OM idea, the lower one the lewdness and
lust of hard-harted men. Heaven and hell
together are brought Into action, crushing
out human affections and the highest and
holiest instincts of the souL The priests of
Buddha, in one of their delineations of the
damned, have accurately portrayed the con
dition of these women of Salt Lake. I re
member a scene in a temple at Canton—a
mill in which human souls were ground up
—a slow, steady turning of the stone. Tie
soul vent in head-foremost. Dow . n belovs
there was trickling stream of blood and
brains. It is so here. Intellect, joy, happi
ness, hope, peace, brains, and hearts are
ground slowly out in this infernal mill!
But there is the man who runs the mill—
F the head of the Church—president and reve
lator—in the private box by the side of the
stage. He is portly, his hair is nicely
brushed. He wears a white vest, black_
broadcloth coat, kid gloves, puts an opera
glass to his eyes and looks over to the gal
lery containing u; Gentiles to see who Iv
there. He has a broad forehead, large nose,
and whiskers turning white. Ability, de
cision, duplicity, shrewdnecs, cunning, the
good and , bad elenients of character, are
plainly marked in his countenance. Apos
tle Wells, a tall, thin, spare man, nearly at
old as Brigham, Is by his aide. In Brig
ham's family circle we see two of his con
cubines, and twenty-two of his children, all
but two of them girls. One of the women
is put the prime of life, plain countenance,
plainly dressed. She is sad—sad when
others laugh. The play Is the "like:mum
bUlist," but the comic scenes which set the
crowd-a-laughing bring no smile to her face.
At the end of the seat is one of the favorite
concubine; a woman of thirty, pale,
thoughtful, with an intellectual cast of
countenance; with a book In hand which
she reads between the scenes. She has
large, lustrous eyes, dark brown hair, jewels
on her fingers, and a mother-of-purl opera •
glass in her hand. She is elegantly dressed
—wears a costly fine cape. Did I not know
that they were Brigham's concubines, I
should set then down as teachers of a girls'
hoarding-school, who had come with their
classes to enjoy the evening. It Is a motley
audience—saints, sinners, and Indians.
Far up In the gallery I au three of the Lite
tribe, in moccasins and blanket, gazing with
Imperturbable gravity upon the scene.—
Brigham looks upon the audience most of
the time—turning his attention to the stage
only when something especially attractive
or laughable occurs. He talks with Broth- -
er Wells, takes a knife from his pocket,
pares au apple, which he slowly munches.
He has the appearance of a man not well
acquainted with the usages of good society,
but who is well off in the world, indepen
dent or everybody, and who for the remain
der of his life is going to take things easy,
and have everything his own way.
COMBLWATI47. —The Pennsyl
vania Central railroad company has famed
the Columbus, Chicago and Indiana Cen- •
tral railroad, for a term of ninety-nine years,
rtinning from Column to Chicago. As
the Pennsylvania Company alreay controls
the roads between Pittsburg and Columbus,
this lease, with their own road through the
State of Pennsylvania, gives them an un
broken line of rail from Philadelphia, and
by the Now Jersey Central road, Enna New
York to Chicago. • Other arvangementa
nearly perfected will carry th e pno to St
Louis. The number of miles of the road
thus united In the hands of a single com
pany will be not far from•two thouiand.
Ma. Thomas Dutton, of Delaware. coun
ty, Pennsylvania, who celebrated his 100th
birthday last Irnesday, !staid to be the only
person living who heaid the ding of the
cannon in Philadelphia on the - 4th of dtnly
1778. He voted for Washingtow meter
Quint, and at every intervening -Preikien
tial election, HQ stands note ttren six fbe.l ,
in height, bale quite Infirm.
Tam 'gal issuing from rock crevices on the
western line of Pennsylvania, along the
Ohio River, has been ignited by sortie of
the inbabihmts, and traveler passive at
night see binge dames jetting out hero -e4el
and there. The effect is meld to be both
sttbßme. and •startling. The superstitious
i people of the surrounding country think
the lames the beginning of the Anal eon.
Ws live twe of wilder& -indium ? •
&auks is now sent itosaTew Xesit city
to the end of the Petillit-Itidhesit Isithotit
asap of osar•deloci- raw New York
ears are sent *Sid of the RilkeyatONllllttlet
We have 1101619*.hiigal nos Si Nada*
out raikteeit treerbethiamoild:
SlNlkerri &aeon;
feli • • *hreetr , cor. Maeda,.
ithekhs peeled oil &aphids waist '
to his tielit,oter:ile,ta .Ihot eitescesk si re
Naresspo.d,woot Uke boom Jirsznal.